jat / modeling_jat.py
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import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from gymnasium import spaces
from torch import BoolTensor, FloatTensor, LongTensor, Tensor, nn
from transformers import GPTNeoModel, GPTNeoPreTrainedModel
from transformers.modeling_outputs import ModelOutput
from transformers.models.vit.modeling_vit import ViTPatchEmbeddings
from .configuration_jat import JatConfig
from .processing_jat import JatProcessor
def compute_mse_loss(
predicted: FloatTensor, true: FloatTensor, mask: Optional[BoolTensor], weights: Optional[FloatTensor] = None
) -> FloatTensor:
Compute the Mean Squared Error (MSE) loss between predicted and true observations, considering valid timesteps.
predicted (`FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, max_seq_len, ...)`):
Predicted observations at the output of the model.
true (`FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, max_seq_len, ...)`):
Ground truth observations.
mask (`BoolTensor` of shape `(batch_size, max_seq_len)`, *optional*):
Boolean mask indicating valid timesteps.
weights (`FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, max_seq_len)`, *optional*):
Weights to be applied to the loss.
loss (`FloatTensor` of shape `(,)`):
MSE loss between predicted and true observations.
# Compute element-wise MSE loss
loss = F.mse_loss(predicted, true, reduction="none")
# Average the loss over all dimensions after the second one
for dim in reversed(range(2, loss.dim())):
loss = loss.mean(dim=dim)
# Use the mask to zero out invalid entries
if mask is not None:
loss = loss * mask
# Apply weights if provided
if weights is not None:
loss = loss * weights
# Sum the loss and normalize by the number of valid elements
loss = loss.sum() / mask.sum() if mask is not None else loss.mean()
return loss
def compute_ce_loss(
logits: FloatTensor, labels: torch.LongTensor, mask: Optional[BoolTensor], weights: Optional[FloatTensor] = None
) -> FloatTensor:
Compute the Cross Entropy (CE) loss between predicted logits and true class labels, considering valid timesteps.
logits (`FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, max_seq_len, [inner_size,] num_classes)`):
Predicted logits at the output of the model.
labels (`torch.LongTensor` of shape `(batch_size, max_seq_len, [inner_size,])`):
Ground truth class labels.
mask (`BoolTensor` of shape `(batch_size, max_seq_len)`, *optional*):
Boolean mask indicating valid timesteps.
weights (`FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, max_seq_len)`, *optional*):
Weights to be applied to the loss.
loss (`FloatTensor` of shape `(,)`):
CE loss between predicted logits and true class labels.
if mask is not None:
logits = logits[mask.bool()] # (Y, X, C)
labels = labels[mask.bool()] # (Y, X)
if weights is not None:
weights = weights[mask.bool()] # (Y,)
logits = logits.flatten(end_dim=2) # (B, L, X, C) -> (B*L, X, C)
labels = labels.flatten(end_dim=1) # (B, L, X) -> (B*L, X)
if weights is not None:
weights = weights.flatten(end_dim=1) # (B, L) -> (B*L,)
loss = F.cross_entropy(logits.view(-1, logits.size(-1)), labels.view(-1), reduction="none") # (Y*X,)
loss = loss.view(labels.size()) # (Y, X)
loss = loss.mean(-1) # (Y,)
# Multiply the loss by the weights
if weights is not None:
loss = loss * weights # (Y,)
# Average the loss
loss = loss.mean()
return loss
def cyclic_expand_dim(tensor: Tensor, expanded_dim_size: int) -> Tensor:
Expands the last dimension of a tensor cyclically to a specified size.
tensor (`torch.Tensor` of shape `(batch_size, seq_len, ...)`):
Input tensor whose last dimension is to be expanded cyclically.
expanded_dim_size (`int`):
The desired size of the last dimension after expansion.
`torch.Tensor` of shape `(batch_size, seq_len, expanded_dim_size)`:
A tensor with its last dimension expanded cyclically to the specified size.
