- Charged lepton flavor violation in light of the muon magnetic moment anomaly and colliders Any observation of charged lepton flavor violation (CLFV) implies the existence of new physics beyond the SM in charged lepton sector. CLFV interactions may also contribute to the muon magnetic moment and explain the discrepancy between the SM prediction and the recent muon g-2 precision measurement at Fermilab. We consider the most general SM gauge invariant Lagrangian of Delta L=0 bileptons with CLFV couplings and investigate the interplay of low-energy precision experiments and colliders in light of the muon magnetic moment anomaly. We go beyond previous work by demonstrating the sensitivity of the LHC, the MACE experiment, a proposed muonium-antimuonium conversion experiment, and a muon collider. Currently-available LHC data is already able to probe unexplored parameter space via the CLFV process pptogamma^*/Z^*to ell_1^pm ell_1^pm ell_2^mp ell_2^mp. 4 authors · Apr 9, 2021
- Fast Muon Tracking with Machine Learning Implemented in FPGA In this work, we present a new approach for fast tracking on multiwire proportional chambers with neural networks. The tracking networks are developed and adapted for the first-level trigger at hadron collider experiments. We use Monte Carlo samples generated by Geant4 with a custom muon chamber, which resembles part of the thin gap chambers from the ATLAS experiment, for training and performance evaluations. The chamber has a total of seven gas gaps, where the first and last gas gaps are displaced by ~1.5 m. Each gas gap has 50 channels with a size of 18-20 mm. Two neural network models are developed and presented: a convolutional neural network and a neural network optimized for the detector configuration of this study. In the latter network, a convolution layer is provided for each of three groups formed from 2-3 gas gaps of the chamber, and the outputs are fed into multilayer perceptrons in sequence. Both networks are transformed into hardware description language and implemented in Virtex UltraScale+ FPGA. The angular resolution is 2 mrad, which is comparable to the maximum resolution of the detector estimated by the minimum chi2 method. The latency achieved by the implemented firmware is less than 100 ns, and the throughput rate is 160 MHz. 5 authors · Feb 10, 2022
- Muon is Scalable for LLM Training Recently, the Muon optimizer based on matrix orthogonalization has demonstrated strong results in training small-scale language models, but the scalability to larger models has not been proven. We identify two crucial techniques for scaling up Muon: (1) adding weight decay and (2) carefully adjusting the per-parameter update scale. These techniques allow Muon to work out-of-the-box on large-scale training without the need of hyper-parameter tuning. Scaling law experiments indicate that Muon achieves sim!2times computational efficiency compared to AdamW with compute optimal training. Based on these improvements, we introduce Moonlight, a 3B/16B-parameter Mixture-of-Expert (MoE) model trained with 5.7T tokens using Muon. Our model improves the current Pareto frontier, achieving better performance with much fewer training FLOPs compared to prior models. We open-source our distributed Muon implementation that is memory optimal and communication efficient. We also release the pretrained, instruction-tuned, and intermediate checkpoints to support future research. 28 authors · Feb 24
1 A new method for structural diagnostics with muon tomography and deep learning This work investigates the production of high-resolution images of typical support elements in concrete structures by means of the muon tomography (muography). By exploiting detailed Monte Carlo radiation-matter simulations, we demonstrate the feasibility of the reconstruction of 1 cm--thick iron tubes inside 30 cm--deep concrete blocks, regarded as an important testbed within the structural diagnostics community. In addition, we present a new method for integrating simulated data with advanced deep learning techniques in order to improve the muon imaging of concrete structures. Through deep learning enhancement techniques, this results into a dramatic improvement of the image quality, as well as into a significant reduction of the data acquisition time, which are two critical limitations within the usual practice of muography for civil engineering diagnostics. 9 authors · Feb 5
