1 Physics-Informed Calibration of Aeromagnetic Compensation in Magnetic Navigation Systems using Liquid Time-Constant Networks Magnetic navigation (MagNav) is a rising alternative to the Global Positioning System (GPS) and has proven useful for aircraft navigation. Traditional aircraft navigation systems, while effective, face limitations in precision and reliability in certain environments and against attacks. Airborne MagNav leverages the Earth's magnetic field to provide accurate positional information. However, external magnetic fields induced by aircraft electronics and Earth's large-scale magnetic fields disrupt the weaker signal of interest. We introduce a physics-informed approach using Tolles-Lawson coefficients for compensation and Liquid Time-Constant Networks (LTCs) to remove complex, noisy signals derived from the aircraft's magnetic sources. Using real flight data with magnetometer measurements and aircraft measurements, we observe up to a 64% reduction in aeromagnetic compensation error (RMSE nT), outperforming conventional models. This significant improvement underscores the potential of a physics-informed, machine learning approach for extracting clean, reliable, and accurate magnetic signals for MagNav positional estimation. 3 authors · Jan 17, 2024
1 ISLES 2022: A multi-center magnetic resonance imaging stroke lesion segmentation dataset Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a central modality for stroke imaging. It is used upon patient admission to make treatment decisions such as selecting patients for intravenous thrombolysis or endovascular therapy. MRI is later used in the duration of hospital stay to predict outcome by visualizing infarct core size and location. Furthermore, it may be used to characterize stroke etiology, e.g. differentiation between (cardio)-embolic and non-embolic stroke. Computer based automated medical image processing is increasingly finding its way into clinical routine. Previous iterations of the Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation (ISLES) challenge have aided in the generation of identifying benchmark methods for acute and sub-acute ischemic stroke lesion segmentation. Here we introduce an expert-annotated, multicenter MRI dataset for segmentation of acute to subacute stroke lesions. This dataset comprises 400 multi-vendor MRI cases with high variability in stroke lesion size, quantity and location. It is split into a training dataset of n=250 and a test dataset of n=150. All training data will be made publicly available. The test dataset will be used for model validation only and will not be released to the public. This dataset serves as the foundation of the ISLES 2022 challenge with the goal of finding algorithmic methods to enable the development and benchmarking of robust and accurate segmentation algorithms for ischemic stroke. 25 authors · Jun 14, 2022
1 Magnetic correction to the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of Electron We investigate the leading order correction of anomalous magnetic moment (AMM) to the electron in weak magnetic field and find that the magnetic correction is negative and magnetic field dependent, indicating a magnetic catalysis effect for the electron gas. In the laboratory to measure the g-2, the magnitude of the magnetic field B is several T, correspondingly the magnetic correction to the AMM of electron/muon is around 10^{-34}/10^{-42}, therefore the magnetic correction can be safely neglected in current measurement. However, when the magnitude of the magnetic field strength is comparable with the electron mass, the magnetic correction of electron's AMM will become considerable. This general magnetic correction to charged fermion's AMM can be extended to study QCD matter under strong magnetic field. 2 authors · Dec 2, 2021
- Magnetic Field Strength Effects on Nucleosynthesis from Neutron Star Merger Outflows Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence drives the central engine of post-merger remnants, potentially powering both a nucleosynthetically active disk wind and the relativistic jet behind a short gamma ray burst. We explore the impact of the magnetic field on this engine by simulating three post-merger black hole accretion disks using general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics with Monte Carlo neutrino transport, in each case varying the initial magnetic field strength. We find increasing ejecta masses associated with increasing magnetic field strength. We find that a fairly robust main r -process pattern is produced in all three cases, scaled by the ejected mass. Changing the initial magnetic field strength has a considerable effect on the geometry of the outflow and hints at complex central engine dynamics influencing lanthanide outflows. We find that actinide production is especially sensitive to magnetic field strength, with overall actinide mass fraction calculated at 1 Gyr post-merger increasing by more than a factor of six with a tenfold increase in magnetic field strength. This hints at a possible connection to the variability in actinide enhancements exhibited by metal poor, r -process-enhanced stars. 4 authors · Nov 9, 2023
- Magnetic properties of the quasi-one-dimensional S = 1 spin chain antiferromagnet BaNiTe2O7 We report a quasi-one-dimensional S = 1 spin chain compound BaNiTe2O7. This magnetic system has been investigated by magnetic susceptibility, specific heat, and neutron powder diffraction. These results indicate that BaNiTe2O7 develops a short-range magnetic correlation around T ~ 22 K. With further cooling, an antiferromagnetic phase transition is observed at TN ~ 5.4 K. Neutron powder diffraction revealed antiferromagnetic noncollinear order with a commensurate propagation vector k = (1/2, 1, 0). The refined magnetic moment size of Ni2+ at 1.5 K is 1.84{\mu}B, and its noncollinear spin texture is confirmed by first-principles calculations. Inelastic neutron-scattering results and density functional theory calculations confirmed the quasi-one-dimensional nature of the spin systems. 17 authors · Oct 1, 2023
1 Simultaneous q-Space Sampling Optimization and Reconstruction for Fast and High-fidelity Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (dMRI) plays a crucial role in the noninvasive investigation of tissue microstructural properties and structural connectivity in the in vivo human brain. However, to effectively capture the intricate characteristics of water diffusion at various directions and scales, it is important to employ comprehensive q-space sampling. Unfortunately, this requirement leads to long scan times, limiting the clinical applicability of dMRI. To address this challenge, we propose SSOR, a Simultaneous q-Space sampling Optimization and Reconstruction framework. We jointly optimize a subset of q-space samples using a continuous representation of spherical harmonic functions and a reconstruction network. Additionally, we integrate the unique properties of diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) in both the q-space and image domains by applying l1-norm and total-variation regularization. The experiments conducted on HCP data demonstrate that SSOR has promising strengths both quantitatively and qualitatively and exhibits robustness to noise. 7 authors · Jan 3, 2024