>>> tensor = torch.tensor([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]])
>>> cyclic_expand_dim(tensor, 5)
tensor([[[1, 2, 1, 2, 1], [3, 4, 3, 4, 3]], [[5, 6, 5, 6, 5], [7, 8, 7, 8, 7]]])
B, L, X = tensor.shape
if expanded_dim_size < X:
raise ValueError(
f"Expanded dimension size ({expanded_dim_size}) must be greater than the original dimension size ({X})."
indices = torch.arange(expanded_dim_size) % X
return tensor[..., indices]
class ResidualBlock(nn.Module):
A residual block module that consists of two convolutional layers with a residual connection.
in_shape (`Tuple[int, int, int]`):
Shape of the input tensor.
out_channels (`int`):
Number of output channels.
`torch.Tensor` of shape `(batch_size, out_channels, in_shape[1], in_shape[2])`:
Output tensor.
def __init__(self, in_shape: Tuple[int, int, int], out_channels: int) -> None:
out_shape = (out_channels, in_shape[1], in_shape[2])
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_shape[0], out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
self.norm1 = nn.LayerNorm(out_shape)
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(out_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
self.norm2 = nn.LayerNorm(out_shape)
# Handling the change in dimensions with a 1x1 convolution
self.shortcut = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(in_shape[0], out_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=1), nn.LayerNorm(out_shape)
def forward(self, x: FloatTensor) -> FloatTensor:
out = F.leaky_relu(self.norm1(self.conv1(x)))
out = self.norm2(self.conv2(out))
out += self.shortcut(x)
return F.leaky_relu(out, inplace=True)
class AttentionLayer(nn.Module):
Attention layer that applies an attention mechanism to the input tensor.
num_channels (`int`):
Number of channels.
Output tensor of the same shape as the input tensor.
def __init__(self, num_channels: int) -> None:
self.avg_pool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1)
self.fc = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(num_channels, num_channels // 8, bias=False),
nn.Linear(num_channels // 8, num_channels, bias=False),
def forward(self, x: FloatTensor) -> FloatTensor:
b, c, _, _ = x.size()
y = self.avg_pool(x).view(b, c)
y = self.fc(y).view(b, c, 1, 1)
return x * y.expand_as(x)
class ImageEncoder(nn.Module):
Image encoder that encodes a batch of images.
hidden_size (`int`):
Size of the output hidden state.
`torch.Tensor` of shape `(batch_size, hidden_size)`:
Output tensor.
def __init__(self, hidden_size: int) -> None:
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(4, 32, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) # 42x42
self.norm1 = nn.InstanceNorm2d(32)
self.att1 = AttentionLayer(32)
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(32, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) # 21x21
self.norm2 = nn.InstanceNorm2d(64)
self.att2 = AttentionLayer(64)
self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(64, 128, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) # 11x11
self.norm3 = nn.InstanceNorm2d(128)
self.att3 = AttentionLayer(128)
self.fc = nn.Linear(128 * 11 * 11, hidden_size) # Adjusted to the new spatial dimension
def forward(self, x: FloatTensor) -> FloatTensor:
x = F.leaky_relu(self.norm1(self.conv1(x)), inplace=True)
x = self.att1(x)
x = F.leaky_relu(self.norm2(self.conv2(x)), inplace=True)
x = self.att2(x)
x = F.leaky_relu(self.norm3(self.conv3(x)), inplace=True)
x = self.att3(x)
x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) # Flatten the tensor
x = self.fc(x)
return x
class ImageDecoder(nn.Module):
Image decoder that decodes a batch of encoded representations.
hidden_size (`int`):
Size of the input hidden state.
`torch.Tensor` of shape `(batch_size, 4, 84, 84)`:
Output tensor representing the reconstructed images.
def __init__(self, hidden_size: int) -> None:
self.fc = nn.Linear(hidden_size, 128 * 11 * 11)
self.deconv1 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(128, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1, output_padding=1) # 21x21
self.norm1 = nn.InstanceNorm2d(64)
self.att1 = AttentionLayer(64)
self.deconv2 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(64, 32, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1, output_padding=1) # 42x42
self.norm2 = nn.InstanceNorm2d(32)
self.att2 = AttentionLayer(32)
self.deconv3 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(32, 4, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1, output_padding=1) # 84x84
def forward(self, x: FloatTensor) -> FloatTensor:
x = self.fc(x)
x = x.view(x.size(0), 128, 11, 11) # Reshape to the spatial dimension of encoder's last conv layer
x = F.leaky_relu(self.norm1(self.deconv1(x)), inplace=True) # 22x22
x = F.interpolate(x, size=(21, 21)) # 21x21
x = self.att1(x)
x = F.leaky_relu(self.norm2(self.deconv2(x)), inplace=True)
x = self.att2(x)
x = F.tanh(self.deconv3(x))
return x
class DualBatchReshapeWrapper(nn.Module):
Wrapper to make a module designed for a single batch work with a dual batch.
