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SubscribeChannels of Stellar-mass Black Hole Formation
On the basis of a large collection of detailed 3D core-collapse supernova simulations carried to late times, we identify four channels of stellar mass black hole formation. Our examples for Channel 1 involve the formation of lower-gap and above black holes in energetic asymmetric supernova explosions. Our Channel 2 example involves a modest supernova explosion that may leave behind a lower-gap to sim10 M_{odot} black hole. The latter may not be easily distinguishable from ``standard" supernovae that birth neutron stars. Our Channel 3 example experiences an aborted core-collapse explosion, more often in the context of a low-metallicity progenitor, whose residue is a black hole with a mass perhaps up to sim40 M_{odot}. The latter may be accompanied by a pulsational-pair instability supernova (PPISN). Channel 4 is the only quiescent or ``silent" scenario for which perhaps sim5 to 15 M_{odot} black holes are left. Where appropriate, we estimate ^{56}Ni yields, explosion energies, approximate recoil speeds, and residual black hole masses. The progenitor mass density and binding energy profiles at collapse influence the outcome in a systematic way. The statistics and prevalence of these various channels depend not only on still evolving supernova theory, but on remaining issues with the theory of massive star evolution, binary interaction, wind mass loss, metallicity, and the nuclear equation of state. Importantly, we suggest, but have not proven, that the silent channel for black hole formation may not be the dominant formation modality.
The S2 orbit and tidally disrupted binaries: indications for collisional depletion in the Galactic center
The properties of the stellar cluster surrounding Sagittarius A* can be assessed indirectly through the motion of the S-stars. Specifically, the current accuracy to which the prograde precession of the S2 star is measured allows to place significant constraints on the extended mass enclosed by its orbit. We suggest that high velocity destructive collisions (DCs) offer a natural mechanism for depleting the mass inside the S2 orbit, thus allowing to reconcile the measured precession and the existence of a dense stellar cluster. Such a solution is especially necessary when considering that stars are supplied to the inner part of the cluster by both dynamical relaxation and by stars being captured in tight orbits during tidal disruption of binaries. We use analytic arguments and results from simulations to demonstrate that in order to obtain a precession that is consistent with observations, collisional depletion is necessary if the capture rate is greater than a few 10^{-6} yr^{-1}. We also show that fluctuations arising from the finite number of stars cannot serve as an alternative to DCs for generating consistency with the observed S2 precession. We conclude that astrometric observations of the S-stars provide a meaningful indication that the inner part of our galactic center is shaped by collisional depletion, supporting the hypothesis that DCs occur in galactic nuclei at an astrophysically significant rate.
Probing a diffuse flux of axion-like particles from galactic supernovae with neutrino water Cherenkov detectors
In this article, we claim that axion-like particles (ALPs) with MeV masses can be produced with semi-relativistic velocities in core-collapse supernovae (SNe), generating a diffuse galactic flux. We show that these ALPs can be detected in neutrino water Cherenkov detectors via a , p rightarrow p , gamma interactions. Using Super-Kamiokande data, we derive new constraints on the ALP parameter space, excluding a region spanning more than one order of magnitude in the ALP-proton coupling above cooling bounds for ALP masses in the range of 1-80 MeV and ALP-proton couplings between 6times10^{-6}-2times10^{-4}. We show that the future Hyper-Kamiokande will be able to probe couplings as small as 2times10^{-6}, fully closing the allowed region above SN 1987A cooling bounds.
New Radio Observations of the Supernova Remnant CTA 1
We present new radio images of the supernova remnant (SNR) CTA 1 at 1420 and 408 MHz, and in the 21 cm line of H I observed with the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory Synthesis Telescope and at 1420 MHz observed with the Effelsberg 100 m telescope. We confirm previously described continuum features and elaborate further on filamentary features identified using the high-resolution (1') maps from these new observations. We investigate the abrupt change in sign of rotation measure (RM) across the SNR, using the linear polarization observations in the four bands around 1420 MHz. Following X. H. Sun et al.'s (2011) investigation, we both confirm that the distribution of signs of the RMs for extragalactic sources in the area appears to match that of the shell, as well as combine the data from the four bands to estimate the relative depolarization and the intrinsic rotation measure of the SNR. We do not conclusively reject X. H. Sun et al.'s (2011) claim of a Faraday screen in the foreground causing the distribution of RMs that we observe; however, we do suggest an alternative explanation of a swept-up stellar wind from the progenitor star with a toroidal magnetic field. Finally, we expand on the analysis of the H I observations by applying the Rolling Hough Transform to isolate filamentary structure and better identify H I emission with the SNR. Further constraining the H I velocity channels associated with CTA 1, we use more recent Galactic rotation curves to calculate an updated kinematic distance of 1.09 +/- 0.2 kpc.
Formation of supermassive stars and dense star clusters in metal-poor clouds exposed to strong FUV radiation
The direct collapse scenario, which predicts the formation of supermassive stars (SMSs) as precursors to supermassive black holes (SMBHs), has been explored primarily under the assumption of metal-free conditions. However, environments exposed to strong far-ultraviolet (FUV) radiation, which is another requirement for the direct collapse, are often chemically enriched to varying degrees. In this study, we perform radiation hydrodynamic simulations of star-cluster formation in clouds with finite metallicities, Z=10^{-6} to 10^{-2} Z_{odot}, incorporating detailed thermal and chemical processes and radiative feedback from forming stars. Extending the simulations to approximately two million years, we demonstrate that SMSs with masses exceeding 10^4~M_odot can form even in metal-enriched clouds with Z lesssim 10^{-3} Z_{odot}. The accretion process in these cases, driven by "super-competitive accretion," preferentially channels gas into central massive stars in spite of small (sub-pc) scale fragmentation. At Z simeq 10^{-2} Z_{odot}, however, enhanced cooling leads to intense fragmentation on larger scales, resulting in the formation of dense star clusters dominated by very massive stars with 10^3 M_{odot} rather than SMSs. These clusters resemble young massive or globular clusters observed in the distant and local universe, exhibiting compact morphologies and high stellar surface densities. Our findings suggest that SMS formation is viable below a metallicity threshold of approximately 10^{-3} Z_{odot}, significantly increasing the number density of massive seed black holes to levels sufficient to account for the ubiquitous SMBHs observed in the local universe. Moreover, above this metallicity, this scenario naturally explains the transition from SMS formation to dense stellar cluster formation.
Connecting GRBs from Binary Neutron Star Mergers to Nuclear Properties of Neutron Stars
The fate of the binary neutron star (NS) merger remnants hinges sensitively upon the NS equation of state and the threshold mass, M_{rm ls}, that separates a long-lived from a short-lived NS remnant. The nature of the electromagnetic counterparts is also influenced by the remnant type, particularly in determining whether a gamma-ray burst from a compact binary merger (cbGRB) is of short or long duration. We propose a novel approach to probe the threshold mass by linking it to the estimated observed ratio of long to short cbGRBs. We find that current observations broadly favour a relatively high value for this transition, M_{rm ls}simeq 1.3 M_{rm TOV}, for which M_{rm TOV} lesssim 2.6,M_odot , consistent with numerical simulations, as also shown here. Our results disfavour nuclear physics scenarios that would lead to catastrophic pressure loss at a few times nuclear density and temperatures of tens of MeV, leading to a rapid gravitational collapse of binaries with total mass M lesssim 1.3 M_{rm TOV}. Future individual gravitational wave events with on-axis cbGRBs can further bound M_{rm ls}.
Observational Signatures of Galactic Turbulent Dynamos
We analyse the observational signatures of galactic magnetic fields that are self-consistently generated in magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the interstellar medium through turbulence driven by supernova (SN) explosions and differential rotation. In particular, we study the time evolution of the Faraday rotation measure (RM), synchrotron radiation, and Stokes parameters by characterising the typical structures formed in the plane of observation. We do this by defining two distinct models for both thermal and cosmic ray (CR) electron distributions. Our results indicate that the maps of RM have structures which are sheared and rendered anisotropically by differential rotation and that they depend on the choice of thermal electrons model as well as the SN rate. Synchrotron maps are qualitatively similar to the maps of the mean magnetic field along the line of sight and structures are only marginally affected by the CR model. Stokes parameters and related quantities, such as the degree of linear polarisation, are highly dependent on both frequency and resolution of the observation.
Dynamical evolution of massless particles in star clusters with NBODY6++GPU-MASSLESS: I. Free-floating MLPs
Context. Low-mass bodies, such as comets, asteroids, planetesimals, and free-floating planets, are continuously injected into the intra-cluster environment after expulsion from their host planetary systems. These can be modeled as massless particles (MLPs, hereafter). The dynamics of large populations of MLPs, however, has yet received little attention in literature. Aims. We investigate the dynamical evolution of MLP populations in star clusters, and characterize their kinematics and ejection rates. Methods. We present NBODY6++GPU-MASSLESS, a modified version of the N-body simulation code NBODY6++GPU, that allows fast integration of star clusters that contain large numbers of massless particles (MLPs). NBODY6++GPU-MASSLESS contains routines specifically directed at the dynamical evolution of low-mass bodies, such as planets. Results. Unlike stars, MLPs do not participate in the mass segregation process. Instead, MLPs mostly follow the gravitational potential of the star cluster, which gradually decreases over time due to stellar ejections and stellar evolution. The dynamical evolution of MLPs is primarily affected by the evolution of the core of the star cluster. This is most apparent in the outer regions for clusters with higher initial densities. High escape rates of MLPs are observed before the core-collapse, after which escape rates remain stable. Denser star clusters undergo a more intense core collapse, but this does not impact the dynamical evolution of MLPs. The speeds of escaping stars are similar to those of escaping MLPs, when disregarding the high-velocity ejections of neutron stars during the first 50 Myr.
