a moment before the ghost of the ancient kingdom of the danes had looked forth through the vesture of the hazewrapped city after early nightfall the yellow lamps would light up here and there the squalid quarter of the brothels number ten fresh nelly is waiting on you good night husband the music came nearer and he recalled the words the words of shelley's fragment upon the moon wandering companionless pale for weariness a cold lucid indifference reigned in his soul the chaos in which his ardour extinguished itself was a cold indifferent knowledge of himself well now ennis i declare you have a head and so has my stick if ever he was impelled to cast sin from him and to repent the impulse that moved him was the wish to be her knight but the dusk deepening in the schoolroom covered over his thoughts the bell rang stephen leaning back and drawing idly on his scribbler listened to the talk about him which heron checked from time to time by saying if a layman in giving baptism pour the water before saying the words is the child baptized a gentle kick from the tall boy in the bench behind urged stephen to ask a difficult question the rector did not ask for a catechism to hear the lesson from the retreat will begin on wednesday afternoon in honour of saint francis xavier whose feast day is saturday on friday confession will be heard all the afternoon after beads stephen's heart began slowly to fold and fade with fear like a withering flower he is called as you know the apostle of the indies the rector paused and then shaking his clasped hands before him went on in the silence their dark fire kindled the dusk into a tawny glow for a full hour he had paced up and down waiting but he could wait no longer pride after satisfaction uplifted him like long slow waves whose feet are as the feet of harts and underneath the everlasting arms the pride of that dim image brought back to his mind the dignity of the office he had refused the phrase and the day and the scene harmonized in a chord they were voyaging across the deserts of the sky a host of nomads on the march voyaging high over ireland westward bound he stood still in deference to their calls and parried their banter with easy words it was a pain to see them and a sword like pain to see the signs of adolescence that made repellent their pitiable nakedness see that your lives be in nothing worse than a boy's climbing for his entangled kite they unite every quality and sometimes you will find me referring to them as colorists sometimes as chiaroscurists it is the head of a parrot with a little flower in his beak from a picture of carpaccio's one of his series of the life of saint george but in this vignette copied from turner you have the two principles brought out perfectly do not therefore think that the gothic school is an easy one that a style is restrained or severe does not mean that it is also erroneous you must look at him in the face fight him conquer him with what scathe you may you need not think to keep out of the way of him you know i have just been telling you how this school of materialism and clay involved itself at last in cloud and fire there's one and there's another the dudley and the flint every plant in the grass is set formally grows perfectly and may be realized completely in both these high mythical subjects the surrounding nature though suffering is still dignified and beautiful but now here is a subject of which you will wonder at first why turner drew it at all it has no beauty whatsoever no specialty of picturesqueness and all its lines are cramped and poor but was that all her reward one of the ladies asked also a popular contrivance whereby love making may be suspended but not stopped during the picnic season harangue the tiresome product of a tireless tongue angor pain painful to hear hay fever a heart trouble caused by falling in love with a grass widow heaven a good place to be raised to horse sense a degree of wisdom that keeps one from betting on the races hose man's excuse for wetting the walk hotel a place where a guest often gives up good dollars for poor quarters housecleaning a domestic upheaval that makes it easy for the government to enlist all the soldiers it needs husband the next thing to a wife hussy woman and bond tie so i return rebuk'd to my content and gain by ill thrice more than i have spent it was this observation that drew from douglas not immediately but later in the evening a reply that had the interesting consequence to which i call attention someone else told a story not particularly effective which i saw he was not following cried one of the women he took no notice of her he looked at me but as if instead of me he saw what he spoke of there was a unanimous groan at this and much reproach after which in his preoccupied way he explained i could write to my man and enclose the key he could send down the packet as he finds it the others resented postponement but it was just his scruples that charmed me to this his answer was prompt oh thank god no and is the record yours she was the most agreeable woman i've ever known in her position she would have been worthy of any whatever it wasn't simply that she said so but that i knew she hadn't i was sure i could see you'll easily judge why when you hear because the thing had been such a scare he continued to fix me well if i don't know who she was in love with i know who he was the first of these touches conveyed that the written statement took up the tale at a point after it had in a manner begun the awkward thing was that they had practically no other relations and that his own affairs took up all his time there were plenty of people to help but of course the young lady who should go down as governess would be in supreme authority it sounded dull it sounded strange and all the more so because of his main condition which was pearl seeing the rose bushes began to cry for a red rose and would not be pacified yet these thoughts affected hester prynne less with hope than apprehension this outward mutability indicated and did not more than fairly express the various properties of her inner life hester prynne nevertheless the loving mother of this one child ran little risk of erring on the side of undue severity pearl saw and gazed intently but never sought to make acquaintance it was the scarlet letter in another form the scarlet letter endowed with life she screamed and shouted too with a terrific volume of sound which doubtless caused the hearts of the fugitives to quake within them yea his honourable worship is within but he hath a godly minister or two with him and likewise a leech the grateful applause of the clergy has consecrated the memory of a prince who indulged their passions and promoted their interest he wore blue silk stockings blue knee pants with gold buckles a blue ruffled waist and a jacket of bright blue braided with gold his hat had a peaked crown and a flat brim and around the brim was a row of tiny golden bells that tinkled when he moved instead of shoes the old man wore boots with turnover tops and his blue coat had wide cuffs of gold braid for a long time he had wished to explore the beautiful land of oz in which they lived when they were outside unc simply latched the door and started up the path no one would disturb their little house even if anyone came so far into the thick forest while they were gone at the foot of the mountain that separated the country of the munchkins from the country of the gillikins the path divided he knew it would take them to the house of the crooked magician whom he had never seen but who was their nearest neighbor then they started on again and two hours later came in sight of the house of doctor pipt unc knocked at the door of the house and a chubby pleasant faced woman dressed all in blue opened it and greeted the visitors with a smile i am my dear and all strangers are welcome to my home we have come from a far lonelier place than this a lonelier place we are traveling replied ojo and we stopped at your house just to rest and refresh ourselves the first lot we tested on our glass cat which not only began to live but has lived ever since i think the next glass cat the magician makes will have neither brains nor heart for then it will not object to catching mice and may prove of some use to us you see i've lived all my life with unc nunkie the silent one and there was no one to tell me anything that is one reason you are ojo the unlucky said the woman in a sympathetic tone i think i must show you my patchwork girl said margolotte laughing at the boy's astonishment for she is rather difficult to explain but first i will tell you that for many years i have longed for a servant to help me with the housework and to cook the meals and wash the dishes a bed quilt made of patches of different kinds and colors of cloth all neatly sewed together sometimes it is called a crazy quilt because the patches and colors are so mixed up at the emerald city where our princess ozma lives green is the popular color i will show you what a good job i did and she went to a tall cupboard and threw open the doors the hair was of brown yarn and hung down on her neck in several neat braids gold is the most common metal in the land of oz and is used for many purposes because it is soft and pliable she poured into the dish a quantity from each of these bottles i think that will do she continued for the other qualities are not needed in a servant she ran to her husband's side at once and helped him lift the four kettles from the fire their contents had all boiled away leaving in the bottom of each kettle a few grains of fine white powder very carefully the magician removed this powder placing it all together in a golden dish where he mixed it with a golden spoon no one saw him do this for all were looking at the powder of life but soon the woman remembered what she had been doing and came back to the cupboard he selected a small gold bottle with a pepper box top so that the powder might be sprinkled on any object through the small holes most people talk too much so it is a relief to find one who talks too little i am not allowed to perform magic except for my own amusement he told his visitors as he lighted a pipe with a crooked stem and began to smoke dear me what a chatterbox you're getting to be unc remarked the magician who was pleased with the compliment uncas cast his skin and stepped forth in his own beautiful proportions the dews were suffered to exhale and the sun had dispersed the mists and was shedding a strong and clear light in the forest when the travelers resumed their journey after proceeding a few miles the progress of hawkeye who led the advance became more deliberate and watchful he often stopped to examine the trees nor did he cross a rivulet without attentively considering the quantity the velocity and the color of its waters distrusting his own judgment his appeals to the opinion of chingachgook were frequent and earnest yet here are we within a short range of the scaroons and not a sign of a trail have we crossed let us retrace our steps and examine as we go with keener eyes chingachgook had caught the look and motioning with his hand he bade him speak the eyes of the whole party followed the unexpected movement and read their success in the air of triumph that the youth assumed a circle of a few hundred feet in circumference was drawn and each of the party took a segment for his portion the whole party crowded to the spot where uncas pointed out the impression of a moccasin in the moist alluvion notwithstanding the high resolution of hawkeye he fully comprehended all the difficulties and danger he was about to incur there was something in his air and manner that betrayed to the scout the utter confusion of the state of his mind the bear shook his shaggy sides and then a well known voice replied can these things be returned david breathing more freely as the truth began to dawn upon him the young man is in bondage and much i fear his death is decreed i greatly mourn that one so well disposed should die in his ignorance and i have sought a goodly hymn can you lead me to him the lodge in which uncas was confined was in the very center of the village and in a situation perhaps more difficult than any other to approach or leave without observation four or five of the latter only lingered about the door of the prison of uncas wary but close observers of the manner of their captive they drew back a little from the entrance and motioned to the supposed conjurer to enter but the bear instead of obeying maintained the seat it had taken and growled then as if satisfied of their safety the scout left his position and slowly entered the place it was silent and gloomy being tenanted solely by the captive and lighted by the dying embers of a fire which had been used for the purposed of cookery uncas occupied a distant corner in a reclining attitude being rigidly bound both hands and feet by strong and painful withes the scout who had left david at the door to ascertain they were not observed thought it prudent to preserve his disguise until assured of their privacy what shall we do with the mingoes at the door they count six and this singer is as good as nothing uncas who had already approached the door in readiness to lead the way now recoiled and placed himself once more in the bottom of the lodge but hawkeye who was too much occupied with his own thoughts to note the movement continued speaking more to himself than to his companion so uncas you had better take the lead while i will put on the skin again and trust to cunning for want of speed well what can't be done by main courage in war must be done by circumvention as soon as these dispositions were made the scout turned to david and gave him his parting instructions if you are not then knocked on the head your being a non composser will protect you and you'll then have a good reason to expect to die in your bed bravely and generously has he battled in my behalf and this and more will i dare in his service hold said david perceiving that with this assurance they were about to leave him i am an unworthy and humble follower of one who taught not the damnable principle of revenge the delaware dog he said leaning forward and peering through the dim light to catch the expression of the other's features is he afraid the mohican started on his feet and shook his shaggy covering as though the animal he counterfeited was about to make some desperate effort he had no occasion to delay for at the next instant a burst of cries filled the outer air and ran along the whole extent