diff --git a/20211029_101219/answers-students.wa b/20211029_101219/answers-students.wa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a25de98c4ddb3f349ba555dc2a86a1830dd6f612
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211029_101219/answers-students.wa
@@ -0,0 +1,12015 @@
+// both bulbs a and c still have a closed path
+// Bulbs A and C are still in closed paths
+1 Bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1 and the positive terminal are connected.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// positive battery is seperated by a gap from terminal 2
+// Terminal 2 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 2 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+5 6 7 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is no difference between the two terminals.
+// The terminals are in the same state.
+1 The :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 same :
+7 state. :
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the switch has to be contained in the same path as the bulb and the battery
+// The switch and the bulb have to be in the same path
+1 The :
+2 switch :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 bulb :
+6 have :
+7 to :
+8 be :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a gap in terminal 1
+// Terminals 1 and 2 are in the same electrical state
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 2 :
+5 are :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 electrical :
+10 state :
+5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The battery uses the chemical reation to create voltage
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a batter uses a chemical reaction to create voltage
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the battery alone is in a closed path
+// The battery is contained in a path which does not contain any other components
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 path :
+8 which :
+9 does :
+10 not :
+11 contain :
+12 any :
+13 other :
+14 components :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because there is a gap in the circuit.
+// there is a gap in the circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 gap :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 circuit :
+2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs A and B are not within the same path as bulb C.
+// Bulb C is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because there was two negative connections
+// Terminals 1 and 2 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 2 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+2 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a is on a closed path with the battery
+// there is a path containing A and a different path containing B and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 a :
+9 different :
+10 path :
+11 containing :
+12 B :
+13 and :
+14 C :
+1 2 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the other terminals are connected to the positive terminal.
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The bulb takes away the path.
+// there is an open path
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 an :
+4 open :
+5 path :
+5 6 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is no gap between the positive terminal and terminal 4
+// Terminal 4 and the positive terminal are not separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 separated :
+10 by :
+11 the :
+12 gap :
+1 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 10 11 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb a created a gap
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+1 2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 6 is connected to the positive terminal of the battery
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb is in a closed circuit
+// the battery is in an open path
+1 the :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 an :
+6 open :
+7 path :
+3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The circuit is not closed around the battery.
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb is not contained in a closed path.
+// The battery is contained in a path which does not contain any other components
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 path :
+8 which :
+9 does :
+10 not :
+11 contain :
+12 any :
+13 other :
+14 components :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is a gap in the circuit.
+// there is a gap in a circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 gap :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 circuit :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb B and bulb C are still on closed paths with the battery.
+// bulbs A and B are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 B :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A has a closed pathway
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs a and c are not in the same closed path as bulb b
+// Bulb B is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Only one terminal is involved in the circuit.
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+4 5 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there was closed paths between the battery
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the gap separates the positive battery terminal from terminal 2
+// Terminal 2 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 2 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 9 10 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a, bulb b, and bulb c are contained in differentclosed paths.
+// A and C are in different paths with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 different :
+7 paths :
+8 with :
+9 the :
+10 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If any bulb is out, it affects the whole system and everything is blocked from the battery.
+// each bulb is in its own path
+1 each :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 its :
+6 own :
+7 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// it is not in the same path.
+// Bulb A is still in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There will be a gap in the path
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb B and C are still contained in a path with the battery
+// bulbs B and C are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 bulbs :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs a and c are still contained in a closed path with the battery.
+// Bulbs A and C are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 Bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal one is not connected to the positive battery terminal
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb A and switch Z are in a closed path
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery and switch Z.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+13 and :
+14 switch :
+15 Z. :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 5 is connected to the postitive battery terminal
+// Terminal 5 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 5 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 6 is connected to the positive battery terminal
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the red x means that the circuit is not safe.
+// there is a short circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 short :
+5 circuit :
+6 7 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// both bulbs B and C are in the same path as bulb A
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+2 3 4 5 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if the electrical state is non-zero you can find the gap in the circuit
+// A non-zero voltage means that there is a gap
+1 A :
+2 non-zero :
+3 voltage :
+4 means :
+5 that :
+6 there :
+7 is :
+8 a :
+9 gap :
+6 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The battery is contained in a closed circuit and there is nothing in its pathway
+// The battery is contained in a closed path which does not contain any other components
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 which :
+10 does :
+11 not :
+12 contain :
+13 any :
+14 other :
+15 components :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A terminal is not connected to the positive battery terminal.
+// Terminals 1 and 4 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 4 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a gap in the circuit
+// Terminals 1 and 4 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 4 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive terminal is not seperated by a gap from terminal 5
+// Terminal 5 and the positive terminal are not separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 5 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 separated :
+10 by :
+11 the :
+12 gap :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// You can find where there is a gap
+// Measuring voltage indicates whether two terminals are separated by a gap.
+1 Measuring :
+2 voltage :
+3 indicates :
+4 whether :
+5 two :
+6 terminals :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 a :
+11 gap. :
+7 8 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// has to do something with a gap
+// Terminal 2 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 2 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+5 6 7 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the positive circuit has a voltage of 1.5 volts.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is a chemical reaction.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// when the switch is the in a closed path with the bulb
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb b and c are in a closed path
+// B and C are in the same path
+1 B :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is a difference in electrical states.
+// the terminals are not connected
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 not :
+5 connected :
+5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb will not light
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a and c are contained on the same path with the battery
+// A and C are not in the same path with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 not :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The path does not close
+// the battery is in an open path
+1 the :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 an :
+6 open :
+7 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The difference between the electrical states is 1.5 volts
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is still a closed path
+// If bulb A burns out, bulbs B and C are still in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 bulbs :
+7 B :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+10 are :
+11 still :
+12 in :
+13 a :
+14 closed :
+15 path :
+2 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a gap causes a lost connection
+// A non-zero voltage means that the terminals are not connected.
+1 A :
+2 non-zero :
+3 voltage :
+4 means :
+5 that :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+8 are :
+9 not :
+10 connected. :
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive terminal and terminal 6 are connected
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive terminal is connected to terminal 6
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because there is no gap at terminal 1
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+1 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 6 is conncted to the positive terminal
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// When the switch is in the same papth as the bulb.
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs A and C are in separate paths.
+// A and C are in different paths
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 different :
+7 paths :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a and bulb b are still in a closed path with the battery.
+// bulbs A and B are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 B :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The positive battery terminal was not separted by a gap from terminal 6
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are not separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 separated :
+10 by :
+11 the :
+12 gap :
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+1 2 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a and c are contained in different paths with the battery
+// A and C are in different paths with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 different :
+7 paths :
+8 with :
+9 the :
+10 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The positive terminal is connected to terminal 4.
+// Terminal 4 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// not contained inthe same path
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path. :
+3 4 5 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb c does not create a gap in the path for bulb b and a
+// If C is damaged, A and B are still in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 is :
+4 damaged, :
+5 A :
+6 and :
+7 B :
+8 are :
+9 still :
+10 in :
+11 a :
+12 closed :
+13 path :
+1 2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 <==> 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 15 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// becuase the other terminals are connected to the positive battery terminal
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because terminal one and the positive battery terminal are on a closed path
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+2 3 4 5 6 7 8 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Battery will always have voltage.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the terminals are not connected
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive battery terminal is connected to terminal 6
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a was on a closed path
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because terminal 4 is connected to the negative terminal
+// Terminal 4 and the positive battery terminal are in the same electrical state
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 battery :
+7 terminal :
+8 are :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 electrical :
+13 state :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb c is in its own pathway
+// Bulb C is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the voltage is nearest the burnt out bulb
+// Measuring voltage indicates the place where the electrical state changes due to a damaged bulb.
+1 Measuring :
+2 voltage :
+3 indicates :
+4 the :
+5 place :
+6 where :
+7 the :
+8 electrical :
+9 state :
+10 changes :
+11 due :
+12 to :
+13 a :
+14 damaged :
+15 bulb. :
+1 2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// You needed both a battery and a blub with the same path, and the path must be closed
+// there is a closed path containing both the bulb and a battery
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 closed :
+5 path :
+6 containing :
+7 both :
+8 the :
+9 bulb :
+10 and :
+11 a :
+12 battery :
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the battery runs in a closed circuit.
+// there is an incomplete circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 an :
+4 incomplete :
+5 circuit :
+1 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If bulb B is damaged, then the circut is no longer closed.
+// there is no closed path
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 closed :
+5 path :
+9 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1, terminal 2, and terminal 3 are connected o the negative battery
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 negative :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "Because it didn""t cause a gap."
+// each bulb is in its own path
+1 each :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 its :
+6 own :
+7 path :
+2 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because there is a gap between terminal 1 and terminal 6.
+// There is a gap between terminals 1 and 6
+1 There :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 terminals :
+7 1 :
+8 and :
+9 6 :
+2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 11 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because bulbs b and c are on a closed path with the battery
+// Bulb B and Bulb C were still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 Bulb :
+5 C :
+6 were :
+7 still :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 closed :
+13 path :
+14 with :
+15 the :
+16 battery. :
+2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The switch determines whether the path is open or closed.
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+1 2 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive battery terminal is separated by a gap from terminal 4
+// Terminal 4 and the positive battery terminal are in the same electrical state
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 battery :
+7 terminal :
+8 are :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 electrical :
+13 state :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// an incomplete circuit would not effect the the electrical state between the terminals.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminals 4, 5, and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The path it was on
+// there is a path containing both Z and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 Z :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+1 2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If the bulb is on the same closed path
+// The damaged bulb and the other bulb must be contained in the same path
+1 The :
+2 damaged :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 other :
+7 bulb :
+8 must :
+9 be :
+10 contained :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 same :
+14 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a was still contained in a closed path with the battery.
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If one bulb is removed, the others stop working
+// A and C are in the same closed path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because all the terminals are connected to other terminals, an open switch disrupts that.
+// the open switch creates a gap
+1 the :
+2 open :
+3 switch :
+4 creates :
+5 a :
+6 gap :
+10 11 12 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is a gap between the two bulb terminals
+// the terminals are separated by a gap
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 separated :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 gap :
+2 3 4 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a short circuit has occured
+// there is a short circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 short :
+5 circuit :
+1 2 3 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there will be a gap at bulb b, thus affecting the rest of the circuit
+// bulb B creates a gap
+1 bulb :
+2 B :
+3 creates :
+4 a :
+5 gap :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 3 and the positie terminal are not connected.
+// Terminal 3 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 3 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The positive battery terminal was not seperated by a gap from terminal 4.
+// Terminal 4 and the positive terminal are not separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 separated :
+10 by :
+11 the :
+12 gap :
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 1 is connected to the negative terminal.
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A terminal is not connected to the positive battery terminal.
+// Terminals 1 and 2 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 2 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive terminal and terminal 2 are seperated by a gap
+// Terminal 2 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 2 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is not gap between the terminals
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+5 6 7 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a gap between teh positive battery terminal and terminal 4.
+// Terminal 4 and the positive battery terminal are in the same electrical state
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 battery :
+7 terminal :
+8 are :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 electrical :
+13 state :
+5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The positive battery was not connected to terminal one.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+4 5 6 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs A and B will still be contained in a closed path to the battery.
+// bulbs A and B are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 B :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the two components are seperated.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+4 5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because terminal 1 is directly connected to terminal 4
+// Terminals 1 and 4 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 4 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive battery terminal and terminal 4 are connected
+// Terminal 4 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 1 and terminal 2 are on the same side.
+// Terminals 1 and 2 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 2 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// not connected to positive battery
+// Terminal 2 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 2 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+1 2 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain the voltage,
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the bulb does not have a closed path.
+// The bulb is not in the closed path containing the battery
+1 The :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 not :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 containing :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a difference in electrical states
+// the terminals are separated by a gap
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 separated :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 gap :
+3 4 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal is connected to postive terminal of the battery
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 1 is seperated from the positive terminal
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Battery is not contained i a closed path.
+// The battery in 4 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 4 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1 was connected to the positive battery terminal
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There are 2 paths in this diagram
+// there is a path containing A and a different path containing B and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 a :
+9 different :
+10 path :
+11 containing :
+12 B :
+13 and :
+14 C :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the switch was connected to the closed circuit
+// there is no path containing both switch Y and bulb A
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 switch :
+8 Y :
+9 and :
+10 bulb :
+11 A :
+2 3 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// damaged bulb creates a gap.
+// a damaged bulb creates a gap
+1 a :
+2 damaged :
+3 bulb :
+4 creates :
+5 a :
+6 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// that the battery connection does not work
+// there is a short circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 short :
+5 circuit :
+1 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the terminals are not connected
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+2 3 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 5 is connected to teh positive battery terminal
+// Terminal 5 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 5 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1 was connected to the positive terminal
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a gap between terminal one and two and the positive battery terminal
+// Terminals 1 and 2 are in the same electrical state
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 2 :
+5 are :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 electrical :
+10 state :
+5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs b and c are contained on the same path with the battery
+// B and C are in the same path with the battery
+1 B :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because there is no closed path to the battery
+// the path is not closed
+1 the :
+2 path :
+3 is :
+4 not :
+5 closed :
+3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1 is not connected to the positive battery terminal
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the battery is not in a closed bath alone
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 5 is connected to postive terminal of the battery
+// Terminal 5 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 5 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if x and z are closed then it will create a closed path
+// there is a path containing A, C, Z and X
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 A, :
+7 C, :
+8 Z :
+9 and :
+10 X :
+2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// positive terminal is serperated from terminal 2
+// Terminal 2 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 2 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the battery is not closed the bulb is.
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is not a gap in the connection
+// the terminals are not separated by a gap
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 not :
+5 separated :
+6 by :
+7 a :
+8 gap :
+2 3 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if a bulb is in a closed circuit with a battery and a switch the switch will affect the bulb.
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+19 20 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs b and c were contained in a closed path with the battery.
+// Bulb B and Bulb C were still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 Bulb :
+5 C :
+6 were :
+7 still :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 closed :
+13 path :
+14 with :
+15 the :
+16 battery. :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because neither components are in closed paths.
+// Circuit 4 has no closed paths
+1 Circuit :
+2 4 :
+3 has :
+4 no :
+5 closed :
+6 paths :
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// you can see where the gap is
+// Measuring voltage indicates the place where the electrical state changes due to a gap.
+1 Measuring :
+2 voltage :
+3 indicates :
+4 the :
+5 place :
+6 where :
+7 the :
+8 electrical :
+9 state :
+10 changes :
+11 due :
+12 to :
+13 a :
+14 gap. :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if there is a gap in the circuit there the bulb will not light up.
+// A non-zero voltage means that the terminals are not connected.
+1 A :
+2 non-zero :
+3 voltage :
+4 means :
+5 that :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+8 are :
+9 not :
+10 connected. :
+2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and Bulb B and the battery are in a closed path.
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path with the battery.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+15 with :
+16 the :
+17 battery. :
+9 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// That there is a gap
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if the switch and bulb are contained in the same path, the switch will affect the bulb.
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Voltage is the difference between a positive and negative end on a battery.
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the path passes the energy through the switch
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+1 2 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// that the bulb terminal and battery terminal are on the same side of a disconnected circut
+// The terminals are in the same state.
+1 The :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 same :
+7 state. :
+2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the battery is not in a closed path.
+// The battery in 4 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 4 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// switch x is in the closed path with bulb a
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery and switch X.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+13 and :
+14 switch :
+15 X. :
+1 2 <==> 10 11 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There was a closed circuit
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery. :
+1 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "because switch z is in bulb c""s closed path"
+// there is a path containing both Z and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 Z :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+2 3 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A was still in a closed path
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery and switch X.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+13 and :
+14 switch :
+15 X. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because there is a gap due to a damaged bulb.
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are separated from the positive battery terminal by a gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 separated :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+13 by :
+14 a :
+15 gap :
+4 5 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A was still in a closed path with the battery
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The battery and light bulb are not contained in a close path
+// The battery in 4 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 4 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// and the circut is closed
+// A and C are in the same closed path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+1 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "becuase bulb C is on it""s own pathway."
+// Bulb C is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if bulb A burns out then bulbs B and C will no longer be in a closed path.
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 16 17 18 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 1 is not connected to the positive terminal.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the battery is not in a closed circuit
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the terminal it is connected to is not working
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+1 2 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There must be a closed path and a battery.
+// there is a closed path containing both the bulb and a battery
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 closed :
+5 path :
+6 containing :
+7 both :
+8 the :
+9 bulb :
+10 and :
+11 a :
+12 battery :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 9 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal is connected to terminal 6
+// Terminals 1 and 6 are not connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 6 :
+5 are :
+6 not :
+7 connected :
+4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because bulb a is in a closed circuit with the battery and switch x
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery and switch X.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+13 and :
+14 switch :
+15 X. :
+1 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 13 14 <==> 10 11 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If the path is not closed, the switch will not affect the bbulb
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb b and c are on a closed path to the battery
+// If bulb A burns out, bulbs B and C are still in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 bulbs :
+7 B :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+10 are :
+11 still :
+12 in :
+13 a :
+14 closed :
+15 path :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// since a a gap does not affect the voltage of a battery
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are separated from the positive battery terminal by a gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 separated :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+13 by :
+14 a :
+15 gap :
+2 3 4 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because there is a light bulb
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb will be burned out because the terminals
+// The damaged bulb and the other bulb must be contained in the same path
+1 The :
+2 damaged :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 other :
+7 bulb :
+8 must :
+9 be :
+10 contained :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 same :
+14 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the positive batter terminal and terminal 6 were connected.
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+2 3 4 5 6 7 8 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the the circuit is complete.
+// the path is not closed
+1 the :
+2 path :
+3 is :
+4 not :
+5 closed :
+2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs B and C will still be on closed paths with the battery
+// bulbs B and C are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 bulbs :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb is contained in an closed circuit
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+1 2 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A and C are in the same path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb a and switch Y are not in the same path.
+// Switch Y and bulb A are not in the same closed path
+1 Switch :
+2 Y :
+3 and :
+4 bulb :
+5 A :
+6 are :
+7 not :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 closed :
+12 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A chemical reaction inside the battery makes the electrical states of the positive and negative terminals different at all times.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 3 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 15 16 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// becasue the terminals 4,5, and 6 are connected to the positive terminal of the battery
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 13 14 15 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// switch Y does not effect bulb A
+// Switch Y and bulb A are not in the same closed path
+1 Switch :
+2 Y :
+3 and :
+4 bulb :
+5 A :
+6 are :
+7 not :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 closed :
+12 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb c creates a gap
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path with the battery.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+15 with :
+16 the :
+17 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb C and the battery are not contained in a closed pathway
+// Bulb C was no longer in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 was :
+4 no :
+5 longer :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the two terminals will both be 0
+// The terminals are in the same state.
+1 The :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 same :
+7 state. :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb b is not in the same path with bulbs a and c.
+// Bulb B is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The electrical state is interferred with.
+// A non-zero voltage means that the terminals are not connected.
+1 A :
+2 non-zero :
+3 voltage :
+4 means :
+5 that :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+8 are :
+9 not :
+10 connected. :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the battery and the bulb are not in a closed path.
+// The battery in 4 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 4 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "because by measuring voltage, you find the gap where there""s a difference in electrical states."
+// Measuring voltage indicates the place where the electrical state changes due to a gap.
+1 Measuring :
+2 voltage :
+3 indicates :
+4 the :
+5 place :
+6 where :
+7 the :
+8 electrical :
+9 state :
+10 changes :
+11 due :
+12 to :
+13 a :
+14 gap. :
+2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// again, bulbs a and b will be contained on a closed path
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path. :
+2 3 4 5 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs b and c are contiained in the the same path with the battery.
+// A and C are not in the same path with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 not :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is a gap in the path.
+// Terminals 1 and 2 are in the same electrical state
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 2 :
+5 are :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 electrical :
+10 state :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a is in a closed path with a battery
+// Bulb A is still in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and bulb C affect each other.
+// A and C are in the same closed path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// switch z is contained in a closed path
+// there is a path containing both Z and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 Z :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+1 2 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb terminal and the negative battery terminal are separated by a gap
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and C are still in a closed path with the battery.
+// Bulbs A and C are still contained in closed paths with the battery
+1 Bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 contained :
+8 in :
+9 closed :
+10 paths :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if switch and bulb are contained in the same closed path
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a gap between the positive battery connection and the bulb terminal.
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A is not on the same path that Bulb B and bulb C are.
+// there is a path containing A and a different path containing B and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 a :
+9 different :
+10 path :
+11 containing :
+12 B :
+13 and :
+14 C :
+1 2 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 14 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// it runs on a different current
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path with the battery.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+15 with :
+16 the :
+17 battery. :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 6 is connected to the difference
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the batteries terminals are not connected
+// Circuit 4 has no closed paths
+1 Circuit :
+2 4 :
+3 has :
+4 no :
+5 closed :
+6 paths :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because if there is a voltage that means there is a gap
+// Measuring voltage indicates the place where the electrical state changes due to a gap.
+1 Measuring :
+2 voltage :
+3 indicates :
+4 the :
+5 place :
+6 where :
+7 the :
+8 electrical :
+9 state :
+10 changes :
+11 due :
+12 to :
+13 a :
+14 gap. :
+3 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Find where there are different electrical states
+// Measuring voltage indicates the place where the electrical state changes due to a gap.
+1 Measuring :
+2 voltage :
+3 indicates :
+4 the :
+5 place :
+6 where :
+7 the :
+8 electrical :
+9 state :
+10 changes :
+11 due :
+12 to :
+13 a :
+14 gap. :
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// circuit 2 is connected to the battery
+// there is no closed path containing the battery
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 closed :
+5 path :
+6 containing :
+7 the :
+8 battery :
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the gap in the circuit causes the circuit to be an open circuit
+// there is a gap in a circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 gap :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 circuit :
+1 2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a gap in the circuit
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+3 4 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the path has to be closed for the bulb to light up
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+1 2 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is no gap so there is no difference in voltage
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Voltage is the difference between a positive and negative end on the battery.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+3 4 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb had a short circuit
+// there is a complete circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 complete :
+5 circuit :
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and bulb C are in a closed path with the battery.
+// Bulb B and Bulb C were still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 Bulb :
+5 C :
+6 were :
+7 still :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 closed :
+13 path :
+14 with :
+15 the :
+16 battery. :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminals 4, 5, and 6 are only connected to the positive battery terminal.
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 13 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a terminal is connected to the positive battery terminal
+// the terminals are not connected
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 not :
+5 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the terminals are in the same state
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "because switch y isn""t included in bulb A""s closed path"
+// Switch Y and bulb A are not in the same closed path
+1 Switch :
+2 Y :
+3 and :
+4 bulb :
+5 A :
+6 are :
+7 not :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 closed :
+12 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the negative battery terminal is seperated by a gap from terminal 6
+// terminal 6 is separated by a gap from the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 is :
+4 separated :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 gap :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 negative :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// that the bulb terminal is only connected to one of the battery terminals
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+5 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 13 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there was a negavtive gap
+// terminal 4 is separated by a gap from the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 is :
+4 separated :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 gap :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 negative :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal is connected to postive end of battery
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1 is connected to the 1.5 volt battery.
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The path must be closed
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+1 2 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs B and C are contained on the same path with the battery.
+// B and C are in the same path with the battery
+1 B :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a terminal is connected to the positive terminal of the battery
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because a and b are in series and a and c are in parallel
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path. :
+2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a terminal is connected to the positive terminal of the battery
+// Terminal 5 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 5 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb is not contained in the path
+// The bulb is not in the closed path containing the battery
+1 The :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 not :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 containing :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because positive charge is before gap
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because it is not on the same path
+// If bulb A burns out, bulbs B and C are still in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 bulbs :
+7 B :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+10 are :
+11 still :
+12 in :
+13 a :
+14 closed :
+15 path :
+1 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Seperate paths connected to the battery
+// If bulb A burns out, B and C are no longer in a closed path with the battery
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 B :
+7 and :
+8 C :
+9 are :
+10 no :
+11 longer :
+12 in :
+13 a :
+14 closed :
+15 path :
+16 with :
+17 the :
+18 battery :
+3 <==> 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 16 17 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A red X means the battery is in a short circuit.
+// there is a short circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 short :
+5 circuit :
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The battery is not closed in a closed path.
+// Circuit 4 has no closed paths
+1 Circuit :
+2 4 :
+3 has :
+4 no :
+5 closed :
+6 paths :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal is connected to the battery
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 negative :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and Bulb C are not contained in the same closed path
+// A and C are not in the same path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 not :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 13 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs A and C are not on the same closed path.
+// A and C are not in the same path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 not :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 path :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb, battery, and switch are in closed path
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the paths of the circuit are no longer complete
+// there is an incomplete circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 an :
+4 incomplete :
+5 circuit :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is no closed path in circuit 4.
+// Circuit 4 has no closed paths
+1 Circuit :
+2 4 :
+3 has :
+4 no :
+5 closed :
+6 paths :
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The battery keeps a chemical reaction reaction.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is always a difference in voltage between two battery terminals.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+4 5 6 7 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1is connected to terminal 4
+// Terminals 1 and 4 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 4 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+3 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and B will still be in a contained path.
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path. :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a is in a closed circuit with the battery without the y switch.
+// Bulb A is still in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// different paths with the battery
+// B and C are in the same path with the battery
+1 B :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "The electrical state at the terminal matches the battery""s electrical state"
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+4 5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Circuit 2 is not a short circuit because the battery is not in a closed path with itself.
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 16 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A is on a closed circut path
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb B and bulb C are contained in different paths with the battery
+// B and C are in the same path with the battery
+1 B :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the battery always has a voltage because there is a positive terminal and there is a negative terminal.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 17 18 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// gap between 3 and positive battery
+// Terminal 3 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 3 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because bulbs A and C are contained in different paths with the battery
+// A and C are in different paths with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 different :
+7 paths :
+8 with :
+9 the :
+10 battery :
+2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because of the gap at bulb b
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are separated from the positive battery terminal by a gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 separated :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+13 by :
+14 a :
+15 gap :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because bulb c was in an open path
+// Bulb C was not in a closed path
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 was :
+4 not :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// It is not a closed path.
+// the path is not closed
+1 the :
+2 path :
+3 is :
+4 not :
+5 closed :
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because switch y is not conatined in the closed path of bulb a and the battery.
+// Bulb A is still in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 15 16 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A terminal is not connected to the negative battery terminal.
+// Terminals 1 and 6 are not connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 6 :
+5 are :
+6 not :
+7 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb B and C both still are on a closed path with the battery
+// bulbs B and C are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 bulbs :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1 and terminal 6 are seperated by a gap
+// Terminals 1 and 6 are separated by the gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 6 :
+5 are :
+6 separated :
+7 by :
+8 the :
+9 gap :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the battery is in a closed path.
+// the battery is contained in a closed path in which there is no bulb
+1 the :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 in :
+10 which :
+11 there :
+12 is :
+13 no :
+14 bulb :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// complete path including a battery and a bulb
+// there is a closed path containing both the bulb and a battery
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 closed :
+5 path :
+6 containing :
+7 both :
+8 the :
+9 bulb :
+10 and :
+11 a :
+12 battery :
+1 2 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs b and c creat a gap in the path
+// Bulb B is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive battery terminal and terminal 5 are connected
+// Terminal 5 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 5 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the the bulb terminal disconnected from the battery terminal
+// the terminals are not connected
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 not :
+5 connected :
+6 7 8 9 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the battery is contained in the circuit and the light bulb is not
+// the battery is contained in a path in which there is no bulb
+1 the :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 path :
+8 in :
+9 which :
+10 there :
+11 is :
+12 no :
+13 bulb :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the two ends of the battery do not connect to one another
+// the battery is in an open path
+1 the :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 an :
+6 open :
+7 path :
+5 6 7 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// When a switch is open the circuit is no longer complete
+// there is an incomplete circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 an :
+4 incomplete :
+5 circuit :
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if both bulbs are contained within a closed path
+// The damaged bulb and the other bulb must be contained in the same path
+1 The :
+2 damaged :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 other :
+7 bulb :
+8 must :
+9 be :
+10 contained :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 same :
+14 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The bulb is in a closed circuit and the battery exists in that circuit
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the closed path is connected to the light bulb
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 2 3 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the electrical states between the terminals is the same, resulting in 0
+// The terminals are in the same state.
+1 The :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 same :
+7 state. :
+4 5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb b and bulb c are contained within a closed path
+// B and C are in the same path with the battery
+1 B :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// circuit 5 is in a closed path.
+// the battery is contained in a closed path in which there is no bulb
+1 the :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 in :
+10 which :
+11 there :
+12 is :
+13 no :
+14 bulb :
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 6 is connected to terminal 1
+// Terminals 1 and 6 are separated by the gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 6 :
+5 are :
+6 separated :
+7 by :
+8 the :
+9 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If bulb B is damaged there is a gap in the circuit
+// there is a gap in a circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 gap :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 circuit :
+8 9 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a is in a complete circuit with the battery when switch z is closed.
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery and switch Z.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+13 and :
+14 switch :
+15 Z. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 10 11 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a is on a closed path with the battery
+// Bulb A is still in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because those terminals are connected to the positive terminal of the battery.
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 11 12 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Not contained in a closed path
+// Bulb C was not in a closed path
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 was :
+4 not :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+1 2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal connected to positive charge
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because voltage measures the difference between two points
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs a and c are in separate paths.
+// A, B and C are in different paths
+1 A, :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 in :
+7 different :
+8 paths :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 6 is connected to postive terminal of battery
+// Terminals 1 and 6 are not connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 6 :
+5 are :
+6 not :
+7 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a terminal is connected to the negative battery terminal
+// the terminals are not connected
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 not :
+5 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Switch Z is in the same path as bulb A
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery and switch Z.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+13 and :
+14 switch :
+15 Z. :
+1 2 <==> 10 11 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there will be a gap
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because each bulb has its own complete path
+// each bulb is in its own path
+1 each :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 its :
+6 own :
+7 path :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs b and c have separate paths within the closed circuit
+// If bulb A burns out, B and C are no longer in a closed path with the battery
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 B :
+7 and :
+8 C :
+9 are :
+10 no :
+11 longer :
+12 in :
+13 a :
+14 closed :
+15 path :
+16 with :
+17 the :
+18 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A terminal is connected to a bulb.
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are separated from the positive battery terminal by a gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 separated :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+13 by :
+14 a :
+15 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive battery terminal has no gaps from terminal 4
+// Terminal 4 and the positive terminal are not separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 separated :
+10 by :
+11 the :
+12 gap :
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// when a switch and bulb are whithin a closed path
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the path is short
+// the path is not closed
+1 the :
+2 path :
+3 is :
+4 not :
+5 closed :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A will no longer be completing the circuts.
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+1 2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb C will create a gap in the path
+// each bulb is in its own path
+1 each :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 its :
+6 own :
+7 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a was contained on a closed path with the battery
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 1 is connected to terminl 4.
+// Terminals 1 and 4 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 4 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs A and B are not on the same path as Bulb C.
+// Bulb C is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Each circuit must have a connection.
+// there is a complete circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 complete :
+5 circuit :
+1 2 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A switch contained in a closed path with a bulb and a battery will affect the bulb.
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+1 2 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 17 <==> 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Voltage is the difference between a positive and negative terminal on the battery.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+3 4 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 10 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs b and c were in a closed paty with the battery.
+// Bulb B and Bulb C were still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 Bulb :
+5 C :
+6 were :
+7 still :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 closed :
+13 path :
+14 with :
+15 the :
+16 battery. :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// can complete the path by having z be closed
+// there is a path containing A, C, Z and X
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 A, :
+7 C, :
+8 Z :
+9 and :
+10 X :
+1 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A switch will affect a bulb it the bulb and the switch are in the path as the battery
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 2 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 16 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive battery terminal is not connected
+// There is no gap between terminal 6 and the positive terminal
+1 There :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 terminal :
+7 6 :
+8 and :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and bulb C are still on a closed path that contains the battery.
+// Bulbs A and C are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 Bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs A and C will still be on their own completed circuts.
+// Bulbs A and C are in a closed path
+1 Bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The damaged bulb B has left a gap in the path so the charge can not reach it
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are separated from the positive battery terminal by a gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 separated :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+13 by :
+14 a :
+15 gap :
+7 8 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the terminal is separated from the battery terminal
+// the terminals are separated by a gap
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 separated :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a terminal is connected to another terminal
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+3 4 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb A is connected to switch Z
+// There is no path containing both switch Y and bulb A
+1 There :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 switch :
+8 Y :
+9 and :
+10 bulb :
+11 A :
+1 2 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a closed path, with switch z, that contains bulb a and the battery
+// there is a path containing A, C, Z and the battery
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 A, :
+7 C, :
+8 Z :
+9 and :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 15 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 4, terminal 5, and terminal 6 are connected to the positive terminal
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Circuit 2 is not a short circuit because the battery is not connected to itself.
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because terminal 1 is seperated from the positive battery terminal.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a and bulb c are contained in different paths with the bttery.
+// A and C are in different paths with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 different :
+7 paths :
+8 with :
+9 the :
+10 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because bulb a is in a closed path with the battery.
+// Bulb A is still in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive terminal is connected to the bulb
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because bulb a is in a closed path, and bulb c is in a closed path.
+// Bulbs A and C are still in closed paths
+1 Bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The positive terminal has 1.5 V
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because of the chemical in the battery
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Both components need to be in closed paths.
+// the bulb and the battery are in a closed path
+1 the :
+2 bulb :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 battery :
+6 are :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a and bulb c are wired in parallel
+// A and C are in different paths
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 different :
+7 paths :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb terminals 3 and 4
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the other bulb will not light.
+// The damaged bulb and the other bulb must be contained in the same path
+1 The :
+2 damaged :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 other :
+7 bulb :
+8 must :
+9 be :
+10 contained :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 same :
+14 path :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because there was a gap in the terminals
+// there is no path containing both switch Y and bulb A
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 switch :
+8 Y :
+9 and :
+10 bulb :
+11 A :
+6 7 8 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if the switch is open in a path with the battery and bulb.
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 4, 5, and 6 are connected to the positive side
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a voltage reading of 0 volts indicates a gap in the circuit.
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+8 9 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 4 5 and 6 are not connected to negative battery terminal
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are not connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 not :
+8 connected :
+9 to :
+10 the :
+11 negative :
+12 battery :
+13 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs a and b are still contained on a closed path with the battery
+// If C burns out then A and B are still in a closed path with the battery
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+15 with :
+16 the :
+17 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 15 16 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs a, b, and c are all in the same path.
+// A and C are in the same path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a and c are on the same closed path with the battery
+// A and C are in the same closed path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "if the switch is included in the bulb""s closed path, then the switch being open will affect the bulb"
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 17 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+18 19 <==> 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the outcome of the bulb will not affect each other
+// A and C are not in the same path with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 not :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+4 5 6 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// not seperated by a gap
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are not separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 separated :
+10 by :
+11 the :
+12 gap :
+1 2 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because terminal 1 and the neavtive terminal are seperated.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because their is a gap between A and C now.
+// there is an incomplete circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 an :
+4 incomplete :
+5 circuit :
+4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and bulb b are still contained in closed paths with the battery
+// If C burns out then A and B are still in a closed path with the battery
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+15 with :
+16 the :
+17 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 15 16 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+// B and C are not in the same circuit as A.
+// each bulb is in its own path
+1 each :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 its :
+6 own :
+7 path :
+6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there terminals are separated by a gap when the voltage jumps from 0 to 1.5.
+// the terminals are separated by a gap
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 separated :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs a b and c are on a closed path
+// A and C are in the same closed path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// I think the red X means that this is dangerous and should never happen unless something is seriously wrong.
+// there is a short circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 short :
+5 circuit :
+19 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because there was no gap from the positive terminal of the battery
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+4 5 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs A and B are still connected to the closed path containing the battery
+// If C burns out then A and B are still in a closed path with the battery
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+15 with :
+16 the :
+17 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 15 16 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if the switch and the bulb are in the same path
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 6 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb c and switch z are in the same closed path
+// there is a path containing both Z and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 Z :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb only has one terminal connected
+// The battery is contained in a path which does not contain any other components
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 path :
+8 which :
+9 does :
+10 not :
+11 contain :
+12 any :
+13 other :
+14 components :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
diff --git a/20211029_101219/answers-students.wa.untrained b/20211029_101219/answers-students.wa.untrained
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..40b752bdeae4d3c1f642a651a4751ae325a2fcf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211029_101219/answers-students.wa.untrained
@@ -0,0 +1,12201 @@
+// both bulbs a and c still have a closed path
+// Bulbs A and C are still in closed paths
+1 Bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1 and the positive terminal are connected.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// positive battery is seperated by a gap from terminal 2
+// Terminal 2 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 2 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is no difference between the two terminals.
+// The terminals are in the same state.
+1 The :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 same :
+7 state. :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the switch has to be contained in the same path as the bulb and the battery
+// The switch and the bulb have to be in the same path
+1 The :
+2 switch :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 bulb :
+6 have :
+7 to :
+8 be :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a gap in terminal 1
+// Terminals 1 and 2 are in the same electrical state
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 2 :
+5 are :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 electrical :
+10 state :
+1 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The battery uses the chemical reation to create voltage
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a batter uses a chemical reaction to create voltage
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the battery alone is in a closed path
+// The battery is contained in a path which does not contain any other components
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 path :
+8 which :
+9 does :
+10 not :
+11 contain :
+12 any :
+13 other :
+14 components :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because there is a gap in the circuit.
+// there is a gap in the circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 gap :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 circuit :
+2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs A and B are not within the same path as bulb C.
+// Bulb C is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because there was two negative connections
+// Terminals 1 and 2 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 2 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+3 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a is on a closed path with the battery
+// there is a path containing A and a different path containing B and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 a :
+9 different :
+10 path :
+11 containing :
+12 B :
+13 and :
+14 C :
+1 2 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the other terminals are connected to the positive terminal.
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The bulb takes away the path.
+// there is an open path
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 an :
+4 open :
+5 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is no gap between the positive terminal and terminal 4
+// Terminal 4 and the positive terminal are not separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 separated :
+10 by :
+11 the :
+12 gap :
+2 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 10 11 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb a created a gap
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+1 2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 6 is connected to the positive terminal of the battery
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb is in a closed circuit
+// the battery is in an open path
+1 the :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 an :
+6 open :
+7 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The circuit is not closed around the battery.
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb is not contained in a closed path.
+// The battery is contained in a path which does not contain any other components
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 path :
+8 which :
+9 does :
+10 not :
+11 contain :
+12 any :
+13 other :
+14 components :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is a gap in the circuit.
+// there is a gap in a circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 gap :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 circuit :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb B and bulb C are still on closed paths with the battery.
+// bulbs A and B are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 B :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A has a closed pathway
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs a and c are not in the same closed path as bulb b
+// Bulb B is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Only one terminal is involved in the circuit.
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there was closed paths between the battery
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the gap separates the positive battery terminal from terminal 2
+// Terminal 2 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 2 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 9 10 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a, bulb b, and bulb c are contained in differentclosed paths.
+// A and C are in different paths with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 different :
+7 paths :
+8 with :
+9 the :
+10 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If any bulb is out, it affects the whole system and everything is blocked from the battery.
+// each bulb is in its own path
+1 each :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 its :
+6 own :
+7 path :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// it is not in the same path.
+// Bulb A is still in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+2 3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There will be a gap in the path
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb B and C are still contained in a path with the battery
+// bulbs B and C are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 bulbs :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs a and c are still contained in a closed path with the battery.
+// Bulbs A and C are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 Bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal one is not connected to the positive battery terminal
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb A and switch Z are in a closed path
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery and switch Z.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+13 and :
+14 switch :
+15 Z. :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 5 is connected to the postitive battery terminal
+// Terminal 5 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 5 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 6 is connected to the positive battery terminal
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the red x means that the circuit is not safe.
+// there is a short circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 short :
+5 circuit :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// both bulbs B and C are in the same path as bulb A
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if the electrical state is non-zero you can find the gap in the circuit
+// A non-zero voltage means that there is a gap
+1 A :
+2 non-zero :
+3 voltage :
+4 means :
+5 that :
+6 there :
+7 is :
+8 a :
+9 gap :
+2 3 4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The battery is contained in a closed circuit and there is nothing in its pathway
+// The battery is contained in a closed path which does not contain any other components
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 which :
+10 does :
+11 not :
+12 contain :
+13 any :
+14 other :
+15 components :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A terminal is not connected to the positive battery terminal.
+// Terminals 1 and 4 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 4 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a gap in the circuit
+// Terminals 1 and 4 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 4 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive terminal is not seperated by a gap from terminal 5
+// Terminal 5 and the positive terminal are not separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 5 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 separated :
+10 by :
+11 the :
+12 gap :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// You can find where there is a gap
+// Measuring voltage indicates whether two terminals are separated by a gap.
+1 Measuring :
+2 voltage :
+3 indicates :
+4 whether :
+5 two :
+6 terminals :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 a :
+11 gap. :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// has to do something with a gap
+// Terminal 2 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 2 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the positive circuit has a voltage of 1.5 volts.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+2 3 4 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is a chemical reaction.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// when the switch is the in a closed path with the bulb
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb b and c are in a closed path
+// B and C are in the same path
+1 B :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is a difference in electrical states.
+// the terminals are not connected
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 not :
+5 connected :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb will not light
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a and c are contained on the same path with the battery
+// A and C are not in the same path with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 not :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The path does not close
+// the battery is in an open path
+1 the :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 an :
+6 open :
+7 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The difference between the electrical states is 1.5 volts
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is still a closed path
+// If bulb A burns out, bulbs B and C are still in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 bulbs :
+7 B :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+10 are :
+11 still :
+12 in :
+13 a :
+14 closed :
+15 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a gap causes a lost connection
+// A non-zero voltage means that the terminals are not connected.
+1 A :
+2 non-zero :
+3 voltage :
+4 means :
+5 that :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+8 are :
+9 not :
+10 connected. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive terminal and terminal 6 are connected
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive terminal is connected to terminal 6
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because there is no gap at terminal 1
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+2 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 6 is conncted to the positive terminal
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// When the switch is in the same papth as the bulb.
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs A and C are in separate paths.
+// A and C are in different paths
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 different :
+7 paths :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a and bulb b are still in a closed path with the battery.
+// bulbs A and B are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 B :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The positive battery terminal was not separted by a gap from terminal 6
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are not separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 separated :
+10 by :
+11 the :
+12 gap :
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+1 2 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a and c are contained in different paths with the battery
+// A and C are in different paths with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 different :
+7 paths :
+8 with :
+9 the :
+10 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The positive terminal is connected to terminal 4.
+// Terminal 4 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// not contained inthe same path
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path. :
+1 2 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb c does not create a gap in the path for bulb b and a
+// If C is damaged, A and B are still in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 is :
+4 damaged, :
+5 A :
+6 and :
+7 B :
+8 are :
+9 still :
+10 in :
+11 a :
+12 closed :
+13 path :
+1 2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 <==> 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 15 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// becuase the other terminals are connected to the positive battery terminal
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because terminal one and the positive battery terminal are on a closed path
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+2 3 4 5 6 7 8 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 13 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Battery will always have voltage.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the terminals are not connected
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive battery terminal is connected to terminal 6
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a was on a closed path
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because terminal 4 is connected to the negative terminal
+// Terminal 4 and the positive battery terminal are in the same electrical state
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 battery :
+7 terminal :
+8 are :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 electrical :
+13 state :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb c is in its own pathway
+// Bulb C is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the voltage is nearest the burnt out bulb
+// Measuring voltage indicates the place where the electrical state changes due to a damaged bulb.
+1 Measuring :
+2 voltage :
+3 indicates :
+4 the :
+5 place :
+6 where :
+7 the :
+8 electrical :
+9 state :
+10 changes :
+11 due :
+12 to :
+13 a :
+14 damaged :
+15 bulb. :
+1 2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// You needed both a battery and a blub with the same path, and the path must be closed
+// there is a closed path containing both the bulb and a battery
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 closed :
+5 path :
+6 containing :
+7 both :
+8 the :
+9 bulb :
+10 and :
+11 a :
+12 battery :
+3 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 17 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+18 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the battery runs in a closed circuit.
+// there is an incomplete circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 an :
+4 incomplete :
+5 circuit :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If bulb B is damaged, then the circut is no longer closed.
+// there is no closed path
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 closed :
+5 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1, terminal 2, and terminal 3 are connected o the negative battery
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 negative :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "Because it didn""t cause a gap."
+// each bulb is in its own path
+1 each :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 its :
+6 own :
+7 path :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because there is a gap between terminal 1 and terminal 6.
+// There is a gap between terminals 1 and 6
+1 There :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 terminals :
+7 1 :
+8 and :
+9 6 :
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 11 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because bulbs b and c are on a closed path with the battery
+// Bulb B and Bulb C were still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 Bulb :
+5 C :
+6 were :
+7 still :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 closed :
+13 path :
+14 with :
+15 the :
+16 battery. :
+2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The switch determines whether the path is open or closed.
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+1 2 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive battery terminal is separated by a gap from terminal 4
+// Terminal 4 and the positive battery terminal are in the same electrical state
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 battery :
+7 terminal :
+8 are :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 electrical :
+13 state :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// an incomplete circuit would not effect the the electrical state between the terminals.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminals 4, 5, and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The path it was on
+// there is a path containing both Z and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 Z :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+1 2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If the bulb is on the same closed path
+// The damaged bulb and the other bulb must be contained in the same path
+1 The :
+2 damaged :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 other :
+7 bulb :
+8 must :
+9 be :
+10 contained :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 same :
+14 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a was still contained in a closed path with the battery.
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If one bulb is removed, the others stop working
+// A and C are in the same closed path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because all the terminals are connected to other terminals, an open switch disrupts that.
+// the open switch creates a gap
+1 the :
+2 open :
+3 switch :
+4 creates :
+5 a :
+6 gap :
+10 11 12 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is a gap between the two bulb terminals
+// the terminals are separated by a gap
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 separated :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 gap :
+2 3 4 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a short circuit has occured
+// there is a short circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 short :
+5 circuit :
+1 2 3 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there will be a gap at bulb b, thus affecting the rest of the circuit
+// bulb B creates a gap
+1 bulb :
+2 B :
+3 creates :
+4 a :
+5 gap :
+2 3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 3 and the positie terminal are not connected.
+// Terminal 3 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 3 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The positive battery terminal was not seperated by a gap from terminal 4.
+// Terminal 4 and the positive terminal are not separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 separated :
+10 by :
+11 the :
+12 gap :
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 1 is connected to the negative terminal.
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A terminal is not connected to the positive battery terminal.
+// Terminals 1 and 2 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 2 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive terminal and terminal 2 are seperated by a gap
+// Terminal 2 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 2 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is not gap between the terminals
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+2 3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a gap between teh positive battery terminal and terminal 4.
+// Terminal 4 and the positive battery terminal are in the same electrical state
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 battery :
+7 terminal :
+8 are :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 electrical :
+13 state :
+2 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The positive battery was not connected to terminal one.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs A and B will still be contained in a closed path to the battery.
+// bulbs A and B are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 B :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the two components are seperated.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+4 5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because terminal 1 is directly connected to terminal 4
+// Terminals 1 and 4 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 4 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive battery terminal and terminal 4 are connected
+// Terminal 4 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 1 and terminal 2 are on the same side.
+// Terminals 1 and 2 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 2 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// not connected to positive battery
+// Terminal 2 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 2 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+1 2 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain the voltage,
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the bulb does not have a closed path.
+// The bulb is not in the closed path containing the battery
+1 The :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 not :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 containing :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a difference in electrical states
+// the terminals are separated by a gap
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 separated :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 gap :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal is connected to postive terminal of the battery
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 1 is seperated from the positive terminal
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Battery is not contained i a closed path.
+// The battery in 4 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 4 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1 was connected to the positive battery terminal
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There are 2 paths in this diagram
+// there is a path containing A and a different path containing B and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 a :
+9 different :
+10 path :
+11 containing :
+12 B :
+13 and :
+14 C :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the switch was connected to the closed circuit
+// there is no path containing both switch Y and bulb A
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 switch :
+8 Y :
+9 and :
+10 bulb :
+11 A :
+2 3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// damaged bulb creates a gap.
+// a damaged bulb creates a gap
+1 a :
+2 damaged :
+3 bulb :
+4 creates :
+5 a :
+6 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// that the battery connection does not work
+// there is a short circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 short :
+5 circuit :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the terminals are not connected
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 5 is connected to teh positive battery terminal
+// Terminal 5 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 5 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1 was connected to the positive terminal
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a gap between terminal one and two and the positive battery terminal
+// Terminals 1 and 2 are in the same electrical state
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 2 :
+5 are :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 electrical :
+10 state :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs b and c are contained on the same path with the battery
+// B and C are in the same path with the battery
+1 B :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because there is no closed path to the battery
+// the path is not closed
+1 the :
+2 path :
+3 is :
+4 not :
+5 closed :
+3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1 is not connected to the positive battery terminal
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the battery is not in a closed bath alone
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 5 is connected to postive terminal of the battery
+// Terminal 5 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 5 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if x and z are closed then it will create a closed path
+// there is a path containing A, C, Z and X
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 A, :
+7 C, :
+8 Z :
+9 and :
+10 X :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// positive terminal is serperated from terminal 2
+// Terminal 2 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 2 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the battery is not closed the bulb is.
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is not a gap in the connection
+// the terminals are not separated by a gap
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 not :
+5 separated :
+6 by :
+7 a :
+8 gap :
+2 3 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if a bulb is in a closed circuit with a battery and a switch the switch will affect the bulb.
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+19 20 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs b and c were contained in a closed path with the battery.
+// Bulb B and Bulb C were still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 Bulb :
+5 C :
+6 were :
+7 still :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 closed :
+13 path :
+14 with :
+15 the :
+16 battery. :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because neither components are in closed paths.
+// Circuit 4 has no closed paths
+1 Circuit :
+2 4 :
+3 has :
+4 no :
+5 closed :
+6 paths :
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// you can see where the gap is
+// Measuring voltage indicates the place where the electrical state changes due to a gap.
+1 Measuring :
+2 voltage :
+3 indicates :
+4 the :
+5 place :
+6 where :
+7 the :
+8 electrical :
+9 state :
+10 changes :
+11 due :
+12 to :
+13 a :
+14 gap. :
+2 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if there is a gap in the circuit there the bulb will not light up.
+// A non-zero voltage means that the terminals are not connected.
+1 A :
+2 non-zero :
+3 voltage :
+4 means :
+5 that :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+8 are :
+9 not :
+10 connected. :
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 15 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and Bulb B and the battery are in a closed path.
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path with the battery.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+15 with :
+16 the :
+17 battery. :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// That there is a gap
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if the switch and bulb are contained in the same path, the switch will affect the bulb.
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Voltage is the difference between a positive and negative end on a battery.
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the path passes the energy through the switch
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+3 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// that the bulb terminal and battery terminal are on the same side of a disconnected circut
+// The terminals are in the same state.
+1 The :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 same :
+7 state. :
+2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the battery is not in a closed path.
+// The battery in 4 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 4 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// switch x is in the closed path with bulb a
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery and switch X.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+13 and :
+14 switch :
+15 X. :
+1 2 <==> 10 11 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There was a closed circuit
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery. :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "because switch z is in bulb c""s closed path"
+// there is a path containing both Z and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 Z :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A was still in a closed path
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery and switch X.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+13 and :
+14 switch :
+15 X. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because there is a gap due to a damaged bulb.
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are separated from the positive battery terminal by a gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 separated :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+13 by :
+14 a :
+15 gap :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A was still in a closed path with the battery
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The battery and light bulb are not contained in a close path
+// The battery in 4 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 4 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// and the circut is closed
+// A and C are in the same closed path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "becuase bulb C is on it""s own pathway."
+// Bulb C is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if bulb A burns out then bulbs B and C will no longer be in a closed path.
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 16 17 18 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 1 is not connected to the positive terminal.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the battery is not in a closed circuit
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the terminal it is connected to is not working
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There must be a closed path and a battery.
+// there is a closed path containing both the bulb and a battery
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 closed :
+5 path :
+6 containing :
+7 both :
+8 the :
+9 bulb :
+10 and :
+11 a :
+12 battery :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 9 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal is connected to terminal 6
+// Terminals 1 and 6 are not connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 6 :
+5 are :
+6 not :
+7 connected :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because bulb a is in a closed circuit with the battery and switch x
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery and switch X.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+13 and :
+14 switch :
+15 X. :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 13 14 <==> 10 11 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If the path is not closed, the switch will not affect the bbulb
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb b and c are on a closed path to the battery
+// If bulb A burns out, bulbs B and C are still in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 bulbs :
+7 B :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+10 are :
+11 still :
+12 in :
+13 a :
+14 closed :
+15 path :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// since a a gap does not affect the voltage of a battery
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are separated from the positive battery terminal by a gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 separated :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+13 by :
+14 a :
+15 gap :
+1 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because there is a light bulb
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+3 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb will be burned out because the terminals
+// The damaged bulb and the other bulb must be contained in the same path
+1 The :
+2 damaged :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 other :
+7 bulb :
+8 must :
+9 be :
+10 contained :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 same :
+14 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the positive batter terminal and terminal 6 were connected.
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+2 3 4 5 6 7 8 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the the circuit is complete.
+// the path is not closed
+1 the :
+2 path :
+3 is :
+4 not :
+5 closed :
+2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs B and C will still be on closed paths with the battery
+// bulbs B and C are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 bulbs :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb is contained in an closed circuit
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+1 2 <==> 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A and C are in the same path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb a and switch Y are not in the same path.
+// Switch Y and bulb A are not in the same closed path
+1 Switch :
+2 Y :
+3 and :
+4 bulb :
+5 A :
+6 are :
+7 not :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 closed :
+12 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A chemical reaction inside the battery makes the electrical states of the positive and negative terminals different at all times.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 3 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 15 16 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// becasue the terminals 4,5, and 6 are connected to the positive terminal of the battery
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 13 14 15 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// switch Y does not effect bulb A
+// Switch Y and bulb A are not in the same closed path
+1 Switch :
+2 Y :
+3 and :
+4 bulb :
+5 A :
+6 are :
+7 not :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 closed :
+12 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb c creates a gap
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path with the battery.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+15 with :
+16 the :
+17 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb C and the battery are not contained in a closed pathway
+// Bulb C was no longer in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 was :
+4 no :
+5 longer :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the two terminals will both be 0
+// The terminals are in the same state.
+1 The :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 same :
+7 state. :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb b is not in the same path with bulbs a and c.
+// Bulb B is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The electrical state is interferred with.
+// A non-zero voltage means that the terminals are not connected.
+1 A :
+2 non-zero :
+3 voltage :
+4 means :
+5 that :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+8 are :
+9 not :
+10 connected. :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the battery and the bulb are not in a closed path.
+// The battery in 4 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 4 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "because by measuring voltage, you find the gap where there""s a difference in electrical states."
+// Measuring voltage indicates the place where the electrical state changes due to a gap.
+1 Measuring :
+2 voltage :
+3 indicates :
+4 the :
+5 place :
+6 where :
+7 the :
+8 electrical :
+9 state :
+10 changes :
+11 due :
+12 to :
+13 a :
+14 gap. :
+2 3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// again, bulbs a and b will be contained on a closed path
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path. :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs b and c are contiained in the the same path with the battery.
+// A and C are not in the same path with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 not :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is a gap in the path.
+// Terminals 1 and 2 are in the same electrical state
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 2 :
+5 are :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 electrical :
+10 state :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a is in a closed path with a battery
+// Bulb A is still in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and bulb C affect each other.
+// A and C are in the same closed path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// switch z is contained in a closed path
+// there is a path containing both Z and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 Z :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+1 2 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb terminal and the negative battery terminal are separated by a gap
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+9 10 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and C are still in a closed path with the battery.
+// Bulbs A and C are still contained in closed paths with the battery
+1 Bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 contained :
+8 in :
+9 closed :
+10 paths :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if switch and bulb are contained in the same closed path
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a gap between the positive battery connection and the bulb terminal.
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A is not on the same path that Bulb B and bulb C are.
+// there is a path containing A and a different path containing B and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 a :
+9 different :
+10 path :
+11 containing :
+12 B :
+13 and :
+14 C :
+1 2 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 14 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// it runs on a different current
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path with the battery.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+15 with :
+16 the :
+17 battery. :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 6 is connected to the difference
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the batteries terminals are not connected
+// Circuit 4 has no closed paths
+1 Circuit :
+2 4 :
+3 has :
+4 no :
+5 closed :
+6 paths :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because if there is a voltage that means there is a gap
+// Measuring voltage indicates the place where the electrical state changes due to a gap.
+1 Measuring :
+2 voltage :
+3 indicates :
+4 the :
+5 place :
+6 where :
+7 the :
+8 electrical :
+9 state :
+10 changes :
+11 due :
+12 to :
+13 a :
+14 gap. :
+5 6 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Find where there are different electrical states
+// Measuring voltage indicates the place where the electrical state changes due to a gap.
+1 Measuring :
+2 voltage :
+3 indicates :
+4 the :
+5 place :
+6 where :
+7 the :
+8 electrical :
+9 state :
+10 changes :
+11 due :
+12 to :
+13 a :
+14 gap. :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// circuit 2 is connected to the battery
+// there is no closed path containing the battery
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 closed :
+5 path :
+6 containing :
+7 the :
+8 battery :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the gap in the circuit causes the circuit to be an open circuit
+// there is a gap in a circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 gap :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 circuit :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a gap in the circuit
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the path has to be closed for the bulb to light up
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+1 2 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is no gap so there is no difference in voltage
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Voltage is the difference between a positive and negative end on the battery.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb had a short circuit
+// there is a complete circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 complete :
+5 circuit :
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and bulb C are in a closed path with the battery.
+// Bulb B and Bulb C were still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 Bulb :
+5 C :
+6 were :
+7 still :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 closed :
+13 path :
+14 with :
+15 the :
+16 battery. :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminals 4, 5, and 6 are only connected to the positive battery terminal.
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 13 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a terminal is connected to the positive battery terminal
+// the terminals are not connected
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 not :
+5 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the terminals are in the same state
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "because switch y isn""t included in bulb A""s closed path"
+// Switch Y and bulb A are not in the same closed path
+1 Switch :
+2 Y :
+3 and :
+4 bulb :
+5 A :
+6 are :
+7 not :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 closed :
+12 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the negative battery terminal is seperated by a gap from terminal 6
+// terminal 6 is separated by a gap from the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 is :
+4 separated :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 gap :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 negative :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// that the bulb terminal is only connected to one of the battery terminals
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 13 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there was a negavtive gap
+// terminal 4 is separated by a gap from the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 is :
+4 separated :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 gap :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 negative :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal is connected to postive end of battery
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1 is connected to the 1.5 volt battery.
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The path must be closed
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+3 4 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs B and C are contained on the same path with the battery.
+// B and C are in the same path with the battery
+1 B :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a terminal is connected to the positive terminal of the battery
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because a and b are in series and a and c are in parallel
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path. :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a terminal is connected to the positive terminal of the battery
+// Terminal 5 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 5 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb is not contained in the path
+// The bulb is not in the closed path containing the battery
+1 The :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 not :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 containing :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because positive charge is before gap
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because it is not on the same path
+// If bulb A burns out, bulbs B and C are still in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 bulbs :
+7 B :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+10 are :
+11 still :
+12 in :
+13 a :
+14 closed :
+15 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Seperate paths connected to the battery
+// If bulb A burns out, B and C are no longer in a closed path with the battery
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 B :
+7 and :
+8 C :
+9 are :
+10 no :
+11 longer :
+12 in :
+13 a :
+14 closed :
+15 path :
+16 with :
+17 the :
+18 battery :
+3 <==> 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 16 17 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A red X means the battery is in a short circuit.
+// there is a short circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 short :
+5 circuit :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The battery is not closed in a closed path.
+// Circuit 4 has no closed paths
+1 Circuit :
+2 4 :
+3 has :
+4 no :
+5 closed :
+6 paths :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal is connected to the battery
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 negative :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and Bulb C are not contained in the same closed path
+// A and C are not in the same path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 not :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 13 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs A and C are not on the same closed path.
+// A and C are not in the same path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 not :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 path :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb, battery, and switch are in closed path
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the paths of the circuit are no longer complete
+// there is an incomplete circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 an :
+4 incomplete :
+5 circuit :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is no closed path in circuit 4.
+// Circuit 4 has no closed paths
+1 Circuit :
+2 4 :
+3 has :
+4 no :
+5 closed :
+6 paths :
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The battery keeps a chemical reaction reaction.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is always a difference in voltage between two battery terminals.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1is connected to terminal 4
+// Terminals 1 and 4 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 4 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and B will still be in a contained path.
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path. :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a is in a closed circuit with the battery without the y switch.
+// Bulb A is still in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// different paths with the battery
+// B and C are in the same path with the battery
+1 B :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "The electrical state at the terminal matches the battery""s electrical state"
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+7 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Circuit 2 is not a short circuit because the battery is not in a closed path with itself.
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 16 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A is on a closed circut path
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb B and bulb C are contained in different paths with the battery
+// B and C are in the same path with the battery
+1 B :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the battery always has a voltage because there is a positive terminal and there is a negative terminal.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// gap between 3 and positive battery
+// Terminal 3 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 3 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because bulbs A and C are contained in different paths with the battery
+// A and C are in different paths with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 different :
+7 paths :
+8 with :
+9 the :
+10 battery :
+2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because of the gap at bulb b
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are separated from the positive battery terminal by a gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 separated :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+13 by :
+14 a :
+15 gap :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because bulb c was in an open path
+// Bulb C was not in a closed path
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 was :
+4 not :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// It is not a closed path.
+// the path is not closed
+1 the :
+2 path :
+3 is :
+4 not :
+5 closed :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because switch y is not conatined in the closed path of bulb a and the battery.
+// Bulb A is still in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 15 16 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A terminal is not connected to the negative battery terminal.
+// Terminals 1 and 6 are not connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 6 :
+5 are :
+6 not :
+7 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb B and C both still are on a closed path with the battery
+// bulbs B and C are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 bulbs :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1 and terminal 6 are seperated by a gap
+// Terminals 1 and 6 are separated by the gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 6 :
+5 are :
+6 separated :
+7 by :
+8 the :
+9 gap :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the battery is in a closed path.
+// the battery is contained in a closed path in which there is no bulb
+1 the :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 in :
+10 which :
+11 there :
+12 is :
+13 no :
+14 bulb :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// complete path including a battery and a bulb
+// there is a closed path containing both the bulb and a battery
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 closed :
+5 path :
+6 containing :
+7 both :
+8 the :
+9 bulb :
+10 and :
+11 a :
+12 battery :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs b and c creat a gap in the path
+// Bulb B is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive battery terminal and terminal 5 are connected
+// Terminal 5 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 5 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the the bulb terminal disconnected from the battery terminal
+// the terminals are not connected
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 not :
+5 connected :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the battery is contained in the circuit and the light bulb is not
+// the battery is contained in a path in which there is no bulb
+1 the :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 path :
+8 in :
+9 which :
+10 there :
+11 is :
+12 no :
+13 bulb :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the two ends of the battery do not connect to one another
+// the battery is in an open path
+1 the :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 an :
+6 open :
+7 path :
+5 6 7 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// When a switch is open the circuit is no longer complete
+// there is an incomplete circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 an :
+4 incomplete :
+5 circuit :
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if both bulbs are contained within a closed path
+// The damaged bulb and the other bulb must be contained in the same path
+1 The :
+2 damaged :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 other :
+7 bulb :
+8 must :
+9 be :
+10 contained :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 same :
+14 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The bulb is in a closed circuit and the battery exists in that circuit
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+3 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the closed path is connected to the light bulb
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 2 3 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the electrical states between the terminals is the same, resulting in 0
+// The terminals are in the same state.
+1 The :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 same :
+7 state. :
+4 5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb b and bulb c are contained within a closed path
+// B and C are in the same path with the battery
+1 B :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// circuit 5 is in a closed path.
+// the battery is contained in a closed path in which there is no bulb
+1 the :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 in :
+10 which :
+11 there :
+12 is :
+13 no :
+14 bulb :
+1 2 <==> 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 6 is connected to terminal 1
+// Terminals 1 and 6 are separated by the gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 6 :
+5 are :
+6 separated :
+7 by :
+8 the :
+9 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If bulb B is damaged there is a gap in the circuit
+// there is a gap in a circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 gap :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 circuit :
+7 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a is in a complete circuit with the battery when switch z is closed.
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery and switch Z.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+13 and :
+14 switch :
+15 Z. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 10 11 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a is on a closed path with the battery
+// Bulb A is still in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because those terminals are connected to the positive terminal of the battery.
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 11 12 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Not contained in a closed path
+// Bulb C was not in a closed path
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 was :
+4 not :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+1 2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal connected to positive charge
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because voltage measures the difference between two points
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs a and c are in separate paths.
+// A, B and C are in different paths
+1 A, :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 in :
+7 different :
+8 paths :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 6 is connected to postive terminal of battery
+// Terminals 1 and 6 are not connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 6 :
+5 are :
+6 not :
+7 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a terminal is connected to the negative battery terminal
+// the terminals are not connected
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 not :
+5 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Switch Z is in the same path as bulb A
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery and switch Z.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+13 and :
+14 switch :
+15 Z. :
+1 2 <==> 10 11 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there will be a gap
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+2 3 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because each bulb has its own complete path
+// each bulb is in its own path
+1 each :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 its :
+6 own :
+7 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs b and c have separate paths within the closed circuit
+// If bulb A burns out, B and C are no longer in a closed path with the battery
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 B :
+7 and :
+8 C :
+9 are :
+10 no :
+11 longer :
+12 in :
+13 a :
+14 closed :
+15 path :
+16 with :
+17 the :
+18 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 16 17 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A terminal is connected to a bulb.
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are separated from the positive battery terminal by a gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 separated :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+13 by :
+14 a :
+15 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive battery terminal has no gaps from terminal 4
+// Terminal 4 and the positive terminal are not separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 separated :
+10 by :
+11 the :
+12 gap :
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// when a switch and bulb are whithin a closed path
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the path is short
+// the path is not closed
+1 the :
+2 path :
+3 is :
+4 not :
+5 closed :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A will no longer be completing the circuts.
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+1 2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb C will create a gap in the path
+// each bulb is in its own path
+1 each :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 its :
+6 own :
+7 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a was contained on a closed path with the battery
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 1 is connected to terminl 4.
+// Terminals 1 and 4 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 4 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs A and B are not on the same path as Bulb C.
+// Bulb C is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Each circuit must have a connection.
+// there is a complete circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 complete :
+5 circuit :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A switch contained in a closed path with a bulb and a battery will affect the bulb.
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 17 <==> 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Voltage is the difference between a positive and negative terminal on the battery.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs b and c were in a closed paty with the battery.
+// Bulb B and Bulb C were still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 Bulb :
+5 C :
+6 were :
+7 still :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 closed :
+13 path :
+14 with :
+15 the :
+16 battery. :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// can complete the path by having z be closed
+// there is a path containing A, C, Z and X
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 A, :
+7 C, :
+8 Z :
+9 and :
+10 X :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A switch will affect a bulb it the bulb and the switch are in the path as the battery
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+7 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 16 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive battery terminal is not connected
+// There is no gap between terminal 6 and the positive terminal
+1 There :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 terminal :
+7 6 :
+8 and :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and bulb C are still on a closed path that contains the battery.
+// Bulbs A and C are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 Bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs A and C will still be on their own completed circuts.
+// Bulbs A and C are in a closed path
+1 Bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The damaged bulb B has left a gap in the path so the charge can not reach it
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are separated from the positive battery terminal by a gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 separated :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+13 by :
+14 a :
+15 gap :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the terminal is separated from the battery terminal
+// the terminals are separated by a gap
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 separated :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a terminal is connected to another terminal
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb A is connected to switch Z
+// There is no path containing both switch Y and bulb A
+1 There :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 switch :
+8 Y :
+9 and :
+10 bulb :
+11 A :
+3 4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a closed path, with switch z, that contains bulb a and the battery
+// there is a path containing A, C, Z and the battery
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 A, :
+7 C, :
+8 Z :
+9 and :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 15 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 4, terminal 5, and terminal 6 are connected to the positive terminal
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Circuit 2 is not a short circuit because the battery is not connected to itself.
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because terminal 1 is seperated from the positive battery terminal.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a and bulb c are contained in different paths with the bttery.
+// A and C are in different paths with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 different :
+7 paths :
+8 with :
+9 the :
+10 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because bulb a is in a closed path with the battery.
+// Bulb A is still in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive terminal is connected to the bulb
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because bulb a is in a closed path, and bulb c is in a closed path.
+// Bulbs A and C are still in closed paths
+1 Bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+1 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 15 16 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The positive terminal has 1.5 V
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because of the chemical in the battery
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Both components need to be in closed paths.
+// the bulb and the battery are in a closed path
+1 the :
+2 bulb :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 battery :
+6 are :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a and bulb c are wired in parallel
+// A and C are in different paths
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 different :
+7 paths :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb terminals 3 and 4
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the other bulb will not light.
+// The damaged bulb and the other bulb must be contained in the same path
+1 The :
+2 damaged :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 other :
+7 bulb :
+8 must :
+9 be :
+10 contained :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 same :
+14 path :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because there was a gap in the terminals
+// there is no path containing both switch Y and bulb A
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 switch :
+8 Y :
+9 and :
+10 bulb :
+11 A :
+2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if the switch is open in a path with the battery and bulb.
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 4, 5, and 6 are connected to the positive side
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a voltage reading of 0 volts indicates a gap in the circuit.
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 4 5 and 6 are not connected to negative battery terminal
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are not connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 not :
+8 connected :
+9 to :
+10 the :
+11 negative :
+12 battery :
+13 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs a and b are still contained on a closed path with the battery
+// If C burns out then A and B are still in a closed path with the battery
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+15 with :
+16 the :
+17 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 15 16 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs a, b, and c are all in the same path.
+// A and C are in the same path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a and c are on the same closed path with the battery
+// A and C are in the same closed path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "if the switch is included in the bulb""s closed path, then the switch being open will affect the bulb"
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 17 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+18 19 <==> 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the outcome of the bulb will not affect each other
+// A and C are not in the same path with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 not :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// not seperated by a gap
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are not separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 separated :
+10 by :
+11 the :
+12 gap :
+1 2 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because terminal 1 and the neavtive terminal are seperated.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because their is a gap between A and C now.
+// there is an incomplete circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 an :
+4 incomplete :
+5 circuit :
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and bulb b are still contained in closed paths with the battery
+// If C burns out then A and B are still in a closed path with the battery
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+15 with :
+16 the :
+17 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 15 16 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+// B and C are not in the same circuit as A.
+// each bulb is in its own path
+1 each :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 its :
+6 own :
+7 path :
+4 5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there terminals are separated by a gap when the voltage jumps from 0 to 1.5.
+// the terminals are separated by a gap
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 separated :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs a b and c are on a closed path
+// A and C are in the same closed path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// I think the red X means that this is dangerous and should never happen unless something is seriously wrong.
+// there is a short circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 short :
+5 circuit :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because there was no gap from the positive terminal of the battery
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+3 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs A and B are still connected to the closed path containing the battery
+// If C burns out then A and B are still in a closed path with the battery
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+15 with :
+16 the :
+17 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 15 16 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if the switch and the bulb are in the same path
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 6 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb c and switch z are in the same closed path
+// there is a path containing both Z and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 Z :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb only has one terminal connected
+// The battery is contained in a path which does not contain any other components
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 path :
+8 which :
+9 does :
+10 not :
+11 contain :
+12 any :
+13 other :
+14 components :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
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+ },
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+ },
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+ }
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diff --git a/20211029_101219/headlines.wa b/20211029_101219/headlines.wa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c8a37dad791dc496958fc075e5d8f5008a90a88a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211029_101219/headlines.wa
@@ -0,0 +1,11660 @@
+// China 's Peace Ark departs for the Philippines Thursday
+// China sends aid team to Philippines
+1 China :
+2 sends :
+3 aid :
+4 team :
+5 to :
+6 Philippines :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Conservatives sweep to Australia election victory
+// Conservative opposition wins Australian election
+1 Conservative :
+2 opposition :
+3 wins :
+4 Australian :
+5 election :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Abe 's shrine visit draws wide condemnation , criticism
+// Japanese PM Shinzo Abe 's war shrine visit angers neighbours
+1 Japanese :
+2 PM :
+3 Shinzo :
+4 Abe :
+5 's :
+6 war :
+7 shrine :
+8 visit :
+9 angers :
+10 neighbours :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine revokes anti-protest law , PM resigns
+// Ukraine to repeal anti-protest laws
+1 Ukraine :
+2 to :
+3 repeal :
+4 anti-protest :
+5 laws :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Russia says detects missiles fired from Mediterranean Sea
+// Russia says ballistic missiles fired in Mediterranean
+1 Russia :
+2 says :
+3 ballistic :
+4 missiles :
+5 fired :
+6 in :
+7 Mediterranean :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pro-Russian protesters storm new police station in east Ukraine
+// Pro-Russian Protesters Storm Police Station in Ukraine as Kiev Urges U.N. over unrest
+1 Pro-Russian :
+2 Protesters :
+3 Storm :
+4 Police :
+5 Station :
+6 in :
+7 Ukraine :
+8 as :
+9 Kiev :
+10 Urges :
+11 U.N. :
+12 over :
+13 unrest :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Cyclone leaves trail of destruction in India
+// Cyclone Phailin evacuation kept Indian villagers alive
+1 Cyclone :
+2 Phailin :
+3 evacuation :
+4 kept :
+5 Indian :
+6 villagers :
+7 alive :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 4 foreigners among 9 killed in Kabul hotel attack
+// Foreigners among dead in Kabul hotel attack
+1 Foreigners :
+2 among :
+3 dead :
+4 in :
+5 Kabul :
+6 hotel :
+7 attack :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Many dead as asylum boat sinks off Australia
+// Mandela spends third day in hospital
+1 Mandela :
+2 spends :
+3 third :
+4 day :
+5 in :
+6 hospital :
+3 4 5 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israeli calls to execute Palestinian captives instead of releasing them
+// Israel allows Palestinian prisoner release
+1 Israel :
+2 allows :
+3 Palestinian :
+4 prisoner :
+5 release :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// DPRK leader calls for better ties with S.Korea
+// North Korea urges foreigners to leave South Korea
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 urges :
+4 foreigners :
+5 to :
+6 leave :
+7 South :
+8 Korea :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World 's oldest person , and oldest man ever , dies at 116
+// Japan : World 's Oldest Man Ever Dies Aged 116
+1 Japan :
+2 : :
+3 World :
+4 's :
+5 Oldest :
+6 Man :
+7 Ever :
+8 Dies :
+9 Aged :
+10 116 :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World powers and Iran to resume expert nuclear talks on Dec. 30
+// Iran nuclear experts , world powers to resume talks next week
+1 Iran :
+2 nuclear :
+3 experts :
+4 , :
+5 world :
+6 powers :
+7 to :
+8 resume :
+9 talks :
+10 next :
+11 week :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Biden warns ' it's time for Russia to stop talking and start acting ' in Ukraine
+// Biden : Time for Russia to ' stop talking and start acting ' to reduce tension in Ukraine
+1 Biden :
+2 : :
+3 Time :
+4 for :
+5 Russia :
+6 to :
+7 ' :
+8 stop :
+9 talking :
+10 and :
+11 start :
+12 acting :
+13 ' :
+14 to :
+15 reduce :
+16 tension :
+17 in :
+18 Ukraine :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 16 <==> 17 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : February 25
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : April 21
+1 India :
+2 Ink :
+3 : :
+4 Image :
+5 of :
+6 the :
+7 Day :
+8 : :
+9 April :
+10 21 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Philippines defers comment on Taiwan fisher attack
+// Bin Laden 's continuing sway shown in Kenya mall attack
+1 Bin :
+2 Laden :
+3 's :
+4 continuing :
+5 sway :
+6 shown :
+7 in :
+8 Kenya :
+9 mall :
+10 attack :
+4 5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// New Zealand set to legalise gay marriage
+// New Zealand votes to legalise same-sex marriage
+1 New :
+2 Zealand :
+3 votes :
+4 to :
+5 legalise :
+6 same-sex :
+7 marriage :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel 's ex-PM Ariel Sharon dies
+// Former Israeli Prime Minister Sharon dies
+1 Former :
+2 Israeli :
+3 Prime :
+4 Minister :
+5 Sharon :
+6 dies :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Peace talks with Palestinians would take months : Israel official
+// 3yo Palestinian girl killed in Israeli raid
+1 3yo :
+2 Palestinian :
+3 girl :
+4 killed :
+5 in :
+6 Israeli :
+7 raid :
+3 4 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ronaldo 's hat trick sends Portugal to World Cup
+// Ronaldo hat-trick fires Portugal to World Cup
+1 Ronaldo :
+2 hat-trick :
+3 fires :
+4 Portugal :
+5 to :
+6 World :
+7 Cup :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// At Least 22 Dead After China Earthquake
+// At least 89 dead in China earthquakes
+1 At :
+2 least :
+3 89 :
+4 dead :
+5 in :
+6 China :
+7 earthquakes :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Canadian freight train blast death toll hits three , to rise
+// Canadian government ' monitoring ' train blast situation
+1 Canadian :
+2 government :
+3 ' :
+4 monitoring :
+5 ' :
+6 train :
+7 blast :
+8 situation :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Five children buried alive in Bohol landslide
+// Nine children die in attack in Afghanistan attack
+1 Nine :
+2 children :
+3 die :
+4 in :
+5 attack :
+6 in :
+7 Afghanistan :
+8 attack :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rosberg emulates father with Monaco win
+// FORMULA 1 : Rosberg stays modest despite Monaco win
+2 1 :
+3 : :
+4 Rosberg :
+5 stays :
+6 modest :
+7 despite :
+8 Monaco :
+9 win :
+1 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Suicide truck bomber kills 11 in northern Iraq
+// Suicide car bomb kills 12 in northern Iraq
+1 Suicide :
+2 car :
+3 bomb :
+4 kills :
+5 12 :
+6 in :
+7 northern :
+8 Iraq :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tropical Storm Barry forms off Mexico 's coast , bringing heavy rain as it heads toward Veracruz
+// Tropical Storm Barry weakens , dumps rain on Mexico
+1 Tropical :
+2 Storm :
+3 Barry :
+4 weakens :
+5 , :
+6 dumps :
+7 rain :
+8 on :
+9 Mexico :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian rebels target military airports
+// Syrian troops confront fierce attacks by rebels in military airport
+1 Syrian :
+2 troops :
+3 confront :
+4 fierce :
+5 attacks :
+6 by :
+7 rebels :
+8 in :
+9 military :
+10 airport :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 6.6-magnitude quake hits South Atlantic Ocean -- USGS
+// Magnitude-5.1 quake hits southern Iran -- USGS
+1 Magnitude-5.1 :
+2 quake :
+3 hits :
+4 southern :
+5 Iran :
+6 -- :
+7 USGS :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Poverty stats doubt Modi 's development claims
+// GM to start taking recall compensation claims Aug 1
+1 GM :
+2 to :
+3 start :
+4 taking :
+5 recall :
+6 compensation :
+7 claims :
+8 Aug :
+9 1 :
+3 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// North Korea blocks access to joint industrial zone
+// North Korea Blocks Access to Key Industrial Zone
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 Blocks :
+4 Access :
+5 to :
+6 Key :
+7 Industrial :
+8 Zone :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pakistan 's Musharraf charged over Bhutto murder
+// Pakistan 's Musharraf Charged In Bhutto Death
+1 Pakistan :
+2 's :
+3 Musharraf :
+4 Charged :
+5 In :
+6 Bhutto :
+7 Death :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukrainian protesters back in streets for anti-government rally
+// Ukraine protesters topple Lenin statue in Kiev
+1 Ukraine :
+2 protesters :
+3 topple :
+4 Lenin :
+5 statue :
+6 in :
+7 Kiev :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Jamaican connection in Liverpool 's win
+// Japan Election : Shinzo Abe Hails Landslide Win
+1 Japan :
+2 Election :
+3 : :
+4 Shinzo :
+5 Abe :
+6 Hails :
+7 Landslide :
+8 Win :
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rescuers scour debris after India buildings collapse
+// Select images from Bangladesh building collapse
+1 Select :
+2 images :
+3 from :
+4 Bangladesh :
+5 building :
+6 collapse :
+2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rock bands ' plane makes emergency landing in Ill.
+// Rock Bands ' Plane Makes Emergency Landing in Ill.
+1 Rock :
+2 Bands :
+3 ' :
+4 Plane :
+5 Makes :
+6 Emergency :
+7 Landing :
+8 in :
+9 Ill. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Boston bombing suspect remains in hospital
+// Boston bombing suspect charged in hospital bed
+1 Boston :
+2 bombing :
+3 suspect :
+4 charged :
+5 in :
+6 hospital :
+7 bed :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// PPP 's Shehla Raza elected Deputy Speaker of SA
+// Shehla Raza takes oath as Sindh Assembly deputy speaker
+1 Shehla :
+2 Raza :
+3 takes :
+4 oath :
+5 as :
+6 Sindh :
+7 Assembly :
+8 deputy :
+9 speaker :
+2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 11:42 Churchill 's last child dies aged 91
+// Churchill 's youngest child Lady Soames dies aged 91
+1 Churchill :
+2 's :
+3 youngest :
+4 child :
+5 Lady :
+6 Soames :
+7 dies :
+8 aged :
+9 91 :
+2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// N. Korea test-fires 30 short-range missiles into sea : Yonhap
+// Iran says it test-fires new land-to-sea missile in Gulf
+1 Iran :
+2 says :
+3 it :
+4 test-fires :
+5 new :
+6 land-to-sea :
+7 missile :
+8 in :
+9 Gulf :
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Chinese shares close higher Tuesday
+// Chinese shares close lower on Wednesday
+1 Chinese :
+3 close :
+4 lower :
+5 on :
+6 Wednesday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// North Korea shuns offer of talks
+// North Korea shoots 2 rockets
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 shoots :
+4 2 :
+5 rockets :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// In surprise visit to Afghanistan , Obama tells troops ' you inspire me '
+// Obama Makes Surprise Visit To Afghanistan
+1 Obama :
+2 Makes :
+3 Surprise :
+4 Visit :
+5 To :
+6 Afghanistan :
+1 2 3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US awaits high court judgment on gay marriage
+// Ark. high court again suspends gay marriage
+1 Ark. :
+2 high :
+3 court :
+4 again :
+5 suspends :
+6 gay :
+7 marriage :
+3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Sisi sworn in as Egypt 's president , cool reception from West
+// Egypt 's Sisi sworn in as president
+1 Egypt :
+2 's :
+3 Sisi :
+4 sworn :
+5 in :
+6 as :
+7 president :
+1 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China to investigate EU wine exports
+// Christie investigation heats up
+1 Christie :
+2 investigation :
+3 heats :
+4 up :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Eurozone 's unemployment climbs to 12.1% , a fresh record high
+// Eurozone unemployment hit record 12.2% in September
+1 Eurozone :
+2 unemployment :
+3 hit :
+4 record :
+5 12.2% :
+6 in :
+7 September :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// South Korean President Sorry For Ferry Response
+// S. Korean president ' sorry ' for ferry disaster
+1 S. :
+2 Korean :
+3 president :
+4 ' :
+5 sorry :
+6 ' :
+7 for :
+8 ferry :
+9 disaster :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pro-Russian rebels shoot down Ukrainian plane , 49 killed
+// Ukraine Rebels shoot down plane carrying 49
+1 Ukraine :
+2 Rebels :
+3 shoot :
+4 down :
+5 plane :
+6 carrying :
+7 49 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Saudi pushes UN resolution on Syria abuse
+// Cameron pushes U.N. resolution on Syrian chemical arms
+1 Cameron :
+2 pushes :
+3 U.N. :
+4 resolution :
+5 on :
+6 Syrian :
+7 chemical :
+8 arms :
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// At least 45 killed in Spain train crash
+// Update 2 : 78 killed in Spanish train disaster
+1 Update :
+2 2 :
+3 : :
+4 78 :
+5 killed :
+6 in :
+7 Spanish :
+8 train :
+9 disaster :
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 19 hurt in New Orleans shooting
+// 17 Hurt at New Orleans Parade Shooting
+1 17 :
+2 Hurt :
+3 at :
+4 New :
+5 Orleans :
+6 Parade :
+7 Shooting :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Vatican Embassy in Syria hit by mortar fire
+// Vatican embassy in Syria hit by mortar ; no injuries
+1 Vatican :
+2 embassy :
+3 in :
+4 Syria :
+5 hit :
+6 by :
+7 mortar :
+8 ; :
+9 no :
+10 injuries :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The Note 's Must-Reads for Friday May 24 , 2013
+// The Note 's Must-Reads for Tuesday October 29 , 2013
+1 The :
+2 Note :
+3 's :
+4 Must-Reads :
+5 for :
+6 Tuesday :
+7 October :
+8 29 :
+9 , :
+10 2013 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nato condemns Ukraine crackdown
+// Thai bonds best in region
+1 Thai :
+2 bonds :
+3 best :
+4 in :
+5 region :
+1 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel 's Peres urges return to peace talks
+// Gonsalves keeps up pressure on Dom Rep
+1 Gonsalves :
+2 keeps :
+3 up :
+4 pressure :
+5 on :
+6 Dom :
+7 Rep :
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Assault on Iraq Funeral , Other Attacks Kill 92
+// Assault on Iraq funeral , other attacks kill 96
+1 Assault :
+2 on :
+3 Iraq :
+4 funeral :
+5 , :
+6 other :
+7 attacks :
+8 kill :
+9 96 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two NATO soldiers killed in Afghanistan
+// Five Libyan soldiers killed in Benghazi clashes
+1 Five :
+2 Libyan :
+3 soldiers :
+4 killed :
+5 in :
+6 Benghazi :
+7 clashes :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US top diplomat Kerry 's wife rushed to hospital
+// US Secretary of State John Kerry 's wife rushed to hospital
+1 US :
+2 Secretary :
+3 of :
+4 State :
+5 John :
+6 Kerry :
+7 's :
+8 wife :
+9 rushed :
+10 to :
+11 hospital :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt 's Brotherhood to hold " march of anger "
+// Egypt 's Brotherhood holds Day of Rage rallies
+1 Egypt :
+2 's :
+3 Brotherhood :
+4 holds :
+5 Day :
+6 of :
+7 Rage :
+8 rallies :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel and Hamas to observe brief Gaza truce
+// Israel And Hamas ' Accept Temporary Truce '
+1 Israel :
+2 And :
+3 Hamas :
+4 ' :
+5 Accept :
+6 Temporary :
+7 Truce :
+8 ' :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Foreign exchange rates in Singapore
+// Foreign exchange rates in India
+1 Foreign :
+2 exchange :
+3 rates :
+4 in :
+5 India :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World 's oldest man dies at 116
+// Japan : World 's Oldest Man Ever Dies Aged 116
+1 Japan :
+2 : :
+3 World :
+4 's :
+5 Oldest :
+6 Man :
+7 Ever :
+8 Dies :
+9 Aged :
+10 116 :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Germany welcomes Iran nuclear agreement
+// Syria welcomes Iran 's nuclear deal
+1 Syria :
+2 welcomes :
+3 Iran :
+4 's :
+5 nuclear :
+6 deal :
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// South Korea proposes talks with North
+// South Korea Says Talks With North Scrapped
+1 South :
+2 Korea :
+3 Says :
+4 Talks :
+5 With :
+6 North :
+7 Scrapped :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Video shows Kenya jihadis casually killing in mall
+// Security video shows Kenyan soldiers looting mall
+1 Security :
+2 video :
+3 shows :
+4 Kenyan :
+5 soldiers :
+6 looting :
+7 mall :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// UN inspectors hail progress over Syria chemical weapons
+// U.S. has not concluded Syria used chemical weapons -White House
+1 U.S. :
+2 has :
+3 not :
+4 concluded :
+5 Syria :
+6 used :
+7 chemical :
+8 weapons :
+9 -White :
+10 House :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran rejects claim on chlorine bombs
+// Iran rejects MKO claim on nuclear site
+1 Iran :
+2 rejects :
+3 MKO :
+4 claim :
+5 on :
+6 nuclear :
+7 site :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// One dead in US building collapse
+// Six killed in US building collapse
+1 Six :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 US :
+5 building :
+6 collapse :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Fallen US firefighters brought home
+// Wall Street ends slightly lower
+1 Wall :
+2 Street :
+3 ends :
+4 slightly :
+5 lower :
+1 2 3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ship hunting for more pings in missing Malaysian plane search
+// Australian ship trawls for signals from missing Malaysia plane
+1 Australian :
+2 ship :
+3 trawls :
+4 for :
+5 signals :
+6 from :
+7 missing :
+8 Malaysia :
+9 plane :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tehran-London ties to improve , Afkham
+// Tehran-London ties to improve
+1 Tehran-London :
+2 ties :
+3 to :
+4 improve :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Mandela ' responding to treatment '
+// Wife : Mandela is responding to treatment .
+1 Wife :
+2 : :
+3 Mandela :
+4 is :
+5 responding :
+6 to :
+7 treatment :
+8 . :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunmen assassinate Libyan deputy industry minister
+// Gunmen kill Libyan deputy industry minister
+1 Gunmen :
+2 kill :
+3 Libyan :
+4 deputy :
+5 industry :
+6 minister :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China yuan weakens to 6.1535 against USD
+// China yuan strengthens to new high against USD
+1 China :
+2 yuan :
+3 strengthens :
+4 to :
+5 new :
+6 high :
+7 against :
+8 USD :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Indonesians burn Australian flags over spying reports
+// Indonesia Confronts Australian Ambassador on Reports of Spying
+1 Indonesia :
+2 Confronts :
+3 Australian :
+4 Ambassador :
+5 on :
+6 Reports :
+7 of :
+8 Spying :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// More Deaths Expected in Canada Oil Train Explosion
+// Five dead in Canada train crash
+1 Five :
+2 dead :
+3 in :
+4 Canada :
+5 train :
+6 crash :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt court sentences 10 Brotherhood supporters to death - sources
+// Turkish PM tells supporters to prepare for rallies
+1 Turkish :
+2 PM :
+3 tells :
+4 supporters :
+5 to :
+6 prepare :
+7 for :
+8 rallies :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Declines in US stock market moderate
+// Tech sell-off sends Asian stock markets lower
+1 Tech :
+2 sell-off :
+3 sends :
+4 Asian :
+5 stock :
+6 markets :
+7 lower :
+1 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 10 Things to Know : This Week 's Takeaways
+// 10 Things to Know for Today
+1 10 :
+2 Things :
+3 to :
+4 Know :
+5 for :
+6 Today :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine protest leaders name ministers , Russian troops on alert
+// Ukraine says it will not bow to Russian " provocations " in Crimea
+1 Ukraine :
+2 says :
+3 it :
+4 will :
+5 not :
+6 bow :
+7 to :
+8 Russian :
+9 " :
+10 provocations :
+11 " :
+12 in :
+13 Crimea :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US , Russia enter third day of Syria talks
+// US and Russia agree Syria arms deal in Geneva
+1 US :
+2 and :
+3 Russia :
+4 agree :
+5 Syria :
+6 arms :
+7 deal :
+8 in :
+9 Geneva :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// U.S factory orders down 0.7 pct in January
+// German factory orders rebound in January
+1 German :
+2 factory :
+3 orders :
+4 rebound :
+5 in :
+6 January :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// San Diego Mayor Bob Filner 's accusers
+// Worker : San Diego Mayor Made Suggestive Comments
+1 Worker :
+2 : :
+3 San :
+4 Diego :
+5 Mayor :
+6 Made :
+7 Suggestive :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nine Dead In Oklahoma City After Tornadoes Hit
+// Oklahoma City Airport Evacuated During Tornado...
+1 Oklahoma :
+2 City :
+3 Airport :
+4 Evacuated :
+5 During :
+6 Tornado... :
+1 2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Kenyan forces caused mall collapse
+// Official says Kenyan forces caused mall collapse
+1 Official :
+2 says :
+3 Kenyan :
+4 forces :
+5 caused :
+6 mall :
+7 collapse :
+1 2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine to implement unilateral ceasefire
+// Ukraine offers unilateral ceasefire
+1 Ukraine :
+2 offers :
+3 unilateral :
+4 ceasefire :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Muslim Brotherhood banned in Egypt
+// Military holds upper hand in Egypt
+1 Military :
+2 holds :
+3 upper :
+4 hand :
+5 in :
+6 Egypt :
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Suspect arrested in attack on French soldier
+// Man arrested over attack on French soldier
+1 Man :
+2 arrested :
+3 over :
+4 attack :
+5 on :
+6 French :
+7 soldier :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Obama Urges Restraint from Israelis , Palestinians
+// Obama meets Israeli , Palestinian negotiators
+1 Obama :
+2 meets :
+3 Israeli :
+4 , :
+5 Palestinian :
+6 negotiators :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Brazilians throng streets to greet pope
+// In Brazil , thousands turn out to greet Pope Francis
+1 In :
+2 Brazil :
+3 , :
+4 thousands :
+5 turn :
+6 out :
+7 to :
+8 greet :
+9 Pope :
+10 Francis :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Quake shakes northeastern Japan , no tsunami risk
+// Quake hits Japan , no tsunami warning
+1 Quake :
+2 hits :
+3 Japan :
+4 , :
+5 no :
+6 tsunami :
+7 warning :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Detroit eligible for bankruptcy protection : U.S. judge
+// Detroit eligible for bankruptcy protection
+1 Detroit :
+2 eligible :
+3 for :
+4 bankruptcy :
+5 protection :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Vietnam detects signals from missing plane
+// China expands search area for missing plane
+1 China :
+2 expands :
+3 search :
+4 area :
+5 for :
+6 missing :
+7 plane :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Six US soldiers killed in aircraft crash in Afghanistan
+// Six U.S. soldiers killed in helicopter crash in Afghanistan
+1 Six :
+2 U.S. :
+3 soldiers :
+4 killed :
+5 in :
+6 helicopter :
+7 crash :
+8 in :
+9 Afghanistan :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// EU offers to help destroy Syria weapons
+// Germany offers help in destroying Syria weapons
+1 Germany :
+2 offers :
+3 help :
+4 in :
+5 destroying :
+6 Syria :
+7 weapons :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt arrests Muslim Brotherhood 's top leader
+// Egypt Arrests Muslim Brotherhood Supporters Under Terror Law
+1 Egypt :
+2 Arrests :
+3 Muslim :
+4 Brotherhood :
+5 Supporters :
+6 Under :
+7 Terror :
+8 Law :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Arsenal v Stoke City - live!
+// Tottenham v Manchester City - live!
+1 Tottenham :
+2 v :
+3 Manchester :
+4 City :
+5 - :
+6 live! :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// London Marathon runners honour Boston victims
+// London Marathon observes silence for Boston victims
+1 London :
+2 Marathon :
+3 observes :
+4 silence :
+5 for :
+6 Boston :
+7 victims :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Today in History , Dec. 2
+// Today in History , April 23
+1 Today :
+2 in :
+3 History :
+4 , :
+5 April :
+6 23 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Desmond Tutu says he will attend Mandela funeral
+// Tutu says will attend Mandela funeral
+1 Tutu :
+2 says :
+3 will :
+4 attend :
+5 Mandela :
+6 funeral :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nigerian gunmen kill groom , 30 others in wedding convoy
+// Nigeria official : Gunmen kill 30 in wedding convoy
+1 Nigeria :
+2 official :
+3 : :
+4 Gunmen :
+5 kill :
+6 30 :
+7 in :
+8 wedding :
+9 convoy :
+1 2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Deaths rise in Israeli air strikes on Gaza
+// Deaths rise in air strikes on Gaza
+1 Deaths :
+2 rise :
+3 in :
+4 air :
+5 strikes :
+6 on :
+7 Gaza :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US drone strike kills 11 in Pakistan
+// US drone kills 16 in Pakistan
+1 US :
+2 drone :
+3 kills :
+4 16 :
+5 in :
+6 Pakistan :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Islamic militants kill 9 foreign tourists , 1 Pakistani
+// Gunmen Kill 11 Foreign Tourists in Pakistan
+1 Gunmen :
+2 Kill :
+3 11 :
+4 Foreign :
+5 Tourists :
+6 in :
+7 Pakistan :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 9 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Boeing 787 Dreamliner fire shuts Heathrow
+// Boeing 787 Dreamliner catches fire at London Heathrow airport
+1 Boeing :
+2 787 :
+3 Dreamliner :
+4 catches :
+5 fire :
+6 at :
+7 London :
+8 Heathrow :
+9 airport :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf arrested again
+// Former Pakistan military ruler Pervez Musharraf granted bail
+1 Former :
+2 Pakistan :
+3 military :
+4 ruler :
+5 Pervez :
+6 Musharraf :
+7 granted :
+8 bail :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Latest storm brings more snow to US East Coast
+// Latest Storm to Bring More Snow to East Coast
+1 Latest :
+2 Storm :
+3 to :
+4 Bring :
+5 More :
+6 Snow :
+7 to :
+8 East :
+9 Coast :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Powerful 7.6 quake strikes off Solomons
+// Powerful 6.9 quake strikes off California coast
+1 Powerful :
+2 6.9 :
+3 quake :
+4 strikes :
+5 off :
+6 California :
+7 coast :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World sends emergency relief to battered Philippines
+// Typhoon Haiyan : world sends relief to battered Philippines
+1 Typhoon :
+2 Haiyan :
+3 : :
+4 world :
+5 sends :
+6 relief :
+7 to :
+8 battered :
+9 Philippines :
+1 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// EU , Britain argue over Juncker appointment
+// EU leaders give thumbs up to Juncker , Britain isolated
+1 EU :
+2 leaders :
+3 give :
+4 thumbs :
+5 up :
+6 to :
+7 Juncker :
+8 , :
+9 Britain :
+10 isolated :
+1 2 3 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Dozens injured in Connecticut train collision
+// Indian minister killed in head-on collision
+1 Indian :
+2 minister :
+3 killed :
+4 in :
+5 head-on :
+6 collision :
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Russian Prime Minister On Second Day Of Crimea Visit
+// Russia warns against setting preconditions for Syria
+1 Russia :
+2 warns :
+3 against :
+4 setting :
+5 preconditions :
+6 for :
+7 Syria :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Barack Obama cancels meeting with Vladimir Putin over Edward Snowden
+// Barack Obama drops meeting with Vladimir Putin over Ed Snowden affair
+1 Barack :
+2 Obama :
+3 drops :
+4 meeting :
+5 with :
+6 Vladimir :
+7 Putin :
+8 over :
+9 Ed :
+10 Snowden :
+11 affair :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// India govt rejects proposal to shut petrol pumps at night
+// India oil minister slammed for plan to shut petrol stations at night
+1 India :
+2 oil :
+3 minister :
+4 slammed :
+5 for :
+6 plan :
+7 to :
+8 shut :
+9 petrol :
+10 stations :
+11 at :
+12 night :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israeli war jet strikes on northern Gaza
+// Israeli air strike on sourthern Gaza town kills seven
+1 Israeli :
+2 air :
+3 strike :
+4 on :
+5 sourthern :
+6 Gaza :
+7 town :
+8 kills :
+9 seven :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tropical Storm Karen targets US Gulf Coast
+// Tropical Storm Karen weakens as it nears U.S. Gulf Coast
+1 Tropical :
+2 Storm :
+3 Karen :
+4 weakens :
+5 as :
+6 it :
+7 nears :
+8 U.S. :
+9 Gulf :
+10 Coast :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Toyota , Honda , Nissan and Mazda recall 3 million Japanese cars after airbag fault
+// Toyota , 3 other Japan carmakers to recall 3.4m vehicles over airbag
+1 Toyota :
+2 , :
+3 3 :
+4 other :
+5 Japan :
+6 carmakers :
+7 to :
+8 recall :
+9 3.4m :
+10 vehicles :
+11 over :
+12 airbag :
+8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China sends largest fleet yet to disputed islands
+// China ships enter waters off disputed islands
+1 China :
+2 ships :
+3 enter :
+4 waters :
+5 off :
+6 disputed :
+7 islands :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// California governor declares drought emergency
+// California governor declares drought emergency as wildfires continue to burn
+1 California :
+2 governor :
+3 declares :
+4 drought :
+5 emergency :
+6 as :
+7 wildfires :
+8 continue :
+9 to :
+10 burn :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine rebels ' flee eastern stronghold '
+// Ukraine Claims Rebels Flushed from Main Stronghold
+1 Ukraine :
+2 Claims :
+3 Rebels :
+4 Flushed :
+5 from :
+6 Main :
+7 Stronghold :
+1 2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// France warns of extremists benefiting from Egypt violence
+// France fears extremists will benefit from Egypt violence
+1 France :
+2 fears :
+3 extremists :
+4 will :
+5 benefit :
+6 from :
+7 Egypt :
+8 violence :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Obama moves to fill Fed board , taps Fischer to be No. 2
+// Obama voices willingness to talk with GOP on budget
+1 Obama :
+2 voices :
+3 willingness :
+4 to :
+5 talk :
+6 with :
+7 GOP :
+8 on :
+9 budget :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 42 killed , 63 wounded in violence in Iraq
+// 44 killed , 133 wounded in Iraq 's violence
+1 44 :
+2 killed :
+3 , :
+4 133 :
+5 wounded :
+6 in :
+7 Iraq :
+8 's :
+9 violence :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// U.S. soldier free after almost five years captivity in Afghanistan
+// US soldier freed after 5 years in captivity in Afghanistan
+1 US :
+2 soldier :
+3 freed :
+4 after :
+5 5 :
+6 years :
+7 in :
+8 captivity :
+9 in :
+10 Afghanistan :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Thousands of Britons claim dole in Germany
+// Thousands of white-clad Amsterdammers march for MH17
+1 Thousands :
+2 of :
+3 white-clad :
+4 Amsterdammers :
+5 march :
+6 for :
+7 MH17 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bradley Manning acquitted of aiding the enemy
+// Wikileaks soldier Bradley Manning acquitted of aiding the enemy
+1 Wikileaks :
+2 soldier :
+3 Bradley :
+4 Manning :
+5 acquitted :
+6 of :
+7 aiding :
+8 the :
+9 enemy :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Brazil Buzzing With Anticipation for Pope Francis
+// Brazil crowds greet Pope Francis
+1 Brazil :
+2 crowds :
+3 greet :
+4 Pope :
+5 Francis :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Drone Strikes a Seminary in Pakistan
+// US drone strike kills 8 in NW Pakistan
+1 US :
+2 drone :
+3 strike :
+4 kills :
+5 8 :
+6 in :
+7 NW :
+8 Pakistan :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunmen kill 10 foreign tourists in northern Pakistan
+// Islamic militants kill 9 foreign tourists , 1 Pakistani
+1 Islamic :
+2 militants :
+3 kill :
+4 9 :
+5 foreign :
+6 tourists :
+7 , :
+8 1 :
+9 Pakistani :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Death toll in Nairobi attack rises to 59
+// Death toll from Egypt violence rises to 638
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 from :
+4 Egypt :
+5 violence :
+6 rises :
+7 to :
+8 638 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian regime ' using chemical weapons on a small scale '
+// White House says Syria uses chemical weapons in conflict
+1 White :
+2 House :
+3 says :
+4 Syria :
+5 uses :
+6 chemical :
+7 weapons :
+8 in :
+9 conflict :
+1 2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Venezuelan opposition leader sought
+// Venezuela Government , Opposition Head for Showdown
+1 Venezuela :
+2 Government :
+3 , :
+4 Opposition :
+5 Head :
+6 for :
+7 Showdown :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// UK 's Cameron seriously concerned by Gibraltar/Spain row
+// Cameron ' seriously concerned ' over Gibraltar events
+1 Cameron :
+2 ' :
+3 seriously :
+4 concerned :
+5 ' :
+6 over :
+7 Gibraltar :
+8 events :
+2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// What the Papers Say , Nov. 19 , 2013
+// What the Papers Say Sept. 26 , 2013
+1 What :
+2 the :
+3 Papers :
+4 Say :
+5 Sept. :
+6 26 :
+7 , :
+8 2013 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Top Diplomats Meet in Munich at Critical Time
+// Top Diplomats Discuss Iran 's Nuclear Program
+1 Top :
+2 Diplomats :
+3 Discuss :
+4 Iran :
+5 's :
+6 Nuclear :
+7 Program :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iranian nuclear talks to be extended to November
+// New Iran nuclear talks probably in November : report
+1 New :
+2 Iran :
+3 nuclear :
+4 talks :
+5 probably :
+6 in :
+7 November :
+8 : :
+9 report :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian Opposition Mulls Participation in Peace Talks
+// Syrian opposition confirms participation in peace talks
+1 Syrian :
+2 opposition :
+3 confirms :
+4 participation :
+5 in :
+6 peace :
+7 talks :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rudd sworn in as Australian PM
+// Rudd sworn in as Australia 's new Prime Minister
+1 Rudd :
+2 sworn :
+3 in :
+4 as :
+5 Australia :
+6 's :
+7 new :
+8 Prime :
+9 Minister :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Obama says Korean War veterans ' deserved better '
+// Obama : Korean War vets ' deserve better '
+1 Obama :
+2 : :
+3 Korean :
+4 War :
+5 vets :
+6 ' :
+7 deserve :
+8 better :
+9 ' :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Andhra Pradesh high court asks Telugu actors Mohan Babu , Brahmanandam to return Padma Shri
+// HC advises actors Mohan Babu , Brahmanandam to return Padma Shri
+1 HC :
+2 advises :
+3 actors :
+4 Mohan :
+5 Babu :
+6 , :
+7 Brahmanandam :
+8 to :
+9 return :
+10 Padma :
+11 Shri :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 11 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pro football player Aaron Hernandez charged with murder in friend 's shooting death
+// American football player Aaron Hernandez charged with murder
+1 American :
+2 football :
+3 player :
+4 Aaron :
+5 Hernandez :
+6 charged :
+7 with :
+8 murder :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Algerian president in France for medical tests
+// Algerian president in France for medical tests after minor stroke
+1 Algerian :
+2 president :
+3 in :
+4 France :
+5 for :
+6 medical :
+7 tests :
+8 after :
+9 minor :
+10 stroke :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel to release Palestinian prisoners
+// Israel Releases 26 Palestinian Prisoners
+1 Israel :
+2 Releases :
+3 26 :
+4 Palestinian :
+5 Prisoners :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// British Nobel-Winning Author Doris Lessing Dies
+// Nobel Prize winning author Doris Lessing dies
+1 Nobel :
+2 Prize :
+3 winning :
+4 author :
+5 Doris :
+6 Lessing :
+7 dies :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Carter stars for Crusaders
+// Bonus-point Super Rugby win for Crusaders
+1 Bonus-point :
+2 Super :
+3 Rugby :
+4 win :
+5 for :
+6 Crusaders :
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Car bombs kill at least 16 in Iraqi capital
+// Car bombs kill at least 47 in Baghdad area
+1 Car :
+2 bombs :
+3 kill :
+4 at :
+5 least :
+6 47 :
+7 in :
+8 Baghdad :
+9 area :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// ' Fast & ; Furious ' star Paul Walker dies in car crash at 40
+// Hollywood star Paul Walker dies in car crash
+1 Hollywood :
+2 star :
+3 Paul :
+4 Walker :
+5 dies :
+6 in :
+7 car :
+8 crash :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China eases one-child policy
+// China formalizes easing of one-child policy
+1 China :
+2 formalizes :
+3 easing :
+4 of :
+5 one-child :
+6 policy :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Global chemical watchdog wins Nobel Peace Prize
+// Chemical weapons watchdog wins Nobel Peace prize
+1 Chemical :
+2 weapons :
+3 watchdog :
+4 wins :
+5 Nobel :
+6 Peace :
+7 prize :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Woman remanded over child 's death A woman has been remanded in custody charged with murder after an eight-year-old girl was found dead in a block of flats.
+// Mother held over daughter 's death A mother has been remanded in custody charged with murder after her eight-year-old daughter was found dead in a block of flats.
