Eurovoc_English / files /36_years1977-07.jsonl
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{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Amendment to a proposal for a Council Decision concerning a research programme in the field of treatment and use of sewage sludge (concerted action). (presented by the Commission to the Council pursuant to the second paragraph of article 149 of the EEC Treaty)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b", "workTypes": ",", "authors": "Directorate-General for Research and Innovation,European Commission", "date": "1977-08-01", "subjects": "environmental protection,research programme,sewage sludge,water treatment", "workIds": "celex:51977PC0403,comnat:COM_1977_0403_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["environmental protection", "research programme", "sewage sludge", "water treatment"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Amendment of the proposal to the Council for a directive relating to the use of fuel-oils with the aim of decreasing sulphurous emissions (Presented by the Commission to the Council pursuant to the second paragraph of article 149 of the EEC Treaty)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b", "workTypes": "", "authors": "Directorate-General for Environment,European Commission", "date": "1977-08-01", "subjects": "EU Member State,air quality,atmospheric pollutant,chemical process,fuel oil,pollution control measures,sulphur", "workIds": "celex:51977PC0407,comnat:COM_1977_0407_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "air quality", "atmospheric pollutant", "chemical process", "fuel oil", "pollution control measures", "sulphur"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "77/525/EEC: Commission Decision of 29 July 1977 on the implementation of the reform of agricultural structures in Italy (region of Tuscany) pursuant to Council Directives 72/159/EEC, 72/160/EEC and 72/161/EEC, and Titles III and IV of Council Directive 75/268/EEC (Only the Italian text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-07-29", "subjects": "EAGGF Guidance Section,Italy,State aid,agrarian reform,farm modernisation,less-favoured agricultural area", "workIds": "celex:31977D0525,oj:JOL_1977_209_R_0025_023", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EAGGF Guidance Section", "Italy", "State aid", "agrarian reform", "farm modernisation", "less-favoured agricultural area"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1761/77 of 29 July 1977 laying down rules for the application of Regulation (EEC) No 2742/75", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-07-29", "subjects": "cereals,disclosure of information,isoglucose,production refund,rice", "workIds": "celex:31977R1761,oj:JOL_1977_191_R_0090_037", "eurovoc_concepts": ["cereals", "disclosure of information", "isoglucose", "production refund", "rice"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1868/77 of 29 July 1977 laying down detailed rules of application for Regulation (EEC) No 2782/75 on the production and marketing of eggs for hatching and of farmyard poultry chicks", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-07-29", "subjects": "egg,marketing standard,poultry,regulation of agricultural production", "workIds": "celex:31977R1868,oj:JOL_1977_209_R_0001_009", "eurovoc_concepts": ["egg", "marketing standard", "poultry", "regulation of agricultural production"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Amended proposal REGULATION (EEC) OF THE COUNCIL on certain measures to prevent abuses resulting from the sale of agricultural products on board ship (submitted to the Council by the Commission)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b", "workTypes": "", "authors": "Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development,European Commission", "date": "1977-07-29", "subjects": "agricultural product,customs duties,customs territory (EU),exemption from customs duties,import levy,traveller", "workIds": "celex:51977PC0384,comnat:COM_1977_0384_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["agricultural product", "customs duties", "customs territory (EU)", "exemption from customs duties", "import levy", "traveller"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "77/523/EEC: Commission Decision of 29 July 1977 on the implementation of the reform of agricultural structures in France pursuant to Council Directive 72/159/EEC (Only the French text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-07-29", "subjects": "EAGGF Guidance Section,France,State aid,agrarian reform,development plan,farm modernisation", "workIds": "celex:31977D0523,oj:JOL_1977_209_R_0023_021", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EAGGF Guidance Section", "France", "State aid", "agrarian reform", "development plan", "farm modernisation"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "77/524/EEC: Commission Decision of 29 July 1977 on the implementation of the reform of agricultural structures in the Kingdom of Denmark pursuant to Council Directive 72/159/EEC (Only the Danish text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-07-29", "subjects": "Denmark,EAGGF Guidance Section,State aid,agrarian reform,farm development plan,farm modernisation", "workIds": "celex:31977D0524,oj:JOL_1977_209_R_0024_022", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Denmark", "EAGGF Guidance Section", "State aid", "agrarian reform", "farm development plan", "farm modernisation"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Proposal for