of the village it was simple enough sir if you only had known but with all your cleverness it was impossible that you could know i will endeavour in my statement to avoid such terms as would serve to limit the events to any particular place or give a clue as to the people concerned my friend's temper had not improved since he had been deprived of the congenial surroundings of baker street without his scrapbooks his chemicals and his homely untidiness he was an uncomfortable man i had to read it over carefully as the text must be absolutely correct the moment i looked at my table i was aware that someone had rummaged among my papers the proof was in three long slips i had left them all together the alternative was that someone passing had observed the key in the door had known that i was out and had entered to look at the papers i gave him a little brandy and left him collapsed in a chair while i made a most careful examination of the room not only this but on the table i found a small ball of black dough or clay with specks of something which looks like sawdust in it above all things i desire to settle the matter quietly and discreetly did anyone know that these proofs would be there no one save the printer i was in such a hurry to come to you you left your door open then he approached it and standing on tiptoe with his neck craned he looked into the room you left him in a chair you say which chair by the window there as a matter of fact he could not said soames for i entered by the side door how long would it take him to do that using every possible contraction a quarter of an hour not less holmes held out a small chip with the letters n n and a space of clear wood after them you see watson i have always done you an injustice there are others i was hoping that if the paper on which he wrote was thin some trace of it might come through upon this polished surface no i see nothing as holmes drew the curtain i was aware from some little rigidity and alertness of his attitude that he was prepared for an emergency holmes turned away and stooped suddenly to the floor halloa what's this what could he do he caught up everything which would betray him and he rushed into your bedroom to conceal himself i understand you to say that there are three students who use this stair and are in the habit of passing your door yes there are my scholar has been left very poor but he is hard working and industrious he will do well i dare not go so far as that but of the three he is perhaps the least unlikely he was still suffering from this sudden disturbance of the quiet routine of his life you haven't seen any of them no sir it was the indian whose dark silhouette appeared suddenly upon his blind this set of rooms is quite the oldest in the college and it is not unusual for visitors to go over them no names please said holmes as we knocked at gilchrist's door of course he did not realize that it was i who was knocking but none the less his conduct was very uncourteous and indeed under the circumstances rather suspicious i cannot allow the examination to be held if one of the papers has been tampered with the situation must be faced it is possible that i may be in a position then to indicate some course of action i will take the black clay with me also the pencil cuttings good bye when we were out in the darkness of the quadrangle we again looked up at the windows my friend did not appear to be depressed by his failure but shrugged his shoulders in half humorous resignation on the palm were three little pyramids of black doughy clay in a few hours the examination would commence and he was still in the dilemma between making the facts public and allowing the culprit to compete for the valuable scholarship he could hardly stand still so great was his mental agitation and he ran towards holmes with two eager hands outstretched thank heaven that you have come if this matter is not to become public we must give ourselves certain powers and resolve ourselves into a small private court martial his troubled blue eyes glanced at each of us and finally rested with an expression of blank dismay upon bannister in the farther corner we want to know mister gilchrist how you an honourable man ever came to commit such an action as that of yesterday for a moment gilchrist with upraised hand tried to control his writhing features come come said holmes kindly it is human to err and at least no one can accuse you of being a callous criminal well well don't trouble to answer listen and see that i do you no injustice i entered and i took you into my confidence as to the suggestions of the side table he returned carrying his jumping shoes which are provided as you are aware with several sharp spikes no harm would have been done had it not been that as he passed your door he perceived the key which had been left by the carelessness of your servant a sudden impulse came over him to enter and see if they were indeed the proofs i have a letter here mister soames which i wrote to you early this morning in the middle of a restless night it will be clear to you from what i have said that only you could have let this young man out since you were left in the room and must have locked the door when you went out he darted through the trees and paused a tall man strongly but slimly made in the debate between the senior societies her defence of the fifteenth amendment had been not only a notable bit of reasoning but delivered with real enthusiasm john taylor who had supported her through college was interested in cotton but john there's no society just elementary work find some cresswells there big plantations rated at two hundred and fifty thousand dollars you ought to know john if i teach negroes i'll scarcely see much of people in my own class here she was teaching dirty children and the smell of confused odors and bodily perspiration was to her at times unbearable she wanted a glance of the new books and periodicals and talk of great philanthropies and reforms so for the hundredth time she was thinking today as she walked alone up the lane back of the barn and then slowly down through the bottoms the glimmering sea of delicate leaves whispered and murmured before her stretching away to the northward there might be a bit of poetry here and there but most of this place was such desperate prose her regard shifted to the green stalks and leaves again and she started to move away cotton is a wonderful thing is it not boys she said rather primly miss taylor did not know much about cotton but at least one more remark seemed called for i suppose though it's too early for them then came the explosion goobers don't grow on the tops of vines but underground on the roots like yams is that so the golden fleece it's the silver fleece he harkened the hon charles smith miss sarah's brother was walking swiftly uptown from mister easterly's wall street office and his face was pale at last the cotton combine was to all appearances an assured fact and he was slated for the senate she was not herself a notably intelligent woman she greatly admired intelligence or whatever looked to her like intelligence in others she was therefore most agreeably surprised to hear mister cresswell express himself so cordially as approving of negro education i believe in the training of people to their highest capacity the englishman here heartily seconded him but cresswell added significantly capacity differs enormously between races positively heroic added cresswell avoiding his sister's eyes mary taylor however related the tale of zora to missus grey's private ear later fortunately said mister vanderpool northerners and southerners are arriving at a better mutual understanding on most of these matters it was the first great sorrow of his life it was not so much the loss of the cotton itself but the fantasy the hopes the dreams built around it the revelation of his love lighted and brightened slowly till it flamed like a sunrise over him and left him in burning wonder he panted to know if she too knew or knew and cared not or cared and knew not then of a sudden at midday the sun shot out hot and still no breath of air stirred the sky was like blue steel the earth steamed he splashed and stamped along farther and farther onward until he neared the rampart of the clearing and put foot upon the tree bridge the squares of cotton sharp edged heavy were just about to burst to bolls for one long moment he paused stupid agape with utter amazement then leaned dizzily against a tree he sat down weak bewildered and one thought was uppermost zora for a while she lay in her chair in happy dreamy pleasure at sun and bird and tree she rose with a fleeting glance gathered the shawl round her then gliding forward wavering tremulous slipped across the road and into the swamp she had been born within its borders within its borders she had lived and grown and within its borders she had met her love on she hurried until sweeping down to the lagoon and the island lo the cotton lay before her by the by i've never seen your dairy i must see your dairy missus poyser but the windows are patched with wooden panes and the door i think is like the gate it is never opened several clothes horses a pillion a spinning wheel and an old box wide open and stuffed full of coloured rags that's the way with you that's the road you'd all like to go headlongs to ruin you're a rare un for sitting down to your work a little while after it's time to put by munny my iron's twite told pease put it down to warm munny i tould ike to do into de barn to tommy to see de whittawd no no no totty ud get her feet wet said missus poyser carrying away her iron did ever anybody see the like screamed missus poyser running towards the table when her eye had fallen on the blue stream and there's linen in the house as i could well spare you for i've got lots o sheeting and table clothing and towelling as isn't made up nay dear aunt you never heard me say that all people are called to forsake their work and their families i've strong assurance that no evil will happen to you and my uncle and the children from anything i've done by this time the two gentlemen had reached the palings and had got down from their horses it was plain they meant to come in said captain donnithorne seating himself where he could see along the short passage to the open dairy door no sir he isn't he's gone to rosseter to see mister west the factor about the wool but there's father the barn sir if he'd be of any use no thank you i'll just look at the whelps and leave a message about them with your shepherd i must come another day and see your husband i want to have a consultation with him about horses oh sir said missus poyser rather alarmed you wouldn't like it at all we were more interested in the technical condition of the station than in the commercial part the paris plant like that at the crystal palace was a temporary exhibit why if we erect a station at the falls it is a great economy to get it up to the city there seems no good reason for believing that it will change everything he has done has been aimed at the conservation of energy the contraction of space the intensification of culture for some years it was not found feasible to operate motors on alternating current circuits and that reason was often urged against it seriously he obtained the desired speed and load with a friction brake also regulator of speed but waited for an indicator to verify it but the plant ran and it was the first three wire station in this country edison held that the electricity sold must be measured just like gas or water and he proceeded to develop a meter hence the edison electrolytic meter is no longer used despite its excellent qualities the principle employed in the edison electrolytic meter is that which exemplifies the power of electricity to decompose a chemical substance the others having been in operation too short a time to show definite results although they also went quickly to a dividend basis the meter continued in general service during eighteen ninety nine and probably up to the close of the century he weighed and reweighed the meter plates and pursued every line of investigation imaginable but all in vain he felt he was up against it and that perhaps another kind of a job would suit him better i can't pray to have the things i want he said slowly and i won't pray not to have them not if i'm damned for it then dear said missus whitney you must be kinder to her than ever think what it would be for one of you to be away from home even among friends somehow of all the days when the home feeling was the strongest this day it seemed as if she could bear it no longer oh she's always at the piano said van she must be there now somewhere and then somebody laughed at this the bundle opened suddenly and out popped phronsie but polly couldn't speak and if jasper hadn't caught her just in time she would have tumbled over backward from the stool phronsie and all oh you are the dearest and best mister king i ever saw but how did you make mammy let her come isn't he splendid cried jasper in intense pride swelling up father knew how to do it there there he said soothingly patting her brown fuzzy head i know gasped polly controlling her sobs i won't only i can't thank you asked phronsie in intense interest slipping down out of polly's arms and crowding up close to jasper's side yes all alone by himself asserted jasper vehemently and winking furiously to the others to stop their laughing he did now truly phronsie oh no jasper i must go by my very own self there jap you've caught it laughed percy while the others screamed at the sight of jasper's face don't mind it polly whispered jasper twasn't her fault dear me ejaculated the old gentleman in the utmost amazement and such a time as i've had to get her here too she asked impulsively i didn't believe you could persuade her father i didn't have any fears if i worked it rightly said the old gentleman complacently he cried in high dudgeon just as if he owned the whole of the peppers and could dispose of them all to suit his fancy and the old gentleman was so delighted with his success that he had to burst out into a series of short happy bits of laughter that occupied quite a space of time it is sixteen years since john bergson died his wife now lies beside him and the white shaft that marks their graves gleams across the wheat fields the air and the earth are curiously mated and intermingled as if the one were the breath of the other that's not much of a job for an athlete here i've been to town and back how brown you've got since you