+1 Mother :
+2 held :
+3 over :
+4 daughter :
+5 's :
+6 death :
+7 A :
+8 mother :
+9 has :
+10 been :
+11 remanded :
+12 in :
+13 custody :
+14 charged :
+15 with :
+16 murder :
+17 after :
+18 her :
+19 eight-year-old :
+20 daughter :
+21 was :
+22 found :
+23 dead :
+24 in :
+25 a :
+26 block :
+27 of :
+28 flats. :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 16 <==> 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 18 19 20 <==> 17 18 19 20 // EQUI // 5 //
+21 22 <==> 21 22 // EQUI // 5 //
+23 <==> 23 // EQUI // 5 //
+24 25 26 <==> 24 25 26 // EQUI // 5 //
+27 28 <==> 27 28 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Police fire tear gas at pro-Morsy protesters
+// Turkish police fire teargas at protesters in Istanbul
+1 Turkish :
+2 police :
+3 fire :
+4 teargas :
+5 at :
+6 protesters :
+7 in :
+8 Istanbul :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 17:02 23 killed in Iraq car bombings
+// 11 children killed in Syria bombings
+1 11 :
+2 children :
+3 killed :
+4 in :
+5 Syria :
+6 bombings :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunmen kill nine foreign tourists , guide in Pakistan
+// Gunmen kill nine tourists in Pakistan
+1 Gunmen :
+2 kill :
+3 nine :
+4 tourists :
+5 in :
+6 Pakistan :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pro-Russia rebels to hold vote in Ukraine
+// Syria rebels : We killed Hezbollah men in Lebanon
+1 Syria :
+2 rebels :
+3 : :
+4 We :
+5 killed :
+6 Hezbollah :
+7 men :
+8 in :
+9 Lebanon :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Erdogan criticizes court ruling after lifting Twitter ban
+// Erdogan slams top court for lifting Twitter ban
+1 Erdogan :
+2 slams :
+3 top :
+4 court :
+5 for :
+6 lifting :
+7 Twitter :
+8 ban :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Today in History , Jan. 24
+// Today in History , April 4
+1 Today :
+2 in :
+3 History :
+4 , :
+5 April :
+6 4 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Janet Yellen to become first woman to lead the Federal Reserve
+// US Senate confirms Janet Yellen as US Federal Reserve chief
+1 US :
+2 Senate :
+3 confirms :
+4 Janet :
+5 Yellen :
+6 as :
+7 US :
+8 Federal :
+9 Reserve :
+10 chief :
+1 2 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Police use water cannon as India gang-rape protest turns violent
+// Police fire teargas , water cannon at Istanbul protesters
+1 Police :
+2 fire :
+3 teargas :
+4 , :
+5 water :
+6 cannon :
+7 at :
+8 Istanbul :
+9 protesters :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US consumers boost spending 0.2 pct. last month
+// Consumer spending up 0.2 percent in May
+1 Consumer :
+2 spending :
+3 up :
+4 0.2 :
+5 percent :
+6 in :
+7 May :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran 's Rouhani admits chemical weapons killed people in Syria
+// Probe alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria
+1 Probe :
+2 alleged :
+3 use :
+4 of :
+5 chemical :
+6 weapons :
+7 in :
+8 Syria :
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Britain 's Prince Philip set for ' exploratory ' surgery
+// UK 's Prince Philip hospitalized
+1 UK :
+2 's :
+3 Prince :
+4 Philip :
+5 hospitalized :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Huge explosion after oil train derails in Canada
+// Huge explosion as freight train derails near Baltimore
+1 Huge :
+2 explosion :
+3 as :
+4 freight :
+5 train :
+6 derails :
+7 near :
+8 Baltimore :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// NATO soldier killed in Taliban attack
+// Four soldiers killed in Yemen
+1 Four :
+2 soldiers :
+3 killed :
+4 in :
+5 Yemen :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Red Cross workers released in Ukraine
+// Red Cross members kidnapped in Syria
+1 Red :
+2 Cross :
+3 members :
+4 kidnapped :
+5 in :
+6 Syria :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran 's nuclear negotiating team leaves for Kazakhstan
+// Iran 's nuclear quest ' has cost Tehran over $100 billion '
+1 Iran :
+2 's :
+3 nuclear :
+4 quest :
+5 ' :
+6 has :
+7 cost :
+8 Tehran :
+9 over :
+10 $100 :
+11 billion :
+12 ' :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Myanmar arrests 44 over sectarian violence
+// Ban Warns Syria Strikes Could Worsen Sectarian Violence
+1 Ban :
+2 Warns :
+3 Syria :
+4 Strikes :
+5 Could :
+6 Worsen :
+7 Sectarian :
+8 Violence :
+4 5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Google Unveils Prototype Self-Driving Car
+// Google Unveils Concept Self-Driving Car
+1 Google :
+2 Unveils :
+3 Concept :
+4 Self-Driving :
+5 Car :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel to free Palestinian prisoners over Kerry talks
+// Israel Agrees to Free 104 Palestinian Prisoners as Part of Possible Deal to Restart Peace Talks
+1 Israel :
+2 Agrees :
+3 to :
+4 Free :
+5 104 :
+6 Palestinian :
+7 Prisoners :
+8 as :
+9 Part :
+10 of :
+11 Possible :
+12 Deal :
+13 to :
+14 Restart :
+15 Peace :
+16 Talks :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Chemical Arms Team to Begin Talks With Syria
+// UN Chemical Arms Experts To Visit Syria
+1 UN :
+2 Chemical :
+3 Arms :
+4 Experts :
+5 To :
+6 Visit :
+7 Syria :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt 's opposition criticizes president 's speech
+// Pakistan 's opposition party boycotts presidential elections
+1 Pakistan :
+2 's :
+3 opposition :
+4 party :
+5 boycotts :
+6 presidential :
+7 elections :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rogers hires Vodafone UK chief Guy Laurence as CEO
+// Rogers names Vodafone UK chief as new CEO
+1 Rogers :
+2 names :
+3 Vodafone :
+4 UK :
+5 chief :
+6 as :
+7 new :
+8 CEO :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// One dead , 77 hurt in riot at PNG immigration centre
+// One dead , 77 hurt in riot at Papua New Guinea immigration centre
+1 One :
+2 dead :
+3 , :
+4 77 :
+5 hurt :
+6 in :
+7 riot :
+8 at :
+9 Papua :
+10 New :
+11 Guinea :
+12 immigration :
+13 centre :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 15 dead as Egypt police disperse pro-Mursi camps
+// ' 15 killed ' as Egyptian forces clear pro-Morsi camps in Cairo
+1 ' :
+2 15 :
+3 killed :
+4 ' :
+5 as :
+6 Egyptian :
+7 forces :
+8 clear :
+9 pro-Morsi :
+10 camps :
+11 in :
+12 Cairo :
+1 2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian PM Survives Bomb Attack
+// Syrian PM survives bomb attack in capital
+1 Syrian :
+2 PM :
+3 survives :
+4 bomb :
+5 attack :
+6 in :
+7 capital :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// North Korea claims ' breakthrough ' guided missile
+// N. Korea hails test of ' breakthrough ' guided missile
+1 N. :
+2 Korea :
+3 hails :
+4 test :
+5 of :
+6 ' :
+7 breakthrough :
+8 ' :
+9 guided :
+10 missile :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : February 25
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : January 27
+1 India :
+2 Ink :
+3 : :
+4 Image :
+5 of :
+6 the :
+7 Day :
+8 : :
+9 January :
+10 27 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bangladesh collapse search over ; death toll 1,127
+// Bangladesh collapse deaths top 620
+1 Bangladesh :
+2 collapse :
+3 deaths :
+4 top :
+5 620 :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Japan 's opposition party chief criticizes Abe 's economic policies
+// Zimbabwe 's opposition MDC party challenges Robert Mugabe 's election win
+1 Zimbabwe :
+2 's :
+3 opposition :
+4 MDC :
+5 party :
+6 challenges :
+7 Robert :
+8 Mugabe :
+9 's :
+10 election :
+11 win :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Abdullah ahead in Afghanistan election race
+// Abdullah leading in Afghan presidential elections
+1 Abdullah :
+2 leading :
+3 in :
+4 Afghan :
+5 presidential :
+6 elections :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// New major earthquake rocks southwest Pakistan
+// Moderate earthquake hits southern Pakistan
+1 Moderate :
+2 earthquake :
+3 hits :
+4 southern :
+5 Pakistan :
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Berlusconi party ministers ' announcement of resignation throws Italy into political crisis
+// Berlusconi ministers resign ; Italy gov 't in crisis
+1 Berlusconi :
+2 ministers :
+3 resign :
+4 ; :
+5 Italy :
+6 gov :
+7 't :
+8 in :
+9 crisis :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nicaragua , Venezuela offer asylum to Snowden
+// Venezuela offers " humanitarian asylum " to Snowden
+1 Venezuela :
+2 offers :
+3 " :
+4 humanitarian :
+5 asylum :
+6 " :
+7 to :
+8 Snowden :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 17 govt employees killed in Pakistan bus bombing
+// At least 78 killed in Pakistan church bombing
+1 At :
+2 least :
+3 78 :
+4 killed :
+5 in :
+6 Pakistan :
+7 church :
+8 bombing :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two hurt in Bangkok shooting
+// Two hurt in US school shooting
+1 Two :
+2 hurt :
+3 in :
+4 US :
+5 school :
+6 shooting :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel colonel killed in Jordan Valley
+// Israeli killed in West Bank attack
+1 Israeli :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 West :
+5 Bank :
+6 attack :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bangladesh police arrest prominent atheist blogger
+// Bangladesh police arrest 3 atheist bloggers
+1 Bangladesh :
+2 police :
+3 arrest :
+4 3 :
+5 atheist :
+6 bloggers :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Cannes hotel raid nets €40 million gems
+// Jewels worth €40m stolen in Cannes
+1 Jewels :
+2 worth :
+3 €40m :
+4 stolen :
+5 in :
+6 Cannes :
+1 2 3 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Chinese News Agency Slams Delays in Search for Jet
+// Ten Chinese vessels on standby for jet search
+1 Ten :
+2 Chinese :
+3 vessels :
+4 on :
+5 standby :
+6 for :
+7 jet :
+8 search :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syria envoy says no peace talks without opposition
+// Syria : Cameron and Obama move west closer to intervention
+1 Syria :
+2 : :
+3 Cameron :
+4 and :
+5 Obama :
+6 move :
+7 west :
+8 closer :
+9 to :
+10 intervention :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Mel Smith dead at 60 and UK mourns a comedy favourite
+// Griff Rhys Jones : Mel Smith was ' a force for life '
+1 Griff :
+2 Rhys :
+3 Jones :
+4 : :
+5 Mel :
+6 Smith :
+7 was :
+8 ' :
+9 a :
+10 force :
+11 for :
+12 life :
+13 ' :
+1 2 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Driver of crashed Spanish train held on suspicion of negligent homicide
+// Spanish train driver held on suspicion of negligent homicide
+1 Spanish :
+2 train :
+3 driver :
+4 held :
+5 on :
+6 suspicion :
+7 of :
+8 negligent :
+9 homicide :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran warns against military intervention in Iraq
+// FM Spokeswoman : Iran against US military interference in Iraq
+1 FM :
+2 Spokeswoman :
+3 : :
+4 Iran :
+5 against :
+6 US :
+7 military :
+8 interference :
+9 in :
+10 Iraq :
+1 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Death toll rises to 51 in Latvian supermarket collapse
+// Death toll hits 63 in Mumbai building collapse
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 hits :
+4 63 :
+5 in :
+6 Mumbai :
+7 building :
+8 collapse :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Defence in South Korea ferry trial warns of scapegoating
+// Defence in ferry trial warns of scapegoating
+1 Defence :
+2 in :
+3 ferry :
+4 trial :
+5 warns :
+6 of :
+7 scapegoating :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 6 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// EDL leaders arrested during march to Woolwich
+// EDL leaders arrested on way to Woolwich
+1 EDL :
+2 leaders :
+3 arrested :
+4 on :
+5 way :
+6 to :
+7 Woolwich :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunmen kill nine foreign tourists , guide in Pakistan
+// Gunmen kill 9 foreign tourists , 1 Pakistani
+1 Gunmen :
+2 kill :
+3 9 :
+4 foreign :
+5 tourists :
+6 , :
+7 1 :
+8 Pakistani :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Thai opposition party to boycott general election
+// Thailand 's opposition Democrat Party announces boycott of February general election
+1 Thailand :
+2 's :
+3 opposition :
+4 Democrat :
+5 Party :
+6 announces :
+7 boycott :
+8 of :
+9 February :
+10 general :
+11 election :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian warplanes reportedly strike in Iraq , killing 57
+// Syria and Iran Step Up Involvement in Iraq Conflict
+1 Syria :
+2 and :
+3 Iran :
+4 Step :
+5 Up :
+6 Involvement :
+7 in :
+8 Iraq :
+9 Conflict :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt changes venue for trial of ousted president
+// Egypt Changes Venue for Trial of Ousted President
+1 Egypt :
+2 Changes :
+3 Venue :
+4 for :
+5 Trial :
+6 of :
+7 Ousted :
+8 President :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Respected British interviewer David Frost dies of a heart attack
+// Broadcaster David Frost dies
+1 Broadcaster :
+2 David :
+3 Frost :
+4 dies :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Group : 7 Palestinians killed in Syria
+// Palestinian killed in Israeli raid
+1 Palestinian :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 Israeli :
+5 raid :
+3 4 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Car bomb at Swedish consulate in Libya 's Benghazi , no casualties
+// Car Bomb Hits Swedish Consulate in Benghazi , None Hurt
+1 Car :
+2 Bomb :
+3 Hits :
+4 Swedish :
+5 Consulate :
+6 in :
+7 Benghazi :
+8 , :
+9 None :
+10 Hurt :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US drone strike kills six in Pakistan officials
+// U.S. drone kills 4 militants in Pakistan
+1 U.S. :
+2 drone :
+3 kills :
+4 4 :
+5 militants :
+6 in :
+7 Pakistan :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Earthquake of 6.3 magnitude strikes off Indonesia island
+// Earthquake of 6 magnitude strikes Thailand
+1 Earthquake :
+2 of :
+3 6 :
+4 magnitude :
+5 strikes :
+6 Thailand :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China quake leaves dozens dead
+// China quake kills at least 179
+1 China :
+2 quake :
+3 kills :
+4 at :
+5 least :
+6 179 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Queen visits Britain 's new prince
+// Queen meets Britain 's new baby prince
+1 Queen :
+2 meets :
+3 Britain :
+4 's :
+5 new :
+6 baby :
+7 prince :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syria opposition pressed to attend talks
+// Syria opposition voices frustration with international backers
+1 Syria :
+2 opposition :
+3 voices :
+4 frustration :
+5 with :
+6 international :
+7 backers :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Putin submits federal constitutional law on Crimea 's integration into Russia to State Duma
+// Putin signs a treaty for Crimea to join Russia
+1 Putin :
+2 signs :
+3 a :
+4 treaty :
+5 for :
+6 Crimea :
+7 to :
+8 join :
+9 Russia :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Venezuela expels three U.S. diplomats
+// Venezuela Expels 3 U.S. Diplomats
+1 Venezuela :
+2 Expels :
+3 3 :
+4 U.S. :
+5 Diplomats :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt 's bruised Islamists protest after bloody week
+// Egypt Islamists defiant after deadly clashes
+1 Egypt :
+2 Islamists :
+3 defiant :
+4 after :
+5 deadly :
+6 clashes :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// N Korea test-fires 30 short-range missiles
+// N. Korea fires short-range missiles
+1 N. :
+2 Korea :
+3 fires :
+4 short-range :
+5 missiles :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Glasgow helicopter death toll rises to nine
+// Earthquake death toll rises to 260
+1 Earthquake :
+2 death :
+3 toll :
+4 rises :
+5 to :
+6 260 :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Shanghai stock indices close mixed -- Nov. 11
+// Shanghai stock indices close higher -- July 23
+1 Shanghai :
+2 stock :
+3 indices :
+4 close :
+5 higher :
+6 -- :
+7 July :
+8 23 :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Prince Charles ' compares Putin to Hitler '
+// Prince Charles ' compares Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler '
+1 Prince :
+2 Charles :
+3 ' :
+4 compares :
+5 Vladimir :
+6 Putin :
+7 to :
+8 Adolf :
+9 Hitler :
+10 ' :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian army retakes Crusader castle from rebels
+// Syrian army retakes historic Crusader castle
+1 Syrian :
+2 army :
+3 retakes :
+4 historic :
+5 Crusader :
+6 castle :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian opposition to meet over peace talks
+// Syrian Opposition Splintered Ahead of Peace Talks
+1 Syrian :
+2 Opposition :
+3 Splintered :
+4 Ahead :
+5 of :
+6 Peace :
+7 Talks :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Four Morsi supporters killed in Egypt clashes
+// Thousands of Morsi supporters gather in Egypt
+1 Thousands :
+2 of :
+3 Morsi :
+4 supporters :
+5 gather :
+6 in :
+7 Egypt :
+1 2 3 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Five people jailed over Costa Concordia disaster
+// five men sentenced for costa concordia shipwreck disaster
+1 five :
+2 men :
+3 sentenced :
+4 for :
+5 costa :
+6 concordia :
+7 shipwreck :
+8 disaster :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tokyo to host 2020 Olympic Games
+// Tokyo wins race to host 2020 Olympic Games
+1 Tokyo :
+2 wins :
+3 race :
+4 to :
+5 host :
+6 2020 :
+7 Olympic :
+8 Games :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Suicide bomber kills eight , wounds 13 in Afghan capital - police
+// Suicide bomb kills 4 in Syrian capital 's Old City
+1 Suicide :
+2 bomb :
+3 kills :
+4 4 :
+5 in :
+6 Syrian :
+7 capital :
+8 's :
+9 Old :
+10 City :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Twelve killed in bomb blast on Pakistani train
+// 11 killed as bus falls into ravine in northern Pakistan
+1 11 :
+2 killed :
+3 as :
+4 bus :
+5 falls :
+6 into :
+7 ravine :
+8 in :
+9 northern :
+10 Pakistan :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 41 killed , 22 wounded in violent attacks in Iraq
+// 35 killed , 138 wounded in wave of attacks in Iraq
+1 35 :
+2 killed :
+3 , :
+4 138 :
+5 wounded :
+6 in :
+7 wave :
+8 of :
+9 attacks :
+10 in :
+11 Iraq :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China yuan advances to 6.2035 against USD Tuesday
+// China yuan slightly advances to 6.1408 against USD Wednesday
+1 China :
+2 yuan :
+3 slightly :
+4 advances :
+5 to :
+6 6.1408 :
+7 against :
+8 USD :
+9 Wednesday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// New Australian PM Tony Abbott on his bike awaiting final vote count
+// Australian PM-elect Tony Abbott gets to grips with his new job
+1 Australian :
+2 PM-elect :
+3 Tony :
+4 Abbott :
+5 gets :
+6 to :
+7 grips :
+8 with :
+9 his :
+10 new :
+11 job :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Amazon launches new device for streaming video
+// Amazon unveils new Fire TV streaming video box
+1 Amazon :
+2 unveils :
+3 new :
+4 Fire :
+5 TV :
+6 streaming :
+7 video :
+8 box :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Glasgow Helicopter Crash Search Ends
+// Glasgow Helicopter Crash : Woman PC Is Victim
+1 Glasgow :
+2 Helicopter :
+3 Crash :
+4 : :
+5 Woman :
+6 PC :
+7 Is :
+8 Victim :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Thousands evacuated in Moscow metro fire
+// Thousands evacuated after fire breaks out in Moscow Metro
+1 Thousands :
+2 evacuated :
+3 after :
+4 fire :
+5 breaks :
+6 out :
+7 in :
+8 Moscow :
+9 Metro :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bangladesh opposition set for mass march against polls
+// Bangladesh opposition set for mass rally
+1 Bangladesh :
+2 opposition :
+3 set :
+4 for :
+5 mass :
+6 rally :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 40 still missing in Canadian train wreck
+// Hunt still on for 40 missing in Canada train blaze
+1 Hunt :
+2 still :
+3 on :
+4 for :
+5 40 :
+6 missing :
+7 in :
+8 Canada :
+9 train :
+10 blaze :
+1 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Arsenal stars poised to wear T-shirts in support Pat Rice 's fight against cancer
+// Arsenal great Rice in hospital with cancer
+1 Arsenal :
+2 great :
+3 Rice :
+4 in :
+5 hospital :
+6 with :
+7 cancer :
+9 10 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Colombia strike three times
+// Colombia too slick for Greece
+1 Colombia :
+2 too :
+3 slick :
+4 for :
+5 Greece :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Polar bear DNA ' may help fight obesity '
+// Polar bear study may boost fight against obesity
+1 Polar :
+2 bear :
+3 study :
+4 may :
+5 boost :
+6 fight :
+7 against :
+8 obesity :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Fire in Russian psychiatric hospital kills 38
+// 38 feared dead in Russian psychiatric hospital fire
+1 38 :
+2 feared :
+3 dead :
+4 in :
+5 Russian :
+6 psychiatric :
+7 hospital :
+8 fire :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World 's largest building opened in west China
+// Italy 's centre-left splinters in presidential vote
+1 Italy :
+2 's :
+3 centre-left :
+4 splinters :
+5 in :
+6 presidential :
+7 vote :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel not to release Palestinian prisoners
+// Israeli authorities raze Palestinian home in Arraba
+1 Israeli :
+2 authorities :
+3 raze :
+4 Palestinian :
+5 home :
+6 in :
+7 Arraba :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Volcano erupts in Indonesia - 100,000 evacuated and airports closed
+// Volcanic eruption closes 3 airports
+1 Volcanic :
+2 eruption :
+3 closes :
+4 3 :
+5 airports :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Search resumes for Malaysia jet
+// Search Resumes for Missing Malaysian Jet
+1 Search :
+2 Resumes :
+3 for :
+4 Missing :
+5 Malaysian :
+6 Jet :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China yuan weakens to 6.1651 against USD Tuesday
+// China yuan strengthens to 6.1696 against USD Thursday
+1 China :
+2 yuan :
+3 strengthens :
+4 to :
+5 6.1696 :
+6 against :
+7 USD :
+8 Thursday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// South Africa unites in prayer and song for Mandela
+// South Africans Embark on Day of ' Prayer and Reflection ' for Mandela
+1 South :
+2 Africans :
+3 Embark :
+4 on :
+5 Day :
+6 of :
+7 ' :
+8 Prayer :
+9 and :
+10 Reflection :
+11 ' :
+12 for :
+13 Mandela :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Prince William addresses Australian parliament video
+// Royal visit : Prince William and Catherine visit Parliament in Canberra tour
+1 Royal :
+2 visit :
+3 : :
+4 Prince :
+5 William :
+6 and :
+7 Catherine :
+8 visit :
+9 Parliament :
+10 in :
+11 Canberra :
+12 tour :
+1 2 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Fromer Pakistani army chief Musharraf charged in 2007 Bhutto assassination
+// Former Pakistan army chief charged in Bhutto death
+1 Former :
+2 Pakistan :
+3 army :
+4 chief :
+5 charged :
+6 in :
+7 Bhutto :
+8 death :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 5 Dead in India Building Collapse
+// Death toll in India building collapse hits 42
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 in :
+4 India :
+5 building :
+6 collapse :
+7 hits :
+8 42 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt Launches Offensive Against Sinai Militants
+// Egypt launches offensive against Sinai insurgents
+1 Egypt :
+2 launches :
+3 offensive :
+4 against :
+5 Sinai :
+6 insurgents :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Assad warns Turkey of ' heavy price ' for backing Syrian rebels
+// Cabinet at war over arming Syrian rebels
+1 Cabinet :
+2 at :
+3 war :
+4 over :
+5 arming :
+6 Syrian :
+7 rebels :
+11 12 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Deal on Iran nuclear drive from Jan 20
+// Deal curbing Iran nuclear drive to take effect Jan 20
+1 Deal :
+2 curbing :
+3 Iran :
+4 nuclear :
+5 drive :
+6 to :
+7 take :
+8 effect :
+9 Jan :
+10 20 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two arrests made after protest against Nigel Farage
+// Kerry vows progress after latest intensive Mideast trip
+1 Kerry :
+2 vows :
+3 progress :
+4 after :
+5 latest :
+6 intensive :
+7 Mideast :
+8 trip :
+4 5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nobel author Doris Lessing dies at 94
+// Nobel laureate Doris Lessing dies at 94
+1 Nobel :
+2 laureate :
+3 Doris :
+4 Lessing :
+5 dies :
+6 at :
+7 94 :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Man held after teen shot in Belfast
+// Man , 40 , arrested after shooting
+1 Man :
+2 , :
+3 40 :
+4 , :
+5 arrested :
+6 after :
+7 shooting :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran ups oil swap with eastern neighbors
+// Iran urges rapid release of diplomat
+1 Iran :
+2 urges :
+3 rapid :
+4 release :
+5 of :
+6 diplomat :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pakistan 's Musharraf Under Arrest in Bhutto Assassination
+// Pakistan 's Musharraf arrives at court for first time
+1 Pakistan :
+2 's :
+3 Musharraf :
+4 arrives :
+5 at :
+6 court :
+7 for :
+8 first :
+9 time :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pit Bull Dog Kills Baby Girl In Blackburn
+// Dog Mauls Baby Girl To Death In Blackburn
+1 Dog :
+2 Mauls :
+3 Baby :
+4 Girl :
+5 To :
+6 Death :
+7 In :
+8 Blackburn :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Police stop Maldives presidential election
+// Keita Wins Mali Presidential Election
+1 Keita :
+2 Wins :
+3 Mali :
+4 Presidential :
+5 Election :
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 10 Things to Know - Today
+// 10 Things to Know for Tuesday
+1 10 :
+2 Things :
+3 to :
+4 Know :
+5 for :
+6 Tuesday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Air strike kills one man in Syria 's Hama
+// US drone strike kills eleven in Pakistan
+1 US :
+2 drone :
+3 strike :
+4 kills :
+5 eleven :
+6 in :
+7 Pakistan :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// ' One unaccounted for ' in San Francisco plane crash
+// Two killed in San Francisco plane crash ' were Chinese '
+1 Two :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 San :
+5 Francisco :
+6 plane :
+7 crash :
+8 ' :
+9 were :
+10 Chinese :
+11 ' :
+5 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China urges Japan to respect regional security concerns
+// China urges Japan to maintain regional peace
+1 China :
+2 urges :
+3 Japan :
+4 to :
+5 maintain :
+6 regional :
+7 peace :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel Forces Kill 2 Palestinian Militants
+// Israeli army kills Palestinian militant in raid
+1 Israeli :
+2 army :
+3 kills :
+4 Palestinian :
+5 militant :
+6 in :
+7 raid :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine talks continue amid growing unrest
+// Ukraine faces more violence as ultimatum nears end
+1 Ukraine :
+2 faces :
+3 more :
+4 violence :
+5 as :
+6 ultimatum :
+7 nears :
+8 end :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egyptian police fire tear gas at protesters in Cairo
+// Police fire tear gas at protesters in Cairo
+1 Police :
+2 fire :
+3 tear :
+4 gas :
+5 at :
+6 protesters :
+7 in :
+8 Cairo :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Hong Kong set for democracy march
+// Hong Kong set for huge democracy rally
+1 Hong :
+2 Kong :
+3 set :
+4 for :
+5 huge :
+6 democracy :
+7 rally :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Brazil in talks to hire 6,000 Cuban doctors
+// Brazil hires 4,000 Cuban doctors
+1 Brazil :
+2 hires :
+3 4,000 :
+4 Cuban :
+5 doctors :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Southern Italy Coach Crash Kills 38
+// Death toll rises to 39 in Italy coach crash
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 rises :
+4 to :
+5 39 :
+6 in :
+7 Italy :
+8 coach :
+9 crash :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Yemen officials : US drone kills 2 militants
+// Yemen drone strike kills militants
+1 Yemen :
+2 drone :
+3 strike :
+4 kills :
+5 militants :
+4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nine killed more than 40 injured in multiple bus crash in Germany
+// Several killed and scores injured in Germany bus crash
+1 Several :
+2 killed :
+3 and :
+4 scores :
+5 injured :
+6 in :
+7 Germany :
+8 bus :
+9 crash :
+3 4 5 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 12 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Australian PM Kevin Rudd calls election for 7 September
+// Australian PM Rudd calls Sept. 7 poll
+1 Australian :
+2 PM :
+3 Rudd :
+4 calls :
+5 Sept. :
+6 7 :
+7 poll :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Police clash with youth in Cairo after anti-Morsi protest
+// Egypt : Police clash with pro-Morsi protesters
+1 Egypt :
+2 : :
+3 Police :
+4 clash :
+5 with :
+6 pro-Morsi :
+7 protesters :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US Issues Travel Alert Over Al Qaeda Threat
+// US issues global alert , citing Qaeda threats
+1 US :
+2 issues :
+3 global :
+4 alert :
+5 , :
+6 citing :
+7 Qaeda :
+8 threats :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ships Train for Syrian Chemical Weapons Transport
+// UN Adopts Syrian Chemical Weapons Resolution
+1 UN :
+2 Adopts :
+3 Syrian :
+4 Chemical :
+5 Weapons :
+6 Resolution :
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// More rain hampers Indian flood rescue
+// US tourist gang-raped in northern India : Police
+1 US :
+2 tourist :
+3 gang-raped :
+4 in :
+5 northern :
+6 India :
+7 : :
+8 Police :
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Aust shares edge higher
+// Aust shares close higher
+1 Aust :
+3 close :
+4 higher :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US , Russia agree on seizure of Syria chemical weapons
+// Syrian rebels skeptical of chemical weapons deal
+1 Syrian :
+2 rebels :
+3 skeptical :
+4 of :
+5 chemical :
+6 weapons :
+7 deal :
+7 8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// ' Fast & ; Furious ' star Paul Walker dies in car crash
+// Paul Walker dead : Fast and Furious star , 40 , killed in car crash
+1 Paul :
+2 Walker :
+3 dead :
+4 : :
+5 Fast :
+6 and :
+7 Furious :
+8 star :
+9 , :
+10 40 :
+11 , :
+12 killed :
+13 in :
+14 car :
+15 crash :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// European Central Bank keeps rates unchanged
+// European Central bank keeps interest rate at 0.5%
+1 European :
+2 Central :
+3 bank :
+4 keeps :
+5 interest :
+6 rate :
+7 at :
+8 0.5% :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunmen kill 10 in Philippine political violence
+// Five killed in Philippines volcano eruption
+1 Five :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 Philippines :
+5 volcano :
+6 eruption :
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 24 killed 77 wounded in Iraq mosque bombing
+// At least 18 killed in Iraq mosque bombing
+1 At :
+2 least :
+3 18 :
+4 killed :
+5 in :
+6 Iraq :
+7 mosque :
+8 bombing :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Islamists still holding some 30 hostages as Kenya mall standoff continues
+// Death toll rises as Kenya mall siege continues
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 rises :
+4 as :
+5 Kenya :
+6 mall :
+7 siege :
+8 continues :
+4 5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Heavy smog hits north China city , flights cancelled
+// Heavy Smog Hits North China City , Flights Canceled
+1 Heavy :
+2 Smog :
+3 Hits :
+4 North :
+5 China :
+6 City :
+7 , :
+8 Flights :
+9 Canceled :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Algeria president gets therapy after stroke : state media
+// Bulgarian president tries to break election stalemate
+1 Bulgarian :
+2 president :
+3 tries :
+4 to :
+5 break :
+6 election :
+7 stalemate :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran says ready for fresh round of nuclear talks
+// Iran 's Khamenei renews support for nuclear talks
+1 Iran :
+2 's :
+3 Khamenei :
+4 renews :
+5 support :
+6 for :
+7 nuclear :
+8 talks :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Suicide bomber kills 23 Iraqi army recruits
+// Suicide bomber kills 13 Iraqi army recruits in Baghdad
+1 Suicide :
+2 bomber :
+3 kills :
+4 13 :
+5 Iraqi :
+6 army :
+7 recruits :
+8 in :
+9 Baghdad :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Obama nominates new transportation secretary
+// Obama To Meet Embattled Veterans Secretary
+1 Obama :
+2 To :
+3 Meet :
+4 Embattled :
+5 Veterans :
+6 Secretary :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Super typhoon hits Philippines
+// Most powerful typhoon of 2013 hits the Philippines
+1 Most :
+2 powerful :
+3 typhoon :
+4 of :
+5 2013 :
+6 hits :
+7 the :
+8 Philippines :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Google releases Nexus 5 phone with Kit Kat
+// Google redesigns search results on PCs
+1 Google :
+2 redesigns :
+3 search :
+4 results :
+5 on :
+6 PCs :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Judge OKs force-feeding California inmates
+// U.S. judge approves force-feeding Californian inmates on hunger strik
+1 U.S. :
+2 judge :
+3 approves :
+4 force-feeding :
+5 Californian :
+6 inmates :
+7 on :
+8 hunger :
+9 strik :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ride operator charged in N.C. fair accident
+// N.C. State Fair ride operator arrested after accident
+1 N.C. :
+2 State :
+3 Fair :
+4 ride :
+5 operator :
+6 arrested :
+7 after :
+8 accident :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US , NATO Raise Doubts Russia Pulled Back from Ukraine Border
+// No Sign of Russian Withdrawal From Ukraine Border , Official Says
+1 No :
+2 Sign :
+3 of :
+4 Russian :
+5 Withdrawal :
+6 From :
+7 Ukraine :
+8 Border :
+9 , :
+10 Official :
+11 Says :
+5 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Early vote count in Iran gives reformer wide lead
+// Iran vote count gives Rowhani wide lead
+1 Iran :
+2 vote :
+3 count :
+4 gives :
+5 Rowhani :
+6 wide :
+7 lead :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Australia returns asylum seekers to Sri Lanka in sea transfer
+// Australia : Australia hands asylum-seekers back to Sri Lanka
+1 Australia :
+2 : :
+3 Australia :
+4 hands :
+5 asylum-seekers :
+6 back :
+7 to :
+8 Sri :
+9 Lanka :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Lebanon Clashes Rage Overnight ; 12 Soldiers Dead
+// Lebanon clashes rage near mosque ; 16 soldiers dead
+1 Lebanon :
+2 clashes :
+3 rage :
+4 near :
+5 mosque :
+6 ; :
+7 16 :
+8 soldiers :
+9 dead :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Los Angeles airport worker charged with making 9/11 threats
+// Los Angeles airport worker charged over 9/11 threats
+1 Los :
+2 Angeles :
+3 airport :
+4 worker :
+5 charged :
+6 over :
+7 9/11 :
+8 threats :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 2 killed , multiple wounded in Miami shooting
+// Three killed , five wounded in Myrtle Beach shootings
+1 Three :
+2 killed :
+3 , :
+4 five :
+5 wounded :
+6 in :
+7 Myrtle :
+8 Beach :
+9 shootings :
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 9 Killed in Attack on Indian Consulate in Afghanistan
+// 12 killed in attack on Indian consulate in Afghan city
+1 12 :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 attack :
+5 on :
+6 Indian :
+7 consulate :
+8 in :
+9 Afghan :
+10 city :
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 6 Killed by Hot Lava as Indonesia Volcano Erupts
+// Five dead in Indonesian eruption
+1 Five :
+2 dead :
+3 in :
+4 Indonesian :
+5 eruption :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China yuan weakens to 6.1059 against USD
+// China yuan strengthens to 6.1070 against USD Friday
+1 China :
+2 yuan :
+3 strengthens :
+4 to :
+5 6.1070 :
+6 against :
+7 USD :
+8 Friday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine hosts ' unity talks '
+// Pope hits out at ' war to sell arms ' in Syria
+1 Pope :
+2 hits :
+3 out :
+4 at :
+5 ' :
+6 war :
+7 to :
+8 sell :
+9 arms :
+10 ' :
+11 in :
+12 Syria :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iraqi Forces , Militants Battle for Oil Refinery
+// Iraqi forces , militants battle for Iraq refinery
+1 Iraqi :
+2 forces :
+3 , :
+4 militants :
+5 battle :
+6 for :
+7 Iraq :
+8 refinery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Cameron ' has no concerns ' over halal meat
+// Veterans health probe confirms cover-up of care delays
+1 Veterans :
+2 health :
+3 probe :
+4 confirms :
+5 cover-up :
+6 of :
+7 care :
+8 delays :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bangladesh factory owners arrested as death toll nears 350
+// Bangladesh factory owners arrested
+1 Bangladesh :
+2 factory :
+3 owners :
+4 arrested :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// EU foreign ministers to discuss how to press Egypt over bloodshed
+// EU foreign ministers to discuss Egypt on Wednesday
+1 EU :
+2 foreign :
+3 ministers :
+4 to :
+5 discuss :
+6 Egypt :
+7 on :
+8 Wednesday :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Cairo protesters defy crackdown threat
+// In Cairo Camps , Protesters Dig in and Live On
+1 In :
+2 Cairo :
+3 Camps :
+4 , :
+5 Protesters :
+6 Dig :
+7 in :
+8 and :
+9 Live :
+10 On :
+1 2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Six killed in drone strike in N Waziristan
+// 12 killed in bus accident in Pakistan
+1 12 :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 bus :
+5 accident :
+6 in :
+7 Pakistan :
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// UN launches US$300 mil. appeal for Philippines
+// UK sends warship to aid Philippines
+1 UK :
+2 sends :
+3 warship :
+4 to :
+5 aid :
+6 Philippines :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// N Korea postpones family reunions with South
+// North Korea Postpones Family Reunions with South
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 Postpones :
+4 Family :
+5 Reunions :
+6 with :
+7 South :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// N. Korea 's Kim hails execution of powerful uncle
+// North Korea 's Kim seen behind sacking of powerful uncle
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 's :
+4 Kim :
+5 seen :
+6 behind :
+7 sacking :
+8 of :
+9 powerful :
+10 uncle :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pregnant Sudan woman who married a Christian man sentenced to death for ' apostasy '
+// Sudan frees Christian woman sentenced to death for apostasy
+1 Sudan :
+2 frees :
+3 Christian :
+4 woman :
+5 sentenced :
+6 to :
+7 death :
+8 for :
+9 apostasy :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 15 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Libya asks UN Security Council for help
+// Kerry Calls On UN Security Council to Act on Syria
+1 Kerry :
+2 Calls :
+3 On :
+4 UN :
+5 Security :
+6 Council :
+7 to :
+8 Act :
+9 on :
+10 Syria :
+1 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Death toll from Baghdad bombs rises to 19
+// Death toll from Egypt clashes rises to 57
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 from :
+4 Egypt :
+5 clashes :
+6 rises :
+7 to :
+8 57 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// France Says Won't ' Shirk Responsibilities ' in Syria
+// France urges EU to be united on Syria
+1 France :
+2 urges :
+3 EU :
+4 to :
+5 be :
+6 united :
+7 on :
+8 Syria :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Boeing 777 plane crash-lands at San Francisco airport
+// Plane crash lands at San Francisco airport
+1 Plane :
+2 crash :
+3 lands :
+4 at :
+5 San :
+6 Francisco :
+7 airport :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tymoshenko urges EU to take strong action on Crimea
+// Ukraine crisis : This is the de-facto annexation of Crimea
+1 Ukraine :
+2 crisis :
+3 : :
+4 This :
+5 is :
+6 the :
+7 de-facto :
+8 annexation :
+9 of :
+10 Crimea :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Monty Python to reunite for new show
+// Monty Python to reunite on stage
+1 Monty :
+2 Python :
+3 to :
+4 reunite :
+5 on :
+6 stage :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Record-setting Southwest heat wave turns fatal
+// At least 1 dead , 40 hospitalized in Southwest heat wave
+1 At :
+2 least :
+3 1 :
+4 dead :
+5 , :
+6 40 :
+7 hospitalized :
+8 in :
+9 Southwest :
+10 heat :
+11 wave :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 3 dead , 1 hurt in shooting at S Carolina oceanfront motel
+// 4 dead , 30 injured in train collision near Moscow
+1 4 :
+2 dead :
+3 , :
+4 30 :
+5 injured :
+6 in :
+7 train :
+8 collision :
+9 near :
+10 Moscow :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nigerian leader orders push to free abducted schoolgirls
+// Pressure mounts to free kidnapped girls
+1 Pressure :
+2 mounts :
+3 to :
+4 free :
+5 kidnapped :
+6 girls :
+4 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Boston bomb suspect charged ; religious motive seen
+// Boston bombing suspect charged in hospital bed
+1 Boston :
+2 bombing :
+3 suspect :
+4 charged :
+5 in :
+6 hospital :
+7 bed :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Scores Killed In Egyptian Protests
+// Turkey 's PM Warns Against Protests
+1 Turkey :
+2 's :
+3 PM :
+4 Warns :
+5 Against :
+6 Protests :
+3 4 5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Taiwan stocks close 0.56 pct higher
+// Singapore stocks close 0.5 pct higher
+1 Singapore :
+2 stocks :
+3 close :
+4 0.5 :
+5 pct :
+6 higher :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Cypriot Finance Minister Michalis Sarris resigns
+// Cyprus finance minister resigns
+1 Cyprus :
+2 finance :
+3 minister :
+4 resigns :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt turmoil deepens ; militants kill 25 policemen
+// Egypt 's turmoil deepens as Sinai attack kills 25 policemen
+1 Egypt :
+2 's :
+3 turmoil :
+4 deepens :
+5 as :
+6 Sinai :
+7 attack :
+8 kills :
+9 25 :
+10 policemen :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Berlusconi said to pay off ' bunga bunga ' witnesses
+// Berlusconi accused of bribing witnesses in prostitution trial
+1 Berlusconi :
+2 accused :
+3 of :
+4 bribing :
+5 witnesses :
+6 in :
+7 prostitution :
+8 trial :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Microsoft finally unveils Office for Apple 's iPad
+// Microsoft And Office In A Multi-Platform World
+1 Microsoft :
+2 And :
+3 Office :
+4 In :
+5 A :
+6 Multi-Platform :
+7 World :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Glee star Cory Monteith found dead in hotel room in Canada
+// ' Glee ' star Cory Monteith found dead
+1 ' :
+2 Glee :
+3 ' :
+4 star :
+5 Cory :
+6 Monteith :
+7 found :
+8 dead :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Russia praises idea to render rights assistance to Ukraine
+// Russia detains suspected Islamist militants in Moscow raid
+1 Russia :
+2 detains :
+3 suspected :
+4 Islamist :
+5 militants :
+6 in :
+7 Moscow :
+8 raid :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// New Orleans police arrest second suspect in Mother 's Day parade shooting
+// Brothers arrested in Mother 's Day parade shooting
+1 Brothers :
+2 arrested :
+3 in :
+4 Mother :
+5 's :
+6 Day :
+7 parade :
+8 shooting :
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Protesters swamp streets to reclaim revolution
+// Egypt : Protesters storm Muslim Brotherhood 's HQ
+1 Egypt :
+2 : :
+3 Protesters :
+4 storm :
+5 Muslim :
+6 Brotherhood :
+7 's :
+8 HQ :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Hong Kong stocks end higher
+// Indian stocks open higher
+1 Indian :
+2 stocks :
+3 open :
+4 higher :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Poll : Cory Booker takes early lead for N.J. Senate
+// Nigella Lawson ' took cocaine every day for a decade '
+1 Nigella :
+2 Lawson :
+3 ' :
+4 took :
+5 cocaine :
+6 every :
+7 day :
+8 for :
+9 a :
+10 decade :
+11 ' :
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rebels likely downed Malaysian jet ' by mistake ' - U.S. officials
+// Rebels likely downed jet ' by mistake '
+1 Rebels :
+2 likely :
+3 downed :
+4 jet :
+5 ' :
+6 by :
+7 mistake :
+8 ' :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Wave of bombings , shootings kill 38 in Iraq
+// Wave of car bombs , other attacks kill 31 in Iraq
+1 Wave :
+2 of :
+3 car :
+4 bombs :
+5 , :
+6 other :
+7 attacks :
+8 kill :
+9 31 :
+10 in :
+11 Iraq :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Didier Reynders on Syria
+// Obama 's day : Prime time on Syria
+1 Obama :
+2 's :
+3 day :
+4 : :
+5 Prime :
+6 time :
+7 on :
+8 Syria :
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 5 things you need to know Tuesday
+// 5 things you need to know on Friday
+1 5 :
+2 things :
+3 you :
+4 need :
+5 to :
+6 know :
+7 on :
+8 Friday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egyptian court considers Mubarak 's release
+// Egypt court orders Mubarak release
+1 Egypt :
+2 court :
+3 orders :
+4 Mubarak :
+5 release :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// U.N. Security Council calls for humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza
+// U.N. Security Council Calls for Unconditional Cease-Fire in Gaza
+1 U.N. :
+2 Security :
+3 Council :
+4 Calls :
+5 for :
+6 Unconditional :
+7 Cease-Fire :
+8 in :
+9 Gaza :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud killed in drone strike
+// Pakistani Taliban ' elect new chief ' , vow ' unprecedented ' revenge
+1 Pakistani :
+2 Taliban :
+3 ' :
+4 elect :
+5 new :
+6 chief :
+7 ' :
+8 , :
+9 vow :
+10 ' :
+11 unprecedented :
+12 ' :
+13 revenge :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Blaze That Killed 19 Firefighters Now Contained
+// Arizona wildfire that killed 19 Hotshots now contained
+1 Arizona :
+2 wildfire :
+3 that :
+4 killed :
+5 19 :
+6 Hotshots :
+7 now :
+8 contained :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Canada approves oil pipeline to the Pacific Coast
+// Canadian government approves controversial oil pipeline to Pacific
+1 Canadian :
+2 government :
+3 approves :
+4 controversial :
+5 oil :
+6 pipeline :
+7 to :
+8 Pacific :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Man United Says Moyes Leaves as Manager
+// Man United hires Moyes to replace Ferguson
+1 Man :
+2 United :
+3 hires :
+4 Moyes :
+5 to :
+6 replace :
+7 Ferguson :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syria opposition unity take face specter of collapse
+// Syria divided opposition struggles within wider Syrian struggle
+1 Syria :
+2 divided :
+3 opposition :
+4 struggles :
+5 within :
+6 wider :
+7 Syrian :
+8 struggle :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Margaret Thatcher , former U.K. PM , dead at 87
+// Margaret Thatcher dies at 87
+1 Margaret :
+2 Thatcher :
+3 dies :
+4 at :
+5 87 :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// EU extends sanctions against Russia
+// Nigeria drops arms trafficking charges against Russian sailors
+1 Nigeria :
+2 drops :
+3 arms :
+4 trafficking :
+5 charges :
+6 against :
+7 Russian :
+8 sailors :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Chinese stocks open higher - Apr 2
+// Chinese stocks open lower Thursday
+1 Chinese :
+2 stocks :
+3 open :
+4 lower :
+5 Thursday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Obama names outspoken Rice as his security adviser
+// Obama to name Susan Rice as national security adviser
+1 Obama :
+2 to :
+3 name :
+4 Susan :
+5 Rice :
+6 as :
+7 national :
+8 security :
+9 adviser :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Activists : Syrian airstrike kills 21 in Aleppo
+// New Syrian Airstrikes Kill at Least 15 in Aleppo
+1 New :
+2 Syrian :
+3 Airstrikes :
+4 Kill :
+5 at :
+6 Least :
+7 15 :
+8 in :
+9 Aleppo :
+1 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Angelina Jolie " very grateful " for support after double mastectomy
+// Angelina Jolie undergoes double mastectomy
+1 Angelina :
+2 Jolie :
+3 undergoes :
+4 double :
+5 mastectomy :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : April 21
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : May 2
+1 India :
+2 Ink :
+3 : :
+4 Image :
+5 of :
+6 the :
+7 Day :
+8 : :
+9 May :
+10 2 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Deaths in bombings and shootings across Iraq
+// Bombings and a shooting kill 8 in Iraq
+1 Bombings :
+2 and :
+3 a :
+4 shooting :
+5 kill :
+6 8 :
+7 in :
+8 Iraq :
+1 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Suicide bomber kills nine police in north Iraq
+// Suicide bomber kills eight Kurdish security forces personnel in Iraq
+1 Suicide :
+2 bomber :
+3 kills :
+4 eight :
+5 Kurdish :
+6 security :
+7 forces :
+8 personnel :
+9 in :
+10 Iraq :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt 's Sisi poised to announce presidency bid
+// Egypt 's Sisi paves way for presidential bid
+1 Egypt :
+2 's :
+3 Sisi :
+4 paves :
+5 way :
+6 for :
+7 presidential :
+8 bid :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 3 killed , 6 injured in Afghan blasts
+// Three killed , six injured in Afghan blasts
+1 Three :
+2 killed :
+3 , :
+4 six :
+5 injured :
+6 in :
+7 Afghan :
+8 blasts :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Texas senator still filibustering abortion bill
+// Texas senator filibusters against abortion bill
+1 Texas :
+2 senator :
+3 filibusters :
+4 against :
+5 abortion :
+6 bill :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Russia drops charges against Greenpeace activists
+// Russia to file piracy charges against Greenpeace
+1 Russia :
+2 to :
+3 file :
+4 piracy :
+5 charges :
+6 against :
+7 Greenpeace :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Protesters clash with police in Turkey
+// Protesters clash with riot police in Kiev
+1 Protesters :
+2 clash :
+3 with :
+4 riot :
+5 police :
+6 in :
+7 Kiev :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nigerian police ban protests over kidnapped girls
+// Nigeria reviewing ' all options ' over kidnapped girls
+1 Nigeria :
+2 reviewing :
+3 ' :
+4 all :
+5 options :
+6 ' :
+7 over :
+8 kidnapped :
+9 girls :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine signs EU trade pact as Russia finalizes Crimea annexation
+// Ukraine 's top court dismisses Crimea 's independence as " unconstitutional "
+1 Ukraine :
+2 's :
+3 top :
+4 court :
+5 dismisses :
+6 Crimea :
+7 's :
+8 independence :
+9 as :
+10 " :
+11 unconstitutional :
+12 " :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The foundations of South Africa are built on Nelson Mandela 's memory
+// Australian politicians lament over Nelson Mandela 's death
+1 Australian :
+2 politicians :
+3 lament :
+4 over :
+5 Nelson :
+6 Mandela :
+7 's :
+8 death :
+8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// On War Criminals and Heroes : The Whitewashing of Ariel Sharon
+// On war criminals and heroes : The whitewashing of Ariel Sharon
+1 On :
+2 war :
+3 criminals :
+4 and :
+5 heroes :
+6 : :
+7 The :
+8 whitewashing :
+9 of :
+10 Ariel :
+11 Sharon :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two French journalists killed in Mali
+// France confirms two French journalists killed in Mali
+1 France :
+2 confirms :
+3 two :
+4 French :
+5 journalists :
+6 killed :
+7 in :
+8 Mali :
+1 2 3 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China yuan strengthens to 6.1184 against USD Tuesday
+// China yuan weakens to 6.1510 against USD
+1 China :
+2 yuan :
+3 weakens :
+4 to :
+5 6.1510 :
+6 against :
+7 USD :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Malaysia Airlines loses contact with plane carrying 239 to Beijing
+// Malaysia Airlines plane vanishes on flight to Beijing
+1 Malaysia :
+2 Airlines :
+3 plane :
+4 vanishes :
+5 on :
+6 flight :
+7 to :
+8 Beijing :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tehelka editor embroiled in sex assault scam
+// Tehelka editor steps down after allegations of sexual misconduct
+1 Tehelka :
+2 editor :
+3 steps :
+4 down :
+5 after :
+6 allegations :
+7 of :
+8 sexual :
+9 misconduct :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Facts about North Korea 's Musudan missile
+// North Korea fires another missile
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 fires :
+4 another :
+5 missile :
+2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunman who held suburban Atlanta firefighters hostage now dead , police say
+// The Lede : Video : Gunman Takes Firefighters Hostage in Georgia
+1 The :
+2 Lede :
+3 : :
+4 Video :
+5 : :
+6 Gunman :
+7 Takes :
+8 Firefighters :
+9 Hostage :
+10 in :
+11 Georgia :
+1 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Crimea parliament votes to join Russia
+// Crimean parliament formally applies to join Russia
+1 Crimean :
+2 parliament :
+3 formally :
+4 applies :
+5 to :
+6 join :
+7 Russia :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China stocks open lower on Wednesday
+// China 's stocks close lower on Monday
+1 China :
+2 's :
+3 stocks :
+4 close :
+5 lower :
+6 on :
+7 Monday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World News Update , what you need to know
+// Labour 's 50p tax rate : what you need to know
+1 Labour :
+2 's :
+3 50p :
+4 tax :
+5 rate :
+6 : :
+7 what :
+8 you :
+9 need :
+10 to :
+11 know :
+5 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Stocks rise in early trading
+// Stocks inch higher in early trading
+1 Stocks :
+2 inch :
+3 higher :
+4 in :
+5 early :
+6 trading :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Twitter shares rocket at opening
+// Twitter shares rocket as trading begins
+1 Twitter :
+3 rocket :
+4 as :
+5 trading :
+6 begins :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Explosions kill 29 outside two mosques in Lebanon 's Tripoli
+// 2 explosions rock city in northern Lebanon
+1 2 :
+2 explosions :
+3 rock :
+4 city :
+5 in :
+6 northern :
+7 Lebanon :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Next Iran nuclear talks due on June 16-20 - IRNA
+// Iran : Nuclear deal to be implemented on January 20
+1 Iran :
+2 : :
+3 Nuclear :
+4 deal :
+5 to :
+6 be :
+7 implemented :
+8 on :
+9 January :
+10 20 :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Russian coal mines seek new outlets in China
+// Russian foreign minister to meet UN chief
+1 Russian :
+2 foreign :
+3 minister :
+4 to :
+5 meet :
+6 UN :
+7 chief :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Outrage after reports emerge about 6-year-old Indian girl raped at school
+// Outrage After Indian Girl , 6 , Raped at Her School
+1 Outrage :
+2 After :
+3 Indian :
+4 Girl :
+5 , :
+6 6 :
+7 , :
+8 Raped :
+9 at :
+10 Her :
+11 School :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ovadia Yosef , rabbi and Israeli kingmaker , dies
+// Rabbi Ovadia Yosef , kingmaker of Israeli politics , dies at 93
+1 Rabbi :
+2 Ovadia :
+3 Yosef :
+4 , :
+5 kingmaker :
+6 of :
+7 Israeli :
+8 politics :
+9 , :
+10 dies :
+11 at :
+12 93 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Thai protesters disrupt early voting for disputed election
+// Thai protest leader shot dead outside polling station
+1 Thai :
+2 protest :
+3 leader :
+4 shot :
+5 dead :
+6 outside :
+7 polling :
+8 station :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Most victims of fiery bus crash identified
+// 38 bodies of victims identified
+1 38 :
+2 bodies :
+3 of :
+4 victims :
+5 identified :
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Palestinian diplomat hurt in blast
+// Palestinian ambassador injured in apartment blast
+1 Palestinian :
+2 ambassador :
+3 injured :
+4 in :
+5 apartment :
+6 blast :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
diff --git a/20211029_101219/headlines.wa.untrained b/20211029_101219/headlines.wa.untrained
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..edf5b5834dd48d4731f3a3715f0a7b5d14d36c5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211029_101219/headlines.wa.untrained
@@ -0,0 +1,11774 @@
+// China 's Peace Ark departs for the Philippines Thursday
+// China sends aid team to Philippines
+1 China :
+2 sends :
+3 aid :
+4 team :
+5 to :
+6 Philippines :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Conservatives sweep to Australia election victory
+// Conservative opposition wins Australian election
+1 Conservative :
+2 opposition :
+3 wins :
+4 Australian :
+5 election :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Abe 's shrine visit draws wide condemnation , criticism
+// Japanese PM Shinzo Abe 's war shrine visit angers neighbours
+1 Japanese :
+2 PM :
+3 Shinzo :
+4 Abe :
+5 's :
+6 war :
+7 shrine :
+8 visit :
+9 angers :
+10 neighbours :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine revokes anti-protest law , PM resigns
+// Ukraine to repeal anti-protest laws
+1 Ukraine :
+2 to :
+3 repeal :
+4 anti-protest :
+5 laws :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Russia says detects missiles fired from Mediterranean Sea
+// Russia says ballistic missiles fired in Mediterranean
+1 Russia :
+2 says :
+3 ballistic :
+4 missiles :
+5 fired :
+6 in :
+7 Mediterranean :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pro-Russian protesters storm new police station in east Ukraine
+// Pro-Russian Protesters Storm Police Station in Ukraine as Kiev Urges U.N. over unrest
+1 Pro-Russian :
+2 Protesters :
+3 Storm :
+4 Police :
+5 Station :
+6 in :
+7 Ukraine :
+8 as :
+9 Kiev :
+10 Urges :
+11 U.N. :
+12 over :
+13 unrest :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Cyclone leaves trail of destruction in India
+// Cyclone Phailin evacuation kept Indian villagers alive
+1 Cyclone :
+2 Phailin :
+3 evacuation :
+4 kept :
+5 Indian :
+6 villagers :
+7 alive :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 4 foreigners among 9 killed in Kabul hotel attack
+// Foreigners among dead in Kabul hotel attack
+1 Foreigners :
+2 among :
+3 dead :
+4 in :
+5 Kabul :
+6 hotel :
+7 attack :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Many dead as asylum boat sinks off Australia
+// Mandela spends third day in hospital
+1 Mandela :
+2 spends :
+3 third :
+4 day :
+5 in :
+6 hospital :
+6 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israeli calls to execute Palestinian captives instead of releasing them
+// Israel allows Palestinian prisoner release
+1 Israel :
+2 allows :
+3 Palestinian :
+4 prisoner :
+5 release :
+3 4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// DPRK leader calls for better ties with S.Korea
+// North Korea urges foreigners to leave South Korea
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 urges :
+4 foreigners :
+5 to :
+6 leave :
+7 South :
+8 Korea :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World 's oldest person , and oldest man ever , dies at 116
+// Japan : World 's Oldest Man Ever Dies Aged 116
+1 Japan :
+2 : :
+3 World :
+4 's :
+5 Oldest :
+6 Man :
+7 Ever :
+8 Dies :
+9 Aged :
+10 116 :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World powers and Iran to resume expert nuclear talks on Dec. 30
+// Iran nuclear experts , world powers to resume talks next week
+1 Iran :
+2 nuclear :
+3 experts :
+4 , :
+5 world :
+6 powers :
+7 to :
+8 resume :
+9 talks :
+10 next :
+11 week :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Biden warns ' it's time for Russia to stop talking and start acting ' in Ukraine
+// Biden : Time for Russia to ' stop talking and start acting ' to reduce tension in Ukraine
+1 Biden :
+2 : :
+3 Time :
+4 for :
+5 Russia :
+6 to :
+7 ' :
+8 stop :
+9 talking :
+10 and :
+11 start :
+12 acting :
+13 ' :
+14 to :
+15 reduce :
+16 tension :
+17 in :
+18 Ukraine :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 16 <==> 17 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : February 25
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : April 21
+1 India :
+2 Ink :
+3 : :
+4 Image :
+5 of :
+6 the :
+7 Day :
+8 : :
+9 April :
+10 21 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Philippines defers comment on Taiwan fisher attack
+// Bin Laden 's continuing sway shown in Kenya mall attack
+1 Bin :
+2 Laden :
+3 's :
+4 continuing :
+5 sway :
+6 shown :
+7 in :
+8 Kenya :
+9 mall :
+10 attack :
+4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// New Zealand set to legalise gay marriage
+// New Zealand votes to legalise same-sex marriage
+1 New :
+2 Zealand :
+3 votes :
+4 to :
+5 legalise :
+6 same-sex :
+7 marriage :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel 's ex-PM Ariel Sharon dies
+// Former Israeli Prime Minister Sharon dies
+1 Former :
+2 Israeli :
+3 Prime :
+4 Minister :
+5 Sharon :
+6 dies :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Peace talks with Palestinians would take months : Israel official
+// 3yo Palestinian girl killed in Israeli raid
+1 3yo :
+2 Palestinian :
+3 girl :
+4 killed :
+5 in :
+6 Israeli :
+7 raid :
+3 4 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ronaldo 's hat trick sends Portugal to World Cup
+// Ronaldo hat-trick fires Portugal to World Cup
+1 Ronaldo :
+2 hat-trick :
+3 fires :
+4 Portugal :
+5 to :
+6 World :
+7 Cup :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// At Least 22 Dead After China Earthquake
+// At least 89 dead in China earthquakes
+1 At :
+2 least :
+3 89 :
+4 dead :
+5 in :
+6 China :
+7 earthquakes :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Canadian freight train blast death toll hits three , to rise
+// Canadian government ' monitoring ' train blast situation
+1 Canadian :
+2 government :
+3 ' :
+4 monitoring :
+5 ' :
+6 train :
+7 blast :
+8 situation :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Five children buried alive in Bohol landslide
+// Nine children die in attack in Afghanistan attack
+1 Nine :
+2 children :
+3 die :
+4 in :
+5 attack :
+6 in :
+7 Afghanistan :
+8 attack :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rosberg emulates father with Monaco win
+// FORMULA 1 : Rosberg stays modest despite Monaco win
+2 1 :
+3 : :
+4 Rosberg :
+5 stays :
+6 modest :
+7 despite :
+8 Monaco :
+9 win :
+1 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Suicide truck bomber kills 11 in northern Iraq
+// Suicide car bomb kills 12 in northern Iraq
+1 Suicide :
+2 car :
+3 bomb :
+4 kills :
+5 12 :
+6 in :
+7 northern :
+8 Iraq :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tropical Storm Barry forms off Mexico 's coast , bringing heavy rain as it heads toward Veracruz
+// Tropical Storm Barry weakens , dumps rain on Mexico
+1 Tropical :
+2 Storm :
+3 Barry :
+4 weakens :
+5 , :
+6 dumps :
+7 rain :
+8 on :
+9 Mexico :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 17 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian rebels target military airports
+// Syrian troops confront fierce attacks by rebels in military airport
+1 Syrian :
+2 troops :
+3 confront :
+4 fierce :
+5 attacks :
+6 by :
+7 rebels :
+8 in :
+9 military :
+10 airport :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 6.6-magnitude quake hits South Atlantic Ocean -- USGS
+// Magnitude-5.1 quake hits southern Iran -- USGS
+1 Magnitude-5.1 :
+2 quake :
+3 hits :
+4 southern :
+5 Iran :
+6 -- :
+7 USGS :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Poverty stats doubt Modi 's development claims
+// GM to start taking recall compensation claims Aug 1
+1 GM :
+2 to :
+3 start :
+4 taking :
+5 recall :
+6 compensation :
+7 claims :
+8 Aug :
+9 1 :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// North Korea blocks access to joint industrial zone
+// North Korea Blocks Access to Key Industrial Zone
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 Blocks :
+4 Access :
+5 to :
+6 Key :
+7 Industrial :
+8 Zone :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pakistan 's Musharraf charged over Bhutto murder
+// Pakistan 's Musharraf Charged In Bhutto Death
+1 Pakistan :
+2 's :
+3 Musharraf :
+4 Charged :
+5 In :
+6 Bhutto :
+7 Death :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukrainian protesters back in streets for anti-government rally
+// Ukraine protesters topple Lenin statue in Kiev
+1 Ukraine :
+2 protesters :
+3 topple :
+4 Lenin :
+5 statue :
+6 in :
+7 Kiev :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Jamaican connection in Liverpool 's win
+// Japan Election : Shinzo Abe Hails Landslide Win
+1 Japan :
+2 Election :
+3 : :
+4 Shinzo :
+5 Abe :
+6 Hails :
+7 Landslide :
+8 Win :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rescuers scour debris after India buildings collapse
+// Select images from Bangladesh building collapse
+1 Select :
+2 images :
+3 from :
+4 Bangladesh :
+5 building :
+6 collapse :
+1 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rock bands ' plane makes emergency landing in Ill.
+// Rock Bands ' Plane Makes Emergency Landing in Ill.
+1 Rock :
+2 Bands :
+3 ' :
+4 Plane :
+5 Makes :
+6 Emergency :
+7 Landing :
+8 in :
+9 Ill. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Boston bombing suspect remains in hospital
+// Boston bombing suspect charged in hospital bed
+1 Boston :
+2 bombing :
+3 suspect :
+4 charged :
+5 in :
+6 hospital :
+7 bed :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// PPP 's Shehla Raza elected Deputy Speaker of SA
+// Shehla Raza takes oath as Sindh Assembly deputy speaker
+1 Shehla :
+2 Raza :
+3 takes :
+4 oath :
+5 as :
+6 Sindh :
+7 Assembly :
+8 deputy :
+9 speaker :
+2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 11:42 Churchill 's last child dies aged 91
+// Churchill 's youngest child Lady Soames dies aged 91
+1 Churchill :
+2 's :
+3 youngest :
+4 child :
+5 Lady :
+6 Soames :
+7 dies :
+8 aged :
+9 91 :
+2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// N. Korea test-fires 30 short-range missiles into sea : Yonhap
+// Iran says it test-fires new land-to-sea missile in Gulf
+1 Iran :
+2 says :
+3 it :
+4 test-fires :
+5 new :
+6 land-to-sea :
+7 missile :
+8 in :
+9 Gulf :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Chinese shares close higher Tuesday
+// Chinese shares close lower on Wednesday
+1 Chinese :
+3 close :
+4 lower :
+5 on :
+6 Wednesday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// North Korea shuns offer of talks
+// North Korea shoots 2 rockets
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 shoots :
+4 2 :
+5 rockets :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// In surprise visit to Afghanistan , Obama tells troops ' you inspire me '
+// Obama Makes Surprise Visit To Afghanistan
+1 Obama :
+2 Makes :
+3 Surprise :
+4 Visit :
+5 To :
+6 Afghanistan :
+1 2 3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US awaits high court judgment on gay marriage
+// Ark. high court again suspends gay marriage
+1 Ark. :
+2 high :
+3 court :
+4 again :
+5 suspends :
+6 gay :
+7 marriage :
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Sisi sworn in as Egypt 's president , cool reception from West
+// Egypt 's Sisi sworn in as president
+1 Egypt :
+2 's :
+3 Sisi :
+4 sworn :
+5 in :
+6 as :
+7 president :
+2 3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China to investigate EU wine exports
+// Christie investigation heats up
+1 Christie :
+2 investigation :
+3 heats :
+4 up :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Eurozone 's unemployment climbs to 12.1% , a fresh record high
+// Eurozone unemployment hit record 12.2% in September
+1 Eurozone :
+2 unemployment :
+3 hit :
+4 record :
+5 12.2% :
+6 in :
+7 September :
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// South Korean President Sorry For Ferry Response
+// S. Korean president ' sorry ' for ferry disaster
+1 S. :
+2 Korean :
+3 president :
+4 ' :
+5 sorry :
+6 ' :
+7 for :
+8 ferry :
+9 disaster :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pro-Russian rebels shoot down Ukrainian plane , 49 killed
+// Ukraine Rebels shoot down plane carrying 49
+1 Ukraine :
+2 Rebels :
+3 shoot :
+4 down :
+5 plane :
+6 carrying :
+7 49 :
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Saudi pushes UN resolution on Syria abuse
+// Cameron pushes U.N. resolution on Syrian chemical arms
+1 Cameron :
+2 pushes :
+3 U.N. :
+4 resolution :
+5 on :
+6 Syrian :
+7 chemical :
+8 arms :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// At least 45 killed in Spain train crash
+// Update 2 : 78 killed in Spanish train disaster
+1 Update :
+2 2 :
+3 : :
+4 78 :
+5 killed :
+6 in :
+7 Spanish :
+8 train :
+9 disaster :
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 19 hurt in New Orleans shooting
+// 17 Hurt at New Orleans Parade Shooting
+1 17 :
+2 Hurt :
+3 at :
+4 New :
+5 Orleans :
+6 Parade :
+7 Shooting :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Vatican Embassy in Syria hit by mortar fire
+// Vatican embassy in Syria hit by mortar ; no injuries
+1 Vatican :
+2 embassy :
+3 in :
+4 Syria :
+5 hit :
+6 by :
+7 mortar :
+8 ; :
+9 no :
+10 injuries :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The Note 's Must-Reads for Friday May 24 , 2013
+// The Note 's Must-Reads for Tuesday October 29 , 2013
+1 The :
+2 Note :
+3 's :
+4 Must-Reads :
+5 for :
+6 Tuesday :
+7 October :
+8 29 :
+9 , :
+10 2013 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nato condemns Ukraine crackdown
+// Thai bonds best in region
+1 Thai :
+2 bonds :
+3 best :
+4 in :
+5 region :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel 's Peres urges return to peace talks
+// Gonsalves keeps up pressure on Dom Rep
+1 Gonsalves :
+2 keeps :
+3 up :
+4 pressure :
+5 on :
+6 Dom :
+7 Rep :
+4 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Assault on Iraq Funeral , Other Attacks Kill 92
+// Assault on Iraq funeral , other attacks kill 96
+1 Assault :
+2 on :
+3 Iraq :
+4 funeral :
+5 , :
+6 other :
+7 attacks :
+8 kill :
+9 96 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two NATO soldiers killed in Afghanistan
+// Five Libyan soldiers killed in Benghazi clashes
+1 Five :
+2 Libyan :
+3 soldiers :
+4 killed :
+5 in :
+6 Benghazi :
+7 clashes :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US top diplomat Kerry 's wife rushed to hospital
+// US Secretary of State John Kerry 's wife rushed to hospital
+1 US :
+2 Secretary :
+3 of :
+4 State :
+5 John :
+6 Kerry :
+7 's :
+8 wife :
+9 rushed :
+10 to :
+11 hospital :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt 's Brotherhood to hold " march of anger "
+// Egypt 's Brotherhood holds Day of Rage rallies
+1 Egypt :
+2 's :
+3 Brotherhood :
+4 holds :
+5 Day :
+6 of :
+7 Rage :
+8 rallies :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel and Hamas to observe brief Gaza truce
+// Israel And Hamas ' Accept Temporary Truce '
+1 Israel :
+2 And :
+3 Hamas :
+4 ' :
+5 Accept :
+6 Temporary :
+7 Truce :
+8 ' :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Foreign exchange rates in Singapore
+// Foreign exchange rates in India
+1 Foreign :
+2 exchange :
+3 rates :
+4 in :
+5 India :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World 's oldest man dies at 116
+// Japan : World 's Oldest Man Ever Dies Aged 116
+1 Japan :
+2 : :
+3 World :
+4 's :
+5 Oldest :
+6 Man :
+7 Ever :
+8 Dies :
+9 Aged :
+10 116 :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Germany welcomes Iran nuclear agreement
+// Syria welcomes Iran 's nuclear deal
+1 Syria :
+2 welcomes :
+3 Iran :
+4 's :
+5 nuclear :
+6 deal :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// South Korea proposes talks with North
+// South Korea Says Talks With North Scrapped
+1 South :
+2 Korea :
+3 Says :
+4 Talks :
+5 With :
+6 North :
+7 Scrapped :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Video shows Kenya jihadis casually killing in mall
+// Security video shows Kenyan soldiers looting mall
+1 Security :
+2 video :
+3 shows :
+4 Kenyan :
+5 soldiers :
+6 looting :
+7 mall :
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// UN inspectors hail progress over Syria chemical weapons
+// U.S. has not concluded Syria used chemical weapons -White House
+1 U.S. :
+2 has :
+3 not :
+4 concluded :
+5 Syria :
+6 used :
+7 chemical :
+8 weapons :
+9 -White :
+10 House :
+1 2 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran rejects claim on chlorine bombs
+// Iran rejects MKO claim on nuclear site
+1 Iran :
+2 rejects :
+3 MKO :
+4 claim :
+5 on :
+6 nuclear :
+7 site :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// One dead in US building collapse
+// Six killed in US building collapse
+1 Six :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 US :
+5 building :
+6 collapse :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Fallen US firefighters brought home
+// Wall Street ends slightly lower
+1 Wall :
+2 Street :
+3 ends :
+4 slightly :
+5 lower :
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ship hunting for more pings in missing Malaysian plane search
+// Australian ship trawls for signals from missing Malaysia plane
+1 Australian :
+2 ship :
+3 trawls :
+4 for :
+5 signals :
+6 from :
+7 missing :
+8 Malaysia :
+9 plane :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tehran-London ties to improve , Afkham
+// Tehran-London ties to improve
+1 Tehran-London :
+2 ties :
+3 to :
+4 improve :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Mandela ' responding to treatment '
+// Wife : Mandela is responding to treatment .
+1 Wife :
+2 : :
+3 Mandela :
+4 is :
+5 responding :
+6 to :
+7 treatment :
+8 . :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunmen assassinate Libyan deputy industry minister
+// Gunmen kill Libyan deputy industry minister
+1 Gunmen :
+2 kill :
+3 Libyan :
+4 deputy :
+5 industry :
+6 minister :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China yuan weakens to 6.1535 against USD
+// China yuan strengthens to new high against USD
+1 China :
+2 yuan :
+3 strengthens :
+4 to :
+5 new :
+6 high :
+7 against :
+8 USD :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Indonesians burn Australian flags over spying reports
+// Indonesia Confronts Australian Ambassador on Reports of Spying
+1 Indonesia :
+2 Confronts :
+3 Australian :
+4 Ambassador :
+5 on :
+6 Reports :
+7 of :
+8 Spying :
+1 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// More Deaths Expected in Canada Oil Train Explosion
+// Five dead in Canada train crash
+1 Five :
+2 dead :
+3 in :
+4 Canada :
+5 train :
+6 crash :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt court sentences 10 Brotherhood supporters to death - sources
+// Turkish PM tells supporters to prepare for rallies
+1 Turkish :
+2 PM :
+3 tells :
+4 supporters :
+5 to :
+6 prepare :
+7 for :
+8 rallies :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Declines in US stock market moderate
+// Tech sell-off sends Asian stock markets lower
+1 Tech :
+2 sell-off :
+3 sends :
+4 Asian :
+5 stock :
+6 markets :
+7 lower :
+2 3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 10 Things to Know : This Week 's Takeaways
+// 10 Things to Know for Today
+1 10 :
+2 Things :
+3 to :
+4 Know :
+5 for :
+6 Today :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine protest leaders name ministers , Russian troops on alert
+// Ukraine says it will not bow to Russian " provocations " in Crimea
+1 Ukraine :
+2 says :
+3 it :
+4 will :
+5 not :
+6 bow :
+7 to :
+8 Russian :
+9 " :
+10 provocations :
+11 " :
+12 in :
+13 Crimea :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US , Russia enter third day of Syria talks
+// US and Russia agree Syria arms deal in Geneva
+1 US :
+2 and :
+3 Russia :
+4 agree :
+5 Syria :
+6 arms :
+7 deal :
+8 in :
+9 Geneva :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// U.S factory orders down 0.7 pct in January
+// German factory orders rebound in January
+1 German :
+2 factory :
+3 orders :
+4 rebound :
+5 in :
+6 January :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// San Diego Mayor Bob Filner 's accusers
+// Worker : San Diego Mayor Made Suggestive Comments
+1 Worker :
+2 : :
+3 San :
+4 Diego :
+5 Mayor :
+6 Made :
+7 Suggestive :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nine Dead In Oklahoma City After Tornadoes Hit
+// Oklahoma City Airport Evacuated During Tornado...
+1 Oklahoma :
+2 City :
+3 Airport :
+4 Evacuated :
+5 During :
+6 Tornado... :
+3 4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Kenyan forces caused mall collapse
+// Official says Kenyan forces caused mall collapse
+1 Official :
+2 says :
+3 Kenyan :
+4 forces :
+5 caused :
+6 mall :
+7 collapse :
+1 2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine to implement unilateral ceasefire
+// Ukraine offers unilateral ceasefire
+1 Ukraine :
+2 offers :
+3 unilateral :
+4 ceasefire :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Muslim Brotherhood banned in Egypt
+// Military holds upper hand in Egypt
+1 Military :
+2 holds :
+3 upper :
+4 hand :
+5 in :
+6 Egypt :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Suspect arrested in attack on French soldier
+// Man arrested over attack on French soldier
+1 Man :
+2 arrested :
+3 over :
+4 attack :
+5 on :
+6 French :
+7 soldier :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Obama Urges Restraint from Israelis , Palestinians
+// Obama meets Israeli , Palestinian negotiators
+1 Obama :
+2 meets :
+3 Israeli :
+4 , :
+5 Palestinian :
+6 negotiators :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Brazilians throng streets to greet pope
+// In Brazil , thousands turn out to greet Pope Francis
+1 In :
+2 Brazil :
+3 , :
+4 thousands :
+5 turn :
+6 out :
+7 to :
+8 greet :
+9 Pope :
+10 Francis :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Quake shakes northeastern Japan , no tsunami risk
+// Quake hits Japan , no tsunami warning
+1 Quake :
+2 hits :
+3 Japan :
+4 , :
+5 no :
+6 tsunami :
+7 warning :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Detroit eligible for bankruptcy protection : U.S. judge
+// Detroit eligible for bankruptcy protection
+1 Detroit :
+2 eligible :
+3 for :
+4 bankruptcy :
+5 protection :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Vietnam detects signals from missing plane
+// China expands search area for missing plane
+1 China :
+2 expands :
+3 search :
+4 area :
+5 for :
+6 missing :
+7 plane :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Six US soldiers killed in aircraft crash in Afghanistan
+// Six U.S. soldiers killed in helicopter crash in Afghanistan
+1 Six :
+2 U.S. :
+3 soldiers :
+4 killed :
+5 in :
+6 helicopter :
+7 crash :
+8 in :
+9 Afghanistan :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// EU offers to help destroy Syria weapons
+// Germany offers help in destroying Syria weapons
+1 Germany :
+2 offers :
+3 help :
+4 in :
+5 destroying :
+6 Syria :
+7 weapons :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt arrests Muslim Brotherhood 's top leader
+// Egypt Arrests Muslim Brotherhood Supporters Under Terror Law
+1 Egypt :
+2 Arrests :
+3 Muslim :
+4 Brotherhood :
+5 Supporters :
+6 Under :
+7 Terror :
+8 Law :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Arsenal v Stoke City - live!
+// Tottenham v Manchester City - live!
+1 Tottenham :
+2 v :
+3 Manchester :
+4 City :
+5 - :
+6 live! :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// London Marathon runners honour Boston victims
+// London Marathon observes silence for Boston victims
+1 London :
+2 Marathon :
+3 observes :
+4 silence :
+5 for :
+6 Boston :
+7 victims :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Today in History , Dec. 2
+// Today in History , April 23
+1 Today :
+2 in :
+3 History :
+4 , :
+5 April :
+6 23 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Desmond Tutu says he will attend Mandela funeral
+// Tutu says will attend Mandela funeral
+1 Tutu :
+2 says :
+3 will :
+4 attend :
+5 Mandela :
+6 funeral :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nigerian gunmen kill groom , 30 others in wedding convoy
+// Nigeria official : Gunmen kill 30 in wedding convoy
+1 Nigeria :
+2 official :
+3 : :
+4 Gunmen :
+5 kill :
+6 30 :
+7 in :
+8 wedding :
+9 convoy :
+1 2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Deaths rise in Israeli air strikes on Gaza
+// Deaths rise in air strikes on Gaza
+1 Deaths :
+2 rise :
+3 in :
+4 air :
+5 strikes :
+6 on :
+7 Gaza :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US drone strike kills 11 in Pakistan
+// US drone kills 16 in Pakistan
+1 US :
+2 drone :
+3 kills :
+4 16 :
+5 in :
+6 Pakistan :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Islamic militants kill 9 foreign tourists , 1 Pakistani
+// Gunmen Kill 11 Foreign Tourists in Pakistan
+1 Gunmen :
+2 Kill :
+3 11 :
+4 Foreign :
+5 Tourists :
+6 in :
+7 Pakistan :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 9 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Boeing 787 Dreamliner fire shuts Heathrow
+// Boeing 787 Dreamliner catches fire at London Heathrow airport
+1 Boeing :
+2 787 :
+3 Dreamliner :
+4 catches :
+5 fire :
+6 at :
+7 London :
+8 Heathrow :
+9 airport :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf arrested again
+// Former Pakistan military ruler Pervez Musharraf granted bail
+1 Former :
+2 Pakistan :
+3 military :
+4 ruler :
+5 Pervez :
+6 Musharraf :
+7 granted :
+8 bail :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Latest storm brings more snow to US East Coast
+// Latest Storm to Bring More Snow to East Coast
+1 Latest :
+2 Storm :
+3 to :
+4 Bring :
+5 More :
+6 Snow :
+7 to :
+8 East :
+9 Coast :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Powerful 7.6 quake strikes off Solomons
+// Powerful 6.9 quake strikes off California coast
+1 Powerful :
+2 6.9 :
+3 quake :
+4 strikes :
+5 off :
+6 California :
+7 coast :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World sends emergency relief to battered Philippines
+// Typhoon Haiyan : world sends relief to battered Philippines
+1 Typhoon :
+2 Haiyan :
+3 : :
+4 world :
+5 sends :
+6 relief :
+7 to :
+8 battered :
+9 Philippines :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// EU , Britain argue over Juncker appointment
+// EU leaders give thumbs up to Juncker , Britain isolated
+1 EU :
+2 leaders :
+3 give :
+4 thumbs :
+5 up :
+6 to :
+7 Juncker :
+8 , :
+9 Britain :
+10 isolated :
+1 2 3 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Dozens injured in Connecticut train collision
+// Indian minister killed in head-on collision
+1 Indian :
+2 minister :
+3 killed :
+4 in :
+5 head-on :
+6 collision :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Russian Prime Minister On Second Day Of Crimea Visit
+// Russia warns against setting preconditions for Syria
+1 Russia :
+2 warns :
+3 against :
+4 setting :
+5 preconditions :
+6 for :
+7 Syria :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Barack Obama cancels meeting with Vladimir Putin over Edward Snowden
+// Barack Obama drops meeting with Vladimir Putin over Ed Snowden affair
+1 Barack :
+2 Obama :
+3 drops :
+4 meeting :
+5 with :
+6 Vladimir :
+7 Putin :
+8 over :
+9 Ed :
+10 Snowden :
+11 affair :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// India govt rejects proposal to shut petrol pumps at night
+// India oil minister slammed for plan to shut petrol stations at night
+1 India :
+2 oil :
+3 minister :
+4 slammed :
+5 for :
+6 plan :
+7 to :
+8 shut :
+9 petrol :
+10 stations :
+11 at :
+12 night :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israeli war jet strikes on northern Gaza
+// Israeli air strike on sourthern Gaza town kills seven
+1 Israeli :
+2 air :
+3 strike :
+4 on :
+5 sourthern :
+6 Gaza :
+7 town :
+8 kills :
+9 seven :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tropical Storm Karen targets US Gulf Coast
+// Tropical Storm Karen weakens as it nears U.S. Gulf Coast
+1 Tropical :
+2 Storm :
+3 Karen :
+4 weakens :
+5 as :
+6 it :
+7 nears :
+8 U.S. :
+9 Gulf :
+10 Coast :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Toyota , Honda , Nissan and Mazda recall 3 million Japanese cars after airbag fault
+// Toyota , 3 other Japan carmakers to recall 3.4m vehicles over airbag
+1 Toyota :
+2 , :
+3 3 :
+4 other :
+5 Japan :
+6 carmakers :
+7 to :
+8 recall :
+9 3.4m :
+10 vehicles :
+11 over :
+12 airbag :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China sends largest fleet yet to disputed islands
+// China ships enter waters off disputed islands
+1 China :
+2 ships :
+3 enter :
+4 waters :
+5 off :
+6 disputed :
+7 islands :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// California governor declares drought emergency
+// California governor declares drought emergency as wildfires continue to burn
+1 California :
+2 governor :
+3 declares :
+4 drought :
+5 emergency :
+6 as :
+7 wildfires :
+8 continue :
+9 to :
+10 burn :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine rebels ' flee eastern stronghold '
+// Ukraine Claims Rebels Flushed from Main Stronghold
+1 Ukraine :
+2 Claims :
+3 Rebels :
+4 Flushed :
+5 from :
+6 Main :
+7 Stronghold :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// France warns of extremists benefiting from Egypt violence
+// France fears extremists will benefit from Egypt violence
+1 France :
+2 fears :
+3 extremists :
+4 will :
+5 benefit :
+6 from :
+7 Egypt :
+8 violence :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Obama moves to fill Fed board , taps Fischer to be No. 2
+// Obama voices willingness to talk with GOP on budget
+1 Obama :
+2 voices :
+3 willingness :
+4 to :
+5 talk :
+6 with :
+7 GOP :
+8 on :
+9 budget :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 42 killed , 63 wounded in violence in Iraq
+// 44 killed , 133 wounded in Iraq 's violence
+1 44 :
+2 killed :
+3 , :
+4 133 :
+5 wounded :
+6 in :
+7 Iraq :
+8 's :
+9 violence :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// U.S. soldier free after almost five years captivity in Afghanistan
+// US soldier freed after 5 years in captivity in Afghanistan
+1 US :
+2 soldier :
+3 freed :
+4 after :
+5 5 :
+6 years :
+7 in :
+8 captivity :
+9 in :
+10 Afghanistan :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Thousands of Britons claim dole in Germany
+// Thousands of white-clad Amsterdammers march for MH17
+1 Thousands :
+2 of :
+3 white-clad :
+4 Amsterdammers :
+5 march :
+6 for :
+7 MH17 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bradley Manning acquitted of aiding the enemy
+// Wikileaks soldier Bradley Manning acquitted of aiding the enemy
+1 Wikileaks :
+2 soldier :
+3 Bradley :
+4 Manning :
+5 acquitted :
+6 of :
+7 aiding :
+8 the :
+9 enemy :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Brazil Buzzing With Anticipation for Pope Francis
+// Brazil crowds greet Pope Francis
+1 Brazil :
+2 crowds :
+3 greet :
+4 Pope :
+5 Francis :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Drone Strikes a Seminary in Pakistan
+// US drone strike kills 8 in NW Pakistan
+1 US :
+2 drone :
+3 strike :
+4 kills :
+5 8 :
+6 in :
+7 NW :
+8 Pakistan :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunmen kill 10 foreign tourists in northern Pakistan
+// Islamic militants kill 9 foreign tourists , 1 Pakistani
+1 Islamic :
+2 militants :
+3 kill :
+4 9 :
+5 foreign :
+6 tourists :
+7 , :
+8 1 :
+9 Pakistani :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Death toll in Nairobi attack rises to 59
+// Death toll from Egypt violence rises to 638
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 from :
+4 Egypt :
+5 violence :
+6 rises :
+7 to :
+8 638 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian regime ' using chemical weapons on a small scale '
+// White House says Syria uses chemical weapons in conflict
+1 White :
+2 House :
+3 says :
+4 Syria :
+5 uses :
+6 chemical :
+7 weapons :
+8 in :
+9 conflict :
+1 2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Venezuelan opposition leader sought
+// Venezuela Government , Opposition Head for Showdown
+1 Venezuela :
+2 Government :
+3 , :
+4 Opposition :
+5 Head :
+6 for :
+7 Showdown :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// UK 's Cameron seriously concerned by Gibraltar/Spain row
+// Cameron ' seriously concerned ' over Gibraltar events
+1 Cameron :
+2 ' :
+3 seriously :
+4 concerned :
+5 ' :
+6 over :
+7 Gibraltar :
+8 events :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// What the Papers Say , Nov. 19 , 2013
+// What the Papers Say Sept. 26 , 2013
+1 What :
+2 the :
+3 Papers :
+4 Say :
+5 Sept. :
+6 26 :
+7 , :
+8 2013 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Top Diplomats Meet in Munich at Critical Time
+// Top Diplomats Discuss Iran 's Nuclear Program
+1 Top :
+2 Diplomats :
+3 Discuss :
+4 Iran :
+5 's :
+6 Nuclear :
+7 Program :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iranian nuclear talks to be extended to November
+// New Iran nuclear talks probably in November : report
+1 New :
+2 Iran :
+3 nuclear :
+4 talks :
+5 probably :
+6 in :
+7 November :
+8 : :
+9 report :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian Opposition Mulls Participation in Peace Talks
+// Syrian opposition confirms participation in peace talks
+1 Syrian :
+2 opposition :
+3 confirms :
+4 participation :
+5 in :
+6 peace :
+7 talks :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rudd sworn in as Australian PM
+// Rudd sworn in as Australia 's new Prime Minister
+1 Rudd :
+2 sworn :
+3 in :
+4 as :
+5 Australia :
+6 's :
+7 new :
+8 Prime :
+9 Minister :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Obama says Korean War veterans ' deserved better '
+// Obama : Korean War vets ' deserve better '
+1 Obama :
+2 : :
+3 Korean :
+4 War :
+5 vets :
+6 ' :
+7 deserve :
+8 better :
+9 ' :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Andhra Pradesh high court asks Telugu actors Mohan Babu , Brahmanandam to return Padma Shri
+// HC advises actors Mohan Babu , Brahmanandam to return Padma Shri
+1 HC :
+2 advises :
+3 actors :
+4 Mohan :
+5 Babu :
+6 , :
+7 Brahmanandam :
+8 to :
+9 return :
+10 Padma :
+11 Shri :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 11 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pro football player Aaron Hernandez charged with murder in friend 's shooting death
+// American football player Aaron Hernandez charged with murder
+1 American :
+2 football :
+3 player :
+4 Aaron :
+5 Hernandez :
+6 charged :
+7 with :
+8 murder :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Algerian president in France for medical tests
+// Algerian president in France for medical tests after minor stroke
+1 Algerian :
+2 president :
+3 in :
+4 France :
+5 for :
+6 medical :
+7 tests :
+8 after :
+9 minor :
+10 stroke :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel to release Palestinian prisoners
+// Israel Releases 26 Palestinian Prisoners
+1 Israel :
+2 Releases :
+3 26 :
+4 Palestinian :
+5 Prisoners :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// British Nobel-Winning Author Doris Lessing Dies
+// Nobel Prize winning author Doris Lessing dies
+1 Nobel :
+2 Prize :
+3 winning :
+4 author :
+5 Doris :
+6 Lessing :
+7 dies :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Carter stars for Crusaders
+// Bonus-point Super Rugby win for Crusaders
+1 Bonus-point :
+2 Super :
+3 Rugby :
+4 win :
+5 for :
+6 Crusaders :
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Car bombs kill at least 16 in Iraqi capital
+// Car bombs kill at least 47 in Baghdad area
+1 Car :
+2 bombs :
+3 kill :
+4 at :
+5 least :
+6 47 :
+7 in :
+8 Baghdad :
+9 area :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// ' Fast & ; Furious ' star Paul Walker dies in car crash at 40
+// Hollywood star Paul Walker dies in car crash
+1 Hollywood :
+2 star :
+3 Paul :
+4 Walker :
+5 dies :
+6 in :
+7 car :
+8 crash :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China eases one-child policy
+// China formalizes easing of one-child policy
+1 China :
+2 formalizes :
+3 easing :
+4 of :
+5 one-child :
+6 policy :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Global chemical watchdog wins Nobel Peace Prize
+// Chemical weapons watchdog wins Nobel Peace prize
+1 Chemical :
+2 weapons :
+3 watchdog :
+4 wins :
+5 Nobel :
+6 Peace :
+7 prize :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Woman remanded over child 's death A woman has been remanded in custody charged with murder after an eight-year-old girl was found dead in a block of flats.
+// Mother held over daughter 's death A mother has been remanded in custody charged with murder after her eight-year-old daughter was found dead in a block of flats.
+1 Mother :
+2 held :
+3 over :
+4 daughter :
+5 's :
+6 death :
+7 A :
+8 mother :
+9 has :
+10 been :
+11 remanded :
+12 in :
+13 custody :
+14 charged :
+15 with :
+16 murder :
+17 after :
+18 her :
+19 eight-year-old :
+20 daughter :
+21 was :
+22 found :
+23 dead :
+24 in :
+25 a :
+26 block :
+27 of :
+28 flats. :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 16 <==> 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 18 19 20 <==> 17 18 19 20 // EQUI // 5 //
+21 22 <==> 21 22 // EQUI // 5 //
+23 <==> 23 // EQUI // 5 //
+24 25 26 <==> 24 25 26 // EQUI // 5 //
+27 28 <==> 27 28 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Police fire tear gas at pro-Morsy protesters
+// Turkish police fire teargas at protesters in Istanbul
+1 Turkish :
+2 police :
+3 fire :
+4 teargas :
+5 at :
+6 protesters :
+7 in :
+8 Istanbul :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 17:02 23 killed in Iraq car bombings
+// 11 children killed in Syria bombings
+1 11 :
+2 children :
+3 killed :
+4 in :
+5 Syria :
+6 bombings :
+2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunmen kill nine foreign tourists , guide in Pakistan
+// Gunmen kill nine tourists in Pakistan
+1 Gunmen :
+2 kill :
+3 nine :
+4 tourists :
+5 in :
+6 Pakistan :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pro-Russia rebels to hold vote in Ukraine
+// Syria rebels : We killed Hezbollah men in Lebanon
+1 Syria :
+2 rebels :
+3 : :
+4 We :
+5 killed :
+6 Hezbollah :
+7 men :
+8 in :
+9 Lebanon :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Erdogan criticizes court ruling after lifting Twitter ban
+// Erdogan slams top court for lifting Twitter ban
+1 Erdogan :
+2 slams :
+3 top :
+4 court :
+5 for :
+6 lifting :
+7 Twitter :
+8 ban :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Today in History , Jan. 24
+// Today in History , April 4
+1 Today :
+2 in :
+3 History :
+4 , :
+5 April :
+6 4 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Janet Yellen to become first woman to lead the Federal Reserve
+// US Senate confirms Janet Yellen as US Federal Reserve chief
+1 US :
+2 Senate :
+3 confirms :
+4 Janet :
+5 Yellen :
+6 as :
+7 US :
+8 Federal :
+9 Reserve :
+10 chief :
+1 2 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Police use water cannon as India gang-rape protest turns violent
+// Police fire teargas , water cannon at Istanbul protesters
+1 Police :
+2 fire :
+3 teargas :
+4 , :
+5 water :
+6 cannon :
+7 at :
+8 Istanbul :
+9 protesters :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US consumers boost spending 0.2 pct. last month
+// Consumer spending up 0.2 percent in May
+1 Consumer :
+2 spending :
+3 up :
+4 0.2 :
+5 percent :
+6 in :
+7 May :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran 's Rouhani admits chemical weapons killed people in Syria
+// Probe alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria
+1 Probe :
+2 alleged :
+3 use :
+4 of :
+5 chemical :
+6 weapons :
+7 in :
+8 Syria :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Britain 's Prince Philip set for ' exploratory ' surgery
+// UK 's Prince Philip hospitalized
+1 UK :
+2 's :
+3 Prince :
+4 Philip :
+5 hospitalized :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Huge explosion after oil train derails in Canada
+// Huge explosion as freight train derails near Baltimore
+1 Huge :
+2 explosion :
+3 as :
+4 freight :
+5 train :
+6 derails :
+7 near :
+8 Baltimore :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// NATO soldier killed in Taliban attack
+// Four soldiers killed in Yemen
+1 Four :
+2 soldiers :
+3 killed :
+4 in :
+5 Yemen :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Red Cross workers released in Ukraine
+// Red Cross members kidnapped in Syria
+1 Red :
+2 Cross :
+3 members :
+4 kidnapped :
+5 in :
+6 Syria :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran 's nuclear negotiating team leaves for Kazakhstan
+// Iran 's nuclear quest ' has cost Tehran over $100 billion '
+1 Iran :
+2 's :
+3 nuclear :
+4 quest :
+5 ' :
+6 has :
+7 cost :
+8 Tehran :
+9 over :
+10 $100 :
+11 billion :
+12 ' :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Myanmar arrests 44 over sectarian violence
+// Ban Warns Syria Strikes Could Worsen Sectarian Violence
+1 Ban :
+2 Warns :
+3 Syria :
+4 Strikes :
+5 Could :
+6 Worsen :
+7 Sectarian :
+8 Violence :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Google Unveils Prototype Self-Driving Car
+// Google Unveils Concept Self-Driving Car
+1 Google :
+2 Unveils :
+3 Concept :
+4 Self-Driving :
+5 Car :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel to free Palestinian prisoners over Kerry talks
+// Israel Agrees to Free 104 Palestinian Prisoners as Part of Possible Deal to Restart Peace Talks
+1 Israel :
+2 Agrees :
+3 to :
+4 Free :
+5 104 :
+6 Palestinian :
+7 Prisoners :
+8 as :
+9 Part :
+10 of :
+11 Possible :
+12 Deal :
+13 to :
+14 Restart :
+15 Peace :
+16 Talks :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Chemical Arms Team to Begin Talks With Syria
+// UN Chemical Arms Experts To Visit Syria
+1 UN :
+2 Chemical :
+3 Arms :
+4 Experts :
+5 To :
+6 Visit :
+7 Syria :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt 's opposition criticizes president 's speech
+// Pakistan 's opposition party boycotts presidential elections
+1 Pakistan :
+2 's :
+3 opposition :
+4 party :
+5 boycotts :
+6 presidential :
+7 elections :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rogers hires Vodafone UK chief Guy Laurence as CEO
+// Rogers names Vodafone UK chief as new CEO
+1 Rogers :
+2 names :
+3 Vodafone :
+4 UK :
+5 chief :
+6 as :
+7 new :
+8 CEO :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// One dead , 77 hurt in riot at PNG immigration centre
+// One dead , 77 hurt in riot at Papua New Guinea immigration centre
+1 One :
+2 dead :
+3 , :
+4 77 :
+5 hurt :
+6 in :
+7 riot :
+8 at :
+9 Papua :
+10 New :
+11 Guinea :
+12 immigration :
+13 centre :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 15 dead as Egypt police disperse pro-Mursi camps
+// ' 15 killed ' as Egyptian forces clear pro-Morsi camps in Cairo
+1 ' :
+2 15 :
+3 killed :
+4 ' :
+5 as :
+6 Egyptian :
+7 forces :
+8 clear :
+9 pro-Morsi :
+10 camps :
+11 in :
+12 Cairo :
+1 2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian PM Survives Bomb Attack
+// Syrian PM survives bomb attack in capital
+1 Syrian :
+2 PM :
+3 survives :
+4 bomb :
+5 attack :
+6 in :
+7 capital :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// North Korea claims ' breakthrough ' guided missile
+// N. Korea hails test of ' breakthrough ' guided missile
+1 N. :
+2 Korea :
+3 hails :
+4 test :
+5 of :
+6 ' :
+7 breakthrough :
+8 ' :
+9 guided :
+10 missile :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : February 25
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : January 27
+1 India :
+2 Ink :
+3 : :
+4 Image :
+5 of :
+6 the :
+7 Day :
+8 : :
+9 January :
+10 27 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bangladesh collapse search over ; death toll 1,127
+// Bangladesh collapse deaths top 620
+1 Bangladesh :
+2 collapse :
+3 deaths :
+4 top :
+5 620 :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Japan 's opposition party chief criticizes Abe 's economic policies
+// Zimbabwe 's opposition MDC party challenges Robert Mugabe 's election win
+1 Zimbabwe :
+2 's :
+3 opposition :
+4 MDC :
+5 party :
+6 challenges :
+7 Robert :
+8 Mugabe :
+9 's :
+10 election :
+11 win :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Abdullah ahead in Afghanistan election race
+// Abdullah leading in Afghan presidential elections
+1 Abdullah :
+2 leading :
+3 in :
+4 Afghan :
+5 presidential :
+6 elections :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// New major earthquake rocks southwest Pakistan
+// Moderate earthquake hits southern Pakistan
+1 Moderate :
+2 earthquake :
+3 hits :
+4 southern :
+5 Pakistan :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Berlusconi party ministers ' announcement of resignation throws Italy into political crisis
+// Berlusconi ministers resign ; Italy gov 't in crisis
+1 Berlusconi :
+2 ministers :
+3 resign :
+4 ; :
+5 Italy :
+6 gov :
+7 't :
+8 in :
+9 crisis :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nicaragua , Venezuela offer asylum to Snowden
+// Venezuela offers " humanitarian asylum " to Snowden
+1 Venezuela :
+2 offers :
+3 " :
+4 humanitarian :
+5 asylum :
+6 " :
+7 to :
+8 Snowden :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 17 govt employees killed in Pakistan bus bombing
+// At least 78 killed in Pakistan church bombing
+1 At :
+2 least :
+3 78 :
+4 killed :
+5 in :
+6 Pakistan :
+7 church :
+8 bombing :
+1 2 3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two hurt in Bangkok shooting
+// Two hurt in US school shooting
+1 Two :
+2 hurt :
+3 in :
+4 US :
+5 school :
+6 shooting :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel colonel killed in Jordan Valley
+// Israeli killed in West Bank attack
+1 Israeli :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 West :
+5 Bank :
+6 attack :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bangladesh police arrest prominent atheist blogger
+// Bangladesh police arrest 3 atheist bloggers
+1 Bangladesh :
+2 police :
+3 arrest :
+4 3 :
+5 atheist :
+6 bloggers :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Cannes hotel raid nets €40 million gems
+// Jewels worth €40m stolen in Cannes
+1 Jewels :
+2 worth :
+3 €40m :
+4 stolen :
+5 in :
+6 Cannes :
+1 2 3 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Chinese News Agency Slams Delays in Search for Jet
+// Ten Chinese vessels on standby for jet search
+1 Ten :
+2 Chinese :
+3 vessels :
+4 on :
+5 standby :
+6 for :
+7 jet :
+8 search :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syria envoy says no peace talks without opposition
+// Syria : Cameron and Obama move west closer to intervention
+1 Syria :
+2 : :
+3 Cameron :
+4 and :
+5 Obama :
+6 move :
+7 west :
+8 closer :
+9 to :
+10 intervention :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Mel Smith dead at 60 and UK mourns a comedy favourite
+// Griff Rhys Jones : Mel Smith was ' a force for life '
+1 Griff :
+2 Rhys :
+3 Jones :
+4 : :
+5 Mel :
+6 Smith :
+7 was :
+8 ' :
+9 a :
+10 force :
+11 for :
+12 life :
+13 ' :
+1 2 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Driver of crashed Spanish train held on suspicion of negligent homicide
+// Spanish train driver held on suspicion of negligent homicide
+1 Spanish :
+2 train :
+3 driver :
+4 held :
+5 on :
+6 suspicion :
+7 of :
+8 negligent :
+9 homicide :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran warns against military intervention in Iraq
+// FM Spokeswoman : Iran against US military interference in Iraq
+1 FM :
+2 Spokeswoman :
+3 : :
+4 Iran :
+5 against :
+6 US :
+7 military :
+8 interference :
+9 in :
+10 Iraq :
+1 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Death toll rises to 51 in Latvian supermarket collapse
+// Death toll hits 63 in Mumbai building collapse
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 hits :
+4 63 :
+5 in :
+6 Mumbai :
+7 building :
+8 collapse :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Defence in South Korea ferry trial warns of scapegoating
+// Defence in ferry trial warns of scapegoating
+1 Defence :
+2 in :
+3 ferry :
+4 trial :
+5 warns :
+6 of :
+7 scapegoating :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 6 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// EDL leaders arrested during march to Woolwich
+// EDL leaders arrested on way to Woolwich
+1 EDL :
+2 leaders :
+3 arrested :
+4 on :
+5 way :
+6 to :
+7 Woolwich :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunmen kill nine foreign tourists , guide in Pakistan
+// Gunmen kill 9 foreign tourists , 1 Pakistani
+1 Gunmen :
+2 kill :
+3 9 :
+4 foreign :
+5 tourists :
+6 , :
+7 1 :
+8 Pakistani :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Thai opposition party to boycott general election
+// Thailand 's opposition Democrat Party announces boycott of February general election
+1 Thailand :
+2 's :
+3 opposition :
+4 Democrat :
+5 Party :
+6 announces :
+7 boycott :
+8 of :
+9 February :
+10 general :
+11 election :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian warplanes reportedly strike in Iraq , killing 57
+// Syria and Iran Step Up Involvement in Iraq Conflict
+1 Syria :
+2 and :
+3 Iran :
+4 Step :
+5 Up :
+6 Involvement :
+7 in :
+8 Iraq :
+9 Conflict :
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt changes venue for trial of ousted president
+// Egypt Changes Venue for Trial of Ousted President
+1 Egypt :
+2 Changes :
+3 Venue :
+4 for :
+5 Trial :
+6 of :
+7 Ousted :
+8 President :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Respected British interviewer David Frost dies of a heart attack
+// Broadcaster David Frost dies
+1 Broadcaster :
+2 David :
+3 Frost :
+4 dies :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Group : 7 Palestinians killed in Syria
+// Palestinian killed in Israeli raid
+1 Palestinian :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 Israeli :
+5 raid :
+3 4 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Car bomb at Swedish consulate in Libya 's Benghazi , no casualties
+// Car Bomb Hits Swedish Consulate in Benghazi , None Hurt
+1 Car :
+2 Bomb :
+3 Hits :
+4 Swedish :
+5 Consulate :
+6 in :
+7 Benghazi :
+8 , :
+9 None :
+10 Hurt :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US drone strike kills six in Pakistan officials
+// U.S. drone kills 4 militants in Pakistan
+1 U.S. :
+2 drone :
+3 kills :
+4 4 :
+5 militants :
+6 in :
+7 Pakistan :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Earthquake of 6.3 magnitude strikes off Indonesia island
+// Earthquake of 6 magnitude strikes Thailand
+1 Earthquake :
+2 of :
+3 6 :
+4 magnitude :
+5 strikes :
+6 Thailand :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China quake leaves dozens dead
+// China quake kills at least 179
+1 China :
+2 quake :
+3 kills :
+4 at :
+5 least :
+6 179 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Queen visits Britain 's new prince
+// Queen meets Britain 's new baby prince
+1 Queen :
+2 meets :
+3 Britain :
+4 's :
+5 new :
+6 baby :
+7 prince :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syria opposition pressed to attend talks
+// Syria opposition voices frustration with international backers
+1 Syria :
+2 opposition :
+3 voices :
+4 frustration :
+5 with :
+6 international :
+7 backers :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Putin submits federal constitutional law on Crimea 's integration into Russia to State Duma
+// Putin signs a treaty for Crimea to join Russia
+1 Putin :
+2 signs :
+3 a :
+4 treaty :
+5 for :
+6 Crimea :
+7 to :
+8 join :
+9 Russia :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Venezuela expels three U.S. diplomats
+// Venezuela Expels 3 U.S. Diplomats
+1 Venezuela :
+2 Expels :
+3 3 :
+4 U.S. :
+5 Diplomats :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt 's bruised Islamists protest after bloody week
+// Egypt Islamists defiant after deadly clashes
+1 Egypt :
+2 Islamists :
+3 defiant :
+4 after :
+5 deadly :
+6 clashes :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// N Korea test-fires 30 short-range missiles
+// N. Korea fires short-range missiles
+1 N. :
+2 Korea :
+3 fires :
+4 short-range :
+5 missiles :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Glasgow helicopter death toll rises to nine
+// Earthquake death toll rises to 260
+1 Earthquake :
+2 death :
+3 toll :
+4 rises :
+5 to :
+6 260 :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Shanghai stock indices close mixed -- Nov. 11
+// Shanghai stock indices close higher -- July 23
+1 Shanghai :
+2 stock :
+3 indices :
+4 close :
+5 higher :
+6 -- :
+7 July :
+8 23 :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Prince Charles ' compares Putin to Hitler '
+// Prince Charles ' compares Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler '
+1 Prince :
+2 Charles :
+3 ' :
+4 compares :
+5 Vladimir :
+6 Putin :
+7 to :
+8 Adolf :
+9 Hitler :
+10 ' :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian army retakes Crusader castle from rebels
+// Syrian army retakes historic Crusader castle
+1 Syrian :
+2 army :
+3 retakes :
+4 historic :
+5 Crusader :
+6 castle :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian opposition to meet over peace talks
+// Syrian Opposition Splintered Ahead of Peace Talks
+1 Syrian :
+2 Opposition :
+3 Splintered :
+4 Ahead :
+5 of :
+6 Peace :
+7 Talks :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Four Morsi supporters killed in Egypt clashes
+// Thousands of Morsi supporters gather in Egypt
+1 Thousands :
+2 of :
+3 Morsi :
+4 supporters :
+5 gather :
+6 in :
+7 Egypt :
+1 2 3 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Five people jailed over Costa Concordia disaster
+// five men sentenced for costa concordia shipwreck disaster
+1 five :
+2 men :
+3 sentenced :
+4 for :
+5 costa :
+6 concordia :
+7 shipwreck :
+8 disaster :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tokyo to host 2020 Olympic Games
+// Tokyo wins race to host 2020 Olympic Games
+1 Tokyo :
+2 wins :
+3 race :
+4 to :
+5 host :
+6 2020 :
+7 Olympic :
+8 Games :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Suicide bomber kills eight , wounds 13 in Afghan capital - police
+// Suicide bomb kills 4 in Syrian capital 's Old City
+1 Suicide :
+2 bomb :
+3 kills :
+4 4 :
+5 in :
+6 Syrian :
+7 capital :
+8 's :
+9 Old :
+10 City :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Twelve killed in bomb blast on Pakistani train
+// 11 killed as bus falls into ravine in northern Pakistan
+1 11 :
+2 killed :
+3 as :
+4 bus :
+5 falls :
+6 into :
+7 ravine :
+8 in :
+9 northern :
+10 Pakistan :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 41 killed , 22 wounded in violent attacks in Iraq
+// 35 killed , 138 wounded in wave of attacks in Iraq
+1 35 :
+2 killed :
+3 , :
+4 138 :
+5 wounded :
+6 in :
+7 wave :
+8 of :
+9 attacks :
+10 in :
+11 Iraq :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China yuan advances to 6.2035 against USD Tuesday
+// China yuan slightly advances to 6.1408 against USD Wednesday
+1 China :
+2 yuan :
+3 slightly :
+4 advances :
+5 to :
+6 6.1408 :
+7 against :
+8 USD :
+9 Wednesday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// New Australian PM Tony Abbott on his bike awaiting final vote count
+// Australian PM-elect Tony Abbott gets to grips with his new job
+1 Australian :
+2 PM-elect :
+3 Tony :
+4 Abbott :
+5 gets :
+6 to :
+7 grips :
+8 with :
+9 his :
+10 new :
+11 job :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Amazon launches new device for streaming video
+// Amazon unveils new Fire TV streaming video box
+1 Amazon :
+2 unveils :
+3 new :
+4 Fire :
+5 TV :
+6 streaming :
+7 video :
+8 box :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Glasgow Helicopter Crash Search Ends
+// Glasgow Helicopter Crash : Woman PC Is Victim
+1 Glasgow :
+2 Helicopter :
+3 Crash :
+4 : :
+5 Woman :
+6 PC :
+7 Is :
+8 Victim :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Thousands evacuated in Moscow metro fire
+// Thousands evacuated after fire breaks out in Moscow Metro
+1 Thousands :
+2 evacuated :
+3 after :
+4 fire :
+5 breaks :
+6 out :
+7 in :
+8 Moscow :
+9 Metro :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bangladesh opposition set for mass march against polls
+// Bangladesh opposition set for mass rally
+1 Bangladesh :
+2 opposition :
+3 set :
+4 for :
+5 mass :
+6 rally :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 40 still missing in Canadian train wreck
+// Hunt still on for 40 missing in Canada train blaze
+1 Hunt :
+2 still :
+3 on :
+4 for :
+5 40 :
+6 missing :
+7 in :
+8 Canada :
+9 train :
+10 blaze :
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Arsenal stars poised to wear T-shirts in support Pat Rice 's fight against cancer
+// Arsenal great Rice in hospital with cancer
+1 Arsenal :
+2 great :
+3 Rice :
+4 in :
+5 hospital :
+6 with :
+7 cancer :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Colombia strike three times
+// Colombia too slick for Greece
+1 Colombia :
+2 too :
+3 slick :
+4 for :
+5 Greece :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Polar bear DNA ' may help fight obesity '
+// Polar bear study may boost fight against obesity
+1 Polar :
+2 bear :
+3 study :
+4 may :
+5 boost :
+6 fight :
+7 against :
+8 obesity :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Fire in Russian psychiatric hospital kills 38
+// 38 feared dead in Russian psychiatric hospital fire
+1 38 :
+2 feared :
+3 dead :
+4 in :
+5 Russian :
+6 psychiatric :
+7 hospital :
+8 fire :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World 's largest building opened in west China
+// Italy 's centre-left splinters in presidential vote
+1 Italy :
+2 's :
+3 centre-left :
+4 splinters :
+5 in :
+6 presidential :
+7 vote :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel not to release Palestinian prisoners
+// Israeli authorities raze Palestinian home in Arraba
+1 Israeli :
+2 authorities :
+3 raze :
+4 Palestinian :
+5 home :
+6 in :
+7 Arraba :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Volcano erupts in Indonesia - 100,000 evacuated and airports closed
+// Volcanic eruption closes 3 airports
+1 Volcanic :
+2 eruption :
+3 closes :
+4 3 :
+5 airports :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Search resumes for Malaysia jet
+// Search Resumes for Missing Malaysian Jet
+1 Search :
+2 Resumes :
+3 for :
+4 Missing :
+5 Malaysian :
+6 Jet :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China yuan weakens to 6.1651 against USD Tuesday
+// China yuan strengthens to 6.1696 against USD Thursday
+1 China :
+2 yuan :
+3 strengthens :
+4 to :
+5 6.1696 :
+6 against :
+7 USD :
+8 Thursday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// South Africa unites in prayer and song for Mandela
+// South Africans Embark on Day of ' Prayer and Reflection ' for Mandela
+1 South :
+2 Africans :
+3 Embark :
+4 on :
+5 Day :
+6 of :
+7 ' :
+8 Prayer :
+9 and :
+10 Reflection :
+11 ' :
+12 for :
+13 Mandela :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Prince William addresses Australian parliament video
+// Royal visit : Prince William and Catherine visit Parliament in Canberra tour
+1 Royal :
+2 visit :
+3 : :
+4 Prince :
+5 William :
+6 and :
+7 Catherine :
+8 visit :
+9 Parliament :
+10 in :
+11 Canberra :
+12 tour :
+1 2 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Fromer Pakistani army chief Musharraf charged in 2007 Bhutto assassination
+// Former Pakistan army chief charged in Bhutto death
+1 Former :
+2 Pakistan :
+3 army :
+4 chief :
+5 charged :
+6 in :
+7 Bhutto :
+8 death :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 5 Dead in India Building Collapse
+// Death toll in India building collapse hits 42
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 in :
+4 India :
+5 building :
+6 collapse :
+7 hits :
+8 42 :
+1 2 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt Launches Offensive Against Sinai Militants
+// Egypt launches offensive against Sinai insurgents
+1 Egypt :
+2 launches :
+3 offensive :
+4 against :
+5 Sinai :
+6 insurgents :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Assad warns Turkey of ' heavy price ' for backing Syrian rebels
+// Cabinet at war over arming Syrian rebels
+1 Cabinet :
+2 at :
+3 war :
+4 over :
+5 arming :
+6 Syrian :
+7 rebels :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Deal on Iran nuclear drive from Jan 20
+// Deal curbing Iran nuclear drive to take effect Jan 20
+1 Deal :
+2 curbing :
+3 Iran :
+4 nuclear :
+5 drive :
+6 to :
+7 take :
+8 effect :
+9 Jan :
+10 20 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two arrests made after protest against Nigel Farage
+// Kerry vows progress after latest intensive Mideast trip
+1 Kerry :
+2 vows :
+3 progress :
+4 after :
+5 latest :
+6 intensive :
+7 Mideast :
+8 trip :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nobel author Doris Lessing dies at 94
+// Nobel laureate Doris Lessing dies at 94
+1 Nobel :
+2 laureate :
+3 Doris :
+4 Lessing :
+5 dies :
+6 at :
+7 94 :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Man held after teen shot in Belfast
+// Man , 40 , arrested after shooting
+1 Man :
+2 , :
+3 40 :
+4 , :
+5 arrested :
+6 after :
+7 shooting :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran ups oil swap with eastern neighbors
+// Iran urges rapid release of diplomat
+1 Iran :
+2 urges :
+3 rapid :
+4 release :
+5 of :
+6 diplomat :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pakistan 's Musharraf Under Arrest in Bhutto Assassination
+// Pakistan 's Musharraf arrives at court for first time
+1 Pakistan :
+2 's :
+3 Musharraf :
+4 arrives :
+5 at :
+6 court :
+7 for :
+8 first :
+9 time :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pit Bull Dog Kills Baby Girl In Blackburn
+// Dog Mauls Baby Girl To Death In Blackburn
+1 Dog :
+2 Mauls :
+3 Baby :
+4 Girl :
+5 To :
+6 Death :
+7 In :
+8 Blackburn :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Police stop Maldives presidential election
+// Keita Wins Mali Presidential Election
+1 Keita :
+2 Wins :
+3 Mali :
+4 Presidential :
+5 Election :
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 10 Things to Know - Today
+// 10 Things to Know for Tuesday
+1 10 :
+2 Things :
+3 to :
+4 Know :
+5 for :
+6 Tuesday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Air strike kills one man in Syria 's Hama
+// US drone strike kills eleven in Pakistan
+1 US :
+2 drone :
+3 strike :
+4 kills :
+5 eleven :
+6 in :
+7 Pakistan :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// ' One unaccounted for ' in San Francisco plane crash
+// Two killed in San Francisco plane crash ' were Chinese '
+1 Two :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 San :
+5 Francisco :
+6 plane :
+7 crash :
+8 ' :
+9 were :
+10 Chinese :
+11 ' :
+1 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China urges Japan to respect regional security concerns
+// China urges Japan to maintain regional peace
+1 China :
+2 urges :
+3 Japan :
+4 to :
+5 maintain :
+6 regional :
+7 peace :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel Forces Kill 2 Palestinian Militants
+// Israeli army kills Palestinian militant in raid
+1 Israeli :
+2 army :
+3 kills :
+4 Palestinian :
+5 militant :
+6 in :
+7 raid :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine talks continue amid growing unrest
+// Ukraine faces more violence as ultimatum nears end
+1 Ukraine :
+2 faces :
+3 more :
+4 violence :
+5 as :
+6 ultimatum :
+7 nears :
+8 end :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egyptian police fire tear gas at protesters in Cairo
+// Police fire tear gas at protesters in Cairo
+1 Police :
+2 fire :
+3 tear :
+4 gas :
+5 at :
+6 protesters :
+7 in :
+8 Cairo :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Hong Kong set for democracy march
+// Hong Kong set for huge democracy rally
+1 Hong :
+2 Kong :
+3 set :
+4 for :
+5 huge :
+6 democracy :
+7 rally :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Brazil in talks to hire 6,000 Cuban doctors
+// Brazil hires 4,000 Cuban doctors
+1 Brazil :
+2 hires :
+3 4,000 :
+4 Cuban :
+5 doctors :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Southern Italy Coach Crash Kills 38
+// Death toll rises to 39 in Italy coach crash
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 rises :
+4 to :
+5 39 :
+6 in :
+7 Italy :
+8 coach :
+9 crash :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Yemen officials : US drone kills 2 militants
+// Yemen drone strike kills militants
+1 Yemen :
+2 drone :
+3 strike :
+4 kills :
+5 militants :
+4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nine killed more than 40 injured in multiple bus crash in Germany
+// Several killed and scores injured in Germany bus crash
+1 Several :
+2 killed :
+3 and :
+4 scores :
+5 injured :
+6 in :
+7 Germany :
+8 bus :
+9 crash :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 12 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Australian PM Kevin Rudd calls election for 7 September
+// Australian PM Rudd calls Sept. 7 poll
+1 Australian :
+2 PM :
+3 Rudd :
+4 calls :
+5 Sept. :
+6 7 :
+7 poll :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Police clash with youth in Cairo after anti-Morsi protest
+// Egypt : Police clash with pro-Morsi protesters
+1 Egypt :
+2 : :
+3 Police :
+4 clash :
+5 with :
+6 pro-Morsi :
+7 protesters :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US Issues Travel Alert Over Al Qaeda Threat
+// US issues global alert , citing Qaeda threats
+1 US :
+2 issues :
+3 global :
+4 alert :
+5 , :
+6 citing :
+7 Qaeda :
+8 threats :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ships Train for Syrian Chemical Weapons Transport
+// UN Adopts Syrian Chemical Weapons Resolution
+1 UN :
+2 Adopts :
+3 Syrian :
+4 Chemical :
+5 Weapons :
+6 Resolution :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// More rain hampers Indian flood rescue
+// US tourist gang-raped in northern India : Police
+1 US :
+2 tourist :
+3 gang-raped :
+4 in :
+5 northern :
+6 India :
+7 : :
+8 Police :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Aust shares edge higher
+// Aust shares close higher
+1 Aust :
+3 close :
+4 higher :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US , Russia agree on seizure of Syria chemical weapons
+// Syrian rebels skeptical of chemical weapons deal
+1 Syrian :
+2 rebels :
+3 skeptical :
+4 of :
+5 chemical :
+6 weapons :
+7 deal :
+4 5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// ' Fast & ; Furious ' star Paul Walker dies in car crash
+// Paul Walker dead : Fast and Furious star , 40 , killed in car crash
+1 Paul :
+2 Walker :
+3 dead :
+4 : :
+5 Fast :
+6 and :
+7 Furious :
+8 star :
+9 , :
+10 40 :
+11 , :
+12 killed :
+13 in :
+14 car :
+15 crash :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// European Central Bank keeps rates unchanged
+// European Central bank keeps interest rate at 0.5%
+1 European :
+2 Central :
+3 bank :
+4 keeps :
+5 interest :
+6 rate :
+7 at :
+8 0.5% :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunmen kill 10 in Philippine political violence
+// Five killed in Philippines volcano eruption
+1 Five :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 Philippines :
+5 volcano :
+6 eruption :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 24 killed 77 wounded in Iraq mosque bombing
+// At least 18 killed in Iraq mosque bombing
+1 At :
+2 least :
+3 18 :
+4 killed :
+5 in :
+6 Iraq :
+7 mosque :
+8 bombing :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Islamists still holding some 30 hostages as Kenya mall standoff continues
+// Death toll rises as Kenya mall siege continues
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 rises :
+4 as :
+5 Kenya :
+6 mall :
+7 siege :
+8 continues :
+7 8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Heavy smog hits north China city , flights cancelled
+// Heavy Smog Hits North China City , Flights Canceled
+1 Heavy :
+2 Smog :
+3 Hits :
+4 North :
+5 China :
+6 City :
+7 , :
+8 Flights :
+9 Canceled :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Algeria president gets therapy after stroke : state media
+// Bulgarian president tries to break election stalemate
+1 Bulgarian :
+2 president :
+3 tries :
+4 to :
+5 break :
+6 election :
+7 stalemate :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran says ready for fresh round of nuclear talks
+// Iran 's Khamenei renews support for nuclear talks
+1 Iran :
+2 's :
+3 Khamenei :
+4 renews :
+5 support :
+6 for :
+7 nuclear :
+8 talks :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Suicide bomber kills 23 Iraqi army recruits
+// Suicide bomber kills 13 Iraqi army recruits in Baghdad
+1 Suicide :
+2 bomber :
+3 kills :
+4 13 :
+5 Iraqi :
+6 army :
+7 recruits :
+8 in :
+9 Baghdad :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Obama nominates new transportation secretary
+// Obama To Meet Embattled Veterans Secretary
+1 Obama :
+2 To :
+3 Meet :
+4 Embattled :
+5 Veterans :
+6 Secretary :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Super typhoon hits Philippines
+// Most powerful typhoon of 2013 hits the Philippines
+1 Most :
+2 powerful :
+3 typhoon :
+4 of :
+5 2013 :
+6 hits :
+7 the :
+8 Philippines :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Google releases Nexus 5 phone with Kit Kat
+// Google redesigns search results on PCs
+1 Google :
+2 redesigns :
+3 search :
+4 results :
+5 on :
+6 PCs :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Judge OKs force-feeding California inmates
+// U.S. judge approves force-feeding Californian inmates on hunger strik
+1 U.S. :
+2 judge :
+3 approves :
+4 force-feeding :
+5 Californian :
+6 inmates :
+7 on :
+8 hunger :
+9 strik :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ride operator charged in N.C. fair accident
+// N.C. State Fair ride operator arrested after accident
+1 N.C. :
+2 State :
+3 Fair :
+4 ride :
+5 operator :
+6 arrested :
+7 after :
+8 accident :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US , NATO Raise Doubts Russia Pulled Back from Ukraine Border
+// No Sign of Russian Withdrawal From Ukraine Border , Official Says
+1 No :
+2 Sign :
+3 of :
+4 Russian :
+5 Withdrawal :
+6 From :
+7 Ukraine :
+8 Border :
+9 , :
+10 Official :
+11 Says :
+1 2 3 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Early vote count in Iran gives reformer wide lead
+// Iran vote count gives Rowhani wide lead
+1 Iran :
+2 vote :
+3 count :
+4 gives :
+5 Rowhani :
+6 wide :
+7 lead :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Australia returns asylum seekers to Sri Lanka in sea transfer
+// Australia : Australia hands asylum-seekers back to Sri Lanka
+1 Australia :
+2 : :
+3 Australia :
+4 hands :
+5 asylum-seekers :
+6 back :
+7 to :
+8 Sri :
+9 Lanka :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Lebanon Clashes Rage Overnight ; 12 Soldiers Dead
+// Lebanon clashes rage near mosque ; 16 soldiers dead
+1 Lebanon :
+2 clashes :
+3 rage :
+4 near :
+5 mosque :
+6 ; :
+7 16 :
+8 soldiers :
+9 dead :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Los Angeles airport worker charged with making 9/11 threats
+// Los Angeles airport worker charged over 9/11 threats
+1 Los :
+2 Angeles :
+3 airport :
+4 worker :
+5 charged :
+6 over :
+7 9/11 :
+8 threats :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 2 killed , multiple wounded in Miami shooting
+// Three killed , five wounded in Myrtle Beach shootings
+1 Three :
+2 killed :
+3 , :
+4 five :
+5 wounded :
+6 in :
+7 Myrtle :
+8 Beach :
+9 shootings :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 9 Killed in Attack on Indian Consulate in Afghanistan
+// 12 killed in attack on Indian consulate in Afghan city
+1 12 :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 attack :
+5 on :
+6 Indian :
+7 consulate :
+8 in :
+9 Afghan :
+10 city :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 6 Killed by Hot Lava as Indonesia Volcano Erupts
+// Five dead in Indonesian eruption
+1 Five :
+2 dead :
+3 in :
+4 Indonesian :
+5 eruption :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China yuan weakens to 6.1059 against USD
+// China yuan strengthens to 6.1070 against USD Friday
+1 China :
+2 yuan :
+3 strengthens :
+4 to :
+5 6.1070 :
+6 against :
+7 USD :
+8 Friday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine hosts ' unity talks '
+// Pope hits out at ' war to sell arms ' in Syria
+1 Pope :
+2 hits :
+3 out :
+4 at :
+5 ' :
+6 war :
+7 to :
+8 sell :
+9 arms :
+10 ' :
+11 in :
+12 Syria :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iraqi Forces , Militants Battle for Oil Refinery
+// Iraqi forces , militants battle for Iraq refinery
+1 Iraqi :
+2 forces :
+3 , :
+4 militants :
+5 battle :
+6 for :
+7 Iraq :
+8 refinery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Cameron ' has no concerns ' over halal meat
+// Veterans health probe confirms cover-up of care delays
+1 Veterans :
+2 health :
+3 probe :
+4 confirms :
+5 cover-up :
+6 of :
+7 care :
+8 delays :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bangladesh factory owners arrested as death toll nears 350
+// Bangladesh factory owners arrested
+1 Bangladesh :
+2 factory :
+3 owners :
+4 arrested :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// EU foreign ministers to discuss how to press Egypt over bloodshed
+// EU foreign ministers to discuss Egypt on Wednesday
+1 EU :
+2 foreign :
+3 ministers :
+4 to :
+5 discuss :
+6 Egypt :
+7 on :
+8 Wednesday :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Cairo protesters defy crackdown threat
+// In Cairo Camps , Protesters Dig in and Live On
+1 In :
+2 Cairo :
+3 Camps :
+4 , :
+5 Protesters :
+6 Dig :
+7 in :
+8 and :
+9 Live :
+10 On :
+1 2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Six killed in drone strike in N Waziristan
+// 12 killed in bus accident in Pakistan
+1 12 :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 bus :
+5 accident :
+6 in :
+7 Pakistan :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// UN launches US$300 mil. appeal for Philippines
+// UK sends warship to aid Philippines
+1 UK :
+2 sends :
+3 warship :
+4 to :
+5 aid :
+6 Philippines :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// N Korea postpones family reunions with South
+// North Korea Postpones Family Reunions with South
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 Postpones :
+4 Family :
+5 Reunions :
+6 with :
+7 South :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// N. Korea 's Kim hails execution of powerful uncle
+// North Korea 's Kim seen behind sacking of powerful uncle
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 's :
+4 Kim :
+5 seen :
+6 behind :
+7 sacking :
+8 of :
+9 powerful :
+10 uncle :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pregnant Sudan woman who married a Christian man sentenced to death for ' apostasy '
+// Sudan frees Christian woman sentenced to death for apostasy
+1 Sudan :
+2 frees :
+3 Christian :
+4 woman :
+5 sentenced :
+6 to :
+7 death :
+8 for :
+9 apostasy :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 15 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Libya asks UN Security Council for help
+// Kerry Calls On UN Security Council to Act on Syria
+1 Kerry :
+2 Calls :
+3 On :
+4 UN :
+5 Security :
+6 Council :
+7 to :
+8 Act :
+9 on :
+10 Syria :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Death toll from Baghdad bombs rises to 19
+// Death toll from Egypt clashes rises to 57
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 from :
+4 Egypt :
+5 clashes :
+6 rises :
+7 to :
+8 57 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// France Says Won't ' Shirk Responsibilities ' in Syria
+// France urges EU to be united on Syria
+1 France :
+2 urges :
+3 EU :
+4 to :
+5 be :
+6 united :
+7 on :
+8 Syria :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Boeing 777 plane crash-lands at San Francisco airport
+// Plane crash lands at San Francisco airport
+1 Plane :
+2 crash :
+3 lands :
+4 at :
+5 San :
+6 Francisco :
+7 airport :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tymoshenko urges EU to take strong action on Crimea
+// Ukraine crisis : This is the de-facto annexation of Crimea
+1 Ukraine :
+2 crisis :
+3 : :
+4 This :
+5 is :
+6 the :
+7 de-facto :
+8 annexation :
+9 of :
+10 Crimea :
+3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Monty Python to reunite for new show
+// Monty Python to reunite on stage
+1 Monty :
+2 Python :
+3 to :
+4 reunite :
+5 on :
+6 stage :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Record-setting Southwest heat wave turns fatal
+// At least 1 dead , 40 hospitalized in Southwest heat wave
+1 At :
+2 least :
+3 1 :
+4 dead :
+5 , :
+6 40 :
+7 hospitalized :
+8 in :
+9 Southwest :
+10 heat :
+11 wave :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 3 dead , 1 hurt in shooting at S Carolina oceanfront motel
+// 4 dead , 30 injured in train collision near Moscow
+1 4 :
+2 dead :
+3 , :
+4 30 :
+5 injured :
+6 in :
+7 train :
+8 collision :
+9 near :
+10 Moscow :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nigerian leader orders push to free abducted schoolgirls
+// Pressure mounts to free kidnapped girls
+1 Pressure :
+2 mounts :
+3 to :
+4 free :
+5 kidnapped :
+6 girls :
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Boston bomb suspect charged ; religious motive seen
+// Boston bombing suspect charged in hospital bed
+1 Boston :
+2 bombing :
+3 suspect :
+4 charged :
+5 in :
+6 hospital :
+7 bed :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Scores Killed In Egyptian Protests
+// Turkey 's PM Warns Against Protests
+1 Turkey :
+2 's :
+3 PM :
+4 Warns :
+5 Against :
+6 Protests :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Taiwan stocks close 0.56 pct higher
+// Singapore stocks close 0.5 pct higher
+1 Singapore :
+2 stocks :
+3 close :
+4 0.5 :
+5 pct :
+6 higher :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Cypriot Finance Minister Michalis Sarris resigns
+// Cyprus finance minister resigns
+1 Cyprus :
+2 finance :
+3 minister :
+4 resigns :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt turmoil deepens ; militants kill 25 policemen
+// Egypt 's turmoil deepens as Sinai attack kills 25 policemen
+1 Egypt :
+2 's :
+3 turmoil :
+4 deepens :
+5 as :
+6 Sinai :
+7 attack :
+8 kills :
+9 25 :
+10 policemen :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Berlusconi said to pay off ' bunga bunga ' witnesses
+// Berlusconi accused of bribing witnesses in prostitution trial
+1 Berlusconi :
+2 accused :
+3 of :
+4 bribing :
+5 witnesses :
+6 in :
+7 prostitution :
+8 trial :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Microsoft finally unveils Office for Apple 's iPad
+// Microsoft And Office In A Multi-Platform World
+1 Microsoft :
+2 And :
+3 Office :
+4 In :
+5 A :
+6 Multi-Platform :
+7 World :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Glee star Cory Monteith found dead in hotel room in Canada
+// ' Glee ' star Cory Monteith found dead
+1 ' :
+2 Glee :
+3 ' :
+4 star :
+5 Cory :
+6 Monteith :
+7 found :
+8 dead :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Russia praises idea to render rights assistance to Ukraine
+// Russia detains suspected Islamist militants in Moscow raid
+1 Russia :
+2 detains :
+3 suspected :
+4 Islamist :
+5 militants :
+6 in :
+7 Moscow :
+8 raid :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// New Orleans police arrest second suspect in Mother 's Day parade shooting
+// Brothers arrested in Mother 's Day parade shooting
+1 Brothers :
+2 arrested :
+3 in :
+4 Mother :
+5 's :
+6 Day :
+7 parade :
+8 shooting :
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Protesters swamp streets to reclaim revolution
+// Egypt : Protesters storm Muslim Brotherhood 's HQ
+1 Egypt :
+2 : :
+3 Protesters :
+4 storm :
+5 Muslim :
+6 Brotherhood :
+7 's :
+8 HQ :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Hong Kong stocks end higher
+// Indian stocks open higher
+1 Indian :
+2 stocks :
+3 open :
+4 higher :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Poll : Cory Booker takes early lead for N.J. Senate
+// Nigella Lawson ' took cocaine every day for a decade '
+1 Nigella :
+2 Lawson :
+3 ' :
+4 took :
+5 cocaine :
+6 every :
+7 day :
+8 for :
+9 a :
+10 decade :
+11 ' :
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rebels likely downed Malaysian jet ' by mistake ' - U.S. officials
+// Rebels likely downed jet ' by mistake '
+1 Rebels :
+2 likely :
+3 downed :
+4 jet :
+5 ' :
+6 by :
+7 mistake :
+8 ' :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Wave of bombings , shootings kill 38 in Iraq
+// Wave of car bombs , other attacks kill 31 in Iraq
+1 Wave :
+2 of :
+3 car :
+4 bombs :
+5 , :
+6 other :
+7 attacks :
+8 kill :
+9 31 :
+10 in :
+11 Iraq :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Didier Reynders on Syria
+// Obama 's day : Prime time on Syria
+1 Obama :
+2 's :
+3 day :
+4 : :
+5 Prime :
+6 time :
+7 on :
+8 Syria :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 5 things you need to know Tuesday
+// 5 things you need to know on Friday
+1 5 :
+2 things :
+3 you :
+4 need :
+5 to :
+6 know :
+7 on :
+8 Friday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egyptian court considers Mubarak 's release
+// Egypt court orders Mubarak release
+1 Egypt :
+2 court :
+3 orders :
+4 Mubarak :
+5 release :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// U.N. Security Council calls for humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza
+// U.N. Security Council Calls for Unconditional Cease-Fire in Gaza
+1 U.N. :
+2 Security :
+3 Council :
+4 Calls :
+5 for :
+6 Unconditional :
+7 Cease-Fire :
+8 in :
+9 Gaza :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud killed in drone strike
+// Pakistani Taliban ' elect new chief ' , vow ' unprecedented ' revenge
+1 Pakistani :
+2 Taliban :
+3 ' :
+4 elect :
+5 new :
+6 chief :
+7 ' :
+8 , :
+9 vow :
+10 ' :
+11 unprecedented :
+12 ' :
+13 revenge :
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Blaze That Killed 19 Firefighters Now Contained
+// Arizona wildfire that killed 19 Hotshots now contained
+1 Arizona :
+2 wildfire :
+3 that :
+4 killed :
+5 19 :
+6 Hotshots :
+7 now :
+8 contained :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Canada approves oil pipeline to the Pacific Coast
+// Canadian government approves controversial oil pipeline to Pacific
+1 Canadian :
+2 government :
+3 approves :
+4 controversial :
+5 oil :
+6 pipeline :
+7 to :
+8 Pacific :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Man United Says Moyes Leaves as Manager
+// Man United hires Moyes to replace Ferguson
+1 Man :
+2 United :
+3 hires :
+4 Moyes :
+5 to :
+6 replace :
+7 Ferguson :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syria opposition unity take face specter of collapse
+// Syria divided opposition struggles within wider Syrian struggle
+1 Syria :
+2 divided :
+3 opposition :
+4 struggles :
+5 within :
+6 wider :
+7 Syrian :
+8 struggle :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Margaret Thatcher , former U.K. PM , dead at 87
+// Margaret Thatcher dies at 87
+1 Margaret :
+2 Thatcher :
+3 dies :
+4 at :
+5 87 :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// EU extends sanctions against Russia
+// Nigeria drops arms trafficking charges against Russian sailors
+1 Nigeria :
+2 drops :
+3 arms :
+4 trafficking :
+5 charges :
+6 against :
+7 Russian :
+8 sailors :
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Chinese stocks open higher - Apr 2
+// Chinese stocks open lower Thursday
+1 Chinese :
+2 stocks :
+3 open :
+4 lower :
+5 Thursday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Obama names outspoken Rice as his security adviser
+// Obama to name Susan Rice as national security adviser
+1 Obama :
+2 to :
+3 name :
+4 Susan :
+5 Rice :
+6 as :
+7 national :
+8 security :
+9 adviser :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Activists : Syrian airstrike kills 21 in Aleppo
+// New Syrian Airstrikes Kill at Least 15 in Aleppo
+1 New :
+2 Syrian :
+3 Airstrikes :
+4 Kill :
+5 at :
+6 Least :
+7 15 :
+8 in :
+9 Aleppo :
+3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Angelina Jolie " very grateful " for support after double mastectomy
+// Angelina Jolie undergoes double mastectomy
+1 Angelina :
+2 Jolie :
+3 undergoes :
+4 double :
+5 mastectomy :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : April 21
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : May 2
+1 India :
+2 Ink :
+3 : :
+4 Image :
+5 of :
+6 the :
+7 Day :
+8 : :
+9 May :
+10 2 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Deaths in bombings and shootings across Iraq
+// Bombings and a shooting kill 8 in Iraq
+1 Bombings :
+2 and :
+3 a :
+4 shooting :
+5 kill :
+6 8 :
+7 in :
+8 Iraq :
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Suicide bomber kills nine police in north Iraq
+// Suicide bomber kills eight Kurdish security forces personnel in Iraq
+1 Suicide :
+2 bomber :
+3 kills :
+4 eight :
+5 Kurdish :
+6 security :
+7 forces :
+8 personnel :
+9 in :
+10 Iraq :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt 's Sisi poised to announce presidency bid
+// Egypt 's Sisi paves way for presidential bid
+1 Egypt :
+2 's :
+3 Sisi :
+4 paves :
+5 way :
+6 for :
+7 presidential :
+8 bid :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 3 killed , 6 injured in Afghan blasts
+// Three killed , six injured in Afghan blasts
+1 Three :
+2 killed :
+3 , :
+4 six :
+5 injured :
+6 in :
+7 Afghan :
+8 blasts :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Texas senator still filibustering abortion bill
+// Texas senator filibusters against abortion bill
+1 Texas :
+2 senator :
+3 filibusters :
+4 against :
+5 abortion :
+6 bill :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Russia drops charges against Greenpeace activists
+// Russia to file piracy charges against Greenpeace
+1 Russia :
+2 to :
+3 file :
+4 piracy :
+5 charges :
+6 against :
+7 Greenpeace :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Protesters clash with police in Turkey
+// Protesters clash with riot police in Kiev
+1 Protesters :
+2 clash :
+3 with :
+4 riot :
+5 police :
+6 in :
+7 Kiev :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nigerian police ban protests over kidnapped girls
+// Nigeria reviewing ' all options ' over kidnapped girls
+1 Nigeria :
+2 reviewing :
+3 ' :
+4 all :
+5 options :
+6 ' :
+7 over :
+8 kidnapped :
+9 girls :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine signs EU trade pact as Russia finalizes Crimea annexation
+// Ukraine 's top court dismisses Crimea 's independence as " unconstitutional "
+1 Ukraine :
+2 's :
+3 top :
+4 court :
+5 dismisses :
+6 Crimea :
+7 's :
+8 independence :
+9 as :
+10 " :
+11 unconstitutional :
+12 " :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The foundations of South Africa are built on Nelson Mandela 's memory
+// Australian politicians lament over Nelson Mandela 's death
+1 Australian :
+2 politicians :
+3 lament :
+4 over :
+5 Nelson :
+6 Mandela :
+7 's :
+8 death :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// On War Criminals and Heroes : The Whitewashing of Ariel Sharon
+// On war criminals and heroes : The whitewashing of Ariel Sharon
+1 On :
+2 war :
+3 criminals :
+4 and :
+5 heroes :
+6 : :
+7 The :
+8 whitewashing :
+9 of :
+10 Ariel :
+11 Sharon :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two French journalists killed in Mali
+// France confirms two French journalists killed in Mali
+1 France :
+2 confirms :
+3 two :
+4 French :
+5 journalists :
+6 killed :
+7 in :
+8 Mali :
+1 2 3 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China yuan strengthens to 6.1184 against USD Tuesday
+// China yuan weakens to 6.1510 against USD
+1 China :
+2 yuan :
+3 weakens :
+4 to :
+5 6.1510 :
+6 against :
+7 USD :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Malaysia Airlines loses contact with plane carrying 239 to Beijing
+// Malaysia Airlines plane vanishes on flight to Beijing
+1 Malaysia :
+2 Airlines :
+3 plane :
+4 vanishes :
+5 on :
+6 flight :
+7 to :
+8 Beijing :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tehelka editor embroiled in sex assault scam
+// Tehelka editor steps down after allegations of sexual misconduct
+1 Tehelka :
+2 editor :
+3 steps :
+4 down :
+5 after :
+6 allegations :
+7 of :
+8 sexual :
+9 misconduct :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Facts about North Korea 's Musudan missile
+// North Korea fires another missile
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 fires :
+4 another :
+5 missile :
+2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunman who held suburban Atlanta firefighters hostage now dead , police say
+// The Lede : Video : Gunman Takes Firefighters Hostage in Georgia
+1 The :
+2 Lede :
+3 : :
+4 Video :
+5 : :
+6 Gunman :
+7 Takes :
+8 Firefighters :
+9 Hostage :
+10 in :
+11 Georgia :
+1 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Crimea parliament votes to join Russia
+// Crimean parliament formally applies to join Russia
+1 Crimean :
+2 parliament :
+3 formally :
+4 applies :
+5 to :
+6 join :
+7 Russia :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China stocks open lower on Wednesday
+// China 's stocks close lower on Monday
+1 China :
+2 's :
+3 stocks :
+4 close :
+5 lower :
+6 on :
+7 Monday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World News Update , what you need to know
+// Labour 's 50p tax rate : what you need to know
+1 Labour :
+2 's :
+3 50p :
+4 tax :
+5 rate :
+6 : :
+7 what :
+8 you :
+9 need :
+10 to :
+11 know :
+5 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Stocks rise in early trading
+// Stocks inch higher in early trading
+1 Stocks :
+2 inch :
+3 higher :
+4 in :
+5 early :
+6 trading :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Twitter shares rocket at opening
+// Twitter shares rocket as trading begins
+1 Twitter :
+3 rocket :
+4 as :
+5 trading :
+6 begins :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Explosions kill 29 outside two mosques in Lebanon 's Tripoli
+// 2 explosions rock city in northern Lebanon
+1 2 :
+2 explosions :
+3 rock :
+4 city :
+5 in :
+6 northern :
+7 Lebanon :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Next Iran nuclear talks due on June 16-20 - IRNA
+// Iran : Nuclear deal to be implemented on January 20
+1 Iran :
+2 : :
+3 Nuclear :
+4 deal :
+5 to :
+6 be :
+7 implemented :
+8 on :
+9 January :
+10 20 :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Russian coal mines seek new outlets in China
+// Russian foreign minister to meet UN chief
+1 Russian :
+2 foreign :
+3 minister :
+4 to :
+5 meet :
+6 UN :
+7 chief :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Outrage after reports emerge about 6-year-old Indian girl raped at school
+// Outrage After Indian Girl , 6 , Raped at Her School
+1 Outrage :
+2 After :
+3 Indian :
+4 Girl :
+5 , :
+6 6 :
+7 , :
+8 Raped :
+9 at :
+10 Her :
+11 School :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ovadia Yosef , rabbi and Israeli kingmaker , dies
+// Rabbi Ovadia Yosef , kingmaker of Israeli politics , dies at 93
+1 Rabbi :
+2 Ovadia :
+3 Yosef :
+4 , :
+5 kingmaker :
+6 of :
+7 Israeli :
+8 politics :
+9 , :
+10 dies :
+11 at :
+12 93 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Thai protesters disrupt early voting for disputed election
+// Thai protest leader shot dead outside polling station
+1 Thai :
+2 protest :
+3 leader :
+4 shot :
+5 dead :
+6 outside :
+7 polling :
+8 station :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Most victims of fiery bus crash identified
+// 38 bodies of victims identified
+1 38 :
+2 bodies :
+3 of :
+4 victims :
+5 identified :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Palestinian diplomat hurt in blast
+// Palestinian ambassador injured in apartment blast
+1 Palestinian :
+2 ambassador :
+3 injured :
+4 in :
+5 apartment :
+6 blast :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
diff --git a/20211029_101219/images.wa b/20211029_101219/images.wa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a4f0145bd920de0b4d47283c7a939f8227df9913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211029_101219/images.wa
@@ -0,0 +1,13678 @@
+// A child in a blue and white team uniform chasing a soccer ball .
