Bio_ClinicalBERT_QA / eval_predictions.json
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9b3d276 verified
"56ddde6b9a695914005b9628": "Norse (\"Norman",
"56ddde6b9a695914005b9629": "Norway who, under their leader Rollo",
"56ddde6b9a695914005b962a": "Norse (\"Norman",
"56ddde6b9a695914005b962b": "Norway",
"56ddde6b9a695914005b962c": "Norway who, under their leader Rollo",
"5ad39d53604f3c001a3fe8d1": "Norse (\"Norman",
"5ad39d53604f3c001a3fe8d2": "Norse (\"Norman",
"5ad39d53604f3c001a3fe8d3": "Norse (\"Norman",
"5ad39d53604f3c001a3fe8d4": "Norse (\"Norman",
"56dddf4066d3e219004dad5f": "England at the Battle of Hastings",
"56dddf4066d3e219004dad60": "Frankish land they settled, their dialect becoming known as Norman, Normaund",
"56dddf4066d3e219004dad61": "Frankish land they settled, their dialect becoming known as Norman, Normaund",
"5ad3a266604f3c001a3fea27": "Frankish land they settled, their dialect becoming known as Norman, Normaund",
"5ad3a266604f3c001a3fea28": "England at the Battle of Hastings",
"5ad3a266604f3c001a3fea29": "Frankish land they settled, their dialect becoming known as Norman, Normaund",
"5ad3a266604f3c001a3fea2a": "Frankish land they settled, their dialect becoming known as Norman, Normaund",
"5ad3a266604f3c001a3fea2b": "England at the Battle of Hastings",
"56dde0379a695914005b9636": "Nortmannus, Normannus",
"56dde0379a695914005b9637": "Nortmannus",
"5ad3ab70604f3c001a3feb89": "Nortmannus, Normannus",
"5ad3ab70604f3c001a3feb8a": "Nortmannus",
"56dde0ba66d3e219004dad75": "Rouen, and reproduced the Roman administrative structure of Gallia Lugdunensis",
"56dde0ba66d3e219004dad76": "Rouen, and reproduced the Roman administrative structure of Gallia Lugdunensis",
"56dde0ba66d3e219004dad77": "Rouen, and reproduced the Roman administrative structure of Gallia Lugdunensis",
"5ad3ad61604f3c001a3fec0d": "Rouen, and reproduced the Roman administrative structure of Gallia Lugdunensis",
"5ad3ad61604f3c001a3fec0e": "Rouen, and reproduced the Roman administrative structure of Gallia Lugdunensis",
"5ad3ad61604f3c001a3fec0f": "Rouen, and reproduced the Roman administrative structure of Gallia Lugdunensis",
"5ad3ad61604f3c001a3fec10": "Gallia Lugdunensis",
"56dde1d966d3e219004dad8d": "Norwegians",
"5ad3ae14604f3c001a3fec39": "Norwegians, Norse\u2013Gaels",
"5ad3ae14604f3c001a3fec3a": "Norwegians",
"56dde27d9a695914005b9651": "Norse traditions and customs to synthesize a unique \"Norman",
"56dde27d9a695914005b9652": "Norse religion and Old Norse language with Catholicism (Christianity) and the Gallo-Romance",
"5ad3af11604f3c001a3fec63": "Norse traditions and customs to synthesize a unique \"Norman",
"5ad3af11604f3c001a3fec64": "Norse traditions and customs to synthesize a unique \"Norman",
"5ad3af11604f3c001a3fec65": "Norse traditions and customs to synthesize a unique \"Norman",
"56dde2fa66d3e219004dad9b": "France and England eventually served as avid Crusaders under the Italo-Norman",
"5ad3c626604f3c001a3ff011": "Bohemund I and the Anglo-Norman",
"5ad3c626604f3c001a3ff012": "France and England eventually served as avid Crusaders under the Italo-Norman",
"5ad3c626604f3c001a3ff013": "France, and worked them into a functional hierarchical system in both Normandy and in England. The new Norman",
"56de0f6a4396321400ee257f": "Seljuk Turks. Norman mercenaries were first encouraged to come to the south by the Lombards",
"5ad3dbc6604f3c001a3ff3e9": "Seljuk Turks. Norman mercenaries were first encouraged to come to the south by the Lombards",
"5ad3dbc6604f3c001a3ff3ea": "Seljuk Turks. Norman mercenaries were first encouraged to come to the south by the Lombards",
"5ad3dbc6604f3c001a3ff3eb": "Seljuk Turks. Norman mercenaries were first encouraged to come to the south by the Lombards",
"5ad3dbc6604f3c001a3ff3ec": "Seljuk Turks. Norman mercenaries were first encouraged to come to the south by the Lombards",
"56de0ffd4396321400ee258d": "Malatya and Edessa",
"56de0ffd4396321400ee258e": "Malatya and Edessa",
"56de0ffd4396321400ee258f": "Malatya and Edessa",
"5ad3de8b604f3c001a3ff467": "Malatya and Edessa",
"5ad3de8b604f3c001a3ff468": "Malatya and Edessa",
