int64 2
| question
stringclasses 377
values | hint
stringclasses 97
values | answer
stringclasses 4
values | A
stringlengths 1
| B
stringlengths 1
| C
stringlengths 1
| D
stringlengths 1
| category
stringclasses 20
values | image
imagewidth (px) 55
| source
stringclasses 563
values | L2-category
stringclasses 6
values | comment
stringclasses 177
values | split
stringclasses 1
value |
1,001,881 | What direction is Australia in Indonesia? | nan | D | northwest | northeast | southwest | southeast | spatial_relationship |,26.1089918,4z?entry=ttu | finegrained_perception (cross-instance) | nan | dev |
1,001,701 | What's the function of the demonstrated object? | nan | B | Measure the level | excavate | transport | weld | function_reasoning | | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
1,000,969 | Where is it located? | nan | B | Nanjing | Xi'an | Shanghai | Beijing | celebrity_recognition |,3488246461&fm=253&fmt=auto&app=138&f=JPEG?w=500&h=334 | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | 3.png | dev |
1,000,254 | Which of the following was an independent variable in this experiment? | The passage below describes an experiment. Read the passage and think about the variables that are described.
Bryce noticed that some of the footballs his team used during practice were not fully inflated. He wondered whether fully inflated footballs would travel farther than footballs with a lower air pressure.
To find out, Bryce collected 20 standard footballs. He fully inflated ten of them to an air pressure of 13 pounds per square inch. He inflated the remaining ten to an air pressure of 10 pounds per square inch. Bryce used to launch a ball across a football field. He measured the distance the football traveled and then launched the next ball. Bryce repeated this with all 20 balls.
Hint: An independent variable is a variable whose effect you are investigating. A dependent variable is a variable that you measure.
Figure: a football launcher. | A | the air pressure in the footballs | the distance the footballs traveled | nan | nan | physical_property_reasoning | scienceqa | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
3,000,200 | Based on the image, what are the benefits of the family flying a kite on a cloudy day? | nan | D | The family can improve their math skills while flying a kite. | The family can learn about different cloud formations. | The family can strengthen their bond by watching a movie indoors. | Engaging in this activity allows the family to spend quality time together and create memorable experiences. | function_reasoning | reasoning | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
2,001,319 | what is the color of this object? | nan | B | gray | orange | purple | pink | attribute_recognition | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
471 | Based on the timeline, which of the following statements is true? | The Aztec were a people who created one of the most powerful civilizations in the early Americas. Historians call this civilization the Aztec Empire. Look at the timeline. Then answer the question below. | A | Other civilizations existed at the same time as the Aztec. | The Aztec civilization lasted longer than the Maya civilization. | The Aztec were the only civilization to exist in the early Americas. | nan | structuralized_imagetext_understanding | scienceqa | logic_reasoning | nan | dev |
1,480 | what is this? | nan | D | a covid test kit | a pregnancy test kit | a biopsy | a chemical tube | celebrity_recognition | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
2,000,633 | Roughly how much of the picture is occupied by the person in the picture? | nan | C | 0.8 | 1 | 0.6 | 0.4 | object_localization | COCO_test2015 | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | 000000001418.jpg | dev |
1,001,676 | Which Python code can generate the content of the image? | nan | B | print "My name is %s and weight is %d kg!" % ('Laura', 21) | print "My name is %s and weight is %d kg!" % ('Zara', 21) | print "My name is %s and weight is %d kg!" % ('Zara', 11) | print "My name is %s and weight is %d g!" % ('Zara', 21) | structuralized_imagetext_understanding | | logic_reasoning | nan | dev |
2,000,990 | Where is it located? | nan | B | Hong Kong | Macao | Singapore | Shanghai | celebrity_recognition |,3508306970&fm=253&fmt=auto&app=138&f=JPEG?w=600&h=438 | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | 24.png | dev |
3,001,726 | What's the function of the demonstrated object? | nan | C | Receive | Stationery | record | gluing | function_reasoning | | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
3,001,674 | Which Python code can generate the content of the image? | nan | D | import re
content = dir(math)
print content | import numpy
content = dir(math)
print content | import math
content = locals(math)
print content | import math
content = dir(math)
print content | structuralized_imagetext_understanding | | logic_reasoning | nan | dev |