+// A young boy in a blue soccer uniform chasing a ball .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 blue :
+7 soccer :
+8 uniform :
+9 chasing :
+10 a :
+11 ball :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in a gray suit locking up a bicycle
+// A man and a woman standing on a city street .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 and :
+4 a :
+5 woman :
+6 standing :
+7 on :
+8 a :
+9 city :
+10 street :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog in in a car .
+// A dog is biting a mop .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 biting :
+5 a :
+6 mop :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog walking beside a pool .
+// A black dog is walking along the side of a pool .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 walking :
+6 along :
+7 the :
+8 side :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 pool :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The boy is looking up at the girl as another girl ignores them .
+// the boy is diving into the pool as the couple watch .
+1 the :
+2 boy :
+3 is :
+4 diving :
+5 into :
+6 the :
+7 pool :
+8 as :
+9 the :
+10 couple :
+11 watch :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two women holding checkered flags near an orange car .
+// Two ladies in skimpy clothes pose next to an old fashioned car .
+1 Two :
+2 ladies :
+3 in :
+4 skimpy :
+5 clothes :
+6 pose :
+7 next :
+8 to :
+9 an :
+10 old :
+11 fashioned :
+12 car :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A hiker with a backpack is up on a misty mountain top .
+// A hiker climbing a rocky hill with fog surrounding him .
+1 A :
+2 hiker :
+3 climbing :
+4 a :
+5 rocky :
+6 hill :
+7 with :
+8 fog :
+9 surrounding :
+10 him :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog in running on grass .
+// A brown dog runs through the grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 grass :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The dog returns the play toy to its master .
+// Three dogs race in the snow together .
+1 Three :
+2 dogs :
+3 race :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 together :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// two dogs are running across a grassy path .
+// Two dogs are in a grassy area .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 grassy :
+7 area :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman stands with her arms out at her sides while another takes a picture .
+// A man stands in a crowd holding a white object .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 stands :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 crowd :
+7 holding :
+8 a :
+9 white :
+10 object :
+11 . :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog is jumping in the air to catch an orange Frisbee .
+// a white dog jumping in the air to catch a red Frisbee .
+1 a :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 jumping :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 air :
+8 to :
+9 catch :
+10 a :
+11 red :
+12 Frisbee :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman and a man with a blue shirt are posing for a photograph .
+// a man and a woman posing for a picture
+1 a :
+2 man :
+3 and :
+4 a :
+5 woman :
+6 posing :
+7 for :
+8 a :
+9 picture :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three people stand in an outdoor glass structure .
+// Three people in a glass structure .
+1 Three :
+2 people :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 glass :
+6 structure :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Young boy wearing a denim shirt sticks out his tongue .
+// A young boy wearing a denim jacket sticks his tongue out .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 wearing :
+5 a :
+6 denim :
+7 jacket :
+8 sticks :
+9 his :
+10 tongue :
+11 out :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog is walking on the grass .
+// A dog chases another by a tree .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 chases :
+4 another :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 tree :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three boys playing soccer in a field
+// Three boys playing soccer .
+1 Three :
+2 boys :
+3 playing :
+4 soccer :
+5 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person is riding a skateboard in the air above a ramp .
+// A biker is riding along a track element located with a wooded area .
+1 A :
+2 biker :
+3 is :
+4 riding :
+5 along :
+6 a :
+7 track :
+8 element :
+9 located :
+10 with :
+11 a :
+12 wooded :
+13 area :
+14 . :
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Brown and white dog playing in the grass .
+// Black and white dog leaping for Frisbee .
+1 Black :
+2 and :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 leaping :
+6 for :
+7 Frisbee :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy is jumping into the water with a ball in his hand .
+// A little boy swimming underwater with a toy in his hand .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 boy :
+4 swimming :
+5 underwater :
+6 with :
+7 a :
+8 toy :
+9 in :
+10 his :
+11 hand :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A deer jumps a fence .
+// A deer jumping over a fence .
+1 A :
+2 deer :
+3 jumping :
+4 over :
+5 a :
+6 fence :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two young girls with dyed hair talk to two boys in black .
+// two girls with pink streaked hair and two boys with black hair standing next to a concrete building .
+1 two :
+2 girls :
+3 with :
+4 pink :
+5 streaked :
+6 hair :
+7 and :
+8 two :
+9 boys :
+10 with :
+11 black :
+12 hair :
+13 standing :
+14 next :
+15 to :
+16 a :
+17 concrete :
+18 building :
+19 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Light brown dog running towards something at the beach .
+// A brown dog chases a blond one in the grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 chases :
+5 a :
+6 blond :
+7 one :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 grass :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man with a messenger bag in front of a gray tile wall .
+// Man in red jacket standing in front of lighthouse .
+1 Man :
+2 in :
+3 red :
+4 jacket :
+5 standing :
+6 in :
+7 front :
+8 of :
+9 lighthouse :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 12 13 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man crouching and holding a camera .
+// The crouching man is holding a large camera .
+1 The :
+2 crouching :
+3 man :
+4 is :
+5 holding :
+6 a :
+7 large :
+8 camera :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl wearing a pink coat splashes in rain puddles .
+// A girl in a pink jacket is walking through a large puddle .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 pink :
+6 jacket :
+7 is :
+8 walking :
+9 through :
+10 a :
+11 large :
+12 puddle :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man rollerblading on a metal bar .
+// Roller blades sliding on a railing .
+1 Roller :
+2 blades :
+3 sliding :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 railing :
+7 . :
+3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A small dog jumping with a ball in its mouth .
+// There is a brown dog swimming outside with a tennis ball in its mouth .
+1 There :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 brown :
+5 dog :
+6 swimming :
+7 outside :
+8 with :
+9 a :
+10 tennis :
+11 ball :
+12 in :
+13 its :
+14 mouth :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Kids playing ball in the park .
+// Two dogs playing by the shore .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 playing :
+4 by :
+5 the :
+6 shore :
+7 . :
+2 3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Woman in a black dress walking on the street .
+// A woman watches a dog jump down the stairs .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 watches :
+4 a :
+5 dog :
+6 jump :
+7 down :
+8 the :
+9 stairs :
+10 . :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Five men dressed in tuxedos standing on a set of stairs
+// Five men in tuxedos are walking down steps .
+1 Five :
+2 men :
+3 in :
+4 tuxedos :
+5 are :
+6 walking :
+7 down :
+8 steps :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog is running toward the camera .
+// A brown and white dog running on grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 running :
+7 on :
+8 grass :
+9 . :
+3 4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a dog jumps into the water .
+// A small dog leaps in the water .
+1 A :
+2 small :
+3 dog :
+4 leaps :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two large dogs running in some grass .
+// Two brindle dogs running in the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 brindle :
+3 dogs :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 grass :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy stands in the pool at the bottom of a blue water slide .
+// A boy splashes into a pool , ejected from a water slide .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 splashes :
+4 into :
+5 a :
+6 pool :
+7 , :
+8 ejected :
+9 from :
+10 a :
+11 water :
+12 slide :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 14 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two children ride saucers down a snowy hill .
+// Two children go sledding .
+1 Two :
+2 children :
+3 go :
+4 sledding :
+5 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person climbs up a snowy hill while their dog follows .
+// A person climbs a snowy hill while a black dog follows .
+1 A :
+2 person :
+3 climbs :
+4 a :
+5 snowy :
+6 hill :
+7 while :
+8 a :
+9 black :
+10 dog :
+11 follows :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A child is jumping into a swimming pool .
+// A dog jumping into a swimming pool .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 jumping :
+4 into :
+5 a :
+6 swimming :
+7 pool :
+8 . :
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Four small children sit on tall stools at a resturaunt bar .
+// Four children sit on tall bar stools at a yellow and grey bar .
+1 Four :
+2 children :
+3 sit :
+4 on :
+5 tall :
+6 bar :
+7 stools :
+8 at :
+9 a :
+10 yellow :
+11 and :
+12 grey :
+13 bar :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The black and white dog runs through the grass .
+// A black and white dog is running through grass .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 through :
+9 grass :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl in a pink shirt is sprawling her limbs out in midair .
+// A man dressed in a Santa suit is climbing up a large concrete building .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 dressed :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 Santa :
+7 suit :
+8 is :
+9 climbing :
+10 up :
+11 a :
+12 large :
+13 concrete :
+14 building :
+15 . :
+7 8 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A tan and white dog retrieving a ball on a gravel path .
+// A large dog walks along a gravel path in the woods .
+1 A :
+2 large :
+3 dog :
+4 walks :
+5 along :
+6 a :
+7 gravel :
+8 path :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 woods :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a boy in a grey hat is carrying a soccer ball by a reddish colored wall .
+// A small boy is carrying a soccer ball .
+1 A :
+2 small :
+3 boy :
+4 is :
+5 carrying :
+6 a :
+7 soccer :
+8 ball :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person wearing scuba gear is swimming underwater water .
+// A person is scuba diving in very clear blue water .
+1 A :
+2 person :
+3 is :
+4 scuba :
+5 diving :
+6 in :
+7 very :
+8 clear :
+9 blue :
+10 water :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog walking in the snow .
+// A black and tan dog walking through the snow .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 tan :
+5 dog :
+6 walking :
+7 through :
+8 the :
+9 snow :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman placing a baby on a skateboard on the beach .
+// a woman holds a small baby on a skateboard at the beach
+1 a :
+2 woman :
+3 holds :
+4 a :
+5 small :
+6 baby :
+7 on :
+8 a :
+9 skateboard :
+10 at :
+11 the :
+12 beach :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy jumping into a lake .
+// The boy is jumping into a lake .
+1 The :
+2 boy :
+3 is :
+4 jumping :
+5 into :
+6 a :
+7 lake :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man water skis while attached to a parachute .
+// A man kite surfing creates a wave .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 kite :
+4 surfing :
+5 creates :
+6 a :
+7 wave :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog looks at a black puppy in the snow .
+// A big white dog and a small black dog sit in the snow .
+1 A :
+2 big :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 and :
+6 a :
+7 small :
+8 black :
+9 dog :
+10 sit :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 snow :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A blue and white soccer team playing against each other .
+// A topless woman with her face painted is covered in mud .
+1 A :
+2 topless :
+3 woman :
+4 with :
+5 her :
+6 face :
+7 painted :
+8 is :
+9 covered :
+10 in :
+11 mud :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a white dog running in the snow
+// The dogs are running in the snow .
+1 The :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy wearing a blue visor swings a bat .
+// A young boy with a visor on plays ball with his bat in the street .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 with :
+5 a :
+6 visor :
+7 on :
+8 plays :
+9 ball :
+10 with :
+11 his :
+12 bat :
+13 in :
+14 the :
+15 street :
+16 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a group of people white water rafting in a blue raft .
+// A group of people paddle their blue inflatable raft down the rapids .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 paddle :
+6 their :
+7 blue :
+8 inflatable :
+9 raft :
+10 down :
+11 the :
+12 rapids :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A pair of dogs playing with a purple ball .
+// Two dogs play with purple football .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 with :
+5 purple :
+6 football :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog shakes off water
+// A dog shakes his head .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 shakes :
+4 his :
+5 head :
+6 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy wearing a red shirt runs across the grass with a furry dog .
+// A sports fan is wearing face paint in the stands .
+1 A :
+2 sports :
+3 fan :
+4 is :
+5 wearing :
+6 face :
+7 paint :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 stands :
+11 . :
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two young children are walking across an open field .
+// Two small children walking in a field .
+1 Two :
+2 small :
+3 children :
+4 walking :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 field :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The brown dog is running on the grass .
+// The skinny brown dog is running through the tall green grass .
+1 The :
+2 skinny :
+3 brown :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 running :
+7 through :
+8 the :
+9 tall :
+10 green :
+11 grass :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man with his arms raised at the top of a mountain .
+// A person in a red shirt is standing , with arms raised , at the top of a mountain .
+1 A :
+2 person :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 red :
+6 shirt :
+7 is :
+8 standing :
+9 , :
+10 with :
+11 arms :
+12 raised :
+13 , :
+14 at :
+15 the :
+16 top :
+17 of :
+18 a :
+19 mountain :
+20 . :
+1 2 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 17 18 19 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 20 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three children stand on or near a fence .
+// The three children are standing on and by a fence .
+1 The :
+2 three :
+3 children :
+4 are :
+5 standing :
+6 on :
+7 and :
+8 by :
+9 a :
+10 fence :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of four children dancing in a backyard .
+// A group of children do stretches on colored mats .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 children :
+5 do :
+6 stretches :
+7 on :
+8 colored :
+9 mats :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two constructions workers sit on a beam taking a break .
+// The man is putting on his shirt near an elevator .
+1 The :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 putting :
+5 on :
+6 his :
+7 shirt :
+8 near :
+9 an :
+10 elevator :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is holding a very long leash attached to a very large dog who is smelling the grass .
+// A man holds a long leash with a large gray dog attached to it .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 holds :
+4 a :
+5 long :
+6 leash :
+7 with :
+8 a :
+9 large :
+10 gray :
+11 dog :
+12 attached :
+13 to :
+14 it :
+15 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 14 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+20 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// This is a boat on the water with mountains in the background .
+// A white boat on glassy water with mountains in the background .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 boat :
+4 on :
+5 glassy :
+6 water :
+7 with :
+8 mountains :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 background :
+12 . :
+3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two boys are jumping into a pool .
+// Two boys are in midair jumping into an inground pool .
+1 Two :
+2 boys :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 midair :
+6 jumping :
+7 into :
+8 an :
+9 inground :
+10 pool :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Scuba diver submerged in water .
+// The scuba diver is underwater .
+1 The :
+2 scuba :
+3 diver :
+4 is :
+5 underwater :
+6 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The brown and black dog sprints across the snow .
+// A black dog is running quickly along the ground .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 quickly :
+7 along :
+8 the :
+9 ground :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog jumps through the water .
+// A dog walks through the snow .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 walks :
+4 through :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog walks in the grass with it's tongue hanging out .
+// A grey dog walks in the green grass , tongue hanging out .
+1 A :
+2 grey :
+3 dog :
+4 walks :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 green :
+8 grass :
+9 , :
+10 tongue :
+11 hanging :
+12 out :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person in a striped fleece clips a carabiner onto a metal line .
+// A young woman in a helmet attaches a pulley to a cable .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 woman :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 helmet :
+7 attaches :
+8 a :
+9 pulley :
+10 to :
+11 a :
+12 cable :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A lean dog runs through green grass .
+// A brown dog and two black dogs in an overgrown grassy field .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 and :
+5 two :
+6 black :
+7 dogs :
+8 in :
+9 an :
+10 overgrown :
+11 grassy :
+12 field :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Many cars parked on a mountain .
+// A group of cars parked on a hill
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 cars :
+5 parked :
+6 on :
+7 a :
+8 hill :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A light brown dog is running in the water .
+// A brown and white dog running into the water
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 running :
+7 into :
+8 the :
+9 water :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// three dogs playing on a beach
+// A boy standing on a beach .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 standing :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 beach :
+7 . :
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a dog jumps into the pond .
+// the skateboarder jumps into the air .
+1 the :
+2 skateboarder :
+3 jumps :
+4 into :
+5 the :
+6 air :
+7 . :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white and black dog is jumping into a pool .
+// A woman in a black apron is standing in front of a mirror .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 black :
+6 apron :
+7 is :
+8 standing :
+9 in :
+10 front :
+11 of :
+12 a :
+13 mirror :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog is running through green grass .
+// A brown dog is running though a river .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 though :
+7 a :
+8 river :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three children playing on rocks near a lake
+// Three men playing baseball .
+1 Three :
+2 men :
+3 playing :
+4 baseball :
+5 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in black shaving a ice sculpture .
+// A man has a chainsaw and is carving a block of ice .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 has :
+4 a :
+5 chainsaw :
+6 and :
+7 is :
+8 carving :
+9 a :
+10 block :
+11 of :
+12 ice :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown and white dog with a pink collar is barking at a brown dog with a blue collar in the snow .
+// The dog with the red collar is bearing it's teeth at the dog with the blue collar .
+1 The :
+2 dog :
+3 with :
+4 the :
+5 red :
+6 collar :
+7 is :
+8 bearing :
+9 it's :
+10 teeth :
+11 at :
+12 the :
+13 dog :
+14 with :
+15 the :
+16 blue :
+17 collar :
+18 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 15 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 17 18 19 <==> 14 15 16 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+23 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog looking at the camera in snow .
+// A dog is walking in a tire track in the snow .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 walking :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 tire :
+8 track :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 snow :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A surfer is riding on a breaking wave .
+// A surfer is riding a wave .
+1 A :
+2 surfer :
+3 is :
+4 riding :
+5 a :
+6 wave :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The # 2 greyhound dog is running around a track .
+// a muzzled greyhound dog is running around a track
+1 a :
+2 muzzled :
+3 greyhound :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 running :
+7 around :
+8 a :
+9 track :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog is running after a white dog in the snow .
+// Black dog chasing brown dog through snow
+1 Black :
+2 dog :
+3 chasing :
+4 brown :
+5 dog :
+6 through :
+7 snow :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man wearing an orange coat speaks to another as they walk in the snow .
+// A man and woman dressedin old fashion clothing sit outside at a table .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 and :
+4 woman :
+5 dressedin :
+6 old :
+7 fashion :
+8 clothing :
+9 sit :
+10 outside :
+11 at :
+12 a :
+13 table :
+14 . :
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Dog running on shore beside two geese in water
+// A black dog running along the sandy shoreline of a body of water while two ducks swim nearby .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 running :
+5 along :
+6 the :
+7 sandy :
+8 shoreline :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 body :
+12 of :
+13 water :
+14 while :
+15 two :
+16 ducks :
+17 swim :
+18 nearby :
+19 . :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of people in boats racing towards the shore .
+// A group of people stand together and pose in front of a house .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 stand :
+6 together :
+7 and :
+8 pose :
+9 in :
+10 front :
+11 of :
+12 a :
+13 house :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A family is playing on the beach with their dog .
+// A naked little girl being thrown into the air .
+1 A :
+2 naked :
+3 little :
+4 girl :
+5 being :
+6 thrown :
+7 into :
+8 the :
+9 air :
+10 . :
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is wind sailing in the ocean .
+// A dog is running through the ocean .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 ocean :
+8 . :
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A small dog runs through a grassy field .
+// Two dogs bound across the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 bound :
+4 across :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young child blows on an orange wand to make a bubble .
+// An Asian child is blowing bubbles from an orange bubble hoop .
+1 An :
+2 Asian :
+3 child :
+4 is :
+5 blowing :
+6 bubbles :
+7 from :
+8 an :
+9 orange :
+10 bubble :
+11 hoop :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// two woman sit on a park bench .
+// Two women sitting on a bench by the water .
+1 Two :
+2 women :
+3 sitting :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 bench :
+7 by :
+8 the :
+9 water :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a bird lands in the water .
+// a boat floats in the water .
+1 a :
+2 boat :
+3 floats :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 water :
+7 . :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two young men are juggling multi-colored blocks with people watching .
+// Two men stand juggling colored boxes while other men stand on a balcony .
+1 Two :
+2 men :
+3 stand :
+4 juggling :
+5 colored :
+6 boxes :
+7 while :
+8 other :
+9 men :
+10 stand :
+11 on :
+12 a :
+13 balcony :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person is skijoring with a dog in the mountains .
+// A brown dog is playing with a ball in the water .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 playing :
+6 with :
+7 a :
+8 ball :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 water :
+12 . :
+5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog runs through a muddy bank .
+// A lean dog runs through a wooded area .
+1 A :
+2 lean :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 through :
+6 a :
+7 wooded :
+8 area :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The brown dog is playing in the snow .
+// A black dog is playing in the snow .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 playing :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 snow :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The person is doing a handstand on the beach .
+// A kid is doing a hand-stand on the beach .
+1 A :
+2 kid :
+3 is :
+4 doing :
+5 a :
+6 hand-stand :
+7 on :
+8 the :
+9 beach :
+10 . :
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A tan girl in a floral bikini is swimming in dark blue waters .
+// a little girl in a flowered bathingsuit runs through the sand at the beach
+1 a :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 flowered :
+7 bathingsuit :
+8 runs :
+9 through :
+10 the :
+11 sand :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 beach :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog is running through the snow .
+// The German shepherd dog is running through the snow .
+1 The :
+2 German :
+3 shepherd :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 running :
+7 through :
+8 the :
+9 snow :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The large dog wading in the water and shaking .
+// Three dark dogs swimming and one of them has a ball .
+1 Three :
+2 dark :
+3 dogs :
+4 swimming :
+5 and :
+6 one :
+7 of :
+8 them :
+9 has :
+10 a :
+11 ball :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are playing around in the dirt .
+// A dancer posing for the camera in a red and white dress .
+1 A :
+2 dancer :
+3 posing :
+4 for :
+5 the :
+6 camera :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 red :
+10 and :
+11 white :
+12 dress :
+13 . :
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog running across the sand
+// A dog running through the water .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 running :
+4 through :
+5 the :
+6 water :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white and tan dog runs through the tall green grass .
+// A medium sized brown and white streaked dog is running through tall grass .
+1 A :
+2 medium :
+3 sized :
+4 brown :
+5 and :
+6 white :
+7 streaked :
+8 dog :
+9 is :
+10 running :
+11 through :
+12 tall :
+13 grass :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of four hiking through a snowy forest .
+// A group of people hike through a snowy wooded area .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 hike :
+6 through :
+7 a :
+8 snowy :
+9 wooded :
+10 area :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in plaid shirt hits a tree with an Axe .
+// A man in a plaid shirt uses a tool by a tree .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 plaid :
+6 shirt :
+7 uses :
+8 a :
+9 tool :
+10 by :
+11 a :
+12 tree :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A smiling man and a baby girl posing for photo .
+// A smiling man holds a small child wearing pink and red .
+1 A :
+2 smiling :
+3 man :
+4 holds :
+5 a :
+6 small :
+7 child :
+8 wearing :
+9 pink :
+10 and :
+11 red :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// White dog outside with two people in background .
+// Little boy coming at camera down blue slide , smiling woman in background .
+1 Little :
+2 boy :
+3 coming :
+4 at :
+5 camera :
+6 down :
+7 blue :
+8 slide :
+9 , :
+10 smiling :
+11 woman :
+12 in :
+13 background :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs are playing in the water .
+// Three dogs run in the snow .
+1 Three :
+2 dogs :
+3 run :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl jumping on a sand dune at the ocean .
+// The little girl jumps up into the air with the sand beneath her .
+1 The :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 jumps :
+5 up :
+6 into :
+7 the :
+8 air :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 sand :
+12 beneath :
+13 her :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A shirtless man rock climbs .
+// A man rock climbing .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 rock :
+4 climbing :
+5 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// An adult male wearing a backpack walks and looks to the left .
+// A man wearing a backpack looking to the side .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 backpack :
+6 looking :
+7 to :
+8 the :
+9 side :
+10 . :
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog jumping high to catch a ball .
+// Two black and white dogs run across a green field .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dogs :
+6 run :
+7 across :
+8 a :
+9 green :
+10 field :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A snowboarder goes down a ramp .
+// A snowboarder going over a ramp .
+1 A :
+2 snowboarder :
+3 going :
+4 over :
+5 a :
+6 ramp :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young man and woman sitting on a bench outside are kissing .
+// The man and woman sitting on a bench are kissing .
+1 The :
+2 man :
+3 and :
+4 woman :
+5 sitting :
+6 on :
+7 a :
+8 bench :
+9 are :
+10 kissing :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The woman is holding the harness that the brown and white dog is wearing .
+// A man and woman are looking at artwork that is on easels and clipped to a fencing wall .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 and :
+4 woman :
+5 are :
+6 looking :
+7 at :
+8 artwork :
+9 that :
+10 is :
+11 on :
+12 easels :
+13 and :
+14 clipped :
+15 to :
+16 a :
+17 fencing :
+18 wall :
+19 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A wet child shivers under a towel at a pool .
+// A wet child is shivering in a towel in front of a pool .
+1 A :
+2 wet :
+3 child :
+4 is :
+5 shivering :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 towel :
+9 in :
+10 front :
+11 of :
+12 a :
+13 pool :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white and brown dog rolls on it's back in the sand .
+// A dog lying on its back in the sand .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 lying :
+4 on :
+5 its :
+6 back :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 sand :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A large brown dog is walking along side a river .
+// A brown dog walks on the rocks near a river .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 walks :
+5 on :
+6 the :
+7 rocks :
+8 near :
+9 a :
+10 river :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man wearing a blue shirt crouches on a rocky cliff .
+// a man sits on a rock .
+1 a :
+2 man :
+3 sits :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 rock :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy waves around a sparkler .
+// A young boy is twisting a sparkler around in the air .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 is :
+5 twisting :
+6 a :
+7 sparkler :
+8 around :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 air :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog leaping from a dock into the water .
+// A tan dog leaps into the water .
+1 A :
+2 tan :
+3 dog :
+4 leaps :
+5 into :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two children are on a fairground ride .
+// Two children are on a giant inflatable slide .
+1 Two :
+2 children :
+3 are :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 giant :
+7 inflatable :
+8 slide :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy with a broken arm is resting in a bed .
+// A boy with a broken arm is sleeping .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 with :
+4 a :
+5 broken :
+6 arm :
+7 is :
+8 sleeping :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog lunges for a yellow toy .
+// A brown dog chasing a yellow toy .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 chasing :
+5 a :
+6 yellow :
+7 toy :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// three little boys cover themselves with bubbles .
+// Three children standing by a pool are covered in foam bubbles .
+1 Three :
+2 children :
+3 standing :
+4 by :
+5 a :
+6 pool :
+7 are :
+8 covered :
+9 in :
+10 foam :
+11 bubbles :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs ankle-deep in water .
+// Two brown dogs play in the water .
+1 Two :
+2 brown :
+3 dogs :
+4 play :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man and a woman are standing in front of a building
+// Two girls are sitting on an ATV on the sand in front of a bridge .
+1 Two :
+2 girls :
+3 are :
+4 sitting :
+5 on :
+6 an :
+7 ATV :
+8 on :
+9 the :
+10 sand :
+11 in :
+12 front :
+13 of :
+14 a :
+15 bridge :
+16 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 <==> 11 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog walking through water .
+// Two black dogs walking through the snow .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 dogs :
+4 walking :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two kids splashing in the water .
+// Two dogs play together on the bed .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 together :
+5 on :
+6 the :
+7 bed :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog with a gemmed collar is sitting on white carpet .
+// A black dog with a blue collar is sitting on beige carpet .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 with :
+5 a :
+6 blue :
+7 collar :
+8 is :
+9 sitting :
+10 on :
+11 beige :
+12 carpet :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs on grass running towards the camera .
+// Several large dogs are running through a large grassy area .
+1 Several :
+2 large :
+3 dogs :
+4 are :
+5 running :
+6 through :
+7 a :
+8 large :
+9 grassy :
+10 area :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person wearing jeans sits on top of a horse saddle .
+// The girl is sitting on top of a saddle .
+1 The :
+2 girl :
+3 is :
+4 sitting :
+5 on :
+6 top :
+7 of :
+8 a :
+9 saddle :
+10 . :
+5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog bounding through snow
+// A large white dog is bounding through a snowy field .
+1 A :
+2 large :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 bounding :
+7 through :
+8 a :
+9 snowy :
+10 field :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Many people run in a race on a street .
+// A puppy running along a street .
+1 A :
+2 puppy :
+3 running :
+4 along :
+5 a :
+6 street :
+7 . :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog swimming in a lake has sunshine shining on him .
+// A dog swims while carrying a stick in its mouth .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 swims :
+4 while :
+5 carrying :
+6 a :
+7 stick :
+8 in :
+9 its :
+10 mouth :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl in a pink jacket is walking through a large puddle .
+// A young boy is splashing through a puddle of water .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 is :
+5 splashing :
+6 through :
+7 a :
+8 puddle :
+9 of :
+10 water :
+11 . :
+9 10 11 12 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl sits on a red play structure
+// A little girl on a red jungle gym .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 red :
+7 jungle :
+8 gym :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of people in front of a red fire truck .
+// A group of people are standing around a red fire truck .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 are :
+6 standing :
+7 around :
+8 a :
+9 red :
+10 fire :
+11 truck :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The black and white dog runs through the grass .
+// three black and white dogs running through a watery field .
+1 three :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dogs :
+6 running :
+7 through :
+8 a :
+9 watery :
+10 field :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy in red jumping into a sandbox .
+// A dog swimming in a pond
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 swimming :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 pond :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy wearing a blue jacket swings a bat at a white ball .
+// A young boy in a blue jacket swings a bat at a ball .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 blue :
+7 jacket :
+8 swings :
+9 a :
+10 bat :
+11 at :
+12 a :
+13 ball :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs are playing in the white snow .
+// Three dogs play with a Frisbee in a snowy field .
+1 Three :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 with :
+5 a :
+6 Frisbee :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 snowy :
+10 field :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in a black wetsuit is surfung in the waves .
+// A surfer in a black wet suit surfs on a medium wave .
+1 A :
+2 surfer :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 black :
+6 wet :
+7 suit :
+8 surfs :
+9 on :
+10 a :
+11 medium :
+12 wave :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog jumping into a lake .
+// A black dog runs very fast in a field in a park .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 very :
+6 fast :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 field :
+10 in :
+11 a :
+12 park :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs playing in the snow .
+// Two black dogs in the snow .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 dogs :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs run on the grass .
+// A dog running on the grass .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 running :
+4 on :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A tennis player hitting the ball .
+// Two boys splashing in the surf .
+1 Two :
+2 boys :
+3 splashing :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 surf :
+7 . :
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man wearing a orange vest is canoeing in the blue water .
+// A man in an orange jacket raising his hands to the sky in the sand .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 an :
+5 orange :
+6 jacket :
+7 raising :
+8 his :
+9 hands :
+10 to :
+11 the :
+12 sky :
+13 in :
+14 the :
+15 sand :
+16 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog asleep in a car .
+// A black and tan dog sleeps in the car .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 tan :
+5 dog :
+6 sleeps :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 car :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of men play rugby .
+// A group of men are playing ball together .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 men :
+5 are :
+6 playing :
+7 ball :
+8 together :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is riding a kayak through water .
+// A man kayaks in rough water .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 kayaks :
+4 in :
+5 rough :
+6 water :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog is jumping up to catch a green strap in it's mouth .
+// A grey dog jumps to bite a green leash .
+1 A :
+2 grey :
+3 dog :
+4 jumps :
+5 to :
+6 bite :
+7 a :
+8 green :
+9 leash :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog is sniffing a white dog that is lying on the floor .
+// Dog sniffing another dog lying under furniture .
+1 Dog :
+2 sniffing :
+3 another :
+4 dog :
+5 lying :
+6 under :
+7 furniture :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and grey dog runs in a field with it's tongue hanging out .
+// A black dog with a red collar walks through the grass with his mouth open and tongue hanging out .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 with :
+5 a :
+6 red :
+7 collar :
+8 walks :
+9 through :
+10 the :
+11 grass :
+12 with :
+13 his :
+14 mouth :
+15 open :
+16 and :
+17 tongue :
+18 hanging :
+19 out :
+20 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 <==> 18 19 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 20 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young girl running on the beach .
+// A little girl running at on the shore of a beach .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 running :
+5 at :
+6 on :
+7 the :
+8 shore :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 beach :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A rugby player in dark gear is carrying a light colored rugby ball with arm outstretched .
+// A brown dog splashes in the water while carrying a ball in it's mouth .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 splashes :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 while :
+9 carrying :
+10 a :
+11 ball :
+12 in :
+13 it's :
+14 mouth :
+15 . :
+7 8 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 13 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs groom each other .
+// Two dogs jumping on each other .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 jumping :
+4 on :
+5 each :
+6 other :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs , the white one standing on a Frisbee , playing together on grass .
+// Two dogs play on the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 on :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy receives a light saber for Christmas .
+// A boy holds a light saber in front of a Christmas tree .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 holds :
+4 a :
+5 light :
+6 saber :
+7 in :
+8 front :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 Christmas :
+12 tree :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The man sits on a sofa under the bridge and litter is all around him .
+// A man is sitting on a couch under an expressway ledge .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 sitting :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 couch :
+8 under :
+9 an :
+10 expressway :
+11 ledge :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The white and brown dog runs across the grass .
+// A brown and white dog runs across the grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 runs :
+7 across :
+8 the :
+9 grass :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog biting a horse 's leg .
+// A dog nips at the leg of a horse .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 nips :
+4 at :
+5 the :
+6 leg :
+7 of :
+8 a :
+9 horse :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a young baby girl wearing a white outfit swinging in a baby swing
+// a young girl wearing a black and red swimsuit swinging on a swing
+1 a :
+2 young :
+3 girl :
+4 wearing :
+5 a :
+6 black :
+7 and :
+8 red :
+9 swimsuit :
+10 swinging :
+11 on :
+12 a :
+13 swing :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog with light brown markings has a stick in his mouth and his paws in the snow .
+// A white dog holds a stick in its mouth while it runs through snow .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 holds :
+5 a :
+6 stick :
+7 in :
+8 its :
+9 mouth :
+10 while :
+11 it :
+12 runs :
+13 through :
+14 snow :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 16 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 18 19 <==> 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+20 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog runs through the water in the ocean .
+// A brown dog runs through the water as a wave comes .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 as :
+9 a :
+10 wave :
+11 comes :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs play in the grass .
+// Two dogs are playing in the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 playing :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 grass :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two men on the side of a barge
+// A man is lying the grass with long hair and beard .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 lying :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 with :
+8 long :
+9 hair :
+10 and :
+11 beard :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man juggles at the beach .
+// A man in swim trunks is juggling on the beach
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 swim :
+5 trunks :
+6 is :
+7 juggling :
+8 on :
+9 the :
+10 beach :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two people and a dog are in the snow .
+// Two people playing on a snowy hill .
+1 Two :
+2 people :
+3 playing :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 snowy :
+7 hill :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The man is standing on the shore hitting a ball with a paddle .
+// Two teenage girls are standing on beside the beach listening to ipods .
+1 Two :
+2 teenage :
+3 girls :
+4 are :
+5 standing :
+6 on :
+7 beside :
+8 the :
+9 beach :
+10 listening :
+11 to :
+12 ipods :
+13 . :
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two girls walking in the ocean .
+// two girls walking in the street
+1 two :
+2 girls :
+3 walking :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 street :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man jumps off of one rooftop onto another .
+// A young man jumps from one balcony to another .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 man :
+4 jumps :
+5 from :
+6 one :
+7 balcony :
+8 to :
+9 another :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a woman playing with two young boys at a park
+// A woman and three kids play at a park .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 and :
+4 three :
+5 kids :
+6 play :
+7 at :
+8 a :
+9 park :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man wearing glasses stands in front of a snowy mountain .
+// A man wearing black shorts is standing in front of a snow covered mountain .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 wearing :
+4 black :
+5 shorts :
+6 is :
+7 standing :
+8 in :
+9 front :
+10 of :
+11 a :
+12 snow :
+13 covered :
+14 mountain :
+15 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three boys playing soccer in a field
+// Three boys playing soccer .
+1 Three :
+2 boys :
+3 playing :
+4 soccer :
+5 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog is running through the snow .
+// A black pit bull dog is running through the dirt .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 pit :
+4 bull :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 through :
+9 the :
+10 dirt :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two girls taking a picture of themselves
+// Two blonde girls are taking a picture of themselves .
+1 Two :
+2 blonde :
+3 girls :
+4 are :
+5 taking :
+6 a :
+7 picture :
+8 of :
+9 themselves :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a man wearing a grey jacket standing on the side of a street .
+// A boy wearing a blue life jacket is holding onto the side of a green boat .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 blue :
+6 life :
+7 jacket :
+8 is :
+9 holding :
+10 onto :
+11 the :
+12 side :
+13 of :
+14 a :
+15 green :
+16 boat :
+17 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog jumps in the snow .
+// A black dog jumping over tire tracks in the snow .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 jumping :
+5 over :
+6 tire :
+7 tracks :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 snow :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// child hanging upside down from a tree swing
+// A girl is by a tree hanging upside-down from a swing .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 is :
+4 by :
+5 a :
+6 tree :
+7 hanging :
+8 upside-down :
+9 from :
+10 a :
+11 swing :
+12 . :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog is running through a snowy field .
+// A black , brown and white dog running through a field .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 , :
+4 brown :
+5 and :
+6 white :
+7 dog :
+8 running :
+9 through :
+10 a :
+11 field :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man riding his bike on the beach by the ocean .
+// A man walking his cow down the side of the road .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 walking :
+4 his :
+5 cow :
+6 down :
+7 the :
+8 side :
+9 of :
+10 the :
+11 road :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy jumps into a not-so-crowded public pool .
+// A man jumps while on a snowboard .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 jumps :
+4 while :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 snowboard :
+8 . :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog jumps high in the grass .
+// A brown dog digs in the sand .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 digs :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 sand :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a group of old men walking down the street
+// A couple walking down the street .
+1 A :
+2 couple :
+3 walking :
+4 down :
+5 the :
+6 street :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of people are camping out on some rocks .
+// A group of people are standing beside a fire truck .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 are :
+6 standing :
+7 beside :
+8 a :
+9 fire :
+10 truck :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The two dogs are playing fetch in the snow .
+// The dogs play in the snow .
+1 The :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Dog is jumping down a ramp .
+// A girls is jumping in the sand .
+1 A :
+2 girls :
+3 is :
+4 jumping :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 sand :
+8 . :
+2 3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three greyhounds racing on a track
+// Five greyhounds are racing on a sand track .
+1 Five :
+2 greyhounds :
+3 are :
+4 racing :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 sand :
+8 track :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two black dogs are playing on the grass .
+// Two black dogs are playing in a grassy plain .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 dogs :
+4 are :
+5 playing :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 grassy :
+9 plain :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A little brown dog is running on the grass .
+// The brown dog is running on the grass .
+1 The :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 on :
+7 the :
+8 grass :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy wearing a yellow shirt and blue pants is climbing a tree in a hilly area .
+// A boy wearing a yellow shirt and blue pants is climbing on a tree branch in a grassy field .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 yellow :
+6 shirt :
+7 and :
+8 blue :
+9 pants :
+10 is :
+11 climbing :
+12 on :
+13 a :
+14 tree :
+15 branch :
+16 in :
+17 a :
+18 grassy :
+19 field :
+20 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 16 17 <==> 16 17 18 19 // EQUI // 5 //
+18 <==> 20 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A harnessed dog leaps over a log as another dog follows behind .
+// A brown and white dog is leaping over a log in a field while another dog follows behind it .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 leaping :
+8 over :
+9 a :
+10 log :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 field :
+14 while :
+15 another :
+16 dog :
+17 follows :
+18 behind :
+19 it :
+20 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 20 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A small brown dog jumping up to catch a tennis ball .
+// a wet dog chasing a white ball
+1 a :
+2 wet :
+3 dog :
+4 chasing :
+5 a :
+6 white :
+7 ball :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a dog runs through the water .
+// A dog runs through the grass .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 runs :
+4 through :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl is doing a trick on her trampoline .
+// A girl does a handstand on a trampoline .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 does :
+4 a :
+5 handstand :
+6 on :
+7 a :
+8 trampoline :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// People with numbers on their chests are running in a pack .
+// A group of people are running a race .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 are :
+6 running :
+7 a :
+8 race :
+9 . :
+1 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog walking through splashing water in a rocky creek .
+// A black dog splashes through greenish water .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 splashes :
+5 through :
+6 greenish :
+7 water :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Child sliding in the snow .
+// Man sleeping on the street .
+1 Man :
+2 sleeping :
+3 on :
+4 the :
+5 street :
+6 . :
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog runs through a very wooded area .
+// A dog running through a creek .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 running :
+4 through :
+5 a :
+6 creek :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog and a tan dog are playing in tall grass .
+// A black and brown dog with a red ball overhead plays in the grass .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 brown :
+5 dog :
+6 with :
+7 a :
+8 red :
+9 ball :
+10 overhead :
+11 plays :
+12 in :
+13 the :
+14 grass :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person is squeezing through an opening in the rock face .
+// A medium sized brown dog is running through an open white wooded area .
+1 A :
+2 medium :
+3 sized :
+4 brown :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 through :
+9 an :
+10 open :
+11 white :
+12 wooded :
+13 area :
+14 . :
+3 4 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Six dogs running on the sandy beach .
+// Six dogs walking beside the beach .
+1 Six :
+2 dogs :
+3 walking :
+4 beside :
+5 the :
+6 beach :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two people are walking through some water .
+// Two girls are walking by a tree in front of a brick building .
+1 Two :
+2 girls :
+3 are :
+4 walking :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 tree :
+8 in :
+9 front :
+10 of :
+11 a :
+12 brick :
+13 building :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman and a dog rowing down a wide river .
+// Woman and dog in rowboat on the water .
+1 Woman :
+2 and :
+3 dog :
+4 in :
+5 rowboat :
+6 on :
+7 the :
+8 water :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs are playing in the water .
+// Three dogs swim in the water .
+1 Three :
+2 dogs :
+3 swim :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 water :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy in a blue jacket swings a bat at a ball .
+// A young boy wearing a blue visor swings a bat .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 wearing :
+5 a :
+6 blue :
+7 visor :
+8 swings :
+9 a :
+10 bat :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three individuals are posing on skis behind a "no skiing" sign .
+// Three people on skis are standing behind a no skiing sign .
+1 Three :
+2 people :
+3 on :
+4 skis :
+5 are :
+6 standing :
+7 behind :
+8 a :
+9 no :
+10 skiing :
+11 sign :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A female DJ holds up a Michael Jackson album .
+// a girl holding a picture of Michael Jackson smiling
+1 a :
+2 girl :
+3 holding :
+4 a :
+5 picture :
+6 of :
+7 Michael :
+8 Jackson :
+9 smiling :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The black and white dog is running on the grass .
+// A black and white dog swims in blue water .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 swims :
+7 in :
+8 blue :
+9 water :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two teenage girls , one is smiling .
+// A little girl on a kid swing .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 kid :
+7 swing :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown and black dog walks in the white snow .
+// A brown and black dog walks in the snow with it's tongue hanging out .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 black :
+5 dog :
+6 walks :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 snow :
+10 with :
+11 it's :
+12 tongue :
+13 hanging :
+14 out :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two teenagers huddle in a doorway in the rain .
+// Two people wearing hoodies huddle on a doorstep in the rain .
+1 Two :
+2 people :
+3 wearing :
+4 hoodies :
+5 huddle :
+6 on :
+7 a :
+8 doorstep :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 rain :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a boy swinging on a swing .
+// The girl is on a swing .
+1 The :
+2 girl :
+3 is :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 swing :
+7 . :
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young girl doing a back flip in the water .
+// a young girl wearing purple running through water
+1 a :
+2 young :
+3 girl :
+4 wearing :
+5 purple :
+6 running :
+7 through :
+8 water :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is riding a bicycle on a dirt path .
+// Two dogs running along dirt path .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 running :
+4 along :
+5 dirt :
+6 path :
+7 . :
+7 8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A light brown dog runs down a path happily .
+// A pale dog runs down a path .
+1 A :
+2 pale :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 down :
+6 a :
+7 path :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl does a back bend on the beach .
+// A girl doing a back bend at the beach .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 doing :
+4 a :
+5 back :
+6 bend :
+7 at :
+8 the :
+9 beach :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two older men in front of a bus .
+// Two men step off the bus together .
+1 Two :
+2 men :
+3 step :
+4 off :
+5 the :
+6 bus :
+7 together :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A little girl walks on a boardwalk with blue domes in the background .
+// A man going over a jump on his bike with a river in the background
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 going :
+4 over :
+5 a :
+6 jump :
+7 on :
+8 his :
+9 bike :
+10 with :
+11 a :
+12 river :
+13 in :
+14 the :
+15 background :
+4 5 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man on a bike nest to a river .
+// A man on a bike does a very high jump .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 on :
+4 a :
+5 bike :
+6 does :
+7 a :
+8 very :
+9 high :
+10 jump :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Black and white dog running through water .
+// A black and white dog is running through grass .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 through :
+9 grass :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dalmation is running along the beach .
+// A white dog is running on sand .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 on :
+7 sand :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog leaps out of the water towards shore .
+// a tan dog jumping through the water towards the shore .
+1 a :
+2 tan :
+3 dog :
+4 jumping :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 towards :
+9 the :
+10 shore :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// two dogs play in the grass .
+// Two dogs play in the water .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 water :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A wet white dog is splashing in the water with a stick in it's mouth .
+// A white dogs treads the water with sticks in its mouth .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dogs :
+4 treads :
+5 the :
+6 water :
+7 with :
+8 sticks :
+9 in :
+10 its :
+11 mouth :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A blonde dog is catching a ball in its mouth in the snow .
+// A little blonde girl is sitting on a green chair .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 blonde :
+4 girl :
+5 is :
+6 sitting :
+7 on :
+8 a :
+9 green :
+10 chair :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// two puppies playing around in the grass
+// Two puppies play in the grass
+1 Two :
+2 puppies :
+3 play :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs run on a dirt area near a forest .
+// Two dogs run down a dirt path in the forest .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 run :
+4 down :
+5 a :
+6 dirt :
+7 path :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 forest :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The brown and white dog is running across the sand with a red object in his mouth .
+// A dog is running along a beach with a red object in its mouth .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 along :
+6 a :
+7 beach :
+8 with :
+9 a :
+10 red :
+11 object :
+12 in :
+13 its :
+14 mouth :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 16 17 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+18 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are playing in the snow .
+// The dogs are running in the snow .
+1 The :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog jumps high on a field of grass .
+// A brown dog running in field of long green grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 field :
+7 of :
+8 long :
+9 green :
+10 grass :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Boat sails in rough water .
+// A man is kayaking in rough waters .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 kayaking :
+5 in :
+6 rough :
+7 waters :
+8 . :
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The girl is playing along with the images on the big screen .
+// Three girls holding umbrellas with their backs to the camera .
+1 Three :
+2 girls :
+3 holding :
+4 umbrellas :
+5 with :
+6 their :
+7 backs :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 camera :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog with its two front paws on a rock in a field .
+// A dog is running in a field .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 field :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is rock climbing on a natural rock .
+// A woman with glowing shoes at an outdoor event .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 with :
+4 glowing :
+5 shoes :
+6 at :
+7 an :
+8 outdoor :
+9 event :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs holding one Frisbee in their mouths .
+// Two dogs holding a single black Frisbee in their mouths
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 holding :
+4 a :
+5 single :
+6 black :
+7 Frisbee :
+8 in :
+9 their :
+10 mouths :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two people are in bed .
+// Two boxers are in the ring .
+1 Two :
+2 boxers :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 ring :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown and white dog running on grass .
+// A brown and white dog running fast in a fenced yard .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 running :
+7 fast :
+8 in :
+9 a :
+10 fenced :
+11 yard :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog is jumping over a log with ears flying and tongue out .
+// A dog leaps over a log in the woods .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 leaps :
+4 over :
+5 a :
+6 log :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 woods :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man climbs a snowy mountain .
+// A hiker moves up a snowy mountain .
+1 A :
+2 hiker :
+3 moves :
+4 up :
+5 a :
+6 snowy :
+7 mountain :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a man walks two dogs on leashes down the street
+// A man walks two dogs in the city .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 walks :
+4 two :
+5 dogs :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 city :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The beagle is walking on the beach at the waterline .
+// A beagle walks along the calm shore .
+1 A :
+2 beagle :
+3 walks :
+4 along :
+5 the :
+6 calm :
+7 shore :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two Asian men and Asian woman sit in black massage chairs .
+// Two Asian men and a woman are relaxing in massage chairs .
+1 Two :
+2 Asian :
+3 men :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 woman :
+7 are :
+8 relaxing :
+9 in :
+10 massage :
+11 chairs :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs fighting in the snow .
+// Two dogs playing in the snow .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 playing :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a white dog is running through the snow .
+// A little white dog running through the sand .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 running :
+6 through :
+7 the :
+8 sand :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy wearing a red shirt runs along a beach .
+// A boy wearing a red sweater runs along a colorful beach .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 red :
+6 sweater :
+7 runs :
+8 along :
+9 a :
+10 colorful :
+11 beach :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two large black dogs are playing in a grassy field .
+// Two white dogs are running together .
+1 Two :
+2 white :
+3 dogs :
+4 are :
+5 running :
+6 together :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown and white dog is walking next to a man on a skateboard .
+// A brown and white dog is running down a ramp .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 down :
+9 a :
+10 ramp :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// two puppies playing around in the grass
+// Two dogs are wrestling in the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 wrestling :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 grass :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The tan and white dog is running in the field .
+// The brown and white dogs run through the field .
+1 The :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dogs :
+6 run :
+7 through :
+8 the :
+9 field :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman does a handstand on the beach .
+// a blond girl doing a handstand on a beach
+1 a :
+2 blond :
+3 girl :
+4 doing :
+5 a :
+6 handstand :
+7 on :
+8 a :
+9 beach :
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog is swimming in a large green lake .
+// A black dog runs fast into shallow water .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 fast :
+6 into :
+7 shallow :
+8 water :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog is running through the snow .
+// A brown dog is running through the field .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 through :
+7 the :
+8 field :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white and brown dog is running over grass .
+// A brown and white dog is running across the grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 across :
+9 the :
+10 grass :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a skateboarder doing a trick on a ramp
+// A skateboarder riding up to a slope .
+1 A :
+2 skateboarder :
+3 riding :
+4 up :
+5 to :
+6 a :
+7 slope :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in a batman suit running .
+// A man in a batman costume is running a race .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 batman :
+6 costume :
+7 is :
+8 running :
+9 a :
+10 race :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog chews on an orange ball .
+// A dog has an orange ball in its mouth .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 has :
+4 an :
+5 orange :
+6 ball :
+7 in :
+8 its :
+9 mouth :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are playing on the beach together .
+// Two black dogs are playing in a grass .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 dogs :
+4 are :
+5 playing :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 grass :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// These children are playing on a trampoline outdoors .
+// four children are playing on a trampoline .
+1 four :
+2 children :
+3 are :
+4 playing :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 trampoline :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The large brown and white dog is running through the snow .
+// St. Bernard dog running in the snowy field .
+1 St. :
+2 Bernard :
+3 dog :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 snowy :
+8 field :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog jumping into the air .
+// A black and white dog jumping over an obstacle .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 jumping :
+7 over :
+8 an :
+9 obstacle :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young girl , in an orange dress , holding a tennis racket .
+// A girl in a dress holds a tennis racket .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 dress :
+6 holds :
+7 a :
+8 tennis :
+9 racket :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog runs on a beach .
+// The white dog is running along the beach .
+1 The :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 along :
+7 the :
+8 beach :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man and dog on a rocky seashore .
+// Man and dog standing on rocks next to water
+1 Man :
+2 and :
+3 dog :
+4 standing :
+5 on :
+6 rocks :
+7 next :
+8 to :
+9 water :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Four hooded children huddle under a blanket outdoors .
+// Four children keeping warm under a blanket .
+1 Four :
+2 children :
+3 keeping :
+4 warm :
+5 under :
+6 a :
+7 blanket :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young laughing girl and a boy are playing on a big drum .
+// A baby girl and little boy are standing next to a guitar and a drum .
+1 A :
+2 baby :
+3 girl :
+4 and :
+5 little :
+6 boy :
+7 are :
+8 standing :
+9 next :
+10 to :
+11 a :
+12 guitar :
+13 and :
+14 a :
+15 drum :
+16 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A little girl takes a picture while mom watches in boredom .
+// A little girl in pajamas takes a picture with a camera
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 in :
+5 pajamas :
+6 takes :
+7 a :
+8 picture :
+9 with :
+10 a :
+11 camera :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog leaps over a barrier .
+// A dog leaps over a fence .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 leaps :
+4 over :
+5 a :
+6 fence :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy plays baseball .
+// A man is playing baseball .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 playing :
+5 baseball :
+6 . :
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// People sitting on a couch laugh .
+// Four happy people sitting on a red couch
+1 Four :
+2 happy :
+3 people :
+4 sitting :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 red :
+8 couch :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy jumping into a pool that says "no diving" .
+// A boy jumps into a not-so-crowded public pool .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 jumps :
+4 into :
+5 a :
+6 not-so-crowded :
+7 public :
+8 pool :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy leaps from one couch to another .
+// A young boy is leaping from one chair to another .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 is :
+5 leaping :
+6 from :
+7 one :
+8 chair :
+9 to :
+10 another :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy wearing a red winter coat is eating and holding up a candy bar .
+// A young boy wearing a red coat eats a chocolate bar .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 wearing :
+5 a :
+6 red :
+7 coat :
+8 eats :
+9 a :
+10 chocolate :
+11 bar :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 16 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs running on grass .
+// Two black , wet dogs running on grass .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 , :
+4 wet :
+5 dogs :
+6 running :
+7 on :
+8 grass :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two boys playing a game of flag football .
+// Two boys are playing flag football .
+1 Two :
+2 boys :
+3 are :
+4 playing :
+5 flag :
+6 football :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A golden retriever is jumping off a wooden porch
+// A gold dog jumping off a wooden porch .
+1 A :
+2 gold :
+3 dog :
+4 jumping :
+5 off :
+6 a :
+7 wooden :
+8 porch :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young child is holding onto the back of a wicker chair .
+// A young child holds a spoon to it's mouth while sitting in a chair .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 child :
+4 holds :
+5 a :
+6 spoon :
+7 to :
+8 it's :
+9 mouth :
+10 while :
+11 sitting :
+12 in :
+13 a :
+14 chair :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are running on the grass .
+// Two birds interacting in the grass
+1 Two :
+2 birds :
+3 interacting :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two surfers on riding a small wave .
+// Two surfers perform tricks in the waves .
+1 Two :
+2 surfers :
+3 perform :
+4 tricks :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 waves :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown furry animal stands behind some plants .
+// A dog pants while standing in the woods .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 pants :
+4 while :
+5 standing :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 woods :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog jumps high in the snow .
+// A dog runs in the snow .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 runs :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog in the snow .
+// Two dogs in snow .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 in :
+4 snow :
+5 . :
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog running through snow .
+// A collie running through the snow .
+1 A :
+2 collie :
+3 running :
+4 through :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are fighting on brick pavement .
+// Two brownish dogs are fighting .
+1 Two :
+2 brownish :
+3 dogs :
+4 are :
+5 fighting :
+6 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The black dog is running on the grass .
+// The German shepherd dog is running through the snow .
+1 The :
+2 German :
+3 shepherd :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 running :
+7 through :
+8 the :
+9 snow :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog catching a ball .
+// A dog catching a Frisbee .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 catching :
+4 a :
+5 Frisbee :
+6 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two black dogs playing in the snow .
+// Two dogs play in the snow
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl with a purple and white helmet is riding on a scooter .
+// A girl wearing a helmet rides a scooter .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 helmet :
+6 rides :
+7 a :
+8 scooter :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a skateboard performs a trick off a quarter pipe .
+// A skateboarder attempts to do a trick over a homemade ramp .
+1 A :
+2 skateboarder :
+3 attempts :
+4 to :
+5 do :
+6 a :
+7 trick :
+8 over :
+9 a :
+10 homemade :
+11 ramp :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of people are standing by a window watching something .
+// A group of people stand and wait to see something .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 stand :
+6 and :
+7 wait :
+8 to :
+9 see :
+10 something :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A softball player swinging at a pitch .
+// A baseball player hitting the ball
+1 A :
+2 baseball :
+3 player :
+4 hitting :
+5 the :
+6 ball :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three sheep graze on the grassy field with a dog walking behind them .
+// a small group of goats in the grass with a black and white dog in the backgroud .
+1 a :
+2 small :
+3 group :
+4 of :
+5 goats :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 grass :
+9 with :
+10 a :
+11 black :
+12 and :
+13 white :
+14 dog :
+15 in :
+16 the :
+17 backgroud :
+18 . :
+3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs playing in the snow while one dog wears a jacket .
+// Three dogs playing in the snow , with a city in the background .
+1 Three :
+2 dogs :
+3 playing :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 , :
+8 with :
+9 a :
+10 city :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 background :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a black , brown and white dog running along with a white Frisbee in his mouth .
+// A black and white dog carries a white Frisbee over the grass .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 carries :
+7 a :
+8 white :
+9 Frisbee :
+10 over :
+11 the :
+12 grass :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog runs with a yellow toy in its mouth .
+// A dog swimming with a stick in it's mouth .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 swimming :
+4 with :
+5 a :
+6 stick :
+7 in :
+8 it's :
+9 mouth :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The dog is playing in the water .
+// A dog is wading in the water .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 wading :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy is riding a bike .
+// A young girl laying on a blue inflatable toy
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 girl :
+4 laying :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 blue :
+8 inflatable :
+9 toy :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The white and brown dog is running quickly through the grass .
+// The big white dog is running in the grass .
+1 The :
+2 big :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 running :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 grass :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog running through an obstacle course
+// A black and white dog runs through pole obstacles .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 runs :
+7 through :
+8 pole :
+9 obstacles :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The child in the red coat laid in the red mat .
+// The toddler is ready to climb the red piece of equipment .
+1 The :
+2 toddler :
+3 is :
+4 ready :
+5 to :
+6 climb :
+7 the :
+8 red :
+9 piece :
+10 of :
+11 equipment :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A golden dog is running through the snow .
+// A pack of sled dogs pulling a sled through a town .
+1 A :
+2 pack :
+3 of :
+4 sled :
+5 dogs :
+6 pulling :
+7 a :
+8 sled :
+9 through :
+10 a :
+11 town :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three children and playing and laughing on the floor .
+// Three children playing on the floor .
+1 Three :
+2 children :
+3 playing :
+4 on :
+5 the :
+6 floor :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a black dog swimming through a river .
+// a black dog digging through the snow .
+1 a :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 digging :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A bulldog is running through a grassy park while people stand in the background .
+// A dog is running in a large body of water causing it to splash .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 large :
+8 body :
+9 of :
+10 water :
+11 causing :
+12 it :
+13 to :
+14 splash :
+15 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// brown and white dog with a baseball in its mouth .
+// Black and white dog holding a baseball in mouth .
+1 Black :
+2 and :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 holding :
+6 a :
+7 baseball :
+8 in :
+9 mouth :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A golden dog is running through the snow .
+// A black dog is running through the snow .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 through :
+7 the :
+8 snow :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Girls dressed in red and black costumes hold a wrestling pose .
+// Two girls dressed like waitresses dance along with a man dressed as a chef .
+1 Two :
+2 girls :
+3 dressed :
+4 like :
+5 waitresses :
+6 dance :
+7 along :
+8 with :
+9 a :
+10 man :
+11 dressed :
+12 as :
+13 a :
+14 chef :
+15 . :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Baby with blonde pigtails in yellow room attempting to climb out of green playpen .
+// A female toddler in pigtails is trying to climb out of a green and white playpen .
+1 A :
+2 female :
+3 toddler :
+4 in :
+5 pigtails :
+6 is :
+7 trying :
+8 to :
+9 climb :
+10 out :
+11 of :
+12 a :
+13 green :
+14 and :
+15 white :
+16 playpen :
+17 . :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 <==> 12 13 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The two dogs are playing fetch in the snow .
+// Two dogs are playing together in the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 playing :
+5 together :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 grass :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man eating an apple , sitting in public .
+// A man sits in a public place eating an apple .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 sits :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 public :
+7 place :
+8 eating :
+9 an :
+10 apple :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man wearing a red bicycle helmet talking on a cell phone with other people in the background .
+// A man in a bicycle helmet is talking on a cell phone with other people behind him .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 bicycle :
+6 helmet :
+7 is :
+8 talking :
+9 on :
+10 a :
+11 cell :
+12 phone :
+13 with :
+14 other :
+15 people :
+16 behind :
+17 him :
+18 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+19 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy is punching a yellow ball .
+// A small dog jumps over a yellow beam .
+1 A :
+2 small :
+3 dog :
+4 jumps :
+5 over :
+6 a :
+7 yellow :
+8 beam :
+9 . :
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman wearing a pink Tinker Bell jacket leans against a railing .
+// A woman wearing a pink Tinkerbell sweatshirt leans on a railing overlooking water .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 pink :
+6 Tinkerbell :
+7 sweatshirt :
+8 leans :
+9 on :
+10 a :
+11 railing :
+12 overlooking :
+13 water :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man walks toward a policeman standing in a crosswalk on a city street .
+// A policeman stands in a crosswalk in a city .
+1 A :
+2 policeman :
+3 stands :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 crosswalk :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 city :
+10 . :
+4 5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy plays in a red ball pit .
+// A laughing boy lies on a pit of blue balls .
+1 A :
+2 laughing :
+3 boy :
+4 lies :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 pit :
+8 of :
+9 blue :
+10 balls :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog with red ears is running in the snow .
+// a wet black dog with a red collar is in the river
+1 a :
+2 wet :
+3 black :
+4 dog :
+5 with :
+6 a :
+7 red :
+8 collar :
+9 is :
+10 in :
+11 the :
+12 river :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A little boy clowns with a colander on his head .
+// A boy with a metal colander on his head .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 with :
+4 a :
+5 metal :
+6 colander :
+7 on :
+8 his :
+9 head :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog racing on a track .
+// A dog chases another by a tree .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 chases :
+4 another :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 tree :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in a black leather jacket is sleeping in a subway car .
+// A man in a black leather jacket falls asleep on public transportation .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 black :
+6 leather :
+7 jacket :
+8 falls :
+9 asleep :
+10 on :
+11 public :
+12 transportation :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog jumps on a lawn .
+// A dog jumps of a surfboard
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 jumps :
+4 of :
+5 a :
+6 surfboard :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs run towards shore through shallow water .
+// Two grey dogs running through the shallow water of a lake .
+1 Two :
+2 grey :
+3 dogs :
+4 running :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 shallow :
+8 water :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 lake :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A bird with it's wings spread
+// A bird flying in the air
+1 A :
+2 bird :
+3 flying :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 air :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a boy in a red shirt , in front of a long blue wall , raises his eyebrow at the camera
+// The boy in the red shirt is next to a blue wall .
+1 The :
+2 boy :
+3 in :
+4 the :
+5 red :
+6 shirt :
+7 is :
+8 next :
+9 to :
+10 a :
+11 blue :
+12 wall :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 13 14 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman jogs beside a tall concrete wall .
+// A woman runs beside a concrete wall .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 runs :
+4 beside :
+5 a :
+6 concrete :
+7 wall :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog digging a hole in front of a plant
+// A group of people walking on the side of a railroad track .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 walking :
+6 on :
+7 the :
+8 side :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 railroad :
+12 track :
+13 . :
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in a red coat and hat talks to another man in red .
+// A man wearing a red coat with glass looks at another man .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 red :
+6 coat :
+7 with :
+8 glass :
+9 looks :
+10 at :
+11 another :
+12 man :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs play in the grass .
+// Two tan dogs play in the snow .
+1 Two :
+2 tan :
+3 dogs :
+4 play :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy doing a back flip into a swimming pool .
+// A boy wearing red and blue swim trunks jumping head first into a swimming pool .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 wearing :
+4 red :
+5 and :
+6 blue :
+7 swim :
+8 trunks :
+9 jumping :
+10 head :
+11 first :
+12 into :
+13 a :
+14 swimming :
+15 pool :
+16 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog is jumping over a hurdle .
+// A white dog running over a bridge .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 running :
+5 over :
+6 a :
+7 bridge :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl bounces upside down on her head on a trampoline .
+// A girl is bouncing on her head on a trampoline .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 is :
+4 bouncing :
+5 on :
+6 her :
+7 head :
+8 on :
+9 a :
+10 trampoline :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Children jumping on a trampoline .
+// A man is sledding on an orange slide .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 sledding :
+5 on :
+6 an :
+7 orange :
+8 slide :
+9 . :
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person snowboarding and jumping over a construction sign .
+// a long snowboarder jumping over a barricade outside in the snow .
+1 a :
+2 long :
+3 snowboarder :
+4 jumping :
+5 over :
+6 a :
+7 barricade :
+8 outside :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 snow :
+12 . :
+3 4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The skateboarder gets to the top of the ramp .
+// The skateboarder rides the pipe wall at a skater park .
+1 The :
+2 skateboarder :
+3 rides :
+4 the :
+5 pipe :
+6 wall :
+7 at :
+8 a :
+9 skater :
+10 park :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two boys in a field kicking a soccer ball .
+// Two football players bang into each other during a football game .
+1 Two :
+2 football :
+3 players :
+4 bang :
+5 into :
+6 each :
+7 other :
+8 during :
+9 a :
+10 football :
+11 game :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A crowd of people stand on a rural road , a field behind them , a forest in front .
+// A bunch of people standing next to a car with it's trunk open .
+1 A :
+2 bunch :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 standing :
+6 next :
+7 to :
+8 a :
+9 car :
+10 with :
+11 it's :
+12 trunk :
+13 open :
+14 . :
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog runs through the deep snow .
+// A white dog is running through the snow .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 through :
+7 the :
+8 snow :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy riding on a swing .
+// A young boy riding in a swing .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 riding :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 swing :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman pointing at a geyser .
+// Women pointing at a geyser .
+1 Women :
+2 pointing :
+3 at :
+4 a :
+5 geyser :
+6 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs are playing in the white snow .
+// Two dogs are playing in the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 playing :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 grass :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// An elderly woman rides a bicycle along a city street .
+// An elderly woman walking uphill crossing the street .
+1 An :
+2 elderly :
+3 woman :
+4 walking :
+5 uphill :
+6 crossing :
+7 the :
+8 street :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two girls next to a mossy tree .
+// Two girls lean around a tree , laughing .
+1 Two :
+2 girls :
+3 lean :
+4 around :
+5 a :
+6 tree :
+7 , :
+8 laughing :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A small boy is building with some wooden blocks .
+// A small boy wearing a blue shirt stacks wooden blocks .
+1 A :
+2 small :
+3 boy :
+4 wearing :
+5 a :
+6 blue :
+7 shirt :
+8 stacks :
+9 wooden :
+10 blocks :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a brown dog standing in the middle of ahuge field .
+// A brown dog in a field .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 field :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The brown dog runs on the snow with a white ball in his mouth .
+// Four dogs play in the snow with the city skyline behind them .
+1 Four :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 with :
+8 the :
+9 city :
+10 skyline :
+11 behind :
+12 them :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a brown and white dog is running on the grass .
+// a brown and white dog running crazily through the grass .
+1 a :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 running :
+7 crazily :
+8 through :
+9 the :
+10 grass :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog about to catch a green Frisbee .
+// A brown dog waits for the Frisbee to come down before catching it .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 waits :
+5 for :
+6 the :
+7 Frisbee :
+8 to :
+9 come :
+10 down :
+11 before :
+12 catching :
+13 it :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young girl with a pink hat on with a yellow building in the background .
+// A young girl in a pink dress with something in her hand .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 girl :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 pink :
+7 dress :
+8 with :
+9 something :
+10 in :
+11 her :
+12 hand :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is standing on top of a rock or mountain watching the sun set .
+// A man standing in the mountains watching a sunset .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 standing :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 mountains :
+7 watching :
+8 a :
+9 sunset :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The couple is sitting near the water in lawn chairs .
+// The boy hops from one picnic table to the other in the park .
+1 The :
+2 boy :
+3 hops :
+4 from :
+5 one :
+6 picnic :
+7 table :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 other :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 park :
+14 . :
+3 4 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is swinging on a rope above the water .
+// A man in warm clothes swinging on monkey bars at night .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 warm :
+5 clothes :
+6 swinging :
+7 on :
+8 monkey :
+9 bars :
+10 at :
+11 night :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog running through deep snow pack .
+// A dog runs through the deep snow .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 runs :
+4 through :
+5 the :
+6 deep :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The dog is running in the grass .
+// a dog pounces on the grass .
+1 a :
+2 dog :
+3 pounces :
+4 on :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A Golden Retriever jumping off a wood porch .
+// A golden retriever is jumping off a wooden porch
+1 A :
+2 golden :
+3 retriever :
+4 is :
+5 jumping :
+6 off :
+7 a :
+8 wooden :
+9 porch :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The dog is running with food in his mouth .
+// The dog is running with a yellow ball in his mouth .
+1 The :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 with :
+6 a :
+7 yellow :
+8 ball :
+9 in :
+10 his :
+11 mouth :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A reddish brown dog runs across the snow with a snowball in its mouth .
+// The beautiful reddish dog lopes around the flat snowy street with a snowball in its mouth .
+1 The :
+2 beautiful :
+3 reddish :
+4 dog :
+5 lopes :
+6 around :
+7 the :
+8 flat :
+9 snowy :
+10 street :
+11 with :
+12 a :
+13 snowball :
+14 in :
+15 its :
+16 mouth :
+17 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog with brown spots is running in a yard , chasing a ball .
+// A white dog with brown markings chases an orange ball in a grassy field .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 with :
+5 brown :
+6 markings :
+7 chases :
+8 an :
+9 orange :
+10 ball :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 grassy :
+14 field :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A little girl and a little boy hold hands on a shiny slide .
+// A little girl in a paisley dress runs across a sandy playground .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 paisley :
+7 dress :
+8 runs :
+9 across :
+10 a :
+11 sandy :
+12 playground :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three little boys take a bath in a rubber bin on the grass .
+// Three well-dressed children are sitting on a bench and smiling .
+1 Three :
+2 well-dressed :
+3 children :
+4 are :
+5 sitting :
+6 on :
+7 a :
+8 bench :
+9 and :
+10 smiling :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a dog sniffing the brushes while a bull looks on
+// A brown dog sniffing at the fence of a brown bull .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 sniffing :
+5 at :
+6 the :
+7 fence :
+8 of :
+9 a :
+10 brown :
+11 bull :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog bounds through a path in the snow .
+// Two kids and a dog play in the snow .
+1 Two :
+2 kids :
+3 and :
+4 a :
+5 dog :
+6 play :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 snow :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy in a red jacket and balck hat sliding on his knees down a snowy hill
+// A boy is riding a red sledge down a snowy hill .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 is :
+4 riding :
+5 a :
+6 red :
+7 sledge :
+8 down :
+9 a :
+10 snowy :
+11 hill :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 16 17 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs running in a field of grass .
+// Two dogs run in a field of tall grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 run :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 field :
+7 of :
+8 tall :
+9 grass :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of men playing brass instruments .
+// A group of guys play instruments outside .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 guys :
+5 play :
+6 instruments :
+7 outside :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and tan dog standing in a field near trees
+// A white dog is standing by a river shaking himself dry .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 standing :
+6 by :
+7 a :
+8 river :
+9 shaking :
+10 himself :
+11 dry :
+12 . :
+6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three people sit at a picnic table outside of a building painted like a union jack .
+// Three people sit at an outdoor table in front of a building painted like the Union Jack .
+1 Three :
+2 people :
+3 sit :
+4 at :
+5 an :
+6 outdoor :
+7 table :
+8 in :
+9 front :
+10 of :
+11 a :
+12 building :
+13 painted :
+14 like :
+15 the :
+16 Union :
+17 Jack :
+18 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 16 <==> 14 15 16 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A small dog runs through an obstacle course .
+// A small dog jumping over an obstacle .
+1 A :
+2 small :
+3 dog :
+4 jumping :
+5 over :
+6 an :
+7 obstacle :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A tent and a campsite in a sunlit forest .
+// A white dog on a beach is carrying a stick in its mouth .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 beach :
+7 is :
+8 carrying :
+9 a :
+10 stick :
+11 in :
+12 its :
+13 mouth :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog is chasing two birds on the shore of the ocean .
+// A dog is running along the beach beside the ocean .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 along :
+6 the :
+7 beach :
+8 beside :
+9 the :
+10 ocean :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man and woman with their hands on their chins are standing next to a Christmas tree .
+// The man with a white beard and blue cap is standing in the doorway of a workshop .
+1 The :
+2 man :
+3 with :
+4 a :
+5 white :
+6 beard :
+7 and :
+8 blue :
+9 cap :
+10 is :
+11 standing :
+12 in :
+13 the :
+14 doorway :
+15 of :
+16 a :
+17 workshop :
+18 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 16 17 <==> 15 16 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+18 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are running through the grass near a house and trees .
+// Two dogs are running through a green yard
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 running :
+5 through :
+6 a :
+7 green :
+8 yard :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two different breeds of brown and white dogs play on the beach .
+// Two dogs playing in the sand at the beach .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 playing :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 sand :
+7 at :
+8 the :
+9 beach :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog is running through the water onto the shore .
+// The white dog runs through the ocean .
+1 The :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 ocean :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog leaping over a hurdle .
+// A dog leaps over the hurdle .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 leaps :
+4 over :
+5 the :
+6 hurdle :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
diff --git a/20211029_101219/images.wa.untrained b/20211029_101219/images.wa.untrained
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..05b35fe5576a422049e516d2857afc0b5ef29166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211029_101219/images.wa.untrained
@@ -0,0 +1,13817 @@
+// A child in a blue and white team uniform chasing a soccer ball .
+// A young boy in a blue soccer uniform chasing a ball .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 blue :
+7 soccer :
+8 uniform :
+9 chasing :
+10 a :
+11 ball :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in a gray suit locking up a bicycle
+// A man and a woman standing on a city street .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 and :
+4 a :
+5 woman :
+6 standing :
+7 on :
+8 a :
+9 city :
+10 street :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog in in a car .
+// A dog is biting a mop .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 biting :
+5 a :
+6 mop :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog walking beside a pool .
+// A black dog is walking along the side of a pool .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 walking :
+6 along :
+7 the :
+8 side :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 pool :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The boy is looking up at the girl as another girl ignores them .
+// the boy is diving into the pool as the couple watch .
+1 the :
+2 boy :
+3 is :
+4 diving :
+5 into :
+6 the :
+7 pool :
+8 as :
+9 the :
+10 couple :
+11 watch :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two women holding checkered flags near an orange car .
+// Two ladies in skimpy clothes pose next to an old fashioned car .
+1 Two :
+2 ladies :
+3 in :
+4 skimpy :
+5 clothes :
+6 pose :
+7 next :
+8 to :
+9 an :
+10 old :
+11 fashioned :
+12 car :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A hiker with a backpack is up on a misty mountain top .
+// A hiker climbing a rocky hill with fog surrounding him .
+1 A :
+2 hiker :
+3 climbing :
+4 a :
+5 rocky :
+6 hill :
+7 with :
+8 fog :
+9 surrounding :
+10 him :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog in running on grass .
+// A brown dog runs through the grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 grass :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The dog returns the play toy to its master .
+// Three dogs race in the snow together .
+1 Three :
+2 dogs :
+3 race :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 together :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// two dogs are running across a grassy path .
+// Two dogs are in a grassy area .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 grassy :
+7 area :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman stands with her arms out at her sides while another takes a picture .
+// A man stands in a crowd holding a white object .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 stands :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 crowd :
+7 holding :
+8 a :
+9 white :
+10 object :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog is jumping in the air to catch an orange Frisbee .
+// a white dog jumping in the air to catch a red Frisbee .
+1 a :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 jumping :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 air :
+8 to :
+9 catch :
+10 a :
+11 red :
+12 Frisbee :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman and a man with a blue shirt are posing for a photograph .
+// a man and a woman posing for a picture
+1 a :
+2 man :
+3 and :
+4 a :
+5 woman :
+6 posing :
+7 for :
+8 a :
+9 picture :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three people stand in an outdoor glass structure .
+// Three people in a glass structure .
+1 Three :
+2 people :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 glass :
+6 structure :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Young boy wearing a denim shirt sticks out his tongue .
+// A young boy wearing a denim jacket sticks his tongue out .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 wearing :
+5 a :
+6 denim :
+7 jacket :
+8 sticks :
+9 his :
+10 tongue :
+11 out :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog is walking on the grass .
+// A dog chases another by a tree .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 chases :
+4 another :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 tree :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three boys playing soccer in a field
+// Three boys playing soccer .
+1 Three :
+2 boys :
+3 playing :
+4 soccer :
+5 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person is riding a skateboard in the air above a ramp .
+// A biker is riding along a track element located with a wooded area .
+1 A :
+2 biker :
+3 is :
+4 riding :
+5 along :
+6 a :
+7 track :
+8 element :
+9 located :
+10 with :
+11 a :
+12 wooded :
+13 area :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Brown and white dog playing in the grass .
+// Black and white dog leaping for Frisbee .
+1 Black :
+2 and :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 leaping :
+6 for :
+7 Frisbee :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy is jumping into the water with a ball in his hand .
+// A little boy swimming underwater with a toy in his hand .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 boy :
+4 swimming :
+5 underwater :
+6 with :
+7 a :
+8 toy :
+9 in :
+10 his :
+11 hand :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A deer jumps a fence .
+// A deer jumping over a fence .
+1 A :
+2 deer :
+3 jumping :
+4 over :
+5 a :
+6 fence :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two young girls with dyed hair talk to two boys in black .
+// two girls with pink streaked hair and two boys with black hair standing next to a concrete building .
+1 two :
+2 girls :
+3 with :
+4 pink :
+5 streaked :
+6 hair :
+7 and :
+8 two :
+9 boys :
+10 with :
+11 black :
+12 hair :
+13 standing :
+14 next :
+15 to :
+16 a :
+17 concrete :
+18 building :
+19 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 19 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Light brown dog running towards something at the beach .
+// A brown dog chases a blond one in the grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 chases :
+5 a :
+6 blond :
+7 one :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 grass :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man with a messenger bag in front of a gray tile wall .
+// Man in red jacket standing in front of lighthouse .
+1 Man :
+2 in :
+3 red :
+4 jacket :
+5 standing :
+6 in :
+7 front :
+8 of :
+9 lighthouse :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 12 13 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man crouching and holding a camera .
+// The crouching man is holding a large camera .
+1 The :
+2 crouching :
+3 man :
+4 is :
+5 holding :
+6 a :
+7 large :
+8 camera :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl wearing a pink coat splashes in rain puddles .
+// A girl in a pink jacket is walking through a large puddle .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 pink :
+6 jacket :
+7 is :
+8 walking :
+9 through :
+10 a :
+11 large :
+12 puddle :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man rollerblading on a metal bar .
+// Roller blades sliding on a railing .
+1 Roller :
+2 blades :
+3 sliding :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 railing :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A small dog jumping with a ball in its mouth .
+// There is a brown dog swimming outside with a tennis ball in its mouth .
+1 There :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 brown :
+5 dog :
+6 swimming :
+7 outside :
+8 with :
+9 a :
+10 tennis :
+11 ball :
+12 in :
+13 its :
+14 mouth :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Kids playing ball in the park .
+// Two dogs playing by the shore .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 playing :
+4 by :
+5 the :
+6 shore :
+7 . :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Woman in a black dress walking on the street .
+// A woman watches a dog jump down the stairs .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 watches :
+4 a :
+5 dog :
+6 jump :
+7 down :
+8 the :
+9 stairs :
+10 . :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Five men dressed in tuxedos standing on a set of stairs
+// Five men in tuxedos are walking down steps .
+1 Five :
+2 men :
+3 in :
+4 tuxedos :
+5 are :
+6 walking :
+7 down :
+8 steps :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog is running toward the camera .
+// A brown and white dog running on grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 running :
+7 on :
+8 grass :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a dog jumps into the water .
+// A small dog leaps in the water .
+1 A :
+2 small :
+3 dog :
+4 leaps :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two large dogs running in some grass .
+// Two brindle dogs running in the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 brindle :
+3 dogs :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 grass :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy stands in the pool at the bottom of a blue water slide .
+// A boy splashes into a pool , ejected from a water slide .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 splashes :
+4 into :
+5 a :
+6 pool :
+7 , :
+8 ejected :
+9 from :
+10 a :
+11 water :
+12 slide :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 14 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two children ride saucers down a snowy hill .
+// Two children go sledding .
+1 Two :
+2 children :
+3 go :
+4 sledding :
+5 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person climbs up a snowy hill while their dog follows .
+// A person climbs a snowy hill while a black dog follows .
+1 A :
+2 person :
+3 climbs :
+4 a :
+5 snowy :
+6 hill :
+7 while :
+8 a :
+9 black :
+10 dog :
+11 follows :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A child is jumping into a swimming pool .
+// A dog jumping into a swimming pool .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 jumping :
+4 into :
+5 a :
+6 swimming :
+7 pool :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Four small children sit on tall stools at a resturaunt bar .
+// Four children sit on tall bar stools at a yellow and grey bar .
+1 Four :
+2 children :
+3 sit :
+4 on :
+5 tall :
+6 bar :
+7 stools :
+8 at :
+9 a :
+10 yellow :
+11 and :
+12 grey :
+13 bar :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The black and white dog runs through the grass .
+// A black and white dog is running through grass .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 through :
+9 grass :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl in a pink shirt is sprawling her limbs out in midair .
+// A man dressed in a Santa suit is climbing up a large concrete building .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 dressed :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 Santa :
+7 suit :
+8 is :
+9 climbing :
+10 up :
+11 a :
+12 large :
+13 concrete :
+14 building :
+15 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A tan and white dog retrieving a ball on a gravel path .
+// A large dog walks along a gravel path in the woods .
+1 A :
+2 large :
+3 dog :
+4 walks :
+5 along :
+6 a :
+7 gravel :
+8 path :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 woods :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a boy in a grey hat is carrying a soccer ball by a reddish colored wall .
+// A small boy is carrying a soccer ball .
+1 A :
+2 small :
+3 boy :
+4 is :
+5 carrying :
+6 a :
+7 soccer :
+8 ball :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person wearing scuba gear is swimming underwater water .
+// A person is scuba diving in very clear blue water .
+1 A :
+2 person :
+3 is :
+4 scuba :
+5 diving :
+6 in :
+7 very :
+8 clear :
+9 blue :
+10 water :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog walking in the snow .
+// A black and tan dog walking through the snow .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 tan :
+5 dog :
+6 walking :
+7 through :
+8 the :
+9 snow :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman placing a baby on a skateboard on the beach .
+// a woman holds a small baby on a skateboard at the beach
+1 a :
+2 woman :
+3 holds :
+4 a :
+5 small :
+6 baby :
+7 on :
+8 a :
+9 skateboard :
+10 at :
+11 the :
+12 beach :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy jumping into a lake .
+// The boy is jumping into a lake .
+1 The :
+2 boy :
+3 is :
+4 jumping :
+5 into :
+6 a :
+7 lake :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man water skis while attached to a parachute .
+// A man kite surfing creates a wave .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 kite :
+4 surfing :
+5 creates :
+6 a :
+7 wave :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog looks at a black puppy in the snow .
+// A big white dog and a small black dog sit in the snow .
+1 A :
+2 big :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 and :
+6 a :
+7 small :
+8 black :
+9 dog :
+10 sit :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 snow :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A blue and white soccer team playing against each other .
+// A topless woman with her face painted is covered in mud .
+1 A :
+2 topless :
+3 woman :
+4 with :
+5 her :
+6 face :
+7 painted :
+8 is :
+9 covered :
+10 in :
+11 mud :
+12 . :
+7 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a white dog running in the snow
+// The dogs are running in the snow .
+1 The :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy wearing a blue visor swings a bat .
+// A young boy with a visor on plays ball with his bat in the street .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 with :
+5 a :
+6 visor :
+7 on :
+8 plays :
+9 ball :
+10 with :
+11 his :
+12 bat :
+13 in :
+14 the :
+15 street :
+16 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a group of people white water rafting in a blue raft .
+// A group of people paddle their blue inflatable raft down the rapids .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 paddle :
+6 their :
+7 blue :
+8 inflatable :
+9 raft :
+10 down :
+11 the :
+12 rapids :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A pair of dogs playing with a purple ball .
+// Two dogs play with purple football .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 with :
+5 purple :
+6 football :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog shakes off water
+// A dog shakes his head .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 shakes :
+4 his :
+5 head :
+6 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy wearing a red shirt runs across the grass with a furry dog .
+// A sports fan is wearing face paint in the stands .
+1 A :
+2 sports :
+3 fan :
+4 is :
+5 wearing :
+6 face :
+7 paint :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 stands :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two young children are walking across an open field .
+// Two small children walking in a field .
+1 Two :
+2 small :
+3 children :
+4 walking :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 field :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The brown dog is running on the grass .
+// The skinny brown dog is running through the tall green grass .
+1 The :
+2 skinny :
+3 brown :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 running :
+7 through :
+8 the :
+9 tall :
+10 green :
+11 grass :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man with his arms raised at the top of a mountain .
+// A person in a red shirt is standing , with arms raised , at the top of a mountain .
+1 A :
+2 person :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 red :
+6 shirt :
+7 is :
+8 standing :
+9 , :
+10 with :
+11 arms :
+12 raised :
+13 , :
+14 at :
+15 the :
+16 top :
+17 of :
+18 a :
+19 mountain :
+20 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 17 18 19 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 20 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three children stand on or near a fence .
+// The three children are standing on and by a fence .
+1 The :
+2 three :
+3 children :
+4 are :
+5 standing :
+6 on :
+7 and :
+8 by :
+9 a :
+10 fence :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of four children dancing in a backyard .
+// A group of children do stretches on colored mats .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 children :
+5 do :
+6 stretches :
+7 on :
+8 colored :
+9 mats :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two constructions workers sit on a beam taking a break .
+// The man is putting on his shirt near an elevator .
+1 The :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 putting :
+5 on :
+6 his :
+7 shirt :
+8 near :
+9 an :
+10 elevator :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is holding a very long leash attached to a very large dog who is smelling the grass .
+// A man holds a long leash with a large gray dog attached to it .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 holds :
+4 a :
+5 long :
+6 leash :
+7 with :
+8 a :
+9 large :
+10 gray :
+11 dog :
+12 attached :
+13 to :
+14 it :
+15 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 14 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// This is a boat on the water with mountains in the background .
+// A white boat on glassy water with mountains in the background .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 boat :
+4 on :
+5 glassy :
+6 water :
+7 with :
+8 mountains :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 background :
+12 . :
+3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two boys are jumping into a pool .
+// Two boys are in midair jumping into an inground pool .
+1 Two :
+2 boys :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 midair :
+6 jumping :
+7 into :
+8 an :
+9 inground :
+10 pool :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Scuba diver submerged in water .
+// The scuba diver is underwater .
+1 The :
+2 scuba :
+3 diver :
+4 is :
+5 underwater :
+6 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The brown and black dog sprints across the snow .
+// A black dog is running quickly along the ground .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 quickly :
+7 along :
+8 the :
+9 ground :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog jumps through the water .
+// A dog walks through the snow .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 walks :
+4 through :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog walks in the grass with it's tongue hanging out .
+// A grey dog walks in the green grass , tongue hanging out .
+1 A :
+2 grey :
+3 dog :
+4 walks :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 green :
+8 grass :
+9 , :
+10 tongue :
+11 hanging :
+12 out :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person in a striped fleece clips a carabiner onto a metal line .
+// A young woman in a helmet attaches a pulley to a cable .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 woman :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 helmet :
+7 attaches :
+8 a :
+9 pulley :
+10 to :
+11 a :
+12 cable :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A lean dog runs through green grass .
+// A brown dog and two black dogs in an overgrown grassy field .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 and :
+5 two :
+6 black :
+7 dogs :
+8 in :
+9 an :
+10 overgrown :
+11 grassy :
+12 field :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Many cars parked on a mountain .
+// A group of cars parked on a hill
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 cars :
+5 parked :
+6 on :
+7 a :
+8 hill :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A light brown dog is running in the water .
+// A brown and white dog running into the water
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 running :
+7 into :
+8 the :
+9 water :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// three dogs playing on a beach
+// A boy standing on a beach .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 standing :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 beach :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a dog jumps into the pond .
+// the skateboarder jumps into the air .
+1 the :
+2 skateboarder :
+3 jumps :
+4 into :
+5 the :
+6 air :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white and black dog is jumping into a pool .
+// A woman in a black apron is standing in front of a mirror .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 black :
+6 apron :
+7 is :
+8 standing :
+9 in :
+10 front :
+11 of :
+12 a :
+13 mirror :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog is running through green grass .
+// A brown dog is running though a river .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 though :
+7 a :
+8 river :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three children playing on rocks near a lake
+// Three men playing baseball .
+1 Three :
+2 men :
+3 playing :
+4 baseball :
+5 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in black shaving a ice sculpture .
+// A man has a chainsaw and is carving a block of ice .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 has :
+4 a :
+5 chainsaw :
+6 and :
+7 is :
+8 carving :
+9 a :
+10 block :
+11 of :
+12 ice :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown and white dog with a pink collar is barking at a brown dog with a blue collar in the snow .
+// The dog with the red collar is bearing it's teeth at the dog with the blue collar .
+1 The :
+2 dog :
+3 with :
+4 the :
+5 red :
+6 collar :
+7 is :
+8 bearing :
+9 it's :
+10 teeth :
+11 at :
+12 the :
+13 dog :
+14 with :
+15 the :
+16 blue :
+17 collar :
+18 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 15 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 17 18 19 <==> 14 15 16 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+23 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog looking at the camera in snow .
+// A dog is walking in a tire track in the snow .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 walking :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 tire :
+8 track :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 snow :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A surfer is riding on a breaking wave .
+// A surfer is riding a wave .
+1 A :
+2 surfer :
+3 is :
+4 riding :
+5 a :
+6 wave :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The # 2 greyhound dog is running around a track .
+// a muzzled greyhound dog is running around a track
+1 a :
+2 muzzled :
+3 greyhound :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 running :
+7 around :
+8 a :
+9 track :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog is running after a white dog in the snow .
+// Black dog chasing brown dog through snow
+1 Black :
+2 dog :
+3 chasing :
+4 brown :
+5 dog :
+6 through :
+7 snow :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man wearing an orange coat speaks to another as they walk in the snow .
+// A man and woman dressedin old fashion clothing sit outside at a table .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 and :
+4 woman :
+5 dressedin :
+6 old :
+7 fashion :
+8 clothing :
+9 sit :
+10 outside :
+11 at :
+12 a :
+13 table :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Dog running on shore beside two geese in water
+// A black dog running along the sandy shoreline of a body of water while two ducks swim nearby .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 running :
+5 along :
+6 the :
+7 sandy :
+8 shoreline :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 body :
+12 of :
+13 water :
+14 while :
+15 two :
+16 ducks :
+17 swim :
+18 nearby :
+19 . :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of people in boats racing towards the shore .
+// A group of people stand together and pose in front of a house .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 stand :
+6 together :
+7 and :
+8 pose :
+9 in :
+10 front :
+11 of :
+12 a :
+13 house :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A family is playing on the beach with their dog .
+// A naked little girl being thrown into the air .
+1 A :
+2 naked :
+3 little :
+4 girl :
+5 being :
+6 thrown :
+7 into :
+8 the :
+9 air :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is wind sailing in the ocean .
+// A dog is running through the ocean .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 ocean :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A small dog runs through a grassy field .
+// Two dogs bound across the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 bound :
+4 across :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young child blows on an orange wand to make a bubble .
+// An Asian child is blowing bubbles from an orange bubble hoop .
+1 An :
+2 Asian :
+3 child :
+4 is :
+5 blowing :
+6 bubbles :
+7 from :
+8 an :
+9 orange :
+10 bubble :
+11 hoop :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// two woman sit on a park bench .
+// Two women sitting on a bench by the water .
+1 Two :
+2 women :
+3 sitting :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 bench :
+7 by :
+8 the :
+9 water :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a bird lands in the water .
+// a boat floats in the water .
+1 a :
+2 boat :
+3 floats :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 water :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two young men are juggling multi-colored blocks with people watching .
+// Two men stand juggling colored boxes while other men stand on a balcony .
+1 Two :
+2 men :
+3 stand :
+4 juggling :
+5 colored :
+6 boxes :
+7 while :
+8 other :
+9 men :
+10 stand :
+11 on :
+12 a :
+13 balcony :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person is skijoring with a dog in the mountains .
+// A brown dog is playing with a ball in the water .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 playing :
+6 with :
+7 a :
+8 ball :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 water :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog runs through a muddy bank .
+// A lean dog runs through a wooded area .
+1 A :
+2 lean :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 through :
+6 a :
+7 wooded :
+8 area :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The brown dog is playing in the snow .
+// A black dog is playing in the snow .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 playing :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 snow :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The person is doing a handstand on the beach .
+// A kid is doing a hand-stand on the beach .
+1 A :
+2 kid :
+3 is :
+4 doing :
+5 a :
+6 hand-stand :
+7 on :
+8 the :
+9 beach :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A tan girl in a floral bikini is swimming in dark blue waters .
+// a little girl in a flowered bathingsuit runs through the sand at the beach
+1 a :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 flowered :
+7 bathingsuit :
+8 runs :
+9 through :
+10 the :
+11 sand :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 beach :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog is running through the snow .
+// The German shepherd dog is running through the snow .
+1 The :
+2 German :
+3 shepherd :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 running :
+7 through :
+8 the :
+9 snow :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The large dog wading in the water and shaking .
+// Three dark dogs swimming and one of them has a ball .
+1 Three :
+2 dark :
+3 dogs :
+4 swimming :
+5 and :
+6 one :
+7 of :
+8 them :
+9 has :
+10 a :
+11 ball :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are playing around in the dirt .
+// A dancer posing for the camera in a red and white dress .
+1 A :
+2 dancer :
+3 posing :
+4 for :
+5 the :
+6 camera :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 red :
+10 and :
+11 white :
+12 dress :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog running across the sand
+// A dog running through the water .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 running :
+4 through :
+5 the :
+6 water :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white and tan dog runs through the tall green grass .
+// A medium sized brown and white streaked dog is running through tall grass .
+1 A :
+2 medium :
+3 sized :
+4 brown :
+5 and :
+6 white :
+7 streaked :
+8 dog :
+9 is :
+10 running :
+11 through :
+12 tall :
+13 grass :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of four hiking through a snowy forest .
+// A group of people hike through a snowy wooded area .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 hike :
+6 through :
+7 a :
+8 snowy :
+9 wooded :
+10 area :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in plaid shirt hits a tree with an Axe .
+// A man in a plaid shirt uses a tool by a tree .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 plaid :
+6 shirt :
+7 uses :
+8 a :
+9 tool :
+10 by :
+11 a :
+12 tree :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A smiling man and a baby girl posing for photo .
+// A smiling man holds a small child wearing pink and red .
+1 A :
+2 smiling :
+3 man :
+4 holds :
+5 a :
+6 small :
+7 child :
+8 wearing :
+9 pink :
+10 and :
+11 red :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// White dog outside with two people in background .
+// Little boy coming at camera down blue slide , smiling woman in background .
+1 Little :
+2 boy :
+3 coming :
+4 at :
+5 camera :
+6 down :
+7 blue :
+8 slide :
+9 , :
+10 smiling :
+11 woman :
+12 in :
+13 background :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs are playing in the water .
+// Three dogs run in the snow .
+1 Three :
+2 dogs :
+3 run :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl jumping on a sand dune at the ocean .
+// The little girl jumps up into the air with the sand beneath her .
+1 The :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 jumps :
+5 up :
+6 into :
+7 the :
+8 air :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 sand :
+12 beneath :
+13 her :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A shirtless man rock climbs .
+// A man rock climbing .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 rock :
+4 climbing :
+5 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// An adult male wearing a backpack walks and looks to the left .
+// A man wearing a backpack looking to the side .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 backpack :
+6 looking :
+7 to :
+8 the :
+9 side :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog jumping high to catch a ball .
+// Two black and white dogs run across a green field .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dogs :
+6 run :
+7 across :
+8 a :
+9 green :
+10 field :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A snowboarder goes down a ramp .
+// A snowboarder going over a ramp .
+1 A :
+2 snowboarder :
+3 going :
+4 over :
+5 a :
+6 ramp :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young man and woman sitting on a bench outside are kissing .
+// The man and woman sitting on a bench are kissing .
+1 The :
+2 man :
+3 and :
+4 woman :
+5 sitting :
+6 on :
+7 a :
+8 bench :
+9 are :
+10 kissing :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The woman is holding the harness that the brown and white dog is wearing .
+// A man and woman are looking at artwork that is on easels and clipped to a fencing wall .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 and :
+4 woman :
+5 are :
+6 looking :
+7 at :
+8 artwork :
+9 that :
+10 is :
+11 on :
+12 easels :
+13 and :
+14 clipped :
+15 to :
+16 a :
+17 fencing :
+18 wall :
+19 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 19 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A wet child shivers under a towel at a pool .
+// A wet child is shivering in a towel in front of a pool .
+1 A :
+2 wet :
+3 child :
+4 is :
+5 shivering :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 towel :
+9 in :
+10 front :
+11 of :
+12 a :
+13 pool :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white and brown dog rolls on it's back in the sand .
+// A dog lying on its back in the sand .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 lying :
+4 on :
+5 its :
+6 back :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 sand :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A large brown dog is walking along side a river .
+// A brown dog walks on the rocks near a river .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 walks :
+5 on :
+6 the :
+7 rocks :
+8 near :
+9 a :
+10 river :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man wearing a blue shirt crouches on a rocky cliff .
+// a man sits on a rock .
+1 a :
+2 man :
+3 sits :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 rock :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy waves around a sparkler .
+// A young boy is twisting a sparkler around in the air .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 is :
+5 twisting :
+6 a :
+7 sparkler :
+8 around :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 air :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog leaping from a dock into the water .
+// A tan dog leaps into the water .
+1 A :
+2 tan :
+3 dog :
+4 leaps :
+5 into :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two children are on a fairground ride .
+// Two children are on a giant inflatable slide .
+1 Two :
+2 children :
+3 are :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 giant :
+7 inflatable :
+8 slide :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy with a broken arm is resting in a bed .
+// A boy with a broken arm is sleeping .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 with :
+4 a :
+5 broken :
+6 arm :
+7 is :
+8 sleeping :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog lunges for a yellow toy .
+// A brown dog chasing a yellow toy .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 chasing :
+5 a :
+6 yellow :
+7 toy :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// three little boys cover themselves with bubbles .
+// Three children standing by a pool are covered in foam bubbles .
+1 Three :
+2 children :
+3 standing :
+4 by :
+5 a :
+6 pool :
+7 are :
+8 covered :
+9 in :
+10 foam :
+11 bubbles :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs ankle-deep in water .
+// Two brown dogs play in the water .
+1 Two :
+2 brown :
+3 dogs :
+4 play :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man and a woman are standing in front of a building
+// Two girls are sitting on an ATV on the sand in front of a bridge .
+1 Two :
+2 girls :
+3 are :
+4 sitting :
+5 on :
+6 an :
+7 ATV :
+8 on :
+9 the :
+10 sand :
+11 in :
+12 front :
+13 of :
+14 a :
+15 bridge :
+16 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 <==> 11 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog walking through water .
+// Two black dogs walking through the snow .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 dogs :
+4 walking :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two kids splashing in the water .
+// Two dogs play together on the bed .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 together :
+5 on :
+6 the :
+7 bed :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog with a gemmed collar is sitting on white carpet .
+// A black dog with a blue collar is sitting on beige carpet .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 with :
+5 a :
+6 blue :
+7 collar :
+8 is :
+9 sitting :
+10 on :
+11 beige :
+12 carpet :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs on grass running towards the camera .
+// Several large dogs are running through a large grassy area .
+1 Several :
+2 large :
+3 dogs :
+4 are :
+5 running :
+6 through :
+7 a :
+8 large :
+9 grassy :
+10 area :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person wearing jeans sits on top of a horse saddle .
+// The girl is sitting on top of a saddle .
+1 The :
+2 girl :
+3 is :
+4 sitting :
+5 on :
+6 top :
+7 of :
+8 a :
+9 saddle :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog bounding through snow
+// A large white dog is bounding through a snowy field .
+1 A :
+2 large :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 bounding :
+7 through :
+8 a :
+9 snowy :
+10 field :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Many people run in a race on a street .
+// A puppy running along a street .
+1 A :
+2 puppy :
+3 running :
+4 along :
+5 a :
+6 street :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog swimming in a lake has sunshine shining on him .
+// A dog swims while carrying a stick in its mouth .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 swims :
+4 while :
+5 carrying :
+6 a :
+7 stick :
+8 in :
+9 its :
+10 mouth :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl in a pink jacket is walking through a large puddle .
+// A young boy is splashing through a puddle of water .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 is :
+5 splashing :
+6 through :
+7 a :
+8 puddle :
+9 of :
+10 water :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl sits on a red play structure
+// A little girl on a red jungle gym .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 red :
+7 jungle :
+8 gym :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of people in front of a red fire truck .
+// A group of people are standing around a red fire truck .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 are :
+6 standing :
+7 around :
+8 a :
+9 red :
+10 fire :
+11 truck :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The black and white dog runs through the grass .
+// three black and white dogs running through a watery field .
+1 three :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dogs :
+6 running :
+7 through :
+8 a :
+9 watery :
+10 field :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy in red jumping into a sandbox .
+// A dog swimming in a pond
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 swimming :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 pond :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy wearing a blue jacket swings a bat at a white ball .
+// A young boy in a blue jacket swings a bat at a ball .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 blue :
+7 jacket :
+8 swings :
+9 a :
+10 bat :
+11 at :
+12 a :
+13 ball :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs are playing in the white snow .
+// Three dogs play with a Frisbee in a snowy field .
+1 Three :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 with :
+5 a :
+6 Frisbee :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 snowy :
+10 field :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in a black wetsuit is surfung in the waves .
+// A surfer in a black wet suit surfs on a medium wave .
+1 A :
+2 surfer :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 black :
+6 wet :
+7 suit :
+8 surfs :
+9 on :
+10 a :
+11 medium :
+12 wave :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog jumping into a lake .
+// A black dog runs very fast in a field in a park .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 very :
+6 fast :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 field :
+10 in :
+11 a :
+12 park :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs playing in the snow .
+// Two black dogs in the snow .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 dogs :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs run on the grass .
+// A dog running on the grass .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 running :
+4 on :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A tennis player hitting the ball .
+// Two boys splashing in the surf .
+1 Two :
+2 boys :
+3 splashing :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 surf :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man wearing a orange vest is canoeing in the blue water .
+// A man in an orange jacket raising his hands to the sky in the sand .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 an :
+5 orange :
+6 jacket :
+7 raising :
+8 his :
+9 hands :
+10 to :
+11 the :
+12 sky :
+13 in :
+14 the :
+15 sand :
+16 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog asleep in a car .
+// A black and tan dog sleeps in the car .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 tan :
+5 dog :
+6 sleeps :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 car :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of men play rugby .
+// A group of men are playing ball together .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 men :
+5 are :
+6 playing :
+7 ball :
+8 together :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is riding a kayak through water .
+// A man kayaks in rough water .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 kayaks :
+4 in :
+5 rough :
+6 water :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog is jumping up to catch a green strap in it's mouth .
+// A grey dog jumps to bite a green leash .
+1 A :
+2 grey :
+3 dog :
+4 jumps :
+5 to :
+6 bite :
+7 a :
+8 green :
+9 leash :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog is sniffing a white dog that is lying on the floor .
+// Dog sniffing another dog lying under furniture .
+1 Dog :
+2 sniffing :
+3 another :
+4 dog :
+5 lying :
+6 under :
+7 furniture :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and grey dog runs in a field with it's tongue hanging out .
+// A black dog with a red collar walks through the grass with his mouth open and tongue hanging out .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 with :
+5 a :
+6 red :
+7 collar :
+8 walks :
+9 through :
+10 the :
+11 grass :
+12 with :
+13 his :
+14 mouth :
+15 open :
+16 and :
+17 tongue :
+18 hanging :
+19 out :
+20 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 <==> 18 19 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young girl running on the beach .
+// A little girl running at on the shore of a beach .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 running :
+5 at :
+6 on :
+7 the :
+8 shore :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 beach :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A rugby player in dark gear is carrying a light colored rugby ball with arm outstretched .
+// A brown dog splashes in the water while carrying a ball in it's mouth .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 splashes :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 while :
+9 carrying :
+10 a :
+11 ball :
+12 in :
+13 it's :
+14 mouth :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 13 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs groom each other .
+// Two dogs jumping on each other .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 jumping :
+4 on :
+5 each :
+6 other :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs , the white one standing on a Frisbee , playing together on grass .
+// Two dogs play on the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 on :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy receives a light saber for Christmas .
+// A boy holds a light saber in front of a Christmas tree .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 holds :
+4 a :
+5 light :
+6 saber :
+7 in :
+8 front :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 Christmas :
+12 tree :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The man sits on a sofa under the bridge and litter is all around him .
+// A man is sitting on a couch under an expressway ledge .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 sitting :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 couch :
+8 under :
+9 an :
+10 expressway :
+11 ledge :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The white and brown dog runs across the grass .
+// A brown and white dog runs across the grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 runs :
+7 across :
+8 the :
+9 grass :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog biting a horse 's leg .
+// A dog nips at the leg of a horse .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 nips :
+4 at :
+5 the :
+6 leg :
+7 of :
+8 a :
+9 horse :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a young baby girl wearing a white outfit swinging in a baby swing
+// a young girl wearing a black and red swimsuit swinging on a swing
+1 a :
+2 young :
+3 girl :
+4 wearing :
+5 a :
+6 black :
+7 and :
+8 red :
+9 swimsuit :
+10 swinging :
+11 on :
+12 a :
+13 swing :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog with light brown markings has a stick in his mouth and his paws in the snow .
+// A white dog holds a stick in its mouth while it runs through snow .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 holds :
+5 a :
+6 stick :
+7 in :
+8 its :
+9 mouth :
+10 while :
+11 it :
+12 runs :
+13 through :
+14 snow :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 18 19 <==> 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog runs through the water in the ocean .
+// A brown dog runs through the water as a wave comes .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 as :
+9 a :
+10 wave :
+11 comes :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs play in the grass .
+// Two dogs are playing in the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 playing :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 grass :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two men on the side of a barge
+// A man is lying the grass with long hair and beard .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 lying :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 with :
+8 long :
+9 hair :
+10 and :
+11 beard :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man juggles at the beach .
+// A man in swim trunks is juggling on the beach
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 swim :
+5 trunks :
+6 is :
+7 juggling :
+8 on :
+9 the :
+10 beach :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two people and a dog are in the snow .
+// Two people playing on a snowy hill .
+1 Two :
+2 people :
+3 playing :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 snowy :
+7 hill :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The man is standing on the shore hitting a ball with a paddle .
+// Two teenage girls are standing on beside the beach listening to ipods .
+1 Two :
+2 teenage :
+3 girls :
+4 are :
+5 standing :
+6 on :
+7 beside :
+8 the :
+9 beach :
+10 listening :
+11 to :
+12 ipods :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two girls walking in the ocean .
+// two girls walking in the street
+1 two :
+2 girls :
+3 walking :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 street :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man jumps off of one rooftop onto another .
+// A young man jumps from one balcony to another .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 man :
+4 jumps :
+5 from :
+6 one :
+7 balcony :
+8 to :
+9 another :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a woman playing with two young boys at a park
+// A woman and three kids play at a park .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 and :
+4 three :
+5 kids :
+6 play :
+7 at :
+8 a :
+9 park :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man wearing glasses stands in front of a snowy mountain .
+// A man wearing black shorts is standing in front of a snow covered mountain .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 wearing :
+4 black :
+5 shorts :
+6 is :
+7 standing :
+8 in :
+9 front :
+10 of :
+11 a :
+12 snow :
+13 covered :
+14 mountain :
+15 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three boys playing soccer in a field
+// Three boys playing soccer .
+1 Three :
+2 boys :
+3 playing :
+4 soccer :
+5 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog is running through the snow .
+// A black pit bull dog is running through the dirt .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 pit :
+4 bull :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 through :
+9 the :
+10 dirt :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two girls taking a picture of themselves
+// Two blonde girls are taking a picture of themselves .
+1 Two :
+2 blonde :
+3 girls :
+4 are :
+5 taking :
+6 a :
+7 picture :
+8 of :
+9 themselves :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a man wearing a grey jacket standing on the side of a street .
+// A boy wearing a blue life jacket is holding onto the side of a green boat .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 blue :
+6 life :
+7 jacket :
+8 is :
+9 holding :
+10 onto :
+11 the :
+12 side :
+13 of :
+14 a :
+15 green :
+16 boat :
+17 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 13 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog jumps in the snow .
+// A black dog jumping over tire tracks in the snow .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 jumping :
+5 over :
+6 tire :
+7 tracks :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 snow :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// child hanging upside down from a tree swing
+// A girl is by a tree hanging upside-down from a swing .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 is :
+4 by :
+5 a :
+6 tree :
+7 hanging :
+8 upside-down :
+9 from :
+10 a :
+11 swing :
+12 . :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog is running through a snowy field .
+// A black , brown and white dog running through a field .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 , :
+4 brown :
+5 and :
+6 white :
+7 dog :
+8 running :
+9 through :
+10 a :
+11 field :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man riding his bike on the beach by the ocean .
+// A man walking his cow down the side of the road .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 walking :
+4 his :
+5 cow :
+6 down :
+7 the :
+8 side :
+9 of :
+10 the :
+11 road :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy jumps into a not-so-crowded public pool .
+// A man jumps while on a snowboard .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 jumps :
+4 while :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 snowboard :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog jumps high in the grass .
+// A brown dog digs in the sand .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 digs :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 sand :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a group of old men walking down the street
+// A couple walking down the street .
+1 A :
+2 couple :
+3 walking :
+4 down :
+5 the :
+6 street :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of people are camping out on some rocks .
+// A group of people are standing beside a fire truck .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 are :
+6 standing :
+7 beside :
+8 a :
+9 fire :
+10 truck :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The two dogs are playing fetch in the snow .
+// The dogs play in the snow .
+1 The :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Dog is jumping down a ramp .
+// A girls is jumping in the sand .
+1 A :
+2 girls :
+3 is :
+4 jumping :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 sand :
+8 . :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three greyhounds racing on a track
+// Five greyhounds are racing on a sand track .
+1 Five :
+2 greyhounds :
+3 are :
+4 racing :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 sand :
+8 track :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two black dogs are playing on the grass .
+// Two black dogs are playing in a grassy plain .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 dogs :
+4 are :
+5 playing :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 grassy :
+9 plain :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A little brown dog is running on the grass .
+// The brown dog is running on the grass .
+1 The :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 on :
+7 the :
+8 grass :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy wearing a yellow shirt and blue pants is climbing a tree in a hilly area .
+// A boy wearing a yellow shirt and blue pants is climbing on a tree branch in a grassy field .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 yellow :
+6 shirt :
+7 and :
+8 blue :
+9 pants :
+10 is :
+11 climbing :
+12 on :
+13 a :
+14 tree :
+15 branch :
+16 in :
+17 a :
+18 grassy :
+19 field :
+20 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 16 17 <==> 16 17 18 19 // EQUI // 5 //
+18 <==> 20 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A harnessed dog leaps over a log as another dog follows behind .
+// A brown and white dog is leaping over a log in a field while another dog follows behind it .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 leaping :
+8 over :
+9 a :
+10 log :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 field :
+14 while :
+15 another :
+16 dog :
+17 follows :
+18 behind :
+19 it :
+20 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 20 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A small brown dog jumping up to catch a tennis ball .
+// a wet dog chasing a white ball
+1 a :
+2 wet :
+3 dog :
+4 chasing :
+5 a :
+6 white :
+7 ball :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a dog runs through the water .
+// A dog runs through the grass .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 runs :
+4 through :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl is doing a trick on her trampoline .
+// A girl does a handstand on a trampoline .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 does :
+4 a :
+5 handstand :
+6 on :
+7 a :
+8 trampoline :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// People with numbers on their chests are running in a pack .
+// A group of people are running a race .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 are :
+6 running :
+7 a :
+8 race :
+9 . :
+1 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog walking through splashing water in a rocky creek .
+// A black dog splashes through greenish water .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 splashes :
+5 through :
+6 greenish :
+7 water :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Child sliding in the snow .
+// Man sleeping on the street .
+1 Man :
+2 sleeping :
+3 on :
+4 the :
+5 street :
+6 . :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog runs through a very wooded area .
+// A dog running through a creek .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 running :
+4 through :
+5 a :
+6 creek :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog and a tan dog are playing in tall grass .
+// A black and brown dog with a red ball overhead plays in the grass .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 brown :
+5 dog :
+6 with :
+7 a :
+8 red :
+9 ball :
+10 overhead :
+11 plays :
+12 in :
+13 the :
+14 grass :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person is squeezing through an opening in the rock face .
+// A medium sized brown dog is running through an open white wooded area .
+1 A :
+2 medium :
+3 sized :
+4 brown :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 through :
+9 an :
+10 open :
+11 white :
+12 wooded :
+13 area :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Six dogs running on the sandy beach .
+// Six dogs walking beside the beach .
+1 Six :
+2 dogs :
+3 walking :
+4 beside :
+5 the :
+6 beach :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two people are walking through some water .
+// Two girls are walking by a tree in front of a brick building .
+1 Two :
+2 girls :
+3 are :
+4 walking :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 tree :
+8 in :
+9 front :
+10 of :
+11 a :
+12 brick :
+13 building :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman and a dog rowing down a wide river .
+// Woman and dog in rowboat on the water .
+1 Woman :
+2 and :
+3 dog :
+4 in :
+5 rowboat :
+6 on :
+7 the :
+8 water :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs are playing in the water .
+// Three dogs swim in the water .
+1 Three :
+2 dogs :
+3 swim :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 water :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy in a blue jacket swings a bat at a ball .
+// A young boy wearing a blue visor swings a bat .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 wearing :
+5 a :
+6 blue :
+7 visor :
+8 swings :
+9 a :
+10 bat :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three individuals are posing on skis behind a "no skiing" sign .
+// Three people on skis are standing behind a no skiing sign .
+1 Three :
+2 people :
+3 on :
+4 skis :
+5 are :
+6 standing :
+7 behind :
+8 a :
+9 no :
+10 skiing :
+11 sign :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A female DJ holds up a Michael Jackson album .
+// a girl holding a picture of Michael Jackson smiling
+1 a :
+2 girl :
+3 holding :
+4 a :
+5 picture :
+6 of :
+7 Michael :
+8 Jackson :
+9 smiling :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The black and white dog is running on the grass .
+// A black and white dog swims in blue water .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 swims :
+7 in :
+8 blue :
+9 water :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two teenage girls , one is smiling .
+// A little girl on a kid swing .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 kid :
+7 swing :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown and black dog walks in the white snow .
+// A brown and black dog walks in the snow with it's tongue hanging out .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 black :
+5 dog :
+6 walks :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 snow :
+10 with :
+11 it's :
+12 tongue :
+13 hanging :
+14 out :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two teenagers huddle in a doorway in the rain .
+// Two people wearing hoodies huddle on a doorstep in the rain .
+1 Two :
+2 people :
+3 wearing :
+4 hoodies :
+5 huddle :
+6 on :
+7 a :
+8 doorstep :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 rain :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a boy swinging on a swing .
+// The girl is on a swing .
+1 The :
+2 girl :
+3 is :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 swing :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young girl doing a back flip in the water .
+// a young girl wearing purple running through water
+1 a :
+2 young :
+3 girl :
+4 wearing :
+5 purple :
+6 running :
+7 through :
+8 water :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is riding a bicycle on a dirt path .
+// Two dogs running along dirt path .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 running :
+4 along :
+5 dirt :
+6 path :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A light brown dog runs down a path happily .
+// A pale dog runs down a path .
+1 A :
+2 pale :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 down :
+6 a :
+7 path :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl does a back bend on the beach .
+// A girl doing a back bend at the beach .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 doing :
+4 a :
+5 back :
+6 bend :
+7 at :
+8 the :
+9 beach :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two older men in front of a bus .
+// Two men step off the bus together .
+1 Two :
+2 men :
+3 step :
+4 off :
+5 the :
+6 bus :
+7 together :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A little girl walks on a boardwalk with blue domes in the background .
+// A man going over a jump on his bike with a river in the background
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 going :
+4 over :
+5 a :
+6 jump :
+7 on :
+8 his :
+9 bike :
+10 with :
+11 a :
+12 river :
+13 in :
+14 the :
+15 background :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man on a bike nest to a river .
+// A man on a bike does a very high jump .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 on :
+4 a :
+5 bike :
+6 does :
+7 a :
+8 very :
+9 high :
+10 jump :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Black and white dog running through water .
+// A black and white dog is running through grass .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 through :
+9 grass :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dalmation is running along the beach .
+// A white dog is running on sand .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 on :
+7 sand :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog leaps out of the water towards shore .
+// a tan dog jumping through the water towards the shore .
+1 a :
+2 tan :
+3 dog :
+4 jumping :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 towards :
+9 the :
+10 shore :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// two dogs play in the grass .
+// Two dogs play in the water .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 water :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A wet white dog is splashing in the water with a stick in it's mouth .
+// A white dogs treads the water with sticks in its mouth .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dogs :
+4 treads :
+5 the :
+6 water :
+7 with :
+8 sticks :
+9 in :
+10 its :
+11 mouth :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A blonde dog is catching a ball in its mouth in the snow .
+// A little blonde girl is sitting on a green chair .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 blonde :
+4 girl :
+5 is :
+6 sitting :
+7 on :
+8 a :
+9 green :
+10 chair :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// two puppies playing around in the grass
+// Two puppies play in the grass
+1 Two :
+2 puppies :
+3 play :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs run on a dirt area near a forest .
+// Two dogs run down a dirt path in the forest .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 run :
+4 down :
+5 a :
+6 dirt :
+7 path :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 forest :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The brown and white dog is running across the sand with a red object in his mouth .
+// A dog is running along a beach with a red object in its mouth .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 along :
+6 a :
+7 beach :
+8 with :
+9 a :
+10 red :
+11 object :
+12 in :
+13 its :
+14 mouth :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 16 17 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+18 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are playing in the snow .
+// The dogs are running in the snow .
+1 The :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog jumps high on a field of grass .
+// A brown dog running in field of long green grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 field :
+7 of :
+8 long :
+9 green :
+10 grass :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Boat sails in rough water .
+// A man is kayaking in rough waters .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 kayaking :
+5 in :
+6 rough :
+7 waters :
+8 . :
+2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The girl is playing along with the images on the big screen .
+// Three girls holding umbrellas with their backs to the camera .
+1 Three :
+2 girls :
+3 holding :
+4 umbrellas :
+5 with :
+6 their :
+7 backs :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 camera :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog with its two front paws on a rock in a field .
+// A dog is running in a field .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 field :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is rock climbing on a natural rock .
+// A woman with glowing shoes at an outdoor event .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 with :
+4 glowing :
+5 shoes :
+6 at :
+7 an :
+8 outdoor :
+9 event :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs holding one Frisbee in their mouths .
+// Two dogs holding a single black Frisbee in their mouths
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 holding :
+4 a :
+5 single :
+6 black :
+7 Frisbee :
+8 in :
+9 their :
+10 mouths :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two people are in bed .
+// Two boxers are in the ring .
+1 Two :
+2 boxers :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 ring :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown and white dog running on grass .
+// A brown and white dog running fast in a fenced yard .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 running :
+7 fast :
+8 in :
+9 a :
+10 fenced :
+11 yard :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog is jumping over a log with ears flying and tongue out .
+// A dog leaps over a log in the woods .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 leaps :
+4 over :
+5 a :
+6 log :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 woods :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man climbs a snowy mountain .
+// A hiker moves up a snowy mountain .
+1 A :
+2 hiker :
+3 moves :
+4 up :
+5 a :
+6 snowy :
+7 mountain :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a man walks two dogs on leashes down the street
+// A man walks two dogs in the city .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 walks :
+4 two :
+5 dogs :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 city :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The beagle is walking on the beach at the waterline .
+// A beagle walks along the calm shore .
+1 A :
+2 beagle :
+3 walks :
+4 along :
+5 the :
+6 calm :
+7 shore :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two Asian men and Asian woman sit in black massage chairs .
+// Two Asian men and a woman are relaxing in massage chairs .
+1 Two :
+2 Asian :
+3 men :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 woman :
+7 are :
+8 relaxing :
+9 in :
+10 massage :
+11 chairs :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs fighting in the snow .
+// Two dogs playing in the snow .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 playing :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a white dog is running through the snow .
+// A little white dog running through the sand .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 running :
+6 through :
+7 the :
+8 sand :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy wearing a red shirt runs along a beach .
+// A boy wearing a red sweater runs along a colorful beach .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 red :
+6 sweater :
+7 runs :
+8 along :
+9 a :
+10 colorful :
+11 beach :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two large black dogs are playing in a grassy field .
+// Two white dogs are running together .
+1 Two :
+2 white :
+3 dogs :
+4 are :
+5 running :
+6 together :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown and white dog is walking next to a man on a skateboard .
+// A brown and white dog is running down a ramp .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 down :
+9 a :
+10 ramp :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// two puppies playing around in the grass
+// Two dogs are wrestling in the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 wrestling :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 grass :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The tan and white dog is running in the field .
+// The brown and white dogs run through the field .
+1 The :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dogs :
+6 run :
+7 through :
+8 the :
+9 field :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman does a handstand on the beach .
