import re; import sys; import codec.mrp; from graph import Edge, Graph; from smatch.amr import AMR; STASH = re.compile(r'__[0-9]+__'); INDEX = re.compile(r'x([0-9]+)((:?_[0-9]+)*)'); def amr_lines(fp, camr, alignment): id, snt, lines = None, None, []; stash = dict(); def _stash_(match): prefix, constant, suffix = match.groups(); fields = constant.split("/"); if fields[0] in stash: if stash[fields[0]][2] != fields[1]: raise Exception("amr_lines(): " "ambiguously defined constant in graph #{}, " "‘{}’: ‘{}’ vs. ‘{}’; exit." "".format(id, fields[0], stash[fields[0]][2], fields[1])); else: stash[fields[0]] = (len(stash), fields[0], fields[1]); return "{}__{}__{}".format(prefix, stash[fields[0]][0], suffix); alignment = read_alignment(alignment); for line in fp: line = line.strip(); if len(line) == 0: if len(lines) > 0: i = mapping = None; try: i, mapping = next(alignment); except Exception as error: print("amr_lines(): missing alignment for graph #{}." "".format(id), file = sys.stderr); pass; yield id, snt, " ".join(lines), stash.values(), \ mapping if mapping is not None and i == id else None; id, lines = None, []; stash.clear(); else: if line.startswith("#"): if line.startswith("# ::id"): id = line.split()[2]; if line.startswith("# ::snt"): snt = line[8:].strip(); else: if camr: line = re.sub(r'((?:^|[ \t]):[^( ]+)\([^ \t]*\)([ \t]|$)', "\\1\\2", line, count = 0); line = re.sub(r'(^|[ \t])(x[0-9]+/[^ \t]+)([ \t]|$)', _stash_, line, count = 0); lines.append(line) if len(lines) > 0: i = mapping = None; try: i, mapping = next(alignment); except: print("amr_lines(): missing alignment for graph #{}." "".format(id), file = sys.stderr); pass; yield id, snt, " ".join(lines), stash.values(), \ mapping if mapping is not None and i == id else None; def read_alignment(stream): if stream is None: while True: yield None, None; else: id = None; alignment = dict(); for line in stream: line = line.strip(); if len(line) == 0: yield id, alignment; id = None; alignment.clear(); else: if line.startswith("#"): if line.startswith("# ::id"): id = line.split()[2]; else: fields = line.split("\t"); if len(fields) == 2: start, end = fields[1].split("-"); span = set(range(int(start), int(end) + 1)); fields = fields[0].split(); if len(fields) > 1 and fields[1].startswith(":"): fields[1] = fields[1][1:]; if fields[1] == "wiki": continue; if fields[0] not in alignment: alignment[fields[0]] = bucket = dict(); else: bucket = alignment[fields[0]]; path = tuple(fields[1:]); if path not in bucket: bucket[path] = can = set(); else: can = bucket[path]; can |= span; yield id, alignment; def amr2graph(id, amr, text, stash, camr = False, full = False, reify = False, quiet = False, alignment = None): graph = Graph(id, flavor = 2, framework = "amr"); node2id = dict(); anchoring = list(); i = 0; def _anchor_(form): nonlocal i; m = None; j = graph.input.find(form, i); if j >= i: i, m = j, len(form); else: base = form; k, l = len(graph.input), 0; for old, new in {("‘", "`"), ("‘", "'"), ("’", "'"), ("`", "'"), ("“", "\""), ("”", "\""), ("–", "--"), ("–", "---"), ("—", "---"), ("…", "..."), ("…", ". . .")}: form = base.replace(old, new); j = graph.input.find(form, i); if j >= i and j < k: k, l = j, len(form); if k < len(graph.input): i, m = k, l; if m: match = {"from": i, "to": i + m}; i += m; return match; else: raise Exception("failed to anchor |{}| in |{}|{}| ({})" "".format(form, graph.input[:i], graph.input[i:], i)); if text: graph.add_input(text, quiet = quiet); if camr: for token in graph.input.split(" "): anchoring.append(_anchor_(token)); i = 0; for n, v, a in zip(amr.nodes, amr.node_values, amr.attributes): j = i; node2id[n] = j; top = False; for key, val in a: if key == "TOP": top = True; anchors = find_anchors(n, anchoring) if camr else None; node = graph.add_node(j, label = v, top = top, anchors = anchors); i += 1 for key, val in a: if STASH.match(val) is not None: index = int(val[2:-2]); val = next(v for k, x, v in stash if k == index); if key != "TOP" and (key not in {"wiki"} or full): if val.endswith("¦"): val = val[:-1]; if reify: graph.add_node(i, label = val); graph.add_edge(j, i, key); i += 1 else: # # _fix_me_ # this assumes that properties are unique. (1-apr-20; oe) # node.set_property(key.lower(), str(val).lower()); for src, r in zip(amr.nodes, amr.relations): for label, tgt in r: normal = None; if label == "mod": normal = "domain"; elif label.endswith("-of-of") \ or label.endswith("-of") \ and label not in {"consist-of" "subset-of"} \ and not label.startswith("prep-"): normal = label[:-3]; graph.add_edge(node2id[src], node2id[tgt], label, normal) overlay = None; if alignment is not None: overlay = Graph(id, flavor = -1, framework = "anchoring"); for node in alignment: for path, span in alignment[node].items(): if len(path) == 0: anchors = [{"#": token} for token in span]; node = overlay.add_node(node2id[node], anchors = anchors); for node in alignment: id = node2id[node]; for path, span in alignment[node].items(): if len(path) == 1: key = path[0].lower(); node = overlay.find_node(id); if node is None: node = overlay.add_node(id); reference = graph.find_node(id); anchors = [{"#": token} for token in span]; if is not None \ and key in node.set_anchoring(key, anchors); else: edge = next(edge for edge in graph.edges if edge.lab.lower() == key and edge.src == id); overlay.edges.add(Edge(, None, None, None, anchors = anchors)); elif len(path) > 1: print("amr2graph(): " "ignoring alignment path {} on node #{} ({})" "".format(path, id, node)); return graph, overlay; def find_anchors(index, anchors): result = list(); for match in INDEX.finditer(index): i, suffix =,; i = int(i) - 1; if i >= len(anchors): continue; anchor = anchors[i]; if suffix != "": fields = suffix[1:].split("_"); start = anchor["from"]; for field in fields: j = int(field); result.append({"from": start + j - 1, "to": start + j}); else: result.append(anchor); return result if len(result) > 0 else None; def convert_amr_id(id): m ='wsj_([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)', id); if m: return "2%04d%03d" % (int(, int(; m ='lpp_1943\.([0-9]+)', id); if m: return "1%04d0" % (int(; else: raise Exception('Could not convert id: %s' % id); def read(fp, full = False, reify = False, camr = False, text = None, alignment = None, quiet = False, trace = 0): n = 0; for id, snt, amr_line, stash, mapping in amr_lines(fp, camr, alignment): if trace: print("{}: {}".format(id, amr_line), file = sys.stderr); amr = AMR.parse_AMR_line(amr_line); if not amr: raise Exception("failed to parse #{} ‘{}’; exit." "".format(id, amr_line)); if id is not None: try: id = convert_amr_id(id); except: pass; else: id = n; n += 1; graph, overlay = amr2graph(id, amr, text or snt, stash, camr, full, reify, quiet, mapping); yield graph, overlay;