import argparse,os |
import copy |
import json |
import os |
import uuid |
try: |
import gradio.analytics as analytics |
analytics.version_check = lambda:None |
except:... |
import librosa |
import gradio as gr |
import numpy as np |
import soundfile |
g_json_key_text = "" |
g_json_key_path = "" |
g_load_file = "" |
g_load_format = "" |
g_max_json_index = 0 |
g_index = 0 |
g_batch = 10 |
g_text_list = [] |
g_audio_list = [] |
g_checkbox_list = [] |
g_data_json = [] |
def reload_data(index, batch): |
global g_index |
g_index = index |
global g_batch |
g_batch = batch |
datas = g_data_json[index:index+batch] |
output = [] |
for d in datas: |
output.append( |
{ |
g_json_key_text: d[g_json_key_text], |
g_json_key_path: d[g_json_key_path] |
} |
) |
return output |
def b_change_index(index, batch): |
global g_index, g_batch |
g_index, g_batch = index, batch |
datas = reload_data(index, batch) |
output = [] |
for i , _ in enumerate(datas): |
output.append( |
{ |
"__type__":"update", |
"label":f"Text {i+index}", |
"value":_[g_json_key_text] |
} |
) |
for _ in range(g_batch - len(datas)): |
output.append( |
{ |
"__type__": "update", |
"label": f"Text", |
"value": "" |
} |
) |
for _ in datas: |
output.append(_[g_json_key_path]) |
for _ in range(g_batch - len(datas)): |
output.append(None) |
for _ in range(g_batch): |
output.append(False) |
return output |
def b_next_index(index, batch): |
b_save_file() |
if (index + batch) <= g_max_json_index: |
return index + batch , *b_change_index(index + batch, batch) |
else: |
return index, *b_change_index(index, batch) |
def b_previous_index(index, batch): |
b_save_file() |
if (index - batch) >= 0: |
return index - batch , *b_change_index(index - batch, batch) |
else: |
return 0, *b_change_index(0, batch) |
def b_submit_change(*text_list): |
global g_data_json |
change = False |
for i, new_text in enumerate(text_list): |
if g_index + i <= g_max_json_index: |
new_text = new_text.strip()+' ' |
if (g_data_json[g_index + i][g_json_key_text] != new_text): |
g_data_json[g_index + i][g_json_key_text] = new_text |
change = True |
if change: |
b_save_file() |
return g_index, *b_change_index(g_index, g_batch) |
def b_delete_audio(*checkbox_list): |
global g_data_json, g_index, g_max_json_index |
b_save_file() |
change = False |
for i, checkbox in reversed(list(enumerate(checkbox_list))): |
if g_index + i < len(g_data_json): |
if (checkbox == True): |
g_data_json.pop(g_index + i) |
change = True |
g_max_json_index = len(g_data_json)-1 |
if g_index > g_max_json_index: |
g_index = g_max_json_index |
g_index = g_index if g_index >= 0 else 0 |
if change: |
b_save_file() |
return {"value":g_index,"__type__":"update","maximum":(g_max_json_index if g_max_json_index>=0 else 0)},*b_change_index(g_index, g_batch) |
def b_invert_selection(*checkbox_list): |
new_list = [not item if item is True else True for item in checkbox_list] |
return new_list |
def get_next_path(filename): |
base_dir = os.path.dirname(filename) |
base_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] |
for i in range(100): |
new_path = os.path.join(base_dir, f"{base_name}_{str(i).zfill(2)}.wav") |
if not os.path.exists(new_path) : |
return new_path |
return os.path.join(base_dir, f'{str(uuid.uuid4())}.wav') |
def b_audio_split(audio_breakpoint, *checkbox_list): |
global g_data_json , g_max_json_index |
checked_index = [] |
for i, checkbox in enumerate(checkbox_list): |
if (checkbox == True and g_index+i < len(g_data_json)): |
checked_index.append(g_index + i) |
if len(checked_index) == 1 : |
index = checked_index[0] |
audio_json = copy.deepcopy(g_data_json[index]) |
path = audio_json[g_json_key_path] |
data, sample_rate = librosa.load(path, sr=None, mono=True) |
audio_maxframe = len(data) |
break_frame = int(audio_breakpoint * sample_rate) |
if (break_frame >= 1 and break_frame < audio_maxframe): |
audio_first = data[0:break_frame] |
audio_second = data[break_frame:] |
