{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "id": "711a0e17", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "import pandas as pd\n", "import requests\n", "import zipfile\n", "import pandas as pd\n", "from io import BytesIO" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 8, "id": "6abd0a8c", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "import requests\n", "import zipfile\n", "import pandas as pd\n", "from io import BytesIO\n", "\n", "# Function to handle ZIP files containing CSVs\n", "def download_and_read_zip_csv(url):\n", " with requests.get(url) as response:\n", " response.raise_for_status() \n", " with zipfile.ZipFile(BytesIO(response.content)) as zip_file:\n", " data_file_name = zip_file.namelist()[0] \n", " with zip_file.open(data_file_name) as df:\n", " data = pd.read_csv(df, low_memory=False)\n", " return data\n", "\n", "# Function to download and read an XLSX file\n", "def download_and_read_xlsx(url):\n", " with requests.get(url) as response:\n", " response.raise_for_status()\n", " data = pd.read_excel(BytesIO(response.content))\n", " return data\n", "\n", "# URLs\n", "url_chapel = \"https://huggingface.co/datasets/zwn22/NC_Crime/resolve/main/Chapel_Hill.csv.zip\"\n", "url_raleigh = \"https://huggingface.co/datasets/zwn22/NC_Crime/resolve/main/Raleigh.csv.zip\"\n", "url_cary = \"https://data.townofcary.org/api/explore/v2.1/catalog/datasets/cpd-incidents/exports/csv?lang=en&timezone=US%2FEastern&use_labels=true&delimiter=%2C\"\n", "url_durham = \"https://www.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/content/items/7132216432df4957830593359b0c4030/data\"\n", "\n", "Chapel = download_and_read_zip_csv(url_chapel)\n", "Raleigh = download_and_read_zip_csv(url_raleigh)\n", "Cary = pd.read_csv(url_cary, low_memory=False) \n", "Durham = download_and_read_xlsx(url_durham) " ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 76, "id": "c7195730", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "import pandas as pd\n", "from pyproj import Transformer\n", "\n", "def process_crime_data(filename, city_name):\n", " pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None \n", "\n", " def categorize_crime(crime):\n", " for category, crimes in crime_mapping.items():\n", " if crime in crimes:\n", " return category\n", " return 'Miscellaneous'\n", " \n", " def convert_coordinates(x, y):\n", " transformer = Transformer.from_crs(\"epsg:2264\", \"epsg:4326\", always_xy=True)\n", " lon, lat = transformer.transform(x, y)\n", " return pd.Series([lat, lon])\n", " \n", " crime_mapping = {\n", " 'Theft': [\n", " 'BURGLARY', 'MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT', 'LARCENY',\n", " 'LARCENY - AUTOMOBILE PARTS OR ACCESSORIES', 'TOWED/ABANDONED VEHICLE',\n", " 'LARCENY - FROM MOTOR VEHICLE', 'LARCENY - SHOPLIFTING', 'LOST PROPERTY',\n", " 'VANDALISM', 'LARCENY - ALL OTHER', 'LARCENY - FROM BUILDING',\n", " 'RECOVERED STOLEN PROPERTY (OTHER JURISDICTION)', 'LARCENY - POCKET-PICKING',\n", " 'LARCENY - FROM COIN-OPERATED DEVICE', 'LARCENY - PURSESNATCHING',\n", " 'LARCENY FROM MV', 'MV THEFT', 'STOLEN PROPERTY',\n", " 'THEFT/LARCENY', 'LARCENY FROM AU', 'LARCENY FROM PE', 'LARCENY OF OTHE',\n", " 'LARCENY FROM BU', 'LARCENY OF BIKE', 'LARCENY FROM RE', 'LARCENY OF AUTO'\n", " ],\n", " 'Fraud': [\n", " 'FRAUD-IDENTITY THEFT', 