
larkkin's picture
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import multiprocessing as mp
import sys
from operator import itemgetter
import numpy as np
import score.core
from score.smatch import smatch
from score.ucca import identify
counter = 0
def reindex(i):
return -2 - i
def get_or_update(index, key):
return index.setdefault(key, len(index))
class InternalGraph():
def __init__(self, graph, index):
self.node2id = dict()
self.id2node = dict()
self.nodes = []
self.edges = []
for i, node in enumerate(graph.nodes):
self.node2id[node] = i
self.id2node[i] = node
for edge in graph.edges:
src = graph.find_node(edge.src)
src = self.node2id[src]
tgt = graph.find_node(edge.tgt)
tgt = self.node2id[tgt]
self.edges.append((src, tgt, edge.lab))
if edge.attributes:
for prop, val in zip(edge.attributes, edge.values):
self.edges.append((src, tgt, ("E", prop, val)))
# Build the pseudo-edges. These have target nodes that are
# unique for the value of the label, anchor, property.
if index is None:
index = dict()
for i, node in enumerate(graph.nodes):
# labels
j = get_or_update(index, ("L", node.label))
self.edges.append((i, reindex(j), None))
# tops
if node.is_top:
j = get_or_update(index, ("T"))
self.edges.append((i, reindex(j), None))
# anchors
if node.anchors is not None:
anchor = score.core.anchor(node);
if graph.input:
anchor = score.core.explode(graph.input, anchor);
anchor = tuple(anchor);
j = get_or_update(index, ("A", anchor))
self.edges.append((i, reindex(j), None))
# properties
for prop, val in zip(, node.values):
j = get_or_update(index, ("P", prop, val))
self.edges.append((i, reindex(j), None))
def initial_node_correspondences(graph1, graph2,
identities1, identities2,
# in the following, we assume that nodes in raw and internal
# graphs correspond by position into the .nodes. list
shape = (len(graph1.nodes), len(graph2.nodes) + 1)
rewards = np.zeros(shape,;
edges = np.zeros(shape,;
anchors = np.zeros(shape,;
# initialization needs to be sensitive to whether or not we are looking at
# ordered graphs (aka Flavor 0, or the SDP family)
if bilexical:
queue = None;
queue = [];
for i, node1 in enumerate(graph1.nodes):
for j, node2 in enumerate(graph2.nodes + [None]):
rewards[i, j], _, _, _ =;
if node2 is not None:
# also determine the maximum number of edge matches we
# can hope to score, for each node-node correspondence
src_edges_x = [ len([ 1 for e1 in graph1.edges if e1.src == and e1.lab == e2.lab ])
for e2 in graph2.edges if e2.src == ]
tgt_edges_x = [ len([ 1 for e1 in graph1.edges if e1.tgt == and e1.lab == e2.lab ])
for e2 in graph2.edges if e2.tgt == ]
edges[i, j] += sum(src_edges_x) + sum(tgt_edges_x)
# and the overlap of UCCA yields (sets of character position)
if identities1 and identities2:
anchors[i, j] += len(identities1[] &
if queue is not None:
queue.append((rewards[i, j], edges[i, j], anchors[i, j],
i, j if node2 is not None else None));
# adjust rewards to use anchor overlap and edge potential as a secondary
# and tertiary key, respectively. for even better initialization, maybe
# consider edge attributes too?
rewards *= 1000;
anchors *= 10;
rewards += edges + anchors;
if queue is None:
pairs = levenshtein(graph1, graph2);
pairs = [];
sources = set();
targets = set();
for _, _, _, i, j in sorted(queue, key = itemgetter(0, 2, 1),
reverse = True):
if i not in sources and j not in targets:
pairs.append((i, j));
if j is not None: targets.add(j);
return pairs, rewards;
def levenshtein(graph1, graph2):
m = len(graph1.nodes)
n = len(graph2.nodes)
d = {(i,j): float('-inf') for i in range(m+1) for j in range(n+1)}
p = {(i,j): None for i in range(m+1) for j in range(n+1)}
d[(0,0)] = 0
for i in range(1, m+1):
d[(i,0)] = 0
p[(i,0)] = ((i-1,0), None)
for j in range(1, n+1):
d[(0,j)] = 0
p[(0,j)] = ((0,j-1), None)
for j, node2 in enumerate(graph2.nodes, 1):
for i, node1 in enumerate(graph1.nodes, 1):
best_d = float('-inf')
# "deletion"
cand_d = d[(i-1,j-0)]
if cand_d > best_d:
best_d = cand_d
best_p = ((i-1,j-0), None)
# "insertion"
cand_d = d[(i-0,j-1)]
if cand_d > best_d:
best_d = cand_d
best_p = ((i-0,j-1), None)
# "alignment"
cand_d = d[(i-1,j-1)] +[2]
if cand_d > best_d:
best_d = cand_d
best_p = ((i-1,j-1), (i-1, j-1))
d[(i,j)] = best_d
p[(i,j)] = best_p
pairs = {i: None for i in range(len(graph1.nodes))}
def backtrace(idx):
ptr = p[idx]
if ptr is None:
next_idx, pair = ptr
if pair is not None:
i, j = pair
pairs[i] = j
backtrace((m, n))
return sorted(pairs.items())
