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EvoEval: Evolving Coding Benchmarks via LLM

EvoEval1 is a holistic benchmark suite created by evolving HumanEval problems:

  • 🔥 Contains 828 new problems across 5 🌠 semantic-altering and 2 ⭐ semantic-preserving benchmarks
  • 🔮 Allows evaluation/comparison across different dimensions and problem types (i.e., Difficult, Creative or Tool Use problems). See our visualization tool for ready-to-use comparison
  • 🏆 Complete with leaderboard, groundtruth solutions, robust testcases and evaluation scripts to easily fit into your evaluation pipeline
  • 🤖 Generated LLM code samples from >50 different models to save you time in running experiments

1 coincidentally similar pronunciation with 😈 EvilEval


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