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from functools import reduce
from torch_scatter import scatter_add
from import Data
import torch
def edge_match(edge_index, query_index):
# O((n + q)logn) time
# O(n) memory
# edge_index: big underlying graph
# query_index: edges to match
# preparing unique hashing of edges, base: (max_node, max_relation) + 1
base = edge_index.max(dim=1)[0] + 1
# we will map edges to long ints, so we need to make sure the maximum product is less than MAX_LONG_INT
# idea: max number of edges = num_nodes * num_relations
# e.g. for a graph of 10 nodes / 5 relations, edge IDs 0...9 mean all possible outgoing edge types from node 0
# given a tuple (h, r), we will search for all other existing edges starting from head h
assert reduce(int.__mul__, base.tolist()) < torch.iinfo(torch.long).max
scale = base.cumprod(0)
scale = scale[-1] // scale
# hash both the original edge index and the query index to unique integers
edge_hash = (edge_index * scale.unsqueeze(-1)).sum(dim=0)
edge_hash, order = edge_hash.sort()
query_hash = (query_index * scale.unsqueeze(-1)).sum(dim=0)
# matched ranges: [start[i], end[i])
start = torch.bucketize(query_hash, edge_hash)
end = torch.bucketize(query_hash, edge_hash, right=True)
# num_match shows how many edges satisfy the (h, r) pattern for each query in the batch
num_match = end - start
# generate the corresponding ranges
offset = num_match.cumsum(0) - num_match
range = torch.arange(num_match.sum(), device=edge_index.device)
range = range + (start - offset).repeat_interleave(num_match)
return order[range], num_match
def negative_sampling(data, batch, num_negative, strict=True):
batch_size = len(batch)
pos_h_index, pos_t_index, pos_r_index = batch.t()
# strict negative sampling vs random negative sampling
if strict:
t_mask, h_mask = strict_negative_mask(data, batch)
t_mask = t_mask[:batch_size // 2]
neg_t_candidate = t_mask.nonzero()[:, 1]
num_t_candidate = t_mask.sum(dim=-1)
# draw samples for negative tails
rand = torch.rand(len(t_mask), num_negative, device=batch.device)
index = (rand * num_t_candidate.unsqueeze(-1)).long()
index = index + (num_t_candidate.cumsum(0) - num_t_candidate).unsqueeze(-1)
neg_t_index = neg_t_candidate[index]
h_mask = h_mask[batch_size // 2:]
neg_h_candidate = h_mask.nonzero()[:, 1]
num_h_candidate = h_mask.sum(dim=-1)
# draw samples for negative heads
rand = torch.rand(len(h_mask), num_negative, device=batch.device)
index = (rand * num_h_candidate.unsqueeze(-1)).long()
index = index + (num_h_candidate.cumsum(0) - num_h_candidate).unsqueeze(-1)
neg_h_index = neg_h_candidate[index]
neg_index = torch.randint(data.num_nodes, (batch_size, num_negative), device=batch.device)
neg_t_index, neg_h_index = neg_index[:batch_size // 2], neg_index[batch_size // 2:]
h_index = pos_h_index.unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1, num_negative + 1)
t_index = pos_t_index.unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1, num_negative + 1)
r_index = pos_r_index.unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1, num_negative + 1)
t_index[:batch_size // 2, 1:] = neg_t_index
h_index[batch_size // 2:, 1:] = neg_h_index
return torch.stack([h_index, t_index, r_index], dim=-1)
def all_negative(data, batch):
pos_h_index, pos_t_index, pos_r_index = batch.t()
r_index = pos_r_index.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, data.num_nodes)
# generate all negative tails for this batch
all_index = torch.arange(data.num_nodes, device=batch.device)
h_index, t_index = torch.meshgrid(pos_h_index, all_index, indexing="ij") # indexing "xy" would return transposed
t_batch = torch.stack([h_index, t_index, r_index], dim=-1)
# generate all negative heads for this batch
all_index = torch.arange(data.num_nodes, device=batch.device)
t_index, h_index = torch.meshgrid(pos_t_index, all_index, indexing="ij")
h_batch = torch.stack([h_index, t_index, r_index], dim=-1)
return t_batch, h_batch
def strict_negative_mask(data, batch):
