Reason for `trust_remote_code`?

by krumeto - opened

Hey team and thank you for the model!

Quick question - can you please give more details on the need for trust_remote_code? If I remember correctly, it is related to AliBi (but I might be wrong). Additional details would be welcome.

Thank you in advance!


trust_remote_code is required for loading code from a model repository. This is required for model implementations that are not natively implemented in transformers.
In particular, for this model, these files are loaded:

If you ever see trust_remote_code=True when loading a model, feel free to inspect any Python files in the repository. The files & classes that are used will be described in the config.json here.
Based on my quick glance, everything looks quite normal.

  • Tom Aarsen
krumeto changed discussion status to closed

Thank you, @tomaarsen !

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