{ "id": 29212, "modelId": 15022, "name": "V1.4", "createdAt": "2023-03-26T00:46:21.364Z", "updatedAt": "2023-04-04T00:52:44.513Z", "trainedWords": [], "baseModel": "SD 1.5", "earlyAccessTimeFrame": 0, "description": "
The Anti-Crispy Update
This version is a simple dial-back to cool V1.3 / V1.3.5's jets, to reduce the crunchiness, aggressive darkness, general rigidness, and make it less demanding for low CFG and high step count. This is done by a simple merge-back of SD 1.5 (which had an add-difference merge of 0.70 with the noise offset) into V1.3.5 at 15%, and then an extra 2% noise offset on top. This does affect some things -- depending on the kinds of prompts you write, you might not notice much, or you might notice a lot. Interiors aren't as imaginative and smooth, yet making genuine art is a cleaner experience with less crunchiness. With the model's behavior reined in a bit, some things might be a little worse, but nasty crispiness and constantly getting the same posing and framing should be less of a prevailing issue now.
Keep CFG fairly low (e.g. around 6-7, but 10 is too high, things get extra crispy).
If your results don't look very clean or have an artifact, you'll probably need to re-run with more steps -- this model can be more demanding than others.
You do not need to prompt a bunch of detail/quality phrases, or use 'negative embeddings' or massive negative prompts.
To control detail level for less detail-dense art styles, try putting 'photo' and 'realistic' in your negative prompt.
If your images are coming out a little dark or contrasted for your liking, try putting 'low light' in your negative prompt, or 'dark' for brighter colors if it's not a lighting issue.
May occasionally need to put 'paint' in negative prompt when prompting for paintings and you're getting weird extra colors or actual paintings in the scenery.
Eyes and especially teeth are sometimes a bit off.
Trying for realism with natural landscapes doesn't normally look great.