--- language: - en tags: - stable-diffusion - text-to-image license: bigscience-bloom-rail-1.0 inference: false --- # Doodad *

This is the 1st part of a 2 (3?) part project meant to be used with Doohickey

* The style was trained with [Dreambooth-Stable](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/xphaiw/dreambooth_stable_diffusion_training_in_just_125/) and is used with "imv" (an uncommonly used token recommended by the author I think) and it mixes especially well with the style included in Doohickey. It's a finetuned version of the Trinart-Waifu-diffusion-50-50 included in this organization's models. | Parameter | Value | |----------------------|------------| | resolution | 512 | | train_batch_size | 1 | | gradient_accumulation_steps | 2 | | learning_rate | 5e-6 | | num_class_images | 120 | | max_train_steps | 1200 | Example outputs: "portal into another dimension" ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1024588665596411944/1024618996479311892/unknown.png) "portrait of a dying god" ![](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fdu1c9XWQAA4v2g?format=png&name=900x900) "photograph" ![](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fdu6hg4X0AI5aNI?format=png&name=900x900) "The alchemist's laboratory by Greg Rutkowski and Claude Monet, oil on canvas" ![](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FdvB2ZiWYAQHg-7?format=png&name=900x900)