[ { "reference": "なんとか言ってやってくださいよ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13794754445552826, 0.23983626067638397 ] } }, { "reference": "友達に旅行のお土産をもらいました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12634417414665222, 0.5848485827445984 ] } }, { "reference": "床に落ちてバラバラになった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10931752622127533, 0.29118651151657104 ] } }, { "reference": "構造は鋼製の単一アーチで橋脚は石積みである", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12424664944410324, 0.10510259121656418, 0.4429628849029541 ] } }, { "reference": "望みのない誰かに惚れるなんて、ばかばかしいよ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14055433869361877, 0.5036170482635498 ] } }, { "reference": "予防や、健康管理、リハビリテーションのための制度を、充実していく必要があろう。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10123291611671448, 0.10344693809747696, 0.08966796845197678, 0.362560898065567 ] } }, { "reference": "幼児とおばあさんの面影がだぶって、ゆらゆらと遠ざかっていく。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11847849190235138, 0.1403215527534485, 0.11430606245994568, 0.4263668358325958 ] } }, { "reference": "家へ帰ったら、掃除しようと思います。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1453801393508911, 0.4835178852081299 ] } }, { "reference": "シャツまだしめっぽいよ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.05460339039564133, 0.295981764793396 ] } }, { "reference": "夕方までにこの仕事をやらなければなりません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13914339244365692, 0.5260053873062134 ] } }, { "reference": "がらがらと響く音のほうが大きくて、演説はそれきりで終わった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12986138463020325, 0.11891132593154907, 0.508914053440094 ] } }, { "reference": "反政府デモへの、一般学生、一般市民の合流を、過大評価することは、適切ではあるまい。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10579179227352142, 0.09981876611709595, 0.09620726853609085, 0.4514905512332916 ] } }, { "reference": "中くらいの背の人だったよ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09654226154088974, 0.3338315784931183 ] } }, { "reference": "毎年母に誕生日のプレゼントをあげます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1299106776714325, 0.15725155174732208, 0.44136857986450195 ] } }, { "reference": "わたしの弟は九歳です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1200648620724678, 0.395853191614151 ] } }, { "reference": "汚れた窓から、雨にぬれた街が見える。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12091866880655289, 0.43316203355789185 ] } }, { "reference": "冷蔵庫の中に野菜や卵があります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12715493142604828, 0.5112069845199585 ] } }, { "reference": "向こうの窓を開けてください。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1020 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1040 ], "probabilities": [ 0.17419801652431488, 0.19290713965892792 ] } }, { "reference": "遺留品といっては、糸一本も落ちていなかった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1359121948480606, 0.11050809174776077, 0.5213579535484314 ] } }, { "reference": "来年の春、姉が結婚します。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13952836394309998, 0.459840327501297 ] } }, { "reference": "護送車は、歌声を残して、骨まで凍りそうに冷たい氷雨が降っていた闇に消えた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1095060333609581, 0.08365615457296371, 0.11301825195550919, 0.4948033392429352 ] } }, { "reference": "暑かったので、プールで泳ぎました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1000 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1020 ], "probabilities": [ 0.28668561577796936, 0.3766211271286011 ] } }, { "reference": "日本の車は高いですが、いいです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12319986522197723, 0.46554145216941833 ] } }, { "reference": "みんなの命が危ういんだ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09683141857385635, 0.37608563899993896 ] } }, { "reference": "降るような星空で、その星空を流れるように行く雲が美しい。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10979669541120529, 0.1439097821712494, 0.10892177373170853, 0.44198110699653625 ] } }, { "reference": "奈良の平城宮跡から、十数年前、大量の木片が、発掘された。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1403929889202118, 0.13405972719192505, 0.10694143921136856, 0.4581392705440521 ] } }, { "reference": "大ピラミッド近くに、二つの部屋が、埋まっていたのである。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08430615812540054, 0.2402387112379074 ] } }, { "reference": "ハーデースがペルセポネーに恋をしたのはアプロディーテーの策略であるとされている", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10459336638450623, 0.11665564030408859, 0.09388533234596252, 0.4383070468902588 ] } }, { "reference": "主人が殺された晩、私は別荘にいたんですから。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13388168811798096, 0.10887964814901352, 0.5150649547576904 ] } }, { "reference": "その水源の湖沼は痛めつけられ、悲鳴を上げる元気も無い。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 900, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 920, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.17588603496551514, 0.1500009149312973, 0.10709978640079498, 0.5023890137672424 ] } }, { "reference": "電車に傘を忘れてしまいました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.21439515054225922, 0.1812114417552948, 0.4209993779659271 ] } }, { "reference": "三十日間を超える、綿密なインタビューの成果だろう。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1078537330031395, 0.10675861686468124, 0.3724598288536072 ] } }, { "reference": "それで良し。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07177572697401047 ] } }, { "reference": "日本では冬雪が降ります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼す", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12854649126529694, 0.4951036870479584 ] } }, { "reference": "現地に着いて、いざというときおぶってくれる、原住民を頼んだが、これがピグミーであった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07993673533201218, 0.09114787727594376, 0.3989853858947754, 0.38643449544906616, 0.40432992577552795 ] } }, { "reference": "わたしは時々あそこの本屋へ行きます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15818074345588684, 0.4248117506504059 ] } }, { "reference": "生まれて間もない子猫が一匹、家に紛れ込んできた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1251324862241745, 0.13587145507335663, 0.5269860625267029 ] } }, { "reference": "このタイプの人間が、一番多量の仕事をする。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13687659800052643, 0.16211038827896118, 0.46060341596603394 ] } }, { "reference": "スマートフォンからフィーチャーフォンまでマルチデバイスに対応", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080, 1100, 6500 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100, 6480, 7720 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1619732677936554, 0.14258785545825958, 0.39766284823417664, 0.9999083280563354, 0.1307719200849533 ] } }, { "reference": "日本人はおはしを使って、ごはんを食べます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1411294788122177, 0.17051808536052704, 0.10301046818494797, 0.4224644899368286 ] } }, { "reference": "けさごはんを食べないで、家を出ました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15637746453285217, 0.4139828085899353 ] } }, { "reference": "老若男女が、火を囲んで飲み、手をつないで歌う。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼す", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11076556146144867, 0.3535439670085907 ] } }, { "reference": "あの大学へ行くなら、自転車が便利です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11764156818389893, 0.1469418853521347, 0.47077974677085876 ] } }, { "reference": "パンだけ食べました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13399343192577362, 0.32908895611763 ] } }, { "reference": "販売関係の企業の代表者は、セミナー終了後、会議室に集まれ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1001293733716011, 0.08417077362537384, 0.4513288736343384, 0.3695828914642334, 0.45659956336021423 ] } }, { "reference": "主人の仕事は、建築業で、作業服を着て、出勤します。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1040, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11782412230968475, 0.12872132658958435, 0.10051464289426804, 0.40751171112060547, 0.518803060054779 ] } }, { "reference": "ナイフでケーキを四つに切ります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15634958446025848, 0.45888033509254456 ] } }, { "reference": "包丁の手を止めて、流れる涙をエプロンでぬぐったのは、タマネギのせいだけではない。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07389230281114578, 0.10207836329936981, 0.4016115367412567, 0.34531745314598083, 0.4255320727825165 ] } }, { "reference": "フィリピンで、日本人の血を引き継ぐものは、学校でも、職場でも、不利になることが多かった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06712790578603745, 0.09507418423891068, 0.33201172947883606, 0.3533727526664734, 0.32502102851867676 ] } }, { "reference": "雨だったら、休みの日は出かけません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15238824486732483, 0.08897516876459122, 0.4099501669406891 ] } }, { "reference": "すきな食べ物は何ですか。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.061290815472602844, 0.3908517360687256 ] } }, { "reference": "むしろ、規則正しさで、安らぎを、感じさせてくれた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1047838032245636, 0.12517184019088745, 0.4020664691925049 ] } }, { "reference": "今十二時すぎです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1451839655637741, 0.5160790085792542 ] } }, { "reference": "銀行は午前九時から午後三時までです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1463293731212616, 0.11966977268457413, 0.5251220464706421 ] } }, { "reference": "先週、母の誕生日でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15969595313072205, 0.5321407914161682 ] } }, { "reference": "わたしは妹の宿題を見てあげました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14721223711967468, 0.12265229970216751, 0.46932294964790344 ] } }, { "reference": "八月一日から九月三十日まで夏休みです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13065321743488312, 0.13219836354255676, 0.47089317440986633, 0.46060165762901306 ] } }, { "reference": "山田さんの誕生日にパーティーをします。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11620408296585083, 0.1277170330286026, 0.4598257839679718 ] } }, { "reference": "一年中、擦り切れた、小倉の詰めえり服、一着でとおす。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1410398930311203, 0.1427665799856186, 0.47299009561538696 ] } }, { "reference": "このジェシー役でステイモスはエミー賞にノミネートされたこともある", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1040, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10590273141860962, 0.12844429910182953, 0.41810205578804016, 0.4816698431968689 ] } }, { "reference": "ええ、いいですよ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "る", "start_timestamps": [ 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16059470176696777 ] } }, { "reference": "デビュー後の数年間はベビーフェイスとして本名で活動", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12320976704359055, 0.13460154831409454, 0.4481565058231354, 0.5123050808906555 ] } }, { "reference": "つまらないものですけど、どうぞ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07810194790363312, 0.23073090612888336 ] } }, { "reference": "だまされるほうの、知識水準に問題があるのでございます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1000, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1020, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07917943596839905, 0.13577254116535187, 0.4160102903842926 ] } }, { "reference": "イさんにしょうゆを取ってあげました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14851771295070648, 0.4804781377315521 ] } }, { "reference": "虚偽、不条理を許さないという勇気によってしか、我々は、人間らしい心を保持することができないのです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しをとしる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1000, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1020, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.052105821669101715, 0.0555962473154068, 0.07237575948238373, 0.2869662642478943, 0.22598031163215637 ] } }, { "reference": "円高ショックを少しでも和らげようと、自動車、電機などの機械産業全般に広がった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06839656829833984, 0.07317937165498734, 0.28424978256225586, 0.28971225023269653 ] } }, { "reference": "芸能プロダクションアミューズのグループ企業", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1115250214934349, 0.41786056756973267 ] } }, { "reference": "そちらはイさんです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13835571706295013, 0.26952260732650757 ] } }, { "reference": "ぼくは、ほとんど夢中で、駅前の人ごみの間をすり抜けた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12554597854614258, 0.13141174614429474, 0.4932413399219513 ] } }, { "reference": "四日までに英語で作文を書かなければなりません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.19187630712985992, 0.12115989625453949, 0.2949320673942566 ] } }, { "reference": "首相自ら、国民一人一人、百ドル、舶来品を買うようにすすめた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1120, 1160, 8920 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1140, 8900, 9340 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07007494568824768, 0.10856486111879349, 0.26746228337287903, 0.32156622409820557, 0.9988824129104614, 0.15161754190921783 ] } }, { "reference": "何もかもがたちまち腐り、指紋でよごれ、ぐにゃぐにゃになってしまうようだ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それとた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13886132836341858, 0.1015932559967041, 0.08426732569932938, 0.3563399910926819 ] } }, { "reference": "現在ニュージャージー州ムーアズタウンに住んでいる", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1280703842639923, 0.1330052763223648, 0.5206518769264221 ] } }, { "reference": "この教室にかばんが九つあります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.115343376994133, 0.14991702139377594, 0.462408185005188 ] } }, { "reference": "医院を出たあと、気づいて腕時計を見ると、ちょうど、五時半であった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1040, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1060, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11000685393810272, 0.11330786347389221, 0.4129675030708313, 0.5196805000305176 ] } }, { "reference": "大雨が降って、水かさが増せば、流域いっぱいに広がって流れることもあった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼また", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09734506160020828, 0.3962726891040802, 0.49790436029434204 ] } }, { "reference": "ボールペンを持ってこなかった人は、えんぴつでもいいです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10610879212617874, 0.11317586898803711, 0.41087576746940613 ] } }, { "reference": "こつんこつんって、どっかから音がすんの。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11401238292455673, 0.5590782761573792 ] } }, { "reference": "来店ポイントサービスあるけど、誰も利用してない", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13643212616443634, 0.11692473292350769, 0.4370306432247162 ] } }, { "reference": "予想とは違う展開に顔をしかめながらも冷静に対応する", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10171197354793549, 0.14389653503894806, 0.10656638443470001, 0.543300449848175 ] } }, { "reference": "むかし読んだ小説をいま読むと印象が変わる", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1328544169664383, 0.122186578810215, 0.48913195729255676 ] } }, { "reference": "別の話を持ちかけられた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10586874932050705, 0.4982932209968567 ] } }, { "reference": "おいおい。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "", "start_timestamps": null, "end_timestamps": null, "probabilities": null } }, { "reference": "待ってろよ、馬鹿ども。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "た", "start_timestamps": [ 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.27876031398773193 ] } }, { "reference": "ピーナッツとイチゴジャム、どっちがいい?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11574910581111908, 0.3243147134780884 ] } }, { "reference": "この社長、経営方針がさっぱりだわ", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11368783563375473, 0.16911271214485168, 0.09440561383962631, 0.45474356412887573 ] } }, { "reference": "検索するだけで環境に貢献できるんです", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14507322013378143, 0.15481407940387726, 0.5060369968414307 ] } }, { 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[ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10443480312824249, 0.4819030463695526 ] } }, { "reference": "マッサージされてるのを見るだけで気持ちよくなる", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2276235967874527, 0.1817864626646042, 0.5489725470542908 ] } }, { "reference": "なかなか強気な価格だな", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.21565566956996918, 0.16671222448349, 0.4508759379386902 ] } }, { "reference": "もう一回見直すとクオリティがぐっと上がる", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1690361648797989, 0.1743961125612259, 0.12344133853912354, 0.5232430100440979 ] } }, { "reference": "手前のドアから、誰かが出てきた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10358525067567825, 0.40200385451316833 ] } }, { "reference": "心配すんな。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10596776008605957 ] } }, { "reference": "優しくされるのが怖くて、わたしは逃げた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15005283057689667, 0.49702852964401245 ] } }, { "reference": "監督の経験のない彼にチームの命運を託すしかない", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13965369760990143, 0.11548618972301483, 0.1154208704829216, 0.5578289031982422 ] } 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"アンテナの調子でも悪いのかな", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12198548763990402, 0.4992449879646301 ] } }, { "reference": "新生活に電子レンジは欠かせない", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.3166261613368988, 0.20132768154144287, 0.23151622712612152 ] } }, { "reference": "この乾電池、わりと持つじゃん", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14076586067676544, 0.47835639119148254 ] } }, { "reference": "ダイエットがんばってやせたのに顔はむくんでしまう", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12720976769924164, 0.5080362558364868 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0.5655499696731567 ] } }, { "reference": "辛うじて一部残っていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12723344564437866, 0.5741586685180664 ] } }, { "reference": "たまに食べたくなるけど、ひとくち食べたらあまりのまずさに後悔する", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1094902902841568, 0.1437022089958191, 0.12018035352230072, 0.4877181053161621 ] } }, { "reference": "誰が通報したんだ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11182544380426407, 0.4804691672325134 ] } }, { "reference": "雨が好きなので悪い天気とは思わない", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2649572193622589, 0.1935887336730957, 0.42518350481987 ] } }, { "reference": "なんだよ、ホントに。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1020 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1040 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10048028081655502, 0.2280847281217575 ] } }, { "reference": "テレビに高機能は求めてない", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.22678890824317932, 0.4161812663078308 ] } }, { "reference": "さっぱりしたか?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1000 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1020 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12630589306354523, 0.16838304698467255 ] } }, { "reference": "グリンピース買ってきて、冷凍のやつね。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 860, 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"gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13487841188907623, 0.41528770327568054 ] } }, { "reference": "二度と見れないこの風景を心に刻む", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1185193657875061, 0.15940988063812256, 0.072531558573246, 0.516801655292511 ] } }, { "reference": "目を離しただけなのにすぐこぼれた", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1250266581773758, 0.3409618139266968 ] } }, { "reference": "合ってるか分からないんだよ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13642553985118866, 0.3984781801700592 ] } }, { "reference": "信号が青になるのを待ってから渡るネコ", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.23159442842006683, 0.18352320790290833, 0.3323523700237274 ] } }, { "reference": "これから暖かくなってくる季節にちょうどいい服装", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.23071473836898804, 0.15491566061973572, 0.3768247961997986 ] } }, { "reference": "よろしく、大きな声で言った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2893749475479126, 0.1762070208787918, 0.4317322075366974 ] } }, { "reference": "ベンチに戻ってからずっと押し黙っている", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13430671393871307, 0.45474356412887573 ] } }, { "reference": "風邪ひいてるから普段と声がちがう", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10568654537200928, 0.591821014881134 ] } }, { "reference": "申し訳ありませんでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1501416265964508, 0.23018395900726318 ] } }, { "reference": "この試合に残された時間はわずかしかない", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16191120445728302, 0.15377473831176758, 0.37036603689193726 ] } }, { "reference": "もう売る気ないでしょこれ", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09364622086286545, 0.2851684093475342 ] } }, { "reference": "全ての評価がいつも五だ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1228201612830162, 0.42753344774246216 ] } }, { "reference": "今夜はパソコンはしなかった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1318819522857666, 0.4973234236240387 ] } }, { "reference": "警察官が何者かによって襲われました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13181956112384796, 0.16451618075370789, 0.4865075349807739 ] } }, { "reference": "私はなんにだってなれる、そう、ジョーカーみたいなの。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 900, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 920, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1825176626443863, 0.17290765047073364, 0.10745132714509964, 0.4761005938053131 ] } }, { "reference": "トマトを豪快にかぶりつく", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11705843359231949, 0.47674617171287537 ] } }, { "reference": "いつも同じ歌をあきずに聴いている", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.23768465220928192, 0.16746516525745392, 0.5054377913475037 ] } }, { "reference": "感覚を研ぎすましスタートダッシュを決める", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11731378734111786, 0.11294212192296982, 0.49440112709999084 ] } }, { "reference": "虫たちは一目散に逃げてった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13170114159584045, 0.45325687527656555 ] } }, { "reference": "誠実であろうとはしてるよ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07233280688524246, 0.1983073204755783 ] } }, { "reference": "暖かくなってきたと思ったが、夜はひんやりとしている", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09904702007770538, 0.15233926475048065, 0.40530163049697876 ] } }, { "reference": "オープン価格と言われてもピンとこない", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.22901302576065063, 0.1876922994852066, 0.2824096381664276 ] } }, { "reference": "いまから出歩いてもいい?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10103772580623627, 0.40304434299468994 ] } }, { "reference": "長く使ってきたイヤホンがとうとう壊れた", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15100571513175964, 0.09264326840639114, 0.3730961084365845 ] } }, { "reference": "知り合いから電話、いまから来るって。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1462283581495285, 0.44564712047576904 ] } }, { "reference": "マークがついてるのにものともしない", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16757741570472717, 0.4156929850578308 ] } }, { "reference": "お前らしい台詞だな。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10094363987445831, 0.36004555225372314 ] } }, { "reference": "チョコもあんこも大好きです", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11723792552947998, 0.3773503005504608 ] } }, { "reference": "あなたが口にしたくない言葉は、どうぞ、スキップして下さい。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14564166963100433, 0.4767098128795624 ] } }, { "reference": "君には、とても感謝してる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16560862958431244, 0.32807567715644836 ] } }, { "reference": "欠席させて下さい。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1020 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1040 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16929087042808533, 0.13272468745708466 ] } }, { "reference": "ははっ、予約すらさせてくれないんだぜ", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11310790479183197, 0.32701367139816284 ] } }, { "reference": "帰りの学生で電車内は混んでいる", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1350666880607605, 0.5201725959777832 ] } }, { "reference": "相づちを打ちながら、ぽつぽつと話していた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13390964269638062, 0.4740685522556305 ] } }, { "reference": "当選メール来ても期限が今日までかよ", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12433824688196182, 0.15545134246349335, 0.3051869571208954 ] } }, { "reference": "君が来ることは知ってたよ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08035155385732651, 0.25367268919944763 ] } }, { "reference": "ハンバーガーをふたつ買って両手持ちで食べる", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.17339254915714264, 0.17202600836753845, 0.4214382469654083 ] } }, { "reference": "まだ消えてなかった", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1000 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1020 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1045161634683609, 0.26637032628059387 ] } }, { "reference": "白菜をまるまる一株買ったので毎日食べまくる", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14329275488853455, 0.13475602865219116, 0.10229825973510742, 0.4064258635044098 ] } }, { "reference": "もなかと言えばお菓子よりアイスを思いつく", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12276354432106018, 0.48355892300605774 ] } }, { "reference": "一緒に天国へ行きたいか?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12359355390071869, 0.33627066016197205 ] } }, { "reference": "誰だってそんなに食べればもたれるよ", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.23345017433166504, 0.20154373347759247, 0.39087510108947754 ] } }, { "reference": "馬鹿なことをしたと、いまさら後悔していた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1020 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1040 ], "probabilities": [ 0.31595689058303833, 0.350970596075058 ] } }, { "reference": "そもそも戦略なんてなかった", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14627660810947418, 0.3832542896270752 ] } }, { "reference": "こんなものを荒れた胃に流し込む俺の気持ちにもなってみろよ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13410909473896027, 0.1711735874414444, 0.4097055494785309 ] } }, { "reference": "場所教えて。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0777815505862236 ] } }, { "reference": "私、この歌が好きでね。学生の頃はよく口ずさんでたんだ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1631944328546524, 0.15692490339279175, 0.10363627970218658, 0.523222804069519 ] } }, { "reference": "この納豆のネバネバ感、たまらない。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15906381607055664, 0.3102281093597412 ] } }, { "reference": "お店は客が多すぎてじっくり選ぶ余裕はなかった", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11200354993343353, 0.10234744846820831, 0.40688052773475647 ] } }, { "reference": "店の音楽があまりに合わなくて、買わずに出ていった", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 860, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 880, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1954212784767151, 0.17014870047569275, 0.10087471455335617, 0.46378451585769653 ] } }, { "reference": "ショックで気絶していたらしいよ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1425204575061798, 0.44685885310173035 ] } }, { "reference": "あごの肉が気になってきた", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12214962393045425, 0.4757455885410309 ] } }, { "reference": "応援団が声をからして背中を押してくれる", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11856931447982788, 0.47409942746162415 ] } }, { "reference": "早く寝るんだろ?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "た", "start_timestamps": [ 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.273089736700058 ] } }, { "reference": "お前まで加害者にされたらどうするんだよ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12661567330360413, 0.46022361516952515 ] } }, { "reference": "こいつ、心の声がもれてるぞ", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.21594646573066711, 0.16685453057289124, 0.35092946887016296 ] } }, { "reference": "親と負けない、と約束した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14796939492225647, 0.37824586033821106 ] } }, { "reference": "煮物で大根がいちばん好きだ", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11976338922977448, 0.4620635211467743 ] } }, { "reference": "都合が悪くなるといつも人のせいにする", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11048655956983566, 0.4517683982849121 ] } }, { "reference": "このクイズ、別のところでも見たぞ", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09554654359817505, 0.22762896120548248 ] } }, { "reference": "懐かしい、中学生の頃に使ってた", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15867814421653748, 0.1558304876089096, 0.44284555315971375 ] } }, { "reference": "答えはいつも近くにある", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12039857357740402, 0.3938180208206177 ] } }, { "reference": "なんでも玉子でとじるの禁止", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08898738771677017, 0.43209025263786316 ] } }, { "reference": "いるんだろ?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08086108416318893 ] } }, { "reference": "それでもよかった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11338410526514053, 0.26598528027534485 ] } }, { "reference": "この影武者、設定を忘れてるぞ", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13935014605522156, 0.2523358166217804 ] } }, { "reference": "授業が終わった瞬間に便所へダッシュ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1373603343963623, 0.4552624225616455 ] } }, { "reference": "ひとりになるのもいやで、とりあえず現状維持。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11499620229005814, 0.4656367301940918 ] } }, { "reference": "溜まり場となっている路地裏に着いた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1020 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1040 ], "probabilities": [ 0.3509669005870819, 0.3344022035598755 ] } }, { "reference": "心の底から話し合ったことある?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2797558009624481, 0.1871688812971115, 0.5097638368606567 ] } }, { "reference": "スパゲティを買いこんだはいいが食べ飽きてなかなか減らない", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13982431590557098, 0.12544916570186615, 0.11984024196863174, 0.5210742354393005 ] } }, { "reference": "毎日迷った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1052788496017456, 0.2723827064037323 ] } }, { "reference": "ルールがわからなくても見てて楽しい", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09342528879642487, 0.4704054594039917 ] } }, { "reference": "イスに座って足を上げ下げする運動", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08445204049348831, 0.5015799403190613 ] } }, { "reference": "ひとの別れ話なんて聞くもんじゃないな。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14783187210559845, 0.5226042866706848 ] } }, { "reference": "すでに外は暗くなっていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14106367528438568, 0.4587777853012085 ] } }, { "reference": "学校なんてどうでもいい。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11436844617128372, 0.2703656852245331 ] } }, { "reference": "それ、はたからすると恋人だよね。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1000 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1020 ], "probabilities": [ 0.284019410610199, 0.1670110821723938, 0.2667900025844574 ] } }, { "reference": "残念だが無理だ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0850074291229248, 0.20578810572624207 ] } }, { "reference": "こんな話、ってそのための話し相手でしょ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11769168078899384, 0.10841135680675507, 0.512269914150238 ] } }, { "reference": "店内をさんざん探し回って店員に聞いたら取り扱ってなかった", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13507306575775146, 0.11822786182165146, 0.4349510073661804 ] } }, { "reference": "自分でマッサージをして少しでも血行を良くする", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 900, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 920, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1197795420885086, 0.18229904770851135, 0.09796741604804993, 0.434069961309433 ] } }, { "reference": "金曜日はフライデー、揚げ物が安い", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11808697879314423, 0.1243639662861824, 0.6056296229362488 ] } }, { "reference": "君は必要な人間なのだ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11367208510637283, 0.375133216381073 ] } }, { "reference": "なんでも抹茶味にすればいいってもんじゃないよ", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "このた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08872122317552567, 0.1629747897386551, 0.3362772464752197 ] } }, { "reference": "店に入ると客は少なくすぐに料理が出てきた", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1475929617881775, 0.10905677825212479, 0.5270609259605408 ] } }, { "reference": "マンガでしか見たことないヒドい見た目の料理", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12934990227222443, 0.09345429390668869, 0.45160406827926636 ] } }, { "reference": "さ、話してみなさい。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1470123827457428, 0.2618289887905121 ] } }, { "reference": "足を動かすと、激痛が走る。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.26730599999427795, 0.1721367985010147, 0.337178111076355 ] } }, { "reference": "思ったより忙しくて驚いている", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2997400164604187, 0.21581915020942688, 0.23462902009487152 ] } }, { "reference": "パスタでもいい?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11824698746204376 ] } }, { "reference": "ちっちゃくてカワイイ", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.172384113073349, 0.19363754987716675 ] } }, { "reference": "奴らが逃げ出そうとするのを、私は見逃さなかった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1020 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1040 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16265015304088593, 0.34027498960494995 ] } }, { "reference": "少しだけ、私は私の事が嫌いだった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1811656504869461, 0.17705710232257843, 0.10624585300683975, 0.5658308267593384 ] } }, { "reference": "やさい多めのみそ汁がありがたい", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1473768949508667, 0.5076674222946167 ] } 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[ 0.11549527198076248, 0.3249838650226593 ] } }, { "reference": "悪口を言うやつもいた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12001034617424011, 0.3862033784389496 ] } }, { "reference": "学習計画に遅れが見える。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2912961542606354, 0.23561252653598785, 0.36176007986068726 ] } }, { "reference": "トリックプレーにチーム全体の判断が遅れた", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15018683671951294, 0.08169320225715637, 0.451061874628067 ] } }, { "reference": "この探偵のチラシの犬はいつもやる気なさそう", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼す", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13877642154693604, 0.44206711649894714 ] } }, { "reference": "カップラーメンにヘルシーは求めてないんです", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14863575994968414, 0.1238086149096489, 0.4825204908847809 ] } }, { "reference": "一晩中話をしていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12582151591777802, 0.4177703559398651 ] } }, { "reference": "柱にナイフが突き刺さっていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11267799139022827, 0.4965674877166748 ] } }, { "reference": "怒らないから正直に言ってくれ", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11842986196279526, 0.4250739812850952 ] } }, { "reference": "その日から、不安がつのっていくばかりだった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14119736850261688, 0.3785378038883209 ] } }, { "reference": "心配してくれるのは良いんだけどさ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10657698661088943, 0.3275913596153259 ] } }, { "reference": "安いパスタはどこも似たような味だ", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0821114256978035, 0.4163675308227539 ] } }, { "reference": "今何してる?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07731155306100845 ] } }, { "reference": "今日は、大学の入学式だ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12392652034759521, 0.3516237735748291 ] } }, { "reference": "最近は毎日パスタ食べてる", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1168079823255539, 0.4586435556411743 ] } }, { "reference": "ぞっとして、顔を背けた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11526201665401459, 0.2941857874393463 ] } }, { "reference": "一瞬、理解が追いつかないほど安かった", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11373280733823776, 0.417291522026062 ] } }, { "reference": "先生みたいな大人には、なりたくないよなぁ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13181734085083008, 0.37935858964920044 ] } }, { "reference": "自分にあったヨーグルトを選ぶため、毎月ちがうものを買っている", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12312795221805573, 0.10275204479694366, 0.37699589133262634 ] } }, { "reference": "いや全然。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08376841992139816 ] } }, { "reference": "本当に大切な唯一の質問をします", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼す", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 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"probabilities": [ 0.1311798095703125, 0.13589869439601898, 0.42997074127197266 ] } }, { "reference": "全く知りません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11640869826078415, 0.17624624073505402 ] } }, { "reference": "責任が無いとは言えないんだよ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1133829653263092, 0.32264798879623413 ] } }, { "reference": "お皿をもらうためシールを集めるのに必死", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11986041814088821, 0.14212922751903534, 0.4280214309692383 ] } }, { "reference": "深夜にドライブってのも悪くないね。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14888045191764832, 0.15188990533351898, 0.37053272128105164 ] } }, { "reference": "店内に会社オリジナルのテーマソングが流れてる", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12817057967185974, 0.07418151199817657, 0.44636857509613037 ] } }, { "reference": "先生は、母親と話している最中だった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15291230380535126, 0.15885116159915924, 0.10218598693609238, 0.4403180181980133 ] } }, { "reference": "サイレンが聞こえてきた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11947882175445557, 0.24715055525302887 ] } }, { "reference": "教授は思い出したように言った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そ", "start_timestamps": [ 0 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20 ], "probabilities": [ 0.34835076332092285 ] } }, { "reference": "そうなる理由は分かっていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1187116801738739, 0.4514389932155609 ] } }, { "reference": "これからお世話になるね。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07743997871875763 ] } }, { "reference": "あなたが好きだった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12622372806072235, 0.40625274181365967 ] } }, { "reference": "堂々と甲高い声で笑った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼す", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10102418065071106, 0.46340492367744446 ] } }, { "reference": "同じのがすみっこでもぞもぞしてたからさ、ぞっとしちゃったよ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08998449146747589, 0.10206737369298935, 0.38072094321250916 ] } }, { "reference": "待ってろよ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "", "start_timestamps": null, "end_timestamps": null, "probabilities": null } }, { "reference": "このサービスどこで利益だしてんだろ", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.23690098524093628, 0.17782071232795715, 0.3459526598453522 ] } }, { "reference": "夜は軽めの食事ですませる", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000 ], "probabilities": [ 0.28280696272850037, 0.3327418863773346 ] } }, { "reference": "マスクとアクリル板で互いの声が聞こえない", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それをす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14269833266735077, 0.12490686029195786, 0.09637433290481567, 0.45131975412368774 ] } }, { "reference": "少しずつ改善していけば大きな武器になる", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16463908553123474, 0.17239275574684143, 0.10654496401548386, 0.5089693069458008 ] } }, { "reference": "あいつは言い放った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1522599309682846, 0.5045241117477417 ] } }, { "reference": "相手のエースが行き場をなくして立ちすくむ", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼す", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12137071788311005, 0.3875052034854889 ] } }, { "reference": "締切ギリギリに完成させるの勘弁してください", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1340850293636322, 0.1553514450788498, 0.4931776821613312 ] } }, { "reference": "修学旅行があるから仕方なくパジャマを買った", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10099228471517563, 0.15266039967536926, 0.10967333614826202, 0.42138147354125977 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は気にもせず、教室に入った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1688709408044815, 0.1285484880208969, 0.11470847576856613, 0.4838904142379761 ] } }, { "reference": "入るのに勇気がいる個人店", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13734816014766693, 0.42692089080810547 ] } }, { "reference": "一般人を巻き込んでいいと思ってんのか。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14772745966911316, 0.3944151699542999 ] } }, { "reference": "恋とか愛とかって面倒じゃない?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13151606917381287, 0.49876484274864197 ] } }, { "reference": "いただきまーす。君も、早く食べなよ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10050223767757416, 0.131550133228302, 0.5355124473571777 ] } }, { "reference": "いざという時のためにテレホンカードを財布に入れておくといい", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14761582016944885, 0.13152939081192017, 0.12634901702404022, 0.4670620262622833 ] } }, { "reference": "今までの怒りが爆発した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12865322828292847, 0.41794395446777344 ] } }, { "reference": "完璧な半熟たまごを作るには経験がいる", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1343936175107956, 0.16119323670864105, 0.3959121108055115 ] } }, { "reference": "あの頃はよかった、って言うほど生きてないでしょ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "このをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09540696442127228, 0.16756054759025574, 0.10452153533697128, 0.4529578387737274 ] } }, { "reference": "モニターアームを使うと便利すぎて戻れない", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼す", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14214663207530975, 0.3825063407421112 ] } }, { "reference": "何か考えてやっから。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1050967276096344, 0.45593759417533875 ] } }, { "reference": "まるで隊列を組むようにすきのないディフェンスライン", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14399513602256775, 0.15827728807926178, 0.4936830401420593 ] } }, { "reference": "今日はもう寝よう。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20 ], "probabilities": [ 0.05903823673725128 ] } }, { "reference": "そんな口の利き方していいのか?