2,000,899 | Which option describe the object relationship in the image correctly? | nan | C | The cat is at the edge of the sink. | The book is beside the cat. | The sink contains the cat. | The cat is beside the microwave. | spatial_relationship | vsr-train2017 | finegrained_perception (cross-instance) | 000000164094.jpg | dev |
2,001,107 | Are the two animals in the picture the same color? | nan | A | Not the same | Can't judge | same | nan | attribute_comparison | | finegrained_perception (cross-instance) | nan | dev |
2,001,356 | Which mood does this image convey? | nan | A | Happy | Angry | Sad | Anxious | image_emotion | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
1,000,025 | Which one is the correct caption of this image? | nan | A | Two stainless steel sinks with mirrors and a fire extinguisher. | A chocolate cake with icing next to plates and spoons. | Stuffed teddy bear sitting next to garbage can on the side of the road. | A group of baseball players playing a game of baseball. | object_localization | description | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
3,001,311 | what is the color of this object? | nan | C | blue | yellow | green | red | attribute_recognition | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
1,881 | What direction is Australia in Indonesia? | nan | C | northeast | southwest | southeast | northwest | spatial_relationship |,26.1089918,4z?entry=ttu | finegrained_perception (cross-instance) | nan | dev |
3,001,824 | Which of the following captions best describes this image? | nan | C | A person riding a horse in a field | A woman fishing on a riverbank | A person rock climbing on a mountain | A group of people camping in a forest | image_scene | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
2,001,828 | Which of the following captions best describes this image? | nan | B | A woman doing gymnastics on a balance beam. | A person practicing martial arts in a studio. | A person skateboarding in a skatepark | A group of people playing basketball on a court. | image_scene | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
2,000,352 | What is the name of the place shown? | nan | C | New York | New Hampshire | Pennsylvania | New Jersey | object_localization | scienceqa | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
3,001,589 | Which category does this image belong to? | nan | A | 8-bit | digital art | painting | medical CT image | image_style | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
1,001,548 | The object shown in this figure: | nan | A | Is the main component of chalk and limestone | Is a white, odorless powder | Has a relatively low melting point of 825°C | None of these options are correct. | physical_property_reasoning |,2565462334&fm=224&app=112&f=JPEG?w=500&h=500 | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
3,001,795 | Which of the following captions best describes this image? | nan | B | A train traveling through a tunnel | A plane flying through clouds | A boat sailing on a lake | A car driving on a highway at night | image_scene | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
1,000,457 | Which of the following statements describess living in an independent city-state? | Athens was one of the most powerful independent city-states in ancient Greece. Look at the definitions below. Then answer the question. | B | I vote for a president that rules over many different cities. | My city rules itself and is not part of a larger country. | All the decisions about my city are made by a faraway emperor. | I live by myself in the wilderness. | structuralized_imagetext_understanding | scienceqa | logic_reasoning | nan | dev |
2,001,079 | Does the picture show a mountainous landscape or a coastal landscape? | nan | D | plain | basin | Mountainous | Coastal | image_scene | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
1,506 | How many donuts are there in the image? | nan | D | 4 | 3 | 5 | 6 | object_localization | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
1,001,684 | What's the function of the demonstrated object? | nan | A | Boiling water | Cut vegetables | stir | Water purification | function_reasoning | | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
1,001,313 | what is the color of this object? | nan | B | orange | purple | pink | gray | attribute_recognition | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
1,001,546 | The object shown in this figure: | nan | A | Is highly resistant to corrosion in seawater and chlorine | Is a lustrous, silver-colored metal | Has a density lower than that of aluminum | None of these options are correct. | physical_property_reasoning | | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
337 | What can Chloe and Justin trade to each get what they want? | Trade happens when people agree to exchange goods and services. People give up something to get something else. Sometimes people barter, or directly exchange one good or service for another.
Chloe and Justin open their lunch boxes in the school cafeteria. Neither Chloe nor Justin got everything that they wanted. The table below shows which items they each wanted:
Look at the images of their lunches. Then answer the question below.
