#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ JoyCaption Alpha Two This module provides functionality for generating captions for images using a combination of CLIP, LLM, and custom image adapters. It supports various caption types, tones, and lengths. The main components include: - Loading and initializing models (CLIP, LLM, image adapter) - Processing images and generating captions - Command-line interface for batch processing images in a directory """ import os import argparse import re import random import math from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Tuple, Dict from PIL import Image import pillow_jxl import torch import torchvision.transforms.functional as TVF from transformers import ( AutoModel, AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM, PreTrainedTokenizer, PreTrainedTokenizerFast, ) from torch import nn from e6db_reader import TagSetNormalizer, tag_category2id, tag_rank_to_freq import logging CLIP_PATH = "google/siglip-so400m-patch14-384" MODEL_PATH = "meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B" CHECKPOINT_PATH = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "cgrkzexw-599808" CAPTION_TYPE_MAP = { "descriptive": [ "Write a descriptive caption for this image in a formal tone.", "Write a descriptive caption for this image in a formal tone within {word_count} words.", "Write a {length} descriptive caption for this image in a formal tone.", ], "descriptive (informal)": [ "Write a descriptive caption for this image in a casual tone.", "Write a descriptive caption for this image in a casual tone within {word_count} words.", "Write a {length} descriptive caption for this image in a casual tone.", ], "training prompt": [ "Write a stable diffusion prompt for this image.", "Write a stable diffusion prompt for this image within {word_count} words.", "Write a {length} stable diffusion prompt for this image.", ], "midjourney": [ "Write a MidJourney prompt for this image.", "Write a MidJourney prompt for this image within {word_count} words.", "Write a {length} MidJourney prompt for this image.", ], "booru tag list": [ "Write a list of Booru tags for this image.", "Write a list of Booru tags for this image within {word_count} words.", "Write a {length} list of Booru tags for this image.", ], "booru-like tag list": [ "Write a list of Booru-like tags for this image.", "Write a list of Booru-like tags for this image within {word_count} words.", "Write a {length} list of Booru-like tags for this image.", ], "art critic": [ "Analyze this image like an art critic would with information about its composition, style, symbolism, the use of color, light, any artistic movement it might belong to, etc.", "Analyze this image like an art critic would with information about its composition, style, symbolism, the use of color, light, any artistic movement it might belong to, etc. Keep it within {word_count} words.", "Analyze this image like an art critic would with information about its composition, style, symbolism, the use of color, light, any artistic movement it might belong to, etc. Keep it {length}.", ], "product listing": [ "Write a caption for this image as though it were a product listing.", "Write a caption for this image as though it were a product listing. Keep it under {word_count} words.", "Write a {length} caption for this image as though it were a product listing.", ], "social media post": [ "Write a caption for this image as if it were being used for a social media post.", "Write a caption for this image as if it were being used for a social media post. Limit the caption to {word_count} words.", "Write a {length} caption for this image as if it were being used for a social media post.", ], } HF_TOKEN = os.environ.get("HF_TOKEN", None) class ImageAdapter(nn.Module): """ Custom image adapter module for processing CLIP vision outputs. This module adapts the output of a CLIP vision model to be compatible with a text model. It supports optional layer normalization, positional embeddings, and deep feature extraction. Args: input_features (int): Number of input features from the vision model. output_features (int): Number of output features to match the text model. ln1 (bool): Whether to use layer normalization. pos_emb (bool): Whether to use positional embeddings. num_image_tokens (int): Number of image tokens. deep_extract (bool): Whether to use deep feature extraction. """ def __init__( self, input_features: int, output_features: int, ln1: bool, pos_emb: bool, num_image_tokens: int, deep_extract: bool, ): super().