'EMBEZZLEMENT', 'COUNTERFEITING/FORGERY',\n", " 'FRAUD - CONFIDENCE GAMES/TRICKERY', 'FRAUD - CREDIT CARD/ATM',\n", " 'FRAUD - UNAUTHORIZED USE OF CONVEYANCE', 'FRAUD - FALSE PRETENSE',\n", " 'FRAUD - IMPERSONATION', 'FRAUD - WIRE/COMPUTER/OTHER ELECTRONIC',\n", " 'FRAUD - WORTHLESS CHECKS', 'FRAUD-FAIL TO RETURN RENTAL VEHICLE',\n", " 'FRAUD-HACKING/COMPUTER INVASION', 'FRAUD-WELFARE FRAUD', 'FRAUD', 'BRIBERY',\n", " 'FRAUD OR DECEPT'\n", " ],\n", " 'Assault': [\n", " 'SIMPLE ASSAULT', 'AGGRAVATED ASSAULT', 'ASSAULT', 'ASSAULT/SEXUAL',\n", " 'STAB GUNSHOT PE', 'ACTIVE ASSAILAN'\n", " ],\n", " 'Drugs': [\n", " 'DRUG/NARCOTIC VIOLATIONS', 'DRUG EQUIPMENT/PARAPHERNALIA', 'DRUGS',\n", " 'DRUG VIOLATIONS'\n", " ],\n", " 'Sexual Offenses': [\n", " 'SEX OFFENSE - FORCIBLE RAPE', 'SEX OFFENSE - SEXUAL ASSAULT WITH AN OBJECT',\n", " 'SEX OFFENSE - FONDLING', 'SEX OFFENSE - INDECENT EXPOSURE', 'SEX OFFENSE - FORCIBLE SODOMY',\n", " 'SEX OFFENSE - STATUTORY RAPE', 'SEX OFFENSE - PEEPING TOM', 'SEX OFFENSE - INCEST',\n", " 'SEX OFFENSES', 'SEXUAL OFFENSE'\n", " ],\n", " 'Homicide': [\n", " 'HOMICIDE-MURDER/NON-NEGLIGENT MANSLAUGHTER', 'JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE',\n", " 'HOMICIDE - NEGLIGENT MANSLAUGHTER', 'MURDER', 'SUICIDE ATTEMPT', 'ABUSE/ABANDOMEN',\n", " 'DECEASED PERSON'\n", " ],\n", " 'Arson': ['ARSON'],\n", " 'Kidnapping': ['KIDNAPPING/ABDUCTION', 'KIDNAPPING'],\n", " 'Weapons Violations': ['WEAPON VIOLATIONS', 'WEAPONS VIOLATION', 'WEAPON/FIREARMS'],\n", " 'Traffic Violations': [\n", " 'ALL TRAFFIC (EXCEPT DWI)', 'TRAFFIC', 'UNAUTHORIZED MOTOR VEHICLE USE',\n", " 'TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS', 'LIQUOR LAW VIOLATIONS', 'TRAFFIC STOP', 'TRAFFIC/TRANSPO',\n", " 'TRAFFIC VIOLATI', 'MVC', 'MVC W INJURY', 'MVC W INJURY AB', 'MVC W INJURY DE',\n", " 'MVC ENTRAPMENT'\n", " ],\n", " 'Disorderly Conduct': [\n", " 'DISORDERLY CONDUCT', 'DISORDERLY CONDUCT-DRUNK AND DISRUPTIVE',\n", " 'DISORDERLY CONDUCT-FIGHTING (AFFRAY)', 'DISORDERLY CONDUCT-UNLAWFUL ASSEMBLY',\n", " 'DISTURBANCE/NUI', 'DOMESTIC DISTUR', 'DISPUTE', 'DISTURBANCE', 'LOST PROPERTY',\n", " 'TRESPASSING/UNW', 'REFUSAL TO LEAV', 'SUSPICIOUS COND', 'STRUCTURE FIRE'\n", " ],\n", " 'Gambling': [\n", " 'GAMBLING - OPERATING/PROMOTING/ASSISTING', 'GAMBLING - BETTING/WAGERING', 'GAMBLING'\n", " ],\n", " 'Animal-related Offenses': ['ANIMAL CRUELTY', 'ANIMAL BITE', 'ANIMAL', 'ANIMAL CALL'],\n", " 'Prostitution-related Offenses': [\n", " 'PROSTITUTION', 'PROSTITUTION - ASSISTING/PROMOTING', 'PROSTITUTION - PURCHASING'\n", " ],\n", " 'Miscellaneous': [\n", " 'MISCELLANEOUS', 'ALL OTHER OFFENSES', '', 'SUSPICIOUS/WANT', 'MISC OFFICER IN',\n", " 'INDECENCY/LEWDN', 'PUBLIC SERVICE', 'TRESPASSING', 'UNKNOWN PROBLEM', 'LOUD NOISE',\n", " 'ESCORT', 'ABDUCTION/CUSTO', 'THREATS', 'BURGLAR ALARM', 'DOMESTIC', 'PROPERTY FOUND',\n", " 'FIREWORKS', 'MISSING/RUNAWAY', 'MENTAL DISORDER', 'CHECK WELL BEIN', 'PSYCHIATRIC',\n", " 'OPEN DOOR', 'ABANDONED AUTO', 'HARASSMENT THRE', 'JUVENILE RELATE', 'ASSIST MOTORIST',\n", " 'HAZARDOUS DRIVI', 'GAS LEAK FIRE', 'ASSIST OTHER AG', 'DOMESTIC ASSIST', 'SUSPICIOUS VEHI',\n", " 'UNKNOWN LE', 'ALARMS', '911 HANGUP', 'BOMB/CBRN/PRODU', 'STATIONARY PATR', 'LITTERING',\n", " 'HOUSE CHECK', 'CARDIAC', 'CLOSE PATROL', 'BOMB FOUND/SUSP', 'INFO FOR ALL