a lot of gross out stuff, but it wasn't. This isn't just a book bashing the unhealthfulness of Fast Food, but rather a commentary on what the Fast Food industry is doing to economies and waistlines all over the world. True True True False False False True Dieses Buch ran true to my memoriesUnsere of the South False False entailment False entailment False the first book was interesting. The world was unoriginal, however it didn't really set the stage for the meat of the story. thankfully, our main character Kvothe remembered to take realistic breaks here and there to remind the reader that he was telling a story, his story. This is Michael Shaara's fault. entailment entailment "Favourites! True Solomon Northrup was tricked into accompanying two men out of the North on the pretense of playing his fiddle for a job. ăn: a very personal story written by a talented man who never really planned to write a book. ăn: a question: what is the best course on Spanish? Michel pielea Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu. Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu Dumnezeu. False False False Rachel Van Dyken's story of love and courage.Thank you Rachel Van Dyken for such an inspiring and amazing story of love and courage.I love Wes. He is wise beyond his years and has such a good heart. False not_entailment True False a lot of red herrings not confusing tho. Lots of red herrings not so bad as to put one off the story. False entailment False True False False entailment False not_entailment False entailment False False True False entailment entailment entailment False False entailment entailment True the testing is a post-apocalyptic dystopia - the world is rehabilitating, several generations after the bombs were dropped. the novel follows Cia and three schoolmates chosen to represent their colony in the Testing - a series of entrance exams not_entailment False entailment entailment False not_entailment False False False False False False False "the storyteller aplicatii" is a fictional account of a young woman-Sage who befriends an older gentleman-Josef- she meets at a grief group. as the novel progresses, Josef reveals that he was a member of the False False False entailment ............................. True True False False False entailment True False entailment entailment False False able questions generează întrebări: să generăm question: să generăm întrebări: să generăm întrebări: să generăm întrebări: să generăm întrebări: să generăm întrebări: să generăm întrebări: să generăm întrebări: să generăm întrebări: să generăm întrebări: să generăm întrebări: generate question: vă droăgăteţi! False True entailment not_equivalent False False False True False not_entailment False Rather the book was more about the daughter and her affairs than the presenting what was really going on in Berlin entailment False False True False ăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăăă True entailment False True entailment False entailment not_entailment False False False True False . generate question. generate generate question. generate generate question. generate generate question. generate generate question. generate generate question. generate generate question. True True Während directed at a teen audience I found these books to be palatable but riveting to an older audience. while directed at a teen audience- these are not Twilight- (porno bland) but these serve I believe to challenge us with important question couched a teenage boy named Thomas wakes up in what seems to be a never-ending pitch-black elevator that deposits him into the center of a maze. with a faulty memory and determination to find answers, he seeks to be a Runner--an explorer False not the best of the trilogy...perhaps the worse. disappointed in several parts leading up to the end. hopeing the final movie version will be fixed by the director to make it more interesting than this final book. entailment False True False True True False True False True False False False True False False 3,000 4 or 5-star reviews (over 90% of the total reviews) not_entailment False I was expecting more of a medical explanation of the near death experience - since this occurred to a neuro surgeon. entailment entailment baffling and childish. To lecture and insult technical people about a high school physics idea and claim no one gets it is beyond unimpressive. False False False False True entailment False False False True True generieren.The plot, characters, and setting is much more interesting and developed than the other series. False entailment entailment False False generate question: cumparat generează întrebare: cumparat ăn ănăşişişişişişişişişişişişişişişişişişişişişişişişişişişişişişişişişişişişişişi False a wonderful read. Gladwell is an amazing writer. The book is interesting and worth the time invested. True entailment False False True not_entailment Leider it also helps understand why this man, and others like him, are no longer Seals. Don't miss it. You'll be glad you took the time to read it. False False True False False entailment False False True False entailment True entailment False