mizzzidc you are depressed over a shoe you spoke rudely to your mom and then posted it on the internet i mean over a f shoe and you want to heal from depression dear child you are badly behaved i hope you are healing from the depression now
know directors intent make sure sky almost always sunny beautiful film perhaps romantic image many americans time film set middle war macy returned war his neighbor asks hey true got fritz there trying get life one day gets new pair glasses hence name sees things clearly surrounding situation reveals one rabid antisemitism macy dern could wrapped it funny neither jewish film accusation made also historically accurate labor union democrats time wrapped flags america god macy continually pestered come meeting presence brings unexpected resultsbr br applying time frame today study contrast undergone complete reversal average citizens taken patriotism religion unifier supporting republican party viewing organized labor part leftwing unpatriotic americabr br a great picture watch care see friendly timid meek macy played beautifully him get caught carnage race hate mid s nycbr br a tough emotionally charged film
reason i m on the edge job search i m completely unemployable i lucked out and have had three real job since graduating college but i learned nothing from them i m now in my early 0 with no applicable job skill for today s market and keep getting rejection letter toxic shithead bos i put a lot of blame on this fucker he treat me like absolute shit and actively work against any career growth he ha huge anger issue a well so i m constantly walking on eggshell gossipy toxic coworkers they spread rumor about me that were untrue and constantly talk about people behind their back if we weren t remote right now and i had to be around them i d go insane so many of my workplace have been filled with these kind of fucker can t they mind their own goddamn business and just do their work humanity s fucked i ve been close with my family for a long time now but recently my parent have gone really far right i lean left and just hate a lot of their double standard my parent take that a an opportunity to take any anger out about the current state of the world on me at work and at home there is no source of relief i have no friend nobody give a shit i dream about using some of the money i ve earned up blowing it on thing i ve always wanted to do then buying a gun and shooting myself
getting sick time for some hot tea studying and then sleeeep
give one good reason livenot reason die because familyfriends stupid stuff like reason live reason die one good reason live thats ask
need friends m dm want chat play interestsnot lot know anime pc videogames like apex overwatch csgo others
fuck uterus dis bitch week late still put her wtf dis shit
starting online school weeks school could teaching us differently expected starters think wed using zoom all were gonna log in tasks thats it know could same
getting motivation something lifei chronic depression social anxiety life long lack motivation thought started getting passion weightlifting would set back right track and felt like awhile ive gone gym like times entire year took time school get better get treatment made depressed isolated im situation made new friend years ive single entire life im going new school soon even though social anxiety makes school miserable experience trying read motivational posts watch videos sucks know way turn life around better start proactive it cant convince even worth it ive depressed long become part me almost like im addicted depressed point effort would take even put slightly better place seems insurmountable cant stop thinking much easier would kill myself desire anything become anything fuck tough like want die time desire better life think lucky sheltered am make feel like im ranting entitled manchild something
ever popes zit felt really good end thinking week maybe im psychotic
to clarify i guess i wa only happy because i wa really high but i stopped for a minute and started thinking i wa thinking about who i am and how much of a sad useless piece of shit i am i wa hanging out with a few people at the time so i had to shake the thought pretty quickly fuck i wish i could just forget who i am altogether i m getting tired of me
theres website publishing content reddit sourcing original creator website called gaming memes httpsgamingmemescom taking content hot publishing website they credit posted it links image permalink source red flag front page suspect _without permission_ to confirmed second red flag theres literal website reposting stuff def cool thank coming ted talk please try spread message
get kiss make last forever
@joannereid48 #ebnjc It's a very under-researched area, and there's some debate over whether it's appropriate to subject art to the rigour of science. But there's some evidence that it can improve depression and anxiety in patients with mental health issues.