- Lake- and Surface-Based Detectors for Forward Neutrino Physics We propose two medium-baseline, kiloton-scale neutrino experiments to study neutrinos from LHC proton-proton collisions: SINE, a surface-based scintillator panel detector observing muon neutrinos from the CMS interaction point, and UNDINE, a water Cherenkov detector submerged in lake Geneva observing all-flavor neutrinos from LHCb. Using a Monte Carlo simulation, we estimate millions of neutrino interactions during the high-luminosity LHC era. We show that these datasets can constrain neutrino cross sections, charm production in pp collisions, and strangeness enhancement as a solution to the cosmic-ray muon puzzle. SINE and UNDINE thus offer a cost-effective medium-baseline complement to the proposed short-baseline forward physics facility. 5 authors · Jan 14
- The Mu3e Experiment: Status and Short-Term Plans Mu3e is an experiment currently under construction at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland, designed to search for the Lepton Flavor Violating (LFV) decay mu^+ rightarrow e^+e^-e^+. In extensions of the Standard Model (SM) that account for neutrino masses, this decay is theoretically allowed but occurs only through extremely rare loop processes, with a predicted branching ratio of approximately O(10^{-54}). Such a small probability implies that any observation of this decay would provide clear evidence for physics beyond the SM. The Mu3e experiment aims to probe the mu^+ rightarrow e^+e^-e^+ decay with a sensitivity of approximately O(10^{-15}) in its Phase-1 and plans to achieve a sensitivity of O(10^{-16}) after future upgrades. To reach its Phase-1 ambitious goals, Mu3e is going to use the most intense continuous muon beam in the world, generating 10^{8} muon stops per second in the target placed at the center of the Mu3e. Mu3e will use three main technologies for particle detection. The tracking will done through ultra-thin (50 - 70 mu m) pixel detectors based on MuPix11 sensors. These are high-voltage monolithic active pixel sensors (HV-MAPS) with a sim 23~mum spatial resolution. The timing will be done through scintillating fibres (sim 250 ps) and tiles (sim 40 ps), coupled to silicon photomultipliers and read out by MuTRiG3 ASICs. A triggerless DAQ system based on FPGAs will collect data from the detectors, which will then undergo reconstruction in a GPU filter farm. The assembly of the detectors has started, with a detector commissioning beam time planned for 2025. This document reports on the status of the construction, installation, and data-taking plans for the near future. 1 authors · Jan 24
- Prompt emission of relativistic protons up to GeV energies from M6.4-class solar flare on July 17, 2023 We show evidence of particle acceleration at GEV energies associated directly with protons from the prompt emission of a long-duration M6-class solar flare on July 17, 2023, rather than from protons acceleration by shocks from its associated Coronal Mass Ejection (CME), which erupted with a speed of 1342 km/s. Solar Energetic Particles (SEP) accelerated by the blast have reached Earth, up to an almost S3 (strong) category of a radiation storm on the NOAA scale. Also, we show a temporal correlation between the fast rising of GOES-16 proton and muon excess at ground level in the count rate of the New-Tupi muon detector at the central SAA region. A Monte Carlo spectral analysis based on muon excess at New-Tupi is consistent with the acceleration of electrons and protons (ions) up to relativistic energies (GeV energy range) in the impulsive phase of the flare. In addition, we present another two marginal particle excesses (with low confidence) at ground-level detectors in correlation with the solar flare prompt emission. 3 authors · Nov 28, 2023
1 Ultra Fast Transformers on FPGAs for Particle Physics Experiments This work introduces a highly efficient implementation of the transformer architecture on a Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) by using the hls4ml tool. Given the demonstrated effectiveness of transformer models in addressing a wide range of problems, their application in experimental triggers within particle physics becomes a subject of significant interest. In this work, we have implemented critical components of a transformer model, such as multi-head attention and softmax layers. To evaluate the effectiveness of our implementation, we have focused on a particle physics jet flavor tagging problem, employing a public dataset. We recorded latency under 2 mus on the Xilinx UltraScale+ FPGA, which is compatible with hardware trigger requirements at the CERN Large Hadron Collider experiments. 9 authors · Feb 1, 2024
- e^+ e^- to μ^+ μ^- in the Asymptotically Safe Standard Model We study the electron-positron to muon--anti-muon cross-section in the asymptotically safe Standard Model. In particular, we include the graviton contributions to the scattering amplitude, which is computed from momentum-dependent time-like one-particle-irreducible correlation functions. Specifically, we employ reconstruction techniques for the graviton spectral functions. We find that the full asymptotically safe quantum cross section decreases in the ultraviolet with the centre-of-mass energy, and is compatible with unitarity bounds. Importantly, our findings provide non-trivial evidence for the unitarity of the asymptotically safe Standard Model. 4 authors · Dec 18, 2024
