from io import BytesIO import os from typing import Any, Optional, Union import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from rvc.jit import load_inputs, get_jit_model, export_jit_model, save_pickle from .mel import MelSpectrogram from .f0 import F0Predictor from .models import get_rmvpe def rmvpe_jit_export( model_path: str, mode: str = "script", inputs_path: str = None, save_path: str = None, device=torch.device("cpu"), is_half=False, ): if not save_path: save_path = model_path.rstrip(".pth") save_path += ".half.jit" if is_half else ".jit" if "cuda" in str(device) and ":" not in str(device): device = torch.device("cuda:0") model = get_rmvpe(model_path, device, is_half) inputs = None if mode == "trace": inputs = load_inputs(inputs_path, device, is_half) ckpt = export_jit_model(model, mode, inputs, device, is_half) ckpt["device"] = str(device) save_pickle(ckpt, save_path) return ckpt class RMVPE(F0Predictor): def __init__( self, model_path: str, is_half: bool, device: str, use_jit=False, ): hop_length = 160 f0_min = 30 f0_max = 8000 sampling_rate = 16000 super().__init__( hop_length, f0_min, f0_max, sampling_rate, device, ) self.is_half = is_half cents_mapping = 20 * np.arange(360) + 1997.3794084376191 self.cents_mapping = np.pad(cents_mapping, (4, 4)) # 368 self.mel_extractor = MelSpectrogram( is_half=is_half, n_mel_channels=128, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, win_length=1024, hop_length=hop_length, mel_fmin=f0_min, mel_fmax=f0_max, device=self.device, ).to(self.device) if "privateuseone" in str(self.device): import onnxruntime as ort self.model = ort.InferenceSession( "%s/rmvpe.onnx" % os.environ["rmvpe_root"], providers=["DmlExecutionProvider"], ) else: def rmvpe_jit_model(): ckpt = get_jit_model(model_path, is_half, self.device, rmvpe_jit_export) model = torch.jit.load(BytesIO(ckpt["model"]), map_location=self.device) model = return model if use_jit and not (is_half and "cpu" in str(self.device)): self.model = rmvpe_jit_model() else: self.model = get_rmvpe(model_path, self.device, is_half) def compute_f0( self, wav: np.ndarray, p_len: Optional[int] = None, filter_radius: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, ): if p_len is None: p_len = wav.shape[0] // self.hop_length if not torch.is_tensor(wav): wav = torch.from_numpy(wav) mel = self.mel_extractor(wav.float().to(self.device).unsqueeze(0), center=True) hidden = self._mel2hidden(mel) if "privateuseone" not in str(self.device): hidden = hidden.squeeze(0).cpu().numpy() else: hidden = hidden[0] if self.is_half == True: hidden = hidden.astype("float32") f0 = self._decode(hidden, thred=filter_radius) return self._interpolate_f0(self._resize_f0(f0, p_len))[0] def _to_local_average_cents(self, salience, threshold=0.05): center = np.argmax(salience, axis=1) # 帧长#index salience = np.pad(salience, ((0, 0), (4, 4))) # 帧长,368 center += 4 todo_salience = [] todo_cents_mapping = [] starts = center - 4 ends = center + 5 for idx in range(salience.shape[0]): todo_salience.append(salience[:, starts[idx] : ends[idx]][idx]) todo_cents_mapping.append(self.cents_mapping[starts[idx] : ends[idx]]) todo_salience = np.array(todo_salience) # 帧长,9 todo_cents_mapping = np.array(todo_cents_mapping) # 帧长,9 product_sum = np.sum(todo_salience * todo_cents_mapping, 1) weight_sum = np.sum(todo_salience, 1) # 帧长 devided = product_sum / weight_sum # 帧长 maxx = np.max(salience, axis=1) # 帧长 devided[maxx <= threshold] = 0 return devided def _mel2hidden(self, mel): with torch.no_grad(): n_frames = mel.shape[-1] n_pad = 32 * ((n_frames - 1) // 32 + 1) - n_frames if n_pad > 0: mel = F.pad(mel, (0, n_pad), mode="constant") if "privateuseone" in str(self.device): onnx_input_name = self.model.get_inputs()[0].name onnx_outputs_names = self.model.get_outputs()[0].name hidden = [onnx_outputs_names], input_feed={onnx_input_name: mel.cpu().numpy()}, )[0] else: mel = mel.half() if self.is_half else mel.float() hidden = self.model(mel) return hidden[:, :n_frames] def _decode(self, hidden, thred=0.03): cents_pred = self._to_local_average_cents(hidden, threshold=thred) f0 = 10 * (2 ** (cents_pred / 1200)) f0[f0 == 10] = 0 # f0 = np.array([10 * (2 ** (cent_pred / 1200)) if cent_pred else 0 for cent_pred in cents_pred]) return f0