nextpath = get_next_path(path) |
soundfile.write(nextpath, audio_second, sample_rate) |
soundfile.write(path, audio_first, sample_rate) |
g_data_json.insert(index + 1, audio_json) |
g_data_json[index + 1][g_json_key_path] = nextpath |
b_save_file() |
g_max_json_index = len(g_data_json) - 1 |
return {"value":g_index,"maximum":g_max_json_index,"__type__":"update"}, *b_change_index(g_index, g_batch) |
def b_merge_audio(interval_r, *checkbox_list): |
global g_data_json , g_max_json_index |
b_save_file() |
checked_index = [] |
audios_path = [] |
audios_text = [] |
for i, checkbox in enumerate(checkbox_list): |
if (checkbox == True and g_index+i < len(g_data_json)): |
checked_index.append(g_index + i) |
if (len(checked_index)>1): |
for i in checked_index: |
audios_path.append(g_data_json[i][g_json_key_path]) |
audios_text.append(g_data_json[i][g_json_key_text]) |
for i in reversed(checked_index[1:]): |
g_data_json.pop(i) |
base_index = checked_index[0] |
base_path = audios_path[0] |
g_data_json[base_index][g_json_key_text] = "".join(audios_text) |
audio_list = [] |
l_sample_rate = None |
for i, path in enumerate(audios_path): |
data, sample_rate = librosa.load(path, sr=l_sample_rate, mono=True) |
l_sample_rate = sample_rate |
if (i > 0): |
silence = np.zeros(int(l_sample_rate * interval_r)) |
audio_list.append(silence) |
audio_list.append(data) |
audio_concat = np.concatenate(audio_list) |
soundfile.write(base_path, audio_concat, l_sample_rate) |
b_save_file() |
g_max_json_index = len(g_data_json) - 1 |
return {"value":g_index,"maximum":g_max_json_index,"__type__":"update"}, *b_change_index(g_index, g_batch) |
def b_save_json(): |
with open(g_load_file,'w', encoding="utf-8") as file: |
for data in g_data_json: |
file.write(f'{json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii = False)}\n') |
def b_save_list(): |
with open(g_load_file,'w', encoding="utf-8") as file: |
for data in g_data_json: |
wav_path = data["wav_path"] |
speaker_name = data["speaker_name"] |
language = data["language"] |
text = data["text"] |
file.write(f"{wav_path}|{speaker_name}|{language}|{text}".strip()+'\n') |
def b_load_json(): |
global g_data_json, g_max_json_index |
with open(g_load_file, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as file: |
g_data_json = file.readlines() |
g_data_json = [json.loads(line) for line in g_data_json] |
g_max_json_index = len(g_data_json) - 1 |
def b_load_list(): |
global g_data_json, g_max_json_index |
with open(g_load_file, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as source: |
data_list = source.readlines() |
for _ in data_list: |
data = _.split('|') |
if (len(data) == 4): |
wav_path, speaker_name, language, text = data |
g_data_json.append( |
{ |
'wav_path':wav_path, |
'speaker_name':speaker_name, |
'language':language, |
'text':text.strip() |
} |
) |
else: |
print("error line:", data) |
g_max_json_index = len(g_data_json) - 1 |
def b_save_file(): |
if g_load_format == "json": |
b_save_json() |
elif g_load_format == "list": |
b_save_list() |
def b_load_file(): |
if g_load_format == "json": |
b_load_json() |
elif g_load_format == "list": |
b_load_list() |
def set_global(load_json, load_list, json_key_text, json_key_path, batch): |
global g_json_key_text, g_json_key_path, g_load_file, g_load_format, g_batch |
g_batch = int(batch) |
if (load_json != "None"): |
g_load_format = "json" |
g_load_file = load_json |
elif (load_list != "None"): |
g_load_format = "list" |
g_load_file = load_list |
else: |
g_load_format = "list" |
g_load_file = "demo.list" |
g_json_key_text = json_key_text |
g_json_key_path = json_key_path |
b_load_file() |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process some integers.') |
parser.add_argument('--load_json', default="None", help='source file, like demo.json') |
parser.add_argument('--is_share', default="False", help='whether webui is_share=True') |
parser.add_argument('--load_list', default="None", help='source file, like demo.list') |