- The magnetic field in quiescent star-forming filament G16.96+0.27 We present 850 {\mu}m thermal dust polarization observations with a resolution of 14.4"(~ 0.13 pc) towards an infrared dark cloud G16.96+0.27 using JCMT/POL-2. The average magnetic field orientation, which roughly agrees with the larger-scale magnetic field orientation traced by the Planck 353 GHz data, is approximately perpendicular to the filament structure. The estimated plane-of-sky magnetic field strength is ~ 96 {\mu}G and ~ 60 {\mu}G using two variants of the Davis-Chandrasekhar-Fermi methods. We calculate the virial and magnetic critical parameters to evaluate the relative importance of gravity, the magnetic field, and turbulence. The magnetic field and turbulence are both weaker than gravity, but magnetic fields and turbulence together are equal to gravity, suggesting that G16.96+0.27 is in a quasi-equilibrium state. The cloud-magnetic-field alignment is found to have a trend moving away from perpendicularity in the dense regions, which may serve as a tracer of potential fragmentation in such quiescent filaments. 23 authors · Oct 21, 2024
- Low-energy Injection and Nonthermal Particle Acceleration in Relativistic Magnetic Turbulence Relativistic magnetic turbulence has been proposed as a process for producing nonthermal particles in high-energy astrophysics. Particle energization may be contributed by both magnetic reconnection and turbulent fluctuations, but their interplay is poorly understood. It has been suggested that during magnetic reconnection the parallel electric field dominates particle acceleration up to the lower bound of the power-law particle spectrum, but recent studies show that electric fields perpendicular to magnetic field can play an important, if not dominant role. In this study, we carry out 2D fully kinetic particle-in-cell simulations of magnetically dominated decaying turbulence in a relativistic pair plasma. For a fixed magnetization parameter sigma_0=20, we find that the injection energy {varepsilon}_{rm inj} converges with increasing domain size to {varepsilon}_{rm inj}simeq 10m_ec^2. In contrast, the power-law index, the cut-off energy, and the power-law extent increase steadily with domain size. We trace a large number of particles and evaluate the contributions of the work done by the parallel (W_parallel) and perpendicular (W_perp) electric fields during both the injection phase and the post-injection phase. We find that during the injection phase, the W_perp contribution increases with domain size, suggesting that it may eventually dominate injection for a sufficiently large domain. In contrast, both components contribute equally during the post-injection phase, insensitive to the domain size. For high energy ({varepsilon}varepsilon_{rm inj}) particles, W_perp dominates the subsequent energization. These findings may improve our understanding of nonthermal particles and their emissions in astrophysical plasmas. 4 authors · Apr 29, 2024
- Pseudo-magnetic fields in square lattices We have investigated the effects of strain on two-dimensional square lattices and examined the methods for inducing pseudo-magnetic fields. In both the columnar and staggered pi-flux square lattices, we have found that strain only modulates Fermi velocities rather than inducing pseudo-magnetic fields. However, spatially non-uniform on-site potentials (anisotropic hoppings) can create pseudo-magnetic fields in columnar (staggered) pi-flux square lattices. On the other hand, we demonstrate that strain does induce pseudo-magnetic fields in staggered zero-flux square lattices. By breaking a quarter of the bonds, we clarify that a staggered zero-flux square lattice is topologically equivalent to a honeycomb lattice and displays pseudo-vector potentials and pseudo-Landau levels at the Dirac points. 5 authors · Aug 31, 2023
1 Characterization of Magnetic Labyrinthine Structures through Junctions and Terminals Detection using Template Matching and CNN In material sciences, characterizing faults in periodic structures is vital for understanding material properties. To characterize magnetic labyrinthine patterns, it is necessary to accurately identify junctions and terminals, often featuring over a thousand closely packed defects per image. This study introduces a new technique called TM-CNN (Template Matching - Convolutional Neural Network) designed to detect a multitude of small objects in images, such as defects in magnetic labyrinthine patterns. TM-CNN was used to identify these structures in 444 experimental images, and the results were explored to deepen the understanding of magnetic materials. It employs a two-stage detection approach combining template matching, used in initial detection, with a convolutional neural network, used to eliminate incorrect identifications. To train a CNN classifier, it is necessary to create a large number of training images. This difficulty prevents the use of CNN in many practical applications. TM-CNN significantly reduces the manual workload for creating training images by automatically making most of the annotations and leaving only a small number of corrections to human reviewers. In testing, TM-CNN achieved an impressive F1 score of 0.988, far outperforming traditional template matching and CNN-based object detection algorithms. 4 authors · Jan 29, 2024
- A helical magnetic field in quasar NRAO150 revealed by Faraday rotation Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are some of the most luminous and extreme environments in the Universe. The central engines of AGN, believed to be super-massive black-holes, are fed by accretion discs threaded by magnetic fields within a dense magneto-ionic medium. We report our findings from polarimetric Very-long-baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations of quasar NRAO150 taken in October 2022 using a combined network of the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) and Effelsberg 100-m Radio Telescope. These observations are the first co-temporal multi-frequency polarimetric VLBI observations of NRAO150 at frequencies above 15GHz. We use the new VLBI polarization calibration procedure, GPCAL, with polarization observations of frequencies of 12GHz, 15GHz, 24GHz, and 43GHz of NRAO150. From these observations, we measure Faraday rotation. Using our measurement of Faraday rotation, we also derive the intrinsic electric vector position angle (EVPA0) for the source. As a complementary measurement we determine the behavior of polarization as a function of observed frequency. The polarization from NRAO150 only comes from the core region, with a peak polarization intensity occurring at 24GHz. Across the core region of NRAO150 we see clear gradients in Faraday rotation and EVPA0 values that are aligned with the direction of the jet curving around the core region. We find that for the majority of the polarized region the polarization fraction is greater at higher frequencies, with intrinsic polarization fractions in the core 3%. The Faraday rotation gradients and circular patterns in EVPA0 are strong evidence for a helical/toroidal magnetic field, and the presence of low intrinsic polarization fractions indicate that the polarized emission and hence the helical/toroidal magnetic field, occur within the innermost jet. 10 authors · Mar 5