+// a blond girl doing a handstand on a beach
+1 a :
+2 blond :
+3 girl :
+4 doing :
+5 a :
+6 handstand :
+7 on :
+8 a :
+9 beach :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog is swimming in a large green lake .
+// A black dog runs fast into shallow water .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 fast :
+6 into :
+7 shallow :
+8 water :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog is running through the snow .
+// A brown dog is running through the field .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 through :
+7 the :
+8 field :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white and brown dog is running over grass .
+// A brown and white dog is running across the grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 across :
+9 the :
+10 grass :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a skateboarder doing a trick on a ramp
+// A skateboarder riding up to a slope .
+1 A :
+2 skateboarder :
+3 riding :
+4 up :
+5 to :
+6 a :
+7 slope :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in a batman suit running .
+// A man in a batman costume is running a race .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 batman :
+6 costume :
+7 is :
+8 running :
+9 a :
+10 race :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog chews on an orange ball .
+// A dog has an orange ball in its mouth .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 has :
+4 an :
+5 orange :
+6 ball :
+7 in :
+8 its :
+9 mouth :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are playing on the beach together .
+// Two black dogs are playing in a grass .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 dogs :
+4 are :
+5 playing :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 grass :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// These children are playing on a trampoline outdoors .
+// four children are playing on a trampoline .
+1 four :
+2 children :
+3 are :
+4 playing :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 trampoline :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The large brown and white dog is running through the snow .
+// St. Bernard dog running in the snowy field .
+1 St. :
+2 Bernard :
+3 dog :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 snowy :
+8 field :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog jumping into the air .
+// A black and white dog jumping over an obstacle .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 jumping :
+7 over :
+8 an :
+9 obstacle :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young girl , in an orange dress , holding a tennis racket .
+// A girl in a dress holds a tennis racket .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 dress :
+6 holds :
+7 a :
+8 tennis :
+9 racket :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog runs on a beach .
+// The white dog is running along the beach .
+1 The :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 along :
+7 the :
+8 beach :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man and dog on a rocky seashore .
+// Man and dog standing on rocks next to water
+1 Man :
+2 and :
+3 dog :
+4 standing :
+5 on :
+6 rocks :
+7 next :
+8 to :
+9 water :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Four hooded children huddle under a blanket outdoors .
+// Four children keeping warm under a blanket .
+1 Four :
+2 children :
+3 keeping :
+4 warm :
+5 under :
+6 a :
+7 blanket :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young laughing girl and a boy are playing on a big drum .
+// A baby girl and little boy are standing next to a guitar and a drum .
+1 A :
+2 baby :
+3 girl :
+4 and :
+5 little :
+6 boy :
+7 are :
+8 standing :
+9 next :
+10 to :
+11 a :
+12 guitar :
+13 and :
+14 a :
+15 drum :
+16 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A little girl takes a picture while mom watches in boredom .
+// A little girl in pajamas takes a picture with a camera
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 in :
+5 pajamas :
+6 takes :
+7 a :
+8 picture :
+9 with :
+10 a :
+11 camera :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog leaps over a barrier .
+// A dog leaps over a fence .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 leaps :
+4 over :
+5 a :
+6 fence :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy plays baseball .
+// A man is playing baseball .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 playing :
+5 baseball :
+6 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// People sitting on a couch laugh .
+// Four happy people sitting on a red couch
+1 Four :
+2 happy :
+3 people :
+4 sitting :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 red :
+8 couch :
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy jumping into a pool that says "no diving" .
+// A boy jumps into a not-so-crowded public pool .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 jumps :
+4 into :
+5 a :
+6 not-so-crowded :
+7 public :
+8 pool :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy leaps from one couch to another .
+// A young boy is leaping from one chair to another .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 is :
+5 leaping :
+6 from :
+7 one :
+8 chair :
+9 to :
+10 another :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy wearing a red winter coat is eating and holding up a candy bar .
+// A young boy wearing a red coat eats a chocolate bar .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 wearing :
+5 a :
+6 red :
+7 coat :
+8 eats :
+9 a :
+10 chocolate :
+11 bar :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 16 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs running on grass .
+// Two black , wet dogs running on grass .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 , :
+4 wet :
+5 dogs :
+6 running :
+7 on :
+8 grass :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two boys playing a game of flag football .
+// Two boys are playing flag football .
+1 Two :
+2 boys :
+3 are :
+4 playing :
+5 flag :
+6 football :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A golden retriever is jumping off a wooden porch
+// A gold dog jumping off a wooden porch .
+1 A :
+2 gold :
+3 dog :
+4 jumping :
+5 off :
+6 a :
+7 wooden :
+8 porch :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young child is holding onto the back of a wicker chair .
+// A young child holds a spoon to it's mouth while sitting in a chair .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 child :
+4 holds :
+5 a :
+6 spoon :
+7 to :
+8 it's :
+9 mouth :
+10 while :
+11 sitting :
+12 in :
+13 a :
+14 chair :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are running on the grass .
+// Two birds interacting in the grass
+1 Two :
+2 birds :
+3 interacting :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two surfers on riding a small wave .
+// Two surfers perform tricks in the waves .
+1 Two :
+2 surfers :
+3 perform :
+4 tricks :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 waves :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown furry animal stands behind some plants .
+// A dog pants while standing in the woods .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 pants :
+4 while :
+5 standing :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 woods :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog jumps high in the snow .
+// A dog runs in the snow .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 runs :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog in the snow .
+// Two dogs in snow .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 in :
+4 snow :
+5 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog running through snow .
+// A collie running through the snow .
+1 A :
+2 collie :
+3 running :
+4 through :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are fighting on brick pavement .
+// Two brownish dogs are fighting .
+1 Two :
+2 brownish :
+3 dogs :
+4 are :
+5 fighting :
+6 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The black dog is running on the grass .
+// The German shepherd dog is running through the snow .
+1 The :
+2 German :
+3 shepherd :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 running :
+7 through :
+8 the :
+9 snow :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog catching a ball .
+// A dog catching a Frisbee .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 catching :
+4 a :
+5 Frisbee :
+6 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two black dogs playing in the snow .
+// Two dogs play in the snow
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl with a purple and white helmet is riding on a scooter .
+// A girl wearing a helmet rides a scooter .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 helmet :
+6 rides :
+7 a :
+8 scooter :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a skateboard performs a trick off a quarter pipe .
+// A skateboarder attempts to do a trick over a homemade ramp .
+1 A :
+2 skateboarder :
+3 attempts :
+4 to :
+5 do :
+6 a :
+7 trick :
+8 over :
+9 a :
+10 homemade :
+11 ramp :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of people are standing by a window watching something .
+// A group of people stand and wait to see something .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 stand :
+6 and :
+7 wait :
+8 to :
+9 see :
+10 something :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A softball player swinging at a pitch .
+// A baseball player hitting the ball
+1 A :
+2 baseball :
+3 player :
+4 hitting :
+5 the :
+6 ball :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three sheep graze on the grassy field with a dog walking behind them .
+// a small group of goats in the grass with a black and white dog in the backgroud .
+1 a :
+2 small :
+3 group :
+4 of :
+5 goats :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 grass :
+9 with :
+10 a :
+11 black :
+12 and :
+13 white :
+14 dog :
+15 in :
+16 the :
+17 backgroud :
+18 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs playing in the snow while one dog wears a jacket .
+// Three dogs playing in the snow , with a city in the background .
+1 Three :
+2 dogs :
+3 playing :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 , :
+8 with :
+9 a :
+10 city :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 background :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a black , brown and white dog running along with a white Frisbee in his mouth .
+// A black and white dog carries a white Frisbee over the grass .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 carries :
+7 a :
+8 white :
+9 Frisbee :
+10 over :
+11 the :
+12 grass :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog runs with a yellow toy in its mouth .
+// A dog swimming with a stick in it's mouth .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 swimming :
+4 with :
+5 a :
+6 stick :
+7 in :
+8 it's :
+9 mouth :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The dog is playing in the water .
+// A dog is wading in the water .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 wading :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy is riding a bike .
+// A young girl laying on a blue inflatable toy
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 girl :
+4 laying :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 blue :
+8 inflatable :
+9 toy :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The white and brown dog is running quickly through the grass .
+// The big white dog is running in the grass .
+1 The :
+2 big :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 running :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 grass :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog running through an obstacle course
+// A black and white dog runs through pole obstacles .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 runs :
+7 through :
+8 pole :
+9 obstacles :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The child in the red coat laid in the red mat .
+// The toddler is ready to climb the red piece of equipment .
+1 The :
+2 toddler :
+3 is :
+4 ready :
+5 to :
+6 climb :
+7 the :
+8 red :
+9 piece :
+10 of :
+11 equipment :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A golden dog is running through the snow .
+// A pack of sled dogs pulling a sled through a town .
+1 A :
+2 pack :
+3 of :
+4 sled :
+5 dogs :
+6 pulling :
+7 a :
+8 sled :
+9 through :
+10 a :
+11 town :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three children and playing and laughing on the floor .
+// Three children playing on the floor .
+1 Three :
+2 children :
+3 playing :
+4 on :
+5 the :
+6 floor :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a black dog swimming through a river .
+// a black dog digging through the snow .
+1 a :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 digging :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A bulldog is running through a grassy park while people stand in the background .
+// A dog is running in a large body of water causing it to splash .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 large :
+8 body :
+9 of :
+10 water :
+11 causing :
+12 it :
+13 to :
+14 splash :
+15 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// brown and white dog with a baseball in its mouth .
+// Black and white dog holding a baseball in mouth .
+1 Black :
+2 and :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 holding :
+6 a :
+7 baseball :
+8 in :
+9 mouth :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A golden dog is running through the snow .
+// A black dog is running through the snow .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 through :
+7 the :
+8 snow :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Girls dressed in red and black costumes hold a wrestling pose .
+// Two girls dressed like waitresses dance along with a man dressed as a chef .
+1 Two :
+2 girls :
+3 dressed :
+4 like :
+5 waitresses :
+6 dance :
+7 along :
+8 with :
+9 a :
+10 man :
+11 dressed :
+12 as :
+13 a :
+14 chef :
+15 . :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Baby with blonde pigtails in yellow room attempting to climb out of green playpen .
+// A female toddler in pigtails is trying to climb out of a green and white playpen .
+1 A :
+2 female :
+3 toddler :
+4 in :
+5 pigtails :
+6 is :
+7 trying :
+8 to :
+9 climb :
+10 out :
+11 of :
+12 a :
+13 green :
+14 and :
+15 white :
+16 playpen :
+17 . :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 <==> 12 13 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The two dogs are playing fetch in the snow .
+// Two dogs are playing together in the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 playing :
+5 together :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 grass :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man eating an apple , sitting in public .
+// A man sits in a public place eating an apple .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 sits :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 public :
+7 place :
+8 eating :
+9 an :
+10 apple :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man wearing a red bicycle helmet talking on a cell phone with other people in the background .
+// A man in a bicycle helmet is talking on a cell phone with other people behind him .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 bicycle :
+6 helmet :
+7 is :
+8 talking :
+9 on :
+10 a :
+11 cell :
+12 phone :
+13 with :
+14 other :
+15 people :
+16 behind :
+17 him :
+18 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy is punching a yellow ball .
+// A small dog jumps over a yellow beam .
+1 A :
+2 small :
+3 dog :
+4 jumps :
+5 over :
+6 a :
+7 yellow :
+8 beam :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman wearing a pink Tinker Bell jacket leans against a railing .
+// A woman wearing a pink Tinkerbell sweatshirt leans on a railing overlooking water .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 pink :
+6 Tinkerbell :
+7 sweatshirt :
+8 leans :
+9 on :
+10 a :
+11 railing :
+12 overlooking :
+13 water :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man walks toward a policeman standing in a crosswalk on a city street .
+// A policeman stands in a crosswalk in a city .
+1 A :
+2 policeman :
+3 stands :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 crosswalk :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 city :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy plays in a red ball pit .
+// A laughing boy lies on a pit of blue balls .
+1 A :
+2 laughing :
+3 boy :
+4 lies :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 pit :
+8 of :
+9 blue :
+10 balls :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog with red ears is running in the snow .
+// a wet black dog with a red collar is in the river
+1 a :
+2 wet :
+3 black :
+4 dog :
+5 with :
+6 a :
+7 red :
+8 collar :
+9 is :
+10 in :
+11 the :
+12 river :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A little boy clowns with a colander on his head .
+// A boy with a metal colander on his head .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 with :
+4 a :
+5 metal :
+6 colander :
+7 on :
+8 his :
+9 head :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog racing on a track .
+// A dog chases another by a tree .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 chases :
+4 another :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 tree :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in a black leather jacket is sleeping in a subway car .
+// A man in a black leather jacket falls asleep on public transportation .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 black :
+6 leather :
+7 jacket :
+8 falls :
+9 asleep :
+10 on :
+11 public :
+12 transportation :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog jumps on a lawn .
+// A dog jumps of a surfboard
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 jumps :
+4 of :
+5 a :
+6 surfboard :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs run towards shore through shallow water .
+// Two grey dogs running through the shallow water of a lake .
+1 Two :
+2 grey :
+3 dogs :
+4 running :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 shallow :
+8 water :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 lake :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A bird with it's wings spread
+// A bird flying in the air
+1 A :
+2 bird :
+3 flying :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 air :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a boy in a red shirt , in front of a long blue wall , raises his eyebrow at the camera
+// The boy in the red shirt is next to a blue wall .
+1 The :
+2 boy :
+3 in :
+4 the :
+5 red :
+6 shirt :
+7 is :
+8 next :
+9 to :
+10 a :
+11 blue :
+12 wall :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 13 14 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman jogs beside a tall concrete wall .
+// A woman runs beside a concrete wall .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 runs :
+4 beside :
+5 a :
+6 concrete :
+7 wall :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog digging a hole in front of a plant
+// A group of people walking on the side of a railroad track .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 walking :
+6 on :
+7 the :
+8 side :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 railroad :
+12 track :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in a red coat and hat talks to another man in red .
+// A man wearing a red coat with glass looks at another man .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 red :
+6 coat :
+7 with :
+8 glass :
+9 looks :
+10 at :
+11 another :
+12 man :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs play in the grass .
+// Two tan dogs play in the snow .
+1 Two :
+2 tan :
+3 dogs :
+4 play :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy doing a back flip into a swimming pool .
+// A boy wearing red and blue swim trunks jumping head first into a swimming pool .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 wearing :
+4 red :
+5 and :
+6 blue :
+7 swim :
+8 trunks :
+9 jumping :
+10 head :
+11 first :
+12 into :
+13 a :
+14 swimming :
+15 pool :
+16 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog is jumping over a hurdle .
+// A white dog running over a bridge .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 running :
+5 over :
+6 a :
+7 bridge :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl bounces upside down on her head on a trampoline .
+// A girl is bouncing on her head on a trampoline .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 is :
+4 bouncing :
+5 on :
+6 her :
+7 head :
+8 on :
+9 a :
+10 trampoline :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Children jumping on a trampoline .
+// A man is sledding on an orange slide .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 sledding :
+5 on :
+6 an :
+7 orange :
+8 slide :
+9 . :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person snowboarding and jumping over a construction sign .
+// a long snowboarder jumping over a barricade outside in the snow .
+1 a :
+2 long :
+3 snowboarder :
+4 jumping :
+5 over :
+6 a :
+7 barricade :
+8 outside :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 snow :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The skateboarder gets to the top of the ramp .
+// The skateboarder rides the pipe wall at a skater park .
+1 The :
+2 skateboarder :
+3 rides :
+4 the :
+5 pipe :
+6 wall :
+7 at :
+8 a :
+9 skater :
+10 park :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two boys in a field kicking a soccer ball .
+// Two football players bang into each other during a football game .
+1 Two :
+2 football :
+3 players :
+4 bang :
+5 into :
+6 each :
+7 other :
+8 during :
+9 a :
+10 football :
+11 game :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A crowd of people stand on a rural road , a field behind them , a forest in front .
+// A bunch of people standing next to a car with it's trunk open .
+1 A :
+2 bunch :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 standing :
+6 next :
+7 to :
+8 a :
+9 car :
+10 with :
+11 it's :
+12 trunk :
+13 open :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+18 19 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog runs through the deep snow .
+// A white dog is running through the snow .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 through :
+7 the :
+8 snow :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy riding on a swing .
+// A young boy riding in a swing .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 riding :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 swing :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman pointing at a geyser .
+// Women pointing at a geyser .
+1 Women :
+2 pointing :
+3 at :
+4 a :
+5 geyser :
+6 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs are playing in the white snow .
+// Two dogs are playing in the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 playing :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 grass :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// An elderly woman rides a bicycle along a city street .
+// An elderly woman walking uphill crossing the street .
+1 An :
+2 elderly :
+3 woman :
+4 walking :
+5 uphill :
+6 crossing :
+7 the :
+8 street :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two girls next to a mossy tree .
+// Two girls lean around a tree , laughing .
+1 Two :
+2 girls :
+3 lean :
+4 around :
+5 a :
+6 tree :
+7 , :
+8 laughing :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A small boy is building with some wooden blocks .
+// A small boy wearing a blue shirt stacks wooden blocks .
+1 A :
+2 small :
+3 boy :
+4 wearing :
+5 a :
+6 blue :
+7 shirt :
+8 stacks :
+9 wooden :
+10 blocks :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a brown dog standing in the middle of ahuge field .
+// A brown dog in a field .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 field :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The brown dog runs on the snow with a white ball in his mouth .
+// Four dogs play in the snow with the city skyline behind them .
+1 Four :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 with :
+8 the :
+9 city :
+10 skyline :
+11 behind :
+12 them :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a brown and white dog is running on the grass .
+// a brown and white dog running crazily through the grass .
+1 a :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 running :
+7 crazily :
+8 through :
+9 the :
+10 grass :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog about to catch a green Frisbee .
+// A brown dog waits for the Frisbee to come down before catching it .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 waits :
+5 for :
+6 the :
+7 Frisbee :
+8 to :
+9 come :
+10 down :
+11 before :
+12 catching :
+13 it :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young girl with a pink hat on with a yellow building in the background .
+// A young girl in a pink dress with something in her hand .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 girl :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 pink :
+7 dress :
+8 with :
+9 something :
+10 in :
+11 her :
+12 hand :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is standing on top of a rock or mountain watching the sun set .
+// A man standing in the mountains watching a sunset .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 standing :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 mountains :
+7 watching :
+8 a :
+9 sunset :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The couple is sitting near the water in lawn chairs .
+// The boy hops from one picnic table to the other in the park .
+1 The :
+2 boy :
+3 hops :
+4 from :
+5 one :
+6 picnic :
+7 table :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 other :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 park :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is swinging on a rope above the water .
+// A man in warm clothes swinging on monkey bars at night .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 warm :
+5 clothes :
+6 swinging :
+7 on :
+8 monkey :
+9 bars :
+10 at :
+11 night :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog running through deep snow pack .
+// A dog runs through the deep snow .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 runs :
+4 through :
+5 the :
+6 deep :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The dog is running in the grass .
+// a dog pounces on the grass .
+1 a :
+2 dog :
+3 pounces :
+4 on :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A Golden Retriever jumping off a wood porch .
+// A golden retriever is jumping off a wooden porch
+1 A :
+2 golden :
+3 retriever :
+4 is :
+5 jumping :
+6 off :
+7 a :
+8 wooden :
+9 porch :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The dog is running with food in his mouth .
+// The dog is running with a yellow ball in his mouth .
+1 The :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 with :
+6 a :
+7 yellow :
+8 ball :
+9 in :
+10 his :
+11 mouth :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A reddish brown dog runs across the snow with a snowball in its mouth .
+// The beautiful reddish dog lopes around the flat snowy street with a snowball in its mouth .
+1 The :
+2 beautiful :
+3 reddish :
+4 dog :
+5 lopes :
+6 around :
+7 the :
+8 flat :
+9 snowy :
+10 street :
+11 with :
+12 a :
+13 snowball :
+14 in :
+15 its :
+16 mouth :
+17 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog with brown spots is running in a yard , chasing a ball .
+// A white dog with brown markings chases an orange ball in a grassy field .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 with :
+5 brown :
+6 markings :
+7 chases :
+8 an :
+9 orange :
+10 ball :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 grassy :
+14 field :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A little girl and a little boy hold hands on a shiny slide .
+// A little girl in a paisley dress runs across a sandy playground .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 paisley :
+7 dress :
+8 runs :
+9 across :
+10 a :
+11 sandy :
+12 playground :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three little boys take a bath in a rubber bin on the grass .
+// Three well-dressed children are sitting on a bench and smiling .
+1 Three :
+2 well-dressed :
+3 children :
+4 are :
+5 sitting :
+6 on :
+7 a :
+8 bench :
+9 and :
+10 smiling :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a dog sniffing the brushes while a bull looks on
+// A brown dog sniffing at the fence of a brown bull .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 sniffing :
+5 at :
+6 the :
+7 fence :
+8 of :
+9 a :
+10 brown :
+11 bull :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog bounds through a path in the snow .
+// Two kids and a dog play in the snow .
+1 Two :
+2 kids :
+3 and :
+4 a :
+5 dog :
+6 play :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 snow :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy in a red jacket and balck hat sliding on his knees down a snowy hill
+// A boy is riding a red sledge down a snowy hill .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 is :
+4 riding :
+5 a :
+6 red :
+7 sledge :
+8 down :
+9 a :
+10 snowy :
+11 hill :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 16 17 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs running in a field of grass .
+// Two dogs run in a field of tall grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 run :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 field :
+7 of :
+8 tall :
+9 grass :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of men playing brass instruments .
+// A group of guys play instruments outside .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 guys :
+5 play :
+6 instruments :
+7 outside :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and tan dog standing in a field near trees
+// A white dog is standing by a river shaking himself dry .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 standing :
+6 by :
+7 a :
+8 river :
+9 shaking :
+10 himself :
+11 dry :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three people sit at a picnic table outside of a building painted like a union jack .
+// Three people sit at an outdoor table in front of a building painted like the Union Jack .
+1 Three :
+2 people :
+3 sit :
+4 at :
+5 an :
+6 outdoor :
+7 table :
+8 in :
+9 front :
+10 of :
+11 a :
+12 building :
+13 painted :
+14 like :
+15 the :
+16 Union :
+17 Jack :
+18 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 16 <==> 14 15 16 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A small dog runs through an obstacle course .
+// A small dog jumping over an obstacle .
+1 A :
+2 small :
+3 dog :
+4 jumping :
+5 over :
+6 an :
+7 obstacle :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A tent and a campsite in a sunlit forest .
+// A white dog on a beach is carrying a stick in its mouth .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 beach :
+7 is :
+8 carrying :
+9 a :
+10 stick :
+11 in :
+12 its :
+13 mouth :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog is chasing two birds on the shore of the ocean .
+// A dog is running along the beach beside the ocean .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 along :
+6 the :
+7 beach :
+8 beside :
+9 the :
+10 ocean :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man and woman with their hands on their chins are standing next to a Christmas tree .
+// The man with a white beard and blue cap is standing in the doorway of a workshop .
+1 The :
+2 man :
+3 with :
+4 a :
+5 white :
+6 beard :
+7 and :
+8 blue :
+9 cap :
+10 is :
+11 standing :
+12 in :
+13 the :
+14 doorway :
+15 of :
+16 a :
+17 workshop :
+18 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 16 17 <==> 15 16 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+18 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are running through the grass near a house and trees .
+// Two dogs are running through a green yard
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 running :
+5 through :
+6 a :
+7 green :
+8 yard :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two different breeds of brown and white dogs play on the beach .
+// Two dogs playing in the sand at the beach .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 playing :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 sand :
+7 at :
+8 the :
+9 beach :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog is running through the water onto the shore .
+// The white dog runs through the ocean .
+1 The :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 ocean :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog leaping over a hurdle .
+// A dog leaps over the hurdle .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 leaps :
+4 over :
+5 the :
+6 hurdle :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
diff --git a/20211029_101219/model_args.json b/20211029_101219/model_args.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1a02ddeffb178bf15eebe67d11320d9920bf3f07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211029_101219/model_args.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"model_name_or_path": "bert-base-uncased", "loss_type": "rwmdcse", "temp": 0.05, "hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1, "mlp_only_train": true, "coeff_mlm": 0.1, "loss_rwmd": false, "layer_idx": 12}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/20211029_101219/train_results.txt b/20211029_101219/train_results.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..73c414422c3e7b83ff30da4951c12fb44530f98e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211029_101219/train_results.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+epoch = 3.0
+train_loss = 0.3241952664897545
+train_runtime = 7201.1171
+train_samples_per_second = 114.816
+train_steps_per_second = 0.897
diff --git a/20211029_101219/training_args.json b/20211029_101219/training_args.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3152a6e7863e14421643be38feec329deaac3cca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211029_101219/training_args.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"output_dir": "/home/sh0416/checkpoints/20211029_101219", "overwrite_output_dir": false, "do_train": true, "do_eval": true, "do_predict": false, "evaluation_strategy": "steps", "prediction_loss_only": false, "per_device_train_batch_size": 128, "per_device_eval_batch_size": 128, "per_gpu_train_batch_size": null, "per_gpu_eval_batch_size": null, "gradient_accumulation_steps": 1, "eval_accumulation_steps": null, "learning_rate": 4e-05, "weight_decay": 0.0, "adam_beta1": 0.9, "adam_beta2": 0.999, "adam_epsilon": 1e-08, "max_grad_norm": 1.0, "num_train_epochs": 3.0, "max_steps": -1, "lr_scheduler_type": "linear", "warmup_ratio": 0.0, "warmup_steps": 0, "log_level": -1, "log_level_replica": -1, "log_on_each_node": true, "logging_dir": "/home/sh0416/checkpoints/20211029_101219/runs/Oct29_10-12-20_jarvis", "logging_strategy": "steps", "logging_first_step": false, "logging_steps": 500, "save_strategy": "steps", "save_steps": 500, "save_total_limit": 1, "save_on_each_node": false, "no_cuda": false, "seed": 3, "fp16": true, "fp16_opt_level": "O1", "fp16_backend": "auto", "fp16_full_eval": false, "local_rank": -1, "tpu_num_cores": null, "tpu_metrics_debug": false, "debug": [], "dataloader_drop_last": true, "eval_steps": 250, "dataloader_num_workers": 0, "past_index": -1, "run_name": "/home/sh0416/checkpoints/20211029_101219", "disable_tqdm": false, "remove_unused_columns": true, "label_names": null, "load_best_model_at_end": true, "metric_for_best_model": "stsb_spearman", "greater_is_better": true, "ignore_data_skip": false, "sharded_ddp": [], "deepspeed": null, "label_smoothing_factor": 0.0, "adafactor": false, "group_by_length": false, "length_column_name": "length", "report_to": [], "ddp_find_unused_parameters": null, "dataloader_pin_memory": true, "skip_memory_metrics": true, "use_legacy_prediction_loop": false, "push_to_hub": false, "resume_from_checkpoint": null, "push_to_hub_model_id": "20211029_101219", "push_to_hub_organization": null, "push_to_hub_token": null, "_n_gpu": 1, "mp_parameters": "", "eval_file": "/nas/home/sh0416/data/"}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/20211030_161510/data_args.json b/20211030_161510/data_args.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..39bd9fddc7ae0cf9d581755353e20b3887a773c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_161510/data_args.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"data_type": "simcse-nli", "train_file": "/nas/home/sh0416/data/simcse/nli_for_simcse.csv", "max_seq_length": 32, "add_typo_corpus": false, "typo_corpus_filepath": null, "dup_rate": 0.08}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/20211030_161510/model_args.json b/20211030_161510/model_args.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2b39868b7310a51986eb81212f97bbb1fa5286af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_161510/model_args.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"model_name_or_path": "bert-base-uncased", "loss_type": "simcse-avg", "temp": 0.05, "hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1, "mlp_only_train": true, "coeff_mlm": 0.1, "loss_rwmd": false, "layer_idx": 12}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/20211030_161510/training_args.json b/20211030_161510/training_args.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..83450ff433bbee20db9fff44443aefc7dfbb6306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_161510/training_args.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"output_dir": "/home/sh0416/checkpoints/20211030_161510", "overwrite_output_dir": false, "do_train": true, "do_eval": true, "do_predict": false, "evaluation_strategy": "steps", "prediction_loss_only": false, "per_device_train_batch_size": 128, "per_device_eval_batch_size": 128, "per_gpu_train_batch_size": null, "per_gpu_eval_batch_size": null, "gradient_accumulation_steps": 1, "eval_accumulation_steps": null, "learning_rate": 4e-05, "weight_decay": 0.0, "adam_beta1": 0.9, "adam_beta2": 0.999, "adam_epsilon": 1e-08, "max_grad_norm": 1.0, "num_train_epochs": 3.0, "max_steps": -1, "lr_scheduler_type": "linear", "warmup_ratio": 0.0, "warmup_steps": 0, "log_level": -1, "log_level_replica": -1, "log_on_each_node": true, "logging_dir": "/home/sh0416/checkpoints/20211030_161510/runs/Oct30_16-15-10_jarvis", "logging_strategy": "steps", "logging_first_step": false, "logging_steps": 500, "save_strategy": "steps", "save_steps": 500, "save_total_limit": 1, "save_on_each_node": false, "no_cuda": false, "seed": 3, "fp16": true, "fp16_opt_level": "O1", "fp16_backend": "auto", "fp16_full_eval": false, "local_rank": -1, "tpu_num_cores": null, "tpu_metrics_debug": false, "debug": [], "dataloader_drop_last": true, "eval_steps": 250, "dataloader_num_workers": 0, "past_index": -1, "run_name": "/home/sh0416/checkpoints/20211030_161510", "disable_tqdm": false, "remove_unused_columns": true, "label_names": null, "load_best_model_at_end": true, "metric_for_best_model": "stsb_spearman", "greater_is_better": true, "ignore_data_skip": false, "sharded_ddp": [], "deepspeed": null, "label_smoothing_factor": 0.0, "adafactor": false, "group_by_length": false, "length_column_name": "length", "report_to": [], "ddp_find_unused_parameters": null, "dataloader_pin_memory": true, "skip_memory_metrics": true, "use_legacy_prediction_loop": false, "push_to_hub": false, "resume_from_checkpoint": null, "push_to_hub_model_id": "20211030_161510", "push_to_hub_organization": null, "push_to_hub_token": null, "_n_gpu": 1, "mp_parameters": "", "eval_file": "/nas/home/sh0416/data/"}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/20211030_161612/answers-students.wa b/20211030_161612/answers-students.wa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d45ca0bc825b4aed8ee0de304339834c02c8c4da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_161612/answers-students.wa
@@ -0,0 +1,11894 @@
+// both bulbs a and c still have a closed path
+// Bulbs A and C are still in closed paths
+1 Bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1 and the positive terminal are connected.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// positive battery is seperated by a gap from terminal 2
+// Terminal 2 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 2 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+5 6 7 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is no difference between the two terminals.
+// The terminals are in the same state.
+1 The :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 same :
+7 state. :
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the switch has to be contained in the same path as the bulb and the battery
+// The switch and the bulb have to be in the same path
+1 The :
+2 switch :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 bulb :
+6 have :
+7 to :
+8 be :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a gap in terminal 1
+// Terminals 1 and 2 are in the same electrical state
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 2 :
+5 are :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 electrical :
+10 state :
+1 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The battery uses the chemical reation to create voltage
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a batter uses a chemical reaction to create voltage
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the battery alone is in a closed path
+// The battery is contained in a path which does not contain any other components
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 path :
+8 which :
+9 does :
+10 not :
+11 contain :
+12 any :
+13 other :
+14 components :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because there is a gap in the circuit.
+// there is a gap in the circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 gap :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 circuit :
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs A and B are not within the same path as bulb C.
+// Bulb C is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+12 13 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because there was two negative connections
+// Terminals 1 and 2 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 2 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+2 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a is on a closed path with the battery
+// there is a path containing A and a different path containing B and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 a :
+9 different :
+10 path :
+11 containing :
+12 B :
+13 and :
+14 C :
+1 2 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the other terminals are connected to the positive terminal.
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The bulb takes away the path.
+// there is an open path
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 an :
+4 open :
+5 path :
+5 6 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is no gap between the positive terminal and terminal 4
+// Terminal 4 and the positive terminal are not separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 separated :
+10 by :
+11 the :
+12 gap :
+1 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 10 11 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb a created a gap
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+1 2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 6 is connected to the positive terminal of the battery
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb is in a closed circuit
+// the battery is in an open path
+1 the :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 an :
+6 open :
+7 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The circuit is not closed around the battery.
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb is not contained in a closed path.
+// The battery is contained in a path which does not contain any other components
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 path :
+8 which :
+9 does :
+10 not :
+11 contain :
+12 any :
+13 other :
+14 components :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is a gap in the circuit.
+// there is a gap in a circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 gap :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 circuit :
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb B and bulb C are still on closed paths with the battery.
+// bulbs A and B are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 B :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A has a closed pathway
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs a and c are not in the same closed path as bulb b
+// Bulb B is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+13 14 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Only one terminal is involved in the circuit.
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+4 5 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there was closed paths between the battery
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the gap separates the positive battery terminal from terminal 2
+// Terminal 2 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 2 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 9 10 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a, bulb b, and bulb c are contained in differentclosed paths.
+// A and C are in different paths with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 different :
+7 paths :
+8 with :
+9 the :
+10 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If any bulb is out, it affects the whole system and everything is blocked from the battery.
+// each bulb is in its own path
+1 each :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 its :
+6 own :
+7 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// it is not in the same path.
+// Bulb A is still in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There will be a gap in the path
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb B and C are still contained in a path with the battery
+// bulbs B and C are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 bulbs :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs a and c are still contained in a closed path with the battery.
+// Bulbs A and C are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 Bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal one is not connected to the positive battery terminal
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb A and switch Z are in a closed path
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery and switch Z.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+13 and :
+14 switch :
+15 Z. :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 5 is connected to the postitive battery terminal
+// Terminal 5 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 5 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 6 is connected to the positive battery terminal
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the red x means that the circuit is not safe.
+// there is a short circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 short :
+5 circuit :
+6 7 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// both bulbs B and C are in the same path as bulb A
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+2 3 4 5 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if the electrical state is non-zero you can find the gap in the circuit
+// A non-zero voltage means that there is a gap
+1 A :
+2 non-zero :
+3 voltage :
+4 means :
+5 that :
+6 there :
+7 is :
+8 a :
+9 gap :
+10 11 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The battery is contained in a closed circuit and there is nothing in its pathway
+// The battery is contained in a closed path which does not contain any other components
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 which :
+10 does :
+11 not :
+12 contain :
+13 any :
+14 other :
+15 components :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A terminal is not connected to the positive battery terminal.
+// Terminals 1 and 4 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 4 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+1 2 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a gap in the circuit
+// Terminals 1 and 4 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 4 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+2 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive terminal is not seperated by a gap from terminal 5
+// Terminal 5 and the positive terminal are not separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 5 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 separated :
+10 by :
+11 the :
+12 gap :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// You can find where there is a gap
+// Measuring voltage indicates whether two terminals are separated by a gap.
+1 Measuring :
+2 voltage :
+3 indicates :
+4 whether :
+5 two :
+6 terminals :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 a :
+11 gap. :
+7 8 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// has to do something with a gap
+// Terminal 2 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 2 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+5 6 7 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the positive circuit has a voltage of 1.5 volts.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is a chemical reaction.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// when the switch is the in a closed path with the bulb
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb b and c are in a closed path
+// B and C are in the same path
+1 B :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is a difference in electrical states.
+// the terminals are not connected
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 not :
+5 connected :
+1 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb will not light
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+1 2 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a and c are contained on the same path with the battery
+// A and C are not in the same path with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 not :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The path does not close
+// the battery is in an open path
+1 the :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 an :
+6 open :
+7 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The difference between the electrical states is 1.5 volts
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is still a closed path
+// If bulb A burns out, bulbs B and C are still in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 bulbs :
+7 B :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+10 are :
+11 still :
+12 in :
+13 a :
+14 closed :
+15 path :
+3 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a gap causes a lost connection
+// A non-zero voltage means that the terminals are not connected.
+1 A :
+2 non-zero :
+3 voltage :
+4 means :
+5 that :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+8 are :
+9 not :
+10 connected. :
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive terminal and terminal 6 are connected
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive terminal is connected to terminal 6
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because there is no gap at terminal 1
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+6 7 8 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 6 is conncted to the positive terminal
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// When the switch is in the same papth as the bulb.
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs A and C are in separate paths.
+// A and C are in different paths
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 different :
+7 paths :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a and bulb b are still in a closed path with the battery.
+// bulbs A and B are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 B :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The positive battery terminal was not separted by a gap from terminal 6
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are not separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 separated :
+10 by :
+11 the :
+12 gap :
+8 9 10 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+3 4 5 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a and c are contained in different paths with the battery
+// A and C are in different paths with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 different :
+7 paths :
+8 with :
+9 the :
+10 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The positive terminal is connected to terminal 4.
+// Terminal 4 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// not contained inthe same path
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path. :
+3 4 5 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb c does not create a gap in the path for bulb b and a
+// If C is damaged, A and B are still in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 is :
+4 damaged, :
+5 A :
+6 and :
+7 B :
+8 are :
+9 still :
+10 in :
+11 a :
+12 closed :
+13 path :
+1 2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// becuase the other terminals are connected to the positive battery terminal
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because terminal one and the positive battery terminal are on a closed path
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+2 3 4 5 6 7 8 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Battery will always have voltage.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the terminals are not connected
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive battery terminal is connected to terminal 6
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a was on a closed path
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because terminal 4 is connected to the negative terminal
+// Terminal 4 and the positive battery terminal are in the same electrical state
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 battery :
+7 terminal :
+8 are :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 electrical :
+13 state :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb c is in its own pathway
+// Bulb C is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the voltage is nearest the burnt out bulb
+// Measuring voltage indicates the place where the electrical state changes due to a damaged bulb.
+1 Measuring :
+2 voltage :
+3 indicates :
+4 the :
+5 place :
+6 where :
+7 the :
+8 electrical :
+9 state :
+10 changes :
+11 due :
+12 to :
+13 a :
+14 damaged :
+15 bulb. :
+1 2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// You needed both a battery and a blub with the same path, and the path must be closed
+// there is a closed path containing both the bulb and a battery
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 closed :
+5 path :
+6 containing :
+7 both :
+8 the :
+9 bulb :
+10 and :
+11 a :
+12 battery :
+3 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+18 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the battery runs in a closed circuit.
+// there is an incomplete circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 an :
+4 incomplete :
+5 circuit :
+5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If bulb B is damaged, then the circut is no longer closed.
+// there is no closed path
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 closed :
+5 path :
+9 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1, terminal 2, and terminal 3 are connected o the negative battery
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 negative :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "Because it didn""t cause a gap."
+// each bulb is in its own path
+1 each :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 its :
+6 own :
+7 path :
+3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because there is a gap between terminal 1 and terminal 6.
+// There is a gap between terminals 1 and 6
+1 There :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 terminals :
+7 1 :
+8 and :
+9 6 :
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because bulbs b and c are on a closed path with the battery
+// Bulb B and Bulb C were still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 Bulb :
+5 C :
+6 were :
+7 still :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 closed :
+13 path :
+14 with :
+15 the :
+16 battery. :
+2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The switch determines whether the path is open or closed.
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+1 2 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive battery terminal is separated by a gap from terminal 4
+// Terminal 4 and the positive battery terminal are in the same electrical state
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 battery :
+7 terminal :
+8 are :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 electrical :
+13 state :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// an incomplete circuit would not effect the the electrical state between the terminals.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminals 4, 5, and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The path it was on
+// there is a path containing both Z and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 Z :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+1 2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If the bulb is on the same closed path
+// The damaged bulb and the other bulb must be contained in the same path
+1 The :
+2 damaged :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 other :
+7 bulb :
+8 must :
+9 be :
+10 contained :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 same :
+14 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a was still contained in a closed path with the battery.
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If one bulb is removed, the others stop working
+// A and C are in the same closed path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because all the terminals are connected to other terminals, an open switch disrupts that.
+// the open switch creates a gap
+1 the :
+2 open :
+3 switch :
+4 creates :
+5 a :
+6 gap :
+10 11 12 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is a gap between the two bulb terminals
+// the terminals are separated by a gap
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 separated :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 gap :
+2 3 4 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a short circuit has occured
+// there is a short circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 short :
+5 circuit :
+1 2 3 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there will be a gap at bulb b, thus affecting the rest of the circuit
+// bulb B creates a gap
+1 bulb :
+2 B :
+3 creates :
+4 a :
+5 gap :
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 3 and the positie terminal are not connected.
+// Terminal 3 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 3 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The positive battery terminal was not seperated by a gap from terminal 4.
+// Terminal 4 and the positive terminal are not separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 separated :
+10 by :
+11 the :
+12 gap :
+8 9 10 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 1 is connected to the negative terminal.
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A terminal is not connected to the positive battery terminal.
+// Terminals 1 and 2 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 2 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive terminal and terminal 2 are seperated by a gap
+// Terminal 2 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 2 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is not gap between the terminals
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+5 6 7 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a gap between teh positive battery terminal and terminal 4.
+// Terminal 4 and the positive battery terminal are in the same electrical state
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 battery :
+7 terminal :
+8 are :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 electrical :
+13 state :
+1 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The positive battery was not connected to terminal one.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+4 5 6 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs A and B will still be contained in a closed path to the battery.
+// bulbs A and B are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 B :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the two components are seperated.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 3 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because terminal 1 is directly connected to terminal 4
+// Terminals 1 and 4 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 4 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive battery terminal and terminal 4 are connected
+// Terminal 4 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 1 and terminal 2 are on the same side.
+// Terminals 1 and 2 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 2 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// not connected to positive battery
+// Terminal 2 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 2 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+1 2 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain the voltage,
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the bulb does not have a closed path.
+// The bulb is not in the closed path containing the battery
+1 The :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 not :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 containing :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a difference in electrical states
+// the terminals are separated by a gap
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 separated :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 gap :
+3 4 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal is connected to postive terminal of the battery
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 1 is seperated from the positive terminal
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Battery is not contained i a closed path.
+// The battery in 4 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 4 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1 was connected to the positive battery terminal
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There are 2 paths in this diagram
+// there is a path containing A and a different path containing B and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 a :
+9 different :
+10 path :
+11 containing :
+12 B :
+13 and :
+14 C :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the switch was connected to the closed circuit
+// there is no path containing both switch Y and bulb A
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 switch :
+8 Y :
+9 and :
+10 bulb :
+11 A :
+2 3 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// damaged bulb creates a gap.
+// a damaged bulb creates a gap
+1 a :
+2 damaged :
+3 bulb :
+4 creates :
+5 a :
+6 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// that the battery connection does not work
+// there is a short circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 short :
+5 circuit :
+2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the terminals are not connected
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+2 3 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 5 is connected to teh positive battery terminal
+// Terminal 5 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 5 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1 was connected to the positive terminal
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a gap between terminal one and two and the positive battery terminal
+// Terminals 1 and 2 are in the same electrical state
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 2 :
+5 are :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 electrical :
+10 state :
+1 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs b and c are contained on the same path with the battery
+// B and C are in the same path with the battery
+1 B :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because there is no closed path to the battery
+// the path is not closed
+1 the :
+2 path :
+3 is :
+4 not :
+5 closed :
+3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1 is not connected to the positive battery terminal
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the battery is not in a closed bath alone
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 5 is connected to postive terminal of the battery
+// Terminal 5 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 5 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if x and z are closed then it will create a closed path
+// there is a path containing A, C, Z and X
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 A, :
+7 C, :
+8 Z :
+9 and :
+10 X :
+2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// positive terminal is serperated from terminal 2
+// Terminal 2 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 2 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the battery is not closed the bulb is.
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is not a gap in the connection
+// the terminals are not separated by a gap
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 not :
+5 separated :
+6 by :
+7 a :
+8 gap :
+2 3 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if a bulb is in a closed circuit with a battery and a switch the switch will affect the bulb.
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+2 3 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs b and c were contained in a closed path with the battery.
+// Bulb B and Bulb C were still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 Bulb :
+5 C :
+6 were :
+7 still :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 closed :
+13 path :
+14 with :
+15 the :
+16 battery. :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because neither components are in closed paths.
+// Circuit 4 has no closed paths
+1 Circuit :
+2 4 :
+3 has :
+4 no :
+5 closed :
+6 paths :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// you can see where the gap is
+// Measuring voltage indicates the place where the electrical state changes due to a gap.
+1 Measuring :
+2 voltage :
+3 indicates :
+4 the :
+5 place :
+6 where :
+7 the :
+8 electrical :
+9 state :
+10 changes :
+11 due :
+12 to :
+13 a :
+14 gap. :
+5 6 <==> 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if there is a gap in the circuit there the bulb will not light up.
+// A non-zero voltage means that the terminals are not connected.
+1 A :
+2 non-zero :
+3 voltage :
+4 means :
+5 that :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+8 are :
+9 not :
+10 connected. :
+9 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and Bulb B and the battery are in a closed path.
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path with the battery.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+15 with :
+16 the :
+17 battery. :
+10 11 12 13 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// That there is a gap
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if the switch and bulb are contained in the same path, the switch will affect the bulb.
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Voltage is the difference between a positive and negative end on a battery.
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+1 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the path passes the energy through the switch
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+6 7 8 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// that the bulb terminal and battery terminal are on the same side of a disconnected circut
+// The terminals are in the same state.
+1 The :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 same :
+7 state. :
+2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the battery is not in a closed path.
+// The battery in 4 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 4 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// switch x is in the closed path with bulb a
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery and switch X.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+13 and :
+14 switch :
+15 X. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There was a closed circuit
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery. :
+3 4 5 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "because switch z is in bulb c""s closed path"
+// there is a path containing both Z and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 Z :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+2 3 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A was still in a closed path
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery and switch X.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+13 and :
+14 switch :
+15 X. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because there is a gap due to a damaged bulb.
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are separated from the positive battery terminal by a gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 separated :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+13 by :
+14 a :
+15 gap :
+4 5 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A was still in a closed path with the battery
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The battery and light bulb are not contained in a close path
+// The battery in 4 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 4 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// and the circut is closed
+// A and C are in the same closed path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+4 5 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "becuase bulb C is on it""s own pathway."
+// Bulb C is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if bulb A burns out then bulbs B and C will no longer be in a closed path.
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 16 17 18 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 1 is not connected to the positive terminal.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the battery is not in a closed circuit
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the terminal it is connected to is not working
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+1 2 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There must be a closed path and a battery.
+// there is a closed path containing both the bulb and a battery
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 closed :
+5 path :
+6 containing :
+7 both :
+8 the :
+9 bulb :
+10 and :
+11 a :
+12 battery :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal is connected to terminal 6
+// Terminals 1 and 6 are not connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 6 :
+5 are :
+6 not :
+7 connected :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because bulb a is in a closed circuit with the battery and switch x
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery and switch X.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+13 and :
+14 switch :
+15 X. :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If the path is not closed, the switch will not affect the bbulb
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb b and c are on a closed path to the battery
+// If bulb A burns out, bulbs B and C are still in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 bulbs :
+7 B :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+10 are :
+11 still :
+12 in :
+13 a :
+14 closed :
+15 path :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// since a a gap does not affect the voltage of a battery
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are separated from the positive battery terminal by a gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 separated :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+13 by :
+14 a :
+15 gap :
+2 3 4 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because there is a light bulb
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+4 5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb will be burned out because the terminals
+// The damaged bulb and the other bulb must be contained in the same path
+1 The :
+2 damaged :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 other :
+7 bulb :
+8 must :
+9 be :
+10 contained :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 same :
+14 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the positive batter terminal and terminal 6 were connected.
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+2 3 4 5 6 7 8 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the the circuit is complete.
+// the path is not closed
+1 the :
+2 path :
+3 is :
+4 not :
+5 closed :
+2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs B and C will still be on closed paths with the battery
+// bulbs B and C are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 bulbs :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb is contained in an closed circuit
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+1 2 <==> 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A and C are in the same path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb a and switch Y are not in the same path.
+// Switch Y and bulb A are not in the same closed path
+1 Switch :
+2 Y :
+3 and :
+4 bulb :
+5 A :
+6 are :
+7 not :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 closed :
+12 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A chemical reaction inside the battery makes the electrical states of the positive and negative terminals different at all times.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 3 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 15 16 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// becasue the terminals 4,5, and 6 are connected to the positive terminal of the battery
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 13 14 15 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// switch Y does not effect bulb A
+// Switch Y and bulb A are not in the same closed path
+1 Switch :
+2 Y :
+3 and :
+4 bulb :
+5 A :
+6 are :
+7 not :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 closed :
+12 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb c creates a gap
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path with the battery.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+15 with :
+16 the :
+17 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb C and the battery are not contained in a closed pathway
+// Bulb C was no longer in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 was :
+4 no :
+5 longer :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the two terminals will both be 0
+// The terminals are in the same state.
+1 The :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 same :
+7 state. :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb b is not in the same path with bulbs a and c.
+// Bulb B is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The electrical state is interferred with.
+// A non-zero voltage means that the terminals are not connected.
+1 A :
+2 non-zero :
+3 voltage :
+4 means :
+5 that :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+8 are :
+9 not :
+10 connected. :
+1 2 3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the battery and the bulb are not in a closed path.
+// The battery in 4 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 4 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "because by measuring voltage, you find the gap where there""s a difference in electrical states."
+// Measuring voltage indicates the place where the electrical state changes due to a gap.
+1 Measuring :
+2 voltage :
+3 indicates :
+4 the :
+5 place :
+6 where :
+7 the :
+8 electrical :
+9 state :
+10 changes :
+11 due :
+12 to :
+13 a :
+14 gap. :
+2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// again, bulbs a and b will be contained on a closed path
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path. :
+2 3 4 5 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs b and c are contiained in the the same path with the battery.
+// A and C are not in the same path with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 not :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is a gap in the path.
+// Terminals 1 and 2 are in the same electrical state
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 2 :
+5 are :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 electrical :
+10 state :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a is in a closed path with a battery
+// Bulb A is still in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and bulb C affect each other.
+// A and C are in the same closed path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// switch z is contained in a closed path
+// there is a path containing both Z and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 Z :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+1 2 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb terminal and the negative battery terminal are separated by a gap
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and C are still in a closed path with the battery.
+// Bulbs A and C are still contained in closed paths with the battery
+1 Bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 contained :
+8 in :
+9 closed :
+10 paths :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if switch and bulb are contained in the same closed path
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a gap between the positive battery connection and the bulb terminal.
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A is not on the same path that Bulb B and bulb C are.
+// there is a path containing A and a different path containing B and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 a :
+9 different :
+10 path :
+11 containing :
+12 B :
+13 and :
+14 C :
+1 2 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 14 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// it runs on a different current
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path with the battery.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+15 with :
+16 the :
+17 battery. :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 6 is connected to the difference
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the batteries terminals are not connected
+// Circuit 4 has no closed paths
+1 Circuit :
+2 4 :
+3 has :
+4 no :
+5 closed :
+6 paths :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because if there is a voltage that means there is a gap
+// Measuring voltage indicates the place where the electrical state changes due to a gap.
+1 Measuring :
+2 voltage :
+3 indicates :
+4 the :
+5 place :
+6 where :
+7 the :
+8 electrical :
+9 state :
+10 changes :
+11 due :
+12 to :
+13 a :
+14 gap. :
+5 6 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Find where there are different electrical states
+// Measuring voltage indicates the place where the electrical state changes due to a gap.
+1 Measuring :
+2 voltage :
+3 indicates :
+4 the :
+5 place :
+6 where :
+7 the :
+8 electrical :
+9 state :
+10 changes :
+11 due :
+12 to :
+13 a :
+14 gap. :
+3 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// circuit 2 is connected to the battery
+// there is no closed path containing the battery
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 closed :
+5 path :
+6 containing :
+7 the :
+8 battery :
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the gap in the circuit causes the circuit to be an open circuit
+// there is a gap in a circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 gap :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 circuit :
+1 2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a gap in the circuit
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+3 4 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the path has to be closed for the bulb to light up
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+7 8 9 <==> 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is no gap so there is no difference in voltage
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Voltage is the difference between a positive and negative end on the battery.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+3 4 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb had a short circuit
+// there is a complete circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 complete :
+5 circuit :
+2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and bulb C are in a closed path with the battery.
+// Bulb B and Bulb C were still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 Bulb :
+5 C :
+6 were :
+7 still :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 closed :
+13 path :
+14 with :
+15 the :
+16 battery. :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminals 4, 5, and 6 are only connected to the positive battery terminal.
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 13 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a terminal is connected to the positive battery terminal
+// the terminals are not connected
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 not :
+5 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the terminals are in the same state
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "because switch y isn""t included in bulb A""s closed path"
+// Switch Y and bulb A are not in the same closed path
+1 Switch :
+2 Y :
+3 and :
+4 bulb :
+5 A :
+6 are :
+7 not :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 closed :
+12 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the negative battery terminal is seperated by a gap from terminal 6
+// terminal 6 is separated by a gap from the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 is :
+4 separated :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 gap :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 negative :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// that the bulb terminal is only connected to one of the battery terminals
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+5 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 13 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there was a negavtive gap
+// terminal 4 is separated by a gap from the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 is :
+4 separated :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 gap :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 negative :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal is connected to postive end of battery
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1 is connected to the 1.5 volt battery.
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The path must be closed
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+1 2 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs B and C are contained on the same path with the battery.
+// B and C are in the same path with the battery
+1 B :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a terminal is connected to the positive terminal of the battery
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because a and b are in series and a and c are in parallel
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path. :
+9 10 11 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a terminal is connected to the positive terminal of the battery
+// Terminal 5 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 5 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb is not contained in the path
+// The bulb is not in the closed path containing the battery
+1 The :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 not :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 containing :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because positive charge is before gap
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+6 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because it is not on the same path
+// If bulb A burns out, bulbs B and C are still in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 bulbs :
+7 B :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+10 are :
+11 still :
+12 in :
+13 a :
+14 closed :
+15 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Seperate paths connected to the battery
+// If bulb A burns out, B and C are no longer in a closed path with the battery
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 B :
+7 and :
+8 C :
+9 are :
+10 no :
+11 longer :
+12 in :
+13 a :
+14 closed :
+15 path :
+16 with :
+17 the :
+18 battery :
+3 <==> 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 16 17 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A red X means the battery is in a short circuit.
+// there is a short circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 short :
+5 circuit :
+7 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The battery is not closed in a closed path.
+// Circuit 4 has no closed paths
+1 Circuit :
+2 4 :
+3 has :
+4 no :
+5 closed :
+6 paths :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal is connected to the battery
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 negative :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+2 3 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and Bulb C are not contained in the same closed path
+// A and C are not in the same path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 not :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 13 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs A and C are not on the same closed path.
+// A and C are not in the same path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 not :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 path :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb, battery, and switch are in closed path
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the paths of the circuit are no longer complete
+// there is an incomplete circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 an :
+4 incomplete :
+5 circuit :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is no closed path in circuit 4.
+// Circuit 4 has no closed paths
+1 Circuit :
+2 4 :
+3 has :
+4 no :
+5 closed :
+6 paths :
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The battery keeps a chemical reaction reaction.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is always a difference in voltage between two battery terminals.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1is connected to terminal 4
+// Terminals 1 and 4 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 4 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+3 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and B will still be in a contained path.
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path. :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a is in a closed circuit with the battery without the y switch.
+// Bulb A is still in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// different paths with the battery
+// B and C are in the same path with the battery
+1 B :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+3 4 5 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "The electrical state at the terminal matches the battery""s electrical state"
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+4 5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Circuit 2 is not a short circuit because the battery is not in a closed path with itself.
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 16 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A is on a closed circut path
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb B and bulb C are contained in different paths with the battery
+// B and C are in the same path with the battery
+1 B :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the battery always has a voltage because there is a positive terminal and there is a negative terminal.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// gap between 3 and positive battery
+// Terminal 3 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 3 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because bulbs A and C are contained in different paths with the battery
+// A and C are in different paths with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 different :
+7 paths :
+8 with :
+9 the :
+10 battery :
+2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because of the gap at bulb b
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are separated from the positive battery terminal by a gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 separated :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+13 by :
+14 a :
+15 gap :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because bulb c was in an open path
+// Bulb C was not in a closed path
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 was :
+4 not :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// It is not a closed path.
+// the path is not closed
+1 the :
+2 path :
+3 is :
+4 not :
+5 closed :
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because switch y is not conatined in the closed path of bulb a and the battery.
+// Bulb A is still in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 15 16 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A terminal is not connected to the negative battery terminal.
+// Terminals 1 and 6 are not connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 6 :
+5 are :
+6 not :
+7 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb B and C both still are on a closed path with the battery
+// bulbs B and C are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 bulbs :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1 and terminal 6 are seperated by a gap
+// Terminals 1 and 6 are separated by the gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 6 :
+5 are :
+6 separated :
+7 by :
+8 the :
+9 gap :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the battery is in a closed path.
+// the battery is contained in a closed path in which there is no bulb
+1 the :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 in :
+10 which :
+11 there :
+12 is :
+13 no :
+14 bulb :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// complete path including a battery and a bulb
+// there is a closed path containing both the bulb and a battery
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 closed :
+5 path :
+6 containing :
+7 both :
+8 the :
+9 bulb :
+10 and :
+11 a :
+12 battery :
+1 2 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs b and c creat a gap in the path
+// Bulb B is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive battery terminal and terminal 5 are connected
+// Terminal 5 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 5 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the the bulb terminal disconnected from the battery terminal
+// the terminals are not connected
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 not :
+5 connected :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the battery is contained in the circuit and the light bulb is not
+// the battery is contained in a path in which there is no bulb
+1 the :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 path :
+8 in :
+9 which :
+10 there :
+11 is :
+12 no :
+13 bulb :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the two ends of the battery do not connect to one another
+// the battery is in an open path
+1 the :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 an :
+6 open :
+7 path :
+5 6 7 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// When a switch is open the circuit is no longer complete
+// there is an incomplete circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 an :
+4 incomplete :
+5 circuit :
+2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 11 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if both bulbs are contained within a closed path
+// The damaged bulb and the other bulb must be contained in the same path
+1 The :
+2 damaged :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 other :
+7 bulb :
+8 must :
+9 be :
+10 contained :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 same :
+14 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The bulb is in a closed circuit and the battery exists in that circuit
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+9 10 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the closed path is connected to the light bulb
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 2 3 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the electrical states between the terminals is the same, resulting in 0
+// The terminals are in the same state.
+1 The :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 same :
+7 state. :
+4 5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb b and bulb c are contained within a closed path
+// B and C are in the same path with the battery
+1 B :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// circuit 5 is in a closed path.
+// the battery is contained in a closed path in which there is no bulb
+1 the :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 in :
+10 which :
+11 there :
+12 is :
+13 no :
+14 bulb :
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 6 is connected to terminal 1
+// Terminals 1 and 6 are separated by the gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 6 :
+5 are :
+6 separated :
+7 by :
+8 the :
+9 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If bulb B is damaged there is a gap in the circuit
+// there is a gap in a circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 gap :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 circuit :
+8 9 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a is in a complete circuit with the battery when switch z is closed.
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery and switch Z.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+13 and :
+14 switch :
+15 Z. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a is on a closed path with the battery
+// Bulb A is still in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because those terminals are connected to the positive terminal of the battery.
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 11 12 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Not contained in a closed path
+// Bulb C was not in a closed path
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 was :
+4 not :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+1 2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal connected to positive charge
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+2 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because voltage measures the difference between two points
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs a and c are in separate paths.
+// A, B and C are in different paths
+1 A, :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 in :
+7 different :
+8 paths :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 6 is connected to postive terminal of battery
+// Terminals 1 and 6 are not connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 6 :
+5 are :
+6 not :
+7 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a terminal is connected to the negative battery terminal
+// the terminals are not connected
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 not :
+5 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Switch Z is in the same path as bulb A
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery and switch Z.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+13 and :
+14 switch :
+15 Z. :
+9 10 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there will be a gap
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because each bulb has its own complete path
+// each bulb is in its own path
+1 each :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 its :
+6 own :
+7 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs b and c have separate paths within the closed circuit
+// If bulb A burns out, B and C are no longer in a closed path with the battery
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 B :
+7 and :
+8 C :
+9 are :
+10 no :
+11 longer :
+12 in :
+13 a :
+14 closed :
+15 path :
+16 with :
+17 the :
+18 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A terminal is connected to a bulb.
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are separated from the positive battery terminal by a gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 separated :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+13 by :
+14 a :
+15 gap :
+1 2 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive battery terminal has no gaps from terminal 4
+// Terminal 4 and the positive terminal are not separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 separated :
+10 by :
+11 the :
+12 gap :
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// when a switch and bulb are whithin a closed path
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the path is short
+// the path is not closed
+1 the :
+2 path :
+3 is :
+4 not :
+5 closed :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A will no longer be completing the circuts.
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+1 2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb C will create a gap in the path
+// each bulb is in its own path
+1 each :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 its :
+6 own :
+7 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a was contained on a closed path with the battery
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 1 is connected to terminl 4.
+// Terminals 1 and 4 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 4 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs A and B are not on the same path as Bulb C.
+// Bulb C is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+12 13 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Each circuit must have a connection.
+// there is a complete circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 complete :
+5 circuit :
+1 2 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A switch contained in a closed path with a bulb and a battery will affect the bulb.
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+1 2 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 17 <==> 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Voltage is the difference between a positive and negative terminal on the battery.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+3 4 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 10 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs b and c were in a closed paty with the battery.
+// Bulb B and Bulb C were still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 Bulb :
+5 C :
+6 were :
+7 still :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 closed :
+13 path :
+14 with :
+15 the :
+16 battery. :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// can complete the path by having z be closed
+// there is a path containing A, C, Z and X
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 A, :
+7 C, :
+8 Z :
+9 and :
+10 X :
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A switch will affect a bulb it the bulb and the switch are in the path as the battery
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+5 6 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive battery terminal is not connected
+// There is no gap between terminal 6 and the positive terminal
+1 There :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 terminal :
+7 6 :
+8 and :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and bulb C are still on a closed path that contains the battery.
+// Bulbs A and C are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 Bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs A and C will still be on their own completed circuts.
+// Bulbs A and C are in a closed path
+1 Bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The damaged bulb B has left a gap in the path so the charge can not reach it
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are separated from the positive battery terminal by a gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 separated :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+13 by :
+14 a :
+15 gap :
+7 8 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the terminal is separated from the battery terminal
+// the terminals are separated by a gap
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 separated :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a terminal is connected to another terminal
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+3 4 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb A is connected to switch Z
+// There is no path containing both switch Y and bulb A
+1 There :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 switch :
+8 Y :
+9 and :
+10 bulb :
+11 A :
+1 2 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a closed path, with switch z, that contains bulb a and the battery
+// there is a path containing A, C, Z and the battery
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 A, :
+7 C, :
+8 Z :
+9 and :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 15 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 4, terminal 5, and terminal 6 are connected to the positive terminal
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Circuit 2 is not a short circuit because the battery is not connected to itself.
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because terminal 1 is seperated from the positive battery terminal.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a and bulb c are contained in different paths with the bttery.
+// A and C are in different paths with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 different :
+7 paths :
+8 with :
+9 the :
+10 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because bulb a is in a closed path with the battery.
+// Bulb A is still in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive terminal is connected to the bulb
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because bulb a is in a closed path, and bulb c is in a closed path.
+// Bulbs A and C are still in closed paths
+1 Bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 15 16 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The positive terminal has 1.5 V
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because of the chemical in the battery
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Both components need to be in closed paths.
+// the bulb and the battery are in a closed path
+1 the :
+2 bulb :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 battery :
+6 are :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a and bulb c are wired in parallel
+// A and C are in different paths
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 different :
+7 paths :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb terminals 3 and 4
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the other bulb will not light.
+// The damaged bulb and the other bulb must be contained in the same path
+1 The :
+2 damaged :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 other :
+7 bulb :
+8 must :
+9 be :
+10 contained :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 same :
+14 path :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because there was a gap in the terminals
+// there is no path containing both switch Y and bulb A
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 switch :
+8 Y :
+9 and :
+10 bulb :
+11 A :
+2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if the switch is open in a path with the battery and bulb.
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 4, 5, and 6 are connected to the positive side
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a voltage reading of 0 volts indicates a gap in the circuit.
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+8 9 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 4 5 and 6 are not connected to negative battery terminal
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are not connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 not :
+8 connected :
+9 to :
+10 the :
+11 negative :
+12 battery :
+13 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs a and b are still contained on a closed path with the battery
+// If C burns out then A and B are still in a closed path with the battery
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+15 with :
+16 the :
+17 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 15 16 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs a, b, and c are all in the same path.
+// A and C are in the same path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a and c are on the same closed path with the battery
+// A and C are in the same closed path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "if the switch is included in the bulb""s closed path, then the switch being open will affect the bulb"
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+12 13 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 17 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+18 19 <==> 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the outcome of the bulb will not affect each other
+// A and C are not in the same path with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 not :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+4 5 6 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// not seperated by a gap
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are not separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 separated :
+10 by :
+11 the :
+12 gap :
+3 4 5 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because terminal 1 and the neavtive terminal are seperated.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because their is a gap between A and C now.
+// there is an incomplete circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 an :
+4 incomplete :
+5 circuit :
+4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and bulb b are still contained in closed paths with the battery
+// If C burns out then A and B are still in a closed path with the battery
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+15 with :
+16 the :
+17 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 15 16 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+// B and C are not in the same circuit as A.
+// each bulb is in its own path
+1 each :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 its :
+6 own :
+7 path :
+10 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there terminals are separated by a gap when the voltage jumps from 0 to 1.5.
+// the terminals are separated by a gap
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 separated :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs a b and c are on a closed path
+// A and C are in the same closed path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// I think the red X means that this is dangerous and should never happen unless something is seriously wrong.
+// there is a short circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 short :
+5 circuit :
+16 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because there was no gap from the positive terminal of the battery
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+4 5 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs A and B are still connected to the closed path containing the battery
+// If C burns out then A and B are still in a closed path with the battery
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+15 with :
+16 the :
+17 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 15 16 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if the switch and the bulb are in the same path
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 6 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb c and switch z are in the same closed path
+// there is a path containing both Z and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 Z :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb only has one terminal connected
+// The battery is contained in a path which does not contain any other components
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 path :
+8 which :
+9 does :
+10 not :
+11 contain :
+12 any :
+13 other :
+14 components :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
diff --git a/20211030_161612/answers-students.wa.untrained b/20211030_161612/answers-students.wa.untrained
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..33d36becd2e16f00fb3fc4c8d34331048cfe3eec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_161612/answers-students.wa.untrained
@@ -0,0 +1,11960 @@
+// both bulbs a and c still have a closed path
+// Bulbs A and C are still in closed paths
+1 Bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1 and the positive terminal are connected.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// positive battery is seperated by a gap from terminal 2
+// Terminal 2 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 2 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+5 6 7 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is no difference between the two terminals.
+// The terminals are in the same state.
+1 The :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 same :
+7 state. :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the switch has to be contained in the same path as the bulb and the battery
+// The switch and the bulb have to be in the same path
+1 The :
+2 switch :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 bulb :
+6 have :
+7 to :
+8 be :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+3 4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 15 16 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a gap in terminal 1
+// Terminals 1 and 2 are in the same electrical state
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 2 :
+5 are :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 electrical :
+10 state :
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The battery uses the chemical reation to create voltage
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a batter uses a chemical reaction to create voltage
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the battery alone is in a closed path
+// The battery is contained in a path which does not contain any other components
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 path :
+8 which :
+9 does :
+10 not :
+11 contain :
+12 any :
+13 other :
+14 components :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because there is a gap in the circuit.
+// there is a gap in the circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 gap :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 circuit :
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs A and B are not within the same path as bulb C.
+// Bulb C is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because there was two negative connections
+// Terminals 1 and 2 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 2 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+2 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a is on a closed path with the battery
+// there is a path containing A and a different path containing B and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 a :
+9 different :
+10 path :
+11 containing :
+12 B :
+13 and :
+14 C :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the other terminals are connected to the positive terminal.
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The bulb takes away the path.
+// there is an open path
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 an :
+4 open :
+5 path :
+3 4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is no gap between the positive terminal and terminal 4
+// Terminal 4 and the positive terminal are not separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 separated :
+10 by :
+11 the :
+12 gap :
+2 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb a created a gap
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+1 2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 6 is connected to the positive terminal of the battery
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb is in a closed circuit
+// the battery is in an open path
+1 the :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 an :
+6 open :
+7 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The circuit is not closed around the battery.
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb is not contained in a closed path.
+// The battery is contained in a path which does not contain any other components
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 path :
+8 which :
+9 does :
+10 not :
+11 contain :
+12 any :
+13 other :
+14 components :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is a gap in the circuit.
+// there is a gap in a circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 gap :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 circuit :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb B and bulb C are still on closed paths with the battery.
+// bulbs A and B are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 B :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A has a closed pathway
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs a and c are not in the same closed path as bulb b
+// Bulb B is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Only one terminal is involved in the circuit.
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there was closed paths between the battery
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the gap separates the positive battery terminal from terminal 2
+// Terminal 2 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 2 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a, bulb b, and bulb c are contained in differentclosed paths.
+// A and C are in different paths with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 different :
+7 paths :
+8 with :
+9 the :
+10 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If any bulb is out, it affects the whole system and everything is blocked from the battery.
+// each bulb is in its own path
+1 each :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 its :
+6 own :
+7 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// it is not in the same path.
+// Bulb A is still in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+2 3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There will be a gap in the path
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb B and C are still contained in a path with the battery
+// bulbs B and C are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 bulbs :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs a and c are still contained in a closed path with the battery.
+// Bulbs A and C are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 Bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal one is not connected to the positive battery terminal
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb A and switch Z are in a closed path
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery and switch Z.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+13 and :
+14 switch :
+15 Z. :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 5 is connected to the postitive battery terminal
+// Terminal 5 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 5 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 6 is connected to the positive battery terminal
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the red x means that the circuit is not safe.
+// there is a short circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 short :
+5 circuit :
+5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// both bulbs B and C are in the same path as bulb A
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if the electrical state is non-zero you can find the gap in the circuit
+// A non-zero voltage means that there is a gap
+1 A :
+2 non-zero :
+3 voltage :
+4 means :
+5 that :
+6 there :
+7 is :
+8 a :
+9 gap :
+5 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The battery is contained in a closed circuit and there is nothing in its pathway
+// The battery is contained in a closed path which does not contain any other components
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 which :
+10 does :
+11 not :
+12 contain :
+13 any :
+14 other :
+15 components :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A terminal is not connected to the positive battery terminal.
+// Terminals 1 and 4 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 4 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a gap in the circuit
+// Terminals 1 and 4 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 4 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+2 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive terminal is not seperated by a gap from terminal 5
+// Terminal 5 and the positive terminal are not separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 5 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 separated :
+10 by :
+11 the :
+12 gap :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// You can find where there is a gap
+// Measuring voltage indicates whether two terminals are separated by a gap.
+1 Measuring :
+2 voltage :
+3 indicates :
+4 whether :
+5 two :
+6 terminals :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 a :
+11 gap. :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// has to do something with a gap
+// Terminal 2 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 2 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+5 6 7 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the positive circuit has a voltage of 1.5 volts.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+6 7 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is a chemical reaction.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// when the switch is the in a closed path with the bulb
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb b and c are in a closed path
+// B and C are in the same path
+1 B :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is a difference in electrical states.
+// the terminals are not connected
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 not :
+5 connected :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb will not light
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a and c are contained on the same path with the battery
+// A and C are not in the same path with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 not :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The path does not close
+// the battery is in an open path
+1 the :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 an :
+6 open :
+7 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The difference between the electrical states is 1.5 volts
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+7 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is still a closed path
+// If bulb A burns out, bulbs B and C are still in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 bulbs :
+7 B :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+10 are :
+11 still :
+12 in :
+13 a :
+14 closed :
+15 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a gap causes a lost connection
+// A non-zero voltage means that the terminals are not connected.
+1 A :
+2 non-zero :
+3 voltage :
+4 means :
+5 that :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+8 are :
+9 not :
+10 connected. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive terminal and terminal 6 are connected
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive terminal is connected to terminal 6
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+4 5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because there is no gap at terminal 1
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 6 is conncted to the positive terminal
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// When the switch is in the same papth as the bulb.
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs A and C are in separate paths.
+// A and C are in different paths
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 different :
+7 paths :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a and bulb b are still in a closed path with the battery.
+// bulbs A and B are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 B :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The positive battery terminal was not separted by a gap from terminal 6
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are not separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 separated :
+10 by :
+11 the :
+12 gap :
+8 9 10 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+1 2 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a and c are contained in different paths with the battery
+// A and C are in different paths with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 different :
+7 paths :
+8 with :
+9 the :
+10 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The positive terminal is connected to terminal 4.
+// Terminal 4 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+4 5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// not contained inthe same path
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path. :
+3 4 5 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb c does not create a gap in the path for bulb b and a
+// If C is damaged, A and B are still in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 is :
+4 damaged, :
+5 A :
+6 and :
+7 B :
+8 are :
+9 still :
+10 in :
+11 a :
+12 closed :
+13 path :
+1 2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 15 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// becuase the other terminals are connected to the positive battery terminal
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because terminal one and the positive battery terminal are on a closed path
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+9 10 11 12 13 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Battery will always have voltage.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the terminals are not connected
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+3 4 5 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive battery terminal is connected to terminal 6
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a was on a closed path
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because terminal 4 is connected to the negative terminal
+// Terminal 4 and the positive battery terminal are in the same electrical state
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 battery :
+7 terminal :
+8 are :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 electrical :
+13 state :
+4 5 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb c is in its own pathway
+// Bulb C is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the voltage is nearest the burnt out bulb
+// Measuring voltage indicates the place where the electrical state changes due to a damaged bulb.
+1 Measuring :
+2 voltage :
+3 indicates :
+4 the :
+5 place :
+6 where :
+7 the :
+8 electrical :
+9 state :
+10 changes :
+11 due :
+12 to :
+13 a :
+14 damaged :
+15 bulb. :
+1 2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// You needed both a battery and a blub with the same path, and the path must be closed
+// there is a closed path containing both the bulb and a battery
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 closed :
+5 path :
+6 containing :
+7 both :
+8 the :
+9 bulb :
+10 and :
+11 a :
+12 battery :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 17 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the battery runs in a closed circuit.
+// there is an incomplete circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 an :
+4 incomplete :
+5 circuit :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If bulb B is damaged, then the circut is no longer closed.
+// there is no closed path
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 closed :
+5 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1, terminal 2, and terminal 3 are connected o the negative battery
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 negative :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "Because it didn""t cause a gap."
+// each bulb is in its own path
+1 each :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 its :
+6 own :
+7 path :
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because there is a gap between terminal 1 and terminal 6.
+// There is a gap between terminals 1 and 6
+1 There :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 terminals :
+7 1 :
+8 and :
+9 6 :
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because bulbs b and c are on a closed path with the battery
+// Bulb B and Bulb C were still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 Bulb :
+5 C :
+6 were :
+7 still :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 closed :
+13 path :
+14 with :
+15 the :
+16 battery. :
+2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The switch determines whether the path is open or closed.
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+3 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive battery terminal is separated by a gap from terminal 4
+// Terminal 4 and the positive battery terminal are in the same electrical state
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 battery :
+7 terminal :
+8 are :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 electrical :
+13 state :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// an incomplete circuit would not effect the the electrical state between the terminals.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminals 4, 5, and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The path it was on
+// there is a path containing both Z and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 Z :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+1 2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If the bulb is on the same closed path
+// The damaged bulb and the other bulb must be contained in the same path
+1 The :
+2 damaged :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 other :
+7 bulb :
+8 must :
+9 be :
+10 contained :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 same :
+14 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a was still contained in a closed path with the battery.
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If one bulb is removed, the others stop working
+// A and C are in the same closed path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because all the terminals are connected to other terminals, an open switch disrupts that.
+// the open switch creates a gap
+1 the :
+2 open :
+3 switch :
+4 creates :
+5 a :
+6 gap :
+10 11 12 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is a gap between the two bulb terminals
+// the terminals are separated by a gap
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 separated :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 gap :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a short circuit has occured
+// there is a short circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 short :
+5 circuit :
+1 2 3 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there will be a gap at bulb b, thus affecting the rest of the circuit
+// bulb B creates a gap
+1 bulb :
+2 B :
+3 creates :
+4 a :
+5 gap :
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 3 and the positie terminal are not connected.
+// Terminal 3 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 3 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The positive battery terminal was not seperated by a gap from terminal 4.
+// Terminal 4 and the positive terminal are not separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 separated :
+10 by :
+11 the :
+12 gap :
+8 9 10 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 1 is connected to the negative terminal.
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A terminal is not connected to the positive battery terminal.
+// Terminals 1 and 2 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 2 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive terminal and terminal 2 are seperated by a gap
+// Terminal 2 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 2 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is not gap between the terminals
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+1 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a gap between teh positive battery terminal and terminal 4.
+// Terminal 4 and the positive battery terminal are in the same electrical state
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 battery :
+7 terminal :
+8 are :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 electrical :
+13 state :
+2 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The positive battery was not connected to terminal one.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs A and B will still be contained in a closed path to the battery.
+// bulbs A and B are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 B :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the two components are seperated.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 3 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because terminal 1 is directly connected to terminal 4
+// Terminals 1 and 4 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 4 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive battery terminal and terminal 4 are connected
+// Terminal 4 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 1 and terminal 2 are on the same side.
+// Terminals 1 and 2 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 2 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// not connected to positive battery
+// Terminal 2 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 2 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+1 2 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain the voltage,
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the bulb does not have a closed path.
+// The bulb is not in the closed path containing the battery
+1 The :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 not :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 containing :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a difference in electrical states
+// the terminals are separated by a gap
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 separated :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 gap :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal is connected to postive terminal of the battery
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 1 is seperated from the positive terminal
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Battery is not contained i a closed path.
+// The battery in 4 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 4 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1 was connected to the positive battery terminal
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There are 2 paths in this diagram
+// there is a path containing A and a different path containing B and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 a :
+9 different :
+10 path :
+11 containing :
+12 B :
+13 and :
+14 C :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the switch was connected to the closed circuit
+// there is no path containing both switch Y and bulb A
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 switch :
+8 Y :
+9 and :
+10 bulb :
+11 A :
+4 5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// damaged bulb creates a gap.
+// a damaged bulb creates a gap
+1 a :
+2 damaged :
+3 bulb :
+4 creates :
+5 a :
+6 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// that the battery connection does not work
+// there is a short circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 short :
+5 circuit :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the terminals are not connected
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+2 3 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 5 is connected to teh positive battery terminal
+// Terminal 5 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 5 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1 was connected to the positive terminal
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a gap between terminal one and two and the positive battery terminal
+// Terminals 1 and 2 are in the same electrical state
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 2 :
+5 are :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 electrical :
+10 state :
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs b and c are contained on the same path with the battery
+// B and C are in the same path with the battery
+1 B :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because there is no closed path to the battery
+// the path is not closed
+1 the :
+2 path :
+3 is :
+4 not :
+5 closed :
+2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1 is not connected to the positive battery terminal
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the battery is not in a closed bath alone
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 5 is connected to postive terminal of the battery
+// Terminal 5 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 5 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if x and z are closed then it will create a closed path
+// there is a path containing A, C, Z and X
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 A, :
+7 C, :
+8 Z :
+9 and :
+10 X :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// positive terminal is serperated from terminal 2
+// Terminal 2 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 2 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the battery is not closed the bulb is.
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is not a gap in the connection
+// the terminals are not separated by a gap
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 not :
+5 separated :
+6 by :
+7 a :
+8 gap :
+2 3 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if a bulb is in a closed circuit with a battery and a switch the switch will affect the bulb.
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 16 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs b and c were contained in a closed path with the battery.
+// Bulb B and Bulb C were still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 Bulb :
+5 C :
+6 were :
+7 still :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 closed :
+13 path :
+14 with :
+15 the :
+16 battery. :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because neither components are in closed paths.
+// Circuit 4 has no closed paths
+1 Circuit :
+2 4 :
+3 has :
+4 no :
+5 closed :
+6 paths :
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// you can see where the gap is
+// Measuring voltage indicates the place where the electrical state changes due to a gap.
+1 Measuring :
+2 voltage :
+3 indicates :
+4 the :
+5 place :
+6 where :
+7 the :
+8 electrical :
+9 state :
+10 changes :
+11 due :
+12 to :
+13 a :
+14 gap. :
+4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if there is a gap in the circuit there the bulb will not light up.
+// A non-zero voltage means that the terminals are not connected.
+1 A :
+2 non-zero :
+3 voltage :
+4 means :
+5 that :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+8 are :
+9 not :
+10 connected. :
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and Bulb B and the battery are in a closed path.
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path with the battery.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+15 with :
+16 the :
+17 battery. :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// That there is a gap
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if the switch and bulb are contained in the same path, the switch will affect the bulb.
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Voltage is the difference between a positive and negative end on a battery.
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the path passes the energy through the switch
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+3 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// that the bulb terminal and battery terminal are on the same side of a disconnected circut
+// The terminals are in the same state.
+1 The :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 same :
+7 state. :
+2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the battery is not in a closed path.
+// The battery in 4 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 4 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// switch x is in the closed path with bulb a
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery and switch X.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+13 and :
+14 switch :
+15 X. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There was a closed circuit
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery. :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "because switch z is in bulb c""s closed path"
+// there is a path containing both Z and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 Z :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+2 3 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A was still in a closed path
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery and switch X.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+13 and :
+14 switch :
+15 X. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because there is a gap due to a damaged bulb.
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are separated from the positive battery terminal by a gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 separated :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+13 by :
+14 a :
+15 gap :
+4 5 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A was still in a closed path with the battery
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The battery and light bulb are not contained in a close path
+// The battery in 4 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 4 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// and the circut is closed
+// A and C are in the same closed path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+1 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "becuase bulb C is on it""s own pathway."
+// Bulb C is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if bulb A burns out then bulbs B and C will no longer be in a closed path.
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 16 17 18 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 1 is not connected to the positive terminal.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are not connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 connected :
+3 4 5 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the battery is not in a closed circuit
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the terminal it is connected to is not working
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There must be a closed path and a battery.
+// there is a closed path containing both the bulb and a battery
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 closed :
+5 path :
+6 containing :
+7 both :
+8 the :
+9 bulb :
+10 and :
+11 a :
+12 battery :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal is connected to terminal 6
+// Terminals 1 and 6 are not connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 6 :
+5 are :
+6 not :
+7 connected :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because bulb a is in a closed circuit with the battery and switch x
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery and switch X.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+13 and :
+14 switch :
+15 X. :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If the path is not closed, the switch will not affect the bbulb
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb b and c are on a closed path to the battery
+// If bulb A burns out, bulbs B and C are still in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 bulbs :
+7 B :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+10 are :
+11 still :
+12 in :
+13 a :
+14 closed :
+15 path :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// since a a gap does not affect the voltage of a battery
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are separated from the positive battery terminal by a gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 separated :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+13 by :
+14 a :
+15 gap :
+8 9 10 11 12 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because there is a light bulb
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+3 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb will be burned out because the terminals
+// The damaged bulb and the other bulb must be contained in the same path
+1 The :
+2 damaged :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 other :
+7 bulb :
+8 must :
+9 be :
+10 contained :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 same :
+14 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the positive batter terminal and terminal 6 were connected.
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+9 10 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the the circuit is complete.
+// the path is not closed
+1 the :
+2 path :
+3 is :
+4 not :
+5 closed :
+5 6 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs B and C will still be on closed paths with the battery
+// bulbs B and C are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 bulbs :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb is contained in an closed circuit
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+1 2 <==> 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A and C are in the same path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb a and switch Y are not in the same path.
+// Switch Y and bulb A are not in the same closed path
+1 Switch :
+2 Y :
+3 and :
+4 bulb :
+5 A :
+6 are :
+7 not :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 closed :
+12 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A chemical reaction inside the battery makes the electrical states of the positive and negative terminals different at all times.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 3 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 15 16 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// becasue the terminals 4,5, and 6 are connected to the positive terminal of the battery
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 13 14 15 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// switch Y does not effect bulb A
+// Switch Y and bulb A are not in the same closed path
+1 Switch :
+2 Y :
+3 and :
+4 bulb :
+5 A :
+6 are :
+7 not :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 closed :
+12 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb c creates a gap
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path with the battery.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+15 with :
+16 the :
+17 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb C and the battery are not contained in a closed pathway
+// Bulb C was no longer in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 was :
+4 no :
+5 longer :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the two terminals will both be 0
+// The terminals are in the same state.
+1 The :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 same :
+7 state. :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb b is not in the same path with bulbs a and c.
+// Bulb B is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The electrical state is interferred with.
+// A non-zero voltage means that the terminals are not connected.
+1 A :
+2 non-zero :
+3 voltage :
+4 means :
+5 that :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+8 are :
+9 not :
+10 connected. :
+1 2 3 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because the battery and the bulb are not in a closed path.
+// The battery in 4 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 4 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "because by measuring voltage, you find the gap where there""s a difference in electrical states."
+// Measuring voltage indicates the place where the electrical state changes due to a gap.
+1 Measuring :
+2 voltage :
+3 indicates :
+4 the :
+5 place :
+6 where :
+7 the :
+8 electrical :
+9 state :
+10 changes :
+11 due :
+12 to :
+13 a :
+14 gap. :
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// again, bulbs a and b will be contained on a closed path
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path. :
+2 3 4 5 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs b and c are contiained in the the same path with the battery.
+// A and C are not in the same path with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 not :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is a gap in the path.
+// Terminals 1 and 2 are in the same electrical state
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 2 :
+5 are :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 electrical :
+10 state :
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a is in a closed path with a battery
+// Bulb A is still in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and bulb C affect each other.
+// A and C are in the same closed path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// switch z is contained in a closed path
+// there is a path containing both Z and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 Z :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+3 4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb terminal and the negative battery terminal are separated by a gap
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+11 12 13 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and C are still in a closed path with the battery.
+// Bulbs A and C are still contained in closed paths with the battery
+1 Bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 contained :
+8 in :
+9 closed :
+10 paths :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if switch and bulb are contained in the same closed path
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a gap between the positive battery connection and the bulb terminal.
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A is not on the same path that Bulb B and bulb C are.
+// there is a path containing A and a different path containing B and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 a :
+9 different :
+10 path :
+11 containing :
+12 B :
+13 and :
+14 C :
+1 2 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 14 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// it runs on a different current
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path with the battery.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+15 with :
+16 the :
+17 battery. :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 6 is connected to the difference
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the batteries terminals are not connected
+// Circuit 4 has no closed paths
+1 Circuit :
+2 4 :
+3 has :
+4 no :
+5 closed :
+6 paths :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because if there is a voltage that means there is a gap
+// Measuring voltage indicates the place where the electrical state changes due to a gap.
+1 Measuring :
+2 voltage :
+3 indicates :
+4 the :
+5 place :
+6 where :
+7 the :
+8 electrical :
+9 state :
+10 changes :
+11 due :
+12 to :
+13 a :
+14 gap. :
+5 6 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Find where there are different electrical states
+// Measuring voltage indicates the place where the electrical state changes due to a gap.
+1 Measuring :
+2 voltage :
+3 indicates :
+4 the :
+5 place :
+6 where :
+7 the :
+8 electrical :
+9 state :
+10 changes :
+11 due :
+12 to :
+13 a :
+14 gap. :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// circuit 2 is connected to the battery
+// there is no closed path containing the battery
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 closed :
+5 path :
+6 containing :
+7 the :
+8 battery :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the gap in the circuit causes the circuit to be an open circuit
+// there is a gap in a circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 gap :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 circuit :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a gap in the circuit
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+2 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the path has to be closed for the bulb to light up
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+7 8 9 <==> 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is no gap so there is no difference in voltage
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Voltage is the difference between a positive and negative end on the battery.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+3 4 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb had a short circuit
+// there is a complete circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 complete :
+5 circuit :
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and bulb C are in a closed path with the battery.
+// Bulb B and Bulb C were still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 Bulb :
+5 C :
+6 were :
+7 still :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 closed :
+13 path :
+14 with :
+15 the :
+16 battery. :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminals 4, 5, and 6 are only connected to the positive battery terminal.
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a terminal is connected to the positive battery terminal
+// the terminals are not connected
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 not :
+5 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the terminals are in the same state
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "because switch y isn""t included in bulb A""s closed path"
+// Switch Y and bulb A are not in the same closed path
+1 Switch :
+2 Y :
+3 and :
+4 bulb :
+5 A :
+6 are :
+7 not :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 closed :
+12 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the negative battery terminal is seperated by a gap from terminal 6
+// terminal 6 is separated by a gap from the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 is :
+4 separated :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 gap :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 negative :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// that the bulb terminal is only connected to one of the battery terminals
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 13 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there was a negavtive gap
+// terminal 4 is separated by a gap from the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 is :
+4 separated :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 gap :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 negative :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal is connected to postive end of battery
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+2 3 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1 is connected to the 1.5 volt battery.
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The path must be closed
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+3 4 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs B and C are contained on the same path with the battery.
+// B and C are in the same path with the battery
+1 B :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a terminal is connected to the positive terminal of the battery
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because a and b are in series and a and c are in parallel
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path. :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a terminal is connected to the positive terminal of the battery
+// Terminal 5 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 5 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb is not contained in the path
+// The bulb is not in the closed path containing the battery
+1 The :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 not :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 containing :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because positive charge is before gap
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+4 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because it is not on the same path
+// If bulb A burns out, bulbs B and C are still in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 bulbs :
+7 B :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+10 are :
+11 still :
+12 in :
+13 a :
+14 closed :
+15 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Seperate paths connected to the battery
+// If bulb A burns out, B and C are no longer in a closed path with the battery
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 B :
+7 and :
+8 C :
+9 are :
+10 no :
+11 longer :
+12 in :
+13 a :
+14 closed :
+15 path :
+16 with :
+17 the :
+18 battery :
+3 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 16 17 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A red X means the battery is in a short circuit.
+// there is a short circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 short :
+5 circuit :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The battery is not closed in a closed path.
+// Circuit 4 has no closed paths
+1 Circuit :
+2 4 :
+3 has :
+4 no :
+5 closed :
+6 paths :
+3 4 5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal is connected to the battery
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 negative :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+2 3 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and Bulb C are not contained in the same closed path
+// A and C are not in the same path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 not :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 13 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs A and C are not on the same closed path.
+// A and C are not in the same path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 not :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 path :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb, battery, and switch are in closed path
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the paths of the circuit are no longer complete
+// there is an incomplete circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 an :
+4 incomplete :
+5 circuit :
+6 7 8 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is no closed path in circuit 4.
+// Circuit 4 has no closed paths
+1 Circuit :
+2 4 :
+3 has :
+4 no :
+5 closed :
+6 paths :
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The battery keeps a chemical reaction reaction.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// There is always a difference in voltage between two battery terminals.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1is connected to terminal 4
+// Terminals 1 and 4 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 4 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+3 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and B will still be in a contained path.
+// If C burns out, then A and B are still in a closed path.
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out, :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path. :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a is in a closed circuit with the battery without the y switch.
+// Bulb A is still in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// different paths with the battery
+// B and C are in the same path with the battery
+1 B :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+3 4 5 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "The electrical state at the terminal matches the battery""s electrical state"
+// terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 is :
+4 connected :
+5 to :
+6 the :
+7 negative :
+8 battery :
+9 terminal :
+4 5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Circuit 2 is not a short circuit because the battery is not in a closed path with itself.
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+9 10 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 16 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A is on a closed circut path
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb B and bulb C are contained in different paths with the battery
+// B and C are in the same path with the battery
+1 B :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the battery always has a voltage because there is a positive terminal and there is a negative terminal.
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// gap between 3 and positive battery
+// Terminal 3 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 3 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+2 3 4 5 6 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because bulbs A and C are contained in different paths with the battery
+// A and C are in different paths with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 different :
+7 paths :
+8 with :
+9 the :
+10 battery :
+2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because of the gap at bulb b
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are separated from the positive battery terminal by a gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 separated :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+13 by :
+14 a :
+15 gap :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because bulb c was in an open path
+// Bulb C was not in a closed path
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 was :
+4 not :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// It is not a closed path.
+// the path is not closed
+1 the :
+2 path :
+3 is :
+4 not :
+5 closed :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because switch y is not conatined in the closed path of bulb a and the battery.
+// Bulb A is still in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 15 16 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A terminal is not connected to the negative battery terminal.
+// Terminals 1 and 6 are not connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 6 :
+5 are :
+6 not :
+7 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb B and C both still are on a closed path with the battery
+// bulbs B and C are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 bulbs :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 1 and terminal 6 are seperated by a gap
+// Terminals 1 and 6 are separated by the gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 6 :
+5 are :
+6 separated :
+7 by :
+8 the :
+9 gap :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the battery is in a closed path.
+// the battery is contained in a closed path in which there is no bulb
+1 the :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 in :
+10 which :
+11 there :
+12 is :
+13 no :
+14 bulb :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// complete path including a battery and a bulb
+// there is a closed path containing both the bulb and a battery
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 closed :
+5 path :
+6 containing :
+7 both :
+8 the :
+9 bulb :
+10 and :
+11 a :
+12 battery :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs b and c creat a gap in the path
+// Bulb B is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive battery terminal and terminal 5 are connected
+// Terminal 5 and the positive terminal are connected
+1 Terminal :
+2 5 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 connected :
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the the bulb terminal disconnected from the battery terminal
+// the terminals are not connected
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 not :
+5 connected :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the battery is contained in the circuit and the light bulb is not
+// the battery is contained in a path in which there is no bulb
+1 the :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 path :
+8 in :
+9 which :
+10 there :
+11 is :
+12 no :
+13 bulb :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the two ends of the battery do not connect to one another
+// the battery is in an open path
+1 the :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 an :
+6 open :
+7 path :
+5 6 7 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// When a switch is open the circuit is no longer complete
+// there is an incomplete circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 an :
+4 incomplete :
+5 circuit :
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if both bulbs are contained within a closed path
+// The damaged bulb and the other bulb must be contained in the same path
+1 The :
+2 damaged :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 other :
+7 bulb :
+8 must :
+9 be :
+10 contained :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 same :
+14 path :
+1 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The bulb is in a closed circuit and the battery exists in that circuit
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+3 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the closed path is connected to the light bulb
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 2 3 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the electrical states between the terminals is the same, resulting in 0
+// The terminals are in the same state.
+1 The :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 same :
+7 state. :
+4 5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb b and bulb c are contained within a closed path
+// B and C are in the same path with the battery
+1 B :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// circuit 5 is in a closed path.
+// the battery is contained in a closed path in which there is no bulb
+1 the :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 in :
+10 which :
+11 there :
+12 is :
+13 no :
+14 bulb :
+3 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 6 is connected to terminal 1
+// Terminals 1 and 6 are separated by the gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 6 :
+5 are :
+6 separated :
+7 by :
+8 the :
+9 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// If bulb B is damaged there is a gap in the circuit
+// there is a gap in a circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 gap :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 circuit :
+7 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a is in a complete circuit with the battery when switch z is closed.
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery and switch Z.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+13 and :
+14 switch :
+15 Z. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a is on a closed path with the battery
+// Bulb A is still in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because those terminals are connected to the positive terminal of the battery.
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 11 12 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Not contained in a closed path
+// Bulb C was not in a closed path
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 was :
+4 not :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+3 4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal connected to positive charge
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+2 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because voltage measures the difference between two points
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs a and c are in separate paths.
+// A, B and C are in different paths
+1 A, :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 in :
+7 different :
+8 paths :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// terminal 6 is connected to postive terminal of battery
+// Terminals 1 and 6 are not connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 6 :
+5 are :
+6 not :
+7 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a terminal is connected to the negative battery terminal
+// the terminals are not connected
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 not :
+5 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Switch Z is in the same path as bulb A
+// Bulb A is still contained in a closed path with the battery and switch Z.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+13 and :
+14 switch :
+15 Z. :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there will be a gap
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because each bulb has its own complete path
+// each bulb is in its own path
+1 each :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 its :
+6 own :
+7 path :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs b and c have separate paths within the closed circuit
+// If bulb A burns out, B and C are no longer in a closed path with the battery
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 B :
+7 and :
+8 C :
+9 are :
+10 no :
+11 longer :
+12 in :
+13 a :
+14 closed :
+15 path :
+16 with :
+17 the :
+18 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 16 17 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A terminal is connected to a bulb.
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are separated from the positive battery terminal by a gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 separated :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+13 by :
+14 a :
+15 gap :
+3 4 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive battery terminal has no gaps from terminal 4
+// Terminal 4 and the positive terminal are not separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 4 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 separated :
+10 by :
+11 the :
+12 gap :
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// when a switch and bulb are whithin a closed path
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the path is short
+// the path is not closed
+1 the :
+2 path :
+3 is :
+4 not :
+5 closed :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A will no longer be completing the circuts.
+// If bulb A burns out, neither B nor C is in a closed path
+1 If :
+2 bulb :
+3 A :
+4 burns :
+5 out, :
+6 neither :
+7 B :
+8 nor :
+9 C :
+10 is :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+1 2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb C will create a gap in the path
+// each bulb is in its own path
+1 each :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 its :
+6 own :
+7 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a was contained on a closed path with the battery
+// Bulb A was still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 was :
+4 still :
+5 contained :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+11 with :
+12 the :
+13 battery. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 1 is connected to terminl 4.
+// Terminals 1 and 4 are connected
+1 Terminals :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 4 :
+5 are :
+6 connected :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs A and B are not on the same path as Bulb C.
+// Bulb C is in a separate path
+1 Bulb :
+2 C :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 separate :
+7 path :
+5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Each circuit must have a connection.
+// there is a complete circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 complete :
+5 circuit :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A switch contained in a closed path with a bulb and a battery will affect the bulb.
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+1 2 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 17 <==> 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Voltage is the difference between a positive and negative terminal on the battery.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+3 4 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs b and c were in a closed paty with the battery.
+// Bulb B and Bulb C were still contained in the same closed path with the battery.
+1 Bulb :
+2 B :
+3 and :
+4 Bulb :
+5 C :
+6 were :
+7 still :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 closed :
+13 path :
+14 with :
+15 the :
+16 battery. :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// can complete the path by having z be closed
+// there is a path containing A, C, Z and X
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 A, :
+7 C, :
+8 Z :
+9 and :
+10 X :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A switch will affect a bulb it the bulb and the switch are in the path as the battery
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+7 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+18 19 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive battery terminal is not connected
+// There is no gap between terminal 6 and the positive terminal
+1 There :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 terminal :
+7 6 :
+8 and :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and bulb C are still on a closed path that contains the battery.
+// Bulbs A and C are still in closed paths with the battery
+1 Bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulbs A and C will still be on their own completed circuts.
+// Bulbs A and C are in a closed path
+1 Bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The damaged bulb B has left a gap in the path so the charge can not reach it
+// Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are separated from the positive battery terminal by a gap
+1 Terminals :
+2 1, :
+3 2 :
+4 and :
+5 3 :
+6 are :
+7 separated :
+8 from :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+13 by :
+14 a :
+15 gap :
+7 8 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the terminal is separated from the battery terminal
+// the terminals are separated by a gap
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 separated :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a terminal is connected to another terminal
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+3 4 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb A is connected to switch Z
+// There is no path containing both switch Y and bulb A
+1 There :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 switch :
+8 Y :
+9 and :
+10 bulb :
+11 A :
+3 4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there is a closed path, with switch z, that contains bulb a and the battery
+// there is a path containing A, C, Z and the battery
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 A, :
+7 C, :
+8 Z :
+9 and :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Terminal 4, terminal 5, and terminal 6 are connected to the positive terminal
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Circuit 2 is not a short circuit because the battery is not connected to itself.
+// The battery in 2 is not in a closed path
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 in :
+4 2 :
+5 is :
+6 not :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because terminal 1 is seperated from the positive battery terminal.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a and bulb c are contained in different paths with the bttery.
+// A and C are in different paths with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 different :
+7 paths :
+8 with :
+9 the :
+10 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because bulb a is in a closed path with the battery.
+// Bulb A is still in a closed path with the battery
+1 Bulb :
+2 A :
+3 is :
+4 still :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 closed :
+8 path :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 battery :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the positive terminal is connected to the bulb
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+4 5 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because bulb a is in a closed path, and bulb c is in a closed path.
+// Bulbs A and C are still in closed paths
+1 Bulbs :
+2 A :
+3 and :
+4 C :
+5 are :
+6 still :
+7 in :
+8 closed :
+9 paths :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The positive terminal has 1.5 V
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 3 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because of the chemical in the battery
+// A battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals
+1 A :
+2 battery :
+3 uses :
+4 a :
+5 chemical :
+6 reaction :
+7 to :
+8 maintain :
+9 different :
+10 electrical :
+11 states :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 terminals :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Both components need to be in closed paths.
+// the bulb and the battery are in a closed path
+1 the :
+2 bulb :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 battery :
+6 are :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 closed :
+10 path :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb a and bulb c are wired in parallel
+// A and C are in different paths
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 different :
+7 paths :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb terminals 3 and 4
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the other bulb will not light.
+// The damaged bulb and the other bulb must be contained in the same path
+1 The :
+2 damaged :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 other :
+7 bulb :
+8 must :
+9 be :
+10 contained :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 same :
+14 path :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because there was a gap in the terminals
+// there is no path containing both switch Y and bulb A
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 switch :
+8 Y :
+9 and :
+10 bulb :
+11 A :
+2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if the switch is open in a path with the battery and bulb.
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 4, 5, and 6 are connected to the positive side
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are connected to the positive battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 connected :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 positive :
+11 battery :
+12 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a voltage reading of 0 volts indicates a gap in the circuit.
+// there is no gap between the terminals
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 no :
+4 gap :
+5 between :
+6 the :
+7 terminals :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 4 5 and 6 are not connected to negative battery terminal
+// Terminals 4, 5 and 6 are not connected to the negative battery terminal
+1 Terminals :
+2 4, :
+3 5 :
+4 and :
+5 6 :
+6 are :
+7 not :
+8 connected :
+9 to :
+10 the :
+11 negative :
+12 battery :
+13 terminal :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs a and b are still contained on a closed path with the battery
+// If C burns out then A and B are still in a closed path with the battery
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+15 with :
+16 the :
+17 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 15 16 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs a, b, and c are all in the same path.
+// A and C are in the same path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a and c are on the same closed path with the battery
+// A and C are in the same closed path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// "if the switch is included in the bulb""s closed path, then the switch being open will affect the bulb"
+// If a bulb and a switch are in the same path the switch affects the bulb
+1 If :
+2 a :
+3 bulb :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 switch :
+7 are :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 same :
+11 path :
+12 the :
+13 switch :
+14 affects :
+15 the :
+16 bulb :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 17 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+18 19 <==> 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because the outcome of the bulb will not affect each other
+// A and C are not in the same path with the battery
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 not :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 same :
+9 path :
+10 with :
+11 the :
+12 battery :
+2 3 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// not seperated by a gap
+// Terminal 6 and the positive terminal are not separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 6 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 not :
+9 separated :
+10 by :
+11 the :
+12 gap :
+3 4 5 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because terminal 1 and the neavtive terminal are seperated.
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Because their is a gap between A and C now.
+// there is an incomplete circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 an :
+4 incomplete :
+5 circuit :
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bulb A and bulb b are still contained in closed paths with the battery
+// If C burns out then A and B are still in a closed path with the battery
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+15 with :
+16 the :
+17 battery :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 15 16 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+// B and C are not in the same circuit as A.
+// each bulb is in its own path
+1 each :
+2 bulb :
+3 is :
+4 in :
+5 its :
+6 own :
+7 path :
+4 5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// there terminals are separated by a gap when the voltage jumps from 0 to 1.5.
+// the terminals are separated by a gap
+1 the :
+2 terminals :
+3 are :
+4 separated :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 gap :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs a b and c are on a closed path
+// A and C are in the same closed path
+1 A :
+2 and :
+3 C :
+4 are :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 same :
+8 closed :
+9 path :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// I think the red X means that this is dangerous and should never happen unless something is seriously wrong.
+// there is a short circuit
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 short :
+5 circuit :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// because there was no gap from the positive terminal of the battery
+// Terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap
+1 Terminal :
+2 1 :
+3 and :
+4 the :
+5 positive :
+6 terminal :
+7 are :
+8 separated :
+9 by :
+10 the :
+11 gap :
+2 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulbs A and B are still connected to the closed path containing the battery
+// If C burns out then A and B are still in a closed path with the battery
+1 If :
+2 C :
+3 burns :
+4 out :
+5 then :
+6 A :
+7 and :
+8 B :
+9 are :
+10 still :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 closed :
+14 path :
+15 with :
+16 the :
+17 battery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 15 16 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+// if the switch and the bulb are in the same path
+// When the switch and the bulb are contained in the same path
+1 When :
+2 the :
+3 switch :
+4 and :
+5 the :
+6 bulb :
+7 are :
+8 contained :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 same :
+12 path :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 6 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// bulb c and switch z are in the same closed path
+// there is a path containing both Z and C
+1 there :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 path :
+5 containing :
+6 both :
+7 Z :
+8 and :
+9 C :
+6 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// the bulb only has one terminal connected
+// The battery is contained in a path which does not contain any other components
+1 The :
+2 battery :
+3 is :
+4 contained :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 path :
+8 which :
+9 does :
+10 not :
+11 contain :
+12 any :
+13 other :
+14 components :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
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+ {
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+ "step": 250
+ },
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+ },
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+ "step": 750
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 0.46,
+ "learning_rate": 3.38256696082985e-05,
+ "loss": 0.5061,
+ "step": 1000
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 0.46,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8558743382367817,
+ "step": 1000
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 0.58,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8579781749671418,
+ "step": 1250
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 0.7,
+ "learning_rate": 3.072921504876916e-05,
+ "loss": 0.4618,
+ "step": 1500
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 0.7,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8551950210432068,
+ "step": 1500
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 0.81,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8575288731834817,
+ "step": 1750
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 0.93,
+ "learning_rate": 2.763276048923982e-05,
+ "loss": 0.4405,
+ "step": 2000
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 0.93,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8625848570907281,
+ "step": 2000
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 1.05,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8528228965029796,
+ "step": 2250
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 1.16,
+ "learning_rate": 2.4536305929710486e-05,
+ "loss": 0.3455,
+ "step": 2500
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 1.16,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8583216121633138,
+ "step": 2500
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 1.28,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8586320312896799,
+ "step": 2750
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 1.39,
+ "learning_rate": 2.1439851370181147e-05,
+ "loss": 0.3004,
+ "step": 3000
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 1.39,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.857754063729947,
+ "step": 3000
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 1.51,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8550335796509426,
+ "step": 3250
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 1.63,
+ "learning_rate": 1.8343396810651805e-05,
+ "loss": 0.3009,
+ "step": 3500
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 1.63,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8562914790933086,
+ "step": 3500
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 1.74,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.857049471480084,
+ "step": 3750
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 1.86,
+ "learning_rate": 1.5246942251122465e-05,
+ "loss": 0.2926,
+ "step": 4000
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 1.86,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8569922144510925,
+ "step": 4000
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 1.97,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8574082752357015,
+ "step": 4250
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 2.09,
+ "learning_rate": 1.2150487691593128e-05,
+ "loss": 0.2544,
+ "step": 4500
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 2.09,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8589184399762652,
+ "step": 4500
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 2.21,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8591238608101542,
+ "step": 4750
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 2.32,
+ "learning_rate": 9.054033132063787e-06,
+ "loss": 0.2103,
+ "step": 5000
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 2.32,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8571706494995457,
+ "step": 5000
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 2.44,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8598802982895895,
+ "step": 5250
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 2.55,
+ "learning_rate": 5.957578572534448e-06,
+ "loss": 0.2138,
+ "step": 5500
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 2.55,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8581741085030632,
+ "step": 5500
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 2.67,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8579268770161598,
+ "step": 5750
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 2.79,
+ "learning_rate": 2.8611240130051095e-06,
+ "loss": 0.2134,
+ "step": 6000
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 2.79,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8573359421904918,
+ "step": 6000
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 2.9,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.857414208386273,
+ "step": 6250
+ }
+ ],
+ "max_steps": 6459,
+ "num_train_epochs": 3,
+ "total_flos": 0.0,
+ "trial_name": null,
+ "trial_params": null
diff --git a/20211030_161612/checkpoint-6250/training_args.bin b/20211030_161612/checkpoint-6250/training_args.bin
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2993287b3844e3bd35b489e44721d84a218a8a18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_161612/checkpoint-6250/training_args.bin
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:aa120f507d239c6af97ffb94ef4194b95342c4b09bbeb6681efc143dc43f8c6f
+size 2735
diff --git a/20211030_161612/checkpoint-6250/vocab.txt b/20211030_161612/checkpoint-6250/vocab.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fb140275c155a9c7c5a3b3e0e77a9e839594a938
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_161612/checkpoint-6250/vocab.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30522 @@
diff --git a/20211030_161612/data_args.json b/20211030_161612/data_args.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..39bd9fddc7ae0cf9d581755353e20b3887a773c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_161612/data_args.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"data_type": "simcse-nli", "train_file": "/nas/home/sh0416/data/simcse/nli_for_simcse.csv", "max_seq_length": 32, "add_typo_corpus": false, "typo_corpus_filepath": null, "dup_rate": 0.08}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/20211030_161612/eval_results.txt b/20211030_161612/eval_results.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eebcdc57a2d004ea8aca58f6707ff0d1ba939c0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_161612/eval_results.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/20211030_161612/headlines.wa b/20211030_161612/headlines.wa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..65b9070994c47250d05189cc82eef414a344edab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_161612/headlines.wa
@@ -0,0 +1,11463 @@
+// China 's Peace Ark departs for the Philippines Thursday
+// China sends aid team to Philippines
+1 China :
+2 sends :
+3 aid :
+4 team :
+5 to :
+6 Philippines :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Conservatives sweep to Australia election victory
+// Conservative opposition wins Australian election
+1 Conservative :
+2 opposition :
+3 wins :
+4 Australian :
+5 election :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Abe 's shrine visit draws wide condemnation , criticism
+// Japanese PM Shinzo Abe 's war shrine visit angers neighbours
+1 Japanese :
+2 PM :
+3 Shinzo :
+4 Abe :
+5 's :
+6 war :
+7 shrine :
+8 visit :
+9 angers :
+10 neighbours :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine revokes anti-protest law , PM resigns
+// Ukraine to repeal anti-protest laws
+1 Ukraine :
+2 to :
+3 repeal :
+4 anti-protest :
+5 laws :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Russia says detects missiles fired from Mediterranean Sea
+// Russia says ballistic missiles fired in Mediterranean
+1 Russia :
+2 says :
+3 ballistic :
+4 missiles :
+5 fired :
+6 in :
+7 Mediterranean :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pro-Russian protesters storm new police station in east Ukraine
+// Pro-Russian Protesters Storm Police Station in Ukraine as Kiev Urges U.N. over unrest
+1 Pro-Russian :
+2 Protesters :
+3 Storm :
+4 Police :
+5 Station :
+6 in :
+7 Ukraine :
+8 as :
+9 Kiev :
+10 Urges :
+11 U.N. :
+12 over :
+13 unrest :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Cyclone leaves trail of destruction in India
+// Cyclone Phailin evacuation kept Indian villagers alive
+1 Cyclone :
+2 Phailin :
+3 evacuation :
+4 kept :
+5 Indian :
+6 villagers :
+7 alive :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 4 foreigners among 9 killed in Kabul hotel attack
+// Foreigners among dead in Kabul hotel attack
+1 Foreigners :
+2 among :
+3 dead :
+4 in :
+5 Kabul :
+6 hotel :
+7 attack :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Many dead as asylum boat sinks off Australia
+// Mandela spends third day in hospital
+1 Mandela :
+2 spends :
+3 third :
+4 day :
+5 in :
+6 hospital :
+3 4 5 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israeli calls to execute Palestinian captives instead of releasing them
+// Israel allows Palestinian prisoner release
+1 Israel :
+2 allows :
+3 Palestinian :
+4 prisoner :
+5 release :
+5 6 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// DPRK leader calls for better ties with S.Korea
+// North Korea urges foreigners to leave South Korea
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 urges :
+4 foreigners :
+5 to :
+6 leave :
+7 South :
+8 Korea :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World 's oldest person , and oldest man ever , dies at 116
+// Japan : World 's Oldest Man Ever Dies Aged 116
+1 Japan :
+2 : :
+3 World :
+4 's :
+5 Oldest :
+6 Man :
+7 Ever :
+8 Dies :
+9 Aged :
+10 116 :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World powers and Iran to resume expert nuclear talks on Dec. 30
+// Iran nuclear experts , world powers to resume talks next week
+1 Iran :
+2 nuclear :
+3 experts :
+4 , :
+5 world :
+6 powers :
+7 to :
+8 resume :
+9 talks :
+10 next :
+11 week :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Biden warns ' it's time for Russia to stop talking and start acting ' in Ukraine
+// Biden : Time for Russia to ' stop talking and start acting ' to reduce tension in Ukraine
+1 Biden :
+2 : :
+3 Time :
+4 for :
+5 Russia :
+6 to :
+7 ' :
+8 stop :
+9 talking :
+10 and :
+11 start :
+12 acting :
+13 ' :
+14 to :
+15 reduce :
+16 tension :
+17 in :
+18 Ukraine :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 16 <==> 17 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : February 25
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : April 21
+1 India :
+2 Ink :
+3 : :
+4 Image :
+5 of :
+6 the :
+7 Day :
+8 : :
+9 April :
+10 21 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Philippines defers comment on Taiwan fisher attack
+// Bin Laden 's continuing sway shown in Kenya mall attack
+1 Bin :
+2 Laden :
+3 's :
+4 continuing :
+5 sway :
+6 shown :
+7 in :
+8 Kenya :
+9 mall :
+10 attack :
+4 5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// New Zealand set to legalise gay marriage
+// New Zealand votes to legalise same-sex marriage
+1 New :
+2 Zealand :
+3 votes :
+4 to :
+5 legalise :
+6 same-sex :
+7 marriage :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel 's ex-PM Ariel Sharon dies
+// Former Israeli Prime Minister Sharon dies
+1 Former :
+2 Israeli :
+3 Prime :
+4 Minister :
+5 Sharon :
+6 dies :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Peace talks with Palestinians would take months : Israel official
+// 3yo Palestinian girl killed in Israeli raid
+1 3yo :
+2 Palestinian :
+3 girl :
+4 killed :
+5 in :
+6 Israeli :
+7 raid :
+3 4 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ronaldo 's hat trick sends Portugal to World Cup
+// Ronaldo hat-trick fires Portugal to World Cup
+1 Ronaldo :
+2 hat-trick :
+3 fires :
+4 Portugal :
+5 to :
+6 World :
+7 Cup :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// At Least 22 Dead After China Earthquake
+// At least 89 dead in China earthquakes
+1 At :
+2 least :
+3 89 :
+4 dead :
+5 in :
+6 China :
+7 earthquakes :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Canadian freight train blast death toll hits three , to rise
+// Canadian government ' monitoring ' train blast situation
+1 Canadian :
+2 government :
+3 ' :
+4 monitoring :
+5 ' :
+6 train :
+7 blast :
+8 situation :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Five children buried alive in Bohol landslide
+// Nine children die in attack in Afghanistan attack
+1 Nine :
+2 children :
+3 die :
+4 in :
+5 attack :
+6 in :
+7 Afghanistan :
+8 attack :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rosberg emulates father with Monaco win
+// FORMULA 1 : Rosberg stays modest despite Monaco win
+2 1 :
+3 : :
+4 Rosberg :
+5 stays :
+6 modest :
+7 despite :
+8 Monaco :
+9 win :
+1 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Suicide truck bomber kills 11 in northern Iraq
+// Suicide car bomb kills 12 in northern Iraq
+1 Suicide :
+2 car :
+3 bomb :
+4 kills :
+5 12 :
+6 in :
+7 northern :
+8 Iraq :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tropical Storm Barry forms off Mexico 's coast , bringing heavy rain as it heads toward Veracruz
+// Tropical Storm Barry weakens , dumps rain on Mexico
+1 Tropical :
+2 Storm :
+3 Barry :
+4 weakens :
+5 , :
+6 dumps :
+7 rain :
+8 on :
+9 Mexico :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian rebels target military airports
+// Syrian troops confront fierce attacks by rebels in military airport
+1 Syrian :
+2 troops :
+3 confront :
+4 fierce :
+5 attacks :
+6 by :
+7 rebels :
+8 in :
+9 military :
+10 airport :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 6.6-magnitude quake hits South Atlantic Ocean -- USGS
+// Magnitude-5.1 quake hits southern Iran -- USGS
+1 Magnitude-5.1 :
+2 quake :
+3 hits :
+4 southern :
+5 Iran :
+6 -- :
+7 USGS :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Poverty stats doubt Modi 's development claims
+// GM to start taking recall compensation claims Aug 1
+1 GM :
+2 to :
+3 start :
+4 taking :
+5 recall :
+6 compensation :
+7 claims :
+8 Aug :
+9 1 :
+3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// North Korea blocks access to joint industrial zone
+// North Korea Blocks Access to Key Industrial Zone
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 Blocks :
+4 Access :
+5 to :
+6 Key :
+7 Industrial :
+8 Zone :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pakistan 's Musharraf charged over Bhutto murder
+// Pakistan 's Musharraf Charged In Bhutto Death
+1 Pakistan :
+2 's :
+3 Musharraf :
+4 Charged :
+5 In :
+6 Bhutto :
+7 Death :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukrainian protesters back in streets for anti-government rally
+// Ukraine protesters topple Lenin statue in Kiev
+1 Ukraine :
+2 protesters :
+3 topple :
+4 Lenin :
+5 statue :
+6 in :
+7 Kiev :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Jamaican connection in Liverpool 's win
+// Japan Election : Shinzo Abe Hails Landslide Win
+1 Japan :
+2 Election :
+3 : :
+4 Shinzo :
+5 Abe :
+6 Hails :
+7 Landslide :
+8 Win :
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rescuers scour debris after India buildings collapse
+// Select images from Bangladesh building collapse
+1 Select :
+2 images :
+3 from :
+4 Bangladesh :
+5 building :
+6 collapse :
+4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rock bands ' plane makes emergency landing in Ill.
+// Rock Bands ' Plane Makes Emergency Landing in Ill.
+1 Rock :
+2 Bands :
+3 ' :
+4 Plane :
+5 Makes :
+6 Emergency :
+7 Landing :
+8 in :
+9 Ill. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Boston bombing suspect remains in hospital
+// Boston bombing suspect charged in hospital bed
+1 Boston :
+2 bombing :
+3 suspect :
+4 charged :
+5 in :
+6 hospital :
+7 bed :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// PPP 's Shehla Raza elected Deputy Speaker of SA
+// Shehla Raza takes oath as Sindh Assembly deputy speaker
+1 Shehla :
+2 Raza :
+3 takes :
+4 oath :
+5 as :
+6 Sindh :
+7 Assembly :
+8 deputy :
+9 speaker :
+2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 11:42 Churchill 's last child dies aged 91
+// Churchill 's youngest child Lady Soames dies aged 91
+1 Churchill :
+2 's :
+3 youngest :
+4 child :
+5 Lady :
+6 Soames :
+7 dies :
+8 aged :
+9 91 :
+2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// N. Korea test-fires 30 short-range missiles into sea : Yonhap
+// Iran says it test-fires new land-to-sea missile in Gulf
+1 Iran :
+2 says :
+3 it :
+4 test-fires :
+5 new :
+6 land-to-sea :
+7 missile :
+8 in :
+9 Gulf :
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Chinese shares close higher Tuesday
+// Chinese shares close lower on Wednesday
+1 Chinese :
+3 close :
+4 lower :
+5 on :
+6 Wednesday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// North Korea shuns offer of talks
+// North Korea shoots 2 rockets
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 shoots :
+4 2 :
+5 rockets :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// In surprise visit to Afghanistan , Obama tells troops ' you inspire me '
+// Obama Makes Surprise Visit To Afghanistan
+1 Obama :
+2 Makes :
+3 Surprise :
+4 Visit :
+5 To :
+6 Afghanistan :
+1 2 3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US awaits high court judgment on gay marriage
+// Ark. high court again suspends gay marriage
+1 Ark. :
+2 high :
+3 court :
+4 again :
+5 suspends :
+6 gay :
+7 marriage :
+3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Sisi sworn in as Egypt 's president , cool reception from West
+// Egypt 's Sisi sworn in as president
+1 Egypt :
+2 's :
+3 Sisi :
+4 sworn :
+5 in :
+6 as :
+7 president :
+1 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China to investigate EU wine exports
+// Christie investigation heats up
+1 Christie :
+2 investigation :
+3 heats :
+4 up :
+2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Eurozone 's unemployment climbs to 12.1% , a fresh record high
+// Eurozone unemployment hit record 12.2% in September
+1 Eurozone :
+2 unemployment :
+3 hit :
+4 record :
+5 12.2% :
+6 in :
+7 September :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// South Korean President Sorry For Ferry Response
+// S. Korean president ' sorry ' for ferry disaster
+1 S. :
+2 Korean :
+3 president :
+4 ' :
+5 sorry :
+6 ' :
+7 for :
+8 ferry :
+9 disaster :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pro-Russian rebels shoot down Ukrainian plane , 49 killed
+// Ukraine Rebels shoot down plane carrying 49
+1 Ukraine :
+2 Rebels :
+3 shoot :
+4 down :
+5 plane :
+6 carrying :
+7 49 :
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Saudi pushes UN resolution on Syria abuse
+// Cameron pushes U.N. resolution on Syrian chemical arms
+1 Cameron :
+2 pushes :
+3 U.N. :
+4 resolution :
+5 on :
+6 Syrian :
+7 chemical :
+8 arms :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// At least 45 killed in Spain train crash
+// Update 2 : 78 killed in Spanish train disaster
+1 Update :
+2 2 :
+3 : :
+4 78 :
+5 killed :
+6 in :
+7 Spanish :
+8 train :
+9 disaster :
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 19 hurt in New Orleans shooting
+// 17 Hurt at New Orleans Parade Shooting
+1 17 :
+2 Hurt :
+3 at :
+4 New :
+5 Orleans :
+6 Parade :
+7 Shooting :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Vatican Embassy in Syria hit by mortar fire
+// Vatican embassy in Syria hit by mortar ; no injuries
+1 Vatican :
+2 embassy :
+3 in :
+4 Syria :
+5 hit :
+6 by :
+7 mortar :
+8 ; :
+9 no :
+10 injuries :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The Note 's Must-Reads for Friday May 24 , 2013
+// The Note 's Must-Reads for Tuesday October 29 , 2013
+1 The :
+2 Note :
+3 's :
+4 Must-Reads :
+5 for :
+6 Tuesday :
+7 October :
+8 29 :
+9 , :
+10 2013 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nato condemns Ukraine crackdown
+// Thai bonds best in region
+1 Thai :
+2 bonds :
+3 best :
+4 in :
+5 region :
+1 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel 's Peres urges return to peace talks
+// Gonsalves keeps up pressure on Dom Rep
+1 Gonsalves :
+2 keeps :
+3 up :
+4 pressure :
+5 on :
+6 Dom :
+7 Rep :
+4 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Assault on Iraq Funeral , Other Attacks Kill 92
+// Assault on Iraq funeral , other attacks kill 96
+1 Assault :
+2 on :
+3 Iraq :
+4 funeral :
+5 , :
+6 other :
+7 attacks :
+8 kill :
+9 96 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two NATO soldiers killed in Afghanistan
+// Five Libyan soldiers killed in Benghazi clashes
+1 Five :
+2 Libyan :
+3 soldiers :
+4 killed :
+5 in :
+6 Benghazi :
+7 clashes :
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US top diplomat Kerry 's wife rushed to hospital
+// US Secretary of State John Kerry 's wife rushed to hospital
+1 US :
+2 Secretary :
+3 of :
+4 State :
+5 John :
+6 Kerry :
+7 's :
+8 wife :
+9 rushed :
+10 to :
+11 hospital :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt 's Brotherhood to hold " march of anger "
+// Egypt 's Brotherhood holds Day of Rage rallies
+1 Egypt :
+2 's :
+3 Brotherhood :
+4 holds :
+5 Day :
+6 of :
+7 Rage :
+8 rallies :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel and Hamas to observe brief Gaza truce
+// Israel And Hamas ' Accept Temporary Truce '
+1 Israel :
+2 And :
+3 Hamas :
+4 ' :
+5 Accept :
+6 Temporary :
+7 Truce :
+8 ' :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Foreign exchange rates in Singapore
+// Foreign exchange rates in India
+1 Foreign :
+2 exchange :
+3 rates :
+4 in :
+5 India :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World 's oldest man dies at 116
+// Japan : World 's Oldest Man Ever Dies Aged 116
+1 Japan :
+2 : :
+3 World :
+4 's :
+5 Oldest :
+6 Man :
+7 Ever :
+8 Dies :
+9 Aged :
+10 116 :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Germany welcomes Iran nuclear agreement
+// Syria welcomes Iran 's nuclear deal
+1 Syria :
+2 welcomes :
+3 Iran :
+4 's :
+5 nuclear :
+6 deal :
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// South Korea proposes talks with North
+// South Korea Says Talks With North Scrapped
+1 South :
+2 Korea :
+3 Says :
+4 Talks :
+5 With :
+6 North :
+7 Scrapped :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Video shows Kenya jihadis casually killing in mall
+// Security video shows Kenyan soldiers looting mall
+1 Security :
+2 video :
+3 shows :
+4 Kenyan :
+5 soldiers :
+6 looting :
+7 mall :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// UN inspectors hail progress over Syria chemical weapons
+// U.S. has not concluded Syria used chemical weapons -White House
+1 U.S. :
+2 has :
+3 not :
+4 concluded :
+5 Syria :
+6 used :
+7 chemical :
+8 weapons :
+9 -White :
+10 House :
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran rejects claim on chlorine bombs
+// Iran rejects MKO claim on nuclear site
+1 Iran :
+2 rejects :
+3 MKO :
+4 claim :
+5 on :
+6 nuclear :
+7 site :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// One dead in US building collapse
+// Six killed in US building collapse
+1 Six :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 US :
+5 building :
+6 collapse :
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Fallen US firefighters brought home
+// Wall Street ends slightly lower
+1 Wall :
+2 Street :
+3 ends :
+4 slightly :
+5 lower :
+1 2 3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ship hunting for more pings in missing Malaysian plane search
+// Australian ship trawls for signals from missing Malaysia plane
+1 Australian :
+2 ship :
+3 trawls :
+4 for :
+5 signals :
+6 from :
+7 missing :
+8 Malaysia :
+9 plane :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tehran-London ties to improve , Afkham
+// Tehran-London ties to improve
+1 Tehran-London :
+2 ties :
+3 to :
+4 improve :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Mandela ' responding to treatment '
+// Wife : Mandela is responding to treatment .
