Seq2Seq /
Hardik Soni
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license: cc-by-4.0
- abisee/cnn_dailymail
- en
- Text-Summarization
# Seq2Seq Model with Attention for Text Summarization
This repository contains a Sequence-to-Sequence (Seq2Seq) model with attention, trained on the **CNN/DailyMail** dataset for text summarization tasks. The model is built using Keras and leverages pre-trained GloVe embeddings for enhanced word representations. It consists of an encoder-decoder architecture using LSTM layers with attention to capture long-term dependencies.
## Model Architecture
The model follows the classic encoder-decoder structure, with attention to handle long sequences:
- **Embedding Layer**: Uses pre-trained GloVe embeddings (100-dimensional) for both the input (article) and target (summary) texts.
- **Encoder**: A bidirectional LSTM to encode the input sequence. The forward and backward hidden states are concatenated.
- **Decoder**: An LSTM initialized with the encoder's hidden and cell states to generate the target sequence (summary).
- **Attention Mechanism**: While the base code does not explicitly implement attention, this can be easily integrated to improve summarization by focusing on relevant parts of the input sequence during decoding.
### Embeddings
We use GloVe embeddings (100-dimensional) pre-trained on a large corpus of text data. The embedding matrix is constructed for both the input (text) and output (summary) using the GloVe embeddings.
embedding_index = {}
embed_dim = 100
with open('../input/glove6b100dtxt/glove.6B.100d.txt') as f:
for line in f:
values = line.split()
word = values[0]
coefs = np.asarray(values[1:], dtype='float32')
embedding_index[word] = coefs
# Embedding for input (articles)
t_embed = np.zeros((t_max_features, embed_dim))
for word, i in t_tokenizer.word_index.items():
vec = embedding_index.get(word)
if i < t_max_features and vec is not None:
t_embed[i] = vec
# Embedding for output (summaries)
s_embed = np.zeros((s_max_features, embed_dim))
for word, i in s_tokenizer.word_index.items():
vec = embedding_index.get(word)
if i < s_max_features and vec is not None:
s_embed[i] = vec
## Encoder
A bidirectional LSTM is used for encoding the input text. The forward and backward hidden and cell states are concatenated to pass as the initial states to the decoder.
latent_dim = 128
enc_input = Input(shape=(maxlen_text,))
enc_embed = Embedding(t_max_features, embed_dim, input_length=maxlen_text, weights=[t_embed], trainable=False)(enc_input)
enc_lstm = Bidirectional(LSTM(latent_dim, return_state=True))
enc_output, enc_fh, enc_fc, enc_bh, enc_bc = enc_lstm(enc_embed)
# Concatenate the forward and backward states
enc_h = Concatenate(axis=-1)([enc_fh, enc_bh])
enc_c = Concatenate(axis=-1)([enc_fc, enc_bc])
## Decoder
The decoder is an LSTM that takes the encoder's final states as the initial states to generate the output summary sequence.
dec_input = Input(shape=(None,))
dec_embed = Embedding(s_max_features, embed_dim, weights=[s_embed], trainable=False)(dec_input)
dec_lstm = LSTM(latent_dim * 2, return_sequences=True, return_state=True, dropout=0.3, recurrent_dropout=0.2)
dec_outputs, _, _ = dec_lstm(dec_embed, initial_state=[enc_h, enc_c])
# Dense layer with softmax activation for final output
dec_dense = TimeDistributed(Dense(s_max_features, activation='softmax'))
dec_output = dec_dense(dec_outputs)
## Model Summary
The full Seq2Seq model with an attention mechanism is compiled using sparse categorical crossentropy loss and the RMSProp optimizer.
### Model Visualization
A diagram of the model is generated using Keras' plot_model function:
![Seq2Seq Encoder-Decoder Model Architecture](./seq2seq_encoder_decoder.png)
## Training
The model is trained with early stopping to prevent overfitting. The model is fit using batches of 128 and a maximum of 10 epochs, with validation data for performance monitoring.
early_stop = keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', mode='min', verbose=1, patience=2)[train_x, train_y[:, :-1]],
train_y.reshape(train_y.shape[0], train_y.shape[1], 1)[:, 1:],
validation_data=([val_x, val_y[:, :-1]], val_y.reshape(val_y.shape[0], val_y.shape[1], 1)[:, 1:]))
## Dataset
The CNN/DailyMail dataset is used for training and validation. It contains news articles and their corresponding summaries, which makes it suitable for the text summarization task.
- Train set: Used to train the model on article-summary pairs.
- Validation set: Used for model performance evaluation and to apply early stopping.
## Requirements
- Python 3.x
- Keras
- TensorFlow
- NumPy
- GloVe Embeddings
## How to Run
1. Download the CNN/DailyMail dataset and pre-trained GloVe embeddings.
2. Preprocess the dataset and prepare the embedding matrices.
3. Train the model using the provided code.
4. Evaluate the model on a validation set and generate summaries for new text inputs.
## Results
The model generates abstractive summaries of news articles. You can tweak the latent dimensions, embedding sizes, and add attention for improved performance.
## Future Work
* Attention Mechanism: Implementing Bahdanau or Luong Attention for better results.
* Beam Search: Incorporating beam search for enhanced summary generation.
## Resources:
- [Keras Documentation](
- [CNN/DailyMail Dataset](
- [GloVe Embeddings](