- The High-resolution Accretion Disks of Embedded protoStars (HADES) simulations. I. Impact of Protostellar Magnetic Fields on the Accretion Modes How embedded, actively accreting low-mass protostars accrete their mass is still greatly debated. Observations are now piecing together the puzzle of embedded protostellar accretion, in particular with new facilities in the near-infrared. However, high-resolution theoretical models are still lacking, with a stark paucity of detailed simulations of these early phases. Here we present high-resolution non-ideal magneto-hydrodynamic simulations of a Solar mass protostar accreting at rates exceeding 10^{-6} M_{odot} yr^{-1}. We show the results of the accretion flow for four different protostellar magnetic fields, 10 G, 500 G, 1 kG, and 2 kG, combined with a disk magnetic field. For weaker (10 G and 500 G) protostar magnetic fields, accretion occurs via a turbulent boundary layer mode, with disk material impacting across the protostellar surface. In the 500 G model, the presence of a magnetically dominated outflow focuses the accretion towards the equator, slightly enhancing and ordering the accretion. For kG magnetic fields, the disk becomes truncated due to the protostellar dipole and exhibits magnetospheric accretion, with the 2 kG model having accretion bursts induced by the interchange instability. We present bolometric light curves for the models and find that they reproduce observations of Class I protostars from YSOVAR, with high bursts followed by an exponential decay possibly being a signature of instability-driven accretion. Finally, we present the filling fractions of accretion and find that 90\% of the mass is accreted in a surface area fraction of 10-20\%. These simulations will be extended in future work for a broader parameter space, with their high resolution and high temporal spacing able to explore a wide range of interesting protostellar physics. 4 authors · Oct 18, 2024
- Comprehensive study of magnetic field evolution in relativistic jets based on 2D simulations We use two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations to investigate the generation and evolution of the magnetic field associated with the propagation of a jet for various initial conditions. We demonstrate that, in general, the magnetic field is initially grown by the Weibel and Mushroom instabilities. However, the field is saturated by the Alfv'en current limit. For initially non-magnetized plasma, we show that the growth of the magnetic field is delayed when the matter density of the jet environment is lower, which are in agreement with simple analytical predictions. We show that the higher Lorentz factor (gtrsim 2) prevents rapid growth of the magnetic fields. When the initial field is troidal, the position of the magnetic filaments moves away from the jet as the field strength increases. The axial initial field helps the jet maintain its shape more effectively than the troidal initial field. 2 authors · Feb 5, 2024
- Thermally Averaged Magnetic Anisotropy Tensors via Machine Learning Based on Gaussian Moments We propose a machine learning method to model molecular tensorial quantities, namely the magnetic anisotropy tensor, based on the Gaussian-moment neural-network approach. We demonstrate that the proposed methodology can achieve an accuracy of 0.3--0.4 cm^{-1} and has excellent generalization capability for out-of-sample configurations. Moreover, in combination with machine-learned interatomic potential energies based on Gaussian moments, our approach can be applied to study the dynamic behavior of magnetic anisotropy tensors and provide a unique insight into spin-phonon relaxation. 5 authors · Dec 3, 2023
- Can Alfvénic Fluctuations Affect the Correlation and Complexity of Magnetic Fields in Magnetic Ejecta? A Case Study Based on Multi-Spacecraft Measurements at 1~au We investigate whether Alfv\'enic fluctuations (AFs) can affect the structure of magnetic ejecta (MEs) within interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs). We study an ICME observed on 2001 December 29 at 1 au by ACE and Wind, at a total angular separation of sim0.8^circ (sim0.014~au). We focus on the correlation and complexity of its magnetic structure measured between two spacecraft in association with large-amplitude AFs. The Alfv\'enicity of the ME is investigated in terms of the residual energy and cross helicity of fluctuations. We find that as for the event of interest, large-amplitude AFs occur in the rear region of the ME at both Wind and ACE with a duration of about six hours. We compare the correlation of the magnetic field strength and vector components measured between Wind and ACE, and investigate complexity in terms of the magnetic hodograms. The region showing AFs is found to be associated with a decreased correlation of the magnetic field components and an increased complexity of the ME magnetic configuration detected at ACE and Wind, which may be due to the fact that the two spacecraft crossing the same ME along different trajectories likely sampled AFs in different oscillation phases. Combining multi-point in-situ measurements and remote-sensing observations of the ICME source region, we further discuss different potential sources of the AFs. 7 authors · Dec 10, 2024
1 A Three-Player GAN for Super-Resolution in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Learning based single image super resolution (SISR) task is well investigated in 2D images. However, SISR for 3D Magnetics Resonance Images (MRI) is more challenging compared to 2D, mainly due to the increased number of neural network parameters, the larger memory requirement and the limited amount of available training data. Current SISR methods for 3D volumetric images are based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), especially Wasserstein GANs due to their training stability. Other common architectures in the 2D domain, e.g. transformer models, require large amounts of training data and are therefore not suitable for the limited 3D data. However, Wasserstein GANs can be problematic because they may not converge to a global optimum and thus produce blurry results. Here, we propose a new method for 3D SR based on the GAN framework. Specifically, we use instance noise to balance the GAN training. Furthermore, we use a relativistic GAN loss function and an updating feature extractor during the training process. We show that our method produces highly accurate results. We also show that we need very few training samples. In particular, we need less than 30 samples instead of thousands of training samples that are typically required in previous studies. Finally, we show improved out-of-sample results produced by our model. 6 authors · Mar 24, 2023