# this function makes sure that for a given (h, r) batch we will NOT sample true tails as random negatives
# similarly, for a given (t, r) we will NOT sample existing true heads as random negatives
pos_h_index, pos_t_index, pos_r_index = batch.t()
# part I: sample hard negative tails
# edge index of all (head, relation) edges from the underlying graph
edge_index = torch.stack([data.edge_index[0], data.edge_type])
# edge index of current batch (head, relation) for which we will sample negatives
query_index = torch.stack([pos_h_index, pos_r_index])
# search for all true tails for the given (h, r) batch
edge_id, num_t_truth = edge_match(edge_index, query_index)
# build an index from the found edges
t_truth_index = data.edge_index[1, edge_id]
sample_id = torch.arange(len(num_t_truth), device=batch.device).repeat_interleave(num_t_truth)
t_mask = torch.ones(len(num_t_truth), data.num_nodes, dtype=torch.bool, device=batch.device)
# assign 0s to the mask with the found true tails
t_mask[sample_id, t_truth_index] = 0
t_mask.scatter_(1, pos_t_index.unsqueeze(-1), 0)
# part II: sample hard negative heads
# edge_index[1] denotes tails, so the edge index becomes (t, r)
edge_index = torch.stack([data.edge_index[1], data.edge_type])
# edge index of current batch (tail, relation) for which we will sample heads
query_index = torch.stack([pos_t_index, pos_r_index])
# search for all true heads for the given (t, r) batch
edge_id, num_h_truth = edge_match(edge_index, query_index)
# build an index from the found edges
h_truth_index = data.edge_index[0, edge_id]
sample_id = torch.arange(len(num_h_truth), device=batch.device).repeat_interleave(num_h_truth)
h_mask = torch.ones(len(num_h_truth), data.num_nodes, dtype=torch.bool, device=batch.device)
# assign 0s to the mask with the found true heads
h_mask[sample_id, h_truth_index] = 0
h_mask.scatter_(1, pos_h_index.unsqueeze(-1), 0)
return t_mask, h_mask
def compute_ranking(pred, target, mask=None):
pos_pred = pred.gather(-1, target.unsqueeze(-1))
if mask is not None:
# filtered ranking
ranking = torch.sum((pos_pred <= pred) & mask, dim=-1) + 1
# unfiltered ranking
ranking = torch.sum(pos_pred <= pred, dim=-1) + 1
return ranking
def build_relation_graph(graph):
# expect the graph is already with inverse edges
edge_index, edge_type = graph.edge_index, graph.edge_type
num_nodes, num_rels = graph.num_nodes, graph.num_relations
device = edge_index.device
Eh = torch.vstack([edge_index[0], edge_type]).T.unique(dim=0) # (num_edges, 2)
Dh = scatter_add(torch.ones_like(Eh[:, 1]), Eh[:, 0])
EhT = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(
torch.flip(Eh, dims=[1]).T,
torch.ones(Eh.shape[0], device=device) / Dh[Eh[:, 0]],
(num_rels, num_nodes)
Eh = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(
torch.ones(Eh.shape[0], device=device),
(num_nodes, num_rels)
Et = torch.vstack([edge_index[1], edge_type]).T.unique(dim=0) # (num_edges, 2)
Dt = scatter_add(torch.ones_like(Et[:, 1]), Et[:, 0])
assert not (Dt[Et[:, 0]] == 0).any()
EtT = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(
torch.flip(Et, dims=[1]).T,
torch.ones(Et.shape[0], device=device) / Dt[Et[:, 0]],
(num_rels, num_nodes)
Et = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(
torch.ones(Et.shape[0], device=device),
(num_nodes, num_rels)
Ahh =, Eh).coalesce()
Att =, Et).coalesce()
Aht =, Et).coalesce()
Ath =, Eh).coalesce()
hh_edges =[Ahh.indices().T, torch.zeros(Ahh.indices().T.shape[0], 1, dtype=torch.long).fill_(0)], dim=1) # head to head
tt_edges =[Att.indices().T, torch.zeros(Att.indices().T.shape[0], 1, dtype=torch.long).fill_(1)], dim=1) # tail to tail
ht_edges =[Aht.indices().T, torch.zeros(Aht.indices().T.shape[0], 1, dtype=torch.long).fill_(2)], dim=1) # head to tail
th_edges =[Ath.indices().T, torch.zeros(Ath.indices().T.shape[0], 1, dtype=torch.long).fill_(3)], dim=1) # tail to head
rel_graph = Data([hh_edges[:, [0, 1]].T, tt_edges[:, [0, 1]].T, ht_edges[:, [0, 1]].T, th_edges[:, [0, 1]].T], dim=1),[hh_edges[:, 2], tt_edges[:, 2], ht_edges[:, 2], th_edges[:, 2]], dim=0),
graph.relation_graph = rel_graph
return graph