Signatures of the Shock Interaction as an Additional Power Source in the Nebular Spectra of SN 2023ixf
Red supergiants may lose significant mass through steady winds and episodic eruptions in the final 100-1000 years before the core collapses, shaping their circumstellar environment. Interaction between supernova (SN) ejecta and distant circumstellar material (CSM) can generate shocks, which can energize the ejecta and serve as a key power source during the nebular phase of the SN. In the present work, we investigate the nebular spectrum of SN 2023ixf, observed one year post-explosion (at +363 d) with the recently commissioned WEAVE instrument on the 4.2m William Herschel Telescope. This marks the first supernova spectrum captured with WEAVE. In this spectrum, Halpha exhibits a peculiar evolution, flanked by blueward and redward broad components centred at simpm 5650,km,s^{-1} from the rest velocity of Halpha, which are seen for only a few SNe to date. These features indicate energy deposition from shocks generated by the interaction of ejecta with a CSM expelled nearly 350 - 640 years pre-explosion. Comparisons of the +363 d spectrum with model spectra from the literature, that include varying shock powers, suggest a shock power of at least sim 5 times 10 ^{40},erg,s^{-1} at this epoch. Additionally, analysis of the [O I] doublet, along with other prominent emission lines, provides evidence for clumpiness, dust formation, and asymmetry within the ejecta and/or the surrounding CSM. These emission lines also helped to constrain the oxygen mass (approx0.19^{scriptscriptstyle +0.08}_{scriptscriptstyle -0.04} M_odot), He-core mass (<3 M_odot) and the zero-age main sequence mass (lesssim 12 M_odot) of the progenitor of SN 2023ixf. The comparison with other Type II SNe highlights SN 2023ixf's unique shock interaction signatures and evidence of dust formation, setting it apart in terms of evolution and dynamics.
Full Transport General Relativistic Radiation Magnetohydrodynamics for Nucleosynthesis in Collapsars
We model a compact black hole-accretion disk system in the collapsar scenario with full transport, frequency dependent, general relativistic radiation magnetohydrodynamics. We examine whether or not winds from a collapsar disk can undergo rapid neutron capture (r-process) nucleosynthesis and significantly contribute to solar r-process abundances. We find the inclusion of accurate transport has significant effects on outflows, raising the electron fraction above Y_{rm e} sim 0.3 and preventing third peak r-process material from being synthesized. We analyze the time-evolution of neutrino processes and electron fraction in the disk and present a simple one-dimensional model for the vertical structure that emerges. We compare our simulation to semi-analytic expectations and argue that accurate neutrino transport and realistic initial and boundary conditions are required to capture the dynamics and nucleosynthetic outcome of a collapsar.
Predication of novel effects in rotational nuclei at high speed
The study of high-speed rotating matter is a crucial research topic in physics due to the emergence of novel phenomena. In this paper, we combined cranking covariant density functional theory (CDFT) with a similar renormalization group approach to decompose the Hamiltonian from the cranking CDFT into different Hermit components, including the non-relativistic term, the dynamical term, the spin-orbit coupling, and the Darwin term. Especially, we obtained the rotational term, the term relating to Zeeman effect-like, and the spin-rotation coupling due to consideration of rotation and spatial component of vector potential. By exploring these operators, we aim to identify novel phenomena that may occur in rotating nuclei. Signature splitting, Zeeman effect-like, spin-rotation coupling, and spin current are among the potential novelties that may arise in rotating nuclei. Additionally, we investigated the observability of these phenomena and their dependence on various factors such as nuclear deformation, rotational angular velocity, and strength of magnetic field.
High N/O ratio at high redshift as a result of a strong burst of star formation and differential galactic winds
Recent observations by JWST have revealed supersolar ^{14}N abundances in galaxies at very high redshift. On the other hand, these galaxies show subsolar metallicity. The observed N/O ratios are difficult to reproduce in the framework of chemical evolution models for the Milky Way. Our aim is to reproduce these high N/O ratios with chemical evolution models assuming different histories of star formation triggering galactic winds coupled with detailed nucleosynthesis prescriptions for ^{14}N, ^{12}C, ^{16}O and ^{56}Fe. We compute several models for small galaxies (10^{9} - 10^{10} M_{odot}) with high star formation efficiency and strong galactic winds. These winds are assumed to be differential, carrying out mainly the products of the explosion of core-collapse supernovae. We find that only models with high star formation rates, normal initial mass function, and differential galactic winds can reproduce the observed chemical abundances. We also find that with the same assumptions about star formation and galactic winds, but with a very rapid formation resulting from fast gas infall, we can also reproduce the estimated ages of these objects. We find no necessity to invoke peculiar nucleosynthesis from Population III stars, very massive stars and supermassive stars.
Investigating cannibalistic millisecond pulsar binaries using MESA: New constraints from pulsar spin and mass evolution
Compact binary millisecond pulsars (MSPs) with orbital periods lesssim1d are key to understanding binary evolution involving massive neutron stars (NSs). Due to the ablation of the companion by the rapidly spinning pulsar, these systems are also known as spiders and categorized into two main branches: redbacks (RBs; companion mass in the range of 0.1 to 0.5\,\Msun) and black widows (BWs; companion mass lesssim\,0.1\,\Msun). We present models of low- and intermediate-mass X-ray binaries and compare them with observations of Galactic spiders (including the presence or absence of hydrogen lines in their optical spectra), and we constrain and quantify the interaction between the pulsar and the companion. Using MESA, we created the allowed initial parameter space. For the first time in MESA, we also included the detailed evolution of the pulsar spin and modeled the irradiation of the companion by the pulsar wind. Efficient mass accretion onto the NS (at least 70% of the mass transferred is accreted) with an X-ray irradiated disk followed by strong irradiation of the companion can explain most of the properties of the observed spiders. Our RB evolutionary tracks continue to the BW regime, connecting the two branches of spiders. Our models explain the lack of hydrogen in some observed BWs with ultra-light companions. During accretion induced spin up, the mass required to spin up an NS to sub-milliseconds is high enough to collapse it into a black hole. Finally, after analyzing the formation of RB-like spiders with giant companions and orbital periods of several days (huntsmen), we conclude that they are unlikely to produce super-massive NSs (maximum accreted mass lesssim0.5M_{odot}). Cannibalistic MSP binary formation depends heavily on the interplay between accretion onto the pulsar and pulsar wind irradiation.
Cosmological Distance Measurement of 12 Nearby Supernovae IIP with ROTSE-IIIB
We present cosmological analysis of 12 nearby (z<0.06) Type IIP supernovae (SNe IIP) observed with the ROTSE-IIIb telescope. To achieve precise photometry, we present a new image differencing technique that is implemented for the first time on the ROTSE SN photometry pipeline. With this method, we find up to a 20\% increase in the detection efficiency and significant reduction in residual RMS scatter of the SN lightcurves when compared to the previous pipeline performance. We use the published optical spectra and broadband photometry of well studied SNe IIP to establish temporal models for ejecta velocity and photospheric temperature evolution for our SNe IIP population. This study yields measurements that are competitive to other methods even when the data are limited to a single epoch during the photospheric phase of SNe IIP. Using the fully reduced ROTSE photometry and optical spectra, we apply these models to the respective photometric epochs for each SN in the ROTSE IIP sample. This facilitates the use of the Expanding Photosphere Method (EPM) to obtain distance estimates to their respective host galaxies. We then perform cosmological parameter fitting using these EPM distances from which we measure the Hubble constant to be 72.9^{+5.7}_{-4.3}~{rm kms^{-1}~Mpc^{-1}}, which is consistent with the standard Lambda CDM model values derived using other independent techniques.
Polytropic Behavior in Corotating Interaction Regions: Evidence of Alfvénic Heating
Corotating Interaction Regions (CIRs) are recurring structures in the solar wind, characterized by interactions between fast and slow solar wind streams that compress and heat plasma. This study investigates the polytropic behavior of distinct regions in and around CIRs: uncompressed slow solar wind, compressed slow solar wind, compressed fast solar wind, and uncompressed fast solar wind. Using Wind spacecraft data and an established methodology for calculating the polytropic index ({\gamma}), we analyze 117 CIR events. Results indicate varying {\gamma} values across regions, with heating observed in compressed regions driven by Alfv\'en wave dissipation originating from fast streams. In the uncompressed fast solar wind, {\gamma} exceeds adiabatic values the most and correlates well with strong Alfv\'enic wave activity.
Disentangling axion-like particle couplings to nucleons via a delayed signal in Super-Kamiokande from a future supernova
In this work, we show that, if axion-like particles (ALPs) from core-collapse supernovae (SNe) couple to protons, they would produce very characteristic signatures in neutrino water Cherenkov detectors through their scattering off free protons via a , p rightarrow p , gamma interactions. Specifically, sub-MeV ALPs would generate photons with energies sim 30 MeV, which could be observed by Super-Kamiokande and Hyper-Kamiokande as a delayed signal after a future detection of SN neutrinos. We apply this to a hypothetical neighbouring SN (at a maximum distance of 100 kpc) and demonstrate that the region in the parameter space with ALP masses between 10^{-4} MeV and 1 MeV and ALP-proton couplings in the range 3 times 10^{-6}-4 times 10^{-5} could be probed. We argue that this new signature, combined with the one expected at sim 7 MeV from oxygen de-excitation, would allow us to disentangle ALP-neutron and ALP-proton couplings.
Impulsive mixing of stellar populations in dwarf spheroidal galaxies
We study the response of mono-energetic stellar populations with initially isotropic kinematics to impulsive and adiabatic changes to an underlying dark matter potential. Half-light radii expand and velocity dispersions decrease as enclosed dark matter is removed. The details of this expansion and cooling depend on the time scale on which the underlying potential changes. In the adiabatic regime, the product of half-light radius and average velocity dispersion is conserved. We show that the stellar populations maintain centrally isotropic kinematics throughout their adiabatic evolution, and their densities can be approximated by a family of analytical radial profiles. Metallicity gradients within the galaxy flatten as dark matter is slowly removed. In the case of strong impulsive perturbations, stellar populations develop power-law-like density tails with radially biased kinematics. We show that the distribution of stellar binding energies within the dark matter halo substantially widens after an impulsive perturbation, no matter the sign of the perturbation. This allows initially energetically separated stellar populations to mix, to the extent that previously chemo-dynamically distinct populations may masquerade as a single population with large metallicity and energy spread. Finally, we show that in response to an impulsive perturbation, stellar populations that are deeply embedded in cored dark matter halos undergo a series of damped oscillations before reaching a virialised equilibrium state, driven by inefficient phase mixing in the harmonic potentials of cored halos. This slow return to equilibrium adds substantial systematic uncertainty to dynamical masses estimated from Jeans modeling or the virial theorem.
