import ast import glob import json import os from collections import OrderedDict I18N_JSON_DIR : os.PathLike = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.relpath(__file__)), 'locale') DEFAULT_LANGUAGE: str = "zh_CN" # 默认语言 TITLE_LEN : int = 60 # 标题显示长度 KEY_LEN : int = 30 # 键名显示长度 SHOW_KEYS : bool = False # 是否显示键信息 SORT_KEYS : bool = False # 是否按全局键名写入文件 def extract_i18n_strings(node): i18n_strings = [] if ( isinstance(node, ast.Call) and isinstance(node.func, ast.Name) and == "i18n" ): for arg in node.args: if isinstance(arg, ast.Str): i18n_strings.append(arg.s) for child_node in ast.iter_child_nodes(node): i18n_strings.extend(extract_i18n_strings(child_node)) return i18n_strings def scan_i18n_strings(): """ scan the directory for all .py files (recursively) for each file, parse the code into an AST for each AST, extract the i18n strings """ strings = [] print(" Scanning Files and Extracting i18n Strings ".center(TITLE_LEN, "=")) for filename in glob.iglob("**/*.py", recursive=True): try: with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: code = if "I18nAuto" in code: tree = ast.parse(code) i18n_strings = extract_i18n_strings(tree) print(f"{filename.ljust(KEY_LEN*3//2)}: {len(i18n_strings)}") if SHOW_KEYS: print("\n".join([s for s in i18n_strings])) strings.extend(i18n_strings) except Exception as e: print(f"\033[31m[Failed] Error occur at {filename}: {e}\033[0m") code_keys = set(strings) print(f"{'Total Unique'.ljust(KEY_LEN*3//2)}: {len(code_keys)}") return code_keys def update_i18n_json(json_file, standard_keys): standard_keys = sorted(standard_keys) print(f" Process {json_file} ".center(TITLE_LEN, "=")) # 读取 JSON 文件 with open(json_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: json_data = json.load(f, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) # 打印处理前的 JSON 条目数 len_before = len(json_data) print(f"{'Total Keys'.ljust(KEY_LEN)}: {len_before}") # 识别缺失的键并补全 miss_keys = set(standard_keys) - set(json_data.keys()) if len(miss_keys) > 0: print(f"{'Missing Keys (+)'.ljust(KEY_LEN)}: {len(miss_keys)}") for key in miss_keys: if DEFAULT_LANGUAGE in json_file: # 默认语言的键值相同. json_data[key] = key else: # 其他语言的值设置为 #! + 键名以标注未被翻译. json_data[key] = "#!" + key if SHOW_KEYS: print(f"{'Added Missing Key'.ljust(KEY_LEN)}: {key}") # 识别多余的键并删除 diff_keys = set(json_data.keys()) - set(standard_keys) if len(diff_keys) > 0: print(f"{'Unused Keys (-)'.ljust(KEY_LEN)}: {len(diff_keys)}") for key in diff_keys: del json_data[key] if SHOW_KEYS: print(f"{'Removed Unused Key'.ljust(KEY_LEN)}: {key}") # 按键顺序排序 json_data = OrderedDict( sorted( json_data.items(), key=lambda x: ( list(standard_keys).index(x[0]) if x[0] in standard_keys and not x[1].startswith('#!') else len(json_data), ) ) ) # 打印处理后的 JSON 条目数 if len(miss_keys) != 0 or len(diff_keys) != 0: print(f"{'Total Keys (After)'.ljust(KEY_LEN)}: {len(json_data)}") # 识别有待翻译的键 num_miss_translation = 0 duplicate_items = {} for key, value in json_data.items(): if value.startswith("#!"): num_miss_translation += 1 if SHOW_KEYS: print(f"{'Missing Translation'.ljust(KEY_LEN)}: {key}") if value in duplicate_items: duplicate_items[value].append(key) else: duplicate_items[value] = [key] # 打印是否有重复的值 for value, keys in duplicate_items.items(): if len(keys) > 1: print("\n".join([f"\033[31m{'[Failed] Duplicate Value'.ljust(KEY_LEN)}: {key} -> {value}\033[0m" for key in keys])) if num_miss_translation > 0: print(f"\033[31m{'[Failed] Missing Translation'.ljust(KEY_LEN)}: {num_miss_translation}\033[0m") else: print(f"\033[32m[Passed] All Keys Translated\033[0m") # 将处理后的结果写入 JSON 文件 with open(json_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(json_data, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4, sort_keys=SORT_KEYS) f.write("\n") print(f" Updated {json_file} ".center(TITLE_LEN, "=") + '\n') if __name__ == "__main__": code_keys = scan_i18n_strings() for json_file in os.listdir(I18N_JSON_DIR): if json_file.endswith(r".json"): json_file = os.path.join(I18N_JSON_DIR, json_file) update_i18n_json(json_file, code_keys)