Predictia Intelligent Data Solutions
AI & ML interests
Weather forecasting, time series analysis, remote sensing
Predictia Intelligent Data Solutions S.L.
A spin-off company with over 15 years of experience
Predictia emerged in 2008 as a spin-off company from the data mining group at the University of Cantabria. Our aim is to offer data management and modelling solutions for in scientific challenges, specially those linked to climate and health. We are specialised in data handling and storage, access and visualization, and nonstandard machine learning techniques, which enables us to extract relevant information for a specific problem. Our solutions are usually web-based (including development of portals to access data and/or online data machine learning algorithms), to provide user-friendly, ready-to-use solutions.
In the last decades we have move from a data scarcity culture to a data abundance one. Satellite technologies, open access records and publicly available databases have made it possible to have an amount of data at the tip of our hands that was unimaginable only 20 years ago.
However, data alone are not useful. They need to be treated to become actionable information. Our team of mathematicians, developers, engineers and physicists are used to handle terabytes/petabytes of data to distill the valuable insights and interconnections hidden within.
Research and Development
We maintain a central core of R&D activities as a fundamental driver of the competitiveness of our products and services. We have participated and continue participating in regional, national and international R&D projects, including the Seventh Framework Program of the European Union, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe.
Thanks to this activity, we have been recognized with the Innovative SME Certificate awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
Specialists in climate & weather
Our academic background is closely linked with climate and weather. One of Predictia's co-founders, José Manuel Gutierrez, is a Coordinating Lead Author in the IPPC's Sixth Assessment Report, and part of our staff is spesialised to climatology and meteorology.
This enables us to provide a wide range of climate- and weather-related solutions: from tailored forecasts to seasonal predictions and climate projections.
Agile development
We follow a flexible Agile development framework, to accomodate our clients' needs. This enables us to achieve a quick time of response and adapt to the different challenges that may arise throughout the project.