A Neural Network-Based Search for Unmodeled Transients in LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA's Third Observing Run
This paper presents the results of a Neural Network (NN)-based search for short-duration gravitational-wave transients in data from the third observing run of LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA. The search targets unmodeled transients with durations of milliseconds to a few seconds in the 30-1500 Hz frequency band, without assumptions about the incoming signal direction, polarization, or morphology. Using the Gravitational Wave Anomalous Knowledge (GWAK) method, three compact binary coalescences (CBCs) identified by existing pipelines are successfully detected, along with a range of detector glitches. The algorithm constructs a low-dimensional embedded space to capture the physical features of signals, enabling the detection of CBCs, detector glitches, and unmodeled transients. This study demonstrates GWAK's ability to enhance gravitational-wave searches beyond the limits of existing pipelines, laying the groundwork for future detection strategies.
Physics-Based Forecasting of Tomorrow's Solar Wind at 1 AU
A faster than real time forecast system for solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field transients that is driven by hourly updated solar magnetograms is proposed to provide a continuous nowcast of the solar corona (<0.1AU) and 24-hours forecast of the solar wind at 1 AU by solving a full 3-D MHD model. This new model has been inspired by the concept of relativity of simultaneity used in the theory of special relativity. It is based on time transformation between two coordinate systems: the solar rest frame and a boosted system in which the current observations of the solar magnetic field and tomorrow's measurement of the solar wind at 1 AU are simultaneous. In this paper we derive the modified governing equations for both hydrodynamics (HD) and magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and present a new numerical algorithm that only modifies the conserved quantities but preserves the original HD/MHD numerical flux. The proposed method enables an efficient numerical implementation, and thus a significantly longer forecast time than the traditional method.
Surrogate Modeling for Computationally Expensive Simulations of Supernovae in High-Resolution Galaxy Simulations
Some stars are known to explode at the end of their lives, called supernovae (SNe). The substantial amount of matter and energy that SNe release provides significant feedback to star formation and gas dynamics in a galaxy. SNe release a substantial amount of matter and energy to the interstellar medium, resulting in significant feedback to star formation and gas dynamics in a galaxy. While such feedback has a crucial role in galaxy formation and evolution, in simulations of galaxy formation, it has only been implemented using simple {\it sub-grid models} instead of numerically solving the evolution of gas elements around SNe in detail due to a lack of resolution. We develop a method combining machine learning and Gibbs sampling to predict how a supernova (SN) affects the surrounding gas. The fidelity of our model in the thermal energy and momentum distribution outperforms the low-resolution SN simulations. Our method can replace the SN sub-grid models and help properly simulate un-resolved SN feedback in galaxy formation simulations. We find that employing our new approach reduces the necessary computational cost to sim 1 percent compared to directly resolving SN feedback.
Galaxy Zoo: Kinematics of strongly and weakly barred galaxies
We study the bar pattern speeds and corotation radii of 225 barred galaxies, using IFU data from MaNGA and the Tremaine-Weinberg method. Our sample, which is divided between strongly and weakly barred galaxies identified via Galaxy Zoo, is the largest that this method has been applied to. We find lower pattern speeds for strongly barred galaxies than for weakly barred galaxies. As simulations show that the pattern speed decreases as the bar exchanges angular momentum with its host, these results suggest that strong bars are more evolved than weak bars. Interestingly, the corotation radius is not different between weakly and strongly barred galaxies, despite being proportional to bar length. We also find that the corotation radius is significantly different between quenching and star forming galaxies. Additionally, we find that strongly barred galaxies have significantly lower values for R, the ratio between the corotation radius and the bar radius, than weakly barred galaxies, despite a big overlap in both distributions. This ratio classifies bars into ultrafast bars (R < 1.0; 11% of our sample), fast bars (1.0 < R < 1.4; 27%) and slow bars (R > 1.4; 62%). Simulations show that R is correlated with the bar formation mechanism, so our results suggest that strong bars are more likely to be formed by different mechanisms than weak bars. Finally, we find a lower fraction of ultrafast bars than most other studies, which decreases the recently claimed tension with {\Lambda}CDM. However, the median value of R is still lower than what is predicted by simulations.
The Carnegie Supernova Project I: Third Photometry Data Release of Low-Redshift Type Ia Supernovae and Other White Dwarf Explosions
We present final natural system optical (ugriBV) and near-infrared (YJH) photometry of 134 supernovae (SNe) with probable white dwarf progenitors that were observed in 2004-2009 as part of the first stage of the Carnegie Supernova Project (CSP-I). The sample consists of 123 Type Ia SNe, 5 Type Iax SNe, 2 super-Chandrasekhar SN candidates, 2 Type Ia SNe interacting with circumstellar matter, and 2 SN 2006bt-like events. The redshifts of the objects range from z = 0.0037 to 0.0835; the median redshift is 0.0241. For 120 (90%) of these SNe, near-infrared photometry was obtained. Average optical extinction coefficients and color terms are derived and demonstrated to be stable during the five CSP-I observing campaigns. Measurements of the CSP-I near-infrared bandpasses are also described, and near-infrared color terms are estimated through synthetic photometry of stellar atmosphere models. Optical and near-infrared magnitudes of local sequences of tertiary standard stars for each supernova are given, and a new calibration of Y-band magnitudes of the Persson et al. (1998) standards in the CSP-I natural system is presented.
Is planetary inward migration responsible for GJ 504's fast rotation and bright X-ray luminosity? New constraints from eROSITA
The discovery of an increasing variety of exoplanets in very close orbits around their host stars raised many questions about how stars and planets interact, and to which extent host stars' properties may be influenced by the presence of close-by companions. Understanding how the evolution of stars is impacted by the interactions with their planets is fundamental to disentangle their intrinsic evolution from Star-Planet Interactions (SPI)-induced phenomena. GJ 504 is a promising candidate for a star that underwent strong SPI. Its unusually short rotational period (3.4 days), while being in contrast with what is expected by single-star models, could result from the inward migration of a close-by, massive companion, pushed starward by tides. Moreover, its brighter X-ray luminosity may hint at a rejuvenation of the dynamo process sustaining the stellar magnetic field, consequent to the SPI-induced spin-up. We aim to study the evolution of GJ 504 and establish whether by invoking the engulfment of a planetary companion we can better reproduce its rotational period and X-ray luminosity. We simulate the past evolution assuming two different scenarios: 'Star without close-by planet', 'Star with close-by planet'. In the second scenario, we investigate how inward migration and planetary engulfment driven by tides spin up the stellar surface and rejuvenate its dynamo. We compare our tracks with rotational period and X-ray data collected from the all-sky surveys of the ROentgen Survey with an Imaging Telescope Array (eROSITA) on board the Russian Spektrum-Roentgen-Gamma mission (SRG). Despite the very uncertain stellar age, we found that the second evolutionary scenario is in better agreement with the short rotational period and the bright X-ray luminosity of GJ 504, thus strongly favouring the inward migration scenario over the one in which close-by planets have no tidal impact on the star.
Nucleosynthesis in Outflows from Black Hole-Neutron Star Merger Disks With Full GRνRMHD
Along with binary neutron star mergers, the in-spiral and merger of a black hole and a neutron star is a predicted site of r-process nucleosynthesis and associated kilonovae. For the right mass ratio, very large amounts of neutron rich material may become unbound from the post-merger accretion disk. We simulate a suite of four post-merger disks with full-transport general relativistic neutrino radiation magnetohydrodynamics. We find that the outflows from these disks are very close to the threshold conditions for robust r-process nucleosynthesis. For these conditions, the detailed properties of the outflow determine whether a full r-process can or cannot occur, implying that a wide range of observable phenomena are possible. We show that on average the disk outflow lanthanide fraction is suppressed relative to the solar isotopic pattern. In combination with the dynamical ejecta, these outflows imply a kilonova with both blue and red components.
Evidence for a Massive Protocluster in S255N
S255N is a luminous far-infrared source that contains many indications of active star formation but lacks a prominent near-infrared stellar cluster. We present mid-infrared through radio observations aimed at exploring the evolutionary state of this region. Our observations include 1.3mm continuum and spectral line data from the Submillimeter Array, VLA 3.6cm continuum and 1.3cm water maser data, and multicolor IRAC images from the Spitzer Space Telescope. The cometary morphology of the previously-known UCHII region G192.584-0.041 is clearly revealed in our sensitive, multi-configuration 3.6cm images. The 1.3mm continuum emission has been resolved into three compact cores, all of which are dominated by dust emission and have radii < 7000AU. The mass estimates for these cores range from 6 to 35 Msun. The centroid of the brightest dust core (SMA1) is offset by 1.1'' (2800 AU) from the peak of the cometary UCHII region and exhibits the strongest HC3N, CN, and DCN line emission in the region. SMA1 also exhibits compact CH3OH, SiO, and H2CO emission and likely contains a young hot core. We find spatial and kinematic evidence that SMA1 may contain further multiplicity, with one of the components coincident with a newly-detected H2O maser. There are no mid-infrared point source counterparts to any of the dust cores, further suggesting an early evolutionary phase for these objects. The dominant mid-infrared emission is a diffuse, broadband component that traces the surface of the cometary UCHII region but is obscured by foreground material on its southern edge. An additional 4.5 micron linear feature emanating to the northeast of SMA1 is aligned with a cluster of methanol masers and likely traces a outflow from a protostar within SMA1. Our observations provide direct evidence that S255N is forming a cluster of intermediate to high-mass stars.