module (`nn.Module`):
Module to be wrapped.
def __init__(self, module: nn.Module) -> None:
self.module = module
def forward(self, x: FloatTensor) -> FloatTensor:
n1, n2 = x.shape[:2]
x = x.view(n1 * n2, *x.shape[2:])
x = self.module(x)
x = x.view(n1, n2, *x.shape[1:])
return x
class JatOutput(ModelOutput):
Output of the Jat model.
The model can be used for both RL and NLP tasks. For RL tasks, the model takes in observations and actions
(`continuous_observations`, `discrete_actions`, etc.). For textual tasks, the model takes in a sequence of tokens
and/or images (`input_ids`, `image`). The output depends on the type of input.
loss (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(1,)`, *optional*, returned when `return_loss` is `True`):
For RL input, the loss is the sum of the observation loss and the action loss.
For textual input, the causal language modeling loss.
observation_loss (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(1,)`, *optional*, returned when `return_loss` is `True`):
Only returned when RL input is provided. The MSE loss between predicted and true observations for
continuous observations and the cross-entropy loss for discrete observations.
action_loss (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(1,)`, *optional*, returned when `return_loss` is `True`):
Only returned when RL input is provided. The MSE loss between predicted and true actions for
continuous actions and the cross-entropy loss for discrete actions.
pred_observations (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, max_seq_len, ...)`):
Only returned when RL input is provided. Predicted observations from t=1 to t=max_seq_len+1.
pred_actions (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, max_seq_len, ...)`):
Only returned when RL input is provided. Predicted actions from t=0 to t=max_seq_len. When input actions
are discrete, the predicted actions are logits.
last_hidden_state (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length, hidden_size)`):
Sequence of hidden-states at the output of the last layer of the model.
If `past_key_values` is used only the last hidden-state of the sequences of shape `(batch_size, 1,
hidden_size)` is output.
past_key_values (`tuple(tuple(torch.FloatTensor))`, *optional*, returned when `use_cache=True` is passed or
when `config.use_cache=True`):
Tuple of `tuple(torch.FloatTensor)` of length `config.n_layers`, with each tuple having 2 tensors of shape
`(batch_size, num_heads, sequence_length, embed_size_per_head)`) and optionally if
`config.is_encoder_decoder=True` 2 additional tensors of shape `(batch_size, num_heads,
encoder_sequence_length, embed_size_per_head)`.
Contains pre-computed hidden-states (key and values in the self-attention blocks and optionally if
`config.is_encoder_decoder=True` in the cross-attention blocks) that can be used (see `past_key_values`
input) to speed up sequential decoding.
hidden_states (`tuple(torch.FloatTensor)`, *optional*, returned when `output_hidden_states=True` is passed or
when `config.output_hidden_states=True`):
Tuple of `torch.FloatTensor` (one for the output of the embeddings, if the model has an embedding layer, +
one for the output of each layer) of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length, hidden_size)`.
Hidden-states of the model at the output of each layer plus the optional initial embedding outputs.
attentions (`tuple(torch.FloatTensor)`, *optional*, returned when `output_attentions=True` is passed or when
Tuple of `torch.FloatTensor` (one for each layer) of shape `(batch_size, num_heads, sequence_length,
Attentions weights after the attention softmax, used to compute the weighted average in the self-attention
loss: Optional[FloatTensor] = None
observation_loss: Optional[FloatTensor] = None
action_loss: Optional[FloatTensor] = None
pred_observations: Optional[FloatTensor] = None
pred_actions: Optional[FloatTensor] = None
logits: Optional[FloatTensor] = None
past_key_values: Optional[Tuple[Tuple[FloatTensor]]] = None
hidden_states: Optional[Tuple[FloatTensor]] = None
attentions: Optional[Tuple[FloatTensor]] = None
class JatModel(GPTNeoPreTrainedModel):
Jat model.
