Update README.md
Browse files
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ language:
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- RAG优化,适配更多真实业务场景(RAG adaptation for more domains, including Education, Law, Finance, Medical, Literature, FAQ, Textbook, Wikipedia, etc.);
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- <a href="https://github.com/netease-youdao/BCEmbedding">BCEmbedding</a>适配长文本做rerank(Handle long passages reranking more than 512 limit in <a href="https://github.com/netease-youdao/BCEmbedding">BCEmbedding</a>);
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- RerankerModel可以提供可靠的 **相关性分数**,用于过滤低质量passage(RerankerModel provides **meaningful similarity score**, which help you figure out how relavent the query and passages are!)
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## News:
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- `BCEmbedding`技术博客( **Technical Blog** ): [为RAG而生-BCEmbedding技术报告](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/681370855)
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- RAG优化,适配更多真实业务场景(RAG adaptation for more domains, including Education, Law, Finance, Medical, Literature, FAQ, Textbook, Wikipedia, etc.);
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- <a href="https://github.com/netease-youdao/BCEmbedding">BCEmbedding</a>适配长文本做rerank(Handle long passages reranking more than 512 limit in <a href="https://github.com/netease-youdao/BCEmbedding">BCEmbedding</a>);
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- RerankerModel可以提供可靠的 **相关性分数**,用于过滤低质量passage(RerankerModel provides **meaningful similarity score**, which help you figure out how relavent the query and passages are!)
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- **最佳实践(Best practice)** :embedding召回top50-100片段,reranker对这50-100片段精排,最后取top5-10片段。(1. Get top 50-100 passages with [bce-embedding-base_v1](https://huggingface.co/maidalun1020/bce-embedding-base_v1) for "`recall`"; 2. Rerank passages with [bce-reranker-base_v1](https://huggingface.co/maidalun1020/bce-reranker-base_v1) and get top 5-10 for "`precision`" finally. )
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## News:
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- `BCEmbedding`技术博客( **Technical Blog** ): [为RAG而生-BCEmbedding技术报告](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/681370855)