# ▼ 本モデルの概要 (Overview of this model)
VoidnoiseLoRA - AsianEyesEra_BaseOn-R1311_Rev2は、SD1.5モデルをベースに、アジア系女性の目を美麗にするLoRAになります。
"VoidnoiseLoRA - AsianEyesEra_BaseOn-R1311_Rev2" is a LoRA based on SD1.5 model to make Asian women's eyes beautiful.
It is the best LoRA for AI Photography and AI Gravure because it expresses very strong eyesight.
# ▼ 推奨設定及びトリガーワード (Recommended settings and Trigger Word)
- LoRA Strength: 0.6 - 0.8
- Trigger Word: AsianEyesEra
## ▼ 出力サンプル (Sample)
Summary Sample
LoRA Strength : 0.8
LoRA Strength : 1.0
LoRA Strength : 0.8
LoRA Strength : 0.8