import importlib import logging import os import shutil import sys import h5py import numpy as np import torch from torch import optim def save_checkpoint(state, is_best, checkpoint_dir): """Saves model and training parameters at '{checkpoint_dir}/last_checkpoint.pytorch'. If is_best==True saves '{checkpoint_dir}/best_checkpoint.pytorch' as well. Args: state (dict): contains model's state_dict, optimizer's state_dict, epoch and best evaluation metric value so far is_best (bool): if True state contains the best model seen so far checkpoint_dir (string): directory where the checkpoint are to be saved """ if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_dir): os.mkdir(checkpoint_dir) last_file_path = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, 'last_checkpoint.pytorch'), last_file_path) if is_best: best_file_path = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, 'best_checkpoint.pytorch') shutil.copyfile(last_file_path, best_file_path) def load_checkpoint(checkpoint_path, model, optimizer=None, model_key='model_state_dict', optimizer_key='optimizer_state_dict'): """Loads model and training parameters from a given checkpoint_path If optimizer is provided, loads optimizer's state_dict of as well. Args: checkpoint_path (string): path to the checkpoint to be loaded model (torch.nn.Module): model into which the parameters are to be copied optimizer (torch.optim.Optimizer) optional: optimizer instance into which the parameters are to be copied Returns: state """ if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_path): raise IOError(f"Checkpoint '{checkpoint_path}' does not exist") state = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location='cpu') model.load_state_dict(state[model_key]) if optimizer is not None: optimizer.load_state_dict(state[optimizer_key]) return state def save_network_output(output_path, output, logger=None): if logger is not None:'Saving network output to: {output_path}...') output = output.detach().cpu()[0] with h5py.File(output_path, 'w') as f: f.create_dataset('predictions', data=output, compression='gzip') loggers = {} def get_logger(name, level=logging.INFO): global loggers if loggers.get(name) is not None: return loggers[name] else: logger = logging.getLogger(name) logger.setLevel(level) # Logging to console stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s [%(threadName)s] %(levelname)s %(name)s - %(message)s') stream_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(stream_handler) loggers[name] = logger return logger def get_number_of_learnable_parameters(model): return sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad) class RunningAverage: """Computes and stores the average """ def __init__(self): self.count = 0 self.sum = 0 self.avg = 0 def update(self, value, n=1): self.count += n self.sum += value * n self.avg = self.sum / self.count def number_of_features_per_level(init_channel_number, num_levels): return [init_channel_number * 2 ** k for k in range(num_levels)] class _TensorboardFormatter: """ Tensorboard formatters converts a given batch of images (be it input/output to the network or the target segmentation image) to a series of images that can be displayed in tensorboard. This is the parent class for all tensorboard formatters which ensures that returned images are in the 'CHW' format. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): pass def __call__(self, name, batch): """ Transform a batch to a series of tuples of the form (tag, img), where `tag` corresponds to the image tag and `img` is the image itself. Args: name (str): one of 'inputs'/'targets'/'predictions' batch (torch.tensor): 4D or 5D torch tensor """ def _check_img(tag_img): tag, img = tag_img assert img.ndim == 2 or img.ndim == 3, 'Only 2D (HW) and 3D (CHW) images are accepted for display' if img.ndim == 2: img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0) else: C = img.shape[0] assert C == 1 or C == 3, 'Only (1, H, W) or (3, H, W) images are supported' return tag, img tagged_images = self.process_batch(name, batch) return list(map(_check_img, tagged_images)) def process_batch(self, name, batch): raise NotImplementedError class