config_class = JatConfig
def __init__(self, config: JatConfig) -> None:
vocab_size = config.vocab_size
hidden_size = config.hidden_size
max_discrete_value = config.max_discrete_value
max_continuous_size = config.max_continuous_size
self.observation_loss_coef = config.observation_loss_coef
self.action_loss_coef = config.action_loss_coef
# Transformer
self.transformer = GPTNeoModel(config)
# Encoders
self.vit_encoder = ViTPatchEmbeddings(config)
self.single_discrete_encoder = self.transformer.wte
self.continuous_encoder = nn.Linear(max_continuous_size, hidden_size)
self.multi_discrete_encoder = nn.Sequential(
self.single_discrete_encoder, # (B, L, X, H)
nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size // 50), # (B, L, X, H // 50)
nn.Flatten(start_dim=2), # (B, L, X * (H // 50))
nn.Linear(max_discrete_value * (hidden_size // 50), hidden_size - 1), # (B, L, H)
) # -1 to account for the reward
self.image_encoder = DualBatchReshapeWrapper(ImageEncoder(hidden_size))
# Decoders
self.single_discrete_decoder = nn.Linear(hidden_size, vocab_size, bias=False)
self.continuous_decoder = nn.Linear(hidden_size, max_continuous_size)
self.multi_discrete_decoder = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(hidden_size, max_discrete_value * (hidden_size // 50)), # (B, L, X * (H // 50))
nn.Unflatten(dim=2, unflattened_size=(max_discrete_value, hidden_size // 50)), # (B, L, X, H // 50)
nn.Linear(hidden_size // 50, hidden_size), # (B, L, X, H)
nn.Linear(hidden_size, 8, bias=False), # (B, L, X, 8) - the max possible value in the dataset is 8
self.image_decoder = DualBatchReshapeWrapper(ImageDecoder(hidden_size))
# Initialize weights and apply final processing
def embed_textual(
input_ids: Optional[LongTensor],
pixel_values: Optional[FloatTensor] = None,
attention_mask: Optional[BoolTensor] = None,
) -> Tensor:
text_inputs_embeds = self.single_discrete_encoder(input_ids) if input_ids is not None else None
image_inputs_embeds = self.vit_encoder(pixel_values) if pixel_values is not None else None
# Concatenate text and image inputs
if image_inputs_embeds is not None and text_inputs_embeds is not None:
inputs_embeds = torch.cat((image_inputs_embeds, text_inputs_embeds), dim=1)
# Add attention mask for image inputs
image_mask = torch.ones(image_inputs_embeds.shape[:2], dtype=torch.bool, device=self.device)
if attention_mask is None:
attention_mask = torch.ones(text_inputs_embeds.shape[:2], dtype=torch.bool, device=self.device)
attention_mask = torch.cat((image_mask, attention_mask), dim=1)
elif image_inputs_embeds is not None:
inputs_embeds = image_inputs_embeds
elif text_inputs_embeds is not None:
inputs_embeds = text_inputs_embeds
attention_mask = attention_mask
raise ValueError("At least one of `input_ids` or `pixel_values` must be provided.")
return inputs_embeds, attention_mask
def embed_rl(
continuous_observations: Optional[FloatTensor] = None,
discrete_observations: Optional[LongTensor] = None,
image_observations: Optional[FloatTensor] = None,
continuous_actions: Optional[FloatTensor] = None,
discrete_actions: Optional[LongTensor] = None,
rewards: Optional[FloatTensor] = None,
attention_mask: Optional[BoolTensor] = None,
# Prepare RL inputs (pad and cat rewards to observations)
assert rewards is not None
if continuous_observations is not None:
continuous_observations = torch.cat((continuous_observations, rewards.unsqueeze(-1)), dim=-1)
continuous_observations = cyclic_expand_dim(continuous_observations, self.config.max_continuous_size)
if continuous_actions is not None:
continuous_actions = cyclic_expand_dim(continuous_actions, self.config.max_continuous_size)
# Encode
if continuous_observations is not None:
batch_size, seq_len = continuous_observations.shape[:2]
inputs_embeds_observations = self.continuous_encoder(continuous_observations)
elif discrete_observations is not None:
batch_size, seq_len = discrete_observations.shape[:2]
inputs_embeds_observations = self.multi_discrete_encoder(discrete_observations)
inputs_embeds_observations = torch.cat((inputs_embeds_observations, rewards.unsqueeze(-1)), dim=-1)
elif image_observations is not None:
batch_size, seq_len = image_observations.shape[:2]
inputs_embeds_observations = self.image_encoder(image_observations)
raise ValueError("Missing observations.")