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14693506062030792, 0.4158729910850525 ] } }, { "reference": "雨でもイベントは決行します", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14902670681476593, 0.4908149838447571 ] } }, { "reference": "先生はそう言って、彼を家まで帰した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14522713422775269, 0.14209359884262085, 0.4991113245487213 ] } }, { "reference": "普通でだいじょうぶです", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15030504763126373, 0.43764597177505493 ] } }, { "reference": "夜はあっさりしたもので済ます", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2325792759656906, 0.3402976095676422 ] } }, { "reference": "バレーボールのスコアみたいな野球の試合結果", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1437491625547409, 0.12864631414413452, 0.10909613966941833, 0.5151290893554688 ] } }, { "reference": "欲しかったイスが家に届くのを待ちきれない", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14457428455352783, 0.14192277193069458, 0.10836761444807053, 0.47720298171043396 ] } }, { "reference": "もう無いんじゃない、ぽちゃぽちゃしてるもん。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14294594526290894, 0.5131095051765442 ] } }, { "reference": "いつも眠そうな顔してるよね", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11822828650474548, 0.42445242404937744 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は一瞬で変わり果てた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2250644415616989, 0.15709535777568817, 0.34604406356811523 ] } }, { "reference": "事故かと思ったら実は映画撮影だった", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1470550298690796, 0.13088823854923248, 0.46800506114959717 ] } }, { "reference": "メール欄を一回クリックした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼す", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11934992671012878, 0.3938886225223541 ] } }, { "reference": "真ん中の一人は銃を持っていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1474299132823944, 0.5888357162475586 ] } }, { "reference": "昨日は付き合ってくれて、ありがとな。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16073113679885864, 0.5343330502510071 ] } }, { "reference": "チョコレートは甘いのよりビターを買います", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13877622783184052, 0.4228565990924835 ] } }, { "reference": "カツの肉が分厚くて衣は薄くてサクサク", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12688231468200684, 0.12986046075820923, 0.47308921813964844, 0.5064445734024048 ] } }, { "reference": "どれだけ感謝しているか、伝えきれません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1020 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1040 ], "probabilities": [ 0.4656446576118469, 0.2692774832248688 ] } }, { "reference": "サン・レアンドロ病院は、市の総合病院です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15467992424964905, 0.1503772735595703, 0.1081446036696434, 0.47262629866600037 ] } }, { "reference": "私はそのことを残念に思います。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15239594876766205, 0.47492533922195435 ] } }, { "reference": "そしてすぐにセリアは不安になった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1620161384344101, 0.4330519735813141 ] } }, { "reference": "ここのフェリー・ターミナルはアラスカ・マリン・ハイウェイに続く道につながっています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08377284556627274, 0.08198432624340057, 0.28475841879844666, 0.3492578864097595 ] } }, { "reference": "グループは、「Winters and Happy」で作者として名前が載ることをシェアしています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をします", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1020, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1040, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0896390751004219, 0.10295308381319046, 0.16909930109977722, 0.3963918685913086, 0.31759336590766907 ] } }, { "reference": "子供が二人、彼らのブルーとグリーンの色のついた舌を出しています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10803212225437164, 0.111507348716259, 0.3993687629699707, 0.37965255975723267, 0.40043407678604126 ] } }, { "reference": "そのうちのいくつかの機体は、ユンカース社が開発のために保持していました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼ました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040, 1060, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060, 1080, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12362081557512283, 0.29549533128738403, 0.37653642892837524, 0.4144195318222046 ] } }, { "reference": "ただし、セットは放送テレビ局で使用されるセットに非常に似ていました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をますた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09954454004764557, 0.0855928361415863, 0.3874129354953766, 0.25345274806022644, 0.39331114292144775 ] } }, { "reference": "候補者とは別に、彼らはしばしばキャンペーンで最も明らかなるリーダーだ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08840643614530563, 0.13040536642074585, 0.4794994592666626, 0.47372716665267944 ] } }, { "reference": "アリの文章は、ここでは少し明確ではありません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13879884779453278, 0.134280726313591, 0.4330124855041504 ] } }, { "reference": "別の手紙には、彼は「青がなければオレンジはない」と簡単に書いています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09129307419061661, 0.09124886989593506, 0.38613206148147583, 0.42771580815315247, 0.44603851437568665 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はダンバーに植物園に行けるよう、手配を頼む。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12777499854564667, 0.12951475381851196, 0.48609936237335205 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は弁護士です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15674613416194916, 0.45710667967796326 ] } }, { "reference": "これはエルゴード的セオリーの典型的な状況です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120, 7020 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 7000, 7340 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1240527406334877, 0.12197542190551758, 0.4308052957057953, 0.46715110540390015, 0.9999629259109497, 0.1135786846280098 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は、ビーチクラフト スターシップも設計しましたが、それは商業的な失敗でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0844210833311081, 0.08562371134757996, 0.3675534725189209, 0.3886357545852661, 0.39102089405059814 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はオペラセミセリアというジャンルで知られていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13815085589885712, 0.1092943474650383, 0.44335517287254333 ] } }, { "reference": "不自然なものも奇妙なものもありません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12813501060009003, 0.1151997372508049, 0.2642875909805298 ] } }, { "reference": "彼の墓は現在メッカにあります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1020 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1040 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2679087817668915, 0.3921482264995575 ] } }, { "reference": "キックボクシングをしている選手二人", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10523528605699539, 0.3350725769996643 ] } }, { "reference": "男女が大勢の人の前に立ちます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15225829184055328, 0.12788015604019165, 0.4859946072101593 ] } }, { "reference": "日本では貴重ですが毎年のことです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14264549314975739, 0.09723202139139175, 0.41250720620155334 ] } }, { "reference": "あなたの大好きなバンドには、女性の歌手がいます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1020 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1040 ], "probabilities": [ 0.24515652656555176, 0.35380321741104126 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はスウェーデン語を習得しませんでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.22915756702423096, 0.16940608620643616, 0.48172056674957275 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は、ホワイトハウスでの音楽イベントも数多くプロデュースしている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12563550472259521, 0.10663586854934692, 0.09823502600193024, 0.3899872601032257, 0.49950191378593445 ] } }, { "reference": "ジェファーソン高校にて、学校コーラスに参加し、ピアノを学ぶ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11947467923164368, 0.10256197303533554, 0.4665483832359314 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女には、ジョンとバリーという二人の兄がいる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.17076969146728516, 0.17842312157154083, 0.09407202899456024, 0.487497478723526 ] } }, { "reference": "青いものを着てください。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14258189499378204, 0.5049785375595093 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は、母親によって自宅で死体で発見された。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1434769481420517, 0.13387662172317505, 0.5347197651863098 ] } }, { "reference": "白いプーマブランドのシャツを着て、笑顔の娘を抱える父親。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11788562685251236, 0.11457961052656174, 0.10300033539533615, 0.4975251257419586 ] } }, { "reference": "麦わら帽子をかぶった老人が公園のベンチに座っています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.126983180642128, 0.1320039927959442, 0.46986696124076843 ] } }, { "reference": "しかし、それはモーター・ベロキペディから派生したとよく主張されています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09355013072490692, 0.07997667789459229, 0.38860246539115906, 0.25462087988853455, 0.2965831756591797 ] } }, { "reference": "ケーキを食べているアジアの少年。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15012575685977936, 0.40818336606025696 ] } }, { "reference": "彼がどのようにそうしたのかを私たちは知っています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16091488301753998, 0.1147880107164383, 0.4284842312335968 ] } }, { "reference": "おや!", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "た", "start_timestamps": [ 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.20571747422218323 ] } }, { "reference": "ショーの公演と公演の間の、ある夜。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14667527377605438, 0.1325066089630127, 0.13163916766643524, 0.5085735321044922 ] } }, { "reference": "ペンキの薄い層は、ボリュームフォームを作成するために使用されます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1060, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1037198007106781, 0.10055964440107346, 0.10797713696956635, 0.455670028924942, 0.3253481686115265, 0.447654664516449 ] } }, { "reference": "その部隊は、戦争の最後までカレリアで戦った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1212673932313919, 0.13024568557739258, 0.49866101145744324 ] } }, { "reference": "私の両親はビーチのすぐそばの素敵な家に住んでいる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12224221229553223, 0.10162332653999329, 0.4710056483745575, 0.5247383117675781 ] } }, { "reference": "激流で泳ぐカヤックの男性", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13466374576091766, 0.4190513789653778 ] } }, { "reference": "ハインドは北アイルランドのベルファストで生まれました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1020, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1040, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13489888608455658, 0.12502680718898773, 0.09145709127187729, 0.4453924000263214, 0.5094466209411621 ] } }, { "reference": "暗い路地に一人で立っているつまらなそうな金髪の女性", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12304093688726425, 0.1258496791124344, 0.41107460856437683, 0.5142366290092468 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は進歩党の一員だ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.20465685427188873, 0.479594349861145 ] } }, { "reference": "なぜあなたは戦いを続けなかったのですか?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14824800193309784, 0.1164068728685379, 0.4726555347442627 ] } }, { "reference": "エディーはブラジルで最も裕福な家の一つに生まれた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1140797883272171, 0.11282102763652802, 0.5240302681922913 ] } }, { "reference": "そのサービスの後にポートオブスペインを通る行列が続きました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1073160246014595, 0.11644332855939865, 0.31749477982521057, 0.47344744205474854 ] } }, { "reference": "スピーカーの正確な数は知られていません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16030512750148773, 0.125495046377182, 0.5248048305511475 ] } }, { "reference": "彼らが何かに飢えているのが伝わってきました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14818936586380005, 0.06672559678554535, 0.47718197107315063 ] } }, { "reference": "過去数か月の間に、大きなプロジェクトが始まったため、作業は困難でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しをました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120, 1140, 1160 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0601285845041275, 0.07015815377235413, 0.3352891504764557, 0.341945618391037, 0.28690776228904724 ] } }, { "reference": "その期間、彼は国家安全保障会議にも参加した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1120, 1140, 7020 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1140, 7000, 8280 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12308072298765182, 0.13354872167110443, 0.40554457902908325, 0.4600077271461487, 0.9999110698699951, 0.09930038452148438 ] } }, { "reference": "オペレーションズリサーチは、より良い決断をするために役立つ、進化した技術を利用する訓練です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06229470670223236, 0.07245377451181412, 0.1807653158903122, 0.34331369400024414, 0.24766547977924347 ] } }, { "reference": "フレンチは、ジョセフとアイリーンの間にカーライル.で生まれました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをますし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120, 7600 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1100, 1120, 7580, 8280 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11768156290054321, 0.09152863174676895, 0.0960565060377121, 0.40534523129463196, 0.38163530826568604, 0.9982466101646423, 0.12815964221954346 ] } }, { "reference": "この例としては、フロックオーバーコートやパレットなどがあります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100, 1120, 7780 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120, 7760, 8280 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11216738820075989, 0.08776114881038666, 0.4858018755912781, 0.9994508624076843, 0.13361819088459015 ] } }, { "reference": "しかし、乗客の減少を止めるこの努力は失敗しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1534903347492218, 0.12689760327339172, 0.1072918251156807, 0.5192025303840637 ] } }, { "reference": "ナイトクラブ・ダンサーは彼女の動きを見せる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.17398859560489655, 0.1574821174144745, 0.3710389733314514 ] } }, { "reference": "その音楽に魅了されました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15844744443893433, 0.46366086602211 ] } }, { "reference": "一日中いつでも長い祈りを捧げることができます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12363819032907486, 0.12452578544616699, 0.5178204774856567 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は縁起の良い学問の家族に生まれた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.17107845842838287, 0.11372984945774078, 0.5130779147148132 ] } }, { "reference": "お母さんと同居するつもりですか?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12554149329662323, 0.46918123960494995 ] } }, { "reference": "はい、そうするでしょう。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.17420358955860138, 0.41901230812072754 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は春のトレーニング後に解除され、引退した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14837785065174103, 0.11458702385425568, 0.48385703563690186, 0.4699959456920624 ] } }, { "reference": "それらの両方に頑張ってください。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14853230118751526, 0.5183126926422119 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は現在、オハイオ州シンシナティでサッカースクールを運営しています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをとました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 980, 1000, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1000, 1020, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09117645025253296, 0.08990058302879333, 0.08435536921024323, 0.05650544911623001, 0.20199285447597504, 0.3317415416240692, 0.23871757090091705 ] } }, { "reference": "合法的に商業化されていない曲はアンダーグラウンドとみなされる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11121989041566849, 0.10831445455551147, 0.43762221932411194 ] } }, { "reference": "どうやって彼らを守るのですか?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16557569801807404, 0.43118104338645935 ] } }, { "reference": "ミカは中絶に反対である。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1476743370294571, 0.07752709090709686, 0.4988480508327484 ] } }, { "reference": "最後まで、さらにその後でさえも、彼女は眉をひそめたままでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1060, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11001492291688919, 0.09383921325206757, 0.3822745680809021, 0.3812250792980194, 0.39232608675956726 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は、野球、ゴルフ、陸上競技にも参加した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14374281466007233, 0.10009843856096268, 0.4392814338207245 ] } }, { "reference": "これにはコインランドリーでのアルバイトにより助成金を得た。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 880, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 900, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.17329098284244537, 0.19045525789260864, 0.09853259474039078, 0.5263788104057312 ] } }, { "reference": "好評でしたが、いずれもあまり売れませんでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13875719904899597, 0.12705805897712708, 0.4720485806465149 ] } }, { "reference": "長い目で見れば、健康的であるはずがありません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1497771143913269, 0.12034563720226288, 0.4692450165748596 ] } }, { "reference": "より多くの情報を見るにはモーリーペダルスのオフィシャルページをご覧ください。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をましたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120, 1140, 8500 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140, 8480, 8900 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09028972685337067, 0.11372322589159012, 0.34912699460983276, 0.34941601753234863, 0.466307133436203, 0.9995718598365784, 0.15918581187725067 ] } }, { "reference": "メイナードはセントルイスまで鉄道に乗り、そこからカリフォルニアに出発した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をてまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1060, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1080, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06494517624378204, 0.08182650059461594, 0.2072761058807373, 0.3069247901439667, 0.250684529542923 ] } }, { "reference": "それは、イギリスの天文学者ジョージ・ビデル・エアリーに敬意を表して名付けられた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をとしましる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1000, 1040, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1020, 1060, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.05518649145960808, 0.04840242490172386, 0.06324923783540726, 0.08962611109018326, 0.15649522840976715, 0.2642802298069, 0.163588285446167 ] } }, { "reference": "市の中心部の南に位置する。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15664654970169067, 0.4640834927558899 ] } }, { "reference": "その町は巨大なコーヒーとスパイスのプランテーションで有名です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をましたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120, 1140, 8820 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140, 8800, 8900 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0837603285908699, 0.09479105472564697, 0.3994857966899872, 0.41913357377052307, 0.4431970715522766, 0.9980524778366089, 0.14942799508571625 ] } }, { "reference": "出版を続け、イマジネート・ハート・メッセンジャー・マガジンの編集長を務めた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をとました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1000, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1020, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06399693340063095, 0.08910752832889557, 0.06775398552417755, 0.25409361720085144, 0.2859594225883484, 0.2886860966682434 ] } }, { "reference": "それはあなたに合いますか?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15845999121665955, 0.3835894763469696 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は長い間座って空を眺めていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11420979350805283, 0.14704272150993347, 0.5023780465126038 ] } }, { "reference": "劇団の唯一のアメリカ人メンバー、テリー・ギリアムは、テーマを使用することに決めました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をしました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1040, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1060, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.05823052302002907, 0.08010004460811615, 0.1350993663072586, 0.2651781737804413, 0.35411110520362854, 0.27209457755088806 ] } }, { "reference": "ランドマークシアターでの映画の時間を検索します。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をますし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1120, 1140, 6780 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1140, 6760, 9260 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11966483294963837, 0.12989406287670135, 0.5083929300308228, 0.46236369013786316, 0.999877393245697, 0.10077929496765137 ] } }, { "reference": "釈放の日付は決まっていない。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14629079401493073, 0.4366081953048706 ] } }, { "reference": "地域の主要な祭りは、地元の聖人「オリーブのバージン」を祝っています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をましたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120, 1140, 8500 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140, 8480, 9260 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08555525541305542, 0.08395975828170776, 0.39405640959739685, 0.3489771783351898, 0.404034823179245, 0.9989022016525269, 0.16298341751098633 ] } }, { "reference": "少し回りました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "た", "start_timestamps": [ 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.4558420479297638 ] } }, { "reference": "ダリル・バンクスは、オハイオ州のColumbus College of Art and Designで学びました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しをとしる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1020, 1040, 1120, 1140 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1040, 1060, 1140, 1160 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06824634969234467, 0.07173316925764084, 0.06441928446292877, 0.21357107162475586, 0.1714560091495514 ] } }, { "reference": "ボスは注意深く見守りながらショーを上映しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1120, 1140, 7380 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1140, 7360, 9260 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10191663354635239, 0.1561034768819809, 0.4863585829734802, 0.5103081464767456, 0.9998741149902344, 0.12569107115268707 ] } }, { "reference": "これらは、輪ゴムほど頻繁には使用されません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13777635991573334, 0.13292823731899261, 0.45542728900909424 ] } }, { "reference": "経済が不安定なのにもかかわらず、ファンタジースポーツは主流の趣味になり始めた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をてました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1060, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1080, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06864888221025467, 0.09634950757026672, 0.1976163536310196, 0.2875721752643585, 0.3876795172691345, 0.316821813583374 ] } }, { "reference": "馬だ、馬をくれ!馬の代わりに俺の王国をくれてやるぞ!", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1000, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1020, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09319942444562912, 0.13767072558403015, 0.48136934638023376, 0.37340307235717773, 0.5336132645606995 ] } }, { "reference": "サンスクリット語でSaketという名前は、天国に近い場所を意味します。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をとました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1000, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1020, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09120221436023712, 0.06323598325252533, 0.055909961462020874, 0.3078179359436035, 0.3967645466327667, 0.3699895143508911 ] } }, { "reference": "ダニーはエサ―にハリウッドのパーティーで一度だけウェイトレスの仕事をしました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しをとましる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1000, 1040, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1020, 1060, 1120, 1140, 1160 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06645020097494125, 0.06352595239877701, 0.05785602331161499, 0.18237653374671936, 0.28538116812705994, 0.19383664429187775 ] } }, { "reference": "そのような命題の関係。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11562485247850418, 0.40409502387046814 ] } }, { "reference": "自然の風景が非常に魅力的である。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1407240927219391, 0.44923922419548035 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女の死後、彼はアンナ・トンプソンと結婚しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をます", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11592927575111389, 0.1043941080570221, 0.49050667881965637, 0.4364442527294159 ] } }, { "reference": "ジャストミートしなかったときでも、私の打球はすべて崩れ落ちるようでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をましたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120, 1140, 7960 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140, 7940, 8780 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07855429500341415, 0.11554825305938721, 0.3364429175853729, 0.3268795609474182, 0.40614911913871765, 0.9993846416473389, 0.1481243520975113 ] } }, { "reference": "大勢の子供と一部の人々は、緑の衣装を着ています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をます", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1218089759349823, 0.12260807305574417, 0.37748637795448303, 0.4778846800327301 ] } }, { "reference": "リーフセットはすべてアメリカ合衆国で作成された。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12615352869033813, 0.12370271980762482, 0.4291309416294098 ] } }, { "reference": "「グリンダなら」彼は、提案した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.150025874376297, 0.4473128318786621 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は父親の喉をつかみ、殺すつもりだと言いました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1097227931022644, 0.1545906662940979, 0.4289340674877167, 0.46494513750076294 ] } }, { "reference": "その町にはマウント・モリスという合併されていないコミュニティがある。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09336896240711212, 0.11486378312110901, 0.4538251757621765, 0.39697280526161194, 0.515314519405365 ] } }, { "reference": "初めから、コインは流通しなかった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14643429219722748, 0.15161560475826263, 0.47963133454322815 ] } }, { "reference": "裁判所にこの件を判断させよう。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11805291473865509, 0.4394640326499939 ] } }, { "reference": "ジャック・チョーカーの小説のシリーズならウェルワールドをご覧ください。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08874400705099106, 0.12207027524709702, 0.381079763174057, 0.44649291038513184 ] } }, { "reference": "その行政の中心地はトムスク市です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14574909210205078, 0.11796669661998749, 0.4516293704509735 ] } }, { "reference": "この名前は、簡潔にするために短縮されています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1301296055316925, 0.1486068218946457, 0.512924313545227 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は興奮した低い声で話しましたが、逆風で声はかすかでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08892625570297241, 0.13081882894039154, 0.3641490638256073, 0.4101686179637909, 0.5180780291557312 ] } }, { "reference": "彼の作品のほとんどは愛の自発性と自然の孤独に集中していました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0745668113231659, 0.0848473310470581, 0.41166266798973083, 0.45162999629974365 ] } }, { "reference": "このアルバム曲のおかげで、自分たちの世界が広がり有名になれた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をすし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1120, 1140, 7060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1140, 7040, 7380 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11380492895841599, 0.11068867146968842, 0.40080422163009644, 0.9999173283576965, 0.12794214487075806 ] } }, { "reference": "そこで、英和辞典で単語を見つけた後に、夫婦は彼を「クイル」と名付けます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0856330618262291, 0.06971193850040436, 0.30227136611938477, 0.37054362893104553, 0.3231407701969147 ] } }, { "reference": "Justinは、バンドのIntangibleのメンバーです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13378651440143585, 0.108040452003479, 0.4363948702812195 ] } }, { "reference": "そのエクストラ作品にリンゴ・スター監督は登場しない。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12801818549633026, 0.12105262279510498, 0.4300345778465271 ] } }, { "reference": "ステラ・エアウェイズの本社はゴンベにあります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1000 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1020 ], "probabilities": [ 0.21889694035053253, 0.1863107681274414, 0.3767049312591553 ] } }, { "reference": "朝ですと遅すぎるのですか?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14718639850616455, 0.49788013100624084 ] } }, { "reference": "これを以下に示します。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14649245142936707, 0.38281047344207764 ] } }, { "reference": "ウィリアムズの両親は、どちらも元々はジャマイカ出身です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09192513674497604, 0.14300347864627838, 0.4914417564868927, 0.46128585934638977 ] } }, { "reference": "その歌詞はカヴィ・プラディープが書いたものです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をます", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13303229212760925, 0.14649143815040588, 0.44905519485473633, 0.46569040417671204 ] } }, { "reference": "このシリーズは、伝統的なインクとペイントのアニメーションで制作されました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08293767273426056, 0.07638633251190186, 0.41802430152893066, 0.3438635468482971, 0.43547454476356506 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はジャクソンビルズー&ガーデンから派遣されました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をます", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10673674196004868, 0.12455747276544571, 0.3268606960773468, 0.3937740921974182 ] } }, { "reference": "肉を少なめに食べなさい。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13300205767154694, 0.43689459562301636 ] } }, { "reference": "この考え方は、人間の意識が崩壊を引き起こすという解釈として知られるようになりました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しをとしてました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1020, 1040, 1060, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1040, 1060, 1080, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06452622264623642, 0.0635460689663887, 0.057121340185403824, 0.1020914688706398, 0.13240064680576324, 0.1470339298248291, 0.3069588541984558, 0.18582217395305634 ] } }, { "reference": "これは安宿ではありません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11899188160896301, 0.37367314100265503 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女はサミュエルとレベッカ・モロ・コプロンの娘であった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをましたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1060, 1080, 1100, 1120, 7680 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120, 7660, 8460 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12895235419273376, 0.10613810271024704, 0.11610883474349976, 0.4109724760055542, 0.39961695671081543, 0.5331658720970154, 0.9993532299995422, 0.13011349737644196 ] } }, { "reference": "殺される前、マスミは、女性の保険外交員でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100, 1120, 6960 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120, 6940, 8460 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12573620676994324, 0.12702783942222595, 0.5032014846801758, 0.4806773364543915, 0.9999399185180664, 0.10209644585847855 ] } }, { "reference": "「U」を、「X」の閉じた部分空間であると仮定します。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をます", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12762899696826935, 0.13531580567359924, 0.41410455107688904, 0.46976858377456665 ] } }, { "reference": "ライは犯罪行為を否定し、主張は政治的に動機付けられたと述べました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をしした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1020, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1040, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07871957868337631, 0.0669235810637474, 0.1264190673828125, 0.3045920431613922, 0.21945083141326904 ] } }, { "reference": "これらの学校で受けられる教育の質は、世界基準では良くない。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100, 1120, 7740 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120, 7720, 8460 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10020323842763901, 0.12463360279798508, 0.4908709228038788, 0.9998877048492432, 0.14958085119724274 ] } }, { "reference": "ハーキンス劇場で、「ア・マッター・オブ・ディグリーズ」の上映はありますか", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09149081259965897, 0.09929490089416504, 0.35004132986068726, 0.40294626355171204, 0.4155724048614502 ] } }, { "reference": "草深い場所で、白い犬が黒い犬の後を追いかけています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10055668652057648, 0.11183501034975052, 0.4901786744594574, 0.4377182722091675 ] } }, { "reference": "これらは私の最高成績です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13854055106639862, 0.4185786843299866 ] } }, { "reference": "教会は聖マーガレットに捧げられた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をます", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12901924550533295, 0.149309903383255, 0.43751779198646545, 0.5411515235900879 ] } }, { "reference": "卵が先か鶏が先かの問題は、誰でも一度は聞いたことがあります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08872468024492264, 0.07185346633195877, 0.419659286737442, 0.37111857533454895, 0.41291841864585876 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はスカイ・ロケットでペクのスカイ・ブラスターのような動きも編集しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10065380483865738, 0.08569567650556564, 0.30175310373306274, 0.42002594470977783 ] } }, { "reference": "彼の父親は大学で大学院の学位を取るためによく留守にしていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1000, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1020, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07466179132461548, 0.12817801535129547, 0.3692941665649414, 0.4785451292991638 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は独立したバプテスト派であった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13021935522556305, 0.12590311467647552, 0.5740540027618408 ] } }, { "reference": "残りの部分は、水を使うことを前提とした記事になります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1120, 1140, 6880 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1140, 6860, 7380 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1265842467546463, 0.1275871843099594, 0.43947577476501465, 0.9998548030853271, 0.09259587526321411 ] } }, { "reference": "「スポーン・ポイント」は、プレイヤーがスポーンするレベルのエリアである。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080, 1100, 7380 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100, 7360, 8280 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12609709799289703, 0.10721077024936676, 0.0886744037270546, 0.48437920212745667, 0.9998852610588074, 0.13463518023490906 ] } }, { "reference": "二種類かそれ以上のお肉のメニューを提供するレストランもありますが、多くは一種類です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しをとましす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1020, 1040, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1040, 1060, 1120, 1140, 1160 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06389078497886658, 0.09179769456386566, 0.05757233500480652, 0.22376875579357147, 0.2779695391654968, 0.18855224549770355 ] } }, { "reference": "その後、彼は伏兵に襲われ、残りのボディーガードチームが一掃される。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼るし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100, 1120, 7920 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120, 7900, 8280 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0675564855337143, 0.31041163206100464, 0.9992790818214417, 0.1813790202140808 ] } }, { "reference": "しかし全ての反応が批判的なわけではありませんでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100, 1120, 6700 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120, 6680, 8280 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12800823152065277, 0.12659789621829987, 0.4454074203968048, 0.999954104423523, 0.10006777197122574 ] } }, { "reference": "それが彼の最初の外国旅行でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14326028525829315, 0.45445334911346436 ] } }, { "reference": "彼らの熱意と能力は並外れていました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1386542022228241, 0.11533944308757782, 0.4457719922065735 ] } }, { "reference": "トリロとメリアは、彼らの最も有名なキャラクター、サイバーシックスを作成しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1020, 1120, 1140, 1160 ], "probabilities": [ 0.056729756295681, 0.10533458739519119, 0.306915819644928, 0.2570546269416809, 0.2666706442832947 ] } }, { "reference": "また、さまざまな技術が科学的な目的のために使用されている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そかるし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1100, 1120, 6840 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1120, 6820, 8280 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10257675498723984, 0.10922744870185852, 0.3591879904270172, 0.9997616410255432, 0.17018382251262665 ] } }, { "reference": "学校での私の得意科目は歴史です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15659689903259277, 0.11258155852556229, 0.447613924741745 ] } }, { "reference": "クリスマスツリーの前でポーズをとる男女。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07372062653303146, 0.24643175303936005 ] } }, { "reference": "このグループの存在感は、ツアーへの取り組みによっても確固たるものになりました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09759693592786789, 0.10507527738809586, 0.36719459295272827, 0.46211665868759155, 0.5247614979743958 ] } }, { "reference": "私はそれらの使用によって多くの命を救ったと確信しています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11180848628282547, 0.12046816945075989, 0.4637598991394043, 0.39104703068733215, 0.4041298031806946 ] } }, { "reference": "同意しない場合は起訴される可能性があります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1423892229795456, 0.43766260147094727 ] } }, { "reference": "したがって、誰もそれらを見つけることができません!", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼れをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14007830619812012, 0.11117283999919891, 0.11900349706411362, 0.4045630693435669 ] } }, { "reference": "その中でドイツとスウェーデンが挙げられています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼す", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15715855360031128, 0.4490188658237457 ] } }, { "reference": "ズンビは今はブラジルの国民的ヒーローとみなされている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をます", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08992896974086761, 0.11209329217672348, 0.422772616147995, 0.37402287125587463 ] } }, { "reference": "そして彼女は再び彼の手を取ってじっくりと観察した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12845301628112793, 0.12783001363277435, 0.4773106575012207, 0.5043554902076721 ] } }, { "reference": "ある役人は「タペンスを集めるのにシリングがかかった」と嘆いた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0957922488451004, 0.09664485603570938, 0.49564680457115173 ] } }, { "reference": "ファノンはジャンソンの提案した「黒い肌、白い仮面」というタイトルに同意した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をとしまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1020, 1040, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1040, 1060, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0624777153134346, 0.06339641660451889, 0.05215245112776756, 0.12034127116203308, 0.3008349537849426, 0.2708844244480133 ] } }, { "reference": "それらは特に短くて軽く、ダンスミュージックによく適していました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をます", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06989733874797821, 0.10771790891885757, 0.4164186120033264, 0.38241472840309143 ] } }, { "reference": "彼が認めなかった肩書き。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1246962919831276, 0.5287632346153259 ] } }, { "reference": "フィクションとノンフィクション..もちろん私はここに無駄に座っているわけではありません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08004322648048401, 0.10147298127412796, 0.33066847920417786, 0.33213010430336, 0.3899194598197937 ] } }, { "reference": "改修工事では、新しい看板とモールへの歩行者アクセスが改善されました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をてした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1060, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1080, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06917617470026016, 0.07218654453754425, 0.20125162601470947, 0.3189968764781952, 0.27481818199157715 ] } }, { "reference": "グアテマラに位置しています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13734622299671173, 0.40834587812423706 ] } }, { "reference": "コモには、セント・ジョージ・ロウイング・クラブがあります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をますし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1120, 1140, 6160 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1140, 6140, 7640 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12514717876911163, 0.13366514444351196, 0.513552725315094, 0.5711716413497925, 0.9999465346336365, 0.07801956683397293 ] } }, { "reference": "バリオはシュードルスを解散させ、彼を何度か避けようとします。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1075289398431778, 0.08102776110172272, 0.5018767714500427, 0.3691219985485077, 0.49060291051864624 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女の趣味は麻雀です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1241343766450882, 0.45292916893959045 ] } }, { "reference": "コンデはAcademy of Sciences and Letters のメンバーでもありました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1120, 1140, 7500 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1140, 7480, 7640 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11040934920310974, 0.1400623321533203, 0.509135365486145, 0.47671809792518616, 0.9997204542160034, 0.12842975556850433 ] } }, { "reference": "Steersはホッチキススクールからもカルバーミリタリーアカデミーからも追放された。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をとましす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1000, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1020, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06843382865190506, 0.08458930253982544, 0.06620003283023834, 0.3372724950313568, 0.318485826253891, 0.2530941069126129 ] } }, { "reference": "俳優のラルフ・フィエンズやジョセフ・フィエンズの祖父にあたる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をすし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100, 1120, 7560 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120, 7540, 7640 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11108162254095078, 0.11460424214601517, 0.42472144961357117, 0.9999103546142578, 0.14999857544898987 ] } }, { "reference": "社会学では、人口とは人間の集合体を指します。