a Directive on the protection of participants in home study courses (submitted to the Council by the Commission)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b", "workTypes": ",", "authors": "Directorate-General for Environment,European Commission", "date": "1977-07-29", "subjects": "consumer protection,contract,education,educational system,home education,vocational training", "workIds": "celex:51977PC0404,comnat:COM_1977_0404_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["consumer protection", "contract", "education", "educational system", "home education", "vocational training"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Modifications of a Proposal for a Council Directive on bird conservation (Presented by the Commission to the Council pursuant to the second paragraph of article 149 of the EEC Treaty)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b", "workTypes": "", "authors": "Directorate-General for Environment,European Commission", "date": "1977-07-29", "subjects": "EU environmental policy,biodiversity,biotope,bird,protection of animal life", "workIds": "celex:51977PC0379,comnat:COM_1977_0379_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU environmental policy", "biodiversity", "biotope", "bird", "protection of animal life"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "77/526/EEC: Commission Decision of 29 July 1977 on the implementation of the reform of agricultural structures in the Kingdom of the Netherlands pursuant to Title I of Council Directive 72/161/EEC (Only the Dutch text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-07-29", "subjects": "EAGGF Guidance Section,Netherlands,State aid,agrarian reform,agricultural advisory services,socioeconomic conditions", "workIds": "celex:31977D0526,oj:JOL_1977_209_R_0027_024", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EAGGF Guidance Section", "Netherlands", "State aid", "agrarian reform", "agricultural advisory services", "socioeconomic conditions"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "77/527/EEC: Commission Decision of 29 July 1977 establishing the list of maritime shipping lanes for the application of Council Directive 76/135/EEC", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-07-29", "subjects": "carriage of goods,carriage of passengers,inland waterway shipping,network of navigable waterways,transport document", "workIds": "celex:31977D0527,oj:JOL_1977_209_R_0029_025", "eurovoc_concepts": ["carriage of goods", "carriage of passengers", "inland waterway shipping", "network of navigable waterways", "transport document"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Information from the Commission - Reconversion loans granted at reduced interest rates, under Article 56 of the ECSC Treaty, for investments which create alternative employment opportunities in areas affected by a decline in the activities of the coal or steel industries", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-07-27", "subjects": "declining industrial region,industrial investment,interest,job creation,redevelopment aid", "workIds": "celex:31977Y0727(01),oj:JOC_1977_178_R_0002_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["declining industrial region", "industrial investment", "interest", "job creation", "redevelopment aid"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "77/595/ECSC: Commission Decision of 27 July 1977 concerning checks to be made pursuant to the second sentence of the first paragraph of Article 47 of the ECSC Treaty at Stahlwerke R\u00f6chling-Burbach GmbH, V\u00f6lklingen/Saar (Only the German text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-07-27", "subjects": "Germany,administrative check,auditing,iron and steel industry,restriction on competition", "workIds": "celex:31977D0595,oj:JOL_1977_243_R_0020_015", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Germany", "administrative check", "auditing", "iron and steel industry", "restriction on competition"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "77/586/EEC: Council Decision of 25 July 1977 concluding the Convention for the protection of the Rhine against chemical pollution and an Additional Agreement to the Agreement, signed in Berne on 29 April 1963, concerning the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine against Pollution", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-07-25", "subjects": "European convention,chemical pollution,pollution control measures,transfrontier pollution,watercourse", "workIds": "celex:31977D0586", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European convention", "chemical pollution", "pollution control measures", "transfrontier pollution", "watercourse"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Ammedments to the Proposal for a Council Directive on the approximation of Member States' laws, regulations and administrative provisions on the protection of the health of workers occupationally exposed to vinyl chloride monomer (presented by the Commission to the Council pursuant to the second paragraph of article 149 of the EEC Treaty)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b", "workTypes": "", "authors": "Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion,European Commission", "date": "1977-07-25", "subjects": "carcinogenic substance,chemical industry,health control,health risk,illness,occupational disease,occupational health,toxic substance", "workIds": "celex:51977PC0359,comnat:COM_1977_0359_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["carcinogenic