Physics-Based Forecasting of Tomorrow's Solar Wind at 1 AU
A faster than real time forecast system for solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field transients that is driven by hourly updated solar magnetograms is proposed to provide a continuous nowcast of the solar corona (<0.1AU) and 24-hours forecast of the solar wind at 1 AU by solving a full 3-D MHD model. This new model has been inspired by the concept of relativity of simultaneity used in the theory of special relativity. It is based on time transformation between two coordinate systems: the solar rest frame and a boosted system in which the current observations of the solar magnetic field and tomorrow's measurement of the solar wind at 1 AU are simultaneous. In this paper we derive the modified governing equations for both hydrodynamics (HD) and magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and present a new numerical algorithm that only modifies the conserved quantities but preserves the original HD/MHD numerical flux. The proposed method enables an efficient numerical implementation, and thus a significantly longer forecast time than the traditional method.