came home i wish i had an athlete to mow my orchard indeed he had looked away with the purpose of not seeing it there was something individual about the great farm a most unusual trimness and care for detail any one thereabouts would have told you that this was one of the richest farms on the divide and that the farmer was a woman alexandra bergson there is even a white row of beehives in the orchard under the walnut trees frank read english slowly and the more he read about this divorce case the angrier he grew a brisk wind had come up and was driving puffy white clouds across the sky just smell the wild roses they are always so spicy after a rain and emil mowed his way slowly down toward the cherry trees oh ever so much only he seems kind of staid and school teachery when she used to tell me about him i always wondered whether she wasn't a little in love with him i like to talk to carl about new york and what a fellow can do there i'm sure alexandra hopes you will stay on here she murmured i get tired of seeing men and horses going up and down up and down i wish you weren't so restless and didn't get so worked up over things she said sadly i can't play with you like a little boy any more he said slowly that's what you miss marie but emil if i understand then all our good times are over we can never do nice things together any more that won't last it will go away and things will be just as they used to i pray for you but that's not the same as if you prayed yourself we won't talk about her any more if you'd rather not we indeed saturday august fifteenth the sea unbroken all round no land in sight all my danger and sufferings were needed to strike a spark of human feeling out of him but now that i am well his nature has resumed its sway you seem anxious my uncle i said seeing him continually with his glass to his eye anxious i am not complaining that the rate is slow but that the sea is so wide we are losing time and the fact is i have not come all this way to take a little sail upon a pond on a raft he called this sea a pond and our long voyage taking a little sail i take this as my answer and i leave the professor to bite his lips with impatience nothing new weather unchanged the wind freshens the shadow of the raft was clearly outlined upon the surface of the waves it must be as wide as the mediterranean or the atlantic and why not these thoughts agitated me all day and my imagination scarcely calmed down after several hours sleep i saw at the hamburg museum the skeleton of one of these creatures thirty feet in length the raft was heaved up on a watery mountain and pitched down again at a distance of twenty fathoms flight was out of the question now the reptiles rose they wheeled around our little raft with a rapidity greater than that of express trains two monsters only were creating all this commotion and before my eyes are two reptiles of the primitive world i can distinguish the eye of the ichthyosaurus glowing like a red hot coal and as large as a man's head its jaw is enormous and according to naturalists it is armed with no less than one hundred and eighty two teeth those huge creatures attacked each other with the greatest animosity suddenly the ichthyosaurus and the plesiosaurus disappear below leaving a whirlpool eddying in the water as for the ichthyosaurus has he returned to his submarine cavern the weather if we may use that term will change before long the atmosphere is charged with vapours pervaded with the electricity generated by the evaporation of saline waters the electric light can scarcely penetrate through the dense curtain which has dropped over the theatre on which the battle of the elements is about to be waged the air is heavy the sea is calm the atmosphere is evidently charged and surcharged with electricity there's a heavy storm coming on i cried pointing towards the horizon on the mast already i see the light play of a lambent saint elmo's fire the outstretched sail catches not a breath of wind and hangs like a sheet of lead but if we have now ceased to advance why do we yet leave that sail loose which at the first shock of the tempest may capsize us in a moment i refer to the thermometer it indicates the figure is obliterated is the atmospheric condition having once reached this density to become final a suffocating smell of nitrogen fills the air it enters the throat it fills the lungs how cheerfully he seems to grin how neatly spread his claws and welcome little fishes in with gently smiling jaws no i've made up my mind about it if i'm mabel i'll stay down here it'll be no use their putting their heads down and saying come up again dear i wish i hadn't cried so much said alice as she swam about trying to find her way out i shall be punished for it now i suppose by being drowned in my own tears cried alice again for this time the mouse was bristling all over and she felt certain it must be really offended on the other hand we are not to regard them as so terrible that we must despair we want you to help us publish some leading work of luther's for the general american market will you do it let us begin with that his commentary on galatians the undertaking which seemed so attractive when viewed as a literary task proved a most difficult one and at times became oppressive a word should now be said about the origin of luther's commentary on galatians in other words these three men took down the lectures which luther addressed to his students in the course of galatians and roerer prepared the manuscript for the printer it presents like no other of luther's writings the central thought of christianity the justification of the sinner for the sake of christ's merits alone the lord who has given us power to teach and to hear let him also give us the power to serve and to do luke two do you suppose that god for the sake of a few lutheran heretics would disown his entire church against these boasting false apostles paul boldly defends his apostolic authority and ministry paul takes pride in his ministry not to his own praise but to the praise of god either he calls ministers through the agency of men or he calls them directly as he called the prophets and apostles paul declares that the false apostles were called or sent neither by men nor by man he mentions the apostles first because they were appointed directly by god i knew nothing of the doctrine of faith because we were taught sophistry instead of certainty and nobody understood spiritual boasting these perverters of the righteousness of christ resist the father and the son and the works of them both by his resurrection christ won the victory over law sin flesh world devil death hell and every evil although the brethren with me are not apostles like myself yet they are all of one mind with me think write and teach as i do they do not go where the enemies of the gospel predominate they go where the christians are why do they not invade the catholic provinces and preach their doctrine to godless princes bishops and doctors as we have done by the help of god we look for that reward which eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither hath entered into the heart of man wherever the means of grace are found there is the holy church even though antichrist reigns there so much for the title of the epistle now follows the greeting of the apostle verse three grace be to you and peace from god the father and from our lord jesus christ the terms of grace and peace are common terms with paul and are now pretty well understood grace involves the remission of sins peace and a happy conscience to do so is to lose god altogether because god becomes intolerable when we seek to measure and to comprehend his infinite majesty did not christ himself say i am the way and the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me when you argue about the nature of god apart from the question of justification you may be as profound as you like we are to hear christ who has been appointed by the father as our divine teacher at the same time paul confirms our creed that christ is very god to bestow peace and grace lies in the province of god who alone can create these blessings the angels cannot otherwise paul should have written grace from god the father and peace from our lord jesus christ the arians took christ for a noble and perfect creature superior even to the angels because by him god created heaven and earth not gold or silver or paschal lambs or an angel but himself what for not for a crown or a kingdom or our goodness but for our sins underscore these words for they are full of comfort for sore consciences paul answers the man who is named jesus christ and the son of god gave himself for our sins since christ was given for our sins it stands to reason that they cannot be put away by our own efforts this sentence also defines our sins as great so great in fact that the whole world could not make amends for a single sin the greatness of the ransom christ the son of god indicates this the vicious character of sin is brought out by the words who gave himself for our sins this passage then bears out the fact that all men are sold under sin this attitude is universal and particularly developed in those who consider themselves better than others but the real significance and comfort of the words for our sins is lost upon them but i would not speak at the time because i wanted to refresh my memory the influence with the timaeus has exercised upon posterity is due partly to a misunderstanding there is no danger of the modern commentators on the timaeus falling into the absurdities of the neo platonists but they have nothing to do with the interpretation of plato and in spirit they are opposed to him many if not all the elements of the pre socratic philosophy are included in the timaeus the ideas also remain but they have become types in nature forms of men animals birds fishes the style and plan of the timaeus differ greatly from that of any other of the platonic dialogues but plato has not the same mastery over his instrument which he exhibits in the phaedrus or symposium nothing can exceed the beauty or art of the introduction in which he is using words after his accustomed manner but in the rest of the work the power of language seems to fail him and the dramatic form is wholly given up and hence we find the same sort of clumsiness in the timaeus of plato which characterizes the philosophical poem of lucretius plato had not the command of his materials which would have enabled him to produce a perfect work of art socrates begins the timaeus with a summary of the republic and now he desires to see the ideal state set in motion he would like to know how she behaved in some great struggle i will if timaeus approves i approve and what was the subject of the poem said the person who made the remark the subject was a very noble one he described the most famous action in which the athenian people were ever engaged but the memory of their exploits has passed away owing to the lapse of time and the extinction of the actors tell us said the other the whole story and where solon heard the story but in egypt the traditions of our own and other lands are by us registered for ever in our temples the genealogies which you have recited to us out of your own annals solon are a mere children's story solon marvelled and desired to be informed of the particulars nine thousand years have elapsed since she founded yours and eight thousand since she founded ours as our annals record many laws exist among us which are the counterpart of yours as they were in the olden time i will briefly describe them to you and you shall read the account of them at your leisure in the sacred registers observe again what care the law took in the pursuit of wisdom searching out the deep things of the world and applying them to the use of man the most famous of them all was the overthrow of the island of atlantis this is the explanation of the shallows which are found in that part of the atlantic ocean an article may be useful and wasteful both and its utility to the consumer may be made up of use and waste in the most varying proportions the utility of consumption as an evidence of wealth is to be classed as a derivative growth in the nature of things luxuries and the comforts of life belong to the leisure class under the tabu certain victuals and more particularly certain beverages are strictly reserved for the use of the superior class the consumption of luxuries in the true sense is a consumption directed to the comfort of the consumer himself and is therefore a mark of the master this differentiation is furthered by the inheritance of wealth and the consequent inheritance of gentility so many of them however as make up the retainer and hangers on of the patron may be classed as vicarious consumer without qualification the wearing of uniforms or liveries implies a considerable degree of dependence and may even be said to be a mark of servitude real or ostensible the wearers of uniforms and liveries may be roughly divided into two classes the free and the servile or the noble and the ignoble the livery becomes obnoxious to nearly all who are required to wear it in a general way though not wholly nor consistently these two groups coincide but as we descend the social scale the point is presently reached where the duties of vicarious leisure and consumption devolve upon the wife alone in the communities of the western culture this point is at present found among the lower middle class very much of squalor and discomfort will be endured before the last trinket or the last pretense of pecuniary decency is put away there is no class and no country that has yielded so abjectly before the pressure of physical want as to deny themselves all gratification of this higher or spiritual need the question is which of the two methods will most effectively reach the persons whose convictions it is desired to affect each will therefore serve about equally well during the earlier stages of social growth the modern organization of industry works in the same direction also by another line it is evident therefore that the present trend of the development is in the direction of heightening the utility of conspicuous consumption as compared with leisure consumption becomes a larger element in the standard of living in the city than in the country the result is a great mobility of the labor employed in printing perhaps greater than in any other equally well defined and considerable body of workmen other circumstances permitting that instinct disposes men to look with favor upon