Large-scale unpinning and pulsar glitches due to the forced oscillation of vortices
The basic framework of the superfluid vortex model for pulsar glitches, though, is well accepted; there is a lack of consensus on the possible trigger mechanism responsible for the simultaneous release of a large number (sim 10^{17}) of superfluid vortices from the inner crust. Here, we propose a simple trigger mechanism to explain such catastrophic events of vortex unpinning. We treat a superfluid vortex line as a classical massive straight string with well-defined string tension stretching along the rotation axis of pulsars. The crustquake-induced lattice vibration of the inner crust can act as a driving force for the transverse oscillation of the string. Such forced oscillation near resonance causes the bending of the vortex lines, disturbing their equilibrium configuration and resulting in the unpinning of vortices. We consider unpinning from the inner crust's so-called {\it strong (nuclear)} pinning region, where the vortices are likely pinned to the nuclear sites. We also comment on vortex unpinning from the interstitial pinning region of the inner crust. We sense that unifying crustquake with the superfluid vortex model can naturally explain the cause of large-scale vortex unpinning and generation of large-size pulsar glitches.
The JWST EXCELS survey: direct estimates of C, N, and O abundances in two relatively metal-rich galaxies at zsimeq5
We present a spectroscopic analysis of two star-forming galaxies at z~5 observed with JWST/NIRSpec as part of the Early eXtragalactic Continuum and Emission Line Science (EXCELS) survey. The detection of the C III]lambdalambda1906,09, [O II]lambdalambda3726,29, [O III]lambdalambda4363,5007, and [N II]lambda6584 nebular emission lines enables investigation of the C/O, N/O, and C/N abundance ratios using the temperature-sensitive method. The two galaxies have stellar masses of log(M_{star}/M_{odot} ) = 8.13pm0.09 and log(M_{star}/M_{odot} )=8.52pm0.13 and corresponding metallicities of Z~0.2Z_{odot} and Z~0.3Z_{odot}. These metallicities are somewhat higher than is typical for other z>5 galaxies with similar stellar mass and are in fact comparable to high-redshift analogue galaxies at z~0. Both galaxies display evidence for N/O enhancement with respect to the z~0 sample, with log(N/O)=-1.07pm0.17 and log(N/O)=-0.86pm0.15 respectively. In contrast, we find low C abundances, with log(C/O)=-0.82pm0.22 and log(C/O)=-1.02pm0.22, consistent with the predicted yields of core-collapse supernovae. Following the trend observed in other high-redshift sources, we find that the C/N ratios are lower at fixed O/H compared to the majority of local galaxies. In contrast to the top-heavy IMF invoked in some studies to explain low C/N ratios in metal-poor galaxies, we find, via comparison to chemical evolution models, that a standard or bottom-heavy IMF better explains the observed abundance ratios in more enriched systems due to an increase in N-enrichment from intermediate mass (4-7M_{odot}) stars. Our results demonstrate that robust measurements of CNO abundances with JWST can reveal unique enrichment pathways in galaxies as a function of both metallicity and redshift.
Exterior field of neutron stars: The singularity structure of vacuum and electrovac solutions
In the present paper we study the singularity structure of the exterior field of neutron stars with the aid of the four-parameter exact solution of the Einstein-Maxwell equations. The complete analysis of this problem in the generic case becomes possible due to the implementation of the novel analytical approach to the resolution of the singularity condition, and it shows the absence of the ring singularities off the symmetry axis in the positive mass case, as well as the possibility of the removal of the ring singularity by a strong magnetic field in the negative mass case. The solution takes an extraordinarily simple form in the equatorial plane, very similar to that of the Kerr solution, which makes it most suitable for astrophysical applications as the simplest model of a rotating magnetized deformed mass. It also provides a nontrivial example confirming a recent claim that the varphi component of the electromagnetic four-potential has features inconsistent with the intrinsic properties of the electrovac metric, while the magnetic field is represented correctly by the t component of the dual electromagnetic four-potential.
Widen the Resonance: Probing a New Regime of Neutrino Self-Interactions with Astrophysical Neutrinos
Neutrino self-interactions beyond the standard model have profound implications in astrophysics and cosmology. In this work, we study an uncharted scenario in which one of the three neutrino species has a mass much smaller than the temperature of the cosmic neutrino background. This results in a relativistic component that significantly broadens the absorption feature on the astrophysical neutrino spectra, in contrast to the sharply peaked absorption expected in the extensively studied scenarios assuming a fully nonrelativistic cosmic neutrino background. By solving the Boltzmann equations for neutrino absorption and regeneration, we demonstrate that this mechanism provides novel sensitivity to sub-keV mediator masses, well below the traditional sim 1--100 MeV range. Future observations of the diffuse supernova neutrino background with Hyper-Kamiokande could probe coupling strengths down to g sim 10^{-8}, surpassing existing constraints by orders of magnitude. These findings open new directions for discoveries and offer crucial insights into the interplay between neutrinos and the dark sector.
A helical magnetic field in quasar NRAO150 revealed by Faraday rotation
Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are some of the most luminous and extreme environments in the Universe. The central engines of AGN, believed to be super-massive black-holes, are fed by accretion discs threaded by magnetic fields within a dense magneto-ionic medium. We report our findings from polarimetric Very-long-baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations of quasar NRAO150 taken in October 2022 using a combined network of the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) and Effelsberg 100-m Radio Telescope. These observations are the first co-temporal multi-frequency polarimetric VLBI observations of NRAO150 at frequencies above 15GHz. We use the new VLBI polarization calibration procedure, GPCAL, with polarization observations of frequencies of 12GHz, 15GHz, 24GHz, and 43GHz of NRAO150. From these observations, we measure Faraday rotation. Using our measurement of Faraday rotation, we also derive the intrinsic electric vector position angle (EVPA0) for the source. As a complementary measurement we determine the behavior of polarization as a function of observed frequency. The polarization from NRAO150 only comes from the core region, with a peak polarization intensity occurring at 24GHz. Across the core region of NRAO150 we see clear gradients in Faraday rotation and EVPA0 values that are aligned with the direction of the jet curving around the core region. We find that for the majority of the polarized region the polarization fraction is greater at higher frequencies, with intrinsic polarization fractions in the core 3%. The Faraday rotation gradients and circular patterns in EVPA0 are strong evidence for a helical/toroidal magnetic field, and the presence of low intrinsic polarization fractions indicate that the polarized emission and hence the helical/toroidal magnetic field, occur within the innermost jet.
Stochastic acceleration in arbitrary astrophysical environments
Turbulent magnetic fields are to some extent a universal feature in astrophysical phenomena. Charged particles that encounter these turbulence get on average accelerated according to the so-called second-order Fermi process. However, in most astrophysical environments there are additional competing processes, such as different kinds of first-order energy changes and particle escape, that effect the resulting momentum distribution of the particles. In this work we provide to our knowledge the first semi-analytical solution of the isotropic steady-state momentum diffusion equation including continuous and catastrophic momentum changes that can be applied to any arbitrary astrophysical system of interest. Here, we adopt that the assigned magnetic turbulence is constrained on a finite range and the particle flux vanishes beyond these boundaries. Consequently, we show that the so-called pile-up bump -- that has for some special cases long been established -- is a universal feature of stochastic acceleration that emerges around the momentum chi_{rm eq} where acceleration and continuous loss are in equilibrium if the particle's residence time in the system is sufficient at chi_{rm eq}. In general, the impact of continuous and catastrophic momentum changes plays a crucial role in the shape of the steady-state momentum distribution of the accelerated particles, where simplified unbroken power-law approximations are often not adequate.
General-relativistic resistive-magnetohydrodynamics simulations of self-consistent magnetized rotating neutron stars
We present the first general-relativistic resistive magnetohydrodynamics simulations of self-consistent, rotating neutron stars with mixed poloidal and toroidal magnetic fields. Specifically, we investigate the role of resistivity in the dynamical evolution of neutron stars over a period of up to 100 ms and its effects on their quasi-equilibrium configurations. Our results demonstrate that resistivity can significantly influence the development of magnetohydrodynamic instabilities, resulting in markedly different magnetic field geometries. Additionally, resistivity suppresses the growth of these instabilities, leading to a reduction in the amplitude of emitted gravitational waves. Despite the variations in magnetic field geometries, the ratio of poloidal to toroidal field energies remains consistently 9:1 throughout the simulations, for the models we investigated.
The Supernova Legacy Survey 3-year sample: Type Ia Supernovae photometric distances and cosmological constraints
We present photometric properties and distance measurements of 252 high redshift Type Ia supernovae (0.15 < z < 1.1) discovered during the first three years of the Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS). These events were detected and their multi-colour light curves measured using the MegaPrime/MegaCam instrument at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT), by repeatedly imaging four one-square degree fields in four bands. Follow-up spectroscopy was performed at the VLT, Gemini and Keck telescopes to confirm the nature of the supernovae and to measure their redshifts. Systematic uncertainties arising from light curve modeling are studied, making use of two techniques to derive the peak magnitude, shape and colour of the supernovae, and taking advantage of a precise calibration of the SNLS fields. A flat LambdaCDM cosmological fit to 231 SNLS high redshift Type Ia supernovae alone gives Omega_M = 0.211 +/- 0.034(stat) +/- 0.069(sys). The dominant systematic uncertainty comes from uncertainties in the photometric calibration. Systematic uncertainties from light curve fitters come next with a total contribution of +/- 0.026 on Omega_M. No clear evidence is found for a possible evolution of the slope (beta) of the colour-luminosity relation with redshift.
Inferring the Equation of State from Neutron Star Observables via Machine Learning
We have conducted an extensive study using a diverse set of equations of state (EoSs) to uncover strong relationships between neutron star (NS) observables and the underlying EoS parameters using symbolic regression method. These EoS models, derived from a mix of agnostic and physics-based approaches, considered neutron stars composed of nucleons, hyperons, and other exotic degrees of freedom in beta equilibrium. The maximum mass of a NS is found to be strongly correlated with the pressure and baryon density at an energy density of approximately 800^{-3}. We have also demonstrated that the EoS can be expressed as a function of radius and tidal deformability within the NS mass range 1-2M_odot. These insights offer a promising and efficient framework to decode the dense matter EoS directly from the accurate knowledge of NS observables.