__init__() self.deep_extract = deep_extract if self.deep_extract: input_features = input_features * 5 self.linear1 = nn.Linear(input_features, output_features) self.activation = nn.GELU() self.linear2 = nn.Linear(output_features, output_features) self.ln1 = nn.Identity() if not ln1 else nn.LayerNorm(input_features) self.pos_emb = ( None if not pos_emb else nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(num_image_tokens, input_features)) ) self.other_tokens = nn.Embedding(3, output_features) self.other_tokens.weight.data.normal_(mean=0.0, std=0.02) def forward(self, vision_outputs: torch.Tensor): """ Forward pass of the image adapter. Args: vision_outputs (torch.Tensor): Output tensor from the CLIP vision model. Returns: torch.Tensor: Adapted image features. """ if self.deep_extract: x = torch.concat( ( vision_outputs[-2], vision_outputs[3], vision_outputs[7], vision_outputs[13], vision_outputs[20], ), dim=-1, ) assert len(x.shape) == 3, f"Expected 3, got {len(x.shape)}" expected_shape = vision_outputs[-2].shape[-1] * 5 assert ( x.shape[-1] == expected_shape ), f"Expected {expected_shape}, got {x.shape[-1]}" else: x = vision_outputs[-2] x = self.ln1(x) if self.pos_emb is not None: assert ( x.shape[-2:] == self.pos_emb.shape ), f"Expected {self.pos_emb.shape}, got {x.shape[-2:]}" x = x + self.pos_emb x = self.linear1(x) x = self.activation(x) x = self.linear2(x) other_tokens = self.other_tokens( torch.tensor([0, 1], device=self.other_tokens.weight.device).expand( x.shape[0], -1 ) ) assert other_tokens.shape == ( x.shape[0], 2, x.shape[2], ), f"Expected {(x.shape[0], 2, x.shape[2])}, got {other_tokens.shape}" x = torch.cat((other_tokens[:, 0:1], x, other_tokens[:, 1:2]), dim=1) return x def get_eot_embedding(self): """ Get the end-of-text embedding. Returns: torch.Tensor: The end-of-text embedding. """ return self.other_tokens( torch.tensor([2], device=self.other_tokens.weight.device) ).squeeze(0) STOP_WORDS: set[str] = set( "i'll if we'd can't you'd shouldn't i'd only doesn't further isn't didn't has more aren't during do than were he's too here you against could few for ought won't we until weren't i've they're same up she but are how here's their over can under mustn't while on by had and an each he'd he about she'd am was she'll where's did out or that's it they'd a let's shall what's the to don't when below no any some from is hadn't all they i'm must in before who's own where you've that very them this not because it's shan't wasn't you'll when's most off i at other hasn't nor been such again we'll down above will so should into she's once have these why's be we've as being why those then with after may you're would haven't both wouldn't there cannot they've couldn't how's between does we're through he'll of there's they'll might".split( " " ) ) class JoyCaptionModel: """ A class for generating captions for images using CLIP, LLM, and custom image adapters. This class encapsulates the functionality to load and initialize various models (CLIP, LLM, image adapter) and use them to process images and generate captions. It supports different caption types, tones, and lengths. Attributes: clip_model: The CLIP vision model for processing images. text_model: The language model for generating captions. image_adapter: Custom adapter for processing CLIP vision outputs. tokenizer: Tokenizer for the language model. Methods: load_models(): Load and initialize all required models. process_image(input_image, caption_type, caption_length): Process an input image and generate a caption based on specified parameters. """ def __init__(self): self.clip_model = None self.text_model = None self.image_adapter = None self.tokenizer = None def load_models(self): """ Load and initialize all required models (CLIP, LLM, image adapter). """ logging.info("Loading CLIP") self.clip_model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(CLIP_PATH) self.clip_model = self.clip_model.vision_model if (CHECKPOINT_PATH / "clip_model.pt").exists(): logging.info("Loading VLM's custom vision model") checkpoint = torch.load( CHECKPOINT_PATH / "clip_model.pt", map_location="cpu" ) checkpoint = { k.replace("_orig_mod.module.", ""): v for k, v in checkpoint.items() } self.clip_model.load_state_dict(checkpoint) del checkpoint