stringlengths 1
| Expansion
stringlengths 2
| IsWord
bool 2
classes |
WCW | Women Crush Wednesday | false |
WDALYIC | Who died and left you in charge | false |
WDYK | What do you know? | false |
WDYM | What Do You Mean | false |
WDYT | What do you think? | false |
WE | Whatever | true |
WEBO | Webopedia | false |
WEEBO | Describes a person obsessed with of Japanese culture | false |
WEP | Weapon | false |
WFH | Work From Home | false |
WGACA | What do you think? | false |
WH5 | Who, what, when, where, why | false |
WHATEVES | Whatever | false |
WIBNI | Wouldn’t it be nice if | false |
WIIFM | What’s in it for me? | false |
WISP | Winning is so pleasurable | true |
WITP | What is the point? | false |
WITW | What in the world | false |
WIU | Wrap it up | false |
WK | Week | false |
WKD | Weekend | false |
WL | Whatta loser | false |
WOA | Work of Art | false |
WOKE | Slang for people who are aware of current social issues, and politics | true |
WOM | Word of Mouth | false |
WOMBAT | Waste of money, brains and time | true |
WOW | World of Warcraft | true |
WRK | Work | false |
WRT | With regard to | false |
WRU | Where are you? | false |
WRU@ | Where are you at? | false |
WRUD | What are you doing? | false |
WTB | Want to buy | false |
WTF | What the fuck | false |
WTFE | What the Fuck ever | false |
WTFO | What the Fuck ?, over. | false |
WTG | Way to go | false |
WTGP | Want to go private | false |
WTH | What the heck? | false |
WTM | Who's the man? | false |
WTS | Want to sell? | false |
WTT | Want to trade? | false |
WU | What's up? | false |
WUCIWUG | What you see is what you get | false |
WUF | Where you from? | false |
WUP | What's up? | true |
WUT | what | true |
WUU2 | What are you up to? | false |
WUW | What you want? | false |
WUZ | was | false |
WWJD | What would Jesus do? | false |
WWNC | Will wonders never cease | false |
WWYC | Write when you can | false |
WYA | Where you at? | false |
WYCM | Will you call me? | false |
WYD | What ya doin’? | false |
WYGAM | When you get a minute | false |
WYHAM | When you have a minute | false |
WYLEI | When you least expect it | false |
WYSIWYG | What you see is what you get | false |
WYWH | Wish you were here | false |
X | Kiss | true |
X! | a typical woman | false |
X-1-10 | Exciting | false |
XD | “really hard laugh” | false |
XLNT | Excellent | false |
XLR8 | accelerate | false |
XME | Excuse Me | false |
XOXOXO | Hugs & Kisses | false |
XPOST | Cross-post. A link posted to a subreddit that was already shared on a different subreddit | false |
XYL | Ex-young lady, wife. | false |
XYZ | Examine your zipper | false |
Y | Yawn | true |
Y2K | You're too kind | false |
Y? | Why? | false |
YA | Your | true |
YAA | Yet another acronym | false |
YABA | Yet another bloody acronym | true |
YARLY | Ya, really? | true |
YAS | praise | true |
YBIC | Your brother in Christ | false |
YBS | You'll be sorry | false |
YCDBWYCID | You can’t do business when your computer is down | false |
YCHT | You can have them | false |
YCLIU | You can look it up | false |
YCMU | You crack me up | false |
YCT | Your comment to? | false |
YD | Yesterday | false |
YEET | Yes! | false |
YF | Wife | false |
YG | Young gentleman | false |
YGG | You go girl | false |
YGM | You Get Me | false |
YGTBKM | You’ve got to be kidding me | false |
YGTI | You Get The Idea | false |
YGTR | You got that right | false |
YHBT | You have been trolled | false |
YHBW | You have been warned | false |
YHL | You have lost | false |
YHU | You | false |
Subsets and Splits