DefaultTensorboardFormatter(_TensorboardFormatter): def __init__(self, skip_last_target=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.skip_last_target = skip_last_target def process_batch(self, name, batch): if name == 'targets' and self.skip_last_target: batch = batch[:, :-1, ...] tag_template = '{}/batch_{}/channel_{}/slice_{}' tagged_images = [] if batch.ndim == 5: # NCDHW slice_idx = batch.shape[2] // 2 # get the middle slice for batch_idx in range(batch.shape[0]): for channel_idx in range(batch.shape[1]): tag = tag_template.format(name, batch_idx, channel_idx, slice_idx) img = batch[batch_idx, channel_idx, slice_idx, ...] tagged_images.append((tag, self._normalize_img(img))) else: # batch has no channel dim: NDHW slice_idx = batch.shape[1] // 2 # get the middle slice for batch_idx in range(batch.shape[0]): tag = tag_template.format(name, batch_idx, 0, slice_idx) img = batch[batch_idx, slice_idx, ...] tagged_images.append((tag, self._normalize_img(img))) return tagged_images @staticmethod def _normalize_img(img): return np.nan_to_num((img - np.min(img)) / np.ptp(img)) def _find_masks(batch, min_size=10): """Center the z-slice in the 'middle' of a given instance, given a batch of instances Args: batch (ndarray): 5d numpy tensor (NCDHW) """ result = [] for b in batch: assert b.shape[0] == 1 patch = b[0] z_sum = patch.sum(axis=(1, 2)) coords = np.where(z_sum > min_size)[0] if len(coords) > 0: ind = coords[len(coords) // 2] result.append(b[:, ind:ind + 1, ...]) else: ind = b.shape[1] // 2 result.append(b[:, ind:ind + 1, ...]) return np.stack(result, axis=0) def get_tensorboard_formatter(formatter_config): if formatter_config is None: return DefaultTensorboardFormatter() class_name = formatter_config['name'] m = importlib.import_module('pytorch3dunet.unet3d.utils') clazz = getattr(m, class_name) return clazz(**formatter_config) def expand_as_one_hot(input, C, ignore_index=None): """ Converts NxSPATIAL label image to NxCxSPATIAL, where each label gets converted to its corresponding one-hot vector. It is assumed that the batch dimension is present. Args: input (torch.Tensor): 3D/4D input image C (int): number of channels/labels ignore_index (int): ignore index to be kept during the expansion Returns: 4D/5D output torch.Tensor (NxCxSPATIAL) """ assert input.dim() == 4 # expand the input tensor to Nx1xSPATIAL before scattering input = input.unsqueeze(1) # create output tensor shape (NxCxSPATIAL) shape = list(input.size()) shape[1] = C if ignore_index is not None: # create ignore_index mask for the result mask = input.expand(shape) == ignore_index # clone the src tensor and zero out ignore_index in the input input = input.clone() input[input == ignore_index] = 0 # scatter to get the one-hot tensor result = torch.zeros(shape).to(input.device).scatter_(1, input, 1) # bring back the ignore_index in the result result[mask] = ignore_index return result else: # scatter to get the one-hot tensor return torch.zeros(shape).to(input.device).scatter_(1, input, 1) def convert_to_numpy(*inputs): """ Coverts input tensors to numpy ndarrays Args: inputs (iteable of torch.Tensor): torch tensor Returns: tuple of ndarrays """ def _to_numpy(i): assert isinstance(i, torch.Tensor), "Expected input to be torch.Tensor" return i.detach().cpu().numpy() return (_to_numpy(i) for i in inputs) def create_optimizer(optimizer_config, model): learning_rate = optimizer_config['learning_rate'] weight_decay = optimizer_config.get('weight_decay', 0) betas = tuple(optimizer_config.get('betas', (0.9, 0.999))) optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, betas=betas, weight_decay=weight_decay) return optimizer def create_lr_scheduler(lr_config, optimizer): if lr_config is None: return None class_name = lr_config.pop('name') m = importlib.import_module('torch.optim.lr_scheduler') clazz = getattr(m, class_name) # add optimizer to the config lr_config['optimizer'] = optimizer return clazz(**lr_config) def get_class(class_name, modules): for module in modules: m = importlib.import_module(module) clazz = getattr(m, class_name, None) if clazz is not None: return clazz raise RuntimeError(f'Unsupported dataset class: {class_name}')