productive efficiency and on whatever is of human use the salient features of this development of domestic service have already been indicated as used in the speech of everyday life the word carries an undertone of deprecation the use of the word waste as a technical term therefore implies no deprecation of the motives or of the ends sought by the consumer under this canon of conspicuous waste but it is on other grounds worth noting that the term waste in the language of everyday life implies deprecation of what is characterized as wasteful in strict accuracy nothing should be included under the head of conspicuous waste but such expenditure as is incurred on the ground of an invidious pecuniary comparison stung by anxiety for this little sister she upbraided miss w for her fancied indifference to anne's state of health and often has my mother said while on her lap i laid my head she feared for time i was not made but for eternity surely it must be because we are in danger of loving each other too well of losing sight of the creator in idolatry of the creature she a tory and clergyman's daughter was always in a minority of one in our house of violent dissent and radicalism her feeble health gave her her yielding manner for she could never oppose any one without gathering up all her strength for the struggle he spoke french perfectly i have been told when need was but delighted usually in talking the broadest yorkshire january and february of eighteen thirty seven had passed away and still there was no reply from southey i am not depreciating it when i say that in these times it is not rare but it is not with a view to distinction that you should cultivate this talent if you consult your own happiness you will say that a woman has no need of such a caution there can be no peril in it for her the more she is engaged in her proper duties the less leisure will she have for it even as an accomplishment and a recreation to those duties you have not yet been called and when you are you will be less eager for celebrity i had not ventured to hope for such a reply so considerate in its tone so noble in its spirit i know the first letter i wrote to you was all senseless trash from beginning to end but i am not altogether the idle dreaming being it would seem to denote i thought it therefore my duty when i left school to become a governess in the evenings i confess i do think but i never trouble any one else with my thoughts i carefully avoid any appearance of preoccupation and eccentricity which might lead those i live amongst to suspect the nature of my pursuits again i thank you this incident i suppose will be renewed no more if i live to be an old woman i shall remember it thirty years hence as a bright dream i cannot deny myself the gratification of inserting southey's reply keswick march twenty second eighteen thirty seven dear madam your letter has given me great pleasure and i should not forgive myself if i did not tell you so of this second letter also she spoke and told me that it contained an invitation for her to go and see the poet if ever she visited the lakes saturday after saturday comes round and i can have no hope of hearing your knock at the door and then being told that miss e is come oh dear i wish it would recur again but it will take two or three interviews before the stiffness the estrangement of this long separation will wear away indeed there were only one or two strangers who could be admitted among the sisters without producing the same result after this disappointment i never dare reckon with certainty on the enjoyment of a pleasure again it seems as if some fatality stood between you and me i am not good enough for you and you must be kept from the contamination of too intimate society tabby had lived with them for ten or twelve years and was as charlotte expressed it one of the family he refused at first to listen to the careful advice it was repugnant to his liberal nature tabby had tended them in their childhood they and none other should tend her in her infirmity and age at tea time they were sad and silent and the meal went away untouched by any of the three i will make you translate them into french and you need not be afraid of my finding you insatiable in order to please her i spoke to her of the abbe conti and i had occasion to quote two lines of that profound writer i had a name i believe in my young days but i have forgotten it since i have been in service here go and get me change for a louis i have it sir madame quinson besides can answer your enquiries i sit down at a small table a waiter comes immediately to enquire my wishes i address him in italian and he answers very wittily but his way of speaking makes me smile and i tell him why my remark pleases him but i soon prove to him that it is not the right way to speak however perfect may have been the language of that ancient writer i see a crowd in one corner of the garden everybody standing still and looking up yes but the meridian of the palais royal is the most exact all these honest persons are waiting their turn to get their snuff boxes filled it is sold everywhere but for the last three weeks nobody will use any snuff but that sold at the civet cat but how did she manage to render it so fashionable when the king comes to paris everybody calls out vive le roi she introduced me to all her guests and gave me some particulars respecting every one of them what sir i said to him am i fortunate enough to see you he himself recited the same passage in french and politely pointed out the parts in which he thought that i had improved on the original i reside in the marais rue de douze portes at the inception of plural marriage among the latter day saints there was no law national or state against its practise on the sixth of april eighteen thirty the church of jesus christ of latter day saints was formally organized and thus took on a legal existence its origin was small a germ an insignificant seed hardly to be thought of as likely to arouse opposition instead of but six regularly affiliated members and at most two score of adherents the organization numbers today many hundred thousand souls to the fervent latter day saint a temple is not simply a church building a house for religious assembly their sufferings have never yet been fitly chronicled by human scribe oh what a record to read what a picture to gaze upon how awful the fact the army found the people in poverty and left them in comparative wealth moreover had the people been inclined to rebellion what greater opportunity could they have wished already a north and a south were talked of why not set up also a west bartley bent over and took her in his arms kissing her mouth and her wet tired eyes he had preconceived ideas about everything and his idea about americans was that they should be engineers or mechanics irene burgoyne one of her family told me in confidence that there was a romance somewhere back in the beginning mainhall vouched for her constancy with a loftiness that made alexander smile even while a kind of rapid excitement was tingling through him do you know i thought the dance a bit conscious to night for the first time westmere and i were back after the first act and we thought she seemed quite uncertain of herself she considered a moment and then said no i think not though i am glad you ask me of course he reflected she always had that combination of something homely and sensible and something utterly wild and daft hilda was very nice to him and he sat on the edge of his chair flushed with his conversational efforts and moving his chin about nervously over his high collar they asked him to come to see them in chelsea and they spoke very tenderly of hilda when bartley arrived at bedford square on sunday evening marie the pretty little french girl met him at the door and conducted him upstairs i should never have asked you if molly had been here for i remember you don't like english cookery i haven't had a chance yet to tell you what a jolly little place i think this is i've managed to save something every year and that with helping my three sisters now and then and tiding poor cousin mike over bad seasons it's not particularly rare she said but some of it was my mother's don't i though i'm so sorry to hear it how did her son turn out her hair is still like flax and her blue eyes are just like a baby's and she has the same three freckles on her little nose and talks about going back to her bains de mer what she wanted from us was neither our flowers nor our francs but just our youth they were both remembering what the woman had said when she took the money god give you a happy love the strange woman and her passionate sentence that rang out so sharply had frightened them both bartley started when hilda rang the little bell beside her dear me why did you do that it was very jolly he murmured lazily as marie came in to take away the coffee nonsense of course i can't really sing except the way my mother and grandmother did before me he stood a little behind her and tried to steady himself as he said it's soft and misty see how white the stars are bartley leaned over her shoulder without touching her and whispered in her ear you are giving me a chance yes the stop at queenstown the tedious passage up the mersey were things that he noted dimly through his growing impatience she blushed and smiled and fumbled his card in her confusion before she ran upstairs alexander paced up and down the hallway buttoning and unbuttoning his overcoat until she returned and took him up to hilda's living room i felt it in my bones when i woke this morning that something splendid was going to turn up she pushed him toward the big chair by the fire and sat down on a stool at the opposite side of the hearth her knees drawn up to her chin laughing like a happy little girl when did you come bartley and how did it happen you haven't spoken a word she looked at his heavy shoulders and big determined head thrust forward like a catapult in leash hilda watched him from her corner trembling and scarcely breathing dark shadows growing about her eyes it the world is all there just as it used to be but i can't get at it any more hilda's face quivered but she whispered yes i think it must have been she closed her eyes and took a deep breath as if to draw in again the fragrance of those days please tell me one thing bartley at least tell me that you believe i thought i was making you happy what i mean is that i want you to promise never to see me again no matter how often i come no matter how hard i beg alexander rose and shook himself angrily yes i know i'm cowardly i will ask the least imaginable but i must have something the sight of you bartley to see you living and happy and successful can i never make you understand what that means to me you see loving some one as i love you makes the whole world different and then you came back not caring very much but it made no difference to burn without ceasing to fly therein lies the marvel of genius she has a son theft and a daughter hunger we have never understood this sort of objections why should one not explore everything and study everything now when has horror ever excluded study there is the slang of the affected lady as well as of the precieuses algebra medicine botany have each their slang to meet the needs of this conflict wretchedness has invented a language of combat which is slang do we really know the mountain well when we are not acquainted with the cavern true history being a mixture of all things the true historian mingles in everything facts form one of these and ideas the other there it clothes itself in word masks in metaphor rags it is so made that everywhere we feel the sense of punishment each day has its own great grief or its little care this without reckoning in the pains of the heart and so it goes on there is hardly one day out of a hundred which is wholly joyous and sunny in this world evidently the vestibule of another there are no fortunate the real human division is this the luminous and the shady to diminish the number of the shady to augment the number of the luminous that is the object that is why we cry education science to teach reading means to light the fire every syllable spelled out sparkles however he who says light does not necessarily say joy people suffer in the light excess burns ruth was glad to hear that philip had made a push into the world and she was sure that his talent and courage would make a way for him it is such a noble ambition that it is a pity it has usually such a shallow foundation philip therefore read diligently in the astor library planned literary works that should compel attention and nursed his genius but philip did afford it and he wrote thanking his friends and declining because he said the political scheme would fail and ought to fail and he went back to his books and to his waiting for an opening large enough for his dignified entrance into the literary world well i'm going as an engineer you can go as one the two young men who were by this time full of the adventure went down to the wall street office of henry's uncle and had a talk with that wily operator the night was spent in packing up and writing letters for philip would not take such an important step without informing his friends why it's in missouri somewhere on the frontier i think we'll get a map he knew his uncle would be glad to hear that he had at last turned his thoughts to a practical matter he well knew the perils of the frontier the savage state of society the lurking indians and the dangers of fever well mother said the young student looking up with a shade of impatience i heard father tell cousin abner that he was whipped so often for whistling when he was a boy that he was determined to have what compensation he could get now thy ways greatly try me ruth and all thy relations is thy father willing thee should go away to a school of the world's people margaret bolton almost lost for a moment her habitual placidity and besides suppose thee does learn medicine ruth sat quite still for a time with face intent and flushed it was out now is thee going to the yearly meeting ruth asked one of the girls it has occupied mother a long time to find at the shops the exact shade for her new bonnet it's such a crush at the yearly meeting at arch street and then there's the row of sleek looking young men who line the curbstone and stare at us as we come out father thee's unjust to philip he's going into business but philip is honest and he has talent enough if he will stop scribbling to make his way why should