Happy Mum's day ppl
need help texted crush wished merry christmas wich replied thanks too havent texted like month dont know say keep conversation alive shy cant text much please need help could say keep conversation alive
i want end hopefully tomorrow better idk much take
@caitiejayne ok sick which date suits u they are thursday night friday night and sat night i think laast 3 nights get in quick
know theres lot going right things depressing might make happy know hamster follow instagram get surgery remove abscess complete success name vincent likes cucumbers hes super cute sounds like surgery went fine hes road recovery
years old now feel good yall
@nillovic Welcome back!
yay sj will be on come to play kibum is of course missing and so is teuk
meta ufo don t get involved any presale or lock project again of u don t want to spend the rest of ur life in depression
i m dealing with debt wasted year of my university getting awful grade i disappoint my family left and right i have no confidence in myself and i hate my body i wa low key molested by my best friend when he wa drunk my childhood dog had to be put down after i took care of her for month prior and i feel like it my fault tht i could ve done something better or idk i find solace in anime but even that is starting feel dull i thought i knew what i wanted to do with my life and career but i m so lost i dont know what to do and at this point i feel like ive ruined my life beyond repair i know im and most people just say that im young and i just have too dust everything off and it ll be fine but it not it never is and ive been in this loop of depression since i wa i think about taking my life and then think about how selfish it is to my friend family and little sister i can t do that to her and yet i still think about i i m so lost
people move texas ok basically texas havent lived whole life dad retired navy texan despite think dont dress like cowboys shit not half people see move come school dressed cowboy boots jeans cowboy hat dress shirt act confused one else dressed like right annoyed kevin male karen
unironically love pokmon go fun able catch monsters childhood ahhhh love game
@uNdlunkulu_Xoli Firstly if she is ready and welling to keep the baby let her do so.She has just came out of depression and terminating the pregnancy can lead her straight to back to depression .She needs to take care of her emotional well-being.
hr need to go by quick
left today taking everything stay alivei toxic one sided relationship til now time gaslighted constantly walking eggshells dealing severe anxiety ive past decade told wanted marry me wanted kids etc right told wasnt working sex makes feel even used know people say isnt good enough reason feel suicidal everyone goes this ive crying drinking day nobody awake im afraid sleep dream wake feeling anxious throw up
Abnormal Functional Connectivity of Ventral Anterior Insula in Asthmatic Patients with Depression. http://dlvr.it/QQjTv0 
note english first language therefore text might gramatically correct best ampxbso even go on throw bit context best friend high school let us call d girl since first year hs eventually got together start third year always weird notredflag last long decided take break notredflag focus myself realize want stuff anyways get know girl let us call k bestfriend ds gf hangout times eventually decide would cool start dating together since new years things start get messy whenever something bad happens k always knows blames me mocks front k gf makes feel worthless k ds gf also started leave plans camping hanging out feel like ones number break k get ds gf blaming entire th year hs also classmates never ever felt trapped now anyone talk to lost lot friends k want talk many people parents always working tired generally bad mood ampxbi justcannot feel done point think anything matters point might mood swing feel really
@RadiumX I read your tweets with a british accent for some reason. lol Do you have an accent?
i ve heard this platitude my whole entire life nearly four year ago a teacher looked straight into my eye and told me the same thing i remember telling myself back then that i wa at rock bottom now i can only laugh at that sentiment rock bottom my as it s like i rolled off a cliff and the end is nowhere in sight
got chicken pot pie shit good yall gotta get often
take suiciding let people world know im invisiblewhy try redflag car leaving run await death work first time obviously im trying today friday cause right have guts jump shoot like rapist told me days consist painful redflag methods either fail sleep rets of wake try different one hoping fail wake another day fair share trying xyzall failed tired me passively want already least then free this also worry weight amount talking shift mind im become determined this simply versions last diary entries thing drop hard paper name rapist thats need know finally succeed eventually one days might shoot jump im trying go less messy route
Here's a theory maybe I should get high and do revision in order to escape depression
i return to work after a year of sitting at home with depression in this year i had to have a prosthesis put in my shoulder i am year old because of my past and depression my relationship with my colleague have diluted i ve said and done some bad thing that i couldn t help myself i wa just exhausted i realize that it is also difficult and strange for them but for me it is really difficult i still have anxiety attack daily with two teenager in the house the stress is certainly not gone due to stress i lost my hearing on my right side i got meniere s disease because of it i am sorry that there is no understanding for my situation now i had to have an ultrasound of my shoulder and it turn out that i have calcification it will probably need surgery again which i certainly don t like this would be the th time it s the first time i ve posted something like this anywhere on the internet i just had to write it off i really don t feel accepted in this world it s really difficult thanks for taking the time to read this
