from setuptools import setup, Extension import glob import platform import os import sys import re #Does gcc compile with this header and library? def compile_test(header, library): dummy_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "dummy") command = "bash -c \"g++ -include " + header + " -l" + library + " -x c++ - <<<'int main() {}' -o " + dummy_path + " >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && rm " + dummy_path + " 2>/dev/null\"" return os.system(command) == 0 max_order = "6" is_max_order = [s for s in sys.argv if "--max_order" in s] for element in is_max_order: max_order = re.split('[= ]',element)[1] sys.argv.remove(element) FILES = glob.glob('util/*.cc') + glob.glob('lm/*.cc') + glob.glob('util/double-conversion/*.cc') + glob.glob('python/*.cc') FILES = [fn for fn in FILES if not (fn.endswith('') or fn.endswith(''))] if platform.system() == 'Linux': LIBS = ['stdc++', 'rt'] elif platform.system() == 'Darwin': LIBS = ['c++'] else: LIBS = [] #We don't need -std=c++11 but python seems to be compiled with it now. ARGS = ['-O3', '-DNDEBUG', '-DKENLM_MAX_ORDER='+max_order, '-std=c++11'] #Attempted fix to and if platform.system() == 'Darwin': ARGS += ["-stdlib=libc++", "-mmacosx-version-min=10.7"] if compile_test('zlib.h', 'z'): ARGS.append('-DHAVE_ZLIB') LIBS.append('z') if compile_test('bzlib.h', 'bz2'): ARGS.append('-DHAVE_BZLIB') LIBS.append('bz2') if compile_test('lzma.h', 'lzma'): ARGS.append('-DHAVE_XZLIB') LIBS.append('lzma') ext_modules = [ Extension(name='kenlm', sources=FILES + ['python/kenlm.cpp'], language='C++', include_dirs=['.'], libraries=LIBS, extra_compile_args=ARGS) ] setup( name='kenlm', ext_modules=ext_modules, include_package_data=True, )