i rust and be stupid and sit in inaction because i am a girl and if i had a fortune would thee want me to lead a useless life has thee consulted thy mother about a career i suppose it is a career thee wants but that wise and placid woman understood the sweet rebel a great deal better than ruth understood herself approaching the dining table he carefully placed the article in the centre and removed the cloth but the more forgetfulness had then prevailed the more powerful was the force of remembrance when she awoke so there is to me added sandford with a sarcastic sneer and yet you must own her behaviour has warranted them has it not been in this particular incoherent and unaccountable to ask any more questions of you i believe would be unfair he seemed to wait for her reply but as she made none he proceeded oh my lord cried miss woodley with a most forcible accent you are the last person on earth she would pardon me for entrusting but in such a case miss milner's election of a husband shall not direct mine if she does not know how to estimate her own value i do my lord miss milner's taste is not a depraved one it is but too refined what can you mean by that miss woodley you talk mysteriously again he searched his own thoughts nor ineffectually as before to relieve her from both he laid his hand with force upon his heart and said do you believe me i will make no unjust use of what i know he replied with firmness i believe you my lord yes dead these four years an a good job for her too grandfather was alexander carey l l d doctor of laws that is i swan to man he ejaculated if you don't work hard you can't keep up with the times doctor of laws he keeps the thou shalt not commandments first rate hen lord does he give up his position and shut the family up in that tomb of a house so t he could study his books mister popham exaggerated nothing but on the contrary left much unsaid in his narrative of the family at the house of lords always irritable cold indifferent he had grown rapidly more so as years went on whatever appealed to her sense of beauty was straightway transferred to paper or canvas she makes effort after effort trembling with eagerness and when she fails to reproduce what she sees she works herself into a frenzy of grief and disappointment when she could not make a rabbit or a bird look real on paper she searched in her father's books for pictures of its bones cyril there must be some better way of doing i just draw the outline of an animal and then i put hairs or feathers on it they have no bodies he wouldn't search so don't worry replied cyril quietly and the two looked at each other and knew that it was so there in the cedar hollow then lived olive lord an angry resentful little creature weighed down by a fierce sense of injury olive's mournful black eyes met nancy's sparkling brown ones nancy's curly chestnut crop shone in the sun and olive's thick black plaits looked blacker by contrast she's wonderful more wonderful than anybody we've ever seen anywhere and she draws better than the teacher in charlestown she's older than i am but so tiny and sad and shy that she seems like a child to night there was no need of extra heat and there were great ceremonies to be observed in lighting the fires on the hearthstones kathleen waved the torch to and fro as she recited some beautiful lines written for some such purpose as that which called them together to night exclaimed bill harmon to his wife as they went through the lighted hall mother carey poured coffee nancy chocolate and the others helped serve the sandwiches and cake doughnuts and tarts at that moment the gentleman entered bearing a huge object concealed by a piece of green felt nothing was to be done but to put about and return in disappointment towards the north length of service fourteen years three months and five days he seemed born to please without being conscious of the power he possessed it must be owned and no one was more ready to confess it than himself that his literary attainments were by no means of a high order once in action he was leading a detachment of infantry through an intrenchment no cathedral not even burgos itself could vie with the church at montmartre fast as his legs could carry him servadac had made his way to the top of the cliff exclaimed servadac keeping his eye unmoved at his telescope she is under sail but she is count timascheff's yacht he was right if the count were on board a strange fatality was bringing him to the presence of his rival he reckoned therefore not only upon ascertaining the extent of the late catastrophe but upon learning its cause servadac took it for granted that the dobryna was endeavoring to put in i left you on a continent and here i have the honor of finding you on an island never mind now interposed the captain we will talk of that by and by for some moments he seemed perfectly stupefied then recovering himself he began to overwhelm the count with a torrent of questions to all these inquiries the count responded in the affirmative some mysterious force seemed to have brought about a convulsion of the elements my yacht is at your service sir even should you require to make a tour round the world it was on the last day of january that the repairs of the schooner were completed doubts now arose and some discussion followed whether or not it was desirable for ben zoof to accompany his master her sea going qualities were excellent and would have amply sufficed for a circumnavigation of the globe for a few miles she followed the line hitherto presumably occupied by the coast of algeria but no land appeared to the south the log and the compass therefore were able to be called upon to do the work of the sextant which had become utterly useless the earth has undoubtedly entered upon a new orbit but she is not incurring any probable risk of being precipitated onto the sun and what demonstration do you offer asked servadac eagerly that it will not happen is it not impossible he murmured aloud that any city should disappear so completely would not the loftiest eminences of the city at least be visible you must see lieutenant i should think that we are not so near the coast of algeria as you imagined but this subject will be more properly discussed when we treat of the different races of mankind what is your country olaf have you always been a thrall the thrall's eyes flashed i made her for only twenty oars because i thought few men would follow me for i was young fifteen years old at the prow i carved the head with open mouth and forked tongue thrust out then i will get me a farm and will winter in that land now who will follow me as our boat flashed down the rollers into the water i made this song and sang it oh it is better to live on the sea and let other men raise your crops and cook your meals what of the farm olaf not yet i answered viking is better for summer i stood with my back to the wall for i wanted no sword reaching out of the dark for me they set up a crane over the fire and hung the pot upon it and we sat and watched it boil while we joked at last the supper began the farmer sat gloomily on the bench and would not eat and you cannot wonder for he saw us putting potfuls of his good beef and basket loads of bread into our big mouths you would not eat with us you cannot say no to half of my ale i drink this to your health then i drank half of the hornful and sent the rest across the fire to the farmer he took it and smiled saying so i will give out this law that my men shall never leave you alone he shall not leave you day or night whether you are working or playing or sleeping so no tales got out to the neighbors besides it was a lonely place and by good luck no one came that way i am stiff with long sitting he said i itch for a fight i turned to the farmer and with it i leave you a name sif the friendly i shall hope to drink with you sometime in valhalla here is a ring for sif the friendly and here is a bracelet a sword would not be ashamed to hang at your side that is the best way to decide for the spear will always point somewhere and one thing is as good as another yes and with all your fingers it took you a year to catch me the king frowned more angrily soft heart he said gently to her then to thorkel well let him go thorkel but young sharp tongue now that we have caught you we will put you into a trap that you cannot get out of so i lived and now am your tooth thrall well it is the luck of war in five minutes i was in a new world and my melancholy room was full of the liveliest french company the sound of an imperative and uncompromising bell recalled me in due time to the regions of reality she signed to me with a ghostly solemnity to take the vacant place on the left of her father the door opened again while i was still studying the two brothers without i honestly confess being very favorably impressed by either of them a new member of the family circle who instantly attracted my attention entered the room a little cracked that in the popular phrase was my impression of the stranger who now made his appearance in the supper room philip lefrank this is my overlooker mister jago said the old man formally presenting us he is not well he has come over the ocean for rest and change of scene they pointedly drew back from john jago as he approached the empty chair next to me and moved round to the opposite side of the table our first impressions of people are in nine cases out of ten the right impressions the only cheerful conversation was the conversation across the table between naomi and me he looked up at naomi doubtingly from his plate and looked down again slowly with a frown a more dreary and more disunited family party i never sat at the table with you were quite right to say no ambrose began never smoke with john jago his cigars will poison you naomi shook her forefinger reproachfully at them as if the two sturdy young farmers had been two children her bearing was graceful and animated she led her son by the hand and before her walked two maids with wax lights and silver candlesticks rodolfo and his companions with their faces muffled in their cloaks stared rudely and insolently at the mother the daughter and the servant maid finally the one party went off exulting and the other was left in desolation and woe rodolfo arrived at his own house without any impediment and leocadia's parents reached theirs heart broken and despairing meanwhile rodolfo had leocadia safe in his custody and in his own apartment it is the only amends i ask of you for the wrong you have done me she succeeded in opening the window and the moonlight shone in so brightly that she could distinguish the colour of some damask hangings in the room she saw that the bed was gilded and so rich that it seemed that of a prince rather than of a private gentleman among other things on which she cast her eyes was a small crucifix of solid silver standing on a cabinet near the window on the contrary he resolved to tell them that repenting of his violence and moved by her tears he had only carried her half way towards his house and then let her go choking with emotion leocadi made a sign to her parents that she wished to be alone with them thus did this humane and right minded father comfort his unhappy daughter and her mother embracing her again did all she could to soothe her feelings one day when the boy was sent by his grandfather with a message to a relation he passed along a street in which there was a great concourse of horsemen the bed she too well remembered was there and above all the cabinet on which had stood the image she had taken away was still on the same spot this truth which i have learned from her lips is confirmed by his face in which we have both beheld that of our son you resemble me rachel you are fearless and inflexible and generous whatever lord chelford said miss brandon received it very graciously and even with a momentary smile i'm glad you like it says wylder chuckling benignantly on it over his shoulder i believe i have a little taste that way those are all real you know those jewels and he placed it in that gentleman's fingers who now took his turn at the lamp and contemplated the little parallelogram with a gleam of sly amusement i was thinking it's very like the ace of hearts answered the captain softly smiling on whereupon lake laughed quietly still looking on the ace of hearts with his sly eyes do you know lake oh i really can't tell but he'll soon tire of country life i had a horrid dream about him last night that all the time he was talking to me his angry little eyes were following lake but don't these very wise things sometimes turn out very foolishly by this time lord chelford and wylder returned and disgusted rather with myself i ruminated on my want of general ship and he made a little dip of his cane towards brandon hall over his shoulder yes so they said but that would i think have been worse if a fellow's been a little bit wild he's beelzebub at once their walk continued silent for the greater part neither was quite satisfied with the other but rachel at last said now that's impossible radie for i really don't think i once thought of him all this evening except just while we were talking there was a bright moonlight broken by the shadows of overhanging boughs and withered leaves and the mottled lights and shadows glided oddly across his pale features mark my words you'll find him too strong for you aye and too deep i am very uneasy about it whatever it is i can't help it to my mind there has always been something inexpressibly awful in family feuds my bed was unexceptionably comfortable but in my then mood i could have wished it a great deal more modern i shan't trouble you about my train of thoughts or fancies but i began to feel very like a gentleman in a ghost story watching experimentally in a haunted chamber a cold bright moon was shining with clear sharp lights and shadows the sombre old trees like gigantic hearse plumes black and awful a little bit of plaster tumbled down the chimney and startled me confoundedly it was not very much past eleven that morning when the pony carriage from brandon drew up before the little garden wicket of redman's farm women can hide their pain better than we men and bear it better too except when shame drops fire into the dreadful chalice this transient spring and lighting up are beautiful a glamour beguiling our senses rachel's pale and sharpened features and dilated eye struck her with a painful surprise ill and troubled dear troubled in mind and miserably nervous poor rachel her nature recoiled from deceit and she