feel like able take anymoreim trying hard fight depression always lose things get better then sudden im without hope wanting kill im alive somehow im always able postpone date plan die time passes im convinced already killed myself keep living theres nothing really good it
im asking for u prove man culture well
i have hit 0 and i had friend from highschool left i kept seeing them for the last few year but when i see them now i feel lonely and i basically cut content a few week back i have one friend left who is going through load of stuff and hardly ha any time to hang out so i basically feel so alone all the time it s crippling i feel like i m a ghost in this city no friend left no opportunity i just feel like i failed not getting out of here sooner i live in perth western australia and i wanted to move to melbourne year ago and a i wa getting ready covid struck and now i m stuck in a city i hate with people that don t value friendship i wa seeing a girl form month and she ended up cheating on me with my friend and her ex husband she broke my heart told me she loved me i invested a bit of money in cryptocurrencies and i ve 0k fuck i had enough for a deposit on a house or a new car what do i do instead i let my depression destroy me i spent 0k on hooker and weed i went through month of pure destruction i am sitting on 0k left now in cryptocurrencies i doing a bachelor of marketing and i wa going to elaborate graduating with my friend yet after the girl cheated on me i wa emotionally fucked i dropped down from unit to unit then i found out my brother wa raped he is and that dropped me so low i should have protected him then i finally got off the weed a month ago and now i have this crippling depression that keep getting deeper i keep isolating myself i don t go outside because i don t have a job i m working on getting down to the mine here so i can actually earn a living and buy some cryptocurrency honestly turning 0 ha been the worst for me i m at such a cross road and my mental strength ha been reduced to nothing the other day nearly drove myself off the road on a steep hill i thought of my family last minute and decided not to
sis moment sis moment
writing for the website...http://bit.ly/llkL3 n looking up local job fairs..hope every1 is having a day
people twitter really cant handle others opinions borderline nazi friend accepting theres something seriously wrong
i wish i could go bed with out having take an allergy pill
friend threatened shove coke mentos ass im scared early shit
entire personality music like mental health substance issues filler filler filler filler filler
Yay!! it's Friday! MizSmith has a new post. Check it out at www.MizSmith.com Enjoy your weekend!
friendly discord made discord server want see people join made starter hoping could get suggestions improve put invite link pinned comment below hope join fun
redflag confusion confused intrusive thoughts afraid dementia chronic redflag panic hipochondriac etc redflag confusion
hey bitches guess whos getting therapy past weeks ive feeling mental health declining shot mom email shes looking therapist fuck yea see arent well sign fucking ask help
embracing darknessdo ever one days feel like cant fight anymore day first thought morning wanted cry redflag valid option complete useless fuck human being could sit cry know why
starting make driving license now passed start good months cruising around life still sucks planning crash treefuck jobfuck anxietiesfuck society money driving license
ive been out of work for about a year and tomorrow i have my first hour shift i have to be on my foot for most of the day and am still in the process of learning what i need to do and the worst part is i will be there alone for the last hour of my shift im super anxious about this a i haven t worked an hour shift in a year or more and i wasn t super good at handling them back then either any tip for getting through longer shift with anxiety and fear of failing or getting in trouble somehow
day working hey guys still great days going fast motivation still high changed training harder painfull workout hope enjoy keep following me
knowi know note cry help ive stuck downward spiral since teenager keep thinking well time ive hit rock bottom floor crumbles continue years ive struggled alone reasons want get family upbringing sad story heard thousand times cant seem connect anyone enter girlfriend lets call lala absolute angel whatever reason seems love me love too may reason ive systematically onesidedly everything destroy relationship ive cheated times count told heartbroken forgave begged never again look face broke heart stop me longer heart tell her know it even want it far knows were happy couple im dying inside keep telling shell leave eventually itll get forgive second time says shell forgive many times takes thats bullshit everyone limit im coward disgust myself deserve her deserve anything even death deserve sit hell ive created even shred identity left deserve stay alive suffer gotten whatever justice needs whatever justice deserves wont though im working nerve quit job easy part enjoys purpose even slinging food whatever fat load wobbles door cant make decisions ive heard everyone least one positive thing them im probably exception rule im worst person ive ever met
@bellybeyond love it - well done
my bathtub drain is fired it haz job do amp it iz fail i got all drano on it as amp iz still not draining i wan na shower dangit
smash bros ultimate everyone talking steve fight sans everyones forgetting fight banjo cuphead microsoft reps
@capn_mactastic *snuggles* Poor baby. At least you got out for a bit, that's something. Now stay in bed and snuggle w/animals.