- Charged lepton flavor violation in light of the muon magnetic moment anomaly and colliders Any observation of charged lepton flavor violation (CLFV) implies the existence of new physics beyond the SM in charged lepton sector. CLFV interactions may also contribute to the muon magnetic moment and explain the discrepancy between the SM prediction and the recent muon g-2 precision measurement at Fermilab. We consider the most general SM gauge invariant Lagrangian of Delta L=0 bileptons with CLFV couplings and investigate the interplay of low-energy precision experiments and colliders in light of the muon magnetic moment anomaly. We go beyond previous work by demonstrating the sensitivity of the LHC, the MACE experiment, a proposed muonium-antimuonium conversion experiment, and a muon collider. Currently-available LHC data is already able to probe unexplored parameter space via the CLFV process pptogamma^*/Z^*to ell_1^pm ell_1^pm ell_2^mp ell_2^mp. 4 authors · Apr 9, 2021
1 Automatic Semantic Segmentation of the Lumbar Spine: Clinical Applicability in a Multi-parametric and Multi-centre Study on Magnetic Resonance Images One of the major difficulties in medical image segmentation is the high variability of these images, which is caused by their origin (multi-centre), the acquisition protocols (multi-parametric), as well as the variability of human anatomy, the severity of the illness, the effect of age and gender, among others. The problem addressed in this work is the automatic semantic segmentation of lumbar spine Magnetic Resonance images using convolutional neural networks. The purpose is to assign a class label to each pixel of an image. Classes were defined by radiologists and correspond to different structural elements like vertebrae, intervertebral discs, nerves, blood vessels, and other tissues. The proposed network topologies are variants of the U-Net architecture. Several complementary blocks were used to define the variants: Three types of convolutional blocks, spatial attention models, deep supervision and multilevel feature extractor. This document describes the topologies and analyses the results of the neural network designs that obtained the most accurate segmentations. Several of the proposed designs outperform the standard U-Net used as baseline, especially when used in ensembles where the output of multiple neural networks is combined according to different strategies. 5 authors · Nov 16, 2021
1 ATOMMIC: An Advanced Toolbox for Multitask Medical Imaging Consistency to facilitate Artificial Intelligence applications from acquisition to analysis in Magnetic Resonance Imaging AI is revolutionizing MRI along the acquisition and processing chain. Advanced AI frameworks have been developed to apply AI in various successive tasks, such as image reconstruction, quantitative parameter map estimation, and image segmentation. Existing frameworks are often designed to perform tasks independently or are focused on specific models or datasets, limiting generalization. We introduce ATOMMIC, an open-source toolbox that streamlines AI applications for accelerated MRI reconstruction and analysis. ATOMMIC implements several tasks using DL networks and enables MultiTask Learning (MTL) to perform related tasks integrated, targeting generalization in the MRI domain. We first review the current state of AI frameworks for MRI through a comprehensive literature search and by parsing 12,479 GitHub repositories. We benchmark 25 DL models on eight publicly available datasets to present distinct applications of ATOMMIC on accelerated MRI reconstruction, image segmentation, quantitative parameter map estimation, and joint accelerated MRI reconstruction and image segmentation utilizing MTL. Our findings demonstrate that ATOMMIC is the only MTL framework with harmonized complex-valued and real-valued data support. Evaluations on single tasks show that physics-based models, which enforce data consistency by leveraging the physical properties of MRI, outperform other models in reconstructing highly accelerated acquisitions. Physics-based models that produce high reconstruction quality can accurately estimate quantitative parameter maps. When high-performing reconstruction models are combined with robust segmentation networks utilizing MTL, performance is improved in both tasks. ATOMMIC facilitates MRI reconstruction and analysis by standardizing workflows, enhancing data interoperability, integrating unique features like MTL, and effectively benchmarking DL models. 4 authors · Apr 30, 2024
1 Neural Deformable Models for 3D Bi-Ventricular Heart Shape Reconstruction and Modeling from 2D Sparse Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging We propose a novel neural deformable model (NDM) targeting at the reconstruction and modeling of 3D bi-ventricular shape of the heart from 2D sparse cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging data. We model the bi-ventricular shape using blended deformable superquadrics, which are parameterized by a set of geometric parameter functions and are capable of deforming globally and locally. While global geometric parameter functions and deformations capture gross shape features from visual data, local deformations, parameterized as neural diffeomorphic point flows, can be learned to recover the detailed heart shape.Different from iterative optimization methods used in conventional deformable model formulations, NDMs can be trained to learn such geometric parameter functions, global and local deformations from a shape distribution manifold. Our NDM can learn to densify a sparse cardiac point cloud with arbitrary scales and generate high-quality triangular meshes automatically. It also enables the implicit learning of dense correspondences among different heart shape instances for accurate cardiac shape registration. Furthermore, the parameters of NDM are intuitive, and can be used by a physician without sophisticated post-processing. Experimental results on a large CMR dataset demonstrate the improved performance of NDM over conventional methods. 5 authors · Jul 14, 2023
1 Magentic-One: A Generalist Multi-Agent System for Solving Complex Tasks Modern AI agents, driven by advances in large foundation models, promise to enhance our productivity and transform our lives by augmenting our knowledge and capabilities. To achieve this vision, AI agents must effectively plan, perform multi-step reasoning and actions, respond to novel observations, and recover from errors, to successfully complete complex tasks across a wide range of scenarios. In this work, we introduce Magentic-One, a high-performing open-source agentic system for solving such tasks. Magentic-One uses a multi-agent architecture where a lead agent, the Orchestrator, plans, tracks progress, and re-plans to recover from errors. Throughout task execution, the Orchestrator directs other specialized agents to perform tasks as needed, such as operating a web browser, navigating local files, or writing and executing Python code. We show that Magentic-One achieves statistically competitive performance to the state-of-the-art on three diverse and challenging agentic benchmarks: GAIA, AssistantBench, and WebArena. Magentic-One achieves these results without modification to core agent capabilities or to how they collaborate, demonstrating progress towards generalist agentic systems. Moreover, Magentic-One's modular design allows agents to be added or removed from the team without additional prompt tuning or training, easing development and making it extensible to future scenarios. We provide an open-source implementation of Magentic-One, and we include AutoGenBench, a standalone tool for agentic evaluation. AutoGenBench provides built-in controls for repetition and isolation to run agentic benchmarks in a rigorous and contained manner -- which is important when agents' actions have side-effects. Magentic-One, AutoGenBench and detailed empirical performance evaluations of Magentic-One, including ablations and error analysis are available at https://aka.ms/magentic-one 20 authors · Nov 7, 2024