told at all events as much of the truth as she dared she spoke with a sudden energy which partook of fear and passion and flushed her thin cheek and made her languid eyes flash thank you rachel my cousin rachel my only friend yes something everything said rachel hurriedly looking frowningly at a flower which she was twirling in her fingers it is an antipathy an antipathy i cannot get over dear dorcas you may think it a madness but don't blame me i have very few to love me now and i thought you might love me as i have begun to love you and she threw her arms round her cousin's neck and brave rachel at last burst into tears dorcas in her strange way was moved i like you still rachel i'm sure i'll always like you they regained their apartment apparently without disturbing the household of gamewell he began a confused complaint against the wizard who had vanished behind the curtain on the left he was like unto my father in a way and yet was not my father this was so sweet a lady sir and in some manner i do think she died like as not young master though i am an old man forthwith all ran to the opening of the tent to see what might be amiss but master will who peeped out first needed no more than one glance he gave way to the others very readily and retreated unperceived by the squire and mistress fitzooth to the rear of the tent before them fled the stroller and his three sons capless and terrified what is the tumult and rioting cried out the squire authoritatively and he blew twice on a silver whistle which hung at his belt nay we refused their request most politely most noble said the little stroller i could not see my boy injured excellence for but doing his duty as one of cumberland's sons it is enough said george gamewell sharply and he turned upon the crowd shame on you citizens cried he i blush for my fellows of nottingham tis fine for you to talk old man answered the lean sullen apprentice but i wrestled with this fellow and do know that he played unfairly in the second bout spoke the squire losing all patience and it was to you that i gave another purse in consolation come to me men here here he raised his voice still louder the strollers took their part in it with hearty zest now that they had some chance of beating off their foes robin and the little tumbler between them tried to force the squire to stand back and very valiantly did these two comport themselves the head and chief of the riot the nottingham apprentice with clenched fists threatened montfichet now be silent on your lives he began but the captured apprentice set up an instant shout he felt for and found the wizard's black cloth the squire was quite out of breath thrusting open the proper entrance of the tent robin suddenly rushed forth with his burden with a great shout a montfichet a montfichet gamewell to the rescue taking advantage of this the squire's few men redoubled their efforts and encouraged by robin's and the little stroller's cries fought their way to him what is your name lording asked the little stroller presently i like you will you are the second will that i have met and liked within two days is there a sign in that friends said montfichet faintly to the wrestlers bear us escort so far as the sheriff's house master monceux the sheriff of nottingham was mightily put about when told of the rioting have your will child if the boy also wills it montfichet answered feeling too ill to oppose anything very strongly just then he made an effort to hide his condition from them all and robin felt his fingers tighten upon his arm he is my esquire excellency returned robin with dignity mistress fitzooth had been carried off by the sheriff's daughter and her maids as soon as they had entered the house so that robin alone had the care of montfichet these escapades are not for old gamewell lad his day has come to twilight you are a worthy leech will presently whispered robin the wine has worked a marvel young fitzooth had been commanded to his mother's chamber so soon as he had come out from his converse with the squire there befell an anxious interview mistress fitzooth arguing for and against the squire's project in a breath most of all robin thought of his father what would he counsel he was in deep converse with the clerk and entered the hall holding him by the arm as any in england i would say said gamewell proudly that is in his day there was no chance to alter his sleeping room to one nearer to gamewell's chamber will cried he softly and stuteley who had chosen his couch across the door of his young master's chamber sprang up at once in answer we will go out together to the bower there is a way down to the court from my window the hours passed wearily by and movement could yet be heard about the hall will whispered robin opening his door as he spoke are you ready they then renewed their journey and under the better light made a safe crossing of the stable roofs they moved thereafter cautiously about the hut groping before and about them to find something to show that warrenton had fulfilled his mission they were upon the verge of an open trap in the far corner of the hut and stuteley had tripped over the edge of the reversed flap mouth of this pit fitzooth's hand rested at last upon the top rung of a ladder and slowly the truth came to him robin carefully descended the ladder and found himself soon upon firm rocky ground stuteley was by his side in a flash and then they both began feeling about them to ascertain the shape and character of this vault from the blackness behind the light they heard a voice warrenton's cried he waving the lanthorn before him to make sure that these were no ghosts in front of him nay nay lording answered warrenton with a half laugh warrenton spoke thus with significance to show robin that he was not to think geoffrey's claims to the estate would be passed by robin fitzooth saw that his doubts of warrenton had been unfair and he became ashamed of himself for harboring them his tones rang pleasantly on warrenton's ears and forthwith a good fellowship was heralded between them he implores us to be discreet as the grave in this matter for in sooth his life is in the hollow of our hands however that was over now the tree gone the story at an end out in the woods stood a nice little fir tree but this was what the tree could not bear to hear in autumn the wood cutters always came and felled some of the largest trees i would fain know if i am destined for so glorious a career cried the tree rejoicing i am now tall and my branches spread like the others that were carried off last year oh were i in the warm room with all the splendor and magnificence yes then something better something still grander will surely follow or wherefore should they thus ornament me something better something still grander must follow but what rejoice in our presence said the air and the sunlight rejoice in thy own fresh youth but the tree did not rejoice at all he grew and grew and was green both winter and summer and towards christmas he was one of the first that was cut down he well knew that he should never see his dear old comrades the little bushes and flowers around him anymore perhaps not even the birds the departure was not at all agreeable the servants as well as the young ladies decorated it perhaps the other trees from the forest will come to look at me a story cried the children drawing a little fat man towards the tree humpy dumpy fell downstairs and yet he married the princess thought the fir tree and believed it all because the man who told the story was so good looking well well i won't tremble to morrow thought the fir tree and the whole night the tree stood still and in deep thought tis now winter out of doors thought the tree if it only were not so dark here and so terribly lonely they snuffed about the fir tree and rustled among the branches i am by no means old said the fir tree there's many a one considerably older than i am i know no such place said the tree and then he told all about his youth and the little mice had never heard the like before and they listened and said said the fir tree thinking over what he had himself related yes in reality those were happy times who is humpy dumpy asked the mice don't you know one about bacon and tallow candles can't you tell any larder stories then good bye said the rats and they went home why one morning there came a quantity of people and set to work in the loft but it was not the fir tree that they meant it was in a corner that he lay among weeds and nettles the golden star of tinsel was still on the top of the tree and glittered in the sunshine in the court yard some of the merry children were playing who had danced at christmas round the fir tree and were so glad at the sight of him and the gardener's boy chopped the tree into small pieces there was a whole heap lying there the wood flamed up splendidly under the large brewing copper and it sighed so deeply eliza closed the door behind her with a decided slam and a key clicked in the lock it was a serious crime indeed mister watson told them and tom gates bade fair to serve a lengthy term in state's prison as a consequence of his rash act it was a deliberate theft from his employers to protect a girl he loved but they could not have proven a case against lucy if she was innocent and all their threats of arresting her were probably mere bluff he was soft hearted and impetuous said beth and being in love he didn't stop to count the cost if the prosecution were withdrawn and the case settled with the victim of the forged check then the young man would be allowed his freedom fairview was twelve miles away but by ten o'clock they drew up at the county jail they were received in the little office by a man named markham who was the jailer i'm running for representative on the republican ticket said kenneth quietly oh say that's different observed markham altering his demeanor sometimes i'm that yearning for a smoke i'm nearly crazy an i dunno which is worst dyin one way or another he unlocked the door and called here's visitors tom miss de graf said kenneth noticing the boy's face critically as he stood where the light from the passage fell upon it sit down please said gates in a cheerful and pleasant voice there's a bench here a fresh wholesome looking boy was tom gates with steady gray eyes an intelligent forehead but a sensitive rather weak mouth we have heard something of your story said kenneth and are interested in it i didn't stop to think whether it was foolish or not i did it and i'm glad i did old will is a fine fellow but poor and helpless since missus rogers had her accident then rogers wouldn't do anything but lead her around and wait upon her and the place went to rack and ruin he spoke simply but paced up and down the narrow cell in front of them i was bookkeeper so it was easy to get a blank check and forge the signature as regards my robbing the company i'll say that i saved them a heavy loss one day i discovered and put out a fire that would have destroyed the whole plant but marshall never even thanked me it was better for him to think the girl unfeeling than to know the truth i'm going to see mister marshall said kenneth and discover what i can do to assist you thank you sir they left him then for the jailer arrived to unlock the door and escort them to the office he looked up rather ungraciously but motioned them to be seated some girl has been here twice to interview my men and i have refused to admit her give me a check for a hundred and fifty and i'll turn over to you the forged check and quash further proceedings he detested the grasping disposition that would endeavor to take advantage of his evident desire to help young gates he might have had that forged check for the face of it if he'd been sharp and to think we can save all that misery and despair by the payment of a hundred and fifty dollars the weak kneed contingency must be strengthened and fortified and a couple of hundred votes in one way or another secured from the opposition the democratic committee figured out a way to do this under ordinary conditions reynolds was sure to be elected but the committee proposed to sacrifice him in order to elect hopkins the only thing necessary was to fix seth reynolds and this hopkins arranged personally and this was why kenneth and beth discovered him conversing with the young woman in the buggy these women were flattered by the attention of the young lady and had promised to assist in electing mister forbes the fairview band was engaged to discourse as much harmony as it could produce and the resources of the great house were taxed to entertain the guests tables were spread on the lawn and a dainty but substantial repast was to be served the attendance was unexpectedly large and the girls were delighted foreseeing great success for their fete we ought to have more attendants beth said louise approaching her cousin won't you run into the house and see if martha can't spare one or two more maids she was very fond of the young ladies whom she had known when aunt jane was the mistress here and beth was her especial favorite for a moment beth stood staring while the new maid regarded her with composure and a slight smile upon her beautiful face she was dressed in the regulation costume of the maids at elmhurst a plain black gown with white apron and cap then she gave a little laugh and replied no miss beth i'm elizabeth parsons you speak like an educated person said beth wonderingly where is your home for the first time the maid seemed a little confused and her gaze wandered from the face of her visitor she sat down in a rocking chair and clasping her hands in her lap rocked slowly back and forth i'm sorry said beth they they excite me in some way and i i can't bear them you must excuse me beth was a beautiful girl the handsomest of the three cousins by far yet eliza surpassed her in natural charm and seemed well aware of the fact her manner was neither independent nor assertive but rather one of well bred composure and calm reliance however her features and form might repress any evidence of nervousness these hands told a different story she rose quickly to her feet with an impetuous gesture that made her visitor catch her breath will you leave me alone in my own room or must i go away to escape you my tongue refused to articulate my power of speech left me congratulations were poured in upon the princess everywhere during her journey this has indeed been a harassing day continued the young man his eyes fixed upon his friend can you imagine why buckingham has been so violent i suspect