substance", "chemical industry", "health control", "health risk", "illness", "occupational disease", "occupational health", "toxic substance"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1669/77 of 25 July 1977 on the classification of goods under Common Customs Tariff subheading 02.02 B I", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-07-25", "subjects": "common customs tariff,offal,slaughtered poultry,tariff nomenclature", "workIds": "celex:31977R1669,oj:JOL_1977_186_R_0023_022", "eurovoc_concepts": ["common customs tariff", "offal", "slaughtered poultry", "tariff nomenclature"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Council Directive 77/504/EEC of 25 July 1977 on pure- bred breeding animals of the bovine species", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-07-25", "subjects": "animal breeding,artificial insemination,cattle,disclosure of information,intra-EU trade", "workIds": "celex:31977L0504,oj:JOL_1977_206_R_0008_008", "eurovoc_concepts": ["animal breeding", "artificial insemination", "cattle", "disclosure of information", "intra-EU trade"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "77/585/EEC: Council Decision of 25 July 1977 concluding the Convention for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution and the Protocol for the prevention of the pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by dumping from ships and aircraft", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "fmx4,html,pdfa1b,print,xhtml", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-07-25", "subjects": "European convention,Mediterranean Sea,dumping of waste,marine pollution,pollution control measures", "workIds": "celex:31977D0585", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European convention", "Mediterranean Sea", "dumping of waste", "marine pollution", "pollution control measures"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["fmx4", "html", "pdfa1b", "print", "xhtml"], "text": "L_1977240EN. 01000101. xml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n19. 9. 1977\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nEN\n\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities\n\n\nL 240/1\n\n\n\n\n\nCOUNCIL DECISION\nof 25 July 1977\nconcluding the Convention for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution and the Protocol for the prevention of the pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by dumping from ships and aircraft\n(77/585/EEC)\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 235 thereof,\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission,\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European Parliament\u00a0(1),\nWhereas Article 24 of the Convention for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution provides that the Convention and the Protocols relating thereto shall be open for signature by the European Economic Community;\nHaving regard to the declaration of the Council of the European Communities and of the representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting in the Council of 22 November 1973 on the programme of action of the European Communities on the environment\u00a0(2);\nWhereas that programme lays stress inter alia on the fact that marine pollution affects the whole Community, both because of the essential role played by the sea in the preservation and development of species and on account of the importance of sea transport for the harmonious economic development of the Community;\nWhereas, furthermore, the action programme referred to above and Council Directive 76/464/EEC of 4 May 1976 on pollution caused by certain dangerous substances discharged into the aquatic environment of the Community\u00a0(3) provide that certain measures are to be implemented by the Community in order to reduce the various types of marine pollution;\nWhereas the Convention on the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution provides in particular that suitable measures should be adopted to prevent and reduce pollution caused by dumping from ships and aircraft, pollution resulting from the exploration and exploitation of the continental shelf, the seabed and its subsoil and pollution from land-based sources;\nWhereas Article 23 of the Convention provides that no party may become a Contracting Party thereto unless it becomes at the same time a Contracting Party to at least one of the Protocols and that no party may become a Contracting Party to a Protocol unless it is, or becomes at the same time, a Contracting Party to the Convention;\nWhereas it appears necessary for the Community to conclude this Convention and the Protocol on the prevention of the pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by dumping from ships and aircraft in order to attain, in the course of the operation of the common market, one of the objectives of the Community in the field of the protection of the environment and of the quality of life; whereas, moreover no provision is made in the Treaty for the powers necessary to this end;\nWhereas the Convention and the said Protocol were signed on behalf of the Community on 13 September 1976,\nHAS DECIDED AS FOLLOWS:\nArticle 1\nThe Convention for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution and the Protocol for the prevention of pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by dumping from ships and aircraft are hereby concluded on behalf of the European Economic Community. The texts of the Convention and the Protocol are annexed to this Decision. Article 2\nThe President of the Council of the European Communities shall on behalf of the European Economic Community deposit the act concluding the Convention provided for in Article 25 thereof\u00a0(4). Done at Brussels, 25 July 1977. For the Council\n\n\nThe President\n\nH. SIMONET\n\n\n\n\n(1)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No C 259, 4. 