- General-relativistic resistive-magnetohydrodynamics simulations of self-consistent magnetized rotating neutron stars We present the first general-relativistic resistive magnetohydrodynamics simulations of self-consistent, rotating neutron stars with mixed poloidal and toroidal magnetic fields. Specifically, we investigate the role of resistivity in the dynamical evolution of neutron stars over a period of up to 100 ms and its effects on their quasi-equilibrium configurations. Our results demonstrate that resistivity can significantly influence the development of magnetohydrodynamic instabilities, resulting in markedly different magnetic field geometries. Additionally, resistivity suppresses the growth of these instabilities, leading to a reduction in the amplitude of emitted gravitational waves. Despite the variations in magnetic field geometries, the ratio of poloidal to toroidal field energies remains consistently 9:1 throughout the simulations, for the models we investigated. 7 authors · Sep 16, 2024
5 Symbrain: A large-scale dataset of MRI images for neonatal brain symmetry analysis This paper presents an annotated dataset of brain MRI images designed to advance the field of brain symmetry study. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has gained interest in analyzing brain symmetry in neonatal infants, and challenges remain due to the vast size differences between fetal and adult brains. Classification methods for brain structural MRI use scales and visual cues to assess hemisphere symmetry, which can help diagnose neonatal patients by comparing hemispheres and anatomical regions of interest in the brain. Using the Developing Human Connectome Project dataset, this work presents a dataset comprising cerebral images extracted as slices across selected portions of interest for clinical evaluation . All the extracted images are annotated with the brain's midline. All the extracted images are annotated with the brain's midline. From the assumption that a decrease in symmetry is directly related to possible clinical pathologies, the dataset can contribute to a more precise diagnosis because it can be used to train deep learning model application in neonatal cerebral MRI anomaly detection from postnatal infant scans thanks to computer vision. Such models learn to identify and classify anomalies by identifying potential asymmetrical patterns in medical MRI images. Furthermore, this dataset can contribute to the research and development of methods using the relative symmetry of the two brain hemispheres for crucial diagnosis and treatment planning. 5 authors · Jan 22, 2024
2 Generating Synthetic Computed Tomography for Radiotherapy: SynthRAD2023 Challenge Report Radiation therapy plays a crucial role in cancer treatment, necessitating precise delivery of radiation to tumors while sparing healthy tissues over multiple days. Computed tomography (CT) is integral for treatment planning, offering electron density data crucial for accurate dose calculations. However, accurately representing patient anatomy is challenging, especially in adaptive radiotherapy, where CT is not acquired daily. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides superior soft-tissue contrast. Still, it lacks electron density information while cone beam CT (CBCT) lacks direct electron density calibration and is mainly used for patient positioning. Adopting MRI-only or CBCT-based adaptive radiotherapy eliminates the need for CT planning but presents challenges. Synthetic CT (sCT) generation techniques aim to address these challenges by using image synthesis to bridge the gap between MRI, CBCT, and CT. The SynthRAD2023 challenge was organized to compare synthetic CT generation methods using multi-center ground truth data from 1080 patients, divided into two tasks: 1) MRI-to-CT and 2) CBCT-to-CT. The evaluation included image similarity and dose-based metrics from proton and photon plans. The challenge attracted significant participation, with 617 registrations and 22/17 valid submissions for tasks 1/2. Top-performing teams achieved high structural similarity indices (>0.87/0.90) and gamma pass rates for photon (>98.1%/99.0%) and proton (>99.0%/97.3%) plans. However, no significant correlation was found between image similarity metrics and dose accuracy, emphasizing the need for dose evaluation when assessing the clinical applicability of sCT. SynthRAD2023 facilitated the investigation and benchmarking of sCT generation techniques, providing insights for developing MRI-only and CBCT-based adaptive radiotherapy. 59 authors · Mar 13, 2024
1 Is Registering Raw Tagged-MR Enough for Strain Estimation in the Era of Deep Learning? Magnetic Resonance Imaging with tagging (tMRI) has long been utilized for quantifying tissue motion and strain during deformation. However, a phenomenon known as tag fading, a gradual decrease in tag visibility over time, often complicates post-processing. The first contribution of this study is to model tag fading by considering the interplay between T_1 relaxation and the repeated application of radio frequency (RF) pulses during serial imaging sequences. This is a factor that has been overlooked in prior research on tMRI post-processing. Further, we have observed an emerging trend of utilizing raw tagged MRI within a deep learning-based (DL) registration framework for motion estimation. In this work, we evaluate and analyze the impact of commonly used image similarity objectives in training DL registrations on raw tMRI. This is then compared with the Harmonic Phase-based approach, a traditional approach which is claimed to be robust to tag fading. Our findings, derived from both simulated images and an actual phantom scan, reveal the limitations of various similarity losses in raw tMRI and emphasize caution in registration tasks where image intensity changes over time. 10 authors · Jan 30, 2024
- Self-Supervised Diffusion MRI Denoising via Iterative and Stable Refinement Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), including diffusion MRI (dMRI), serves as a ``microscope'' for anatomical structures and routinely mitigates the influence of low signal-to-noise ratio scans by compromising temporal or spatial resolution. However, these compromises fail to meet clinical demands for both efficiency and precision. Consequently, denoising is a vital preprocessing step, particularly for dMRI, where clean data is unavailable. In this paper, we introduce Di-Fusion, a fully self-supervised denoising method that leverages the latter diffusion steps and an adaptive sampling process. Unlike previous approaches, our single-stage framework achieves efficient and stable training without extra noise model training and offers adaptive and controllable results in the sampling process. Our thorough experiments on real and simulated data demonstrate that Di-Fusion achieves state-of-the-art performance in microstructure modeling, tractography tracking, and other downstream tasks. Code is available at https://github.com/FouierL/Di-Fusion. 4 authors · Jan 23