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をますし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1120, 1140, 7060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1140, 7040, 7640 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09758077561855316, 0.1468813270330429, 0.4402869641780853, 0.517823338508606, 0.9998870491981506, 0.12193839997053146 ] } }, { "reference": "彼らにはロバート・ジョフリーとマーガレット・レゼッタというふたりの子供がいた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06869412958621979, 0.10288244485855103, 0.33153295516967773, 0.3506104648113251 ] } }, { "reference": "社会保障制度にも問題が生じている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13023045659065247, 0.40876665711402893 ] } }, { "reference": "アンダートンとベッカムは、どちらも見事なゴールを決めてイングランドの英雄となった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07214254140853882, 0.09414979070425034, 0.38815924525260925, 0.33248478174209595, 0.3487353026866913 ] } }, { "reference": "私たちは、その時、とても仲が良かったです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1120, 1140, 5800 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1140, 5780, 7460 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13894368708133698, 0.08110355585813522, 0.5184271931648254, 0.9999635815620422, 0.08294498175382614 ] } }, { "reference": "油は秒単位で流れます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15519429743289948, 0.40501102805137634 ] } }, { "reference": "最初にリリースされたシングル曲はワウからの”オーロコ”である。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09857924282550812, 0.10012981295585632, 0.39909598231315613, 0.43628478050231934 ] } }, { "reference": "東アジア・イメージ・コレクションの動画を私に探してください。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をますし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1120, 1140, 6880 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1140, 6860, 7460 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11149068176746368, 0.10440657287836075, 0.5400418043136597, 0.4972788691520691, 0.999870777130127, 0.11257807165384293 ] } }, { "reference": "まだびしょびしょに濡れてる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼る", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08073882758617401, 0.23667573928833008 ] } }, { "reference": "反対の概念は過剰です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1195489764213562, 0.515368640422821 ] } }, { "reference": "引退し、彼はムーニーヴァレー競馬場のゲストとなった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12136927247047424, 0.12417806684970856, 0.47056010365486145 ] } }, { "reference": "私はすべての機会に投票しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼を", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14214996993541718, 0.10959196090698242 ] } }, { "reference": "出版物が認められるには、登録されたオランダの出版社からでなければならない。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08536531776189804, 0.07915894687175751, 0.3835850656032562, 0.40624967217445374, 0.4788932800292969 ] } }, { "reference": "生態学的または環境技術とも呼ばれます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13416942954063416, 0.10858044028282166, 0.4891449511051178 ] } }, { "reference": "赤いシダが育つ場所...", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09263991564512253, 0.34557780623435974 ] } }, { "reference": "それでも、あなたがどれだけ見知らぬ人になるか誰が知っていますか?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1120, 1140, 7500 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1140, 7480, 7740 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11345045268535614, 0.11724770069122314, 0.4833240509033203, 0.9998259544372559, 0.1295325607061386 ] } }, { "reference": "悲観しないでください!", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11136715859174728, 0.36423102021217346 ] } }, { "reference": "局のアンカーは、アンカーの仕事以外に、フィールドレポーターとしても務めます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をます", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08180619031190872, 0.11689560115337372, 0.3433811664581299, 0.4326486885547638 ] } }, { "reference": "マララ氏はノーベル賞受賞者です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12939080595970154, 0.10613318532705307, 0.4961492717266083 ] } }, { "reference": "はいはい!", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08603814244270325, 0.2025345265865326 ] } }, { "reference": "この本は、魔法のアイテムと、その思わぬ展開や出来事に関するソースブックである。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼とる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.053950678557157516, 0.07124962657690048, 0.32609453797340393 ] } }, { "reference": "お金を節約する方法は、お金をあまり使わないことです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09733239561319351, 0.13439342379570007, 0.4656098783016205 ] } }, { "reference": "今ビスケットを食べるかもしれません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼す", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14489015936851501, 0.4570620059967041 ] } }, { "reference": "彼らは現代のクジラ、イルカ、ネズミイルカの祖先である。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09827696532011032, 0.09728658944368362, 0.48852047324180603, 0.4178694486618042 ] } }, { "reference": "さらに、人間の姿は地球のグラフィックのすぐ上に表示されます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をましすし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120, 1140, 7420 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140, 7400, 7560 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11338651180267334, 0.08218203485012054, 0.45745381712913513, 0.3423374593257904, 0.4183383285999298, 0.9996322393417358, 0.12289396673440933 ] } }, { "reference": "その後、Bangladeshは頭を失った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15886855125427246, 0.11683233082294464, 0.4482135474681854 ] } }, { "reference": "多くの地名や個人名が、それに由来している。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13525980710983276, 0.11946514248847961, 0.44264763593673706 ] } }, { "reference": "これはとても効果的で、謙信が信玄をもう少しで倒せるところでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0980842337012291, 0.09197460114955902, 0.4936382472515106, 0.37796124815940857, 0.4215962290763855 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は経済学者であり教授でもある、Cillian Ryanの父親だ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08810191601514816, 0.11057084053754807, 0.45750218629837036, 0.32601797580718994, 0.40410491824150085 ] } }, { "reference": "これらのコースは、インテリジェンスの役割に投稿するための個人を準備します。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をます", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07932758331298828, 0.12048332393169403, 0.32461556792259216, 0.3790755271911621 ] } }, { "reference": "ジョンソンシティクロッシングは、これらの開発の中で最大のものです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11564464122056961, 0.08462456613779068, 0.10894344002008438, 0.4249335825443268 ] } }, { "reference": "彼の作品の多くは、様々な映画アーカイブに存在すると考えられています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をてますた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1080, 1120, 1140, 1160 ], "probabilities": [ 0.088996522128582, 0.08178601413965225, 0.20828598737716675, 0.34763050079345703, 0.2701464891433716, 0.25675737857818604 ] } }, { "reference": "彼が確実に知っていたことは、これだけです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12537126243114471, 0.09163549542427063, 0.5086302161216736 ] } }, { "reference": "処分の専門家がキャッシュを適切に破壊しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13279831409454346, 0.1285639852285385, 0.4182223081588745 ] } }, { "reference": "どういうわけか、彼らは自分の家から追い出されてしまった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13161957263946533, 0.13557380437850952, 0.4909696877002716, 0.46616309881210327 ] } }, { "reference": "電車は満員でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1264117956161499, 0.3971239924430847 ] } }, { "reference": "男の子はショックを受けた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "た", "start_timestamps": [ 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.32936155796051025 ] } }, { "reference": "内面は平らで、ほとんど特徴がない。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11267128586769104, 0.11445414274930954, 0.3746090233325958 ] } }, { "reference": "このプロセスは、電子機器の使用によって部分的に発生します。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をます", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10507245361804962, 0.11293032020330429, 0.509123682975769, 0.48136767745018005 ] } }, { "reference": "看護師たちは、それぞれの子どもたちの体重も監視します。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をます", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11967850476503372, 0.1352313607931137, 0.5308215022087097, 0.5089740753173828 ] } }, { "reference": "それ以来、彼はバンドの常連です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12944296002388, 0.14828737080097198, 0.36423397064208984 ] } }, { "reference": "フレッド・ストーンはユニークです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12012291699647903, 0.5051378607749939 ] } }, { "reference": "多くのエキゾチックな生物は侵略的特性がすでに研究されています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をますた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120, 1140, 1160 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0758059099316597, 0.06093001738190651, 0.3437506854534149, 0.3040983974933624, 0.25512903928756714 ] } }, { "reference": "ラッセルは映画のために髪の色を少し明るくするようリクエストしました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09531131386756897, 0.08756334334611893, 0.4495757520198822, 0.38498491048812866, 0.41708633303642273 ] } }, { "reference": "いずれは入れ替わるでしょう。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08832360059022903, 0.2973342835903168 ] } }, { "reference": "Webサイトのレビュー、コメント、および評価を表示します。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.114442840218544, 0.09804408252239227, 0.5050832629203796, 0.4848438799381256 ] } }, { "reference": "それはひらひらと落ち、砂の上に降っていました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1609901785850525, 0.128447487950325, 0.11951377987861633, 0.48081693053245544 ] } }, { "reference": "最初は、私は非常に遅かったです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15661130845546722, 0.11408638954162598, 0.4233095645904541 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女はユタ観光局によって、「有名なユタ人」の一人に挙げられています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をししす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1040, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1060, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07943948358297348, 0.09246938675642014, 0.16641873121261597, 0.326945424079895, 0.317378431558609 ] } }, { "reference": "自分の展覧会を開くのはやめてください!", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12051405012607574, 0.1410553902387619, 0.4242987632751465 ] } }, { "reference": "プライム・メリディアンはコニーホールを通過します。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1437370479106903, 0.12175802886486053, 0.44926199316978455, 0.4531712234020233 ] } }, { "reference": "すぐに、彼はその部署の正規職員となった。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12052386999130249, 0.12349718064069748, 0.46580785512924194 ] } }, { "reference": "銃はたくさんありますか。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1133018508553505, 0.5332449674606323 ] } }, { "reference": "「どういう意味かわかりません」とアリスは言った。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1393059939146042, 0.1244519054889679, 0.5839430093765259 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は会社に弁当を持ってきて、自分の机で一人で食べる。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10805945843458176, 0.13567090034484863, 0.4422774314880371, 0.45994725823402405 ] } }, { "reference": "Arthurの経歴は多くの訴訟が示しています。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12011779844760895, 0.15010270476341248, 0.5087487101554871 ] } }, { "reference": "フランクフルト・アム・マインで毎日発行されています。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1291496306657791, 0.11606158316135406, 0.5244486927986145 ] } }, { "reference": "この分析は補足である。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10526881366968155, 0.5438982248306274 ] } }, { "reference": "初期の彼が最も大きな影響を受けた人物のひとりは、ピアニストの祖母でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しをした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.05710986256599426, 0.08923128247261047, 0.31253817677497864, 0.3336379826068878 ] } }, { "reference": "常任理事国の数を増やすことについての議論がありました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11660050600767136, 0.12522286176681519, 0.4228164553642273 ] } }, { "reference": "上部の背景は黒で、金色の星が付いている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13363796472549438, 0.12008911371231079, 0.5641841292381287 ] } }, { "reference": "数は多いものの、一部の西側の専門家は、その一部を古いと見なしています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をとした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 980, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1000, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08888058364391327, 0.11499005556106567, 0.059774596244096756, 0.3324630558490753, 0.3949512839317322 ] } }, { "reference": "コートと帽子はどこですか?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09036274254322052, 0.4913484752178192 ] } }, { "reference": "プロフェッショナル・ロデオ・カウボーイズ・アソシエーションは彼を名誉会員にしました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07390519231557846, 0.12060990184545517, 0.4321853518486023, 0.44124749302864075, 0.4791780710220337 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は中立議員として貴族院の席についている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13086794316768646, 0.11651022732257843, 0.5732119083404541 ] } }, { "reference": "Aero社による大量生産はありませんでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13620181381702423, 0.13292960822582245, 0.524024248123169 ] } }, { "reference": "その目的は、教えること、覚えておくこと、感謝すること、名誉を与えること、そして祝うことでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06562045961618423, 0.07293780148029327, 0.25704225897789, 0.35222700238227844 ] } }, { "reference": "メガネをかけたアジア人の少女が深い雪の穴に横たわっています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をましたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120, 1140, 8060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140, 8040, 10340 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09164583683013916, 0.08310084044933319, 0.5077628493309021, 0.37801554799079895, 0.4986862540245056, 0.9995776414871216, 0.14564654231071472 ] } }, { "reference": "マイケルは、四人の子供のうち、二番目の子供です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1125681921839714, 0.1352635622024536, 0.5339099764823914 ] } }, { "reference": "ストリップの伝統の一つは、マイクの毎年恒例のサマーデイドリームである。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0861445888876915, 0.11906863003969193, 0.4791347086429596 ] } }, { "reference": "あなたは、彼がいなければ、はるかに良くなるでしょう。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12187083065509796, 0.49715137481689453 ] } }, { "reference": "これには、シングル「King of England」、「Somewhere」および「Clarinet Town」が収録されている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08315034955739975, 0.11303304135799408, 0.3664810061454773, 0.39496341347694397, 0.46323275566101074 ] } }, { "reference": "サッカー選手たちは空中に飛び跳ねて、頭でボールを打ちます", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1031065285205841, 0.1417858600616455, 0.509331464767456 ] } }, { "reference": "ヘレンは「あれよ。」と答えました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12415008991956711, 0.12855105102062225, 0.5812450647354126 ] } }, { "reference": "これらの状況下では、それは理解できます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14652113616466522, 0.0997309610247612, 0.46769601106643677 ] } }, { "reference": "敗北後、エトルリア人はイタリアでの大部分の政治的影響力を失った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08334416896104813, 0.10384773463010788, 0.3006912171840668, 0.3465278148651123 ] } }, { "reference": "また、内部拡張ブレーキとチェーンプライマリドライブも装備していた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.116429902613163, 0.12367209792137146, 0.5285738110542297 ] } }, { "reference": "それには現在個人所有のもので、スミソニアン研究所と関連があります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をしたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120, 8580 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 8560, 9140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10833073407411575, 0.10927838087081909, 0.3360435366630554, 0.4893464148044586, 0.9994773268699646, 0.15863695740699768 ] } }, { "reference": "私は何もなく暮らしていくのは嫌です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.105345219373703, 0.08702417463064194, 0.5313069224357605 ] } }, { "reference": "現在はタリーリンの西の終点で、主要な駅です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10634703189134598, 0.10338074713945389, 0.5549735426902771 ] } }, { "reference": "しかし、これらの男性は彼女に援助を提供していませんでした。彼女は自らの収入を誇りに思っていました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しのとでしる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1000, 1040, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1020, 1060, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11782114207744598, 0.06618008762598038, 0.05813946574926376, 0.09154631942510605, 0.15621519088745117, 0.18450039625167847 ] } }, { "reference": "それは、「ウォッチ・ウィズ・マザー」サイクルの月曜日のプログラムでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12846344709396362, 0.13442875444889069, 0.5031075477600098 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は神でした、そして彼は完全に神ではなかった、そして彼は再び神でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08728198707103729, 0.09440911561250687, 0.33672162890434265, 0.2975606918334961, 0.5154381990432739 ] } }, { "reference": "原っぱでディスクゴルフをしている人。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13896135985851288, 0.5639846324920654 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女がビル・アンダーソンと結婚すると、ホアグランド牧場はアンダーソン牧場となる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをしたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120, 9540 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1000, 1100, 1120, 9520, 10180 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09114134311676025, 0.07005201280117035, 0.10845855623483658, 0.36928078532218933, 0.45770910382270813, 0.9991222620010376, 0.14723128080368042 ] } }, { "reference": "愛、真実、そして彼女の娘を求めて、グアダルーペは彼自身が人生の囚人であることがわかりました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しをとしてました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1020, 1040, 1060, 1080, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1040, 1060, 1080, 1100, 1120, 1140, 1160 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06718810647726059, 0.07226646691560745, 0.06246323883533478, 0.08217725902795792, 0.10597056895494461, 0.15223374962806702, 0.23527120053768158, 0.16294854879379272 ] } }, { "reference": "彼らは常に音楽を求めるでしょう。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09762021899223328, 0.4848204553127289 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女は彼に懇願し続けなければなりません。もう一日留めてくれるように。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07888207584619522, 0.1264829784631729, 0.43477118015289307, 0.5102744698524475 ] } }, { "reference": "それはメタルハマー誌のゲスト評論家としてのコーンの「今月のシングル」でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をましたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1060, 1080, 1100, 1120, 8720 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120, 8700, 10180 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08491714298725128, 0.07156220078468323, 0.33378419280052185, 0.3488290309906006, 0.3717120289802551, 0.998469352722168, 0.1584005355834961 ] } }, { "reference": "レモングラス少量でリフレッシュできるはず。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12210211902856827, 0.5458448529243469 ] } }, { "reference": "それゆえ、彼はそのきらめく魔法に感嘆し、それを真似た。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10619781911373138, 0.13582202792167664, 0.45893919467926025 ] } }, { "reference": "ダーシーとの出席、自制、我慢はウィッカムにとって障害だった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09510817378759384, 0.14019842445850372, 0.4605960249900818, 0.4042068123817444, 0.5558183193206787 ] } }, { "reference": "彼らのうちの誰も容疑者を特定することができませんでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08461982756853104, 0.11724019050598145, 0.48440176248550415 ] } }, { "reference": "カルダラは、オペラ、カンタータ、オラトリオの作曲家として最もよく知られている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.052720654755830765, 0.1474437117576599, 0.3524056375026703, 0.5179665684700012 ] } }, { "reference": "その政党の現在の状況は不明だ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.05843142420053482, 0.31678101420402527 ] } }, { "reference": "しかし、彼は病気になり、職務に適さなかったため、無効になりました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08359487354755402, 0.1445954442024231, 0.48155444860458374 ] } }, { "reference": "神が破壊したいと思う人物がいたら、まずそいつを怒らせる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09705279022455215, 0.11543041467666626, 0.5033304691314697 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は、オーバーン大学モンゴメリー校でWeilフェローだった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0942809209227562, 0.13322706520557404, 0.5508660078048706 ] } }, { "reference": "タッピーは動揺しているように見えた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09067176282405853, 0.4452047646045685 ] } }, { "reference": "ファン・バステンはワールドカップ決勝戦では無得点だった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼れをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1384948045015335, 0.10313676297664642, 0.11606895923614502, 0.5194311738014221 ] } }, { "reference": "定義により、パターンはそれを使用する各アプロケーションに新たにプログラムされる必要があります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をとまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1000, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1020, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08035807311534882, 0.07072053849697113, 0.05715542286634445, 0.3376534581184387, 0.2860618829727173 ] } }, { "reference": "何をしたか見てみろ!", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "た", "start_timestamps": [ 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.24728573858737946 ] } }, { "reference": "メキシコシティーのグスタボ・マデロ区にあります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12830395996570587, 0.5064321160316467 ] } }, { "reference": "白いシャツを着た女性が黒いギターを弾いています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1171453669667244, 0.1417829394340515, 0.5142876505851746 ] } }, { "reference": "ネットワークの計画と設計において、非常に重要な要件の一つとなっている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.05868934467434883, 0.14097103476524353, 0.32702532410621643, 0.4945947527885437 ] } }, { "reference": "画像登録の可能なアプローチについてこの記事で説明する必要があります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10078923404216766, 0.1414044052362442, 0.397174596786499, 0.5239323973655701 ] } }, { "reference": "それにもかかわらず、ほとんどのプロダクションでは財政難にみまわれた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10751436650753021, 0.08931925892829895, 0.40101680159568787, 0.5657162666320801 ] } }, { "reference": "オリンダはオランダ侵略後、重要性が低下しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0789952427148819, 0.1404281109571457, 0.5022280812263489 ] } }, { "reference": "ここから見えるのは町のかなり素晴らしい景色。そして見つけるのも簡単です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09081589430570602, 0.11014829576015472, 0.4738447964191437, 0.43027153611183167, 0.5470226407051086 ] } }, { "reference": "ロック音楽でシャンソンを奏でるごく最近のアーティストはグリゴリー・レプスです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07985279709100723, 0.11295759677886963, 0.3726073205471039, 0.38705456256866455, 0.47468528151512146 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は、ボイン川の側の、ニューグレンジに住んでいたと言われていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11422958970069885, 0.1364128291606903, 0.5460335612297058 ] } }, { "reference": "ヘンリーはサムに、土曜の深夜に自殺する計画を話した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08595100790262222, 0.12128854542970657, 0.5625267624855042 ] } }, { "reference": "私はそれを理解しようとしています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15290234982967377, 0.4968981146812439 ] } }, { "reference": "鮮やかなオレンジ色のベストを着た男たちが、道路の前で道具を使っています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09015245735645294, 0.09882625192403793, 0.30869027972221375, 0.4274393320083618, 0.42605990171432495 ] } }, { "reference": "その場面は現実的であると同時に非現実的でもある。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07573111355304718, 0.14205722510814667, 0.5014209151268005 ] } }, { "reference": "スケグは追加のボードとして追加できます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12632538378238678, 0.5492243766784668 ] } }, { "reference": "これは既に少し懐かしいものでした、将来のノスタルジア。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08699026703834534, 0.15351365506649017, 0.5016709566116333 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はそうだと言いました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06674203276634216, 0.5100803375244141 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はカイザースラヒトで育ちカルヴァン主義教育を受けた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08505423367023468, 0.15439224243164062, 0.5010501146316528 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女は彼の学術指導者でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09085647016763687, 0.516105055809021 ] } }, { "reference": "彼らは祭壇に向かって進み、曲がったところで消えます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09544375538825989, 0.14414402842521667, 0.4434526860713959, 0.5711751580238342 ] } }, { "reference": "生きているマツを叩くのは、世界の他の地域ではまだ一般的です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07124868035316467, 0.14962364733219147, 0.3813442885875702, 0.3350350558757782, 0.5160019397735596 ] } }, { "reference": "どちらのプログラムも非常に人気があり、高い評価を得ています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11556021124124527, 0.1311335563659668, 0.4628636837005615, 0.5495039224624634 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はオーストリアでは非常に人気だが、その他のドイツ語圏ではそれほど人気がない。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06444228440523148, 0.09415939450263977, 0.3621262013912201, 0.38229382038116455, 0.4609626829624176 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は立ち上がって、詐欺師を引き連れて、まだ眠っている羊を目覚めさせました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10722772032022476, 0.1199745461344719, 0.44121161103248596, 0.3593957722187042, 0.5448700785636902 ] } }, { "reference": "エロンにはキャンパス全体に多くの湖や泉がある。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10539744794368744, 0.5532006621360779 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は時々フルバンドとツアーをします。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12727288901805878, 0.1457323580980301, 0.5833666324615479 ] } }, { "reference": "並んでいたのがなくなりました…あきらめちゃいけない。探し続けるんです", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08941243588924408, 0.08345923572778702, 0.3916618227958679, 0.41035887598991394, 0.40237393975257874 ] } }, { "reference": "また、 これはエピタキシャル層のシリコンドーパントとして使用されている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06724797189235687, 0.09469150006771088, 0.29479947686195374, 0.34019216895103455, 0.3515160083770752 ] } }, { "reference": "さて、私はラスベガスに向かい、ニードルズにたどり着きました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100, 1120, 7060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120, 7040, 8020 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11162016540765762, 0.08805984258651733, 0.4491623044013977, 0.9994053244590759, 0.11596319079399109 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はまた、ジャクソン・ポロックのブルーポールの最初の購入者でもありました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しをした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06647365540266037, 0.06519632041454315, 0.28636860847473145, 0.2250121533870697 ] } }, { "reference": "窓から風が吹いて紙が持ち上がった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼また", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16003333032131195, 0.47003698348999023, 0.4786628186702728 ] } }, { "reference": "多くの異なるローラ形状と機械設計が使用されている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をますたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120, 1140, 7700 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140, 7680, 8640 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09575096517801285, 0.0882657915353775, 0.3393983244895935, 0.3056824803352356, 0.34914159774780273, 0.9992294907569885, 0.12603627145290375 ] } }, { "reference": "そこで彼は「ハーバード・ミュージカル・レビュー」で記事を執筆し、その後編集者となった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しをとしてました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1020, 1040, 1060, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1040, 1060, 1080, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06702090054750443, 0.06781298667192459, 0.05502425134181976, 0.09653609246015549, 0.12400852143764496, 0.15977901220321655, 0.28330540657043457, 0.17223437130451202 ] } }, { "reference": "BernのSinus Studioは、長い間スイスで最も影響力のあるスタジオだった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しをとし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1000, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1020, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08175364881753922, 0.06049207225441933, 0.06202664226293564, 0.1145465150475502 ] } }, { "reference": "この地域は、現在はクレイ市の一部になっている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100, 1120, 6800 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120, 6780, 8640 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12394192814826965, 0.14275628328323364, 0.4470326602458954, 0.4413563311100006, 0.9998412728309631, 0.0941346287727356 ] } }, { "reference": "しかし、ローレンコリンズとジェイクエプスタインも登場します。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をましたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1080, 1100, 1120, 7560 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120, 7540, 8640 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13171394169330597, 0.10676012188196182, 0.4098638892173767, 0.3597531020641327, 0.44026196002960205, 0.9994842410087585, 0.12019114941358566 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は英語で歌い、少ないですがアイルランド語でも歌います。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1060, 1100, 1120, 7140 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1080, 1120, 7120, 8640 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14701364934444427, 0.09767593443393707, 0.47978413105010986, 0.523202121257782, 0.9998567700386047, 0.10975538939237595 ] } }, { "reference": "レオンは王国を息子のジェラールに引き継がせた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1426761895418167, 0.1346554011106491, 0.4891104996204376, 0.445271372795105 ] } }, { "reference": "ペルーには、重量挙げの資格を持つ選手が一名います。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100, 1120, 6740 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120, 6720, 8600 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14130622148513794, 0.12402594834566116, 0.444620281457901, 0.9998818635940552, 0.08930737525224686 ] } }, { "reference": "サウンドはソウル・ミュージックとロックを取り入れた、ラッシュの新しい作品です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しをてました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1060, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1080, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06287125498056412, 0.10420821607112885, 0.1980857104063034, 0.27391529083251953, 0.36797723174095154, 0.3013727366924286 ] } }, { "reference": "私はセレブ…ここから出して!", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1657566875219345, 0.1457371711730957, 0.510026216506958 ] } }, { "reference": "このような政策の変化により、ブロディは同時代の人々との間でますます対立するようになりました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をとしまし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1000, 1020, 1060, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1020, 1040, 1080, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0632101371884346, 0.044806625694036484, 0.05647342652082443, 0.07297380268573761, 0.10477487742900848, 0.2810532748699188 ] } }, { "reference": "グレンボウのオンラインカタログで、デジタル化された画像を観ることができます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をましすたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120, 1140, 1160, 8500 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140, 1160, 8480, 8600 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0596335269510746, 0.09934596717357635, 0.2632453441619873, 0.3074057996273041, 0.26402613520622253, 0.2407996654510498, 0.9968152642250061, 0.14659002423286438 ] } }, { "reference": "水晶が汚れてたからだ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16742990911006927, 0.47667333483695984 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はマーチのハッターとして怒っています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼す", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14704301953315735, 0.4807758033275604 ] } }, { "reference": "お母さんズオウは、お父さんズオウに多くのアレルギーがあることを思い出させなければなりませんでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をとしてまし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1000, 1020, 1060, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1020, 1040, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.05752081423997879, 0.048772796988487244, 0.06279609352350235, 0.05695495754480362, 0.11450899392366409, 0.11895785480737686, 0.2756638526916504 ] } }, { "reference": "エール大学、スタンフォード大学、ワイオミング大学で教授職に就いた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120, 8360 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 8340, 10040 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09449408203363419, 0.1099444329738617, 0.31201305985450745, 0.3856014013290405, 0.9986382722854614, 0.1478026956319809 ] } }, { "reference": "例にはマンハッタンビーフ、カナダのホットチキンサンドイッチ、ウェールズのレアビットが含まれます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しをとしてました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1020, 1040, 1060, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1040, 1060, 1080, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06048310548067093, 0.05562442168593407, 0.0577247180044651, 0.09045076370239258, 0.10632723569869995, 0.14697813987731934, 0.2726030647754669, 0.15926745533943176 ] } }, { "reference": "バンドのリードギタリスト、ジョージハリソンさんが作曲し、歌った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をましたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120, 1140, 7740 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140, 7720, 10040 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10597753524780273, 0.09707809239625931, 0.46459507942199707, 0.36685723066329956, 0.4742746651172638, 0.99921053647995, 0.1270914375782013 ] } }, { "reference": "コーストメリディアンロードとクアリーロードからアクセスできます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100, 1120, 7280 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120, 7260, 10040 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12056402862071991, 0.1261589378118515, 0.41434088349342346, 0.4495562016963959, 0.9997161030769348, 0.1235361248254776 ] } }, { "reference": "彼の研究対象は、技術革新、技術変化、企業パフォーマンスの決定要因でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しをとした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1000, 1020, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1020, 1040, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.051961444318294525, 0.1143466979265213, 0.05884114280343056, 0.29433712363243103, 0.3622470200061798 ] } }, { "reference": "それは徐々に沈みましたが、幸運にもすべての人が安全に船を去る前ではありませんでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しをました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1020, 1120, 1140, 1160 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0682467371225357, 0.07899834960699081, 0.24346564710140228, 0.23914209008216858, 0.23816685378551483 ] } }, { "reference": "ウェストファリアは強いドイツとカソリックのバックグラウンドを持っている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09895560145378113, 0.14890168607234955, 0.4254337251186371, 0.5399835705757141 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は回復しましたが、最上位のクリケットを演奏することはありませんでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07066739350557327, 0.14363472163677216, 0.434896856546402 ] } }, { "reference": "ベットミドラーとジョージアエンゲルは、全国舞台で成功したエンターテイナーです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1000, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1020, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.060868293046951294, 0.1393224000930786, 0.3896084427833557 ] } }, { "reference": "Camu TaoのプレイリストにReggae BBQというアルバムを追加して", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07832340151071548, 0.110806405544281, 0.44753459095954895, 0.4114185571670532, 0.5173122882843018 ] } }, { "reference": "地元で著名な実業家のC. D.ベビントンにちなんで名付けられた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10320489853620529, 0.10425379127264023, 0.3829702138900757, 0.5416314601898193 ] } }, { "reference": "彼の法律は失敗に終わりそうでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08155507594347, 0.14091730117797852, 0.4884120523929596 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はテネシー州マンチェスターで育ち、近所の学校に進学した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08035838603973389, 0.10121159255504608, 0.4393598139286041, 0.5322004556655884 ] } }, { "reference": "モルディブはアフガニスタン、ブータン、スリランカと同じグループBになりました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0577823780477047, 0.12270677089691162, 0.4309197664260864, 0.33188799023628235, 0.47252994775772095 ] } }, { "reference": "ステーフマンスは、寒さの中でネズミの生存に関わる実験を行った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08783962577581406, 0.14201222360134125, 0.4360695481300354 ] } }, { "reference": "次第に定員が増やされ、最終的には廃止された。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14347611367702484, 0.11490296572446823, 0.5319297909736633 ] } }, { "reference": "シーズン終了後、マンシーはヘッドコーチとして解任されました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10073687136173248, 0.14390869438648224, 0.5132699012756348 ] } }, { "reference": "フォードガムは自社ブランドのガムやミントも作っています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0978582501411438, 0.13973422348499298, 0.4143259525299072 ] } }, { "reference": "アッシュランド自体にはもともと自由教会があり、さまざまなプロテスタント宗派によって共有されていました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しとましる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06379254907369614, 0.06397132575511932, 0.16383659839630127, 0.1488504856824875, 0.19599094986915588 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は妻、二人の息子と二人の娘のおかげで、生き残りました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12497986853122711, 0.13407549262046814, 0.46335747838020325, 0.5406998991966248 ] } }, { "reference": "すると彼女は突然微笑んだ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.22865653038024902, 0.1633584052324295, 0.46372607350349426 ] } }, { "reference": "また、ギタリストにはザクレイブのカルロスガルシアが起用された。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09889652580022812, 0.13288013637065887, 0.457451194524765 ] } }, { "reference": "悲しいことに、彼女のアルバムはあまりプロモーションがされておらず、多くのファンを失望させている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100, 1120, 9440 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120, 9420, 9640 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0739048644900322, 0.09926343709230423, 0.38477155566215515, 0.9992618560791016, 0.17281180620193481 ] } }, { "reference": "彼らには六人の子供がいます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0851532444357872, 0.47289976477622986 ] } }, { "reference": "ピサで生まれたジョヴァンニ・ピサーノは、有名な彫刻家であるニコラ・ピサーノの息子でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06981772184371948, 0.08087438344955444, 0.3971085250377655, 0.4206213057041168, 0.4682501554489136 ] } }, { "reference": "チャンピオンシップで負けた後、ロー・キはハッスルに向け何回か登場した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09696057438850403, 0.13607899844646454, 0.5612257122993469 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はコネチカット州ニューロンドンで生まれ、ハーバード大学で学んだ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08827580511569977, 0.49071505665779114 ] } }, { "reference": "私はこのうちのいくつかを持っていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14820820093154907, 0.5565995573997498 ] } }, { "reference": "元の駅は現在の駅の西側にありました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14261950552463531, 0.12317860871553421, 0.5134541988372803 ] } }, { "reference": "ゼルベは、初の社会写真家であり、唯一の社会写真家であると主張しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10077985376119614, 0.07414203882217407, 0.42566555738449097, 0.4254781901836395, 0.5042752027511597 ] } }, { "reference": "この地域を散歩する時にこれらの設備をたくさん見られます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1191011592745781, 0.11051947623491287, 0.4868721663951874, 0.49680811166763306 ] } }, { "reference": "そのお金はどこで手に入れたの?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12068036198616028, 0.4796592593193054 ] } }, { "reference": "Rapidはこれらのクラブの中で最も成功するクラブになる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11806415021419525, 0.13195662200450897, 0.5084719061851501 ] } }, { "reference": "クラブはパフォーマンスの悪さを理由に、彼を予備軍に降格させた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10033969581127167, 0.06762782484292984, 0.08163952082395554, 0.4143695533275604, 0.41757795214653015, 0.46440619230270386 ] } }, { "reference": "Lastfmの音楽を再生。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16650204360485077, 0.1993011236190796 ] } }, { "reference": "彼がどんなに新しいことを試し見ても、すべては常にジュゼッペ・アンドリュースの特徴になります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06985878199338913, 0.08702477067708969, 0.26177501678466797, 0.38549771904945374, 0.3460898995399475 ] } }, { "reference": "その後まもなく、彼は高校を辞めて海軍に入隊した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10657011717557907, 0.14999912679195404, 0.43257203698158264, 0.5272819995880127 ] } }, { "reference": "ボタンを押し続けるとメーターがいっぱいになります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13774003088474274, 0.11980672180652618, 0.5050090551376343 ] } }, { "reference": "ステート・ストリートは公園を二分しています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1496318131685257, 0.12758442759513855, 0.4497385025024414 ] } }, { "reference": "彼の父は銀行を持っていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06630025058984756, 0.4806993901729584 ] } }, { "reference": "ホブリーはスターライト財団の支援者です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1353888362646103, 0.1413670927286148, 0.5026258230209351 ] } }, { "reference": "クイーンズプレイスモールの正面玄関は、クイーンズブールバードに面しています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をとました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1000, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1020, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08080872893333435, 0.10106037557125092, 0.05263413488864899, 0.3173047602176666, 0.4189646244049072, 0.4255485236644745 ] } }, { "reference": "ローヒル西部は現在再開発中です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13217195868492126, 0.09718368202447891, 0.4930838644504547 ] } }, { "reference": "とても小さな赤いコンパクトカーから出る中年の女性。