File size: 6,711 Bytes
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"Ultimate voice cloning tool, meticulously optimized for unrivaled power, modularity, and user-friendly experience.": "Alat pengklonan suara muktamad, dioptimumkan dengan teliti untuk kuasa yang tiada tandingan, modulariti, dan pengalaman mesra pengguna.",
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Bahagian ini mengandungi beberapa utiliti tambahan yang selalunya berada dalam fasa percubaan.",
"Output Information": "Maklumat Output",
"Inference": "Inferens",
"Train": "Kereta api",
"Extra": "Tambahan",
"Merge Audios": "Mencantumkan Audio",
"Processing": "Pemprosesan",
"Audio Analyzer": "Penganalisis Audio",
"Model Information": "Maklumat Model",
"Download": "Muat turun",
"Report a Bug": "Laporkan pepijat",
"Preprocess": "Praproses",
"Model Name": "Nama Model",
"Enter model name": "Masukkan nama model",
"Dataset Path": "Laluan Set Data",
"Enter dataset path": "Memasukkan laluan set data",
"Sampling Rate": "Kadar Persampelan",
"RVC Version": "Versi RVC",
"Preprocess Dataset": "Set Data Praproses",
"Extract": "Cabutan",
"Hop Length": "Panjang Hop",
"Batch Size": "Saiz kelompok",
"Save Every Epoch": "Simpan Setiap Zaman",
"Total Epoch": "Jumlah Zaman",
"Pretrained": "Dipralatih",
"Save Only Latest": "Simpan Terkini Sahaja",
"Save Every Weights": "Jimat Setiap Berat",
"Custom Pretrained": "Pralatih Tersuai",
"Upload Pretrained Model": "Muat naik Model Pralatih",
"Pretrained Custom Settings": "Seting Tersuai Pralatih",
"The file you dropped is not a valid pretrained file. Please try again.": "Fail yang anda gugurkan bukan fail pralatih yang sah. Sila cuba lagi.",
"Click the refresh button to see the pretrained file in the dropdown menu.": "Klik butang segar semula untuk melihat fail pralatih dalam menu juntai bawah.",
"Pretrained G Path": "Custom Pretrained G",
"Pretrained D Path": "Custom Pretrained D",
"GPU Settings": "Seting GPU",
"GPU Custom Settings": "Seting Tersuai GPU",
"GPU Number": "Nombor GPU",
"0 to ∞ separated by -": "0 hingga ∞ dipisahkan oleh -",
"GPU Information": "Maklumat GPU",
"Pitch Guidance": "Panduan Padang",
"Extract Features": "Ciri Ekstrak",
"Start Training": "Mulakan Latihan",
"Generate Index": "Menjana Indeks",
"Voice Model": "Model Suara",
"Index File": "Fail Indeks",
"Refresh": "Refresh",
"Unload Voice": "Memunggah Suara",
"Single": "Tunggal",
"Upload Audio": "Muat naik Audio",
"Select Audio": "Pilih Audio",
"Advanced Settings": "Seting Lanjutan",
"Clear Outputs (Deletes all audios in assets/audios)": "Kosongkan Output (Memadamkan semua audio dalam aset/audio)",
"Custom Output Path": "Laluan Output Tersuai",
"Output Path": "Laluan Output",
"Pitch": "Pitch",
"If >=3: apply median filtering to the harvested pitch results. The value represents the filter radius and can reduce breathiness": "Jika >=3: gunakan penapisan median pada hasil padang yang dituai. Nilai mewakili jejari penapis dan boleh mengurangkan sesak nafas",
"Search Feature Ratio": "Nisbah Ciri Carian",
"Pitch extraction algorithm": "Algoritma pengekstrakan padang",
"Convert": "Menukar",
"Export Audio": "Eksport Audio",
"Batch": "Kelompok",
"Input Folder": "Input Folder",
"Enter input path": "Masukkan laluan input",
"Output Folder": "Output Folder",
"Enter output path": "Masukkan laluan output",
"Get information about the audio": "Mendapatkan maklumat tentang audio",
"Information about the audio file": "Maklumat mengenai fail audio",
"Waiting for information...": "Menunggu maklumat...",
"Model fusion": "Gabungan model",
"Weight for Model A": "Berat untuk Model A",
"Whether the model has pitch guidance": "Sama ada model itu mempunyai panduan padang",
"Model architecture version": "Versi seni bina model",
"Path to Model A": "Laluan ke Model A",
"Path to Model B": "Laluan ke Model B",
"Path to model": "Laluan ke model",
"Model information to be placed": "Maklumat model yang akan diletakkan",
"Fusion": "Gabungan",
"Modify model information": "Ubah suai maklumat model",
"Path to Model": "Laluan ke Model",
"Model information to be modified": "Maklumat model untuk diubah suai",
"Save file name": "Simpan nama fail",
"Modify": "Mengubah suai",
"View model information": "Lihat maklumat model",
"View": "Lihat",
"Model extraction": "Pengekstrakan model",
"Model conversion": "Penukaran model",
"Pth file": "Pth fail",
"Output of the pth file": "Output fail pth",
"# How to Report an Issue on GitHub": "# Cara Melaporkan Isu di GitHub",
"1. Click on the 'Record Screen' button below to start recording the issue you are experiencing.": "1. Klik pada butang 'Skrin Rekod' di bawah untuk mula merakam isu yang anda alami.",
"2. Once you have finished recording the issue, click on the 'Stop Recording' button (the same button, but the label changes depending on whether you are actively recording or not).": "2. Setelah anda selesai merakam isu ini, klik pada butang 'Hentikan Rakaman' (butang yang sama, tetapi label berubah bergantung pada sama ada anda merakam secara aktif atau tidak).",
"3. Go to [GitHub Issues]( and click on the 'New Issue' button.": "3. Pergi ke [Isu GitHub]( dan klik pada butang 'Isu Baru'.",
"4. Complete the provided issue template, ensuring to include details as needed, and utilize the assets section to upload the recorded file from the previous step.": "4. Lengkapkan templat isu yang disediakan, pastikan untuk memasukkan butiran mengikut keperluan, dan gunakan bahagian aset untuk memuat naik fail yang dirakam dari langkah sebelumnya.",
"Record Screen": "Skrin Rakam",
"Record": "Rekod",
"Stop Recording": "Hentikan Rakaman",
"Introduce the model .pth path": "Memperkenalkan model laluan .pth",
"See Model Information": "Lihat Maklumat Model",
"## Download Model": "## Muat Turun Model",
"Model Link": "Pautan Model",
"Introduce the model link": "Memperkenalkan pautan model",
"Download Model": "Descargar Modelo",
"## Drop files": "## Jatuhkan fail",
"Drag your .pth file and .index file into this space. Drag one and then the other.": "Seret fail .pth dan fail .index anda ke dalam ruang ini. Seret satu dan kemudian yang lain.",
"TTS Voices": "Suara TTS",
"Text to Synthesize": "Teks untuk Mensintesis",
"Enter text to synthesize": "Masukkan teks untuk mensintesis saiz",
"Output Path for TTS Audio": "Laluan output untuk TTS Audio",
"Output Path for RVC Audio": "Laluan Output untuk Audio RVC",
"Enable Applio integration with Discord presence": "Kehadiran Applio"