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posted an update Feb 29
8 Spaces Of The Week is nice, but 840 is even better! πŸ”₯

Here is the complete library of ALL Spaces featured by Hugging Face since October 2021:

All Spaces Of The Week - mvaloatto/ASOTW

A special mention goes to @osanseviero , whose collection inspired me to design this dedicated Space. Another shoutout to @victor , whose intricately designed Spaces cards motivated me to step up my CSS game :) I plan to release additional features in the future. In the meantime, suggestions are welcome!

@hysts I just noticed your Space from 3 days ago - what are the odds?! Great work; yours seems slightly more customizable haha πŸ˜„πŸ‘


Wow, what a coincidence! Awesome work! I love the beautiful design of your page. Also, your idea to scrape the web archive to get the date info is really cool!

Cool work @mvaloatto ! Great job 😊