import torch import numpy as np import cv2 def get_data_info(info, cam_type): cam_info = info[cam_type] lidar2cam_r = np.linalg.inv(cam_info['sensor2lidar_rotation']) lidar2cam_t = cam_info[ 'sensor2lidar_translation'] @ lidar2cam_r.T lidar2cam_rt = np.eye(4) lidar2cam_rt[:3, :3] = lidar2cam_r.T lidar2cam_rt[3, :3] = -lidar2cam_t intrinsic = cam_info['cam_intrinsic'] viewpad = np.eye(4) viewpad[:intrinsic.shape[0], :intrinsic.shape[1]] = intrinsic lidar2img_rt = (viewpad @ lidar2cam_rt.T) return lidar2img_rt def _proj_voxel_image(voxel_coords, lidar2img_rt, voxel_size, point_cloud_range): # voxel_coords [n ,4] # lidar2img_rt [4, 4] #x_input.indices [n, 4] [[0, Z, Y, Z]xn] voxel_coords = voxel_coords[:, [3,2,1]] device = voxel_coords.device lidar2img_rt = torch.Tensor(lidar2img_rt).to(device) # point_cloud_rangetensor([-51.2000, -51.2000, -5.0000, 51.2000, 51.2000, 3.0000]) voxel_coords = voxel_coords * voxel_size.unsqueeze(0) + point_cloud_range[:3].unsqueeze(0) # (n, 4) voxel_coords =[voxel_coords, torch.ones((voxel_coords.shape[0], 1), device=device)], dim=-1) points_image = torch.matmul(lidar2img_rt, voxel_coords.permute(1, 0)) #(voxel_coords @ lidar2img_rt).T # (4, n) depth = points_image[2:3] # (1, n) points_image = points_image[:2] / torch.maximum(depth, torch.ones_like(depth*1e-4)) return points_image, depth def _draw_image(points_image, image_path, depth): image = cv2.imread(image_path) points_image = for i in range(points_image.shape[1]): _point = points_image[:, i] if _point[0] > 0 and _point[1] > 0 and depth[0][i] >0:, tuple(_point), 1, (0,255,0), -1) #cv2.imwrite("image.png", image) return image def _draw_mask(image_path, mask, color=None): image = cv2.imread(image_path) h, w, _ = image.shape if color is None: color = np.random.random(3) image[mask] = image[mask] * color #cv2.imwrite("image_mask.png", image) return image def _draw_3dbox(box, lidar2img_rt, image, mask=None, color=None, output_path="image_box.png"): #image = cv2.imread(image_path) h, w, _ = image.shape if color is None: color = np.random.random(3) if not mask is None: image[mask] = image[mask] * color center_x, center_y, center_z, H, W, Z, angle = box[:7] sin_angle, cos_angle = torch.sin(angle), torch.cos(angle) top1 = [center_x - (H/2 * cos_angle + W/2 * sin_angle), center_y - (H/2 * sin_angle + W/2 * cos_angle), center_z + Z/2] top2 = [center_x - (H/2 * cos_angle + W/2 * sin_angle), center_y + (H/2 * sin_angle + W/2 * cos_angle), center_z + Z/2] top3 = [center_x + (H/2 * cos_angle + W/2 * sin_angle), center_y + (H/2 * sin_angle + W/2 * cos_angle), center_z + Z/2] top4 = [center_x + (H/2 * cos_angle + W/2 * sin_angle), center_y - (H/2 * sin_angle + W/2 * cos_angle), center_z + Z/2] down1 = [center_x - (H/2 * cos_angle + W/2 * sin_angle), center_y - (H/2 * sin_angle + W/2 * cos_angle), center_z - Z/2] down2 = [center_x - (H/2 * cos_angle + W/2 * sin_angle), center_y + (H/2 * sin_angle + W/2 * cos_angle), center_z - Z/2] down3 = [center_x + (H/2 * cos_angle + W/2 * sin_angle), center_y + (H/2 * sin_angle + W/2 * cos_angle), center_z - Z/2] down4 = [center_x + (H/2 * cos_angle + W/2 * sin_angle), center_y - (H/2 * sin_angle + W/2 * cos_angle), center_z - Z/2] points = torch.Tensor([top1, top2, top3, top4, down1, down2, down3, down4, [center_x, center_y, center_z]]) # (8, 3) points =[points, torch.ones((points.shape[0], 1), device=points.device)], dim=-1) points_image = torch.matmul(torch.Tensor(lidar2img_rt).to(points.device), points.permute(1, 0)) depth = points_image[2:3] # (1, n) points_image = points_image[:2] / torch.maximum(depth, torch.ones_like(depth*1e-4)) points_image = points_image.permute(1, 0).int().cpu().numpy() #(voxel_coords @ lidar2img_rt).T lines = [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 0], [4, 5], [5, 6], [6, 7], [7, 4], [0, 4], [1, 5], [2, 6], [3, 7]], tuple(points_image[-1]), 3, (0, 255, 0), -1) for line in lines: cv2.line(image, tuple(points_image[line[0]]), tuple(points_image[line[1]]), tuple(color * 255), 2) #cv2.imwrite(output_path, image) return image