- Neutrinos from muon-rich ultra high energy electromagnetic cascades: The MUNHECA code An ultra high energy electromagnetic cascade, a purely leptonic process and initiated by either photons or e^pm, can be a source of high energy neutrinos. We present a public python3 code, MUNHECA, to compute the neutrino spectrum by taking into account various QED processes, with the cascade developing either along the propagation in the cosmic microwave background in the high-redshift universe or in a predefined photon background surrounding the astrophysical source. The user can adjust various settings of MUNHECA, including the spectrum of injected high energy photons, the background photon field and the QED processes governing the cascade evolution. We improve the modeling of several processes, provide examples of the execution of MUNHECA and compare it with some earlier and more simplified estimates of the neutrino spectrum from electromagnetic cascades. 3 authors · Oct 2, 2023
- Detecting LHC Neutrinos at Surface Level The first direct detection of neutrinos at the LHC not only marks the beginning of a novel collider neutrino program at CERN but also motivates considering additional neutrino detectors to fully exploit the associated physics potential. We investigate the feasibility and physics potential of neutrino experiments located at the surface-level. A topographic desk study was performed to identify all points at which the LHC's neutrino beams exit the earth. The closest location lies about 9 km east of the CMS interaction point, at the bottom of Lake Geneva. Several detectors to be placed at this location are considered, including a water Cherenkov detector and an emulsion detector. The detector concepts are introduced, and projections for their contribution to the LHC forward neutrino program and searches for dark sector particles are presented. However, the dilution of the neutrino flux over distance reduces the neutrino yield significantly, limiting the physics potential of surface-level detectors compared to ones closer to the interaction point, including the proposed FPF. 8 authors · Jan 10
- mini-TimeCube as a Neutron Scatter Camera We present Monte Carlo (MC) simulation results from a study of a compact plastic-scintillator detector suitable for imaging fast neutrons in the 1 -- 10 MeV energy range: the miniTimeCube (mTC). Originally designed for antineutrino detection, the mTC consists of 24 MultiChannel Plate (MCP) photodetectors surrounding a 13 cm cube of boron-doped plastic scintillator. Our simulation results show that waveform digitization of 1536 optically sensitive channels surrounding the scintillator should allow for spatiotemporal determination of individual neutron-proton scatters in the detector volume to thicksim100 picoseconds and thicksim5 mm. A Bayesian estimation framework is presented for multiple-scatter reconstruction, and is used to estimate the incoming direction and energy of simulated individual neutrons. Finally, we show how populations of reconstructed neutrons can be used to estimate the direction and energy spectrum of nearby simulated neutron sources. 9 authors · Mar 5, 2019
- Discovering heavy neutrino-antineutrino oscillations at the Z-pole Collider-testable type I seesaw extensions of the Standard Model are generally protected by an approximate lepton number (LN) symmetry. Consequently, they predict pseudo-Dirac heavy neutral leptons (HNLs) composed of two nearly degenerate Majorana fields. The interference between the two mass eigenstates can induce heavy neutrino-antineutrino oscillations (NNOs) leading to observable lepton number violation (LNV), even though the LN symmetry is approximately conserved. These NNOs could be resolved in long-lived HNL searches at collider experiments, such as the proposed Future Circular e^+e^- Collider (FCC-ee) or Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC). However, during their Z-pole runs, the LN carried away by the light (anti)neutrinos produced alongside the HNLs prevents LNV from being observed directly. Nevertheless, NNOs materialise as oscillating signatures in final state distributions. We discuss and compare a selection of such oscillating observables, and perform a Monte Carlo simulation to assess the parameter space in which NNOs could be resolved. 3 authors · Aug 2, 2024
