#!/usr/bin/perl -w ########################################################################### # # # SIGHAN # # Copyright (c) 2003,2005 # # All Rights Reserved. # # # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to use and distribute # # this software and its documentation without restriction, including # # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of this work, and to # # permit persons to whom this work is furnished to do so, subject to # # the following conditions: # # 1. The code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of # # conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Any modifications must be clearly marked as such. # # 3. Original authors' names are not deleted. # # 4. The authors' names are not used to endorse or promote products # # derived from this software without specific prior written # # permission. # # # # SIGHAN AND THE CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS WORK DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES # # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL SIGHAN NOR THE # # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL # # DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA # # OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER # # TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR # # PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # # # ########################################################################### # # # Author: Richard Sproat (rws@uiuc.edu) # # Tom Emerson (tree@basistech.com) # # # ########################################################################### ## This code depends upon a version of diff (e.g. GNU diffutils 2.7.2) ## that supports the -y flag: ## ## -y Use the side by side output format. ## ## change the following per your installation: $diff = "/usr/bin/diff"; $USAGE = "Usage:\t$0 dictionary truth test\n\t"; if (@ARGV != 3) {print "$USAGE\n"; exit;} $tmp1 = "/tmp/comp01$$"; $tmp2 = "/tmp/comp02$$"; %dict = (); open (S, $ARGV[0]) or die "$ARGV[0]: $!\n"; while () { chop; s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; $dict{$_} = 1; } close(S); open (TRUTH, $ARGV[1]) or die "$ARGV[1]: $!\n"; open (TEST, $ARGV[2]) or die "$ARGV[2]: $!\n"; $Tot = $Del = $Ins = $Subst = $Truecount = $Testcount = 0; $RawRecall = $RawPrecision = 0; $linenum = 0; $IVMISSED = $OOVMISSED = $OOV = $IV = 0; $file1 = $ARGV[1]; $file2 = $ARGV[2]; $file1 =~ s=^/.*/==; $file2 =~ s=^/.*/==; while (defined($truth = ) && defined($test = )) { $truth =~ s/^\s*//; $test =~ s/^\s*//; $truth =~ s/\s*$//; $test =~ s/\s*$//; $truth =~ s/(\xe3\x80\x80)|(\xa1\x40)/ /g; $test =~ s/(\xe3\x80\x80)|(\xa1\x40)/ /g; $truth =~ s/ //g; $test =~ s/ //g; @truthwords = split /\s+/, $truth; @testwords = split /\s+/, $test; $truecount = scalar(@truthwords); $testcount = scalar(@testwords); ++$linenum; if ($truecount == 0) { if ($testcount > 0) { print STDERR "Warning: training is 0 but test is nonzero, possible misalignment at line $linenum.\n"; } next; } if ($testcount == 0) { print STDERR "Warning: No output in test data where there is in training data, line $linenum\n"; } open (T1, ">$tmp1") or die "Can't open $tmp1"; open (T2, ">$tmp2") or die "Can't open $tmp2"; foreach my $w (@truthwords) { print T1 "$w\n"; } foreach my $w (@testwords) {print T2 "$w\n";} close (T1); close (T2); open (P, "$diff -y $tmp1 $tmp2 |") or die "Can't open pipe.\n"; print "--$file1-------$file2----$linenum\n"; my $del = 0; my $ins = 0; my $subst = 0; my $rawrecall = 0; my $rawprecision = 0; while (

) { my $err = 0; if (/\s\|\s/) {$subst++ ; $err++; } elsif (/\s\>\s/) {$ins++ ; $err++; } elsif (/\s\<\s/) {$del++ ; $err++; } if (/^([^\s]+)\s/) { my $w = $1; if (!$dict{$w}) {++$OOV;} else {++$IV;} if (/^[^\s]+\s.*\s[\|\>\<]\s/) { if (!$dict{$w}) {++$OOVMISSED;} else {++$IVMISSED;} ++$rawrecall; } } if (/\s[\|\>\<]\s.*[^\s]$/) { ++$rawprecision; } print "$_"; } close (P); my $tot = $del + $ins + $subst; $Tot += $tot; $Del += $del; $Ins += $ins; $Subst += $subst; $Truecount += $truecount; $Testcount += $testcount; $rawrecall = $truecount - $rawrecall; $rawprecision = $testcount - $rawprecision; $RawRecall += $rawrecall; $RawPrecision += $rawprecision; $rawrecall = sprintf("%2.3f", $rawrecall/$truecount); $rawprecision = sprintf("%2.3f", $rawprecision/$testcount); print "INSERTIONS:\t$ins\n"; print "DELETIONS:\t$del\n"; print "SUBSTITUTIONS:\t$subst\n"; print "NCHANGE:\t$tot\n"; print "NTRUTH:\t$truecount\n"; print "NTEST:\t$testcount\n"; print "TRUE WORDS RECALL:\t$rawrecall\n"; print "TEST WORDS PRECISION:\t$rawprecision\n"; } close(TRUTH); close(TEST); unlink($tmp1); unlink($tmp2); print "=== SUMMARY:\n"; print "=== TOTAL INSERTIONS:\t$Ins\n"; print "=== TOTAL DELETIONS:\t$Del\n"; print "=== TOTAL SUBSTITUTIONS:\t$Subst\n"; print "=== TOTAL NCHANGE:\t$Tot\n"; print "=== TOTAL TRUE WORD COUNT:\t$Truecount\n"; print "=== TOTAL TEST WORD COUNT:\t$Testcount\n"; $RawRecall = $RawRecall/$Truecount; $RawPrecision = $RawPrecision/$Testcount; $beta = 1; $R = $RawRecall; $P = $RawPrecision; $F = (1 + $beta)*$P*$R/($beta * $P + $R); $F = sprintf("%2.3f", $F); $RawRecall = sprintf("%2.3f", $RawRecall); $RawPrecision = sprintf("%2.3f", $RawPrecision); print "=== TOTAL TRUE WORDS RECALL:\t$RawRecall\n"; print "=== TOTAL TEST WORDS PRECISION:\t$RawPrecision\n"; print "=== F MEASURE:\t$F\n"; if ($OOV > 0) { $OOVMISSED = sprintf("%2.3f", 1 - $OOVMISSED / $OOV); } else { $OOVMISSED = "--"; } $OOV = sprintf("%2.3f", $OOV / $Truecount); if ($IV > 0) { $IVMISSED = sprintf("%2.3f", 1 - $IVMISSED / $IV); } else { $IVMISSED = "--"; } print "=== OOV Rate:\t$OOV\n"; print "=== OOV Recall Rate:\t$OOVMISSED\n"; print "=== IV Recall Rate:\t$IVMISSED\n"; print "###\t$file2\t$Ins\t$Del\t$Subst\t$Tot\t$Truecount\t$Testcount\t$RawRecall\t$RawPrecision\t$F\t$OOV\t$OOVMISSED\t$IVMISSED\n"; exit(0);