+1 Wife :
+2 : :
+3 Mandela :
+4 is :
+5 responding :
+6 to :
+7 treatment :
+8 . :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunmen assassinate Libyan deputy industry minister
+// Gunmen kill Libyan deputy industry minister
+1 Gunmen :
+2 kill :
+3 Libyan :
+4 deputy :
+5 industry :
+6 minister :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China yuan weakens to 6.1535 against USD
+// China yuan strengthens to new high against USD
+1 China :
+2 yuan :
+3 strengthens :
+4 to :
+5 new :
+6 high :
+7 against :
+8 USD :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Indonesians burn Australian flags over spying reports
+// Indonesia Confronts Australian Ambassador on Reports of Spying
+1 Indonesia :
+2 Confronts :
+3 Australian :
+4 Ambassador :
+5 on :
+6 Reports :
+7 of :
+8 Spying :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// More Deaths Expected in Canada Oil Train Explosion
+// Five dead in Canada train crash
+1 Five :
+2 dead :
+3 in :
+4 Canada :
+5 train :
+6 crash :
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt court sentences 10 Brotherhood supporters to death - sources
+// Turkish PM tells supporters to prepare for rallies
+1 Turkish :
+2 PM :
+3 tells :
+4 supporters :
+5 to :
+6 prepare :
+7 for :
+8 rallies :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Declines in US stock market moderate
+// Tech sell-off sends Asian stock markets lower
+1 Tech :
+2 sell-off :
+3 sends :
+4 Asian :
+5 stock :
+6 markets :
+7 lower :
+1 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 10 Things to Know : This Week 's Takeaways
+// 10 Things to Know for Today
+1 10 :
+2 Things :
+3 to :
+4 Know :
+5 for :
+6 Today :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine protest leaders name ministers , Russian troops on alert
+// Ukraine says it will not bow to Russian " provocations " in Crimea
+1 Ukraine :
+2 says :
+3 it :
+4 will :
+5 not :
+6 bow :
+7 to :
+8 Russian :
+9 " :
+10 provocations :
+11 " :
+12 in :
+13 Crimea :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US , Russia enter third day of Syria talks
+// US and Russia agree Syria arms deal in Geneva
+1 US :
+2 and :
+3 Russia :
+4 agree :
+5 Syria :
+6 arms :
+7 deal :
+8 in :
+9 Geneva :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// U.S factory orders down 0.7 pct in January
+// German factory orders rebound in January
+1 German :
+2 factory :
+3 orders :
+4 rebound :
+5 in :
+6 January :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// San Diego Mayor Bob Filner 's accusers
+// Worker : San Diego Mayor Made Suggestive Comments
+1 Worker :
+2 : :
+3 San :
+4 Diego :
+5 Mayor :
+6 Made :
+7 Suggestive :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nine Dead In Oklahoma City After Tornadoes Hit
+// Oklahoma City Airport Evacuated During Tornado...
+1 Oklahoma :
+2 City :
+3 Airport :
+4 Evacuated :
+5 During :
+6 Tornado... :
+3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Kenyan forces caused mall collapse
+// Official says Kenyan forces caused mall collapse
+1 Official :
+2 says :
+3 Kenyan :
+4 forces :
+5 caused :
+6 mall :
+7 collapse :
+1 2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine to implement unilateral ceasefire
+// Ukraine offers unilateral ceasefire
+1 Ukraine :
+2 offers :
+3 unilateral :
+4 ceasefire :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Muslim Brotherhood banned in Egypt
+// Military holds upper hand in Egypt
+1 Military :
+2 holds :
+3 upper :
+4 hand :
+5 in :
+6 Egypt :
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Suspect arrested in attack on French soldier
+// Man arrested over attack on French soldier
+1 Man :
+2 arrested :
+3 over :
+4 attack :
+5 on :
+6 French :
+7 soldier :
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Obama Urges Restraint from Israelis , Palestinians
+// Obama meets Israeli , Palestinian negotiators
+1 Obama :
+2 meets :
+3 Israeli :
+4 , :
+5 Palestinian :
+6 negotiators :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Brazilians throng streets to greet pope
+// In Brazil , thousands turn out to greet Pope Francis
+1 In :
+2 Brazil :
+3 , :
+4 thousands :
+5 turn :
+6 out :
+7 to :
+8 greet :
+9 Pope :
+10 Francis :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Quake shakes northeastern Japan , no tsunami risk
+// Quake hits Japan , no tsunami warning
+1 Quake :
+2 hits :
+3 Japan :
+4 , :
+5 no :
+6 tsunami :
+7 warning :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Detroit eligible for bankruptcy protection : U.S. judge
+// Detroit eligible for bankruptcy protection
+1 Detroit :
+2 eligible :
+3 for :
+4 bankruptcy :
+5 protection :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Vietnam detects signals from missing plane
+// China expands search area for missing plane
+1 China :
+2 expands :
+3 search :
+4 area :
+5 for :
+6 missing :
+7 plane :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Six US soldiers killed in aircraft crash in Afghanistan
+// Six U.S. soldiers killed in helicopter crash in Afghanistan
+1 Six :
+2 U.S. :
+3 soldiers :
+4 killed :
+5 in :
+6 helicopter :
+7 crash :
+8 in :
+9 Afghanistan :
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// EU offers to help destroy Syria weapons
+// Germany offers help in destroying Syria weapons
+1 Germany :
+2 offers :
+3 help :
+4 in :
+5 destroying :
+6 Syria :
+7 weapons :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt arrests Muslim Brotherhood 's top leader
+// Egypt Arrests Muslim Brotherhood Supporters Under Terror Law
+1 Egypt :
+2 Arrests :
+3 Muslim :
+4 Brotherhood :
+5 Supporters :
+6 Under :
+7 Terror :
+8 Law :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Arsenal v Stoke City - live!
+// Tottenham v Manchester City - live!
+1 Tottenham :
+2 v :
+3 Manchester :
+4 City :
+5 - :
+6 live! :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// London Marathon runners honour Boston victims
+// London Marathon observes silence for Boston victims
+1 London :
+2 Marathon :
+3 observes :
+4 silence :
+5 for :
+6 Boston :
+7 victims :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Today in History , Dec. 2
+// Today in History , April 23
+1 Today :
+2 in :
+3 History :
+4 , :
+5 April :
+6 23 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Desmond Tutu says he will attend Mandela funeral
+// Tutu says will attend Mandela funeral
+1 Tutu :
+2 says :
+3 will :
+4 attend :
+5 Mandela :
+6 funeral :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nigerian gunmen kill groom , 30 others in wedding convoy
+// Nigeria official : Gunmen kill 30 in wedding convoy
+1 Nigeria :
+2 official :
+3 : :
+4 Gunmen :
+5 kill :
+6 30 :
+7 in :
+8 wedding :
+9 convoy :
+1 2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Deaths rise in Israeli air strikes on Gaza
+// Deaths rise in air strikes on Gaza
+1 Deaths :
+2 rise :
+3 in :
+4 air :
+5 strikes :
+6 on :
+7 Gaza :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US drone strike kills 11 in Pakistan
+// US drone kills 16 in Pakistan
+1 US :
+2 drone :
+3 kills :
+4 16 :
+5 in :
+6 Pakistan :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Islamic militants kill 9 foreign tourists , 1 Pakistani
+// Gunmen Kill 11 Foreign Tourists in Pakistan
+1 Gunmen :
+2 Kill :
+3 11 :
+4 Foreign :
+5 Tourists :
+6 in :
+7 Pakistan :
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Boeing 787 Dreamliner fire shuts Heathrow
+// Boeing 787 Dreamliner catches fire at London Heathrow airport
+1 Boeing :
+2 787 :
+3 Dreamliner :
+4 catches :
+5 fire :
+6 at :
+7 London :
+8 Heathrow :
+9 airport :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf arrested again
+// Former Pakistan military ruler Pervez Musharraf granted bail
+1 Former :
+2 Pakistan :
+3 military :
+4 ruler :
+5 Pervez :
+6 Musharraf :
+7 granted :
+8 bail :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Latest storm brings more snow to US East Coast
+// Latest Storm to Bring More Snow to East Coast
+1 Latest :
+2 Storm :
+3 to :
+4 Bring :
+5 More :
+6 Snow :
+7 to :
+8 East :
+9 Coast :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Powerful 7.6 quake strikes off Solomons
+// Powerful 6.9 quake strikes off California coast
+1 Powerful :
+2 6.9 :
+3 quake :
+4 strikes :
+5 off :
+6 California :
+7 coast :
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World sends emergency relief to battered Philippines
+// Typhoon Haiyan : world sends relief to battered Philippines
+1 Typhoon :
+2 Haiyan :
+3 : :
+4 world :
+5 sends :
+6 relief :
+7 to :
+8 battered :
+9 Philippines :
+1 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// EU , Britain argue over Juncker appointment
+// EU leaders give thumbs up to Juncker , Britain isolated
+1 EU :
+2 leaders :
+3 give :
+4 thumbs :
+5 up :
+6 to :
+7 Juncker :
+8 , :
+9 Britain :
+10 isolated :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Dozens injured in Connecticut train collision
+// Indian minister killed in head-on collision
+1 Indian :
+2 minister :
+3 killed :
+4 in :
+5 head-on :
+6 collision :
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Russian Prime Minister On Second Day Of Crimea Visit
+// Russia warns against setting preconditions for Syria
+1 Russia :
+2 warns :
+3 against :
+4 setting :
+5 preconditions :
+6 for :
+7 Syria :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Barack Obama cancels meeting with Vladimir Putin over Edward Snowden
+// Barack Obama drops meeting with Vladimir Putin over Ed Snowden affair
+1 Barack :
+2 Obama :
+3 drops :
+4 meeting :
+5 with :
+6 Vladimir :
+7 Putin :
+8 over :
+9 Ed :
+10 Snowden :
+11 affair :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// India govt rejects proposal to shut petrol pumps at night
+// India oil minister slammed for plan to shut petrol stations at night
+1 India :
+2 oil :
+3 minister :
+4 slammed :
+5 for :
+6 plan :
+7 to :
+8 shut :
+9 petrol :
+10 stations :
+11 at :
+12 night :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israeli war jet strikes on northern Gaza
+// Israeli air strike on sourthern Gaza town kills seven
+1 Israeli :
+2 air :
+3 strike :
+4 on :
+5 sourthern :
+6 Gaza :
+7 town :
+8 kills :
+9 seven :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tropical Storm Karen targets US Gulf Coast
+// Tropical Storm Karen weakens as it nears U.S. Gulf Coast
+1 Tropical :
+2 Storm :
+3 Karen :
+4 weakens :
+5 as :
+6 it :
+7 nears :
+8 U.S. :
+9 Gulf :
+10 Coast :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Toyota , Honda , Nissan and Mazda recall 3 million Japanese cars after airbag fault
+// Toyota , 3 other Japan carmakers to recall 3.4m vehicles over airbag
+1 Toyota :
+2 , :
+3 3 :
+4 other :
+5 Japan :
+6 carmakers :
+7 to :
+8 recall :
+9 3.4m :
+10 vehicles :
+11 over :
+12 airbag :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China sends largest fleet yet to disputed islands
+// China ships enter waters off disputed islands
+1 China :
+2 ships :
+3 enter :
+4 waters :
+5 off :
+6 disputed :
+7 islands :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// California governor declares drought emergency
+// California governor declares drought emergency as wildfires continue to burn
+1 California :
+2 governor :
+3 declares :
+4 drought :
+5 emergency :
+6 as :
+7 wildfires :
+8 continue :
+9 to :
+10 burn :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine rebels ' flee eastern stronghold '
+// Ukraine Claims Rebels Flushed from Main Stronghold
+1 Ukraine :
+2 Claims :
+3 Rebels :
+4 Flushed :
+5 from :
+6 Main :
+7 Stronghold :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// France warns of extremists benefiting from Egypt violence
+// France fears extremists will benefit from Egypt violence
+1 France :
+2 fears :
+3 extremists :
+4 will :
+5 benefit :
+6 from :
+7 Egypt :
+8 violence :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Obama moves to fill Fed board , taps Fischer to be No. 2
+// Obama voices willingness to talk with GOP on budget
+1 Obama :
+2 voices :
+3 willingness :
+4 to :
+5 talk :
+6 with :
+7 GOP :
+8 on :
+9 budget :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 42 killed , 63 wounded in violence in Iraq
+// 44 killed , 133 wounded in Iraq 's violence
+1 44 :
+2 killed :
+3 , :
+4 133 :
+5 wounded :
+6 in :
+7 Iraq :
+8 's :
+9 violence :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// U.S. soldier free after almost five years captivity in Afghanistan
+// US soldier freed after 5 years in captivity in Afghanistan
+1 US :
+2 soldier :
+3 freed :
+4 after :
+5 5 :
+6 years :
+7 in :
+8 captivity :
+9 in :
+10 Afghanistan :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Thousands of Britons claim dole in Germany
+// Thousands of white-clad Amsterdammers march for MH17
+1 Thousands :
+2 of :
+3 white-clad :
+4 Amsterdammers :
+5 march :
+6 for :
+7 MH17 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bradley Manning acquitted of aiding the enemy
+// Wikileaks soldier Bradley Manning acquitted of aiding the enemy
+1 Wikileaks :
+2 soldier :
+3 Bradley :
+4 Manning :
+5 acquitted :
+6 of :
+7 aiding :
+8 the :
+9 enemy :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Brazil Buzzing With Anticipation for Pope Francis
+// Brazil crowds greet Pope Francis
+1 Brazil :
+2 crowds :
+3 greet :
+4 Pope :
+5 Francis :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Drone Strikes a Seminary in Pakistan
+// US drone strike kills 8 in NW Pakistan
+1 US :
+2 drone :
+3 strike :
+4 kills :
+5 8 :
+6 in :
+7 NW :
+8 Pakistan :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunmen kill 10 foreign tourists in northern Pakistan
+// Islamic militants kill 9 foreign tourists , 1 Pakistani
+1 Islamic :
+2 militants :
+3 kill :
+4 9 :
+5 foreign :
+6 tourists :
+7 , :
+8 1 :
+9 Pakistani :
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Death toll in Nairobi attack rises to 59
+// Death toll from Egypt violence rises to 638
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 from :
+4 Egypt :
+5 violence :
+6 rises :
+7 to :
+8 638 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian regime ' using chemical weapons on a small scale '
+// White House says Syria uses chemical weapons in conflict
+1 White :
+2 House :
+3 says :
+4 Syria :
+5 uses :
+6 chemical :
+7 weapons :
+8 in :
+9 conflict :
+1 2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Venezuelan opposition leader sought
+// Venezuela Government , Opposition Head for Showdown
+1 Venezuela :
+2 Government :
+3 , :
+4 Opposition :
+5 Head :
+6 for :
+7 Showdown :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// UK 's Cameron seriously concerned by Gibraltar/Spain row
+// Cameron ' seriously concerned ' over Gibraltar events
+1 Cameron :
+2 ' :
+3 seriously :
+4 concerned :
+5 ' :
+6 over :
+7 Gibraltar :
+8 events :
+2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// What the Papers Say , Nov. 19 , 2013
+// What the Papers Say Sept. 26 , 2013
+1 What :
+2 the :
+3 Papers :
+4 Say :
+5 Sept. :
+6 26 :
+7 , :
+8 2013 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Top Diplomats Meet in Munich at Critical Time
+// Top Diplomats Discuss Iran 's Nuclear Program
+1 Top :
+2 Diplomats :
+3 Discuss :
+4 Iran :
+5 's :
+6 Nuclear :
+7 Program :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iranian nuclear talks to be extended to November
+// New Iran nuclear talks probably in November : report
+1 New :
+2 Iran :
+3 nuclear :
+4 talks :
+5 probably :
+6 in :
+7 November :
+8 : :
+9 report :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian Opposition Mulls Participation in Peace Talks
+// Syrian opposition confirms participation in peace talks
+1 Syrian :
+2 opposition :
+3 confirms :
+4 participation :
+5 in :
+6 peace :
+7 talks :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rudd sworn in as Australian PM
+// Rudd sworn in as Australia 's new Prime Minister
+1 Rudd :
+2 sworn :
+3 in :
+4 as :
+5 Australia :
+6 's :
+7 new :
+8 Prime :
+9 Minister :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Obama says Korean War veterans ' deserved better '
+// Obama : Korean War vets ' deserve better '
+1 Obama :
+2 : :
+3 Korean :
+4 War :
+5 vets :
+6 ' :
+7 deserve :
+8 better :
+9 ' :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Andhra Pradesh high court asks Telugu actors Mohan Babu , Brahmanandam to return Padma Shri
+// HC advises actors Mohan Babu , Brahmanandam to return Padma Shri
+1 HC :
+2 advises :
+3 actors :
+4 Mohan :
+5 Babu :
+6 , :
+7 Brahmanandam :
+8 to :
+9 return :
+10 Padma :
+11 Shri :
+6 7 8 9 10 11 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pro football player Aaron Hernandez charged with murder in friend 's shooting death
+// American football player Aaron Hernandez charged with murder
+1 American :
+2 football :
+3 player :
+4 Aaron :
+5 Hernandez :
+6 charged :
+7 with :
+8 murder :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Algerian president in France for medical tests
+// Algerian president in France for medical tests after minor stroke
+1 Algerian :
+2 president :
+3 in :
+4 France :
+5 for :
+6 medical :
+7 tests :
+8 after :
+9 minor :
+10 stroke :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel to release Palestinian prisoners
+// Israel Releases 26 Palestinian Prisoners
+1 Israel :
+2 Releases :
+3 26 :
+4 Palestinian :
+5 Prisoners :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// British Nobel-Winning Author Doris Lessing Dies
+// Nobel Prize winning author Doris Lessing dies
+1 Nobel :
+2 Prize :
+3 winning :
+4 author :
+5 Doris :
+6 Lessing :
+7 dies :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Carter stars for Crusaders
+// Bonus-point Super Rugby win for Crusaders
+1 Bonus-point :
+2 Super :
+3 Rugby :
+4 win :
+5 for :
+6 Crusaders :
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Car bombs kill at least 16 in Iraqi capital
+// Car bombs kill at least 47 in Baghdad area
+1 Car :
+2 bombs :
+3 kill :
+4 at :
+5 least :
+6 47 :
+7 in :
+8 Baghdad :
+9 area :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// ' Fast & ; Furious ' star Paul Walker dies in car crash at 40
+// Hollywood star Paul Walker dies in car crash
+1 Hollywood :
+2 star :
+3 Paul :
+4 Walker :
+5 dies :
+6 in :
+7 car :
+8 crash :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China eases one-child policy
+// China formalizes easing of one-child policy
+1 China :
+2 formalizes :
+3 easing :
+4 of :
+5 one-child :
+6 policy :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Global chemical watchdog wins Nobel Peace Prize
+// Chemical weapons watchdog wins Nobel Peace prize
+1 Chemical :
+2 weapons :
+3 watchdog :
+4 wins :
+5 Nobel :
+6 Peace :
+7 prize :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Woman remanded over child 's death A woman has been remanded in custody charged with murder after an eight-year-old girl was found dead in a block of flats.
+// Mother held over daughter 's death A mother has been remanded in custody charged with murder after her eight-year-old daughter was found dead in a block of flats.
+1 Mother :
+2 held :
+3 over :
+4 daughter :
+5 's :
+6 death :
+7 A :
+8 mother :
+9 has :
+10 been :
+11 remanded :
+12 in :
+13 custody :
+14 charged :
+15 with :
+16 murder :
+17 after :
+18 her :
+19 eight-year-old :
+20 daughter :
+21 was :
+22 found :
+23 dead :
+24 in :
+25 a :
+26 block :
+27 of :
+28 flats. :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 16 <==> 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+21 22 <==> 21 22 // EQUI // 5 //
+23 <==> 23 // EQUI // 5 //
+24 25 26 <==> 24 25 26 // EQUI // 5 //
+27 28 <==> 27 28 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Police fire tear gas at pro-Morsy protesters
+// Turkish police fire teargas at protesters in Istanbul
+1 Turkish :
+2 police :
+3 fire :
+4 teargas :
+5 at :
+6 protesters :
+7 in :
+8 Istanbul :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 17:02 23 killed in Iraq car bombings
+// 11 children killed in Syria bombings
+1 11 :
+2 children :
+3 killed :
+4 in :
+5 Syria :
+6 bombings :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunmen kill nine foreign tourists , guide in Pakistan
+// Gunmen kill nine tourists in Pakistan
+1 Gunmen :
+2 kill :
+3 nine :
+4 tourists :
+5 in :
+6 Pakistan :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pro-Russia rebels to hold vote in Ukraine
+// Syria rebels : We killed Hezbollah men in Lebanon
+1 Syria :
+2 rebels :
+3 : :
+4 We :
+5 killed :
+6 Hezbollah :
+7 men :
+8 in :
+9 Lebanon :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Erdogan criticizes court ruling after lifting Twitter ban
+// Erdogan slams top court for lifting Twitter ban
+1 Erdogan :
+2 slams :
+3 top :
+4 court :
+5 for :
+6 lifting :
+7 Twitter :
+8 ban :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Today in History , Jan. 24
+// Today in History , April 4
+1 Today :
+2 in :
+3 History :
+4 , :
+5 April :
+6 4 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Janet Yellen to become first woman to lead the Federal Reserve
+// US Senate confirms Janet Yellen as US Federal Reserve chief
+1 US :
+2 Senate :
+3 confirms :
+4 Janet :
+5 Yellen :
+6 as :
+7 US :
+8 Federal :
+9 Reserve :
+10 chief :
+1 2 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Police use water cannon as India gang-rape protest turns violent
+// Police fire teargas , water cannon at Istanbul protesters
+1 Police :
+2 fire :
+3 teargas :
+4 , :
+5 water :
+6 cannon :
+7 at :
+8 Istanbul :
+9 protesters :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US consumers boost spending 0.2 pct. last month
+// Consumer spending up 0.2 percent in May
+1 Consumer :
+2 spending :
+3 up :
+4 0.2 :
+5 percent :
+6 in :
+7 May :
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran 's Rouhani admits chemical weapons killed people in Syria
+// Probe alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria
+1 Probe :
+2 alleged :
+3 use :
+4 of :
+5 chemical :
+6 weapons :
+7 in :
+8 Syria :
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Britain 's Prince Philip set for ' exploratory ' surgery
+// UK 's Prince Philip hospitalized
+1 UK :
+2 's :
+3 Prince :
+4 Philip :
+5 hospitalized :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Huge explosion after oil train derails in Canada
+// Huge explosion as freight train derails near Baltimore
+1 Huge :
+2 explosion :
+3 as :
+4 freight :
+5 train :
+6 derails :
+7 near :
+8 Baltimore :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// NATO soldier killed in Taliban attack
+// Four soldiers killed in Yemen
+1 Four :
+2 soldiers :
+3 killed :
+4 in :
+5 Yemen :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Red Cross workers released in Ukraine
+// Red Cross members kidnapped in Syria
+1 Red :
+2 Cross :
+3 members :
+4 kidnapped :
+5 in :
+6 Syria :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran 's nuclear negotiating team leaves for Kazakhstan
+// Iran 's nuclear quest ' has cost Tehran over $100 billion '
+1 Iran :
+2 's :
+3 nuclear :
+4 quest :
+5 ' :
+6 has :
+7 cost :
+8 Tehran :
+9 over :
+10 $100 :
+11 billion :
+12 ' :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Myanmar arrests 44 over sectarian violence
+// Ban Warns Syria Strikes Could Worsen Sectarian Violence
+1 Ban :
+2 Warns :
+3 Syria :
+4 Strikes :
+5 Could :
+6 Worsen :
+7 Sectarian :
+8 Violence :
+4 5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Google Unveils Prototype Self-Driving Car
+// Google Unveils Concept Self-Driving Car
+1 Google :
+2 Unveils :
+3 Concept :
+4 Self-Driving :
+5 Car :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel to free Palestinian prisoners over Kerry talks
+// Israel Agrees to Free 104 Palestinian Prisoners as Part of Possible Deal to Restart Peace Talks
+1 Israel :
+2 Agrees :
+3 to :
+4 Free :
+5 104 :
+6 Palestinian :
+7 Prisoners :
+8 as :
+9 Part :
+10 of :
+11 Possible :
+12 Deal :
+13 to :
+14 Restart :
+15 Peace :
+16 Talks :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Chemical Arms Team to Begin Talks With Syria
+// UN Chemical Arms Experts To Visit Syria
+1 UN :
+2 Chemical :
+3 Arms :
+4 Experts :
+5 To :
+6 Visit :
+7 Syria :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt 's opposition criticizes president 's speech
+// Pakistan 's opposition party boycotts presidential elections
+1 Pakistan :
+2 's :
+3 opposition :
+4 party :
+5 boycotts :
+6 presidential :
+7 elections :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rogers hires Vodafone UK chief Guy Laurence as CEO
+// Rogers names Vodafone UK chief as new CEO
+1 Rogers :
+2 names :
+3 Vodafone :
+4 UK :
+5 chief :
+6 as :
+7 new :
+8 CEO :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// One dead , 77 hurt in riot at PNG immigration centre
+// One dead , 77 hurt in riot at Papua New Guinea immigration centre
+1 One :
+2 dead :
+3 , :
+4 77 :
+5 hurt :
+6 in :
+7 riot :
+8 at :
+9 Papua :
+10 New :
+11 Guinea :
+12 immigration :
+13 centre :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 15 dead as Egypt police disperse pro-Mursi camps
+// ' 15 killed ' as Egyptian forces clear pro-Morsi camps in Cairo
+1 ' :
+2 15 :
+3 killed :
+4 ' :
+5 as :
+6 Egyptian :
+7 forces :
+8 clear :
+9 pro-Morsi :
+10 camps :
+11 in :
+12 Cairo :
+1 2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian PM Survives Bomb Attack
+// Syrian PM survives bomb attack in capital
+1 Syrian :
+2 PM :
+3 survives :
+4 bomb :
+5 attack :
+6 in :
+7 capital :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// North Korea claims ' breakthrough ' guided missile
+// N. Korea hails test of ' breakthrough ' guided missile
+1 N. :
+2 Korea :
+3 hails :
+4 test :
+5 of :
+6 ' :
+7 breakthrough :
+8 ' :
+9 guided :
+10 missile :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : February 25
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : January 27
+1 India :
+2 Ink :
+3 : :
+4 Image :
+5 of :
+6 the :
+7 Day :
+8 : :
+9 January :
+10 27 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bangladesh collapse search over ; death toll 1,127
+// Bangladesh collapse deaths top 620
+1 Bangladesh :
+2 collapse :
+3 deaths :
+4 top :
+5 620 :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Japan 's opposition party chief criticizes Abe 's economic policies
+// Zimbabwe 's opposition MDC party challenges Robert Mugabe 's election win
+1 Zimbabwe :
+2 's :
+3 opposition :
+4 MDC :
+5 party :
+6 challenges :
+7 Robert :
+8 Mugabe :
+9 's :
+10 election :
+11 win :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Abdullah ahead in Afghanistan election race
+// Abdullah leading in Afghan presidential elections
+1 Abdullah :
+2 leading :
+3 in :
+4 Afghan :
+5 presidential :
+6 elections :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// New major earthquake rocks southwest Pakistan
+// Moderate earthquake hits southern Pakistan
+1 Moderate :
+2 earthquake :
+3 hits :
+4 southern :
+5 Pakistan :
+1 2 3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Berlusconi party ministers ' announcement of resignation throws Italy into political crisis
+// Berlusconi ministers resign ; Italy gov 't in crisis
+1 Berlusconi :
+2 ministers :
+3 resign :
+4 ; :
+5 Italy :
+6 gov :
+7 't :
+8 in :
+9 crisis :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nicaragua , Venezuela offer asylum to Snowden
+// Venezuela offers " humanitarian asylum " to Snowden
+1 Venezuela :
+2 offers :
+3 " :
+4 humanitarian :
+5 asylum :
+6 " :
+7 to :
+8 Snowden :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 17 govt employees killed in Pakistan bus bombing
+// At least 78 killed in Pakistan church bombing
+1 At :
+2 least :
+3 78 :
+4 killed :
+5 in :
+6 Pakistan :
+7 church :
+8 bombing :
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two hurt in Bangkok shooting
+// Two hurt in US school shooting
+1 Two :
+2 hurt :
+3 in :
+4 US :
+5 school :
+6 shooting :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel colonel killed in Jordan Valley
+// Israeli killed in West Bank attack
+1 Israeli :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 West :
+5 Bank :
+6 attack :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bangladesh police arrest prominent atheist blogger
+// Bangladesh police arrest 3 atheist bloggers
+1 Bangladesh :
+2 police :
+3 arrest :
+4 3 :
+5 atheist :
+6 bloggers :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Cannes hotel raid nets €40 million gems
+// Jewels worth €40m stolen in Cannes
+1 Jewels :
+2 worth :
+3 €40m :
+4 stolen :
+5 in :
+6 Cannes :
+1 2 3 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Chinese News Agency Slams Delays in Search for Jet
+// Ten Chinese vessels on standby for jet search
+1 Ten :
+2 Chinese :
+3 vessels :
+4 on :
+5 standby :
+6 for :
+7 jet :
+8 search :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syria envoy says no peace talks without opposition
+// Syria : Cameron and Obama move west closer to intervention
+1 Syria :
+2 : :
+3 Cameron :
+4 and :
+5 Obama :
+6 move :
+7 west :
+8 closer :
+9 to :
+10 intervention :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Mel Smith dead at 60 and UK mourns a comedy favourite
+// Griff Rhys Jones : Mel Smith was ' a force for life '
+1 Griff :
+2 Rhys :
+3 Jones :
+4 : :
+5 Mel :
+6 Smith :
+7 was :
+8 ' :
+9 a :
+10 force :
+11 for :
+12 life :
+13 ' :
+1 2 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Driver of crashed Spanish train held on suspicion of negligent homicide
+// Spanish train driver held on suspicion of negligent homicide
+1 Spanish :
+2 train :
+3 driver :
+4 held :
+5 on :
+6 suspicion :
+7 of :
+8 negligent :
+9 homicide :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran warns against military intervention in Iraq
+// FM Spokeswoman : Iran against US military interference in Iraq
+1 FM :
+2 Spokeswoman :
+3 : :
+4 Iran :
+5 against :
+6 US :
+7 military :
+8 interference :
+9 in :
+10 Iraq :
+1 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Death toll rises to 51 in Latvian supermarket collapse
+// Death toll hits 63 in Mumbai building collapse
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 hits :
+4 63 :
+5 in :
+6 Mumbai :
+7 building :
+8 collapse :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Defence in South Korea ferry trial warns of scapegoating
+// Defence in ferry trial warns of scapegoating
+1 Defence :
+2 in :
+3 ferry :
+4 trial :
+5 warns :
+6 of :
+7 scapegoating :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// EDL leaders arrested during march to Woolwich
+// EDL leaders arrested on way to Woolwich
+1 EDL :
+2 leaders :
+3 arrested :
+4 on :
+5 way :
+6 to :
+7 Woolwich :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunmen kill nine foreign tourists , guide in Pakistan
+// Gunmen kill 9 foreign tourists , 1 Pakistani
+1 Gunmen :
+2 kill :
+3 9 :
+4 foreign :
+5 tourists :
+6 , :
+7 1 :
+8 Pakistani :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Thai opposition party to boycott general election
+// Thailand 's opposition Democrat Party announces boycott of February general election
+1 Thailand :
+2 's :
+3 opposition :
+4 Democrat :
+5 Party :
+6 announces :
+7 boycott :
+8 of :
+9 February :
+10 general :
+11 election :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian warplanes reportedly strike in Iraq , killing 57
+// Syria and Iran Step Up Involvement in Iraq Conflict
+1 Syria :
+2 and :
+3 Iran :
+4 Step :
+5 Up :
+6 Involvement :
+7 in :
+8 Iraq :
+9 Conflict :
+5 6 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt changes venue for trial of ousted president
+// Egypt Changes Venue for Trial of Ousted President
+1 Egypt :
+2 Changes :
+3 Venue :
+4 for :
+5 Trial :
+6 of :
+7 Ousted :
+8 President :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Respected British interviewer David Frost dies of a heart attack
+// Broadcaster David Frost dies
+1 Broadcaster :
+2 David :
+3 Frost :
+4 dies :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Group : 7 Palestinians killed in Syria
+// Palestinian killed in Israeli raid
+1 Palestinian :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 Israeli :
+5 raid :
+5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Car bomb at Swedish consulate in Libya 's Benghazi , no casualties
+// Car Bomb Hits Swedish Consulate in Benghazi , None Hurt
+1 Car :
+2 Bomb :
+3 Hits :
+4 Swedish :
+5 Consulate :
+6 in :
+7 Benghazi :
+8 , :
+9 None :
+10 Hurt :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US drone strike kills six in Pakistan officials
+// U.S. drone kills 4 militants in Pakistan
+1 U.S. :
+2 drone :
+3 kills :
+4 4 :
+5 militants :
+6 in :
+7 Pakistan :
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Earthquake of 6.3 magnitude strikes off Indonesia island
+// Earthquake of 6 magnitude strikes Thailand
+1 Earthquake :
+2 of :
+3 6 :
+4 magnitude :
+5 strikes :
+6 Thailand :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China quake leaves dozens dead
+// China quake kills at least 179
+1 China :
+2 quake :
+3 kills :
+4 at :
+5 least :
+6 179 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Queen visits Britain 's new prince
+// Queen meets Britain 's new baby prince
+1 Queen :
+2 meets :
+3 Britain :
+4 's :
+5 new :
+6 baby :
+7 prince :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syria opposition pressed to attend talks
+// Syria opposition voices frustration with international backers
+1 Syria :
+2 opposition :
+3 voices :
+4 frustration :
+5 with :
+6 international :
+7 backers :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Putin submits federal constitutional law on Crimea 's integration into Russia to State Duma
+// Putin signs a treaty for Crimea to join Russia
+1 Putin :
+2 signs :
+3 a :
+4 treaty :
+5 for :
+6 Crimea :
+7 to :
+8 join :
+9 Russia :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Venezuela expels three U.S. diplomats
+// Venezuela Expels 3 U.S. Diplomats
+1 Venezuela :
+2 Expels :
+3 3 :
+4 U.S. :
+5 Diplomats :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt 's bruised Islamists protest after bloody week
+// Egypt Islamists defiant after deadly clashes
+1 Egypt :
+2 Islamists :
+3 defiant :
+4 after :
+5 deadly :
+6 clashes :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// N Korea test-fires 30 short-range missiles
+// N. Korea fires short-range missiles
+1 N. :
+2 Korea :
+3 fires :
+4 short-range :
+5 missiles :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Glasgow helicopter death toll rises to nine
+// Earthquake death toll rises to 260
+1 Earthquake :
+2 death :
+3 toll :
+4 rises :
+5 to :
+6 260 :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Shanghai stock indices close mixed -- Nov. 11
+// Shanghai stock indices close higher -- July 23
+1 Shanghai :
+2 stock :
+3 indices :
+4 close :
+5 higher :
+6 -- :
+7 July :
+8 23 :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Prince Charles ' compares Putin to Hitler '
+// Prince Charles ' compares Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler '
+1 Prince :
+2 Charles :
+3 ' :
+4 compares :
+5 Vladimir :
+6 Putin :
+7 to :
+8 Adolf :
+9 Hitler :
+10 ' :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian army retakes Crusader castle from rebels
+// Syrian army retakes historic Crusader castle
+1 Syrian :
+2 army :
+3 retakes :
+4 historic :
+5 Crusader :
+6 castle :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian opposition to meet over peace talks
+// Syrian Opposition Splintered Ahead of Peace Talks
+1 Syrian :
+2 Opposition :
+3 Splintered :
+4 Ahead :
+5 of :
+6 Peace :
+7 Talks :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Four Morsi supporters killed in Egypt clashes
+// Thousands of Morsi supporters gather in Egypt
+1 Thousands :
+2 of :
+3 Morsi :
+4 supporters :
+5 gather :
+6 in :
+7 Egypt :
+1 2 3 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Five people jailed over Costa Concordia disaster
+// five men sentenced for costa concordia shipwreck disaster
+1 five :
+2 men :
+3 sentenced :
+4 for :
+5 costa :
+6 concordia :
+7 shipwreck :
+8 disaster :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tokyo to host 2020 Olympic Games
+// Tokyo wins race to host 2020 Olympic Games
+1 Tokyo :
+2 wins :
+3 race :
+4 to :
+5 host :
+6 2020 :
+7 Olympic :
+8 Games :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Suicide bomber kills eight , wounds 13 in Afghan capital - police
+// Suicide bomb kills 4 in Syrian capital 's Old City
+1 Suicide :
+2 bomb :
+3 kills :
+4 4 :
+5 in :
+6 Syrian :
+7 capital :
+8 's :
+9 Old :
+10 City :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Twelve killed in bomb blast on Pakistani train
+// 11 killed as bus falls into ravine in northern Pakistan
+1 11 :
+2 killed :
+3 as :
+4 bus :
+5 falls :
+6 into :
+7 ravine :
+8 in :
+9 northern :
+10 Pakistan :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 41 killed , 22 wounded in violent attacks in Iraq
+// 35 killed , 138 wounded in wave of attacks in Iraq
+1 35 :
+2 killed :
+3 , :
+4 138 :
+5 wounded :
+6 in :
+7 wave :
+8 of :
+9 attacks :
+10 in :
+11 Iraq :
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China yuan advances to 6.2035 against USD Tuesday
+// China yuan slightly advances to 6.1408 against USD Wednesday
+1 China :
+2 yuan :
+3 slightly :
+4 advances :
+5 to :
+6 6.1408 :
+7 against :
+8 USD :
+9 Wednesday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// New Australian PM Tony Abbott on his bike awaiting final vote count
+// Australian PM-elect Tony Abbott gets to grips with his new job
+1 Australian :
+2 PM-elect :
+3 Tony :
+4 Abbott :
+5 gets :
+6 to :
+7 grips :
+8 with :
+9 his :
+10 new :
+11 job :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Amazon launches new device for streaming video
+// Amazon unveils new Fire TV streaming video box
+1 Amazon :
+2 unveils :
+3 new :
+4 Fire :
+5 TV :
+6 streaming :
+7 video :
+8 box :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Glasgow Helicopter Crash Search Ends
+// Glasgow Helicopter Crash : Woman PC Is Victim
+1 Glasgow :
+2 Helicopter :
+3 Crash :
+4 : :
+5 Woman :
+6 PC :
+7 Is :
+8 Victim :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Thousands evacuated in Moscow metro fire
+// Thousands evacuated after fire breaks out in Moscow Metro
+1 Thousands :
+2 evacuated :
+3 after :
+4 fire :
+5 breaks :
+6 out :
+7 in :
+8 Moscow :
+9 Metro :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bangladesh opposition set for mass march against polls
+// Bangladesh opposition set for mass rally
+1 Bangladesh :
+2 opposition :
+3 set :
+4 for :
+5 mass :
+6 rally :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 40 still missing in Canadian train wreck
+// Hunt still on for 40 missing in Canada train blaze
+1 Hunt :
+2 still :
+3 on :
+4 for :
+5 40 :
+6 missing :
+7 in :
+8 Canada :
+9 train :
+10 blaze :
+1 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Arsenal stars poised to wear T-shirts in support Pat Rice 's fight against cancer
+// Arsenal great Rice in hospital with cancer
+1 Arsenal :
+2 great :
+3 Rice :
+4 in :
+5 hospital :
+6 with :
+7 cancer :
+9 10 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Colombia strike three times
+// Colombia too slick for Greece
+1 Colombia :
+2 too :
+3 slick :
+4 for :
+5 Greece :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Polar bear DNA ' may help fight obesity '
+// Polar bear study may boost fight against obesity
+1 Polar :
+2 bear :
+3 study :
+4 may :
+5 boost :
+6 fight :
+7 against :
+8 obesity :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Fire in Russian psychiatric hospital kills 38
+// 38 feared dead in Russian psychiatric hospital fire
+1 38 :
+2 feared :
+3 dead :
+4 in :
+5 Russian :
+6 psychiatric :
+7 hospital :
+8 fire :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World 's largest building opened in west China
+// Italy 's centre-left splinters in presidential vote
+1 Italy :
+2 's :
+3 centre-left :
+4 splinters :
+5 in :
+6 presidential :
+7 vote :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel not to release Palestinian prisoners
+// Israeli authorities raze Palestinian home in Arraba
+1 Israeli :
+2 authorities :
+3 raze :
+4 Palestinian :
+5 home :
+6 in :
+7 Arraba :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Volcano erupts in Indonesia - 100,000 evacuated and airports closed
+// Volcanic eruption closes 3 airports
+1 Volcanic :
+2 eruption :
+3 closes :
+4 3 :
+5 airports :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Search resumes for Malaysia jet
+// Search Resumes for Missing Malaysian Jet
+1 Search :
+2 Resumes :
+3 for :
+4 Missing :
+5 Malaysian :
+6 Jet :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China yuan weakens to 6.1651 against USD Tuesday
+// China yuan strengthens to 6.1696 against USD Thursday
+1 China :
+2 yuan :
+3 strengthens :
+4 to :
+5 6.1696 :
+6 against :
+7 USD :
+8 Thursday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// South Africa unites in prayer and song for Mandela
+// South Africans Embark on Day of ' Prayer and Reflection ' for Mandela
+1 South :
+2 Africans :
+3 Embark :
+4 on :
+5 Day :
+6 of :
+7 ' :
+8 Prayer :
+9 and :
+10 Reflection :
+11 ' :
+12 for :
+13 Mandela :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Prince William addresses Australian parliament video
+// Royal visit : Prince William and Catherine visit Parliament in Canberra tour
+1 Royal :
+2 visit :
+3 : :
+4 Prince :
+5 William :
+6 and :
+7 Catherine :
+8 visit :
+9 Parliament :
+10 in :
+11 Canberra :
+12 tour :
+1 2 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Fromer Pakistani army chief Musharraf charged in 2007 Bhutto assassination
+// Former Pakistan army chief charged in Bhutto death
+1 Former :
+2 Pakistan :
+3 army :
+4 chief :
+5 charged :
+6 in :
+7 Bhutto :
+8 death :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 5 Dead in India Building Collapse
+// Death toll in India building collapse hits 42
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 in :
+4 India :
+5 building :
+6 collapse :
+7 hits :
+8 42 :
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt Launches Offensive Against Sinai Militants
+// Egypt launches offensive against Sinai insurgents
+1 Egypt :
+2 launches :
+3 offensive :
+4 against :
+5 Sinai :
+6 insurgents :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Assad warns Turkey of ' heavy price ' for backing Syrian rebels
+// Cabinet at war over arming Syrian rebels
+1 Cabinet :
+2 at :
+3 war :
+4 over :
+5 arming :
+6 Syrian :
+7 rebels :
+11 12 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Deal on Iran nuclear drive from Jan 20
+// Deal curbing Iran nuclear drive to take effect Jan 20
+1 Deal :
+2 curbing :
+3 Iran :
+4 nuclear :
+5 drive :
+6 to :
+7 take :
+8 effect :
+9 Jan :
+10 20 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two arrests made after protest against Nigel Farage
+// Kerry vows progress after latest intensive Mideast trip
+1 Kerry :
+2 vows :
+3 progress :
+4 after :
+5 latest :
+6 intensive :
+7 Mideast :
+8 trip :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nobel author Doris Lessing dies at 94
+// Nobel laureate Doris Lessing dies at 94
+1 Nobel :
+2 laureate :
+3 Doris :
+4 Lessing :
+5 dies :
+6 at :
+7 94 :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Man held after teen shot in Belfast
+// Man , 40 , arrested after shooting
+1 Man :
+2 , :
+3 40 :
+4 , :
+5 arrested :
+6 after :
+7 shooting :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran ups oil swap with eastern neighbors
+// Iran urges rapid release of diplomat
+1 Iran :
+2 urges :
+3 rapid :
+4 release :
+5 of :
+6 diplomat :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pakistan 's Musharraf Under Arrest in Bhutto Assassination
+// Pakistan 's Musharraf arrives at court for first time
+1 Pakistan :
+2 's :
+3 Musharraf :
+4 arrives :
+5 at :
+6 court :
+7 for :
+8 first :
+9 time :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pit Bull Dog Kills Baby Girl In Blackburn
+// Dog Mauls Baby Girl To Death In Blackburn
+1 Dog :
+2 Mauls :
+3 Baby :
+4 Girl :
+5 To :
+6 Death :
+7 In :
+8 Blackburn :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Police stop Maldives presidential election
+// Keita Wins Mali Presidential Election
+1 Keita :
+2 Wins :
+3 Mali :
+4 Presidential :
+5 Election :
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 10 Things to Know - Today
+// 10 Things to Know for Tuesday
+1 10 :
+2 Things :
+3 to :
+4 Know :
+5 for :
+6 Tuesday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Air strike kills one man in Syria 's Hama
+// US drone strike kills eleven in Pakistan
+1 US :
+2 drone :
+3 strike :
+4 kills :
+5 eleven :
+6 in :
+7 Pakistan :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// ' One unaccounted for ' in San Francisco plane crash
+// Two killed in San Francisco plane crash ' were Chinese '
+1 Two :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 San :
+5 Francisco :
+6 plane :
+7 crash :
+8 ' :
+9 were :
+10 Chinese :
+11 ' :
+1 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China urges Japan to respect regional security concerns
+// China urges Japan to maintain regional peace
+1 China :
+2 urges :
+3 Japan :
+4 to :
+5 maintain :
+6 regional :
+7 peace :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel Forces Kill 2 Palestinian Militants
+// Israeli army kills Palestinian militant in raid
+1 Israeli :
+2 army :
+3 kills :
+4 Palestinian :
+5 militant :
+6 in :
+7 raid :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine talks continue amid growing unrest
+// Ukraine faces more violence as ultimatum nears end
+1 Ukraine :
+2 faces :
+3 more :
+4 violence :
+5 as :
+6 ultimatum :
+7 nears :
+8 end :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egyptian police fire tear gas at protesters in Cairo
+// Police fire tear gas at protesters in Cairo
+1 Police :
+2 fire :
+3 tear :
+4 gas :
+5 at :
+6 protesters :
+7 in :
+8 Cairo :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Hong Kong set for democracy march
+// Hong Kong set for huge democracy rally
+1 Hong :
+2 Kong :
+3 set :
+4 for :
+5 huge :
+6 democracy :
+7 rally :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Brazil in talks to hire 6,000 Cuban doctors
+// Brazil hires 4,000 Cuban doctors
+1 Brazil :
+2 hires :
+3 4,000 :
+4 Cuban :
+5 doctors :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Southern Italy Coach Crash Kills 38
+// Death toll rises to 39 in Italy coach crash
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 rises :
+4 to :
+5 39 :
+6 in :
+7 Italy :
+8 coach :
+9 crash :
+5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Yemen officials : US drone kills 2 militants
+// Yemen drone strike kills militants
+1 Yemen :
+2 drone :
+3 strike :
+4 kills :
+5 militants :
+4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nine killed more than 40 injured in multiple bus crash in Germany
+// Several killed and scores injured in Germany bus crash
+1 Several :
+2 killed :
+3 and :
+4 scores :
+5 injured :
+6 in :
+7 Germany :
+8 bus :
+9 crash :
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 12 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Australian PM Kevin Rudd calls election for 7 September
+// Australian PM Rudd calls Sept. 7 poll
+1 Australian :
+2 PM :
+3 Rudd :
+4 calls :
+5 Sept. :
+6 7 :
+7 poll :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Police clash with youth in Cairo after anti-Morsi protest
+// Egypt : Police clash with pro-Morsi protesters
+1 Egypt :
+2 : :
+3 Police :
+4 clash :
+5 with :
+6 pro-Morsi :
+7 protesters :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US Issues Travel Alert Over Al Qaeda Threat
+// US issues global alert , citing Qaeda threats
+1 US :
+2 issues :
+3 global :
+4 alert :
+5 , :
+6 citing :
+7 Qaeda :
+8 threats :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ships Train for Syrian Chemical Weapons Transport
+// UN Adopts Syrian Chemical Weapons Resolution
+1 UN :
+2 Adopts :
+3 Syrian :
+4 Chemical :
+5 Weapons :
+6 Resolution :
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// More rain hampers Indian flood rescue
+// US tourist gang-raped in northern India : Police
+1 US :
+2 tourist :
+3 gang-raped :
+4 in :
+5 northern :
+6 India :
+7 : :
+8 Police :
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Aust shares edge higher
+// Aust shares close higher
+1 Aust :
+3 close :
+4 higher :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US , Russia agree on seizure of Syria chemical weapons
+// Syrian rebels skeptical of chemical weapons deal
+1 Syrian :
+2 rebels :
+3 skeptical :
+4 of :
+5 chemical :
+6 weapons :
+7 deal :
+7 8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// ' Fast & ; Furious ' star Paul Walker dies in car crash
+// Paul Walker dead : Fast and Furious star , 40 , killed in car crash
+1 Paul :
+2 Walker :
+3 dead :
+4 : :
+5 Fast :
+6 and :
+7 Furious :
+8 star :
+9 , :
+10 40 :
+11 , :
+12 killed :
+13 in :
+14 car :
+15 crash :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// European Central Bank keeps rates unchanged
+// European Central bank keeps interest rate at 0.5%
+1 European :
+2 Central :
+3 bank :
+4 keeps :
+5 interest :
+6 rate :
+7 at :
+8 0.5% :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunmen kill 10 in Philippine political violence
+// Five killed in Philippines volcano eruption
+1 Five :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 Philippines :
+5 volcano :
+6 eruption :
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 24 killed 77 wounded in Iraq mosque bombing
+// At least 18 killed in Iraq mosque bombing
+1 At :
+2 least :
+3 18 :
+4 killed :
+5 in :
+6 Iraq :
+7 mosque :
+8 bombing :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Islamists still holding some 30 hostages as Kenya mall standoff continues
+// Death toll rises as Kenya mall siege continues
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 rises :
+4 as :
+5 Kenya :
+6 mall :
+7 siege :
+8 continues :
+4 5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Heavy smog hits north China city , flights cancelled
+// Heavy Smog Hits North China City , Flights Canceled
+1 Heavy :
+2 Smog :
+3 Hits :
+4 North :
+5 China :
+6 City :
+7 , :
+8 Flights :
+9 Canceled :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Algeria president gets therapy after stroke : state media
+// Bulgarian president tries to break election stalemate
+1 Bulgarian :
+2 president :
+3 tries :
+4 to :
+5 break :
+6 election :
+7 stalemate :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran says ready for fresh round of nuclear talks
+// Iran 's Khamenei renews support for nuclear talks
+1 Iran :
+2 's :
+3 Khamenei :
+4 renews :
+5 support :
+6 for :
+7 nuclear :
+8 talks :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Suicide bomber kills 23 Iraqi army recruits
+// Suicide bomber kills 13 Iraqi army recruits in Baghdad
+1 Suicide :
+2 bomber :
+3 kills :
+4 13 :
+5 Iraqi :
+6 army :
+7 recruits :
+8 in :
+9 Baghdad :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Obama nominates new transportation secretary
+// Obama To Meet Embattled Veterans Secretary
+1 Obama :
+2 To :
+3 Meet :
+4 Embattled :
+5 Veterans :
+6 Secretary :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Super typhoon hits Philippines
+// Most powerful typhoon of 2013 hits the Philippines
+1 Most :
+2 powerful :
+3 typhoon :
+4 of :
+5 2013 :
+6 hits :
+7 the :
+8 Philippines :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Google releases Nexus 5 phone with Kit Kat
+// Google redesigns search results on PCs
+1 Google :
+2 redesigns :
+3 search :
+4 results :
+5 on :
+6 PCs :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Judge OKs force-feeding California inmates
+// U.S. judge approves force-feeding Californian inmates on hunger strik
+1 U.S. :
+2 judge :
+3 approves :
+4 force-feeding :
+5 Californian :
+6 inmates :
+7 on :
+8 hunger :
+9 strik :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ride operator charged in N.C. fair accident
+// N.C. State Fair ride operator arrested after accident
+1 N.C. :
+2 State :
+3 Fair :
+4 ride :
+5 operator :
+6 arrested :
+7 after :
+8 accident :
+3 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US , NATO Raise Doubts Russia Pulled Back from Ukraine Border
+// No Sign of Russian Withdrawal From Ukraine Border , Official Says
+1 No :
+2 Sign :
+3 of :
+4 Russian :
+5 Withdrawal :
+6 From :
+7 Ukraine :
+8 Border :
+9 , :
+10 Official :
+11 Says :
+6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Early vote count in Iran gives reformer wide lead
+// Iran vote count gives Rowhani wide lead
+1 Iran :
+2 vote :
+3 count :
+4 gives :
+5 Rowhani :
+6 wide :
+7 lead :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Australia returns asylum seekers to Sri Lanka in sea transfer
+// Australia : Australia hands asylum-seekers back to Sri Lanka
+1 Australia :
+2 : :
+3 Australia :
+4 hands :
+5 asylum-seekers :
+6 back :
+7 to :
+8 Sri :
+9 Lanka :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Lebanon Clashes Rage Overnight ; 12 Soldiers Dead
+// Lebanon clashes rage near mosque ; 16 soldiers dead
+1 Lebanon :
+2 clashes :
+3 rage :
+4 near :
+5 mosque :
+6 ; :
+7 16 :
+8 soldiers :
+9 dead :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Los Angeles airport worker charged with making 9/11 threats
+// Los Angeles airport worker charged over 9/11 threats
+1 Los :
+2 Angeles :
+3 airport :
+4 worker :
+5 charged :
+6 over :
+7 9/11 :
+8 threats :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 2 killed , multiple wounded in Miami shooting
+// Three killed , five wounded in Myrtle Beach shootings
+1 Three :
+2 killed :
+3 , :
+4 five :
+5 wounded :
+6 in :
+7 Myrtle :
+8 Beach :
+9 shootings :
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 9 Killed in Attack on Indian Consulate in Afghanistan
+// 12 killed in attack on Indian consulate in Afghan city
+1 12 :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 attack :
+5 on :
+6 Indian :
+7 consulate :
+8 in :
+9 Afghan :
+10 city :
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 6 Killed by Hot Lava as Indonesia Volcano Erupts
+// Five dead in Indonesian eruption
+1 Five :
+2 dead :
+3 in :
+4 Indonesian :
+5 eruption :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China yuan weakens to 6.1059 against USD
+// China yuan strengthens to 6.1070 against USD Friday
+1 China :
+2 yuan :
+3 strengthens :
+4 to :
+5 6.1070 :
+6 against :
+7 USD :
+8 Friday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine hosts ' unity talks '
+// Pope hits out at ' war to sell arms ' in Syria
+1 Pope :
+2 hits :
+3 out :
+4 at :
+5 ' :
+6 war :
+7 to :
+8 sell :
+9 arms :
+10 ' :
+11 in :
+12 Syria :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iraqi Forces , Militants Battle for Oil Refinery
+// Iraqi forces , militants battle for Iraq refinery
+1 Iraqi :
+2 forces :
+3 , :
+4 militants :
+5 battle :
+6 for :
+7 Iraq :
+8 refinery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Cameron ' has no concerns ' over halal meat
+// Veterans health probe confirms cover-up of care delays
+1 Veterans :
+2 health :
+3 probe :
+4 confirms :
+5 cover-up :
+6 of :
+7 care :
+8 delays :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bangladesh factory owners arrested as death toll nears 350
+// Bangladesh factory owners arrested
+1 Bangladesh :
+2 factory :
+3 owners :
+4 arrested :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// EU foreign ministers to discuss how to press Egypt over bloodshed
+// EU foreign ministers to discuss Egypt on Wednesday
+1 EU :
+2 foreign :
+3 ministers :
+4 to :
+5 discuss :
+6 Egypt :
+7 on :
+8 Wednesday :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Cairo protesters defy crackdown threat
+// In Cairo Camps , Protesters Dig in and Live On
+1 In :
+2 Cairo :
+3 Camps :
+4 , :
+5 Protesters :
+6 Dig :
+7 in :
+8 and :
+9 Live :
+10 On :
+1 2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Six killed in drone strike in N Waziristan
+// 12 killed in bus accident in Pakistan
+1 12 :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 bus :
+5 accident :
+6 in :
+7 Pakistan :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// UN launches US$300 mil. appeal for Philippines
+// UK sends warship to aid Philippines
+1 UK :
+2 sends :
+3 warship :
+4 to :
+5 aid :
+6 Philippines :
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// N Korea postpones family reunions with South
+// North Korea Postpones Family Reunions with South
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 Postpones :
+4 Family :
+5 Reunions :
+6 with :
+7 South :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// N. Korea 's Kim hails execution of powerful uncle
+// North Korea 's Kim seen behind sacking of powerful uncle
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 's :
+4 Kim :
+5 seen :
+6 behind :
+7 sacking :
+8 of :
+9 powerful :
+10 uncle :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pregnant Sudan woman who married a Christian man sentenced to death for ' apostasy '
+// Sudan frees Christian woman sentenced to death for apostasy
+1 Sudan :
+2 frees :
+3 Christian :
+4 woman :
+5 sentenced :
+6 to :
+7 death :
+8 for :
+9 apostasy :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 15 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Libya asks UN Security Council for help
+// Kerry Calls On UN Security Council to Act on Syria
+1 Kerry :
+2 Calls :
+3 On :
+4 UN :
+5 Security :
+6 Council :
+7 to :
+8 Act :
+9 on :
+10 Syria :
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Death toll from Baghdad bombs rises to 19
+// Death toll from Egypt clashes rises to 57
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 from :
+4 Egypt :
+5 clashes :
+6 rises :
+7 to :
+8 57 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// France Says Won't ' Shirk Responsibilities ' in Syria
+// France urges EU to be united on Syria
+1 France :
+2 urges :
+3 EU :
+4 to :
+5 be :
+6 united :
+7 on :
+8 Syria :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Boeing 777 plane crash-lands at San Francisco airport
+// Plane crash lands at San Francisco airport
+1 Plane :
+2 crash :
+3 lands :
+4 at :
+5 San :
+6 Francisco :
+7 airport :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tymoshenko urges EU to take strong action on Crimea
+// Ukraine crisis : This is the de-facto annexation of Crimea
+1 Ukraine :
+2 crisis :
+3 : :
+4 This :
+5 is :
+6 the :
+7 de-facto :
+8 annexation :
+9 of :
+10 Crimea :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Monty Python to reunite for new show
+// Monty Python to reunite on stage
+1 Monty :
+2 Python :
+3 to :
+4 reunite :
+5 on :
+6 stage :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Record-setting Southwest heat wave turns fatal
+// At least 1 dead , 40 hospitalized in Southwest heat wave
+1 At :
+2 least :
+3 1 :
+4 dead :
+5 , :
+6 40 :
+7 hospitalized :
+8 in :
+9 Southwest :
+10 heat :
+11 wave :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 3 dead , 1 hurt in shooting at S Carolina oceanfront motel
+// 4 dead , 30 injured in train collision near Moscow
+1 4 :
+2 dead :
+3 , :
+4 30 :
+5 injured :
+6 in :
+7 train :
+8 collision :
+9 near :
+10 Moscow :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nigerian leader orders push to free abducted schoolgirls
+// Pressure mounts to free kidnapped girls
+1 Pressure :
+2 mounts :
+3 to :
+4 free :
+5 kidnapped :
+6 girls :
+4 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Boston bomb suspect charged ; religious motive seen
+// Boston bombing suspect charged in hospital bed
+1 Boston :
+2 bombing :
+3 suspect :
+4 charged :
+5 in :
+6 hospital :
+7 bed :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Scores Killed In Egyptian Protests
+// Turkey 's PM Warns Against Protests
+1 Turkey :
+2 's :
+3 PM :
+4 Warns :
+5 Against :
+6 Protests :
+3 4 5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Taiwan stocks close 0.56 pct higher
+// Singapore stocks close 0.5 pct higher
+1 Singapore :
+2 stocks :
+3 close :
+4 0.5 :
+5 pct :
+6 higher :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Cypriot Finance Minister Michalis Sarris resigns
+// Cyprus finance minister resigns
+1 Cyprus :
+2 finance :
+3 minister :
+4 resigns :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt turmoil deepens ; militants kill 25 policemen
+// Egypt 's turmoil deepens as Sinai attack kills 25 policemen
+1 Egypt :
+2 's :
+3 turmoil :
+4 deepens :
+5 as :
+6 Sinai :
+7 attack :
+8 kills :
+9 25 :
+10 policemen :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Berlusconi said to pay off ' bunga bunga ' witnesses
+// Berlusconi accused of bribing witnesses in prostitution trial
+1 Berlusconi :
+2 accused :
+3 of :
+4 bribing :
+5 witnesses :
+6 in :
+7 prostitution :
+8 trial :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Microsoft finally unveils Office for Apple 's iPad
+// Microsoft And Office In A Multi-Platform World
+1 Microsoft :
+2 And :
+3 Office :
+4 In :
+5 A :
+6 Multi-Platform :
+7 World :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Glee star Cory Monteith found dead in hotel room in Canada
+// ' Glee ' star Cory Monteith found dead
+1 ' :
+2 Glee :
+3 ' :
+4 star :
+5 Cory :
+6 Monteith :
+7 found :
+8 dead :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Russia praises idea to render rights assistance to Ukraine
+// Russia detains suspected Islamist militants in Moscow raid
+1 Russia :
+2 detains :
+3 suspected :
+4 Islamist :
+5 militants :
+6 in :
+7 Moscow :
+8 raid :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// New Orleans police arrest second suspect in Mother 's Day parade shooting
+// Brothers arrested in Mother 's Day parade shooting
+1 Brothers :
+2 arrested :
+3 in :
+4 Mother :
+5 's :
+6 Day :
+7 parade :
+8 shooting :
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Protesters swamp streets to reclaim revolution
+// Egypt : Protesters storm Muslim Brotherhood 's HQ
+1 Egypt :
+2 : :
+3 Protesters :
+4 storm :
+5 Muslim :
+6 Brotherhood :
+7 's :
+8 HQ :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Hong Kong stocks end higher
+// Indian stocks open higher
+1 Indian :
+2 stocks :
+3 open :
+4 higher :
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Poll : Cory Booker takes early lead for N.J. Senate
+// Nigella Lawson ' took cocaine every day for a decade '
+1 Nigella :
+2 Lawson :
+3 ' :
+4 took :
+5 cocaine :
+6 every :
+7 day :
+8 for :
+9 a :
+10 decade :
+11 ' :
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rebels likely downed Malaysian jet ' by mistake ' - U.S. officials
+// Rebels likely downed jet ' by mistake '
+1 Rebels :
+2 likely :
+3 downed :
+4 jet :
+5 ' :
+6 by :
+7 mistake :
+8 ' :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Wave of bombings , shootings kill 38 in Iraq
+// Wave of car bombs , other attacks kill 31 in Iraq
+1 Wave :
+2 of :
+3 car :
+4 bombs :
+5 , :
+6 other :
+7 attacks :
+8 kill :
+9 31 :
+10 in :
+11 Iraq :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Didier Reynders on Syria
+// Obama 's day : Prime time on Syria
+1 Obama :
+2 's :
+3 day :
+4 : :
+5 Prime :
+6 time :
+7 on :
+8 Syria :
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 5 things you need to know Tuesday
+// 5 things you need to know on Friday
+1 5 :
+2 things :
+3 you :
+4 need :
+5 to :
+6 know :
+7 on :
+8 Friday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egyptian court considers Mubarak 's release
+// Egypt court orders Mubarak release
+1 Egypt :
+2 court :
+3 orders :
+4 Mubarak :
+5 release :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// U.N. Security Council calls for humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza
+// U.N. Security Council Calls for Unconditional Cease-Fire in Gaza
+1 U.N. :
+2 Security :
+3 Council :
+4 Calls :
+5 for :
+6 Unconditional :
+7 Cease-Fire :
+8 in :
+9 Gaza :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud killed in drone strike
+// Pakistani Taliban ' elect new chief ' , vow ' unprecedented ' revenge
+1 Pakistani :
+2 Taliban :
+3 ' :
+4 elect :
+5 new :
+6 chief :
+7 ' :
+8 , :
+9 vow :
+10 ' :
+11 unprecedented :
+12 ' :
+13 revenge :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Blaze That Killed 19 Firefighters Now Contained
+// Arizona wildfire that killed 19 Hotshots now contained
+1 Arizona :
+2 wildfire :
+3 that :
+4 killed :
+5 19 :
+6 Hotshots :
+7 now :
+8 contained :
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Canada approves oil pipeline to the Pacific Coast
+// Canadian government approves controversial oil pipeline to Pacific
+1 Canadian :
+2 government :
+3 approves :
+4 controversial :
+5 oil :
+6 pipeline :
+7 to :
+8 Pacific :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Man United Says Moyes Leaves as Manager
+// Man United hires Moyes to replace Ferguson
+1 Man :
+2 United :
+3 hires :
+4 Moyes :
+5 to :
+6 replace :
+7 Ferguson :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syria opposition unity take face specter of collapse
+// Syria divided opposition struggles within wider Syrian struggle
+1 Syria :
+2 divided :
+3 opposition :
+4 struggles :
+5 within :
+6 wider :
+7 Syrian :
+8 struggle :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Margaret Thatcher , former U.K. PM , dead at 87
+// Margaret Thatcher dies at 87
+1 Margaret :
+2 Thatcher :
+3 dies :
+4 at :
+5 87 :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// EU extends sanctions against Russia
+// Nigeria drops arms trafficking charges against Russian sailors
+1 Nigeria :
+2 drops :
+3 arms :
+4 trafficking :
+5 charges :
+6 against :
+7 Russian :
+8 sailors :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Chinese stocks open higher - Apr 2
+// Chinese stocks open lower Thursday
+1 Chinese :
+2 stocks :
+3 open :
+4 lower :
+5 Thursday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Obama names outspoken Rice as his security adviser
+// Obama to name Susan Rice as national security adviser
+1 Obama :
+2 to :
+3 name :
+4 Susan :
+5 Rice :
+6 as :
+7 national :
+8 security :
+9 adviser :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Activists : Syrian airstrike kills 21 in Aleppo
+// New Syrian Airstrikes Kill at Least 15 in Aleppo
+1 New :
+2 Syrian :
+3 Airstrikes :
+4 Kill :
+5 at :
+6 Least :
+7 15 :
+8 in :
+9 Aleppo :
+2 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Angelina Jolie " very grateful " for support after double mastectomy
+// Angelina Jolie undergoes double mastectomy
+1 Angelina :
+2 Jolie :
+3 undergoes :
+4 double :
+5 mastectomy :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : April 21
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : May 2
+1 India :
+2 Ink :
+3 : :
+4 Image :
+5 of :
+6 the :
+7 Day :
+8 : :
+9 May :
+10 2 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Deaths in bombings and shootings across Iraq
+// Bombings and a shooting kill 8 in Iraq
+1 Bombings :
+2 and :
+3 a :
+4 shooting :
+5 kill :
+6 8 :
+7 in :
+8 Iraq :
+1 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Suicide bomber kills nine police in north Iraq
+// Suicide bomber kills eight Kurdish security forces personnel in Iraq
+1 Suicide :
+2 bomber :
+3 kills :
+4 eight :
+5 Kurdish :
+6 security :
+7 forces :
+8 personnel :
+9 in :
+10 Iraq :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt 's Sisi poised to announce presidency bid
+// Egypt 's Sisi paves way for presidential bid
+1 Egypt :
+2 's :
+3 Sisi :
+4 paves :
+5 way :
+6 for :
+7 presidential :
+8 bid :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 3 killed , 6 injured in Afghan blasts
+// Three killed , six injured in Afghan blasts
+1 Three :
+2 killed :
+3 , :
+4 six :
+5 injured :
+6 in :
+7 Afghan :
+8 blasts :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Texas senator still filibustering abortion bill
+// Texas senator filibusters against abortion bill
+1 Texas :
+2 senator :
+3 filibusters :
+4 against :
+5 abortion :
+6 bill :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Russia drops charges against Greenpeace activists
+// Russia to file piracy charges against Greenpeace
+1 Russia :
+2 to :
+3 file :
+4 piracy :
+5 charges :
+6 against :
+7 Greenpeace :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Protesters clash with police in Turkey
+// Protesters clash with riot police in Kiev
+1 Protesters :
+2 clash :
+3 with :
+4 riot :
+5 police :
+6 in :
+7 Kiev :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nigerian police ban protests over kidnapped girls
+// Nigeria reviewing ' all options ' over kidnapped girls
+1 Nigeria :
+2 reviewing :
+3 ' :
+4 all :
+5 options :
+6 ' :
+7 over :
+8 kidnapped :
+9 girls :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine signs EU trade pact as Russia finalizes Crimea annexation
+// Ukraine 's top court dismisses Crimea 's independence as " unconstitutional "
+1 Ukraine :
+2 's :
+3 top :
+4 court :
+5 dismisses :
+6 Crimea :
+7 's :
+8 independence :
+9 as :
+10 " :
+11 unconstitutional :
+12 " :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The foundations of South Africa are built on Nelson Mandela 's memory
+// Australian politicians lament over Nelson Mandela 's death
+1 Australian :
+2 politicians :
+3 lament :
+4 over :
+5 Nelson :
+6 Mandela :
+7 's :
+8 death :
+8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// On War Criminals and Heroes : The Whitewashing of Ariel Sharon
+// On war criminals and heroes : The whitewashing of Ariel Sharon
+1 On :
+2 war :
+3 criminals :
+4 and :
+5 heroes :
+6 : :
+7 The :
+8 whitewashing :
+9 of :
+10 Ariel :
+11 Sharon :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two French journalists killed in Mali
+// France confirms two French journalists killed in Mali
+1 France :
+2 confirms :
+3 two :
+4 French :
+5 journalists :
+6 killed :
+7 in :
+8 Mali :
+1 2 3 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China yuan strengthens to 6.1184 against USD Tuesday
+// China yuan weakens to 6.1510 against USD
+1 China :
+2 yuan :
+3 weakens :
+4 to :
+5 6.1510 :
+6 against :
+7 USD :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Malaysia Airlines loses contact with plane carrying 239 to Beijing
+// Malaysia Airlines plane vanishes on flight to Beijing
+1 Malaysia :
+2 Airlines :
+3 plane :
+4 vanishes :
+5 on :
+6 flight :
+7 to :
+8 Beijing :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tehelka editor embroiled in sex assault scam
+// Tehelka editor steps down after allegations of sexual misconduct
+1 Tehelka :
+2 editor :
+3 steps :
+4 down :
+5 after :
+6 allegations :
+7 of :
+8 sexual :
+9 misconduct :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Facts about North Korea 's Musudan missile
+// North Korea fires another missile
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 fires :
+4 another :
+5 missile :
+2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunman who held suburban Atlanta firefighters hostage now dead , police say
+// The Lede : Video : Gunman Takes Firefighters Hostage in Georgia
+1 The :
+2 Lede :
+3 : :
+4 Video :
+5 : :
+6 Gunman :
+7 Takes :
+8 Firefighters :
+9 Hostage :
+10 in :
+11 Georgia :
+1 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Crimea parliament votes to join Russia
+// Crimean parliament formally applies to join Russia
+1 Crimean :
+2 parliament :
+3 formally :
+4 applies :
+5 to :
+6 join :
+7 Russia :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China stocks open lower on Wednesday
+// China 's stocks close lower on Monday
+1 China :
+2 's :
+3 stocks :
+4 close :
+5 lower :
+6 on :
+7 Monday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World News Update , what you need to know
+// Labour 's 50p tax rate : what you need to know
+1 Labour :
+2 's :
+3 50p :
+4 tax :
+5 rate :
+6 : :
+7 what :
+8 you :
+9 need :
+10 to :
+11 know :
+5 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Stocks rise in early trading
+// Stocks inch higher in early trading
+1 Stocks :
+2 inch :
+3 higher :
+4 in :
+5 early :
+6 trading :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Twitter shares rocket at opening
+// Twitter shares rocket as trading begins
+1 Twitter :
+3 rocket :
+4 as :
+5 trading :
+6 begins :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Explosions kill 29 outside two mosques in Lebanon 's Tripoli
+// 2 explosions rock city in northern Lebanon
+1 2 :
+2 explosions :
+3 rock :
+4 city :
+5 in :
+6 northern :
+7 Lebanon :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Next Iran nuclear talks due on June 16-20 - IRNA
+// Iran : Nuclear deal to be implemented on January 20
+1 Iran :
+2 : :
+3 Nuclear :
+4 deal :
+5 to :
+6 be :
+7 implemented :
+8 on :
+9 January :
+10 20 :
+9 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Russian coal mines seek new outlets in China
+// Russian foreign minister to meet UN chief
+1 Russian :
+2 foreign :
+3 minister :
+4 to :
+5 meet :
+6 UN :
+7 chief :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Outrage after reports emerge about 6-year-old Indian girl raped at school
+// Outrage After Indian Girl , 6 , Raped at Her School
+1 Outrage :
+2 After :
+3 Indian :
+4 Girl :
+5 , :
+6 6 :
+7 , :
+8 Raped :
+9 at :
+10 Her :
+11 School :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ovadia Yosef , rabbi and Israeli kingmaker , dies
+// Rabbi Ovadia Yosef , kingmaker of Israeli politics , dies at 93
+1 Rabbi :
+2 Ovadia :
+3 Yosef :
+4 , :
+5 kingmaker :
+6 of :
+7 Israeli :
+8 politics :
+9 , :
+10 dies :
+11 at :
+12 93 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Thai protesters disrupt early voting for disputed election
+// Thai protest leader shot dead outside polling station
+1 Thai :
+2 protest :
+3 leader :
+4 shot :
+5 dead :
+6 outside :
+7 polling :
+8 station :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Most victims of fiery bus crash identified
+// 38 bodies of victims identified
+1 38 :
+2 bodies :
+3 of :
+4 victims :
+5 identified :
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Palestinian diplomat hurt in blast
+// Palestinian ambassador injured in apartment blast
+1 Palestinian :
+2 ambassador :
+3 injured :
+4 in :
+5 apartment :
+6 blast :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
diff --git a/20211030_161612/headlines.wa.untrained b/20211030_161612/headlines.wa.untrained
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..34e39fce5d3de1ed0656e5c6ee62785273bc3297
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_161612/headlines.wa.untrained
@@ -0,0 +1,11617 @@
+// China 's Peace Ark departs for the Philippines Thursday
+// China sends aid team to Philippines
+1 China :
+2 sends :
+3 aid :
+4 team :
+5 to :
+6 Philippines :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Conservatives sweep to Australia election victory
+// Conservative opposition wins Australian election
+1 Conservative :
+2 opposition :
+3 wins :
+4 Australian :
+5 election :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Abe 's shrine visit draws wide condemnation , criticism
+// Japanese PM Shinzo Abe 's war shrine visit angers neighbours
+1 Japanese :
+2 PM :
+3 Shinzo :
+4 Abe :
+5 's :
+6 war :
+7 shrine :
+8 visit :
+9 angers :
+10 neighbours :
+2 3 4 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine revokes anti-protest law , PM resigns
+// Ukraine to repeal anti-protest laws
+1 Ukraine :
+2 to :
+3 repeal :
+4 anti-protest :
+5 laws :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Russia says detects missiles fired from Mediterranean Sea
+// Russia says ballistic missiles fired in Mediterranean
+1 Russia :
+2 says :
+3 ballistic :
+4 missiles :
+5 fired :
+6 in :
+7 Mediterranean :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pro-Russian protesters storm new police station in east Ukraine
+// Pro-Russian Protesters Storm Police Station in Ukraine as Kiev Urges U.N. over unrest
+1 Pro-Russian :
+2 Protesters :
+3 Storm :
+4 Police :
+5 Station :
+6 in :
+7 Ukraine :
+8 as :
+9 Kiev :
+10 Urges :
+11 U.N. :
+12 over :
+13 unrest :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Cyclone leaves trail of destruction in India
+// Cyclone Phailin evacuation kept Indian villagers alive
+1 Cyclone :
+2 Phailin :
+3 evacuation :
+4 kept :
+5 Indian :
+6 villagers :
+7 alive :
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 4 foreigners among 9 killed in Kabul hotel attack
+// Foreigners among dead in Kabul hotel attack
+1 Foreigners :
+2 among :
+3 dead :
+4 in :
+5 Kabul :
+6 hotel :
+7 attack :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Many dead as asylum boat sinks off Australia
+// Mandela spends third day in hospital
+1 Mandela :
+2 spends :
+3 third :
+4 day :
+5 in :
+6 hospital :
+6 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israeli calls to execute Palestinian captives instead of releasing them
+// Israel allows Palestinian prisoner release
+1 Israel :
+2 allows :
+3 Palestinian :
+4 prisoner :
+5 release :
+3 4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// DPRK leader calls for better ties with S.Korea
+// North Korea urges foreigners to leave South Korea
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 urges :
+4 foreigners :
+5 to :
+6 leave :
+7 South :
+8 Korea :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World 's oldest person , and oldest man ever , dies at 116
+// Japan : World 's Oldest Man Ever Dies Aged 116
+1 Japan :
+2 : :
+3 World :
+4 's :
+5 Oldest :
+6 Man :
+7 Ever :
+8 Dies :
+9 Aged :
+10 116 :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World powers and Iran to resume expert nuclear talks on Dec. 30
+// Iran nuclear experts , world powers to resume talks next week
+1 Iran :
+2 nuclear :
+3 experts :
+4 , :
+5 world :
+6 powers :
+7 to :
+8 resume :
+9 talks :
+10 next :
+11 week :
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Biden warns ' it's time for Russia to stop talking and start acting ' in Ukraine
+// Biden : Time for Russia to ' stop talking and start acting ' to reduce tension in Ukraine
+1 Biden :
+2 : :
+3 Time :
+4 for :
+5 Russia :
+6 to :
+7 ' :
+8 stop :
+9 talking :
+10 and :
+11 start :
+12 acting :
+13 ' :
+14 to :
+15 reduce :
+16 tension :
+17 in :
+18 Ukraine :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 16 <==> 17 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : February 25
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : April 21
+1 India :
+2 Ink :
+3 : :
+4 Image :
+5 of :
+6 the :
+7 Day :
+8 : :
+9 April :
+10 21 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Philippines defers comment on Taiwan fisher attack
+// Bin Laden 's continuing sway shown in Kenya mall attack
+1 Bin :
+2 Laden :
+3 's :
+4 continuing :
+5 sway :
+6 shown :
+7 in :
+8 Kenya :
+9 mall :
+10 attack :
+2 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// New Zealand set to legalise gay marriage
+// New Zealand votes to legalise same-sex marriage
+1 New :
+2 Zealand :
+3 votes :
+4 to :
+5 legalise :
+6 same-sex :
+7 marriage :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel 's ex-PM Ariel Sharon dies
+// Former Israeli Prime Minister Sharon dies
+1 Former :
+2 Israeli :
+3 Prime :
+4 Minister :
+5 Sharon :
+6 dies :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Peace talks with Palestinians would take months : Israel official
+// 3yo Palestinian girl killed in Israeli raid
+1 3yo :
+2 Palestinian :
+3 girl :
+4 killed :
+5 in :
+6 Israeli :
+7 raid :
+3 4 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ronaldo 's hat trick sends Portugal to World Cup
+// Ronaldo hat-trick fires Portugal to World Cup
+1 Ronaldo :
+2 hat-trick :
+3 fires :
+4 Portugal :
+5 to :
+6 World :
+7 Cup :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// At Least 22 Dead After China Earthquake
+// At least 89 dead in China earthquakes
+1 At :
+2 least :
+3 89 :
+4 dead :
+5 in :
+6 China :
+7 earthquakes :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Canadian freight train blast death toll hits three , to rise
+// Canadian government ' monitoring ' train blast situation
+1 Canadian :
+2 government :
+3 ' :
+4 monitoring :
+5 ' :
+6 train :
+7 blast :
+8 situation :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Five children buried alive in Bohol landslide
+// Nine children die in attack in Afghanistan attack
+1 Nine :
+2 children :
+3 die :
+4 in :
+5 attack :
+6 in :
+7 Afghanistan :
+8 attack :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rosberg emulates father with Monaco win
+// FORMULA 1 : Rosberg stays modest despite Monaco win
+2 1 :
+3 : :
+4 Rosberg :
+5 stays :
+6 modest :
+7 despite :
+8 Monaco :
+9 win :
+1 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Suicide truck bomber kills 11 in northern Iraq
+// Suicide car bomb kills 12 in northern Iraq
+1 Suicide :
+2 car :
+3 bomb :
+4 kills :
+5 12 :
+6 in :
+7 northern :
+8 Iraq :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tropical Storm Barry forms off Mexico 's coast , bringing heavy rain as it heads toward Veracruz
+// Tropical Storm Barry weakens , dumps rain on Mexico
+1 Tropical :
+2 Storm :
+3 Barry :
+4 weakens :
+5 , :
+6 dumps :
+7 rain :
+8 on :
+9 Mexico :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 17 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian rebels target military airports
+// Syrian troops confront fierce attacks by rebels in military airport
+1 Syrian :
+2 troops :
+3 confront :
+4 fierce :
+5 attacks :
+6 by :
+7 rebels :
+8 in :
+9 military :
+10 airport :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 6.6-magnitude quake hits South Atlantic Ocean -- USGS
+// Magnitude-5.1 quake hits southern Iran -- USGS
+1 Magnitude-5.1 :
+2 quake :
+3 hits :
+4 southern :
+5 Iran :
+6 -- :
+7 USGS :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Poverty stats doubt Modi 's development claims
+// GM to start taking recall compensation claims Aug 1
+1 GM :
+2 to :
+3 start :
+4 taking :
+5 recall :
+6 compensation :
+7 claims :
+8 Aug :
+9 1 :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// North Korea blocks access to joint industrial zone
+// North Korea Blocks Access to Key Industrial Zone
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 Blocks :
+4 Access :
+5 to :
+6 Key :
+7 Industrial :
+8 Zone :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pakistan 's Musharraf charged over Bhutto murder
+// Pakistan 's Musharraf Charged In Bhutto Death
+1 Pakistan :
+2 's :
+3 Musharraf :
+4 Charged :
+5 In :
+6 Bhutto :
+7 Death :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukrainian protesters back in streets for anti-government rally
+// Ukraine protesters topple Lenin statue in Kiev
+1 Ukraine :
+2 protesters :
+3 topple :
+4 Lenin :
+5 statue :
+6 in :
+7 Kiev :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Jamaican connection in Liverpool 's win
+// Japan Election : Shinzo Abe Hails Landslide Win
+1 Japan :
+2 Election :
+3 : :
+4 Shinzo :
+5 Abe :
+6 Hails :
+7 Landslide :
+8 Win :
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rescuers scour debris after India buildings collapse
+// Select images from Bangladesh building collapse
+1 Select :
+2 images :
+3 from :
+4 Bangladesh :
+5 building :
+6 collapse :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rock bands ' plane makes emergency landing in Ill.
+// Rock Bands ' Plane Makes Emergency Landing in Ill.
+1 Rock :
+2 Bands :
+3 ' :
+4 Plane :
+5 Makes :
+6 Emergency :
+7 Landing :
+8 in :
+9 Ill. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Boston bombing suspect remains in hospital
+// Boston bombing suspect charged in hospital bed
+1 Boston :
+2 bombing :
+3 suspect :
+4 charged :
+5 in :
+6 hospital :
+7 bed :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// PPP 's Shehla Raza elected Deputy Speaker of SA
+// Shehla Raza takes oath as Sindh Assembly deputy speaker
+1 Shehla :
+2 Raza :
+3 takes :
+4 oath :
+5 as :
+6 Sindh :
+7 Assembly :
+8 deputy :
+9 speaker :
+2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 11:42 Churchill 's last child dies aged 91
+// Churchill 's youngest child Lady Soames dies aged 91
+1 Churchill :
+2 's :
+3 youngest :
+4 child :
+5 Lady :
+6 Soames :
+7 dies :
+8 aged :
+9 91 :
+2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// N. Korea test-fires 30 short-range missiles into sea : Yonhap
+// Iran says it test-fires new land-to-sea missile in Gulf
+1 Iran :
+2 says :
+3 it :
+4 test-fires :
+5 new :
+6 land-to-sea :
+7 missile :
+8 in :
+9 Gulf :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Chinese shares close higher Tuesday
+// Chinese shares close lower on Wednesday
+1 Chinese :
+3 close :
+4 lower :
+5 on :
+6 Wednesday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// North Korea shuns offer of talks
+// North Korea shoots 2 rockets
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 shoots :
+4 2 :
+5 rockets :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// In surprise visit to Afghanistan , Obama tells troops ' you inspire me '
+// Obama Makes Surprise Visit To Afghanistan
+1 Obama :
+2 Makes :
+3 Surprise :
+4 Visit :
+5 To :
+6 Afghanistan :
+1 2 3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US awaits high court judgment on gay marriage
+// Ark. high court again suspends gay marriage
+1 Ark. :
+2 high :
+3 court :
+4 again :
+5 suspends :
+6 gay :
+7 marriage :
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Sisi sworn in as Egypt 's president , cool reception from West
+// Egypt 's Sisi sworn in as president
+1 Egypt :
+2 's :
+3 Sisi :
+4 sworn :
+5 in :
+6 as :
+7 president :
+2 3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China to investigate EU wine exports
+// Christie investigation heats up
+1 Christie :
+2 investigation :
+3 heats :
+4 up :
+2 3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Eurozone 's unemployment climbs to 12.1% , a fresh record high
+// Eurozone unemployment hit record 12.2% in September
+1 Eurozone :
+2 unemployment :
+3 hit :
+4 record :
+5 12.2% :
+6 in :
+7 September :
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// South Korean President Sorry For Ferry Response
+// S. Korean president ' sorry ' for ferry disaster
+1 S. :
+2 Korean :
+3 president :
+4 ' :
+5 sorry :
+6 ' :
+7 for :
+8 ferry :
+9 disaster :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pro-Russian rebels shoot down Ukrainian plane , 49 killed
+// Ukraine Rebels shoot down plane carrying 49
+1 Ukraine :
+2 Rebels :
+3 shoot :
+4 down :
+5 plane :
+6 carrying :
+7 49 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Saudi pushes UN resolution on Syria abuse
+// Cameron pushes U.N. resolution on Syrian chemical arms
+1 Cameron :
+2 pushes :
+3 U.N. :
+4 resolution :
+5 on :
+6 Syrian :
+7 chemical :
+8 arms :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// At least 45 killed in Spain train crash
+// Update 2 : 78 killed in Spanish train disaster
+1 Update :
+2 2 :
+3 : :
+4 78 :
+5 killed :
+6 in :
+7 Spanish :
+8 train :
+9 disaster :
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 19 hurt in New Orleans shooting
+// 17 Hurt at New Orleans Parade Shooting
+1 17 :
+2 Hurt :
+3 at :
+4 New :
+5 Orleans :
+6 Parade :
+7 Shooting :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Vatican Embassy in Syria hit by mortar fire
+// Vatican embassy in Syria hit by mortar ; no injuries
+1 Vatican :
+2 embassy :
+3 in :
+4 Syria :
+5 hit :
+6 by :
+7 mortar :
+8 ; :
+9 no :
+10 injuries :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The Note 's Must-Reads for Friday May 24 , 2013
+// The Note 's Must-Reads for Tuesday October 29 , 2013
+1 The :
+2 Note :
+3 's :
+4 Must-Reads :
+5 for :
+6 Tuesday :
+7 October :
+8 29 :
+9 , :
+10 2013 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nato condemns Ukraine crackdown
+// Thai bonds best in region
+1 Thai :
+2 bonds :
+3 best :
+4 in :
+5 region :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel 's Peres urges return to peace talks
+// Gonsalves keeps up pressure on Dom Rep
+1 Gonsalves :
+2 keeps :
+3 up :
+4 pressure :
+5 on :
+6 Dom :
+7 Rep :
+4 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Assault on Iraq Funeral , Other Attacks Kill 92
+// Assault on Iraq funeral , other attacks kill 96
+1 Assault :
+2 on :
+3 Iraq :
+4 funeral :
+5 , :
+6 other :
+7 attacks :
+8 kill :
+9 96 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two NATO soldiers killed in Afghanistan
+// Five Libyan soldiers killed in Benghazi clashes
+1 Five :
+2 Libyan :
+3 soldiers :
+4 killed :
+5 in :
+6 Benghazi :
+7 clashes :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US top diplomat Kerry 's wife rushed to hospital
+// US Secretary of State John Kerry 's wife rushed to hospital
+1 US :
+2 Secretary :
+3 of :
+4 State :
+5 John :
+6 Kerry :
+7 's :
+8 wife :
+9 rushed :
+10 to :
+11 hospital :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt 's Brotherhood to hold " march of anger "
+// Egypt 's Brotherhood holds Day of Rage rallies
+1 Egypt :
+2 's :
+3 Brotherhood :
+4 holds :
+5 Day :
+6 of :
+7 Rage :
+8 rallies :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel and Hamas to observe brief Gaza truce
+// Israel And Hamas ' Accept Temporary Truce '
+1 Israel :
+2 And :
+3 Hamas :
+4 ' :
+5 Accept :
+6 Temporary :
+7 Truce :
+8 ' :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Foreign exchange rates in Singapore
+// Foreign exchange rates in India
+1 Foreign :
+2 exchange :
+3 rates :
+4 in :
+5 India :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World 's oldest man dies at 116
+// Japan : World 's Oldest Man Ever Dies Aged 116
+1 Japan :
+2 : :
+3 World :
+4 's :
+5 Oldest :
+6 Man :
+7 Ever :
+8 Dies :
+9 Aged :
+10 116 :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Germany welcomes Iran nuclear agreement
+// Syria welcomes Iran 's nuclear deal
+1 Syria :
+2 welcomes :
+3 Iran :
+4 's :
+5 nuclear :
+6 deal :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// South Korea proposes talks with North
+// South Korea Says Talks With North Scrapped
+1 South :
+2 Korea :
+3 Says :
+4 Talks :
+5 With :
+6 North :
+7 Scrapped :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Video shows Kenya jihadis casually killing in mall
+// Security video shows Kenyan soldiers looting mall
+1 Security :
+2 video :
+3 shows :
+4 Kenyan :
+5 soldiers :
+6 looting :
+7 mall :
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// UN inspectors hail progress over Syria chemical weapons
+// U.S. has not concluded Syria used chemical weapons -White House
+1 U.S. :
+2 has :
+3 not :
+4 concluded :
+5 Syria :
+6 used :
+7 chemical :
+8 weapons :
+9 -White :
+10 House :
+5 6 7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran rejects claim on chlorine bombs
+// Iran rejects MKO claim on nuclear site
+1 Iran :
+2 rejects :
+3 MKO :
+4 claim :
+5 on :
+6 nuclear :
+7 site :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// One dead in US building collapse
+// Six killed in US building collapse
+1 Six :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 US :
+5 building :
+6 collapse :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Fallen US firefighters brought home
+// Wall Street ends slightly lower
+1 Wall :
+2 Street :
+3 ends :
+4 slightly :
+5 lower :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ship hunting for more pings in missing Malaysian plane search
+// Australian ship trawls for signals from missing Malaysia plane
+1 Australian :
+2 ship :
+3 trawls :
+4 for :
+5 signals :
+6 from :
+7 missing :
+8 Malaysia :
+9 plane :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tehran-London ties to improve , Afkham
+// Tehran-London ties to improve
+1 Tehran-London :
+2 ties :
+3 to :
+4 improve :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Mandela ' responding to treatment '
+// Wife : Mandela is responding to treatment .
+1 Wife :
+2 : :
+3 Mandela :
+4 is :
+5 responding :
+6 to :
+7 treatment :
+8 . :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunmen assassinate Libyan deputy industry minister
+// Gunmen kill Libyan deputy industry minister
+1 Gunmen :
+2 kill :
+3 Libyan :
+4 deputy :
+5 industry :
+6 minister :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China yuan weakens to 6.1535 against USD
+// China yuan strengthens to new high against USD
+1 China :
+2 yuan :
+3 strengthens :
+4 to :
+5 new :
+6 high :
+7 against :
+8 USD :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Indonesians burn Australian flags over spying reports
+// Indonesia Confronts Australian Ambassador on Reports of Spying
+1 Indonesia :
+2 Confronts :
+3 Australian :
+4 Ambassador :
+5 on :
+6 Reports :
+7 of :
+8 Spying :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// More Deaths Expected in Canada Oil Train Explosion
+// Five dead in Canada train crash
+1 Five :
+2 dead :
+3 in :
+4 Canada :
+5 train :
+6 crash :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt court sentences 10 Brotherhood supporters to death - sources
+// Turkish PM tells supporters to prepare for rallies
+1 Turkish :
+2 PM :
+3 tells :
+4 supporters :
+5 to :
+6 prepare :
+7 for :
+8 rallies :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Declines in US stock market moderate
+// Tech sell-off sends Asian stock markets lower
+1 Tech :
+2 sell-off :
+3 sends :
+4 Asian :
+5 stock :
+6 markets :
+7 lower :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 10 Things to Know : This Week 's Takeaways
+// 10 Things to Know for Today
+1 10 :
+2 Things :
+3 to :
+4 Know :
+5 for :
+6 Today :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine protest leaders name ministers , Russian troops on alert
+// Ukraine says it will not bow to Russian " provocations " in Crimea
+1 Ukraine :
+2 says :
+3 it :
+4 will :
+5 not :
+6 bow :
+7 to :
+8 Russian :
+9 " :
+10 provocations :
+11 " :
+12 in :
+13 Crimea :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US , Russia enter third day of Syria talks
+// US and Russia agree Syria arms deal in Geneva
+1 US :
+2 and :
+3 Russia :
+4 agree :
+5 Syria :
+6 arms :
+7 deal :
+8 in :
+9 Geneva :
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// U.S factory orders down 0.7 pct in January
+// German factory orders rebound in January
+1 German :
+2 factory :
+3 orders :
+4 rebound :
+5 in :
+6 January :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// San Diego Mayor Bob Filner 's accusers
+// Worker : San Diego Mayor Made Suggestive Comments
+1 Worker :
+2 : :
+3 San :
+4 Diego :
+5 Mayor :
+6 Made :
+7 Suggestive :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nine Dead In Oklahoma City After Tornadoes Hit
+// Oklahoma City Airport Evacuated During Tornado...
+1 Oklahoma :
+2 City :
+3 Airport :
+4 Evacuated :
+5 During :
+6 Tornado... :
+3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Kenyan forces caused mall collapse
+// Official says Kenyan forces caused mall collapse
+1 Official :
+2 says :
+3 Kenyan :
+4 forces :
+5 caused :
+6 mall :
+7 collapse :
+1 2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine to implement unilateral ceasefire
+// Ukraine offers unilateral ceasefire
+1 Ukraine :
+2 offers :
+3 unilateral :
+4 ceasefire :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Muslim Brotherhood banned in Egypt
+// Military holds upper hand in Egypt
+1 Military :
+2 holds :
+3 upper :
+4 hand :
+5 in :
+6 Egypt :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Suspect arrested in attack on French soldier
+// Man arrested over attack on French soldier
+1 Man :
+2 arrested :
+3 over :
+4 attack :
+5 on :
+6 French :
+7 soldier :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Obama Urges Restraint from Israelis , Palestinians
+// Obama meets Israeli , Palestinian negotiators
+1 Obama :
+2 meets :
+3 Israeli :
+4 , :
+5 Palestinian :
+6 negotiators :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Brazilians throng streets to greet pope
+// In Brazil , thousands turn out to greet Pope Francis
+1 In :
+2 Brazil :
+3 , :
+4 thousands :
+5 turn :
+6 out :
+7 to :
+8 greet :
+9 Pope :
+10 Francis :
+4 5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Quake shakes northeastern Japan , no tsunami risk
+// Quake hits Japan , no tsunami warning
+1 Quake :
+2 hits :
+3 Japan :
+4 , :
+5 no :
+6 tsunami :
+7 warning :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Detroit eligible for bankruptcy protection : U.S. judge
+// Detroit eligible for bankruptcy protection
+1 Detroit :
+2 eligible :
+3 for :
+4 bankruptcy :
+5 protection :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Vietnam detects signals from missing plane
+// China expands search area for missing plane
+1 China :
+2 expands :
+3 search :
+4 area :
+5 for :
+6 missing :
+7 plane :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Six US soldiers killed in aircraft crash in Afghanistan
+// Six U.S. soldiers killed in helicopter crash in Afghanistan
+1 Six :
+2 U.S. :
+3 soldiers :
+4 killed :
+5 in :
+6 helicopter :
+7 crash :
+8 in :
+9 Afghanistan :
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// EU offers to help destroy Syria weapons
+// Germany offers help in destroying Syria weapons
+1 Germany :
+2 offers :
+3 help :
+4 in :
+5 destroying :
+6 Syria :
+7 weapons :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt arrests Muslim Brotherhood 's top leader
+// Egypt Arrests Muslim Brotherhood Supporters Under Terror Law
+1 Egypt :
+2 Arrests :
+3 Muslim :
+4 Brotherhood :
+5 Supporters :
+6 Under :
+7 Terror :
+8 Law :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Arsenal v Stoke City - live!
+// Tottenham v Manchester City - live!
+1 Tottenham :
+2 v :
+3 Manchester :
+4 City :
+5 - :
+6 live! :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// London Marathon runners honour Boston victims
+// London Marathon observes silence for Boston victims
+1 London :
+2 Marathon :
+3 observes :
+4 silence :
+5 for :
+6 Boston :
+7 victims :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Today in History , Dec. 2
+// Today in History , April 23
+1 Today :
+2 in :
+3 History :
+4 , :
+5 April :
+6 23 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Desmond Tutu says he will attend Mandela funeral
+// Tutu says will attend Mandela funeral
+1 Tutu :
+2 says :
+3 will :
+4 attend :
+5 Mandela :
+6 funeral :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nigerian gunmen kill groom , 30 others in wedding convoy
+// Nigeria official : Gunmen kill 30 in wedding convoy
+1 Nigeria :
+2 official :
+3 : :
+4 Gunmen :
+5 kill :
+6 30 :
+7 in :
+8 wedding :
+9 convoy :
+1 2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Deaths rise in Israeli air strikes on Gaza
+// Deaths rise in air strikes on Gaza
+1 Deaths :
+2 rise :
+3 in :
+4 air :
+5 strikes :
+6 on :
+7 Gaza :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US drone strike kills 11 in Pakistan
+// US drone kills 16 in Pakistan
+1 US :
+2 drone :
+3 kills :
+4 16 :
+5 in :
+6 Pakistan :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Islamic militants kill 9 foreign tourists , 1 Pakistani
+// Gunmen Kill 11 Foreign Tourists in Pakistan
+1 Gunmen :
+2 Kill :
+3 11 :
+4 Foreign :
+5 Tourists :
+6 in :
+7 Pakistan :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 9 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Boeing 787 Dreamliner fire shuts Heathrow
+// Boeing 787 Dreamliner catches fire at London Heathrow airport
+1 Boeing :
+2 787 :
+3 Dreamliner :
+4 catches :
+5 fire :
+6 at :
+7 London :
+8 Heathrow :
+9 airport :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf arrested again
+// Former Pakistan military ruler Pervez Musharraf granted bail
+1 Former :
+2 Pakistan :
+3 military :
+4 ruler :
+5 Pervez :
+6 Musharraf :
+7 granted :
+8 bail :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Latest storm brings more snow to US East Coast
+// Latest Storm to Bring More Snow to East Coast
+1 Latest :
+2 Storm :
+3 to :
+4 Bring :
+5 More :
+6 Snow :
+7 to :
+8 East :
+9 Coast :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Powerful 7.6 quake strikes off Solomons
+// Powerful 6.9 quake strikes off California coast
+1 Powerful :
+2 6.9 :
+3 quake :
+4 strikes :
+5 off :
+6 California :
+7 coast :
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World sends emergency relief to battered Philippines
+// Typhoon Haiyan : world sends relief to battered Philippines
+1 Typhoon :
+2 Haiyan :
+3 : :
+4 world :
+5 sends :
+6 relief :
+7 to :
+8 battered :
+9 Philippines :
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// EU , Britain argue over Juncker appointment
+// EU leaders give thumbs up to Juncker , Britain isolated
+1 EU :
+2 leaders :
+3 give :
+4 thumbs :
+5 up :
+6 to :
+7 Juncker :
+8 , :
+9 Britain :
+10 isolated :
+1 2 3 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Dozens injured in Connecticut train collision
+// Indian minister killed in head-on collision
+1 Indian :
+2 minister :
+3 killed :
+4 in :
+5 head-on :
+6 collision :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Russian Prime Minister On Second Day Of Crimea Visit
+// Russia warns against setting preconditions for Syria
+1 Russia :
+2 warns :
+3 against :
+4 setting :
+5 preconditions :
+6 for :
+7 Syria :
+4 5 6 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Barack Obama cancels meeting with Vladimir Putin over Edward Snowden
+// Barack Obama drops meeting with Vladimir Putin over Ed Snowden affair
+1 Barack :
+2 Obama :
+3 drops :
+4 meeting :
+5 with :
+6 Vladimir :
+7 Putin :
+8 over :
+9 Ed :
+10 Snowden :
+11 affair :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// India govt rejects proposal to shut petrol pumps at night
+// India oil minister slammed for plan to shut petrol stations at night
+1 India :
+2 oil :
+3 minister :
+4 slammed :
+5 for :
+6 plan :
+7 to :
+8 shut :
+9 petrol :
+10 stations :
+11 at :
+12 night :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israeli war jet strikes on northern Gaza
+// Israeli air strike on sourthern Gaza town kills seven
+1 Israeli :
+2 air :
+3 strike :
+4 on :
+5 sourthern :
+6 Gaza :
+7 town :
+8 kills :
+9 seven :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tropical Storm Karen targets US Gulf Coast
+// Tropical Storm Karen weakens as it nears U.S. Gulf Coast
+1 Tropical :
+2 Storm :
+3 Karen :
+4 weakens :
+5 as :
+6 it :
+7 nears :
+8 U.S. :
+9 Gulf :
+10 Coast :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Toyota , Honda , Nissan and Mazda recall 3 million Japanese cars after airbag fault
+// Toyota , 3 other Japan carmakers to recall 3.4m vehicles over airbag
+1 Toyota :
+2 , :
+3 3 :
+4 other :
+5 Japan :
+6 carmakers :
+7 to :
+8 recall :
+9 3.4m :
+10 vehicles :
+11 over :
+12 airbag :
+8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China sends largest fleet yet to disputed islands
+// China ships enter waters off disputed islands
+1 China :
+2 ships :
+3 enter :
+4 waters :
+5 off :
+6 disputed :
+7 islands :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// California governor declares drought emergency
+// California governor declares drought emergency as wildfires continue to burn
+1 California :
+2 governor :
+3 declares :
+4 drought :
+5 emergency :
+6 as :
+7 wildfires :
+8 continue :
+9 to :
+10 burn :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine rebels ' flee eastern stronghold '
+// Ukraine Claims Rebels Flushed from Main Stronghold
+1 Ukraine :
+2 Claims :
+3 Rebels :
+4 Flushed :
+5 from :
+6 Main :
+7 Stronghold :
+1 2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// France warns of extremists benefiting from Egypt violence
+// France fears extremists will benefit from Egypt violence
+1 France :
+2 fears :
+3 extremists :
+4 will :
+5 benefit :
+6 from :
+7 Egypt :
+8 violence :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Obama moves to fill Fed board , taps Fischer to be No. 2
+// Obama voices willingness to talk with GOP on budget
+1 Obama :
+2 voices :
+3 willingness :
+4 to :
+5 talk :
+6 with :
+7 GOP :
+8 on :
+9 budget :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 42 killed , 63 wounded in violence in Iraq
+// 44 killed , 133 wounded in Iraq 's violence
+1 44 :
+2 killed :
+3 , :
+4 133 :
+5 wounded :
+6 in :
+7 Iraq :
+8 's :
+9 violence :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// U.S. soldier free after almost five years captivity in Afghanistan
+// US soldier freed after 5 years in captivity in Afghanistan
+1 US :
+2 soldier :
+3 freed :
+4 after :
+5 5 :
+6 years :
+7 in :
+8 captivity :
+9 in :
+10 Afghanistan :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Thousands of Britons claim dole in Germany
+// Thousands of white-clad Amsterdammers march for MH17
+1 Thousands :
+2 of :
+3 white-clad :
+4 Amsterdammers :
+5 march :
+6 for :
+7 MH17 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bradley Manning acquitted of aiding the enemy
+// Wikileaks soldier Bradley Manning acquitted of aiding the enemy
+1 Wikileaks :
+2 soldier :
+3 Bradley :
+4 Manning :
+5 acquitted :
+6 of :
+7 aiding :
+8 the :
+9 enemy :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Brazil Buzzing With Anticipation for Pope Francis
+// Brazil crowds greet Pope Francis
+1 Brazil :
+2 crowds :
+3 greet :
+4 Pope :
+5 Francis :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Drone Strikes a Seminary in Pakistan
+// US drone strike kills 8 in NW Pakistan
+1 US :
+2 drone :
+3 strike :
+4 kills :
+5 8 :
+6 in :
+7 NW :
+8 Pakistan :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunmen kill 10 foreign tourists in northern Pakistan
+// Islamic militants kill 9 foreign tourists , 1 Pakistani
+1 Islamic :
+2 militants :
+3 kill :
+4 9 :
+5 foreign :
+6 tourists :
+7 , :
+8 1 :
+9 Pakistani :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Death toll in Nairobi attack rises to 59
+// Death toll from Egypt violence rises to 638
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 from :
+4 Egypt :
+5 violence :
+6 rises :
+7 to :
+8 638 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian regime ' using chemical weapons on a small scale '
+// White House says Syria uses chemical weapons in conflict
+1 White :
+2 House :
+3 says :
+4 Syria :
+5 uses :
+6 chemical :
+7 weapons :
+8 in :
+9 conflict :
+1 2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Venezuelan opposition leader sought
+// Venezuela Government , Opposition Head for Showdown
+1 Venezuela :
+2 Government :
+3 , :
+4 Opposition :
+5 Head :
+6 for :
+7 Showdown :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// UK 's Cameron seriously concerned by Gibraltar/Spain row
+// Cameron ' seriously concerned ' over Gibraltar events
+1 Cameron :
+2 ' :
+3 seriously :
+4 concerned :
+5 ' :
+6 over :
+7 Gibraltar :
+8 events :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// What the Papers Say , Nov. 19 , 2013
+// What the Papers Say Sept. 26 , 2013
+1 What :
+2 the :
+3 Papers :
+4 Say :
+5 Sept. :
+6 26 :
+7 , :
+8 2013 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Top Diplomats Meet in Munich at Critical Time
+// Top Diplomats Discuss Iran 's Nuclear Program
+1 Top :
+2 Diplomats :
+3 Discuss :
+4 Iran :
+5 's :
+6 Nuclear :
+7 Program :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iranian nuclear talks to be extended to November
+// New Iran nuclear talks probably in November : report
+1 New :
+2 Iran :
+3 nuclear :
+4 talks :
+5 probably :
+6 in :
+7 November :
+8 : :
+9 report :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian Opposition Mulls Participation in Peace Talks
+// Syrian opposition confirms participation in peace talks
+1 Syrian :
+2 opposition :
+3 confirms :
+4 participation :
+5 in :
+6 peace :
+7 talks :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rudd sworn in as Australian PM
+// Rudd sworn in as Australia 's new Prime Minister
+1 Rudd :
+2 sworn :
+3 in :
+4 as :
+5 Australia :
+6 's :
+7 new :
+8 Prime :
+9 Minister :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Obama says Korean War veterans ' deserved better '
+// Obama : Korean War vets ' deserve better '
+1 Obama :
+2 : :
+3 Korean :
+4 War :
+5 vets :
+6 ' :
+7 deserve :
+8 better :
+9 ' :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Andhra Pradesh high court asks Telugu actors Mohan Babu , Brahmanandam to return Padma Shri
+// HC advises actors Mohan Babu , Brahmanandam to return Padma Shri
+1 HC :
+2 advises :
+3 actors :
+4 Mohan :
+5 Babu :
+6 , :
+7 Brahmanandam :
+8 to :
+9 return :
+10 Padma :
+11 Shri :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 11 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pro football player Aaron Hernandez charged with murder in friend 's shooting death
+// American football player Aaron Hernandez charged with murder
+1 American :
+2 football :
+3 player :
+4 Aaron :
+5 Hernandez :
+6 charged :
+7 with :
+8 murder :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Algerian president in France for medical tests
+// Algerian president in France for medical tests after minor stroke
+1 Algerian :
+2 president :
+3 in :
+4 France :
+5 for :
+6 medical :
+7 tests :
+8 after :
+9 minor :
+10 stroke :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel to release Palestinian prisoners
+// Israel Releases 26 Palestinian Prisoners
+1 Israel :
+2 Releases :
+3 26 :
+4 Palestinian :
+5 Prisoners :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// British Nobel-Winning Author Doris Lessing Dies
+// Nobel Prize winning author Doris Lessing dies
+1 Nobel :
+2 Prize :
+3 winning :
+4 author :
+5 Doris :
+6 Lessing :
+7 dies :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Carter stars for Crusaders
+// Bonus-point Super Rugby win for Crusaders
+1 Bonus-point :
+2 Super :
+3 Rugby :
+4 win :
+5 for :
+6 Crusaders :
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Car bombs kill at least 16 in Iraqi capital
+// Car bombs kill at least 47 in Baghdad area
+1 Car :
+2 bombs :
+3 kill :
+4 at :
+5 least :
+6 47 :
+7 in :
+8 Baghdad :
+9 area :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// ' Fast & ; Furious ' star Paul Walker dies in car crash at 40
+// Hollywood star Paul Walker dies in car crash
+1 Hollywood :
+2 star :
+3 Paul :
+4 Walker :
+5 dies :
+6 in :
+7 car :
+8 crash :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China eases one-child policy
+// China formalizes easing of one-child policy
+1 China :
+2 formalizes :
+3 easing :
+4 of :
+5 one-child :
+6 policy :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Global chemical watchdog wins Nobel Peace Prize
+// Chemical weapons watchdog wins Nobel Peace prize
+1 Chemical :
+2 weapons :
+3 watchdog :
+4 wins :
+5 Nobel :
+6 Peace :
+7 prize :
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Woman remanded over child 's death A woman has been remanded in custody charged with murder after an eight-year-old girl was found dead in a block of flats.
+// Mother held over daughter 's death A mother has been remanded in custody charged with murder after her eight-year-old daughter was found dead in a block of flats.