im thinking killing tonight would easy ir feels selfish anyone talk meeh
one thing i hate about dozing off in lects i wake up to a sheaf of wet and badly smudged note
hi everyone i m new to this sub and am just seeking advice support this weekend i entered into a huge depressive episode after not having one for many month i struggle with depression anxiety and ocd but it s been getting better a i ve built a routine and stuff like that this week though i had some personal issue one of which wa feeling heartbroken by a very manipulative ex and trying to get myself out of that rut the other is having to move back to my college town i am from a large city that i feel very much at home in and at college i have literally no friend and hate the small town where it s located it feel toxic for me and i never know what to do with myself i never go out and mostly just sleep to pas time today i had a particularly hard time going back cried my eye out began to feel this raw sense of loneliness and longing had trouble saying goodbye to family etc with my anxiety i also struggle with being worried that my family will die before we see each other next which is a whole other issue but it doe complicate thing can anyone help and provide some advice i do go to therapy and am not open to taking medication right now mostly i m just wondering what people do when they feel these profoundly heavy episode since it s been a while for me what is your go to activity how do you take care of yourself and get back on your foot any tip for detoxing from the internet social medium i think this might trigger me to think about my ex and stuff thank you and sending love to all
theekween heart break trauma anxiety depression pain of losing your loved one thelmasherbs
@JustinMGaston wooo ninjas rock
got scared haunted house apologised ive ever haunted house friends mum anyways got scared shouted over chainsaw noises sorry nice day
know go anymorethis hard explain im going start beginning around time two months ago first started noticing symptoms know depression thought nothing it figuring combination stress school martial arts bsa future graduating high school june despite come home several days semester could make day without breakdown still decided thats figured would get better months wrap school scouts get ready college problem didnt made summer hiding everything family slacked near july thought right all august moved freshman year college everything came back fullforce again attributed school new experience want one those people tried selfdiagnose problems got worse first harmed november know why cant explain why started stop january alone attempted end all finish it know weak attached was could put away make sure one knew happened last year constant fight keep going many mornings woke nothing get going nights spent awake silently crying wake roommate writing notes last head officially diagnosed february school psychologist made sure would reveal information want therapist majority spring semester helped day time wanted make summer thought family would make better none makes sense me ive got guaranteed job future great family strong friends almost fullride school got eagle scout progressed belts quickly martial arts get good grades everything going right far am im going theres else go cant go family friends told abandoned lost contact even made second profile case brother ended found me cant get meds better help oneway ticket army lose dream know whatd id do theres nothing am austria far distance states tried run away problems coming europe ended happening im far home little comfort gives alcohol makes feel nothing cant go route know happens end make thats person want be used video games escape thats temporary get off everything still there may sound stupid music admittedly helps moment everything still temporary think anymore constant fight keep alive wearing down want hurt family friends two choices here either get help lose dream lose life want hurt people care for do supposed put everything worked life away im weak supposed choose life future feel like everything try ends failing even not every day night filled thoughts giving up point find actively looking painless quiet way out im tired feeling like shit know theres still part thats holding on cant keep going like this think im going make semester alive im scared
im sorry what no gatekeeping intended post way many cute girls exist rteenagers like what crazy cute girls spend time reddit like wtf many yall feel like definitely real using pics form internet karma im gatekeeping anything anyone allowed here im saying cute girls cant come obviously doubt many girls rteenagers never mind cute girls mean offend anyone post rant offends please let know instead downvoting talk edit remove post stay safe
bombassdyk deathydescole ma m re est croyante lors de sa d pression on lui a rabach que c est cause de sa foi etc alors que la d pression est une maladie avec une composante biologique un d ficit de certains neurotransmetteurs c est fuir ce genre de personnes par exemple
ima really miss goodnight texts going without romantic aspect
i ve been suicidal on and off for just over year i ve been in therapy for i ve been on antidepressant for i just got out of the psych ward for the first time and now i m in a stupid zoom partial program i ve been taught countless coping skill and way of managing difficult emotion through cbt dbt act you fucking name it they re suggesting that i go to a residential program for a few week but there s no cure for depression everyone keep talking to me about college but i can barely think a month into the future never mind a year and thinking of the whole rest of my life just stretching out ahead of me just make me exhausted i m expected to keep doing this for like 0 more year at the end of the day i just can t imagine going on like this forever and i know it get better and all that bullshit but i m so sick and tired of waiting for better sure there are better day but that just make it all the more frustrating when the bad one come i m ready for this just to be over
dont even know m ya see one gonna read u would like say behalf wall it thou faulteth bumped me would appreciate u dideth noteth punch swear me truly sorry one bumped youre head me fault ok thank much listening goodbye u see dear reader wall upset swear assault bumpeth youre head it thank reading made far goodbye
survey school project hi could take survey views gender equality would super awesome results totally anonymous school project httpsdocsgooglecomformsdefaipqlsfunqhmduxezaaxvxafgfyaunbpzkeydihitdja_djaviewformuspsf_link
24 hours from now I will be a homeowner!