"5ad3de8b604f3c001a3ff469": "Malatya and Edessa",
"5ad3de8b604f3c001a3ff46a": "Malatya and Edessa",
"56de10b44396321400ee2593": "Raimbaud",
"56de10b44396321400ee2594": "Cilicia and the Taurus Mountains",
"56de10b44396321400ee2595": "Cilicia and the Taurus Mountains",
"5ad3e96b604f3c001a3ff689": "Cilicia and the Taurus Mountains",
"5ad3e96b604f3c001a3ff68a": "Taurus Mountains",
"5ad3e96b604f3c001a3ff68b": "Raimbaud. They even lent their ethnicity to the name of their castle: Afranji",
"5ad3e96b604f3c001a3ff68c": "Raimbaud",
"56de11154396321400ee25aa": "Albanian clans known as the Maniakates were descended from Normans",
"5ad3ea79604f3c001a3ff6e9": "Raoul, the Petraliphae were descended from a Pierre",
"5ad3ea79604f3c001a3ff6ea": "Raoul, the Petraliphae were descended from a Pierre",
"5ad3ea79604f3c001a3ff6eb": "Albanian clans known as the Maniakates were descended from Normans",
"56de148dcffd8e1900b4b5bc": "Dalmatia",
"56de148dcffd8e1900b4b5bd": "Dalmatia, in 1081 he led an army of 30,000 men in 300 ships landing on the southern shores of Albania",
"56de148dcffd8e1900b4b5be": "Dalmatia",
"5ad3ed26604f3c001a3ff799": "Dalmatia",
"5ad3ed26604f3c001a3ff79a": "Ioannina and some minor cities in southwestern Macedonia",
"5ad3ed26604f3c001a3ff79b": "Dalmatia",
"5ad3ed26604f3c001a3ff79c": "Albania, capturing Valona, Kanina, Jericho",
"56de15104396321400ee25b7": "Valona",
"56de15104396321400ee25b8": "Bohemond to retreat from his campaign and sign a peace treaty with the Byzantines in the city of Deabolis",
"56de15104396321400ee25b9": "Deabolis",
"5ad3ee2d604f3c001a3ff7e1": "Bohemond to retreat from his campaign and sign a peace treaty with the Byzantines in the city of Deabolis",
"5ad3ee2d604f3c001a3ff7e2": "Valona",
"5ad3ee2d604f3c001a3ff7e3": "Deabolis",
"56de1563cffd8e1900b4b5c2": "Byzantine state-of-affairs",
"56de1563cffd8e1900b4b5c3": "Byzantine state-of-affairs",
"56de1563cffd8e1900b4b5c4": "Byzantine state-of-affairs",
"5ad3f028604f3c001a3ff823": "Byzantine state-of-affairs",
"5ad3f028604f3c001a3ff824": "Byzantine state-of-affairs paved the road to a third attack in 1185, when a large Norman",
"5ad3f028604f3c001a3ff825": "Byzantine state-of-affairs paved the road to a third attack in 1185, when a large Norman",
"56de15dbcffd8e1900b4b5c8": "Ethelred fled to Normandy in 1013, when he was forced from his kingdom by Sweyn Forkbeard",
"56de15dbcffd8e1900b4b5c9": "Ethelred fled to Normandy in 1013, when he was forced from his kingdom by Sweyn Forkbeard",
"56de15dbcffd8e1900b4b5ca": "Sweyn Forkbeard",
"56de15dbcffd8e1900b4b5cb": "Sweyn Forkbeard",
"5ad3f187604f3c001a3ff86f": "Ethelred fled to Normandy in 1013, when he was forced from his kingdom by Sweyn Forkbeard",
"5ad3f187604f3c001a3ff870": "Sweyn Forkbeard",
"5ad3f187604f3c001a3ff871": "Ethelred fled to Normandy in 1013, when he was forced from his kingdom by Sweyn Forkbeard",
"56de1645cffd8e1900b4b5d0": "Robert of Jumi\u00e8ges archbishop of Canterbury and made Ralph the Timid earl of Hereford",
"56de1645cffd8e1900b4b5d1": "Jumi\u00e8ges archbishop of Canterbury and made Ralph the Timid earl of Hereford",
"56de1645cffd8e1900b4b5d2": "Robert of Jumi\u00e8ges archbishop of Canterbury and made Ralph the Timid earl of Hereford",
"5ad3f350604f3c001a3ff8ef": "Robert of Jumi\u00e8ges archbishop of Canterbury and made Ralph the Timid earl of Hereford",
"5ad3f350604f3c001a3ff8f0": "Jumi\u00e8ges archbishop of Canterbury and made Ralph the Timid earl of Hereford",
"5ad3f350604f3c001a3ff8f1": "Jumi\u00e8ges archbishop of Canterbury and made Ralph the Timid earl of Hereford",
"56de16ca4396321400ee25c5": "Norman",
"56de16ca4396321400ee25c6": "Anglo-Saxons as the ruling class of England. The nobility of England were part of a single Normans",
"56de16ca4396321400ee25c7": "Normandy conquered England killing King Harold II at the Battle of Hasting",
"56de16ca4396321400ee25c8": "England to be their most important holding (it brought with it the title of King",
"5ad3f4b1604f3c001a3ff951": "France for their land on the continent. They considered England to be their most important holding (it brought with it the title of King"