--- language: - en tags: - text2sql datasets: - splash widget: - text: "Give the name, population, and head of state for the country that has the largest area. || select name, population, continent from country order by surfacearea desc limit 1 || | world_1 | city : id, name, countrycode, district, population | sqlite_sequence : name, seq | country : code, name, continent, region, surfacearea, indepyear, population, lifeexpectancy, gnp, gnpold, localname, governmentform, headofstate, capital, code2 | countrylanguage : countrycode, language, isofficial, percentage || swap continent with head of state because it is not required." --- ## parkervg/destt5-schema-prediction Fine-tuned weights for the schema prediction model described in [Correcting Semantic Parses with Natural Language through Dynamic Schema Encoding](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2305.19974.pdf), based on [t5-large](https://huggingface.co/t5-large). ### Training Data The model has been fine-tuned on the 7,481 training examples in the [SPLASH interactive semantic parsing dataset](https://github.com/MSR-LIT/Splash). ### Training Objective This model was initialized with [t5-large](https://huggingface.co/t5-large) and fine-tuned with the text-to-text generation objective. As this model works in the interactive setting, we utilize the standard text2sql features such as `question` and `db_schema`, in addition to `feedback` and `incorrect_parse`. ``` [question] || [incorrect_parse] || [db_id] | [table] : [column] ( [content] , [content] ) , [column] ( ... ) , [...] | [table] : ... | ... || [feedback] ``` The model then attempts to predict those schema items that appear in the final gold SQL query, prefaced by the `db_id`. ``` [db_id] | [table] : [column] ( [content] , [content] ) , [column] ( ... ) , [...] | [table] : ... ``` ### Performance This model achieves 88.98% F1 score in identifying schema items on the SPLASH test set. When combined with the [destt5-text2sql model](https://huggingface.co/parkervg/destt5-text2sql), it achieves 53.43% correction accuracy (exact-match) on the SPLASH test set. ### References 1. [Correcting Semantic Parses with Natural Language through Dynamic Schema Encoding](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2305.19974.pdf) 2. [DestT5 codebase](https://github.com/parkervg/destt5) 3. [Speak to your Parser: Interactive Text-to-SQL with Natural Language Feedback](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2005.02539v2.pdf) ### Citation ```bibtex @inproceedings{glenn2023correcting, author = {Parker Glenn, Parag Pravin Dakle, Preethi Raghavan}, title = "Correcting Semantic Parses with Natural Language through Dynamic Schema Encoding", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on NLP for Conversational AI", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", year = "2023" } ```