routing_models /
import argparse
import os
import numpy as np
from utils.data_utils import check_extension, save_dataset
def generate_tsp_data(dataset_size, tsp_size):
return np.random.uniform(size=(dataset_size, tsp_size, 2)).tolist()
def theta_generator(n_line, n_dataset):
theta_noadd = np.column_stack([np.random.uniform(size = (n_dataset))*2*np.pi, np.random.default_rng().dirichlet(np.ones(n_line), size=n_dataset)[:, :-1]*(2 - n_line/3)*np.pi])
theta_add = theta_noadd @ np.triu(np.ones((n_line, n_line)),0)
add_matrix = np.column_stack([np.ones(n_dataset)*np.pi*2/6*i for i in range(n_line)])
theta = theta_add + add_matrix
return theta
def generate_vrp_data(dataset_size, vrp_size):
10: 20.,
20: 30.,
50: 40.,
100: 50.
line_number = 1
dataset_size = 100
theta = theta_generator(line_number, dataset_size)
vrp_size = 20
eps = 1e-8
uni_eps = 0.5
eps_demand = 1e-04
r_data_single = np.array([(1 << (i+1)) -1 for i in range(vrp_size//2)])
r_data_single = r_data_single/r_data_single[-1] - eps
r_data_rev = np.hstack((-r_data_single[::-1], r_data_single))/2
r_data = np.tile(r_data_rev,(dataset_size,1))
r_data = r_data * np.random.uniform(1-uni_eps, 1, size = (dataset_size, 1))
r_data = r_data / np.maximum(np.abs(np.cos(theta)), np.abs(np.sin(theta)))
data_point = 0.5*np.ones((dataset_size, vrp_size, 2)) + np.stack([r_data * np.cos(theta), r_data*np.sin(theta)], axis = 2)
demand_point = np.ones((dataset_size, vrp_size)) * 2 * CAPACITIES[vrp_size] / vrp_size - eps_demand
return list(zip(
(0.5*np.ones((dataset_size, 2))).tolist(), # Depot location
data_point.tolist(), # Node locations
demand_point.tolist(), # Demand, uniform integer 1 ... 9
np.full(dataset_size, CAPACITIES[vrp_size]).tolist() # Capacity, same for whole dataset
def generate_op_data(dataset_size, op_size, prize_type='const'):
depot = np.random.uniform(size=(dataset_size, 2))
loc = np.random.uniform(size=(dataset_size, op_size, 2))
# Methods taken from Fischetti et al. 1998
if prize_type == 'const':
prize = np.ones((dataset_size, op_size))
elif prize_type == 'unif':
prize = (1 + np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(dataset_size, op_size))) / 100.
else: # Based on distance to depot
assert prize_type == 'dist'
prize_ = np.linalg.norm(depot[:, None, :] - loc, axis=-1)
prize = (1 + (prize_ / prize_.max(axis=-1, keepdims=True) * 99).astype(int)) / 100.
# Max length is approximately half of optimal TSP tour, such that half (a bit more) of the nodes can be visited
# which is maximally difficult as this has the largest number of possibilities
20: 2.,
50: 3.,
100: 4.
return list(zip(
np.full(dataset_size, MAX_LENGTHS[op_size]).tolist() # Capacity, same for whole dataset
def generate_pctsp_data(dataset_size, pctsp_size, penalty_factor=3):
depot = np.random.uniform(size=(dataset_size, 2))
loc = np.random.uniform(size=(dataset_size, pctsp_size, 2))
# For the penalty to make sense it should be not too large (in which case all nodes will be visited) nor too small
# so we want the objective term to be approximately equal to the length of the tour, which we estimate with half
# of the nodes by half of the tour length (which is very rough but similar to op)
# This means that the sum of penalties for all nodes will be approximately equal to the tour length (on average)
# The expected total (uniform) penalty of half of the nodes (since approx half will be visited by the constraint)
# is (n / 2) / 2 = n / 4 so divide by this means multiply by 4 / n,
# However instead of 4 we use penalty_factor (3 works well) so we can make them larger or smaller
20: 2.,
50: 3.,
100: 4.
penalty_max = MAX_LENGTHS[pctsp_size] * (penalty_factor) / float(pctsp_size)
penalty = np.random.uniform(size=(dataset_size, pctsp_size)) * penalty_max
# Take uniform prizes
# Now expectation is 0.5 so expected total prize is n / 2, we want to force to visit approximately half of the nodes
# so the constraint will be that total prize >= (n / 2) / 2 = n / 4
# equivalently, we divide all prizes by n / 4 and the total prize should be >= 1
deterministic_prize = np.random.uniform(size=(dataset_size, pctsp_size)) * 4 / float(pctsp_size)
# In the deterministic setting, the stochastic_prize is not used and the deterministic prize is known
# In the stochastic setting, the deterministic prize is the expected prize and is known up front but the
# stochastic prize is only revealed once the node is visited
# Stochastic prize is between (0, 2 * expected_prize) such that E(stochastic prize) = E(deterministic_prize)
stochastic_prize = np.random.uniform(size=(dataset_size, pctsp_size)) * deterministic_prize * 2
return list(zip(
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--filename", help="Filename of the dataset to create (ignores datadir)")
parser.add_argument("--data_dir", default='data', help="Create datasets in data_dir/problem (default 'data')")
parser.add_argument("--name", type=str, required=True, help="Name to identify dataset")
parser.add_argument("--problem", type=str, default='all',
help="Problem, 'tsp', 'vrp', 'pctsp' or 'op_const', 'op_unif' or 'op_dist'"
" or 'all' to generate all")
parser.add_argument('--data_distribution', type=str, default='all',
help="Distributions to generate for problem, default 'all'.")
parser.add_argument("--dataset_size", type=int, default=10000, help="Size of the dataset")
parser.add_argument('--graph_sizes', type=int, nargs='+', default=[10, 20, 50, 100],
help="Sizes of problem instances (default 20, 50, 100)")
parser.add_argument("-f", action='store_true', help="Set true to overwrite")
parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=1234, help="Random seed")
opts = parser.parse_args()
assert opts.filename is None or (len(opts.problems) == 1 and len(opts.graph_sizes) == 1), \
"Can only specify filename when generating a single dataset"
distributions_per_problem = {
'tsp': [None],
'vrp': [None],
'pctsp': [None],
'op': ['const', 'unif', 'dist']
if opts.problem == 'all':
problems = distributions_per_problem
problems = {
if opts.data_distribution == 'all'
else [opts.data_distribution]
for problem, distributions in problems.items():
for distribution in distributions or [None]:
for graph_size in opts.graph_sizes:
datadir = os.path.join(opts.data_dir, problem)
os.makedirs(datadir, exist_ok=True)
if opts.filename is None:
filename = os.path.join(datadir, "{}{}{}_{}_seed{}.pkl".format(
"_{}".format(distribution) if distribution is not None else "",
graph_size,, opts.seed))
filename = check_extension(opts.filename)
assert opts.f or not os.path.isfile(check_extension(filename)), \
"File already exists! Try running with -f option to overwrite."
if problem == 'tsp':
dataset = generate_tsp_data(opts.dataset_size, graph_size)
elif problem == 'vrp':
dataset = generate_vrp_data(
opts.dataset_size, graph_size)
elif problem == 'pctsp':
dataset = generate_pctsp_data(opts.dataset_size, graph_size)
elif problem == "op":
dataset = generate_op_data(opts.dataset_size, graph_size, prize_type=distribution)
assert False, "Unknown problem: {}".format(problem)
save_dataset(dataset, filename)