girlfriend ok worried long time hospital girlfriend good thank fucking god
applied mcdonalds first job feels great really didnt expect apply lastresort are still unemployed time depression sink already has knew getting classes would still result unemployed useless
wanna sleep rest life awayfor sleep next best thing finally enter permanent state unawareness eternal abyss nonexistence
Depression can be very lonely and isolating. Try @BlurtAlerts helpful advice for knowing when and how to reach out for support: https://www.blurtitout.org/2017/06/29/depression-how-and-when-to-ask-for-help/ … #depression #mentalhealth #selfcare
today is my worse birthday depression i can t even fake being excited for my birthday damn
{YAWN} Good Morning Twitters
hard assign fair number stars film settled high production values was innovative approach war film remember seen since make strong impressionbr br the long days dying must one vivid antiwar films ever made achieves simply portraying extremely realistic terms actions handful soldiers northwestern europe film one showed war infantry squad level much brutal detail coldly dispassionate way lets actions speak themselves preaching sentimentality comic relief complicated scenariosbr br unfortunately theres subtlety either partly situation trying stay alive characters come across flat familiar clichs entertainment film make it though clearly intended entertain intended slug head misery horror world war ii modern war general twenty years platoon thirty saving private ryan far watchable films flat generally disagreeable characters lack actual plot realistically unpleasant images including may first onscreen vomit theatrical history make film hard sit through though minutesbr br so stars production realism stars feeling over bonus star heart right place average br br like carl foremans underrated the victors equally downbeat interesting thoughtprovoking film long days dying seems dvd not films cable number times
well that s where all the traumatic shit happened so yeah i dwell on it like i haven t had to hear other people bitch about their childhood and then watch them be shitty adult so sorry i can t move on from year of neglect go fuck yourself
situations redflag correct answerif think isnt please dont leave comment thank
@thisismyiq Happy Birthday hope ya day is filled with joy
ugh sorry for being gross on main. depression depression depression
@brendax <333333333 love you!
@andyclemmensen whoop i pre-ordred your album i'm hell excited about hearing it!you guys must have worked so hard on it nice work xoxo
im ready kill myselflike seriously im tired shit im hurting constant fucking basis week hard cant sleep cant eat properly without feeling nauseous due crippling anxiety haunts every night gotten bad turned deep paranoia ill honest know keep saying week rough every week rough one hitting hardest ive nothing taking pain killers drinking tequila wash down im well cant resort back cutting sitting drinking feel like ive got one left feel alone abandoned like ive got nobody else world talk drinking popping pills take pain away wish dead life irrelevant issues dont know want leave never come back nobody cares issues anyways cant make people care guess fucking hate struggling stay alive painful wake ever morning barely stay awake struggling go bed hate hate fact life become im close losing it feel god damn heart broken daily basis im always constantly crying sobbing feel alone worthless feel like nobody cares loves im already struggling getting affection parents dont know else do im lost im breaking cant take anymore im fucking losing moment im ready overdose slit wrists today day time want fucking die
watching jumanji in bed. super sleepy. text me all day
doubt reach outplease
thanks for the #followfriday shout out! @b_edward_b !