Chloe's lunch Justin's lunch | C | Justin can trade his broccoli for Chloe's oranges. | Chloe can trade her tomatoes for Justin's carrots. | Chloe can trade her tomatoes for Justin's broccoli. | Justin can trade his almonds for Chloe's tomatoes. | physical_relation | scienceqa | relation_reasoning | nan | dev |
1,000,768 | Which image is the brightest one? | nan | D | down right | upper left | upper right | down left | image_quality | koniq10k | coarse_perception | 6992326754_7636475996_1057997640_5508551413_0 | dev |
1,001,521 | which direction is the cat looking at? | nan | A | right | up | down | left | object_localization | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
64 | Which one is the correct caption of this image? | nan | D | A green and grey helicopter in a hazy sky. | A woman with a polka-dotted umbrella and a grey shirt reading a pamphlet. | A blond person is using the toilet and smiling. | A cat and dog napping together on the couch. | image_topic | description | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
1,000,153 | Based on the image, what does the interaction between the cat and the dog signify for their relationship? | nan | B | The interaction shows that the cat and the dog have a hostile relationship. | The interaction reflects a level of comfort, playfulness, and trust between the two animals. | The interaction suggests that the cat is dominating the dog. | The interaction indicates that the dog is afraid of the cat. | action_recognition | reasoning | finegrained_perception (cross-instance) | nan | dev |
2,001,205 | What will happen next? | nan | C | the person is gonna get sunk into the fluffy snow | the person is gonna ski | the person is gonna sit on top of the snow and feel hurt | both A,B, and C | future_prediction | | logic_reasoning | nan | dev |
1,343 | Which mood does this image convey? | nan | D | Sad | Anxious | Happy | Angry | image_emotion | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
3,001,796 | Which of the following captions best describes this image? | nan | C | A train traveling through a tunnel | A plane flying through clouds | A boat sailing on a lake | A car driving on a highway at night | image_scene |  | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
2,000,736 | Who is the person in this image? | nan | B | Kanye West | Jay Chou | Steve Jobs | Bear Grylls | celebrity_recognition | Google | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
973 | What is the name of this river | nan | A | Huangpu River | Yangtze River | Huanghe River | Pearl River | celebrity_recognition |,1079062567&fm=253&fmt=auto&app=138&f=JPEG?w=875&h=500 | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | 7.png | dev |
3,001,530 | where is the bike? | nan | D | top-left | bottom-left | bottom-right | top-right | object_localization | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
634 | Where is the woman located in the picture? | nan | B | left | right | top | bottom | object_localization | COCO_test2015 | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | 000000001595.jpg | dev |
1,001,335 | Which mood does this image convey? | nan | D | Angry | Sad | Anxious | Happy | image_emotion | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
202 | Based on the image, what is a potential reason for the nearly empty bowl? | nan | A | The person has eaten most of the oat cereal with a silver spoon, leaving only one spoonful of food left. | The person used the silver spoon as a decoration rather than for eating. | The person spilled most of the oat cereal from the bowl. | The person used the silver spoon to mix ingredients in the bowl. | function_reasoning | reasoning | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
1,001,566 | The object shown in this figure: | nan | D | Melts at around 115-135°C | Is a thermoplastic material that is commonly used in packaging and plastic bags | Has a high molecular weight, making it strong and durable | All of these options are correct. | physical_property_reasoning | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
1,431 | who is this person? | nan | C | Idris Elba | Benedict Cumberbatch | Ed Sheeran | Harry Styles | celebrity_recognition | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
2,001,839 | Which of the following captions best describes this image? | nan | A | A woman taking a walk in a park. | A person riding a motorcycle on a highway. | A person driving a car on a road. | A group of people riding bicycles on a trail. | image_scene | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
2,001,130 | In this picture, are the two parrots the same color? | nan | A | Not the same | Can't judge | same | nan | attribute_comparison | finegrained_perception (cross-instance) | nan | dev |
2,000,457 | Which of the following statements describess living in an independent city-state? | Athens was one of the most powerful independent city-states in ancient Greece. Look at the definitions below. Then answer the question. | C | I live by myself in the wilderness. | I vote for a president that rules over many different cities. | My city rules itself and is not part of a larger country. | All the decisions about my city are made by a faraway emperor. | structuralized_imagetext_understanding | scienceqa | logic_reasoning | nan | dev |
2,000,967 | Where is it located? | nan | C | Beijing | Nanjing | Xi'an | Shanghai | celebrity_recognition |,2134614678&fm=253&fmt=auto&app=138&f=JPEG?w=500&h=546 | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | 1.png | dev |
2,000,422 | The United States has a federal system. Based on these definitions, which of these statements would most likely be made by a person who lives under a federal system? | Think about the name of the United States of America. As the name shows, the country has both a united national government and a collection of state governments. In the following questions, you will learn about the relationship between the national government and state governments. You will also learn about how state and local governments work.