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12723593413829803, 0.11498208343982697, 0.4868275225162506 ] } }, { "reference": "理由は説明されなかった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1083841621875763, 0.5369476079940796 ] } }, { "reference": "最近は数は少ないものの農場の規模は大きくなっています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12487836182117462, 0.099345363676548, 0.10027413070201874, 0.5553837418556213 ] } }, { "reference": "バーディックは会社を率いる最初のアメリカ人になりました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1301213800907135, 0.12490054219961166, 0.5038661956787109 ] } }, { "reference": "アルコールの問題により、多くのトレーナーが彼を起用することをためらいました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09504818171262741, 0.12277102470397949, 0.5120514631271362 ] } }, { "reference": "彼の弟のビクターはそこで学び、後に学部長となった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09388592094182968, 0.13373421132564545, 0.4585404098033905 ] } }, { "reference": "何も関連はありません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13176733255386353, 0.5003563165664673 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女の母親はオランダ出身、彼女の父親はアフリカの半分とスペインの半分です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をとました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1000, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1020, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06773825734853745, 0.08749178051948547, 0.05913577973842621, 0.29686009883880615, 0.40219390392303467, 0.39963436126708984 ] } }, { "reference": "ハチドリ属の一覧については「ハチドリ属の一覧」を参照。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10339108854532242, 0.12520484626293182, 0.4488612413406372 ] } }, { "reference": "ツアー中はシュノーケリング用具をレンタルできます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15256217122077942, 0.11280663311481476, 0.10599096119403839, 0.4636059105396271 ] } }, { "reference": "その記録に記載されている「様々な場所」については、はっきりとは分かっていない。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100, 1120, 7700 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120, 7680, 8460 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09597568958997726, 0.1035710796713829, 0.430084228515625, 0.9998615384101868, 0.14467036724090576 ] } }, { "reference": "私のボーイフレンドは浮気をしています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15026406943798065, 0.5008079409599304 ] } }, { "reference": "主要な英国学会のほとんどはロンドンに拠点を置いています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11629299074411392, 0.11363532394170761, 0.5004117488861084, 0.482413649559021 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はマジョリカのマスターでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15814705193042755, 0.5560753345489502 ] } }, { "reference": "現在は、スコイル・ダラにある。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12371516972780228, 0.4610882103443146 ] } }, { "reference": "レインはバージニア州シャーロッツビルに住んだ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12204586714506149, 0.09310886263847351, 0.5573629140853882 ] } }, { "reference": "しかし、彼女は質問をしても無駄だと気付いた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.101258784532547, 0.43455612659454346 ] } }, { "reference": "健康的な食生活の利点は多すぎて書ききれません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12680178880691528, 0.13610011339187622, 0.4249885678291321 ] } }, { "reference": "わたしには弱点がある。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11126662790775299, 0.4110024571418762 ] } }, { "reference": "それはHalf Past Humanの続編である。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.22646258771419525, 0.2143292874097824, 0.39704573154449463 ] } }, { "reference": "したがって、マルチステップメソッドは、以前のいくつかのポイントと微分値を参照します。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08925553411245346, 0.11457064747810364, 0.4263611137866974, 0.4402446448802948, 0.4033238887786865 ] } }, { "reference": "「Terror Tales」、「Worlds of Fear」、「Strange Suspunse Stories」、「Unknown World」などの作品がある。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08170665800571442, 0.09137403964996338, 0.2913255989551544, 0.40235304832458496 ] } }, { "reference": "もうひとりの娘、ミーガンもアウグスブルク大学の女子チームでホッケーをします。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100, 1120, 7880 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120, 7860, 8240 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1106000766158104, 0.11309371888637543, 0.4934110641479492, 0.9999086260795593, 0.152390718460083 ] } }, { "reference": "George Thomasはパーティーで演奏し、「Gut Bucket Georg」として知られるようになりました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08715030550956726, 0.11870206147432327, 0.3433856964111328, 0.40933606028556824, 0.5203078985214233 ] } }, { "reference": "それは島のコミュニティです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1433650255203247, 0.5144535899162292 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はマサチューセッツ州ボーン墓地に埋葬されている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11300566792488098, 0.14688841998577118, 0.4563431739807129 ] } }, { "reference": "さらに、コーヒーで味付けされた、エフェス・ダークブラウンも追加されました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11298662424087524, 0.11832667887210846, 0.49402663111686707 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はきちんとした形のあごひげを生やしていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0993444100022316, 0.15816855430603027, 0.4945847690105438 ] } }, { "reference": "すると驚くことに、「彼らはもう出発したよ」と彼は言いました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11995889991521835, 0.13999886810779572, 0.4919425845146179 ] } }, { "reference": "チェビシェフの大きなクレーターがマリオットの南東にはあります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1120, 1140, 8640 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1140, 8620, 8780 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06522314250469208, 0.10282908380031586, 0.4043595492839813, 0.9993075728416443, 0.16552317142486572 ] } }, { "reference": "その同日、ヴィスコンティ・プラスカは解放され、イタリアに呼び戻された。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06523042172193527, 0.0893903523683548, 0.26900896430015564, 0.3622005581855774, 0.3649677336215973 ] } }, { "reference": "主な作物は緑茶とメロンです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08199041336774826, 0.5253644585609436 ] } }, { "reference": "モウルトンは自分のイノベーションは偶然だったと言っています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08151090145111084, 0.11643824726343155, 0.44399937987327576, 0.3959019184112549, 0.483242928981781 ] } }, { "reference": "それはしかしながら最後ではありません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12776212394237518, 0.1327321082353592, 0.5064365267753601 ] } }, { "reference": "ビバップだけでなく、スイングも演じられました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10077859461307526, 0.5638597011566162 ] } }, { "reference": "ユニスコープのオペレーターは、リモートにあるメインフレームからの指示を待つ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08550834655761719, 0.10909225791692734, 0.4860655665397644 ] } }, { "reference": "マーティンのファンタジー小説「A Song of Ice and Fire」シリーズ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11114246398210526, 0.13134846091270447, 0.48542824387550354 ] } }, { "reference": "ゼロはまた彼のシグニチャーの長い金髪を持っています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11339109390974045, 0.15626971423625946, 0.5462750792503357 ] } }, { "reference": "この新しい進展によって早まりました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12252121418714523, 0.11978083103895187, 0.529475212097168 ] } }, { "reference": "医者は立ち止まってそれを拾いました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08789050579071045, 0.500144898891449 ] } }, { "reference": "これらのレジスタは、モノクロモードのオン/オフも設定できます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11946164071559906, 0.10199160873889923, 0.5122530460357666, 0.4988289475440979 ] } }, { "reference": "音楽雑誌Kerrangのインタビューにて!", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09932626038789749, 0.45865753293037415 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は視線を地面に落として、振り返り、歩き去った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10085153579711914, 0.15004363656044006, 0.5467475056648254 ] } }, { "reference": "この修復に関して、議論がなかったわけではない。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11250565201044083, 0.13797937333583832, 0.5241620540618896 ] } }, { "reference": "それはグラミー賞にノミネートされた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1268993318080902, 0.5017982721328735 ] } }, { "reference": "車の運転したのは彼だ!", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08093306422233582, 0.4755224585533142 ] } }, { "reference": "クラプトンはロブと言った!", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06635109335184097, 0.37004587054252625 ] } }, { "reference": "サウンドトラックのアルバムは、インドの音楽業界が大部分を占めています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0996677428483963, 0.09535310417413712, 0.4788385033607483 ] } }, { "reference": "彼のオフィスは技術的なプログラミング問題を解決するための技術フォーラムの役目も果たしていました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06687646359205246, 0.06852436810731888, 0.2726479768753052, 0.35545089840888977, 0.29518643021583557 ] } }, { "reference": "これはレーダーの分野でレーダー断面積と呼ばれるものだ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11324382573366165, 0.13072200119495392, 0.5066311359405518 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女は映画「All About Alexis」で、その会社にデビューしました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1040, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1060, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11402244865894318, 0.12577708065509796, 0.43412041664123535, 0.5590633749961853 ] } }, { "reference": "少しの間、相手の立場に立ってごらんなさい。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11018193513154984, 0.12387775629758835, 0.4904305040836334 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は、第一次世界大戦中にフランス軍に仕えました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11895203590393066, 0.10722995549440384, 0.48905569314956665 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女はRose Bruford Collegeを卒業した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10027171671390533, 0.08662645518779755, 0.5415090918540955 ] } }, { "reference": "それは意味がないですか?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09320525079965591, 0.4020499289035797 ] } }, { "reference": "「変えましょう」とジャシュが助言しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1104765459895134, 0.12472662329673767, 0.5585665106773376 ] } }, { "reference": "どのルートについても、他の地域に宣伝する前に示しておきます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11703065782785416, 0.12787435948848724, 0.47715070843696594 ] } }, { "reference": "テイラー郡についての記事の地図と議論を見てください。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12138006091117859, 0.4967527985572815 ] } }, { "reference": "ドレイファス氏は息子と二人の娘により生き残りました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09125231951475143, 0.15201203525066376, 0.5011182427406311 ] } }, { "reference": "その他には、マーク・イロット、アラン・マリー、マイク・スミス、ポール・テイラーが含まれる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08126287907361984, 0.09660889953374863, 0.3705523908138275, 0.4805525541305542 ] } }, { "reference": "それらは、ハッシュや暗号などの暗号関数の作成に使われます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10852289199829102, 0.11245154589414597, 0.4404110014438629 ] } }, { "reference": "州によっては、知事がメンバーを指名する。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13850045204162598, 0.1308247596025467, 0.5341064929962158 ] } }, { "reference": "それについては疑いの余地はない。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08084171265363693, 0.44795849919319153 ] } }, { "reference": "ゴールテンダーがゴール前で低く構えている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10902225226163864, 0.11165403574705124, 0.6076498031616211 ] } }, { "reference": "しかし、食事は通常、乳製品や野菜よりもでんぷんや肉類が圧倒的に好まれます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しをとましる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1000, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1020, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08366922289133072, 0.05276666581630707, 0.06323257833719254, 0.1613708883523941, 0.2640695869922638, 0.1489490270614624 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女の夫は、スターと結婚するプレッシャーに耐えることができませんでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをまたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1040, 1080, 1100, 7280 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1060, 1100, 7260, 8060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1362428218126297, 0.13577844202518463, 0.09750816226005554, 0.44527196884155273, 0.4984769821166992, 0.9996025562286377, 0.11534446477890015 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は「彼らが私を走らせるんです」と彼女に言いました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をすし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100, 1120, 6700 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120, 6680, 8060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1429387480020523, 0.11259648203849792, 0.47260582447052, 0.9999396204948425, 0.09296189993619919 ] } }, { "reference": "彼の名前は何ですか?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1565251350402832, 0.4595026671886444 ] } }, { "reference": "ヘレネはそれを熱心に飲んだ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 900, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 920, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16454263031482697, 0.16092689335346222, 0.09992672502994537, 0.4568500816822052 ] } }, { "reference": "それは、彼はそれを見たことがないと述べています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12632454931735992, 0.13955454528331757, 0.4167356491088867 ] } }, { "reference": "機敏さは、ネコの重要な特性である。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1537960320711136, 0.13120274245738983, 0.4883921444416046 ] } }, { "reference": "今、私は状況に応じて行動しなければなりません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1040, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1060, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10782579332590103, 0.14646457135677338, 0.09846623241901398, 0.41889554262161255, 0.4447804391384125 ] } }, { "reference": "私は確かに契約の条件を満たしていると思います。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をます", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11327622085809708, 0.14851318299770355, 0.4949888586997986, 0.46897608041763306 ] } }, { "reference": "聖ニコラスは、お菓子やみかんを持ってきました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16755211353302002, 0.15876397490501404, 0.11446639150381088, 0.501465916633606 ] } }, { "reference": "この経験が、彼がギターを手にするきっかけになったと言われている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10171470791101456, 0.1613120585680008, 0.4879757761955261 ] } }, { "reference": "彼のかつての住居は現在公園です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11528006196022034, 0.14782758057117462, 0.4378233253955841 ] } }, { "reference": "バーンさんはリード・キーボード・ソロを演奏しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14666150510311127, 0.12211737781763077, 0.4527386426925659 ] } }, { "reference": "僕が参加したとき、おやじが何をしたか知ってるか?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13732565939426422, 0.1290598064661026, 0.548365592956543 ] } }, { "reference": "これで武器の追跡がより複雑になります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14103426039218903, 0.12153556197881699, 0.43236014246940613 ] } }, { "reference": "研究者たちは障害の原因を見つけることに成功していない。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをますし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1060, 1100, 1120, 6620 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1080, 1120, 6600, 6740 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12923449277877808, 0.09609983116388321, 0.10986879467964172, 0.409434974193573, 0.4450901448726654, 0.9999120235443115, 0.09772152453660965 ] } }, { "reference": "赤毛の女性は枕を投げて笑う。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12038707733154297, 0.30212047696113586 ] } }, { "reference": "McFarlane Action Figuresをご参照のこと。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14221036434173584, 0.08158814162015915, 0.5076765418052673 ] } }, { "reference": "マイクはバンドでリードギターを弾いていたが、曲作りにはほとんど貢献していなかった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10874507576227188, 0.10937762260437012, 0.4365061819553375 ] } }, { "reference": "オランダ人人口の中では、これに反対する抗議がなされました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10660964250564575, 0.13169412314891815, 0.5512763261795044 ] } }, { "reference": "これらの日付の間のすべての行を選択します。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10871856659650803, 0.08660683035850525, 0.47227904200553894 ] } }, { "reference": "少年は街に多くの人々を知っていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09660042077302933, 0.37294355034828186 ] } }, { "reference": "パンはどうやって作るの?「知ってるよ!」アリスは熱心に叫んだ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09989576041698456, 0.14694145321846008, 0.6184337735176086 ] } }, { "reference": "私は銃を持っています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1086210235953331, 0.5014222860336304 ] } }, { "reference": "事件以来、プラットは感謝を述べているイギリス人ファンたちからわずかに応援されている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06685980409383774, 0.12033063918352127, 0.3690448999404907, 0.4093330204486847, 0.47216734290122986 ] } }, { "reference": "乗客は、チケットをあきらめながらも出口の外で待ちました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10136285424232483, 0.148856982588768, 0.45822110772132874, 0.5492078065872192 ] } }, { "reference": "たくさんの人が漬物の味を楽しんでいます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1274958699941635, 0.14157623052597046, 0.5534662008285522 ] } }, { "reference": "しかしながら、これはページェントが終わるまで知られなかった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1317724734544754, 0.5198021531105042 ] } }, { "reference": "不変ではありません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10672023147344589, 0.45952117443084717 ] } }, { "reference": "タイトルは、「痛いですか」という問題の回答です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1363057792186737, 0.12254711985588074, 0.5161476731300354 ] } }, { "reference": "だから、誰でも二度目のチャンス、おそらく三度目のチャンスを受けることに値する。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09161779284477234, 0.12177492678165436, 0.4818129241466522, 0.37742871046066284, 0.45599910616874695 ] } }, { "reference": "それはビジネス使用、大型モデル、ドキュメント作成に適する。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08939427137374878, 0.13972915709018707, 0.4278525412082672, 0.5506205558776855 ] } }, { "reference": "劇団は広範囲にツアーし、いくつかの映画を作りました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10963486135005951, 0.11137594282627106, 0.5196753144264221 ] } }, { "reference": "iTunesリリースはオリジナルアルバムを収めていますが、曲順が違います。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08620812743902206, 0.07972852140665054, 0.4467354416847229, 0.33725446462631226, 0.41249802708625793 ] } }, { "reference": "キャラクターモデルがよりリアルになりました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1357487589120865, 0.13825276494026184, 0.5372440218925476 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はヌヴォラーリのすぐ後ろでレースを終えました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14425836503505707, 0.13953784108161926, 0.4694843292236328 ] } }, { "reference": "フィーラー氏は、インターナショナルアミューズメントデバイスの元社長でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をましたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120, 1140, 7860 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140, 7840, 8860 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09192642569541931, 0.13445821404457092, 0.4522215723991394, 0.4183531105518341, 0.47851112484931946, 0.9992584586143494, 0.13872775435447693 ] } }, { "reference": "その後、彼は新しい現実世界のバージョンとなって繰り広げられる現在に戻る。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07194317877292633, 0.11110136657953262, 0.39432305097579956, 0.42769384384155273, 0.41546183824539185 ] } }, { "reference": "彼らはみな、ピピンがこれまでで最も完璧な演技、フィナーレを完成させたと示唆しています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しをとました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1000, 1020, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1020, 1040, 1120, 1140, 1160 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07255779206752777, 0.08111350238323212, 0.06261662393808365, 0.1846342235803604, 0.2539772689342499, 0.1638919562101364 ] } }, { "reference": "ウィットモア・レイクでは毎年、独立記念日が週末にわたって祝われる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をましたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080, 1100, 1120, 1140, 8460 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140, 8440, 8860 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07918841391801834, 0.09719470143318176, 0.40316691994667053, 0.35849031805992126, 0.39544957876205444, 0.9989951848983765, 0.15471544861793518 ] } }, { "reference": "ふざけているヘルムのこのアイデアは、おそらく、最初のディレクターであるフィル・カールソンから生まれました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しをとしまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1000, 1020, 1040, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1020, 1040, 1060, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06271419674158096, 0.0949036031961441, 0.0570116825401783, 0.11763903498649597, 0.2665487229824066, 0.189510777592659 ] } }, { "reference": "些細な手がかりは何にもなりません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1448308527469635, 0.10014351457357407, 0.4216602146625519 ] } }, { "reference": "ラマが一匹、人通りの多い道を二人の人に引かれていく。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13246628642082214, 0.12417077273130417, 0.4711211919784546, 0.5059238076210022 ] } }, { "reference": "私がお金を持っていたかどうかはわからないよ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15888191759586334, 0.4721641540527344 ] } }, { "reference": "バーローは、徐々に、家で自身の歌をレコーディングすることに時間を使った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09136521816253662, 0.10757186263799667, 0.3614773154258728, 0.4388686716556549, 0.4500195384025574 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はアフガニスタンの風景と人々を愛しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14600734412670135, 0.13419193029403687, 0.44768816232681274, 0.5094640851020813 ] } }, { "reference": "リム・セン・グアン・ホールと名付けました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14405718445777893, 0.1207657903432846, 0.48157283663749695 ] } }, { "reference": "この曲はバンドのセットリストに、あったとしてもまれにしか記載されなかった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07060297578573227, 0.07636313140392303, 0.3654516339302063, 0.4114861786365509, 0.4072447121143341 ] } }, { "reference": "これは、「ゴルフのティー」ビルディクショナリとも呼ばれていました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14347757399082184, 0.1402217000722885, 0.5111943483352661 ] } }, { "reference": "オーシャン・タウンシップには、いくつかの主要道路からアクセスできる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1060, 1100, 1120, 7060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1080, 1120, 7040, 7880 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14219491183757782, 0.10300665348768234, 0.4789958894252777, 0.4920124113559723, 0.999927818775177, 0.09537381678819656 ] } }, { "reference": "「これは何だ?」とうとうピーターは言いました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15194451808929443, 0.10421743243932724, 0.5658721923828125 ] } }, { "reference": "これらのルールは、規律から報酬まで、仕事上の関係のあらゆる側面を管理できます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.061926357448101044, 0.08097915351390839, 0.3345184028148651, 0.3046242892742157 ] } }, { "reference": "これは、今でも、アウシュビッツを訪れるグループや個人により祈りに使われている礼拝堂です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をしました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1020, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1040, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07792088389396667, 0.07958229631185532, 0.12000373750925064, 0.2829979658126831, 0.34818658232688904, 0.30599814653396606 ] } }, { "reference": "あなたはそれを使うことはできません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13369961082935333, 0.4885213375091553 ] } }, { "reference": "アップグレードには、新しいプラットフォームとフットブリッジが含まれる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10057826340198517, 0.14672082662582397, 0.4908978044986725 ] } }, { "reference": "男性がサーフボードから落ち、海の波に飲まれる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13184162974357605, 0.09959758073091507, 0.45748376846313477, 0.5167261958122253 ] } }, { "reference": "種や虫を求めて地面を探し回ります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1425701230764389, 0.12367082387208939, 0.433530330657959 ] } }, { "reference": "Right Said Frankは、外に駐車されているすべての車からステレオを盗むことになります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07760544866323471, 0.0710010901093483, 0.32962068915367126, 0.3163875937461853 ] } }, { "reference": "その歌はRock Chalk Chantで終わります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16830827295780182, 0.0787082239985466, 0.46783459186553955 ] } }, { "reference": "翌年は、コモティフが国内選手権大会に一貫してむしろ成功を収めていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06187017634510994, 0.10330705344676971, 0.3121810257434845, 0.35281747579574585, 0.33528193831443787 ] } }, { "reference": "他の有効質量は、直接測定可能な現象により関連しています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をましたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120, 1140, 7740 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140, 7720, 8060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11328212171792984, 0.08475100249052048, 0.4503301680088043, 0.39082375168800354, 0.46227312088012695, 0.998815655708313, 0.12235966324806213 ] } }, { "reference": "彼が受けてきた様々な影響が、バンドのワールドミュージックのサウンドとうまく調和しています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をしました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1040, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1060, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07758203893899918, 0.08875621855258942, 0.14702045917510986, 0.3082377016544342, 0.3876311480998993, 0.3355828523635864 ] } }, { "reference": "さらに、町の大通りも彼にちなんでいます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 900, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 920, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1618599146604538, 0.1432640254497528, 0.10563818365335464, 0.41826820373535156 ] } }, { "reference": "ここで、もう一度お見せしましょう。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1691664159297943, 0.5218188762664795 ] } }, { "reference": "しかし、こうして製作されたユニットの販売は失敗に終わりました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをまたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1060, 1100, 1120, 7500 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1080, 1120, 7480, 8060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12540866434574127, 0.07131830602884293, 0.10195940732955933, 0.3760944604873657, 0.4981003701686859, 0.9998447299003601, 0.12001458555459976 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はまた、地方自治体協会の自由民主党幹部に選出されました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1000, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1020, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06719688326120377, 0.12052657455205917, 0.36868226528167725, 0.400508850812912, 0.42738503217697144 ] } }, { "reference": "翌年、バーグが州のアマチュアタイトルを勝ち取る。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12863244116306305, 0.14300699532032013, 0.5125465989112854 ] } }, { "reference": "返還後、彼はイングランドに帰国して、法廷で好評でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12320175021886826, 0.11379972100257874, 0.508996307849884 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はスペインのセビリアで生まれました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15736716985702515, 0.5409227609634399 ] } }, { "reference": "心臓に病気があったため、レッドウィングズの試合をほとんど観戦しなかった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09982377290725708, 0.0960143506526947, 0.44150614738464355 ] } }, { "reference": "彼らは私たちを信じていません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15177355706691742, 0.4939590394496918 ] } }, { "reference": "天然ガスはシンシナティガス電力会社によって供給されています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11071418225765228, 0.11515745520591736, 0.31092992424964905, 0.45136821269989014 ] } }, { "reference": "人間とその祖先は、アフリカで生まれました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13287052512168884, 0.14328062534332275, 0.10989940166473389, 0.5211262702941895 ] } }, { "reference": "新しい画像はコントラバンド・メディアによって制作されている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06059858575463295, 0.29001230001449585 ] } }, { "reference": "王はコロラド州トリニダードで生まれた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10276193171739578, 0.5623976588249207 ] } }, { "reference": "この永遠のコイル", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.059312060475349426, 0.24169035255908966 ] } }, { "reference": "私は緑色のものよりも、茶色のイスがいいと思います。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12121618539094925, 0.12117604911327362, 0.5180122256278992 ] } }, { "reference": "彼の作品のほとんどが発見されたスペインで、彼は亡くなった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1356133669614792, 0.09666044265031815, 0.1326514184474945, 0.5878601670265198 ] } }, { "reference": "時々、ドレスの裾は、バッファローのひづめで飾られていました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12276327610015869, 0.12914636731147766, 0.536357045173645 ] } }, { "reference": "戦争中、多くの大学のキャンパスが抗議、座り込み、デモで賑わっていました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10216392576694489, 0.09751627594232559, 0.375307559967041, 0.37528008222579956, 0.5008484721183777 ] } }, { "reference": "また、若い時は、ぼんやりとした色で、成熟するにつれて明るい色になります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0897647812962532, 0.11919369548559189, 0.41254526376724243, 0.35390904545783997, 0.5423822999000549 ] } }, { "reference": "父親はカジャマルカ、母親はパラスカで生まれた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11064892262220383, 0.0777137279510498, 0.6143508553504944 ] } }, { "reference": "当時、ほとんどのスプレッドシートはこれらのアイテムを別々のビューで表示していました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1000, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1020, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07602132111787796, 0.12378343194723129, 0.46650561690330505, 0.4146905839443207, 0.5146422982215881 ] } }, { "reference": "おそらく私は別の機会に電話したほうがいいだろう。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15046149492263794, 0.11399740725755692, 0.12140212208032608, 0.4871530532836914 ] } }, { "reference": "大学時代、彼は野球、サッカー、そして討論チームの一員でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0835643783211708, 0.1340036541223526, 0.3373044431209564, 0.5818083882331848 ] } }, { "reference": "すごい騒ぎだ。不安にかられているのか、それとも怒っているのか?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10580296069383621, 0.11786998808383942, 0.5647422075271606 ] } }, { "reference": "このシリーズは、Food Network Canadaで「Restaurant Takeover」として再スタートしました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09546247869729996, 0.11718365550041199, 0.3352978229522705, 0.46322938799858093 ] } }, { "reference": "コルティ自治体にあるオルモス近くにあります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09771134704351425, 0.13449014723300934, 0.5100047588348389 ] } }, { "reference": "芸術カレッジ、芸術と科学のペーリヤールカレッジは、ビーチのそばにあります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1000, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1020, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.05476294457912445, 0.10623741149902344, 0.41199007630348206, 0.46296462416648865 ] } }, { "reference": "これらの告発は広範囲な調査につながった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08808143436908722, 0.16788877546787262, 0.5260303020477295 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女は、船長のリングローズ・アトキンスの未亡人だった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1184781938791275, 0.11698651313781738, 0.5614849925041199 ] } }, { "reference": "彼の弟のジェイドは、ビリーバブルピクニックというクリスチャンロックバンドのリードシンガーでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0753084048628807, 0.1126006618142128, 0.42511409521102905, 0.41765719652175903, 0.5134432911872864 ] } }, { "reference": "この化合物は患者の体によって分泌されました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12120407819747925, 0.5620317459106445 ] } }, { "reference": "全ての曲はアンガス・ヤング、マルコム・ヤング、ボン・スコットが作曲しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0721888467669487, 0.12280354648828506, 0.3928930163383484, 0.42644694447517395, 0.46831557154655457 ] } }, { "reference": "私たち三人は「Kings of Orient」だ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10029059648513794, 0.13649038970470428, 0.5619367361068726 ] } }, { "reference": "彼の釈放後、ジェイミー・モズリーとダナ・ホワイトはその年を終えた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10023178905248642, 0.10796433687210083, 0.5385798811912537 ] } }, { "reference": "「メリークリスマス!」と彼は彼女に叫んだ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10687039792537689, 0.4880501627922058 ] } }, { "reference": "カーペンターは、その後クーパーからFreedom Forceへの参加を割り当てられました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09836000949144363, 0.1056932657957077, 0.30698856711387634, 0.5185788869857788 ] } }, { "reference": "現在のディレクターはSean Rainbirdです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13795100152492523, 0.11244061589241028, 0.5477675795555115 ] } }, { "reference": "アバ郡には主にチベット人が住んでいます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11400285363197327, 0.131620854139328, 0.518258273601532 ] } }, { "reference": "組織化され、高度に熟練した少数の人だけでなく、すべての人に仕事を求めました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06488985568284988, 0.07789143174886703, 0.2962353527545929, 0.31547343730926514, 0.32270681858062744 ] } }, { "reference": "リップやスノートよりも賢く、タフで、気難しい性格です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08157278597354889, 0.1512799859046936, 0.44621631503105164, 0.37390533089637756, 0.5458061695098877 ] } }, { "reference": "レストランのブースは明るく照らされ、鏡で囲まれています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11283700168132782, 0.11955385655164719, 0.543756365776062 ] } }, { "reference": "それはすぐに売り切れました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11177746206521988, 0.5170532464981079 ] } }, { "reference": "戦後、彼女はオックスフォードで経済学と政治史を勉強しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1147334948182106, 0.09122543036937714, 0.3925202190876007, 0.5333729982376099 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はアートセンターデザインスクールに入学しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1189974769949913, 0.11810042709112167, 0.12453228235244751, 0.4407765865325928 ] } }, { "reference": "整数では、初めの七つのデジットで表すことが出来ます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13705341517925262, 0.09245938062667847, 0.1343173086643219, 0.47632384300231934 ] } }, { "reference": "フロリダ州南部の長距離国際便の主要空港です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10054562985897064, 0.1110558956861496, 0.4471931457519531, 0.5516043305397034 ] } }, { "reference": "アメリカ人は平和を交渉する非公式の試みを拒否しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11547322571277618, 0.1159762442111969, 0.3783116340637207, 0.5264736413955688 ] } }, { "reference": "ラリー・オコナーは、夕方前の司会者をやっています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.118780717253685, 0.1178581565618515, 0.5331183075904846 ] } }, { "reference": "合併されていない、コディントンとキーンのコミュニティーは、その町にあります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08561719954013824, 0.1416008472442627, 0.4563846290111542, 0.5058231949806213 ] } }, { "reference": "次に馬は川に飛び込み、ライダーを溺死させました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12624111771583557, 0.14258670806884766, 0.5814966559410095 ] } }, { "reference": "この場合、投票者はより多くの候補者から選択する。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.125721275806427, 0.12785392999649048, 0.12090063095092773, 0.4680406451225281 ] } }, { "reference": "野良猫は子猫を産んだ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07568716257810593, 0.546867847442627 ] } }, { "reference": "これは、ギフトにも最適です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12278097122907639, 0.5192947387695312 ] } }, { "reference": "テッサリト空港で提供されている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07760276645421982, 0.45787879824638367 ] } }, { "reference": "もっと後ろはカオスだった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07576383650302887, 0.4221363067626953 ] } }, { "reference": "それでも私は試みた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09962974488735199, 0.390522301197052 ] } }, { "reference": "私が知っていたら違ったでしょう!", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13027581572532654, 0.4827118515968323 ] } }, { "reference": "いくらだった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "", "start_timestamps": null, "end_timestamps": null, "probabilities": null } }, { "reference": "彼は詩も書いているが、それを単なる指運動と考えている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10971329361200333, 0.13619746267795563, 0.5345582365989685 ] } }, { "reference": "コンセプトはジョルジュ・オーギュスト・エスコフィエ氏により生み出されました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11880187690258026, 0.12299439311027527, 0.47485923767089844, 0.5178424715995789 ] } }, { "reference": "非常に英雄的な人物です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1562420129776001, 0.5240561962127686 ] } }, { "reference": "センプルは、アメリカ地理学会の理事長になる初の女性でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0967654213309288, 0.12690035998821259, 0.36605599522590637, 0.454770028591156 ] } }, { "reference": "ニーマイヤーは帰宅しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11215004324913025, 0.5482327938079834 ] } }, { "reference": "スティーブンスが重症であると気づくまで少しかかった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14246895909309387, 0.12608672678470612, 0.5261437892913818 ] } }, { "reference": "そこにいた間、彼はラグビー・フットボールチームのクォーターバックでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼れをまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11681696772575378, 0.07030491530895233, 0.11900979280471802, 0.4372754693031311, 0.5331313610076904 ] } }, { "reference": "テイラーは幼少期をナッシュビルで過ごした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12881764769554138, 0.1311918944120407, 0.5264289379119873 ] } }, { "reference": "建築労働者は、建物の側面からぶら下がるためにケーブルを使用します。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09689287096261978, 0.11570268124341965, 0.4412117898464203, 0.412365585565567, 0.4863107204437256 ] } }, { "reference": "その町はベリンガムのベッドタウンの役割も果たす。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14351999759674072, 0.13269050419330597, 0.11995203793048859, 0.5546813607215881 ] } }, { "reference": "ルパネは州の首都です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13671734929084778, 0.5161188840866089 ] } }, { "reference": "それを生み出した社会に対する社会的価値観へ洞察をもたらします。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12068738043308258, 0.10386195778846741, 0.11745109409093857, 0.35392478108406067, 0.5328540802001953 ] } }, { "reference": "ゴールデンは、ニューヨーク州ニューヨークシティのブルックリンで生まれた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10533220320940018, 0.13013362884521484, 0.5337437987327576 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は子供たちの適切な成長と、かられの健康維持に努めた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1280485987663269, 0.10097785294055939, 0.40743333101272583 ] } }, { "reference": "侵略または侵略者はあらゆる「侵入する」という行動を指すこともあります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1000, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1020, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0720413476228714, 0.12002739310264587, 0.34370461106300354, 0.4356383681297302 ] } }, { "reference": "その上グロッケンシュピールは普通、もっと小さくピッチが高いです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1106608510017395, 0.14472758769989014, 0.5241137742996216 ] } }, { "reference": "ロースクールの現在の学部長はローン・ソッシンです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1060, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1080, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1431911289691925, 0.10644227266311646, 0.45232003927230835, 0.4176778793334961 ] } }, { "reference": "親愛なるエディス、あなたは赤ちゃんを独り占めしています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13208694756031036, 0.13643737137317657, 0.5059254169464111 ] } }, { "reference": "その後、アーガイル・ダイヤモンド鉱山が設立されました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09616170823574066, 0.150156170129776, 0.46954602003097534 ] } }, { "reference": "「いいえ、そうじゃないの」と、私は言いました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13684526085853577, 0.08923449367284775, 0.4574759304523468 ] } }, { "reference": "ほおひげも茶色であり、目は緑色であるはずです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14000390470027924, 0.10811350494623184, 0.4344998002052307 ] } }, { "reference": "「持って行った方がいい」と騎士は言った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0999765545129776, 0.4884648323059082 ] } }, { "reference": "マウント・プレザントには以下が含まれます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10038625448942184, 0.3541403114795685 ] } }, { "reference": "その後、イギリスの中世の時代に。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09428375959396362, 0.5112332105636597 ] } }, { "reference": "風が勢いを増し始めた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12522581219673157, 0.3972422480583191 ] } }, { "reference": "このアルバムはキリスト教、愛、死などのテーマにした歌詞を扱っています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07898932695388794, 0.12223749607801437, 0.3919661045074463, 0.40738871693611145, 0.5161408185958862 ] } }, { "reference": "それについてはもう何も聞きたくありません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1458762288093567, 0.5009754300117493 ] } }, { "reference": "これに先立ち、スカウト活動は数年間行われてきました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12446530163288116, 0.13381712138652802, 0.43637192249298096, 0.5215958952903748 ] } }, { "reference": "問題が全国的なニュースとなったときに、チラシは配布されなくなった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12594908475875854, 0.13996542990207672, 0.4121702313423157 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女はまた、使用するアコースティックギターにほとんど依存しないことも指摘しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11538229137659073, 0.1174510046839714, 0.3679216206073761, 0.49826645851135254 ] } }, { "reference": "KELT 望遠鏡の場所です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13850151002407074, 0.5049853324890137 ] } }, { "reference": "男の子は彼らを、男の子が前日に訪れた崖に連れて行った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.18485769629478455, 0.11299174278974533, 0.326770544052124 ] } }, { "reference": "後者が最終的に選択され、リリースされた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14472340047359467, 0.14111214876174927, 0.11821767687797546, 0.5184841752052307 ] } }, { "reference": "運命を信じますか?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07546156644821167, 0.3726496696472168 ] } }, { "reference": "現在、これらのいくつかは、ロンドンの大英博物館に収蔵されている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11976944655179977, 0.07952247560024261, 0.44568726420402527, 0.5343820452690125 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はマジャロヴァール大学で学位を取得しています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15382392704486847, 0.11046024411916733, 0.12687651813030243, 0.4842640161514282 ] } }, { "reference": "男は街角にある望遠鏡をのぞいています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1369759440422058, 0.1342857927083969, 0.5333496928215027 ] } }, { "reference": "中国市場が効率化していくにつれて。