self.clip_model.eval() self.clip_model.requires_grad_(False) self.clip_model.to("cuda") logging.info("Loading tokenizer") self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( CHECKPOINT_PATH / "text_model", use_fast=True ) assert isinstance( self.tokenizer, (PreTrainedTokenizer, PreTrainedTokenizerFast) ) logging.info("Loading LLM") if (CHECKPOINT_PATH / "text_model").exists(): logging.info("Loading VLM's custom text model") self.text_model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( CHECKPOINT_PATH / "text_model", device_map=0, torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16 ) else: self.text_model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( MODEL_PATH, device_map="auto", torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16 ) self.text_model.eval() logging.info("Loading image adapter") self.image_adapter = ImageAdapter( self.clip_model.config.hidden_size, self.text_model.config.hidden_size, False, False, 38, False, ) self.image_adapter.load_state_dict( torch.load(CHECKPOINT_PATH / "image_adapter.pt", map_location="cpu") ) self.image_adapter.eval() self.image_adapter.to("cuda") @torch.no_grad() def process_image( self, input_image: Image.Image, prompt_str: str, ) -> Tuple[str, float]: """ Process an input image and generate a caption based on specified parameters. Also calculates the entropy of the generated caption. Returns: Tuple[str, float]: The generated caption and its entropy. """ torch.cuda.empty_cache() pixel_values = self._preprocess_image(input_image) embedded_images = self._embed_image(pixel_values) inputs_embeds, input_ids, attention_mask = self._construct_inputs( embedded_images, prompt_str ) generate_ids = self._generate_caption(inputs_embeds, input_ids, attention_mask) caption = self._decode_caption(generate_ids, input_ids) # Calculate entropy token_ids = generate_ids[0].tolist() entropy = self._calculate_entropy(token_ids) return caption.strip(), entropy def generate_valid_caption( self, input_image: Image.Image, prompt: str, *, limited_words: Dict[str, int] = {"fluffy": 2}, min_sentence_count: int = 3, max_word_repetitions: int = 5, min_entropy: float = 1.75, stop_words: set[str] = STOP_WORDS, ) -> str: """ Generate a valid caption, retrying if certain conditions are not met. Args: input_image (Image.Image): The input image to caption. prompt (str | None): Prompt for caption generation. limited_words (Dict[str, int]): Dictionary of words with their maximum allowed occurrences. Default is {"fluffy": 1}. min_sentence_count (int): Minimum required number of sentences. Default is 3. max_word_repetitions (int): Maximum allowed repetitions for words longer than 4 characters. Default is 15. min_entropy (float): Minimum required entropy of the caption. Default is 2.3. Returns: str: A valid caption meeting all specified criteria. The method retries caption generation if: - The caption contains only special characters - The caption does not end with a period, exclamation mark, or question mark - Any word in limited_words appears more than its specified maximum times - Any word longer than 4 characters is repeated more than max_word_repetitions times - The caption contains fewer than min_sentence_count sentences - The entropy of the caption is below min_entropy """ while True: caption, entropy = self.process_image(input_image, prompt) words = re.findall(r"\b\w+\b", caption.lower()) word_counts = { word: words.count(word) for word in set(words) if word not in stop_words } sentence_count = len(re.findall(r"[.!?]", caption)) if not re.search(r"\w", caption): logging.info( f"Retrying: Caption contains only special characters.\nCaption: {caption!r}" ) elif caption[-1] not in {".", "!", "?"}: logging.info( f"Retrying: Caption does not end with proper punctuation.\nCaption: {caption!r}" ) elif any( caption.lower().count(word) > max_count for word, max_count in limited_words.items() ): exceeded_words = [ f"{word} ({caption.lower().count(word)}/{max_count})" for word, max_count in limited_words.items() if caption.lower().count(word) > max_count ] logging.info( f"Retrying: Limited words exceeded: {', '.join(exceeded_words)}.\nCaption: {caption!r}" ) elif any( count > max_word_repetitions for word, count in word_counts.items() if len(word) > 4 ): repeated_words = [ word for word, count in word_counts.items() if count > max_word_repetitions and len(word) > 4 ] logging.info( f"Retrying: Words repeated more than {max_word_repetitions} times: {', '.join(repeated_words)}.