Many countries have both a national government and state governments. However, these countries divide power differently between the national and state governments. The table below describes three different systems for dividing power. Look at the table. Then answer the question below. | B | My national government officials decide most issues that come up. | Both my state and national government officials have power over important issues. | I only pay attention to state politics since the national government has almost no power. | nan | structuralized_imagetext_understanding | scienceqa | logic_reasoning | nan | dev |
1,846 | What direction is Czechia in the Mediterranean Sea? | nan | D | east | south | west | north | spatial_relationship |,26.1089918,4z?entry=ttu | finegrained_perception (cross-instance) | nan | dev |
2,000,309 | Which solution has a higher concentration of purple particles? | The diagram below is a model of two solutions. Each purple ball represents one particle of solute. | C | neither; their concentrations are the same | Solution A | Solution B | nan | physical_property_reasoning | scienceqa | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
3,000,073 | Which one is the correct caption of this image? | nan | C | Lots of fruit sits on bowls on the counter of this kitchen. | SEVERAL PEOPLE ARE SKIING AT A SKI RESORT WITH THE MOUNTAINS BEHIND THEM | a nd elephant is carrying some red jugs | THERE ARE A LOT OF DIFFERENT TIES ON THE TABLE | image_scene | description | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
1,715 | What's the function of the demonstrated object? | nan | C | Cooking | Cook soup | Fry | steam | function_reasoning |!q80.dpg&exph=750&expw=750&q=%e7%85%8e%e9%94%85&simid=608006067828843806&FORM=IRPRST&ck=C624D9ED12F195819B42476BA4538923&selectedIndex=3&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0 | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
2,000,122 | which of the following actions would be the least expected behavior for the woman in the rainy weather? | nan | A | She might close the umbrella and start running in the rain. | She might move away from the road when a car is passing to avoid water splashing. | She might sidestep to avoid stepping into a puddle. | She might walk more carefully to avoid slipping on the wet surfaces. | future_prediction | reasoning | logic_reasoning | nan | dev |
1,389 | What's the profession of the people in this picture? | nan | B | mason | postman | pilot | policeman | identity_reasoning | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
3,000,216 | Based on the image, what does the dog's behavior of jumping and playing Frisbee indicate about its well-being? | nan | A | The dog is engaged in physical activity, promoting its health and well-being. | The dog is attempting to catch a bird in mid-air. | The dog is bored and looking for something to do. | The dog is participating in a professional Frisbee competition. | attribute_recognition | reasoning | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
1,001,067 | Can you identify the season in which the picture was taken? | nan | C | winter | spring | summer | fall | image_scene | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
3,001,510 | Where are the donuts? | nan | C | down | left | right | up | object_localization | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
3,001,018 | What is the anticipated outcome in this image? | nan | B | He will escape from the police station | He will be arrested and taken to the police station | He will be visiting the police station voluntarily | He will be released from the police station | future_prediction | Internet | logic_reasoning | nan | dev |
3,000,965 | Which is the main topic of the image | nan | A | A toy bear and a toy chicken | A toy bear and a toy cat | A toy bear and a toy rabbit | A toy bear and a toy dog | image_topic | COCO train2014 | coarse_perception | 19.png | dev |
2,000,676 | How many planes are visible in this picture? | nan | A | one | five | three | two | object_localization | COCO_test2015 | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | 000000002765.jpg | dev |
1,192 | What will happen next? | nan | B | this person is gonna cry | this person is gonna laugh | this person is gonna get mad | both A,B, and C | future_prediction | logic_reasoning | nan | dev |
3,000,679 | What is the object in this picture? | nan | B | Trunk | Tank | Train | Car | celebrity_recognition | Internet | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | | dev |
