mm3dtest / projects /TR3D /tr3d /
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from typing import Optional
import torch
from mmcv.ops.diff_iou_rotated import box2corners, oriented_box_intersection_2d
from mmdet.models.losses.utils import weighted_loss
from torch import Tensor
from torch import nn as nn
from mmdet3d.models import rotated_iou_3d_loss
from mmdet3d.registry import MODELS
def diff_diou_rotated_3d(box3d1: Tensor, box3d2: Tensor) -> Tensor:
"""Calculate differentiable DIoU of rotated 3d boxes.
box3d1 (Tensor): (B, N, 3+3+1) First box (x,y,z,w,h,l,alpha).
box3d2 (Tensor): (B, N, 3+3+1) Second box (x,y,z,w,h,l,alpha).
Tensor: (B, N) DIoU.
box1 = box3d1[..., [0, 1, 3, 4, 6]]
box2 = box3d2[..., [0, 1, 3, 4, 6]]
corners1 = box2corners(box1)
corners2 = box2corners(box2)
intersection, _ = oriented_box_intersection_2d(corners1, corners2)
zmax1 = box3d1[..., 2] + box3d1[..., 5] * 0.5
zmin1 = box3d1[..., 2] - box3d1[..., 5] * 0.5
zmax2 = box3d2[..., 2] + box3d2[..., 5] * 0.5
zmin2 = box3d2[..., 2] - box3d2[..., 5] * 0.5
z_overlap = (torch.min(zmax1, zmax2) -
torch.max(zmin1, zmin2)).clamp_(min=0.)
intersection_3d = intersection * z_overlap
volume1 = box3d1[..., 3] * box3d1[..., 4] * box3d1[..., 5]
volume2 = box3d2[..., 3] * box3d2[..., 4] * box3d2[..., 5]
union_3d = volume1 + volume2 - intersection_3d
x1_max = torch.max(corners1[..., 0], dim=2)[0]
x1_min = torch.min(corners1[..., 0], dim=2)[0]
y1_max = torch.max(corners1[..., 1], dim=2)[0]
y1_min = torch.min(corners1[..., 1], dim=2)[0]
x2_max = torch.max(corners2[..., 0], dim=2)[0]
x2_min = torch.min(corners2[..., 0], dim=2)[0]
y2_max = torch.max(corners2[..., 1], dim=2)[0]
y2_min = torch.min(corners2[..., 1], dim=2)[0]
x_max = torch.max(x1_max, x2_max)
x_min = torch.min(x1_min, x2_min)
y_max = torch.max(y1_max, y2_max)
y_min = torch.min(y1_min, y2_min)
z_max = torch.max(zmax1, zmax2)
z_min = torch.min(zmin1, zmin2)
r2 = ((box1[..., :3] - box2[..., :3])**2).sum(dim=-1)
c2 = (x_min - x_max)**2 + (y_min - y_max)**2 + (z_min - z_max)**2
return intersection_3d / union_3d - r2 / c2
def rotated_diou_3d_loss(pred: Tensor, target: Tensor) -> Tensor:
"""Calculate the DIoU loss (1-DIoU) of two sets of rotated bounding boxes.
Note that predictions and targets are one-to-one corresponded.
pred (torch.Tensor): Bbox predictions with shape [N, 7]
(x, y, z, w, l, h, alpha).
target (torch.Tensor): Bbox targets (gt) with shape [N, 7]
(x, y, z, w, l, h, alpha).
torch.Tensor: IoU loss between predictions and targets.
diou_loss = 1 - diff_diou_rotated_3d(
pred.unsqueeze(0), target.unsqueeze(0))[0]
return diou_loss
class TR3DRotatedIoU3DLoss(nn.Module):
"""Calculate the IoU loss (1-IoU) of rotated bounding boxes. The only
difference with original RotatedIoU3DLoss is the addition of DIoU mode.
These classes should be merged in the future.
mode (str): 'iou' for intersection over union or 'diou' for
distance-iou loss. Defaults to 'iou'.
reduction (str): Method to reduce losses.
The valid reduction method are 'none', 'sum' or 'mean'.
Defaults to 'mean'.
loss_weight (float): Weight of loss. Defaults to 1.0.
def __init__(self,
mode: str = 'iou',
reduction: str = 'mean',
loss_weight: float = 1.0) -> None:
super(TR3DRotatedIoU3DLoss, self).__init__()
assert mode in ['iou', 'diou']
self.loss = rotated_iou_3d_loss if mode == 'iou' \
else rotated_diou_3d_loss
assert reduction in ['none', 'sum', 'mean']
self.reduction = reduction
self.loss_weight = loss_weight
def forward(self,
pred: Tensor,
target: Tensor,
weight: Optional[Tensor] = None,
avg_factor: Optional[float] = None,
reduction_override: Optional[str] = None,
**kwargs) -> Tensor:
"""Forward function of loss calculation.
pred (Tensor): Bbox predictions with shape [..., 7]
(x, y, z, w, l, h, alpha).
target (Tensor): Bbox targets (gt) with shape [..., 7]
(x, y, z, w, l, h, alpha).
weight (Tensor, optional): Weight of loss.
Defaults to None.
avg_factor (float, optional): Average factor that is used to
average the loss. Defaults to None.
reduction_override (str, optional): Method to reduce losses.
The valid reduction method are 'none', 'sum' or 'mean'.
Defaults to None.
Tensor: IoU loss between predictions and targets.
if weight is not None and not torch.any(weight > 0):
return pred.sum() * weight.sum() # 0
assert reduction_override in (None, 'none', 'mean', 'sum')
reduction = (
reduction_override if reduction_override else self.reduction)
if weight is not None and weight.dim() > 1:
weight = weight.mean(-1)
loss = self.loss_weight * self.loss(
return loss