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**Descrición do Modelo / Model description**
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Modelo feito con OpenNMT para o par español-galego utilizando unha arquitectura transformer.
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Model developed with OpenNMT for the Spanish-Galician pair using a transformer architecture.
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**Como utilizar**
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+ Abrir terminal bash
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+ Instalar [Python 3.9](https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-390/)
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+ Instalar [Open NMT toolkit v.2.2](https://github.com/OpenNMT/OpenNMT-py)
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+ Traducir un input_text utilizando o modelo NOS-MT-es-gl co seguinte comando:
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onmt_translate -src input_text -model NOS-MT-es-gl -output ./output_file.txt -replace_unk -phrase_table phrase_table-es-gl.txt -gpu 0
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+ O resultado da tradución estará no PATH indicado no flag -output.
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In the training we have used authentic and synthetic corpora. The former are corpora of translations directly produced by human translators. The latter are corpora of Spanish-Portuguese and English-Portuguese translations, which we have converted into Spanish-Galician and English-Galician by means of Portuguese-Galician translation with Opentrad/Apertium and transliteration for out-of-vocabulary words.
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**Procedemento de adestramento**
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**Descrición do Modelo / Model description**
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Modelo feito con OpenNMT para o par español-galego utilizando unha arquitectura transformer / Model developed with OpenNMT for the Spanish-Galician pair using a transformer architecture.
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**Como utilizar**
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+ Abrir terminal bash / Open bash terminal
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+ Instalar / Installing [Python 3.9](https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-390/)
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+ Instalar / Installing [Open NMT toolkit v.2.2](https://github.com/OpenNMT/OpenNMT-py)
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+ Traducir un input_text utilizando o modelo NOS-MT-es-gl co seguinte comando / Translating an input_text using the NOS-MT-en-gl model with the following command:
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onmt_translate -src input_text -model NOS-MT-es-gl -output ./output_file.txt -replace_unk -phrase_table phrase_table-es-gl.txt -gpu 0
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+ O resultado da tradución estará no PATH indicado no flag -output / The result of the translation will be in the PATH indicated by the -output flag.
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**Adestramento / Training**
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No adestramento, utilizamos corpora auténticos e sintéticos. Os primeiros son corpora de traducións feitas directamente por tradutores humanos. Os segundos son corpora de traducións español-portugués e inglés-portugués, que convertemos en español-galego e inglés-galego a través da tradución automática portugués-galego con Opentrad/Apertium e transliteración para palabras fóra de vocabulário / In the training we have used authentic and synthetic corpora. The former are corpora of translations directly produced by human translators. The latter are corpora of Spanish-Portuguese and English-Portuguese translations, which we have converted into Spanish-Galician and English-Galician by means of Portuguese-Galician translation with Opentrad/Apertium and transliteration for out-of-vocabulary words.
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**Procedemento de adestramento**