Tides on Lava Worlds: Application to Close-in Exoplanets and the Early Earth-Moon System
Understanding the physics of planetary magma oceans has been the subject of growing efforts, in light of the increasing abundance of Solar system samples and extrasolar surveys. A rocky planet harboring such an ocean is likely to interact tidally with its host star, planetary companions, or satellites. To date, however, models of the tidal response and heat generation of magma oceans have been restricted to the framework of weakly viscous solids, ignoring the dynamical fluid behavior of the ocean beyond a critical melt fraction. Here we provide a handy analytical model that accommodates this phase transition, allowing for a physical estimation of the tidal response of lava worlds. We apply the model in two settings: The tidal history of the early Earth-Moon system in the aftermath of the giant impact; and the tidal interplay between short-period exoplanets and their host stars. For the former, we show that the fluid behavior of the Earth's molten surface drives efficient early Lunar recession to {sim} 25 Earth radii within 10^4{-} 10^5 years, in contrast with earlier predictions. For close-in exoplanets, we report on how their molten surfaces significantly change their spin-orbit dynamics, allowing them to evade spin-orbit resonances and accelerating their track towards tidal synchronization from a Gyr to Myr timescale. Moreover, we re-evaluate the energy budgets of detected close-in exoplanets, highlighting how the surface thermodynamics of these planets are likely controlled by enhanced, fluid-driven tidal heating, rather than vigorous insolation, and how this regime change substantially alters predictions for their surface temperatures.
A universal break in energy functions of three hyperactive repeating fast radio bursts
Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are millisecond-duration pulses occurring at cosmological distances with a mysterious origin. Observations show that at least some FRBs are produced by magnetars. All magnetar-powered FRB models require some triggering mechanisms, among which the most popular is the crust cracking of a neutron star, which is called starquake. However, so far there has been no decisive evidence for this speculation. Here we report the energy functions of the three most active repeating FRBs, which show a universal break around 10^{38} erg. Such a break is similar to that of the frequency-magnitude relationship of earthquakes. The break and change of the power-law indices below and above it can be well understood within the framework of FRBs triggered by starquakes in the magnetar models. The seed of weak FRBs can grow both on the magnetar surface and in the deeper crust. In contrast, the triggering of strong FRBs is confined by the crustal thickness and the seed of strong FRBs can only grow on the surface. This difference in dimensionality causes a break in the scaling properties from weak to strong FRBs, occurring at a point where the penetration depth of starquakes equals the crustal thickness. Our result, together with the earthquake-like temporal properties of these FRBs, strongly supports that FRBs are triggered by starquakes, providing a new opportunity to study the physical properties of the neutron star crust.
GOALS-JWST: Gas Dynamics and Excitation in NGC7469 revealed by NIRSpec
We present new JWST-NIRSpec IFS data for the luminous infrared galaxy NGC7469: a nearby (70.6Mpc) active galaxy with a Sy 1.5 nucleus that drives a highly ionized gas outflow and a prominent nuclear star-forming ring. Using the superb sensitivity and high spatial resolution of the JWST instrument NIRSpec-IFS, we investigate the role of the Seyfert nucleus in the excitation and dynamics of the circumnuclear gas. Our analysis focuses on the [Fe ii], H2, and hydrogen recombination lines that trace the radiation/shocked-excited molecular and ionized ISM around the AGN. We investigate the gas excitation through H2/Br{\gamma} and [Fe ii]/Paeta emission line ratios and find that photoionization by the AGN dominates within the central 300 pc of the galaxy and together with a small region show ing signatures of shock-heated gas; these shock-heated regions are likely associated with a compact radio jet. In addition, the velocity field and velocity dispersion maps reveal complex gas kinematics. Rotation is the dominant feature, but we also identify non-circular motions consistent with gas inflows as traced by the velocity residuals and the spiral pattern in the Pa{\alpha} velocity dispersion map. The inflow is consistent with the mass outflow rate and two orders of magnitude higher than the AGN accretion rate. The compact nuclear radio jet has enough power to drive the highly ionized outflow. This scenario suggests that the inflow and outflow are in a self-regulating feeding-feedback process, with a contribution from the radio jet helping to drive the outflow.
Diprotodon on the sky. The Large Galactic Supernova Remnant (SNR) G278.94+1.35
We present a re-discovery of G278.94+1.35 as possibly one of the largest known Galactic supernova remnants (SNR) - that we name Diprotodon. While previously established as a Galactic SNR, Diprotodon is visible in our new EMU and GLEAM radio continuum images at an angular size of 3.33x3.23 deg, much larger than previously measured. At the previously suggested distance of 2.7 kpc, this implies a diameter of 157x152 pc. This size would qualify Diprotodon as the largest known SNR and pushes our estimates of SNR sizes to the upper limits. We investigate the environment in which the SNR is located and examine various scenarios that might explain such a large and relatively bright SNR appearance. We find that Diprotodon is most likely at a much closer distance of sim1 kpc, implying its diameter is 58x56 pc and it is in the radiative evolutionary phase. We also present a new Fermi-LAT data analysis that confirms the angular extent of the SNR in gamma-rays. The origin of the high-energy emission remains somewhat puzzling, and the scenarios we explore reveal new puzzles, given this unexpected and unique observation of a seemingly evolved SNR having a hard GeV spectrum with no breaks. We explore both leptonic and hadronic scenarios, as well as the possibility that the high-energy emission arises from the leftover particle population of a historic pulsar wind nebula.
Multi-mode Pulsations in AGB Stars: Insights from 3D RHD CO5BOLD Simulations
Stars on the AGB can exhibit acoustic pulsation modes of different radial orders, along with non-radial modes. These pulsations are essential to the mass-loss process and influence the evolutionary pathways of AGB stars. P-L relations serve as a valuable diagnostic for understanding stellar evolution along the AGB. 3D RHD simulations provide a powerful tool for investigating pulsation phenomena driven by convective processes and their non-linear coupling with stellar oscillations. We investigate multi-mode pulsations in AGB stars using advanced 3D 'star-in-a-box' simulations with the CO5BOLD code. Signatures of these multi-mode pulsations were weak in our previous 3D models. Our focus is on identifying and characterising the various pulsation modes, examining their persistence and transitions, and comparing the results with 1D model predictions and observational data where applicable. We produced a new model grid comprising AGB stars with current masses of 0.7, 0.8, and 1,M_{odot}. Fourier analysis was applied to dynamic, time-dependent quantities to extract dominant pulsation modes and their corresponding periods. Additionally, wavelet transforms were employed to identify mode-switching behaviour over time. The models successfully reproduce the P-L sequences found in AGB stars. Mode-switching phenomena are found in both the models and wavelet analyses of observational data, allowing us to infer similarities in the underlying pulsation dynamics. These 3D simulations highlight the natural emergence of multi-mode pulsations, including both radial and non-radial modes, driven by the self-consistent interplay of convection and oscillations. Our findings underscore the value of 3D RHD models in capturing the non-linear behaviour of AGB pulsations, providing insights into mode switching, envelope structures, and potential links to episodic mass-loss events.
Fully Compressible Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Solar Convection Zones with CHORUS++
The objective of this study is to develop a fully compressible magnetohydrodynamic solver for fast simulations of the global dynamo of the Sun using unstructured grids and GPUs. Accurate modeling of the Sun's convective layers is vital to predicting the Sun's behavior, including the solar dynamo and sunspot cycles. Currently, there are many efficient codes capable of conducting these large simulations; however, many assume an anealastic density distribution. The anelastic assumption is capable of producing accurate results for low mach numbers; however, it fails in regions with a higher mach number and a fully compressible flow must be considered. To avoid these issues, Wang et al. [1] created a Compressible High-ORder Unstructured Spectral difference (CHORUS) code for simulating fluid dynamics inside stars and planets. CHORUS++ augmented the CHORUS code to adopt a higher degree of polynomials by using cubed-sphere meshing and transfinite mapping to perform simulations on unstructured grids [2]. Recently, CHORUS++ was further developed for parallel magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) solutions on GPUs at Clarkson University. In this study the solar benchmark problems presented by Chen et al. [2] are extended to unsteady solar dynamo problems, with two different density scale heights. The CHORUS-MHD code is further accelerated by multiple GPUs and used to successfully solve these solar dynamo benchmark problems. [1] Wang, J., Liang, C., and Miesch, M. S., "A Compressible High-Order Unstructured Spectral Difference Code for Stratified Convection in Rotating Spherical Shells," Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 290, 2015, pp. 90-111. [2] Chen, K., Liang, C., and Wan, M., "Arbitrarily high-order accurate simulations of compressible rotationally constrained convection using a transfinite mapping on cubed-sphere grids," Physics of Fluids, Vol. 35, 2023, p. 086120.
Quantum algorithm for collisionless Boltzmann simulation of self-gravitating systems
The collisionless Boltzmann equation (CBE) is a fundamental equation that governs the dynamics of a broad range of astrophysical systems from space plasma to star clusters and galaxies. It is computationally expensive to integrate the CBE directly in a multi-dimensional phase space, and thus the applications to realistic astrophysical problems have been limited so far. Recently, Todorova & Steijl (2020) proposed an efficient quantum algorithm to solve the CBE with significantly reduced computational complexity. We extend the algorithm to perform quantum simulations of self-gravitating systems, incorporating the method to calculate gravity with the major Fourier modes of the density distribution extracted from the solution-encoding quantum state. Our method improves the dependency of time and space complexities on Nv , the number of grid points in each velocity coordinate, compared to the classical simulation methods. We then conduct some numerical demonstrations of our method. We first run a 1+1 dimensional test calculation of free streaming motion on 64*64 grids using 13 simulated qubits and validate our method. We then perform simulations of Jeans collapse, and compare the result with analytic and linear theory calculations. It will thus allow us to perform large-scale CBE simulations on future quantum computers.