# The next function constructs the initial table with the candidates
# for the edge-to-edge correspondence. Each edge in the source graph
# is mapped to the set of all edges in the target graph.
def make_edge_candidates(graph1, graph2):
candidates = dict()
for raw_edge1 in graph1.edges:
src1, tgt1, lab1 = raw_edge1
if raw_edge1 not in candidates:
edge1_candidates = set()
edge1_candidates = candidates[raw_edge1]
for raw_edge2 in graph2.edges:
src2, tgt2, lab2 = raw_edge2
edge2 = (src2, tgt2)
if tgt1 < 0:
# Edge edge1 is a pseudoedge. This can only map to
# another pseudoedge pointing to the same pseudonode.
if tgt2 == tgt1 and lab1 == lab2:
elif tgt2 >= 0 and lab1 == lab2:
# Edge edge1 is a real edge. This can only map to
# another real edge.
if edge1_candidates:
candidates[raw_edge1] = edge1_candidates
return candidates
# The next function updates the table with the candidates for the
# edge-to-edge correspondence when node `i` is tentatively mapped to
# node `j`.
def update_edge_candidates(edge_candidates, i, j):
new_candidates = edge_candidates.copy()
for edge1, edge1_candidates in edge_candidates.items():
if i == edge1[0] or i == edge1[1]:
# Edge edge1 is affected by the tentative assignment. Need
# to explicitly construct the new set of candidates for
# edge1.
# Both edges share the same source/target node
# (modulo the tentative assignment).
src1, tgt1, _ = edge1
edge1_candidates = {(src2, tgt2) for src2, tgt2 in edge1_candidates
if src1 == i and src2 == j or tgt1 == i and tgt2 == j}
if edge1_candidates:
new_candidates[edge1] = edge1_candidates
return new_candidates, len(new_candidates)
def splits(xs):
# The source graph node is mapped to some target graph node (x).
for i, x in enumerate(xs):
yield x, xs[:i] + xs[i+1:]
# The source graph node is not mapped to any target graph node.
yield -1, xs
def sorted_splits(i, xs, rewards, pairs, bilexical):
for _i, _j in pairs:
if i == _i: j = _j if _j is not None else -1
if bilexical:
sorted_xs = sorted(xs, key=lambda x: (-abs(x-i), rewards.item((i, x)), -x), reverse=True)
sorted_xs = sorted(xs, key=lambda x: (rewards.item((i, x)), -x), reverse=True)
if j in sorted_xs or j < 0:
if j >= 0: sorted_xs.remove(j)
sorted_xs = [j] + sorted_xs
yield from splits(sorted_xs)
# UCCA-specific rule:
# Do not pursue correspondences of nodes i and j in case there is
# a node dominated by i whose correspondence is not dominated by j
def identities(g, s):
# use overlap of UCCA yields in picking initial node pairing
if g.framework == "ucca" and g.input \
and s.framework == "ucca" and s.input:
g_identities = dict()
s_identities = dict()
g_dominated = dict()
s_dominated = dict()
for node in g.nodes:
g_identities, g_dominated = \
identify(g,, g_identities, g_dominated)
g_identities = {key: score.core.explode(g.input, value)
for key, value in g_identities.items()}
for node in s.nodes:
s_identities, s_dominated = \
identify(s,, s_identities, s_dominated)
s_identities = {key: score.core.explode(s.input, value)
for key, value in s_identities.items()}
g_identities = s_identities = g_dominated = s_dominated = None
return g_identities, s_identities, g_dominated, s_dominated
def domination_conflict(graph1, graph2, cv, i, j, dominated1, dominated2):
if not dominated1 or not dominated2 or i < 0 or j < 0:
return False
dominated_i = dominated1[graph1.id2node[i].id]
dominated_j = dominated2[graph2.id2node[j].id]
# Both must be leaves or both must be non-leaves
if bool(dominated_i) != bool(dominated_j):
return True
for _i, _j in cv.items():
if _i >= 0 and _j >= 0 and \
graph1.id2node[_i].id in dominated_i and \
graph2.id2node[_j].id not in dominated_j:
