Modified it to create as "lite" version for cases where you only need speaker embeddings
history blame
6.2 kB
import torch
from speechbrain.inference.interfaces import Pretrained
class AttentionMLP(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim):
super(AttentionMLP, self).__init__()
self.layers = torch.nn.Sequential(
torch.nn.Linear(input_dim, hidden_dim),
torch.nn.Linear(hidden_dim, 1, bias=False),
def forward(self, x):
x = self.layers(x)
att_w = torch.nn.functional.softmax(x, dim=2)
return att_w
class Discrete_EmbeddingLayer(torch.nn.Module):
"""This class handles embedding layers for discrete tokens.
num_codebooks: int ,
number of codebooks of the tokenizer.
vocab_size : int,
size of the dictionary of embeddings
emb_dim: int ,
the size of each embedding vector
pad_index: int (default: 0),
If specified, the entries at padding_idx do not contribute to the gradient.
init: boolean (default: False):
If set to True, init the embedding with the tokenizer embedding otherwise init randomly.
freeze: boolean (default: False)
If True, the embedding is frozen. If False, the model will be trained
alongside with the rest of the pipeline.
>>> from speechbrain.lobes.models.huggingface_transformers.encodec import Encodec
>>> model_hub = "facebook/encodec_24khz"
>>> save_path = "savedir"
>>> model = Encodec(model_hub, save_path)
>>> audio = torch.randn(4, 1000)
>>> length = torch.tensor([1.0, .5, .75, 1.0])
>>> tokens, emb = model.encode(audio, length)
>>> print(tokens.shape)
torch.Size([4, 4, 2])
>>> emb= Discrete_EmbeddingLayer(2, 1024, 1024)
>>> in_emb = emb(tokens)
>>> print(in_emb.shape)
torch.Size([4, 4, 2, 1024])
def __init__(
super(Discrete_EmbeddingLayer, self).__init__()
self.vocab_size = vocab_size
self.num_codebooks = num_codebooks
self.freeze = freeze
self.embedding = torch.nn.Embedding(
num_codebooks * vocab_size, emb_dim
).requires_grad_(not self.freeze)
self.init = init
self.layers = layers
self.available_layers = available_layers
self.offsets = self.build_offsets()
def init_embedding(self, weights):
with torch.no_grad():
self.embedding.weight = torch.nn.Parameter(weights)
def build_offsets(self):
offsets = torch.arange(
self.num_codebooks * self.vocab_size,
if self.layers:
selected_layers = set(self.layers)
indexes = [idx for idx, layer in enumerate(self.layers) if layer in selected_layers]
offsets = offsets[indexes]
return offsets
def forward(self, in_tokens):
"""Computes the embedding for discrete tokens.
a sample.
in_tokens : torch.Tensor
A (Batch x Time x num_codebooks)
audio sample
in_embs : torch.Tensor
with torch.set_grad_enabled(not self.freeze):
# Add unique token IDs across diffrent codebooks by adding num_codebooks * vocab_size
in_tokens_offset = in_tokens + self.offsets.to(in_tokens.device)
# Forward Pass to embedding and
in_embs = self.embedding(in_tokens_offset.int())
return in_embs
class DiscreteSpkEmb(Pretrained):
"""A ready-to-use class for utterance-level classification (e.g, speaker-id,
language-id, emotion recognition, keyword spotting, etc).
The class assumes that an self-supervised encoder like wav2vec2/hubert and a classifier model
are defined in the yaml file. If you want to
convert the predicted index into a corresponding text label, please
provide the path of the label_encoder in a variable called 'lab_encoder_file'
within the yaml.
The class can be used either to run only the encoder (encode_batch()) to
extract embeddings or to run a classification step (classify_batch()).
>>> import torchaudio
>>> from speechbrain.pretrained import EncoderClassifier
>>> # Model is downloaded from the speechbrain HuggingFace repo
>>> tmpdir = getfixture("tmpdir")
>>> classifier = EncoderClassifier.from_hparams(
... source="speechbrain/spkrec-ecapa-voxceleb",
... savedir=tmpdir,
... )
>>> # Compute embeddings
>>> signal, fs = torchaudio.load("samples/audio_samples/example1.wav")
>>> embeddings = classifier.encode_batch(signal)
>>> # Classification
>>> prediction = classifier .classify_batch(signal)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def encode_batch(self, audio, length=None):
"""Encodes the input audio into a single vector embedding.
The waveforms should already be in the model's desired format.
audio : torch.tensor
Batch of tokenized audio [batch, time, heads]
length : torch.tensor
Lengths of the waveforms relative to the longest one in the
batch, tensor of shape [batch]. The longest one should have
relative length 1.0 and others len(waveform) / max_length.
Used for ignoring padding.
The encoded batch
# Manage single waveforms in input
embeddings = self.mods.discrete_embedding_layer(audio)
att_w = self.mods.attention_mlp(embeddings)
feats = torch.matmul(att_w.transpose(2, -1), embeddings).squeeze(-2)
embeddings = self.mods.embedding_model(feats, length)
return embeddings.squeeze(1)
def forward(self, audio, length=None):
return self.encode_batch(audio, length)