wenetspeech4tts_lhotse_manifest / tokenized /unique_text_tokens.k2symbols
yuekai's picture
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d85eb83 verified
history blame
47.7 kB
<eps> 0
' 1
, 2
- 3
. 4
? 5
A 6
AA 7
AB 9
ABB 11
ABC 12
ABO 15
ABS 16
ABZ 17
AC 18
ACC 19
ACR 21
ACT 22
AD 23
ADO 25
ADS 26
ADV 27
AG 28
AGV 29
AI 30
AIA 31
AIB 32
AID 33
AIE 34
AJ 38
AJV 39
AK 40
AKA 41
AKB 42
AKC 43
AL 44
AM 46
AMC 48
AMD 49
AMG 50
AMS 53
AMT 54
AN 55
AO 58
AP 59
APA 60
API 61
APM 62
APP 63
AQ 65
AR 66
ARE 68
ARG 70
ASC 72
ASD 73
AT 76
ATL 81
ATM 82
ATP 84
ATS 85
ATT 88
AUA 89
AUV 90
AV 91
AWS 92
AZT 94
Aa 95
Aaron 96
Ab 97
Absolutely 98
Academy 99
Adam 100
Adf 101
Adobiaudition 102
Ag 103
Age 104
Agv 105
Ai 106
Air 107
Alalxy 108
Alex 109
Amazon 110
Ambitions 111
Amd 112
And 113
Android 114
Andy 115
Angel 116
Angela 117
Anzl 118
Aokrs 119
App 120
Apple 121
Appple 122
Apps 123
Aprol 124
Apu 125
Arman 126
Atlana 127
Atnt 128
Atp 129
Att 130
B 131
BA 132
BABA 133
BAE 134
BAT 135
BB 136
BBA 137
BBB 138
BBC 139
BBQ 141
BBS 142
BC 143
BCD 144
BCRK 145
BD 146
BG 147
BGM 148
BGO 149
BH 150
BID 151
BJ 152
BK 153
BLM 154
BLOG 155
BMAT 156
BMG 157
BMI 158
BMN 159
BMS 160
BMVC 161
BN 162
BNB 163
BNS 164
BOBO 165
BON 166
BP 167
BPA 168
BPS 169
BRE 170
BRT 172
BT 173
BU 174
BV 175
BWTZ 176
BX 177
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Base 181
Basis 182
Battle 183
Bb 184
Bbc 185
Bcd 186
Bdi 187
Be 188
Benchmark 189
Berary 190
Bet 191
Better 192
Bi 193
Bill 194
Bin 195
Binl 196
Biyonson 197
Bm 198
Bn 199
Book 200
Boru 201
Boss 202
Box 203
Breeze 204
Brother 205
Brs 206
Bu 207
Buff 208
Bug 209
Burberry 210
But 211
C 212
CA 213
CAT 214
CB 215
CBA 216
CBD 217
CBQ 218
CBS 219
CC 220
CCC 221
CCES 222
CCNA 223
CCS 224
CCTV 225
CCY 226
CD 227
CDC 228
CDD 229
CDIC 231
CDMA 232
CDMP 233
CDN 234
CDO 235
CDR 236
CE 237
CEO 238
CES 240
CF 241
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CFO 243
CFOC 244
CFR 245
CG 246
CGI 247
CGTN 248
CGU 249
CH 250
CHR 251
CIA 253
CIBN 254
CIC 255
CIOC 256
CIOS 257
CJ 258
CLG 259
CLO 260
CLV 261
CLY 262
CM 263
CMA 264
CMC 265
CMCM 266
CME 267
CMF 268
CMO 269
CN 271
CNBC 272
CNBN 273
CND 275
CNN 276
CO 277
COCN 278
COD 279
COM 280
COO 281
CP 283
CPA 284
CPB 286
CPI 287
CPO 288
CPR 289
CPS 290
CPT 291
CPU 292
CPUO 293
CQ 294
CR 295
CRH 296
CRM 297
CRO 298
CRV 299
CS 300
CSD 301
CSP 302
CST 303
CT 304
CTCT 305
CTD 306
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CTRL 309
CU 310
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CV 312
CVC 313
CVH 314
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CX 317
CY 318
CZ 319
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Cdr 330
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Chmark 338
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Cn 345
Cnn 346
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Coco 348
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Costco 353
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Cs 355
Cst 356
Ct 357
Cvt 358
D 359
DA 360
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DC 367
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DN 385
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DRC 401
DRM 402
DS 403
DSDS 405
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DSM 407
DSS 408
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DVD 411
Daamon 413
Daddy 414
Danifer 415
Dannier 416
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David 419
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Deapa 421
Dear 422
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Design 424
Dg 425
Dha 426
Dhc 427
Diffusion 428
Discover 429
Dj 430
Dm 431
Dna 432
Dony 433
Dows 434
Dream 435
Drean 436
Dubanback 437
Duffy 438
Dvd 439
Dwn 440
E 441
EA 442
EAA 443
EACM 444
EAP 445
EB 446
EBC 447
EBIU 448
EC 449
ECC 450
ECD 451
ECM 452
ECMO 453
ECPM 454
ECU 455
EDBF 456
EDG 457
EDM 458
EE 459
EEMC 461
EFA 462
EHT 463
EI 464
EK 465
EM 466
EMBA 467
EMC 468
EMS 469
EMT 470
EN 471
EO 473
EP 474
EPA 475
EPS 476
EQ 477
EQC 478
ERP 479
ERT 480
ES 481
ESG 482
ESN 483
ESP 484
ESPN 485
ESU 486
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ETCE 488
ETCS 489
ETF 490
EU 492
EV 493
EVE 494
EX 495
EYE 496
EZ 497
Ea 498
Ebitda 499
Ecm 500
Edwel 501
Ee 502
Eight 503
Eji 504
Elizsim 505
Email 506
Eo 507
Eq 508
Er 509
Eric 510
Erx 511
Es 512
Et 513
Even 514
Everybody 515
Excel 516
Excuse 517
Experience 518
F 519
FA 520
FAO 521
FAQ 522
FAST 523
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FBFB 527
FBI 528
FC 529
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FDIC 532
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G 581
GA 582
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GEP 593
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GF 595
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GI 602
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GLB 609
GLE 610
GLP 611
GMF 612
GMV 613
GO 614
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GPU 621
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GQ 623
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GR 625
GRE 626
GRV 627
GS 628
GSM 630
GSOC 631
GT 632
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GTB 634
GTD 635
GTE 636
GTI 637
GTR 638
GUA 639
GUG 640
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GV 642
GVR 643
GW 644
Gammany 645
Gar 646
Gary 647
Gay 648
Gb 649
Gc 650
Gd 651
Gdc 652
Gdp 653
Gdpr 654
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Gliper 657
Gmf 658
Gnss 659