\nCaption: {caption!r}" ) elif sentence_count < min_sentence_count: logging.info( f"Retrying: Only {sentence_count} sentences (min: {min_sentence_count}).\nCaption: {caption!r}" ) elif entropy < min_entropy: logging.info( f"Retrying: Low entropy ({entropy:.2f} < {min_entropy}).\nCaption: {caption!r}" ) else: return caption @staticmethod def get_prompt_string(caption_type, caption_length): length = None if caption_length == "any" else caption_length if isinstance(length, str): try: length = int(length) except ValueError: pass # Build prompt if length is None: map_idx = 0 elif isinstance(length, int): map_idx = 1 elif isinstance(length, str): map_idx = 2 else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid caption length: {length}") caption_type = caption_type.lower() if caption_type not in CAPTION_TYPE_MAP: raise ValueError(f"Invalid caption type: {caption_type}") prompt_str = CAPTION_TYPE_MAP[caption_type][map_idx] prompt_str = prompt_str.format(length=caption_length, word_count=caption_length) return prompt_str @staticmethod def _preprocess_image(input_image: Image.Image) -> torch.Tensor: """ Preprocess the input image for the CLIP model. Args: input_image (Image.Image): The input PIL image. Returns: torch.Tensor: Preprocessed image tensor. """ image = input_image.resize((384, 384), Image.LANCZOS) pixel_values = TVF.pil_to_tensor(image).unsqueeze(0) / 255.0 pixel_values = TVF.normalize(pixel_values, [0.5], [0.5]) return pixel_values.to("cuda") def _embed_image(self, pixel_values: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Embed the preprocessed image using CLIP and the image adapter. Args: pixel_values (torch.Tensor): Preprocessed image tensor. Returns: torch.Tensor: Embedded image tensor. """ with torch.amp.autocast_mode.autocast("cuda", enabled=True): vision_outputs = self.clip_model( pixel_values=pixel_values, output_hidden_states=True ) embedded_images = self.image_adapter(vision_outputs.hidden_states) return embedded_images.to("cuda") def _construct_inputs( self, embedded_images: torch.Tensor, prompt_str: str ) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Construct the inputs for the text model's generate method. Args: embedded_images (torch.Tensor): Embedded image tensor. prompt_str (str): The prompt string for captioning. Returns: tuple: (input_embeds, input_ids, attention_mask) """ # Build the conversation convo = [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful image captioner."}, {"role": "user", "content": prompt_str}, ] # Format and tokenize the conversation convo_string = self.tokenizer.apply_chat_template( convo, tokenize=False, add_generation_prompt=True ) logging.debug(f"Convo:\n{convo_string}") convo_tokens = self.tokenizer.encode( convo_string, return_tensors="pt", add_special_tokens=False, truncation=False, ) prompt_tokens = self.tokenizer.encode( prompt_str, return_tensors="pt", add_special_tokens=False, truncation=False ) convo_tokens = convo_tokens.squeeze(0) prompt_tokens = prompt_tokens.squeeze(0) # Calculate where to inject the image eot_id_indices = ( (convo_tokens == self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids("<|eot_id|>")) .nonzero(as_tuple=True)[0] .tolist() ) preamble_len = eot_id_indices[1] - prompt_tokens.shape[0] # Embed the tokens convo_embeds = self.text_model.model.embed_tokens( convo_tokens.unsqueeze(0).to("cuda") ) # Construct the input input_embeds = torch.cat( [ convo_embeds[:, :preamble_len], embedded_images.to(dtype=convo_embeds.dtype), convo_embeds[:, preamble_len:], ], dim=1, ).to("cuda") input_ids = torch.cat( [ convo_tokens[:preamble_len].unsqueeze(0), torch.zeros((1, embedded_images.shape[1]), dtype=torch.long), convo_tokens[preamble_len:].unsqueeze(0), ], dim=1, ).to("cuda") attention_mask = torch.ones_like(input_ids) return input_embeds, input_ids, attention_mask def _generate_caption(self, inputs_embeds, input_ids, attention_mask): generate_ids = self.text_model.generate( input_ids, inputs_embeds=inputs_embeds, attention_mask=attention_mask, max_new_tokens=300, # max_length=4096, do_sample=True, suppress_tokens=None, repetition_penalty=1.2, ) return generate_ids def _decode_caption(self, generate_ids, input_ids): generate_ids = generate_ids[:, input_ids.shape[1] :] if generate_ids[0][-1] == self.tokenizer.eos_token_id or generate_ids[0][ -1 ] == self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids("<|eot_id|>"): generate_ids = generate_ids[:, :-1] caption = self.tokenizer.batch_decode( generate_ids, skip_special_tokens=False, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=False )[0] return caption def _calculate_entropy(self, token_ids: List[int]) -> float: """ Calculate the entropy of a sequence of token IDs. Args: token_ids (List[int]): List of token IDs. Returns: float: Entropy of the token sequence. """ token_counts = {} total_tokens = len(token_ids) for token_id in token_ids: token_counts[token_id] = token_counts.get(token_id, 0) + 1 entropy = 0 for count in token_counts.values(): probability = count / total_tokens entropy -= probability * math.log2(probability) return entropy class ColoredFormatter(logging.Formatter): COLORS = { "DEBUG": "\033[36m", # Cyan "INFO": "\033[32m", # Green "WARNING": "\033[33m", # Yellow "ERROR": "\033[31m", # Red "CRITICAL": "\033[31;1m", # Bright Red } RESET = "\033[0m" def format(self, record): log_message = super().format(record) return f"{self.COLORS.get(record.levelname, '')}{log_message}{self.RESET}" def setup_logging(verbosity): if verbosity == 0: log_level = logging.INFO elif verbosity == 1: log_level = logging.DEBUG handler = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = ColoredFormatter( fmt="%(asctime)s | %(levelname)-8s | %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(log_level) logger.addHandler(handler) def main(): """ Generate captions for images in a directory and save them as .caption files. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=( "Generate captions for images in a directory and save them as " ".caption files." ) ) parser.add_argument( "directory", type=str, help="Target directory containing images." ) parser.add_argument( "--caption_type", type=str, default="descriptive", choices=CAPTION_TYPE_MAP.keys(), help="Type of caption to generate.", ) parser.add_argument( "--caption_length", type=str, default="any", help="Length of the caption." ) parser.add_argument( "--dont-strip-commas", action="store_true", help=("If set, commas will not be stripped from the generated captions."), ) parser.add_argument( "--custom_prompt", type=str, help=("Custom prompt for the captioner. " "Use with --caption_type custom."), ) parser.add_argument( "--add-commas-to-sentence-ends", action="store_true", help="Add commas after periods in sentences", ) parser.add_argument( "--feed-from-tags", type=int, nargs="?", const=-1, help=( "Use .tags files with the same base filename " "as the images as input to the captioner. " "Optionally specify the number of tags to use." ), ) parser.add_argument( "--artist-from-folder", action="store_true", help="Get the artist name from the parent folder", ) parser.add_argument( "--random-tags", type=int, help=( "Randomly select n number of tags. " "Only works if --feed-from-tags is enabled." ), ) parser.add_argument( "--dry-run", action="store_true", help="Run in dry-run mode without loading models or generating captions.", ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", action="count", default=0, help="Increase output verbosity (can be repeated)", ) args = parser.parse_args() setup_logging(args.verbose) tasks = [] image_extensions = {".webp", ".png", ".jpeg", ".jpg", ".jxl"} for image_path in Path(args.directory).rglob("*"): if image_path.suffix.lower() in image_extensions: caption_file = image_path.with_suffix(".caption") # Skip if the caption file already exists if caption_file.exists(): logging.info(f"Skipping {image_path}: Caption file already exists.") continue tasks.append((image_path, caption_file)) if not tasks: logging.error("No input file found.") return # Validate random-tags usage if args.random_tags is not None and args.feed_from_tags is None: parser.error("--random-tags can only be used when --feed-from-tags is enabled") if args.feed_from_tags is not None and args.artist_from_folder: raise ValueError("feed-from-tags and artist-from-folder can't be used together") if args.feed_from_tags is not None: logging.info("Loading e621 tag data") tagset_normalizer = make_tagset_normalizer() # Initialize and load models only if not in dry-run mode if not args.dry_run: joy_caption_model = JoyCaptionModel() joy_caption_model.load_models() else: logging.info("Running in dry-run mode. Models will not be loaded.") for image_path, caption_file in tasks: if not args.dry_run: input_image = Image.open(image_path).convert("RGB") # Use custom prompt if specified prompt = args.custom_prompt or JoyCaptionModel.get_prompt_string( args.caption_type, args.caption_length ) if args.feed_from_tags is not None: prompt = prompt_from_tags(args, image_path, tagset_normalizer, prompt) elif args.artist_from_folder: prompt = prompt_from_folder(prompt, image_path.resolve()) if args.dry_run: logging.info( f"Dry run: Skipping caption generation for {image_path} with prompt:\n\t{prompt}" ) continue else: logging.info(f"Prompt for {image_path}:\n\t{prompt}") caption = joy_caption_model.generate_valid_caption(input_image, prompt) # Replace multiple spaces with a single space caption = " ".join(caption.split()) # Replace multiple newlines with a single newline caption = "\n".join( line for line in (line.strip() for line in caption.split("\n")) if line ) # Strip commas if the --dont-strip-commas flag is not set if not args.dont_strip_commas: # Existing comma stripping logic caption = re.sub(r",\s*([^\d])", r" \1", caption) # New feature: Add commas after periods if specified if args.add_commas_to_sentence_ends: caption = re.sub(r"(\.)(\s+)([A-Z])", r"\1,\2\3", caption) # Remove all newline characters caption = caption.replace("\n", " ") logging.info(f"Caption for {image_path}:\n\t{caption}\n\n") # Save the caption to a .caption file with open(caption_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(caption) logging.info(f"Caption saved to {caption_file}") RE_PARENS_SUFFIX = re.compile(r"_\([^)]+\)$") E6DB_DATA = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "data" def make_tagset_normalizer(): """ Create a TagSetNormalizer for encoding/decoding tags to and from integers. Configures it based on the provided config. """ # This loads all the aliases and implications tagset_normalizer = TagSetNormalizer(E6DB_DATA) tagid2cat = tagset_normalizer.tag_normalizer.tag_categories cat_artist = tag_category2id["artist"] cat2suffix = { tag_category2id["character"]: "_(character)", tag_category2id["lore"]: "_(lore)", tag_category2id["species"]: "_(species)", tag_category2id["copyright"]: "_(copyright)", } # Create additional aliases for tags using simple rules def input_map(tag, tid): # Make an alias without parentheses, it might conflict but we'll handle # it depending on `on_alias_conflict` config value. without_suffix = RE_PARENS_SUFFIX.sub("", tag) had_suffix = tag != without_suffix if had_suffix: yield without_suffix # Add an alias with the suffix (special case for artist) cat = tagid2cat[tid] if tid is not None else -1 if cat == cat_artist: artist = without_suffix.removeprefix("by_") if artist != without_suffix: yield artist if not had_suffix: yield f"{artist}_(artist)" else: yield f"by_{artist}" if not had_suffix: yield f"by_{artist}_(artist)" elif not had_suffix: suffix = cat2suffix.get(cat) if suffix is not None: yield f"{without_suffix}{suffix}" # Recognize tags where ':' were replaced by a space (aspect ratio) if ":" in tag: yield tag.replace(":", "_") return tagset_normalizer.map_inputs(input_map, on_conflict="ignore") def format_nl_list(word_list): """ Takes a list of words and generates a natural language output. """ n = len(word_list) assert n > 0 if n == 1: return word_list[0] if n == 2: return f"{word_list[0]} and {word_list[1]}" # n > 2 *head, last = word_list return ", ".join(head) + ", and " + last TAG_SPECIES = tag_category2id["species"] TAG_CHARACTER = tag_category2id["character"] TAG_ARTIST = tag_category2id["artist"] TAG_COPYRIGHT = tag_category2id["copyright"] TAG_META = tag_category2id["meta"] def prompt_from_tags( args, image_path: Path, tagset_normalizer: TagSetNormalizer, base_prompt: str = "Write a descriptive caption for this image in a formal tone.", tag_freq_threshold: int = 0, tag_string_prefix: str = "Use these tags to construct your caption:", ): """ Generates a prompt from tags associated with the given image. Args: args: Additional arguments for the function. image_path (Path): The path to the image file. tagset_normalizer (TagSetNormalizer): An instance to normalize the tag set. """ # Find and read the corresponding tag file tag_file = find_tag_file(image_path) if tag_file is None: logging.warning(f"No tag file found for {image_path}") return base_prompt with open(tag_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: tags = f.read().lower().split(",") # Get helper functions from the tagset_normalizer tag_id_to_cat_id = tagset_normalizer.tag_normalizer.tag_categories encode = tagset_normalizer.tag_normalizer.encode # Initialize dictionaries and lists to store categorized tags # These lists will contain tuples (freq, tag, tag_id) tag_by_category: Dict[int, List[Tuple[int, str, int]]] = { cat: [] for cat in [TAG_ARTIST, TAG_CHARACTER, TAG_COPYRIGHT, TAG_SPECIES] } other_tags: List[Tuple[int, str, int]] = [] implied: set = set() # Process each tag for tag in tags: tag = tag.strip() # Encode the tag into a numerical id tag_id = encode(tag.replace(" ", "_")) if tag_id is None: # If tag is not recognized, add it to other_tags other_tags.append((0, tag, 0)) implied.update(tagset_normalizer.implications_rej.get(0, ())) continue # Get the category of the tag cat_id = tag_id_to_cat_id[tag_id] # Skip meta tags if cat_id == TAG_META: continue # Update implied tags implied.update(tagset_normalizer.implications.get(tag_id, ())) # Get the frequency of the tag freq = tag_rank_to_freq(tag_id) if freq < tag_freq_threshold: continue # Add the tag to its category, or other_tags tag_by_category.get(cat_id, other_tags).append((int(freq), tag, tag_id)) # Sort other_tags by frequency (descending) and filter out implied tags other_tags = sorted( (-freq, tag, tag_id) for freq, tag, tag_id in other_tags if tag_id not in implied ) # Sort tags within each category, prefering non implied tags for cat_id, cat_list in tag_by_category.items(): tag_by_category[cat_id] = sorted( ((tag_id in implied, -freq), tag, tag_id) for freq, tag, tag_id in cat_list ) # Handle random tag selection or tag limit if specified if args.random_tags is not None: # Randomly select tags if --random-tags is specified num_tags = min(args.random_tags, len(other_tags)) other_tags = random.sample( [ (i, tag, 0) for i, tag in enumerate(tags[: round(args.random_tags * 1.5)]) ], num_tags, ) elif args.feed_from_tags > 0: # Use specified number of tags if --feed-from-tags has a positive value other_tags = other_tags[: args.feed_from_tags] # Prepare sentence pieces for each category artist_tag = tag_by_category[TAG_ARTIST] if artist_tag: artist_list = [str(tp[1]).removeprefix("by ") for tp in artist_tag[:4]] artist_txt = f"by {format_nl_list(artist_list)}" else: artist_txt = "" character_tag = tag_by_category[TAG_CHARACTER] if character_tag: tags = [tag for _, tag, _ in character_tag[:4]] character_txt = f"named {format_nl_list(tags)}" else: character_txt = "" species_tag = tag_by_category[TAG_SPECIES] if species_tag: species_txt = ( "of a " if len(character_tag) <= 1 and len(species_tag) <= 1 else "of " ) species_txt += format_nl_list([tp[1] for tp in species_tag[:4]]) else: if character_tag: species_txt = ( "of a character" if len(character_tag) <= 1 else "of characters" ) else: species_txt = "" copyright_tag = tag_by_category[TAG_COPYRIGHT] if copyright_tag: tags = [tag for _, tag, *_ in copyright_tag[:4]] copyright_txt = f"from {format_nl_list(tags)}" else: copyright_txt = "" # Prepare the remaining tags as a string tag_string = ", ".join(tp[1] for tp in other_tags) # Extract the prefix and suffix around the word "image" from the base prompt image_pos = base_prompt.find("image") if image_pos < 0: raise ValueError("Base prompt must contain the word 'image'") image_pos += len("image") base_prompt_prefix = base_prompt[:image_pos].rstrip() base_prompt_suffix = base_prompt[image_pos:].lstrip() pieces = [ base_prompt_prefix, artist_txt, species_txt, character_txt, copyright_txt, base_prompt_suffix, tag_string_prefix, tag_string, ".", ] logging.debug("Prompt pieces: %r", pieces) custom_prompt = " ".join(p for p in pieces if p) custom_prompt = custom_prompt.replace(" .", ".").replace(" ,", ",") return custom_prompt def find_tag_file(image_path): """ Find the corresponding .tags file for the given image path. Handles cases where the image has a -(number) suffix. """ base_name = image_path.stem tag_file = image_path.with_suffix(".tags") if tag_file.exists(): return tag_file # Handle -(number) suffix match = re.match(r"(.+)-\d+$", base_name) if match: base_name = match.group(1) tag_file = image_path.with_name(base_name).with_suffix(".tags") if tag_file.exists(): return tag_file return None def prompt_from_folder(prompt, path): artist = ( path.parent.name.replace("_", " ").replace("-", " ").replace(".", " ").title() ) return prompt.replace("image", f"image by {artist}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()