2,001,853 | What direction is Serbia in the Mediterranean Sea? | nan | B | west | north | east | south | spatial_relationship |,26.1089918,4z?entry=ttu | finegrained_perception (cross-instance) | nan | dev |
1,001,594 | Which category does this image belong to? | nan | B | photo | medical CT image | 8-bit | digital art | image_style | | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
1,000,690 | What is the object in this picture? | nan | D | badminton | Football | Volleyball | Basketable | celebrity_recognition | Internet | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | dev |
3,001,440 | who is this person? | nan | C | Kate Middleton | Emma Watson | J.K. Rowling | Meghan Markle | celebrity_recognition | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
2,001,570 | The object shown in this figure: | nan | D | Has a very low reflectivity, making it useful in some electronic displays | Melts at around 3,500°C under high pressure | Is a form of carbon that is commonly used as a pigment and reinforcing filler in rubber and other materials | All of these options are correct. | physical_property_reasoning | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
3,001,298 | what is the shape of this object? | nan | B | heart | star | Hexagon | oval | attribute_recognition | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
2,001,410 | What's the profession of the people in this picture? | nan | B | writer | architect | photographer | dancer | identity_reasoning | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
2,001,941 | In nature, what's the relationship between these two creatures? | nan | C | Parasitic relationships | Symbiotic relationship | Predatory relationships | Competitive relationships | nature_relation | | relation_reasoning | nan | dev |
1,001,642 | what python code is gonna generate the result as shown in the image? | nan | A | fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
for x in fruits:
if x == "banana":
print(x) | for x in "banana":
print(x) | fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
for x in fruits:
if x == "banana":
break | fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
for x in fruits:
if x == "banana":
print(x) | structuralized_imagetext_understanding | | logic_reasoning | nan | dev |
3,000,337 | What can Chloe and Justin trade to each get what they want? | Trade happens when people agree to exchange goods and services. People give up something to get something else. Sometimes people barter, or directly exchange one good or service for another.
Chloe and Justin open their lunch boxes in the school cafeteria. Neither Chloe nor Justin got everything that they wanted. The table below shows which items they each wanted:
Look at the images of their lunches. Then answer the question below.
Chloe's lunch Justin's lunch | B | Chloe can trade her tomatoes for Justin's carrots. | Chloe can trade her tomatoes for Justin's broccoli. | Justin can trade his almonds for Chloe's tomatoes. | Justin can trade his broccoli for Chloe's oranges. | physical_relation | scienceqa | relation_reasoning | nan | dev |
1,000,662 | How many TV remote controls are in this photo? | nan | D | three | four | twelve | two | object_localization | COCO_test2015 | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | 000000000188.jpg | dev |
1,000,086 | Which one is the correct caption of this image? | nan | A | Person riding on the back of a horse on a gravel road. | A motorcyclist in full gear posing on his bike. | Someone who is enjoying some nutella on a banana for lunch. | A picture of a dog on a bed. | image_scene | description | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
1,329 | Which mood does this image convey? | nan | C | Cozy | Anxious | Happy | Angry | image_emotion | | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
2,001,015 | Which is right? | nan | B | The man is on the bottom of the image | The man is flying in the sky | The man is at the right of the image | The man is flying in the sea | physical_relation | COCO train2014 | relation_reasoning | 19.png | dev |
3,000,685 | What is the object in this picture? | nan | D | Bed sheet | pillow | electric blanket | quilt | celebrity_recognition | Internet | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | dev |
1,000,374 | What type of rock is slate? | This is a piece of slate. Slate usually forms from a sedimentary rock called shale. Slate can form when shale is changed by high temperature and pressure.