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Google 661
Gq 662
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Gram 664
Graph 665
Grow 666
Gsma 667
Gti 668
Guansa 669
Gym 670
H 671
HAI 672
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HF 677
HG 678
HH 679
HI 680
HIV 681
HK 682
HLJ 684
HM 685
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HPV 687
HR 688
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HRIT 690
HRSS 691
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Here 701
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I 713
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ING 757
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LP 909
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MB 965
MBA 966
MBMB 967
MBS 968
MC 969
MCN 970
MCU 971
MD 972
MDG 973
MF 975
MG 976
MH 977
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MIT 980
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MK 982
MKZ 983
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MLCC 985
MLF 986
MM 987
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MMP 989
MMX 990
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MOD 994
MOMQ 995
MP 996
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MPV 998
MQB 999
MR 1000
MRCT 1001
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MT 1005
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MU 1009
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MV 1011
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Mark 1021
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Maximum 1025
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N 1056
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NIGN 1079
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NO 1081
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NS 1084
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NSU 1086
NSX 1087
NT 1088
NTD 1089
NU 1090
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NXP 1093
NYDJT 1094
NZT 1095
Nasa 1096
Nba 1097
Ncz 1098
Neitflix 1099
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Nettflix 1102
New 1103
Nhk 1104
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Nice 1106
Nizo 1107
Nj 1108
No 1109
Note 1110
Now 1111
Nt 1112
Number 1113
Nv 1114
O 1115
OA 1116
OCR 1117
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ODO 1119
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OFO 1122
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OK 1125
OKOK 1126
OKR 1127
OL 1128
OLED 1129
ONS 1130
OO 1131
OP 1132
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OS 1134
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OSS 1137
OST 1138
OT 1139
OTA 1140
OTO 1141
OTT 1142
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PLV 1194
PM 1195
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PMT 1197
PNAS 1198
PO 1199
POA 1200
POI 1201
PP 1202
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PPP 1204
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PQ 1207
PR 1208
PS 1209
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PSL 1211
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PSR 1214
PT 1215
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PU 1219
PUA 1220
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PV 1222
PVC 1223
PY 1224
Pa 1225
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Q 1263
QA 1264
QC 1265
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QI 1267
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QQ 1271
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QR 1273
QS 1274
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RQ 1300
RR 1301
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SAUS 1329
SB 1330
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SLCD 1359
SLS 1360
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SN 1363
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SOD 1367
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SR 1371
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SSR 1377
SSSS 1378
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STX 1380
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Se 1391
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Shift 1396
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Siri 1398
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Smal 1406
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So 1408
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TL 1445
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TR 1456
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Twitter 1506
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U 1508
UA 1509
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UC 1513
UCLA 1514
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UGC 1518
UI 1519
UIK 1520
UIR 1521
UK 1522
UKL 1523
UKR 1524
UL 1525
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UP 1528
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US 1532
USA 1533
USB 1534
USBA 1535
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UV 1544
UVB 1545
UW 1546
UWB 1547
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VC 1557
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VF 1559
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WD 1599
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WTI 1608
WTO 1609
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Watching 1613
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、 4647
。 4648
, 4649
? 4650