Addressing the core-cusp and diversity problem of dwarf and disk galaxies using cold collisionless DARKexp theory
Observed dwarf galaxies tend to have linearly rising rotation curves, which indicate flat density cores in their centers. Furthermore, disk galaxies show a wide range of rotation curves shapes. High resolution simulations of cold collisionless dark matter do not reproduce flat central profiles, or the observed diversity of rotation curve shapes; even hydrodynamic simulations incorporating baryonic feedback cannot do that robustly. However, numerical simulations are not the only way to make predictions about density profiles of equilibrium dark matter halos. A theoretical model based on statistical mechanics shows that maximum entropy solutions for cold collisionless self-gravitating dark matter halos can have a range of inner density profiles, including flat density cores. These theoretical profiles, called DARKexp, have only one shape parameter, and are able to fit the observed rotation curves of galaxies with last measured velocities in the range ~20-200 km/s. Here we present fits to 96 SPARC catalog galaxies, and the Milky Way. DARKexp also provides good fits to the projected stellar density distributions of ultrafaint dwarfs that show cores, suggesting that the dark matter halo hosts could have flat density cores. Thus, DARKexp appears to be able to address the core-cusp problem and the diversity of rotation curves with cold collisionless dark matter alone, without baryonic feedback.
Fate and detectability of rare gas hydride ions in nova ejecta: A case study with nova templates
HeH^+ was the first heteronuclear molecule to form in the metal-free Universe after the Big Bang. The molecule gained significant attention following its first circumstellar detection in the young and dense planetary nebula NGC 7027. We target some hydride ions associated with the noble gases (HeH^+, ArH^+, and NeH^+) to investigate their formation in harsh environments like the nova outburst region. We use a photoionization modeling (based on previously published best-fit physical parameters) of the moderately fast ONe type nova, QU Vulpeculae 1984, and the CO type novae, RS Ophiuchi and V1716 Scorpii. Our steady-state modeling reveals a convincing amount of HeH^+, especially in the dense clump of RS Ophiuchi and V1716 Scorpii. The calculated upper limit on the surface brightness of HeH^+ transitions suggests that the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) could detect some of them, particularly in sources like RS Ophiuchi and V1716 Scorpii, which have similar physical and chemical conditions and evolution. It must be clearly noted that the sources studied are used as templates, and not as targets for observations. The detection of these lines could be useful for determining the physical conditions in similar types of systems and for validating our predictions based on new electron-impact ro-vibrational collisional data at temperatures of up to 20,000 K.
A Comprehensive Perturbative Formalism for Phase Mixing in Perturbed Disks. II. Phase Spirals in an Inhomogeneous Disk Galaxy with a Non-responsive Dark Matter Halo
We develop a linear perturbative formalism to compute the response of an inhomogeneous stellar disk embedded in a non-responsive dark matter halo to perturbations like bars, spiral arms and satellite galaxy encounters. Without self-gravity to reinforce it, the response of a Fourier mode phase mixes away due to an intrinsic spread in the vertical (Omega_z), radial (Omega_r) and azimuthal (Omega_phi) frequencies, giving rise to local phase-space spirals. Collisional diffusion due to scattering of stars by structures like giant molecular clouds causes super-exponential damping of the phase-spiral amplitude. The z-v_z phase-spiral is 1-armed (2-armed) for vertically anti-symmetric (symmetric) bending (breathing) modes. Only transient perturbations with timescales (tau_{P}) comparable to the vertical oscillation period (tau_z sim 1/Omega_z) trigger z-v_z phase-spirals. Each (n,l,m) mode of the response to impulsive (tau_{P}<tau=1/(nOmega_z+lOmega_r+mOmega_phi)) perturbations is power law (sim tau_{P}/tau) suppressed, but that to adiabatic (tau_{P}>tau) perturbations is exponentially weak (sim left[-left(tau_{mathrm{P}/tauright)^alpharight]}) except resonant (tauto infty) modes. Slower (tau_{P}>tau_z) perturbations, e.g., distant encounters with satellite galaxies, induce stronger bending modes. If the Gaia phase-spiral was triggered by a satellite, Sagittarius is the leading contender as it dominates the Solar neighborhood response of the Milky Way disk to satellite encounters. However, survival against collisional damping necessitates that the impact occurred within sim 0.6-0.7 Gyr ago. We discuss how the detailed galactic potential dictates the phase-spiral shape: phase mixing occurs slower and phase-spirals are less wound in the outer disk and in presence of an ambient halo.
Anisotropic Compact Star Model Satisfying Karmarkar Conditions
A new class of solutions describing the composition of compact stars has been proposed, assuming that the fluid distribution inside the star is anisotropic. This is achieved by assuming the appropriate metric potential and then solving Einstein's field equations using Karmarkar conditions [Karmarkar K. R., Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 27 (1948) 56] to derive the expressions for star density, the radial and tangential pressures in terms of the constants A, B, a paramter `a' and the curvature parameter R. The equations thus obtained have been passed through rigorous conditional analysis. It is further shown that the model is physically viable and mathematically well-behaved, fulfilling the requisite conditions viz., regularity condition, strong energy condition, causality condition, etc. Observed star candidates including EXO 1785-248, SMC X-1, SAXJ1808.43658(SS2), HER X-1, 4U 1538-52, Cen X-3 and LMC X-4 were found to conform to a good approximation through the outcome of this model for a=0.5.
Understanding the Neutron Star Population with the SKA
Since their discovery in the late 1960's the population of known neutron stars (NSs) has grown to ~2500. The last five decades of observations have yielded many surprises and demonstrated that the observational properties of NSs are remarkably diverse. The surveys that will be performed with SKA (the Square Kilometre Array) will produce a further tenfold increase in the number of Galactic NSs known. Moreover, the SKA's broad spectral coverage, sub-arraying and multi-beaming capabilities will allow us to characterise these sources with unprecedented efficiency, in turn enabling a giant leap in the understanding of their properties. Here we review the NS population and outline our strategies for studying each of the growing number of diverse classes that are populating the "NS zoo". Some of the main scientific questions that will be addressed by the much larger statistical samples and vastly improved timing efficiency provided by SKA include: (i) the spin period and spin-down rate distributions (and thus magnetic fields) at birth, and the associated information about the SNe wherein they are formed; (ii) the radio pulsar-magnetar connection; (iii) the link between normal radio pulsars, intermittent pulsars and rotating radio transients; (iv) the slowest possible spin period for a radio pulsar (revealing the conditions at the pulsar death-line); (v) proper motions of pulsars (revealing SN kick physics); (vi) the mass distribution of NSs (vii) the fastest possible spin period for a recycled pulsar (constraining magnetosphere-accretion disc interactions, gravitational wave radiation and the equation-of-state); (viii) the origin of high eccentricity millisecond pulsars (MSPs); (ix) the formation channels for recently identified triple systems; and finally (x) how isolated MSPs are formed. We expect that the SKA will break new ground unveiling exotic systems that will challenge... [abridged]
New Insights into Supradense Matter from Dissecting Scaled Stellar Structure Equations
The strong-field gravity in General Relativity (GR) realized in neutron stars (NSs) renders the Equation of State (EOS) P(varepsilon) of supradense neutron star (NS) matter to be essentially nonlinear and refines the upper bound for phiequiv P/varepsilon to be much smaller than the Special Relativity (SR) requirement with linear EOSs, where P and varepsilon are respectively the pressure and energy density of the system considered. Specifically, a tight bound philesssim0.374 is obtained by anatomizing perturbatively the intrinsic structures of the scaled Tolman--Oppenheimer--Volkoff (TOV) equations without using any input nuclear EOS. New insights gained from this novel analysis provide EOS-model independent constraints on properties (e.g., density profiles of the sound speed squared s^2=d P/dvarepsilon and trace anomaly Delta=1/3-phi) of cold supradense matter in NS cores. Using the gravity-matter duality in theories describing NSs, we investigate the impact of gravity on supradense matter EOS in NSs. In particular, we show that the NS mass M_{NS}, radius R and its compactness xiequiv M_{NS}/R scale with certain combinations of its central pressure and energy density (encapsulating its central EOS). Thus, observational data on these properties of NSs can straightforwardly constrain NS central EOSs without relying on any specific nuclear EOS-model.
Gravitational waves in massive gravity: Waveforms generated by a particle plunging into a black hole and the excitation of quasinormal modes and quasibound states
With the aim of testing massive gravity in the context of black hole physics, we investigate the gravitational radiation emitted by a massive particle plunging into a Schwarzschild black hole from slightly below the innermost stable circular orbit. To do so, we first construct the quasinormal and quasibound resonance spectra of the spin-2 massive field for odd and even parity. Then, we compute the waveforms produced by the plunging particle and study their spectral content. This allows us to highlight and interpret important phenomena in the plunge regime, including (i) the excitation of quasibound states, with particular emphasis on the amplification and slow decay of the post-ringdown phase of the even-parity dipolar mode due to harmonic resonance; (ii) during the adiabatic phase, the waveform emitted by the plunging particle is very well described by the waveform emitted by the particle living on the innermost stable circular orbit, and (iii) the regularized waveforms and their unregularized counterparts constructed from the quasinormal mode spectrum are in excellent agreement. Finally, we construct, for arbitrary directions of observation and, in particular, outside the orbital plane of the plunging particle, the regularized multipolar waveforms, i.e., the waveforms constructed by summing over partial waveforms.
Evolution of the Accretion Disk and Corona During the Outburst of the Neutron Star Transient MAXI J1807+132
Low-mass X-ray binaries with a neutron star as the primary object show a complex array of phenomenology during outbursts. The observed variability in X-ray emission primarily arises from changes in the innermost regions of the accretion disk, neutron star surface, and corona. In this work, we present the results of a comprehensive X-ray spectral and timing analysis of the neutron star transient MAXI J1807+132 during its 2023 outburst using data from the NICER observatory. The outburst is marked by a very rapid rise in the count rate by about a factor of 20 in a day. The source undergoes full state transitions and displays hysteresis effect in the hardness and rms intensity diagrams. Spectral analysis with a three-component model is consistent with disk truncation during the hard states and reaching the last stable orbit during the intermediate and soft states. We discuss the different values of the last stable radius in the context of possible distance of the source and magnetic field strength. The characteristic frequencies throughout the hard and intermediate states are found to be strongly correlated with the inner radius of the disk. Together with the spectral and fast variability properties, we attempt to trace the evolution of the size of the corona along the outburst. Following the main outburst, the source undergoes a high amplitude reflare wherein it shows a complex behavior with relatively high variability (10 %), but low hardness.