return True
return False
# Find all maximum edge correspondences between the source graph
# (graph1) and the target graph (graph2). This implements the
# algorithm of McGregor (1982).
def correspondences(graph1, graph2, pairs, rewards, limit=None, trace=0,
dominated1=None, dominated2=None, bilexical = False):
global counter
index = dict()
graph1 = InternalGraph(graph1, index)
graph2 = InternalGraph(graph2, index)
cv = dict()
ce = make_edge_candidates(graph1, graph2)
# Visit the source graph nodes in descending order of rewards.
source_todo = [pair[0] for pair in pairs]
todo = [(cv, ce, source_todo, sorted_splits(
source_todo[0], graph2.nodes, rewards, pairs, bilexical))]
n_matched = 0
while todo and (limit is None or counter <= limit):
cv, ce, source_todo, untried = todo[-1]
i = source_todo[0]
j, new_untried = next(untried)
if cv:
if bilexical: # respect node ordering in bi-lexical graphs
max_j = max((_j for _i, _j in cv.items() if _i < i), default=-1)
if 0 <= j < max_j + 1:
elif domination_conflict(graph1, graph2, cv, i, j, dominated1, dominated2):
counter += 1
if trace > 2: print("({}:{}) ".format(i, j), end="", file = sys.stderr)
new_cv = dict(cv)
new_cv[i] = j
new_ce, new_potential = update_edge_candidates(ce, i, j)
if new_potential > n_matched:
new_source_todo = source_todo[1:]
if new_source_todo:
if trace > 2: print("> ", end="", file = sys.stderr)
todo.append((new_cv, new_ce, new_source_todo,
new_untried, rewards,
pairs, bilexical)))
if trace > 2: print(file = sys.stderr)
yield new_cv, new_ce
n_matched = new_potential
except StopIteration:
if trace > 2: print("< ", file = sys.stderr)
def is_valid(correspondence):
return all(len(x) <= 1 for x in correspondence.values())
def is_injective(correspondence):
seen = set()
for xs in correspondence.values():
for x in xs:
if x in seen:
return False
return True
def schedule(g, s, rrhc_limit, mces_limit, trace, errors):
global counter;
counter = 0;
g_identities, s_identities, g_dominated, s_dominated \
= identities(g, s);
bilexical = g.flavor == 0 or g.framework in {"dm", "psd", "pas", "ccd"};
pairs, rewards \
= initial_node_correspondences(g, s,
g_identities, s_identities,
if errors is not None and g.framework not in errors: errors[g.framework] = dict();
if trace > 1:
print("\n\ngraph #{} ({}; {}; {})"
"".format(, g.language(), g.flavor, g.framework),
file = sys.stderr);
print("number of gold nodes: {}".format(len(g.nodes)),
file = sys.stderr);
print("number of system nodes: {}".format(len(s.nodes)),
file = sys.stderr);
print("number of edges: {}".format(len(g.edges)),
file = sys.stderr);
if trace > 2:
print("rewards and pairs:\n{}\n{}\n"
"".format(rewards, sorted(pairs)),
file = sys.stderr);
smatches = 0;
if g.framework in {"eds", "amr"} and rrhc_limit > 0:
smatches, _, _, mapping \
= smatch(g, s, rrhc_limit,
{"tops", "labels", "properties", "anchors",
"edges", "attributes"},
0, False);
mapping = [(i, j if j >= 0 else None)
for i, j in enumerate(mapping)];
tops, labels, properties, anchors, edges, attributes \
= g.score(s, mapping);
all = tops["c"] + labels["c"] + properties["c"] \
+ anchors["c"] + edges["c"] + attributes["c"];
status = "{}".format(smatches);
if smatches > all:
status = "{} vs. {}".format(smatches, all);
smatches = all;
if trace > 1:
print("pairs {} smatch [{}]: {}"
"".format("from" if set(pairs) != set(mapping) else "by",
status, sorted(mapping)),
file = sys.stderr);
if set(pairs) != set(mapping): pairs = mapping;
matches, best_cv, best_ce = 0, {}, {};
if g.nodes and mces_limit > 0:
for i, (cv, ce) in \
enumerate(correspondences(g, s, pairs, rewards,
mces_limit, trace,
dominated1 = g_dominated,
dominated2 = s_dominated,
bilexical = bilexical)):
# assert is_valid(ce)
# assert is_injective(ce)
n = sum(map(len, ce.values()));
if n > matches:
if trace > 1:
print("\n[{}] solution #{}; matches: {}"
"".format(counter, i, n), file = sys.stderr);
matches, best_cv, best_ce = n, cv, ce;
tops, labels, properties, anchors, edges, attributes \