11. 1976, p. 42. (2)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No C 112, 20. 12. 1973, p. 1. (3)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 129, 18. 5. 1976, p. 23. (4)\u00a0\u00a0The date of the entry into force of the Convention and the Protocol will be published by the General Secretariat of the Council in the Official Journal of the European Communities"}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 1694/77 of 25 July 1977 extending for the sixth time the system of temporary partial suspension of the Common Customs Tariff duties on wine, originating in and coming from Turkey, provided for in Regulation (EEC) No 2823/71", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-07-25", "subjects": "T\u00fcrkiye,import (EU),originating product,suspension of customs duties,wine", "workIds": "celex:31977R1694,oj:JOL_1977_188_R_0015_007", "eurovoc_concepts": ["T\u00fcrkiye", "import (EU)", "originating product", "suspension of customs duties", "wine"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Council Directive 77/576/EEC of 25 July 1977 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the provision of safety signs at places of work", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-07-25", "subjects": "occupational safety,signalling device", "workIds": "celex:31977L0576,oj:JOL_1977_229_R_0012_005", "eurovoc_concepts": ["occupational safety", "signalling device"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "77/534/EEC: Commission Recommendation of 25 July 1977 concerning a European code of conduct relating to transactions in transferable securities", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-07-25", "subjects": "approximation of laws,code of conduct,securities", "workIds": "celex:31977H0534,oj:JOL_1977_212_R_0037_020", "eurovoc_concepts": ["approximation of laws", "code of conduct", "securities"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "77/543/EEC: Commission Decision of 25 July 1977 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/27.093: De Laval-Stork) (Only the Dutch text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-07-25", "subjects": "Netherlands,United States,hydraulic machinery,inter-company agreement,pump", "workIds": "celex:31977D0543,oj:JOL_1977_215_R_0011_009", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Netherlands", "United States", "hydraulic machinery", "inter-company agreement", "pump"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Council Directive 77/486/EEC of 25 July 1977 on the education of the children of migrant workers", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "fmx4,html,pdfa1b,print,xhtml", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-07-25", "subjects": "child of migrant,free education,migrant worker,schooling", "workIds": "celex:31977L0486,oj:JOL_1977_199_R_0032_015", "eurovoc_concepts": ["child of migrant", "free education", "migrant worker", "schooling"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["fmx4", "html", "pdfa1b", "print", "xhtml"], "text": "L_1977199EN. 01003201. xml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n6. 8. 1977\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nEN\n\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities\n\n\nL 199/32\n\n\n\n\n\nCOUNCIL DIRECTIVE\nof 25 July 1977\non the education of the children of migrant workers\n(77/486/EEC)\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 49 thereof,\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission,\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European Parliament\u00a0(1),\nHaving regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee\u00a0(2)\n\nWhereas in its resolution of 21 January 1974 concerning a social action programme\u00a0(3), the Council included in its priority actions those designed to improve the conditions of freedom of movement for workers relating in particular to reception and to the education of their children;\nWhereas in order to permit the integration of such children into the educational environment and the school system of the host State, they should be able to receive suitable tuition including teaching of the language of the host State;\nWhereas host Member States should also take, in conjunction with the Member States of origin, appropriate measures to promote the teaching of the mother tongue and of the culture of the country of origin of the abovementioned children, with a view principally to facilitating their possible reintegration into the Member State of origin,\nHAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:\nArticle 1\nThis Directive shall apply to children for whom school attendance is compulsory under the laws of the host State, who are dependants of any worker who is a national of another Member State, where such children are resident in the territory of the Member State in which that national carries on or has carried on an activity as an employed person. Article 2\nMember States shall, in accordance with their national circumstances and legal systems, take appropriate measures to ensure that free tuition to facilitate initial reception is offered in their territory to the children referred to in