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09266802668571472, 0.4254809617996216 ] } }, { "reference": "彼の姓はオランダ人の父に由来している。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11197689175605774, 0.14474624395370483, 0.5182300806045532 ] } }, { "reference": "この作品の中の名前は間違っていないと評判です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12194912135601044, 0.12798047065734863, 0.1243923157453537, 0.4784976840019226 ] } }, { "reference": "開発のリーダーはハーバート・ワーグナー教授でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13869328796863556, 0.10771539807319641, 0.5412207841873169 ] } }, { "reference": "あそこにいる男性は座っているのですか、それとも寝ているのですか?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11537807434797287, 0.12777815759181976, 0.47881385684013367 ] } }, { "reference": "戦後、彼は執筆を再開し、メキシコに数年間住んだ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.108311727643013, 0.10266541689634323, 0.5516030192375183 ] } }, { "reference": "アディ族のさまざまな部族グループが地区のさまざまな地域に住んでいます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をましす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120, 1140, 1160 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06058152765035629, 0.07212982326745987, 0.3835519254207611, 0.3477764427661896, 0.28442996740341187 ] } }, { "reference": "その地区は物事を好転させることに必死です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13474906980991364, 0.14467789232730865, 0.44871214032173157, 0.4530201554298401 ] } }, { "reference": "Long Island高校のマスコットはLong Islandヒョウです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1120, 1140, 6920 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1140, 6900, 6980 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1286676824092865, 0.12713678181171417, 0.5170825719833374, 0.44412100315093994, 0.999924898147583, 0.1027214527130127 ] } }, { "reference": "多くの大型のオウムと同様に、ヨウムも長生きである。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11922711133956909, 0.14806033670902252, 0.5478004217147827 ] } }, { "reference": "人々が私が来るのを見て、歓迎してくれたのだと彼は思った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1402929425239563, 0.11946538835763931, 0.12070014327764511, 0.4898950457572937 ] } }, { "reference": "ハードボイルド兄弟は商業レコードを発売し始めた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1375216692686081, 0.12859183549880981, 0.5068643093109131 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女は演説者であり、全体的生活様式の提唱者兼プロモーターです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1060, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10562670230865479, 0.1093468889594078, 0.09682589024305344, 0.3640274405479431, 0.4163454473018646, 0.4422471821308136 ] } }, { "reference": "そのアイスクリームは、最速で売れているベン&ジェリーズの限定フレーバーになりました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08809027820825577, 0.07775405794382095, 0.0855102688074112, 0.2953483462333679, 0.3508017659187317 ] } }, { "reference": "このシリーズの大部分のゲームでは、プレイヤーは主役のソラをコントロールする。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11223336309194565, 0.11505746841430664, 0.44701817631721497 ] } }, { "reference": "ナンスの娘ケイシーナンスはデイトン大学の女子バスケットボールチーム「フライヤーズ」でプレイしていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをとしてし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1000, 1020, 1060, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1020, 1040, 1080, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06231235712766647, 0.0728621855378151, 0.04855980724096298, 0.058052077889442444, 0.05745391920208931, 0.08358344435691833, 0.1884630173444748 ] } }, { "reference": "民主的関与が反映されていない提案など、退けられたとしても仕方がない。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をましたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120, 1140, 8060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140, 8040, 9320 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08995366096496582, 0.07930826395750046, 0.4544677138328552, 0.41075384616851807, 0.45095571875572205, 0.999467670917511, 0.14242586493492126 ] } }, { "reference": "インド人パイロキネティックである彼は、サンダーバードと呼ばれる以前のX-メンという登場人物とは関係がありません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しとしましる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1040, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1020, 1060, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.05851629003882408, 0.05992140993475914, 0.07793634384870529, 0.12783314287662506, 0.24259357154369354, 0.1691044121980667 ] } }, { "reference": "ワーナーブラザーズは、合併したファンドンゴを含む少数株主を保持しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をましたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120, 1140, 8420 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140, 8400, 9320 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09109536558389664, 0.12001555413007736, 0.4479873478412628, 0.4016084671020508, 0.47342243790626526, 0.9989067316055298, 0.1480998396873474 ] } }, { "reference": "これらは地元のボクシングジムの改修中に発見されました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080, 1100, 7060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100, 7040, 9320 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13233265280723572, 0.13578610122203827, 0.11658789217472076, 0.4689995348453522, 0.9997447729110718, 0.11451072245836258 ] } }, { "reference": "その本、バケン大虐殺の本を調べてください。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1596652716398239, 0.12320525199174881, 0.48747485876083374 ] } }, { "reference": "リーヴェンダールは韓国からの養子である。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10881923139095306, 0.13534651696681976, 0.4683222472667694 ] } }, { "reference": "とはいえ、前の作品のプレゼンテーションはもっと深く掘り下げても良かったと思います。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をましたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120, 1140, 8040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140, 8020, 9320 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10499664396047592, 0.11817002296447754, 0.46278125047683716, 0.3747708201408386, 0.48281946778297424, 0.9989007711410522, 0.1387951374053955 ] } }, { "reference": "先行技術には見られなかったものは特許を取得できる可能性がある。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼れをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1040550246834755, 0.08259060233831406, 0.10089129209518433, 0.4709295630455017 ] } }, { "reference": "翌年、同研究所の次長に就任しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13666699826717377, 0.14119164645671844, 0.441168874502182 ] } }, { "reference": "グリフォンは皆、強い本能を持つ鋭いハンターです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10659826546907425, 0.09581712633371353, 0.49949631094932556 ] } }, { "reference": "その時点では、彼は大手外資系企業や銀行の法律コンサルタントを務めていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07683151960372925, 0.08731745928525925, 0.4027452766895294, 0.3923431932926178, 0.4175187945365906 ] } }, { "reference": "その後、彼らは鉄製の歯車からハンマー、のこぎり、斧、釘を作りました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0810202956199646, 0.12031538039445877, 0.42904379963874817, 0.44328629970550537, 0.5242359638214111 ] } }, { "reference": "「シー」の一曲目は、ザ・チューブスの「シーズ・ア・ビューティー」だった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11587801575660706, 0.1311916708946228, 0.49976176023483276 ] } }, { "reference": "そのため、特別なマルチスピードギアボックスが必要です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10495612025260925, 0.15526962280273438, 0.48728513717651367, 0.5261240601539612 ] } }, { "reference": "フランクリンは彼の父親を激しく保護するという反応をしました", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09762756526470184, 0.11950266361236572, 0.3943541944026947, 0.5189542770385742 ] } }, { "reference": "ベングストンは赤だったと言った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07332830876111984, 0.47843191027641296 ] } }, { "reference": "オーニールはニューヨーク州マローンで生まれ、カナダのモントリオールのマギル大学で学びました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.05670028179883957, 0.08558623492717743, 0.35477015376091003, 0.3548678755760193, 0.4000500440597534 ] } }, { "reference": "五番が抜けています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12971356511116028, 0.492167592048645 ] } }, { "reference": "消費者は使用する製品に含まれる化学物質をチェックできます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をましたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120, 1140, 7700 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140, 7680, 8380 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10322999209165573, 0.0890868753194809, 0.4848710298538208, 0.37727978825569153, 0.5081252455711365, 0.999717116355896, 0.13418251276016235 ] } }, { "reference": "その上で彼はそこには入らないと言いました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1317739337682724, 0.5290203094482422 ] } }, { "reference": "最終戦闘シーンの映像の多くは、以前の映画からリサイクル使用されました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08286690711975098, 0.0936049371957779, 0.3914543092250824, 0.4154447615146637, 0.4783634841442108 ] } }, { "reference": "しかし、彼は体重の問題でも有名でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13956575095653534, 0.13629762828350067, 0.5412861704826355 ] } }, { "reference": "犬が走っている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.05673777312040329, 0.33058932423591614 ] } }, { "reference": "ロイフラーの元の芸名はルーイである。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10689050704240799, 0.1441229283809662, 0.5081116557121277 ] } }, { "reference": "短パンを履いて上半身裸の小さな男の子が外で走っています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07962067425251007, 0.11338193714618683, 0.41005176305770874, 0.37110161781311035, 0.4668750464916229 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はポール・サイモンにちなんで名付けられました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14396989345550537, 0.10611524432897568, 0.4932551085948944 ] } }, { "reference": "その年、彼女はまた、女性のための新しい全国スピード記録を樹立しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06830941885709763, 0.09108003228902817, 0.41922834515571594, 0.3896094560623169, 0.44539502263069153 ] } }, { "reference": "リチャード・プライアーとジーン・ワイルダーがダブル主演した最後の映画でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08005989342927933, 0.1213192269206047, 0.3756060302257538, 0.46870309114456177 ] } }, { "reference": "キャンパスの中心に、ギャラガー学生センターとベラルミーノ・チャペルはあります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08118480443954468, 0.08900310099124908, 0.3200909197330475, 0.41315656900405884, 0.4692387282848358 ] } }, { "reference": "ボーヒルはそのアルバムを制作した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1430204212665558, 0.11299053579568863, 0.5179466605186462 ] } }, { "reference": "赤いジャケットを着た子供が、滑り台の上に座っている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10418212413787842, 0.12286172062158585, 0.5306394696235657 ] } }, { "reference": "ねえ、何故ですか?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13746972382068634, 0.4474439322948456 ] } }, { "reference": "熱心なカタラニズムからそれをします。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14859285950660706, 0.1258004903793335, 0.49353304505348206 ] } }, { "reference": "男性が鏡を見ながら手動のかみそりで自分のあごひげを剃っている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0719815045595169, 0.1271539330482483, 0.36790135502815247, 0.46894901990890503 ] } }, { "reference": "オレンジの滑り台を滑るオーバーオールを着た幼児の男の子", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07585519552230835, 0.1213497743010521, 0.4182163178920746 ] } }, { "reference": "ロワール川は県を南から北に横断しています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11615781486034393, 0.1473328322172165, 0.5347512364387512 ] } }, { "reference": "茶色のセーターを着たブロンドの男の子がカラフルな傘で苦労している。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06846563518047333, 0.09714236855506897, 0.4471355378627777, 0.3680093586444855, 0.539130449295044 ] } }, { "reference": "マスタリング・エンジニアの仕事に十分な頭上スペースを確保することが重要です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しをました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120, 1140, 1160 ], "probabilities": [ 0.061255138367414474, 0.07681220769882202, 0.29279276728630066, 0.23843088746070862, 0.252516508102417 ] } }, { "reference": "それぞれのアプローチには長所と短所があります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1469886600971222, 0.5167739391326904 ] } }, { "reference": "この比率を超えるベロモービルは、多くの場合ペデレックと呼ばれます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をましたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120, 1140, 8400 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140, 8380, 9640 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08233948051929474, 0.12112539261579514, 0.45984506607055664, 0.39579612016677856, 0.5190848708152771, 0.9995477795600891, 0.14625516533851624 ] } }, { "reference": "グループのメンバーは常に、ミドルネームの「ボブ」で出典名が記載されます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をましたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120, 1140, 8400 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140, 8380, 9640 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08572988212108612, 0.07350987941026688, 0.4794299602508545, 0.4085175395011902, 0.4900067448616028, 0.9995356798171997, 0.16968093812465668 ] } }, { "reference": "法的には一度も結婚したことはなかったが、彼らはカトリックの結婚式をあげてていました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をとました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1000, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1020, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06091903895139694, 0.10130049288272858, 0.06201952323317528, 0.3082972466945648, 0.38380417227745056, 0.4062791168689728 ] } }, { "reference": "カラスコは病気休暇を延長しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07869050651788712, 0.5338311791419983 ] } }, { "reference": "これは、プーチが大好きなナイトクラブの歌手により歌われました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12635840475559235, 0.10903453826904297, 0.4155253469944, 0.5512802600860596 ] } }, { "reference": "ジョンは、激情にかられて犯した犯罪のためベイラに逃避しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11269471794366837, 0.099908746778965, 0.5052697658538818 ] } }, { "reference": "「情報」は通常「知識」と同等ではありません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12741154432296753, 0.10842057317495346, 0.5104671716690063 ] } }, { "reference": "エリーを取り戻した後に、フランス人は存在することに、神に感謝し、彼は喜んで宣言しています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しをとしした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1020, 1040, 1100, 1140 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1040, 1060, 1120, 1160 ], "probabilities": [ 0.05495496839284897, 0.06883251667022705, 0.060485102236270905, 0.1218942180275917, 0.2367919534444809, 0.2655641436576843 ] } }, { "reference": "彼らは多くの場合、プライベートな関係や独自のビジネスニーズをサポートする。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08186409622430801, 0.12749077379703522, 0.4704928398132324, 0.3879847526550293, 0.5044272541999817 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はパリで結核で亡くなりました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0771574154496193, 0.5269425511360168 ] } }, { "reference": "「マイケルよ、永遠に」は、現代の音楽評論家によって一般的に好評でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.055659566074609756, 0.08452708274126053, 0.4318864941596985, 0.3862054944038391, 0.48265451192855835 ] } }, { "reference": "いや、私はスリの被害にはあっていない。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08518652617931366, 0.46837592124938965 ] } }, { "reference": "ビルモスはハンガリーのブダペストで生まれました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0899549275636673, 0.1170758306980133, 0.4640360474586487 ] } }, { "reference": "波の上のサーフボードにいる人が、ストラップを掴んでいる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07458752393722534, 0.14807561039924622, 0.5010495781898499 ] } }, { "reference": "イスラム教徒ミンダナオには、ひとつの自治区もあります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08939327299594879, 0.11763972043991089, 0.529403805732727 ] } }, { "reference": "その違いが重要な規制の可能性をもたらします。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13258254528045654, 0.12885794043540955, 0.4705943465232849 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は以前に ニュージャージー州ティーネックに住んでいた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08513391762971878, 0.15086323022842407, 0.4491088092327118 ] } }, { "reference": "それは輸送手段として路面電車を使用しています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10814086347818375, 0.16046905517578125, 0.51041579246521 ] } }, { "reference": "他の参照には星印が含まれます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.153315469622612, 0.4343942701816559 ] } }, { "reference": "それをやれば、その他の問題が生じます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13690434396266937, 0.44836923480033875 ] } }, { "reference": "やがて「A」という名前になった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11463859677314758, 0.5056449770927429 ] } }, { "reference": "作曲家全員がそのテキスト全体を作るわけではない。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08169601112604141, 0.3394257724285126 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女はその重みの下で窒息しそうになった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13294769823551178, 0.531570553779602 ] } }, { "reference": "完璧な試合は、ノーヒッターやシャウトアウトのある試合でもある。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11347189545631409, 0.13061551749706268, 0.48890024423599243 ] } }, { "reference": "カバーアートはヴィンセントロックによるものです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13666175305843353, 0.12092328816652298, 0.4875291585922241 ] } }, { "reference": "知事として、シェーファーは州憲法の改革を支持したことで最もよく知られていました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06656649708747864, 0.11072608083486557, 0.38586196303367615, 0.3677859604358673, 0.41384077072143555 ] } }, { "reference": "教会は転生にオープンである。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11043571680784225, 0.48690682649612427 ] } }, { "reference": "これは「テイルズ」シリーズの最初の直接的な続編になります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100, 1120, 7740 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120, 7720, 8060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12045369297266006, 0.11303819715976715, 0.40360507369041443, 0.5043697357177734, 0.9998629689216614, 0.14403855800628662 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はイェール・ロー・スクールに通い、そこで連邦協会の副会長を務めました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07968924939632416, 0.1056867316365242, 0.44836288690567017, 0.40799301862716675, 0.5063351392745972 ] } }, { "reference": "彼らは、Two Little Girls in Blueを一緒に歌っていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13150380551815033, 0.14080776274204254, 0.520434558391571 ] } }, { "reference": "総ガラスの操縦室も提供されました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13223835825920105, 0.11539492011070251, 0.5193080902099609 ] } }, { "reference": "プーノ地域で最大の貿易センターです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13881973922252655, 0.1262223720550537, 0.5298143625259399 ] } }, { "reference": "携帯電話の出現により、電話ボックスの使用が制限されました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11361005157232285, 0.10024668276309967, 0.524643063545227 ] } }, { "reference": "それはほとんどハワイマイマイとナメクジだけを食べると報告されている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10196753591299057, 0.11250056326389313, 0.4695523977279663 ] } }, { "reference": "各巻は、キャラクター自体は架空のものですが、歴史的には正確に書かれています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07579165697097778, 0.10107526928186417, 0.40175244212150574, 0.35974186658859253, 0.3953824043273926 ] } }, { "reference": "リゾート経営者アール・ホールディングの妻キャロル・ホールディングにちなんで名付けられました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07721875607967377, 0.10654635727405548, 0.34708690643310547, 0.3706226348876953, 0.4246067702770233 ] } }, { "reference": "学者たちは、新歴史主義は実際には新しくも歴史的でもないと見ている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08720851689577103, 0.12197105586528778, 0.41955819725990295 ] } }, { "reference": "君は一体何について話しているのか?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13221341371536255, 0.5571608543395996 ] } }, { "reference": "「それらは便利です」とペニーは言った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10778257250785828, 0.45937594771385193 ] } }, { "reference": "Hecticのゲームを探してもらえませんか?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12550555169582367, 0.47349125146865845 ] } }, { "reference": "よって、殺しに関しては、特に便利です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0998307392001152, 0.4831675887107849 ] } }, { "reference": "ボーアは、円軌道をとる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07435203343629837, 0.42555421590805054 ] } }, { "reference": "このサイズと質量の球体は鉛より高密度になるでしょう。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼れた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09840880334377289, 0.08848858624696732, 0.42451950907707214 ] } }, { "reference": "これまでこの車については、写真のみが示され、確かな詳細はありません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09592500329017639, 0.11464785039424896, 0.3933943808078766, 0.45737162232398987 ] } }, { "reference": "この文章の横の写真がそれである。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13580340147018433, 0.5045748353004456 ] } }, { "reference": "これを行わないと、メモリリークやその他の意図しない動作が発生する可能性がある。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06528627872467041, 0.09788241237401962, 0.4199613034725189, 0.38753843307495117, 0.42604249715805054 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女は、アンナとアレキサンダー・ノードストロームの次女である。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1228162869811058, 0.13422153890132904, 0.512773871421814 ] } }, { "reference": "明るくあれ。幸せになるよう努めよ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11244786530733109, 0.48507604002952576 ] } }, { "reference": "それが政府の外交および貿易政策を管理します。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12059254944324493, 0.13158868253231049, 0.5220986008644104 ] } }, { "reference": "なぜ彼女は助けを呼ばなかったのでしょうか?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12720638513565063, 0.1268717348575592, 0.5497789978981018 ] } }, { "reference": "最も大きな市および郡の郡庁所在地はウェストパームビーチです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07974708825349808, 0.12309771776199341, 0.42557796835899353, 0.45122748613357544 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は、CornwellのMullionで死んだ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07054591923952103, 0.3328625559806824 ] } }, { "reference": "タウンシップは取り囲んではいますが、クライマー区を含んでいません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12995801866054535, 0.1271604746580124, 0.4816160798072815 ] } }, { "reference": "この村は初期の開拓者たちへ敬意を込めて名付けられました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1204381138086319, 0.1356436312198639, 0.41581183671951294, 0.5635714530944824 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は、フー・クェイ・ジョンソンとして後に「Vanishing Son」のアクションシリーズに出演しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09777632355690002, 0.10742399096488953, 0.39325812458992004, 0.4084010124206543 ] } }, { "reference": "ヨゼフ・レイハは、フデニツェで生まれた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09748262912034988, 0.5385634899139404 ] } }, { "reference": "Wolfは、Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalitionの元メンバーです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11227937787771225, 0.1329951286315918, 0.4342248737812042, 0.4736959636211395 ] } }, { "reference": "そのアルバムは五つのオフィシャルシングルのリリースが生まれました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1020, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1040, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13534654676914215, 0.1407454013824463, 0.10402897745370865, 0.44404760003089905, 0.5415297150611877 ] } }, { "reference": "人々は食べ物やさまざまな商品を買いにフリーマーケットに集まる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10645544528961182, 0.11676163226366043, 0.5046991109848022 ] } }, { "reference": "テオドシウスはリンゴを覚えていて、それを食べたと誓ったエウドキアに立ち向かった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09052925556898117, 0.11628374457359314, 0.4121255576610565, 0.5174157619476318 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は両方の行為でツアーを続けています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13044780492782593, 0.123940609395504, 0.523361325263977 ] } }, { "reference": "Taleswapperは歓迎された。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11922510713338852, 0.43862295150756836 ] } }, { "reference": "その時は、最も大きいヘッジファウンドの立ち上げだと報じられました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11613453179597855, 0.11478935927152634, 0.101392962038517, 0.48908695578575134 ] } }, { "reference": "しかし、これはエラーでした。適切なバンギの形式は「キンガラ」でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07538015395402908, 0.14896847307682037, 0.5271345376968384 ] } }, { "reference": "ファイルはデータベースに統合されます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10674726217985153, 0.5396714806556702 ] } }, { "reference": "郡庁所在地はグレイリングです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12652598321437836, 0.4974547326564789 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は、教育慈善団体「ラスボーン」の会長も務めた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12134721875190735, 0.10888905078172684, 0.5338407754898071 ] } }, { "reference": "Victorian Webは、たくさんの貢献者がいるが、wikisとは違って、編集されている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06885586678981781, 0.09116651862859726, 0.3164820075035095, 0.3835766911506653, 0.41351813077926636 ] } }, { "reference": "ニューヨークのポール・ルイソン。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1205778419971466, 0.5109333992004395 ] } }, { "reference": "そのもっとも有名な商品はVisiOn とヴィジカルクです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12162789702415466, 0.10025080293416977, 0.5168641209602356 ] } }, { "reference": "「ああ」とマッカーシーは寛容に言った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10738271474838257, 0.486009806394577 ] } }, { "reference": "火星人はその間ずっと準備をしていたに違いない。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1260073035955429, 0.12175766378641129, 0.11588583886623383, 0.5059430003166199 ] } }, { "reference": "エリオット・イーストンは二度の結婚をしており、現在の二番目の妻はジル・イーストンです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08579758554697037, 0.11405004560947418, 0.4073689877986908, 0.4546412229537964 ] } }, { "reference": "チェロキー族の人々は、文字言語を正式化した最初のネイティブアメリカンだった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09563751518726349, 0.11509012430906296, 0.47290050983428955 ] } }, { "reference": "フォート・ラファイエットは、「アメリカのバスティーユ」として知られるようになった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09094011038541794, 0.12399302423000336, 0.5156915783882141 ] } }, { "reference": "これって残念じゃない?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1020 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1040 ], "probabilities": [ 0.05798812210559845, 0.19667388498783112 ] } }, { "reference": "自然に発生する言語の基礎を欠く、よりフォーマルなジェスチャーコードが存在します。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09627947956323624, 0.10639230161905289, 0.3290037512779236, 0.39685145020484924 ] } }, { "reference": "それは私たちの上を高くそびえています", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15039335191249847, 0.5192084908485413 ] } }, { "reference": "フリースイングのボナベナは、すぐにリング外でトラブルに遭遇しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100, 1120, 8140 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120, 8120, 8180 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10143870860338211, 0.09066057950258255, 0.4443449079990387, 0.9997525215148926, 0.17108473181724548 ] } }, { "reference": "しかし、ドナトの定期的な健康問題が邪魔したせいで、キャロルとジョン・ギルガッドのペアが生まれた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのとした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1060, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1080, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09610253572463989, 0.0763605609536171, 0.07380545139312744, 0.24151304364204407, 0.14602307975292206 ] } }, { "reference": "トマソンは、インドヨーロッパ言語に関する実地調査方法を体得することに、大いに関心を寄せていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.05217757076025009, 0.07314497232437134, 0.26622819900512695, 0.34636008739471436, 0.3156803250312805 ] } }, { "reference": "ボーナスディスクには、リリース分の新しいプレスのみが含まれます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1255577951669693, 0.13476714491844177, 0.4688691794872284, 0.5169343948364258 ] } }, { "reference": "その仕事はそれほど大変ではありませんでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14398093521595, 0.12411078065633774, 0.5444494485855103 ] } }, { "reference": "その日の午後、彼女は長いドライブをすることはないでしょう。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14212384819984436, 0.08441179245710373, 0.5373300313949585 ] } }, { "reference": "「エアー・タワー」はマレー語で「淡水」を意味します。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をます", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14480739831924438, 0.11109282821416855, 0.4555361866950989, 0.5015853643417358 ] } }, { "reference": "通行量の少ないルートにはミニバスが運行されることもあります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13064178824424744, 0.11211191117763519, 0.11745842546224594, 0.5321069359779358 ] } }, { "reference": "ボールは漂白剤の遠い範囲に着陸した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14603140950202942, 0.13038349151611328, 0.5529649257659912 ] } }, { "reference": "Reily Vermontのレストランを予約したい。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1318272203207016, 0.5019394755363464 ] } }, { "reference": "改札口は一貫したアプローチと簡単な構成からなるシンプルな部類のライブラリーです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのとした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1060, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1080, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10378832370042801, 0.10253721475601196, 0.06280951201915741, 0.28139811754226685, 0.1550268977880478 ] } }, { "reference": "映画のこの役はリース・ウィザースプーンによって演じられました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12530821561813354, 0.13050289452075958, 0.547741711139679 ] } }, { "reference": "犬が湿った草原の上を走り、水を空中に跳ね上げています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12830159068107605, 0.1293632537126541, 0.11319977790117264, 0.5178486704826355 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は、Linslade中等学校へ進んだ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1497398167848587, 0.10526606440544128, 0.4688273072242737 ] } }, { "reference": "現在、彼女はモナコに住み、働いている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10712054371833801, 0.4196263551712036 ] } }, { "reference": "町の中心は、バッファローの南東にある郡の中にある。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13221076130867004, 0.08619740605354309, 0.5781287550926208 ] } }, { "reference": "このルートの一部は、ナショナル・シーニック・バイウェイに指定されている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12035477161407471, 0.12790712714195251, 0.48127102851867676 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は義理の兄弟のウィル・クレイトンとのビジネスパートナーシップの一員でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12108392268419266, 0.08998574316501617, 0.08611631393432617, 0.3394469916820526 ] } }, { "reference": "彼らは彼の息子アゴラ・ストークリスがここに住んでいたと言った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11242770403623581, 0.13298572599887848, 0.4979410767555237 ] } }, { "reference": "それは、北米で、最も古くから営業を続けているフェリー・サービスです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0924132838845253, 0.1154339611530304, 0.4554080069065094, 0.39597052335739136, 0.488207072019577 ] } }, { "reference": "海辺で綿菓子を食べるのは昔からの伝統である", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10588444769382477, 0.14181086421012878, 0.48061445355415344 ] } }, { "reference": "シリーズはマイケル・リーヴスによって展開され、ジョン・グルーストに監督されました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10292816162109375, 0.07167082279920578, 0.09148257225751877, 0.30374905467033386, 0.40588465332984924 ] } }, { "reference": "歩道を歩いている女性", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12820357084274292, 0.4920666813850403 ] } }, { "reference": "エドモンドストンには、フランス語のモンクトン大学のキャンパスがある。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1120, 1140, 7200 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1140, 7180, 7460 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11325264722108841, 0.10682792216539383, 0.5008289813995361, 0.4309670925140381, 0.9999093413352966, 0.1300528198480606 ] } }, { "reference": "キャメロン・マッキントッシュがバンド「チヌーク」を結成。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09362655878067017, 0.13700608909130096, 0.4403923749923706 ] } }, { "reference": "博物館といくつかの非航空機関は残ります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11740940809249878, 0.14236795902252197, 0.4822274446487427 ] } }, { "reference": "新作映画は毎週金曜日に登場します。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12936310470104218, 0.14436884224414825, 0.507946789264679 ] } }, { "reference": "アストロラーベは精巧な精密機器でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12160717695951462, 0.13337203860282898, 0.4718395471572876 ] } }, { "reference": "「ビッグO」のキャラクターは、「ノワール」やパルプ・フィクションの原型に合う。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10317866504192352, 0.11282622069120407, 0.5399210453033447 ] } }, { "reference": "政府はマナポウリをコマルコに売却しないことを発表しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12252550572156906, 0.14054091274738312, 0.5398846864700317 ] } }, { "reference": "ワーグナーは台本を破棄した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12483727931976318, 0.5034216642379761 ] } }, { "reference": "いずれも法制化されなかった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10576692968606949, 0.5416491627693176 ] } }, { "reference": "キーワード検索エンジンの最適化技術は、現在、ほとんど関係がありません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0858713760972023, 0.11278451234102249, 0.43723687529563904 ] } }, { "reference": "色は各大統領の政治的所属を示します。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をます", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13853730261325836, 0.06620335578918457, 0.43624579906463623, 0.4388282001018524 ] } }, { "reference": "記載されている日付は出版時のものだ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08535803854465485, 0.39579781889915466 ] } }, { "reference": "しかし、このステーションのプレイリストは、以前としてクラシックロックに重きを置いています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10779979825019836, 0.12549811601638794, 0.3527786135673523, 0.4563216269016266 ] } }, { "reference": "アザジラクチンは優れた殺虫剤に必要な基準の多くを満たしている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11949224770069122, 0.09448929131031036, 0.45788639783859253, 0.5111814737319946 ] } }, { "reference": "周辺部で最も手つかずの部分は、南東セクションです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13536836206912994, 0.13118253648281097, 0.45162490010261536, 0.4678979814052582 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はミネソタ州エディーナの病院で亡くなりました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12683138251304626, 0.13318097591400146, 0.5376397371292114 ] } }, { "reference": "宙返りしている男性の体操選手。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1315510869026184, 0.12170907109975815, 0.5289908647537231 ] } }, { "reference": "それは大声で報告され、反響してがたがたと音を立てました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11279451847076416, 0.12378433346748352, 0.4473358392715454 ] } }, { "reference": "ラッシュ・シティは、タウンシップの東の境目にあります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15335026383399963, 0.15472465753555298, 0.11516538262367249, 0.43660399317741394 ] } }, { "reference": "最高裁は手続きが許可されるとわかりました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13814367353916168, 0.12545165419578552, 0.48358529806137085 ] } }, { "reference": "スワン・ワーデンの新しいポストもこの時に作られた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼れた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10933367908000946, 0.0981873869895935, 0.468446284532547 ] } }, { "reference": "コミューンの多くは都市化されており、一部に林や牧草地があります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09571961313486099, 0.11720079183578491, 0.4695509374141693, 0.5513283014297485 ] } }, { "reference": "その品種は、スペインの闘牛で以前使われていたことで有名だ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09399455040693283, 0.12226548045873642, 0.44238653779029846 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女は、エルモのあまりに絶えることのない落胆に、ペットロックのロコをつれてくる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10925386846065521, 0.10760064423084259, 0.08237096667289734, 0.48567596077919006 ] } }, { "reference": "すべてのチームで、これらのストロークを順序付ける方法が異なります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080, 1100, 6920 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100, 6900, 7380 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12826886773109436, 0.12164543569087982, 0.10405419021844864, 0.4788731634616852, 0.9999459981918335, 0.12117592990398407 ] } }, { "reference": "これは南北戦争まで奴隷労働によって収穫されました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13738428056240082, 0.10706932842731476, 0.11611931771039963, 0.4824710190296173 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は、本を書き挿絵を描き、本と詩のコレクションであるCity Heatを出版した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09206675738096237, 0.10105405002832413, 0.36193665862083435, 0.4386276304721832 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はジャン・ミシェル・ライブスの「メルシー・ベルナール」にも参加している。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11268173158168793, 0.13289102911949158, 0.4748705327510834 ] } }, { "reference": "それは戦争の間だけ軍の総司令官によって開催されました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10897216200828552, 0.11831390112638474, 0.10530052334070206, 0.4788563847541809 ] } }, { "reference": "これにビーベルバッハは賛成して答えた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10723137110471725, 0.5505414009094238 ] } }, { "reference": "それは、ボブリルの生みの親であるジョン・ローソン・ジョンストンにオークションで売却されました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のとた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07685773819684982, 0.10023145377635956, 0.07793954014778137, 0.33417803049087524 ] } }, { "reference": "岩に座っている男性が野原を見下ろしている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.055776577442884445, 0.294710248708725 ] } }, { "reference": "それに取り組むだけで彼の気は晴れた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1345716416835785, 0.1396225243806839, 0.5014660358428955 ] } }, { "reference": "しかし、あの最後は不可能です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1815338134765625, 0.1848420798778534, 0.45456573367118835 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女は夫のアーロン・バロンをモスクワの刑務所から脱獄させることを計画した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10130289196968079, 0.10287679731845856, 0.076673723757267, 0.4281224012374878 ] } }, { "reference": "手を上げながら、子どもを囲んだ人々。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14736607670783997, 0.2956550419330597 ] } }, { "reference": "その最大の都市はケープジラードーです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11646711081266403, 0.15511681139469147, 0.0845717340707779, 0.4766552448272705 ] } }, { "reference": "メスが二個から七個までぐらいの白い卵を産みました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14906680583953857, 0.12746624648571014, 0.4070962369441986 ] } }, { "reference": "オートバイのグループが駐車場を走り回る", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.139976367354393, 0.4949646294116974 ] } }, { "reference": "彼のミシガンのコーチ、レッド・ベレンソンが同意した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.20549090206623077, 0.150970458984375, 0.49852457642555237 ] } }, { "reference": "しかし、イギリスではいまだに実験についての疑問は残っていました。少なくとも一部のサークルではそうでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをとした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 960, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10181984305381775, 0.09269342571496964, 0.0654064193367958, 0.07018299400806427, 0.337642103433609, 0.33833733201026917 ] } }, { "reference": "リーは、セリアのことを恋人のように、注意深く見ていました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14044462144374847, 0.15292750298976898, 0.09353164583444595, 0.4323200583457947 ] } }, { "reference": "その唯一の収入源は広告だ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10244268923997879, 0.2937157452106476 ] } }, { "reference": "同時配信されたBob and Tom Showも午前のラインアップに加わりました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11630457639694214, 0.1127120777964592, 0.4671720266342163 ] } }, { "reference": "ブランドはミルトンハイスクールで学びました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15007278323173523, 0.1528979241847992, 0.306245356798172 ] } }, { "reference": "年配の観客が通りの小さなステージを見上げている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1290431171655655, 0.1139366552233696, 0.340158075094223 ] } }, { "reference": "複雑な文章や即興のアンビエント・ピースが含まれていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09755324572324753, 0.28066325187683105 ] } }, { "reference": "この神については、他にほとんど知られていません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14491774141788483, 0.1571585237979889, 0.3380920886993408 ] } }, { "reference": "町のネットワークの密度が大きかった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2538599371910095, 0.2493312954902649, 0.3160357177257538 ] } }, { "reference": "私があなたに代わって仲裁します。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15756076574325562, 0.4619061350822449 ] } }, { "reference": "「アトマイザー」ほど良くないので、あまり期待されてもこまります、ボス。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1246359720826149, 0.12213202565908432, 0.5544140338897705 ] } }, { "reference": "その教区はチルターンのバッキンガムシャー地区の一部を形成している。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12382865697145462, 0.08673257380723953, 0.0969807580113411, 0.4353739619255066, 0.4964433014392853 ] } }, { "reference": "独裁的なわけではありませんが、自分の名前に満足しています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13939589262008667, 0.11308550834655762, 0.124122753739357, 0.5256948471069336 ] } }, { "reference": "ユーザーは自分たちが作り出した仮想世界に存在するだけでいい。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09735706448554993, 0.12926611304283142, 0.32447823882102966 ] } }, { "reference": "一般に不透明であるが、薄い結晶では半透明である。