if continuous_actions is not None:
inputs_embeds_actions = self.continuous_encoder(continuous_actions)
elif discrete_actions is not None:
inputs_embeds_actions = self.single_discrete_encoder(discrete_actions)
raise ValueError("Missing actions.")
# Concatenate observations and actions
inputs_embeds = torch.cat((inputs_embeds_observations, inputs_embeds_actions), dim=2)
inputs_embeds = inputs_embeds.view(batch_size, 2 * seq_len, self.config.hidden_size)
if attention_mask is not None:
attention_mask = torch.repeat_interleave(attention_mask, repeats=2, dim=1)
return inputs_embeds, attention_mask
def output_textual(
input_ids: Optional[LongTensor] = None,
attention_mask: Optional[BoolTensor] = None,
return_loss: bool = True,
return_dict: Optional[bool] = None,
hidden_states = transformer_outputs[0]
loss = None
# Get only textual hidden states
lm_logits = self.single_discrete_decoder(hidden_states)
if return_loss:
if input_ids is None:
raise ValueError("Input IDs must be provided when `return_loss=True`.")
# Shift so that tokens < n predict n
num_text_tokens = input_ids.shape[1]
shift_logits = lm_logits[:, -num_text_tokens:-1, :].contiguous()
shift_labels = input_ids[:, 1:].contiguous()
if attention_mask is not None:
shift_attention_mask = attention_mask[:, -num_text_tokens:]
shift_attention_mask = shift_attention_mask[:, 1:]
shift_attention_mask = torch.ones(shift_labels.shape, dtype=bool, device=self.device)
shift_logits = shift_logits[shift_attention_mask.bool()]
shift_labels = shift_labels[shift_attention_mask.bool()]
loss_fct = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
loss = loss_fct(shift_logits, shift_labels)
if not return_dict:
output = (lm_logits,) + transformer_outputs[1:]
return ((loss,) + output) if loss is not None else output
return JatOutput(
def output_rl(
continuous_observations: Optional[FloatTensor] = None,
discrete_observations: Optional[LongTensor] = None,
image_observations: Optional[FloatTensor] = None,
continuous_actions: Optional[FloatTensor] = None,
discrete_actions: Optional[LongTensor] = None,
rewards: Optional[FloatTensor] = None,
attention_mask: Optional[BoolTensor] = None,
return_loss: bool = True,
return_dict: Optional[bool] = None,
loss_weight: Optional[FloatTensor] = None,
hidden_states = transformer_outputs.last_hidden_state
loss, observation_loss, action_loss = None, None, None
# Observations
assert rewards is not None
observations_mask = attention_mask[:, 1::2] if attention_mask is not None else None
if continuous_observations is not None:
if self.observation_loss_coef == 0.0:
warnings.warn("observation_loss_coef is 0.0, skipping memory-intensive observations prediction.")
pred_observations = None
observation_loss = 0.0
obs_size = continuous_observations.shape[-1]
continuous_observations = torch.cat((continuous_observations, rewards.unsqueeze(-1)), dim=-1)
continuous_observations = cyclic_expand_dim(continuous_observations, self.config.max_continuous_size)
pred_observations = self.continuous_decoder(hidden_states[:, 1::2])
if return_loss:
observation_loss = compute_mse_loss(
pred_observations[:, :-1],
continuous_observations[:, 1:],
observations_mask[:, 1:] if observations_mask is not None else None,
weights=loss_weight[:, 1:] if loss_weight is not None else None,
pred_observations = pred_observations[..., :obs_size]
elif discrete_observations is not None: # Note: reward is not predicted
if self.observation_loss_coef == 0.0:
warnings.warn("observation_loss_coef is 0.0, skipping memory-intensive observations prediction.")
