test2 / compose.yml
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# This Compose file provides the development environment for the todo app.
# Seeing the final version of the application bundles the frontend with the
# backend, we are able to "simulate" that by using a proxy to route requests
# to the appropriate service. All requests to /api will be routed to the
# backend while all other requests will be sent to the client service. While
# there is some overlap in the routing rules, the proxy determines the service
# based on the most specific rule.
# To support easier debugging and troubleshooting, phpMyAdmin is also included
# to provide a web interface to the MySQL database.
# Services
# The services define the individual components of our application stack.
# For each service, a separate container will be launched.
# Service: proxy
# This service is a reverse proxy that will route requests to the appropriate
# service. Think of it like a HTTP router or a load balancer. It simply
# forwards requests and allows us to simulate the final version of the
# application where the frontend and backend are bundled together. We can
# also use it to route requests to phpMyAdmin, which won't be accessible at
# localhost, but at db.localhost.
# The image for this service comes directly from Docker Hub and is a Docker
# Official Image. Since Traefik can be configured in a variety of ways, we
# configure it here to watch the Docker events for new containers and to use
# their labels for configuration. That's why the Docker socket is mounted.
# We also expose port 80 to connect to the proxy from the host machine.
image: traefik:v2.11
command: --providers.docker
- 80:80
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
# Service: backend
# This service is the Node.js server that provides the API for the app.
# When the container starts, it will use the image that results
# from building the Dockerfile, targeting the backend-dev stage.
# The Compose Watch configuration is used to automatically sync the code
# from the host machine to the container. This allows the server to be
# automatically reloaded when code changes are made.
# The environment variables configure the application to connect to the
# database, which is also configured in this Compose file. We obviously
# wouldn't hard-code these values in a production environment. But, in
# dev, these values are fine.
# Finally, the labels are used to configure Traefik (the reverse proxy) with
# the appropriate routing rules. In this case, all requests to localhost/api/*
# will be forwarded to this service's port 3000.
context: ./
target: backend-dev
MYSQL_DB: todos
- path: ./backend/src
action: sync
target: /usr/local/app/src
- path: ./backend/package.json
action: rebuild
traefik.http.routers.backend.rule: Host(`localhost`) && PathPrefix(`/api`)
traefik.http.services.backend.loadbalancer.server.port: 3000
# Service: client
# The client service is the React app that provides the frontend for the app.
# When the container starts, it will use the image that results from building
# the Dockerfile, targeting the dev stage.
# The Compose Watch configuration is used to automatically sync the code from
# the host machine to the container. This allows the client to be automatically
# reloaded when code changes are made.
# The labels are used to configure Traefik (the reverse proxy) with the
# appropriate routing rules. In this case, all requests to localhost will be
# forwarded to this service's port 5173.
context: ./
target: client-dev
- path: ./client/src
action: sync
target: /usr/local/app/src
- path: ./client/package.json
action: rebuild
traefik.http.routers.client.rule: Host(`localhost`)
traefik.http.services.client.loadbalancer.server.port: 5173
# Service: mysql
# The MySQL service is used to provide the database for the application.
# The image for this service comes directly from Docker Hub and is a Docker
# Official Image.
# The data is persisted in a volume named todo-mysql-data. Using a volume
# allows us to take down the services without losing the data. When we start
# the services again, the data will still be there (assuming we didn't delete
# the volume, of course!).
# The environment variables configure the root password and the name of the
# database to create. Since these are used only for local development, it's
# ok to hard-code them here.
image: mysql:8.0
- todo-mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql
# Service: phpmyadmin
# This service provides a web interface to the MySQL database. It's useful
# for debugging and troubleshooting data, schemas, and more. The image for
# this service comes directly from Docker Hub and is a Docker Official Image.
# The environment variables configure the connection to the database and
# provide the default credentials, letting us immediately open the interface
# without needing to log in.
# The labels are used to configure Traefik (the reverse proxy) with the
# routing rules. In this case, all requests to db.localhost will be forwarded
# to this service's port 80.
image: phpmyadmin
PMA_HOST: mysql
PMA_USER: root
traefik.http.routers.phpmyadmin.rule: Host(`db.localhost`)
traefik.http.services.phpmyadmin.loadbalancer.server.port: 80
# Volumes
# For this application stack, we only have one volume. It's used to persist the
# data for the MySQL service. We are only going to use the default values,
# hence the lack of any configuration for the volume.