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1247706487774849, 0.12829647958278656, 0.48957139253616333 ] } }, { "reference": "そうこの時、私は、こんな感じですよ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.18555860221385956, 0.17505298554897308, 0.4560011029243469 ] } }, { "reference": "さもなければ、可能な場合はいつでも、彼はゆっくり書く傾向がありました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1060, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1080, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11975519359111786, 0.14527766406536102, 0.10201463848352432, 0.3945920765399933, 0.5016190409660339 ] } }, { "reference": "家族は、自分の家の解体にも参加できる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10963426530361176, 0.13459721207618713, 0.4434518814086914 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は、あまりにもロマンチックだということで悩んでいました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 900, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 920, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14021368324756622, 0.10900701582431793, 0.10694514960050583, 0.42191755771636963 ] } }, { "reference": "言葉の意味を見るため、上のグロッサリーを見てください。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12919390201568604, 0.16396787762641907, 0.11574947834014893, 0.43914595246315 ] } }, { "reference": "スペンスは言った:「マローンはパレードについて書いた。」", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15131458640098572, 0.5490765571594238 ] } }, { "reference": "ソーラーカーの発明者になりたいです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13540828227996826, 0.15616370737552643, 0.4535061717033386 ] } }, { "reference": "その結果、全国規模の火災法規を改善した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13441605865955353, 0.12992273271083832, 0.427802175283432 ] } }, { "reference": "現在はこのようにプロダクションのコンパイルが作られることはないが、研究は継続している。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "このをとした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 980, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1000, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07291454821825027, 0.10004248470067978, 0.07064555585384369, 0.06388715654611588, 0.325591117143631, 0.34368932247161865 ] } }, { "reference": "キャンプ・メリットは元々キャンプ・テネフライと名付けられていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13301126658916473, 0.1029338389635086, 0.43874889612197876, 0.5441338419914246 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はお金を追いかけている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1537659466266632, 0.16995647549629211, 0.4211008548736572 ] } }, { "reference": "その場所のデザインにあなたのイマジネーションの全てを使った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14045080542564392, 0.0767873227596283, 0.5184457898139954 ] } }, { "reference": "ジャック・マッカートニーという生徒もスーパーAレベル試験を受けました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11771328002214432, 0.11267078667879105, 0.4562758207321167 ] } }, { "reference": "ニュー・クロブゾンは、日、週、月の標準カレンダーを採用しています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0933581069111824, 0.10989081859588623, 0.43357136845588684, 0.3567916452884674, 0.43640556931495667 ] } }, { "reference": "工場はハドソン・モーター・カー・カンパニーに売却されました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13701075315475464, 0.10936607420444489, 0.44264864921569824, 0.49212101101875305 ] } }, { "reference": "多くの国で素人向けの料理教室は、食の観光と結びついていることが多い。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08867152780294418, 0.39175283908843994 ] } }, { "reference": "雪が積もった丘の上でスノーボードを持つ、黄色と黒のトレーナーを着た白人男性。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09213247150182724, 0.08016758412122726, 0.0908510684967041, 0.3981359004974365 ] } }, { "reference": "この時のジレ・ブリグテのやったことは、イギリスの歴史を永遠に変えたのかもしれない。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10256382822990417, 0.08432943373918533, 0.10777094215154648, 0.40345320105552673, 0.4408852458000183 ] } }, { "reference": "アーメドは彼の政治的キャリアと同時に不動産開発者として活動しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10905510932207108, 0.0911126360297203, 0.08531096577644348, 0.3458699882030487, 0.4506228268146515 ] } }, { "reference": "この続編では、ニール・パトリック・ハリスもゲスト参加で戻りました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11109378188848495, 0.11657480150461197, 0.09666968882083893, 0.41664552688598633 ] } }, { "reference": "では立ってください。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "た", "start_timestamps": [ 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.3244439363479614 ] } }, { "reference": "裸足の少年らが、カラフルなボートが浮かぶアフリカの川の前でサッカーをしています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10000759363174438, 0.11504777520895004, 0.39111679792404175, 0.4021340012550354, 0.4672328531742096 ] } }, { "reference": "調査の結果、レポーターのラロックが関与している疑いが出ました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1040, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13436876237392426, 0.11737579852342606, 0.09696192294359207, 0.441703200340271, 0.4796072542667389 ] } }, { "reference": "またそれは、その所在地の丘の名前でもあります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13203656673431396, 0.1034768670797348, 0.47249147295951843 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は他のオブザーバーとは比べものにならない独特の心地よい声で知られています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1060, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11154194176197052, 0.10692490637302399, 0.08340851962566376, 0.3143281638622284, 0.37963274121284485, 0.469375878572464 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はまた、ルイス・ザ・ブラインドをプロヴァンスの王と認めた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼れをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13224272429943085, 0.11485046148300171, 0.1209198385477066, 0.5083962678909302 ] } }, { "reference": "切符売り場は南の別館にある。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1272822469472885, 0.35037603974342346 ] } }, { "reference": "まだ彼女の背中を掻いている間、バスが現れる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2001725733280182, 0.15867209434509277, 0.41166165471076965 ] } }, { "reference": "年上の会員が見守るなか、道場で武道をする子供たち。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をます", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12989775836467743, 0.12640267610549927, 0.38006770610809326, 0.4264584481716156 ] } }, { "reference": "赤い服装の女性が噴水の前に座っています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 900, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 920, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12462468445301056, 0.1791228950023651, 0.10937076061964035, 0.5025567412376404 ] } }, { "reference": "Mike Pinderはアルバムの最終曲「My Song」を作曲し、歌いました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11770331859588623, 0.09024012833833694, 0.5039921998977661 ] } }, { "reference": "評議会員は、リコール選挙の対象となる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.18428196012973785, 0.18470162153244019, 0.512653648853302 ] } }, { "reference": "彼らの旅は、ザクマのIvory Wars、 Last Standとなった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13504719734191895, 0.13300156593322754, 0.47559183835983276 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はイェール大学とコロンビア大学の大学院で勉強しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1280800849199295, 0.14629781246185303, 0.11421637237071991, 0.49334561824798584 ] } }, { "reference": "タッピーがどこかに潜んでいるのではないかと思っていました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1241266056895256, 0.45906075835227966 ] } }, { "reference": "女性はコーンのアイスクリームを持っている子供達全員と一緒に歩いています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12217950075864792, 0.11794313043355942, 0.4692348539829254 ] } }, { "reference": "そのおばあさんは同じことを言っていました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.23475033044815063, 0.1538354605436325, 0.3181440234184265 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はカリフォルニア州アナハイムで亡くなった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12372957915067673, 0.12189871072769165, 0.35785481333732605 ] } }, { "reference": "美奈、お誕生日おめでとう!", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.05570359155535698, 0.17898906767368317 ] } }, { "reference": "それは、プロデューサーのビル・デュガンが主導した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.17253735661506653, 0.15788187086582184, 0.07792281359434128, 0.4329775869846344 ] } }, { "reference": "ほとんどの家はプレハブ式で、持ち運びできるように設計されています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13786041736602783, 0.13399307429790497, 0.5062951445579529 ] } }, { "reference": "そのプロジェクトの完了と同時に協会は解散した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14744430780410767, 0.13464415073394775, 0.48756617307662964 ] } }, { "reference": "このゲームには、画像ギャラリーや映画ギャラリーなど、ロック解除可能な機能がたくさんあります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10366342961788177, 0.11013525724411011, 0.31304463744163513, 0.3998972177505493 ] } }, { "reference": "ジョーンズが司会者であるが、記者のナレーションはありません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14474225044250488, 0.175913006067276, 0.4633263647556305 ] } }, { "reference": "ラブストーリーも織り込まれています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15007436275482178, 0.38795146346092224 ] } }, { "reference": "現在は年に一度開催されています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1268736869096756, 0.44241324067115784 ] } }, { "reference": "その出会いはキャプテンに指令された八人の愛国者の離脱によって構成された。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12664364278316498, 0.11505632102489471, 0.08485199511051178, 0.4739484488964081 ] } }, { "reference": "マッキントッシュでは、親アプリケーションに注目している時のみパレット・ウィンドウが見えます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1103987768292427, 0.09337617456912994, 0.4314379096031189, 0.48469945788383484 ] } }, { "reference": "フエンテスは高校の最終学年のときにモデルを始めました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10893137007951736, 0.16753488779067993, 0.45563703775405884 ] } }, { "reference": "それは、シカゴ児童合唱団の本部としても機能する。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼れをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14717355370521545, 0.10648944228887558, 0.12107916921377182, 0.5116175413131714 ] } }, { "reference": "その違いはオンラインでも見られる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07981204986572266, 0.19994089007377625 ] } }, { "reference": "著者としてスチュワートの作品は、かつては、多様性や独創性があり重要であった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09388306736946106, 0.10654376447200775, 0.35570070147514343, 0.4004721939563751 ] } }, { "reference": "絵とポーズをとっている女性。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12748229503631592, 0.4510175585746765 ] } }, { "reference": "アメリカやフランスではしばしば「collared」という言葉が使われる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08921806514263153, 0.33735907077789307 ] } }, { "reference": "情報は表形式で公開されます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12251979857683182, 0.38569098711013794 ] } }, { "reference": "笑い声がサーカスに響き渡った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10885552316904068, 0.4187440276145935 ] } }, { "reference": "このイベントはヨーロッパの最初の若者のアートフェスティバルだと言われている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12465019524097443, 0.10822390764951706, 0.11765304207801819, 0.48039671778678894 ] } }, { "reference": "西洋のブランコもこの時期に発達しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1564653366804123, 0.14610297977924347, 0.07364247739315033, 0.5175443291664124 ] } }, { "reference": "ヤフー!が買収しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14852581918239594, 0.5083684921264648 ] } }, { "reference": "後に彼はフィギュアスケートのコーチになった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13235223293304443, 0.5201700925827026 ] } }, { "reference": "ありがた迷惑になる", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07508531212806702 ] } }, { "reference": "観て学ぶ", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08665921539068222 ] } }, { "reference": "多くの場合、トリシュルはシヴァと一緒に描かれています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08727622032165527, 0.11212005466222763, 0.477193683385849 ] } }, { "reference": "中国の妖怪は消えていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14078740775585175, 0.498624712228775 ] } }, { "reference": "これまでにないほど忙しかった!", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12793783843517303, 0.5577391386032104 ] } }, { "reference": "二人の少年が、忍者のような衣装を着た大人とポーズをとっています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11834414303302765, 0.14473015069961548, 0.4240528643131256 ] } }, { "reference": "このキツツキの声は、とどろくような、甲高い鳴き声です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14648069441318512, 0.11646188795566559, 0.4233925938606262 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女はストラウド高等学校に通っていた若いころ、セヴァーン川のフランプトンで暮らしていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをとした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 960, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10419899970293045, 0.0924638956785202, 0.08290282636880875, 0.07258555293083191, 0.31039074063301086, 0.37281954288482666 ] } }, { "reference": "次のリストは、現在および過去の軍隊に授与された賞である。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12533804774284363, 0.11952866613864899, 0.4588770866394043 ] } }, { "reference": "危険を感じたボーハンは、彼のピストルでイーストマンを数回撃った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12028038501739502, 0.09798063337802887, 0.1202094778418541, 0.5126050710678101 ] } }, { "reference": "私は、ジーヴス、ちょっと一言いいかな、と言った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.23907816410064697, 0.15879712998867035, 0.4012489914894104 ] } }, { "reference": "しかし、彼は無実となり、彼のキャリアを継続することが許された。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15927770733833313, 0.13672888278961182, 0.4613650143146515 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は「リトルイングランド」を物語ます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14989182353019714, 0.12708646059036255, 0.4463012218475342 ] } }, { "reference": "そのグループは、選挙の主張を断念して、より民族主義的な方向に向かいました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10631879419088364, 0.1099504753947258, 0.07874886691570282, 0.49735185503959656 ] } }, { "reference": "同年、バリオールのフェローに選出された。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 880, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 900, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.18392138183116913, 0.15814600884914398, 0.10579072684049606, 0.47550347447395325 ] } }, { "reference": "彼らは郵便配達員に賄賂を渡し、なんとかその手紙を手に入れました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1040, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11525191366672516, 0.12374699860811234, 0.11212188750505447, 0.429116815328598, 0.5274422764778137 ] } }, { "reference": "その郡庁所在地はサリータです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14597508311271667, 0.42471933364868164 ] } }, { "reference": "デスキーはミネソタ州ブルー・アースで生まれました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15108747780323029, 0.09600666165351868, 0.46278277039527893 ] } }, { "reference": "それは最小限の増加を国際防御に提出しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13956718146800995, 0.14630967378616333, 0.5183824300765991 ] } }, { "reference": "ジョン王は息子と一緒に泳ぐように誘った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.17345526814460754, 0.15027816593647003, 0.4411487579345703 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は晩年ライの住民となった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.18681055307388306, 0.15275336802005768, 0.4640115201473236 ] } }, { "reference": "北東はCasewick Hallである。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10948803275823593, 0.37141063809394836 ] } }, { "reference": "中国の行動は数カ月間、日本の前進を妨害し、遅らせた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10020743310451508, 0.10842408984899521, 0.41602134704589844 ] } }, { "reference": "このクラブは私をとてもよく扱ってくれた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.23681412637233734, 0.17355619370937347, 0.42699670791625977 ] } }, { "reference": "最近のほとんどのファンヒーターには、電力出力を決定するための電力設定があります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをとした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 960, 1060, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 980, 1080, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09953165799379349, 0.11140390485525131, 0.08309261500835419, 0.06730400025844574, 0.28938379883766174, 0.3669498860836029 ] } }, { "reference": "これが、指定された訪問者用の駐車場です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15098072588443756, 0.5065024495124817 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はロンドンのダウンサイドスクールとスレイドアートスクールで教育を受けました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11406685411930084, 0.08587083220481873, 0.1055910587310791, 0.49100619554519653 ] } }, { "reference": "ハールズデンは、ますますその田舎の雰囲気を失い、農場や森林は工場に変わっていった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをとした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 980, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1000, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08777639269828796, 0.0816274955868721, 0.0855884701013565, 0.06981788575649261, 0.3447932004928589, 0.4123314619064331 ] } }, { "reference": "ビリヤードをする男性を背景に、長い髪の女性の撮影をしている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09739796072244644, 0.1111363098025322, 0.5520861744880676 ] } }, { "reference": "バーベキューの前に立つ白い服を着た男性", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12413454055786133, 0.41520145535469055 ] } }, { "reference": "ランガムとロスは、イギリスに住んだ後、初めてアメリカに来た。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11331399530172348, 0.12323487550020218, 0.4445717930793762 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女はそれに基づいたドキュメンタリー映画のライセンスも取得した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12688374519348145, 0.1411019265651703, 0.10923215001821518, 0.5180179476737976 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は主に南米で戦ったサウスポーでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1457836776971817, 0.15687653422355652, 0.0960783064365387, 0.5086762309074402 ] } }, { "reference": "多くの場合、彼の作品はアルトパラグアイで書かれたものとして署名されています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11164049804210663, 0.11602110415697098, 0.46862533688545227, 0.45189976692199707 ] } }, { "reference": "彼らはその門のところで立ち止まった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1250770390033722, 0.47272706031799316 ] } }, { "reference": "バタは、ナイトライフと市場でも知られている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1575021594762802, 0.4377139210700989 ] } }, { "reference": "人ごみの前で一輪車に乗りながらジャグリングする男性。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13252660632133484, 0.12728150188922882, 0.11822136491537094, 0.44050008058547974 ] } }, { "reference": "写真家たちは公園で写真を撮っています", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15261444449424744, 0.5083891153335571 ] } }, { "reference": "そして、ウィリアム・グラッドストンが首相になり、自由党政権となりました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼れをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1083347424864769, 0.09194562584161758, 0.0774831771850586, 0.4259432554244995 ] } }, { "reference": "このアルバムでは三人ともボーカルを担当している。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12180201709270477, 0.1335042268037796, 0.10228367149829865, 0.4827222228050232 ] } }, { "reference": "手入れの行き届いた芝生の庭で白い犬がジャンプしてサッカーボールをキャッチします。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100, 1120, 7600 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120, 7580, 7820 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11230246722698212, 0.10164770483970642, 0.4699629843235016, 0.9998605251312256, 0.13847078382968903 ] } }, { "reference": "その女の子はエレガントなドレスを着ていました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13353636860847473, 0.5275632739067078 ] } }, { "reference": "アナグマ、マスクラット、ビーバー、コヨーテ、プロングホーンは共通して観察されている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0996713861823082, 0.10263945907354355, 0.4122602939605713 ] } }, { "reference": "その経済は主に農業ベースのままです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14424820244312286, 0.09854765981435776, 0.45244094729423523 ] } }, { "reference": "フランク・シナトラによって普及しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.20910793542861938, 0.5158587098121643 ] } }, { "reference": "ゴールデンソンはいつも飛行機はエコノミークラスを利用し、決して新車には乗らないことで有名であった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08258511126041412, 0.07803501933813095, 0.09492406249046326, 0.3642810881137848, 0.43217381834983826 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は左を示していたが、反対の方向を向いた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08869709074497223, 0.274819940328598 ] } }, { "reference": "ブレチルの次の首長は甥のハルダンだった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14477570354938507, 0.15307892858982086, 0.08269485086202621, 0.4933851361274719 ] } }, { "reference": "後に彼女はサノスに対抗するアベンジャーズを助けるために地球に現れる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10599005967378616, 0.10802382230758667, 0.3614780306816101 ] } }, { "reference": "防音性は限られていましたが、レッグルームは異常にたっぷりありました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12173682451248169, 0.1254577338695526, 0.1159999668598175, 0.5140860676765442 ] } }, { "reference": "ある男が通りを歩いている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06937841325998306, 0.21036483347415924 ] } }, { "reference": "とても都合がよく、それはタイの人々の別の習慣と重なった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10707241296768188, 0.15669919550418854, 0.11174850165843964, 0.5088222026824951 ] } }, { "reference": "証明書の再検証は、継続教育クレジットによって必須となります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11668457090854645, 0.12152385711669922, 0.10977926850318909, 0.4850955009460449 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はまた、さまざまな映画にも出演しています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16014790534973145, 0.11371637880802155, 0.47160691022872925 ] } }, { "reference": "あなたはある変更をもたらしたいですか。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13900406658649445, 0.5249682664871216 ] } }, { "reference": "処刑された後、オーグルビーの支持者は逮捕され、刑務所に入れられました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11384306102991104, 0.09993409365415573, 0.11377765238285065, 0.4265265166759491 ] } }, { "reference": "世界的に、現在マイクロソフトは最高価値のある企業です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15086810290813446, 0.15637516975402832, 0.11247289180755615, 0.4901806712150574 ] } }, { "reference": "それは人類の悲劇をもたらした側面のいくつかを示しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 880, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 900, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1540219485759735, 0.1792697012424469, 0.08526774495840073, 0.5018029808998108 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はそこに立って寄りかかり、提出して全く質問しませんでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14203615486621857, 0.12647156417369843, 0.47022372484207153 ] } }, { "reference": "黒と茶色の犬が雪を掘っています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14953255653381348, 0.5208555459976196 ] } }, { "reference": "私は手元にあるものを持っています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.20790046453475952, 0.16053877770900726, 0.5022688508033752 ] } }, { "reference": "マーティン・ヒーリーはまた、いくつかの異なるプロジェクトにも取り組んでいる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1546432226896286, 0.12989471852779388, 0.3901618719100952 ] } }, { "reference": "したがって、彼がさらに悪さをする前に彼を追い出すことをお勧めするよ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14331455528736115, 0.14025536179542542, 0.3914031982421875 ] } }, { "reference": "クベックは断固とした民主党員です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1428004801273346, 0.50648432970047 ] } }, { "reference": "ほとんどの無線リピータシステムにはデュプレクサが含まれています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14247611165046692, 0.12530015408992767, 0.11098088324069977, 0.5500344634056091 ] } }, { "reference": "デイヴィスはフィリップ・ハンプトンに引き継がれた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14648929238319397, 0.10993347316980362, 0.543408989906311 ] } }, { "reference": "ただし、使用するプラットフォームは異なります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15343153476715088, 0.1450953632593155, 0.4103173613548279 ] } }, { "reference": "アロマは、右利きで打って投げる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09463649243116379, 0.4426302909851074 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はきめの細かい小麦粉がないと彼女に告げましたが、白い小麦粉がありました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0906052514910698, 0.0673152357339859, 0.09441490471363068, 0.35318833589553833 ] } }, { "reference": "息子の中にJohn Craig Eatonと Edward Young Eatonがいる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.19729821383953094, 0.12307731062173843, 0.31825387477874756 ] } }, { "reference": "増えた不快感は、肉体的なものではなく心理的なものの可能性がある。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11701972782611847, 0.1265382617712021, 0.5077323317527771 ] } }, { "reference": "しかし、それは単なる試みでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.19060365855693817, 0.17685699462890625, 0.45595088601112366 ] } }, { "reference": "エマは携帯電話を爪で叩きました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.148747518658638, 0.45690861344337463 ] } }, { "reference": "明日、私のところに来てください。あなたにも心がおありでしょう。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07921968400478363, 0.14972981810569763, 0.3683304488658905 ] } }, { "reference": "使い方がわかってきた、便利に活用できそうだ", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12574931979179382, 0.1204194575548172, 0.5492213368415833 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はブエノスアイレスで銀行家アーサー・エドワード・スミザーズの息子として生まれました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのとしる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08222931623458862, 0.09096282720565796, 0.07040915638208389, 0.18961027264595032, 0.21448871493339539 ] } }, { "reference": "それらは、ビジュアルフィーダーです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12701702117919922, 0.44855576753616333 ] } }, { "reference": "振り返ってみると、良い思い出が多かった", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1385520100593567, 0.5163378119468689 ] } }, { "reference": "オブライエンは、モナハン州バリーベイの近くのラットン生まれの人です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10373979061841965, 0.11333948373794556, 0.07725095748901367, 0.45896124839782715 ] } }, { "reference": "リチャードは、世界中でイノベーションについて講演やレクチャーを行ってきた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11646440625190735, 0.13899199664592743, 0.10043494403362274, 0.5401583313941956 ] } }, { "reference": "これらのシーケンスのランダム性は、diehardテストによって検証されています", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13081446290016174, 0.10386074334383011, 0.27134478092193604 ] } }, { "reference": "それがどれくらいでいつだったか忘れたけれど。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.31106141209602356, 0.16688960790634155, 0.3222196102142334 ] } }, { "reference": "携帯性がそのプロジェクトの設計目標である。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16782024502754211, 0.13409750163555145, 0.46176445484161377 ] } }, { "reference": "その警報はいたずらだと分かった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07948476076126099, 0.30280622839927673 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は勝者である大きなチンパンジーを飼っていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10650885850191116, 0.4467512369155884 ] } }, { "reference": "アメリカ国旗を振っている子どものグループに「ハロー」という軍人男性", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10854052007198334, 0.11864768713712692, 0.43438178300857544 ] } }, { "reference": "これは、オープンソースバージョンと商用バージョンの分離によるものです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12687084078788757, 0.12720200419425964, 0.10533828288316727, 0.44243544340133667 ] } }, { "reference": "果物はアメリカの地方市場で販売される。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1020 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1040 ], "probabilities": [ 0.30910980701446533, 0.17139489948749542, 0.2872450053691864 ] } }, { "reference": "彼らのスタイルはシュールで、最新式のものを吹き込んでいました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1998356133699417, 0.16562211513519287, 0.4713219106197357 ] } }, { "reference": "Guns、それは彼らが初めてゴールド認定を獲得したもの", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14556477963924408, 0.12329791486263275, 0.30933740735054016 ] } }, { "reference": "キャディーは同じくらい困っているようでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11098865419626236, 0.4451991617679596 ] } }, { "reference": "郡の経済の大部分は農業に依存する。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1092238798737526, 0.16982609033584595, 0.4638787508010864 ] } }, { "reference": "町にはスワントンの村が含まれています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.20634791254997253, 0.17763923108577728, 0.4465896487236023 ] } }, { "reference": "世界中の信者がシオンに降り立った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12264764308929443, 0.1289920210838318, 0.432420939207077 ] } }, { "reference": "最終的に、トリーシャは、恐怖、空腹、喉の渇きにより幻覚を起こします。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをとた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12557831406593323, 0.10288666933774948, 0.07920046895742416, 0.06408480554819107, 0.4508391320705414 ] } }, { "reference": "しかしながら、事件が裁判に持ち込まれることはありませんでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12944774329662323, 0.12965188920497894, 0.5466728210449219 ] } }, { "reference": "まことに申し訳けありません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2257659137248993, 0.4039947986602783 ] } }, { "reference": "協議会の数は変化した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12950928509235382, 0.42920151352882385 ] } }, { "reference": "建物から建物にジャンプする男", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2178749144077301, 0.16921603679656982, 0.4023081660270691 ] } }, { "reference": "全て同じ、それは事実です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.22254616022109985, 0.3853728175163269 ] } }, { "reference": "クリケット選手としての彼は、ほとんど完全に独習者でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1553867906332016, 0.14754830300807953, 0.11268141120672226, 0.42471444606781006 ] } }, { "reference": "村の名前は、近くにあるスワン・クリークに由来しています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 900, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 920, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10018569231033325, 0.1643502116203308, 0.10225760191679001, 0.4571920335292816 ] } }, { "reference": "彼らは楽しませたいです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09961174428462982, 0.34626394510269165 ] } }, { "reference": "ダニエル・カーリン氏編集。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1821279674768448, 0.1669466495513916, 0.3635154962539673 ] } }, { "reference": "Windowsの新しいバージョンでも、ユーザーは新しいコピーを購入する必要があります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08923020958900452, 0.12696148455142975, 0.08474644273519516, 0.49477049708366394 ] } }, { "reference": "セシルは、この役は最高の能力の持ち主にしか務まらないと考えていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1290457844734192, 0.1173977479338646, 0.3335111439228058 ] } }, { "reference": "それはゲジラ島をブラークにリンクさせた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15830717980861664, 0.15735743939876556, 0.49452751874923706 ] } }, { "reference": "しかし彼女は来ます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13824279606342316, 0.23197303712368011 ] } }, { "reference": "マブ、と彼女は言いました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11760230362415314, 0.39262712001800537 ] } }, { "reference": "小説はまとめてTrask小説として知られています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 900, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 920, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1806914210319519, 0.1569494903087616, 0.08580441027879715, 0.4096790552139282 ] } }, { "reference": "ここには、オリンピック水泳チームやオリンピック手漕ぎチームはありません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14269782602787018, 0.13989490270614624, 0.41770458221435547 ] } }, { "reference": "図はもう一つの例を示す。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12551233172416687, 0.4068484902381897 ] } }, { "reference": "各マイルストーンの定義は、おおむね、伝統的なメディアと同じだ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.20333577692508698, 0.1361314356327057, 0.3800249993801117 ] } }, { "reference": "ライフルは、軽量で、コンパクトに持ち運びができるように設計されています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをすし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 900, 1060, 1080, 6520 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 920, 1080, 6500, 6700 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1388285756111145, 0.14496761560440063, 0.10474355518817902, 0.4292973279953003, 0.9995142221450806, 0.10413835197687149 ] } }, { "reference": "オーティスは、彼が成功する可能性は低いと気が付いて、バーンヤードを離れることを決めた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0932733491063118, 0.10626231133937836, 0.406477689743042 ] } }, { "reference": "その後、国会議員たちは解決策について合意しようと努力した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.17898714542388916, 0.11907156556844711, 0.36105456948280334 ] } }, { "reference": "これは議論することができますが、議論は問題を取り扱っていません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13730347156524658, 0.15196092426776886, 0.38357532024383545 ] } }, { "reference": "八百屋の店内で話している男と女。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.29250606894493103, 0.15606194734573364, 0.25598448514938354 ] } }, { "reference": "滝は目で見て楽しめるものです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13343209028244019, 0.4385412335395813 ] } }, { "reference": "それについてひどく馬鹿げてると考えていると思っているでしょ?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10144136101007462, 0.1666208803653717, 0.42727047204971313 ] } }, { "reference": "私はいわば鳥のようなものです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1259606033563614, 0.4615659713745117 ] } }, { "reference": "タイのテレビ局は全て、ロゴを画面の右上に表示します。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1281132698059082, 0.14218507707118988, 0.12254071235656738, 0.45934438705444336 ] } }, { "reference": "リミックスのほとんどは、オリジナルバージョンのB面としても利用できました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11628612875938416, 0.12879283726215363, 0.4831640422344208 ] } }, { "reference": "この新しいロケールはたまたまシンガポールです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1247628927230835, 0.1620931625366211, 0.42796453833580017 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は信頼される存在である。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06722811609506607, 0.21554654836654663 ] } }, { "reference": "しかし、彼は音楽のキャリアを追求するために中退しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15334269404411316, 0.12958675622940063, 0.11236130446195602, 0.4432348608970642 ] } }, { "reference": "チームカラーはロイヤルブルー、ホワイト、そしてニューゴールドでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11876670271158218, 0.113154336810112, 0.4565209448337555 ] } }, { "reference": "これが最後のチャンスです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1218046024441719, 0.40803155303001404 ] } }, { "reference": "しかし、これが実現することはなかった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.27534255385398865, 0.1874549239873886, 0.45617035031318665 ] } }, { "reference": "グラグラは読書中に音を出すのを助けるために開発されたものです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09378309547901154, 0.10324522107839584, 0.4693111479282379 ] } }, { "reference": "首都はルクセンブルク市です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.19788287580013275, 0.19440282881259918, 0.39729684591293335 ] } }, { "reference": "様々な政治家や団体が、独自の目的でそれを使用している。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1148717924952507, 0.16212806105613708, 0.4249400794506073 ] } }, { "reference": "少女たちは、講演者に集中していた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14555467665195465, 0.1390177458524704, 0.4618818759918213 ] } }, { "reference": "同作品は、今でも多くの国で再上演されている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.3079630136489868, 0.17269408702850342, 0.27937695384025574 ] } }, { "reference": "以前は、開始者が叫んでレースを始めていました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.25418591499328613, 0.23514576256275177, 0.3441600203514099 ] } }, { "reference": "弁護士は、死者は生きる人に恨みを抱くことができると説明しています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1442854404449463, 0.12483448535203934, 0.49619340896606445 ] } }, { "reference": "同じ年、メディアはコミック本を攻撃しはじめた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16063852608203888, 0.1593150496482849, 0.29646995663642883 ] } }, { "reference": "それ以上の回収作業は中止されました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16311493515968323, 0.16801030933856964, 0.4407195746898651 ] } }, { "reference": "見出しは新聞記事の上のテキストで、そのトピックを示しています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16639448702335358, 0.15594403445720673, 0.4296431839466095 ] } }, { "reference": "レッドリストは生態系を監視するためのフレームワークです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12078846246004105, 0.09008735418319702, 0.405205100774765 ] } }, { "reference": "村の子供達は教会の活動に参加しています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15641997754573822, 0.1208038255572319, 0.45304521918296814 ] } }, { "reference": "ドック、工場、またはマタヌスカには怪我人はいませんでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12433791905641556, 0.13885366916656494, 0.4941003918647766 ] } }, { "reference": "録音はイギリス内の様々な教会の塔から毎週来ています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1286824643611908, 0.12979097664356232, 0.09652715921401978, 0.5006235241889954 ] } }, { "reference": "そして今、私は父がどこにいるのか分からなくなった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.20937040448188782, 0.18505503237247467, 0.4830365478992462 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は裕福なカトリック教徒の両親のもとに生まれた六人兄弟のうちの一人であった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09290558099746704, 0.10634023696184158, 0.07795495539903641, 0.32809609174728394, 0.43942761421203613 ] } }, { "reference": "素敵なランダル夫人はお元気ですか。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12722641229629517, 0.36309513449668884 ] } }, { "reference": "スプーフィング攻撃を参照。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12340980768203735, 0.39335158467292786 ] } }, { "reference": "腹は白い。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0917879268527031 ] } }, { "reference": "バイラムとマレーは脚本を共同執筆した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14050160348415375, 0.1281524896621704, 0.11811714619398117, 0.4701622724533081 ] } }, { "reference": "もう一つの難点はコースの長さでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13995160162448883, 0.4658169746398926 ] } }, { "reference": "湖に飛び込む緑色の水着を着た女の子。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12278418987989426, 0.46628519892692566 ] } }, { "reference": "バージニアは時間、性別、文化の制約を突破した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10909561812877655, 0.4834786653518677 ] } }, { "reference": "経営方針を巡り、意見が分かれた", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12090519070625305, 0.14833635091781616, 0.5052251219749451 ] } }, { "reference": "マクリーン兄弟はどちらも政治活動をしていました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12032222002744675, 0.0865403413772583, 0.4745878577232361 ] } }, { "reference": "この表では公式の観客数のみを示しています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1040, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14672556519508362, 0.151303231716156, 0.11740868538618088, 0.47073400020599365, 0.43816253542900085 ] } }, { "reference": "従って、彼を滅ぼせば、彼らは力を失い、戦争は終わるだろう。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11077073961496353, 0.13913516700267792, 0.4946373999118805 ] } }, { "reference": "レトリックを除く各フォームには、キャプテンと副キャプテンがいます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1229739636182785, 0.13239483535289764, 0.47310879826545715 ] } }, { "reference": "カナダでの使用のために予約されています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13828986883163452, 0.12265824526548386, 0.09909987449645996, 0.47846901416778564 ] } }, { "reference": "ロシアにある子会社は、まだ活発であるように見えます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14223672449588776, 0.14617431163787842, 0.11558926850557327, 0.4623822867870331 ] } }, { "reference": "アーティストのグレッグ・コールがイラストを描きました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 900, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 920, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.21529509127140045, 0.20151302218437195, 0.11463543027639389, 0.48390090465545654 ] } }, { "reference": "木にネジをまっすぐに打ち込みます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13138236105442047, 0.5025979280471802 ] } }, { "reference": "私たち、前に偶然会ったことありますよね?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2493189424276352, 0.23540271818637848, 0.4784347414970398 ] } }, { "reference": "この意味では、多くの人種があります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12461437284946442, 0.49804186820983887 ] } }, { "reference": "大阪府の小さな町です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13993948698043823, 0.436469703912735 ] } }, { "reference": "シーズンの終わりに彼はレッドソックスと契約しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 900, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 920, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16816645860671997, 0.1800656020641327, 0.1030174270272255, 0.5185475945472717 ] } }, { "reference": "季節ごとの気温の変化も著しいです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1599801629781723, 0.1162731721997261, 0.44286924600601196 ] } }, { "reference": "オランダ最大のユダヤ人学校である。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14265233278274536, 0.28907009959220886 ] } }, { "reference": "芝生の中庭で黄色のスプリンクラーの間を駆け回っている少女。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11627299338579178, 0.13411463797092438, 0.47880077362060547 ] } }, { "reference": "私たちは有機食品しか売っていません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.3104885220527649, 0.24573975801467896, 0.446841835975647 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は時々ポドマティックでポッドキャストをします。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14711222052574158, 0.12389642745256424, 0.5264244675636292 ] } }, { "reference": "バーニーはナイフを木に投げつけて、若い弟子たちを喜ばせました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1346563845872879, 0.11213921755552292, 0.45098063349723816, 0.5077003836631775 ] } }, { "reference": "いつ行くの?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08637943118810654 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女は短い間だったがバスケットボール選手のウィルト・チェンバレンとも関係を持った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのとた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12041822075843811, 0.11928638815879822, 0.08330042660236359, 0.43112391233444214 ] } }, { "reference": "パーティの党首はマリア・サーリンです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14862297475337982, 0.5118690729141235 ] } }, { "reference": "明治時代までの数年間に渡って、いくつかを修繕しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1327389031648636, 0.12722457945346832, 0.5291544198989868 ] } }, { "reference": "メガホンに向かって話す女性。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1325395405292511, 0.5160213112831116 ] } }, { "reference": "応答者は通過します。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11434727907180786, 0.4193660318851471 ] } }, { "reference": "すべてどこに行きましたか?