- Surface-based parcellation and vertex-wise analysis of ultra high-resolution ex vivo 7 tesla MRI in Alzheimer's disease and related dementias Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the standard modality to understand human brain structure and function in vivo (antemortem). Decades of research in human neuroimaging has led to the widespread development of methods and tools to provide automated volume-based segmentations and surface-based parcellations which help localize brain functions to specialized anatomical regions. Recently ex vivo (postmortem) imaging of the brain has opened-up avenues to study brain structure at sub-millimeter ultra high-resolution revealing details not possible to observe with in vivo MRI. Unfortunately, there has been limited methodological development in ex vivo MRI primarily due to lack of datasets and limited centers with such imaging resources. Therefore, in this work, we present one-of-its-kind dataset of 82 ex vivo T2w whole brain hemispheres MRI at 0.3 mm isotropic resolution spanning Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. We adapted and developed a fast and easy-to-use automated surface-based pipeline to parcellate, for the first time, ultra high-resolution ex vivo brain tissue at the native subject space resolution using the Desikan-Killiany-Tourville (DKT) brain atlas. This allows us to perform vertex-wise analysis in the template space and thereby link morphometry measures with pathology measurements derived from histology. We will open-source our dataset docker container, Jupyter notebooks for ready-to-use out-of-the-box set of tools and command line options to advance ex vivo MRI clinical brain imaging research on the project webpage. 23 authors · Mar 28, 2024
- DDM$^2$: Self-Supervised Diffusion MRI Denoising with Generative Diffusion Models Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a common and life-saving medical imaging technique. However, acquiring high signal-to-noise ratio MRI scans requires long scan times, resulting in increased costs and patient discomfort, and decreased throughput. Thus, there is great interest in denoising MRI scans, especially for the subtype of diffusion MRI scans that are severely SNR-limited. While most prior MRI denoising methods are supervised in nature, acquiring supervised training datasets for the multitude of anatomies, MRI scanners, and scan parameters proves impractical. Here, we propose Denoising Diffusion Models for Denoising Diffusion MRI (DDM^2), a self-supervised denoising method for MRI denoising using diffusion denoising generative models. Our three-stage framework integrates statistic-based denoising theory into diffusion models and performs denoising through conditional generation. During inference, we represent input noisy measurements as a sample from an intermediate posterior distribution within the diffusion Markov chain. We conduct experiments on 4 real-world in-vivo diffusion MRI datasets and show that our DDM^2 demonstrates superior denoising performances ascertained with clinically-relevant visual qualitative and quantitative metrics. 5 authors · Feb 6, 2023
- SKM-TEA: A Dataset for Accelerated MRI Reconstruction with Dense Image Labels for Quantitative Clinical Evaluation Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a cornerstone of modern medical imaging. However, long image acquisition times, the need for qualitative expert analysis, and the lack of (and difficulty extracting) quantitative indicators that are sensitive to tissue health have curtailed widespread clinical and research studies. While recent machine learning methods for MRI reconstruction and analysis have shown promise for reducing this burden, these techniques are primarily validated with imperfect image quality metrics, which are discordant with clinically-relevant measures that ultimately hamper clinical deployment and clinician trust. To mitigate this challenge, we present the Stanford Knee MRI with Multi-Task Evaluation (SKM-TEA) dataset, a collection of quantitative knee MRI (qMRI) scans that enables end-to-end, clinically-relevant evaluation of MRI reconstruction and analysis tools. This 1.6TB dataset consists of raw-data measurements of ~25,000 slices (155 patients) of anonymized patient MRI scans, the corresponding scanner-generated DICOM images, manual segmentations of four tissues, and bounding box annotations for sixteen clinically relevant pathologies. We provide a framework for using qMRI parameter maps, along with image reconstructions and dense image labels, for measuring the quality of qMRI biomarker estimates extracted from MRI reconstruction, segmentation, and detection techniques. Finally, we use this framework to benchmark state-of-the-art baselines on this dataset. We hope our SKM-TEA dataset and code can enable a broad spectrum of research for modular image reconstruction and image analysis in a clinically informed manner. Dataset access, code, and benchmarks are available at https://github.com/StanfordMIMI/skm-tea. 12 authors · Mar 13, 2022
- DDoS-UNet: Incorporating temporal information using Dynamic Dual-channel UNet for enhancing super-resolution of dynamic MRI Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides high spatial resolution and excellent soft-tissue contrast without using harmful ionising radiation. Dynamic MRI is an essential tool for interventions to visualise movements or changes of the target organ. However, such MRI acquisition with high temporal resolution suffers from limited spatial resolution - also known as the spatio-temporal trade-off of dynamic MRI. Several approaches, including deep learning based super-resolution approaches, have been proposed to mitigate this trade-off. Nevertheless, such an approach typically aims to super-resolve each time-point separately, treating them as individual volumes. This research addresses the problem by creating a deep learning model which attempts to learn both spatial and temporal relationships. A modified 3D UNet model, DDoS-UNet, is proposed - which takes the low-resolution volume of the current time-point along with a prior image volume. Initially, the network is supplied with a static high-resolution planning scan as the prior image along with the low-resolution input to super-resolve the first time-point. Then it continues step-wise by using the super-resolved time-points as the prior image while super-resolving the subsequent time-points. The model performance was tested with 3D dynamic data that was undersampled to different in-plane levels. The proposed network achieved an average SSIM value of 0.951pm0.017 while reconstructing the lowest resolution data (i.e. only 4\% of the k-space acquired) - which could result in a theoretical acceleration factor of 25. The proposed approach can be used to reduce the required scan-time while achieving high spatial resolution. 5 authors · Feb 10, 2022