it is you who are mistaken raoul i have read his distress in his eyes in his every gesture and action the whole day thus it is that the honor of three is saved our country's our master's and our own but in this friendly pressure raoul could detect the nervous agitation of a great internal conflict the poor little things cried cynthia think of them having been turned to the wall all these years but joyce had not been listening all at once she put down her candle on the table and faced her companion the twin brother did something she didn't like and she turned his picture to the wall hers happened to be in the same frame too but she evidently didn't care about that i thought we were stumped again when i first saw that picture but it's been of some use after all they worry me terribly and besides i'd like to see what this lovely furniture looks like without such quantities of dust all over it good scheme cyn we'll come in here this afternoon with old clothes on and have a regular house cleaning it can't hurt anything i'm sure for we won't disturb things at all this thought however did not enter the heads of the enthusiastic pair the lure proved too much for him and he came sporting after it as friskily as a young kitten much to cynthia's delight when she caught sight of him oh let him come along she urged i do love to see him about that old house yet little as it was it had already made a vast difference in the aspect of the room surface dust at least had been removed and the fine old furniture gave a hint of its real elegance and polish and my pocket money is getting low again and you haven't any left as usual they say illumination by candle light is the prettiest in the world why it's goliath as usual they both cried peering in forgetting all their weariness they seized their candles and scurried through the house finding an occasional paper tucked away in some odd corner well i'm convinced that the boarded up house mystery happened not earlier than april sixteenth eighteen sixty one and probably not much later the story of its evil influence came back to me and in my bewildered condition i wondered whether there was not some truth in what had been said what then a human hand large and shapely appeared distinctly on the surface of the pond nothing more not even the wrist to which it might be attached it did not beckon or indeed move at all it was as still as the hand of death a feeling of freedom and i was awake where said another voice which i recognized as voltaire's kaffar i had scarcely known what i had been saying or doing up to this time but as he spoke i looked at my hand in the light of the moon i saw a knife red with blood and my hand too was also discoloured i say you do know what this means and you must tell us i had again been acting under the influence of this man's power perchance too kaffar's death might serve him in good stead if you dressed in silk and gold from top to toe you could not look any nicer than in your little red cap so you will be a good girl i know and not make any trouble but will stay at home contentedly won't you della had a young sister named maria and a cousin whose name was jane now delia contrived to obtain a great influence and ascendency over the minds of the children by means of these dolls to give an idea of these conversations i will report one of them in full you have come andella andella was the name of jane's doll to make rosalie a visit i expect you have been a very good girl andella since you were here last then turning to jane she asked in a somewhat altered tone has she been a good girl jane put these playthings all away quick and carefully and we will not let them know any thing about your leaving them out nature of the effect produced by early impressions they are chiefly formed from combinations of the impressions made in childhood vast importance and influence of this mental furnishing he was such a big boy that he wore high boots and carried a jack knife seeing that i am so fine i may as well go and visit the king for like as not they must have thought him a prince when they saw his fine cap at the farther end of the largest hall a table was set with golden cups and golden plates in long rows on huge silver platters were pyramids of tarts and cakes and red wine sparkled in glittering decanters the princess sat down under a blue canopy with bouquets of roses and she let anders sit in a golden chair by her side but you must not eat with your cap on your head she said and was going to take it off that is a very fine cap you have he said and it is made of mother's best yarn and she knitted it herself and everybody wants to get it away from me he darted like an arrow through all the halls down all the stairs and across the yard he still held on to it with both hands as he rushed into his mother's cottage and all his brothers and sisters stood round and listened with their mouths open but when his big brother heard that he had refused to give his cap for a king's golden crown he said that anders was a stupid oh i am speaking seriously replied montalais and my opinion in this case is quite as good as the king's i suppose is it not louise gentlemen to your posts whereupon saint aignan and villeroy took their leave certainly sire but i must have money to do that what he has given them with too much grace not to have others still to give if they are required which is the case at the present moment it is necessary therefore that he should comply the king frowned does your majesty then no longer believe the disloyal attempt not at all you are on the contrary most agreeable to me the news circulated with the rapidity of lightning during its progress it kindled every variety of coquetry desire and wild ambition the king had completed his toilette by nine o'clock he appeared in an open carriage decorated with branches of trees and flowers suddenly for the purpose of restoring peace and order spring accompanied by his whole court made his appearance there was something in his carriage which resembled the buoyant movements of an immortal and he did not dance so much as seem to soar along far from it sire your majesty having given no directions about it the musicians have retained it monsieur was the only one who did not understand anything about the matter disdainful of a success of which madame showed no acknowledgement he thought of nothing but boldly regaining the marked preference of the princess the king who had from this moment become in reality the principal dancer in the quadrille cast a look upon his vanquished rival upon this madame deigned to turn her eyes languishingly towards the comte observing yes the character which your royal highness assumed is in perfect harmony with your own she then rose humming the air to which she was presently going to dance the arrow pierced his heart and wounded him mortally when she perceived the young man she rose like a woman surprised in the midst of ideas she was desirous of concealing from herself i remember now and i congratulate myself do you love any one there cannot be a doubt he received you kindly for in fact you returned without his permission oh mademoiselle why have i not a devoted sister or a true friend such as yourself i have been here this quarter of an hour replied la valliere it is too difficult replied mademoiselle de tonnay charente laughing loudly look yonder do you not see the moon slowly rising silvering the topmost branches of the chestnuts and the oaks exquisite soft turf of the woods the happiness which your friendship confers upon me well said mademoiselle de tonnay charente i also think a good deal but i take care to say nothing said montalais so that when mademoiselle de tonnay charente thinks athenais is the only one who knows it quick quick then among the high reed grass said montalais stoop athenais you are so tall the young girls had indeed made themselves small indeed invisible yes but perhaps i frightened her in what way how is it la valliere said mademoiselle de tonnay charente that the vicomte de bragelonne spoke of you as louise good gracious has the king any right to interfere in matters of that kind lord john taking out gold cigarette case from his left hand upper waistcoat pocket all about him was a tumult of bright and broken color scattered in broad splashes his feet were red his long narrow beak with its saw toothed edges and sharp hooked tip was bright red but here he was at a terrible disadvantage as compared with the owls hawks and eagles he had no rending claws but suddenly straight and swift as a diving cormorant he shot down into the torrent and disappeared beneath the surface once fairly a wing however he wheeled and made back hurriedly for his perch it might have seemed that a trout of this size was a fairly substantial meal the great hawk followed hurriedly to retrieve his prey from the ground the cat growled softly picked up the prize in her jaws and trotted into the bushes to devour it the hawk alighted on the dead branch and sat upright motionless as if surprised the hawk sat upon the branch and watched his quarry swimming beneath the surface as he flew his down reaching clutching talons were not half a yard above the fugitive's head where the waves for an instant sank they came closer but not quite within grasping reach the hawk embittered by the loss of his first quarry had become as dogged in pursuit as a weasel not to be shaken off or evaded or deceived he had a lot of line out and the place was none too free for a long cast but he was impatient to drop his flies again on the spot where the big fish was feeding the last drop fly as luck would have it caught just in the corner of the hawk's angrily open beak hooking itself firmly at the sudden sharp sting of it the great bird turned his head and noticed for the first time the fisherman standing on the bank the drag upon his beak and the light check upon his wings were inexplicable to him and appalling in short he becomes a prominent figure in london society and if he is not careful somebody will say so but suppose you said i'm fond of writing my people always say my letters home are good enough for punch i've got a little idea for a play about a man and a woman and another woman and but perhaps i'd better keep the plot a secret for the moment lend me your ear for ten minutes and you shall learn just what stagecraft is and i should begin with a short homily on soliloquy and so on till you get to the end when ophelia might say ah yes or something non committal of that sort this would be an easy way of doing it but it would not be the best way for the reason that it is too easy to call attention to itself in the old badly made play it was frequently necessary for one of the characters to take the audience into his confidence in the modern well constructed play he simply rings up an imaginary confederate and tells him what he is going to do could anything be more natural double nine two three elsinore double nine yes hallo is that you horatio hamlet speaking to be or not to be that is the question whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows what no hamlet speaking you gave me double five i want double nine hallo is that you horatio hamlet speaking to be or not to be that is the question whether tis nobler and there you are you will of course appreciate that the unfinished sentences not only save time but also make the manoeuvring very much more natural the duchess of southbridge to lord reggie oh reggie what did you say the crowd drifts off leaving the hero and heroine alone in the middle of the stage and then you can begin a stage meal is popular because it proves to the audience that the actors even when called charles hawtrey or owen nares are real people just like you and me re enter butler and three footmen who remove the tea things hostess to guest in novels the hero has often pushed his meals away untasted but no stage hero would do anything so unnatural as this but it is the cigarette which chiefly has brought the modern drama to its present state of perfection captain martin said i shall give you a pistol to help protect yourself if worse comes to worst that summer's emigration however being mainly from the free states greatly changed the relative strength of the two parties this was a formidable array of advantages slavery was playing with loaded dice of the lynchings the mobs and the murders it would be impossible except in a very extended work to note the frequent and atrocious details several hundred free state men promptly responded to the summons the leaders of the conspiracy became distrustful of their power to crush the town to embarrass this damaging exposure judge lecompte issued a writ against the ex governor on a frivolous charge of contempt but the affair was magnified as a crowning proof that the free state men were insurrectionists and outlaws their distinctive characters however display one broad and unfailing difference their assumed character changed with their changing opportunities or necessities footnote sumner to shannon may twelfth eighteen fifty six private persons who had leased the free state hotel vainly besought the various authorities to prevent the destruction of their property ten days were consumed in these negotiations but the spirit of vengeance refused to yield he summoned half a dozen citizens to join his posse who followed obeyed and assisted him he continued his pretended search and to give color to his errand made two arrests as he had promised to protect the hotel the reassured citizens began to laugh at their own fears the military force partly rabble partly organized had meanwhile moved into the town he planted a company before the hotel and demanded a surrender of the arms belonging to the free state military companies atchison who had been haranguing the mob planted his two guns before the building and trained them upon it the inmates being removed at the appointed hour a few cannon balls were fired through the stone walls relocated footnote governor robinson being on his way east the steamboat on which he was traveling stopped at lexington missouri his death in this conjuncture was a public misfortune his conduct and presence of mind in this emergence appeared conspicuous he passed through henley saint albans and came so near to london as harrow on the hill they informed the english parliament of this unexpected incident and assured them that they had entered into no private treaty with the king another preacher after reproaching him to his face with his misgovernment ordered this psalm to be sung the king stood up and called for that