+1 Mother :
+2 held :
+3 over :
+4 daughter :
+5 's :
+6 death :
+7 A :
+8 mother :
+9 has :
+10 been :
+11 remanded :
+12 in :
+13 custody :
+14 charged :
+15 with :
+16 murder :
+17 after :
+18 her :
+19 eight-year-old :
+20 daughter :
+21 was :
+22 found :
+23 dead :
+24 in :
+25 a :
+26 block :
+27 of :
+28 flats. :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 16 <==> 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 18 19 20 <==> 17 18 19 20 // EQUI // 5 //
+21 22 <==> 21 22 // EQUI // 5 //
+23 <==> 23 // EQUI // 5 //
+24 25 26 <==> 24 25 26 // EQUI // 5 //
+27 28 <==> 27 28 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Police fire tear gas at pro-Morsy protesters
+// Turkish police fire teargas at protesters in Istanbul
+1 Turkish :
+2 police :
+3 fire :
+4 teargas :
+5 at :
+6 protesters :
+7 in :
+8 Istanbul :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 17:02 23 killed in Iraq car bombings
+// 11 children killed in Syria bombings
+1 11 :
+2 children :
+3 killed :
+4 in :
+5 Syria :
+6 bombings :
+2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunmen kill nine foreign tourists , guide in Pakistan
+// Gunmen kill nine tourists in Pakistan
+1 Gunmen :
+2 kill :
+3 nine :
+4 tourists :
+5 in :
+6 Pakistan :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pro-Russia rebels to hold vote in Ukraine
+// Syria rebels : We killed Hezbollah men in Lebanon
+1 Syria :
+2 rebels :
+3 : :
+4 We :
+5 killed :
+6 Hezbollah :
+7 men :
+8 in :
+9 Lebanon :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Erdogan criticizes court ruling after lifting Twitter ban
+// Erdogan slams top court for lifting Twitter ban
+1 Erdogan :
+2 slams :
+3 top :
+4 court :
+5 for :
+6 lifting :
+7 Twitter :
+8 ban :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Today in History , Jan. 24
+// Today in History , April 4
+1 Today :
+2 in :
+3 History :
+4 , :
+5 April :
+6 4 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Janet Yellen to become first woman to lead the Federal Reserve
+// US Senate confirms Janet Yellen as US Federal Reserve chief
+1 US :
+2 Senate :
+3 confirms :
+4 Janet :
+5 Yellen :
+6 as :
+7 US :
+8 Federal :
+9 Reserve :
+10 chief :
+1 2 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Police use water cannon as India gang-rape protest turns violent
+// Police fire teargas , water cannon at Istanbul protesters
+1 Police :
+2 fire :
+3 teargas :
+4 , :
+5 water :
+6 cannon :
+7 at :
+8 Istanbul :
+9 protesters :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US consumers boost spending 0.2 pct. last month
+// Consumer spending up 0.2 percent in May
+1 Consumer :
+2 spending :
+3 up :
+4 0.2 :
+5 percent :
+6 in :
+7 May :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran 's Rouhani admits chemical weapons killed people in Syria
+// Probe alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria
+1 Probe :
+2 alleged :
+3 use :
+4 of :
+5 chemical :
+6 weapons :
+7 in :
+8 Syria :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Britain 's Prince Philip set for ' exploratory ' surgery
+// UK 's Prince Philip hospitalized
+1 UK :
+2 's :
+3 Prince :
+4 Philip :
+5 hospitalized :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Huge explosion after oil train derails in Canada
+// Huge explosion as freight train derails near Baltimore
+1 Huge :
+2 explosion :
+3 as :
+4 freight :
+5 train :
+6 derails :
+7 near :
+8 Baltimore :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// NATO soldier killed in Taliban attack
+// Four soldiers killed in Yemen
+1 Four :
+2 soldiers :
+3 killed :
+4 in :
+5 Yemen :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Red Cross workers released in Ukraine
+// Red Cross members kidnapped in Syria
+1 Red :
+2 Cross :
+3 members :
+4 kidnapped :
+5 in :
+6 Syria :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran 's nuclear negotiating team leaves for Kazakhstan
+// Iran 's nuclear quest ' has cost Tehran over $100 billion '
+1 Iran :
+2 's :
+3 nuclear :
+4 quest :
+5 ' :
+6 has :
+7 cost :
+8 Tehran :
+9 over :
+10 $100 :
+11 billion :
+12 ' :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Myanmar arrests 44 over sectarian violence
+// Ban Warns Syria Strikes Could Worsen Sectarian Violence
+1 Ban :
+2 Warns :
+3 Syria :
+4 Strikes :
+5 Could :
+6 Worsen :
+7 Sectarian :
+8 Violence :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Google Unveils Prototype Self-Driving Car
+// Google Unveils Concept Self-Driving Car
+1 Google :
+2 Unveils :
+3 Concept :
+4 Self-Driving :
+5 Car :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel to free Palestinian prisoners over Kerry talks
+// Israel Agrees to Free 104 Palestinian Prisoners as Part of Possible Deal to Restart Peace Talks
+1 Israel :
+2 Agrees :
+3 to :
+4 Free :
+5 104 :
+6 Palestinian :
+7 Prisoners :
+8 as :
+9 Part :
+10 of :
+11 Possible :
+12 Deal :
+13 to :
+14 Restart :
+15 Peace :
+16 Talks :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Chemical Arms Team to Begin Talks With Syria
+// UN Chemical Arms Experts To Visit Syria
+1 UN :
+2 Chemical :
+3 Arms :
+4 Experts :
+5 To :
+6 Visit :
+7 Syria :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt 's opposition criticizes president 's speech
+// Pakistan 's opposition party boycotts presidential elections
+1 Pakistan :
+2 's :
+3 opposition :
+4 party :
+5 boycotts :
+6 presidential :
+7 elections :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rogers hires Vodafone UK chief Guy Laurence as CEO
+// Rogers names Vodafone UK chief as new CEO
+1 Rogers :
+2 names :
+3 Vodafone :
+4 UK :
+5 chief :
+6 as :
+7 new :
+8 CEO :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// One dead , 77 hurt in riot at PNG immigration centre
+// One dead , 77 hurt in riot at Papua New Guinea immigration centre
+1 One :
+2 dead :
+3 , :
+4 77 :
+5 hurt :
+6 in :
+7 riot :
+8 at :
+9 Papua :
+10 New :
+11 Guinea :
+12 immigration :
+13 centre :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 15 dead as Egypt police disperse pro-Mursi camps
+// ' 15 killed ' as Egyptian forces clear pro-Morsi camps in Cairo
+1 ' :
+2 15 :
+3 killed :
+4 ' :
+5 as :
+6 Egyptian :
+7 forces :
+8 clear :
+9 pro-Morsi :
+10 camps :
+11 in :
+12 Cairo :
+1 2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian PM Survives Bomb Attack
+// Syrian PM survives bomb attack in capital
+1 Syrian :
+2 PM :
+3 survives :
+4 bomb :
+5 attack :
+6 in :
+7 capital :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// North Korea claims ' breakthrough ' guided missile
+// N. Korea hails test of ' breakthrough ' guided missile
+1 N. :
+2 Korea :
+3 hails :
+4 test :
+5 of :
+6 ' :
+7 breakthrough :
+8 ' :
+9 guided :
+10 missile :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : February 25
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : January 27
+1 India :
+2 Ink :
+3 : :
+4 Image :
+5 of :
+6 the :
+7 Day :
+8 : :
+9 January :
+10 27 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bangladesh collapse search over ; death toll 1,127
+// Bangladesh collapse deaths top 620
+1 Bangladesh :
+2 collapse :
+3 deaths :
+4 top :
+5 620 :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Japan 's opposition party chief criticizes Abe 's economic policies
+// Zimbabwe 's opposition MDC party challenges Robert Mugabe 's election win
+1 Zimbabwe :
+2 's :
+3 opposition :
+4 MDC :
+5 party :
+6 challenges :
+7 Robert :
+8 Mugabe :
+9 's :
+10 election :
+11 win :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Abdullah ahead in Afghanistan election race
+// Abdullah leading in Afghan presidential elections
+1 Abdullah :
+2 leading :
+3 in :
+4 Afghan :
+5 presidential :
+6 elections :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// New major earthquake rocks southwest Pakistan
+// Moderate earthquake hits southern Pakistan
+1 Moderate :
+2 earthquake :
+3 hits :
+4 southern :
+5 Pakistan :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Berlusconi party ministers ' announcement of resignation throws Italy into political crisis
+// Berlusconi ministers resign ; Italy gov 't in crisis
+1 Berlusconi :
+2 ministers :
+3 resign :
+4 ; :
+5 Italy :
+6 gov :
+7 't :
+8 in :
+9 crisis :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nicaragua , Venezuela offer asylum to Snowden
+// Venezuela offers " humanitarian asylum " to Snowden
+1 Venezuela :
+2 offers :
+3 " :
+4 humanitarian :
+5 asylum :
+6 " :
+7 to :
+8 Snowden :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 17 govt employees killed in Pakistan bus bombing
+// At least 78 killed in Pakistan church bombing
+1 At :
+2 least :
+3 78 :
+4 killed :
+5 in :
+6 Pakistan :
+7 church :
+8 bombing :
+1 2 3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two hurt in Bangkok shooting
+// Two hurt in US school shooting
+1 Two :
+2 hurt :
+3 in :
+4 US :
+5 school :
+6 shooting :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel colonel killed in Jordan Valley
+// Israeli killed in West Bank attack
+1 Israeli :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 West :
+5 Bank :
+6 attack :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bangladesh police arrest prominent atheist blogger
+// Bangladesh police arrest 3 atheist bloggers
+1 Bangladesh :
+2 police :
+3 arrest :
+4 3 :
+5 atheist :
+6 bloggers :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Cannes hotel raid nets €40 million gems
+// Jewels worth €40m stolen in Cannes
+1 Jewels :
+2 worth :
+3 €40m :
+4 stolen :
+5 in :
+6 Cannes :
+5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Chinese News Agency Slams Delays in Search for Jet
+// Ten Chinese vessels on standby for jet search
+1 Ten :
+2 Chinese :
+3 vessels :
+4 on :
+5 standby :
+6 for :
+7 jet :
+8 search :
+6 7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syria envoy says no peace talks without opposition
+// Syria : Cameron and Obama move west closer to intervention
+1 Syria :
+2 : :
+3 Cameron :
+4 and :
+5 Obama :
+6 move :
+7 west :
+8 closer :
+9 to :
+10 intervention :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Mel Smith dead at 60 and UK mourns a comedy favourite
+// Griff Rhys Jones : Mel Smith was ' a force for life '
+1 Griff :
+2 Rhys :
+3 Jones :
+4 : :
+5 Mel :
+6 Smith :
+7 was :
+8 ' :
+9 a :
+10 force :
+11 for :
+12 life :
+13 ' :
+1 2 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Driver of crashed Spanish train held on suspicion of negligent homicide
+// Spanish train driver held on suspicion of negligent homicide
+1 Spanish :
+2 train :
+3 driver :
+4 held :
+5 on :
+6 suspicion :
+7 of :
+8 negligent :
+9 homicide :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran warns against military intervention in Iraq
+// FM Spokeswoman : Iran against US military interference in Iraq
+1 FM :
+2 Spokeswoman :
+3 : :
+4 Iran :
+5 against :
+6 US :
+7 military :
+8 interference :
+9 in :
+10 Iraq :
+1 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Death toll rises to 51 in Latvian supermarket collapse
+// Death toll hits 63 in Mumbai building collapse
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 hits :
+4 63 :
+5 in :
+6 Mumbai :
+7 building :
+8 collapse :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Defence in South Korea ferry trial warns of scapegoating
+// Defence in ferry trial warns of scapegoating
+1 Defence :
+2 in :
+3 ferry :
+4 trial :
+5 warns :
+6 of :
+7 scapegoating :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 6 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// EDL leaders arrested during march to Woolwich
+// EDL leaders arrested on way to Woolwich
+1 EDL :
+2 leaders :
+3 arrested :
+4 on :
+5 way :
+6 to :
+7 Woolwich :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunmen kill nine foreign tourists , guide in Pakistan
+// Gunmen kill 9 foreign tourists , 1 Pakistani
+1 Gunmen :
+2 kill :
+3 9 :
+4 foreign :
+5 tourists :
+6 , :
+7 1 :
+8 Pakistani :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Thai opposition party to boycott general election
+// Thailand 's opposition Democrat Party announces boycott of February general election
+1 Thailand :
+2 's :
+3 opposition :
+4 Democrat :
+5 Party :
+6 announces :
+7 boycott :
+8 of :
+9 February :
+10 general :
+11 election :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian warplanes reportedly strike in Iraq , killing 57
+// Syria and Iran Step Up Involvement in Iraq Conflict
+1 Syria :
+2 and :
+3 Iran :
+4 Step :
+5 Up :
+6 Involvement :
+7 in :
+8 Iraq :
+9 Conflict :
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt changes venue for trial of ousted president
+// Egypt Changes Venue for Trial of Ousted President
+1 Egypt :
+2 Changes :
+3 Venue :
+4 for :
+5 Trial :
+6 of :
+7 Ousted :
+8 President :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Respected British interviewer David Frost dies of a heart attack
+// Broadcaster David Frost dies
+1 Broadcaster :
+2 David :
+3 Frost :
+4 dies :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Group : 7 Palestinians killed in Syria
+// Palestinian killed in Israeli raid
+1 Palestinian :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 Israeli :
+5 raid :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Car bomb at Swedish consulate in Libya 's Benghazi , no casualties
+// Car Bomb Hits Swedish Consulate in Benghazi , None Hurt
+1 Car :
+2 Bomb :
+3 Hits :
+4 Swedish :
+5 Consulate :
+6 in :
+7 Benghazi :
+8 , :
+9 None :
+10 Hurt :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US drone strike kills six in Pakistan officials
+// U.S. drone kills 4 militants in Pakistan
+1 U.S. :
+2 drone :
+3 kills :
+4 4 :
+5 militants :
+6 in :
+7 Pakistan :
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Earthquake of 6.3 magnitude strikes off Indonesia island
+// Earthquake of 6 magnitude strikes Thailand
+1 Earthquake :
+2 of :
+3 6 :
+4 magnitude :
+5 strikes :
+6 Thailand :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China quake leaves dozens dead
+// China quake kills at least 179
+1 China :
+2 quake :
+3 kills :
+4 at :
+5 least :
+6 179 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Queen visits Britain 's new prince
+// Queen meets Britain 's new baby prince
+1 Queen :
+2 meets :
+3 Britain :
+4 's :
+5 new :
+6 baby :
+7 prince :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syria opposition pressed to attend talks
+// Syria opposition voices frustration with international backers
+1 Syria :
+2 opposition :
+3 voices :
+4 frustration :
+5 with :
+6 international :
+7 backers :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Putin submits federal constitutional law on Crimea 's integration into Russia to State Duma
+// Putin signs a treaty for Crimea to join Russia
+1 Putin :
+2 signs :
+3 a :
+4 treaty :
+5 for :
+6 Crimea :
+7 to :
+8 join :
+9 Russia :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Venezuela expels three U.S. diplomats
+// Venezuela Expels 3 U.S. Diplomats
+1 Venezuela :
+2 Expels :
+3 3 :
+4 U.S. :
+5 Diplomats :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt 's bruised Islamists protest after bloody week
+// Egypt Islamists defiant after deadly clashes
+1 Egypt :
+2 Islamists :
+3 defiant :
+4 after :
+5 deadly :
+6 clashes :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// N Korea test-fires 30 short-range missiles
+// N. Korea fires short-range missiles
+1 N. :
+2 Korea :
+3 fires :
+4 short-range :
+5 missiles :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Glasgow helicopter death toll rises to nine
+// Earthquake death toll rises to 260
+1 Earthquake :
+2 death :
+3 toll :
+4 rises :
+5 to :
+6 260 :
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Shanghai stock indices close mixed -- Nov. 11
+// Shanghai stock indices close higher -- July 23
+1 Shanghai :
+2 stock :
+3 indices :
+4 close :
+5 higher :
+6 -- :
+7 July :
+8 23 :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Prince Charles ' compares Putin to Hitler '
+// Prince Charles ' compares Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler '
+1 Prince :
+2 Charles :
+3 ' :
+4 compares :
+5 Vladimir :
+6 Putin :
+7 to :
+8 Adolf :
+9 Hitler :
+10 ' :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian army retakes Crusader castle from rebels
+// Syrian army retakes historic Crusader castle
+1 Syrian :
+2 army :
+3 retakes :
+4 historic :
+5 Crusader :
+6 castle :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian opposition to meet over peace talks
+// Syrian Opposition Splintered Ahead of Peace Talks
+1 Syrian :
+2 Opposition :
+3 Splintered :
+4 Ahead :
+5 of :
+6 Peace :
+7 Talks :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Four Morsi supporters killed in Egypt clashes
+// Thousands of Morsi supporters gather in Egypt
+1 Thousands :
+2 of :
+3 Morsi :
+4 supporters :
+5 gather :
+6 in :
+7 Egypt :
+1 2 3 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Five people jailed over Costa Concordia disaster
+// five men sentenced for costa concordia shipwreck disaster
+1 five :
+2 men :
+3 sentenced :
+4 for :
+5 costa :
+6 concordia :
+7 shipwreck :
+8 disaster :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tokyo to host 2020 Olympic Games
+// Tokyo wins race to host 2020 Olympic Games
+1 Tokyo :
+2 wins :
+3 race :
+4 to :
+5 host :
+6 2020 :
+7 Olympic :
+8 Games :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Suicide bomber kills eight , wounds 13 in Afghan capital - police
+// Suicide bomb kills 4 in Syrian capital 's Old City
+1 Suicide :
+2 bomb :
+3 kills :
+4 4 :
+5 in :
+6 Syrian :
+7 capital :
+8 's :
+9 Old :
+10 City :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Twelve killed in bomb blast on Pakistani train
+// 11 killed as bus falls into ravine in northern Pakistan
+1 11 :
+2 killed :
+3 as :
+4 bus :
+5 falls :
+6 into :
+7 ravine :
+8 in :
+9 northern :
+10 Pakistan :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 41 killed , 22 wounded in violent attacks in Iraq
+// 35 killed , 138 wounded in wave of attacks in Iraq
+1 35 :
+2 killed :
+3 , :
+4 138 :
+5 wounded :
+6 in :
+7 wave :
+8 of :
+9 attacks :
+10 in :
+11 Iraq :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China yuan advances to 6.2035 against USD Tuesday
+// China yuan slightly advances to 6.1408 against USD Wednesday
+1 China :
+2 yuan :
+3 slightly :
+4 advances :
+5 to :
+6 6.1408 :
+7 against :
+8 USD :
+9 Wednesday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// New Australian PM Tony Abbott on his bike awaiting final vote count
+// Australian PM-elect Tony Abbott gets to grips with his new job
+1 Australian :
+2 PM-elect :
+3 Tony :
+4 Abbott :
+5 gets :
+6 to :
+7 grips :
+8 with :
+9 his :
+10 new :
+11 job :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Amazon launches new device for streaming video
+// Amazon unveils new Fire TV streaming video box
+1 Amazon :
+2 unveils :
+3 new :
+4 Fire :
+5 TV :
+6 streaming :
+7 video :
+8 box :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Glasgow Helicopter Crash Search Ends
+// Glasgow Helicopter Crash : Woman PC Is Victim
+1 Glasgow :
+2 Helicopter :
+3 Crash :
+4 : :
+5 Woman :
+6 PC :
+7 Is :
+8 Victim :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Thousands evacuated in Moscow metro fire
+// Thousands evacuated after fire breaks out in Moscow Metro
+1 Thousands :
+2 evacuated :
+3 after :
+4 fire :
+5 breaks :
+6 out :
+7 in :
+8 Moscow :
+9 Metro :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bangladesh opposition set for mass march against polls
+// Bangladesh opposition set for mass rally
+1 Bangladesh :
+2 opposition :
+3 set :
+4 for :
+5 mass :
+6 rally :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 40 still missing in Canadian train wreck
+// Hunt still on for 40 missing in Canada train blaze
+1 Hunt :
+2 still :
+3 on :
+4 for :
+5 40 :
+6 missing :
+7 in :
+8 Canada :
+9 train :
+10 blaze :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Arsenal stars poised to wear T-shirts in support Pat Rice 's fight against cancer
+// Arsenal great Rice in hospital with cancer
+1 Arsenal :
+2 great :
+3 Rice :
+4 in :
+5 hospital :
+6 with :
+7 cancer :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Colombia strike three times
+// Colombia too slick for Greece
+1 Colombia :
+2 too :
+3 slick :
+4 for :
+5 Greece :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Polar bear DNA ' may help fight obesity '
+// Polar bear study may boost fight against obesity
+1 Polar :
+2 bear :
+3 study :
+4 may :
+5 boost :
+6 fight :
+7 against :
+8 obesity :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Fire in Russian psychiatric hospital kills 38
+// 38 feared dead in Russian psychiatric hospital fire
+1 38 :
+2 feared :
+3 dead :
+4 in :
+5 Russian :
+6 psychiatric :
+7 hospital :
+8 fire :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World 's largest building opened in west China
+// Italy 's centre-left splinters in presidential vote
+1 Italy :
+2 's :
+3 centre-left :
+4 splinters :
+5 in :
+6 presidential :
+7 vote :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel not to release Palestinian prisoners
+// Israeli authorities raze Palestinian home in Arraba
+1 Israeli :
+2 authorities :
+3 raze :
+4 Palestinian :
+5 home :
+6 in :
+7 Arraba :
+2 3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Volcano erupts in Indonesia - 100,000 evacuated and airports closed
+// Volcanic eruption closes 3 airports
+1 Volcanic :
+2 eruption :
+3 closes :
+4 3 :
+5 airports :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Search resumes for Malaysia jet
+// Search Resumes for Missing Malaysian Jet
+1 Search :
+2 Resumes :
+3 for :
+4 Missing :
+5 Malaysian :
+6 Jet :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China yuan weakens to 6.1651 against USD Tuesday
+// China yuan strengthens to 6.1696 against USD Thursday
+1 China :
+2 yuan :
+3 strengthens :
+4 to :
+5 6.1696 :
+6 against :
+7 USD :
+8 Thursday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// South Africa unites in prayer and song for Mandela
+// South Africans Embark on Day of ' Prayer and Reflection ' for Mandela
+1 South :
+2 Africans :
+3 Embark :
+4 on :
+5 Day :
+6 of :
+7 ' :
+8 Prayer :
+9 and :
+10 Reflection :
+11 ' :
+12 for :
+13 Mandela :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Prince William addresses Australian parliament video
+// Royal visit : Prince William and Catherine visit Parliament in Canberra tour
+1 Royal :
+2 visit :
+3 : :
+4 Prince :
+5 William :
+6 and :
+7 Catherine :
+8 visit :
+9 Parliament :
+10 in :
+11 Canberra :
+12 tour :
+1 2 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Fromer Pakistani army chief Musharraf charged in 2007 Bhutto assassination
+// Former Pakistan army chief charged in Bhutto death
+1 Former :
+2 Pakistan :
+3 army :
+4 chief :
+5 charged :
+6 in :
+7 Bhutto :
+8 death :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 5 Dead in India Building Collapse
+// Death toll in India building collapse hits 42
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 in :
+4 India :
+5 building :
+6 collapse :
+7 hits :
+8 42 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt Launches Offensive Against Sinai Militants
+// Egypt launches offensive against Sinai insurgents
+1 Egypt :
+2 launches :
+3 offensive :
+4 against :
+5 Sinai :
+6 insurgents :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Assad warns Turkey of ' heavy price ' for backing Syrian rebels
+// Cabinet at war over arming Syrian rebels
+1 Cabinet :
+2 at :
+3 war :
+4 over :
+5 arming :
+6 Syrian :
+7 rebels :
+11 12 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Deal on Iran nuclear drive from Jan 20
+// Deal curbing Iran nuclear drive to take effect Jan 20
+1 Deal :
+2 curbing :
+3 Iran :
+4 nuclear :
+5 drive :
+6 to :
+7 take :
+8 effect :
+9 Jan :
+10 20 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two arrests made after protest against Nigel Farage
+// Kerry vows progress after latest intensive Mideast trip
+1 Kerry :
+2 vows :
+3 progress :
+4 after :
+5 latest :
+6 intensive :
+7 Mideast :
+8 trip :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nobel author Doris Lessing dies at 94
+// Nobel laureate Doris Lessing dies at 94
+1 Nobel :
+2 laureate :
+3 Doris :
+4 Lessing :
+5 dies :
+6 at :
+7 94 :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Man held after teen shot in Belfast
+// Man , 40 , arrested after shooting
+1 Man :
+2 , :
+3 40 :
+4 , :
+5 arrested :
+6 after :
+7 shooting :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran ups oil swap with eastern neighbors
+// Iran urges rapid release of diplomat
+1 Iran :
+2 urges :
+3 rapid :
+4 release :
+5 of :
+6 diplomat :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pakistan 's Musharraf Under Arrest in Bhutto Assassination
+// Pakistan 's Musharraf arrives at court for first time
+1 Pakistan :
+2 's :
+3 Musharraf :
+4 arrives :
+5 at :
+6 court :
+7 for :
+8 first :
+9 time :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pit Bull Dog Kills Baby Girl In Blackburn
+// Dog Mauls Baby Girl To Death In Blackburn
+1 Dog :
+2 Mauls :
+3 Baby :
+4 Girl :
+5 To :
+6 Death :
+7 In :
+8 Blackburn :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Police stop Maldives presidential election
+// Keita Wins Mali Presidential Election
+1 Keita :
+2 Wins :
+3 Mali :
+4 Presidential :
+5 Election :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 10 Things to Know - Today
+// 10 Things to Know for Tuesday
+1 10 :
+2 Things :
+3 to :
+4 Know :
+5 for :
+6 Tuesday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Air strike kills one man in Syria 's Hama
+// US drone strike kills eleven in Pakistan
+1 US :
+2 drone :
+3 strike :
+4 kills :
+5 eleven :
+6 in :
+7 Pakistan :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// ' One unaccounted for ' in San Francisco plane crash
+// Two killed in San Francisco plane crash ' were Chinese '
+1 Two :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 San :
+5 Francisco :
+6 plane :
+7 crash :
+8 ' :
+9 were :
+10 Chinese :
+11 ' :
+1 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China urges Japan to respect regional security concerns
+// China urges Japan to maintain regional peace
+1 China :
+2 urges :
+3 Japan :
+4 to :
+5 maintain :
+6 regional :
+7 peace :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel Forces Kill 2 Palestinian Militants
+// Israeli army kills Palestinian militant in raid
+1 Israeli :
+2 army :
+3 kills :
+4 Palestinian :
+5 militant :
+6 in :
+7 raid :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine talks continue amid growing unrest
+// Ukraine faces more violence as ultimatum nears end
+1 Ukraine :
+2 faces :
+3 more :
+4 violence :
+5 as :
+6 ultimatum :
+7 nears :
+8 end :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egyptian police fire tear gas at protesters in Cairo
+// Police fire tear gas at protesters in Cairo
+1 Police :
+2 fire :
+3 tear :
+4 gas :
+5 at :
+6 protesters :
+7 in :
+8 Cairo :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Hong Kong set for democracy march
+// Hong Kong set for huge democracy rally
+1 Hong :
+2 Kong :
+3 set :
+4 for :
+5 huge :
+6 democracy :
+7 rally :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Brazil in talks to hire 6,000 Cuban doctors
+// Brazil hires 4,000 Cuban doctors
+1 Brazil :
+2 hires :
+3 4,000 :
+4 Cuban :
+5 doctors :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Southern Italy Coach Crash Kills 38
+// Death toll rises to 39 in Italy coach crash
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 rises :
+4 to :
+5 39 :
+6 in :
+7 Italy :
+8 coach :
+9 crash :
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Yemen officials : US drone kills 2 militants
+// Yemen drone strike kills militants
+1 Yemen :
+2 drone :
+3 strike :
+4 kills :
+5 militants :
+4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nine killed more than 40 injured in multiple bus crash in Germany
+// Several killed and scores injured in Germany bus crash
+1 Several :
+2 killed :
+3 and :
+4 scores :
+5 injured :
+6 in :
+7 Germany :
+8 bus :
+9 crash :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 12 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Australian PM Kevin Rudd calls election for 7 September
+// Australian PM Rudd calls Sept. 7 poll
+1 Australian :
+2 PM :
+3 Rudd :
+4 calls :
+5 Sept. :
+6 7 :
+7 poll :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Police clash with youth in Cairo after anti-Morsi protest
+// Egypt : Police clash with pro-Morsi protesters
+1 Egypt :
+2 : :
+3 Police :
+4 clash :
+5 with :
+6 pro-Morsi :
+7 protesters :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US Issues Travel Alert Over Al Qaeda Threat
+// US issues global alert , citing Qaeda threats
+1 US :
+2 issues :
+3 global :
+4 alert :
+5 , :
+6 citing :
+7 Qaeda :
+8 threats :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ships Train for Syrian Chemical Weapons Transport
+// UN Adopts Syrian Chemical Weapons Resolution
+1 UN :
+2 Adopts :
+3 Syrian :
+4 Chemical :
+5 Weapons :
+6 Resolution :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// More rain hampers Indian flood rescue
+// US tourist gang-raped in northern India : Police
+1 US :
+2 tourist :
+3 gang-raped :
+4 in :
+5 northern :
+6 India :
+7 : :
+8 Police :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Aust shares edge higher
+// Aust shares close higher
+1 Aust :
+3 close :
+4 higher :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US , Russia agree on seizure of Syria chemical weapons
+// Syrian rebels skeptical of chemical weapons deal
+1 Syrian :
+2 rebels :
+3 skeptical :
+4 of :
+5 chemical :
+6 weapons :
+7 deal :
+7 8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// ' Fast & ; Furious ' star Paul Walker dies in car crash
+// Paul Walker dead : Fast and Furious star , 40 , killed in car crash
+1 Paul :
+2 Walker :
+3 dead :
+4 : :
+5 Fast :
+6 and :
+7 Furious :
+8 star :
+9 , :
+10 40 :
+11 , :
+12 killed :
+13 in :
+14 car :
+15 crash :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// European Central Bank keeps rates unchanged
+// European Central bank keeps interest rate at 0.5%
+1 European :
+2 Central :
+3 bank :
+4 keeps :
+5 interest :
+6 rate :
+7 at :
+8 0.5% :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunmen kill 10 in Philippine political violence
+// Five killed in Philippines volcano eruption
+1 Five :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 Philippines :
+5 volcano :
+6 eruption :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 24 killed 77 wounded in Iraq mosque bombing
+// At least 18 killed in Iraq mosque bombing
+1 At :
+2 least :
+3 18 :
+4 killed :
+5 in :
+6 Iraq :
+7 mosque :
+8 bombing :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Islamists still holding some 30 hostages as Kenya mall standoff continues
+// Death toll rises as Kenya mall siege continues
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 rises :
+4 as :
+5 Kenya :
+6 mall :
+7 siege :
+8 continues :
+4 5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Heavy smog hits north China city , flights cancelled
+// Heavy Smog Hits North China City , Flights Canceled
+1 Heavy :
+2 Smog :
+3 Hits :
+4 North :
+5 China :
+6 City :
+7 , :
+8 Flights :
+9 Canceled :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Algeria president gets therapy after stroke : state media
+// Bulgarian president tries to break election stalemate
+1 Bulgarian :
+2 president :
+3 tries :
+4 to :
+5 break :
+6 election :
+7 stalemate :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran says ready for fresh round of nuclear talks
+// Iran 's Khamenei renews support for nuclear talks
+1 Iran :
+2 's :
+3 Khamenei :
+4 renews :
+5 support :
+6 for :
+7 nuclear :
+8 talks :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Suicide bomber kills 23 Iraqi army recruits
+// Suicide bomber kills 13 Iraqi army recruits in Baghdad
+1 Suicide :
+2 bomber :
+3 kills :
+4 13 :
+5 Iraqi :
+6 army :
+7 recruits :
+8 in :
+9 Baghdad :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Obama nominates new transportation secretary
+// Obama To Meet Embattled Veterans Secretary
+1 Obama :
+2 To :
+3 Meet :
+4 Embattled :
+5 Veterans :
+6 Secretary :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Super typhoon hits Philippines
+// Most powerful typhoon of 2013 hits the Philippines
+1 Most :
+2 powerful :
+3 typhoon :
+4 of :
+5 2013 :
+6 hits :
+7 the :
+8 Philippines :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Google releases Nexus 5 phone with Kit Kat
+// Google redesigns search results on PCs
+1 Google :
+2 redesigns :
+3 search :
+4 results :
+5 on :
+6 PCs :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Judge OKs force-feeding California inmates
+// U.S. judge approves force-feeding Californian inmates on hunger strik
+1 U.S. :
+2 judge :
+3 approves :
+4 force-feeding :
+5 Californian :
+6 inmates :
+7 on :
+8 hunger :
+9 strik :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ride operator charged in N.C. fair accident
+// N.C. State Fair ride operator arrested after accident
+1 N.C. :
+2 State :
+3 Fair :
+4 ride :
+5 operator :
+6 arrested :
+7 after :
+8 accident :
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US , NATO Raise Doubts Russia Pulled Back from Ukraine Border
+// No Sign of Russian Withdrawal From Ukraine Border , Official Says
+1 No :
+2 Sign :
+3 of :
+4 Russian :
+5 Withdrawal :
+6 From :
+7 Ukraine :
+8 Border :
+9 , :
+10 Official :
+11 Says :
+4 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Early vote count in Iran gives reformer wide lead
+// Iran vote count gives Rowhani wide lead
+1 Iran :
+2 vote :
+3 count :
+4 gives :
+5 Rowhani :
+6 wide :
+7 lead :
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Australia returns asylum seekers to Sri Lanka in sea transfer
+// Australia : Australia hands asylum-seekers back to Sri Lanka
+1 Australia :
+2 : :
+3 Australia :
+4 hands :
+5 asylum-seekers :
+6 back :
+7 to :
+8 Sri :
+9 Lanka :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Lebanon Clashes Rage Overnight ; 12 Soldiers Dead
+// Lebanon clashes rage near mosque ; 16 soldiers dead
+1 Lebanon :
+2 clashes :
+3 rage :
+4 near :
+5 mosque :
+6 ; :
+7 16 :
+8 soldiers :
+9 dead :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Los Angeles airport worker charged with making 9/11 threats
+// Los Angeles airport worker charged over 9/11 threats
+1 Los :
+2 Angeles :
+3 airport :
+4 worker :
+5 charged :
+6 over :
+7 9/11 :
+8 threats :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 2 killed , multiple wounded in Miami shooting
+// Three killed , five wounded in Myrtle Beach shootings
+1 Three :
+2 killed :
+3 , :
+4 five :
+5 wounded :
+6 in :
+7 Myrtle :
+8 Beach :
+9 shootings :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 9 Killed in Attack on Indian Consulate in Afghanistan
+// 12 killed in attack on Indian consulate in Afghan city
+1 12 :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 attack :
+5 on :
+6 Indian :
+7 consulate :
+8 in :
+9 Afghan :
+10 city :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 6 Killed by Hot Lava as Indonesia Volcano Erupts
+// Five dead in Indonesian eruption
+1 Five :
+2 dead :
+3 in :
+4 Indonesian :
+5 eruption :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China yuan weakens to 6.1059 against USD
+// China yuan strengthens to 6.1070 against USD Friday
+1 China :
+2 yuan :
+3 strengthens :
+4 to :
+5 6.1070 :
+6 against :
+7 USD :
+8 Friday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine hosts ' unity talks '
+// Pope hits out at ' war to sell arms ' in Syria
+1 Pope :
+2 hits :
+3 out :
+4 at :
+5 ' :
+6 war :
+7 to :
+8 sell :
+9 arms :
+10 ' :
+11 in :
+12 Syria :
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iraqi Forces , Militants Battle for Oil Refinery
+// Iraqi forces , militants battle for Iraq refinery
+1 Iraqi :
+2 forces :
+3 , :
+4 militants :
+5 battle :
+6 for :
+7 Iraq :
+8 refinery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Cameron ' has no concerns ' over halal meat
+// Veterans health probe confirms cover-up of care delays
+1 Veterans :
+2 health :
+3 probe :
+4 confirms :
+5 cover-up :
+6 of :
+7 care :
+8 delays :
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bangladesh factory owners arrested as death toll nears 350
+// Bangladesh factory owners arrested
+1 Bangladesh :
+2 factory :
+3 owners :
+4 arrested :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// EU foreign ministers to discuss how to press Egypt over bloodshed
+// EU foreign ministers to discuss Egypt on Wednesday
+1 EU :
+2 foreign :
+3 ministers :
+4 to :
+5 discuss :
+6 Egypt :
+7 on :
+8 Wednesday :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Cairo protesters defy crackdown threat
+// In Cairo Camps , Protesters Dig in and Live On
+1 In :
+2 Cairo :
+3 Camps :
+4 , :
+5 Protesters :
+6 Dig :
+7 in :
+8 and :
+9 Live :
+10 On :
+1 2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Six killed in drone strike in N Waziristan
+// 12 killed in bus accident in Pakistan
+1 12 :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 bus :
+5 accident :
+6 in :
+7 Pakistan :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// UN launches US$300 mil. appeal for Philippines
+// UK sends warship to aid Philippines
+1 UK :
+2 sends :
+3 warship :
+4 to :
+5 aid :
+6 Philippines :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// N Korea postpones family reunions with South
+// North Korea Postpones Family Reunions with South
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 Postpones :
+4 Family :
+5 Reunions :
+6 with :
+7 South :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// N. Korea 's Kim hails execution of powerful uncle
+// North Korea 's Kim seen behind sacking of powerful uncle
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 's :
+4 Kim :
+5 seen :
+6 behind :
+7 sacking :
+8 of :
+9 powerful :
+10 uncle :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pregnant Sudan woman who married a Christian man sentenced to death for ' apostasy '
+// Sudan frees Christian woman sentenced to death for apostasy
+1 Sudan :
+2 frees :
+3 Christian :
+4 woman :
+5 sentenced :
+6 to :
+7 death :
+8 for :
+9 apostasy :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 15 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Libya asks UN Security Council for help
+// Kerry Calls On UN Security Council to Act on Syria
+1 Kerry :
+2 Calls :
+3 On :
+4 UN :
+5 Security :
+6 Council :
+7 to :
+8 Act :
+9 on :
+10 Syria :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Death toll from Baghdad bombs rises to 19
+// Death toll from Egypt clashes rises to 57
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 from :
+4 Egypt :
+5 clashes :
+6 rises :
+7 to :
+8 57 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// France Says Won't ' Shirk Responsibilities ' in Syria
+// France urges EU to be united on Syria
+1 France :
+2 urges :
+3 EU :
+4 to :
+5 be :
+6 united :
+7 on :
+8 Syria :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Boeing 777 plane crash-lands at San Francisco airport
+// Plane crash lands at San Francisco airport
+1 Plane :
+2 crash :
+3 lands :
+4 at :
+5 San :
+6 Francisco :
+7 airport :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tymoshenko urges EU to take strong action on Crimea
+// Ukraine crisis : This is the de-facto annexation of Crimea
+1 Ukraine :
+2 crisis :
+3 : :
+4 This :
+5 is :
+6 the :
+7 de-facto :
+8 annexation :
+9 of :
+10 Crimea :
+8 9 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Monty Python to reunite for new show
+// Monty Python to reunite on stage
+1 Monty :
+2 Python :
+3 to :
+4 reunite :
+5 on :
+6 stage :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Record-setting Southwest heat wave turns fatal
+// At least 1 dead , 40 hospitalized in Southwest heat wave
+1 At :
+2 least :
+3 1 :
+4 dead :
+5 , :
+6 40 :
+7 hospitalized :
+8 in :
+9 Southwest :
+10 heat :
+11 wave :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 3 dead , 1 hurt in shooting at S Carolina oceanfront motel
+// 4 dead , 30 injured in train collision near Moscow
+1 4 :
+2 dead :
+3 , :
+4 30 :
+5 injured :
+6 in :
+7 train :
+8 collision :
+9 near :
+10 Moscow :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nigerian leader orders push to free abducted schoolgirls
+// Pressure mounts to free kidnapped girls
+1 Pressure :
+2 mounts :
+3 to :
+4 free :
+5 kidnapped :
+6 girls :
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Boston bomb suspect charged ; religious motive seen
+// Boston bombing suspect charged in hospital bed
+1 Boston :
+2 bombing :
+3 suspect :
+4 charged :
+5 in :
+6 hospital :
+7 bed :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Scores Killed In Egyptian Protests
+// Turkey 's PM Warns Against Protests
+1 Turkey :
+2 's :
+3 PM :
+4 Warns :
+5 Against :
+6 Protests :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Taiwan stocks close 0.56 pct higher
+// Singapore stocks close 0.5 pct higher
+1 Singapore :
+2 stocks :
+3 close :
+4 0.5 :
+5 pct :
+6 higher :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Cypriot Finance Minister Michalis Sarris resigns
+// Cyprus finance minister resigns
+1 Cyprus :
+2 finance :
+3 minister :
+4 resigns :
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt turmoil deepens ; militants kill 25 policemen
+// Egypt 's turmoil deepens as Sinai attack kills 25 policemen
+1 Egypt :
+2 's :
+3 turmoil :
+4 deepens :
+5 as :
+6 Sinai :
+7 attack :
+8 kills :
+9 25 :
+10 policemen :
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Berlusconi said to pay off ' bunga bunga ' witnesses
+// Berlusconi accused of bribing witnesses in prostitution trial
+1 Berlusconi :
+2 accused :
+3 of :
+4 bribing :
+5 witnesses :
+6 in :
+7 prostitution :
+8 trial :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Microsoft finally unveils Office for Apple 's iPad
+// Microsoft And Office In A Multi-Platform World
+1 Microsoft :
+2 And :
+3 Office :
+4 In :
+5 A :
+6 Multi-Platform :
+7 World :
+4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Glee star Cory Monteith found dead in hotel room in Canada
+// ' Glee ' star Cory Monteith found dead
+1 ' :
+2 Glee :
+3 ' :
+4 star :
+5 Cory :
+6 Monteith :
+7 found :
+8 dead :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Russia praises idea to render rights assistance to Ukraine
+// Russia detains suspected Islamist militants in Moscow raid
+1 Russia :
+2 detains :
+3 suspected :
+4 Islamist :
+5 militants :
+6 in :
+7 Moscow :
+8 raid :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// New Orleans police arrest second suspect in Mother 's Day parade shooting
+// Brothers arrested in Mother 's Day parade shooting
+1 Brothers :
+2 arrested :
+3 in :
+4 Mother :
+5 's :
+6 Day :
+7 parade :
+8 shooting :
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Protesters swamp streets to reclaim revolution
+// Egypt : Protesters storm Muslim Brotherhood 's HQ
+1 Egypt :
+2 : :
+3 Protesters :
+4 storm :
+5 Muslim :
+6 Brotherhood :
+7 's :
+8 HQ :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Hong Kong stocks end higher
+// Indian stocks open higher
+1 Indian :
+2 stocks :
+3 open :
+4 higher :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Poll : Cory Booker takes early lead for N.J. Senate
+// Nigella Lawson ' took cocaine every day for a decade '
+1 Nigella :
+2 Lawson :
+3 ' :
+4 took :
+5 cocaine :
+6 every :
+7 day :
+8 for :
+9 a :
+10 decade :
+11 ' :
+2 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rebels likely downed Malaysian jet ' by mistake ' - U.S. officials
+// Rebels likely downed jet ' by mistake '
+1 Rebels :
+2 likely :
+3 downed :
+4 jet :
+5 ' :
+6 by :
+7 mistake :
+8 ' :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Wave of bombings , shootings kill 38 in Iraq
+// Wave of car bombs , other attacks kill 31 in Iraq
+1 Wave :
+2 of :
+3 car :
+4 bombs :
+5 , :
+6 other :
+7 attacks :
+8 kill :
+9 31 :
+10 in :
+11 Iraq :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Didier Reynders on Syria
+// Obama 's day : Prime time on Syria
+1 Obama :
+2 's :
+3 day :
+4 : :
+5 Prime :
+6 time :
+7 on :
+8 Syria :
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 5 things you need to know Tuesday
+// 5 things you need to know on Friday
+1 5 :
+2 things :
+3 you :
+4 need :
+5 to :
+6 know :
+7 on :
+8 Friday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egyptian court considers Mubarak 's release
+// Egypt court orders Mubarak release
+1 Egypt :
+2 court :
+3 orders :
+4 Mubarak :
+5 release :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// U.N. Security Council calls for humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza
+// U.N. Security Council Calls for Unconditional Cease-Fire in Gaza
+1 U.N. :
+2 Security :
+3 Council :
+4 Calls :
+5 for :
+6 Unconditional :
+7 Cease-Fire :
+8 in :
+9 Gaza :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud killed in drone strike
+// Pakistani Taliban ' elect new chief ' , vow ' unprecedented ' revenge
+1 Pakistani :
+2 Taliban :
+3 ' :
+4 elect :
+5 new :
+6 chief :
+7 ' :
+8 , :
+9 vow :
+10 ' :
+11 unprecedented :
+12 ' :
+13 revenge :
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Blaze That Killed 19 Firefighters Now Contained
+// Arizona wildfire that killed 19 Hotshots now contained
+1 Arizona :
+2 wildfire :
+3 that :
+4 killed :
+5 19 :
+6 Hotshots :
+7 now :
+8 contained :
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Canada approves oil pipeline to the Pacific Coast
+// Canadian government approves controversial oil pipeline to Pacific
+1 Canadian :
+2 government :
+3 approves :
+4 controversial :
+5 oil :
+6 pipeline :
+7 to :
+8 Pacific :
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Man United Says Moyes Leaves as Manager
+// Man United hires Moyes to replace Ferguson
+1 Man :
+2 United :
+3 hires :
+4 Moyes :
+5 to :
+6 replace :
+7 Ferguson :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syria opposition unity take face specter of collapse
+// Syria divided opposition struggles within wider Syrian struggle
+1 Syria :
+2 divided :
+3 opposition :
+4 struggles :
+5 within :
+6 wider :
+7 Syrian :
+8 struggle :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Margaret Thatcher , former U.K. PM , dead at 87
+// Margaret Thatcher dies at 87
+1 Margaret :
+2 Thatcher :
+3 dies :
+4 at :
+5 87 :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// EU extends sanctions against Russia
+// Nigeria drops arms trafficking charges against Russian sailors
+1 Nigeria :
+2 drops :
+3 arms :
+4 trafficking :
+5 charges :
+6 against :
+7 Russian :
+8 sailors :
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Chinese stocks open higher - Apr 2
+// Chinese stocks open lower Thursday
+1 Chinese :
+2 stocks :
+3 open :
+4 lower :
+5 Thursday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Obama names outspoken Rice as his security adviser
+// Obama to name Susan Rice as national security adviser
+1 Obama :
+2 to :
+3 name :
+4 Susan :
+5 Rice :
+6 as :
+7 national :
+8 security :
+9 adviser :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Activists : Syrian airstrike kills 21 in Aleppo
+// New Syrian Airstrikes Kill at Least 15 in Aleppo
+1 New :
+2 Syrian :
+3 Airstrikes :
+4 Kill :
+5 at :
+6 Least :
+7 15 :
+8 in :
+9 Aleppo :
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Angelina Jolie " very grateful " for support after double mastectomy
+// Angelina Jolie undergoes double mastectomy
+1 Angelina :
+2 Jolie :
+3 undergoes :
+4 double :
+5 mastectomy :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : April 21
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : May 2
+1 India :
+2 Ink :
+3 : :
+4 Image :
+5 of :
+6 the :
+7 Day :
+8 : :
+9 May :
+10 2 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Deaths in bombings and shootings across Iraq
+// Bombings and a shooting kill 8 in Iraq
+1 Bombings :
+2 and :
+3 a :
+4 shooting :
+5 kill :
+6 8 :
+7 in :
+8 Iraq :
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Suicide bomber kills nine police in north Iraq
+// Suicide bomber kills eight Kurdish security forces personnel in Iraq
+1 Suicide :
+2 bomber :
+3 kills :
+4 eight :
+5 Kurdish :
+6 security :
+7 forces :
+8 personnel :
+9 in :
+10 Iraq :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt 's Sisi poised to announce presidency bid
+// Egypt 's Sisi paves way for presidential bid
+1 Egypt :
+2 's :
+3 Sisi :
+4 paves :
+5 way :
+6 for :
+7 presidential :
+8 bid :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 3 killed , 6 injured in Afghan blasts
+// Three killed , six injured in Afghan blasts
+1 Three :
+2 killed :
+3 , :
+4 six :
+5 injured :
+6 in :
+7 Afghan :
+8 blasts :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Texas senator still filibustering abortion bill
+// Texas senator filibusters against abortion bill
+1 Texas :
+2 senator :
+3 filibusters :
+4 against :
+5 abortion :
+6 bill :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Russia drops charges against Greenpeace activists
+// Russia to file piracy charges against Greenpeace
+1 Russia :
+2 to :
+3 file :
+4 piracy :
+5 charges :
+6 against :
+7 Greenpeace :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Protesters clash with police in Turkey
+// Protesters clash with riot police in Kiev
+1 Protesters :
+2 clash :
+3 with :
+4 riot :
+5 police :
+6 in :
+7 Kiev :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nigerian police ban protests over kidnapped girls
+// Nigeria reviewing ' all options ' over kidnapped girls
+1 Nigeria :
+2 reviewing :
+3 ' :
+4 all :
+5 options :
+6 ' :
+7 over :
+8 kidnapped :
+9 girls :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine signs EU trade pact as Russia finalizes Crimea annexation
+// Ukraine 's top court dismisses Crimea 's independence as " unconstitutional "
+1 Ukraine :
+2 's :
+3 top :
+4 court :
+5 dismisses :
+6 Crimea :
+7 's :
+8 independence :
+9 as :
+10 " :
+11 unconstitutional :
+12 " :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The foundations of South Africa are built on Nelson Mandela 's memory
+// Australian politicians lament over Nelson Mandela 's death
+1 Australian :
+2 politicians :
+3 lament :
+4 over :
+5 Nelson :
+6 Mandela :
+7 's :
+8 death :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// On War Criminals and Heroes : The Whitewashing of Ariel Sharon
+// On war criminals and heroes : The whitewashing of Ariel Sharon
+1 On :
+2 war :
+3 criminals :
+4 and :
+5 heroes :
+6 : :
+7 The :
+8 whitewashing :
+9 of :
+10 Ariel :
+11 Sharon :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two French journalists killed in Mali
+// France confirms two French journalists killed in Mali
+1 France :
+2 confirms :
+3 two :
+4 French :
+5 journalists :
+6 killed :
+7 in :
+8 Mali :
+4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China yuan strengthens to 6.1184 against USD Tuesday
+// China yuan weakens to 6.1510 against USD
+1 China :
+2 yuan :
+3 weakens :
+4 to :
+5 6.1510 :
+6 against :
+7 USD :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Malaysia Airlines loses contact with plane carrying 239 to Beijing
+// Malaysia Airlines plane vanishes on flight to Beijing
+1 Malaysia :
+2 Airlines :
+3 plane :
+4 vanishes :
+5 on :
+6 flight :
+7 to :
+8 Beijing :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tehelka editor embroiled in sex assault scam
+// Tehelka editor steps down after allegations of sexual misconduct
+1 Tehelka :
+2 editor :
+3 steps :
+4 down :
+5 after :
+6 allegations :
+7 of :
+8 sexual :
+9 misconduct :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Facts about North Korea 's Musudan missile
+// North Korea fires another missile
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 fires :
+4 another :
+5 missile :
+2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunman who held suburban Atlanta firefighters hostage now dead , police say
+// The Lede : Video : Gunman Takes Firefighters Hostage in Georgia
+1 The :
+2 Lede :
+3 : :
+4 Video :
+5 : :
+6 Gunman :
+7 Takes :
+8 Firefighters :
+9 Hostage :
+10 in :
+11 Georgia :
+1 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Crimea parliament votes to join Russia
+// Crimean parliament formally applies to join Russia
+1 Crimean :
+2 parliament :
+3 formally :
+4 applies :
+5 to :
+6 join :
+7 Russia :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China stocks open lower on Wednesday
+// China 's stocks close lower on Monday
+1 China :
+2 's :
+3 stocks :
+4 close :
+5 lower :
+6 on :
+7 Monday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World News Update , what you need to know
+// Labour 's 50p tax rate : what you need to know
+1 Labour :
+2 's :
+3 50p :
+4 tax :
+5 rate :
+6 : :
+7 what :
+8 you :
+9 need :
+10 to :
+11 know :
+5 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Stocks rise in early trading
+// Stocks inch higher in early trading
+1 Stocks :
+2 inch :
+3 higher :
+4 in :
+5 early :
+6 trading :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Twitter shares rocket at opening
+// Twitter shares rocket as trading begins
+1 Twitter :
+3 rocket :
+4 as :
+5 trading :
+6 begins :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Explosions kill 29 outside two mosques in Lebanon 's Tripoli
+// 2 explosions rock city in northern Lebanon
+1 2 :
+2 explosions :
+3 rock :
+4 city :
+5 in :
+6 northern :
+7 Lebanon :
+7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Next Iran nuclear talks due on June 16-20 - IRNA
+// Iran : Nuclear deal to be implemented on January 20
+1 Iran :
+2 : :
+3 Nuclear :
+4 deal :
+5 to :
+6 be :
+7 implemented :
+8 on :
+9 January :
+10 20 :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Russian coal mines seek new outlets in China
+// Russian foreign minister to meet UN chief
+1 Russian :
+2 foreign :
+3 minister :
+4 to :
+5 meet :
+6 UN :
+7 chief :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Outrage after reports emerge about 6-year-old Indian girl raped at school
+// Outrage After Indian Girl , 6 , Raped at Her School
+1 Outrage :
+2 After :
+3 Indian :
+4 Girl :
+5 , :
+6 6 :
+7 , :
+8 Raped :
+9 at :
+10 Her :
+11 School :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ovadia Yosef , rabbi and Israeli kingmaker , dies
+// Rabbi Ovadia Yosef , kingmaker of Israeli politics , dies at 93
+1 Rabbi :
+2 Ovadia :
+3 Yosef :
+4 , :
+5 kingmaker :
+6 of :
+7 Israeli :
+8 politics :
+9 , :
+10 dies :
+11 at :
+12 93 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Thai protesters disrupt early voting for disputed election
+// Thai protest leader shot dead outside polling station
+1 Thai :
+2 protest :
+3 leader :
+4 shot :
+5 dead :
+6 outside :
+7 polling :
+8 station :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Most victims of fiery bus crash identified
+// 38 bodies of victims identified
+1 38 :
+2 bodies :
+3 of :
+4 victims :
+5 identified :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Palestinian diplomat hurt in blast
+// Palestinian ambassador injured in apartment blast
+1 Palestinian :
+2 ambassador :
+3 injured :
+4 in :
+5 apartment :
+6 blast :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
diff --git a/20211030_161612/images.wa b/20211030_161612/images.wa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a1f0dffca0e6a9f4576c0c507c669c27bd32292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_161612/images.wa
@@ -0,0 +1,13403 @@
+// A child in a blue and white team uniform chasing a soccer ball .
+// A young boy in a blue soccer uniform chasing a ball .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 blue :
+7 soccer :
+8 uniform :
+9 chasing :
+10 a :
+11 ball :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in a gray suit locking up a bicycle
+// A man and a woman standing on a city street .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 and :
+4 a :
+5 woman :
+6 standing :
+7 on :
+8 a :
+9 city :
+10 street :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog in in a car .
+// A dog is biting a mop .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 biting :
+5 a :
+6 mop :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog walking beside a pool .
+// A black dog is walking along the side of a pool .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 walking :
+6 along :
+7 the :
+8 side :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 pool :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The boy is looking up at the girl as another girl ignores them .
+// the boy is diving into the pool as the couple watch .
+1 the :
+2 boy :
+3 is :
+4 diving :
+5 into :
+6 the :
+7 pool :
+8 as :
+9 the :
+10 couple :
+11 watch :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two women holding checkered flags near an orange car .
+// Two ladies in skimpy clothes pose next to an old fashioned car .
+1 Two :
+2 ladies :
+3 in :
+4 skimpy :
+5 clothes :
+6 pose :
+7 next :
+8 to :
+9 an :
+10 old :
+11 fashioned :
+12 car :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A hiker with a backpack is up on a misty mountain top .
+// A hiker climbing a rocky hill with fog surrounding him .
+1 A :
+2 hiker :
+3 climbing :
+4 a :
+5 rocky :
+6 hill :
+7 with :
+8 fog :
+9 surrounding :
+10 him :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog in running on grass .
+// A brown dog runs through the grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 grass :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The dog returns the play toy to its master .
+// Three dogs race in the snow together .
+1 Three :
+2 dogs :
+3 race :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 together :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// two dogs are running across a grassy path .
+// Two dogs are in a grassy area .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 grassy :
+7 area :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman stands with her arms out at her sides while another takes a picture .
+// A man stands in a crowd holding a white object .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 stands :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 crowd :
+7 holding :
+8 a :
+9 white :
+10 object :
+11 . :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog is jumping in the air to catch an orange Frisbee .
+// a white dog jumping in the air to catch a red Frisbee .
+1 a :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 jumping :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 air :
+8 to :
+9 catch :
+10 a :
+11 red :
+12 Frisbee :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman and a man with a blue shirt are posing for a photograph .
+// a man and a woman posing for a picture
+1 a :
+2 man :
+3 and :
+4 a :
+5 woman :
+6 posing :
+7 for :
+8 a :
+9 picture :
+10 11 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three people stand in an outdoor glass structure .
+// Three people in a glass structure .
+1 Three :
+2 people :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 glass :
+6 structure :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Young boy wearing a denim shirt sticks out his tongue .
+// A young boy wearing a denim jacket sticks his tongue out .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 wearing :
+5 a :
+6 denim :
+7 jacket :
+8 sticks :
+9 his :
+10 tongue :
+11 out :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog is walking on the grass .
+// A dog chases another by a tree .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 chases :
+4 another :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 tree :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three boys playing soccer in a field
+// Three boys playing soccer .
+1 Three :
+2 boys :
+3 playing :
+4 soccer :
+5 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person is riding a skateboard in the air above a ramp .
+// A biker is riding along a track element located with a wooded area .
+1 A :
+2 biker :
+3 is :
+4 riding :
+5 along :
+6 a :
+7 track :
+8 element :
+9 located :
+10 with :
+11 a :
+12 wooded :
+13 area :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Brown and white dog playing in the grass .
+// Black and white dog leaping for Frisbee .
+1 Black :
+2 and :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 leaping :
+6 for :
+7 Frisbee :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy is jumping into the water with a ball in his hand .
+// A little boy swimming underwater with a toy in his hand .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 boy :
+4 swimming :
+5 underwater :
+6 with :
+7 a :
+8 toy :
+9 in :
+10 his :
+11 hand :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A deer jumps a fence .
+// A deer jumping over a fence .
+1 A :
+2 deer :
+3 jumping :
+4 over :
+5 a :
+6 fence :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two young girls with dyed hair talk to two boys in black .
+// two girls with pink streaked hair and two boys with black hair standing next to a concrete building .
+1 two :
+2 girls :
+3 with :
+4 pink :
+5 streaked :
+6 hair :
+7 and :
+8 two :
+9 boys :
+10 with :
+11 black :
+12 hair :
+13 standing :
+14 next :
+15 to :
+16 a :
+17 concrete :
+18 building :
+19 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 19 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Light brown dog running towards something at the beach .
+// A brown dog chases a blond one in the grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 chases :
+5 a :
+6 blond :
+7 one :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 grass :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man with a messenger bag in front of a gray tile wall .
+// Man in red jacket standing in front of lighthouse .
+1 Man :
+2 in :
+3 red :
+4 jacket :
+5 standing :
+6 in :
+7 front :
+8 of :
+9 lighthouse :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man crouching and holding a camera .
+// The crouching man is holding a large camera .
+1 The :
+2 crouching :
+3 man :
+4 is :
+5 holding :
+6 a :
+7 large :
+8 camera :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl wearing a pink coat splashes in rain puddles .
+// A girl in a pink jacket is walking through a large puddle .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 pink :
+6 jacket :
+7 is :
+8 walking :
+9 through :
+10 a :
+11 large :
+12 puddle :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man rollerblading on a metal bar .
+// Roller blades sliding on a railing .
+1 Roller :
+2 blades :
+3 sliding :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 railing :
+7 . :
+3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A small dog jumping with a ball in its mouth .
+// There is a brown dog swimming outside with a tennis ball in its mouth .
+1 There :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 brown :
+5 dog :
+6 swimming :
+7 outside :
+8 with :
+9 a :
+10 tennis :
+11 ball :
+12 in :
+13 its :
+14 mouth :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Kids playing ball in the park .
+// Two dogs playing by the shore .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 playing :
+4 by :
+5 the :
+6 shore :
+7 . :
+2 3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Woman in a black dress walking on the street .
+// A woman watches a dog jump down the stairs .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 watches :
+4 a :
+5 dog :
+6 jump :
+7 down :
+8 the :
+9 stairs :
+10 . :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Five men dressed in tuxedos standing on a set of stairs
+// Five men in tuxedos are walking down steps .
+1 Five :
+2 men :
+3 in :
+4 tuxedos :
+5 are :
+6 walking :
+7 down :
+8 steps :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog is running toward the camera .
+// A brown and white dog running on grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 running :
+7 on :
+8 grass :
+9 . :
+3 4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a dog jumps into the water .
+// A small dog leaps in the water .
+1 A :
+2 small :
+3 dog :
+4 leaps :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two large dogs running in some grass .
+// Two brindle dogs running in the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 brindle :
+3 dogs :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 grass :
+8 . :
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy stands in the pool at the bottom of a blue water slide .
+// A boy splashes into a pool , ejected from a water slide .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 splashes :
+4 into :
+5 a :
+6 pool :
+7 , :
+8 ejected :
+9 from :
+10 a :
+11 water :
+12 slide :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 14 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two children ride saucers down a snowy hill .
+// Two children go sledding .
+1 Two :
+2 children :
+3 go :
+4 sledding :
+5 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person climbs up a snowy hill while their dog follows .
+// A person climbs a snowy hill while a black dog follows .
+1 A :
+2 person :
+3 climbs :
+4 a :
+5 snowy :
+6 hill :
+7 while :
+8 a :
+9 black :
+10 dog :
+11 follows :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A child is jumping into a swimming pool .
+// A dog jumping into a swimming pool .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 jumping :
+4 into :
+5 a :
+6 swimming :
+7 pool :
+8 . :
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Four small children sit on tall stools at a resturaunt bar .
+// Four children sit on tall bar stools at a yellow and grey bar .
+1 Four :
+2 children :
+3 sit :
+4 on :
+5 tall :
+6 bar :
+7 stools :
+8 at :
+9 a :
+10 yellow :
+11 and :
+12 grey :
+13 bar :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The black and white dog runs through the grass .
+// A black and white dog is running through grass .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 through :
+9 grass :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl in a pink shirt is sprawling her limbs out in midair .
+// A man dressed in a Santa suit is climbing up a large concrete building .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 dressed :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 Santa :
+7 suit :
+8 is :
+9 climbing :
+10 up :
+11 a :
+12 large :
+13 concrete :
+14 building :
+15 . :
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A tan and white dog retrieving a ball on a gravel path .
+// A large dog walks along a gravel path in the woods .
+1 A :
+2 large :
+3 dog :
+4 walks :
+5 along :
+6 a :
+7 gravel :
+8 path :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 woods :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a boy in a grey hat is carrying a soccer ball by a reddish colored wall .
+// A small boy is carrying a soccer ball .
+1 A :
+2 small :
+3 boy :
+4 is :
+5 carrying :
+6 a :
+7 soccer :
+8 ball :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person wearing scuba gear is swimming underwater water .
+// A person is scuba diving in very clear blue water .
+1 A :
+2 person :
+3 is :
+4 scuba :
+5 diving :
+6 in :
+7 very :
+8 clear :
+9 blue :
+10 water :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog walking in the snow .
+// A black and tan dog walking through the snow .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 tan :
+5 dog :
+6 walking :
+7 through :
+8 the :
+9 snow :
+10 . :
+4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman placing a baby on a skateboard on the beach .
+// a woman holds a small baby on a skateboard at the beach
+1 a :
+2 woman :
+3 holds :
+4 a :
+5 small :
+6 baby :
+7 on :
+8 a :
+9 skateboard :
+10 at :
+11 the :
+12 beach :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy jumping into a lake .
+// The boy is jumping into a lake .
+1 The :
+2 boy :
+3 is :
+4 jumping :
+5 into :
+6 a :
+7 lake :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man water skis while attached to a parachute .
+// A man kite surfing creates a wave .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 kite :
+4 surfing :
+5 creates :
+6 a :
+7 wave :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog looks at a black puppy in the snow .
+// A big white dog and a small black dog sit in the snow .
+1 A :
+2 big :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 and :
+6 a :
+7 small :
+8 black :
+9 dog :
+10 sit :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 snow :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A blue and white soccer team playing against each other .
+// A topless woman with her face painted is covered in mud .
+1 A :
+2 topless :
+3 woman :
+4 with :
+5 her :
+6 face :
+7 painted :
+8 is :
+9 covered :
+10 in :
+11 mud :
+12 . :
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a white dog running in the snow
+// The dogs are running in the snow .
+1 The :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy wearing a blue visor swings a bat .
+// A young boy with a visor on plays ball with his bat in the street .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 with :
+5 a :
+6 visor :
+7 on :
+8 plays :
+9 ball :
+10 with :
+11 his :
+12 bat :
+13 in :
+14 the :
+15 street :
+16 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a group of people white water rafting in a blue raft .
+// A group of people paddle their blue inflatable raft down the rapids .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 paddle :
+6 their :
+7 blue :
+8 inflatable :
+9 raft :
+10 down :
+11 the :
+12 rapids :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A pair of dogs playing with a purple ball .
+// Two dogs play with purple football .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 with :
+5 purple :
+6 football :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog shakes off water
+// A dog shakes his head .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 shakes :
+4 his :
+5 head :
+6 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy wearing a red shirt runs across the grass with a furry dog .
+// A sports fan is wearing face paint in the stands .
+1 A :
+2 sports :
+3 fan :
+4 is :
+5 wearing :
+6 face :
+7 paint :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 stands :
+11 . :
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two young children are walking across an open field .
+// Two small children walking in a field .
+1 Two :
+2 small :
+3 children :
+4 walking :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 field :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The brown dog is running on the grass .
+// The skinny brown dog is running through the tall green grass .
+1 The :
+2 skinny :
+3 brown :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 running :
+7 through :
+8 the :
+9 tall :
+10 green :
+11 grass :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man with his arms raised at the top of a mountain .
+// A person in a red shirt is standing , with arms raised , at the top of a mountain .
+1 A :
+2 person :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 red :
+6 shirt :
+7 is :
+8 standing :
+9 , :
+10 with :
+11 arms :
+12 raised :
+13 , :
+14 at :
+15 the :
+16 top :
+17 of :
+18 a :
+19 mountain :
+20 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 17 18 19 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 20 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three children stand on or near a fence .
+// The three children are standing on and by a fence .
+1 The :
+2 three :
+3 children :
+4 are :
+5 standing :
+6 on :
+7 and :
+8 by :
+9 a :
+10 fence :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of four children dancing in a backyard .
+// A group of children do stretches on colored mats .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 children :
+5 do :
+6 stretches :
+7 on :
+8 colored :
+9 mats :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two constructions workers sit on a beam taking a break .
+// The man is putting on his shirt near an elevator .
+1 The :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 putting :
+5 on :
+6 his :
+7 shirt :
+8 near :
+9 an :
+10 elevator :
+11 . :
+5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is holding a very long leash attached to a very large dog who is smelling the grass .
+// A man holds a long leash with a large gray dog attached to it .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 holds :
+4 a :
+5 long :
+6 leash :
+7 with :
+8 a :
+9 large :
+10 gray :
+11 dog :
+12 attached :
+13 to :
+14 it :
+15 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// This is a boat on the water with mountains in the background .
+// A white boat on glassy water with mountains in the background .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 boat :
+4 on :
+5 glassy :
+6 water :
+7 with :
+8 mountains :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 background :
+12 . :
+3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two boys are jumping into a pool .
+// Two boys are in midair jumping into an inground pool .
+1 Two :
+2 boys :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 midair :
+6 jumping :
+7 into :
+8 an :
+9 inground :
+10 pool :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Scuba diver submerged in water .
+// The scuba diver is underwater .
+1 The :
+2 scuba :
+3 diver :
+4 is :
+5 underwater :
+6 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The brown and black dog sprints across the snow .
+// A black dog is running quickly along the ground .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 quickly :
+7 along :
+8 the :
+9 ground :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog jumps through the water .
+// A dog walks through the snow .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 walks :
+4 through :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog walks in the grass with it's tongue hanging out .
+// A grey dog walks in the green grass , tongue hanging out .
+1 A :
+2 grey :
+3 dog :
+4 walks :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 green :
+8 grass :
+9 , :
+10 tongue :
+11 hanging :
+12 out :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person in a striped fleece clips a carabiner onto a metal line .
+// A young woman in a helmet attaches a pulley to a cable .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 woman :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 helmet :
+7 attaches :
+8 a :
+9 pulley :
+10 to :
+11 a :
+12 cable :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A lean dog runs through green grass .
+// A brown dog and two black dogs in an overgrown grassy field .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 and :
+5 two :
+6 black :
+7 dogs :
+8 in :
+9 an :
+10 overgrown :
+11 grassy :
+12 field :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Many cars parked on a mountain .
+// A group of cars parked on a hill
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 cars :
+5 parked :
+6 on :
+7 a :
+8 hill :
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A light brown dog is running in the water .
+// A brown and white dog running into the water
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 running :
+7 into :
+8 the :
+9 water :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// three dogs playing on a beach
+// A boy standing on a beach .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 standing :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 beach :
+7 . :
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a dog jumps into the pond .
+// the skateboarder jumps into the air .
+1 the :
+2 skateboarder :
+3 jumps :
+4 into :
+5 the :
+6 air :
+7 . :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white and black dog is jumping into a pool .
+// A woman in a black apron is standing in front of a mirror .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 black :
+6 apron :
+7 is :
+8 standing :
+9 in :
+10 front :
+11 of :
+12 a :
+13 mirror :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog is running through green grass .
+// A brown dog is running though a river .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 though :
+7 a :
+8 river :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three children playing on rocks near a lake
+// Three men playing baseball .
+1 Three :
+2 men :
+3 playing :
+4 baseball :
+5 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in black shaving a ice sculpture .
+// A man has a chainsaw and is carving a block of ice .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 has :
+4 a :
+5 chainsaw :
+6 and :
+7 is :
+8 carving :
+9 a :
+10 block :
+11 of :
+12 ice :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown and white dog with a pink collar is barking at a brown dog with a blue collar in the snow .
+// The dog with the red collar is bearing it's teeth at the dog with the blue collar .
+1 The :
+2 dog :
+3 with :
+4 the :
+5 red :
+6 collar :
+7 is :
+8 bearing :
+9 it's :
+10 teeth :
+11 at :
+12 the :
+13 dog :
+14 with :
+15 the :
+16 blue :
+17 collar :
+18 . :
+10 11 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 15 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 17 18 19 <==> 14 15 16 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+23 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog looking at the camera in snow .
+// A dog is walking in a tire track in the snow .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 walking :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 tire :
+8 track :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 snow :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A surfer is riding on a breaking wave .
+// A surfer is riding a wave .
+1 A :
+2 surfer :
+3 is :
+4 riding :
+5 a :
+6 wave :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The # 2 greyhound dog is running around a track .
+// a muzzled greyhound dog is running around a track
+1 a :
+2 muzzled :
+3 greyhound :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 running :
+7 around :
+8 a :
+9 track :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog is running after a white dog in the snow .
+// Black dog chasing brown dog through snow
+1 Black :
+2 dog :
+3 chasing :
+4 brown :
+5 dog :
+6 through :
+7 snow :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man wearing an orange coat speaks to another as they walk in the snow .
+// A man and woman dressedin old fashion clothing sit outside at a table .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 and :
+4 woman :
+5 dressedin :
+6 old :
+7 fashion :
+8 clothing :
+9 sit :
+10 outside :
+11 at :
+12 a :
+13 table :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Dog running on shore beside two geese in water
+// A black dog running along the sandy shoreline of a body of water while two ducks swim nearby .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 running :
+5 along :
+6 the :
+7 sandy :
+8 shoreline :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 body :
+12 of :
+13 water :
+14 while :
+15 two :
+16 ducks :
+17 swim :
+18 nearby :
+19 . :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of people in boats racing towards the shore .
+// A group of people stand together and pose in front of a house .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 stand :
+6 together :
+7 and :
+8 pose :
+9 in :
+10 front :
+11 of :
+12 a :
+13 house :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A family is playing on the beach with their dog .
+// A naked little girl being thrown into the air .
+1 A :
+2 naked :
+3 little :
+4 girl :
+5 being :
+6 thrown :
+7 into :
+8 the :
+9 air :
+10 . :
+3 4 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is wind sailing in the ocean .
+// A dog is running through the ocean .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 ocean :
+8 . :
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A small dog runs through a grassy field .
+// Two dogs bound across the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 bound :
+4 across :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young child blows on an orange wand to make a bubble .
+// An Asian child is blowing bubbles from an orange bubble hoop .
+1 An :
+2 Asian :
+3 child :
+4 is :
+5 blowing :
+6 bubbles :
+7 from :
+8 an :
+9 orange :
+10 bubble :
+11 hoop :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// two woman sit on a park bench .
+// Two women sitting on a bench by the water .
+1 Two :
+2 women :
+3 sitting :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 bench :
+7 by :
+8 the :
+9 water :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a bird lands in the water .
+// a boat floats in the water .
+1 a :
+2 boat :
+3 floats :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 water :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two young men are juggling multi-colored blocks with people watching .
+// Two men stand juggling colored boxes while other men stand on a balcony .
+1 Two :
+2 men :
+3 stand :
+4 juggling :
+5 colored :
+6 boxes :
+7 while :
+8 other :
+9 men :
+10 stand :
+11 on :
+12 a :
+13 balcony :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person is skijoring with a dog in the mountains .
+// A brown dog is playing with a ball in the water .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 playing :
+6 with :
+7 a :
+8 ball :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 water :
+12 . :
+5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog runs through a muddy bank .
+// A lean dog runs through a wooded area .
+1 A :
+2 lean :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 through :
+6 a :
+7 wooded :
+8 area :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The brown dog is playing in the snow .
+// A black dog is playing in the snow .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 playing :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 snow :
+9 . :
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The person is doing a handstand on the beach .
+// A kid is doing a hand-stand on the beach .
+1 A :
+2 kid :
+3 is :
+4 doing :
+5 a :
+6 hand-stand :
+7 on :
+8 the :
+9 beach :
+10 . :
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A tan girl in a floral bikini is swimming in dark blue waters .
+// a little girl in a flowered bathingsuit runs through the sand at the beach
+1 a :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 flowered :
+7 bathingsuit :
+8 runs :
+9 through :
+10 the :
+11 sand :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 beach :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog is running through the snow .
+// The German shepherd dog is running through the snow .
+1 The :
+2 German :
+3 shepherd :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 running :
+7 through :
+8 the :
+9 snow :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The large dog wading in the water and shaking .
+// Three dark dogs swimming and one of them has a ball .
+1 Three :
+2 dark :
+3 dogs :
+4 swimming :
+5 and :
+6 one :
+7 of :
+8 them :
+9 has :
+10 a :
+11 ball :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are playing around in the dirt .
+// A dancer posing for the camera in a red and white dress .
+1 A :
+2 dancer :
+3 posing :
+4 for :
+5 the :
+6 camera :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 red :
+10 and :
+11 white :
+12 dress :
+13 . :
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog running across the sand
+// A dog running through the water .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 running :
+4 through :
+5 the :
+6 water :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white and tan dog runs through the tall green grass .
+// A medium sized brown and white streaked dog is running through tall grass .
+1 A :
+2 medium :
+3 sized :
+4 brown :
+5 and :
+6 white :
+7 streaked :
+8 dog :
+9 is :
+10 running :
+11 through :
+12 tall :
+13 grass :
+14 . :
+6 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of four hiking through a snowy forest .
+// A group of people hike through a snowy wooded area .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 hike :
+6 through :
+7 a :
+8 snowy :
+9 wooded :
+10 area :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in plaid shirt hits a tree with an Axe .
+// A man in a plaid shirt uses a tool by a tree .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 plaid :
+6 shirt :
+7 uses :
+8 a :
+9 tool :
+10 by :
+11 a :
+12 tree :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A smiling man and a baby girl posing for photo .
+// A smiling man holds a small child wearing pink and red .
+1 A :
+2 smiling :
+3 man :
+4 holds :
+5 a :
+6 small :
+7 child :
+8 wearing :
+9 pink :
+10 and :
+11 red :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// White dog outside with two people in background .
+// Little boy coming at camera down blue slide , smiling woman in background .
+1 Little :
+2 boy :
+3 coming :
+4 at :
+5 camera :
+6 down :
+7 blue :
+8 slide :
+9 , :
+10 smiling :
+11 woman :
+12 in :
+13 background :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs are playing in the water .
+// Three dogs run in the snow .
+1 Three :
+2 dogs :
+3 run :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl jumping on a sand dune at the ocean .
+// The little girl jumps up into the air with the sand beneath her .
+1 The :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 jumps :
+5 up :
+6 into :
+7 the :
+8 air :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 sand :
+12 beneath :
+13 her :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A shirtless man rock climbs .
+// A man rock climbing .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 rock :
+4 climbing :
+5 . :
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// An adult male wearing a backpack walks and looks to the left .
+// A man wearing a backpack looking to the side .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 backpack :
+6 looking :
+7 to :
+8 the :
+9 side :
+10 . :
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog jumping high to catch a ball .
+// Two black and white dogs run across a green field .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dogs :
+6 run :
+7 across :
+8 a :
+9 green :
+10 field :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A snowboarder goes down a ramp .
+// A snowboarder going over a ramp .
+1 A :
+2 snowboarder :
+3 going :
+4 over :
+5 a :
+6 ramp :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young man and woman sitting on a bench outside are kissing .
+// The man and woman sitting on a bench are kissing .
+1 The :
+2 man :
+3 and :
+4 woman :
+5 sitting :
+6 on :
+7 a :
+8 bench :
+9 are :
+10 kissing :
+11 . :
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The woman is holding the harness that the brown and white dog is wearing .
+// A man and woman are looking at artwork that is on easels and clipped to a fencing wall .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 and :
+4 woman :
+5 are :
+6 looking :
+7 at :
+8 artwork :
+9 that :
+10 is :
+11 on :
+12 easels :
+13 and :
+14 clipped :
+15 to :
+16 a :
+17 fencing :
+18 wall :
+19 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A wet child shivers under a towel at a pool .
+// A wet child is shivering in a towel in front of a pool .
+1 A :
+2 wet :
+3 child :
+4 is :
+5 shivering :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 towel :
+9 in :
+10 front :
+11 of :
+12 a :
+13 pool :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white and brown dog rolls on it's back in the sand .
+// A dog lying on its back in the sand .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 lying :
+4 on :
+5 its :
+6 back :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 sand :
+10 . :
+6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A large brown dog is walking along side a river .
+// A brown dog walks on the rocks near a river .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 walks :
+5 on :
+6 the :
+7 rocks :
+8 near :
+9 a :
+10 river :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man wearing a blue shirt crouches on a rocky cliff .
+// a man sits on a rock .
+1 a :
+2 man :
+3 sits :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 rock :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy waves around a sparkler .
+// A young boy is twisting a sparkler around in the air .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 is :
+5 twisting :
+6 a :
+7 sparkler :
+8 around :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 air :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog leaping from a dock into the water .
+// A tan dog leaps into the water .
+1 A :
+2 tan :
+3 dog :
+4 leaps :
+5 into :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two children are on a fairground ride .
+// Two children are on a giant inflatable slide .
+1 Two :
+2 children :
+3 are :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 giant :
+7 inflatable :
+8 slide :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy with a broken arm is resting in a bed .
+// A boy with a broken arm is sleeping .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 with :
+4 a :
+5 broken :
+6 arm :
+7 is :
+8 sleeping :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog lunges for a yellow toy .
+// A brown dog chasing a yellow toy .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 chasing :
+5 a :
+6 yellow :
+7 toy :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// three little boys cover themselves with bubbles .
+// Three children standing by a pool are covered in foam bubbles .
+1 Three :
+2 children :
+3 standing :
+4 by :
+5 a :
+6 pool :
+7 are :
+8 covered :
+9 in :
+10 foam :
+11 bubbles :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs ankle-deep in water .
+// Two brown dogs play in the water .
+1 Two :
+2 brown :
+3 dogs :
+4 play :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man and a woman are standing in front of a building
+// Two girls are sitting on an ATV on the sand in front of a bridge .
+1 Two :
+2 girls :
+3 are :
+4 sitting :
+5 on :
+6 an :
+7 ATV :
+8 on :
+9 the :
+10 sand :
+11 in :
+12 front :
+13 of :
+14 a :
+15 bridge :
+16 . :
+8 9 10 11 12 <==> 11 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog walking through water .
+// Two black dogs walking through the snow .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 dogs :
+4 walking :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two kids splashing in the water .
+// Two dogs play together on the bed .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 together :
+5 on :
+6 the :
+7 bed :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog with a gemmed collar is sitting on white carpet .
+// A black dog with a blue collar is sitting on beige carpet .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 with :
+5 a :
+6 blue :
+7 collar :
+8 is :
+9 sitting :
+10 on :
+11 beige :
+12 carpet :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs on grass running towards the camera .
+// Several large dogs are running through a large grassy area .
+1 Several :
+2 large :
+3 dogs :
+4 are :
+5 running :
+6 through :
+7 a :
+8 large :
+9 grassy :
+10 area :
+11 . :
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person wearing jeans sits on top of a horse saddle .
+// The girl is sitting on top of a saddle .
+1 The :
+2 girl :
+3 is :
+4 sitting :
+5 on :
+6 top :
+7 of :
+8 a :
+9 saddle :
+10 . :
+5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog bounding through snow
+// A large white dog is bounding through a snowy field .
+1 A :
+2 large :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 bounding :
+7 through :
+8 a :
+9 snowy :
+10 field :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Many people run in a race on a street .
+// A puppy running along a street .
+1 A :
+2 puppy :
+3 running :
+4 along :
+5 a :
+6 street :
+7 . :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog swimming in a lake has sunshine shining on him .
+// A dog swims while carrying a stick in its mouth .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 swims :
+4 while :
+5 carrying :
+6 a :
+7 stick :
+8 in :
+9 its :
+10 mouth :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl in a pink jacket is walking through a large puddle .
+// A young boy is splashing through a puddle of water .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 is :
+5 splashing :
+6 through :
+7 a :
+8 puddle :
+9 of :
+10 water :
+11 . :
+9 10 11 12 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl sits on a red play structure
+// A little girl on a red jungle gym .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 red :
+7 jungle :
+8 gym :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of people in front of a red fire truck .
+// A group of people are standing around a red fire truck .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 are :
+6 standing :
+7 around :
+8 a :
+9 red :
+10 fire :
+11 truck :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The black and white dog runs through the grass .
+// three black and white dogs running through a watery field .
+1 three :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dogs :
+6 running :
+7 through :
+8 a :
+9 watery :
+10 field :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy in red jumping into a sandbox .
+// A dog swimming in a pond
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 swimming :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 pond :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy wearing a blue jacket swings a bat at a white ball .
+// A young boy in a blue jacket swings a bat at a ball .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 blue :
+7 jacket :
+8 swings :
+9 a :
+10 bat :
+11 at :
+12 a :
+13 ball :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs are playing in the white snow .
+// Three dogs play with a Frisbee in a snowy field .
+1 Three :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 with :
+5 a :
+6 Frisbee :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 snowy :
+10 field :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in a black wetsuit is surfung in the waves .
+// A surfer in a black wet suit surfs on a medium wave .
+1 A :
+2 surfer :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 black :
+6 wet :
+7 suit :
+8 surfs :
+9 on :
+10 a :
+11 medium :
+12 wave :
+13 . :
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog jumping into a lake .
+// A black dog runs very fast in a field in a park .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 very :
+6 fast :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 field :
+10 in :
+11 a :
+12 park :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs playing in the snow .
+// Two black dogs in the snow .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 dogs :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs run on the grass .
+// A dog running on the grass .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 running :
+4 on :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 . :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A tennis player hitting the ball .
+// Two boys splashing in the surf .
+1 Two :
+2 boys :
+3 splashing :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 surf :
+7 . :
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man wearing a orange vest is canoeing in the blue water .
+// A man in an orange jacket raising his hands to the sky in the sand .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 an :
+5 orange :
+6 jacket :
+7 raising :
+8 his :
+9 hands :
+10 to :
+11 the :
+12 sky :
+13 in :
+14 the :
+15 sand :
+16 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog asleep in a car .
+// A black and tan dog sleeps in the car .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 tan :
+5 dog :
+6 sleeps :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 car :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of men play rugby .
+// A group of men are playing ball together .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 men :
+5 are :
+6 playing :
+7 ball :
+8 together :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is riding a kayak through water .
+// A man kayaks in rough water .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 kayaks :
+4 in :
+5 rough :
+6 water :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog is jumping up to catch a green strap in it's mouth .
+// A grey dog jumps to bite a green leash .
+1 A :
+2 grey :
+3 dog :
+4 jumps :
+5 to :
+6 bite :
+7 a :
+8 green :
+9 leash :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog is sniffing a white dog that is lying on the floor .
+// Dog sniffing another dog lying under furniture .
+1 Dog :
+2 sniffing :
+3 another :
+4 dog :
+5 lying :
+6 under :
+7 furniture :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and grey dog runs in a field with it's tongue hanging out .
+// A black dog with a red collar walks through the grass with his mouth open and tongue hanging out .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 with :
+5 a :
+6 red :
+7 collar :
+8 walks :
+9 through :
+10 the :
+11 grass :
+12 with :
+13 his :
+14 mouth :
+15 open :
+16 and :
+17 tongue :
+18 hanging :
+19 out :
+20 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 <==> 18 19 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 20 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young girl running on the beach .
+// A little girl running at on the shore of a beach .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 running :
+5 at :
+6 on :
+7 the :
+8 shore :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 beach :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A rugby player in dark gear is carrying a light colored rugby ball with arm outstretched .
+// A brown dog splashes in the water while carrying a ball in it's mouth .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 splashes :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 while :
+9 carrying :
+10 a :
+11 ball :
+12 in :
+13 it's :
+14 mouth :
+15 . :
+7 8 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs groom each other .
+// Two dogs jumping on each other .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 jumping :
+4 on :
+5 each :
+6 other :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs , the white one standing on a Frisbee , playing together on grass .
+// Two dogs play on the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 on :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy receives a light saber for Christmas .
+// A boy holds a light saber in front of a Christmas tree .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 holds :
+4 a :
+5 light :
+6 saber :
+7 in :
+8 front :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 Christmas :
+12 tree :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The man sits on a sofa under the bridge and litter is all around him .
+// A man is sitting on a couch under an expressway ledge .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 sitting :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 couch :
+8 under :
+9 an :
+10 expressway :
+11 ledge :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The white and brown dog runs across the grass .
+// A brown and white dog runs across the grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 runs :
+7 across :
+8 the :
+9 grass :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog biting a horse 's leg .
+// A dog nips at the leg of a horse .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 nips :
+4 at :
+5 the :
+6 leg :
+7 of :
+8 a :
+9 horse :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a young baby girl wearing a white outfit swinging in a baby swing
+// a young girl wearing a black and red swimsuit swinging on a swing
+1 a :
+2 young :
+3 girl :
+4 wearing :
+5 a :
+6 black :
+7 and :
+8 red :
+9 swimsuit :
+10 swinging :
+11 on :
+12 a :
+13 swing :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog with light brown markings has a stick in his mouth and his paws in the snow .
+// A white dog holds a stick in its mouth while it runs through snow .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 holds :
+5 a :
+6 stick :
+7 in :
+8 its :
+9 mouth :
+10 while :
+11 it :
+12 runs :
+13 through :
+14 snow :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 18 19 <==> 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog runs through the water in the ocean .
+// A brown dog runs through the water as a wave comes .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 as :
+9 a :
+10 wave :
+11 comes :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs play in the grass .
+// Two dogs are playing in the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 playing :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 grass :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two men on the side of a barge
+// A man is lying the grass with long hair and beard .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 lying :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 with :
+8 long :
+9 hair :
+10 and :
+11 beard :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man juggles at the beach .
+// A man in swim trunks is juggling on the beach
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 swim :
+5 trunks :
+6 is :
+7 juggling :
+8 on :
+9 the :
+10 beach :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two people and a dog are in the snow .
+// Two people playing on a snowy hill .
+1 Two :
+2 people :
+3 playing :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 snowy :
+7 hill :
+8 . :
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The man is standing on the shore hitting a ball with a paddle .
+// Two teenage girls are standing on beside the beach listening to ipods .
+1 Two :
+2 teenage :
+3 girls :
+4 are :
+5 standing :
+6 on :
+7 beside :
+8 the :
+9 beach :
+10 listening :
+11 to :
+12 ipods :
+13 . :
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two girls walking in the ocean .
+// two girls walking in the street
+1 two :
+2 girls :
+3 walking :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 street :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man jumps off of one rooftop onto another .
+// A young man jumps from one balcony to another .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 man :
+4 jumps :
+5 from :
+6 one :
+7 balcony :
+8 to :
+9 another :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a woman playing with two young boys at a park
+// A woman and three kids play at a park .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 and :
+4 three :
+5 kids :
+6 play :
+7 at :
+8 a :
+9 park :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man wearing glasses stands in front of a snowy mountain .
+// A man wearing black shorts is standing in front of a snow covered mountain .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 wearing :
+4 black :
+5 shorts :
+6 is :
+7 standing :
+8 in :
+9 front :
+10 of :
+11 a :
+12 snow :
+13 covered :
+14 mountain :
+15 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three boys playing soccer in a field
+// Three boys playing soccer .
+1 Three :
+2 boys :
+3 playing :
+4 soccer :
+5 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog is running through the snow .
+// A black pit bull dog is running through the dirt .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 pit :
+4 bull :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 through :
+9 the :
+10 dirt :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two girls taking a picture of themselves
+// Two blonde girls are taking a picture of themselves .
+1 Two :
+2 blonde :
+3 girls :
+4 are :
+5 taking :
+6 a :
+7 picture :
+8 of :
+9 themselves :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a man wearing a grey jacket standing on the side of a street .
+// A boy wearing a blue life jacket is holding onto the side of a green boat .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 blue :
+6 life :
+7 jacket :
+8 is :
+9 holding :
+10 onto :
+11 the :
+12 side :
+13 of :
+14 a :
+15 green :
+16 boat :
+17 . :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog jumps in the snow .
+// A black dog jumping over tire tracks in the snow .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 jumping :
+5 over :
+6 tire :
+7 tracks :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 snow :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// child hanging upside down from a tree swing
+// A girl is by a tree hanging upside-down from a swing .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 is :
+4 by :
+5 a :
+6 tree :
+7 hanging :
+8 upside-down :
+9 from :
+10 a :
+11 swing :
+12 . :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog is running through a snowy field .
+// A black , brown and white dog running through a field .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 , :
+4 brown :
+5 and :
+6 white :
+7 dog :
+8 running :
+9 through :
+10 a :
+11 field :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man riding his bike on the beach by the ocean .
+// A man walking his cow down the side of the road .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 walking :
+4 his :
+5 cow :
+6 down :
+7 the :
+8 side :
+9 of :
+10 the :
+11 road :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy jumps into a not-so-crowded public pool .
+// A man jumps while on a snowboard .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 jumps :
+4 while :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 snowboard :
+8 . :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog jumps high in the grass .
+// A brown dog digs in the sand .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 digs :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 sand :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a group of old men walking down the street
+// A couple walking down the street .
+1 A :
+2 couple :
+3 walking :
+4 down :
+5 the :
+6 street :
+7 . :
+6 7 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of people are camping out on some rocks .
+// A group of people are standing beside a fire truck .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 are :
+6 standing :
+7 beside :
+8 a :
+9 fire :
+10 truck :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The two dogs are playing fetch in the snow .
+// The dogs play in the snow .
+1 The :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Dog is jumping down a ramp .
+// A girls is jumping in the sand .
+1 A :
+2 girls :
+3 is :
+4 jumping :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 sand :
+8 . :
+2 3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three greyhounds racing on a track
+// Five greyhounds are racing on a sand track .
+1 Five :
+2 greyhounds :
+3 are :
+4 racing :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 sand :
+8 track :
+9 . :
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two black dogs are playing on the grass .
+// Two black dogs are playing in a grassy plain .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 dogs :
+4 are :
+5 playing :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 grassy :
+9 plain :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A little brown dog is running on the grass .
+// The brown dog is running on the grass .
+1 The :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 on :
+7 the :
+8 grass :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy wearing a yellow shirt and blue pants is climbing a tree in a hilly area .
+// A boy wearing a yellow shirt and blue pants is climbing on a tree branch in a grassy field .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 yellow :
+6 shirt :
+7 and :
+8 blue :
+9 pants :
+10 is :
+11 climbing :
+12 on :
+13 a :
+14 tree :
+15 branch :
+16 in :
+17 a :
+18 grassy :
+19 field :
+20 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+18 <==> 20 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A harnessed dog leaps over a log as another dog follows behind .
+// A brown and white dog is leaping over a log in a field while another dog follows behind it .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 leaping :
+8 over :
+9 a :
+10 log :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 field :
+14 while :
+15 another :
+16 dog :
+17 follows :
+18 behind :
+19 it :
+20 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 20 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A small brown dog jumping up to catch a tennis ball .
+// a wet dog chasing a white ball
+1 a :
+2 wet :
+3 dog :
+4 chasing :
+5 a :
+6 white :
+7 ball :
+9 10 11 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a dog runs through the water .
+// A dog runs through the grass .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 runs :
+4 through :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl is doing a trick on her trampoline .
+// A girl does a handstand on a trampoline .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 does :
+4 a :
+5 handstand :
+6 on :
+7 a :
+8 trampoline :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// People with numbers on their chests are running in a pack .
+// A group of people are running a race .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 are :
+6 running :
+7 a :
+8 race :
+9 . :
+1 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog walking through splashing water in a rocky creek .
+// A black dog splashes through greenish water .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 splashes :
+5 through :
+6 greenish :
+7 water :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Child sliding in the snow .
+// Man sleeping on the street .
+1 Man :
+2 sleeping :
+3 on :
+4 the :
+5 street :
+6 . :
+1 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog runs through a very wooded area .
+// A dog running through a creek .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 running :
+4 through :
+5 a :
+6 creek :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog and a tan dog are playing in tall grass .
+// A black and brown dog with a red ball overhead plays in the grass .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 brown :
+5 dog :
+6 with :
+7 a :
+8 red :
+9 ball :
+10 overhead :
+11 plays :
+12 in :
+13 the :
+14 grass :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person is squeezing through an opening in the rock face .
+// A medium sized brown dog is running through an open white wooded area .
+1 A :
+2 medium :
+3 sized :
+4 brown :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 through :
+9 an :
+10 open :
+11 white :
+12 wooded :
+13 area :
+14 . :
+12 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Six dogs running on the sandy beach .
+// Six dogs walking beside the beach .
+1 Six :
+2 dogs :
+3 walking :
+4 beside :
+5 the :
+6 beach :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two people are walking through some water .
+// Two girls are walking by a tree in front of a brick building .
+1 Two :
+2 girls :
+3 are :
+4 walking :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 tree :
+8 in :
+9 front :
+10 of :
+11 a :
+12 brick :
+13 building :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman and a dog rowing down a wide river .
+// Woman and dog in rowboat on the water .
+1 Woman :
+2 and :
+3 dog :
+4 in :
+5 rowboat :
+6 on :
+7 the :
+8 water :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs are playing in the water .
+// Three dogs swim in the water .
+1 Three :
+2 dogs :
+3 swim :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 water :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy in a blue jacket swings a bat at a ball .
+// A young boy wearing a blue visor swings a bat .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 wearing :
+5 a :
+6 blue :
+7 visor :
+8 swings :
+9 a :
+10 bat :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three individuals are posing on skis behind a "no skiing" sign .
+// Three people on skis are standing behind a no skiing sign .
+1 Three :
+2 people :
+3 on :
+4 skis :
+5 are :
+6 standing :
+7 behind :
+8 a :
+9 no :
+10 skiing :
+11 sign :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A female DJ holds up a Michael Jackson album .
+// a girl holding a picture of Michael Jackson smiling
+1 a :
+2 girl :
+3 holding :
+4 a :
+5 picture :
+6 of :
+7 Michael :
+8 Jackson :
+9 smiling :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The black and white dog is running on the grass .
+// A black and white dog swims in blue water .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 swims :
+7 in :
+8 blue :
+9 water :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two teenage girls , one is smiling .
+// A little girl on a kid swing .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 kid :
+7 swing :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown and black dog walks in the white snow .
+// A brown and black dog walks in the snow with it's tongue hanging out .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 black :
+5 dog :
+6 walks :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 snow :
+10 with :
+11 it's :
+12 tongue :
+13 hanging :
+14 out :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two teenagers huddle in a doorway in the rain .
+// Two people wearing hoodies huddle on a doorstep in the rain .
+1 Two :
+2 people :
+3 wearing :
+4 hoodies :
+5 huddle :
+6 on :
+7 a :
+8 doorstep :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 rain :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a boy swinging on a swing .
+// The girl is on a swing .
+1 The :
+2 girl :
+3 is :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 swing :
+7 . :
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young girl doing a back flip in the water .
+// a young girl wearing purple running through water
+1 a :
+2 young :
+3 girl :
+4 wearing :
+5 purple :
+6 running :
+7 through :
+8 water :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is riding a bicycle on a dirt path .
+// Two dogs running along dirt path .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 running :
+4 along :
+5 dirt :
+6 path :
+7 . :
+7 8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A light brown dog runs down a path happily .
+// A pale dog runs down a path .
+1 A :
+2 pale :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 down :
+6 a :
+7 path :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl does a back bend on the beach .
+// A girl doing a back bend at the beach .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 doing :
+4 a :
+5 back :
+6 bend :
+7 at :
+8 the :
+9 beach :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two older men in front of a bus .
+// Two men step off the bus together .
+1 Two :
+2 men :
+3 step :
+4 off :
+5 the :
+6 bus :
+7 together :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A little girl walks on a boardwalk with blue domes in the background .
+// A man going over a jump on his bike with a river in the background
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 going :
+4 over :
+5 a :
+6 jump :
+7 on :
+8 his :
+9 bike :
+10 with :
+11 a :
+12 river :
+13 in :
+14 the :
+15 background :
+11 12 13 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man on a bike nest to a river .
+// A man on a bike does a very high jump .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 on :
+4 a :
+5 bike :
+6 does :
+7 a :
+8 very :
+9 high :
+10 jump :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Black and white dog running through water .
+// A black and white dog is running through grass .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 through :
+9 grass :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dalmation is running along the beach .
+// A white dog is running on sand .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 on :
+7 sand :
+8 . :
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog leaps out of the water towards shore .
+// a tan dog jumping through the water towards the shore .
+1 a :
+2 tan :
+3 dog :
+4 jumping :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 towards :
+9 the :
+10 shore :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// two dogs play in the grass .
+// Two dogs play in the water .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 water :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A wet white dog is splashing in the water with a stick in it's mouth .
+// A white dogs treads the water with sticks in its mouth .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dogs :
+4 treads :
+5 the :
+6 water :
+7 with :
+8 sticks :
+9 in :
+10 its :
+11 mouth :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A blonde dog is catching a ball in its mouth in the snow .
+// A little blonde girl is sitting on a green chair .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 blonde :
+4 girl :
+5 is :
+6 sitting :
+7 on :
+8 a :
+9 green :
+10 chair :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// two puppies playing around in the grass
+// Two puppies play in the grass
+1 Two :
+2 puppies :
+3 play :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs run on a dirt area near a forest .
+// Two dogs run down a dirt path in the forest .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 run :
+4 down :
+5 a :
+6 dirt :
+7 path :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 forest :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The brown and white dog is running across the sand with a red object in his mouth .
+// A dog is running along a beach with a red object in its mouth .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 along :
+6 a :
+7 beach :
+8 with :
+9 a :
+10 red :
+11 object :
+12 in :
+13 its :
+14 mouth :
+15 . :
+6 7 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 16 17 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+18 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are playing in the snow .
+// The dogs are running in the snow .
+1 The :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog jumps high on a field of grass .
+// A brown dog running in field of long green grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 field :
+7 of :
+8 long :
+9 green :
+10 grass :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Boat sails in rough water .
+// A man is kayaking in rough waters .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 kayaking :
+5 in :
+6 rough :
+7 waters :
+8 . :
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The girl is playing along with the images on the big screen .
+// Three girls holding umbrellas with their backs to the camera .
+1 Three :
+2 girls :
+3 holding :
+4 umbrellas :
+5 with :
+6 their :
+7 backs :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 camera :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog with its two front paws on a rock in a field .
+// A dog is running in a field .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 field :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is rock climbing on a natural rock .
+// A woman with glowing shoes at an outdoor event .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 with :
+4 glowing :
+5 shoes :
+6 at :
+7 an :
+8 outdoor :
+9 event :
+10 . :
+6 7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs holding one Frisbee in their mouths .
+// Two dogs holding a single black Frisbee in their mouths
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 holding :
+4 a :
+5 single :
+6 black :
+7 Frisbee :
+8 in :
+9 their :
+10 mouths :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two people are in bed .
+// Two boxers are in the ring .
+1 Two :
+2 boxers :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 ring :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown and white dog running on grass .
+// A brown and white dog running fast in a fenced yard .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 running :
+7 fast :
+8 in :
+9 a :
+10 fenced :
+11 yard :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog is jumping over a log with ears flying and tongue out .
+// A dog leaps over a log in the woods .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 leaps :
+4 over :
+5 a :
+6 log :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 woods :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man climbs a snowy mountain .
+// A hiker moves up a snowy mountain .
+1 A :
+2 hiker :
+3 moves :
+4 up :
+5 a :
+6 snowy :
+7 mountain :
+8 . :
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a man walks two dogs on leashes down the street
+// A man walks two dogs in the city .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 walks :
+4 two :
+5 dogs :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 city :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The beagle is walking on the beach at the waterline .
+// A beagle walks along the calm shore .
+1 A :
+2 beagle :
+3 walks :
+4 along :
+5 the :
+6 calm :
+7 shore :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two Asian men and Asian woman sit in black massage chairs .
+// Two Asian men and a woman are relaxing in massage chairs .
+1 Two :
+2 Asian :
+3 men :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 woman :
+7 are :
+8 relaxing :
+9 in :
+10 massage :
+11 chairs :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs fighting in the snow .
+// Two dogs playing in the snow .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 playing :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a white dog is running through the snow .
+// A little white dog running through the sand .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 running :
+6 through :
+7 the :
+8 sand :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy wearing a red shirt runs along a beach .
+// A boy wearing a red sweater runs along a colorful beach .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 red :
+6 sweater :
+7 runs :
+8 along :
+9 a :
+10 colorful :
+11 beach :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two large black dogs are playing in a grassy field .
+// Two white dogs are running together .
+1 Two :
+2 white :
+3 dogs :
+4 are :
+5 running :
+6 together :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown and white dog is walking next to a man on a skateboard .
+// A brown and white dog is running down a ramp .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 down :
+9 a :
+10 ramp :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// two puppies playing around in the grass
+// Two dogs are wrestling in the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 wrestling :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 grass :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The tan and white dog is running in the field .
+// The brown and white dogs run through the field .
+1 The :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dogs :
+6 run :
+7 through :
+8 the :
+9 field :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman does a handstand on the beach .
+// a blond girl doing a handstand on a beach
+1 a :
+2 blond :
+3 girl :
+4 doing :
+5 a :
+6 handstand :
+7 on :
+8 a :
+9 beach :
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog is swimming in a large green lake .
+// A black dog runs fast into shallow water .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 fast :
+6 into :
+7 shallow :
+8 water :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog is running through the snow .
+// A brown dog is running through the field .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 through :
+7 the :
+8 field :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white and brown dog is running over grass .
+// A brown and white dog is running across the grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 across :
+9 the :
+10 grass :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a skateboarder doing a trick on a ramp
+// A skateboarder riding up to a slope .
+1 A :
+2 skateboarder :
+3 riding :
+4 up :
+5 to :
+6 a :
+7 slope :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in a batman suit running .
+// A man in a batman costume is running a race .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 batman :
+6 costume :
+7 is :
+8 running :
+9 a :
+10 race :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog chews on an orange ball .
+// A dog has an orange ball in its mouth .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 has :
+4 an :
+5 orange :
+6 ball :
+7 in :
+8 its :
+9 mouth :
+10 . :
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are playing on the beach together .
+// Two black dogs are playing in a grass .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 dogs :
+4 are :
+5 playing :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 grass :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// These children are playing on a trampoline outdoors .
+// four children are playing on a trampoline .
+1 four :
+2 children :
+3 are :
+4 playing :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 trampoline :
+8 . :
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The large brown and white dog is running through the snow .
+// St. Bernard dog running in the snowy field .
+1 St. :
+2 Bernard :
+3 dog :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 snowy :
+8 field :
+9 . :
+7 8 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog jumping into the air .
+// A black and white dog jumping over an obstacle .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 jumping :
+7 over :
+8 an :
+9 obstacle :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young girl , in an orange dress , holding a tennis racket .
+// A girl in a dress holds a tennis racket .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 dress :
+6 holds :
+7 a :
+8 tennis :
+9 racket :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog runs on a beach .
+// The white dog is running along the beach .
+1 The :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 along :
+7 the :
+8 beach :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man and dog on a rocky seashore .
+// Man and dog standing on rocks next to water
+1 Man :
+2 and :
+3 dog :
+4 standing :
+5 on :
+6 rocks :
+7 next :
+8 to :
+9 water :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Four hooded children huddle under a blanket outdoors .
+// Four children keeping warm under a blanket .
+1 Four :
+2 children :
+3 keeping :
+4 warm :
+5 under :
+6 a :
+7 blanket :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young laughing girl and a boy are playing on a big drum .
+// A baby girl and little boy are standing next to a guitar and a drum .
+1 A :
+2 baby :
+3 girl :
+4 and :
+5 little :
+6 boy :
+7 are :
+8 standing :
+9 next :
+10 to :
+11 a :
+12 guitar :
+13 and :
+14 a :
+15 drum :
+16 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A little girl takes a picture while mom watches in boredom .
+// A little girl in pajamas takes a picture with a camera
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 in :
+5 pajamas :
+6 takes :
+7 a :
+8 picture :
+9 with :
+10 a :
+11 camera :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog leaps over a barrier .
+// A dog leaps over a fence .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 leaps :
+4 over :
+5 a :
+6 fence :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy plays baseball .
+// A man is playing baseball .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 playing :
+5 baseball :
+6 . :
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// People sitting on a couch laugh .
+// Four happy people sitting on a red couch
+1 Four :
+2 happy :
+3 people :
+4 sitting :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 red :
+8 couch :
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy jumping into a pool that says "no diving" .
+// A boy jumps into a not-so-crowded public pool .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 jumps :
+4 into :
+5 a :
+6 not-so-crowded :
+7 public :
+8 pool :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy leaps from one couch to another .
+// A young boy is leaping from one chair to another .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 is :
+5 leaping :
+6 from :
+7 one :
+8 chair :
+9 to :
+10 another :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy wearing a red winter coat is eating and holding up a candy bar .
+// A young boy wearing a red coat eats a chocolate bar .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 wearing :
+5 a :
+6 red :
+7 coat :
+8 eats :
+9 a :
+10 chocolate :
+11 bar :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 16 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs running on grass .
+// Two black , wet dogs running on grass .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 , :
+4 wet :
+5 dogs :
+6 running :
+7 on :
+8 grass :
+9 . :
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two boys playing a game of flag football .
+// Two boys are playing flag football .
+1 Two :
+2 boys :
+3 are :
+4 playing :
+5 flag :
+6 football :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A golden retriever is jumping off a wooden porch
+// A gold dog jumping off a wooden porch .
+1 A :
+2 gold :
+3 dog :
+4 jumping :
+5 off :
+6 a :
+7 wooden :
+8 porch :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young child is holding onto the back of a wicker chair .
+// A young child holds a spoon to it's mouth while sitting in a chair .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 child :
+4 holds :
+5 a :
+6 spoon :
+7 to :
+8 it's :
+9 mouth :
+10 while :
+11 sitting :
+12 in :
+13 a :
+14 chair :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are running on the grass .
+// Two birds interacting in the grass
+1 Two :
+2 birds :
+3 interacting :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two surfers on riding a small wave .
+// Two surfers perform tricks in the waves .
+1 Two :
+2 surfers :
+3 perform :
+4 tricks :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 waves :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown furry animal stands behind some plants .
+// A dog pants while standing in the woods .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 pants :
+4 while :
+5 standing :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 woods :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog jumps high in the snow .
+// A dog runs in the snow .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 runs :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog in the snow .
+// Two dogs in snow .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 in :
+4 snow :
+5 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog running through snow .
+// A collie running through the snow .
+1 A :
+2 collie :
+3 running :
+4 through :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are fighting on brick pavement .
+// Two brownish dogs are fighting .
+1 Two :
+2 brownish :
+3 dogs :
+4 are :
+5 fighting :
+6 . :
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The black dog is running on the grass .
+// The German shepherd dog is running through the snow .
+1 The :
+2 German :
+3 shepherd :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 running :
+7 through :
+8 the :
+9 snow :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog catching a ball .
+// A dog catching a Frisbee .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 catching :
+4 a :
+5 Frisbee :
+6 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two black dogs playing in the snow .
+// Two dogs play in the snow
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl with a purple and white helmet is riding on a scooter .
+// A girl wearing a helmet rides a scooter .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 helmet :
+6 rides :
+7 a :
+8 scooter :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a skateboard performs a trick off a quarter pipe .
+// A skateboarder attempts to do a trick over a homemade ramp .
+1 A :
+2 skateboarder :
+3 attempts :
+4 to :
+5 do :
+6 a :
+7 trick :
+8 over :
+9 a :
+10 homemade :
+11 ramp :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of people are standing by a window watching something .
+// A group of people stand and wait to see something .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 stand :
+6 and :
+7 wait :
+8 to :
+9 see :
+10 something :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A softball player swinging at a pitch .
+// A baseball player hitting the ball
+1 A :
+2 baseball :
+3 player :
+4 hitting :
+5 the :
+6 ball :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three sheep graze on the grassy field with a dog walking behind them .
+// a small group of goats in the grass with a black and white dog in the backgroud .
+1 a :
+2 small :
+3 group :
+4 of :
+5 goats :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 grass :
+9 with :
+10 a :
+11 black :
+12 and :
+13 white :
+14 dog :
+15 in :
+16 the :
+17 backgroud :
+18 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs playing in the snow while one dog wears a jacket .
+// Three dogs playing in the snow , with a city in the background .
+1 Three :
+2 dogs :
+3 playing :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 , :
+8 with :
+9 a :
+10 city :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 background :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a black , brown and white dog running along with a white Frisbee in his mouth .
+// A black and white dog carries a white Frisbee over the grass .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 carries :
+7 a :
+8 white :
+9 Frisbee :
+10 over :
+11 the :
+12 grass :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog runs with a yellow toy in its mouth .
+// A dog swimming with a stick in it's mouth .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 swimming :
+4 with :
+5 a :
+6 stick :
+7 in :
+8 it's :
+9 mouth :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The dog is playing in the water .
+// A dog is wading in the water .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 wading :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy is riding a bike .
+// A young girl laying on a blue inflatable toy
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 girl :
+4 laying :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 blue :
+8 inflatable :
+9 toy :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The white and brown dog is running quickly through the grass .
+// The big white dog is running in the grass .
+1 The :
+2 big :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 running :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 grass :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog running through an obstacle course
+// A black and white dog runs through pole obstacles .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 runs :
+7 through :
+8 pole :
+9 obstacles :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The child in the red coat laid in the red mat .
+// The toddler is ready to climb the red piece of equipment .
+1 The :
+2 toddler :
+3 is :
+4 ready :
+5 to :
+6 climb :
+7 the :
+8 red :
+9 piece :
+10 of :
+11 equipment :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A golden dog is running through the snow .
+// A pack of sled dogs pulling a sled through a town .
+1 A :
+2 pack :
+3 of :
+4 sled :
+5 dogs :
+6 pulling :
+7 a :
+8 sled :
+9 through :
+10 a :
+11 town :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three children and playing and laughing on the floor .
+// Three children playing on the floor .
+1 Three :
+2 children :
+3 playing :
+4 on :
+5 the :
+6 floor :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a black dog swimming through a river .
+// a black dog digging through the snow .
+1 a :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 digging :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A bulldog is running through a grassy park while people stand in the background .
+// A dog is running in a large body of water causing it to splash .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 large :
+8 body :
+9 of :
+10 water :
+11 causing :
+12 it :
+13 to :
+14 splash :
+15 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// brown and white dog with a baseball in its mouth .
+// Black and white dog holding a baseball in mouth .
+1 Black :
+2 and :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 holding :
+6 a :
+7 baseball :
+8 in :
+9 mouth :
+10 . :
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A golden dog is running through the snow .
+// A black dog is running through the snow .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 through :
+7 the :
+8 snow :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Girls dressed in red and black costumes hold a wrestling pose .
+// Two girls dressed like waitresses dance along with a man dressed as a chef .
+1 Two :
+2 girls :
+3 dressed :
+4 like :
+5 waitresses :
+6 dance :
+7 along :
+8 with :
+9 a :
+10 man :
+11 dressed :
+12 as :
+13 a :
+14 chef :
+15 . :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Baby with blonde pigtails in yellow room attempting to climb out of green playpen .
+// A female toddler in pigtails is trying to climb out of a green and white playpen .
+1 A :
+2 female :
+3 toddler :
+4 in :
+5 pigtails :
+6 is :
+7 trying :
+8 to :
+9 climb :
+10 out :
+11 of :
+12 a :
+13 green :
+14 and :
+15 white :
+16 playpen :
+17 . :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 <==> 12 13 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The two dogs are playing fetch in the snow .
+// Two dogs are playing together in the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 playing :
+5 together :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 grass :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man eating an apple , sitting in public .
+// A man sits in a public place eating an apple .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 sits :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 public :
+7 place :
+8 eating :
+9 an :
+10 apple :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man wearing a red bicycle helmet talking on a cell phone with other people in the background .
+// A man in a bicycle helmet is talking on a cell phone with other people behind him .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 bicycle :
+6 helmet :
+7 is :
+8 talking :
+9 on :
+10 a :
+11 cell :
+12 phone :
+13 with :
+14 other :
+15 people :
+16 behind :
+17 him :
+18 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+19 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy is punching a yellow ball .
+// A small dog jumps over a yellow beam .
+1 A :
+2 small :
+3 dog :
+4 jumps :
+5 over :
+6 a :
+7 yellow :
+8 beam :
+9 . :
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman wearing a pink Tinker Bell jacket leans against a railing .
+// A woman wearing a pink Tinkerbell sweatshirt leans on a railing overlooking water .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 pink :
+6 Tinkerbell :
+7 sweatshirt :
+8 leans :
+9 on :
+10 a :
+11 railing :
+12 overlooking :
+13 water :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man walks toward a policeman standing in a crosswalk on a city street .
+// A policeman stands in a crosswalk in a city .
+1 A :
+2 policeman :
+3 stands :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 crosswalk :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 city :
+10 . :
+7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy plays in a red ball pit .
+// A laughing boy lies on a pit of blue balls .
+1 A :
+2 laughing :
+3 boy :
+4 lies :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 pit :
+8 of :
+9 blue :
+10 balls :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog with red ears is running in the snow .
+// a wet black dog with a red collar is in the river
+1 a :
+2 wet :
+3 black :
+4 dog :
+5 with :
+6 a :
+7 red :
+8 collar :
+9 is :
+10 in :
+11 the :
+12 river :
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A little boy clowns with a colander on his head .
+// A boy with a metal colander on his head .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 with :
+4 a :
+5 metal :
+6 colander :
+7 on :
+8 his :
+9 head :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog racing on a track .
+// A dog chases another by a tree .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 chases :
+4 another :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 tree :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in a black leather jacket is sleeping in a subway car .
+// A man in a black leather jacket falls asleep on public transportation .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 black :
+6 leather :
+7 jacket :
+8 falls :
+9 asleep :
+10 on :
+11 public :
+12 transportation :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog jumps on a lawn .
+// A dog jumps of a surfboard
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 jumps :
+4 of :
+5 a :
+6 surfboard :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs run towards shore through shallow water .
+// Two grey dogs running through the shallow water of a lake .
+1 Two :
+2 grey :
+3 dogs :
+4 running :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 shallow :
+8 water :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 lake :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A bird with it's wings spread
+// A bird flying in the air
+1 A :
+2 bird :
+3 flying :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 air :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a boy in a red shirt , in front of a long blue wall , raises his eyebrow at the camera
+// The boy in the red shirt is next to a blue wall .
+1 The :
+2 boy :
+3 in :
+4 the :
+5 red :
+6 shirt :
+7 is :
+8 next :
+9 to :
+10 a :
+11 blue :
+12 wall :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 13 14 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman jogs beside a tall concrete wall .
+// A woman runs beside a concrete wall .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 runs :
+4 beside :
+5 a :
+6 concrete :
+7 wall :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog digging a hole in front of a plant
+// A group of people walking on the side of a railroad track .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 walking :
+6 on :
+7 the :
+8 side :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 railroad :
+12 track :
+13 . :
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in a red coat and hat talks to another man in red .
+// A man wearing a red coat with glass looks at another man .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 red :
+6 coat :
+7 with :
+8 glass :
+9 looks :
+10 at :
+11 another :
+12 man :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs play in the grass .
+// Two tan dogs play in the snow .
+1 Two :
+2 tan :
+3 dogs :
+4 play :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy doing a back flip into a swimming pool .
+// A boy wearing red and blue swim trunks jumping head first into a swimming pool .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 wearing :
+4 red :
+5 and :
+6 blue :
+7 swim :
+8 trunks :
+9 jumping :
+10 head :
+11 first :
+12 into :
+13 a :
+14 swimming :
+15 pool :
+16 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog is jumping over a hurdle .
+// A white dog running over a bridge .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 running :
+5 over :
+6 a :
+7 bridge :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl bounces upside down on her head on a trampoline .
+// A girl is bouncing on her head on a trampoline .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 is :
+4 bouncing :
+5 on :
+6 her :
+7 head :
+8 on :
+9 a :
+10 trampoline :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Children jumping on a trampoline .
+// A man is sledding on an orange slide .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 sledding :
+5 on :
+6 an :
+7 orange :
+8 slide :
+9 . :
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person snowboarding and jumping over a construction sign .
+// a long snowboarder jumping over a barricade outside in the snow .
+1 a :
+2 long :
+3 snowboarder :
+4 jumping :
+5 over :
+6 a :
+7 barricade :
+8 outside :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 snow :
+12 . :
+3 4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The skateboarder gets to the top of the ramp .
+// The skateboarder rides the pipe wall at a skater park .
+1 The :
+2 skateboarder :
+3 rides :
+4 the :
+5 pipe :
+6 wall :
+7 at :
+8 a :
+9 skater :
+10 park :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two boys in a field kicking a soccer ball .
+// Two football players bang into each other during a football game .
+1 Two :
+2 football :
+3 players :
+4 bang :
+5 into :
+6 each :
+7 other :
+8 during :
+9 a :
+10 football :
+11 game :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A crowd of people stand on a rural road , a field behind them , a forest in front .
+// A bunch of people standing next to a car with it's trunk open .
+1 A :
+2 bunch :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 standing :
+6 next :
+7 to :
+8 a :
+9 car :
+10 with :
+11 it's :
+12 trunk :
+13 open :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog runs through the deep snow .
+// A white dog is running through the snow .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 through :
+7 the :
+8 snow :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy riding on a swing .
+// A young boy riding in a swing .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 riding :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 swing :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman pointing at a geyser .
+// Women pointing at a geyser .
+1 Women :
+2 pointing :
+3 at :
+4 a :
+5 geyser :
+6 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs are playing in the white snow .
+// Two dogs are playing in the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 playing :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 grass :
+8 . :
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// An elderly woman rides a bicycle along a city street .
+// An elderly woman walking uphill crossing the street .
+1 An :
+2 elderly :
+3 woman :
+4 walking :
+5 uphill :
+6 crossing :
+7 the :
+8 street :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two girls next to a mossy tree .
+// Two girls lean around a tree , laughing .
+1 Two :
+2 girls :
+3 lean :
+4 around :
+5 a :
+6 tree :
+7 , :
+8 laughing :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A small boy is building with some wooden blocks .
+// A small boy wearing a blue shirt stacks wooden blocks .
+1 A :
+2 small :
+3 boy :
+4 wearing :
+5 a :
+6 blue :
+7 shirt :
+8 stacks :
+9 wooden :
+10 blocks :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a brown dog standing in the middle of ahuge field .
+// A brown dog in a field .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 field :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The brown dog runs on the snow with a white ball in his mouth .
+// Four dogs play in the snow with the city skyline behind them .
+1 Four :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 with :
+8 the :
+9 city :
+10 skyline :
+11 behind :
+12 them :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a brown and white dog is running on the grass .
+// a brown and white dog running crazily through the grass .
+1 a :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 running :
+7 crazily :
+8 through :
+9 the :
+10 grass :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog about to catch a green Frisbee .
+// A brown dog waits for the Frisbee to come down before catching it .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 waits :
+5 for :
+6 the :
+7 Frisbee :
+8 to :
+9 come :
+10 down :
+11 before :
+12 catching :
+13 it :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young girl with a pink hat on with a yellow building in the background .
+// A young girl in a pink dress with something in her hand .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 girl :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 pink :
+7 dress :
+8 with :
+9 something :
+10 in :
+11 her :
+12 hand :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is standing on top of a rock or mountain watching the sun set .
+// A man standing in the mountains watching a sunset .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 standing :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 mountains :
+7 watching :
+8 a :
+9 sunset :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The couple is sitting near the water in lawn chairs .
+// The boy hops from one picnic table to the other in the park .
+1 The :
+2 boy :
+3 hops :
+4 from :
+5 one :
+6 picnic :
+7 table :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 other :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 park :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is swinging on a rope above the water .
+// A man in warm clothes swinging on monkey bars at night .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 warm :
+5 clothes :
+6 swinging :
+7 on :
+8 monkey :
+9 bars :
+10 at :
+11 night :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog running through deep snow pack .
+// A dog runs through the deep snow .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 runs :
+4 through :
+5 the :
+6 deep :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The dog is running in the grass .
+// a dog pounces on the grass .
+1 a :
+2 dog :
+3 pounces :
+4 on :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A Golden Retriever jumping off a wood porch .
+// A golden retriever is jumping off a wooden porch
+1 A :
+2 golden :
+3 retriever :
+4 is :
+5 jumping :
+6 off :
+7 a :
+8 wooden :
+9 porch :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The dog is running with food in his mouth .
+// The dog is running with a yellow ball in his mouth .
+1 The :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 with :
+6 a :
+7 yellow :
+8 ball :
+9 in :
+10 his :
+11 mouth :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A reddish brown dog runs across the snow with a snowball in its mouth .
+// The beautiful reddish dog lopes around the flat snowy street with a snowball in its mouth .
+1 The :
+2 beautiful :
+3 reddish :
+4 dog :
+5 lopes :
+6 around :
+7 the :
+8 flat :
+9 snowy :
+10 street :
+11 with :
+12 a :
+13 snowball :
+14 in :
+15 its :
+16 mouth :
+17 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog with brown spots is running in a yard , chasing a ball .
+// A white dog with brown markings chases an orange ball in a grassy field .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 with :
+5 brown :
+6 markings :
+7 chases :
+8 an :
+9 orange :
+10 ball :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 grassy :
+14 field :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A little girl and a little boy hold hands on a shiny slide .
+// A little girl in a paisley dress runs across a sandy playground .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 paisley :
+7 dress :
+8 runs :
+9 across :
+10 a :
+11 sandy :
+12 playground :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three little boys take a bath in a rubber bin on the grass .
+// Three well-dressed children are sitting on a bench and smiling .
+1 Three :
+2 well-dressed :
+3 children :
+4 are :
+5 sitting :
+6 on :
+7 a :
+8 bench :
+9 and :
+10 smiling :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a dog sniffing the brushes while a bull looks on
+// A brown dog sniffing at the fence of a brown bull .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 sniffing :
+5 at :
+6 the :
+7 fence :
+8 of :
+9 a :
+10 brown :
+11 bull :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog bounds through a path in the snow .
+// Two kids and a dog play in the snow .
+1 Two :
+2 kids :
+3 and :
+4 a :
+5 dog :
+6 play :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 snow :
+10 . :
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy in a red jacket and balck hat sliding on his knees down a snowy hill
+// A boy is riding a red sledge down a snowy hill .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 is :
+4 riding :
+5 a :
+6 red :
+7 sledge :
+8 down :
+9 a :
+10 snowy :
+11 hill :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 16 17 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs running in a field of grass .
+// Two dogs run in a field of tall grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 run :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 field :
+7 of :
+8 tall :
+9 grass :
+10 . :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of men playing brass instruments .
+// A group of guys play instruments outside .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 guys :
+5 play :
+6 instruments :
+7 outside :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and tan dog standing in a field near trees
+// A white dog is standing by a river shaking himself dry .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 standing :
+6 by :
+7 a :
+8 river :
+9 shaking :
+10 himself :
+11 dry :
+12 . :
+6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three people sit at a picnic table outside of a building painted like a union jack .
+// Three people sit at an outdoor table in front of a building painted like the Union Jack .
+1 Three :
+2 people :
+3 sit :
+4 at :
+5 an :
+6 outdoor :
+7 table :
+8 in :
+9 front :
+10 of :
+11 a :
+12 building :
+13 painted :
+14 like :
+15 the :
+16 Union :
+17 Jack :
+18 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 16 <==> 14 15 16 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A small dog runs through an obstacle course .
+// A small dog jumping over an obstacle .
+1 A :
+2 small :
+3 dog :
+4 jumping :
+5 over :
+6 an :
+7 obstacle :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A tent and a campsite in a sunlit forest .
+// A white dog on a beach is carrying a stick in its mouth .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 beach :
+7 is :
+8 carrying :
+9 a :
+10 stick :
+11 in :
+12 its :
+13 mouth :
+14 . :
+6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog is chasing two birds on the shore of the ocean .
+// A dog is running along the beach beside the ocean .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 along :
+6 the :
+7 beach :
+8 beside :
+9 the :
+10 ocean :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man and woman with their hands on their chins are standing next to a Christmas tree .
+// The man with a white beard and blue cap is standing in the doorway of a workshop .
+1 The :
+2 man :
+3 with :
+4 a :
+5 white :
+6 beard :
+7 and :
+8 blue :
+9 cap :
+10 is :
+11 standing :
+12 in :
+13 the :
+14 doorway :
+15 of :
+16 a :
+17 workshop :
+18 . :
+8 9 10 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are running through the grass near a house and trees .
+// Two dogs are running through a green yard
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 running :
+5 through :
+6 a :
+7 green :
+8 yard :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two different breeds of brown and white dogs play on the beach .
+// Two dogs playing in the sand at the beach .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 playing :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 sand :
+7 at :
+8 the :
+9 beach :
+10 . :
+9 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog is running through the water onto the shore .
+// The white dog runs through the ocean .
+1 The :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 ocean :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog leaping over a hurdle .
+// A dog leaps over the hurdle .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 leaps :
+4 over :
+5 the :
+6 hurdle :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
diff --git a/20211030_161612/images.wa.untrained b/20211030_161612/images.wa.untrained
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..51caa8d5364b66a072371e4cb96361cc0cd645f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_161612/images.wa.untrained
@@ -0,0 +1,13640 @@
+// A child in a blue and white team uniform chasing a soccer ball .
+// A young boy in a blue soccer uniform chasing a ball .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 blue :
+7 soccer :
+8 uniform :
+9 chasing :
+10 a :
+11 ball :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in a gray suit locking up a bicycle
+// A man and a woman standing on a city street .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 and :
+4 a :
+5 woman :
+6 standing :
+7 on :
+8 a :
+9 city :
+10 street :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog in in a car .
+// A dog is biting a mop .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 biting :
+5 a :
+6 mop :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog walking beside a pool .
+// A black dog is walking along the side of a pool .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 walking :
+6 along :
+7 the :
+8 side :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 pool :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The boy is looking up at the girl as another girl ignores them .
+// the boy is diving into the pool as the couple watch .
+1 the :
+2 boy :
+3 is :
+4 diving :
+5 into :
+6 the :
+7 pool :
+8 as :
+9 the :
+10 couple :
+11 watch :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two women holding checkered flags near an orange car .
+// Two ladies in skimpy clothes pose next to an old fashioned car .
+1 Two :
+2 ladies :
+3 in :
+4 skimpy :
+5 clothes :
+6 pose :
+7 next :
+8 to :
+9 an :
+10 old :
+11 fashioned :
+12 car :
+13 . :
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A hiker with a backpack is up on a misty mountain top .
+// A hiker climbing a rocky hill with fog surrounding him .
+1 A :
+2 hiker :
+3 climbing :
+4 a :
+5 rocky :
+6 hill :
+7 with :
+8 fog :
+9 surrounding :
+10 him :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog in running on grass .
+// A brown dog runs through the grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 grass :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The dog returns the play toy to its master .
+// Three dogs race in the snow together .
+1 Three :
+2 dogs :
+3 race :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 together :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// two dogs are running across a grassy path .
+// Two dogs are in a grassy area .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 grassy :
+7 area :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman stands with her arms out at her sides while another takes a picture .
+// A man stands in a crowd holding a white object .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 stands :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 crowd :
+7 holding :
+8 a :
+9 white :
+10 object :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog is jumping in the air to catch an orange Frisbee .
+// a white dog jumping in the air to catch a red Frisbee .
+1 a :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 jumping :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 air :
+8 to :
+9 catch :
+10 a :
+11 red :
+12 Frisbee :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman and a man with a blue shirt are posing for a photograph .
+// a man and a woman posing for a picture
+1 a :
+2 man :
+3 and :
+4 a :
+5 woman :
+6 posing :
+7 for :
+8 a :
+9 picture :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three people stand in an outdoor glass structure .
+// Three people in a glass structure .
+1 Three :
+2 people :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 glass :
+6 structure :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Young boy wearing a denim shirt sticks out his tongue .
+// A young boy wearing a denim jacket sticks his tongue out .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 wearing :
+5 a :
+6 denim :
+7 jacket :
+8 sticks :
+9 his :
+10 tongue :
+11 out :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog is walking on the grass .
+// A dog chases another by a tree .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 chases :
+4 another :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 tree :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three boys playing soccer in a field
+// Three boys playing soccer .
+1 Three :
+2 boys :
+3 playing :
+4 soccer :
+5 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person is riding a skateboard in the air above a ramp .
+// A biker is riding along a track element located with a wooded area .
+1 A :
+2 biker :
+3 is :
+4 riding :
+5 along :
+6 a :
+7 track :
+8 element :
+9 located :
+10 with :
+11 a :
+12 wooded :
+13 area :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Brown and white dog playing in the grass .
+// Black and white dog leaping for Frisbee .
+1 Black :
+2 and :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 leaping :
+6 for :
+7 Frisbee :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy is jumping into the water with a ball in his hand .
+// A little boy swimming underwater with a toy in his hand .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 boy :
+4 swimming :
+5 underwater :
+6 with :
+7 a :
+8 toy :
+9 in :
+10 his :
+11 hand :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A deer jumps a fence .
+// A deer jumping over a fence .
+1 A :
+2 deer :
+3 jumping :
+4 over :
+5 a :
+6 fence :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two young girls with dyed hair talk to two boys in black .
+// two girls with pink streaked hair and two boys with black hair standing next to a concrete building .
+1 two :
+2 girls :
+3 with :
+4 pink :
+5 streaked :
+6 hair :
+7 and :
+8 two :
+9 boys :
+10 with :
+11 black :
+12 hair :
+13 standing :
+14 next :
+15 to :
+16 a :
+17 concrete :
+18 building :
+19 . :
+4 5 6 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 19 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Light brown dog running towards something at the beach .
+// A brown dog chases a blond one in the grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 chases :
+5 a :
+6 blond :
+7 one :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 grass :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man with a messenger bag in front of a gray tile wall .
+// Man in red jacket standing in front of lighthouse .
+1 Man :
+2 in :
+3 red :
+4 jacket :
+5 standing :
+6 in :
+7 front :
+8 of :
+9 lighthouse :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man crouching and holding a camera .
+// The crouching man is holding a large camera .
+1 The :
+2 crouching :
+3 man :
+4 is :
+5 holding :
+6 a :
+7 large :
+8 camera :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl wearing a pink coat splashes in rain puddles .
+// A girl in a pink jacket is walking through a large puddle .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 pink :
+6 jacket :
+7 is :
+8 walking :
+9 through :
+10 a :
+11 large :
+12 puddle :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man rollerblading on a metal bar .
+// Roller blades sliding on a railing .
+1 Roller :
+2 blades :
+3 sliding :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 railing :
+7 . :
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A small dog jumping with a ball in its mouth .
+// There is a brown dog swimming outside with a tennis ball in its mouth .
+1 There :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 brown :
+5 dog :
+6 swimming :
+7 outside :
+8 with :
+9 a :
+10 tennis :
+11 ball :
+12 in :
+13 its :
+14 mouth :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Kids playing ball in the park .
+// Two dogs playing by the shore .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 playing :
+4 by :
+5 the :
+6 shore :
+7 . :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Woman in a black dress walking on the street .
+// A woman watches a dog jump down the stairs .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 watches :
+4 a :
+5 dog :
+6 jump :
+7 down :
+8 the :
+9 stairs :
+10 . :
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Five men dressed in tuxedos standing on a set of stairs
+// Five men in tuxedos are walking down steps .
+1 Five :
+2 men :
+3 in :
+4 tuxedos :
+5 are :
+6 walking :
+7 down :
+8 steps :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog is running toward the camera .
+// A brown and white dog running on grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 running :
+7 on :
+8 grass :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a dog jumps into the water .
+// A small dog leaps in the water .
+1 A :
+2 small :
+3 dog :
+4 leaps :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two large dogs running in some grass .
+// Two brindle dogs running in the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 brindle :
+3 dogs :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 grass :
+8 . :
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy stands in the pool at the bottom of a blue water slide .
+// A boy splashes into a pool , ejected from a water slide .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 splashes :
+4 into :
+5 a :
+6 pool :
+7 , :
+8 ejected :
+9 from :
+10 a :
+11 water :
+12 slide :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two children ride saucers down a snowy hill .
+// Two children go sledding .
+1 Two :
+2 children :
+3 go :
+4 sledding :
+5 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person climbs up a snowy hill while their dog follows .
+// A person climbs a snowy hill while a black dog follows .
+1 A :
+2 person :
+3 climbs :
+4 a :
+5 snowy :
+6 hill :
+7 while :
+8 a :
+9 black :
+10 dog :
+11 follows :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A child is jumping into a swimming pool .
+// A dog jumping into a swimming pool .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 jumping :
+4 into :
+5 a :
+6 swimming :
+7 pool :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Four small children sit on tall stools at a resturaunt bar .
+// Four children sit on tall bar stools at a yellow and grey bar .
+1 Four :
+2 children :
+3 sit :
+4 on :
+5 tall :
+6 bar :
+7 stools :
+8 at :
+9 a :
+10 yellow :
+11 and :
+12 grey :
+13 bar :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The black and white dog runs through the grass .
+// A black and white dog is running through grass .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 through :
+9 grass :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl in a pink shirt is sprawling her limbs out in midair .
+// A man dressed in a Santa suit is climbing up a large concrete building .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 dressed :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 Santa :
+7 suit :
+8 is :
+9 climbing :
+10 up :
+11 a :
+12 large :
+13 concrete :
+14 building :
+15 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A tan and white dog retrieving a ball on a gravel path .
+// A large dog walks along a gravel path in the woods .
+1 A :
+2 large :
+3 dog :
+4 walks :
+5 along :
+6 a :
+7 gravel :
+8 path :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 woods :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a boy in a grey hat is carrying a soccer ball by a reddish colored wall .
+// A small boy is carrying a soccer ball .
+1 A :
+2 small :
+3 boy :
+4 is :
+5 carrying :
+6 a :
+7 soccer :
+8 ball :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person wearing scuba gear is swimming underwater water .
+// A person is scuba diving in very clear blue water .
+1 A :
+2 person :
+3 is :
+4 scuba :
+5 diving :
+6 in :
+7 very :
+8 clear :
+9 blue :
+10 water :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog walking in the snow .
+// A black and tan dog walking through the snow .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 tan :
+5 dog :
+6 walking :
+7 through :
+8 the :
+9 snow :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman placing a baby on a skateboard on the beach .
+// a woman holds a small baby on a skateboard at the beach
+1 a :
+2 woman :
+3 holds :
+4 a :
+5 small :
+6 baby :
+7 on :
+8 a :
+9 skateboard :
+10 at :
+11 the :
+12 beach :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy jumping into a lake .
+// The boy is jumping into a lake .
+1 The :
+2 boy :
+3 is :
+4 jumping :
+5 into :
+6 a :
+7 lake :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man water skis while attached to a parachute .
+// A man kite surfing creates a wave .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 kite :
+4 surfing :
+5 creates :
+6 a :
+7 wave :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog looks at a black puppy in the snow .
+// A big white dog and a small black dog sit in the snow .