UN', 'UNCONCIOUS OR F',\n", " 'LIFTING ASSISTA', 'ATTEMPT TO LOCA', 'SICK PERSON', 'HEAT OR COLD EX', 'CONFINED SPACE',\n", " 'TRAUMATIC INJUR', 'DROWNING', 'CITY ORDINANCE', 'JUVENILE', 'MISSING PERSON',\n", " 'PUBLIC SERVICE', 'PUBLICE SERVICE'\n", " ],\n", " 'Robbery': ['ROBBERY'],\n", " 'Extortion': ['EXTORTION'],\n", " 'Human Trafficking': ['HUMAN TRAFFICKING']\n", " }\n", " \n", " crime_severity_mapping = {\n", " 'Miscellaneous': 'Minor',\n", " 'Disorderly Conduct': 'Minor',\n", " 'Traffic Violations': 'Minor',\n", " 'Animal-related Offenses': 'Minor',\n", " 'Prostitution-related Offenses': 'Minor',\n", " 'Gambling': 'Minor',\n", " 'Public Service': 'Minor',\n", " 'Juvenile': 'Minor',\n", " 'Fraud': 'Moderate',\n", " 'Theft': 'Moderate',\n", " 'Drugs': 'Moderate',\n", " 'Assault': 'Moderate',\n", " 'Sexual Offenses': 'Moderate',\n", " 'Weapons Violations': 'Moderate',\n", " 'Vandalism': 'Moderate',\n", " 'Burglary': 'Moderate',\n", " 'Robbery': 'Moderate',\n", " 'Kidnapping': 'Severe',\n", " 'Homicide': 'Severe',\n", " 'Arson': 'Severe',\n", " 'Extortion': 'Severe',\n", " 'Human Trafficking': 'Severe',\n", " 'Murder': 'Severe'\n", " }\n", "\n", " df = pd.DataFrame() # Initialize an empty DataFrame for generic use\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " if city_name == 'Durham':\n", " df = pd.read_excel(filename)\n", " df['Weapon'] = df['Weapon'].replace(['(blank)', 'Not Applicable/None', 'Unknown/Not Stated'], None) \n", " df['crime_major_category'] = df['Offense'].apply(categorize_crime)\n", " \n", " # Apply coordinate conversion and categorization\n", " coordinates = df.apply(lambda row: convert_coordinates(row['X'], row['Y']), axis=1)\n", " df['latitude'], df['longitude'] = coordinates[0], coordinates[1]\n", "\n", " new_df = pd.DataFrame({\n", " \"year\": pd.to_datetime(df['Report Date']).dt.year,\n", " \"city\": \"Durham\",\n", " \"crime_major_category\": df['crime_major_category'],\n", " \"crime_detail\": df['Offense'].str.title(),\n", " \"latitude\": df['latitude'],\n", " \"longitude\": df['longitude'],\n", " \"occurance_time\": pd.to_datetime(df['Report Date'].astype(str) + ' ' + df['Report Time'], errors='coerce').dt.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'),\n", " \"clear_status\": df['Status'],\n", " \"incident_address\": df['Address'],\n", " \"notes\": df['Weapon'].apply(lambda x: f\"Weapon: {x}\" if pd.notnull(x) else \"No Data\")\n", " }).fillna(\"No Data\")\n", "\n", " \n", " elif city_name == 'Raleigh':\n", " df = pd.read_csv(filename, low_memory=False)\n", " new_df = pd.DataFrame({\n", " \"year\": df['reported_year'],\n", " \"city\": \"Raleigh\",\n", " \"crime_major_category\": df['crime_category'].apply(categorize_crime),\n", " \"crime_detail\": df['crime_description'],\n", " \"latitude\": df['latitude'].round(5).fillna(0),\n", " \"longitude\": df['longitude'].round(5).fillna(0),\n", " \"occurance_time\": pd.to_datetime(df['reported_date'].str.replace(r'\\+\\d{2}$', '', regex=True), errors='coerce').dt.