The High-resolution Accretion Disks of Embedded protoStars (HADES) simulations. I. Impact of Protostellar Magnetic Fields on the Accretion Modes
How embedded, actively accreting low-mass protostars accrete their mass is still greatly debated. Observations are now piecing together the puzzle of embedded protostellar accretion, in particular with new facilities in the near-infrared. However, high-resolution theoretical models are still lacking, with a stark paucity of detailed simulations of these early phases. Here we present high-resolution non-ideal magneto-hydrodynamic simulations of a Solar mass protostar accreting at rates exceeding 10^{-6} M_{odot} yr^{-1}. We show the results of the accretion flow for four different protostellar magnetic fields, 10 G, 500 G, 1 kG, and 2 kG, combined with a disk magnetic field. For weaker (10 G and 500 G) protostar magnetic fields, accretion occurs via a turbulent boundary layer mode, with disk material impacting across the protostellar surface. In the 500 G model, the presence of a magnetically dominated outflow focuses the accretion towards the equator, slightly enhancing and ordering the accretion. For kG magnetic fields, the disk becomes truncated due to the protostellar dipole and exhibits magnetospheric accretion, with the 2 kG model having accretion bursts induced by the interchange instability. We present bolometric light curves for the models and find that they reproduce observations of Class I protostars from YSOVAR, with high bursts followed by an exponential decay possibly being a signature of instability-driven accretion. Finally, we present the filling fractions of accretion and find that 90\% of the mass is accreted in a surface area fraction of 10-20\%. These simulations will be extended in future work for a broader parameter space, with their high resolution and high temporal spacing able to explore a wide range of interesting protostellar physics.
SOUSA: the Swift Optical/Ultraviolet Supernova Archive
The Ultra-Violet Optical Telescope on the Swift spacecraft has observed hundreds of supernovae, covering all major types and most subtypes. Here we introduce the Swift Optical/Ultraviolet Supernova Archive (SOUSA), which will contain all of the supernova images and photometry. We describe the observation and reduction procedures and how they impact the final data. We show photometry from well-observed examples of most supernova classes, whose absolute magnitudes and colors may be used to infer supernova types in the absence of a spectrum. A full understanding of the variety within classes and a robust photometric separation of the groups requires a larger sample, which will be provided by the final archive. The data from the existing Swift supernovae are also useful for planning future observations with Swift as well as future UV observatories.
Magnetic Field Strength Effects on Nucleosynthesis from Neutron Star Merger Outflows
Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence drives the central engine of post-merger remnants, potentially powering both a nucleosynthetically active disk wind and the relativistic jet behind a short gamma ray burst. We explore the impact of the magnetic field on this engine by simulating three post-merger black hole accretion disks using general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics with Monte Carlo neutrino transport, in each case varying the initial magnetic field strength. We find increasing ejecta masses associated with increasing magnetic field strength. We find that a fairly robust main r -process pattern is produced in all three cases, scaled by the ejected mass. Changing the initial magnetic field strength has a considerable effect on the geometry of the outflow and hints at complex central engine dynamics influencing lanthanide outflows. We find that actinide production is especially sensitive to magnetic field strength, with overall actinide mass fraction calculated at 1 Gyr post-merger increasing by more than a factor of six with a tenfold increase in magnetic field strength. This hints at a possible connection to the variability in actinide enhancements exhibited by metal poor, r -process-enhanced stars.
Radiating Love: adiabatic tidal fluxes and modes up to next-to-next-to-leading post-Newtonian order
We present the analytic evaluation of the gravitational energy and of the angular momentum flux with tidal effects for inspiraling compact binaries, at next-to-next-to-leading post-Newtoian (2PN) order, within the effective field theory diagrammatic approach. We first compute the stress-energy tensor for a binary system, that requires the evaluation of two-point Feynman integrals, up to two loops. Then, we extract the multipole moments of the system, which we present for generic orbits in center-of-mass coordinates, and which are needed for the evaluation of the total gravitational energy and the angular momentum flux, for generic orbits. Finally, we provide the expression of gauge invariant quantities such as the fluxes, and the mode amplitudes and phase of the emitted gravitational wave, for circular orbits. Our findings are useful to update earlier theoretical studies as well as related phenomenological analyses, and waveform models
Flashlights: An Off-Caustic Lensed Star at Redshift z = 1.26 in Abell 370
We report the discovery of a transient seen in a strongly lensed arc at redshift z_{rm s}=1.2567 in Hubble Space Telescope imaging of the Abell 370 galaxy cluster. The transient is detected at 29.51pm0.14 AB mag in a WFC3/UVIS F200LP difference image made using observations from two different epochs, obtained in the framework of the Flashlights program, and is also visible in the F350LP band (m_{rm F350LP} approx 30.53pm0.76 AB mag). The transient is observed on the negative-parity side of the critical curve at a distance of sim 0.6" from it, greater than previous examples of lensed stars. The large distance from the critical curve yields a significantly smaller macromagnification, but our simulations show that bright, O/B-type supergiants can reach sufficiently high magnifications to be seen at the observed position and magnitude. In addition, the observed transient image is a trailing image with an observer-frame time delay of sim+0.8 days from its expected counterpart, so that any transient lasting for longer than that should have also been seen on the minima side and is thus excluded. This, together with the blue colour we measure for the transient (m_{rm F200LP} - m_{rm F350LP} approx [-0.3,-1.6] AB), rules out most other transient candidates such as (kilo)novae, for example, and makes a lensed star the prime candidate. Assuming the transient is indeed a lensed star as suggested, many more such events should be detected in the near future in cluster surveys with the Hubble Space Telescope and James Webb Space Telescope.
Analysis of the JWST spectra of the kilonova AT 2023vfi accompanying GRB 230307A
Kilonovae are key to advancing our understanding of r-process nucleosynthesis. To date, only two kilonovae have been spectroscopically observed, AT 2017gfo and AT 2023vfi. Here, we present an analysis of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) spectra obtained +29 and +61 days post-merger for AT 2023vfi (the kilonova associated with GRB 230307A). After re-reducing and photometrically flux-calibrating the data, we empirically model the observed X-ray to mid-infrared continua with a power law and a blackbody, to replicate the non-thermal afterglow and apparent thermal continuum gtrsim 2 , mum. We fit Gaussians to the apparent emission features, obtaining line centroids of 20218_{-38}^{+37}, 21874 pm 89 and 44168_{-152}^{+153}\,\AA, and velocity widths spanning 0.057 - 0.110\,c. These line centroid constraints facilitated a detailed forbidden line identification search, from which we shortlist a number of r-process species spanning all three r-process peaks. We rule out Ba II and Ra II as candidates and propose Te I-III, Er I-III and W III as the most promising ions for further investigation, as they plausibly produce multiple emission features from one (W III) or multiple (Te I-III, Er I-III) ion stages. We compare to the spectra of AT 2017gfo, which also exhibit prominent emission at sim 2.1 , mum, and conclude that [Te III] lambda21050 remains the most plausible cause of the observed sim 2.1 , mum emission in both kilonovae. However, the observed line centroids are not consistent between both objects, and they are significantly offset from [Te III] lambda21050. The next strongest [Te III] transition at 29290\,\AA\ is not observed, and we quantify its detectability. Further study is required, with particular emphasis on expanding the available atomic data to enable quantitative non-LTE spectral modelling.
A JWST Project on 47 Tucanae: Kinematics, energy equipartition and anisotropy of multiple populations
Recent work with JWST has demonstrated its capability to identify and chemically characterize multiple populations in globular clusters down to the H-burning limit. In this study, we explore the kinematics of multiple populations in the globular cluster 47 Tucanae by combining data from JWST, HST, and Gaia. We analyzed velocity dispersion and anisotropy profiles from the cluster center out to sim10R_h. Our findings indicate that while 1G stars are isotropic, 2G stars are significantly radially anisotropic. These results align with the predictions of simulations of the dynamical evolution of clusters where 2G stars are initially more centrally concentrated than 1G stars. Furthermore, we subdivided the 2G population into two subpopulations: 2G_A and 2G_B, with the latter being more chemically extreme. We compared their dynamical profiles and found no significant differences. For the first time, we measured the degree of energy equipartition among the multiple populations of 47 Tucanae. Overall, within the analyzed radial range (sim2-4R_h), both populations exhibit a low degree of energy equipartition. The most significant differences between 1G and 2G stars are observed in the tangential velocity component, where 2G stars are characterized by a stronger degree of energy equipartition than 1G stars. In the radial component, the behavior of 1G and 2G stars is more variable, with differences largely dependent on radius. Finally, our analysis reveals that the ratio of rotational velocity to velocity dispersion is larger for the 2G population, while 1G stars exhibit higher skewness in their tangential proper motions, providing further evidence of differences in the kinematic properties of the 1G and 2G populations.
The nature of an imaginary quasi-periodic oscillation in the soft-to-hard transition of MAXI J1820+070
A recent study shows that if the power spectra (PS) of accreting compact objects consist of a combination of Lorentzian functions that are coherent in different energy bands but incoherent with each other, the same is true for the Real and Imaginary parts of the cross spectrum (CS). Using this idea, we discovered imaginary quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in NICER observations of the black hole candidate MAXI J1820+070. The imaginary QPOs appear as narrow features with a small Real and large Imaginary part in the CS but are not significantly detected in the PS when they overlap in frequency with other variability components. The coherence function drops and the phase lags increase abruptly at the frequency of the imaginary QPO. We show that the multi-Lorentzian model that fits the PS and CS of the source in two energy bands correctly reproduces the lags and the coherence, and that the narrow drop of the coherence is caused by the interaction of the imaginary QPO with other variability components. The imaginary QPO appears only in the decay of the outburst, during the transition from the high-soft to the low-hard state of MAXI J1820+070, and its frequency decreases from approximately 5 Hz to around 1 Hz as the source spectrum hardens. We also analysed the earlier observations of the transition, where no narrow features were seen, and we identified a QPO in the PS that appears to evolve into the imaginary QPO as the source hardens. As for the type-B and C QPOs in this source, the rms spectrum of the imaginary QPO increases with energy. The lags of the imaginary QPO are similar to those of the type-B and C QPOs above 2 keV but differ from the lags of those other QPOs below that energy. While the properties of this imaginary QPO resemble those of type-C QPOs, we cannot rule out that it is a new type of QPO.