Article 1, including, in particular, the teaching \u2014 adapted to the specific needs of such children \u2014 of the official language or one of the official languages of the host State. Member States shall take the measures necessary for the training and further training of the teachers who are to provide this tuition. Article 3\nMember States shall, in accordance with their national circumstances and legal systems, and in cooperation with States of origin, take appropriate measures to promote, in coordination with normal education, teaching of the mother tongue and culture of the country of origin for the children referred to in Article 1. Article 4\nThe Member States shall take the necessary measures to comply with this Directive within four years of its notification and shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof. The Member States shall also inform the Commission of all laws, regulations and administrative or other provisions which they adopt in the field governed by this Directive. Article 5\nThe Member States shall forward to the Commission within five years of the notification of this Directive, and subsequently at regular intervals at the request of the Commission, all relevant information to enable the Commission to report to the Council on the application of this Directive. Article 6\nThis Directive is addressed to the Member States. Done at Brussels, 25 July 1977. For the Council\n\n\nThe President\n\nH. SIMONET\n\n\n\n\n(1)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No C 280, 8. 12. 1975, p. 48. (2)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No C 45, 27. 2. 1976, p. 6. (3)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No C 13, 12. 2. 1974, p. 1"}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "77/505/EEC: Council Decision of 25 July 1977 setting up a Standing Committee on Zootechnics", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-07-25", "subjects": "animal breeding,standing committee (EU),zoology", "workIds": "celex:31977D0505,oj:JOL_1977_206_R_0011_009", "eurovoc_concepts": ["animal breeding", "standing committee (EU)", "zoology"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Commission Decision No 1687/77/ECSC of 22 July 1977 supplementing Decision No 2/52 as regards the due date for payment of the levy on the production of coal and steel", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-07-22", "subjects": "ECSC levy,coal industry,iron and steel industry,payment,production capacity", "workIds": "celex:31977S1687,oj:JOL_1977_187_R_0035_016", "eurovoc_concepts": ["ECSC levy", "coal industry", "iron and steel industry", "payment", "production capacity"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1632/77 of 20 July 1977 supplementing Regulation (EEC) No 1799/76 laying down detailed rules for the application of special measures in respect of linseed", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-07-20", "subjects": "aid per hectare,flax,seed flax", "workIds": "celex:31977R1632,oj:JOL_1977_181_R_0031_021", "eurovoc_concepts": ["aid per hectare", "flax", "seed flax"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1629/77 of 20 July 1977 laying down detailed rules of application for special intervention measures to support the development of the market in common wheat of bread-making quality", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-07-20", "subjects": "cereals of bread-making quality,common organisation of markets,common wheat,product quality,reference price", "workIds": "celex:31977R1629,oj:JOL_1977_181_R_0026_018", "eurovoc_concepts": ["cereals of bread-making quality", "common organisation of markets", "common wheat", "product quality", "reference price"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 1665/77 of 20 July 1977 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2742/75 on production refunds in the cereals and rice sectors", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-07-20", "subjects": "cereals,isoglucose,production refund,rice", "workIds": "celex:31977R1665,oj:JOL_1977_186_R_0015_018", "eurovoc_concepts": ["cereals", "isoglucose", "production refund", "rice"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "77/506/EEC: Commission Decision of 20 July 1977 on the refusal to accept the scientific character of printing apparatus intended for high-speed printing described as 'Tektronix Graphical Display System' model 4051", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-07-20", "subjects": "common customs tariff,exemption from customs duties,office equipment,scientific apparatus,scientific calculation", "workIds": "celex:31977D0506,oj:JOL_1977_207_R_0047_023", "eurovoc_concepts": ["common customs tariff", "exemption from customs duties", "office equipment", "scientific apparatus", "scientific calculation"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 1784/77 of 19 July 1977 concerning the certification of hops", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-07-19", "subjects": "Community certification,EU production,disclosure of information,hops,import (EU)", "workIds": "celex:31977R1784,oj:JOL_1977_200_R_0001_006", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Community certification", "EU production", "disclosure of information", "hops", "import (EU)"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 1663/77 of 18 July 1977 on the safeguard measures provided for in the Cooperation Agreement and the Interim Agreement between the European Economic Community and