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'),\n", " \"clear_status\": None,\n", " \"incident_address\": df['reported_block_address'] + ', ' + df['district'] + ', Raleigh',\n", " \"notes\": 'District: '+ df['district'].str.title()\n", " }).fillna(\"No Data\")\n", " \n", " elif city_name == 'Cary':\n", " df = pd.read_csv(filename, low_memory=False).dropna(subset=['Year'])\n", " new_df = pd.DataFrame({\n", " \"year\": df[\"Year\"].astype(int),\n", " \"city\": \"Cary\",\n", " \"crime_major_category\": df['Crime Category'].apply(categorize_crime).str.title(),\n", " \"crime_detail\": df['Crime Type'].str.title(),\n", " \"latitude\": df['Lat'].fillna(0).round(5).fillna(0),\n", " \"longitude\": df['Lon'].fillna(0).round(5).fillna(0),\n", " \"occurance_time\": pd.to_datetime(df['Begin Date Of Occurrence'] + ' ' + df['Begin Time Of Occurrence']).dt.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'),\n", " \"clear_status\": None,\n", " \"incident_address\": df['Geo Code'],\n", " \"notes\": 'District: '+ df['District'].str.title() + ' Violent Property: ' + df['Violent Property'].str.title()\n", " }).fillna(\"No Data\")\n", " \n", " elif city_name == 'Chapel Hill':\n", " df = pd.read_csv(filename, low_memory=False)\n", " replace_values = {'': None, 'NONE': None}\n", " df['Weapon_Description'] = df['Weapon_Description'].replace(replace_values)\n", " new_df = pd.DataFrame({\n", " \"year\": pd.to_datetime(df['Date_of_Occurrence']).dt.year,\n", " \"city\": \"Chapel Hill\",\n", " \"crime_major_category\": df['Reported_As'].apply(categorize_crime),\n", " \"crime_detail\": df['Offense'].str.title(),\n", " \"latitude\": df['X'].round(5).fillna(0),\n", " \"longitude\": df['Y'].round(5).fillna(0),\n", " \"occurance_time\": pd.to_datetime(df['Date_of_Occurrence'].str.replace(r'\\+\\d{2}$', '', regex=True)).dt.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'),\n", " \"clear_status\": None,\n", " \"incident_address\": df['Street'].str.replace(\"@\", \" \"),\n", " \"notes\": df['Weapon_Description'].apply(lambda x: f\"Weapon: {x}\" if pd.notnull(x) else \"Weapon: None\").str.title()\n", " }).fillna(\"No Data\")\n", " indices_to_switch = new_df.loc[(new_df['latitude'].between(-82, -75)) & (new_df['longitude'].between(35, 40))].index\n", " for idx in indices_to_switch:\n", " new_df.at[idx, 'latitude'], new_df.at[idx, 'longitude'] = new_df.at[idx, 'longitude'], new_df.at[idx, 'latitude']\n", "\n", " \n", " new_df = new_df[new_df['year'] >= 2015]\n", " new_df = new_df.loc[(new_df['latitude'].between(35, 40)) & (new_df['longitude'].between(-82, -75))]\n", " new_df['crime_severity'] = new_df['crime_major_category'].map(crime_severity_mapping)\n", " return new_df\n", "\n", "# Example usage\n", "Cary_new = process_crime_data(\"Cary.csv\", \"Cary\")\n", "Chapel_new = process_crime_data(\"Chapel_hill.csv\", \"Chapel Hill\")\n", "Durham_new = process_crime_data(\"Durham.xlsx\", \"Durham\")\n", "Raleigh_new = process_crime_data(\"Raleigh.csv\", \"Raleigh\")\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 77, "id": "cfd5d140", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "NC_v1 = pd.concat([Durham_new, Chapel_new, Cary_new, Raleigh_new], ignore_index=True)\n", "NC_v1.to_csv('NC_v1.csv', index=False)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 5, "id": "8186c46a", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "(585886, 11)" ] }, "execution_count": 5, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "NC_v1 = pd.read_csv(\"NC_v1.csv\")\n", "NC_v1.shape" ] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.11.5" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 5 }