2nd International Chinese Word Segmentation Bakeoff - Data Release | |
Release 1, 2005-11-18 | |
* Introduction | |
This directory contains the training, test, and gold-standard data | |
used in the 2nd International Chinese Word Segmentation Bakeoff. Also | |
included is the script used to score the results submitted by the | |
bakeoff participants and the simple segmenter used to generate the | |
baseline and topline data. | |
* File List | |
gold/ Contains the gold standard segmentation of the test data | |
along with the training data word lists. | |
scripts/ Contains the scoring script and simple segmenter. | |
testing/ Contains the unsegmented test data. | |
training/ Contains the segmented training data. | |
doc/ Contains the instructions used in the bakeoff. | |
* Encoding Issues | |
Files with the extension ".utf8" are encoded in UTF-8 Unicode. | |
Files with the extension ".txt" are encoded as follows: | |
as_ Big Five (CP950) | |
hk_ Big Five/HKSCS | |
msr_ EUC-CN (CP936) | |
pku_ EUC-CN (CP936) | |
EUC-CN is often called "GB" or "GB2312" encoding, though technically | |
GB2312 is a character set, not a character encoding. | |
* Scoring | |
The script 'score' is used to generate compare two segmentations. The | |
script takes three arguments: | |
1. The training set word list | |
2. The gold standard segmentation | |
3. The segmented test file | |
You must not mix character encodings when invoking the scoring | |
script. For example: | |
% perl scripts/score gold/cityu_training_words.utf8 \ | |
gold/cityu_test_gold.utf8 test_segmentation.utf8 > score.ut8 | |
* Licensing | |
The corpora have been made available by the providers for the purposes | |
of this competition only. By downloading the training and testing | |
corpora, you agree that you will not use these corpora for any other | |
purpose than as material for this competition. Petitions to use the | |
data for any other purpose MUST be directed to the original providers | |
of the data. Neither SIGHAN nor the ACL will assume any liability for | |
a participant's misuse of the data. | |
* Questions? | |
Questions or comments about these data can be sent to Tom Emerson, | |
tree@sighan.org. | |