pred_observations = None
observation_loss = 0.0
warnings.warn("Discrete observations prediction are not supported yet.") # way too expensive
pred_observations = None
observation_loss = 0.0
# pred_observations = self.multi_discrete_decoder(hidden_states[:, 1::2])
# if return_loss:
# observation_loss = compute_ce_loss(
# pred_observations[:, :-1],
# discrete_observations[:, 1:],
# observations_mask[:, 1:] if observations_mask is not None else None,
# weights=loss_weight[:, 1:] if loss_weight is not None else None,
# )
elif image_observations is not None:
if self.observation_loss_coef == 0.0:
warnings.warn("observation_loss_coef is 0.0, skipping memory-intensive observations prediction.")
pred_observations = None
observation_loss = 0.0
pred_observations = self.image_decoder(hidden_states[:, 1::2])
if return_loss:
observation_loss = compute_mse_loss(
pred_observations[:, :-1],
image_observations[:, 1:],
observations_mask[:, 1:] if observations_mask is not None else None,
weights=loss_weight[:, 1:] if loss_weight is not None else None,
# Actions
actions_mask = attention_mask[:, ::2] if attention_mask is not None else None
if continuous_actions is not None:
act_size = continuous_actions.shape[-1]
continuous_actions = cyclic_expand_dim(continuous_actions, self.config.max_continuous_size)
pred_actions = self.continuous_decoder(hidden_states[:, ::2])
if return_loss:
action_loss = compute_mse_loss(pred_actions, continuous_actions, actions_mask, weights=loss_weight)
pred_actions = pred_actions[..., :act_size]
elif discrete_actions is not None:
pred_actions = self.single_discrete_decoder(hidden_states[:, ::2])
if return_loss:
action_loss = compute_ce_loss(pred_actions, discrete_actions, actions_mask, weights=loss_weight)
# Return output
if return_loss:
loss = self.observation_loss_coef * observation_loss + self.action_loss_coef * action_loss
if not return_dict:
output = (pred_observations, pred_actions) + transformer_outputs[1:]
return ((loss, observation_loss, action_loss) + output) if loss is not None else output
return JatOutput(
def forward(
input_ids: Optional[LongTensor] = None,
pixel_values: Optional[FloatTensor] = None,
continuous_observations: Optional[FloatTensor] = None,
discrete_observations: Optional[LongTensor] = None,
image_observations: Optional[FloatTensor] = None,
continuous_actions: Optional[FloatTensor] = None,
discrete_actions: Optional[LongTensor] = None,
rewards: Optional[FloatTensor] = None,
past_key_values: Optional[Tuple[Tuple[FloatTensor]]] = None,
attention_mask: Optional[BoolTensor] = None,
token_type_ids: Optional[LongTensor] = None,
position_ids: Optional[LongTensor] = None,
return_loss: bool = True,
use_cache: Optional[bool] = None,
output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None,
output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None,
return_dict: Optional[bool] = None,
loss_weight: Optional[FloatTensor] = None,
) -> JatOutput:
return_dict = return_dict if return_dict is not None else self.config.use_return_dict
# Textual tasks
if input_ids is not None or pixel_values is not None:
inputs_embeds, attention_mask = self.embed_textual(input_ids, pixel_values, attention_mask)
# RL tasks
elif (
continuous_observations is not None or discrete_observations is not None or image_observations is not None
inputs_embeds, attention_mask = self.embed_rl(
raise ValueError("Input not provided.")