Slate is usually dark-colored. The word blackboard comes from the color of slate. Decades ago, blackboards were made of black slate. | A | metamorphic | igneous | sedimentary | nan | attribute_recognition | scienceqa | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
2,001,630 | what style is this painting? | nan | B | gouache painting | pen and ink | ink wash painting | watercolor painting | image_style | | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
2,000,986 | What is the name of this city? | nan | A | Singapore | New York | Hong Kong | Shanghai | celebrity_recognition |,1560205768&fm=253&fmt=auto&app=138&f=JPEG?w=652&h=300 | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | 20.png | dev |
3,000,602 | What color is the matte ball that is the same size as the gray metal thing? | nan | B | green | yellow | cyan | red | attribute_recognition | Clevr | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | CLEVR_val_000005.png | dev |
1,224 | What will happen next? | nan | C | the man is gonna put down the weight | the man is gonna lift up the weight | the man is gonna fall | both A,B, and C | future_prediction | | logic_reasoning | nan | dev |
1,000,905 | Which option describe the object relationship in the image correctly? | nan | D | The cat is on top of the suitcase. | The sink is above the cat. | The suitcase is above the bed. | The suitcase is surrounding the cat. | spatial_relationship | vsr-train2017 | finegrained_perception (cross-instance) | 000000086229.jpg | dev |
2,000,183 | Based on the image, what is the purpose of the umbrella the person is using while walking in the rain? | nan | A | To protect their clothes and belongings from getting wet. | To use as a walking stick. | To shield themselves from the sun. | To add a stylish accessory to their outfit. | function_reasoning | reasoning | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
2,000,070 | Which one is the correct caption of this image? | nan | A | A vehicle is shown transporting a shipment of bicycles. | a laptop a mouse a desk and some wires | some clouds a traffic light and some buildings | A man walks through the ocean water with a surfboard under his arm. | image_scene | description | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
3,000,806 | Which image shows the highest colorfulness? | nan | A | upper right | down left | down right | upper left | image_quality | koniq10k | coarse_perception | 8844729886_5528731780_2344211137_9346378862_2 | dev |
1,357 | Which mood does this image convey? | nan | A | Sad | Anxious | Happy | Angry | image_emotion | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
1,000,629 | Approximately what proportion of the picture is occupied by the elephant in the image? | nan | A | 0.3 | 0.8 | 1 | 0.5 | object_localization | COCO_test2015 | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | 000000000732.jpg | dev |
1,001,638 | what python code is gonna generate the result as shown in the image? | nan | A | thisdict = dict(name = "John", age = 39, country = "Norway")
print(thisdict) | thisdict = {
"brand": "Ford",
"model": "Mustang",
"year": 1967
print(thisdict) | thisdict = {
"brand": "Ford",
"model": "Mustang",
"year": 1967
print(thisdict["brand"]) | thisdict = {
"brand": "Ford",
"electric": False,
"year": 1967,
"colors": ["red", "white", "blue"]
print(thisdict) | structuralized_imagetext_understanding | | logic_reasoning | nan | dev |
3,001,378 | What's the profession of the people in this picture? | nan | C | butcher | carpenter | doctor | baker | identity_reasoning | attribute_reasoning | nan | dev |
3,000,979 | Where is it? | nan | C | London | Shanghai | Pari | Milan | celebrity_recognition |,2068512918&fm=253&fmt=auto&app=120&f=JPEG?w=1422&h=800 | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | 13.png | dev |
2,000,785 | Which image shows the highest contrast? | nan | D | down left | down right | upper left | upper right | image_quality | koniq10k | coarse_perception | 3115284513_5430352868_9065857613_11010062705_1 | dev |
2,000,997 | Based on the image, what is the relation between the white horse and the black horse? | nan | D | The balck horse is on the top of the white horse | The balck horse is on the bottom of the white horse | The white horse is behind the black horse | The balck horse is behind the white horse | physical_relation | COCO train2014 | relation_reasoning | 1.png | dev |
550 | What is the predominant art style in this image? | nan | B | depth of field | comic | long exposure | Baroque | image_style | Internet | coarse_perception | nan | dev |
1,001,181 | What can be the relationship of these people in this image? | nan | C | Classmates | Brothers and sisters | Colleagues | Lovers | social_relation | relation_reasoning | nan | dev |
2,000,345 | What is the name of the place shown? | nan | C | Kentucky | Maryland | Virginia | Michigan | object_localization | scienceqa | finegrained_perception (instance-level) | nan | dev |
Subsets and Splits