- Invited Article: miniTimeCube We present the development of the miniTimeCube (mTC), a novel compact neutrino detector. The mTC is a multipurpose detector, aiming to detect not only neutrinos but also fast/thermal neutrons. Potential applications include the counterproliferation of nuclear materials and the investigation of antineutrino short-baseline effects. The mTC is a plastic 0.2% ^{10}B - doped scintillator (13 cm)^3 cube surrounded by 24 Micro-Channel Plate (MCP) photon detectors, each with an 8times8 anode totaling 1536 individual channels/pixels viewing the scintillator. It uses custom-made electronics modules which mount on top of the MCPs, making our detector compact and able to both distinguish different types of events and reject noise in real time. The detector is currently deployed and being tested at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Center for Neutron Research (NCNR) nuclear reactor (20 MW_th) in Gaithersburg, MD. A shield for further tests is being constructed, and calibration and upgrades are ongoing. The mTC's improved spatiotemporal resolution will allow for determination of incident particle directions beyond previous capabilities. 19 authors · Feb 3, 2016
- Fast kernel methods for Data Quality Monitoring as a goodness-of-fit test We here propose a machine learning approach for monitoring particle detectors in real-time. The goal is to assess the compatibility of incoming experimental data with a reference dataset, characterising the data behaviour under normal circumstances, via a likelihood-ratio hypothesis test. The model is based on a modern implementation of kernel methods, nonparametric algorithms that can learn any continuous function given enough data. The resulting approach is efficient and agnostic to the type of anomaly that may be present in the data. Our study demonstrates the effectiveness of this strategy on multivariate data from drift tube chamber muon detectors. 8 authors · Mar 9, 2023
- Blazar Boosted ALP and vector portal Dark matter confronting light mediator searches The trouble in detecting low mass dark matter due to its low kinetic energy can be ameliorated in the boosted dark matter framework, where a sub-population of galactic dark matter attains very high energy after being up-scattered by energetic standard model particles. However, in such a scenario the upper limits on the cross-section obtained hitherto are typically large. Hence in the minimal extension of standard model where new mediators act as a portal between the dark and visible sectors, the direct detection limits for sub-GeV dark matter might lie within the exclusion region of other ground based searches of the mediator. To evade this deadlock, we allude to blazar boosted dark matter electron scattering in multi-ton neutrino detector Super kamiokande. We consider minimal models such as axion like particle (ALP) and vector portal dark matter being upscattered by high energy blazar jet and analyse the interesting parameter reaches from Super kamiokande in the parameter space of the mediator, surpassing the existing constraints. Besides, this scenario exhibits stronger limits for previously unexplored ALP mediated sub-MeV dark matter search which is difficult due to associated momentum suppression. 1 authors · Jan 20
- Searching for a Leptophilic Z' and a 3-3-1 symmetry at CLIC We derive the discovery potential of a leptophilic Z', and a Z' rising from a SU(3) times SU(3)_L times U(1)_N symmetry at the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC), which is planned to host e^+e^- collisions with 3 TeV center-of-mass energy. We perform an optimized selection cut strategy on the transverse momentum, pseudorapidity, and invariant mass of the dileptons in order to enhance the collider sensitivity. We find that CLIC can potentially reach a 5sigma signal of a 1-3~TeV leptophilic Z' with less than 1fb^{-1} of integrated luminosity. As for the Z' belonging to a 3-3-1 symmetry, CLIC will offer a complementary probe with the potential to impose M_{Z^prime} > 3~TeV with L=2fb^{-1}. 6 authors · Sep 1, 2023
1 A reconfigurable neural network ASIC for detector front-end data compression at the HL-LHC Despite advances in the programmable logic capabilities of modern trigger systems, a significant bottleneck remains in the amount of data to be transported from the detector to off-detector logic where trigger decisions are made. We demonstrate that a neural network autoencoder model can be implemented in a radiation tolerant ASIC to perform lossy data compression alleviating the data transmission problem while preserving critical information of the detector energy profile. For our application, we consider the high-granularity calorimeter from the CMS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. The advantage of the machine learning approach is in the