planso im financially boned right now worst fear come pass cant afford apartment month im leaving everything behind hittin highway straight pembina nd border town south canada want look place never got go long term goal go there become citizen couldve better life there least could afford treatment even didnt insurance which first years while id slit throat last memory staring could been
the world ha been nothing short of a flaming corpse trash fire in these past few week there s no doubt about that but recently i can feel it around others when i m out in public no i don t have superpower lol i m just saying that i ve been getting this kind of collective i m so done with this shit vibe when i m out in public i don t know how else to explain it but everyone seems so exhausted and fed up it s like a butterfly effect since a lot of people have the same vibe right now i guess despite a lot of u being on the other side of the world it s certainly hard not to feel just how crazy these past few week have been it s like the pandemic already fucked people up for two year but now 0 just want to kick u while we re down with the current war it s neverending it s been hard for me a well i ve kind of been burying my head in the sand and focusing heavily on work and video game because holy shit is this world completely fucked up not to mention there s nothing i can really do about the situation and dwelling on it and obsessing over it isn t going to change the outcome even my friend on social medium have been talking a lot about how they ve been strangely depressed lately this situation is affecting everyone but with that said i really hope everyone pull through the rest of this month i m no military specialist so i m not even going to try and act like i know when all this will end but i hope the worst is over and that the war end soon there s a common saying thing will get worse before they get better i really hope that doesn t apply to the current situation the world need a break wishing everyone the best this week and stay encouraged
sentricmusic suffice to say their offer wa ignored then emi com launched and they all laughed rather a lot
want anything anymoreim really sure whats happened got home college summer ive felt lonely feel like friends all feel like awful person high school pretty awful person one good friends feel like still gotten awful things did now im alone hate going work hate wake up even mention anxious get around people ya know hate going work know ill speak up reason thats gotten harder harder do ampxb certain one expects low life feel like many people look im wanting quit everyone ampxb want better feel like every part wants hide
@RoosterTeeth While struggling with deep depression and an eating disorder I met a girl who loved rwby. I promised myself that if I got better we'd hang out. I did recover and we watched rwby (for my first time) and I obtained my best friend. Rwby still reminds me that I can do hard things!!
off to my BBQ, cofee with bezzy first I'll keep u informed through tweets not signs
ok i think i m finally done with work for the yester day now for a beer and some tv before hitting the sack back at it around 9am
tip iceberg im making survivalhorror game friends need voice actors people use blender people cide c d animators dm questions want invite development server
batman returns opinion first batman batman series half movie batman returns is first batman tim burton batman joker played wonderfully michael keaton jack nicholsonbr br in batman returns feel perfectly cast batman movie yes even better dark knight keaton returns batman perfect role never going far top character batman perfect film comes two villains hes against first danny devito delightfully insane penguin michelle pfeiffer catwoman dare say one interesting complex villains batman movies feel way pfeiffer way becomes catwoman starts rather pathetic mousy selena kyle truly dives dark side mind get brilliant performance woman goes trying hero villain suppose back hero end also amazing cast evil businessman max schreck played amazing legendary christopher walken supporting role theres something role love maybe look schreck film makes performance better already isbr br story wise say batman returns much going time around opposed first batman part reason loved story much fact burton dared go much darker twisted direction opposed nicholsons top antics story penguin tries deceive people gotham making new hero mayor city catwoman struggle decide really new persona comes batman feel one hes ring leader holds two stories together course kicking ass timebr br cinematography film dark atmospheric like story thats taking place within it gotham city never looked good bluray hd chance see way means truly adds overall experience batman returnsbr br so truly feel batman movies batman returns believe tops dark knight enjoyed movie heath ledgers amazing performance joker felt movie lacking something batman returns lacks nothing want see amazing film feel perfect cast batman light bat signal for
feel like choiceits want kill myself thought fear always stay alive stops me universe infinite always alive exist somewhere matter do hate it hate existance nothing suffering times less suffering never good hopeful years go by gotten worse became better coping it none matters all reality care rule reality everything exist cant escape none us can