This model is open access and available to all, with a CreativeML OpenRAIL-M license further specifying rights and usage.
The CreativeML OpenRAIL License specifies:
You can't use the model to deliberately produce nor share illegal or harmful outputs or content
The authors claims no rights on the outputs you generate, you are free to use them and are accountable for their use which must not go against the provisions set in the license
You may re-distribute the weights and use the model commercially and/or as a service. If you do, please be aware you have to include the same use restrictions as the ones in the license and share a copy of the CreativeML OpenRAIL-M to all your users (please read the license entirely and carefully)
Please read the full license here
Use the model without crediting the creator
Sell images they generate
Run on services that generate images for money
Share merges using this model
Sell this model or merges using this model
Have different permissions when sharing merges
## Disclaimers
The creator and user of the images are solely responsible for any images created using this model. The author of this model is not responsible for any problems or disputes regarding the generated images.
This model is not intended for use with adult content. The author of this model is not responsible for any problems caused by generating adult-oriented content.
In case of problems with the license, this model may be removed without notice.
Use for criminal offenses or for professional purposes such as medical use is prohibited. The author of this model is not responsible for any negligence due to non-fulfillment of the license.
The author of this model is not responsible for any damages or disputes that may arise from the use of this model.
The user of this model must agree to the above disclaimers. Use of this model also constitutes agreement to the above disclaimers.