- Recurrent Variational Network: A Deep Learning Inverse Problem Solver applied to the task of Accelerated MRI Reconstruction Magnetic Resonance Imaging can produce detailed images of the anatomy and physiology of the human body that can assist doctors in diagnosing and treating pathologies such as tumours. However, MRI suffers from very long acquisition times that make it susceptible to patient motion artifacts and limit its potential to deliver dynamic treatments. Conventional approaches such as Parallel Imaging and Compressed Sensing allow for an increase in MRI acquisition speed by reconstructing MR images from sub-sampled MRI data acquired using multiple receiver coils. Recent advancements in Deep Learning combined with Parallel Imaging and Compressed Sensing techniques have the potential to produce high-fidelity reconstructions from highly accelerated MRI data. In this work we present a novel Deep Learning-based Inverse Problem solver applied to the task of Accelerated MRI Reconstruction, called the Recurrent Variational Network (RecurrentVarNet), by exploiting the properties of Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks and unrolled algorithms for solving Inverse Problems. The RecurrentVarNet consists of multiple recurrent blocks, each responsible for one iteration of the unrolled variational optimization scheme for solving the inverse problem of multi-coil Accelerated MRI Reconstruction. Contrary to traditional approaches, the optimization steps are performed in the observation domain (k-space) instead of the image domain. Each block of the RecurrentVarNet refines the observed k-space and comprises a data consistency term and a recurrent unit which takes as input a learned hidden state and the prediction of the previous block. Our proposed method achieves new state of the art qualitative and quantitative reconstruction results on 5-fold and 10-fold accelerated data from a public multi-coil brain dataset, outperforming previous conventional and deep learning-based approaches. 4 authors · Nov 18, 2021
- ShuffleUNet: Super resolution of diffusion-weighted MRIs using deep learning Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) can be used to characterise the microstructure of the nervous tissue, e.g. to delineate brain white matter connections in a non-invasive manner via fibre tracking. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in high spatial resolution would play an important role in visualising such fibre tracts in a superior manner. However, obtaining an image of such resolution comes at the expense of longer scan time. Longer scan time can be associated with the increase of motion artefacts, due to the patient's psychological and physical conditions. Single Image Super-Resolution (SISR), a technique aimed to obtain high-resolution (HR) details from one single low-resolution (LR) input image, achieved with Deep Learning, is the focus of this study. Compared to interpolation techniques or sparse-coding algorithms, deep learning extracts prior knowledge from big datasets and produces superior MRI images from the low-resolution counterparts. In this research, a deep learning based super-resolution technique is proposed and has been applied for DW-MRI. Images from the IXI dataset have been used as the ground-truth and were artificially downsampled to simulate the low-resolution images. The proposed method has shown statistically significant improvement over the baselines and achieved an SSIM of 0.913pm0.045. 10 authors · Feb 25, 2021
- Knee Injury Detection using MRI with Efficiently-Layered Network (ELNet) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a widely-accepted imaging technique for knee injury analysis. Its advantage of capturing knee structure in three dimensions makes it the ideal tool for radiologists to locate potential tears in the knee. In order to better confront the ever growing workload of musculoskeletal (MSK) radiologists, automated tools for patients' triage are becoming a real need, reducing delays in the reading of pathological cases. In this work, we present the Efficiently-Layered Network (ELNet), a convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture optimized for the task of initial knee MRI diagnosis for triage. Unlike past approaches, we train ELNet from scratch instead of using a transfer-learning approach. The proposed method is validated quantitatively and qualitatively, and compares favorably against state-of-the-art MRNet while using a single imaging stack (axial or coronal) as input. Additionally, we demonstrate our model's capability to locate tears in the knee despite the absence of localization information during training. Lastly, the proposed model is extremely lightweight (< 1MB) and therefore easy to train and deploy in real clinical settings. The code for our model is provided at: https://github.com/mxtsai/ELNet. 5 authors · May 6, 2020
2 Cross-Shaped Windows Transformer with Self-supervised Pretraining for Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer Detection in Bi-parametric MRI Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) has demonstrated promising results in prostate cancer (PCa) detection using deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Recently, transformers have achieved competitive performance compared to CNNs in computer vision. Large-scale transformers need abundant annotated data for training, which are difficult to obtain in medical imaging. Self-supervised learning can effectively leverage unlabeled data to extract useful semantic representations without annotation and its associated costs. This can improve model performance on downstream tasks with limited labelled data and increase generalizability. We introduce a novel end-to-end Cross-Shaped windows (CSwin) transformer UNet model, CSwin UNet, to detect clinically significant prostate cancer (csPCa) in prostate bi-parametric MR imaging (bpMRI) and demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed self-supervised pre-training framework. Using a large prostate bpMRI dataset with 1500 patients, we first pre-train CSwin transformer using multi-task self-supervised learning to improve data-efficiency and network generalizability. We then finetuned using lesion annotations to perform csPCa detection. Five-fold cross validation shows that self-supervised CSwin UNet achieves 0.888 AUC and 0.545 Average Precision (AP), significantly outperforming four state-of-the-art models (Swin UNETR, DynUNet, Attention UNet, UNet). Using a separate bpMRI dataset with 158 patients, we evaluated our model robustness to external hold-out data. Self-supervised CSwin UNet achieves 0.79 AUC and 0.45 AP, still outperforming all other comparable methods and demonstrating generalization to a dataset shift. 11 authors · Apr 30, 2023