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11706286668777466, 0.3209379315376282 ] } }, { "reference": "鳥が岩に砕ける波を見ています", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1114979162812233, 0.45979079604148865 ] } }, { "reference": "その戦いは軍事戦略の見事な実例と考えられている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1266770362854004, 0.11569744348526001, 0.11616057902574539, 0.45882371068000793 ] } }, { "reference": "また一部の動物は、プレイヤーにボーナスゲームへのアクセスを与えることもできます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10228788107633591, 0.10848712176084518, 0.09094551205635071, 0.46764564514160156 ] } }, { "reference": "このプロジェクトはこのエリアで動いているパブリックワークスアドミニストレーションの一部です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12649407982826233, 0.09308116137981415, 0.1137433797121048, 0.44250720739364624 ] } }, { "reference": "それでも別の偽造問題が発生した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13149479031562805, 0.09675583988428116, 0.509492039680481 ] } }, { "reference": "乗客は出席する必要はなかった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1218591034412384, 0.4953780472278595 ] } }, { "reference": "ヘレンは立ち去り、ブランコのそばで一人でベンチに座った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1442168653011322, 0.12197176367044449, 0.12718568742275238, 0.503042995929718 ] } }, { "reference": "一部の人々はテーブルでワインを調べています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14059728384017944, 0.5114508271217346 ] } }, { "reference": "ミュージカルの一部はシャルクリンの生活に基づいています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12897184491157532, 0.42765140533447266 ] } }, { "reference": "ラモニ地区にはかなり大きなアーミッシュコミュニティがあり、日曜日は営業していません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09889369457960129, 0.10655442625284195, 0.3434821367263794, 0.34409329295158386, 0.5064032077789307 ] } }, { "reference": "その間、「ジェム」は彼自身の国を含め世界を征服しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12300639599561691, 0.14434802532196045, 0.5246036052703857 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は金メダルを獲得した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13399890065193176, 0.4278031587600708 ] } }, { "reference": "砲台にアクセスすることは今日は不可能です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1505826711654663, 0.1626487523317337, 0.47386065125465393 ] } }, { "reference": "その町には、キャッシュバレーチーズ工場があります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1796990931034088, 0.1649206280708313, 0.11489219218492508, 0.49450722336769104 ] } }, { "reference": "その大聖堂はゴシック建築でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15620477497577667, 0.15773768723011017, 0.4937741160392761 ] } }, { "reference": "最もよく知られているのは、シングルの『グレッグ!』である。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14937296509742737, 0.34406915307044983 ] } }, { "reference": "ガッドは、ニューヨーク州ロチェスターの郊外にあるアイロンデコイトの生まれである。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 980, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1000, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10499187558889389, 0.08349951356649399, 0.10716155916452408, 0.33320868015289307, 0.4383406341075897 ] } }, { "reference": "この新聞には、地元の問題について定期的に執筆するコラムニストが何人かいます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをとした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 960, 1040, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 980, 1060, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08746010065078735, 0.11797615885734558, 0.06264461576938629, 0.0618007630109787, 0.2217191606760025, 0.23761974275112152 ] } }, { "reference": "これらの秋のコンサートは、すべての学生に対して無料です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13697953522205353, 0.14725038409233093, 0.0969373807311058, 0.4666321575641632 ] } }, { "reference": "これは逆に発生する可能性もあります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.18443921208381653, 0.164702907204628, 0.43455904722213745 ] } }, { "reference": "特別なものとして、このためだけに作られた複数のライブを取り上げている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12108779698610306, 0.10715323686599731, 0.3394876718521118 ] } }, { "reference": "その上、スケッチと曲は個別にインデックス付けされませんでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1040, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12856753170490265, 0.10303054749965668, 0.07065381109714508, 0.40284374356269836, 0.4513440728187561 ] } }, { "reference": "すべての録音はアメリカのロックバンドであるゼイ・マイト・ビー・ジャイアンツによるものです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1060, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1046864464879036, 0.09636244922876358, 0.07781223952770233, 0.37064051628112793, 0.36039379239082336, 0.39345884323120117 ] } }, { "reference": "コックは、自分のレストランで食事する客のために料理をします。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14123743772506714, 0.12619490921497345, 0.46443653106689453, 0.4828776717185974 ] } }, { "reference": "熱があるから早退しますね", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13920758664608002, 0.48436349630355835 ] } }, { "reference": "もう一つの歴史的に重要な移民集団はクロアチア人です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12748272716999054, 0.1130061224102974, 0.5268908143043518 ] } }, { "reference": "これはおそらくその言葉の意味です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.22456496953964233, 0.16248491406440735, 0.43038517236709595 ] } }, { "reference": "彼らは地方の自治権を支持していた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13696686923503876, 0.15855145454406738, 0.4944190979003906 ] } }, { "reference": "マチェイ・ロックがホストを務めている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13592208921909332, 0.4986678659915924 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はYo Mamaに関するいくつかの記録を公開しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1529022604227066, 0.10370460897684097, 0.52293860912323 ] } }, { "reference": "あなたは私に彼らを殺させようとしていますか?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15394484996795654, 0.11763712018728256, 0.4456194043159485 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は、戦前のイギリス、イタリア、スペインのエッチングで有名になりました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12102628499269485, 0.09387494623661041, 0.12139998376369476, 0.4526192843914032, 0.5230461359024048 ] } }, { "reference": "次は何が起こるのだろう。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09532240778207779, 0.24656327068805695 ] } }, { "reference": "コープはこの曲で歌とプロデュースを担当しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14173969626426697, 0.13636994361877441, 0.4773165285587311 ] } }, { "reference": "これらの二つのプラスチックは非常に異なる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1504470854997635, 0.1607881337404251, 0.3970707952976227 ] } }, { "reference": "戻ることができませんでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11725280433893204, 0.4016939401626587 ] } }, { "reference": "ジョー・モールディンがこの録音でコントラバスを演奏しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13670217990875244, 0.13683323562145233, 0.10235629230737686, 0.5236167311668396 ] } }, { "reference": "セスとベロニカが関係を始める。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09906180948019028, 0.4736199676990509 ] } }, { "reference": "青いジーンズの男は別の男を蹴ろうとしている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10834752023220062, 0.13299064338207245, 0.5409877300262451 ] } }, { "reference": "色鮮やかなサーフボードでサーフィンをしている男性。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12508606910705566, 0.11198986321687698, 0.3925090432167053 ] } }, { "reference": "他のプロジェクトがペンシルベニア州、ウェストバージニア州、アーカンソー州で進められている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1060, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0823785737156868, 0.06984485685825348, 0.0847378522157669, 0.30006614327430725, 0.3418642282485962, 0.3720749318599701 ] } }, { "reference": "人々は会議のために集まった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13110840320587158, 0.49709898233413696 ] } }, { "reference": "これは彼らの業績が私のものよりはるかに大きかったからです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼れをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12642298638820648, 0.08461366593837738, 0.10626351833343506, 0.48555007576942444 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女はベッドに置かれた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08635560423135757, 0.24893397092819214 ] } }, { "reference": "外の者は外の者と同じようにした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15101270377635956, 0.11652298271656036, 0.5124889016151428 ] } }, { "reference": "本拠地はソフィアです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15306456387043, 0.3274991512298584 ] } }, { "reference": "バガレッラは準備中に現場で支援した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13627825677394867, 0.4884844720363617 ] } }, { "reference": "マーは言いました、私は自分自身がそれより賢いことを知っていました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1040, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12297351658344269, 0.11319926381111145, 0.10034835338592529, 0.4699062705039978, 0.4672354459762573 ] } }, { "reference": "政府の説明は色々で、時に矛盾しています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1587684452533722, 0.11323671042919159, 0.4398826062679291 ] } }, { "reference": "そのような冒険に、投資することを考えてください。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12575221061706543, 0.06977931410074234, 0.5425673723220825 ] } }, { "reference": "この変更により、本来の構成は大きく損なわれた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11990582942962646, 0.14204341173171997, 0.6024535298347473 ] } }, { "reference": "「あんたがやった」と帽子屋さんは言いました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13871242105960846, 0.4828362762928009 ] } }, { "reference": "その投資は成果を出しません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そ", "start_timestamps": [ 0 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1371098756790161 ] } }, { "reference": "一番大きい湾はプラセンシア湾だろう。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13703984022140503, 0.06871359050273895, 0.5193763971328735 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は話すのを中断しますが、彼女は返事をしません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12867769598960876, 0.12372562289237976, 0.4225502908229828 ] } }, { "reference": "スペルマンの印象深い政策のひとつは、環境保護への強いコミットメントでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1142781525850296, 0.10926730185747147, 0.38535618782043457, 0.5305415987968445 ] } }, { "reference": "ルックは元アルコール依存症患者である。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13266444206237793, 0.13044340908527374, 0.5858209133148193 ] } }, { "reference": "白黒の子犬が野球を口にしているクローズアップシーンです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10725586116313934, 0.09912313520908356, 0.5473157167434692 ] } }, { "reference": "リードの息子であるドンが、組織の議長を務めています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をすし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100, 1120, 6740 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120, 6720, 6920 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1273362785577774, 0.1238662526011467, 0.4786205291748047, 0.9999539852142334, 0.09316142648458481 ] } }, { "reference": "ジャックマンはマルチプレイヤーです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14760924875736237, 0.13024914264678955, 0.5127606391906738 ] } }, { "reference": "あなたの発音は変わっているけど、どこから来たの?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.149281308054924, 0.49650999903678894 ] } }, { "reference": "トリップはソングライターでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1568695604801178, 0.5181407928466797 ] } }, { "reference": "サングラスの男性が熱心な様子でバス停の近くに立っています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10343479365110397, 0.09773583710193634, 0.42075443267822266, 0.3673419952392578, 0.43062761425971985 ] } }, { "reference": "これらは、目標に優先順位を付け、編成および計画するための基本です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をしてました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1020, 1040, 1060, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1040, 1060, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.061044469475746155, 0.07392264157533646, 0.12897133827209473, 0.18325312435626984, 0.17668625712394714, 0.34053200483322144, 0.2459702491760254 ] } }, { "reference": "ブルース・ジョーンズとエイプリル・キャンベルによって編集されました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1060, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1080, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12542258203029633, 0.08892058581113815, 0.3874566853046417, 0.38288238644599915 ] } }, { "reference": "山の端には、新しい山に続く橋があります。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1060, 1100, 1120, 6800 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1080, 1120, 6780, 7240 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14271768927574158, 0.11980122327804565, 0.4634733498096466, 0.45472556352615356, 0.9998867511749268, 0.0793994888663292 ] } }, { "reference": "クラッセンはリンダ・ステイシーから生まれました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15286707878112793, 0.4293171465396881 ] } }, { "reference": "ラジオは、特に離島では重要な情報源です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15712346136569977, 0.14689947664737701, 0.07796376198530197, 0.4244239926338196 ] } }, { "reference": "再び、鉄のように熱く、痛みが彼を襲いました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16625773906707764, 0.12045992910861969, 0.43635326623916626 ] } }, { "reference": "また会える時は言うよ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1020 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1040 ], "probabilities": [ 0.20864048600196838, 0.2816227674484253 ] } }, { "reference": "郡全体が元のテンプルトンの町と同じです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをます彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 900, 1040, 1080, 1100, 5900 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 920, 1060, 1100, 5880, 7020 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14597457647323608, 0.1542436182498932, 0.11696789413690567, 0.4919672906398773, 0.4848952889442444, 0.9999464154243469, 0.08397746086120605 ] } }, { "reference": "花嫁はブーケを持ち、後ろの人たちを見る。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14300642907619476, 0.16750206053256989, 0.07600929588079453, 0.4882911741733551 ] } }, { "reference": "それには、世界中の放送局との個別協力合意も多く含まれています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1040, 1060, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1060, 1080, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10760802775621414, 0.1323225498199463, 0.08380114287137985, 0.3012257516384125, 0.30480244755744934, 0.37096652388572693 ] } }, { "reference": "映画全体はラジャスタンで撮影されました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼また", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13841181993484497, 0.46001407504081726, 0.4423932731151581 ] } }, { "reference": "誰に聞いても、ホームズは想像の中でレイアウトを視覚化しました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11863315105438232, 0.1073153167963028, 0.1056828424334526, 0.2837948799133301, 0.43249186873435974 ] } }, { "reference": "そのホテルは開業してすぐに人気となり、成功した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをす彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 900, 1080, 1100, 5980 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 920, 1100, 5960, 7020 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13475926220417023, 0.15030045807361603, 0.1063874214887619, 0.4806731045246124, 0.9999114871025085, 0.08166490495204926 ] } }, { "reference": "脚本家は、依頼を受け、直接的に脚本の執筆を手掛けることもある。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07905659824609756, 0.13368290662765503, 0.4468172490596771, 0.36119401454925537, 0.4784618318080902 ] } }, { "reference": "イベントは陸上競技大会で終わり、続いて卵投げ競技が行われます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07444564998149872, 0.13689593970775604, 0.3997410833835602 ] } }, { "reference": "同行の乗客は許可されていますが、フェリーストップで停止する乗客はいません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1120, 1140, 1160 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06371822953224182, 0.09182409942150116, 0.3790554106235504, 0.37566158175468445, 0.30688127875328064 ] } }, { "reference": "彼らは、切り裂きジャックの心を読み、操作することができます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14835959672927856, 0.14587126672267914, 0.11400789767503738, 0.47551393508911133 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は大都市を訪れた動機を私に打ち明けた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14987370371818542, 0.11762335896492004, 0.5305703282356262 ] } }, { "reference": "これには地域と国の両方の法律が含まれている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14123296737670898, 0.09194900840520859, 0.1281237155199051, 0.4215489327907562 ] } }, { "reference": "客はみんな黙々と食事をしている", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14217481017112732, 0.11421815305948257, 0.4137239456176758 ] } }, { "reference": "動物たちは疲れきっていて、男たちはだんだんお互いに話もしなくなりました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10127756744623184, 0.09464789927005768, 0.46379274129867554, 0.40282151103019714, 0.508600652217865 ] } }, { "reference": "この理論はセキュリティ研究者によって直ちに拒否されました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11576572060585022, 0.13665615022182465, 0.42440325021743774 ] } }, { "reference": "人いっぱいの建物の中、少年が音楽に合わせて踊っているようです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11304423958063126, 0.13431216776371002, 0.47621217370033264 ] } }, { "reference": "小型ながら、それはリンカンシャーのすべてを提供しています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12325908243656158, 0.1595107913017273, 0.08682237565517426, 0.42844751477241516 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女はアメリカ法化学会の特別研究員でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11554644256830215, 0.08767685294151306, 0.4911627471446991 ] } }, { "reference": "このファイルを削除してください。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.22224433720111847, 0.4011648893356323 ] } }, { "reference": "そのころには彼は、登場人物に適した年齢になっていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1000, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1020, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08574729412794113, 0.12749505043029785, 0.43793395161628723, 0.46117809414863586 ] } }, { "reference": "このセクションは回りくどく、短くする必要がある。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14583225548267365, 0.15090900659561157, 0.11293737590312958, 0.43250909447669983 ] } }, { "reference": "どの点でですか?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13021239638328552, 0.48309463262557983 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女の夫が生きている間、彼らは多くの共同研究結果を発表した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1186685562133789, 0.12640970945358276, 0.3853738605976105, 0.5155420303344727 ] } }, { "reference": "お帰りの際にパンフレットをお取りください。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12345528602600098, 0.11400152742862701, 0.4837574064731598 ] } }, { "reference": "女性は貯蔵室に入りました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1351991891860962, 0.4837687909603119 ] } }, { "reference": "以前はフレデリック市営空港として知られていました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10744587332010269, 0.15230612456798553, 0.4558415710926056 ] } }, { "reference": "しかし、彼は妻に手紙を書いた、妻はそれで彼がまだ生きていることを発見した。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11601204425096512, 0.12551379203796387, 0.3774140477180481, 0.48618394136428833 ] } }, { "reference": "商品としては薄っぺらいデザインだ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10675802826881409, 0.42605626583099365 ] } }, { "reference": "この品種はヨーロッパのロビンよりわずかに大きいです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13369929790496826, 0.14545777440071106, 0.44619226455688477 ] } }, { "reference": "木のブランコに乗った子供がごきげんです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15837189555168152, 0.38463887572288513 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はヒューストンのユングセンターで講義もしています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1120, 1140, 5900 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1140, 5880, 6480 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15314577519893646, 0.09820697456598282, 0.46866291761398315, 0.9998983144760132, 0.08695513755083084 ] } }, { "reference": "協会から財政再建の計画書を求められる", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1161690354347229, 0.11982694268226624, 0.36680373549461365 ] } }, { "reference": "彼らは由緒正しく、名声のある戦士であり、ヒーローでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1400923877954483, 0.1306709498167038, 0.4549383521080017 ] } }, { "reference": "サウンドは、後のアルバムほど洗練されていません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15349534153938293, 0.5181109309196472 ] } }, { "reference": "表向きは彼のニーズを世話する目的で、ケイトは刑務所の彼に従いました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09339611977338791, 0.1210847869515419, 0.3155980110168457, 0.39610689878463745 ] } }, { "reference": "対戦表の勝者の予測には、さまざまな方法が使用されます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11084935069084167, 0.11494855582714081, 0.47327932715415955 ] } }, { "reference": "ドレスはまだカスタマイズ可能です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.20762810111045837, 0.41907966136932373 ] } }, { "reference": "パイプラインの完全性を評価する方法はたくさんある。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1230049654841423, 0.1100684255361557, 0.45167142152786255 ] } }, { "reference": "ポールは母といっしょに寝るのが好きでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12391702830791473, 0.5260297656059265 ] } }, { "reference": "ウォータールー大学とビクトリア大学の学長を務めた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13784562051296234, 0.13313205540180206, 0.44908761978149414 ] } }, { "reference": "花畑で三人の子供がいて、その中のひとりが子猫のぬいぐるみを抱いている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06572045385837555, 0.10845432430505753, 0.4675874710083008 ] } }, { "reference": "大学を含むカレッジは、訓練可能な英語を話す労働力を加えます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11030521243810654, 0.10751944035291672, 0.3979266285896301, 0.45690178871154785 ] } }, { "reference": "マヨネーズはフライドポテトにつけるのに理想的な調味料です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13964372873306274, 0.08029800653457642, 0.43355658650398254, 0.4527839720249176 ] } }, { "reference": "それは、ハウゲスンの伝統的な地区の一部でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15623831748962402, 0.13001996278762817, 0.5175442099571228 ] } }, { "reference": "その党は前任者より保守的ではなく、より近代的であるはずだった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12849365174770355, 0.11765043437480927, 0.4785909354686737, 0.5460330843925476 ] } }, { "reference": "アリスはビクトリアイーストの古い地区の行政の首都でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1502673327922821, 0.1312822699546814, 0.514677107334137 ] } }, { "reference": "ドッズは妻のキャロルと共にハリファックスに住んでいます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13647952675819397, 0.12346998602151871, 0.4631553590297699, 0.44117021560668945 ] } }, { "reference": "今思えば、そのバンドは 「GHOST IN THE RUINS」 というアルバムを欲しがっていました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10301965475082397, 0.10841410607099533, 0.37201955914497375, 0.32894858717918396, 0.4173599183559418 ] } }, { "reference": "どちらのケースもイランでははっきりと確認できます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12444360554218292, 0.14337289333343506, 0.49619194865226746, 0.4488709568977356 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女は歌が上手で有名が、リュートと他の楽器をすることもできました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10245406627655029, 0.11061283946037292, 0.29912069439888, 0.4209696352481842 ] } }, { "reference": "彼らは翼を使って飲みます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.22437727451324463, 0.17936258018016815, 0.39578166604042053 ] } }, { "reference": "シオボールドはトリーミスト誌にも執筆している。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.21178457140922546, 0.16954152286052704, 0.39660197496414185 ] } }, { "reference": "にもかかわらず彼らの関係は、著しく緊迫していました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1040, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12459907680749893, 0.1584835648536682, 0.10965107381343842, 0.43501147627830505, 0.49865609407424927 ] } }, { "reference": "ララ・アマーナスは、試合中に、背中に怪我をしました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1494055986404419, 0.11751946806907654, 0.45211681723594666 ] } }, { "reference": "ダウンタウンは住むには怖いです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13947410881519318, 0.4252912998199463 ] } }, { "reference": "「彼女のやり方は奇妙だ」と私は言った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16071760654449463, 0.15677301585674286, 0.4017646610736847 ] } }, { "reference": "彼のスタンド・イン・ラインというライブで行ったバスソロは彼のテーマ曲でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12023644149303436, 0.11095724999904633, 0.4737265110015869 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はしばらくの間、ヤング・プレジデンツ・オーガニゼーションのメンバーでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12349008023738861, 0.09713024646043777, 0.10534045845270157, 0.41457638144493103, 0.44526317715644836 ] } }, { "reference": "いくつかの言語が話されているが、主要言語はソンガイ語である。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをす彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080, 1100, 6300 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100, 6280, 6340 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13852185010910034, 0.13840487599372864, 0.11083854734897614, 0.4504571557044983, 0.9999483823776245, 0.0721476599574089 ] } }, { "reference": "さびれたカファナは、こうした話に登場する象徴的な存在でした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12267664074897766, 0.08788800984621048, 0.09784142673015594, 0.4373836815357208, 0.48382124304771423 ] } }, { "reference": "The Hitsのゲームを探してもらえませんか?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1526055634021759, 0.11453321576118469, 0.49952659010887146 ] } }, { "reference": "サヴィンビはこの取り組みで大成功を収めた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12682536244392395, 0.17130447924137115, 0.08274074643850327, 0.46685096621513367 ] } }, { "reference": "それはまた、ほぼ常に面白いものです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14709173142910004, 0.4256557524204254 ] } }, { "reference": "ベッケンバウアーは、チーム・オブ・ザ・トーナメントに名前が挙げられた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11204677820205688, 0.14528748393058777, 0.43918490409851074 ] } }, { "reference": "クイーンタウンシップは、近くのキングタウンシップにちなんで名付けられました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1040, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14323271811008453, 0.11595138907432556, 0.441552072763443, 0.4588242769241333 ] } }, { "reference": "ハイフンは通常、フレーズの数字と単語を結び付けるために使用されます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11604847759008408, 0.10176926106214523, 0.08025084435939789, 0.42235082387924194, 0.405590683221817, 0.4060594439506531 ] } }, { "reference": "ゲームの目的は、すべての敵陣勢を同化することです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1393754929304123, 0.1267080307006836, 0.4466148614883423, 0.4372731149196625 ] } }, { "reference": "茶色の犬が波打つ水の中にいる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12356895208358765, 0.4826178550720215 ] } }, { "reference": "自治体の公用語はフィンランド語とスウェーデン語です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1200338825583458, 0.11928381770849228, 0.4938276708126068, 0.4403824210166931 ] } }, { "reference": "そろそろ君たち愚か者どもが言ってもいい頃でしたよ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1285914033651352, 0.1327451765537262, 0.11517541855573654, 0.43385350704193115 ] } }, { "reference": "ボールのパスを受け取ることができます。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15955455601215363, 0.4463130831718445 ] } }, { "reference": "彼の兄もまた、世界レベルの水泳選手である。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13237614929676056, 0.1361435353755951, 0.4152713716030121 ] } }, { "reference": "私に何か要求することはありますか?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼す", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12928232550621033, 0.359788715839386 ] } }, { "reference": "心からお役に立てれば幸いです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16234005987644196, 0.43377625942230225 ] } }, { "reference": "メンバーは無料で、メンバーでない人は入場料を支払う。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10419738292694092, 0.10649118572473526, 0.45759090781211853 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はカジノのギャンブルで膨大なお金を失いました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1560472846031189, 0.11974526196718216, 0.10008241981267929, 0.4773448407649994 ] } }, { "reference": "自分自身のためにも、今夜彼女は成功させなければならない。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13193076848983765, 0.09960896521806717, 0.4430501163005829, 0.45426610112190247 ] } }, { "reference": "ここにサインしてくれれば、私が問題をすべて解決するよ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14013156294822693, 0.1505482941865921, 0.11243455111980438, 0.44250720739364624 ] } }, { "reference": "ゲームは肯定的なレビューを受けました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それをす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 900, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 920, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.17382708191871643, 0.15390843152999878, 0.08743036538362503, 0.4371161162853241 ] } }, { "reference": "あなたが皆のための役に立つことができることは、最高です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをます", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1040, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1060, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13255569338798523, 0.1366243213415146, 0.11021250486373901, 0.4407463073730469, 0.4634970724582672 ] } }, { "reference": "現在、スポンサーはメルセデスベンツ、そしてトニーアンドガイだ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1040, 1080, 1100, 7060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1060, 1100, 7040, 7240 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1276794821023941, 0.12217981368303299, 0.41908273100852966, 0.48333027958869934, 0.9999253749847412, 0.1182461678981781 ] } }, { "reference": "ブラックアダーは宣言する、全ての楽しみは悪人のものだ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12223368138074875, 0.12606358528137207, 0.4563429355621338 ] } }, { "reference": "知覚の唯一の対象は、外的な対象である。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13827963173389435, 0.14929558336734772, 0.10963637381792068, 0.42585134506225586 ] } }, { "reference": "私には法律が合っていると以前から思っています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1485222727060318, 0.11772958934307098, 0.1167355328798294, 0.48583516478538513 ] } }, { "reference": "彼らは、南アフリカ、エジプト、カメルーンとともにA群に分けられた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をまた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1142716035246849, 0.12418851256370544, 0.3997408151626587, 0.5535172820091248 ] } }, { "reference": "また、批判もあった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09784076362848282, 0.2584397494792938 ] } }, { "reference": "この時期の治安取り締まりの結果何千人もの一般市民が死にました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09787306189537048, 0.09246516227722168, 0.4364805519580841, 0.5080628991127014 ] } }, { "reference": "ホステスは現在、代表者として知られています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15455594658851624, 0.10539213567972183, 0.4797738492488861 ] } }, { "reference": "女の子がスノーボールを投げようとしています。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14651209115982056, 0.1184963658452034, 0.5683208703994751 ] } }, { "reference": "時々、郊外の地域では、近くのブリスベン川の大規模な洪水に苦しみました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をました", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1100, 1120, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07299318164587021, 0.10898620635271072, 0.4176112115383148, 0.4305282533168793, 0.4915529787540436 ] } }, { "reference": "ケインズによると、お金は最も流動的な資産です。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1308266520500183, 0.1493389904499054, 0.4469047784805298 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は、本当か嘘かは語りません。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.3256368339061737, 0.26118919253349304, 0.3594281077384949 ] } }, { "reference": "ターナー、印象主義、およびカラー・ホイール理論。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13396893441677094, 0.1177520751953125, 0.6032737493515015 ] } }, { "reference": "珍しいマシンガンも、ビッカース・ヒグソンでした。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1345045566558838, 0.12596599757671356, 0.11248224228620529, 0.48136261105537415 ] } }, { "reference": "なぜなら、最高の友人は彼しかいないから。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11868151277303696, 0.4239351451396942 ] } }, { "reference": "君を置いていけないよ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "る", "start_timestamps": [ 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1706690639257431 ] } }, { "reference": 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"greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1384580135345459, 0.463861882686615 ] } }, { "reference": "本名なんて、生きていくための記号に過ぎないよ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12324871122837067, 0.136629119515419, 0.4678671360015869 ] } }, { "reference": "ひとに慰められることなんて、めったにないけどね。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07404013723134995, 0.26110875606536865 ] } }, { "reference": "入学式から帰ると、私はランドセルを放り投げた。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08890943229198456, 0.3188425898551941 ] } }, { "reference": "なんか馬鹿らしくなっちゃった。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10659091919660568, 0.4522913098335266 ] } }, { "reference": "警察がお前のこと捜してるよ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10414286702871323, 0.43433576822280884 ] } }, { "reference": "何時に出てくの?", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "", "start_timestamps": null, "end_timestamps": null, "probabilities": null } }, { "reference": "ああ、わかってるさ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10772226005792618, 0.45115944743156433 ] } }, { "reference": "川に携帯電話を投げ捨てた。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11461798846721649, 0.43446266651153564 ] } }, { "reference": "俺がいるさ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "た", "start_timestamps": [ 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.17526283860206604 ] } }, { "reference": "あなたは何も悪くない。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.05315461382269859, 0.19597934186458588 ] } }, { "reference": "座れ、時間だぞ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10941284894943237, 0.457946240901947 ] } }, { "reference": "あしたからやる。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "", "start_timestamps": null, "end_timestamps": null, "probabilities": null } }, { "reference": "なんだ、その意味深長なせき払いは。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14990568161010742, 0.0963335782289505, 0.4596615433692932 ] } }, { "reference": "俺はな、おめえが心配だから言ってるんだ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11899960786104202, 0.08699304610490799, 0.501704216003418 ] } }, { "reference": "よっぽどの自信なんだなぁ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "る", "start_timestamps": [ 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16633282601833344 ] } }, { "reference": "なにか知ってたら教えてくれ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07654782384634018, 0.31440481543540955 ] } }, { "reference": "自覚はしていても、不誠実な人間だと言われると応える。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09920516610145569, 0.41669580340385437 ] } }, { "reference": "あなたに出会ってから、変わりたいって思えた。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼れた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08829491585493088, 0.12026812136173248, 0.3710585832595825 ] } }, { "reference": "クーラーつけすぎ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0888206958770752, 0.2501615285873413 ] } }, { "reference": "なぁ、わかってくれよ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07617442309856415 ] } }, { "reference": "つい叫んじまった。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0725952759385109 ] } }, { "reference": "画面から離れて楽しんでね。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07705607265233994, 0.21830420196056366 ] } }, { "reference": "待たせてわりい。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06891779601573944 ] } }, { "reference": "そうだったかなあ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "た", "start_timestamps": [ 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.20924417674541473 ] } }, { "reference": "何も言えねぇようにしてやる。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "た", "start_timestamps": [ 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.33481308817863464 ] } }, { "reference": "覚えてないなんて、都合のいい言葉だね。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07215345650911331, 0.23215214908123016 ] } }, { "reference": "あと五分! あと五分待って下さい!", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12531927227973938, 0.4713880121707916 ] } }, { "reference": "上司も相談に乗ってくれた。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14818285405635834, 0.2270071804523468 ] } }, { "reference": "よし、今日は帰れ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09107490628957748, 0.23567785322666168 ] } }, { "reference": "君が罪悪感を抱く必要はないよ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09826253354549408, 0.3651261627674103 ] } }, { "reference": "教師が駆け寄ってきた。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09000233560800552, 0.2868410646915436 ] } }, { "reference": "なんだよその言い方は。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09529095143079758, 0.42272937297821045 ] } }, { "reference": "事件は終わったわけではない。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06635995954275131, 0.24022428691387177 ] } }, { "reference": "俺は違うぞ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "", "start_timestamps": null, "end_timestamps": null, "probabilities": null } }, { "reference": "早く入って。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06155780330300331, 0.19776585698127747 ] } }, { "reference": "泊まってっちゃだめ?", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "", "start_timestamps": null, "end_timestamps": null, "probabilities": null } }, { "reference": "ところが、です。行ってみると居ないと言うじゃありませんか、そんな人。私があの時話していた人、誰だったんでしょう?", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をとした", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 980, 1000, 1080, 1120 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1020, 1100, 1140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.055291350930929184, 0.07131702452898026, 0.07066324353218079, 0.22040241956710815, 0.25234514474868774 ] } }, { "reference": "今のは冗談。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0600157305598259, 0.31076207756996155 ] } }, { "reference": "とても申し訳なく思っております。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13399454951286316, 0.5404870510101318 ] } }, { "reference": "彼岸花はきれいだな。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10550624132156372, 0.4614867568016052 ] } }, { "reference": "ポケットからあり得ない物が飛び出してきた。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13004370033740997, 0.5235978960990906 ] } }, { "reference": "ここじゃ馴染みのない客だね。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06309902667999268, 0.21684040129184723 ] } }, { "reference": "それって臆病って気がする。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14251120388507843, 0.45694294571876526 ] } }, { "reference": "黙って見てろってのか。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09595906734466553, 0.2776317298412323 ] } }, { "reference": "隣にいた友人が言った。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06879270076751709, 0.3438865840435028 ] } }, { "reference": "授業が始まるぞ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 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"end_timestamps": null, "probabilities": null } }, { "reference": "私はそれを恋だなんて思ってないけどね。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09458096325397491, 0.27890729904174805 ] } }, { "reference": "あの頃の初々しさはどこにいっちまったんだよ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1856236457824707, 0.11827065050601959, 0.29113495349884033 ] } }, { "reference": "気づくと、発信ボタンを押していた。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11027706414461136, 0.12844149768352509, 0.32127827405929565 ] } }, { "reference": "好きだよ、そういうところ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼る", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07159532606601715, 0.2139614373445511 ] } }, { "reference": "携帯電話が鳴った。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "た", "start_timestamps": [ 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.21145300567150116 ] } }, { "reference": "顔には何かあると書いてあるぞ?", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09288373589515686, 0.4426513910293579 ] } }, { "reference": "まだまだ寒さが残っていた。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.059015244245529175, 0.18620000779628754 ] } }, { "reference": "本当なんでしょうか?", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1020 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1040 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07195413112640381, 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"契約から半年目に差しかかり、別れを意識し始めました。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12005076557397842, 0.08653821796178818, 0.1106950044631958, 0.4630579650402069 ] } }, { "reference": "完全に狂っていた。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09244170784950256, 0.28730306029319763 ] } }, { "reference": "このタイミングでか。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07197612524032593, 0.21350973844528198 ] } }, { "reference": "せめてさっと拭いてから渡しとくれよ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.3150031864643097, 0.19187511503696442, 0.25114282965660095 ] } }, { "reference": "これからよろしく。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07273133844137192, 0.13454541563987732 ] } }, { "reference": "じゃ俺は、この人と同じで。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16993555426597595, 0.3289809823036194 ] } }, { "reference": "人ひとり立てれば充分だよ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06282311677932739, 0.207219660282135 ] } }, { "reference": "おい、みんなが見てるだろ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "た", "start_timestamps": [ 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.22729511559009552 ] } }, { "reference": "逃げることは不可能だった。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10435152798891068, 0.42763853073120117 ] } }, { "reference": "たぶん、それは本気で好きになったことがないんだよ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1539648175239563, 0.32113566994667053 ] } }, { "reference": "あなたから言い出すとは思いもしなかったよ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14637291431427002, 0.11092200875282288, 0.4928416907787323 ] } }, { "reference": "だから、ひとりで泣いていたんだ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08398687094449997, 0.30876442790031433 ] } 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"accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10531299561262131, 0.4172701835632324 ] } }, { "reference": "惜しいな。