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posted an update Apr 9
πŸ” AutoMerger created the best 7B model on the Open LLM Leaderboard

By randomly combining top models from the Open LLM Leaderboard, AutoMerger created YamshadowExperiment28-7B. The model is three weeks old and has been at the top of the leaderboard for a week now. It was created through a simple SLERP merge of:

- automerger/YamShadow-7B (another top model created by AutoMerger)
- yam-peleg/Experiment28-7B (a top model from @yam-peleg )

1/ On the Open LLM Leaderboard, it managed to outperform the excellent M7-7b model, which has been the #1 7B model for a while now.

2/ On the YALL leaderboard, YamshadowExperiment28-7B is ranked as the 9th best-performing automerge (but note that the scores are very close to each other). Compared to others, it does not perform particularly well on AGIEval or Bigbench.

3/ Thanks to @sam-paech , I have scores on EQ-Bench, where it managed to outperform all of my previous models. It even surpasses recent models such as DBRX instruct, Qwen1.5 32B Chat, and Cohere's Command R+.

Surprisingly, it does not support ChatML or Mistral Instruct, unlike my other merges (which are part of its family tree). Alpaca works well 99% of the time, but the model can sometimes produce a lot of "INST" tokens for no reason.

In my experiments, YamshadowExperiment28-7B doesn't seem smarter than other successful merges like AlphaMonarch. On the contrary, I found several mathematical or reasoning problems where it fails.

Considering these results, it looks like it might overfit the Open LLM Leaderboard. I guess it's anything but surprising when you randomly merge 156 models.

πŸ€— Model: automerger/YamshadowExperiment28-7B
πŸ” AutoMerger: mlabonne/AutoMerger
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