using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class ConstructionManager : MonoBehaviour { public static ConstructionManager Instance { get; set; } public GameObject itemToBeConstructed; public bool inConstructionMode = false; public GameObject constructionHoldingSpot; public bool isValidPlacement; public bool selectingAGhost; public GameObject selectedGhost; // Materials we store as refereces for the ghosts public Material ghostSelectedMat; public Material ghostSemiTransparentMat; public Material ghostFullTransparentMat; public GameObject itemToBeDestroyed; // We keep a reference to all ghosts currently in our world, // so the manager can monitor them for various operations public List allGhostsInExistence = new List(); private void Awake() { if (Instance != null && Instance != this) { Destroy(gameObject); } else { Instance = this; } } public void ActivateConstructionPlacement(string itemToConstruct) { GameObject item = Instantiate(Resources.Load(itemToConstruct)); //change the name of the gameobject so it will not be (clone) = itemToConstruct; item.transform.SetParent(constructionHoldingSpot.transform, false); itemToBeConstructed = item; itemToBeConstructed.gameObject.tag = "activeConstructable"; // Disabling the non-trigger collider so our mouse can cast a ray itemToBeConstructed.GetComponent().solidCollider.enabled = false; // Activating Construction mode inConstructionMode = true; } private void GetAllGhosts(GameObject itemToBeConstructed) { List ghostlist = itemToBeConstructed.gameObject.GetComponent().ghostList; foreach (GameObject ghost in ghostlist) { Debug.Log(ghost); allGhostsInExistence.Add(ghost); } } private void PerformGhostDeletionScan() { foreach (GameObject ghost in allGhostsInExistence) { if (ghost != null) { if (ghost.GetComponent().hasSamePosition == false) // if we did not already add a flag { foreach (GameObject ghostX in allGhostsInExistence) { // First we check that it is not the same object if (ghost.gameObject != ghostX.gameObject) { // If its not the same object but they have the same position if (XPositionToAccurateFloat(ghost) == XPositionToAccurateFloat(ghostX) && ZPositionToAccurateFloat(ghost) == ZPositionToAccurateFloat(ghostX)) { if (ghost != null && ghostX != null) { // setting the flag ghostX.GetComponent().hasSamePosition = true; break; } } } } } } } foreach (GameObject ghost in allGhostsInExistence) { if (ghost != null) { if (ghost.GetComponent().hasSamePosition) { DestroyImmediate(ghost); } } } } private float XPositionToAccurateFloat(GameObject ghost) { if (ghost != null) { // Turning the position to a 2 decimal rounded float Vector3 targetPosition = ghost.gameObject.transform.position; float pos = targetPosition.x; float xFloat = Mathf.Round(pos * 100f) / 100f; return xFloat; } return 0; } private float ZPositionToAccurateFloat(GameObject ghost) { if (ghost != null) { // Turning the position to a 2 decimal rounded float Vector3 targetPosition = ghost.gameObject.transform.position; float pos = targetPosition.z; float zFloat = Mathf.Round(pos * 100f) / 100f; return zFloat; } return 0; } private void Update() { if (itemToBeConstructed != null && inConstructionMode) { if (CheckValidConstructionPosition()) { isValidPlacement = true; itemToBeConstructed.GetComponent().SetValidColor(); } else { isValidPlacement = false; itemToBeConstructed.GetComponent().SetInvalidColor(); } Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit)) { var selectionTransform = hit.transform; if (selectionTransform.gameObject.CompareTag("ghost")) { itemToBeConstructed.SetActive(false); selectingAGhost = true; selectedGhost = selectionTransform.gameObject; } else { itemToBeConstructed.SetActive(true); selectingAGhost = false; } } } // Left Mouse Click to Place item if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && inConstructionMode) { if (isValidPlacement && selectedGhost == false) // We don't want the freestyle to be triggered when we select a ghost. { PlaceItemFreeStyle(); } if (selectingAGhost) { PlaceItemInGhostPosition(selectedGhost); } } // Right Mouse Click to Cancel //TODO - don't destroy the ui item until you actually placed it. if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && isValidPlacement) { // Left Mouse Button } } private void PlaceItemInGhostPosition(GameObject copyOfGhost) { Vector3 ghostPosition = copyOfGhost.transform.position; Quaternion ghostRotation = copyOfGhost.transform.rotation; selectedGhost.gameObject.SetActive(false); // Setting the item to be active again (after we disabled it in the ray cast) itemToBeConstructed.gameObject.SetActive(true); // Setting the parent to be the root of our scene itemToBeConstructed.transform.SetParent(transform.parent.transform.parent, true); itemToBeConstructed.transform.position = ghostPosition; itemToBeConstructed.transform.rotation = ghostRotation; // Making the Ghost Children to no longer be children of this item itemToBeConstructed.GetComponent().ExtractGhostMembers(); // Setting the default color/material itemToBeConstructed.GetComponent().SetDefaultColor(); itemToBeConstructed.tag = "placedFoundation"; // Enabling back the solider collider that we disabled earlier itemToBeConstructed.GetComponent().solidCollider.enabled = true; //Adding all the ghosts of this item into the manager's ghost bank GetAllGhosts(itemToBeConstructed); PerformGhostDeletionScan(); itemToBeConstructed = null; inConstructionMode = false; } private void PlaceItemFreeStyle() { // Setting the parent to be the root of our scene itemToBeConstructed.transform.SetParent(transform.parent.transform.parent, true); // Making the Ghost Children to no longer be children of this item itemToBeConstructed.GetComponent().ExtractGhostMembers(); // Setting the default color/material itemToBeConstructed.GetComponent().SetDefaultColor(); itemToBeConstructed.tag = "placedFoundation"; itemToBeConstructed.GetComponent().enabled = false; // Enabling back the solider collider that we disabled earlier itemToBeConstructed.GetComponent().solidCollider.enabled = true; //Adding all the ghosts of this item into the manager's ghost bank GetAllGhosts(itemToBeConstructed); PerformGhostDeletionScan(); itemToBeConstructed = null; inConstructionMode = false; } private bool CheckValidConstructionPosition() { if (itemToBeConstructed != null) { return itemToBeConstructed.GetComponent().isValidToBeBuilt; } return false; } void DestroyItem(GameObject item) { DestroyImmediate(item); InventorySystem.Instance.ReCalculateList(); CraftingSystem.Instance.RefreshNeededItems(); } }