= g.score(s, best_cv or pairs, errors);
# assert matches >= smatches;
if trace > 1:
if smatches and matches != smatches:
print("delta to smatch: {}"
"".format(matches - smatches), file = sys.stderr);
print("[{}] edges in correspondence: {}"
"".format(counter, matches), file = sys.stderr)
print("tops: {}\nlabels: {}\nproperties: {}\nanchors: {}"
"\nedges: {}\nattributes: {}"
"".format(tops, labels, properties, anchors,
edges, attributes), file = sys.stderr);
if trace > 2:
print(best_cv, file = sys.stderr)
print(best_ce, file = sys.stderr)
return, g, s, tops, labels, properties, anchors, \
edges, attributes, matches, counter, None;
except Exception as e:
# _fix_me_
raise e;
return, g, s, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, e;
def evaluate(gold, system, format = "json",
limits = None,
cores = 0, trace = 0, errors = None, quiet = False):
def update(total, counts):
for key in ("g", "s", "c"):
total[key] += counts[key];
def finalize(counts):
p, r, f = score.core.fscore(counts["g"], counts["s"], counts["c"]);
counts.update({"p": p, "r": r, "f": f});
if limits is None:
limits = {"rrhc": 20, "mces": 500000}
rrhc_limit = mces_limit = None;
if isinstance(limits, dict):
if "rrhc" in limits: rrhc_limit = limits["rrhc"];
if "mces" in limits: mces_limit = limits["mces"];
if rrhc_limit is None or rrhc_limit < 0: rrhc_limit = 20;
if mces_limit is None or mces_limit < 0: mces_limit = 500000;
if trace > 1:
print("RRHC limit: {}; MCES limit: {}".format(rrhc_limit, mces_limit),
file = sys.stderr);
total_matches = total_steps = 0;
total_pairs = 0;
total_empty = 0;
total_inexact = 0;
total_tops = {"g": 0, "s": 0, "c": 0}
total_labels = {"g": 0, "s": 0, "c": 0}
total_properties = {"g": 0, "s": 0, "c": 0}
total_anchors = {"g": 0, "s": 0, "c": 0}
total_edges = {"g": 0, "s": 0, "c": 0}
total_attributes = {"g": 0, "s": 0, "c": 0}
scores = dict() if trace else None;
if cores > 1:
if trace > 1:
print("mces.evaluate(): using {} cores".format(cores),
file = sys.stderr);
with mp.Pool(cores) as pool:
results = pool.starmap(schedule,
((g, s, rrhc_limit, mces_limit,
trace, errors)
for g, s
in score.core.intersect(gold,
quiet = quiet)));
results = (schedule(g, s, rrhc_limit, mces_limit, trace, errors)
for g, s in score.core.intersect(gold, system));
for id, g, s, tops, labels, properties, anchors, \
edges, attributes, matches, steps, error \
in results:
framework = g.framework if g.framework else "none";
if scores is not None and framework not in scores: scores[framework] = dict();
if s.nodes is None or len(s.nodes) == 0:
total_empty += 1;
if error is None:
total_matches += matches;
total_steps += steps;
update(total_tops, tops);
update(total_labels, labels);
update(total_properties, properties);
update(total_anchors, anchors);
update(total_edges, edges);
update(total_attributes, attributes);
total_pairs += 1;
if mces_limit == 0 or steps > mces_limit: total_inexact += 1;
if trace and s.nodes is not None and len(s.nodes) != 0:
if id in scores[framework]:
print("mces.evaluate(): duplicate {} graph identifier: {}"
"".format(framework, id), file = sys.stderr);
scores[framework][id] \
= {"tops": tops, "labels": labels,
"properties": properties, "anchors": anchors,
"edges": edges, "attributes": attributes,
"exact": not (mces_limit == 0 or steps > mces_limit),
"steps": steps};
print("mces.evaluate(): exception in {} graph #{}:\n{}"
"".format(framework, id, error));
if trace:
scores[framework][id] = {"error": repr(error)};
total_all = {"g": 0, "s": 0, "c": 0};
for counts in [total_tops, total_labels, total_properties, total_anchors,
total_edges, total_attributes]:
update(total_all, counts);
result = {"n": total_pairs, "null": total_empty,
"exact": total_pairs - total_inexact,
"tops": total_tops, "labels": total_labels,
"properties": total_properties, "anchors": total_anchors,
"edges": total_edges, "attributes": total_attributes,
"all": total_all};
if trace: result["scores"] = scores;
return result;