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "", "start_timestamps": null, "end_timestamps": null, "probabilities": null } }, { "reference": "心配したぞ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1020 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1040 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10527050495147705, 0.2143990844488144 ] } }, { "reference": "そろそろ切るぞ?", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08028455078601837, 0.29815852642059326 ] } }, { "reference": "隣にいる彼は大の友人だ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1020 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1040 ], "probabilities": [ 0.3307594358921051, 0.19882634282112122, 0.25800400972366333 ] } }, { "reference": "右手の裏路地に入った。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09621820598840714, 0.40778785943984985 ] } }, { "reference": "二人って、ちょっと寂しいよ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15320855379104614, 0.4393957853317261 ] } }, { "reference": "馬鹿でいいんだよ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06823915243148804 ] } }, { "reference": "あいさつは大事だよ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1024789810180664, 0.1721578687429428 ] } }, { "reference": "みじめな自分を、それでもいいって、認めてほしかった。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1427316963672638, 0.1311372071504593, 0.5281076431274414 ] } }, { "reference": "ぱっとリモコンを手に取った。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "る", "start_timestamps": [ 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2302766740322113 ] } }, { "reference": "目の前に友人と、担任がいた。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10330907255411148, 0.49663370847702026 ] } }, { "reference": "ノートパソコンのすき間に入っちゃった。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1166715919971466, 0.5386925935745239 ] } }, { "reference": "突き当たりを曲がると、一軒家がある。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.18464066088199615, 0.17081782221794128, 0.4469871520996094 ] } }, { "reference": "嘘だろ?", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "", "start_timestamps": null, "end_timestamps": null, "probabilities": null } }, { "reference": "もしや、手を抜いたな?", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06491998583078384, 0.2412271350622177 ] } }, { "reference": "君の創ったロボットが暴走し、これだけの犧牲が出ていると言うのに、君は何も感じないと言うのかね?", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しとある", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 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0.06201086938381195, 0.19350388646125793 ] } }, { "reference": "銀行員は印鑑なんて預かりません。あ、銀行印のことですか。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13422752916812897, 0.14594252407550812, 0.11854235827922821, 0.508842408657074 ] } }, { "reference": "感情に役に立つとか立たないとかあるの?", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2086740881204605, 0.14135785400867462, 0.2658001482486725 ] } }, { "reference": "今夜は二人で打ち上げだ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09125591814517975, 0.22412078082561493 ] } }, { "reference": "これはもう窃盗じゃないか。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0827280580997467, 0.2624798119068146 ] } }, { "reference": "僕もびっくりしたよ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "る", "start_timestamps": [ 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.17297138273715973 ] } }, { "reference": "なんでなんだよ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "", "start_timestamps": null, "end_timestamps": null, "probabilities": null } }, { "reference": "そりゃそうだろうな。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1000 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1020 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2152942717075348, 0.15281833708286285 ] } }, { "reference": "誰もいないうちに学校へ行った。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2842816412448883, 0.21828903257846832, 0.33753591775894165 ] } }, { "reference": "外は雨が降っていた。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15222065150737762, 0.3761456310749054 ] } }, { "reference": "崖っぷちに立たされている気持ちだった。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13648714125156403, 0.44527000188827515 ] } }, { "reference": "心配なんかしなくていいから。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12720312178134918, 0.45099663734436035 ] } }, { "reference": "こちらがお部屋の鍵になります。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1690354347229004, 0.1478237807750702, 0.3650132119655609 ] } }, { "reference": "野次馬が一気に押し掛けてきた。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13708637654781342, 0.5239505171775818 ] } }, { "reference": "お前と一緒に行けるよ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.067391537129879, 0.23144999146461487 ] } }, { "reference": "ため息をつくと、男子たちは散っていった。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12947487831115723, 0.5405495166778564 ] } }, { "reference": "遠目に若く見えれば充分じゃないか。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11085212975740433, 0.49985507130622864 ] } }, { "reference": "下から足音が聞こえ、部屋を飛び出した。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.20030498504638672, 0.1503555029630661, 0.43864333629608154 ] } }, { "reference": "私は自分の体などどうでもよかったのだ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16120515763759613, 0.12549108266830444, 0.10056965798139572, 0.4255382716655731 ] } }, { "reference": "私も今から行くから。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1342565417289734, 0.4311025142669678 ] } }, { "reference": "迎えに行ったら、あの人よれっとした長ズボン履いてて。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10927488654851913, 0.479995995759964 ] } }, { "reference": "わたしの弱さゆえに、あなたを傷つけてしまった。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14205749332904816, 0.46973082423210144 ] } }, { "reference": "相手のこと思い出しちゃって、次の日の同じ時間も出かけてた。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11619317531585693, 0.12627637386322021, 0.409661203622818 ] } }, { "reference": "お前のために言ってんだよ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07793118804693222, 0.24208809435367584 ] } }, { "reference": "私はなぜか答えられなかった。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.18389981985092163, 0.46679580211639404 ] } }, { "reference": "私は断然、豆乳派だね。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15579324960708618, 0.2534443140029907 ] } }, { "reference": "店には打ち上げって言ってるんだぞ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16331908106803894, 0.2625911235809326 ] } }, { "reference": "こいつ、のど渇いてんのか、ごくごく飲んでるね。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.24850994348526, 0.16723673045635223, 0.27041172981262207 ] } }, { "reference": "最初っから、そのつもりだったんでしょ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16244736313819885, 0.33776018023490906 ] } }, { "reference": "はいはい、分かったから。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11520063877105713, 0.27587658166885376 ] } }, { "reference": "つるつるとしたアイボリーのソファーに、腰を下ろした。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14027880132198334, 0.13568668067455292, 0.08323471993207932, 0.4620693624019623 ] } }, { "reference": "カキン、カキンと金属音がする。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1533682495355606, 0.16719280183315277, 0.39364463090896606 ] } }, { "reference": "翌日、翌週、翌月、欲ばかりが増えてくよ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13324502110481262, 0.134605273604393, 0.5144938230514526 ] } }, { "reference": "隊員みたいな人が数人、家の前に立っていた。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1178044006228447, 0.11895611137151718, 0.09220074117183685, 0.44701746106147766 ] } }, { "reference": "たき火で遊んじゃだめだよ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10874544829130173, 0.24106749892234802 ] } }, { "reference": "今日はホテルに泊まろう。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07691071182489395, 0.2034320831298828 ] } }, { "reference": "もう寝ましょ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "", "start_timestamps": null, "end_timestamps": null, "probabilities": null } }, { "reference": "小説を読みふけるのも、書く訓練のひとつだよ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.19723057746887207, 0.14688736200332642, 0.3929807245731354 ] } }, { "reference": "二人は、たけーな、と言った。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼る", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08428216725587845, 0.2283695489168167 ] } }, { "reference": "本当はうれしかったんだ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.22507405281066895, 0.3647520840167999 ] } }, { "reference": "しかし、彼は耐え切っていた。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.3228991627693176, 0.24417255818843842, 0.3176399767398834 ] } }, { "reference": "どうなってもよかった。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07102394104003906 ] } }, { "reference": "お前らより、俺の方が相当強いんだ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.17359066009521484, 0.1505613923072815, 0.08434437215328217, 0.48334550857543945 ] } }, { "reference": "親は知ってるのか?", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10454390197992325, 0.3572708070278168 ] } }, { "reference": "さっき何かあった?", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "", "start_timestamps": null, "end_timestamps": null, "probabilities": null } }, { "reference": "リサイクルにだってエネルギーを消費するんだよ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1493549346923828, 0.12229130417108536, 0.28405165672302246 ] } }, { "reference": "君は帰っていい。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1020 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1040 ], "probabilities": [ 0.078266441822052, 0.15760093927383423 ] } }, { "reference": "変な意地を張って生きていた。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08898106962442398, 0.4069003462791443 ] } }, { "reference": "俺も協力してやるから。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2146739512681961, 0.36622342467308044 ] } }, { "reference": "あそこのレストランは、オムライスが好き。子供の頃から変わらないんだよ!", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12528324127197266, 0.11821350455284119, 0.4553678631782532 ] } }, { "reference": "二人だけじゃ、打ち上げしてるみたいに見えないよ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1766558736562729, 0.14145512878894806, 0.3807832598686218 ] } }, { "reference": "ニンジン、玉ネギ、ジャガイモ、牛肉……あと、なに入れたい?", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09110119193792343, 0.4286959767341614 ] } }, { "reference": "何でもできるぜ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "", "start_timestamps": null, "end_timestamps": null, "probabilities": null } }, { "reference": "黙らんと、退学させると言っただろ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1482207030057907, 0.5234119296073914 ] } }, { "reference": "前やってたあのゲーム進んだか?", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13637451827526093, 0.4709438979625702 ] } }, { "reference": "来てくれたようだな。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09279340505599976, 0.15720431506633759 ] } }, { "reference": "私には、君しか友人がいないんだ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.22357673943042755, 0.14749647676944733, 0.25874781608581543 ] } }, { "reference": "あいつらの言うことなんか、気にしなくて良いから。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0975850522518158, 0.2502117156982422 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女は、なかなか見つからなかった。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1412617266178131, 0.4264484941959381 ] } }, { "reference": "いつ会えんの?", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "", "start_timestamps": null, "end_timestamps": null, "probabilities": null } }, { "reference": "でっかいでっかい、ピンクの肉厚なエビ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07089362293481827, 0.3291933834552765 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は、実家のお墓に埋葬された。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08401274681091309, 0.3622466027736664 ] } }, { "reference": "んーどうしよ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "", "start_timestamps": null, "end_timestamps": null, "probabilities": null } }, { "reference": "その日はあいにくの雨だった。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10868801921606064, 0.38640454411506653 ] } }, { "reference": "彼の脈打つ胸に、私は穴をあけた。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09653536975383759, 0.32372596859931946 ] } }, { "reference": "うん、とうなずいた。", 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"start_timestamps": null, "end_timestamps": null, "probabilities": null } }, { "reference": "さすがに黙ってなかったよ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12791785597801208, 0.3710819482803345 ] } }, { "reference": "ガラガラ、という音が響き渡った。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15136684477329254, 0.573297381401062 ] } }, { "reference": "ちょっと外に出てくれないか。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.05512138083577156, 0.19918055832386017 ] } }, { "reference": "友達として話してくれないか。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09378226846456528, 0.236923947930336 ] } }, { "reference": "なんて不用心なんだ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10480066388845444, 0.42398005723953247 ] } }, { "reference": "彼との会話は心地よかった。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16092664003372192, 0.5393903255462646 ] } }, { "reference": "何を言っているんだ?", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06570939719676971, 0.22109085321426392 ] } }, { "reference": "皆は厚着をしていた。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼る", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08614785969257355, 0.14839942753314972 ] } }, { "reference": "一番の友達は俺だろ?", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.18638388812541962, 0.2243024706840515 ] } }, { "reference": "目が覚めると病院だった。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09468896687030792, 0.1653926819562912 ] } }, { "reference": "変なことを言うんじゃない。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06973116844892502, 0.31298187375068665 ] } }, { "reference": "これからどうすればいいのか。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06953421980142593, 0.2159283459186554 ] } }, { "reference": "一斉にいやな視線が降りかかって来た。", 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20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1145949512720108, 0.43155622482299805 ] } }, { "reference": "どうもこうもない。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼る", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.048995815217494965, 0.13295359909534454 ] } }, { "reference": "そっと階段をのぼった。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0637032687664032, 0.2597237229347229 ] } }, { "reference": "ごゆっくりどうぞ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "", "start_timestamps": null, "end_timestamps": null, "probabilities": null } }, { "reference": "恋の到達点ってなんだと思う?", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0730632096529007, 0.23344525694847107 ] } }, { "reference": "私が慰めるなんて、柄にもないでしょ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12478222697973251, 0.47262606024742126 ] } }, { "reference": "きのうの、ちょっと投げやりだったね。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14958059787750244, 0.30976733565330505 ] } }, { "reference": "そんなこと未練がましく繰り返してさ。", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それをた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.17500892281532288, 0.14291322231292725, 0.09617530554533005, 0.4362257421016693 ] } }, { "reference": "俺たちは同志、友達だろ?", "gender": "", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1138780266046524, 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"end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09906783699989319, 0.3411691188812256 ] } }, { "reference": "私はいつだってあなたに頼ってきた。でも、それももう終わり。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.17254121601581573, 0.10332976281642914, 0.41322484612464905 ] } }, { "reference": "あの時は、すまなかったな。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07802487909793854, 0.21580243110656738 ] } }, { "reference": "誰にも自分の心の中を知られたくなかった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1390279233455658, 0.48374825716018677 ] } }, { "reference": "あたしエビ大好きなんだ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07368502765893936, 0.3077566623687744 ] } }, { "reference": "そういやママに預かってもらってたんだった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10324684530496597, 0.4402904808521271 ] } }, { "reference": "母を心配させたくない。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09501674771308899, 0.38862448930740356 ] } }, { "reference": "これからは、手も出さないようにします。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16236285865306854, 0.11257628351449966, 0.4722614288330078 ] } }, { "reference": "説明書がないと半額って、下げ過ぎじゃない?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14364515244960785, 0.33155256509780884 ] } }, { "reference": "学校に行く支度を始めた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10881981998682022, 0.43741917610168457 ] } }, { "reference": "このサハラというのが本名にしろ、砂漠にしろ、たいして興味はない。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10140865296125412, 0.08822264522314072, 0.3214039206504822 ] } }, { "reference": "俺はここらへんだから。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼る", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07675221562385559, 0.17500397562980652 ] } }, { "reference": "明日もすぐ終わるからね。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そい", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1020 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1040 ], "probabilities": [ 0.21846981346607208, 0.1907763034105301 ] } }, { "reference": "こんなところで、恥ずかしいじゃないか。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12713968753814697, 0.14170819520950317, 0.4495963454246521 ] } }, { "reference": "冬休みの学校は、閑散としていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09592760354280472, 0.35601580142974854 ] } }, { "reference": "あの人とは、ビジネスライクな関係ってやつ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.149115189909935, 0.4403327703475952 ] } }, { "reference": "皆さん聞いてください。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1128077581524849, 0.38495534658432007 ] } }, { "reference": "電話からは、ノイズしか聞こえなかった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11216133087873459, 0.4969499707221985 ] } }, { "reference": "みんな言葉を失っていた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08015641570091248, 0.3069051206111908 ] } }, { "reference": "人をいじめるのはやめろ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1020 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1040 ], "probabilities": [ 0.22965072095394135, 0.19801312685012817, 0.1735290288925171 ] } }, { "reference": "帰ってからも、恐怖は続いた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11221703141927719, 0.4129652976989746 ] } }, { "reference": "今日はね、いちにちじゅう破れ去った恋について考えてたよ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12000434100627899, 0.1237880066037178, 0.3950478136539459 ] } }, { "reference": "この家は母が大黒柱だった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11688707023859024, 0.4182799160480499 ] } }, { "reference": "気にしなくていいよ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "", "start_timestamps": null, "end_timestamps": null, "probabilities": null } }, { "reference": "ほら、保存料たっぷりの弁当だよ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10803069174289703, 0.4500106871128082 ] } }, { "reference": "泣いてばかりの日々はもういやだ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07894496619701385, 0.2845204174518585 ] } }, { "reference": "この神聖な領域を、低俗な文句で埋めるのは止めて頂けますか?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 960, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 980, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09692201018333435, 0.10592225939035416, 0.41350969672203064 ] } }, { "reference": "お前に死なれたら、こいつらはどうなるんだ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0867808610200882, 0.24754205346107483 ] } }, { "reference": "お父さんは箔が付くからって言うけど、あたしとしちゃどうだっていいね。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12575066089630127, 0.34697821736335754 ] } }, { "reference": "あれをなんだと思ってる?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06710207462310791, 0.24688929319381714 ] } }, { "reference": "彼女のような友人を持って本当によかった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1451820582151413, 0.3478010892868042 ] } }, { "reference": "私が担任だからね。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20 ], "probabilities": [ 0.060442570596933365 ] } }, { "reference": "テレビで放送された以上、一歩も動けない。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1443319320678711, 0.14178426563739777, 0.3321838676929474 ] } }, { "reference": "ごく普通のレストランに行った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07775988429784775, 0.2563179135322571 ] } }, { "reference": "今日は早く寝ないと。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こ", "start_timestamps": [ 0 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20 ], "probabilities": [ 0.053839441388845444 ] } }, { "reference": "かためのパイ生地でどうだろ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08146317303180695, 0.28470343351364136 ] } }, { "reference": "けれど、素直になれなかった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10790392011404037, 0.33787378668785095 ] } }, { "reference": "いつもありがとう。手紙、送ったよ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11560480296611786, 0.2259262502193451 ] } }, { "reference": "お礼を何度も言いながらドアを閉めた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.18244345486164093, 0.16971388459205627, 0.4517827033996582 ] } }, { "reference": "皆が登校していた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.05690509080886841, 0.2608385682106018 ] } }, { "reference": "歳はひと回りくらい離れてたかな。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.29720625281333923, 0.14458930492401123, 0.2734393775463104 ] } }, { "reference": "目が覚めたら十一時だし、着替えしてたら荷物が来るし、昨日は洗い物やってなかったしで……もう、滅茶苦茶。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しのとでしる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1040, 1060, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1000, 1060, 1080, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08859964460134506, 0.06440373510122299, 0.06316108256578445, 0.1056206002831459, 0.13846179842948914, 0.1752297729253769 ] } }, { "reference": "これからどうするんだ?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07020972669124603, 0.22999604046344757 ] } }, { "reference": "これで下校とする。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼る", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1020 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1040 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0674481987953186, 0.16200169920921326 ] } }, { "reference": "相談しなくていいの?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06241259351372719 ] } }, { "reference": "誰だって付き合った当初は新鮮でしょ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.16702623665332794, 0.2922680974006653 ] } }, { "reference": "言いたいことはそれだけです。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15538173913955688, 0.4840940833091736 ] } }, { "reference": "そこには、あの生徒がいた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11491542309522629, 0.4202035665512085 ] } }, { "reference": "夜、ベッドで考え込んでいた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "た", "start_timestamps": [ 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2699861228466034 ] } }, { "reference": "最寄駅で降ろしてくださる?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11132415384054184, 0.5208837985992432 ] } }, { "reference": "金を出せ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06665333360433578 ] } }, { "reference": "その日、彼の家を訪れた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08188438415527344, 0.2889903783798218 ] } }, { "reference": "彼は周りの人を数え始めた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1066366657614708, 0.4429149031639099 ] } }, { "reference": "私は、その場で泣いた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09894577413797379, 0.42266327142715454 ] } }, { "reference": "はい、分かりました。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "", "start_timestamps": null, "end_timestamps": null, "probabilities": null } }, { "reference": "銃を下ろせ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "た", "start_timestamps": [ 1020 ], "end_timestamps": [ 1040 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1911056935787201 ] } }, { "reference": "私はひるまなかった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09248549491167068, 0.2559998035430908 ] } }, { "reference": "がっかりしながら店を出た。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09351561218500137, 0.41303354501724243 ] } }, { "reference": "何も怖くなかった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0860685184597969, 0.3892304599285126 ] } }, { "reference": "いいえ、ときっぱり答えた。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06788480281829834, 0.36567339301109314 ] } }, { "reference": "敷かれた道を歩いたっていい。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1020 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1040 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2995041608810425, 0.2049623429775238 ] } }, { "reference": "俺んちにでもよってけ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼", "start_timestamps": [ 0 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0616128109395504 ] } }, { "reference": "挨拶をすると、一斉に帰って行った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2534341514110565, 0.38765162229537964 ] } }, { "reference": "彼もかなりの勉強好きだった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10364147275686264, 0.4931405186653137 ] } }, { "reference": "早めに行ったほうが良いかな?", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09675505757331848, 0.3784037232398987 ] } }, { "reference": "私は叫び、全速力で走った。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14725953340530396, 0.10699288547039032, 0.5079617500305176 ] } }, { "reference": "計画は、絶対にやり遂げてみせる。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11952584981918335, 0.5051080584526062 ] } }, { "reference": "その失恋が薬となるか毒となるか。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2497299313545227, 0.1853887438774109, 0.45863422751426697 ] } }, { "reference": "細々とだが開発は続いている", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { 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"end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08409109711647034, 0.33067622780799866 ] } }, { "reference": "監督が原作あんまり好きじゃないと公言してプロデューサーも逃げ出す", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 940, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1051047220826149, 0.08786078542470932, 0.4708460867404938 ] } }, { "reference": "開発版は毎日アップデート", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09506787359714508, 0.3053235709667206 ] } }, { "reference": "何もできないよ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "た", "start_timestamps": [ 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2425098866224289 ] } }, { "reference": "みんな、許してくれ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10281401872634888, 0.4647035300731659 ] } }, { "reference": "パンパンのゴミ袋を縛ろうとしたら破けて大惨事", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 940, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09949427843093872, 0.09943876415491104, 0.3698292076587677 ] } }, { "reference": "いくつになっても完食", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12848666310310364, 0.3673584759235382 ] } }, { "reference": "どんなに良いハードがあってもソフトがそろわないと意味がない", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.107588991522789, 0.25999554991722107 ] } }, { "reference": "入場曲のイントロが長すぎて、歌い出す前にリングイン", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { 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[ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.19679802656173706, 0.2555713653564453 ] } }, { "reference": "わずかなケースを持ちだして全体の印象を植え付けようとする", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10588980466127396, 0.12027467042207718, 0.42565613985061646 ] } }, { "reference": "たまにメロンパンを食べたくなります", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10868652909994125, 0.4059971272945404 ] } }, { "reference": "中身が壊れてなければ文句は言わないよ", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1189056858420372, 0.14946426451206207, 0.40061014890670776 ] } }, { "reference": "好きなものを食べまくって、もたれて嫌いになる", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { 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"end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06644054502248764, 0.20114976167678833 ] } }, { "reference": "炎上してるけど理由がさっぱりわからない", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08278729766607285, 0.26194003224372864 ] } }, { "reference": "都心のスーパーだけど言うほど高くない", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.17571507394313812, 0.2537033259868622 ] } }, { "reference": "さすが国産、なかなか壊れない", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そい", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.23625268042087555, 0.24523364007472992 ] } }, { "reference": "並みのキーパーでは太刀打ちできない", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0874968022108078, 0.22465156018733978 ] } }, { "reference": "こんな小さい車でバリケードにつっこむのか", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14125590026378632, 0.2997501492500305 ] } }, { "reference": "リサイクルショップなのに価格が新品とあまり変わらない", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08760061115026474, 0.2805789113044739 ] } }, { "reference": "もはやギャグになってしまい、つっこむ気にもならない", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そい", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2987004220485687, 0.2640068233013153 ] } }, { "reference": "これに関して言うなら、たった一つだけ。もう関わるな、そういう事さ。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼をた", 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"end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.23790569603443146, 0.301455557346344 ] } }, { "reference": "わずかな段差にけつまずいて恥ずかしい", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼た", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1468881219625473, 0.435786634683609 ] } }, { "reference": "ラップが下手すぎて滑舌悪い人みたいになってる", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0640948936343193, 0.26684537529945374 ] } }, { "reference": "照明を明るいものに変更してから客が増えた", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12458807975053787, 0.11444324254989624, 0.2703186571598053 ] } }, { "reference": "行為的直観的に今日の物理学的知識が把握せられるのである。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": 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"end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15689511597156525, 0.27111226320266724 ] } }, { "reference": "そこに個人の主観的な自由は否定されて、", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13373549282550812, 0.27701443433761597 ] } }, { "reference": "特殊的なものは科学を進歩させる力となっている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14656540751457214, 0.3185558021068573 ] } }, { "reference": "冷蔵庫の開け閉めは手短にすます", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11429066210985184, 0.33529576659202576 ] } }, { "reference": "常識はその理由を問うことなく、自明のものとして通用する。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 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"probabilities": [ 0.08960654586553574, 0.2234829068183899 ] } }, { "reference": "運が悪かったと思って割りきろう", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07845702022314072, 0.20046550035476685 ] } }, { "reference": "我々は個人的自己として、すべて直観的なるものを棄てて、合理的となると考える。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しれである", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1020, 1060, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1040, 1080, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11023857444524765, 0.0696641355752945, 0.19940774142742157, 0.33476507663726807, 0.37178486585617065 ] } }, { "reference": "もちろん、純粋に客観的な立場においては評価はなく、物の意味も理解されないであろう。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しである", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1020, 1060, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1040, 1080, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11495056003332138, 0.17321644723415375, 0.314514696598053, 0.36937856674194336 ] } }, { "reference": "第三に科学は価値の問題について中立的である。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1681590974330902, 0.12149114906787872, 0.30268990993499756 ] } }, { "reference": "具体的論理というものがあるのである。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そい", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09064429253339767, 0.2340632826089859 ] } }, { "reference": "羊かんを丸かじりで食べる", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "こい", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.0815526470541954, 0.19982090592384338 ] } }, { "reference": "あそこはゴミ捨てるとこ", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼る", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08725686371326447, 0.16256879270076752 ] } }, { "reference": "絶対矛盾的自己同一の世界においては、自己同一は", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのるし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080, 1100, 6380 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100, 6360, 7560 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10184124857187271, 0.11772200465202332, 0.30434292554855347, 0.9998753666877747, 0.19566653668880463 ] } }, { "reference": "しかし科学は直接に物を作るのでなく、物を作るのは技術である。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しある", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15271712839603424, 0.23046603798866272, 0.32010987401008606 ] } }, { "reference": "かけそばじゃ満腹にならない", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そい", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2490302473306656, 0.22874443233013153 ] } }, { "reference": "かかる意味において、文化的過程は倫理的でなければならない。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それある", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.177473783493042, 0.11212168633937836, 0.3616885542869568, 0.326382040977478 ] } }, { "reference": "ベルグソンのいわゆる閉じた社会であって、人類というが如き開いた社会ではない。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのあるし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060, 1080, 1100, 7920 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080, 1100, 7900, 9180 ], "probabilities": [ 0.08335454016923904, 0.08532702177762985, 0.28595206141471863, 0.36590203642845154, 0.9975722432136536, 0.1955658197402954 ] } }, { "reference": "第二に常識は閉じた社会と結び付いた知識であった。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.10540668666362762, 0.09684296697378159, 0.2582699656486511 ] } }, { "reference": "しかしそれは抽象的合理論者の考える如く、歴史的過去が否定せられるとか、", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しれであるし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1000, 1040, 1080, 1100, 8580 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1020, 1060, 1100, 8560, 9180 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1575145423412323, 0.07066968083381653, 0.14259742200374603, 0.16993534564971924, 0.3068487048149109, 0.9970647692680359, 0.17446742951869965 ] } }, { "reference": "常識はそれ自身の効用をもっている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.326508492231369, 0.208278626203537, 0.2796536087989807 ] } }, { "reference": "我々は矛盾的自己同一的世界の形成要素として、そこにどこまでも論理的でなければならない。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しとであ", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 900, 1000, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 960, 1020, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13505969941616058, 0.06497455388307571, 0.09542392194271088, 0.14404542744159698 ] } }, { "reference": "逃げ道がないのに逃走犯は余裕の表情だった", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1392081379890442, 0.29164114594459534 ] } }, { "reference": "困っている人は放っておけない性格", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.3107888996601105, 0.19252760708332062, 0.2361541986465454 ] } }, { "reference": "同じ内容の知識でも常識と科学とでは在り方が違っている。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そある", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14824123680591583, 0.37309059500694275, 0.41530361771583557 ] } }, { "reference": "待ちに待った新作ゲームの予約がすでに終了している", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのるし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060, 1080, 5840 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080, 5820, 7600 ], "probabilities": [ 0.17281675338745117, 0.13375835120677948, 0.36335673928260803, 0.9998772740364075, 0.18655338883399963 ] } }, { "reference": "原始社会においての如く、我々はいつも絶対矛盾的自己同一に対しているのである。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しのとである", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1020, 1060, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1040, 1080, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11204790323972702, 0.07160196453332901, 0.0785406231880188, 0.16097088158130646, 0.2014070451259613, 0.2867705225944519 ] } }, { "reference": "画面が広告だらけで見にくくてしょうがない", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2401055246591568, 0.32625898718833923 ] } }, { "reference": "実際に落とし穴に落ちる人なんてそうそういない", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.17720212042331696, 0.1101594790816307, 0.3286338448524475 ] } }, { "reference": "矛盾的自己同一的現在として、世界が自己自身を形成するという時、", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをとましす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 960, 1060, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 980, 1080, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.06925316900014877, 0.09917512536048889, 0.06414621323347092, 0.06795931607484818, 0.25834864377975464, 0.28542619943618774, 0.21898697316646576 ] } }, { "reference": "いくら食べても飽きがこない", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.13091786205768585, 0.1880996972322464, 0.3860016167163849 ] } }, { "reference": "科学は思惟の技術を必要とするのみでなく、更にすぐれた意味において技術的である。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しのとでしる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 960, 1040, 1080, 1100 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1000, 1060, 1100, 1120 ], "probabilities": [ 0.07365156710147858, 0.06538425385951996, 0.06376089155673981, 0.12120863050222397, 0.2441515028476715, 0.16649918258190155 ] } }, { "reference": "主体が歴史的種として世界的生産的となるということは、主体がなくなるということではない。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しとでしる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 920, 1020, 1040, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1000, 1040, 1060, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11148764938116074, 0.05699978768825531, 0.0811338946223259, 0.1022062748670578, 0.14191748201847076 ] } }, { "reference": "少し青みがかった画面が気になる", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.33560729026794434, 0.18051572144031525, 0.23754650354385376 ] } }, { "reference": "彼はひたすらあいまいに返事するばかりだった", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.21115364134311676, 0.16026990115642548, 0.3178570866584778 ] } }, { "reference": "話しかけられながらやってたら失敗した", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.21762289106845856, 0.1520875245332718, 0.34009331464767456 ] } }, { "reference": "なぜここまで自信あるのかわからない", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.3332103192806244, 0.21088014543056488, 0.25124391913414 ] } }, { "reference": "如何なる立場から如何にということは、", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.3084036409854889, 0.20035910606384277, 0.23894003033638 ] } }, { "reference": "オープンワールドは楽しいけど疲れる", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1060 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1080 ], "probabilities": [ 0.2465549111366272, 0.15101198852062225, 0.2201545536518097 ] } }, { "reference": "社員全員の聞き取り調査を行い全容を明らかにする", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そのたし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1080, 1100, 6620 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1100, 6600, 8140 ], "probabilities": [ 0.12590721249580383, 0.11801126599311829, 0.2958640158176422, 0.999537467956543, 0.1703689694404602 ] } }, { "reference": "種が固定するといっても、いつもある範囲内では動揺的である。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それあるし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1040, 1060, 1080, 7200 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1060, 1080, 7180, 8240 ], "probabilities": [ 0.14676964282989502, 0.09964156150817871, 0.3805197477340698, 0.44113367795944214, 0.9992209672927856, 0.2046351432800293 ] } }, { "reference": "何もかも馬鹿馬鹿しい", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "そた", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 1040 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 1060 ], "probabilities": [ 0.1384737342596054, 0.20020648837089539 ] } }, { "reference": "関係ない話がひたすら続いてみんな飽き飽きしていた", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "彼のをす", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 960, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11783852428197861, 0.13123156130313873, 0.10192788392305374, 0.42604124546051025 ] } }, { "reference": "知性は人間の行為のより高い形式を可能にするのである。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "それあるし", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 1020, 1060, 1080, 6620 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 1040, 1080, 6600, 8240 ], "probabilities": [ 0.15057231485843658, 0.11306974291801453, 0.3339870572090149, 0.37701496481895447, 0.9994690418243408, 0.25241801142692566 ] } }, { "reference": "持っている知識が矛盾に陥ることによって否定され、全く知っていないといわれるような関係にあるのである。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しれとである", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1020, 1060, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1040, 1080, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.11632513999938965, 0.06032297760248184, 0.06504319608211517, 0.11070608347654343, 0.17976567149162292, 0.2594788074493408 ] } }, { "reference": "余りに常識的であることは良識に反し、また余りに良識的であることは常識に反する。", "gender": "male", "accent": "", "greedy_transcription": { "transcription": "しのとでしる", "start_timestamps": [ 0, 20, 940, 1020, 1060, 1080 ], "end_timestamps": [ 20, 40, 980, 1040, 1080, 1100 ], "probabilities": [ 0.09425213187932968, 0.06998800486326218, 0.06126907095313072, 0.08974578976631165, 0.11744306981563568, 0.14146722853183746 ] } } ]