+1 A :
+2 big :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 and :
+6 a :
+7 small :
+8 black :
+9 dog :
+10 sit :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 snow :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A blue and white soccer team playing against each other .
+// A topless woman with her face painted is covered in mud .
+1 A :
+2 topless :
+3 woman :
+4 with :
+5 her :
+6 face :
+7 painted :
+8 is :
+9 covered :
+10 in :
+11 mud :
+12 . :
+7 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a white dog running in the snow
+// The dogs are running in the snow .
+1 The :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy wearing a blue visor swings a bat .
+// A young boy with a visor on plays ball with his bat in the street .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 with :
+5 a :
+6 visor :
+7 on :
+8 plays :
+9 ball :
+10 with :
+11 his :
+12 bat :
+13 in :
+14 the :
+15 street :
+16 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a group of people white water rafting in a blue raft .
+// A group of people paddle their blue inflatable raft down the rapids .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 paddle :
+6 their :
+7 blue :
+8 inflatable :
+9 raft :
+10 down :
+11 the :
+12 rapids :
+13 . :
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A pair of dogs playing with a purple ball .
+// Two dogs play with purple football .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 with :
+5 purple :
+6 football :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog shakes off water
+// A dog shakes his head .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 shakes :
+4 his :
+5 head :
+6 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy wearing a red shirt runs across the grass with a furry dog .
+// A sports fan is wearing face paint in the stands .
+1 A :
+2 sports :
+3 fan :
+4 is :
+5 wearing :
+6 face :
+7 paint :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 stands :
+11 . :
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two young children are walking across an open field .
+// Two small children walking in a field .
+1 Two :
+2 small :
+3 children :
+4 walking :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 field :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The brown dog is running on the grass .
+// The skinny brown dog is running through the tall green grass .
+1 The :
+2 skinny :
+3 brown :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 running :
+7 through :
+8 the :
+9 tall :
+10 green :
+11 grass :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man with his arms raised at the top of a mountain .
+// A person in a red shirt is standing , with arms raised , at the top of a mountain .
+1 A :
+2 person :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 red :
+6 shirt :
+7 is :
+8 standing :
+9 , :
+10 with :
+11 arms :
+12 raised :
+13 , :
+14 at :
+15 the :
+16 top :
+17 of :
+18 a :
+19 mountain :
+20 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 17 18 19 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 20 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three children stand on or near a fence .
+// The three children are standing on and by a fence .
+1 The :
+2 three :
+3 children :
+4 are :
+5 standing :
+6 on :
+7 and :
+8 by :
+9 a :
+10 fence :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of four children dancing in a backyard .
+// A group of children do stretches on colored mats .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 children :
+5 do :
+6 stretches :
+7 on :
+8 colored :
+9 mats :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two constructions workers sit on a beam taking a break .
+// The man is putting on his shirt near an elevator .
+1 The :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 putting :
+5 on :
+6 his :
+7 shirt :
+8 near :
+9 an :
+10 elevator :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is holding a very long leash attached to a very large dog who is smelling the grass .
+// A man holds a long leash with a large gray dog attached to it .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 holds :
+4 a :
+5 long :
+6 leash :
+7 with :
+8 a :
+9 large :
+10 gray :
+11 dog :
+12 attached :
+13 to :
+14 it :
+15 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// This is a boat on the water with mountains in the background .
+// A white boat on glassy water with mountains in the background .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 boat :
+4 on :
+5 glassy :
+6 water :
+7 with :
+8 mountains :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 background :
+12 . :
+3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two boys are jumping into a pool .
+// Two boys are in midair jumping into an inground pool .
+1 Two :
+2 boys :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 midair :
+6 jumping :
+7 into :
+8 an :
+9 inground :
+10 pool :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Scuba diver submerged in water .
+// The scuba diver is underwater .
+1 The :
+2 scuba :
+3 diver :
+4 is :
+5 underwater :
+6 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The brown and black dog sprints across the snow .
+// A black dog is running quickly along the ground .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 quickly :
+7 along :
+8 the :
+9 ground :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog jumps through the water .
+// A dog walks through the snow .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 walks :
+4 through :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog walks in the grass with it's tongue hanging out .
+// A grey dog walks in the green grass , tongue hanging out .
+1 A :
+2 grey :
+3 dog :
+4 walks :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 green :
+8 grass :
+9 , :
+10 tongue :
+11 hanging :
+12 out :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person in a striped fleece clips a carabiner onto a metal line .
+// A young woman in a helmet attaches a pulley to a cable .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 woman :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 helmet :
+7 attaches :
+8 a :
+9 pulley :
+10 to :
+11 a :
+12 cable :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A lean dog runs through green grass .
+// A brown dog and two black dogs in an overgrown grassy field .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 and :
+5 two :
+6 black :
+7 dogs :
+8 in :
+9 an :
+10 overgrown :
+11 grassy :
+12 field :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Many cars parked on a mountain .
+// A group of cars parked on a hill
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 cars :
+5 parked :
+6 on :
+7 a :
+8 hill :
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A light brown dog is running in the water .
+// A brown and white dog running into the water
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 running :
+7 into :
+8 the :
+9 water :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// three dogs playing on a beach
+// A boy standing on a beach .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 standing :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 beach :
+7 . :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a dog jumps into the pond .
+// the skateboarder jumps into the air .
+1 the :
+2 skateboarder :
+3 jumps :
+4 into :
+5 the :
+6 air :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white and black dog is jumping into a pool .
+// A woman in a black apron is standing in front of a mirror .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 black :
+6 apron :
+7 is :
+8 standing :
+9 in :
+10 front :
+11 of :
+12 a :
+13 mirror :
+14 . :
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog is running through green grass .
+// A brown dog is running though a river .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 though :
+7 a :
+8 river :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three children playing on rocks near a lake
+// Three men playing baseball .
+1 Three :
+2 men :
+3 playing :
+4 baseball :
+5 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in black shaving a ice sculpture .
+// A man has a chainsaw and is carving a block of ice .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 has :
+4 a :
+5 chainsaw :
+6 and :
+7 is :
+8 carving :
+9 a :
+10 block :
+11 of :
+12 ice :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown and white dog with a pink collar is barking at a brown dog with a blue collar in the snow .
+// The dog with the red collar is bearing it's teeth at the dog with the blue collar .
+1 The :
+2 dog :
+3 with :
+4 the :
+5 red :
+6 collar :
+7 is :
+8 bearing :
+9 it's :
+10 teeth :
+11 at :
+12 the :
+13 dog :
+14 with :
+15 the :
+16 blue :
+17 collar :
+18 . :
+6 7 8 9 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 15 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 17 18 19 <==> 14 15 16 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+23 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog looking at the camera in snow .
+// A dog is walking in a tire track in the snow .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 walking :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 tire :
+8 track :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 snow :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A surfer is riding on a breaking wave .
+// A surfer is riding a wave .
+1 A :
+2 surfer :
+3 is :
+4 riding :
+5 a :
+6 wave :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The # 2 greyhound dog is running around a track .
+// a muzzled greyhound dog is running around a track
+1 a :
+2 muzzled :
+3 greyhound :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 running :
+7 around :
+8 a :
+9 track :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog is running after a white dog in the snow .
+// Black dog chasing brown dog through snow
+1 Black :
+2 dog :
+3 chasing :
+4 brown :
+5 dog :
+6 through :
+7 snow :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man wearing an orange coat speaks to another as they walk in the snow .
+// A man and woman dressedin old fashion clothing sit outside at a table .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 and :
+4 woman :
+5 dressedin :
+6 old :
+7 fashion :
+8 clothing :
+9 sit :
+10 outside :
+11 at :
+12 a :
+13 table :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Dog running on shore beside two geese in water
+// A black dog running along the sandy shoreline of a body of water while two ducks swim nearby .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 running :
+5 along :
+6 the :
+7 sandy :
+8 shoreline :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 body :
+12 of :
+13 water :
+14 while :
+15 two :
+16 ducks :
+17 swim :
+18 nearby :
+19 . :
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of people in boats racing towards the shore .
+// A group of people stand together and pose in front of a house .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 stand :
+6 together :
+7 and :
+8 pose :
+9 in :
+10 front :
+11 of :
+12 a :
+13 house :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A family is playing on the beach with their dog .
+// A naked little girl being thrown into the air .
+1 A :
+2 naked :
+3 little :
+4 girl :
+5 being :
+6 thrown :
+7 into :
+8 the :
+9 air :
+10 . :
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is wind sailing in the ocean .
+// A dog is running through the ocean .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 ocean :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A small dog runs through a grassy field .
+// Two dogs bound across the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 bound :
+4 across :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young child blows on an orange wand to make a bubble .
+// An Asian child is blowing bubbles from an orange bubble hoop .
+1 An :
+2 Asian :
+3 child :
+4 is :
+5 blowing :
+6 bubbles :
+7 from :
+8 an :
+9 orange :
+10 bubble :
+11 hoop :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// two woman sit on a park bench .
+// Two women sitting on a bench by the water .
+1 Two :
+2 women :
+3 sitting :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 bench :
+7 by :
+8 the :
+9 water :
+10 . :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a bird lands in the water .
+// a boat floats in the water .
+1 a :
+2 boat :
+3 floats :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 water :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two young men are juggling multi-colored blocks with people watching .
+// Two men stand juggling colored boxes while other men stand on a balcony .
+1 Two :
+2 men :
+3 stand :
+4 juggling :
+5 colored :
+6 boxes :
+7 while :
+8 other :
+9 men :
+10 stand :
+11 on :
+12 a :
+13 balcony :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person is skijoring with a dog in the mountains .
+// A brown dog is playing with a ball in the water .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 playing :
+6 with :
+7 a :
+8 ball :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 water :
+12 . :
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog runs through a muddy bank .
+// A lean dog runs through a wooded area .
+1 A :
+2 lean :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 through :
+6 a :
+7 wooded :
+8 area :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The brown dog is playing in the snow .
+// A black dog is playing in the snow .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 playing :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 snow :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The person is doing a handstand on the beach .
+// A kid is doing a hand-stand on the beach .
+1 A :
+2 kid :
+3 is :
+4 doing :
+5 a :
+6 hand-stand :
+7 on :
+8 the :
+9 beach :
+10 . :
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A tan girl in a floral bikini is swimming in dark blue waters .
+// a little girl in a flowered bathingsuit runs through the sand at the beach
+1 a :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 flowered :
+7 bathingsuit :
+8 runs :
+9 through :
+10 the :
+11 sand :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 beach :
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog is running through the snow .
+// The German shepherd dog is running through the snow .
+1 The :
+2 German :
+3 shepherd :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 running :
+7 through :
+8 the :
+9 snow :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The large dog wading in the water and shaking .
+// Three dark dogs swimming and one of them has a ball .
+1 Three :
+2 dark :
+3 dogs :
+4 swimming :
+5 and :
+6 one :
+7 of :
+8 them :
+9 has :
+10 a :
+11 ball :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are playing around in the dirt .
+// A dancer posing for the camera in a red and white dress .
+1 A :
+2 dancer :
+3 posing :
+4 for :
+5 the :
+6 camera :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 red :
+10 and :
+11 white :
+12 dress :
+13 . :
+3 4 5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog running across the sand
+// A dog running through the water .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 running :
+4 through :
+5 the :
+6 water :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white and tan dog runs through the tall green grass .
+// A medium sized brown and white streaked dog is running through tall grass .
+1 A :
+2 medium :
+3 sized :
+4 brown :
+5 and :
+6 white :
+7 streaked :
+8 dog :
+9 is :
+10 running :
+11 through :
+12 tall :
+13 grass :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of four hiking through a snowy forest .
+// A group of people hike through a snowy wooded area .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 hike :
+6 through :
+7 a :
+8 snowy :
+9 wooded :
+10 area :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in plaid shirt hits a tree with an Axe .
+// A man in a plaid shirt uses a tool by a tree .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 plaid :
+6 shirt :
+7 uses :
+8 a :
+9 tool :
+10 by :
+11 a :
+12 tree :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A smiling man and a baby girl posing for photo .
+// A smiling man holds a small child wearing pink and red .
+1 A :
+2 smiling :
+3 man :
+4 holds :
+5 a :
+6 small :
+7 child :
+8 wearing :
+9 pink :
+10 and :
+11 red :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// White dog outside with two people in background .
+// Little boy coming at camera down blue slide , smiling woman in background .
+1 Little :
+2 boy :
+3 coming :
+4 at :
+5 camera :
+6 down :
+7 blue :
+8 slide :
+9 , :
+10 smiling :
+11 woman :
+12 in :
+13 background :
+14 . :
+7 8 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs are playing in the water .
+// Three dogs run in the snow .
+1 Three :
+2 dogs :
+3 run :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl jumping on a sand dune at the ocean .
+// The little girl jumps up into the air with the sand beneath her .
+1 The :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 jumps :
+5 up :
+6 into :
+7 the :
+8 air :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 sand :
+12 beneath :
+13 her :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A shirtless man rock climbs .
+// A man rock climbing .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 rock :
+4 climbing :
+5 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// An adult male wearing a backpack walks and looks to the left .
+// A man wearing a backpack looking to the side .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 backpack :
+6 looking :
+7 to :
+8 the :
+9 side :
+10 . :
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog jumping high to catch a ball .
+// Two black and white dogs run across a green field .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dogs :
+6 run :
+7 across :
+8 a :
+9 green :
+10 field :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A snowboarder goes down a ramp .
+// A snowboarder going over a ramp .
+1 A :
+2 snowboarder :
+3 going :
+4 over :
+5 a :
+6 ramp :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young man and woman sitting on a bench outside are kissing .
+// The man and woman sitting on a bench are kissing .
+1 The :
+2 man :
+3 and :
+4 woman :
+5 sitting :
+6 on :
+7 a :
+8 bench :
+9 are :
+10 kissing :
+11 . :
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The woman is holding the harness that the brown and white dog is wearing .
+// A man and woman are looking at artwork that is on easels and clipped to a fencing wall .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 and :
+4 woman :
+5 are :
+6 looking :
+7 at :
+8 artwork :
+9 that :
+10 is :
+11 on :
+12 easels :
+13 and :
+14 clipped :
+15 to :
+16 a :
+17 fencing :
+18 wall :
+19 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 19 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A wet child shivers under a towel at a pool .
+// A wet child is shivering in a towel in front of a pool .
+1 A :
+2 wet :
+3 child :
+4 is :
+5 shivering :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 towel :
+9 in :
+10 front :
+11 of :
+12 a :
+13 pool :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white and brown dog rolls on it's back in the sand .
+// A dog lying on its back in the sand .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 lying :
+4 on :
+5 its :
+6 back :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 sand :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A large brown dog is walking along side a river .
+// A brown dog walks on the rocks near a river .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 walks :
+5 on :
+6 the :
+7 rocks :
+8 near :
+9 a :
+10 river :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man wearing a blue shirt crouches on a rocky cliff .
+// a man sits on a rock .
+1 a :
+2 man :
+3 sits :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 rock :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy waves around a sparkler .
+// A young boy is twisting a sparkler around in the air .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 is :
+5 twisting :
+6 a :
+7 sparkler :
+8 around :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 air :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog leaping from a dock into the water .
+// A tan dog leaps into the water .
+1 A :
+2 tan :
+3 dog :
+4 leaps :
+5 into :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two children are on a fairground ride .
+// Two children are on a giant inflatable slide .
+1 Two :
+2 children :
+3 are :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 giant :
+7 inflatable :
+8 slide :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy with a broken arm is resting in a bed .
+// A boy with a broken arm is sleeping .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 with :
+4 a :
+5 broken :
+6 arm :
+7 is :
+8 sleeping :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog lunges for a yellow toy .
+// A brown dog chasing a yellow toy .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 chasing :
+5 a :
+6 yellow :
+7 toy :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// three little boys cover themselves with bubbles .
+// Three children standing by a pool are covered in foam bubbles .
+1 Three :
+2 children :
+3 standing :
+4 by :
+5 a :
+6 pool :
+7 are :
+8 covered :
+9 in :
+10 foam :
+11 bubbles :
+12 . :
+5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs ankle-deep in water .
+// Two brown dogs play in the water .
+1 Two :
+2 brown :
+3 dogs :
+4 play :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man and a woman are standing in front of a building
+// Two girls are sitting on an ATV on the sand in front of a bridge .
+1 Two :
+2 girls :
+3 are :
+4 sitting :
+5 on :
+6 an :
+7 ATV :
+8 on :
+9 the :
+10 sand :
+11 in :
+12 front :
+13 of :
+14 a :
+15 bridge :
+16 . :
+6 7 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 <==> 11 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog walking through water .
+// Two black dogs walking through the snow .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 dogs :
+4 walking :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two kids splashing in the water .
+// Two dogs play together on the bed .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 together :
+5 on :
+6 the :
+7 bed :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog with a gemmed collar is sitting on white carpet .
+// A black dog with a blue collar is sitting on beige carpet .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 with :
+5 a :
+6 blue :
+7 collar :
+8 is :
+9 sitting :
+10 on :
+11 beige :
+12 carpet :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs on grass running towards the camera .
+// Several large dogs are running through a large grassy area .
+1 Several :
+2 large :
+3 dogs :
+4 are :
+5 running :
+6 through :
+7 a :
+8 large :
+9 grassy :
+10 area :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person wearing jeans sits on top of a horse saddle .
+// The girl is sitting on top of a saddle .
+1 The :
+2 girl :
+3 is :
+4 sitting :
+5 on :
+6 top :
+7 of :
+8 a :
+9 saddle :
+10 . :
+5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog bounding through snow
+// A large white dog is bounding through a snowy field .
+1 A :
+2 large :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 bounding :
+7 through :
+8 a :
+9 snowy :
+10 field :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Many people run in a race on a street .
+// A puppy running along a street .
+1 A :
+2 puppy :
+3 running :
+4 along :
+5 a :
+6 street :
+7 . :
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog swimming in a lake has sunshine shining on him .
+// A dog swims while carrying a stick in its mouth .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 swims :
+4 while :
+5 carrying :
+6 a :
+7 stick :
+8 in :
+9 its :
+10 mouth :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl in a pink jacket is walking through a large puddle .
+// A young boy is splashing through a puddle of water .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 is :
+5 splashing :
+6 through :
+7 a :
+8 puddle :
+9 of :
+10 water :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl sits on a red play structure
+// A little girl on a red jungle gym .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 red :
+7 jungle :
+8 gym :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of people in front of a red fire truck .
+// A group of people are standing around a red fire truck .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 are :
+6 standing :
+7 around :
+8 a :
+9 red :
+10 fire :
+11 truck :
+12 . :
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The black and white dog runs through the grass .
+// three black and white dogs running through a watery field .
+1 three :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dogs :
+6 running :
+7 through :
+8 a :
+9 watery :
+10 field :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy in red jumping into a sandbox .
+// A dog swimming in a pond
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 swimming :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 pond :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy wearing a blue jacket swings a bat at a white ball .
+// A young boy in a blue jacket swings a bat at a ball .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 blue :
+7 jacket :
+8 swings :
+9 a :
+10 bat :
+11 at :
+12 a :
+13 ball :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs are playing in the white snow .
+// Three dogs play with a Frisbee in a snowy field .
+1 Three :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 with :
+5 a :
+6 Frisbee :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 snowy :
+10 field :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in a black wetsuit is surfung in the waves .
+// A surfer in a black wet suit surfs on a medium wave .
+1 A :
+2 surfer :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 black :
+6 wet :
+7 suit :
+8 surfs :
+9 on :
+10 a :
+11 medium :
+12 wave :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog jumping into a lake .
+// A black dog runs very fast in a field in a park .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 very :
+6 fast :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 field :
+10 in :
+11 a :
+12 park :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs playing in the snow .
+// Two black dogs in the snow .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 dogs :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs run on the grass .
+// A dog running on the grass .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 running :
+4 on :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A tennis player hitting the ball .
+// Two boys splashing in the surf .
+1 Two :
+2 boys :
+3 splashing :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 surf :
+7 . :
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man wearing a orange vest is canoeing in the blue water .
+// A man in an orange jacket raising his hands to the sky in the sand .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 an :
+5 orange :
+6 jacket :
+7 raising :
+8 his :
+9 hands :
+10 to :
+11 the :
+12 sky :
+13 in :
+14 the :
+15 sand :
+16 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog asleep in a car .
+// A black and tan dog sleeps in the car .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 tan :
+5 dog :
+6 sleeps :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 car :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of men play rugby .
+// A group of men are playing ball together .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 men :
+5 are :
+6 playing :
+7 ball :
+8 together :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is riding a kayak through water .
+// A man kayaks in rough water .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 kayaks :
+4 in :
+5 rough :
+6 water :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog is jumping up to catch a green strap in it's mouth .
+// A grey dog jumps to bite a green leash .
+1 A :
+2 grey :
+3 dog :
+4 jumps :
+5 to :
+6 bite :
+7 a :
+8 green :
+9 leash :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog is sniffing a white dog that is lying on the floor .
+// Dog sniffing another dog lying under furniture .
+1 Dog :
+2 sniffing :
+3 another :
+4 dog :
+5 lying :
+6 under :
+7 furniture :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and grey dog runs in a field with it's tongue hanging out .
+// A black dog with a red collar walks through the grass with his mouth open and tongue hanging out .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 with :
+5 a :
+6 red :
+7 collar :
+8 walks :
+9 through :
+10 the :
+11 grass :
+12 with :
+13 his :
+14 mouth :
+15 open :
+16 and :
+17 tongue :
+18 hanging :
+19 out :
+20 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 <==> 18 19 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young girl running on the beach .
+// A little girl running at on the shore of a beach .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 running :
+5 at :
+6 on :
+7 the :
+8 shore :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 beach :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A rugby player in dark gear is carrying a light colored rugby ball with arm outstretched .
+// A brown dog splashes in the water while carrying a ball in it's mouth .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 splashes :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 while :
+9 carrying :
+10 a :
+11 ball :
+12 in :
+13 it's :
+14 mouth :
+15 . :
+7 8 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 13 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs groom each other .
+// Two dogs jumping on each other .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 jumping :
+4 on :
+5 each :
+6 other :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs , the white one standing on a Frisbee , playing together on grass .
+// Two dogs play on the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 on :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy receives a light saber for Christmas .
+// A boy holds a light saber in front of a Christmas tree .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 holds :
+4 a :
+5 light :
+6 saber :
+7 in :
+8 front :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 Christmas :
+12 tree :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The man sits on a sofa under the bridge and litter is all around him .
+// A man is sitting on a couch under an expressway ledge .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 sitting :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 couch :
+8 under :
+9 an :
+10 expressway :
+11 ledge :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The white and brown dog runs across the grass .
+// A brown and white dog runs across the grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 runs :
+7 across :
+8 the :
+9 grass :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog biting a horse 's leg .
+// A dog nips at the leg of a horse .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 nips :
+4 at :
+5 the :
+6 leg :
+7 of :
+8 a :
+9 horse :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a young baby girl wearing a white outfit swinging in a baby swing
+// a young girl wearing a black and red swimsuit swinging on a swing
+1 a :
+2 young :
+3 girl :
+4 wearing :
+5 a :
+6 black :
+7 and :
+8 red :
+9 swimsuit :
+10 swinging :
+11 on :
+12 a :
+13 swing :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog with light brown markings has a stick in his mouth and his paws in the snow .
+// A white dog holds a stick in its mouth while it runs through snow .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 holds :
+5 a :
+6 stick :
+7 in :
+8 its :
+9 mouth :
+10 while :
+11 it :
+12 runs :
+13 through :
+14 snow :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 18 19 <==> 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog runs through the water in the ocean .
+// A brown dog runs through the water as a wave comes .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 as :
+9 a :
+10 wave :
+11 comes :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs play in the grass .
+// Two dogs are playing in the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 playing :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 grass :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two men on the side of a barge
+// A man is lying the grass with long hair and beard .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 lying :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 with :
+8 long :
+9 hair :
+10 and :
+11 beard :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man juggles at the beach .
+// A man in swim trunks is juggling on the beach
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 swim :
+5 trunks :
+6 is :
+7 juggling :
+8 on :
+9 the :
+10 beach :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two people and a dog are in the snow .
+// Two people playing on a snowy hill .
+1 Two :
+2 people :
+3 playing :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 snowy :
+7 hill :
+8 . :
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The man is standing on the shore hitting a ball with a paddle .
+// Two teenage girls are standing on beside the beach listening to ipods .
+1 Two :
+2 teenage :
+3 girls :
+4 are :
+5 standing :
+6 on :
+7 beside :
+8 the :
+9 beach :
+10 listening :
+11 to :
+12 ipods :
+13 . :
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two girls walking in the ocean .
+// two girls walking in the street
+1 two :
+2 girls :
+3 walking :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 street :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man jumps off of one rooftop onto another .
+// A young man jumps from one balcony to another .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 man :
+4 jumps :
+5 from :
+6 one :
+7 balcony :
+8 to :
+9 another :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a woman playing with two young boys at a park
+// A woman and three kids play at a park .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 and :
+4 three :
+5 kids :
+6 play :
+7 at :
+8 a :
+9 park :
+10 . :
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man wearing glasses stands in front of a snowy mountain .
+// A man wearing black shorts is standing in front of a snow covered mountain .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 wearing :
+4 black :
+5 shorts :
+6 is :
+7 standing :
+8 in :
+9 front :
+10 of :
+11 a :
+12 snow :
+13 covered :
+14 mountain :
+15 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three boys playing soccer in a field
+// Three boys playing soccer .
+1 Three :
+2 boys :
+3 playing :
+4 soccer :
+5 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog is running through the snow .
+// A black pit bull dog is running through the dirt .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 pit :
+4 bull :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 through :
+9 the :
+10 dirt :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two girls taking a picture of themselves
+// Two blonde girls are taking a picture of themselves .
+1 Two :
+2 blonde :
+3 girls :
+4 are :
+5 taking :
+6 a :
+7 picture :
+8 of :
+9 themselves :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a man wearing a grey jacket standing on the side of a street .
+// A boy wearing a blue life jacket is holding onto the side of a green boat .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 blue :
+6 life :
+7 jacket :
+8 is :
+9 holding :
+10 onto :
+11 the :
+12 side :
+13 of :
+14 a :
+15 green :
+16 boat :
+17 . :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog jumps in the snow .
+// A black dog jumping over tire tracks in the snow .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 jumping :
+5 over :
+6 tire :
+7 tracks :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 snow :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// child hanging upside down from a tree swing
+// A girl is by a tree hanging upside-down from a swing .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 is :
+4 by :
+5 a :
+6 tree :
+7 hanging :
+8 upside-down :
+9 from :
+10 a :
+11 swing :
+12 . :
+2 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog is running through a snowy field .
+// A black , brown and white dog running through a field .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 , :
+4 brown :
+5 and :
+6 white :
+7 dog :
+8 running :
+9 through :
+10 a :
+11 field :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man riding his bike on the beach by the ocean .
+// A man walking his cow down the side of the road .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 walking :
+4 his :
+5 cow :
+6 down :
+7 the :
+8 side :
+9 of :
+10 the :
+11 road :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy jumps into a not-so-crowded public pool .
+// A man jumps while on a snowboard .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 jumps :
+4 while :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 snowboard :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog jumps high in the grass .
+// A brown dog digs in the sand .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 digs :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 sand :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a group of old men walking down the street
+// A couple walking down the street .
+1 A :
+2 couple :
+3 walking :
+4 down :
+5 the :
+6 street :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of people are camping out on some rocks .
+// A group of people are standing beside a fire truck .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 are :
+6 standing :
+7 beside :
+8 a :
+9 fire :
+10 truck :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The two dogs are playing fetch in the snow .
+// The dogs play in the snow .
+1 The :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Dog is jumping down a ramp .
+// A girls is jumping in the sand .
+1 A :
+2 girls :
+3 is :
+4 jumping :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 sand :
+8 . :
+2 3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three greyhounds racing on a track
+// Five greyhounds are racing on a sand track .
+1 Five :
+2 greyhounds :
+3 are :
+4 racing :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 sand :
+8 track :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two black dogs are playing on the grass .
+// Two black dogs are playing in a grassy plain .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 dogs :
+4 are :
+5 playing :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 grassy :
+9 plain :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A little brown dog is running on the grass .
+// The brown dog is running on the grass .
+1 The :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 on :
+7 the :
+8 grass :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy wearing a yellow shirt and blue pants is climbing a tree in a hilly area .
+// A boy wearing a yellow shirt and blue pants is climbing on a tree branch in a grassy field .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 yellow :
+6 shirt :
+7 and :
+8 blue :
+9 pants :
+10 is :
+11 climbing :
+12 on :
+13 a :
+14 tree :
+15 branch :
+16 in :
+17 a :
+18 grassy :
+19 field :
+20 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 16 17 <==> 16 17 18 19 // EQUI // 5 //
+18 <==> 20 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A harnessed dog leaps over a log as another dog follows behind .
+// A brown and white dog is leaping over a log in a field while another dog follows behind it .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 leaping :
+8 over :
+9 a :
+10 log :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 field :
+14 while :
+15 another :
+16 dog :
+17 follows :
+18 behind :
+19 it :
+20 . :
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 20 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A small brown dog jumping up to catch a tennis ball .
+// a wet dog chasing a white ball
+1 a :
+2 wet :
+3 dog :
+4 chasing :
+5 a :
+6 white :
+7 ball :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a dog runs through the water .
+// A dog runs through the grass .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 runs :
+4 through :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl is doing a trick on her trampoline .
+// A girl does a handstand on a trampoline .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 does :
+4 a :
+5 handstand :
+6 on :
+7 a :
+8 trampoline :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// People with numbers on their chests are running in a pack .
+// A group of people are running a race .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 are :
+6 running :
+7 a :
+8 race :
+9 . :
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog walking through splashing water in a rocky creek .
+// A black dog splashes through greenish water .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 splashes :
+5 through :
+6 greenish :
+7 water :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Child sliding in the snow .
+// Man sleeping on the street .
+1 Man :
+2 sleeping :
+3 on :
+4 the :
+5 street :
+6 . :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog runs through a very wooded area .
+// A dog running through a creek .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 running :
+4 through :
+5 a :
+6 creek :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog and a tan dog are playing in tall grass .
+// A black and brown dog with a red ball overhead plays in the grass .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 brown :
+5 dog :
+6 with :
+7 a :
+8 red :
+9 ball :
+10 overhead :
+11 plays :
+12 in :
+13 the :
+14 grass :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person is squeezing through an opening in the rock face .
+// A medium sized brown dog is running through an open white wooded area .
+1 A :
+2 medium :
+3 sized :
+4 brown :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 through :
+9 an :
+10 open :
+11 white :
+12 wooded :
+13 area :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Six dogs running on the sandy beach .
+// Six dogs walking beside the beach .
+1 Six :
+2 dogs :
+3 walking :
+4 beside :
+5 the :
+6 beach :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two people are walking through some water .
+// Two girls are walking by a tree in front of a brick building .
+1 Two :
+2 girls :
+3 are :
+4 walking :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 tree :
+8 in :
+9 front :
+10 of :
+11 a :
+12 brick :
+13 building :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman and a dog rowing down a wide river .
+// Woman and dog in rowboat on the water .
+1 Woman :
+2 and :
+3 dog :
+4 in :
+5 rowboat :
+6 on :
+7 the :
+8 water :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs are playing in the water .
+// Three dogs swim in the water .
+1 Three :
+2 dogs :
+3 swim :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 water :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy in a blue jacket swings a bat at a ball .
+// A young boy wearing a blue visor swings a bat .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 wearing :
+5 a :
+6 blue :
+7 visor :
+8 swings :
+9 a :
+10 bat :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three individuals are posing on skis behind a "no skiing" sign .
+// Three people on skis are standing behind a no skiing sign .
+1 Three :
+2 people :
+3 on :
+4 skis :
+5 are :
+6 standing :
+7 behind :
+8 a :
+9 no :
+10 skiing :
+11 sign :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A female DJ holds up a Michael Jackson album .
+// a girl holding a picture of Michael Jackson smiling
+1 a :
+2 girl :
+3 holding :
+4 a :
+5 picture :
+6 of :
+7 Michael :
+8 Jackson :
+9 smiling :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The black and white dog is running on the grass .
+// A black and white dog swims in blue water .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 swims :
+7 in :
+8 blue :
+9 water :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two teenage girls , one is smiling .
+// A little girl on a kid swing .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 kid :
+7 swing :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown and black dog walks in the white snow .
+// A brown and black dog walks in the snow with it's tongue hanging out .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 black :
+5 dog :
+6 walks :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 snow :
+10 with :
+11 it's :
+12 tongue :
+13 hanging :
+14 out :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two teenagers huddle in a doorway in the rain .
+// Two people wearing hoodies huddle on a doorstep in the rain .
+1 Two :
+2 people :
+3 wearing :
+4 hoodies :
+5 huddle :
+6 on :
+7 a :
+8 doorstep :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 rain :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a boy swinging on a swing .
+// The girl is on a swing .
+1 The :
+2 girl :
+3 is :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 swing :
+7 . :
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young girl doing a back flip in the water .
+// a young girl wearing purple running through water
+1 a :
+2 young :
+3 girl :
+4 wearing :
+5 purple :
+6 running :
+7 through :
+8 water :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is riding a bicycle on a dirt path .
+// Two dogs running along dirt path .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 running :
+4 along :
+5 dirt :
+6 path :
+7 . :
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A light brown dog runs down a path happily .
+// A pale dog runs down a path .
+1 A :
+2 pale :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 down :
+6 a :
+7 path :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl does a back bend on the beach .
+// A girl doing a back bend at the beach .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 doing :
+4 a :
+5 back :
+6 bend :
+7 at :
+8 the :
+9 beach :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two older men in front of a bus .
+// Two men step off the bus together .
+1 Two :
+2 men :
+3 step :
+4 off :
+5 the :
+6 bus :
+7 together :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A little girl walks on a boardwalk with blue domes in the background .
+// A man going over a jump on his bike with a river in the background
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 going :
+4 over :
+5 a :
+6 jump :
+7 on :
+8 his :
+9 bike :
+10 with :
+11 a :
+12 river :
+13 in :
+14 the :
+15 background :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man on a bike nest to a river .
+// A man on a bike does a very high jump .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 on :
+4 a :
+5 bike :
+6 does :
+7 a :
+8 very :
+9 high :
+10 jump :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Black and white dog running through water .
+// A black and white dog is running through grass .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 through :
+9 grass :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dalmation is running along the beach .
+// A white dog is running on sand .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 on :
+7 sand :
+8 . :
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog leaps out of the water towards shore .
+// a tan dog jumping through the water towards the shore .
+1 a :
+2 tan :
+3 dog :
+4 jumping :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 towards :
+9 the :
+10 shore :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// two dogs play in the grass .
+// Two dogs play in the water .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 water :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A wet white dog is splashing in the water with a stick in it's mouth .
+// A white dogs treads the water with sticks in its mouth .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dogs :
+4 treads :
+5 the :
+6 water :
+7 with :
+8 sticks :
+9 in :
+10 its :
+11 mouth :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A blonde dog is catching a ball in its mouth in the snow .
+// A little blonde girl is sitting on a green chair .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 blonde :
+4 girl :
+5 is :
+6 sitting :
+7 on :
+8 a :
+9 green :
+10 chair :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// two puppies playing around in the grass
+// Two puppies play in the grass
+1 Two :
+2 puppies :
+3 play :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs run on a dirt area near a forest .
+// Two dogs run down a dirt path in the forest .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 run :
+4 down :
+5 a :
+6 dirt :
+7 path :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 forest :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The brown and white dog is running across the sand with a red object in his mouth .
+// A dog is running along a beach with a red object in its mouth .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 along :
+6 a :
+7 beach :
+8 with :
+9 a :
+10 red :
+11 object :
+12 in :
+13 its :
+14 mouth :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 16 17 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+18 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are playing in the snow .
+// The dogs are running in the snow .
+1 The :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog jumps high on a field of grass .
+// A brown dog running in field of long green grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 field :
+7 of :
+8 long :
+9 green :
+10 grass :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Boat sails in rough water .
+// A man is kayaking in rough waters .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 kayaking :
+5 in :
+6 rough :
+7 waters :
+8 . :
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The girl is playing along with the images on the big screen .
+// Three girls holding umbrellas with their backs to the camera .
+1 Three :
+2 girls :
+3 holding :
+4 umbrellas :
+5 with :
+6 their :
+7 backs :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 camera :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog with its two front paws on a rock in a field .
+// A dog is running in a field .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 field :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is rock climbing on a natural rock .
+// A woman with glowing shoes at an outdoor event .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 with :
+4 glowing :
+5 shoes :
+6 at :
+7 an :
+8 outdoor :
+9 event :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs holding one Frisbee in their mouths .
+// Two dogs holding a single black Frisbee in their mouths
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 holding :
+4 a :
+5 single :
+6 black :
+7 Frisbee :
+8 in :
+9 their :
+10 mouths :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two people are in bed .
+// Two boxers are in the ring .
+1 Two :
+2 boxers :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 ring :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown and white dog running on grass .
+// A brown and white dog running fast in a fenced yard .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 running :
+7 fast :
+8 in :
+9 a :
+10 fenced :
+11 yard :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog is jumping over a log with ears flying and tongue out .
+// A dog leaps over a log in the woods .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 leaps :
+4 over :
+5 a :
+6 log :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 woods :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man climbs a snowy mountain .
+// A hiker moves up a snowy mountain .
+1 A :
+2 hiker :
+3 moves :
+4 up :
+5 a :
+6 snowy :
+7 mountain :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a man walks two dogs on leashes down the street
+// A man walks two dogs in the city .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 walks :
+4 two :
+5 dogs :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 city :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The beagle is walking on the beach at the waterline .
+// A beagle walks along the calm shore .
+1 A :
+2 beagle :
+3 walks :
+4 along :
+5 the :
+6 calm :
+7 shore :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two Asian men and Asian woman sit in black massage chairs .
+// Two Asian men and a woman are relaxing in massage chairs .
+1 Two :
+2 Asian :
+3 men :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 woman :
+7 are :
+8 relaxing :
+9 in :
+10 massage :
+11 chairs :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs fighting in the snow .
+// Two dogs playing in the snow .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 playing :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a white dog is running through the snow .
+// A little white dog running through the sand .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 running :
+6 through :
+7 the :
+8 sand :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy wearing a red shirt runs along a beach .
+// A boy wearing a red sweater runs along a colorful beach .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 red :
+6 sweater :
+7 runs :
+8 along :
+9 a :
+10 colorful :
+11 beach :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two large black dogs are playing in a grassy field .
+// Two white dogs are running together .
+1 Two :
+2 white :
+3 dogs :
+4 are :
+5 running :
+6 together :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown and white dog is walking next to a man on a skateboard .
+// A brown and white dog is running down a ramp .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 down :
+9 a :
+10 ramp :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// two puppies playing around in the grass
+// Two dogs are wrestling in the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 wrestling :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 grass :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The tan and white dog is running in the field .
+// The brown and white dogs run through the field .
+1 The :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dogs :
+6 run :
+7 through :
+8 the :
+9 field :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman does a handstand on the beach .
+// a blond girl doing a handstand on a beach
+1 a :
+2 blond :
+3 girl :
+4 doing :
+5 a :
+6 handstand :
+7 on :
+8 a :
+9 beach :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog is swimming in a large green lake .
+// A black dog runs fast into shallow water .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 fast :
+6 into :
+7 shallow :
+8 water :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog is running through the snow .
+// A brown dog is running through the field .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 through :
+7 the :
+8 field :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white and brown dog is running over grass .
+// A brown and white dog is running across the grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 across :
+9 the :
+10 grass :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a skateboarder doing a trick on a ramp
+// A skateboarder riding up to a slope .
+1 A :
+2 skateboarder :
+3 riding :
+4 up :
+5 to :
+6 a :
+7 slope :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in a batman suit running .
+// A man in a batman costume is running a race .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 batman :
+6 costume :
+7 is :
+8 running :
+9 a :
+10 race :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog chews on an orange ball .
+// A dog has an orange ball in its mouth .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 has :
+4 an :
+5 orange :
+6 ball :
+7 in :
+8 its :
+9 mouth :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are playing on the beach together .
+// Two black dogs are playing in a grass .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 dogs :
+4 are :
+5 playing :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 grass :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// These children are playing on a trampoline outdoors .
+// four children are playing on a trampoline .
+1 four :
+2 children :
+3 are :
+4 playing :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 trampoline :
+8 . :
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The large brown and white dog is running through the snow .
+// St. Bernard dog running in the snowy field .
+1 St. :
+2 Bernard :
+3 dog :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 snowy :
+8 field :
+9 . :
+7 8 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog jumping into the air .
+// A black and white dog jumping over an obstacle .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 jumping :
+7 over :
+8 an :
+9 obstacle :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young girl , in an orange dress , holding a tennis racket .
+// A girl in a dress holds a tennis racket .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 dress :
+6 holds :
+7 a :
+8 tennis :
+9 racket :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog runs on a beach .
+// The white dog is running along the beach .
+1 The :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 along :
+7 the :
+8 beach :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man and dog on a rocky seashore .
+// Man and dog standing on rocks next to water
+1 Man :
+2 and :
+3 dog :
+4 standing :
+5 on :
+6 rocks :
+7 next :
+8 to :
+9 water :
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Four hooded children huddle under a blanket outdoors .
+// Four children keeping warm under a blanket .
+1 Four :
+2 children :
+3 keeping :
+4 warm :
+5 under :
+6 a :
+7 blanket :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young laughing girl and a boy are playing on a big drum .
+// A baby girl and little boy are standing next to a guitar and a drum .
+1 A :
+2 baby :
+3 girl :
+4 and :
+5 little :
+6 boy :
+7 are :
+8 standing :
+9 next :
+10 to :
+11 a :
+12 guitar :
+13 and :
+14 a :
+15 drum :
+16 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A little girl takes a picture while mom watches in boredom .
+// A little girl in pajamas takes a picture with a camera
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 in :
+5 pajamas :
+6 takes :
+7 a :
+8 picture :
+9 with :
+10 a :
+11 camera :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog leaps over a barrier .
+// A dog leaps over a fence .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 leaps :
+4 over :
+5 a :
+6 fence :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy plays baseball .
+// A man is playing baseball .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 playing :
+5 baseball :
+6 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// People sitting on a couch laugh .
+// Four happy people sitting on a red couch
+1 Four :
+2 happy :
+3 people :
+4 sitting :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 red :
+8 couch :
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy jumping into a pool that says "no diving" .
+// A boy jumps into a not-so-crowded public pool .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 jumps :
+4 into :
+5 a :
+6 not-so-crowded :
+7 public :
+8 pool :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy leaps from one couch to another .
+// A young boy is leaping from one chair to another .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 is :
+5 leaping :
+6 from :
+7 one :
+8 chair :
+9 to :
+10 another :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy wearing a red winter coat is eating and holding up a candy bar .
+// A young boy wearing a red coat eats a chocolate bar .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 wearing :
+5 a :
+6 red :
+7 coat :
+8 eats :
+9 a :
+10 chocolate :
+11 bar :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 16 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs running on grass .
+// Two black , wet dogs running on grass .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 , :
+4 wet :
+5 dogs :
+6 running :
+7 on :
+8 grass :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two boys playing a game of flag football .
+// Two boys are playing flag football .
+1 Two :
+2 boys :
+3 are :
+4 playing :
+5 flag :
+6 football :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A golden retriever is jumping off a wooden porch
+// A gold dog jumping off a wooden porch .
+1 A :
+2 gold :
+3 dog :
+4 jumping :
+5 off :
+6 a :
+7 wooden :
+8 porch :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young child is holding onto the back of a wicker chair .
+// A young child holds a spoon to it's mouth while sitting in a chair .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 child :
+4 holds :
+5 a :
+6 spoon :
+7 to :
+8 it's :
+9 mouth :
+10 while :
+11 sitting :
+12 in :
+13 a :
+14 chair :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are running on the grass .
+// Two birds interacting in the grass
+1 Two :
+2 birds :
+3 interacting :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two surfers on riding a small wave .
+// Two surfers perform tricks in the waves .
+1 Two :
+2 surfers :
+3 perform :
+4 tricks :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 waves :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown furry animal stands behind some plants .
+// A dog pants while standing in the woods .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 pants :
+4 while :
+5 standing :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 woods :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog jumps high in the snow .
+// A dog runs in the snow .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 runs :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog in the snow .
+// Two dogs in snow .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 in :
+4 snow :
+5 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog running through snow .
+// A collie running through the snow .
+1 A :
+2 collie :
+3 running :
+4 through :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are fighting on brick pavement .
+// Two brownish dogs are fighting .
+1 Two :
+2 brownish :
+3 dogs :
+4 are :
+5 fighting :
+6 . :
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The black dog is running on the grass .
+// The German shepherd dog is running through the snow .
+1 The :
+2 German :
+3 shepherd :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 running :
+7 through :
+8 the :
+9 snow :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog catching a ball .
+// A dog catching a Frisbee .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 catching :
+4 a :
+5 Frisbee :
+6 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two black dogs playing in the snow .
+// Two dogs play in the snow
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl with a purple and white helmet is riding on a scooter .
+// A girl wearing a helmet rides a scooter .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 helmet :
+6 rides :
+7 a :
+8 scooter :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a skateboard performs a trick off a quarter pipe .
+// A skateboarder attempts to do a trick over a homemade ramp .
+1 A :
+2 skateboarder :
+3 attempts :
+4 to :
+5 do :
+6 a :
+7 trick :
+8 over :
+9 a :
+10 homemade :
+11 ramp :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of people are standing by a window watching something .
+// A group of people stand and wait to see something .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 stand :
+6 and :
+7 wait :
+8 to :
+9 see :
+10 something :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A softball player swinging at a pitch .
+// A baseball player hitting the ball
+1 A :
+2 baseball :
+3 player :
+4 hitting :
+5 the :
+6 ball :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three sheep graze on the grassy field with a dog walking behind them .
+// a small group of goats in the grass with a black and white dog in the backgroud .
+1 a :
+2 small :
+3 group :
+4 of :
+5 goats :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 grass :
+9 with :
+10 a :
+11 black :
+12 and :
+13 white :
+14 dog :
+15 in :
+16 the :
+17 backgroud :
+18 . :
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs playing in the snow while one dog wears a jacket .
+// Three dogs playing in the snow , with a city in the background .
+1 Three :
+2 dogs :
+3 playing :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 , :
+8 with :
+9 a :
+10 city :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 background :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a black , brown and white dog running along with a white Frisbee in his mouth .
+// A black and white dog carries a white Frisbee over the grass .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 carries :
+7 a :
+8 white :
+9 Frisbee :
+10 over :
+11 the :
+12 grass :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog runs with a yellow toy in its mouth .
+// A dog swimming with a stick in it's mouth .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 swimming :
+4 with :
+5 a :
+6 stick :
+7 in :
+8 it's :
+9 mouth :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The dog is playing in the water .
+// A dog is wading in the water .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 wading :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy is riding a bike .
+// A young girl laying on a blue inflatable toy
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 girl :
+4 laying :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 blue :
+8 inflatable :
+9 toy :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The white and brown dog is running quickly through the grass .
+// The big white dog is running in the grass .
+1 The :
+2 big :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 running :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 grass :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog running through an obstacle course
+// A black and white dog runs through pole obstacles .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 runs :
+7 through :
+8 pole :
+9 obstacles :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The child in the red coat laid in the red mat .
+// The toddler is ready to climb the red piece of equipment .
+1 The :
+2 toddler :
+3 is :
+4 ready :
+5 to :
+6 climb :
+7 the :
+8 red :
+9 piece :
+10 of :
+11 equipment :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A golden dog is running through the snow .
+// A pack of sled dogs pulling a sled through a town .
+1 A :
+2 pack :
+3 of :
+4 sled :
+5 dogs :
+6 pulling :
+7 a :
+8 sled :
+9 through :
+10 a :
+11 town :
+12 . :
+4 5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three children and playing and laughing on the floor .
+// Three children playing on the floor .
+1 Three :
+2 children :
+3 playing :
+4 on :
+5 the :
+6 floor :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a black dog swimming through a river .
+// a black dog digging through the snow .
+1 a :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 digging :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A bulldog is running through a grassy park while people stand in the background .
+// A dog is running in a large body of water causing it to splash .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 large :
+8 body :
+9 of :
+10 water :
+11 causing :
+12 it :
+13 to :
+14 splash :
+15 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// brown and white dog with a baseball in its mouth .
+// Black and white dog holding a baseball in mouth .
+1 Black :
+2 and :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 holding :
+6 a :
+7 baseball :
+8 in :
+9 mouth :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A golden dog is running through the snow .
+// A black dog is running through the snow .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 through :
+7 the :
+8 snow :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Girls dressed in red and black costumes hold a wrestling pose .
+// Two girls dressed like waitresses dance along with a man dressed as a chef .
+1 Two :
+2 girls :
+3 dressed :
+4 like :
+5 waitresses :
+6 dance :
+7 along :
+8 with :
+9 a :
+10 man :
+11 dressed :
+12 as :
+13 a :
+14 chef :
+15 . :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Baby with blonde pigtails in yellow room attempting to climb out of green playpen .
+// A female toddler in pigtails is trying to climb out of a green and white playpen .
+1 A :
+2 female :
+3 toddler :
+4 in :
+5 pigtails :
+6 is :
+7 trying :
+8 to :
+9 climb :
+10 out :
+11 of :
+12 a :
+13 green :
+14 and :
+15 white :
+16 playpen :
+17 . :
+2 3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 <==> 12 13 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The two dogs are playing fetch in the snow .
+// Two dogs are playing together in the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 playing :
+5 together :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 grass :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man eating an apple , sitting in public .
+// A man sits in a public place eating an apple .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 sits :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 public :
+7 place :
+8 eating :
+9 an :
+10 apple :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man wearing a red bicycle helmet talking on a cell phone with other people in the background .
+// A man in a bicycle helmet is talking on a cell phone with other people behind him .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 bicycle :
+6 helmet :
+7 is :
+8 talking :
+9 on :
+10 a :
+11 cell :
+12 phone :
+13 with :
+14 other :
+15 people :
+16 behind :
+17 him :
+18 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy is punching a yellow ball .
+// A small dog jumps over a yellow beam .
+1 A :
+2 small :
+3 dog :
+4 jumps :
+5 over :
+6 a :
+7 yellow :
+8 beam :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman wearing a pink Tinker Bell jacket leans against a railing .
+// A woman wearing a pink Tinkerbell sweatshirt leans on a railing overlooking water .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 pink :
+6 Tinkerbell :
+7 sweatshirt :
+8 leans :
+9 on :
+10 a :
+11 railing :
+12 overlooking :
+13 water :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man walks toward a policeman standing in a crosswalk on a city street .
+// A policeman stands in a crosswalk in a city .
+1 A :
+2 policeman :
+3 stands :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 crosswalk :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 city :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy plays in a red ball pit .
+// A laughing boy lies on a pit of blue balls .
+1 A :
+2 laughing :
+3 boy :
+4 lies :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 pit :
+8 of :
+9 blue :
+10 balls :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog with red ears is running in the snow .
+// a wet black dog with a red collar is in the river
+1 a :
+2 wet :
+3 black :
+4 dog :
+5 with :
+6 a :
+7 red :
+8 collar :
+9 is :
+10 in :
+11 the :
+12 river :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A little boy clowns with a colander on his head .
+// A boy with a metal colander on his head .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 with :
+4 a :
+5 metal :
+6 colander :
+7 on :
+8 his :
+9 head :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog racing on a track .
+// A dog chases another by a tree .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 chases :
+4 another :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 tree :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in a black leather jacket is sleeping in a subway car .
+// A man in a black leather jacket falls asleep on public transportation .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 black :
+6 leather :
+7 jacket :
+8 falls :
+9 asleep :
+10 on :
+11 public :
+12 transportation :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog jumps on a lawn .
+// A dog jumps of a surfboard
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 jumps :
+4 of :
+5 a :
+6 surfboard :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs run towards shore through shallow water .
+// Two grey dogs running through the shallow water of a lake .
+1 Two :
+2 grey :
+3 dogs :
+4 running :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 shallow :
+8 water :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 lake :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A bird with it's wings spread
+// A bird flying in the air
+1 A :
+2 bird :
+3 flying :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 air :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a boy in a red shirt , in front of a long blue wall , raises his eyebrow at the camera
+// The boy in the red shirt is next to a blue wall .
+1 The :
+2 boy :
+3 in :
+4 the :
+5 red :
+6 shirt :
+7 is :
+8 next :
+9 to :
+10 a :
+11 blue :
+12 wall :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 13 14 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman jogs beside a tall concrete wall .
+// A woman runs beside a concrete wall .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 runs :
+4 beside :
+5 a :
+6 concrete :
+7 wall :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog digging a hole in front of a plant
+// A group of people walking on the side of a railroad track .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 walking :
+6 on :
+7 the :
+8 side :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 railroad :
+12 track :
+13 . :
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in a red coat and hat talks to another man in red .
+// A man wearing a red coat with glass looks at another man .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 red :
+6 coat :
+7 with :
+8 glass :
+9 looks :
+10 at :
+11 another :
+12 man :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs play in the grass .
+// Two tan dogs play in the snow .
+1 Two :
+2 tan :
+3 dogs :
+4 play :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy doing a back flip into a swimming pool .
+// A boy wearing red and blue swim trunks jumping head first into a swimming pool .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 wearing :
+4 red :
+5 and :
+6 blue :
+7 swim :
+8 trunks :
+9 jumping :
+10 head :
+11 first :
+12 into :
+13 a :
+14 swimming :
+15 pool :
+16 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog is jumping over a hurdle .
+// A white dog running over a bridge .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 running :
+5 over :
+6 a :
+7 bridge :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl bounces upside down on her head on a trampoline .
+// A girl is bouncing on her head on a trampoline .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 is :
+4 bouncing :
+5 on :
+6 her :
+7 head :
+8 on :
+9 a :
+10 trampoline :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Children jumping on a trampoline .
+// A man is sledding on an orange slide .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 sledding :
+5 on :
+6 an :
+7 orange :
+8 slide :
+9 . :
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person snowboarding and jumping over a construction sign .
+// a long snowboarder jumping over a barricade outside in the snow .
+1 a :
+2 long :
+3 snowboarder :
+4 jumping :
+5 over :
+6 a :
+7 barricade :
+8 outside :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 snow :
+12 . :
+3 4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The skateboarder gets to the top of the ramp .
+// The skateboarder rides the pipe wall at a skater park .
+1 The :
+2 skateboarder :
+3 rides :
+4 the :
+5 pipe :
+6 wall :
+7 at :
+8 a :
+9 skater :
+10 park :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two boys in a field kicking a soccer ball .
+// Two football players bang into each other during a football game .
+1 Two :
+2 football :
+3 players :
+4 bang :
+5 into :
+6 each :
+7 other :
+8 during :
+9 a :
+10 football :
+11 game :
+12 . :
+7 8 9 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A crowd of people stand on a rural road , a field behind them , a forest in front .
+// A bunch of people standing next to a car with it's trunk open .
+1 A :
+2 bunch :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 standing :
+6 next :
+7 to :
+8 a :
+9 car :
+10 with :
+11 it's :
+12 trunk :
+13 open :
+14 . :
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog runs through the deep snow .
+// A white dog is running through the snow .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 through :
+7 the :
+8 snow :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy riding on a swing .
+// A young boy riding in a swing .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 riding :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 swing :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman pointing at a geyser .
+// Women pointing at a geyser .
+1 Women :
+2 pointing :
+3 at :
+4 a :
+5 geyser :
+6 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs are playing in the white snow .
+// Two dogs are playing in the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 playing :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 grass :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// An elderly woman rides a bicycle along a city street .
+// An elderly woman walking uphill crossing the street .
+1 An :
+2 elderly :
+3 woman :
+4 walking :
+5 uphill :
+6 crossing :
+7 the :
+8 street :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two girls next to a mossy tree .
+// Two girls lean around a tree , laughing .
+1 Two :
+2 girls :
+3 lean :
+4 around :
+5 a :
+6 tree :
+7 , :
+8 laughing :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A small boy is building with some wooden blocks .
+// A small boy wearing a blue shirt stacks wooden blocks .
+1 A :
+2 small :
+3 boy :
+4 wearing :
+5 a :
+6 blue :
+7 shirt :
+8 stacks :
+9 wooden :
+10 blocks :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a brown dog standing in the middle of ahuge field .
+// A brown dog in a field .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 field :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The brown dog runs on the snow with a white ball in his mouth .
+// Four dogs play in the snow with the city skyline behind them .
+1 Four :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 with :
+8 the :
+9 city :
+10 skyline :
+11 behind :
+12 them :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a brown and white dog is running on the grass .
+// a brown and white dog running crazily through the grass .
+1 a :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 running :
+7 crazily :
+8 through :
+9 the :
+10 grass :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog about to catch a green Frisbee .
+// A brown dog waits for the Frisbee to come down before catching it .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 waits :
+5 for :
+6 the :
+7 Frisbee :
+8 to :
+9 come :
+10 down :
+11 before :
+12 catching :
+13 it :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young girl with a pink hat on with a yellow building in the background .
+// A young girl in a pink dress with something in her hand .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 girl :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 pink :
+7 dress :
+8 with :
+9 something :
+10 in :
+11 her :
+12 hand :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is standing on top of a rock or mountain watching the sun set .
+// A man standing in the mountains watching a sunset .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 standing :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 mountains :
+7 watching :
+8 a :
+9 sunset :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The couple is sitting near the water in lawn chairs .
+// The boy hops from one picnic table to the other in the park .
+1 The :
+2 boy :
+3 hops :
+4 from :
+5 one :
+6 picnic :
+7 table :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 other :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 park :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is swinging on a rope above the water .
+// A man in warm clothes swinging on monkey bars at night .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 warm :
+5 clothes :
+6 swinging :
+7 on :
+8 monkey :
+9 bars :
+10 at :
+11 night :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog running through deep snow pack .
+// A dog runs through the deep snow .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 runs :
+4 through :
+5 the :
+6 deep :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The dog is running in the grass .
+// a dog pounces on the grass .
+1 a :
+2 dog :
+3 pounces :
+4 on :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A Golden Retriever jumping off a wood porch .
+// A golden retriever is jumping off a wooden porch
+1 A :
+2 golden :
+3 retriever :
+4 is :
+5 jumping :
+6 off :
+7 a :
+8 wooden :
+9 porch :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The dog is running with food in his mouth .
+// The dog is running with a yellow ball in his mouth .
+1 The :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 with :
+6 a :
+7 yellow :
+8 ball :
+9 in :
+10 his :
+11 mouth :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A reddish brown dog runs across the snow with a snowball in its mouth .
+// The beautiful reddish dog lopes around the flat snowy street with a snowball in its mouth .
+1 The :
+2 beautiful :
+3 reddish :
+4 dog :
+5 lopes :
+6 around :
+7 the :
+8 flat :
+9 snowy :
+10 street :
+11 with :
+12 a :
+13 snowball :
+14 in :
+15 its :
+16 mouth :
+17 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog with brown spots is running in a yard , chasing a ball .
+// A white dog with brown markings chases an orange ball in a grassy field .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 with :
+5 brown :
+6 markings :
+7 chases :
+8 an :
+9 orange :
+10 ball :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 grassy :
+14 field :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A little girl and a little boy hold hands on a shiny slide .
+// A little girl in a paisley dress runs across a sandy playground .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 paisley :
+7 dress :
+8 runs :
+9 across :
+10 a :
+11 sandy :
+12 playground :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three little boys take a bath in a rubber bin on the grass .
+// Three well-dressed children are sitting on a bench and smiling .
+1 Three :
+2 well-dressed :
+3 children :
+4 are :
+5 sitting :
+6 on :
+7 a :
+8 bench :
+9 and :
+10 smiling :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a dog sniffing the brushes while a bull looks on
+// A brown dog sniffing at the fence of a brown bull .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 sniffing :
+5 at :
+6 the :
+7 fence :
+8 of :
+9 a :
+10 brown :
+11 bull :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog bounds through a path in the snow .
+// Two kids and a dog play in the snow .
+1 Two :
+2 kids :
+3 and :
+4 a :
+5 dog :
+6 play :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 snow :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy in a red jacket and balck hat sliding on his knees down a snowy hill
+// A boy is riding a red sledge down a snowy hill .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 is :
+4 riding :
+5 a :
+6 red :
+7 sledge :
+8 down :
+9 a :
+10 snowy :
+11 hill :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 16 17 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs running in a field of grass .
+// Two dogs run in a field of tall grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 run :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 field :
+7 of :
+8 tall :
+9 grass :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of men playing brass instruments .
+// A group of guys play instruments outside .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 guys :
+5 play :
+6 instruments :
+7 outside :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and tan dog standing in a field near trees
+// A white dog is standing by a river shaking himself dry .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 standing :
+6 by :
+7 a :
+8 river :
+9 shaking :
+10 himself :
+11 dry :
+12 . :
+6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three people sit at a picnic table outside of a building painted like a union jack .
+// Three people sit at an outdoor table in front of a building painted like the Union Jack .
+1 Three :
+2 people :
+3 sit :
+4 at :
+5 an :
+6 outdoor :
+7 table :
+8 in :
+9 front :
+10 of :
+11 a :
+12 building :
+13 painted :
+14 like :
+15 the :
+16 Union :
+17 Jack :
+18 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 16 <==> 14 15 16 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A small dog runs through an obstacle course .
+// A small dog jumping over an obstacle .
+1 A :
+2 small :
+3 dog :
+4 jumping :
+5 over :
+6 an :
+7 obstacle :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A tent and a campsite in a sunlit forest .
+// A white dog on a beach is carrying a stick in its mouth .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 beach :
+7 is :
+8 carrying :
+9 a :
+10 stick :
+11 in :
+12 its :
+13 mouth :
+14 . :
+6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog is chasing two birds on the shore of the ocean .
+// A dog is running along the beach beside the ocean .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 along :
+6 the :
+7 beach :
+8 beside :
+9 the :
+10 ocean :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man and woman with their hands on their chins are standing next to a Christmas tree .
+// The man with a white beard and blue cap is standing in the doorway of a workshop .
+1 The :
+2 man :
+3 with :
+4 a :
+5 white :
+6 beard :
+7 and :
+8 blue :
+9 cap :
+10 is :
+11 standing :
+12 in :
+13 the :
+14 doorway :
+15 of :
+16 a :
+17 workshop :
+18 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 16 17 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+18 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are running through the grass near a house and trees .
+// Two dogs are running through a green yard
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 running :
+5 through :
+6 a :
+7 green :
+8 yard :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two different breeds of brown and white dogs play on the beach .
+// Two dogs playing in the sand at the beach .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 playing :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 sand :
+7 at :
+8 the :
+9 beach :
+10 . :
+9 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog is running through the water onto the shore .
+// The white dog runs through the ocean .
+1 The :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 ocean :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog leaping over a hurdle .
+// A dog leaps over the hurdle .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 leaps :
+4 over :
+5 the :
+6 hurdle :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
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+epoch = 3.0
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+train_samples_per_second = 342.082
+train_steps_per_second = 2.672
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\ No newline at end of file
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+ "is_local_process_zero": true,
+ "is_world_process_zero": true,
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+ {
+ "epoch": 0.23,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8524394451710808,
+ "step": 250
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 0.46,
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+ "loss": 0.7598,
+ "step": 500
+ },
+ {
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+ "step": 500
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 0.7,
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+ "step": 750
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 0.93,
+ "learning_rate": 2.7633209417596035e-05,
+ "loss": 0.5895,
+ "step": 1000
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 0.93,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8662938169391007,
+ "step": 1000
+ }
+ ],
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+ "trial_params": null
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+{"do_lower_case": true, "do_basic_tokenize": true, "never_split": null, "unk_token": "[UNK]", "sep_token": "[SEP]", "pad_token": "[PAD]", "cls_token": "[CLS]", "mask_token": "[MASK]", "tokenize_chinese_chars": true, "strip_accents": null, "model_max_length": 512, "special_tokens_map_file": null, "tokenizer_file": "/home/sh0416/.cache/huggingface/transformers/534479488c54aeaf9c3406f647aa2ec13648c06771ffe269edabebd4c412da1d.7f2721073f19841be16f41b0a70b600ca6b880c8f3df6f3535cbc704371bdfa4", "name_or_path": "bert-base-uncased", "tokenizer_class": "BertTokenizer"}
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diff --git a/20211030_162237/checkpoint-3000/trainer_state.json b/20211030_162237/checkpoint-3000/trainer_state.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..97dd0e3d58cd048d3e3faf6ba3c56b76fe32ed97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_162237/checkpoint-3000/trainer_state.json
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ "best_metric": 0.8662938169391007,
+ "best_model_checkpoint": "/home/sh0416/checkpoints/20211030_162237/checkpoint-1000",
+ "epoch": 2.7881040892193307,
+ "global_step": 3000,
+ "is_hyper_param_search": false,
+ "is_local_process_zero": true,
+ "is_world_process_zero": true,
+ "log_history": [
+ {
+ "epoch": 0.23,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8524394451710808,
+ "step": 250
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 0.46,
+ "learning_rate": 3.382899628252789e-05,
+ "loss": 0.7598,
+ "step": 500
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 0.46,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8581363647048411,
+ "step": 500
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 0.7,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.857818787973787,
+ "step": 750
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 0.93,
+ "learning_rate": 2.7633209417596035e-05,
+ "loss": 0.5895,
+ "step": 1000
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 0.93,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8662938169391007,
+ "step": 1000
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 1.16,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.86093388442406,
+ "step": 1250
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 1.39,
+ "learning_rate": 2.143742255266419e-05,
+ "loss": 0.4598,
+ "step": 1500
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 1.39,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8611909628928307,
+ "step": 1500
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 1.63,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8620996137507876,
+ "step": 1750
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 1.86,
+ "learning_rate": 1.5241635687732344e-05,
+ "loss": 0.4302,
+ "step": 2000
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 1.86,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8628503615991803,
+ "step": 2000
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 2.09,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8615572798709574,
+ "step": 2250
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 2.32,
+ "learning_rate": 9.045848822800495e-06,
+ "loss": 0.3632,
+ "step": 2500
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 2.32,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8595222891463629,
+ "step": 2500
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 2.56,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8615406222623156,
+ "step": 2750
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 2.79,
+ "learning_rate": 2.8500619578686496e-06,
+ "loss": 0.3447,
+ "step": 3000
+ },
+ {
+ "epoch": 2.79,
+ "eval_stsb_spearman": 0.8601878437498801,
+ "step": 3000
+ }
+ ],
+ "max_steps": 3228,
+ "num_train_epochs": 3,
+ "total_flos": 0.0,
+ "trial_name": null,
+ "trial_params": null
diff --git a/20211030_162237/checkpoint-3000/training_args.bin b/20211030_162237/checkpoint-3000/training_args.bin
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..af9cd742cfae89d0e577d16808bc957b5e52b33e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_162237/checkpoint-3000/training_args.bin
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:376b3eeebb761261e4d9f0f9ef3a182a768b92282ff2a1aa1ff3f0fdd6dd03ac
+size 2735
diff --git a/20211030_162237/checkpoint-3000/vocab.txt b/20211030_162237/checkpoint-3000/vocab.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fb140275c155a9c7c5a3b3e0e77a9e839594a938
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_162237/checkpoint-3000/vocab.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30522 @@
diff --git a/20211030_162237/data_args.json b/20211030_162237/data_args.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..39bd9fddc7ae0cf9d581755353e20b3887a773c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_162237/data_args.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"data_type": "simcse-nli", "train_file": "/nas/home/sh0416/data/simcse/nli_for_simcse.csv", "max_seq_length": 32, "add_typo_corpus": false, "typo_corpus_filepath": null, "dup_rate": 0.08}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/20211030_162237/eval_results.txt b/20211030_162237/eval_results.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..513c93a9d4ecc02e595c6c45fe157ca1ab0e7227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_162237/eval_results.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/20211030_162237/headlines.wa b/20211030_162237/headlines.wa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2afb0044ac4ad8100cadf5ec979845f5240a5506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_162237/headlines.wa
@@ -0,0 +1,11623 @@
+// China 's Peace Ark departs for the Philippines Thursday
+// China sends aid team to Philippines
+1 China :
+2 sends :
+3 aid :
+4 team :
+5 to :
+6 Philippines :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Conservatives sweep to Australia election victory
+// Conservative opposition wins Australian election
+1 Conservative :
+2 opposition :
+3 wins :
+4 Australian :
+5 election :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Abe 's shrine visit draws wide condemnation , criticism
+// Japanese PM Shinzo Abe 's war shrine visit angers neighbours
+1 Japanese :
+2 PM :
+3 Shinzo :
+4 Abe :
+5 's :
+6 war :
+7 shrine :
+8 visit :
+9 angers :
+10 neighbours :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine revokes anti-protest law , PM resigns
+// Ukraine to repeal anti-protest laws
+1 Ukraine :
+2 to :
+3 repeal :
+4 anti-protest :
+5 laws :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Russia says detects missiles fired from Mediterranean Sea
+// Russia says ballistic missiles fired in Mediterranean
+1 Russia :
+2 says :
+3 ballistic :
+4 missiles :
+5 fired :
+6 in :
+7 Mediterranean :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pro-Russian protesters storm new police station in east Ukraine
+// Pro-Russian Protesters Storm Police Station in Ukraine as Kiev Urges U.N. over unrest
+1 Pro-Russian :
+2 Protesters :
+3 Storm :
+4 Police :
+5 Station :
+6 in :
+7 Ukraine :
+8 as :
+9 Kiev :
+10 Urges :
+11 U.N. :
+12 over :
+13 unrest :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Cyclone leaves trail of destruction in India
+// Cyclone Phailin evacuation kept Indian villagers alive
+1 Cyclone :
+2 Phailin :
+3 evacuation :
+4 kept :
+5 Indian :
+6 villagers :
+7 alive :
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 4 foreigners among 9 killed in Kabul hotel attack
+// Foreigners among dead in Kabul hotel attack
+1 Foreigners :
+2 among :
+3 dead :
+4 in :
+5 Kabul :
+6 hotel :
+7 attack :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Many dead as asylum boat sinks off Australia
+// Mandela spends third day in hospital
+1 Mandela :
+2 spends :
+3 third :
+4 day :
+5 in :
+6 hospital :
+6 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israeli calls to execute Palestinian captives instead of releasing them
+// Israel allows Palestinian prisoner release
+1 Israel :
+2 allows :
+3 Palestinian :
+4 prisoner :
+5 release :
+3 4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// DPRK leader calls for better ties with S.Korea
+// North Korea urges foreigners to leave South Korea
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 urges :
+4 foreigners :
+5 to :
+6 leave :
+7 South :
+8 Korea :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World 's oldest person , and oldest man ever , dies at 116
+// Japan : World 's Oldest Man Ever Dies Aged 116
+1 Japan :
+2 : :
+3 World :
+4 's :
+5 Oldest :
+6 Man :
+7 Ever :
+8 Dies :
+9 Aged :
+10 116 :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World powers and Iran to resume expert nuclear talks on Dec. 30
+// Iran nuclear experts , world powers to resume talks next week
+1 Iran :
+2 nuclear :
+3 experts :
+4 , :
+5 world :
+6 powers :
+7 to :
+8 resume :
+9 talks :
+10 next :
+11 week :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Biden warns ' it's time for Russia to stop talking and start acting ' in Ukraine
+// Biden : Time for Russia to ' stop talking and start acting ' to reduce tension in Ukraine
+1 Biden :
+2 : :
+3 Time :
+4 for :
+5 Russia :
+6 to :
+7 ' :
+8 stop :
+9 talking :
+10 and :
+11 start :
+12 acting :
+13 ' :
+14 to :
+15 reduce :
+16 tension :
+17 in :
+18 Ukraine :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 16 <==> 17 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : February 25
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : April 21
+1 India :
+2 Ink :
+3 : :
+4 Image :
+5 of :
+6 the :
+7 Day :
+8 : :
+9 April :
+10 21 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Philippines defers comment on Taiwan fisher attack
+// Bin Laden 's continuing sway shown in Kenya mall attack
+1 Bin :
+2 Laden :
+3 's :
+4 continuing :
+5 sway :
+6 shown :
+7 in :
+8 Kenya :
+9 mall :
+10 attack :
+2 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// New Zealand set to legalise gay marriage
+// New Zealand votes to legalise same-sex marriage
+1 New :
+2 Zealand :
+3 votes :
+4 to :
+5 legalise :
+6 same-sex :
+7 marriage :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel 's ex-PM Ariel Sharon dies
+// Former Israeli Prime Minister Sharon dies
+1 Former :
+2 Israeli :
+3 Prime :
+4 Minister :
+5 Sharon :
+6 dies :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Peace talks with Palestinians would take months : Israel official
+// 3yo Palestinian girl killed in Israeli raid
+1 3yo :
+2 Palestinian :
+3 girl :
+4 killed :
+5 in :
+6 Israeli :
+7 raid :
+3 4 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ronaldo 's hat trick sends Portugal to World Cup
+// Ronaldo hat-trick fires Portugal to World Cup
+1 Ronaldo :
+2 hat-trick :
+3 fires :
+4 Portugal :
+5 to :
+6 World :
+7 Cup :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// At Least 22 Dead After China Earthquake
+// At least 89 dead in China earthquakes
+1 At :
+2 least :
+3 89 :
+4 dead :
+5 in :
+6 China :
+7 earthquakes :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Canadian freight train blast death toll hits three , to rise
+// Canadian government ' monitoring ' train blast situation
+1 Canadian :
+2 government :
+3 ' :
+4 monitoring :
+5 ' :
+6 train :
+7 blast :
+8 situation :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Five children buried alive in Bohol landslide
+// Nine children die in attack in Afghanistan attack
+1 Nine :
+2 children :
+3 die :
+4 in :
+5 attack :
+6 in :
+7 Afghanistan :
+8 attack :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rosberg emulates father with Monaco win
+// FORMULA 1 : Rosberg stays modest despite Monaco win
+2 1 :
+3 : :
+4 Rosberg :
+5 stays :
+6 modest :
+7 despite :
+8 Monaco :
+9 win :
+1 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Suicide truck bomber kills 11 in northern Iraq
+// Suicide car bomb kills 12 in northern Iraq
+1 Suicide :
+2 car :
+3 bomb :
+4 kills :
+5 12 :
+6 in :
+7 northern :
+8 Iraq :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tropical Storm Barry forms off Mexico 's coast , bringing heavy rain as it heads toward Veracruz
+// Tropical Storm Barry weakens , dumps rain on Mexico
+1 Tropical :
+2 Storm :
+3 Barry :
+4 weakens :
+5 , :
+6 dumps :
+7 rain :
+8 on :
+9 Mexico :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian rebels target military airports
+// Syrian troops confront fierce attacks by rebels in military airport
+1 Syrian :
+2 troops :
+3 confront :
+4 fierce :
+5 attacks :
+6 by :
+7 rebels :
+8 in :
+9 military :
+10 airport :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 6.6-magnitude quake hits South Atlantic Ocean -- USGS
+// Magnitude-5.1 quake hits southern Iran -- USGS
+1 Magnitude-5.1 :
+2 quake :
+3 hits :
+4 southern :
+5 Iran :
+6 -- :
+7 USGS :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Poverty stats doubt Modi 's development claims
+// GM to start taking recall compensation claims Aug 1
+1 GM :
+2 to :
+3 start :
+4 taking :
+5 recall :
+6 compensation :
+7 claims :
+8 Aug :
+9 1 :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// North Korea blocks access to joint industrial zone
+// North Korea Blocks Access to Key Industrial Zone
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 Blocks :
+4 Access :
+5 to :
+6 Key :
+7 Industrial :
+8 Zone :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pakistan 's Musharraf charged over Bhutto murder
+// Pakistan 's Musharraf Charged In Bhutto Death
+1 Pakistan :
+2 's :
+3 Musharraf :
+4 Charged :
+5 In :
+6 Bhutto :
+7 Death :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukrainian protesters back in streets for anti-government rally
+// Ukraine protesters topple Lenin statue in Kiev
+1 Ukraine :
+2 protesters :
+3 topple :
+4 Lenin :
+5 statue :
+6 in :
+7 Kiev :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Jamaican connection in Liverpool 's win
+// Japan Election : Shinzo Abe Hails Landslide Win
+1 Japan :
+2 Election :
+3 : :
+4 Shinzo :
+5 Abe :
+6 Hails :
+7 Landslide :
+8 Win :
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rescuers scour debris after India buildings collapse
+// Select images from Bangladesh building collapse
+1 Select :
+2 images :
+3 from :
+4 Bangladesh :
+5 building :
+6 collapse :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rock bands ' plane makes emergency landing in Ill.
+// Rock Bands ' Plane Makes Emergency Landing in Ill.
+1 Rock :
+2 Bands :
+3 ' :
+4 Plane :
+5 Makes :
+6 Emergency :
+7 Landing :
+8 in :
+9 Ill. :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Boston bombing suspect remains in hospital
+// Boston bombing suspect charged in hospital bed
+1 Boston :
+2 bombing :
+3 suspect :
+4 charged :
+5 in :
+6 hospital :
+7 bed :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// PPP 's Shehla Raza elected Deputy Speaker of SA
+// Shehla Raza takes oath as Sindh Assembly deputy speaker
+1 Shehla :
+2 Raza :
+3 takes :
+4 oath :
+5 as :
+6 Sindh :
+7 Assembly :
+8 deputy :
+9 speaker :
+2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 11:42 Churchill 's last child dies aged 91
+// Churchill 's youngest child Lady Soames dies aged 91
+1 Churchill :
+2 's :
+3 youngest :
+4 child :
+5 Lady :
+6 Soames :
+7 dies :
+8 aged :
+9 91 :
+2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// N. Korea test-fires 30 short-range missiles into sea : Yonhap
+// Iran says it test-fires new land-to-sea missile in Gulf
+1 Iran :
+2 says :
+3 it :
+4 test-fires :
+5 new :
+6 land-to-sea :
+7 missile :
+8 in :
+9 Gulf :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Chinese shares close higher Tuesday
+// Chinese shares close lower on Wednesday
+1 Chinese :
+3 close :
+4 lower :
+5 on :
+6 Wednesday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// North Korea shuns offer of talks
+// North Korea shoots 2 rockets
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 shoots :
+4 2 :
+5 rockets :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// In surprise visit to Afghanistan , Obama tells troops ' you inspire me '
+// Obama Makes Surprise Visit To Afghanistan
+1 Obama :
+2 Makes :
+3 Surprise :
+4 Visit :
+5 To :
+6 Afghanistan :
+1 2 3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US awaits high court judgment on gay marriage
+// Ark. high court again suspends gay marriage
+1 Ark. :
+2 high :
+3 court :
+4 again :
+5 suspends :
+6 gay :
+7 marriage :
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Sisi sworn in as Egypt 's president , cool reception from West
+// Egypt 's Sisi sworn in as president
+1 Egypt :
+2 's :
+3 Sisi :
+4 sworn :
+5 in :
+6 as :
+7 president :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China to investigate EU wine exports
+// Christie investigation heats up
+1 Christie :
+2 investigation :
+3 heats :
+4 up :
+2 3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Eurozone 's unemployment climbs to 12.1% , a fresh record high
+// Eurozone unemployment hit record 12.2% in September
+1 Eurozone :
+2 unemployment :
+3 hit :
+4 record :
+5 12.2% :
+6 in :
+7 September :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// South Korean President Sorry For Ferry Response
+// S. Korean president ' sorry ' for ferry disaster
+1 S. :
+2 Korean :
+3 president :
+4 ' :
+5 sorry :
+6 ' :
+7 for :
+8 ferry :
+9 disaster :
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pro-Russian rebels shoot down Ukrainian plane , 49 killed
+// Ukraine Rebels shoot down plane carrying 49
+1 Ukraine :
+2 Rebels :
+3 shoot :
+4 down :
+5 plane :
+6 carrying :
+7 49 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Saudi pushes UN resolution on Syria abuse
+// Cameron pushes U.N. resolution on Syrian chemical arms
+1 Cameron :
+2 pushes :
+3 U.N. :
+4 resolution :
+5 on :
+6 Syrian :
+7 chemical :
+8 arms :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// At least 45 killed in Spain train crash
+// Update 2 : 78 killed in Spanish train disaster
+1 Update :
+2 2 :
+3 : :
+4 78 :
+5 killed :
+6 in :
+7 Spanish :
+8 train :
+9 disaster :
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 19 hurt in New Orleans shooting
+// 17 Hurt at New Orleans Parade Shooting
+1 17 :
+2 Hurt :
+3 at :
+4 New :
+5 Orleans :
+6 Parade :
+7 Shooting :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Vatican Embassy in Syria hit by mortar fire
+// Vatican embassy in Syria hit by mortar ; no injuries
+1 Vatican :
+2 embassy :
+3 in :
+4 Syria :
+5 hit :
+6 by :
+7 mortar :
+8 ; :
+9 no :
+10 injuries :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The Note 's Must-Reads for Friday May 24 , 2013
+// The Note 's Must-Reads for Tuesday October 29 , 2013
+1 The :
+2 Note :
+3 's :
+4 Must-Reads :
+5 for :
+6 Tuesday :
+7 October :
+8 29 :
+9 , :
+10 2013 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nato condemns Ukraine crackdown
+// Thai bonds best in region
+1 Thai :
+2 bonds :
+3 best :
+4 in :
+5 region :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel 's Peres urges return to peace talks
+// Gonsalves keeps up pressure on Dom Rep
+1 Gonsalves :
+2 keeps :
+3 up :
+4 pressure :
+5 on :
+6 Dom :
+7 Rep :
+4 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Assault on Iraq Funeral , Other Attacks Kill 92
+// Assault on Iraq funeral , other attacks kill 96
+1 Assault :
+2 on :
+3 Iraq :
+4 funeral :
+5 , :
+6 other :
+7 attacks :
+8 kill :
+9 96 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two NATO soldiers killed in Afghanistan
+// Five Libyan soldiers killed in Benghazi clashes
+1 Five :
+2 Libyan :
+3 soldiers :
+4 killed :
+5 in :
+6 Benghazi :
+7 clashes :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US top diplomat Kerry 's wife rushed to hospital
+// US Secretary of State John Kerry 's wife rushed to hospital
+1 US :
+2 Secretary :
+3 of :
+4 State :
+5 John :
+6 Kerry :
+7 's :
+8 wife :
+9 rushed :
+10 to :
+11 hospital :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt 's Brotherhood to hold " march of anger "
+// Egypt 's Brotherhood holds Day of Rage rallies
+1 Egypt :
+2 's :
+3 Brotherhood :
+4 holds :
+5 Day :
+6 of :
+7 Rage :
+8 rallies :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel and Hamas to observe brief Gaza truce
+// Israel And Hamas ' Accept Temporary Truce '
+1 Israel :
+2 And :
+3 Hamas :
+4 ' :
+5 Accept :
+6 Temporary :
+7 Truce :
+8 ' :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Foreign exchange rates in Singapore
+// Foreign exchange rates in India
+1 Foreign :
+2 exchange :
+3 rates :
+4 in :
+5 India :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World 's oldest man dies at 116
+// Japan : World 's Oldest Man Ever Dies Aged 116
+1 Japan :
+2 : :
+3 World :
+4 's :
+5 Oldest :
+6 Man :
+7 Ever :
+8 Dies :
+9 Aged :
+10 116 :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Germany welcomes Iran nuclear agreement
+// Syria welcomes Iran 's nuclear deal
+1 Syria :
+2 welcomes :
+3 Iran :
+4 's :
+5 nuclear :
+6 deal :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// South Korea proposes talks with North
+// South Korea Says Talks With North Scrapped
+1 South :
+2 Korea :
+3 Says :
+4 Talks :
+5 With :
+6 North :
+7 Scrapped :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Video shows Kenya jihadis casually killing in mall
+// Security video shows Kenyan soldiers looting mall
+1 Security :
+2 video :
+3 shows :
+4 Kenyan :
+5 soldiers :
+6 looting :
+7 mall :
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// UN inspectors hail progress over Syria chemical weapons
+// U.S. has not concluded Syria used chemical weapons -White House
+1 U.S. :
+2 has :
+3 not :
+4 concluded :
+5 Syria :
+6 used :
+7 chemical :
+8 weapons :
+9 -White :
+10 House :
+5 6 7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran rejects claim on chlorine bombs
+// Iran rejects MKO claim on nuclear site
+1 Iran :
+2 rejects :
+3 MKO :
+4 claim :
+5 on :
+6 nuclear :
+7 site :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// One dead in US building collapse
+// Six killed in US building collapse
+1 Six :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 US :
+5 building :
+6 collapse :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Fallen US firefighters brought home
+// Wall Street ends slightly lower
+1 Wall :
+2 Street :
+3 ends :
+4 slightly :
+5 lower :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ship hunting for more pings in missing Malaysian plane search
+// Australian ship trawls for signals from missing Malaysia plane
+1 Australian :
+2 ship :
+3 trawls :
+4 for :
+5 signals :
+6 from :
+7 missing :
+8 Malaysia :
+9 plane :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tehran-London ties to improve , Afkham
+// Tehran-London ties to improve
+1 Tehran-London :
+2 ties :
+3 to :
+4 improve :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Mandela ' responding to treatment '
+// Wife : Mandela is responding to treatment .
+1 Wife :
+2 : :
+3 Mandela :
+4 is :
+5 responding :
+6 to :
+7 treatment :
+8 . :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunmen assassinate Libyan deputy industry minister
+// Gunmen kill Libyan deputy industry minister
+1 Gunmen :
+2 kill :
+3 Libyan :
+4 deputy :
+5 industry :
+6 minister :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China yuan weakens to 6.1535 against USD
+// China yuan strengthens to new high against USD
+1 China :
+2 yuan :
+3 strengthens :
+4 to :
+5 new :
+6 high :
+7 against :
+8 USD :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Indonesians burn Australian flags over spying reports
+// Indonesia Confronts Australian Ambassador on Reports of Spying
+1 Indonesia :
+2 Confronts :
+3 Australian :
+4 Ambassador :
+5 on :
+6 Reports :
+7 of :
+8 Spying :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// More Deaths Expected in Canada Oil Train Explosion
+// Five dead in Canada train crash
+1 Five :
+2 dead :
+3 in :
+4 Canada :
+5 train :
+6 crash :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt court sentences 10 Brotherhood supporters to death - sources
+// Turkish PM tells supporters to prepare for rallies
+1 Turkish :
+2 PM :
+3 tells :
+4 supporters :
+5 to :
+6 prepare :
+7 for :
+8 rallies :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Declines in US stock market moderate
+// Tech sell-off sends Asian stock markets lower
+1 Tech :
+2 sell-off :
+3 sends :
+4 Asian :
+5 stock :
+6 markets :
+7 lower :
+2 3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 10 Things to Know : This Week 's Takeaways
+// 10 Things to Know for Today
+1 10 :
+2 Things :
+3 to :
+4 Know :
+5 for :
+6 Today :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine protest leaders name ministers , Russian troops on alert
+// Ukraine says it will not bow to Russian " provocations " in Crimea
+1 Ukraine :
+2 says :
+3 it :
+4 will :
+5 not :
+6 bow :
+7 to :
+8 Russian :
+9 " :
+10 provocations :
+11 " :
+12 in :
+13 Crimea :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US , Russia enter third day of Syria talks
+// US and Russia agree Syria arms deal in Geneva
+1 US :
+2 and :
+3 Russia :
+4 agree :
+5 Syria :
+6 arms :
+7 deal :
+8 in :
+9 Geneva :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// U.S factory orders down 0.7 pct in January
+// German factory orders rebound in January
+1 German :
+2 factory :
+3 orders :
+4 rebound :
+5 in :
+6 January :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// San Diego Mayor Bob Filner 's accusers
+// Worker : San Diego Mayor Made Suggestive Comments
+1 Worker :
+2 : :
+3 San :
+4 Diego :
+5 Mayor :
+6 Made :
+7 Suggestive :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nine Dead In Oklahoma City After Tornadoes Hit
+// Oklahoma City Airport Evacuated During Tornado...
+1 Oklahoma :
+2 City :
+3 Airport :
+4 Evacuated :
+5 During :
+6 Tornado... :
+3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Kenyan forces caused mall collapse
+// Official says Kenyan forces caused mall collapse
+1 Official :
+2 says :
+3 Kenyan :
+4 forces :
+5 caused :
+6 mall :
+7 collapse :
+1 2 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine to implement unilateral ceasefire
+// Ukraine offers unilateral ceasefire
+1 Ukraine :
+2 offers :
+3 unilateral :
+4 ceasefire :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Muslim Brotherhood banned in Egypt
+// Military holds upper hand in Egypt
+1 Military :
+2 holds :
+3 upper :
+4 hand :
+5 in :
+6 Egypt :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Suspect arrested in attack on French soldier
+// Man arrested over attack on French soldier
+1 Man :
+2 arrested :
+3 over :
+4 attack :
+5 on :
+6 French :
+7 soldier :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Obama Urges Restraint from Israelis , Palestinians
+// Obama meets Israeli , Palestinian negotiators
+1 Obama :
+2 meets :
+3 Israeli :
+4 , :
+5 Palestinian :
+6 negotiators :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Brazilians throng streets to greet pope
+// In Brazil , thousands turn out to greet Pope Francis
+1 In :
+2 Brazil :
+3 , :
+4 thousands :
+5 turn :
+6 out :
+7 to :
+8 greet :
+9 Pope :
+10 Francis :
+4 5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Quake shakes northeastern Japan , no tsunami risk
+// Quake hits Japan , no tsunami warning
+1 Quake :
+2 hits :
+3 Japan :
+4 , :
+5 no :
+6 tsunami :
+7 warning :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Detroit eligible for bankruptcy protection : U.S. judge
+// Detroit eligible for bankruptcy protection
+1 Detroit :
+2 eligible :
+3 for :
+4 bankruptcy :
+5 protection :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Vietnam detects signals from missing plane
+// China expands search area for missing plane
+1 China :
+2 expands :
+3 search :
+4 area :
+5 for :
+6 missing :
+7 plane :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Six US soldiers killed in aircraft crash in Afghanistan
+// Six U.S. soldiers killed in helicopter crash in Afghanistan
+1 Six :
+2 U.S. :
+3 soldiers :
+4 killed :
+5 in :
+6 helicopter :
+7 crash :
+8 in :
+9 Afghanistan :
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// EU offers to help destroy Syria weapons
+// Germany offers help in destroying Syria weapons
+1 Germany :
+2 offers :
+3 help :
+4 in :
+5 destroying :
+6 Syria :
+7 weapons :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt arrests Muslim Brotherhood 's top leader
+// Egypt Arrests Muslim Brotherhood Supporters Under Terror Law
+1 Egypt :
+2 Arrests :
+3 Muslim :
+4 Brotherhood :
+5 Supporters :
+6 Under :
+7 Terror :
+8 Law :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Arsenal v Stoke City - live!
+// Tottenham v Manchester City - live!
+1 Tottenham :
+2 v :
+3 Manchester :
+4 City :
+5 - :
+6 live! :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// London Marathon runners honour Boston victims
+// London Marathon observes silence for Boston victims
+1 London :
+2 Marathon :
+3 observes :
+4 silence :
+5 for :
+6 Boston :
+7 victims :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Today in History , Dec. 2
+// Today in History , April 23
+1 Today :
+2 in :
+3 History :
+4 , :
+5 April :
+6 23 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Desmond Tutu says he will attend Mandela funeral
+// Tutu says will attend Mandela funeral
+1 Tutu :
+2 says :
+3 will :
+4 attend :
+5 Mandela :
+6 funeral :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nigerian gunmen kill groom , 30 others in wedding convoy
+// Nigeria official : Gunmen kill 30 in wedding convoy
+1 Nigeria :
+2 official :
+3 : :
+4 Gunmen :
+5 kill :
+6 30 :
+7 in :
+8 wedding :
+9 convoy :
+1 2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Deaths rise in Israeli air strikes on Gaza
+// Deaths rise in air strikes on Gaza
+1 Deaths :
+2 rise :
+3 in :
+4 air :
+5 strikes :
+6 on :
+7 Gaza :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US drone strike kills 11 in Pakistan
+// US drone kills 16 in Pakistan
+1 US :
+2 drone :
+3 kills :
+4 16 :
+5 in :
+6 Pakistan :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Islamic militants kill 9 foreign tourists , 1 Pakistani
+// Gunmen Kill 11 Foreign Tourists in Pakistan
+1 Gunmen :
+2 Kill :
+3 11 :
+4 Foreign :
+5 Tourists :
+6 in :
+7 Pakistan :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Boeing 787 Dreamliner fire shuts Heathrow
+// Boeing 787 Dreamliner catches fire at London Heathrow airport
+1 Boeing :
+2 787 :
+3 Dreamliner :
+4 catches :
+5 fire :
+6 at :
+7 London :
+8 Heathrow :
+9 airport :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf arrested again
+// Former Pakistan military ruler Pervez Musharraf granted bail
+1 Former :
+2 Pakistan :
+3 military :
+4 ruler :
+5 Pervez :
+6 Musharraf :
+7 granted :
+8 bail :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Latest storm brings more snow to US East Coast
+// Latest Storm to Bring More Snow to East Coast
+1 Latest :
+2 Storm :
+3 to :
+4 Bring :
+5 More :
+6 Snow :
+7 to :
+8 East :
+9 Coast :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Powerful 7.6 quake strikes off Solomons
+// Powerful 6.9 quake strikes off California coast
+1 Powerful :
+2 6.9 :
+3 quake :
+4 strikes :
+5 off :
+6 California :
+7 coast :
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World sends emergency relief to battered Philippines
+// Typhoon Haiyan : world sends relief to battered Philippines
+1 Typhoon :
+2 Haiyan :
+3 : :
+4 world :
+5 sends :
+6 relief :
+7 to :
+8 battered :
+9 Philippines :
+1 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// EU , Britain argue over Juncker appointment
+// EU leaders give thumbs up to Juncker , Britain isolated
+1 EU :
+2 leaders :
+3 give :
+4 thumbs :
+5 up :
+6 to :
+7 Juncker :
+8 , :
+9 Britain :
+10 isolated :
+1 2 3 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Dozens injured in Connecticut train collision
+// Indian minister killed in head-on collision
+1 Indian :
+2 minister :
+3 killed :
+4 in :
+5 head-on :
+6 collision :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Russian Prime Minister On Second Day Of Crimea Visit
+// Russia warns against setting preconditions for Syria
+1 Russia :
+2 warns :
+3 against :
+4 setting :
+5 preconditions :
+6 for :
+7 Syria :
+4 5 6 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Barack Obama cancels meeting with Vladimir Putin over Edward Snowden
+// Barack Obama drops meeting with Vladimir Putin over Ed Snowden affair
+1 Barack :
+2 Obama :
+3 drops :
+4 meeting :
+5 with :
+6 Vladimir :
+7 Putin :
+8 over :
+9 Ed :
+10 Snowden :
+11 affair :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// India govt rejects proposal to shut petrol pumps at night
+// India oil minister slammed for plan to shut petrol stations at night
+1 India :
+2 oil :
+3 minister :
+4 slammed :
+5 for :
+6 plan :
+7 to :
+8 shut :
+9 petrol :
+10 stations :
+11 at :
+12 night :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israeli war jet strikes on northern Gaza
+// Israeli air strike on sourthern Gaza town kills seven
+1 Israeli :
+2 air :
+3 strike :
+4 on :
+5 sourthern :
+6 Gaza :
+7 town :
+8 kills :
+9 seven :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tropical Storm Karen targets US Gulf Coast
+// Tropical Storm Karen weakens as it nears U.S. Gulf Coast
+1 Tropical :
+2 Storm :
+3 Karen :
+4 weakens :
+5 as :
+6 it :
+7 nears :
+8 U.S. :
+9 Gulf :
+10 Coast :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Toyota , Honda , Nissan and Mazda recall 3 million Japanese cars after airbag fault
+// Toyota , 3 other Japan carmakers to recall 3.4m vehicles over airbag
+1 Toyota :
+2 , :
+3 3 :
+4 other :
+5 Japan :
+6 carmakers :
+7 to :
+8 recall :
+9 3.4m :
+10 vehicles :
+11 over :
+12 airbag :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China sends largest fleet yet to disputed islands
+// China ships enter waters off disputed islands
+1 China :
+2 ships :
+3 enter :
+4 waters :
+5 off :
+6 disputed :
+7 islands :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// California governor declares drought emergency
+// California governor declares drought emergency as wildfires continue to burn
+1 California :
+2 governor :
+3 declares :
+4 drought :
+5 emergency :
+6 as :
+7 wildfires :
+8 continue :
+9 to :
+10 burn :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine rebels ' flee eastern stronghold '
+// Ukraine Claims Rebels Flushed from Main Stronghold
+1 Ukraine :
+2 Claims :
+3 Rebels :
+4 Flushed :
+5 from :
+6 Main :
+7 Stronghold :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// France warns of extremists benefiting from Egypt violence
+// France fears extremists will benefit from Egypt violence
+1 France :
+2 fears :
+3 extremists :
+4 will :
+5 benefit :
+6 from :
+7 Egypt :
+8 violence :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Obama moves to fill Fed board , taps Fischer to be No. 2
+// Obama voices willingness to talk with GOP on budget
+1 Obama :
+2 voices :
+3 willingness :
+4 to :
+5 talk :
+6 with :
+7 GOP :
+8 on :
+9 budget :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 42 killed , 63 wounded in violence in Iraq
+// 44 killed , 133 wounded in Iraq 's violence
+1 44 :
+2 killed :
+3 , :
+4 133 :
+5 wounded :
+6 in :
+7 Iraq :
+8 's :
+9 violence :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// U.S. soldier free after almost five years captivity in Afghanistan
+// US soldier freed after 5 years in captivity in Afghanistan
+1 US :
+2 soldier :
+3 freed :
+4 after :
+5 5 :
+6 years :
+7 in :
+8 captivity :
+9 in :
+10 Afghanistan :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Thousands of Britons claim dole in Germany
+// Thousands of white-clad Amsterdammers march for MH17
+1 Thousands :
+2 of :
+3 white-clad :
+4 Amsterdammers :
+5 march :
+6 for :
+7 MH17 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bradley Manning acquitted of aiding the enemy
+// Wikileaks soldier Bradley Manning acquitted of aiding the enemy
+1 Wikileaks :
+2 soldier :
+3 Bradley :
+4 Manning :
+5 acquitted :
+6 of :
+7 aiding :
+8 the :
+9 enemy :
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Brazil Buzzing With Anticipation for Pope Francis
+// Brazil crowds greet Pope Francis
+1 Brazil :
+2 crowds :
+3 greet :
+4 Pope :
+5 Francis :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Drone Strikes a Seminary in Pakistan
+// US drone strike kills 8 in NW Pakistan
+1 US :
+2 drone :
+3 strike :
+4 kills :
+5 8 :
+6 in :
+7 NW :
+8 Pakistan :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunmen kill 10 foreign tourists in northern Pakistan
+// Islamic militants kill 9 foreign tourists , 1 Pakistani
+1 Islamic :
+2 militants :
+3 kill :
+4 9 :
+5 foreign :
+6 tourists :
+7 , :
+8 1 :
+9 Pakistani :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Death toll in Nairobi attack rises to 59
+// Death toll from Egypt violence rises to 638
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 from :
+4 Egypt :
+5 violence :
+6 rises :
+7 to :
+8 638 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian regime ' using chemical weapons on a small scale '
+// White House says Syria uses chemical weapons in conflict
+1 White :
+2 House :
+3 says :
+4 Syria :
+5 uses :
+6 chemical :
+7 weapons :
+8 in :
+9 conflict :
+1 2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Venezuelan opposition leader sought
+// Venezuela Government , Opposition Head for Showdown
+1 Venezuela :
+2 Government :
+3 , :
+4 Opposition :
+5 Head :
+6 for :
+7 Showdown :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// UK 's Cameron seriously concerned by Gibraltar/Spain row
+// Cameron ' seriously concerned ' over Gibraltar events
+1 Cameron :
+2 ' :
+3 seriously :
+4 concerned :
+5 ' :
+6 over :
+7 Gibraltar :
+8 events :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// What the Papers Say , Nov. 19 , 2013
+// What the Papers Say Sept. 26 , 2013
+1 What :
+2 the :
+3 Papers :
+4 Say :
+5 Sept. :
+6 26 :
+7 , :
+8 2013 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Top Diplomats Meet in Munich at Critical Time
+// Top Diplomats Discuss Iran 's Nuclear Program
+1 Top :
+2 Diplomats :
+3 Discuss :
+4 Iran :
+5 's :
+6 Nuclear :
+7 Program :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iranian nuclear talks to be extended to November
+// New Iran nuclear talks probably in November : report
+1 New :
+2 Iran :
+3 nuclear :
+4 talks :
+5 probably :
+6 in :
+7 November :
+8 : :
+9 report :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian Opposition Mulls Participation in Peace Talks
+// Syrian opposition confirms participation in peace talks
+1 Syrian :
+2 opposition :
+3 confirms :
+4 participation :
+5 in :
+6 peace :
+7 talks :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rudd sworn in as Australian PM
+// Rudd sworn in as Australia 's new Prime Minister
+1 Rudd :
+2 sworn :
+3 in :
+4 as :
+5 Australia :
+6 's :
+7 new :
+8 Prime :
+9 Minister :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Obama says Korean War veterans ' deserved better '
+// Obama : Korean War vets ' deserve better '
+1 Obama :
+2 : :
+3 Korean :
+4 War :
+5 vets :
+6 ' :
+7 deserve :
+8 better :
+9 ' :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Andhra Pradesh high court asks Telugu actors Mohan Babu , Brahmanandam to return Padma Shri
+// HC advises actors Mohan Babu , Brahmanandam to return Padma Shri
+1 HC :
+2 advises :
+3 actors :
+4 Mohan :
+5 Babu :
+6 , :
+7 Brahmanandam :
+8 to :
+9 return :
+10 Padma :
+11 Shri :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 11 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pro football player Aaron Hernandez charged with murder in friend 's shooting death
+// American football player Aaron Hernandez charged with murder
+1 American :
+2 football :
+3 player :
+4 Aaron :
+5 Hernandez :
+6 charged :
+7 with :
+8 murder :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Algerian president in France for medical tests
+// Algerian president in France for medical tests after minor stroke
+1 Algerian :
+2 president :
+3 in :
+4 France :
+5 for :
+6 medical :
+7 tests :
+8 after :
+9 minor :
+10 stroke :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel to release Palestinian prisoners
+// Israel Releases 26 Palestinian Prisoners
+1 Israel :
+2 Releases :
+3 26 :
+4 Palestinian :
+5 Prisoners :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// British Nobel-Winning Author Doris Lessing Dies
+// Nobel Prize winning author Doris Lessing dies
+1 Nobel :
+2 Prize :
+3 winning :
+4 author :
+5 Doris :
+6 Lessing :
+7 dies :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Carter stars for Crusaders
+// Bonus-point Super Rugby win for Crusaders
+1 Bonus-point :
+2 Super :
+3 Rugby :
+4 win :
+5 for :
+6 Crusaders :
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Car bombs kill at least 16 in Iraqi capital
+// Car bombs kill at least 47 in Baghdad area
+1 Car :
+2 bombs :
+3 kill :
+4 at :
+5 least :
+6 47 :
+7 in :
+8 Baghdad :
+9 area :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// ' Fast & ; Furious ' star Paul Walker dies in car crash at 40
+// Hollywood star Paul Walker dies in car crash
+1 Hollywood :
+2 star :
+3 Paul :
+4 Walker :
+5 dies :
+6 in :
+7 car :
+8 crash :
+10 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China eases one-child policy
+// China formalizes easing of one-child policy
+1 China :
+2 formalizes :
+3 easing :
+4 of :
+5 one-child :
+6 policy :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Global chemical watchdog wins Nobel Peace Prize
+// Chemical weapons watchdog wins Nobel Peace prize
+1 Chemical :
+2 weapons :
+3 watchdog :
+4 wins :
+5 Nobel :
+6 Peace :
+7 prize :
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Woman remanded over child 's death A woman has been remanded in custody charged with murder after an eight-year-old girl was found dead in a block of flats.
+// Mother held over daughter 's death A mother has been remanded in custody charged with murder after her eight-year-old daughter was found dead in a block of flats.