# Pass through transformer
transformer_outputs = self.transformer(
if input_ids is not None or pixel_values is not None:
return self.output_textual(transformer_outputs, input_ids, attention_mask, return_loss, return_dict)
return self.output_rl(
def reset_rl(self):
self._last_key_values = None
self.last_discrete_observation = None
self.last_continuous_observation = None
self.last_text_observation = None
self.last_image_observation = None
self.last_discrete_action = None
self.last_continuous_action = None
self.last_reward = None
def get_next_action(
processor: JatProcessor,
continuous_observation: Optional[List[float]] = None,
discrete_observation: Optional[List[int]] = None,
text_observation: Optional[str] = None,
image_observation: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
action_space: Union[spaces.Box, spaces.Discrete] = None,
reward: Optional[float] = None,
deterministic: bool = False,
# Get the maximum sequence length
max_length = self.config.max_position_embeddings // 2
# Convert everything to lists
def to_list(x):
return x.tolist() if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) else x
continuous_observation = to_list(continuous_observation)
discrete_observation = to_list(discrete_observation)
# Add a fake action to the end of the sequence
if isinstance(action_space, spaces.Box):
fake_continuous_action = [0.0 for _ in range(action_space.shape[0])]
fake_discrete_action = None
elif isinstance(action_space, spaces.Discrete):
fake_continuous_action = None
fake_discrete_action = 0
continuous_observations = [continuous_observation] if continuous_observation is not None else None
discrete_observations = [discrete_observation] if discrete_observation is not None else None
text_observations = [text_observation] if text_observation is not None else None
image_observations = [image_observation] if image_observation is not None else None
continuous_actions = [fake_continuous_action] if fake_continuous_action is not None else None
discrete_actions = [fake_discrete_action] if fake_discrete_action is not None else None
rewards = [reward] if reward is not None else [0.0]
if self._last_key_values is not None:
# We concatenate the last observation with the current one
continuous_observations = (
[self.last_continuous_observation] + continuous_observations
if continuous_observations is not None
else None
discrete_observations = (
[self.last_discrete_observation] + discrete_observations if discrete_observations is not None else None
text_observations = (
[self.last_text_observation] + text_observations if text_observations is not None else None
image_observations = (
[self.last_image_observation] + image_observations if image_observations is not None else None
continuous_actions = (
[self.last_continuous_action] + continuous_actions if continuous_actions is not None else None
discrete_actions = [self.last_discrete_action] + discrete_actions if discrete_actions is not None else None
rewards = [self.last_reward] + rewards
# Store the last observation
self.last_continuous_observation = continuous_observations[-1] if continuous_observations is not None else None
self.last_discrete_observation = discrete_observations[-1] if discrete_observations is not None else None
self.last_text_observation = text_observations[-1] if text_observations is not None else None
self.last_image_observation = image_observations[-1] if image_observations is not None else None
self.last_reward = rewards[-1]
# Add the batch dimension
continuous_observations = [continuous_observations] if continuous_observations is not None else None
discrete_observations = [discrete_observations] if discrete_observations is not None else None
text_observations = [text_observations] if text_observations is not None else None
image_observations = [image_observations] if image_observations is not None else None
continuous_actions = [continuous_actions] if continuous_actions is not None else None
discrete_actions = [discrete_actions] if discrete_actions is not None else None
rewards = [rewards]
# Process the inputs
processed = processor(
# Forward pass
outputs = self(**processed, past_key_values=self._last_key_values, return_loss=False)
# Truncate the past key-values
self._last_key_values = tuple(
tuple(pkv[:, :, -self.config.max_position_embeddings + 2 :] for pkv in pkvs)
for pkvs in outputs.past_key_values
# Store the last key values
# We remove the last two values, as the inputs are [s_0, 0], [s_0, a_0, s_1, 0], [s_1, a_1, s_2, 0], ...
self._last_key_values = tuple(tuple(pkv[:, :, :-2] for pkv in pkvs) for pkvs in self._last_key_values)
# Return the predicted action
if continuous_actions is not None:
self.last_continuous_action = outputs.pred_actions[0, -1].cpu().tolist()
return self.last_continuous_action
elif discrete_actions is not None:
logits = outputs.pred_actions[0, -1, : action_space.n]
if deterministic:
self.last_discrete_action = logits.argmax().cpu().item()
else: # sample
self.last_discrete_action = torch.multinomial(logits.softmax(dim=-1), num_samples=1)[0].item()
return self.last_discrete_action
# Allows to use .generate()
def prepare_inputs_for_generation(self, input_ids, pixel_values=None, past_key_values=None, **kwargs):
# only last token for inputs_ids if past is defined in kwargs
if past_key_values is not None:
pixel_values = None
input_ids = input_ids[:, -1].unsqueeze(-1)
model_inputs = {
"input_ids": input_ids,
"pixel_values": pixel_values,
"past_key_values": past_key_values,
"use_cache": kwargs.get("use_cache"),
return model_inputs