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llm-jp-3-172b-instruct 3 License Agreement
Copyright (c) <2024> Research Organization of Information and Systems.
This llm-jp-3-172b-instruct 3 License Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions with which the User is to comply with respect to the use of llm-jp-3-172b-instruct3, a large-scale language model provided by the National Institute of Informatics, Research Organization of Information and Systems. By consenting to this Agreement or by using the Model, the User is deemed to consent to be legally bound by all of the terms and conditions set forth herein.
Article 1 Definitions
(1) "Agreement" means the llm-jp-3-172b-instruct3 License Agreement.
(2) "ROIS" means the Research Organization of Information and Systems, Inter-University Research Institute Corporation and "NII" means the National Institute of Informatics.
(3) "Model" means the learned parameters named "llm-jp-3-172b-instruct3.”
(4) "User" means any individual or legal entity that uses the Model.
(5) "License" means permission by ROIS for the User to use the Model in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
(6) "Derivative Model" means any parameters created using the Model, such as fine tuning, retraining, distilling, editing, and adjusting parameters of the Model.
(7) "Output" means the results generated by the Model or a Derivative Model.
(8) "Model and Output" means, collectively, the Model, Derivative Models, and Output.
Article 2 User
The User who is an individual must be at least 18 years of age or has reached the legal age to independently enter into a contract in his or her country of residence, unless the User's parent or legal representative consents to the User entering into this contract.
Article 3 License
(1) ROIS grants the User permission to use the Model in accordance with and to the extent provided in the terms and conditions of this Agreement, provided that the User consents to and complies with all the terms and conditions herein.
(2) The License provided by this Agreement shall be non-exclusive, worldwide, revocable, non-transferable, and royalty-free.
(3) The User may use the Model and Output for commercial or non-commercial purposes and without limitation of purposes, including modification, reproduction, and redistribution of the Model and Output, as well as performance of services using the Model and Output.
(4) If the User distributes or makes available the Model or any Derivative Model, or any product or service containing any of them (including another AI model), the User shall (i) include a copy of this Agreement and (ii) include a notation indicating "Built with llm-jp-3-172b-instruct3" on the relevant website, user interface, blog post, overview page, or in the product documentation.
(5) If the User distributes the Model or a Derivative Model, the User shall include a copyright notice stating, “llm-jp-3-172b-instruct3 is licensed under the llm-jp-3-172b-instruct3 License Agreement. Copyright (c) <2024 > Research Organization of Information and Systems. All rights reserved.” upon such distribution.
Article 4 Prohibitions
With respect to the use of the Model and Output, the User shall not engage in any of the following:
(1) Acts that violate laws and regulations or disturb public order and morals;
(2) Any act that infringes on, or may infringe on, the rights or interests of ROIS, NII, or any third party;
(3) Any act that harms, or may harm, the reputation or credibility of ROIS, NII, or any third party;
(4) Any act that causes, or may cause, economic damage to ROIS, NII, or any third party;
(5) Making threatening, racially discriminatory, or defamatory statements;
(6) Stalking, harassing, or trolling other Users, or use to expose personal information;
(7) Use in the development, etc. of computer viruses, malicious software, or harmful programs;
(8) Use in communication, conduct, or expression that may incite or encourage harmful behavior such as suicide, self-harm, violence, or drug use;
(9) Use to generate or convey false information;
(10) Involvement in, or implying involvement in, criminal activities or acts related to criminal activities, or aiding and abetting such activities;
(11) Money laundering or similar financial fraud;
(12) Providing benefits directly or indirectly to antisocial forces;
(13) Generating or circulating obscene content or content that adversely affects the mental or physical growth of youth; or
(14) In addition to the preceding items, any other acts that ROIS or NII reasonably deems inappropriate.
Article 5 Disclaimer of Warranty
The Model and Output are provided on an "as-is" basis. ROIS and NII offer no warranty with respect thereto, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of accuracy, authenticity, merchantability, quality, performance, fitness for a particular purpose, and noninfringement of rights. The User shall determine the appropriateness of the use of the Model and Output at its own risk, and the User shall be solely responsible for any and all consequences resulting from the use of the Model and Output.
Article 6 Limitation of Liability
ROIS and NII shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the User or any third party in connection with this Agreement or the Model and Output, irrespective of whether they are based in contract, tort, product liability, or any other legal claim.
Article 7 User Responsibility
(1) The User must comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and all applicable laws and regulations (including, without limitation, foreign exchange and foreign trade laws) in obtaining and using the Model and Output.
(2) The User must indemnify ROIS and NII for any damages incurred as a result of any breach of this Agreement or use of the Model and Output.
(3) In the event that ROIS or NII receives a claim for damages or any other claim from a third party due to the User's use of the Model and Output, the User shall indemnify and hold ROIS and NII harmless from such claim at its own responsibility and expense.
Article 8 Attribution of Rights
(1) All rights, including intellectual property rights, related to the Model (hereinafter in this article referred to as "Intellectual Property Rights, etc.") belong to ROIS.
(2) Intellectual Property Rights, etc. related to changes made to the Model by the User when creating a Derivative Model shall belong to the User who made such changes.
(3) Intellectual Property Rights, etc. related to the Output belong to the User who generated the relevant Output.
Article 9 Term of Validity of this Agreement
(1) This Agreement shall become effective upon the earlier of the User's consent to this Agreement or access of the Model and shall remain in effect until terminated in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
(2) ROIS may terminate this Agreement without any notice if the User breaches any provision of this Agreement.
(3) Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, the User shall immediately cease all use of the Model and any Derivative Models and delete all of them.
Article 10 Revision of this Agreement
ROIS may amend this Agreement at its discretion, and ROIS will publish the amended Agreement, including the details of the amendment and the effective date of the amendment, in a manner prescribed by NII prior to the implementation of the amendment.
Article 11 Governing Law and Court of Jurisdiction
(1) This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Japan.
(2) The Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance over any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or the Model and Output.
Article 12 Language
This Agreement in Japanese shall be the original.
Established on December 24, 2024