psalm which begins with these words have mercy lord on me i pray for men would me devour the parliament and the scots laid their proposals before the king this knowledge is memory in one sense though in another it is not the analysis of knowledge will occupy us until the end of the thirteenth lecture and is the most difficult part of our whole enterprise all that i am doing is to use its logical tenability as a help in the analysis of what occurs when we remember the behaviourist who attempts to make psychology a record of behaviour has to trust his memory in making the record some images like some sensations feel very familiar while others feel strange i come now to the other characteristic which memory images must have in order to account for our knowledge of the past they must have some characteristic which makes us regard them as referring to more or less remote portions of the past there may be a specific feeling which could be called the feeling of pastness especially where immediate memory is concerned if we had retained the subject or act in knowledge the whole problem of memory would have been comparatively simple remembering has to be a present occurrence in some way resembling or related to what is remembered some points may be taken as fixed and such as any theory of memory must arrive at in this case as in most others what may be taken as certain in advance is rather vague the first of our vague but indubitable data is that there is knowledge of the past this distinction is vital to the understanding of memory but it is not so easy to carry out in practice as it is to draw in theory the fact that a man can recite a poem does not show that he remembers any previous occasion on which he has recited or read it semon's two books mentioned in an earlier lecture do not touch knowledge memory at all closely thus no knowledge as to the past is to be derived from the feeling of familiarity alone and this plan was adopted too in order to extract from me a promise that i would depart in peace i remained there alone for many hours but i must acknowledge that before i left the chambers i had gradually brought myself to look at the matter in another light on arriving at home at my own residence i found that our salon was filled with a brilliant company i have come to your shores mister president with the purpose of seeing how things are progressing in this distant quarter of the world we have our little struggles here as elsewhere and all things cannot be done by rose water we are quite satisfied now captain battleax said my wife no doubt in process of time the ladies will follow i did not mean said captain battleax to touch upon public subjects at such a moment as this jack had been standing in the far corner of the room talking to eva and was now reduced to silence by his praises sir kennington oval is a very fine player said my wife i and my wife and son and the two craswellers and three or four others agreed to dine on board the ship on the next my wife on the spur of the moment managed to give the gentlemen a very good dinner this she said was true hospitality and i am not sure that i did not agree with her then there were three or four leading men of the community with their wives who were for the most part the fathers and mothers of the young ladies we sat with the officers some little time after dinner and then went ashore how much of evil of real accomplished evil had there not occurred to me during the last few days jack would become eva's happy husband and would remain amidst the hurried duties of the eager world you have received us with all that courtesy and hospitality for which your character in england stands so high but your power is so superior to any that i can advance as to make us here feel that there is no disgrace in yielding to it not a doubt but had your force been only double or treble our own i should have found it my duty to struggle with you that is all quite true mister neverbend said sir ferdinando brown you have come to us threatening us with absolute destruction i can assure you he has not even allowed me to see the trigger since i have been on board then said sir ferdinando there is nothing for it but that he must take you with him there came upon me a sudden shock when i heard these words which exceeded anything which i had yet felt you hear what sir ferdinando brown has said replied captain battleax i was to be taken away and carried to england or elsewhere or drowned upon the voyage it mattered not which you may be quite sure it's there said captain battleax and that i can so use it as to half obliterate your town within two minutes of my return on board lieutenant crosstrees is a very gallant officer you will allow me to suggest said he that that is a matter of opinion were i to comply with your orders without expressing my own opinion i should seem to have done so willingly hereafter sir i have it in command to inform your excellency that you have been appointed governor of the crown colony which is called britannula the peculiar circumstances of the colony are within your excellency's knowledge it is founded on the acknowledged weakness of those who survive that period of life at which men cease to work but it is surmised that you will find difficulties in the way of your entering at once upon your government the john bright is armed with a weapon of great power against which it is impossible that the people of britannula should prevail if you will give us your promise to meet captain battleax here at this time to morrow we will stretch a point and delay the departure of the john bright for twenty four hours departing from five hundred thousand throats three cheers burst forth in succession this was what did the mischief so far as the running away was concerned of this party edward a boy of seventeen called forth much sympathy he too was claimed by hollan john wesley combash jacob taylor and thomas edward skinner the doctor who attended the injured creature in this case was simply told that she slipped and fell down stairs as she was coming down he worked me very hard he wanted to be beating me all the time she was a large homely woman they were common white people with no reputation in the community substantially this was jacob's unvarnished description of his master and mistress as to his age and also the name of his master jacob's statement varied somewhat from the advertisement this reality begins to explain the dark power and otherworldly fascination of twenty thousand leagues under the seas nemo builds a fabulous futuristic submarine the nautilus then conducts an underwater campaign of vengeance against his imperialist oppressor other subtleties occur inside each episode the textures sparkling with wit information and insight and in this last action he falls into the classic sin of pride the nautilus nearly perishes in the antarctic and nemo sinks into a growing depression milligram roughly one twenty eight thousand of an ounce three seconds before the arrival of j b hobson's letter i no more dreamed of chasing the unicorn than of trying for the northwest passage even so i had just returned from an arduous journey exhausted and badly needing a rest i wanted nothing more than to see my country again my friends my modest quarters by the botanical gardens my dearly beloved collections from rubbing shoulders with scientists in our little universe by the botanical gardens the boy had come to know a thing or two not once did he comment on the length or the hardships of a journey never did he object to buckling up his suitcase for any country whatever china or the congo no matter how far off it was please forgive me for this underhanded way of admitting i had turned forty he was a fanatic on formality and he only addressed me in the third person to the point where it got tiresome there was good reason to stop and think even for the world's most emotionless man conseil i called a third time conseil appeared pack as much into my trunk as you can my traveling kit my suits shirts and socks don't bother counting just squeeze it all in and hurry anyhow we'll leave instructions to ship the whole menagerie to france yes we are certainly i replied evasively but after we make a detour you see my friend it's an issue of the monster the notorious narwhale i left instructions for shipping my containers of stuffed animals and dried plants to paris france i opened a line of credit sufficient to cover the babirusa and conseil at my heels i jumped into a carriage our baggage was immediately carried to the deck of the frigate i rushed aboard one of the sailors led me to the afterdeck where i stood in the presence of a smart looking officer who extended his hand to me in person welcome aboard professor your cabin is waiting for you i was well satisfied with my cabin which was located in the stern and opened into the officers mess the wharves of brooklyn and every part of new york bordering the east river were crowded with curiosity seekers that was but rustling of dripping plants in the dark then he rushed down stairs into the courtyard shouting loudly for his soldiers and threatening to patch everybody in his dominions if the sailorman was not recaptured hold him fast my men and as soon as i've had my coffee and oatmeal i'll take him to the room of the great knife and patch him i wouldn't mind a cup o coffee myself said cap'n bill i've had consid'ble exercise this mornin and i'm all ready for breakfas but cap'n bill made no such attempt knowing it would be useless as soon as they entered the room of the great knife the boolooroo gave a yell of disappointment the room of the great knife was high and big and around it ran rows of benches for the spectators to sit upon therefore her majesty paid no attention to anyone and no one paid any attention to her rich jewels of blue stones glittered upon their persons and the royal ladies were fully as gorgeous as they were haughty and overbearing why you said to fetch the first living creature we met and that was this billygoat replied the captain panting hard as he held fast to one of the goat's horns the idea of patching cap'n bill to a goat was vastly amusing to him and the more he thought of it the more he roared with laughter at once the goat gave a leap escaped from the soldiers and with bowed head rushed upon the boolooroo the goat's warlike spirit was roused by this successful attack i couldn't shiver much bein bound so tight but when i'm loose i mean to have jus one good shiver to relieve my feelin's come and get the boolooroo she said going toward the benches then they all marched out a little way into the fields and found that the army of pinkies had already formed and was advancing steadily toward them when the blueskins saw ghip ghisizzle they raised another great shout for he was the favorite of the soldiers and very popular with all the people now then let's enter the city an enjoy the grand feast that's being cooked i'm nearly starved myself for this conquerin kingdoms is hard work then she gave rosalie back her magic ring thanking the kind witch for all she had done for them i'll gladly do that promised the new boolooroo and i'll feed the honorable goat all the shavings and leather and tin cans he can eat besides the grass scuse me said trot i neglected to tell you that you're not the boolooroo any more i'll not be wicked any more sighed the old boolooroo i'll reform as a private citizen i shall be a model of deportment because it would be dangerous to be otherwise so ghip ghisizzle ordered the captain to take a file of soldiers and escort the raving beauties to their new home that evening trot gave a grand ball in the palace to which the most important of the pinkies and the blueskins were invited the combined bands of both the countries played the music and a fine supper was served while the old gold and the marble stays forever gleaming its soft strong blaze calm in the early evening glow it is my heart hung in the sky and no clouds ever float between the grave flowers and my heart on high over the track lined city street the young men the grinning men pass old dances are simplified of their yearning bleached by time through the black night rain he sang to her window bars i love thee with the passion put to use in my old griefs and with my childhood's faith like the doves voice like transient day like music in the air ah and gentle sleep the sleep of death and gently hear the voice of him that walketh in the garden in the evening time why should the mistress of the vales of har utter a sigh she ceasd and smild in tears then sat down in her silver shrine and why it scatters its bright beauty thro the humid air descend o little cloud and hover before the eyes of thel i pass away yet i complain and no one hears my voice the cloud then shewd his golden head and his bright form emerg'd and fearest thou because i vanish and am seen no more till we arise link'd in a golden band and never part but walk united bearing food to all our tender flowers come forth worm and the silent valley to thy pensive queen the helpless worm arose and sat upon the lillys leaf and the bright cloud saild on to find his partner in the vale i see they lay helpless and naked weeping and none to answer none to cherish thee with mothers smiles and says thou mother of my children i have loved thee and i have given thee a crown that none can take away and lay me down in thy cold bed and leave my shining lot or an eye of gifts and graces showring fruits and coined gold why an ear a whirlpool fierce to draw creations in i did not wrong myself so but i placed a wrong on thee when called before i told how hastily i dropped my flowers or brake off from a game alas i have grieved so i am hard to love open thy heart wide and fold within the wet wings of thy dove could it mean to last a love set pendulous between sorrow and sorrow and though i have grown serene and strong since then i think that god has willed a still renewable fear if he to keep one oath must lose one joy by his life's star foretold slow to world greetings quick with its o list when the angels speak a ring of amethyst i could not wear here plainer to my sight than that first kiss dearest teach me so to pour out gratitude as thou dost good mussulmans and giaours throw kerchiefs at a smile and have no ruth for any weeping thou canst wait through sorrow and sickness to bring souls to touch and think it soon when others cry too late i thank all who have loved me in their hearts with thanks and love from mine i love thee freely as men strive for right i love thee purely as they turn from praise