the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-07-18", "subjects": "Algeria,EU law,anti-dumping duty,cooperation agreement (EU),interim agreement (EU),protective clause", "workIds": "celex:31977R1663,oj:JOL_1977_186_R_0011_016", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Algeria", "EU law", "anti-dumping duty", "cooperation agreement (EU)", "interim agreement (EU)", "protective clause"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 1659/77 of 18 July 1977 on the safeguard measures provided for in the Cooperation Agreement and the Interim Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-07-18", "subjects": "EU law,Jordan,anti-dumping duty,cooperation agreement (EU),interim agreement (EU),protective clause", "workIds": "celex:31977R1659,oj:JOL_1977_186_R_0003_012", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU law", "Jordan", "anti-dumping duty", "cooperation agreement (EU)", "interim agreement (EU)", "protective clause"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Council Resolution of 18 July 1977 on advisory committees on research programme management", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-07-18", "subjects": "advisory committee (EU),comitology,management,research programme", "workIds": "celex:31977Y0811(01),oj:JOC_1977_192_R_0001_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["advisory committee (EU)", "comitology", "management", "research programme"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 1662/77 of 18 July 1977 on the safeguard measures provided for in the Cooperation Agreement and the Interim Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Morocco", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-07-18", "subjects": "Morocco,anti-dumping measure,cooperation agreement (EU),interim agreement (EU),protective clause", "workIds": "celex:31977R1662,oj:JOL_1977_186_R_0009_015", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Morocco", "anti-dumping measure", "cooperation agreement (EU)", "interim agreement (EU)", "protective clause"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 1658/77 of 18 July 1977 on the safeguard measures provided for in the Cooperation Agreement and the Interim Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Arab Republic of Egypt", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-07-18", "subjects": "EU law,Egypt,anti-dumping duty,cooperation agreement (EU),interim agreement (EU),protective clause", "workIds": "celex:31977R1658,oj:JOL_1977_186_R_0001_011", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU law", "Egypt", "anti-dumping duty", "cooperation agreement (EU)", "interim agreement (EU)", "protective clause"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 1726/77 of 18 July 1977 on the application of Decision No 2/76 of the EEC-Israel Joint Committee amending Protocol No 3 of the EEC-Israel Agreement as regards the rules of origin", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-07-18", "subjects": "Israel,administrative cooperation,customs document,form,originating product,protocol to an agreement", "workIds": "celex:31977R1726", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Israel", "administrative cooperation", "customs document", "form", "originating product", "protocol to an agreement"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 1660/77 of 18 July 1977 on the safeguard measures provided for in the Cooperation Agreement and the Interim Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Syrian Arab Republic", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-07-18", "subjects": "EU law,Syria,anti-dumping duty,cooperation agreement (EU),interim agreement (EU),protective clause", "workIds": "celex:31977R1660,oj:JOL_1977_186_R_0005_013", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU law", "Syria", "anti-dumping duty", "cooperation agreement (EU)", "interim agreement (EU)", "protective clause"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 1664/77 of 18 July 1977 on the safeguard measures provided for in the Cooperation Agreement and the Interim Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Tunisia", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-07-18", "subjects": "Tunisia,anti-dumping duty,cooperation agreement (EU),countervailing charge,interim agreement (EU),protective clause", "workIds": "celex:31977R1664,oj:JOL_1977_186_R_0013_017", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Tunisia", "anti-dumping duty", "cooperation agreement (EU)", "countervailing charge", "interim agreement (EU)", "protective clause"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 1620/77 of 18 July 1977 on imports of olive oil originating in Lebanon", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-07-18", "subjects": "Lebanon,agricultural levy,export tax,olive oil", "workIds": "celex:31977R1620,oj:JOL_1977_181_R_0004_009", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Lebanon", "agricultural levy", "export tax", "olive oil"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 1661/77 of 18 July 1977 on the safeguard measures provided for in the Cooperation Agreement and the Interim Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Lebanese Republic", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-07-18", "subjects": "Lebanon,anti-dumping measure,cooperation agreement (EU),countervailing charge,interim agreement (EU),protective clause", "workIds": "celex:31977R1661,oj:JOL_1977_186_R_0007_014", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Lebanon", "anti-dumping measure", "cooperation agreement (EU)", "countervailing charge", "interim agreement (EU)", "protective clause"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Amended Proposal under Article 149 of the EEC Treaty and Article 119 of the Euratom Treaty, for Title VII (Special provisions applicable to research and investment appropriations) of the Council Regulation (ECSC, ESC, Euratom) amending the Financial Regulation of 25 April 1973 applicable to the Budget of the European Communities (submitted to the Council by the Commission)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b", "workTypes": "", "authors": "Directorate-General for Budget,European Commission", "date": "1977-07-14", "subjects": "financial management,financial regulation,general budget (EU),implementation of the budget,investment,research", "workIds": "celex:51977PC0352,comnat:COM_1977_0352_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["financial management", "financial regulation", "general budget (EU)", "implementation of the budget", "investment", "research"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Agreement between the European Economic Community, the Swiss Confederation and the Republic of Austria on the extension of the application of the rules on Community transit", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "Austria,European Economic Community,Switzerland", "date": "1977-07-12", "subjects": "Austria,Switzerland,Union transit,agreement (EU),customs transit,trade regulations", "workIds": "celex:21977A0712(01)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Austria", "Switzerland", "Union transit", "agreement (EU)", "customs transit", "trade regulations"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "77/548/ECSC: Commission Decision of 12 July 1977 authorizing an agreement between coal wholesalers strictly analogous to a joint buying agreement for solid fuels (Only the German text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-07-12", "subjects": "Germany,buying group,coal industry,energy supply,wholesale trade", "workIds": "celex:31977D0548,oj:JOL_1977_217_R_0011_009", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Germany", "buying group", "coal industry", "energy supply", "wholesale trade"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "77/467/EEC: Commission Recommendation of 6 July 1977 to the Member States on vocational preparation for young people who are unemployed or threatened by unemployment", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-07-06", "subjects": "integration into employment,labour law,school legislation,youth employment,youth unemployment", "workIds": "celex:31977H0467,oj:JOL_1977_180_R_0018_014", "eurovoc_concepts": ["integration into employment", "labour law", "school legislation", "youth employment", "youth unemployment"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1517/77 of 6 July 1977 fixing the list of the various groups of hop varieties cultivated in the Community", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-07-06", "subjects": "EU production,agricultural product nomenclature,hops", "workIds": "celex:31977R1517,oj:JOL_1977_169_R_0013_011", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU production", "agricultural product nomenclature", "hops"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1516/77 of 6 July 1977 amending Regulation (EEC) No 776/73 on registration of contracts and communication of data with respect to hops", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-07-06", "subjects": "aid per hectare,disclosure of information,hops,utilised agricultural area", "workIds": "celex:31977R1516,oj:JOL_1977_169_R_0012_010", "eurovoc_concepts": ["aid per hectare", "disclosure of information", "hops", "utilised agricultural area"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "MODIFICATION of the proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION on Community financial measures to promote the use of coal for electricity generation (COM(76)648 final/2 of 17 January 1977 (presented by the Commission to the Council pursuant to the second paragraph of article 149 of the EEC Treaty)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b", "workTypes": "", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-07-04", "subjects": "EU aid,EU energy policy,coal,electrical energy,energy industry,energy production,investment project,investment promotion,power plant", "workIds": "celex:51977PC0314,comnat:COM_1977_0314_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "EU energy policy", "coal", "electrical energy", "energy industry", "energy production", "investment project", "investment promotion", "power plant"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1493/77 of 4 July 1977 amending Regulation (EEC) No 497/70 on rules for the application of export refunds on fruit and vegetables", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-07-04", "subjects": "export refund,fruit,vegetable", "workIds": "celex:31977R1493,oj:JOL_1977_167_R_0005_006", "eurovoc_concepts": ["export refund", "fruit", "vegetable"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1496/77 of 4 July 1977 on communications between Member States and the Commission in the silkworm sector", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-07-04", "subjects": "EU aid,disclosure of information,sericulture", "workIds": "celex:31977R1496,oj:JOL_1977_167_R_0008_009", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "disclosure of information", "sericulture"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}