1 MomentaMorph: Unsupervised Spatial-Temporal Registration with Momenta, Shooting, and Correction Tagged magnetic resonance imaging (tMRI) has been employed for decades to measure the motion of tissue undergoing deformation. However, registration-based motion estimation from tMRI is difficult due to the periodic patterns in these images, particularly when the motion is large. With a larger motion the registration approach gets trapped in a local optima, leading to motion estimation errors. We introduce a novel "momenta, shooting, and correction" framework for Lagrangian motion estimation in the presence of repetitive patterns and large motion. This framework, grounded in Lie algebra and Lie group principles, accumulates momenta in the tangent vector space and employs exponential mapping in the diffeomorphic space for rapid approximation towards true optima, circumventing local optima. A subsequent correction step ensures convergence to true optima. The results on a 2D synthetic dataset and a real 3D tMRI dataset demonstrate our method's efficiency in estimating accurate, dense, and diffeomorphic 2D/3D motion fields amidst large motion and repetitive patterns. 9 authors · Aug 5, 2023
- Stochastic acceleration in arbitrary astrophysical environments Turbulent magnetic fields are to some extent a universal feature in astrophysical phenomena. Charged particles that encounter these turbulence get on average accelerated according to the so-called second-order Fermi process. However, in most astrophysical environments there are additional competing processes, such as different kinds of first-order energy changes and particle escape, that effect the resulting momentum distribution of the particles. In this work we provide to our knowledge the first semi-analytical solution of the isotropic steady-state momentum diffusion equation including continuous and catastrophic momentum changes that can be applied to any arbitrary astrophysical system of interest. Here, we adopt that the assigned magnetic turbulence is constrained on a finite range and the particle flux vanishes beyond these boundaries. Consequently, we show that the so-called pile-up bump -- that has for some special cases long been established -- is a universal feature of stochastic acceleration that emerges around the momentum chi_{rm eq} where acceleration and continuous loss are in equilibrium if the particle's residence time in the system is sufficient at chi_{rm eq}. In general, the impact of continuous and catastrophic momentum changes plays a crucial role in the shape of the steady-state momentum distribution of the accelerated particles, where simplified unbroken power-law approximations are often not adequate. 2 authors · Nov 22, 2024
- Detection asymmetry in solar energetic particle events Context. Solar energetic particles (SEPs) are detected in interplanetary space in association with flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) at the Sun. The magnetic connection between the observing spacecraft and the solar active region (AR) source of the event is a key parameter in determining whether SEPs are observed and the properties of the particle event. Aims. We investigate whether an east-west asymmetry in the detection of SEP events is present in observations and discuss its possible link to corotation of magnetic flux tubes with the Sun. Methods. We used a published dataset of 239 CMEs recorded between 2006 and 2017 and having source regions both on the front side and far side of the Sun as seen from Earth. We produced distributions of occurrence of in-situ SEP intensity enhancements associated with the CME events, versus \Delta \phi, the separation in longitude between the source active region and the magnetic footpoint of the observing spacecraft based on the nominal Parker spiral. We focused on protons of energy >10 MeV measured by the STEREO A, STEREO B and GOES spacecraft at 1 au. We also considered the occurrence of 71-112 keV electron events detected by MESSENGER between 0.31 and 0.47 au. Results. We find an east-west asymmetry in the detection of >10 MeV proton events and of 71-112 keV electron events. For protons, observers for which the source AR is on the east side of the spacecraft footpoint and not well connected (-180 < \Delta \phi < -40) are 93% more likely to detect an SEP event compared to observers with +40 < \Delta \phi < +180. The asymmetry may be a signature of corotation of magnetic flux tubes with the Sun, given that for events with \Delta \phi < 0 corotation sweeps the particle-filled flux tubes towards the observing spacecraft, while for \Delta \phi > 0 it takes them away from it. 9 authors · Nov 12, 2024
- Reference-based Restoration of Digitized Analog Videotapes Analog magnetic tapes have been the main video data storage device for several decades. Videos stored on analog videotapes exhibit unique degradation patterns caused by tape aging and reader device malfunctioning that are different from those observed in film and digital video restoration tasks. In this work, we present a reference-based approach for the resToration of digitized Analog videotaPEs (TAPE). We leverage CLIP for zero-shot artifact detection to identify the cleanest frames of each video through textual prompts describing different artifacts. Then, we select the clean frames most similar to the input ones and employ them as references. We design a transformer-based Swin-UNet network that exploits both neighboring and reference frames via our Multi-Reference Spatial Feature Fusion (MRSFF) blocks. MRSFF blocks rely on cross-attention and attention pooling to take advantage of the most useful parts of each reference frame. To address the absence of ground truth in real-world videos, we create a synthetic dataset of videos exhibiting artifacts that closely resemble those commonly found in analog videotapes. Both quantitative and qualitative experiments show the effectiveness of our approach compared to other state-of-the-art methods. The code, the model, and the synthetic dataset are publicly available at https://github.com/miccunifi/TAPE. 4 authors · Oct 20, 2023
- A Conditional Normalizing Flow for Accelerated Multi-Coil MR Imaging Accelerated magnetic resonance (MR) imaging attempts to reduce acquisition time by collecting data below the Nyquist rate. As an ill-posed inverse problem, many plausible solutions exist, yet the majority of deep learning approaches generate only a single solution. We instead focus on sampling from the posterior distribution, which provides more comprehensive information for downstream inference tasks. To do this, we design a novel conditional normalizing flow (CNF) that infers the signal component in the measurement operator's nullspace, which is later combined with measured data to form complete images. Using fastMRI brain and knee data, we demonstrate fast inference and accuracy that surpasses recent posterior sampling techniques for MRI. Code is available at https://github.com/jwen307/mri_cnf/ 3 authors · Jun 2, 2023
- Phase diagram of a three-dimensional dipolar model on a FCC lattice The magnetic phase diagram at zero external field of an ensemble of dipoles with uniaxial anisotropy on a FCC lattice is investigated from tempered Monte Carlo simulations. The uniaxial anisotropy is characterized by a random distribution of easy axes and its magnitude lambda_u is the driving force of disorder and consequently frustration. The phase diagram, separating the paramagnetic, ferromagnetic, quasi long range ordered ferromagnetic and spin-glass regions is thus considered in the temperature, lambda_u plane. This system is aimed at modeling the magnetic phase diagram of supracrystals of magnetic nanoparticles. 7 authors · Nov 2, 2020