--- license: apache-2.0 --- # Virtual Compiler Is All You Need For Assembly Code Search ## Introduction This repo contains the models and the corresponding evaluation datasets of ACL 2024 paper "Virtual Compiler Is All You Need For Assembly Code Search". A virtual compiler is a LLM that is capable of compiling any programming language into underlying assembly code. The virtual compiler model is available at [elsagranger/VirtualCompiler](https://huggingface.co/elsagranger/VirtualCompiler), based on 34B CodeLlama. We evaluate the similiarity of the virtual assembly code generated by the virtual compiler and the real assembly code using force execution by script [force-exec.py](./force_exec.py), the corresponding evaluation dataset is avaiable at [virtual_assembly_and_ground_truth](./virtual_assembly_and_ground_truth). We evaluate the effective of the virtual compiler throught downstream task -- assembly code search, the evaluation dataset is avaiable at [elsagranger/AssemblyCodeSearchEval](https://huggingface.co/datasets/elsagranger/AssemblyCodeSearchEval). ## Usage We use FastChat and vllm worker to host the model. Run these following commands in seperate terminals, such as `tmux`. ```shell LOGDIR="" python3 -m fastchat.serve.openai_api_server \ --host --port 8080 \ --controller-address http://localhost:21000 LOGDIR="" python3 -m fastchat.serve.controller \ --host --port 21000 LOGDIR="" RAY_LOG_TO_STDERR=1 \ python3 -m fastchat.serve.vllm_worker \ --model-path ./VirtualCompiler \ --num-gpus 8 \ --controller http://localhost:21000 \ --max-num-batched-tokens 40960 \ --disable-log-requests \ --host --port 22000 \ --worker-address http://localhost:22000 \ --model-names "VirtualCompiler" ``` Then with the model hosted, use `do_request.py` to make request to the model. ```shell ~/C/VirtualCompiler (main)> python3 do_request.py test rdx, rdx setz al movzx eax, al neg eax retn ``` ## Assembly Code Search Encoder As huggingface does not support load a remote model inside a folder, we host the model trained on the assembly code search dataset augmented by the Virtual Compiler in [vic-encoder](https://cloud.vul337.team:9443/s/t5Ltt8gy7kPfyw8). You can use the `model.py` to test the custom model loading. Here is a example on text encoder and asm encoder. Please refer to this script on how to extract the assembly code from the binary: [process_asm.py](https://github.com/Hustcw/CLAP/blob/main/scripts/process_asm.py). ```python def calc_map_at_k(logits, pos_cnt, ks=[10,]): _, indices = torch.sort(logits, dim=1, descending=True) # [batch_size, pos_cnt] ranks = torch.nonzero( indices < pos_cnt, as_tuple=False )[:, 1].reshape(logits.shape[0], -1) # [batch_size, pos_cnt] mrr = torch.mean(1 / (ranks + 1), dim=1) res = {} for k in ks: res[k] = ( torch.sum((ranks < k).float(), dim=1) / min(k, pos_cnt) ).cpu().numpy() return ranks.cpu().numpy(), res, mrr.cpu().numpy() pos_asm_cnt = 1 query = ["List all files in a directory"] # Extracted by the process_asm.py script mentioned above anchor_asm = [ {"1": "endbr64", "2": "mov eax, 0" }, ... ] neg_anchor_asm = [ {"1": "push rbp", "2": "mov rbp, rsp", ... }, ... ] query_embs = text_encoder(**text_tokenizer(query)) kwargs = dict(padding=True, pad_to_multiple_of=8, return_tensors="pt") anchor_asm_ids = asm_tokenizer.pad([asm_tokenizer(pos) for pos in anchor_asm], **kwargs) neg_anchor_asm_ids = asm_tokenizer.pad([asm_tokenizer(neg) for neg in neg_anchor_asm], **kwargs) asm_embs = asm_encoder(**anchor_asm_ids) asm_neg_emb = asm_encoder(**neg_anchor_asm_ids) # query_embs: [query_cnt, emb_dim] # asm_embs: [pos_asm_cnt, emb_dim] # logits_pos: [query_cnt, pos_asm_cnt] logits_pos = torch.einsum( "ic,jc->ij", [query_embs, asm_embs]) # logits_neg: [query_cnt, neg_asm_cnt] logits_neg = torch.einsum( "ic,jc->ij", [query_embs, asm_neg_emb[pos_asm_cnt:]] ) logits = torch.cat([logits_pos, logits_neg], dim=1) ranks, map_at_k, mrr = calc_map_at_k( logits, pos_asm_cnt, [1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100]) ```