parser.add_argument('--webui_port_subfix', default=9871, help='source file, like demo.list') |
parser.add_argument('--json_key_text', default="text", help='the text key name in json, Default: text') |
parser.add_argument('--json_key_path', default="wav_path", help='the path key name in json, Default: wav_path') |
parser.add_argument('--g_batch', default=10, help='max number g_batch wav to display, Default: 10') |
args = parser.parse_args() |
set_global(args.load_json, args.load_list, args.json_key_text, args.json_key_path, args.g_batch) |
with gr.Blocks() as demo: |
with gr.Row(): |
btn_change_index = gr.Button("Change Index") |
btn_submit_change = gr.Button("Submit Text") |
btn_merge_audio = gr.Button("Merge Audio") |
btn_delete_audio = gr.Button("Delete Audio") |
btn_previous_index = gr.Button("Previous Index") |
btn_next_index = gr.Button("Next Index") |
with gr.Row(): |
index_slider = gr.Slider( |
minimum=0, maximum=g_max_json_index, value=g_index, step=1, label="Index", scale=3 |
) |
splitpoint_slider = gr.Slider( |
minimum=0, maximum=120.0, value=0, step=0.1, label="Audio Split Point(s)", scale=3 |
) |
btn_audio_split = gr.Button("Split Audio", scale=1) |
btn_save_json = gr.Button("Save File", visible=True, scale=1) |
btn_invert_selection = gr.Button("Invert Selection", scale=1) |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(): |
for _ in range(0,g_batch): |
with gr.Row(): |
text = gr.Textbox( |
label = "Text", |
visible = True, |
scale=5 |
) |
audio_output = gr.Audio( |
label="Output Audio", |
visible = True, |
scale=5 |
) |
audio_check = gr.Checkbox( |
label="Yes", |
show_label = True, |
info = "Choose Audio", |
scale=1 |
) |
g_text_list.append(text) |
g_audio_list.append(audio_output) |
g_checkbox_list.append(audio_check) |
with gr.Row(): |
batchsize_slider = gr.Slider( |
minimum=1, maximum=g_batch, value=g_batch, step=1, label="Batch Size", scale=3, interactive=False |
) |
interval_slider = gr.Slider( |
minimum=0, maximum=2, value=0, step=0.01, label="Interval", scale=3 |
) |
btn_theme_dark = gr.Button("Light Theme", link="?__theme=light", scale=1) |
btn_theme_light = gr.Button("Dark Theme", link="?__theme=dark", scale=1) |
btn_change_index.click( |
b_change_index, |
inputs=[ |
index_slider, |
batchsize_slider, |
], |
outputs=[ |
*g_text_list, |
*g_audio_list, |
*g_checkbox_list |
], |
) |
btn_submit_change.click( |
b_submit_change, |
inputs=[ |
*g_text_list, |
], |
outputs=[ |
index_slider, |
*g_text_list, |
*g_audio_list, |
*g_checkbox_list |
], |
) |
btn_previous_index.click( |
b_previous_index, |
inputs=[ |
index_slider, |
batchsize_slider, |
], |
outputs=[ |
index_slider, |
*g_text_list, |
*g_audio_list, |
*g_checkbox_list |
], |
) |
btn_next_index.click( |
b_next_index, |
inputs=[ |
index_slider, |
batchsize_slider, |
], |
outputs=[ |
index_slider, |
*g_text_list, |
*g_audio_list, |
*g_checkbox_list |
], |
) |
btn_delete_audio.click( |
b_delete_audio, |
inputs=[ |
*g_checkbox_list |
], |
outputs=[ |
index_slider, |
*g_text_list, |
*g_audio_list, |
*g_checkbox_list |
] |
) |
btn_merge_audio.click( |
b_merge_audio, |
inputs=[ |
interval_slider, |
*g_checkbox_list |
], |
outputs=[ |
index_slider, |
*g_text_list, |
*g_audio_list, |
*g_checkbox_list |
] |
) |
btn_audio_split.click( |
b_audio_split, |
inputs=[ |
splitpoint_slider, |
*g_checkbox_list |
], |
outputs=[ |
index_slider, |
*g_text_list, |
*g_audio_list, |
*g_checkbox_list |
] |
) |
btn_invert_selection.click( |
b_invert_selection, |
inputs=[ |
*g_checkbox_list |
], |
outputs=[ |
*g_checkbox_list |
] |
) |
btn_save_json.click( |
b_save_file |
) |
demo.load( |
b_change_index, |
inputs=[ |
index_slider, |
batchsize_slider, |
], |
outputs=[ |
*g_text_list, |
*g_audio_list, |
*g_checkbox_list |
], |
) |
demo.launch( |
server_name="", |
inbrowser=True, |
quiet=True, |
share=eval(args.is_share), |
server_port=int(args.webui_port_subfix) |
) |