The SRG/eROSITA All-Sky Survey: Large-scale view of the Centaurus cluster
Methods. We utilized the combined five SRG/eROSITA All-Sky Survey data (eRASS:5) to perform X-ray imaging and spectral analyses of the Centaurus cluster in various directions to large radii. Surface brightness (SB) profiles out to 2R_{200} were constructed. We acquired gas temperature, metallicity, and normalization per area profiles out to R_{200}. We compared our results with previous Centaurus studies, cluster outskirts measurements, and simulations. Comprehensive sky background analysis was done across the FoV, in particular, to assess the variation of the eROSITA Bubble emission that partially contaminates the field. Results. The processed X-ray images show the known sloshing-induced structures in the core. The core (rleq11~kpc) is better described with a 2T model than a 1T model. Here, we measured lower T from the cooler component (~1.0 keV) and higher Z (sim!1.6Z_odot), signifying an iron bias. In the intermediate radial range, we observed prominent SB and normalization per area excesses in the eastern sector (Cen 45 location), reaching out to R_{500}. Temperature enhancements near the location of Cen 45 imply that the gas is shock-heated due to the interaction with Cen 30, the significant excess behind Cen 45 center might be the tail/ram-pressure-stripped gas. We found good agreement between the outskirt temperatures with the profile from simulations and fit from Suzaku outskirts measurements. We detected significant SB emission to the sky background level out to R_{200} with a 3.5sigma and followed by 2.9sigma at 1.1R_{200}. The metallicity at R_{500}-R_{200} is low but within the ranges of other outskirts studies. Conclusions. We present the first measurement of ICM morphology and properties of Centaurus cluster sampling the whole azimuth beyond 30', increasing the probed volume by a factor of almost 30.
Pattern and Origin for the Extreme γ-ray Flares of 3C 454.3 and 3C 279: An Astrophysical Critical Damper?
We apply a Gaussian process method to the extreme gamma-ray flares of 3C 454.3 and 3C 279 to discover the variable patterns and then to investigate the physical origins of the giant flares. The kernels of stochastically driven damped simple harmonic oscillator (SHO), the damped random-walk (DRW), and Matrm ern-3/2 are respectively used to describe the adaptive-binning gamma-ray light curves of the two flares. Our findings show that both the extreme gamma-ray flares of 3C 454.3 and 3C 279 clearly prefer the SHO kernel in the over-damped mode and the Matrm ern-3/2 kernel over the DRW kernel. The resulted SHO and Matrm ern-3/2 power spectral densities (PSDs) are the same for each object, with the index changing from -4 at high frequencies to 0 at low frequencies. The patterns of the two flares are both approaching the critical damping mode with the quality factor Q approx 0.4 (i.e., the damping ratio eta approx 1.25), but with slightly different damping timescales. The characteristic timescale (corresponding to the broken frequency in the PSD) for 3C 454.3 is 2-3 days and 3-5 days for 3C 279. The variable patterns found here suggest that once the system responds to the energy injection disturbance, the release of the energy in the system is finished abruptly. The obtained timescale provides a constraint on the size of energy dissipation region for each source.
A generalized effective potential for differentially rotating plasmas
Global stability of differentially rotating plasma is investigated using a generalized effective potential. We first, for a current-free system, obtain a general form of an effective potential in terms of the free energies of global curvature and gradients of rotation for non-axisymmetric disturbances. We then examine the stability of differentially rotating disks for several rotation profiles and present the associated effective potential for the onset of these instabilities in the MHD regime. In particular, results for global axisymmetric magnetorotational instability (MRI) as well as local and global non-axisymmetric modes are presented. The latter constitute two distinct non-axisymmetric modes, a high frequency local MRI and a global low-frequency non-axisymmetric mode (the magneto-curvature mode, introduced in Ebrahimi&Pharr, ApJ 2022), confined either between two Alfv\'enic resonances or an Alfv\'enic resonance and a boundary.
Low-energy Injection and Nonthermal Particle Acceleration in Relativistic Magnetic Turbulence
Relativistic magnetic turbulence has been proposed as a process for producing nonthermal particles in high-energy astrophysics. Particle energization may be contributed by both magnetic reconnection and turbulent fluctuations, but their interplay is poorly understood. It has been suggested that during magnetic reconnection the parallel electric field dominates particle acceleration up to the lower bound of the power-law particle spectrum, but recent studies show that electric fields perpendicular to magnetic field can play an important, if not dominant role. In this study, we carry out 2D fully kinetic particle-in-cell simulations of magnetically dominated decaying turbulence in a relativistic pair plasma. For a fixed magnetization parameter sigma_0=20, we find that the injection energy {varepsilon}_{rm inj} converges with increasing domain size to {varepsilon}_{rm inj}simeq 10m_ec^2. In contrast, the power-law index, the cut-off energy, and the power-law extent increase steadily with domain size. We trace a large number of particles and evaluate the contributions of the work done by the parallel (W_parallel) and perpendicular (W_perp) electric fields during both the injection phase and the post-injection phase. We find that during the injection phase, the W_perp contribution increases with domain size, suggesting that it may eventually dominate injection for a sufficiently large domain. In contrast, both components contribute equally during the post-injection phase, insensitive to the domain size. For high energy ({varepsilon}varepsilon_{rm inj}) particles, W_perp dominates the subsequent energization. These findings may improve our understanding of nonthermal particles and their emissions in astrophysical plasmas.
The young Sun's XUV-activity as a constraint for lower CO_2-limits in the Earth's Archean atmosphere
Despite their importance for determining the evolution of the Earth's atmosphere and surface conditions, the evolutionary histories of the Earth's atmospheric CO_2 abundance during the Archean eon and the Sun's activity are poorly constrained. In this study, we apply a state-of-the-art physical model for the upper atmosphere of the Archean Earth to study the effects of different atmospheric CO_2/N_2 mixing ratios and solar activity levels on the escape of the atmosphere to space. We find that unless CO_2 was a major constituent of the atmosphere during the Archean eon, enhanced heating of the thermosphere by the Sun's strong X-ray and ultraviolet radiation would have caused rapid escape to space. We derive lower limits on the atmospheric CO_2 abundance of approximately 40\% at 3.8~billion years ago, which is likely enough to counteract the faint young Sun and keep the Earth from being completely frozen. Furthermore, our results indicate that the Sun was most likely born as a slow to moderate {rotating young G-star} to prevent rapid escape, putting essential constraints on the Sun's activity evolution throughout the solar system's history. In case that there were yet unknown cooling mechanisms present in the Archean atmosphere, this could reduce our CO_2 stability limits, and it would allow a more active Sun.
The Tiny Time-series Transformer: Low-latency High-throughput Classification of Astronomical Transients using Deep Model Compression
A new golden age in astronomy is upon us, dominated by data. Large astronomical surveys are broadcasting unprecedented rates of information, demanding machine learning as a critical component in modern scientific pipelines to handle the deluge of data. The upcoming Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory will raise the big-data bar for time-domain astronomy, with an expected 10 million alerts per-night, and generating many petabytes of data over the lifetime of the survey. Fast and efficient classification algorithms that can operate in real-time, yet robustly and accurately, are needed for time-critical events where additional resources can be sought for follow-up analyses. In order to handle such data, state-of-the-art deep learning architectures coupled with tools that leverage modern hardware accelerators are essential. We showcase how the use of modern deep compression methods can achieve a 18times reduction in model size, whilst preserving classification performance. We also show that in addition to the deep compression techniques, careful choice of file formats can improve inference latency, and thereby throughput of alerts, on the order of 8times for local processing, and 5times in a live production setting. To test this in a live setting, we deploy this optimised version of the original time-series transformer, t2, into the community alert broking system of FINK on real Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) alert data, and compare throughput performance with other science modules that exist in FINK. The results shown herein emphasise the time-series transformer's suitability for real-time classification at LSST scale, and beyond, and introduce deep model compression as a fundamental tool for improving deploy-ability and scalable inference of deep learning models for transient classification.
Blue large-amplitude pulsators formed from the merger of low-mass white dwarfs
Blue large-amplitude pulsators (BLAPs) are a recently discovered group of hot stars pulsating in radial modes. Their origin needs to be explained, and several scenarios for their formation have already been proposed. We investigate whether BLAPs can originate as the product of a merger of two low-mass white dwarfs (WDs) and estimate how many BLAPs can be formed in this evolutionary channel. We used the MESA code to model the merger of three different double extremely low-mass (DELM) WDs and the subsequent evolution of the merger product. We also performed a population synthesis of Galactic DELM WDs using the COSMIC code. We find that BLAPs can be formed from DELM WDs provided that the total mass of the system ranges between 0.32 and 0.7 M_odot. BLAPs born in this scenario either do not have any thermonuclear fusion at all or show off-centre He burning. The final product evolves to hot subdwarfs and eventually finishes its evolution either as a cooling He WD or a hybrid He/CO WD. The merger products become BLAPs only a few thousand years after coalescence, and it takes them 20 to 70 thousand years to pass the BLAP region. We found the instability of the fundamental radial mode to be in fair agreement with observations, but we also observed instability of the radial first overtone. From the population synthesis, we found that up to a few hundred BLAPs born in this scenario can exist at present in the Galaxy. Given the estimated number of BLAPs formed in the studied DELM WD merger scenario, there is a good chance to observe BLAPs that originated through this scenario. Since strong magnetic fields can be generated during mergers, this scenario could lead to the formation of magnetic BLAPs. This fits well with the discovery of two likely magnetic BLAPs whose pulsations can be explained in terms of the oblique rotator model.