--- language: - en license: apache-2.0 tags: - medical - unsloth datasets: - oldflag/symptom_dx_test pipeline_tag: question-answering --- # Fine-Tuning Llama3-8b-bnb-4bit Model for Medical Symptom Diagnosis This project demonstrates how to fine-tune the Llama3-8b-bnb-4bit model using a Question and Answer dataset focused on medical symptoms and their diagnoses. The project is implemented using Google Colab and utilizes the `unsloth` library for efficient model handling. ## Overview The goal of this project is to fine-tune the Llama3-8b-bnb-4bit model to generate accurate medical diagnoses based on input symptoms. This is achieved by using a dataset of medical Q&A pairs and adapting the model to understand and respond to medical queries effectively. ## Setup and Installation 1. **Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory:** ```bash git clone https://github.com/oldfalg/FineTuning_Llama_3_8b_Symptom_Dx.git cd FineTuning_Llama_3_8b_Symptom_Dx ## Key Components • Model Loading: Utilizes the FastLanguageModel from the unsloth library to load the pre-trained Llama3-8b-bnb-4bit model with 4-bit quantization for efficient memory usage. • Dataset Preparation: Uses the datasets library to load and process a Q&A dataset for fine-tuning. • Fine-Tuning: Fine-tunes the model in Colab to generate accurate diagnoses based on input symptoms. • Model Uploading: Supports saving the fine-tuned model in different formats (float16, int4, and LoRA adapters) and uploading it to Hugging Face. Inference After fine-tuning, the model can be used to generate diagnoses based on new symptom inputs. The project supports enabling native faster inference and using the fine-tuned model for generation tasks.