flexibility and configurability of the algorithm. By changing the neural network weights, a unique data compression algorithm can be deployed for each sensor in different detector regions, and changing detector or collider conditions. To meet area, performance, and power constraints, we perform a quantization-aware training to create an optimized neural network hardware implementation. The design is achieved through the use of high-level synthesis tools and the hls4ml framework, and was processed through synthesis and physical layout flows based on a LP CMOS 65 nm technology node. The flow anticipates 200 Mrad of ionizing radiation to select gates, and reports a total area of 3.6 mm^2 and consumes 95 mW of power. The simulated energy consumption per inference is 2.4 nJ. This is the first radiation tolerant on-detector ASIC implementation of a neural network that has been designed for particle physics applications. 18 authors · May 4, 2021
- The UV Sensitivity of Axion Monodromy Inflation We revisit axion monodromy inflation in the context of UV-complete theories and point out that its cosmological observables are sensitive to heavy fields with masses far above the Hubble scale, such as the moduli of flux compactifications. By studying a string-inspired two-field extension of axion monodromy, we reveal that the oscillatory modulation of the axion potential leads to continuous excitation of heavy fields during inflation when the modulation frequency exceeds the field masses. This finding challenges the conventional single-field description, as heavy moduli cannot be simply integrated out. Using a full bootstrap analysis, we demonstrate that this mechanism produces cosmological collider signals that bypass the usual Boltzmann suppression for heavy masses. Specifically, we identify detectably large signatures of heavy moduli in the primordial bispectrum, offering a promising avenue for probing high-energy physics through cosmological observations. 3 authors · Dec 7, 2024
- Quarks to Cosmos: Particles and Plasma in Cosmological evolution We describe in the context of the particle physics (PP) standard model (SM) `PP-SM' the understanding of the primordial properties and composition of the Universe in the temperature range 130GeV>T>20keV. The Universe evolution is described using FLRW cosmology. We present a global view on particle content across time and describe the different evolution eras using deceleration parameter q. We follow the arrow of time in the expanding and cooling Universe: After the PP-SM heavies (t, h, W, Z) diminish in abundance below Tsimeq 50GeV, the PP-SM plasma in the Universe is governed by the strongly interacting Quark-Gluon content. Once the temperature drops below Tsimeq 150MeV, quarks and gluons hadronize into strongly interacting matter particles. Rapid disappearance of baryonic antimatter completes at T_B=38.2MeV. We study the ensuing disappearance of strangeness and mesons in general. We show that the different eras defined by particle populations are barely separated from each other with abundance of muons fading out just prior to T=O(2.5)MeV, the era of emergence of the free-streaming neutrinos. We discuss the two relevant fundamental constants controlling the decoupling of neutrinos. We subsequently follow the primordial Universe as it passes through the hot dense electron-positron plasma epoch. The high density of positron antimatter disappears near T=20.3keV: Nuclear reactions occur in the presence of a highly mobile and relatively strongly interacting electron-positron plasma phase. We apply plasma theory methods to describe the strong screening effects between heavy dust particle (nucleons). We analyze the paramagnetic characteristics of the electron-positron plasma when exposed to an external primordial magnetic field. 5 authors · Sep 26, 2024
1 Magnetic correction to the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of Electron We investigate the leading order correction of anomalous magnetic moment (AMM) to the electron in weak magnetic field and find that the magnetic correction is negative and magnetic field dependent, indicating a magnetic catalysis effect for the electron gas. In the laboratory to measure the g-2, the magnitude of the magnetic field B is several T, correspondingly the magnetic correction to the AMM of electron/muon is around 10^{-34}/10^{-42}, therefore the magnetic correction can be safely neglected in current measurement. However, when the magnitude of the magnetic field strength is comparable with the electron mass, the magnetic correction of electron's AMM will become considerable. This general magnetic correction to charged fermion's AMM can be extended to study QCD matter under strong magnetic field. 2 authors · Dec 2, 2021