+1 Mother :
+2 held :
+3 over :
+4 daughter :
+5 's :
+6 death :
+7 A :
+8 mother :
+9 has :
+10 been :
+11 remanded :
+12 in :
+13 custody :
+14 charged :
+15 with :
+16 murder :
+17 after :
+18 her :
+19 eight-year-old :
+20 daughter :
+21 was :
+22 found :
+23 dead :
+24 in :
+25 a :
+26 block :
+27 of :
+28 flats. :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 16 <==> 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 18 19 20 <==> 17 18 19 20 // EQUI // 5 //
+21 22 <==> 21 22 // EQUI // 5 //
+23 <==> 23 // EQUI // 5 //
+24 25 26 <==> 24 25 26 // EQUI // 5 //
+27 28 <==> 27 28 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Police fire tear gas at pro-Morsy protesters
+// Turkish police fire teargas at protesters in Istanbul
+1 Turkish :
+2 police :
+3 fire :
+4 teargas :
+5 at :
+6 protesters :
+7 in :
+8 Istanbul :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 17:02 23 killed in Iraq car bombings
+// 11 children killed in Syria bombings
+1 11 :
+2 children :
+3 killed :
+4 in :
+5 Syria :
+6 bombings :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunmen kill nine foreign tourists , guide in Pakistan
+// Gunmen kill nine tourists in Pakistan
+1 Gunmen :
+2 kill :
+3 nine :
+4 tourists :
+5 in :
+6 Pakistan :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pro-Russia rebels to hold vote in Ukraine
+// Syria rebels : We killed Hezbollah men in Lebanon
+1 Syria :
+2 rebels :
+3 : :
+4 We :
+5 killed :
+6 Hezbollah :
+7 men :
+8 in :
+9 Lebanon :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Erdogan criticizes court ruling after lifting Twitter ban
+// Erdogan slams top court for lifting Twitter ban
+1 Erdogan :
+2 slams :
+3 top :
+4 court :
+5 for :
+6 lifting :
+7 Twitter :
+8 ban :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Today in History , Jan. 24
+// Today in History , April 4
+1 Today :
+2 in :
+3 History :
+4 , :
+5 April :
+6 4 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Janet Yellen to become first woman to lead the Federal Reserve
+// US Senate confirms Janet Yellen as US Federal Reserve chief
+1 US :
+2 Senate :
+3 confirms :
+4 Janet :
+5 Yellen :
+6 as :
+7 US :
+8 Federal :
+9 Reserve :
+10 chief :
+1 2 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Police use water cannon as India gang-rape protest turns violent
+// Police fire teargas , water cannon at Istanbul protesters
+1 Police :
+2 fire :
+3 teargas :
+4 , :
+5 water :
+6 cannon :
+7 at :
+8 Istanbul :
+9 protesters :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US consumers boost spending 0.2 pct. last month
+// Consumer spending up 0.2 percent in May
+1 Consumer :
+2 spending :
+3 up :
+4 0.2 :
+5 percent :
+6 in :
+7 May :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran 's Rouhani admits chemical weapons killed people in Syria
+// Probe alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria
+1 Probe :
+2 alleged :
+3 use :
+4 of :
+5 chemical :
+6 weapons :
+7 in :
+8 Syria :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Britain 's Prince Philip set for ' exploratory ' surgery
+// UK 's Prince Philip hospitalized
+1 UK :
+2 's :
+3 Prince :
+4 Philip :
+5 hospitalized :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Huge explosion after oil train derails in Canada
+// Huge explosion as freight train derails near Baltimore
+1 Huge :
+2 explosion :
+3 as :
+4 freight :
+5 train :
+6 derails :
+7 near :
+8 Baltimore :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// NATO soldier killed in Taliban attack
+// Four soldiers killed in Yemen
+1 Four :
+2 soldiers :
+3 killed :
+4 in :
+5 Yemen :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Red Cross workers released in Ukraine
+// Red Cross members kidnapped in Syria
+1 Red :
+2 Cross :
+3 members :
+4 kidnapped :
+5 in :
+6 Syria :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran 's nuclear negotiating team leaves for Kazakhstan
+// Iran 's nuclear quest ' has cost Tehran over $100 billion '
+1 Iran :
+2 's :
+3 nuclear :
+4 quest :
+5 ' :
+6 has :
+7 cost :
+8 Tehran :
+9 over :
+10 $100 :
+11 billion :
+12 ' :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Myanmar arrests 44 over sectarian violence
+// Ban Warns Syria Strikes Could Worsen Sectarian Violence
+1 Ban :
+2 Warns :
+3 Syria :
+4 Strikes :
+5 Could :
+6 Worsen :
+7 Sectarian :
+8 Violence :
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Google Unveils Prototype Self-Driving Car
+// Google Unveils Concept Self-Driving Car
+1 Google :
+2 Unveils :
+3 Concept :
+4 Self-Driving :
+5 Car :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel to free Palestinian prisoners over Kerry talks
+// Israel Agrees to Free 104 Palestinian Prisoners as Part of Possible Deal to Restart Peace Talks
+1 Israel :
+2 Agrees :
+3 to :
+4 Free :
+5 104 :
+6 Palestinian :
+7 Prisoners :
+8 as :
+9 Part :
+10 of :
+11 Possible :
+12 Deal :
+13 to :
+14 Restart :
+15 Peace :
+16 Talks :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Chemical Arms Team to Begin Talks With Syria
+// UN Chemical Arms Experts To Visit Syria
+1 UN :
+2 Chemical :
+3 Arms :
+4 Experts :
+5 To :
+6 Visit :
+7 Syria :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt 's opposition criticizes president 's speech
+// Pakistan 's opposition party boycotts presidential elections
+1 Pakistan :
+2 's :
+3 opposition :
+4 party :
+5 boycotts :
+6 presidential :
+7 elections :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rogers hires Vodafone UK chief Guy Laurence as CEO
+// Rogers names Vodafone UK chief as new CEO
+1 Rogers :
+2 names :
+3 Vodafone :
+4 UK :
+5 chief :
+6 as :
+7 new :
+8 CEO :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// One dead , 77 hurt in riot at PNG immigration centre
+// One dead , 77 hurt in riot at Papua New Guinea immigration centre
+1 One :
+2 dead :
+3 , :
+4 77 :
+5 hurt :
+6 in :
+7 riot :
+8 at :
+9 Papua :
+10 New :
+11 Guinea :
+12 immigration :
+13 centre :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 15 dead as Egypt police disperse pro-Mursi camps
+// ' 15 killed ' as Egyptian forces clear pro-Morsi camps in Cairo
+1 ' :
+2 15 :
+3 killed :
+4 ' :
+5 as :
+6 Egyptian :
+7 forces :
+8 clear :
+9 pro-Morsi :
+10 camps :
+11 in :
+12 Cairo :
+1 2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian PM Survives Bomb Attack
+// Syrian PM survives bomb attack in capital
+1 Syrian :
+2 PM :
+3 survives :
+4 bomb :
+5 attack :
+6 in :
+7 capital :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// North Korea claims ' breakthrough ' guided missile
+// N. Korea hails test of ' breakthrough ' guided missile
+1 N. :
+2 Korea :
+3 hails :
+4 test :
+5 of :
+6 ' :
+7 breakthrough :
+8 ' :
+9 guided :
+10 missile :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : February 25
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : January 27
+1 India :
+2 Ink :
+3 : :
+4 Image :
+5 of :
+6 the :
+7 Day :
+8 : :
+9 January :
+10 27 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bangladesh collapse search over ; death toll 1,127
+// Bangladesh collapse deaths top 620
+1 Bangladesh :
+2 collapse :
+3 deaths :
+4 top :
+5 620 :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Japan 's opposition party chief criticizes Abe 's economic policies
+// Zimbabwe 's opposition MDC party challenges Robert Mugabe 's election win
+1 Zimbabwe :
+2 's :
+3 opposition :
+4 MDC :
+5 party :
+6 challenges :
+7 Robert :
+8 Mugabe :
+9 's :
+10 election :
+11 win :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Abdullah ahead in Afghanistan election race
+// Abdullah leading in Afghan presidential elections
+1 Abdullah :
+2 leading :
+3 in :
+4 Afghan :
+5 presidential :
+6 elections :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// New major earthquake rocks southwest Pakistan
+// Moderate earthquake hits southern Pakistan
+1 Moderate :
+2 earthquake :
+3 hits :
+4 southern :
+5 Pakistan :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Berlusconi party ministers ' announcement of resignation throws Italy into political crisis
+// Berlusconi ministers resign ; Italy gov 't in crisis
+1 Berlusconi :
+2 ministers :
+3 resign :
+4 ; :
+5 Italy :
+6 gov :
+7 't :
+8 in :
+9 crisis :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nicaragua , Venezuela offer asylum to Snowden
+// Venezuela offers " humanitarian asylum " to Snowden
+1 Venezuela :
+2 offers :
+3 " :
+4 humanitarian :
+5 asylum :
+6 " :
+7 to :
+8 Snowden :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 17 govt employees killed in Pakistan bus bombing
+// At least 78 killed in Pakistan church bombing
+1 At :
+2 least :
+3 78 :
+4 killed :
+5 in :
+6 Pakistan :
+7 church :
+8 bombing :
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two hurt in Bangkok shooting
+// Two hurt in US school shooting
+1 Two :
+2 hurt :
+3 in :
+4 US :
+5 school :
+6 shooting :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel colonel killed in Jordan Valley
+// Israeli killed in West Bank attack
+1 Israeli :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 West :
+5 Bank :
+6 attack :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bangladesh police arrest prominent atheist blogger
+// Bangladesh police arrest 3 atheist bloggers
+1 Bangladesh :
+2 police :
+3 arrest :
+4 3 :
+5 atheist :
+6 bloggers :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Cannes hotel raid nets €40 million gems
+// Jewels worth €40m stolen in Cannes
+1 Jewels :
+2 worth :
+3 €40m :
+4 stolen :
+5 in :
+6 Cannes :
+5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Chinese News Agency Slams Delays in Search for Jet
+// Ten Chinese vessels on standby for jet search
+1 Ten :
+2 Chinese :
+3 vessels :
+4 on :
+5 standby :
+6 for :
+7 jet :
+8 search :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syria envoy says no peace talks without opposition
+// Syria : Cameron and Obama move west closer to intervention
+1 Syria :
+2 : :
+3 Cameron :
+4 and :
+5 Obama :
+6 move :
+7 west :
+8 closer :
+9 to :
+10 intervention :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Mel Smith dead at 60 and UK mourns a comedy favourite
+// Griff Rhys Jones : Mel Smith was ' a force for life '
+1 Griff :
+2 Rhys :
+3 Jones :
+4 : :
+5 Mel :
+6 Smith :
+7 was :
+8 ' :
+9 a :
+10 force :
+11 for :
+12 life :
+13 ' :
+1 2 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Driver of crashed Spanish train held on suspicion of negligent homicide
+// Spanish train driver held on suspicion of negligent homicide
+1 Spanish :
+2 train :
+3 driver :
+4 held :
+5 on :
+6 suspicion :
+7 of :
+8 negligent :
+9 homicide :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran warns against military intervention in Iraq
+// FM Spokeswoman : Iran against US military interference in Iraq
+1 FM :
+2 Spokeswoman :
+3 : :
+4 Iran :
+5 against :
+6 US :
+7 military :
+8 interference :
+9 in :
+10 Iraq :
+1 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Death toll rises to 51 in Latvian supermarket collapse
+// Death toll hits 63 in Mumbai building collapse
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 hits :
+4 63 :
+5 in :
+6 Mumbai :
+7 building :
+8 collapse :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Defence in South Korea ferry trial warns of scapegoating
+// Defence in ferry trial warns of scapegoating
+1 Defence :
+2 in :
+3 ferry :
+4 trial :
+5 warns :
+6 of :
+7 scapegoating :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 6 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// EDL leaders arrested during march to Woolwich
+// EDL leaders arrested on way to Woolwich
+1 EDL :
+2 leaders :
+3 arrested :
+4 on :
+5 way :
+6 to :
+7 Woolwich :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunmen kill nine foreign tourists , guide in Pakistan
+// Gunmen kill 9 foreign tourists , 1 Pakistani
+1 Gunmen :
+2 kill :
+3 9 :
+4 foreign :
+5 tourists :
+6 , :
+7 1 :
+8 Pakistani :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Thai opposition party to boycott general election
+// Thailand 's opposition Democrat Party announces boycott of February general election
+1 Thailand :
+2 's :
+3 opposition :
+4 Democrat :
+5 Party :
+6 announces :
+7 boycott :
+8 of :
+9 February :
+10 general :
+11 election :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian warplanes reportedly strike in Iraq , killing 57
+// Syria and Iran Step Up Involvement in Iraq Conflict
+1 Syria :
+2 and :
+3 Iran :
+4 Step :
+5 Up :
+6 Involvement :
+7 in :
+8 Iraq :
+9 Conflict :
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt changes venue for trial of ousted president
+// Egypt Changes Venue for Trial of Ousted President
+1 Egypt :
+2 Changes :
+3 Venue :
+4 for :
+5 Trial :
+6 of :
+7 Ousted :
+8 President :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Respected British interviewer David Frost dies of a heart attack
+// Broadcaster David Frost dies
+1 Broadcaster :
+2 David :
+3 Frost :
+4 dies :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Group : 7 Palestinians killed in Syria
+// Palestinian killed in Israeli raid
+1 Palestinian :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 Israeli :
+5 raid :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Car bomb at Swedish consulate in Libya 's Benghazi , no casualties
+// Car Bomb Hits Swedish Consulate in Benghazi , None Hurt
+1 Car :
+2 Bomb :
+3 Hits :
+4 Swedish :
+5 Consulate :
+6 in :
+7 Benghazi :
+8 , :
+9 None :
+10 Hurt :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US drone strike kills six in Pakistan officials
+// U.S. drone kills 4 militants in Pakistan
+1 U.S. :
+2 drone :
+3 kills :
+4 4 :
+5 militants :
+6 in :
+7 Pakistan :
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Earthquake of 6.3 magnitude strikes off Indonesia island
+// Earthquake of 6 magnitude strikes Thailand
+1 Earthquake :
+2 of :
+3 6 :
+4 magnitude :
+5 strikes :
+6 Thailand :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China quake leaves dozens dead
+// China quake kills at least 179
+1 China :
+2 quake :
+3 kills :
+4 at :
+5 least :
+6 179 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Queen visits Britain 's new prince
+// Queen meets Britain 's new baby prince
+1 Queen :
+2 meets :
+3 Britain :
+4 's :
+5 new :
+6 baby :
+7 prince :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syria opposition pressed to attend talks
+// Syria opposition voices frustration with international backers
+1 Syria :
+2 opposition :
+3 voices :
+4 frustration :
+5 with :
+6 international :
+7 backers :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Putin submits federal constitutional law on Crimea 's integration into Russia to State Duma
+// Putin signs a treaty for Crimea to join Russia
+1 Putin :
+2 signs :
+3 a :
+4 treaty :
+5 for :
+6 Crimea :
+7 to :
+8 join :
+9 Russia :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Venezuela expels three U.S. diplomats
+// Venezuela Expels 3 U.S. Diplomats
+1 Venezuela :
+2 Expels :
+3 3 :
+4 U.S. :
+5 Diplomats :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt 's bruised Islamists protest after bloody week
+// Egypt Islamists defiant after deadly clashes
+1 Egypt :
+2 Islamists :
+3 defiant :
+4 after :
+5 deadly :
+6 clashes :
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// N Korea test-fires 30 short-range missiles
+// N. Korea fires short-range missiles
+1 N. :
+2 Korea :
+3 fires :
+4 short-range :
+5 missiles :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Glasgow helicopter death toll rises to nine
+// Earthquake death toll rises to 260
+1 Earthquake :
+2 death :
+3 toll :
+4 rises :
+5 to :
+6 260 :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Shanghai stock indices close mixed -- Nov. 11
+// Shanghai stock indices close higher -- July 23
+1 Shanghai :
+2 stock :
+3 indices :
+4 close :
+5 higher :
+6 -- :
+7 July :
+8 23 :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Prince Charles ' compares Putin to Hitler '
+// Prince Charles ' compares Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler '
+1 Prince :
+2 Charles :
+3 ' :
+4 compares :
+5 Vladimir :
+6 Putin :
+7 to :
+8 Adolf :
+9 Hitler :
+10 ' :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian army retakes Crusader castle from rebels
+// Syrian army retakes historic Crusader castle
+1 Syrian :
+2 army :
+3 retakes :
+4 historic :
+5 Crusader :
+6 castle :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syrian opposition to meet over peace talks
+// Syrian Opposition Splintered Ahead of Peace Talks
+1 Syrian :
+2 Opposition :
+3 Splintered :
+4 Ahead :
+5 of :
+6 Peace :
+7 Talks :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Four Morsi supporters killed in Egypt clashes
+// Thousands of Morsi supporters gather in Egypt
+1 Thousands :
+2 of :
+3 Morsi :
+4 supporters :
+5 gather :
+6 in :
+7 Egypt :
+1 2 3 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Five people jailed over Costa Concordia disaster
+// five men sentenced for costa concordia shipwreck disaster
+1 five :
+2 men :
+3 sentenced :
+4 for :
+5 costa :
+6 concordia :
+7 shipwreck :
+8 disaster :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tokyo to host 2020 Olympic Games
+// Tokyo wins race to host 2020 Olympic Games
+1 Tokyo :
+2 wins :
+3 race :
+4 to :
+5 host :
+6 2020 :
+7 Olympic :
+8 Games :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Suicide bomber kills eight , wounds 13 in Afghan capital - police
+// Suicide bomb kills 4 in Syrian capital 's Old City
+1 Suicide :
+2 bomb :
+3 kills :
+4 4 :
+5 in :
+6 Syrian :
+7 capital :
+8 's :
+9 Old :
+10 City :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Twelve killed in bomb blast on Pakistani train
+// 11 killed as bus falls into ravine in northern Pakistan
+1 11 :
+2 killed :
+3 as :
+4 bus :
+5 falls :
+6 into :
+7 ravine :
+8 in :
+9 northern :
+10 Pakistan :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 41 killed , 22 wounded in violent attacks in Iraq
+// 35 killed , 138 wounded in wave of attacks in Iraq
+1 35 :
+2 killed :
+3 , :
+4 138 :
+5 wounded :
+6 in :
+7 wave :
+8 of :
+9 attacks :
+10 in :
+11 Iraq :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China yuan advances to 6.2035 against USD Tuesday
+// China yuan slightly advances to 6.1408 against USD Wednesday
+1 China :
+2 yuan :
+3 slightly :
+4 advances :
+5 to :
+6 6.1408 :
+7 against :
+8 USD :
+9 Wednesday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// New Australian PM Tony Abbott on his bike awaiting final vote count
+// Australian PM-elect Tony Abbott gets to grips with his new job
+1 Australian :
+2 PM-elect :
+3 Tony :
+4 Abbott :
+5 gets :
+6 to :
+7 grips :
+8 with :
+9 his :
+10 new :
+11 job :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Amazon launches new device for streaming video
+// Amazon unveils new Fire TV streaming video box
+1 Amazon :
+2 unveils :
+3 new :
+4 Fire :
+5 TV :
+6 streaming :
+7 video :
+8 box :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Glasgow Helicopter Crash Search Ends
+// Glasgow Helicopter Crash : Woman PC Is Victim
+1 Glasgow :
+2 Helicopter :
+3 Crash :
+4 : :
+5 Woman :
+6 PC :
+7 Is :
+8 Victim :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Thousands evacuated in Moscow metro fire
+// Thousands evacuated after fire breaks out in Moscow Metro
+1 Thousands :
+2 evacuated :
+3 after :
+4 fire :
+5 breaks :
+6 out :
+7 in :
+8 Moscow :
+9 Metro :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bangladesh opposition set for mass march against polls
+// Bangladesh opposition set for mass rally
+1 Bangladesh :
+2 opposition :
+3 set :
+4 for :
+5 mass :
+6 rally :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 40 still missing in Canadian train wreck
+// Hunt still on for 40 missing in Canada train blaze
+1 Hunt :
+2 still :
+3 on :
+4 for :
+5 40 :
+6 missing :
+7 in :
+8 Canada :
+9 train :
+10 blaze :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Arsenal stars poised to wear T-shirts in support Pat Rice 's fight against cancer
+// Arsenal great Rice in hospital with cancer
+1 Arsenal :
+2 great :
+3 Rice :
+4 in :
+5 hospital :
+6 with :
+7 cancer :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Colombia strike three times
+// Colombia too slick for Greece
+1 Colombia :
+2 too :
+3 slick :
+4 for :
+5 Greece :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Polar bear DNA ' may help fight obesity '
+// Polar bear study may boost fight against obesity
+1 Polar :
+2 bear :
+3 study :
+4 may :
+5 boost :
+6 fight :
+7 against :
+8 obesity :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Fire in Russian psychiatric hospital kills 38
+// 38 feared dead in Russian psychiatric hospital fire
+1 38 :
+2 feared :
+3 dead :
+4 in :
+5 Russian :
+6 psychiatric :
+7 hospital :
+8 fire :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World 's largest building opened in west China
+// Italy 's centre-left splinters in presidential vote
+1 Italy :
+2 's :
+3 centre-left :
+4 splinters :
+5 in :
+6 presidential :
+7 vote :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel not to release Palestinian prisoners
+// Israeli authorities raze Palestinian home in Arraba
+1 Israeli :
+2 authorities :
+3 raze :
+4 Palestinian :
+5 home :
+6 in :
+7 Arraba :
+2 3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Volcano erupts in Indonesia - 100,000 evacuated and airports closed
+// Volcanic eruption closes 3 airports
+1 Volcanic :
+2 eruption :
+3 closes :
+4 3 :
+5 airports :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Search resumes for Malaysia jet
+// Search Resumes for Missing Malaysian Jet
+1 Search :
+2 Resumes :
+3 for :
+4 Missing :
+5 Malaysian :
+6 Jet :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China yuan weakens to 6.1651 against USD Tuesday
+// China yuan strengthens to 6.1696 against USD Thursday
+1 China :
+2 yuan :
+3 strengthens :
+4 to :
+5 6.1696 :
+6 against :
+7 USD :
+8 Thursday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// South Africa unites in prayer and song for Mandela
+// South Africans Embark on Day of ' Prayer and Reflection ' for Mandela
+1 South :
+2 Africans :
+3 Embark :
+4 on :
+5 Day :
+6 of :
+7 ' :
+8 Prayer :
+9 and :
+10 Reflection :
+11 ' :
+12 for :
+13 Mandela :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Prince William addresses Australian parliament video
+// Royal visit : Prince William and Catherine visit Parliament in Canberra tour
+1 Royal :
+2 visit :
+3 : :
+4 Prince :
+5 William :
+6 and :
+7 Catherine :
+8 visit :
+9 Parliament :
+10 in :
+11 Canberra :
+12 tour :
+1 2 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Fromer Pakistani army chief Musharraf charged in 2007 Bhutto assassination
+// Former Pakistan army chief charged in Bhutto death
+1 Former :
+2 Pakistan :
+3 army :
+4 chief :
+5 charged :
+6 in :
+7 Bhutto :
+8 death :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 5 Dead in India Building Collapse
+// Death toll in India building collapse hits 42
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 in :
+4 India :
+5 building :
+6 collapse :
+7 hits :
+8 42 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt Launches Offensive Against Sinai Militants
+// Egypt launches offensive against Sinai insurgents
+1 Egypt :
+2 launches :
+3 offensive :
+4 against :
+5 Sinai :
+6 insurgents :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Assad warns Turkey of ' heavy price ' for backing Syrian rebels
+// Cabinet at war over arming Syrian rebels
+1 Cabinet :
+2 at :
+3 war :
+4 over :
+5 arming :
+6 Syrian :
+7 rebels :
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Deal on Iran nuclear drive from Jan 20
+// Deal curbing Iran nuclear drive to take effect Jan 20
+1 Deal :
+2 curbing :
+3 Iran :
+4 nuclear :
+5 drive :
+6 to :
+7 take :
+8 effect :
+9 Jan :
+10 20 :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two arrests made after protest against Nigel Farage
+// Kerry vows progress after latest intensive Mideast trip
+1 Kerry :
+2 vows :
+3 progress :
+4 after :
+5 latest :
+6 intensive :
+7 Mideast :
+8 trip :
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nobel author Doris Lessing dies at 94
+// Nobel laureate Doris Lessing dies at 94
+1 Nobel :
+2 laureate :
+3 Doris :
+4 Lessing :
+5 dies :
+6 at :
+7 94 :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Man held after teen shot in Belfast
+// Man , 40 , arrested after shooting
+1 Man :
+2 , :
+3 40 :
+4 , :
+5 arrested :
+6 after :
+7 shooting :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran ups oil swap with eastern neighbors
+// Iran urges rapid release of diplomat
+1 Iran :
+2 urges :
+3 rapid :
+4 release :
+5 of :
+6 diplomat :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pakistan 's Musharraf Under Arrest in Bhutto Assassination
+// Pakistan 's Musharraf arrives at court for first time
+1 Pakistan :
+2 's :
+3 Musharraf :
+4 arrives :
+5 at :
+6 court :
+7 for :
+8 first :
+9 time :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pit Bull Dog Kills Baby Girl In Blackburn
+// Dog Mauls Baby Girl To Death In Blackburn
+1 Dog :
+2 Mauls :
+3 Baby :
+4 Girl :
+5 To :
+6 Death :
+7 In :
+8 Blackburn :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Police stop Maldives presidential election
+// Keita Wins Mali Presidential Election
+1 Keita :
+2 Wins :
+3 Mali :
+4 Presidential :
+5 Election :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 10 Things to Know - Today
+// 10 Things to Know for Tuesday
+1 10 :
+2 Things :
+3 to :
+4 Know :
+5 for :
+6 Tuesday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Air strike kills one man in Syria 's Hama
+// US drone strike kills eleven in Pakistan
+1 US :
+2 drone :
+3 strike :
+4 kills :
+5 eleven :
+6 in :
+7 Pakistan :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// ' One unaccounted for ' in San Francisco plane crash
+// Two killed in San Francisco plane crash ' were Chinese '
+1 Two :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 San :
+5 Francisco :
+6 plane :
+7 crash :
+8 ' :
+9 were :
+10 Chinese :
+11 ' :
+1 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China urges Japan to respect regional security concerns
+// China urges Japan to maintain regional peace
+1 China :
+2 urges :
+3 Japan :
+4 to :
+5 maintain :
+6 regional :
+7 peace :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Israel Forces Kill 2 Palestinian Militants
+// Israeli army kills Palestinian militant in raid
+1 Israeli :
+2 army :
+3 kills :
+4 Palestinian :
+5 militant :
+6 in :
+7 raid :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine talks continue amid growing unrest
+// Ukraine faces more violence as ultimatum nears end
+1 Ukraine :
+2 faces :
+3 more :
+4 violence :
+5 as :
+6 ultimatum :
+7 nears :
+8 end :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egyptian police fire tear gas at protesters in Cairo
+// Police fire tear gas at protesters in Cairo
+1 Police :
+2 fire :
+3 tear :
+4 gas :
+5 at :
+6 protesters :
+7 in :
+8 Cairo :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Hong Kong set for democracy march
+// Hong Kong set for huge democracy rally
+1 Hong :
+2 Kong :
+3 set :
+4 for :
+5 huge :
+6 democracy :
+7 rally :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Brazil in talks to hire 6,000 Cuban doctors
+// Brazil hires 4,000 Cuban doctors
+1 Brazil :
+2 hires :
+3 4,000 :
+4 Cuban :
+5 doctors :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Southern Italy Coach Crash Kills 38
+// Death toll rises to 39 in Italy coach crash
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 rises :
+4 to :
+5 39 :
+6 in :
+7 Italy :
+8 coach :
+9 crash :
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Yemen officials : US drone kills 2 militants
+// Yemen drone strike kills militants
+1 Yemen :
+2 drone :
+3 strike :
+4 kills :
+5 militants :
+4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nine killed more than 40 injured in multiple bus crash in Germany
+// Several killed and scores injured in Germany bus crash
+1 Several :
+2 killed :
+3 and :
+4 scores :
+5 injured :
+6 in :
+7 Germany :
+8 bus :
+9 crash :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 12 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Australian PM Kevin Rudd calls election for 7 September
+// Australian PM Rudd calls Sept. 7 poll
+1 Australian :
+2 PM :
+3 Rudd :
+4 calls :
+5 Sept. :
+6 7 :
+7 poll :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Police clash with youth in Cairo after anti-Morsi protest
+// Egypt : Police clash with pro-Morsi protesters
+1 Egypt :
+2 : :
+3 Police :
+4 clash :
+5 with :
+6 pro-Morsi :
+7 protesters :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US Issues Travel Alert Over Al Qaeda Threat
+// US issues global alert , citing Qaeda threats
+1 US :
+2 issues :
+3 global :
+4 alert :
+5 , :
+6 citing :
+7 Qaeda :
+8 threats :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ships Train for Syrian Chemical Weapons Transport
+// UN Adopts Syrian Chemical Weapons Resolution
+1 UN :
+2 Adopts :
+3 Syrian :
+4 Chemical :
+5 Weapons :
+6 Resolution :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// More rain hampers Indian flood rescue
+// US tourist gang-raped in northern India : Police
+1 US :
+2 tourist :
+3 gang-raped :
+4 in :
+5 northern :
+6 India :
+7 : :
+8 Police :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Aust shares edge higher
+// Aust shares close higher
+1 Aust :
+3 close :
+4 higher :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US , Russia agree on seizure of Syria chemical weapons
+// Syrian rebels skeptical of chemical weapons deal
+1 Syrian :
+2 rebels :
+3 skeptical :
+4 of :
+5 chemical :
+6 weapons :
+7 deal :
+7 8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// ' Fast & ; Furious ' star Paul Walker dies in car crash
+// Paul Walker dead : Fast and Furious star , 40 , killed in car crash
+1 Paul :
+2 Walker :
+3 dead :
+4 : :
+5 Fast :
+6 and :
+7 Furious :
+8 star :
+9 , :
+10 40 :
+11 , :
+12 killed :
+13 in :
+14 car :
+15 crash :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// European Central Bank keeps rates unchanged
+// European Central bank keeps interest rate at 0.5%
+1 European :
+2 Central :
+3 bank :
+4 keeps :
+5 interest :
+6 rate :
+7 at :
+8 0.5% :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunmen kill 10 in Philippine political violence
+// Five killed in Philippines volcano eruption
+1 Five :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 Philippines :
+5 volcano :
+6 eruption :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 24 killed 77 wounded in Iraq mosque bombing
+// At least 18 killed in Iraq mosque bombing
+1 At :
+2 least :
+3 18 :
+4 killed :
+5 in :
+6 Iraq :
+7 mosque :
+8 bombing :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Islamists still holding some 30 hostages as Kenya mall standoff continues
+// Death toll rises as Kenya mall siege continues
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 rises :
+4 as :
+5 Kenya :
+6 mall :
+7 siege :
+8 continues :
+4 5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Heavy smog hits north China city , flights cancelled
+// Heavy Smog Hits North China City , Flights Canceled
+1 Heavy :
+2 Smog :
+3 Hits :
+4 North :
+5 China :
+6 City :
+7 , :
+8 Flights :
+9 Canceled :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Algeria president gets therapy after stroke : state media
+// Bulgarian president tries to break election stalemate
+1 Bulgarian :
+2 president :
+3 tries :
+4 to :
+5 break :
+6 election :
+7 stalemate :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iran says ready for fresh round of nuclear talks
+// Iran 's Khamenei renews support for nuclear talks
+1 Iran :
+2 's :
+3 Khamenei :
+4 renews :
+5 support :
+6 for :
+7 nuclear :
+8 talks :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Suicide bomber kills 23 Iraqi army recruits
+// Suicide bomber kills 13 Iraqi army recruits in Baghdad
+1 Suicide :
+2 bomber :
+3 kills :
+4 13 :
+5 Iraqi :
+6 army :
+7 recruits :
+8 in :
+9 Baghdad :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Obama nominates new transportation secretary
+// Obama To Meet Embattled Veterans Secretary
+1 Obama :
+2 To :
+3 Meet :
+4 Embattled :
+5 Veterans :
+6 Secretary :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Super typhoon hits Philippines
+// Most powerful typhoon of 2013 hits the Philippines
+1 Most :
+2 powerful :
+3 typhoon :
+4 of :
+5 2013 :
+6 hits :
+7 the :
+8 Philippines :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Google releases Nexus 5 phone with Kit Kat
+// Google redesigns search results on PCs
+1 Google :
+2 redesigns :
+3 search :
+4 results :
+5 on :
+6 PCs :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Judge OKs force-feeding California inmates
+// U.S. judge approves force-feeding Californian inmates on hunger strik
+1 U.S. :
+2 judge :
+3 approves :
+4 force-feeding :
+5 Californian :
+6 inmates :
+7 on :
+8 hunger :
+9 strik :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ride operator charged in N.C. fair accident
+// N.C. State Fair ride operator arrested after accident
+1 N.C. :
+2 State :
+3 Fair :
+4 ride :
+5 operator :
+6 arrested :
+7 after :
+8 accident :
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// US , NATO Raise Doubts Russia Pulled Back from Ukraine Border
+// No Sign of Russian Withdrawal From Ukraine Border , Official Says
+1 No :
+2 Sign :
+3 of :
+4 Russian :
+5 Withdrawal :
+6 From :
+7 Ukraine :
+8 Border :
+9 , :
+10 Official :
+11 Says :
+4 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Early vote count in Iran gives reformer wide lead
+// Iran vote count gives Rowhani wide lead
+1 Iran :
+2 vote :
+3 count :
+4 gives :
+5 Rowhani :
+6 wide :
+7 lead :
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Australia returns asylum seekers to Sri Lanka in sea transfer
+// Australia : Australia hands asylum-seekers back to Sri Lanka
+1 Australia :
+2 : :
+3 Australia :
+4 hands :
+5 asylum-seekers :
+6 back :
+7 to :
+8 Sri :
+9 Lanka :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Lebanon Clashes Rage Overnight ; 12 Soldiers Dead
+// Lebanon clashes rage near mosque ; 16 soldiers dead
+1 Lebanon :
+2 clashes :
+3 rage :
+4 near :
+5 mosque :
+6 ; :
+7 16 :
+8 soldiers :
+9 dead :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Los Angeles airport worker charged with making 9/11 threats
+// Los Angeles airport worker charged over 9/11 threats
+1 Los :
+2 Angeles :
+3 airport :
+4 worker :
+5 charged :
+6 over :
+7 9/11 :
+8 threats :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 2 killed , multiple wounded in Miami shooting
+// Three killed , five wounded in Myrtle Beach shootings
+1 Three :
+2 killed :
+3 , :
+4 five :
+5 wounded :
+6 in :
+7 Myrtle :
+8 Beach :
+9 shootings :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 9 Killed in Attack on Indian Consulate in Afghanistan
+// 12 killed in attack on Indian consulate in Afghan city
+1 12 :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 attack :
+5 on :
+6 Indian :
+7 consulate :
+8 in :
+9 Afghan :
+10 city :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 6 Killed by Hot Lava as Indonesia Volcano Erupts
+// Five dead in Indonesian eruption
+1 Five :
+2 dead :
+3 in :
+4 Indonesian :
+5 eruption :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China yuan weakens to 6.1059 against USD
+// China yuan strengthens to 6.1070 against USD Friday
+1 China :
+2 yuan :
+3 strengthens :
+4 to :
+5 6.1070 :
+6 against :
+7 USD :
+8 Friday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine hosts ' unity talks '
+// Pope hits out at ' war to sell arms ' in Syria
+1 Pope :
+2 hits :
+3 out :
+4 at :
+5 ' :
+6 war :
+7 to :
+8 sell :
+9 arms :
+10 ' :
+11 in :
+12 Syria :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Iraqi Forces , Militants Battle for Oil Refinery
+// Iraqi forces , militants battle for Iraq refinery
+1 Iraqi :
+2 forces :
+3 , :
+4 militants :
+5 battle :
+6 for :
+7 Iraq :
+8 refinery :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Cameron ' has no concerns ' over halal meat
+// Veterans health probe confirms cover-up of care delays
+1 Veterans :
+2 health :
+3 probe :
+4 confirms :
+5 cover-up :
+6 of :
+7 care :
+8 delays :
+1 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Bangladesh factory owners arrested as death toll nears 350
+// Bangladesh factory owners arrested
+1 Bangladesh :
+2 factory :
+3 owners :
+4 arrested :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// EU foreign ministers to discuss how to press Egypt over bloodshed
+// EU foreign ministers to discuss Egypt on Wednesday
+1 EU :
+2 foreign :
+3 ministers :
+4 to :
+5 discuss :
+6 Egypt :
+7 on :
+8 Wednesday :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Cairo protesters defy crackdown threat
+// In Cairo Camps , Protesters Dig in and Live On
+1 In :
+2 Cairo :
+3 Camps :
+4 , :
+5 Protesters :
+6 Dig :
+7 in :
+8 and :
+9 Live :
+10 On :
+1 2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Six killed in drone strike in N Waziristan
+// 12 killed in bus accident in Pakistan
+1 12 :
+2 killed :
+3 in :
+4 bus :
+5 accident :
+6 in :
+7 Pakistan :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// UN launches US$300 mil. appeal for Philippines
+// UK sends warship to aid Philippines
+1 UK :
+2 sends :
+3 warship :
+4 to :
+5 aid :
+6 Philippines :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// N Korea postpones family reunions with South
+// North Korea Postpones Family Reunions with South
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 Postpones :
+4 Family :
+5 Reunions :
+6 with :
+7 South :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// N. Korea 's Kim hails execution of powerful uncle
+// North Korea 's Kim seen behind sacking of powerful uncle
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 's :
+4 Kim :
+5 seen :
+6 behind :
+7 sacking :
+8 of :
+9 powerful :
+10 uncle :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pregnant Sudan woman who married a Christian man sentenced to death for ' apostasy '
+// Sudan frees Christian woman sentenced to death for apostasy
+1 Sudan :
+2 frees :
+3 Christian :
+4 woman :
+5 sentenced :
+6 to :
+7 death :
+8 for :
+9 apostasy :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 15 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Libya asks UN Security Council for help
+// Kerry Calls On UN Security Council to Act on Syria
+1 Kerry :
+2 Calls :
+3 On :
+4 UN :
+5 Security :
+6 Council :
+7 to :
+8 Act :
+9 on :
+10 Syria :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Death toll from Baghdad bombs rises to 19
+// Death toll from Egypt clashes rises to 57
+1 Death :
+2 toll :
+3 from :
+4 Egypt :
+5 clashes :
+6 rises :
+7 to :
+8 57 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// France Says Won't ' Shirk Responsibilities ' in Syria
+// France urges EU to be united on Syria
+1 France :
+2 urges :
+3 EU :
+4 to :
+5 be :
+6 united :
+7 on :
+8 Syria :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Boeing 777 plane crash-lands at San Francisco airport
+// Plane crash lands at San Francisco airport
+1 Plane :
+2 crash :
+3 lands :
+4 at :
+5 San :
+6 Francisco :
+7 airport :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tymoshenko urges EU to take strong action on Crimea
+// Ukraine crisis : This is the de-facto annexation of Crimea
+1 Ukraine :
+2 crisis :
+3 : :
+4 This :
+5 is :
+6 the :
+7 de-facto :
+8 annexation :
+9 of :
+10 Crimea :
+8 9 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Monty Python to reunite for new show
+// Monty Python to reunite on stage
+1 Monty :
+2 Python :
+3 to :
+4 reunite :
+5 on :
+6 stage :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Record-setting Southwest heat wave turns fatal
+// At least 1 dead , 40 hospitalized in Southwest heat wave
+1 At :
+2 least :
+3 1 :
+4 dead :
+5 , :
+6 40 :
+7 hospitalized :
+8 in :
+9 Southwest :
+10 heat :
+11 wave :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 3 dead , 1 hurt in shooting at S Carolina oceanfront motel
+// 4 dead , 30 injured in train collision near Moscow
+1 4 :
+2 dead :
+3 , :
+4 30 :
+5 injured :
+6 in :
+7 train :
+8 collision :
+9 near :
+10 Moscow :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nigerian leader orders push to free abducted schoolgirls
+// Pressure mounts to free kidnapped girls
+1 Pressure :
+2 mounts :
+3 to :
+4 free :
+5 kidnapped :
+6 girls :
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Boston bomb suspect charged ; religious motive seen
+// Boston bombing suspect charged in hospital bed
+1 Boston :
+2 bombing :
+3 suspect :
+4 charged :
+5 in :
+6 hospital :
+7 bed :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Scores Killed In Egyptian Protests
+// Turkey 's PM Warns Against Protests
+1 Turkey :
+2 's :
+3 PM :
+4 Warns :
+5 Against :
+6 Protests :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Taiwan stocks close 0.56 pct higher
+// Singapore stocks close 0.5 pct higher
+1 Singapore :
+2 stocks :
+3 close :
+4 0.5 :
+5 pct :
+6 higher :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Cypriot Finance Minister Michalis Sarris resigns
+// Cyprus finance minister resigns
+1 Cyprus :
+2 finance :
+3 minister :
+4 resigns :
+6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt turmoil deepens ; militants kill 25 policemen
+// Egypt 's turmoil deepens as Sinai attack kills 25 policemen
+1 Egypt :
+2 's :
+3 turmoil :
+4 deepens :
+5 as :
+6 Sinai :
+7 attack :
+8 kills :
+9 25 :
+10 policemen :
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Berlusconi said to pay off ' bunga bunga ' witnesses
+// Berlusconi accused of bribing witnesses in prostitution trial
+1 Berlusconi :
+2 accused :
+3 of :
+4 bribing :
+5 witnesses :
+6 in :
+7 prostitution :
+8 trial :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Microsoft finally unveils Office for Apple 's iPad
+// Microsoft And Office In A Multi-Platform World
+1 Microsoft :
+2 And :
+3 Office :
+4 In :
+5 A :
+6 Multi-Platform :
+7 World :
+4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Glee star Cory Monteith found dead in hotel room in Canada
+// ' Glee ' star Cory Monteith found dead
+1 ' :
+2 Glee :
+3 ' :
+4 star :
+5 Cory :
+6 Monteith :
+7 found :
+8 dead :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Russia praises idea to render rights assistance to Ukraine
+// Russia detains suspected Islamist militants in Moscow raid
+1 Russia :
+2 detains :
+3 suspected :
+4 Islamist :
+5 militants :
+6 in :
+7 Moscow :
+8 raid :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// New Orleans police arrest second suspect in Mother 's Day parade shooting
+// Brothers arrested in Mother 's Day parade shooting
+1 Brothers :
+2 arrested :
+3 in :
+4 Mother :
+5 's :
+6 Day :
+7 parade :
+8 shooting :
+4 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Protesters swamp streets to reclaim revolution
+// Egypt : Protesters storm Muslim Brotherhood 's HQ
+1 Egypt :
+2 : :
+3 Protesters :
+4 storm :
+5 Muslim :
+6 Brotherhood :
+7 's :
+8 HQ :
+1 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Hong Kong stocks end higher
+// Indian stocks open higher
+1 Indian :
+2 stocks :
+3 open :
+4 higher :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Poll : Cory Booker takes early lead for N.J. Senate
+// Nigella Lawson ' took cocaine every day for a decade '
+1 Nigella :
+2 Lawson :
+3 ' :
+4 took :
+5 cocaine :
+6 every :
+7 day :
+8 for :
+9 a :
+10 decade :
+11 ' :
+2 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Rebels likely downed Malaysian jet ' by mistake ' - U.S. officials
+// Rebels likely downed jet ' by mistake '
+1 Rebels :
+2 likely :
+3 downed :
+4 jet :
+5 ' :
+6 by :
+7 mistake :
+8 ' :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Wave of bombings , shootings kill 38 in Iraq
+// Wave of car bombs , other attacks kill 31 in Iraq
+1 Wave :
+2 of :
+3 car :
+4 bombs :
+5 , :
+6 other :
+7 attacks :
+8 kill :
+9 31 :
+10 in :
+11 Iraq :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 4 5 <==> 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Didier Reynders on Syria
+// Obama 's day : Prime time on Syria
+1 Obama :
+2 's :
+3 day :
+4 : :
+5 Prime :
+6 time :
+7 on :
+8 Syria :
+3 4 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 5 things you need to know Tuesday
+// 5 things you need to know on Friday
+1 5 :
+2 things :
+3 you :
+4 need :
+5 to :
+6 know :
+7 on :
+8 Friday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egyptian court considers Mubarak 's release
+// Egypt court orders Mubarak release
+1 Egypt :
+2 court :
+3 orders :
+4 Mubarak :
+5 release :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// U.N. Security Council calls for humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza
+// U.N. Security Council Calls for Unconditional Cease-Fire in Gaza
+1 U.N. :
+2 Security :
+3 Council :
+4 Calls :
+5 for :
+6 Unconditional :
+7 Cease-Fire :
+8 in :
+9 Gaza :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud killed in drone strike
+// Pakistani Taliban ' elect new chief ' , vow ' unprecedented ' revenge
+1 Pakistani :
+2 Taliban :
+3 ' :
+4 elect :
+5 new :
+6 chief :
+7 ' :
+8 , :
+9 vow :
+10 ' :
+11 unprecedented :
+12 ' :
+13 revenge :
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Blaze That Killed 19 Firefighters Now Contained
+// Arizona wildfire that killed 19 Hotshots now contained
+1 Arizona :
+2 wildfire :
+3 that :
+4 killed :
+5 19 :
+6 Hotshots :
+7 now :
+8 contained :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Canada approves oil pipeline to the Pacific Coast
+// Canadian government approves controversial oil pipeline to Pacific
+1 Canadian :
+2 government :
+3 approves :
+4 controversial :
+5 oil :
+6 pipeline :
+7 to :
+8 Pacific :
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Man United Says Moyes Leaves as Manager
+// Man United hires Moyes to replace Ferguson
+1 Man :
+2 United :
+3 hires :
+4 Moyes :
+5 to :
+6 replace :
+7 Ferguson :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Syria opposition unity take face specter of collapse
+// Syria divided opposition struggles within wider Syrian struggle
+1 Syria :
+2 divided :
+3 opposition :
+4 struggles :
+5 within :
+6 wider :
+7 Syrian :
+8 struggle :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Margaret Thatcher , former U.K. PM , dead at 87
+// Margaret Thatcher dies at 87
+1 Margaret :
+2 Thatcher :
+3 dies :
+4 at :
+5 87 :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// EU extends sanctions against Russia
+// Nigeria drops arms trafficking charges against Russian sailors
+1 Nigeria :
+2 drops :
+3 arms :
+4 trafficking :
+5 charges :
+6 against :
+7 Russian :
+8 sailors :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Chinese stocks open higher - Apr 2
+// Chinese stocks open lower Thursday
+1 Chinese :
+2 stocks :
+3 open :
+4 lower :
+5 Thursday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Obama names outspoken Rice as his security adviser
+// Obama to name Susan Rice as national security adviser
+1 Obama :
+2 to :
+3 name :
+4 Susan :
+5 Rice :
+6 as :
+7 national :
+8 security :
+9 adviser :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Activists : Syrian airstrike kills 21 in Aleppo
+// New Syrian Airstrikes Kill at Least 15 in Aleppo
+1 New :
+2 Syrian :
+3 Airstrikes :
+4 Kill :
+5 at :
+6 Least :
+7 15 :
+8 in :
+9 Aleppo :
+3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Angelina Jolie " very grateful " for support after double mastectomy
+// Angelina Jolie undergoes double mastectomy
+1 Angelina :
+2 Jolie :
+3 undergoes :
+4 double :
+5 mastectomy :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : April 21
+// India Ink : Image of the Day : May 2
+1 India :
+2 Ink :
+3 : :
+4 Image :
+5 of :
+6 the :
+7 Day :
+8 : :
+9 May :
+10 2 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Deaths in bombings and shootings across Iraq
+// Bombings and a shooting kill 8 in Iraq
+1 Bombings :
+2 and :
+3 a :
+4 shooting :
+5 kill :
+6 8 :
+7 in :
+8 Iraq :
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Suicide bomber kills nine police in north Iraq
+// Suicide bomber kills eight Kurdish security forces personnel in Iraq
+1 Suicide :
+2 bomber :
+3 kills :
+4 eight :
+5 Kurdish :
+6 security :
+7 forces :
+8 personnel :
+9 in :
+10 Iraq :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Egypt 's Sisi poised to announce presidency bid
+// Egypt 's Sisi paves way for presidential bid
+1 Egypt :
+2 's :
+3 Sisi :
+4 paves :
+5 way :
+6 for :
+7 presidential :
+8 bid :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// 3 killed , 6 injured in Afghan blasts
+// Three killed , six injured in Afghan blasts
+1 Three :
+2 killed :
+3 , :
+4 six :
+5 injured :
+6 in :
+7 Afghan :
+8 blasts :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Texas senator still filibustering abortion bill
+// Texas senator filibusters against abortion bill
+1 Texas :
+2 senator :
+3 filibusters :
+4 against :
+5 abortion :
+6 bill :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Russia drops charges against Greenpeace activists
+// Russia to file piracy charges against Greenpeace
+1 Russia :
+2 to :
+3 file :
+4 piracy :
+5 charges :
+6 against :
+7 Greenpeace :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Protesters clash with police in Turkey
+// Protesters clash with riot police in Kiev
+1 Protesters :
+2 clash :
+3 with :
+4 riot :
+5 police :
+6 in :
+7 Kiev :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Nigerian police ban protests over kidnapped girls
+// Nigeria reviewing ' all options ' over kidnapped girls
+1 Nigeria :
+2 reviewing :
+3 ' :
+4 all :
+5 options :
+6 ' :
+7 over :
+8 kidnapped :
+9 girls :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ukraine signs EU trade pact as Russia finalizes Crimea annexation
+// Ukraine 's top court dismisses Crimea 's independence as " unconstitutional "
+1 Ukraine :
+2 's :
+3 top :
+4 court :
+5 dismisses :
+6 Crimea :
+7 's :
+8 independence :
+9 as :
+10 " :
+11 unconstitutional :
+12 " :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The foundations of South Africa are built on Nelson Mandela 's memory
+// Australian politicians lament over Nelson Mandela 's death
+1 Australian :
+2 politicians :
+3 lament :
+4 over :
+5 Nelson :
+6 Mandela :
+7 's :
+8 death :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// On War Criminals and Heroes : The Whitewashing of Ariel Sharon
+// On war criminals and heroes : The whitewashing of Ariel Sharon
+1 On :
+2 war :
+3 criminals :
+4 and :
+5 heroes :
+6 : :
+7 The :
+8 whitewashing :
+9 of :
+10 Ariel :
+11 Sharon :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two French journalists killed in Mali
+// France confirms two French journalists killed in Mali
+1 France :
+2 confirms :
+3 two :
+4 French :
+5 journalists :
+6 killed :
+7 in :
+8 Mali :
+4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China yuan strengthens to 6.1184 against USD Tuesday
+// China yuan weakens to 6.1510 against USD
+1 China :
+2 yuan :
+3 weakens :
+4 to :
+5 6.1510 :
+6 against :
+7 USD :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Malaysia Airlines loses contact with plane carrying 239 to Beijing
+// Malaysia Airlines plane vanishes on flight to Beijing
+1 Malaysia :
+2 Airlines :
+3 plane :
+4 vanishes :
+5 on :
+6 flight :
+7 to :
+8 Beijing :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Tehelka editor embroiled in sex assault scam
+// Tehelka editor steps down after allegations of sexual misconduct
+1 Tehelka :
+2 editor :
+3 steps :
+4 down :
+5 after :
+6 allegations :
+7 of :
+8 sexual :
+9 misconduct :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Facts about North Korea 's Musudan missile
+// North Korea fires another missile
+1 North :
+2 Korea :
+3 fires :
+4 another :
+5 missile :
+2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Gunman who held suburban Atlanta firefighters hostage now dead , police say
+// The Lede : Video : Gunman Takes Firefighters Hostage in Georgia
+1 The :
+2 Lede :
+3 : :
+4 Video :
+5 : :
+6 Gunman :
+7 Takes :
+8 Firefighters :
+9 Hostage :
+10 in :
+11 Georgia :
+1 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Crimea parliament votes to join Russia
+// Crimean parliament formally applies to join Russia
+1 Crimean :
+2 parliament :
+3 formally :
+4 applies :
+5 to :
+6 join :
+7 Russia :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// China stocks open lower on Wednesday
+// China 's stocks close lower on Monday
+1 China :
+2 's :
+3 stocks :
+4 close :
+5 lower :
+6 on :
+7 Monday :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// World News Update , what you need to know
+// Labour 's 50p tax rate : what you need to know
+1 Labour :
+2 's :
+3 50p :
+4 tax :
+5 rate :
+6 : :
+7 what :
+8 you :
+9 need :
+10 to :
+11 know :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Stocks rise in early trading
+// Stocks inch higher in early trading
+1 Stocks :
+2 inch :
+3 higher :
+4 in :
+5 early :
+6 trading :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Twitter shares rocket at opening
+// Twitter shares rocket as trading begins
+1 Twitter :
+3 rocket :
+4 as :
+5 trading :
+6 begins :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Explosions kill 29 outside two mosques in Lebanon 's Tripoli
+// 2 explosions rock city in northern Lebanon
+1 2 :
+2 explosions :
+3 rock :
+4 city :
+5 in :
+6 northern :
+7 Lebanon :
+7 8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Next Iran nuclear talks due on June 16-20 - IRNA
+// Iran : Nuclear deal to be implemented on January 20
+1 Iran :
+2 : :
+3 Nuclear :
+4 deal :
+5 to :
+6 be :
+7 implemented :
+8 on :
+9 January :
+10 20 :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Russian coal mines seek new outlets in China
+// Russian foreign minister to meet UN chief
+1 Russian :
+2 foreign :
+3 minister :
+4 to :
+5 meet :
+6 UN :
+7 chief :
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Outrage after reports emerge about 6-year-old Indian girl raped at school
+// Outrage After Indian Girl , 6 , Raped at Her School
+1 Outrage :
+2 After :
+3 Indian :
+4 Girl :
+5 , :
+6 6 :
+7 , :
+8 Raped :
+9 at :
+10 Her :
+11 School :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Ovadia Yosef , rabbi and Israeli kingmaker , dies
+// Rabbi Ovadia Yosef , kingmaker of Israeli politics , dies at 93
+1 Rabbi :
+2 Ovadia :
+3 Yosef :
+4 , :
+5 kingmaker :
+6 of :
+7 Israeli :
+8 politics :
+9 , :
+10 dies :
+11 at :
+12 93 :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Thai protesters disrupt early voting for disputed election
+// Thai protest leader shot dead outside polling station
+1 Thai :
+2 protest :
+3 leader :
+4 shot :
+5 dead :
+6 outside :
+7 polling :
+8 station :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Most victims of fiery bus crash identified
+// 38 bodies of victims identified
+1 38 :
+2 bodies :
+3 of :
+4 victims :
+5 identified :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Palestinian diplomat hurt in blast
+// Palestinian ambassador injured in apartment blast
+1 Palestinian :
+2 ambassador :
+3 injured :
+4 in :
+5 apartment :
+6 blast :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
diff --git a/20211030_162237/images.wa b/20211030_162237/images.wa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..07e4fbfd3851075b2052ced4f46355c905e79d1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_162237/images.wa
@@ -0,0 +1,13718 @@
+// A child in a blue and white team uniform chasing a soccer ball .
+// A young boy in a blue soccer uniform chasing a ball .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 blue :
+7 soccer :
+8 uniform :
+9 chasing :
+10 a :
+11 ball :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in a gray suit locking up a bicycle
+// A man and a woman standing on a city street .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 and :
+4 a :
+5 woman :
+6 standing :
+7 on :
+8 a :
+9 city :
+10 street :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog in in a car .
+// A dog is biting a mop .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 biting :
+5 a :
+6 mop :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog walking beside a pool .
+// A black dog is walking along the side of a pool .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 walking :
+6 along :
+7 the :
+8 side :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 pool :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The boy is looking up at the girl as another girl ignores them .
+// the boy is diving into the pool as the couple watch .
+1 the :
+2 boy :
+3 is :
+4 diving :
+5 into :
+6 the :
+7 pool :
+8 as :
+9 the :
+10 couple :
+11 watch :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two women holding checkered flags near an orange car .
+// Two ladies in skimpy clothes pose next to an old fashioned car .
+1 Two :
+2 ladies :
+3 in :
+4 skimpy :
+5 clothes :
+6 pose :
+7 next :
+8 to :
+9 an :
+10 old :
+11 fashioned :
+12 car :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A hiker with a backpack is up on a misty mountain top .
+// A hiker climbing a rocky hill with fog surrounding him .
+1 A :
+2 hiker :
+3 climbing :
+4 a :
+5 rocky :
+6 hill :
+7 with :
+8 fog :
+9 surrounding :
+10 him :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog in running on grass .
+// A brown dog runs through the grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 grass :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The dog returns the play toy to its master .
+// Three dogs race in the snow together .
+1 Three :
+2 dogs :
+3 race :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 together :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// two dogs are running across a grassy path .
+// Two dogs are in a grassy area .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 grassy :
+7 area :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman stands with her arms out at her sides while another takes a picture .
+// A man stands in a crowd holding a white object .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 stands :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 crowd :
+7 holding :
+8 a :
+9 white :
+10 object :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog is jumping in the air to catch an orange Frisbee .
+// a white dog jumping in the air to catch a red Frisbee .
+1 a :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 jumping :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 air :
+8 to :
+9 catch :
+10 a :
+11 red :
+12 Frisbee :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman and a man with a blue shirt are posing for a photograph .
+// a man and a woman posing for a picture
+1 a :
+2 man :
+3 and :
+4 a :
+5 woman :
+6 posing :
+7 for :
+8 a :
+9 picture :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three people stand in an outdoor glass structure .
+// Three people in a glass structure .
+1 Three :
+2 people :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 glass :
+6 structure :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Young boy wearing a denim shirt sticks out his tongue .
+// A young boy wearing a denim jacket sticks his tongue out .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 wearing :
+5 a :
+6 denim :
+7 jacket :
+8 sticks :
+9 his :
+10 tongue :
+11 out :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog is walking on the grass .
+// A dog chases another by a tree .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 chases :
+4 another :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 tree :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three boys playing soccer in a field
+// Three boys playing soccer .
+1 Three :
+2 boys :
+3 playing :
+4 soccer :
+5 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person is riding a skateboard in the air above a ramp .
+// A biker is riding along a track element located with a wooded area .
+1 A :
+2 biker :
+3 is :
+4 riding :
+5 along :
+6 a :
+7 track :
+8 element :
+9 located :
+10 with :
+11 a :
+12 wooded :
+13 area :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Brown and white dog playing in the grass .
+// Black and white dog leaping for Frisbee .
+1 Black :
+2 and :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 leaping :
+6 for :
+7 Frisbee :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy is jumping into the water with a ball in his hand .
+// A little boy swimming underwater with a toy in his hand .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 boy :
+4 swimming :
+5 underwater :
+6 with :
+7 a :
+8 toy :
+9 in :
+10 his :
+11 hand :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A deer jumps a fence .
+// A deer jumping over a fence .
+1 A :
+2 deer :
+3 jumping :
+4 over :
+5 a :
+6 fence :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two young girls with dyed hair talk to two boys in black .
+// two girls with pink streaked hair and two boys with black hair standing next to a concrete building .
+1 two :
+2 girls :
+3 with :
+4 pink :
+5 streaked :
+6 hair :
+7 and :
+8 two :
+9 boys :
+10 with :
+11 black :
+12 hair :
+13 standing :
+14 next :
+15 to :
+16 a :
+17 concrete :
+18 building :
+19 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 19 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Light brown dog running towards something at the beach .
+// A brown dog chases a blond one in the grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 chases :
+5 a :
+6 blond :
+7 one :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 grass :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man with a messenger bag in front of a gray tile wall .
+// Man in red jacket standing in front of lighthouse .
+1 Man :
+2 in :
+3 red :
+4 jacket :
+5 standing :
+6 in :
+7 front :
+8 of :
+9 lighthouse :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man crouching and holding a camera .
+// The crouching man is holding a large camera .
+1 The :
+2 crouching :
+3 man :
+4 is :
+5 holding :
+6 a :
+7 large :
+8 camera :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl wearing a pink coat splashes in rain puddles .
+// A girl in a pink jacket is walking through a large puddle .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 pink :
+6 jacket :
+7 is :
+8 walking :
+9 through :
+10 a :
+11 large :
+12 puddle :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man rollerblading on a metal bar .
+// Roller blades sliding on a railing .
+1 Roller :
+2 blades :
+3 sliding :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 railing :
+7 . :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A small dog jumping with a ball in its mouth .
+// There is a brown dog swimming outside with a tennis ball in its mouth .
+1 There :
+2 is :
+3 a :
+4 brown :
+5 dog :
+6 swimming :
+7 outside :
+8 with :
+9 a :
+10 tennis :
+11 ball :
+12 in :
+13 its :
+14 mouth :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Kids playing ball in the park .
+// Two dogs playing by the shore .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 playing :
+4 by :
+5 the :
+6 shore :
+7 . :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Woman in a black dress walking on the street .
+// A woman watches a dog jump down the stairs .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 watches :
+4 a :
+5 dog :
+6 jump :
+7 down :
+8 the :
+9 stairs :
+10 . :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Five men dressed in tuxedos standing on a set of stairs
+// Five men in tuxedos are walking down steps .
+1 Five :
+2 men :
+3 in :
+4 tuxedos :
+5 are :
+6 walking :
+7 down :
+8 steps :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog is running toward the camera .
+// A brown and white dog running on grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 running :
+7 on :
+8 grass :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a dog jumps into the water .
+// A small dog leaps in the water .
+1 A :
+2 small :
+3 dog :
+4 leaps :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two large dogs running in some grass .
+// Two brindle dogs running in the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 brindle :
+3 dogs :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 grass :
+8 . :
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy stands in the pool at the bottom of a blue water slide .
+// A boy splashes into a pool , ejected from a water slide .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 splashes :
+4 into :
+5 a :
+6 pool :
+7 , :
+8 ejected :
+9 from :
+10 a :
+11 water :
+12 slide :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 14 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two children ride saucers down a snowy hill .
+// Two children go sledding .
+1 Two :
+2 children :
+3 go :
+4 sledding :
+5 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person climbs up a snowy hill while their dog follows .
+// A person climbs a snowy hill while a black dog follows .
+1 A :
+2 person :
+3 climbs :
+4 a :
+5 snowy :
+6 hill :
+7 while :
+8 a :
+9 black :
+10 dog :
+11 follows :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A child is jumping into a swimming pool .
+// A dog jumping into a swimming pool .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 jumping :
+4 into :
+5 a :
+6 swimming :
+7 pool :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Four small children sit on tall stools at a resturaunt bar .
+// Four children sit on tall bar stools at a yellow and grey bar .
+1 Four :
+2 children :
+3 sit :
+4 on :
+5 tall :
+6 bar :
+7 stools :
+8 at :
+9 a :
+10 yellow :
+11 and :
+12 grey :
+13 bar :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The black and white dog runs through the grass .
+// A black and white dog is running through grass .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 through :
+9 grass :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl in a pink shirt is sprawling her limbs out in midair .
+// A man dressed in a Santa suit is climbing up a large concrete building .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 dressed :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 Santa :
+7 suit :
+8 is :
+9 climbing :
+10 up :
+11 a :
+12 large :
+13 concrete :
+14 building :
+15 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A tan and white dog retrieving a ball on a gravel path .
+// A large dog walks along a gravel path in the woods .
+1 A :
+2 large :
+3 dog :
+4 walks :
+5 along :
+6 a :
+7 gravel :
+8 path :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 woods :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a boy in a grey hat is carrying a soccer ball by a reddish colored wall .
+// A small boy is carrying a soccer ball .
+1 A :
+2 small :
+3 boy :
+4 is :
+5 carrying :
+6 a :
+7 soccer :
+8 ball :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person wearing scuba gear is swimming underwater water .
+// A person is scuba diving in very clear blue water .
+1 A :
+2 person :
+3 is :
+4 scuba :
+5 diving :
+6 in :
+7 very :
+8 clear :
+9 blue :
+10 water :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog walking in the snow .
+// A black and tan dog walking through the snow .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 tan :
+5 dog :
+6 walking :
+7 through :
+8 the :
+9 snow :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman placing a baby on a skateboard on the beach .
+// a woman holds a small baby on a skateboard at the beach
+1 a :
+2 woman :
+3 holds :
+4 a :
+5 small :
+6 baby :
+7 on :
+8 a :
+9 skateboard :
+10 at :
+11 the :
+12 beach :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy jumping into a lake .
+// The boy is jumping into a lake .
+1 The :
+2 boy :
+3 is :
+4 jumping :
+5 into :
+6 a :
+7 lake :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man water skis while attached to a parachute .
+// A man kite surfing creates a wave .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 kite :
+4 surfing :
+5 creates :
+6 a :
+7 wave :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog looks at a black puppy in the snow .
+// A big white dog and a small black dog sit in the snow .
+1 A :
+2 big :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 and :
+6 a :
+7 small :
+8 black :
+9 dog :
+10 sit :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 snow :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A blue and white soccer team playing against each other .
+// A topless woman with her face painted is covered in mud .
+1 A :
+2 topless :
+3 woman :
+4 with :
+5 her :
+6 face :
+7 painted :
+8 is :
+9 covered :
+10 in :
+11 mud :
+12 . :
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a white dog running in the snow
+// The dogs are running in the snow .
+1 The :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy wearing a blue visor swings a bat .
+// A young boy with a visor on plays ball with his bat in the street .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 with :
+5 a :
+6 visor :
+7 on :
+8 plays :
+9 ball :
+10 with :
+11 his :
+12 bat :
+13 in :
+14 the :
+15 street :
+16 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a group of people white water rafting in a blue raft .
+// A group of people paddle their blue inflatable raft down the rapids .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 paddle :
+6 their :
+7 blue :
+8 inflatable :
+9 raft :
+10 down :
+11 the :
+12 rapids :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A pair of dogs playing with a purple ball .
+// Two dogs play with purple football .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 with :
+5 purple :
+6 football :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog shakes off water
+// A dog shakes his head .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 shakes :
+4 his :
+5 head :
+6 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy wearing a red shirt runs across the grass with a furry dog .
+// A sports fan is wearing face paint in the stands .
+1 A :
+2 sports :
+3 fan :
+4 is :
+5 wearing :
+6 face :
+7 paint :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 stands :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two young children are walking across an open field .
+// Two small children walking in a field .
+1 Two :
+2 small :
+3 children :
+4 walking :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 field :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The brown dog is running on the grass .
+// The skinny brown dog is running through the tall green grass .
+1 The :
+2 skinny :
+3 brown :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 running :
+7 through :
+8 the :
+9 tall :
+10 green :
+11 grass :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man with his arms raised at the top of a mountain .
+// A person in a red shirt is standing , with arms raised , at the top of a mountain .
+1 A :
+2 person :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 red :
+6 shirt :
+7 is :
+8 standing :
+9 , :
+10 with :
+11 arms :
+12 raised :
+13 , :
+14 at :
+15 the :
+16 top :
+17 of :
+18 a :
+19 mountain :
+20 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 17 18 19 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 20 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three children stand on or near a fence .
+// The three children are standing on and by a fence .
+1 The :
+2 three :
+3 children :
+4 are :
+5 standing :
+6 on :
+7 and :
+8 by :
+9 a :
+10 fence :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of four children dancing in a backyard .
+// A group of children do stretches on colored mats .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 children :
+5 do :
+6 stretches :
+7 on :
+8 colored :
+9 mats :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two constructions workers sit on a beam taking a break .
+// The man is putting on his shirt near an elevator .
+1 The :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 putting :
+5 on :
+6 his :
+7 shirt :
+8 near :
+9 an :
+10 elevator :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is holding a very long leash attached to a very large dog who is smelling the grass .
+// A man holds a long leash with a large gray dog attached to it .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 holds :
+4 a :
+5 long :
+6 leash :
+7 with :
+8 a :
+9 large :
+10 gray :
+11 dog :
+12 attached :
+13 to :
+14 it :
+15 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 14 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// This is a boat on the water with mountains in the background .
+// A white boat on glassy water with mountains in the background .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 boat :
+4 on :
+5 glassy :
+6 water :
+7 with :
+8 mountains :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 background :
+12 . :
+3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two boys are jumping into a pool .
+// Two boys are in midair jumping into an inground pool .
+1 Two :
+2 boys :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 midair :
+6 jumping :
+7 into :
+8 an :
+9 inground :
+10 pool :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Scuba diver submerged in water .
+// The scuba diver is underwater .
+1 The :
+2 scuba :
+3 diver :
+4 is :
+5 underwater :
+6 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The brown and black dog sprints across the snow .
+// A black dog is running quickly along the ground .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 quickly :
+7 along :
+8 the :
+9 ground :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog jumps through the water .
+// A dog walks through the snow .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 walks :
+4 through :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog walks in the grass with it's tongue hanging out .
+// A grey dog walks in the green grass , tongue hanging out .
+1 A :
+2 grey :
+3 dog :
+4 walks :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 green :
+8 grass :
+9 , :
+10 tongue :
+11 hanging :
+12 out :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person in a striped fleece clips a carabiner onto a metal line .
+// A young woman in a helmet attaches a pulley to a cable .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 woman :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 helmet :
+7 attaches :
+8 a :
+9 pulley :
+10 to :
+11 a :
+12 cable :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A lean dog runs through green grass .
+// A brown dog and two black dogs in an overgrown grassy field .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 and :
+5 two :
+6 black :
+7 dogs :
+8 in :
+9 an :
+10 overgrown :
+11 grassy :
+12 field :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Many cars parked on a mountain .
+// A group of cars parked on a hill
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 cars :
+5 parked :
+6 on :
+7 a :
+8 hill :
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A light brown dog is running in the water .
+// A brown and white dog running into the water
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 running :
+7 into :
+8 the :
+9 water :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// three dogs playing on a beach
+// A boy standing on a beach .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 standing :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 beach :
+7 . :
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a dog jumps into the pond .
+// the skateboarder jumps into the air .
+1 the :
+2 skateboarder :
+3 jumps :
+4 into :
+5 the :
+6 air :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white and black dog is jumping into a pool .
+// A woman in a black apron is standing in front of a mirror .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 black :
+6 apron :
+7 is :
+8 standing :
+9 in :
+10 front :
+11 of :
+12 a :
+13 mirror :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog is running through green grass .
+// A brown dog is running though a river .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 though :
+7 a :
+8 river :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three children playing on rocks near a lake
+// Three men playing baseball .
+1 Three :
+2 men :
+3 playing :
+4 baseball :
+5 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in black shaving a ice sculpture .
+// A man has a chainsaw and is carving a block of ice .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 has :
+4 a :
+5 chainsaw :
+6 and :
+7 is :
+8 carving :
+9 a :
+10 block :
+11 of :
+12 ice :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown and white dog with a pink collar is barking at a brown dog with a blue collar in the snow .
+// The dog with the red collar is bearing it's teeth at the dog with the blue collar .
+1 The :
+2 dog :
+3 with :
+4 the :
+5 red :
+6 collar :
+7 is :
+8 bearing :
+9 it's :
+10 teeth :
+11 at :
+12 the :
+13 dog :
+14 with :
+15 the :
+16 blue :
+17 collar :
+18 . :
+16 17 18 19 <==> 14 15 16 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+23 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog looking at the camera in snow .
+// A dog is walking in a tire track in the snow .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 walking :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 tire :
+8 track :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 snow :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A surfer is riding on a breaking wave .
+// A surfer is riding a wave .
+1 A :
+2 surfer :
+3 is :
+4 riding :
+5 a :
+6 wave :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The # 2 greyhound dog is running around a track .
+// a muzzled greyhound dog is running around a track
+1 a :
+2 muzzled :
+3 greyhound :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 running :
+7 around :
+8 a :
+9 track :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog is running after a white dog in the snow .
+// Black dog chasing brown dog through snow
+1 Black :
+2 dog :
+3 chasing :
+4 brown :
+5 dog :
+6 through :
+7 snow :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man wearing an orange coat speaks to another as they walk in the snow .
+// A man and woman dressedin old fashion clothing sit outside at a table .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 and :
+4 woman :
+5 dressedin :
+6 old :
+7 fashion :
+8 clothing :
+9 sit :
+10 outside :
+11 at :
+12 a :
+13 table :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Dog running on shore beside two geese in water
+// A black dog running along the sandy shoreline of a body of water while two ducks swim nearby .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 running :
+5 along :
+6 the :
+7 sandy :
+8 shoreline :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 body :
+12 of :
+13 water :
+14 while :
+15 two :
+16 ducks :
+17 swim :
+18 nearby :
+19 . :
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of people in boats racing towards the shore .
+// A group of people stand together and pose in front of a house .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 stand :
+6 together :
+7 and :
+8 pose :
+9 in :
+10 front :
+11 of :
+12 a :
+13 house :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A family is playing on the beach with their dog .
+// A naked little girl being thrown into the air .
+1 A :
+2 naked :
+3 little :
+4 girl :
+5 being :
+6 thrown :
+7 into :
+8 the :
+9 air :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is wind sailing in the ocean .
+// A dog is running through the ocean .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 ocean :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A small dog runs through a grassy field .
+// Two dogs bound across the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 bound :
+4 across :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young child blows on an orange wand to make a bubble .
+// An Asian child is blowing bubbles from an orange bubble hoop .
+1 An :
+2 Asian :
+3 child :
+4 is :
+5 blowing :
+6 bubbles :
+7 from :
+8 an :
+9 orange :
+10 bubble :
+11 hoop :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// two woman sit on a park bench .
+// Two women sitting on a bench by the water .
+1 Two :
+2 women :
+3 sitting :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 bench :
+7 by :
+8 the :
+9 water :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a bird lands in the water .
+// a boat floats in the water .
+1 a :
+2 boat :
+3 floats :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 water :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two young men are juggling multi-colored blocks with people watching .
+// Two men stand juggling colored boxes while other men stand on a balcony .
+1 Two :
+2 men :
+3 stand :
+4 juggling :
+5 colored :
+6 boxes :
+7 while :
+8 other :
+9 men :
+10 stand :
+11 on :
+12 a :
+13 balcony :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person is skijoring with a dog in the mountains .
+// A brown dog is playing with a ball in the water .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 playing :
+6 with :
+7 a :
+8 ball :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 water :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog runs through a muddy bank .
+// A lean dog runs through a wooded area .
+1 A :
+2 lean :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 through :
+6 a :
+7 wooded :
+8 area :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The brown dog is playing in the snow .
+// A black dog is playing in the snow .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 playing :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 snow :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The person is doing a handstand on the beach .
+// A kid is doing a hand-stand on the beach .
+1 A :
+2 kid :
+3 is :
+4 doing :
+5 a :
+6 hand-stand :
+7 on :
+8 the :
+9 beach :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A tan girl in a floral bikini is swimming in dark blue waters .
+// a little girl in a flowered bathingsuit runs through the sand at the beach
+1 a :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 flowered :
+7 bathingsuit :
+8 runs :
+9 through :
+10 the :
+11 sand :
+12 at :
+13 the :
+14 beach :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog is running through the snow .
+// The German shepherd dog is running through the snow .
+1 The :
+2 German :
+3 shepherd :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 running :
+7 through :
+8 the :
+9 snow :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The large dog wading in the water and shaking .
+// Three dark dogs swimming and one of them has a ball .
+1 Three :
+2 dark :
+3 dogs :
+4 swimming :
+5 and :
+6 one :
+7 of :
+8 them :
+9 has :
+10 a :
+11 ball :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are playing around in the dirt .
+// A dancer posing for the camera in a red and white dress .
+1 A :
+2 dancer :
+3 posing :
+4 for :
+5 the :
+6 camera :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 red :
+10 and :
+11 white :
+12 dress :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog running across the sand
+// A dog running through the water .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 running :
+4 through :
+5 the :
+6 water :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white and tan dog runs through the tall green grass .
+// A medium sized brown and white streaked dog is running through tall grass .
+1 A :
+2 medium :
+3 sized :
+4 brown :
+5 and :
+6 white :
+7 streaked :
+8 dog :
+9 is :
+10 running :
+11 through :
+12 tall :
+13 grass :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of four hiking through a snowy forest .
+// A group of people hike through a snowy wooded area .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 hike :
+6 through :
+7 a :
+8 snowy :
+9 wooded :
+10 area :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in plaid shirt hits a tree with an Axe .
+// A man in a plaid shirt uses a tool by a tree .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 plaid :
+6 shirt :
+7 uses :
+8 a :
+9 tool :
+10 by :
+11 a :
+12 tree :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A smiling man and a baby girl posing for photo .
+// A smiling man holds a small child wearing pink and red .
+1 A :
+2 smiling :
+3 man :
+4 holds :
+5 a :
+6 small :
+7 child :
+8 wearing :
+9 pink :
+10 and :
+11 red :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// White dog outside with two people in background .
+// Little boy coming at camera down blue slide , smiling woman in background .
+1 Little :
+2 boy :
+3 coming :
+4 at :
+5 camera :
+6 down :
+7 blue :
+8 slide :
+9 , :
+10 smiling :
+11 woman :
+12 in :
+13 background :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs are playing in the water .
+// Three dogs run in the snow .
+1 Three :
+2 dogs :
+3 run :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl jumping on a sand dune at the ocean .
+// The little girl jumps up into the air with the sand beneath her .
+1 The :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 jumps :
+5 up :
+6 into :
+7 the :
+8 air :
+9 with :
+10 the :
+11 sand :
+12 beneath :
+13 her :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A shirtless man rock climbs .
+// A man rock climbing .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 rock :
+4 climbing :
+5 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// An adult male wearing a backpack walks and looks to the left .
+// A man wearing a backpack looking to the side .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 backpack :
+6 looking :
+7 to :
+8 the :
+9 side :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog jumping high to catch a ball .
+// Two black and white dogs run across a green field .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dogs :
+6 run :
+7 across :
+8 a :
+9 green :
+10 field :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A snowboarder goes down a ramp .
+// A snowboarder going over a ramp .
+1 A :
+2 snowboarder :
+3 going :
+4 over :
+5 a :
+6 ramp :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young man and woman sitting on a bench outside are kissing .
+// The man and woman sitting on a bench are kissing .
+1 The :
+2 man :
+3 and :
+4 woman :
+5 sitting :
+6 on :
+7 a :
+8 bench :
+9 are :
+10 kissing :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The woman is holding the harness that the brown and white dog is wearing .
+// A man and woman are looking at artwork that is on easels and clipped to a fencing wall .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 and :
+4 woman :
+5 are :
+6 looking :
+7 at :
+8 artwork :
+9 that :
+10 is :
+11 on :
+12 easels :
+13 and :
+14 clipped :
+15 to :
+16 a :
+17 fencing :
+18 wall :
+19 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 19 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A wet child shivers under a towel at a pool .
+// A wet child is shivering in a towel in front of a pool .
+1 A :
+2 wet :
+3 child :
+4 is :
+5 shivering :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 towel :
+9 in :
+10 front :
+11 of :
+12 a :
+13 pool :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white and brown dog rolls on it's back in the sand .
+// A dog lying on its back in the sand .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 lying :
+4 on :
+5 its :
+6 back :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 sand :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A large brown dog is walking along side a river .
+// A brown dog walks on the rocks near a river .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 walks :
+5 on :
+6 the :
+7 rocks :
+8 near :
+9 a :
+10 river :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man wearing a blue shirt crouches on a rocky cliff .
+// a man sits on a rock .
+1 a :
+2 man :
+3 sits :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 rock :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy waves around a sparkler .
+// A young boy is twisting a sparkler around in the air .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 is :
+5 twisting :
+6 a :
+7 sparkler :
+8 around :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 air :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog leaping from a dock into the water .
+// A tan dog leaps into the water .
+1 A :
+2 tan :
+3 dog :
+4 leaps :
+5 into :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two children are on a fairground ride .
+// Two children are on a giant inflatable slide .
+1 Two :
+2 children :
+3 are :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 giant :
+7 inflatable :
+8 slide :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy with a broken arm is resting in a bed .
+// A boy with a broken arm is sleeping .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 with :
+4 a :
+5 broken :
+6 arm :
+7 is :
+8 sleeping :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog lunges for a yellow toy .
+// A brown dog chasing a yellow toy .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 chasing :
+5 a :
+6 yellow :
+7 toy :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// three little boys cover themselves with bubbles .
+// Three children standing by a pool are covered in foam bubbles .
+1 Three :
+2 children :
+3 standing :
+4 by :
+5 a :
+6 pool :
+7 are :
+8 covered :
+9 in :
+10 foam :
+11 bubbles :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs ankle-deep in water .
+// Two brown dogs play in the water .
+1 Two :
+2 brown :
+3 dogs :
+4 play :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man and a woman are standing in front of a building
+// Two girls are sitting on an ATV on the sand in front of a bridge .
+1 Two :
+2 girls :
+3 are :
+4 sitting :
+5 on :
+6 an :
+7 ATV :
+8 on :
+9 the :
+10 sand :
+11 in :
+12 front :
+13 of :
+14 a :
+15 bridge :
+16 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 <==> 11 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog walking through water .
+// Two black dogs walking through the snow .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 dogs :
+4 walking :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two kids splashing in the water .
+// Two dogs play together on the bed .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 together :
+5 on :
+6 the :
+7 bed :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog with a gemmed collar is sitting on white carpet .
+// A black dog with a blue collar is sitting on beige carpet .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 with :
+5 a :
+6 blue :
+7 collar :
+8 is :
+9 sitting :
+10 on :
+11 beige :
+12 carpet :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs on grass running towards the camera .
+// Several large dogs are running through a large grassy area .
+1 Several :
+2 large :
+3 dogs :
+4 are :
+5 running :
+6 through :
+7 a :
+8 large :
+9 grassy :
+10 area :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person wearing jeans sits on top of a horse saddle .
+// The girl is sitting on top of a saddle .
+1 The :
+2 girl :
+3 is :
+4 sitting :
+5 on :
+6 top :
+7 of :
+8 a :
+9 saddle :
+10 . :
+5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog bounding through snow
+// A large white dog is bounding through a snowy field .
+1 A :
+2 large :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 bounding :
+7 through :
+8 a :
+9 snowy :
+10 field :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Many people run in a race on a street .
+// A puppy running along a street .
+1 A :
+2 puppy :
+3 running :
+4 along :
+5 a :
+6 street :
+7 . :
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog swimming in a lake has sunshine shining on him .
+// A dog swims while carrying a stick in its mouth .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 swims :
+4 while :
+5 carrying :
+6 a :
+7 stick :
+8 in :
+9 its :
+10 mouth :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl in a pink jacket is walking through a large puddle .
+// A young boy is splashing through a puddle of water .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 is :
+5 splashing :
+6 through :
+7 a :
+8 puddle :
+9 of :
+10 water :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl sits on a red play structure
+// A little girl on a red jungle gym .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 red :
+7 jungle :
+8 gym :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of people in front of a red fire truck .
+// A group of people are standing around a red fire truck .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 are :
+6 standing :
+7 around :
+8 a :
+9 red :
+10 fire :
+11 truck :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The black and white dog runs through the grass .
+// three black and white dogs running through a watery field .
+1 three :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dogs :
+6 running :
+7 through :
+8 a :
+9 watery :
+10 field :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy in red jumping into a sandbox .
+// A dog swimming in a pond
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 swimming :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 pond :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy wearing a blue jacket swings a bat at a white ball .
+// A young boy in a blue jacket swings a bat at a ball .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 blue :
+7 jacket :
+8 swings :
+9 a :
+10 bat :
+11 at :
+12 a :
+13 ball :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs are playing in the white snow .
+// Three dogs play with a Frisbee in a snowy field .
+1 Three :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 with :
+5 a :
+6 Frisbee :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 snowy :
+10 field :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in a black wetsuit is surfung in the waves .
+// A surfer in a black wet suit surfs on a medium wave .
+1 A :
+2 surfer :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 black :
+6 wet :
+7 suit :
+8 surfs :
+9 on :
+10 a :
+11 medium :
+12 wave :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog jumping into a lake .
+// A black dog runs very fast in a field in a park .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 very :
+6 fast :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 field :
+10 in :
+11 a :
+12 park :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs playing in the snow .
+// Two black dogs in the snow .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 dogs :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs run on the grass .
+// A dog running on the grass .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 running :
+4 on :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A tennis player hitting the ball .
+// Two boys splashing in the surf .
+1 Two :
+2 boys :
+3 splashing :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 surf :
+7 . :
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man wearing a orange vest is canoeing in the blue water .
+// A man in an orange jacket raising his hands to the sky in the sand .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 an :
+5 orange :
+6 jacket :
+7 raising :
+8 his :
+9 hands :
+10 to :
+11 the :
+12 sky :
+13 in :
+14 the :
+15 sand :
+16 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog asleep in a car .
+// A black and tan dog sleeps in the car .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 tan :
+5 dog :
+6 sleeps :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 car :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of men play rugby .
+// A group of men are playing ball together .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 men :
+5 are :
+6 playing :
+7 ball :
+8 together :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is riding a kayak through water .
+// A man kayaks in rough water .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 kayaks :
+4 in :
+5 rough :
+6 water :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog is jumping up to catch a green strap in it's mouth .
+// A grey dog jumps to bite a green leash .
+1 A :
+2 grey :
+3 dog :
+4 jumps :
+5 to :
+6 bite :
+7 a :
+8 green :
+9 leash :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog is sniffing a white dog that is lying on the floor .
+// Dog sniffing another dog lying under furniture .
+1 Dog :
+2 sniffing :
+3 another :
+4 dog :
+5 lying :
+6 under :
+7 furniture :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and grey dog runs in a field with it's tongue hanging out .
+// A black dog with a red collar walks through the grass with his mouth open and tongue hanging out .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 with :
+5 a :
+6 red :
+7 collar :
+8 walks :
+9 through :
+10 the :
+11 grass :
+12 with :
+13 his :
+14 mouth :
+15 open :
+16 and :
+17 tongue :
+18 hanging :
+19 out :
+20 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 <==> 18 19 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young girl running on the beach .
+// A little girl running at on the shore of a beach .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 running :
+5 at :
+6 on :
+7 the :
+8 shore :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 beach :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A rugby player in dark gear is carrying a light colored rugby ball with arm outstretched .
+// A brown dog splashes in the water while carrying a ball in it's mouth .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 splashes :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 while :
+9 carrying :
+10 a :
+11 ball :
+12 in :
+13 it's :
+14 mouth :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 13 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs groom each other .
+// Two dogs jumping on each other .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 jumping :
+4 on :
+5 each :
+6 other :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs , the white one standing on a Frisbee , playing together on grass .
+// Two dogs play on the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 on :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy receives a light saber for Christmas .
+// A boy holds a light saber in front of a Christmas tree .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 holds :
+4 a :
+5 light :
+6 saber :
+7 in :
+8 front :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 Christmas :
+12 tree :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The man sits on a sofa under the bridge and litter is all around him .
+// A man is sitting on a couch under an expressway ledge .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 sitting :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 couch :
+8 under :
+9 an :
+10 expressway :
+11 ledge :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The white and brown dog runs across the grass .
+// A brown and white dog runs across the grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 runs :
+7 across :
+8 the :
+9 grass :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog biting a horse 's leg .
+// A dog nips at the leg of a horse .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 nips :
+4 at :
+5 the :
+6 leg :
+7 of :
+8 a :
+9 horse :
+10 . :
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a young baby girl wearing a white outfit swinging in a baby swing
+// a young girl wearing a black and red swimsuit swinging on a swing
+1 a :
+2 young :
+3 girl :
+4 wearing :
+5 a :
+6 black :
+7 and :
+8 red :
+9 swimsuit :
+10 swinging :
+11 on :
+12 a :
+13 swing :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog with light brown markings has a stick in his mouth and his paws in the snow .
+// A white dog holds a stick in its mouth while it runs through snow .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 holds :
+5 a :
+6 stick :
+7 in :
+8 its :
+9 mouth :
+10 while :
+11 it :
+12 runs :
+13 through :
+14 snow :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 18 19 <==> 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog runs through the water in the ocean .
+// A brown dog runs through the water as a wave comes .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 as :
+9 a :
+10 wave :
+11 comes :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs play in the grass .
+// Two dogs are playing in the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 playing :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 grass :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two men on the side of a barge
+// A man is lying the grass with long hair and beard .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 lying :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 with :
+8 long :
+9 hair :
+10 and :
+11 beard :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man juggles at the beach .
+// A man in swim trunks is juggling on the beach
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 swim :
+5 trunks :
+6 is :
+7 juggling :
+8 on :
+9 the :
+10 beach :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two people and a dog are in the snow .
+// Two people playing on a snowy hill .
+1 Two :
+2 people :
+3 playing :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 snowy :
+7 hill :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The man is standing on the shore hitting a ball with a paddle .
+// Two teenage girls are standing on beside the beach listening to ipods .
+1 Two :
+2 teenage :
+3 girls :
+4 are :
+5 standing :
+6 on :
+7 beside :
+8 the :
+9 beach :
+10 listening :
+11 to :
+12 ipods :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two girls walking in the ocean .
+// two girls walking in the street
+1 two :
+2 girls :
+3 walking :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 street :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man jumps off of one rooftop onto another .
+// A young man jumps from one balcony to another .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 man :
+4 jumps :
+5 from :
+6 one :
+7 balcony :
+8 to :
+9 another :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a woman playing with two young boys at a park
+// A woman and three kids play at a park .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 and :
+4 three :
+5 kids :
+6 play :
+7 at :
+8 a :
+9 park :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man wearing glasses stands in front of a snowy mountain .
+// A man wearing black shorts is standing in front of a snow covered mountain .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 wearing :
+4 black :
+5 shorts :
+6 is :
+7 standing :
+8 in :
+9 front :
+10 of :
+11 a :
+12 snow :
+13 covered :
+14 mountain :
+15 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three boys playing soccer in a field
+// Three boys playing soccer .
+1 Three :
+2 boys :
+3 playing :
+4 soccer :
+5 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog is running through the snow .
+// A black pit bull dog is running through the dirt .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 pit :
+4 bull :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 through :
+9 the :
+10 dirt :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two girls taking a picture of themselves
+// Two blonde girls are taking a picture of themselves .
+1 Two :
+2 blonde :
+3 girls :
+4 are :
+5 taking :
+6 a :
+7 picture :
+8 of :
+9 themselves :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a man wearing a grey jacket standing on the side of a street .
+// A boy wearing a blue life jacket is holding onto the side of a green boat .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 blue :
+6 life :
+7 jacket :
+8 is :
+9 holding :
+10 onto :
+11 the :
+12 side :
+13 of :
+14 a :
+15 green :
+16 boat :
+17 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 13 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog jumps in the snow .
+// A black dog jumping over tire tracks in the snow .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 jumping :
+5 over :
+6 tire :
+7 tracks :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 snow :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// child hanging upside down from a tree swing
+// A girl is by a tree hanging upside-down from a swing .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 is :
+4 by :
+5 a :
+6 tree :
+7 hanging :
+8 upside-down :
+9 from :
+10 a :
+11 swing :
+12 . :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog is running through a snowy field .
+// A black , brown and white dog running through a field .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 , :
+4 brown :
+5 and :
+6 white :
+7 dog :
+8 running :
+9 through :
+10 a :
+11 field :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man riding his bike on the beach by the ocean .
+// A man walking his cow down the side of the road .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 walking :
+4 his :
+5 cow :
+6 down :
+7 the :
+8 side :
+9 of :
+10 the :
+11 road :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy jumps into a not-so-crowded public pool .
+// A man jumps while on a snowboard .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 jumps :
+4 while :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 snowboard :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog jumps high in the grass .
+// A brown dog digs in the sand .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 digs :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 sand :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a group of old men walking down the street
+// A couple walking down the street .
+1 A :
+2 couple :
+3 walking :
+4 down :
+5 the :
+6 street :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of people are camping out on some rocks .
+// A group of people are standing beside a fire truck .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 are :
+6 standing :
+7 beside :
+8 a :
+9 fire :
+10 truck :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The two dogs are playing fetch in the snow .
+// The dogs play in the snow .
+1 The :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Dog is jumping down a ramp .
+// A girls is jumping in the sand .
+1 A :
+2 girls :
+3 is :
+4 jumping :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 sand :
+8 . :
+2 3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three greyhounds racing on a track
+// Five greyhounds are racing on a sand track .
+1 Five :
+2 greyhounds :
+3 are :
+4 racing :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 sand :
+8 track :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two black dogs are playing on the grass .
+// Two black dogs are playing in a grassy plain .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 dogs :
+4 are :
+5 playing :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 grassy :
+9 plain :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A little brown dog is running on the grass .
+// The brown dog is running on the grass .
+1 The :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 on :
+7 the :
+8 grass :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy wearing a yellow shirt and blue pants is climbing a tree in a hilly area .
+// A boy wearing a yellow shirt and blue pants is climbing on a tree branch in a grassy field .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 yellow :
+6 shirt :
+7 and :
+8 blue :
+9 pants :
+10 is :
+11 climbing :
+12 on :
+13 a :
+14 tree :
+15 branch :
+16 in :
+17 a :
+18 grassy :
+19 field :
+20 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 <==> 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 16 17 <==> 16 17 18 19 // EQUI // 5 //
+18 <==> 20 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A harnessed dog leaps over a log as another dog follows behind .
+// A brown and white dog is leaping over a log in a field while another dog follows behind it .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 leaping :
+8 over :
+9 a :
+10 log :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 field :
+14 while :
+15 another :
+16 dog :
+17 follows :
+18 behind :
+19 it :
+20 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 20 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A small brown dog jumping up to catch a tennis ball .
+// a wet dog chasing a white ball
+1 a :
+2 wet :
+3 dog :
+4 chasing :
+5 a :
+6 white :
+7 ball :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a dog runs through the water .
+// A dog runs through the grass .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 runs :
+4 through :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl is doing a trick on her trampoline .
+// A girl does a handstand on a trampoline .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 does :
+4 a :
+5 handstand :
+6 on :
+7 a :
+8 trampoline :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// People with numbers on their chests are running in a pack .
+// A group of people are running a race .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 are :
+6 running :
+7 a :
+8 race :
+9 . :
+7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog walking through splashing water in a rocky creek .
+// A black dog splashes through greenish water .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 splashes :
+5 through :
+6 greenish :
+7 water :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Child sliding in the snow .
+// Man sleeping on the street .
+1 Man :
+2 sleeping :
+3 on :
+4 the :
+5 street :
+6 . :
+1 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog runs through a very wooded area .
+// A dog running through a creek .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 running :
+4 through :
+5 a :
+6 creek :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog and a tan dog are playing in tall grass .
+// A black and brown dog with a red ball overhead plays in the grass .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 brown :
+5 dog :
+6 with :
+7 a :
+8 red :
+9 ball :
+10 overhead :
+11 plays :
+12 in :
+13 the :
+14 grass :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person is squeezing through an opening in the rock face .
+// A medium sized brown dog is running through an open white wooded area .
+1 A :
+2 medium :
+3 sized :
+4 brown :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 through :
+9 an :
+10 open :
+11 white :
+12 wooded :
+13 area :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Six dogs running on the sandy beach .
+// Six dogs walking beside the beach .
+1 Six :
+2 dogs :
+3 walking :
+4 beside :
+5 the :
+6 beach :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two people are walking through some water .
+// Two girls are walking by a tree in front of a brick building .
+1 Two :
+2 girls :
+3 are :
+4 walking :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 tree :
+8 in :
+9 front :
+10 of :
+11 a :
+12 brick :
+13 building :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman and a dog rowing down a wide river .
+// Woman and dog in rowboat on the water .
+1 Woman :
+2 and :
+3 dog :
+4 in :
+5 rowboat :
+6 on :
+7 the :
+8 water :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs are playing in the water .
+// Three dogs swim in the water .
+1 Three :
+2 dogs :
+3 swim :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 water :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy in a blue jacket swings a bat at a ball .
+// A young boy wearing a blue visor swings a bat .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 wearing :
+5 a :
+6 blue :
+7 visor :
+8 swings :
+9 a :
+10 bat :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three individuals are posing on skis behind a "no skiing" sign .
+// Three people on skis are standing behind a no skiing sign .
+1 Three :
+2 people :
+3 on :
+4 skis :
+5 are :
+6 standing :
+7 behind :
+8 a :
+9 no :
+10 skiing :
+11 sign :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A female DJ holds up a Michael Jackson album .
+// a girl holding a picture of Michael Jackson smiling
+1 a :
+2 girl :
+3 holding :
+4 a :
+5 picture :
+6 of :
+7 Michael :
+8 Jackson :
+9 smiling :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The black and white dog is running on the grass .
+// A black and white dog swims in blue water .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 swims :
+7 in :
+8 blue :
+9 water :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two teenage girls , one is smiling .
+// A little girl on a kid swing .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 kid :
+7 swing :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown and black dog walks in the white snow .
+// A brown and black dog walks in the snow with it's tongue hanging out .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 black :
+5 dog :
+6 walks :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 snow :
+10 with :
+11 it's :
+12 tongue :
+13 hanging :
+14 out :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two teenagers huddle in a doorway in the rain .
+// Two people wearing hoodies huddle on a doorstep in the rain .
+1 Two :
+2 people :
+3 wearing :
+4 hoodies :
+5 huddle :
+6 on :
+7 a :
+8 doorstep :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 rain :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a boy swinging on a swing .
+// The girl is on a swing .
+1 The :
+2 girl :
+3 is :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 swing :
+7 . :
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young girl doing a back flip in the water .
+// a young girl wearing purple running through water
+1 a :
+2 young :
+3 girl :
+4 wearing :
+5 purple :
+6 running :
+7 through :
+8 water :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is riding a bicycle on a dirt path .
+// Two dogs running along dirt path .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 running :
+4 along :
+5 dirt :
+6 path :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A light brown dog runs down a path happily .
+// A pale dog runs down a path .
+1 A :
+2 pale :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 down :
+6 a :
+7 path :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl does a back bend on the beach .
+// A girl doing a back bend at the beach .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 doing :
+4 a :
+5 back :
+6 bend :
+7 at :
+8 the :
+9 beach :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two older men in front of a bus .
+// Two men step off the bus together .
+1 Two :
+2 men :
+3 step :
+4 off :
+5 the :
+6 bus :
+7 together :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A little girl walks on a boardwalk with blue domes in the background .
+// A man going over a jump on his bike with a river in the background
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 going :
+4 over :
+5 a :
+6 jump :
+7 on :
+8 his :
+9 bike :
+10 with :
+11 a :
+12 river :
+13 in :
+14 the :
+15 background :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man on a bike nest to a river .
+// A man on a bike does a very high jump .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 on :
+4 a :
+5 bike :
+6 does :
+7 a :
+8 very :
+9 high :
+10 jump :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Black and white dog running through water .
+// A black and white dog is running through grass .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 through :
+9 grass :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dalmation is running along the beach .
+// A white dog is running on sand .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 on :
+7 sand :
+8 . :
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog leaps out of the water towards shore .
+// a tan dog jumping through the water towards the shore .
+1 a :
+2 tan :
+3 dog :
+4 jumping :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 towards :
+9 the :
+10 shore :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// two dogs play in the grass .
+// Two dogs play in the water .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 water :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A wet white dog is splashing in the water with a stick in it's mouth .
+// A white dogs treads the water with sticks in its mouth .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dogs :
+4 treads :
+5 the :
+6 water :
+7 with :
+8 sticks :
+9 in :
+10 its :
+11 mouth :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A blonde dog is catching a ball in its mouth in the snow .
+// A little blonde girl is sitting on a green chair .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 blonde :
+4 girl :
+5 is :
+6 sitting :
+7 on :
+8 a :
+9 green :
+10 chair :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// two puppies playing around in the grass
+// Two puppies play in the grass
+1 Two :
+2 puppies :
+3 play :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs run on a dirt area near a forest .
+// Two dogs run down a dirt path in the forest .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 run :
+4 down :
+5 a :
+6 dirt :
+7 path :
+8 in :
+9 the :
+10 forest :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The brown and white dog is running across the sand with a red object in his mouth .
+// A dog is running along a beach with a red object in its mouth .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 along :
+6 a :
+7 beach :
+8 with :
+9 a :
+10 red :
+11 object :
+12 in :
+13 its :
+14 mouth :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 16 17 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+18 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are playing in the snow .
+// The dogs are running in the snow .
+1 The :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog jumps high on a field of grass .
+// A brown dog running in field of long green grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 field :
+7 of :
+8 long :
+9 green :
+10 grass :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Boat sails in rough water .
+// A man is kayaking in rough waters .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 kayaking :
+5 in :
+6 rough :
+7 waters :
+8 . :
+3 4 5 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The girl is playing along with the images on the big screen .
+// Three girls holding umbrellas with their backs to the camera .
+1 Three :
+2 girls :
+3 holding :
+4 umbrellas :
+5 with :
+6 their :
+7 backs :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 camera :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog with its two front paws on a rock in a field .
+// A dog is running in a field .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 field :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is rock climbing on a natural rock .
+// A woman with glowing shoes at an outdoor event .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 with :
+4 glowing :
+5 shoes :
+6 at :
+7 an :
+8 outdoor :
+9 event :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs holding one Frisbee in their mouths .
+// Two dogs holding a single black Frisbee in their mouths
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 holding :
+4 a :
+5 single :
+6 black :
+7 Frisbee :
+8 in :
+9 their :
+10 mouths :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two people are in bed .
+// Two boxers are in the ring .
+1 Two :
+2 boxers :
+3 are :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 ring :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown and white dog running on grass .
+// A brown and white dog running fast in a fenced yard .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 running :
+7 fast :
+8 in :
+9 a :
+10 fenced :
+11 yard :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog is jumping over a log with ears flying and tongue out .
+// A dog leaps over a log in the woods .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 leaps :
+4 over :
+5 a :
+6 log :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 woods :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man climbs a snowy mountain .
+// A hiker moves up a snowy mountain .
+1 A :
+2 hiker :
+3 moves :
+4 up :
+5 a :
+6 snowy :
+7 mountain :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a man walks two dogs on leashes down the street
+// A man walks two dogs in the city .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 walks :
+4 two :
+5 dogs :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 city :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The beagle is walking on the beach at the waterline .
+// A beagle walks along the calm shore .
+1 A :
+2 beagle :
+3 walks :
+4 along :
+5 the :
+6 calm :
+7 shore :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two Asian men and Asian woman sit in black massage chairs .
+// Two Asian men and a woman are relaxing in massage chairs .
+1 Two :
+2 Asian :
+3 men :
+4 and :
+5 a :
+6 woman :
+7 are :
+8 relaxing :
+9 in :
+10 massage :
+11 chairs :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs fighting in the snow .
+// Two dogs playing in the snow .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 playing :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a white dog is running through the snow .
+// A little white dog running through the sand .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 running :
+6 through :
+7 the :
+8 sand :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy wearing a red shirt runs along a beach .
+// A boy wearing a red sweater runs along a colorful beach .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 red :
+6 sweater :
+7 runs :
+8 along :
+9 a :
+10 colorful :
+11 beach :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two large black dogs are playing in a grassy field .
+// Two white dogs are running together .
+1 Two :
+2 white :
+3 dogs :
+4 are :
+5 running :
+6 together :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown and white dog is walking next to a man on a skateboard .
+// A brown and white dog is running down a ramp .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 down :
+9 a :
+10 ramp :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// two puppies playing around in the grass
+// Two dogs are wrestling in the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 wrestling :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 grass :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The tan and white dog is running in the field .
+// The brown and white dogs run through the field .
+1 The :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dogs :
+6 run :
+7 through :
+8 the :
+9 field :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman does a handstand on the beach .
+// a blond girl doing a handstand on a beach
+1 a :
+2 blond :
+3 girl :
+4 doing :
+5 a :
+6 handstand :
+7 on :
+8 a :
+9 beach :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog is swimming in a large green lake .
+// A black dog runs fast into shallow water .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 fast :
+6 into :
+7 shallow :
+8 water :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog is running through the snow .
+// A brown dog is running through the field .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 through :
+7 the :
+8 field :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white and brown dog is running over grass .
+// A brown and white dog is running across the grass .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 is :
+7 running :
+8 across :
+9 the :
+10 grass :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a skateboarder doing a trick on a ramp
+// A skateboarder riding up to a slope .
+1 A :
+2 skateboarder :
+3 riding :
+4 up :
+5 to :
+6 a :
+7 slope :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in a batman suit running .
+// A man in a batman costume is running a race .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 batman :
+6 costume :
+7 is :
+8 running :
+9 a :
+10 race :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog chews on an orange ball .
+// A dog has an orange ball in its mouth .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 has :
+4 an :
+5 orange :
+6 ball :
+7 in :
+8 its :
+9 mouth :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are playing on the beach together .
+// Two black dogs are playing in a grass .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 dogs :
+4 are :
+5 playing :
+6 in :
+7 a :
+8 grass :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// These children are playing on a trampoline outdoors .
+// four children are playing on a trampoline .
+1 four :
+2 children :
+3 are :
+4 playing :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 trampoline :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The large brown and white dog is running through the snow .
+// St. Bernard dog running in the snowy field .
+1 St. :
+2 Bernard :
+3 dog :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 snowy :
+8 field :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog jumping into the air .
+// A black and white dog jumping over an obstacle .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 jumping :
+7 over :
+8 an :
+9 obstacle :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young girl , in an orange dress , holding a tennis racket .
+// A girl in a dress holds a tennis racket .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 dress :
+6 holds :
+7 a :
+8 tennis :
+9 racket :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog runs on a beach .
+// The white dog is running along the beach .
+1 The :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 along :
+7 the :
+8 beach :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man and dog on a rocky seashore .
+// Man and dog standing on rocks next to water
+1 Man :
+2 and :
+3 dog :
+4 standing :
+5 on :
+6 rocks :
+7 next :
+8 to :
+9 water :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Four hooded children huddle under a blanket outdoors .
+// Four children keeping warm under a blanket .
+1 Four :
+2 children :
+3 keeping :
+4 warm :
+5 under :
+6 a :
+7 blanket :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young laughing girl and a boy are playing on a big drum .
+// A baby girl and little boy are standing next to a guitar and a drum .
+1 A :
+2 baby :
+3 girl :
+4 and :
+5 little :
+6 boy :
+7 are :
+8 standing :
+9 next :
+10 to :
+11 a :
+12 guitar :
+13 and :
+14 a :
+15 drum :
+16 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A little girl takes a picture while mom watches in boredom .
+// A little girl in pajamas takes a picture with a camera
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 in :
+5 pajamas :
+6 takes :
+7 a :
+8 picture :
+9 with :
+10 a :
+11 camera :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog leaps over a barrier .
+// A dog leaps over a fence .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 leaps :
+4 over :
+5 a :
+6 fence :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy plays baseball .
+// A man is playing baseball .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 playing :
+5 baseball :
+6 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// People sitting on a couch laugh .
+// Four happy people sitting on a red couch
+1 Four :
+2 happy :
+3 people :
+4 sitting :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 red :
+8 couch :
+2 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy jumping into a pool that says "no diving" .
+// A boy jumps into a not-so-crowded public pool .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 jumps :
+4 into :
+5 a :
+6 not-so-crowded :
+7 public :
+8 pool :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy leaps from one couch to another .
+// A young boy is leaping from one chair to another .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 is :
+5 leaping :
+6 from :
+7 one :
+8 chair :
+9 to :
+10 another :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy wearing a red winter coat is eating and holding up a candy bar .
+// A young boy wearing a red coat eats a chocolate bar .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 wearing :
+5 a :
+6 red :
+7 coat :
+8 eats :
+9 a :
+10 chocolate :
+11 bar :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 16 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs running on grass .
+// Two black , wet dogs running on grass .
+1 Two :
+2 black :
+3 , :
+4 wet :
+5 dogs :
+6 running :
+7 on :
+8 grass :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two boys playing a game of flag football .
+// Two boys are playing flag football .
+1 Two :
+2 boys :
+3 are :
+4 playing :
+5 flag :
+6 football :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A golden retriever is jumping off a wooden porch
+// A gold dog jumping off a wooden porch .
+1 A :
+2 gold :
+3 dog :
+4 jumping :
+5 off :
+6 a :
+7 wooden :
+8 porch :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young child is holding onto the back of a wicker chair .
+// A young child holds a spoon to it's mouth while sitting in a chair .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 child :
+4 holds :
+5 a :
+6 spoon :
+7 to :
+8 it's :
+9 mouth :
+10 while :
+11 sitting :
+12 in :
+13 a :
+14 chair :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are running on the grass .
+// Two birds interacting in the grass
+1 Two :
+2 birds :
+3 interacting :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two surfers on riding a small wave .
+// Two surfers perform tricks in the waves .
+1 Two :
+2 surfers :
+3 perform :
+4 tricks :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 waves :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown furry animal stands behind some plants .
+// A dog pants while standing in the woods .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 pants :
+4 while :
+5 standing :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 woods :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog jumps high in the snow .
+// A dog runs in the snow .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 runs :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog in the snow .
+// Two dogs in snow .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 in :
+4 snow :
+5 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog running through snow .
+// A collie running through the snow .
+1 A :
+2 collie :
+3 running :
+4 through :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are fighting on brick pavement .
+// Two brownish dogs are fighting .
+1 Two :
+2 brownish :
+3 dogs :
+4 are :
+5 fighting :
+6 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The black dog is running on the grass .
+// The German shepherd dog is running through the snow .
+1 The :
+2 German :
+3 shepherd :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 running :
+7 through :
+8 the :
+9 snow :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog catching a ball .
+// A dog catching a Frisbee .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 catching :
+4 a :
+5 Frisbee :
+6 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two black dogs playing in the snow .
+// Two dogs play in the snow
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl with a purple and white helmet is riding on a scooter .
+// A girl wearing a helmet rides a scooter .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 helmet :
+6 rides :
+7 a :
+8 scooter :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a skateboard performs a trick off a quarter pipe .
+// A skateboarder attempts to do a trick over a homemade ramp .
+1 A :
+2 skateboarder :
+3 attempts :
+4 to :
+5 do :
+6 a :
+7 trick :
+8 over :
+9 a :
+10 homemade :
+11 ramp :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of people are standing by a window watching something .
+// A group of people stand and wait to see something .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 stand :
+6 and :
+7 wait :
+8 to :
+9 see :
+10 something :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A softball player swinging at a pitch .
+// A baseball player hitting the ball
+1 A :
+2 baseball :
+3 player :
+4 hitting :
+5 the :
+6 ball :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three sheep graze on the grassy field with a dog walking behind them .
+// a small group of goats in the grass with a black and white dog in the backgroud .
+1 a :
+2 small :
+3 group :
+4 of :
+5 goats :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 grass :
+9 with :
+10 a :
+11 black :
+12 and :
+13 white :
+14 dog :
+15 in :
+16 the :
+17 backgroud :
+18 . :
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 9 10 11 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs playing in the snow while one dog wears a jacket .
+// Three dogs playing in the snow , with a city in the background .
+1 Three :
+2 dogs :
+3 playing :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 , :
+8 with :
+9 a :
+10 city :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 background :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a black , brown and white dog running along with a white Frisbee in his mouth .
+// A black and white dog carries a white Frisbee over the grass .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 carries :
+7 a :
+8 white :
+9 Frisbee :
+10 over :
+11 the :
+12 grass :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog runs with a yellow toy in its mouth .
+// A dog swimming with a stick in it's mouth .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 swimming :
+4 with :
+5 a :
+6 stick :
+7 in :
+8 it's :
+9 mouth :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The dog is playing in the water .
+// A dog is wading in the water .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 wading :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 water :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy is riding a bike .
+// A young girl laying on a blue inflatable toy
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 girl :
+4 laying :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 blue :
+8 inflatable :
+9 toy :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The white and brown dog is running quickly through the grass .
+// The big white dog is running in the grass .
+1 The :
+2 big :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 is :
+6 running :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 grass :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog running through an obstacle course
+// A black and white dog runs through pole obstacles .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 runs :
+7 through :
+8 pole :
+9 obstacles :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The child in the red coat laid in the red mat .
+// The toddler is ready to climb the red piece of equipment .
+1 The :
+2 toddler :
+3 is :
+4 ready :
+5 to :
+6 climb :
+7 the :
+8 red :
+9 piece :
+10 of :
+11 equipment :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A golden dog is running through the snow .
+// A pack of sled dogs pulling a sled through a town .
+1 A :
+2 pack :
+3 of :
+4 sled :
+5 dogs :
+6 pulling :
+7 a :
+8 sled :
+9 through :
+10 a :
+11 town :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three children and playing and laughing on the floor .
+// Three children playing on the floor .
+1 Three :
+2 children :
+3 playing :
+4 on :
+5 the :
+6 floor :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a black dog swimming through a river .
+// a black dog digging through the snow .
+1 a :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 digging :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A bulldog is running through a grassy park while people stand in the background .
+// A dog is running in a large body of water causing it to splash .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 large :
+8 body :
+9 of :
+10 water :
+11 causing :
+12 it :
+13 to :
+14 splash :
+15 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+// brown and white dog with a baseball in its mouth .
+// Black and white dog holding a baseball in mouth .
+1 Black :
+2 and :
+3 white :
+4 dog :
+5 holding :
+6 a :
+7 baseball :
+8 in :
+9 mouth :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A golden dog is running through the snow .
+// A black dog is running through the snow .
+1 A :
+2 black :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 through :
+7 the :
+8 snow :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Girls dressed in red and black costumes hold a wrestling pose .
+// Two girls dressed like waitresses dance along with a man dressed as a chef .
+1 Two :
+2 girls :
+3 dressed :
+4 like :
+5 waitresses :
+6 dance :
+7 along :
+8 with :
+9 a :
+10 man :
+11 dressed :
+12 as :
+13 a :
+14 chef :
+15 . :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+2 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Baby with blonde pigtails in yellow room attempting to climb out of green playpen .
+// A female toddler in pigtails is trying to climb out of a green and white playpen .
+1 A :
+2 female :
+3 toddler :
+4 in :
+5 pigtails :
+6 is :
+7 trying :
+8 to :
+9 climb :
+10 out :
+11 of :
+12 a :
+13 green :
+14 and :
+15 white :
+16 playpen :
+17 . :
+2 3 4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 <==> 12 13 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The two dogs are playing fetch in the snow .
+// Two dogs are playing together in the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 playing :
+5 together :
+6 in :
+7 the :
+8 grass :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man eating an apple , sitting in public .
+// A man sits in a public place eating an apple .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 sits :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 public :
+7 place :
+8 eating :
+9 an :
+10 apple :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man wearing a red bicycle helmet talking on a cell phone with other people in the background .
+// A man in a bicycle helmet is talking on a cell phone with other people behind him .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 bicycle :
+6 helmet :
+7 is :
+8 talking :
+9 on :
+10 a :
+11 cell :
+12 phone :
+13 with :
+14 other :
+15 people :
+16 behind :
+17 him :
+18 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 12 <==> 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 17 18 <==> 16 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy is punching a yellow ball .
+// A small dog jumps over a yellow beam .
+1 A :
+2 small :
+3 dog :
+4 jumps :
+5 over :
+6 a :
+7 yellow :
+8 beam :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman wearing a pink Tinker Bell jacket leans against a railing .
+// A woman wearing a pink Tinkerbell sweatshirt leans on a railing overlooking water .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 pink :
+6 Tinkerbell :
+7 sweatshirt :
+8 leans :
+9 on :
+10 a :
+11 railing :
+12 overlooking :
+13 water :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man walks toward a policeman standing in a crosswalk on a city street .
+// A policeman stands in a crosswalk in a city .
+1 A :
+2 policeman :
+3 stands :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 crosswalk :
+7 in :
+8 a :
+9 city :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 14 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young boy plays in a red ball pit .
+// A laughing boy lies on a pit of blue balls .
+1 A :
+2 laughing :
+3 boy :
+4 lies :
+5 on :
+6 a :
+7 pit :
+8 of :
+9 blue :
+10 balls :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog with red ears is running in the snow .
+// a wet black dog with a red collar is in the river
+1 a :
+2 wet :
+3 black :
+4 dog :
+5 with :
+6 a :
+7 red :
+8 collar :
+9 is :
+10 in :
+11 the :
+12 river :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A little boy clowns with a colander on his head .
+// A boy with a metal colander on his head .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 with :
+4 a :
+5 metal :
+6 colander :
+7 on :
+8 his :
+9 head :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog racing on a track .
+// A dog chases another by a tree .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 chases :
+4 another :
+5 by :
+6 a :
+7 tree :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in a black leather jacket is sleeping in a subway car .
+// A man in a black leather jacket falls asleep on public transportation .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 a :
+5 black :
+6 leather :
+7 jacket :
+8 falls :
+9 asleep :
+10 on :
+11 public :
+12 transportation :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 13 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog jumps on a lawn .
+// A dog jumps of a surfboard
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 jumps :
+4 of :
+5 a :
+6 surfboard :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs run towards shore through shallow water .
+// Two grey dogs running through the shallow water of a lake .
+1 Two :
+2 grey :
+3 dogs :
+4 running :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 shallow :
+8 water :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 lake :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A bird with it's wings spread
+// A bird flying in the air
+1 A :
+2 bird :
+3 flying :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 air :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a boy in a red shirt , in front of a long blue wall , raises his eyebrow at the camera
+// The boy in the red shirt is next to a blue wall .
+1 The :
+2 boy :
+3 in :
+4 the :
+5 red :
+6 shirt :
+7 is :
+8 next :
+9 to :
+10 a :
+11 blue :
+12 wall :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 12 13 14 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman jogs beside a tall concrete wall .
+// A woman runs beside a concrete wall .
+1 A :
+2 woman :
+3 runs :
+4 beside :
+5 a :
+6 concrete :
+7 wall :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog digging a hole in front of a plant
+// A group of people walking on the side of a railroad track .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 walking :
+6 on :
+7 the :
+8 side :
+9 of :
+10 a :
+11 railroad :
+12 track :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man in a red coat and hat talks to another man in red .
+// A man wearing a red coat with glass looks at another man .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 wearing :
+4 a :
+5 red :
+6 coat :
+7 with :
+8 glass :
+9 looks :
+10 at :
+11 another :
+12 man :
+13 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 8 <==> 3 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs play in the grass .
+// Two tan dogs play in the snow .
+1 Two :
+2 tan :
+3 dogs :
+4 play :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy doing a back flip into a swimming pool .
+// A boy wearing red and blue swim trunks jumping head first into a swimming pool .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 wearing :
+4 red :
+5 and :
+6 blue :
+7 swim :
+8 trunks :
+9 jumping :
+10 head :
+11 first :
+12 into :
+13 a :
+14 swimming :
+15 pool :
+16 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 10 <==> 12 13 14 15 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and white dog is jumping over a hurdle .
+// A white dog running over a bridge .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 running :
+5 over :
+6 a :
+7 bridge :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A girl bounces upside down on her head on a trampoline .
+// A girl is bouncing on her head on a trampoline .
+1 A :
+2 girl :
+3 is :
+4 bouncing :
+5 on :
+6 her :
+7 head :
+8 on :
+9 a :
+10 trampoline :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Children jumping on a trampoline .
+// A man is sledding on an orange slide .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 is :
+4 sledding :
+5 on :
+6 an :
+7 orange :
+8 slide :
+9 . :
+1 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A person snowboarding and jumping over a construction sign .
+// a long snowboarder jumping over a barricade outside in the snow .
+1 a :
+2 long :
+3 snowboarder :
+4 jumping :
+5 over :
+6 a :
+7 barricade :
+8 outside :
+9 in :
+10 the :
+11 snow :
+12 . :
+3 4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The skateboarder gets to the top of the ramp .
+// The skateboarder rides the pipe wall at a skater park .
+1 The :
+2 skateboarder :
+3 rides :
+4 the :
+5 pipe :
+6 wall :
+7 at :
+8 a :
+9 skater :
+10 park :
+11 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two boys in a field kicking a soccer ball .
+// Two football players bang into each other during a football game .
+1 Two :
+2 football :
+3 players :
+4 bang :
+5 into :
+6 each :
+7 other :
+8 during :
+9 a :
+10 football :
+11 game :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A crowd of people stand on a rural road , a field behind them , a forest in front .
+// A bunch of people standing next to a car with it's trunk open .
+1 A :
+2 bunch :
+3 of :
+4 people :
+5 standing :
+6 next :
+7 to :
+8 a :
+9 car :
+10 with :
+11 it's :
+12 trunk :
+13 open :
+14 . :
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+20 <==> 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog runs through the deep snow .
+// A white dog is running through the snow .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 running :
+6 through :
+7 the :
+8 snow :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy riding on a swing .
+// A young boy riding in a swing .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 boy :
+4 riding :
+5 in :
+6 a :
+7 swing :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A woman pointing at a geyser .
+// Women pointing at a geyser .
+1 Women :
+2 pointing :
+3 at :
+4 a :
+5 geyser :
+6 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs are playing in the white snow .
+// Two dogs are playing in the grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 playing :
+5 in :
+6 the :
+7 grass :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// An elderly woman rides a bicycle along a city street .
+// An elderly woman walking uphill crossing the street .
+1 An :
+2 elderly :
+3 woman :
+4 walking :
+5 uphill :
+6 crossing :
+7 the :
+8 street :
+9 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two girls next to a mossy tree .
+// Two girls lean around a tree , laughing .
+1 Two :
+2 girls :
+3 lean :
+4 around :
+5 a :
+6 tree :
+7 , :
+8 laughing :
+9 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A small boy is building with some wooden blocks .
+// A small boy wearing a blue shirt stacks wooden blocks .
+1 A :
+2 small :
+3 boy :
+4 wearing :
+5 a :
+6 blue :
+7 shirt :
+8 stacks :
+9 wooden :
+10 blocks :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 9 <==> 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a brown dog standing in the middle of ahuge field .
+// A brown dog in a field .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 field :
+7 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The brown dog runs on the snow with a white ball in his mouth .
+// Four dogs play in the snow with the city skyline behind them .
+1 Four :
+2 dogs :
+3 play :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 snow :
+7 with :
+8 the :
+9 city :
+10 skyline :
+11 behind :
+12 them :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a brown and white dog is running on the grass .
+// a brown and white dog running crazily through the grass .
+1 a :
+2 brown :
+3 and :
+4 white :
+5 dog :
+6 running :
+7 crazily :
+8 through :
+9 the :
+10 grass :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A brown dog about to catch a green Frisbee .
+// A brown dog waits for the Frisbee to come down before catching it .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 waits :
+5 for :
+6 the :
+7 Frisbee :
+8 to :
+9 come :
+10 down :
+11 before :
+12 catching :
+13 it :
+14 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A young girl with a pink hat on with a yellow building in the background .
+// A young girl in a pink dress with something in her hand .
+1 A :
+2 young :
+3 girl :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 pink :
+7 dress :
+8 with :
+9 something :
+10 in :
+11 her :
+12 hand :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 8 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is standing on top of a rock or mountain watching the sun set .
+// A man standing in the mountains watching a sunset .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 standing :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 mountains :
+7 watching :
+8 a :
+9 sunset :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 <==> 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+16 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The couple is sitting near the water in lawn chairs .
+// The boy hops from one picnic table to the other in the park .
+1 The :
+2 boy :
+3 hops :
+4 from :
+5 one :
+6 picnic :
+7 table :
+8 to :
+9 the :
+10 other :
+11 in :
+12 the :
+13 park :
+14 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man is swinging on a rope above the water .
+// A man in warm clothes swinging on monkey bars at night .
+1 A :
+2 man :
+3 in :
+4 warm :
+5 clothes :
+6 swinging :
+7 on :
+8 monkey :
+9 bars :
+10 at :
+11 night :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog running through deep snow pack .
+// A dog runs through the deep snow .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 runs :
+4 through :
+5 the :
+6 deep :
+7 snow :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The dog is running in the grass .
+// a dog pounces on the grass .
+1 a :
+2 dog :
+3 pounces :
+4 on :
+5 the :
+6 grass :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A Golden Retriever jumping off a wood porch .
+// A golden retriever is jumping off a wooden porch
+1 A :
+2 golden :
+3 retriever :
+4 is :
+5 jumping :
+6 off :
+7 a :
+8 wooden :
+9 porch :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// The dog is running with food in his mouth .
+// The dog is running with a yellow ball in his mouth .
+1 The :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 with :
+6 a :
+7 yellow :
+8 ball :
+9 in :
+10 his :
+11 mouth :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A reddish brown dog runs across the snow with a snowball in its mouth .
+// The beautiful reddish dog lopes around the flat snowy street with a snowball in its mouth .
+1 The :
+2 beautiful :
+3 reddish :
+4 dog :
+5 lopes :
+6 around :
+7 the :
+8 flat :
+9 snowy :
+10 street :
+11 with :
+12 a :
+13 snowball :
+14 in :
+15 its :
+16 mouth :
+17 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 6 7 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 10 11 <==> 11 12 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 13 14 <==> 14 15 16 // EQUI // 5 //
+15 <==> 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog with brown spots is running in a yard , chasing a ball .
+// A white dog with brown markings chases an orange ball in a grassy field .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 with :
+5 brown :
+6 markings :
+7 chases :
+8 an :
+9 orange :
+10 ball :
+11 in :
+12 a :
+13 grassy :
+14 field :
+15 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A little girl and a little boy hold hands on a shiny slide .
+// A little girl in a paisley dress runs across a sandy playground .
+1 A :
+2 little :
+3 girl :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 paisley :
+7 dress :
+8 runs :
+9 across :
+10 a :
+11 sandy :
+12 playground :
+13 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three little boys take a bath in a rubber bin on the grass .
+// Three well-dressed children are sitting on a bench and smiling .
+1 Three :
+2 well-dressed :
+3 children :
+4 are :
+5 sitting :
+6 on :
+7 a :
+8 bench :
+9 and :
+10 smiling :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// a dog sniffing the brushes while a bull looks on
+// A brown dog sniffing at the fence of a brown bull .
+1 A :
+2 brown :
+3 dog :
+4 sniffing :
+5 at :
+6 the :
+7 fence :
+8 of :
+9 a :
+10 brown :
+11 bull :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog bounds through a path in the snow .
+// Two kids and a dog play in the snow .
+1 Two :
+2 kids :
+3 and :
+4 a :
+5 dog :
+6 play :
+7 in :
+8 the :
+9 snow :
+10 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A boy in a red jacket and balck hat sliding on his knees down a snowy hill
+// A boy is riding a red sledge down a snowy hill .
+1 A :
+2 boy :
+3 is :
+4 riding :
+5 a :
+6 red :
+7 sledge :
+8 down :
+9 a :
+10 snowy :
+11 hill :
+12 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 15 16 17 <==> 8 9 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three dogs running in a field of grass .
+// Two dogs run in a field of tall grass .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 run :
+4 in :
+5 a :
+6 field :
+7 of :
+8 tall :
+9 grass :
+10 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A group of men playing brass instruments .
+// A group of guys play instruments outside .
+1 A :
+2 group :
+3 of :
+4 guys :
+5 play :
+6 instruments :
+7 outside :
+8 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 <==> 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 <==> 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black and tan dog standing in a field near trees
+// A white dog is standing by a river shaking himself dry .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 is :
+5 standing :
+6 by :
+7 a :
+8 river :
+9 shaking :
+10 himself :
+11 dry :
+12 . :
+1 2 3 4 5 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 <==> 4 5 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 8 9 <==> 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Three people sit at a picnic table outside of a building painted like a union jack .
+// Three people sit at an outdoor table in front of a building painted like the Union Jack .
+1 Three :
+2 people :
+3 sit :
+4 at :
+5 an :
+6 outdoor :
+7 table :
+8 in :
+9 front :
+10 of :
+11 a :
+12 building :
+13 painted :
+14 like :
+15 the :
+16 Union :
+17 Jack :
+18 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 7 <==> 4 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 11 <==> 8 9 10 11 12 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 13 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 16 <==> 14 15 16 17 // EQUI // 5 //
+17 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A small dog runs through an obstacle course .
+// A small dog jumping over an obstacle .
+1 A :
+2 small :
+3 dog :
+4 jumping :
+5 over :
+6 an :
+7 obstacle :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+9 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A tent and a campsite in a sunlit forest .
+// A white dog on a beach is carrying a stick in its mouth .
+1 A :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 on :
+5 a :
+6 beach :
+7 is :
+8 carrying :
+9 a :
+10 stick :
+11 in :
+12 its :
+13 mouth :
+14 . :
+6 7 8 9 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 <==> 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A black dog is chasing two birds on the shore of the ocean .
+// A dog is running along the beach beside the ocean .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 is :
+4 running :
+5 along :
+6 the :
+7 beach :
+8 beside :
+9 the :
+10 ocean :
+11 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+8 9 10 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 13 <==> 8 9 10 // EQUI // 5 //
+14 <==> 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A man and woman with their hands on their chins are standing next to a Christmas tree .
+// The man with a white beard and blue cap is standing in the doorway of a workshop .
+1 The :
+2 man :
+3 with :
+4 a :
+5 white :
+6 beard :
+7 and :
+8 blue :
+9 cap :
+10 is :
+11 standing :
+12 in :
+13 the :
+14 doorway :
+15 of :
+16 a :
+17 workshop :
+18 . :
+1 2 3 4 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+11 12 <==> 10 11 // EQUI // 5 //
+13 14 15 16 17 <==> 12 13 14 // EQUI // 5 //
+18 <==> 18 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two dogs are running through the grass near a house and trees .
+// Two dogs are running through a green yard
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 are :
+4 running :
+5 through :
+6 a :
+7 green :
+8 yard :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 4 <==> 3 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+5 6 7 <==> 5 6 7 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// Two different breeds of brown and white dogs play on the beach .
+// Two dogs playing in the sand at the beach .
+1 Two :
+2 dogs :
+3 playing :
+4 in :
+5 the :
+6 sand :
+7 at :
+8 the :
+9 beach :
+10 . :
+9 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+10 11 12 <==> 7 8 9 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A white dog is running through the water onto the shore .
+// The white dog runs through the ocean .
+1 The :
+2 white :
+3 dog :
+4 runs :
+5 through :
+6 the :
+7 ocean :
+8 . :
+1 2 3 <==> 1 2 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 <==> 4 // EQUI // 5 //
+6 7 8 <==> 5 6 7 // EQUI // 5 //
+12 <==> 8 // EQUI // 5 //
+// A dog leaping over a hurdle .
+// A dog leaps over the hurdle .
+1 A :
+2 dog :
+3 leaps :
+4 over :
+5 the :
+6 hurdle :
+7 . :
+1 2 <==> 1 2 // EQUI // 5 //
+3 <==> 3 // EQUI // 5 //
+4 5 6 <==> 4 5 6 // EQUI // 5 //
+7 <==> 7 // EQUI // 5 //
diff --git a/20211030_162237/model_args.json b/20211030_162237/model_args.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2b39868b7310a51986eb81212f97bbb1fa5286af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_162237/model_args.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"model_name_or_path": "bert-base-uncased", "loss_type": "simcse-avg", "temp": 0.05, "hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1, "mlp_only_train": true, "coeff_mlm": 0.1, "loss_rwmd": false, "layer_idx": 12}
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..abc8eeee2c197bc5b5d96ee7565f19cff88ba2b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_162237/train_results.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+epoch = 3.0
+train_loss = 0.4807460529653556
+train_runtime = 2232.8308
+train_samples_per_second = 370.294
+train_steps_per_second = 1.446
diff --git a/20211030_162237/training_args.json b/20211030_162237/training_args.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ceb3730a23b65aaceef2d207e6afc61665724dca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_162237/training_args.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"output_dir": "/home/sh0416/checkpoints/20211030_162237", "overwrite_output_dir": false, "do_train": true, "do_eval": true, "do_predict": false, "evaluation_strategy": "steps", "prediction_loss_only": false, "per_device_train_batch_size": 256, "per_device_eval_batch_size": 128, "per_gpu_train_batch_size": null, "per_gpu_eval_batch_size": null, "gradient_accumulation_steps": 1, "eval_accumulation_steps": null, "learning_rate": 4e-05, "weight_decay": 0.0, "adam_beta1": 0.9, "adam_beta2": 0.999, "adam_epsilon": 1e-08, "max_grad_norm": 1.0, "num_train_epochs": 3.0, "max_steps": -1, "lr_scheduler_type": "linear", "warmup_ratio": 0.0, "warmup_steps": 0, "log_level": -1, "log_level_replica": -1, "log_on_each_node": true, "logging_dir": "/home/sh0416/checkpoints/20211030_162237/runs/Oct30_16-22-37_jarvis", "logging_strategy": "steps", "logging_first_step": false, "logging_steps": 500, "save_strategy": "steps", "save_steps": 500, "save_total_limit": 1, "save_on_each_node": false, "no_cuda": false, "seed": 3, "fp16": true, "fp16_opt_level": "O1", "fp16_backend": "auto", "fp16_full_eval": false, "local_rank": -1, "tpu_num_cores": null, "tpu_metrics_debug": false, "debug": [], "dataloader_drop_last": true, "eval_steps": 250, "dataloader_num_workers": 0, "past_index": -1, "run_name": "/home/sh0416/checkpoints/20211030_162237", "disable_tqdm": false, "remove_unused_columns": true, "label_names": null, "load_best_model_at_end": true, "metric_for_best_model": "stsb_spearman", "greater_is_better": true, "ignore_data_skip": false, "sharded_ddp": [], "deepspeed": null, "label_smoothing_factor": 0.0, "adafactor": false, "group_by_length": false, "length_column_name": "length", "report_to": [], "ddp_find_unused_parameters": null, "dataloader_pin_memory": true, "skip_memory_metrics": true, "use_legacy_prediction_loop": false, "push_to_hub": false, "resume_from_checkpoint": null, "push_to_hub_model_id": "20211030_162237", "push_to_hub_organization": null, "push_to_hub_token": null, "_n_gpu": 1, "mp_parameters": "", "eval_file": "/nas/home/sh0416/data/"}
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..39bd9fddc7ae0cf9d581755353e20b3887a773c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_162334/data_args.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"data_type": "simcse-nli", "train_file": "/nas/home/sh0416/data/simcse/nli_for_simcse.csv", "max_seq_length": 32, "add_typo_corpus": false, "typo_corpus_filepath": null, "dup_rate": 0.08}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/20211030_162334/model_args.json b/20211030_162334/model_args.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2b39868b7310a51986eb81212f97bbb1fa5286af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_162334/model_args.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"model_name_or_path": "bert-base-uncased", "loss_type": "simcse-avg", "temp": 0.05, "hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1, "mlp_only_train": true, "coeff_mlm": 0.1, "loss_rwmd": false, "layer_idx": 12}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/20211030_162334/training_args.json b/20211030_162334/training_args.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4ef8a4ddee7b19b5481d5aac31d1991640dc22f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_162334/training_args.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"output_dir": "/home/sh0416/checkpoints/20211030_162334", "overwrite_output_dir": false, "do_train": true, "do_eval": true, "do_predict": false, "evaluation_strategy": "steps", "prediction_loss_only": false, "per_device_train_batch_size": 512, "per_device_eval_batch_size": 128, "per_gpu_train_batch_size": null, "per_gpu_eval_batch_size": null, "gradient_accumulation_steps": 1, "eval_accumulation_steps": null, "learning_rate": 4e-05, "weight_decay": 0.0, "adam_beta1": 0.9, "adam_beta2": 0.999, "adam_epsilon": 1e-08, "max_grad_norm": 1.0, "num_train_epochs": 3.0, "max_steps": -1, "lr_scheduler_type": "linear", "warmup_ratio": 0.0, "warmup_steps": 0, "log_level": -1, "log_level_replica": -1, "log_on_each_node": true, "logging_dir": "/home/sh0416/checkpoints/20211030_162334/runs/Oct30_16-23-35_jarvis", "logging_strategy": "steps", "logging_first_step": false, "logging_steps": 500, "save_strategy": "steps", "save_steps": 500, "save_total_limit": 1, "save_on_each_node": false, "no_cuda": false, "seed": 3, "fp16": true, "fp16_opt_level": "O1", "fp16_backend": "auto", "fp16_full_eval": false, "local_rank": -1, "tpu_num_cores": null, "tpu_metrics_debug": false, "debug": [], "dataloader_drop_last": true, "eval_steps": 250, "dataloader_num_workers": 0, "past_index": -1, "run_name": "/home/sh0416/checkpoints/20211030_162334", "disable_tqdm": false, "remove_unused_columns": true, "label_names": null, "load_best_model_at_end": true, "metric_for_best_model": "stsb_spearman", "greater_is_better": true, "ignore_data_skip": false, "sharded_ddp": [], "deepspeed": null, "label_smoothing_factor": 0.0, "adafactor": false, "group_by_length": false, "length_column_name": "length", "report_to": [], "ddp_find_unused_parameters": null, "dataloader_pin_memory": true, "skip_memory_metrics": true, "use_legacy_prediction_loop": false, "push_to_hub": false, "resume_from_checkpoint": null, "push_to_hub_model_id": "20211030_162334", "push_to_hub_organization": null, "push_to_hub_token": null, "_n_gpu": 1, "mp_parameters": "", "eval_file": "/nas/home/sh0416/data/"}
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..39bd9fddc7ae0cf9d581755353e20b3887a773c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_171131/data_args.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"data_type": "simcse-nli", "train_file": "/nas/home/sh0416/data/simcse/nli_for_simcse.csv", "max_seq_length": 32, "add_typo_corpus": false, "typo_corpus_filepath": null, "dup_rate": 0.08}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/20211030_171131/model_args.json b/20211030_171131/model_args.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1a02ddeffb178bf15eebe67d11320d9920bf3f07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_171131/model_args.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"model_name_or_path": "bert-base-uncased", "loss_type": "rwmdcse", "temp": 0.05, "hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1, "mlp_only_train": true, "coeff_mlm": 0.1, "loss_rwmd": false, "layer_idx": 12}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/20211030_171131/training_args.json b/20211030_171131/training_args.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a149c81cad76254789af0635ca8f60c7f9001534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_171131/training_args.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"output_dir": "/home/sh0416/checkpoints/20211030_171131", "overwrite_output_dir": false, "do_train": true, "do_eval": true, "do_predict": false, "evaluation_strategy": "steps", "prediction_loss_only": false, "per_device_train_batch_size": 128, "per_device_eval_batch_size": 128, "per_gpu_train_batch_size": null, "per_gpu_eval_batch_size": null, "gradient_accumulation_steps": 1, "eval_accumulation_steps": null, "learning_rate": 4e-05, "weight_decay": 0.0, "adam_beta1": 0.9, "adam_beta2": 0.999, "adam_epsilon": 1e-08, "max_grad_norm": 1.0, "num_train_epochs": 3.0, "max_steps": -1, "lr_scheduler_type": "linear", "warmup_ratio": 0.0, "warmup_steps": 0, "log_level": -1, "log_level_replica": -1, "log_on_each_node": true, "logging_dir": "/home/sh0416/checkpoints/20211030_171131/runs/Oct30_17-11-32_jarvis", "logging_strategy": "steps", "logging_first_step": false, "logging_steps": 500, "save_strategy": "steps", "save_steps": 500, "save_total_limit": 1, "save_on_each_node": false, "no_cuda": false, "seed": 3, "fp16": true, "fp16_opt_level": "O1", "fp16_backend": "auto", "fp16_full_eval": false, "local_rank": -1, "tpu_num_cores": null, "tpu_metrics_debug": false, "debug": [], "dataloader_drop_last": true, "eval_steps": 250, "dataloader_num_workers": 0, "past_index": -1, "run_name": "/home/sh0416/checkpoints/20211030_171131", "disable_tqdm": false, "remove_unused_columns": true, "label_names": null, "load_best_model_at_end": true, "metric_for_best_model": "stsb_spearman", "greater_is_better": true, "ignore_data_skip": false, "sharded_ddp": [], "deepspeed": null, "label_smoothing_factor": 0.0, "adafactor": false, "group_by_length": false, "length_column_name": "length", "report_to": [], "ddp_find_unused_parameters": null, "dataloader_pin_memory": true, "skip_memory_metrics": true, "use_legacy_prediction_loop": false, "push_to_hub": false, "resume_from_checkpoint": null, "push_to_hub_model_id": "20211030_171131", "push_to_hub_organization": null, "push_to_hub_token": null, "_n_gpu": 1, "mp_parameters": "", "eval_file": "/nas/home/sh0416/data/"}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/20211030_171254/checkpoint-4750/merges.txt b/20211030_171254/checkpoint-4750/merges.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..226b0752cac7789c48f0cb3ec53eda48b7be36cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20211030_171254/checkpoint-4750/merges.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,50001 @@
+#version: 0.2
+Ġ t
+Ġ a
+h e
+i n
+r e
+o n
+Ġt he
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+and s
+ot s
+Ġc ity
+or ies
+Ġse ver
+Ġchild ren
+Ġon ce
+Ġact iv
+l er
+Ġn ight
+it ions
+ĠJ ohn
+a pe
+pl ay
+Ġd one
+Ġl im
+Ġwork ing
+ĠP res
+or ld
+e b
+ĠC o
+Ġb ody
+ail s
+ut es
+ĠM r
+Ġwhe ther
+Ġa uthor
+ro p
+Ġpro per
+Ġse en
+) ;
+Ġf ac
+ĠS u
+Ġcon d
+it ing
+Ġcour se
+Ġ }
+-------- --------
+a ign
+Ġev ent
+Ġen g
+Ġp ot
+Ġin tern
+i am
+Ġsh ort
+em pt
+ã Ĥ
+ĠG od
+il ar
+8 0
+Ġor ig
+I S
+our n
+ab ility
+it ive
+Ġd am
+Ġ1 00
+Ġp ress
+Ġdo ing
+Ġprot ect
+r ing
+Ġthough t
+Ġquest ion
+re w
+ĠW ar
+Ġsever al
+ĠSt ate
+Ġg iven
+Ġf und
+ĠT w
+Ġw ent
+an ces
+w ork
+p or
+m y
+4 0
+Ġar g
+art ment
+ust om
+Ġpol ic
+Ġme et
+Ġc reat
+2 2
+ĠSt ates
+Ġg ames
+ra w
+ut ure
+Ġunder stand
+ur s
+ĠO b
+l ish
+s y
+Ġm akes
+Ġw on
+ag on
+Ġh tt
+Ġl ove
+ent ial
+Ġcomple te
+p ar
+ĠI m
+A L
+Ġacc ount
+Â ł
+ore d
+ver t
+Ġ ident
+Ġ201 5
+Ġother s
+ĠM in
+i ber
+ver age
+The re
+ition al
+d d
+Ġpro b
+Ġyou ng
+Ġal ong
+Ġacc ording
+Ġy et
+Ġmem bers
+ĠWh at
+o id
+ĠM an
+A nd
+Ġam ong
+a i
+Ġem ploy
+ĠR es
+Ġ >
+Ġinv ol
+Ġl ow
+a f
+ĠC ar
+Ġh ig
+ĠO ne
+ĠS ec
+in ation
+Ġlike ly
+Ġan t
+ag ed
+ĠR uss
+Ġb en
+Ġre le
+F or
+b ack
+ĠN ot
+Ġpres ident
+b all
+Ġacc ess
+ivid ual
+ĠD em
+ĠE uro
+6 0
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+ir l
+ĠG r
+Ġear ly
+u se
+iet y
+âĢ ĵ
+Ġf ight
+Ġs ent
+Ġto day
+Ġmark et
+" .
+Ġb ased
+Ġstr ong
+ur ther
+Ġde b
+m ber
+Ġproble m
+Ġde ath
+Ġsoc ial
+im ate
+A S
+ort un
+Ġcamp aign
+er y
+C h
+Ġe y
+i ally
+Ġm us
+w h
+p os
+Ġ er
+Ġsa f
+Ġmonth s
+ir on
+Ġv iol
+Ġf ive
+Ġst re
+Ġplay ers
+in c
+al d
+y ear
+a un
+Ġsu ccess
+Ġpres ent
+ere nce
+Ġ201 4
+Ġsu gg
+Ġpartic ular
+Ġtr y
+Ġsugg est
+ĠCh rist
+on es
+Ġpri v
+2 3
+Ġc rit
+Ġl and
+Ġloc al
+if y
+2 9
+Ġa ut
+E D
+ĠG u
+Ġm ult
+Ġpolit ical
+Ġask ed
+Ġfor mer
+it ter
+ri pt
+Ġcl ose
+Ġp ract
+ĠY ork
+Ġget ting
+Ġac ross
+Ġcom b
+Ġbelie ve
+Ġ z
+Ġto get
+Ġtoget her
+ĠC ent
+ir c
+Ġind ividual
+ĠM c
+2 7
+is k
+ĠE ng
+Ġf ace
+Ġ2 4
+Ġval ue
+Ġare a
+e v
+Ġw rit
+ĠPres ident
+Ġv ot
+Ġke y
+Ġm om
+p ut
+Ġany thing
+Ġexper ience
+att le
+Ġm ind
+a ff
+om m
+Ġf uture
+g ed
+Ġc ut
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+r ict
+i en
+. )
+Ġimp ro
+th ough
+ward s
+Ġcon nect
+ĠM ed
+sel ves
+ens ive
+m b
+o ber
+at ors
+A n
+Ġ5 0
+Ġre du
+res ent
+Ġab ove
+Ġf re
+ĠEuro pe
+s w
+Ġam ount
+ĠA pp
+Ġe ither
+Ġmil it
+Ġan al
+Ġf ail
+ĠE n
+al es
+Ġspec ial
+Ġbl ack
+I T
+c her
+Ġlook ing
+Ġf ire
+y n
+Ġal most
+o on
+Ġstud y
+Ġm iss
+c hes
+ro wn
+Ġt re
+Ġcommun ity
+Ġmed ia
+Ġf ood
+Ġcom es
+ĠUn iversity
+Ġsing le
+Wh at
+u ly
+Ġh alf
+ag ue
+h od
+ĠRep ublic
+Ġstart ed
+Ġqu ick
+ot o
+b ook
+Ġiss ue
+it or
+Ġel se
+Ġcons ider
+2 6
+ro du
+Ġt aken
+2 8
+9 9
+ĠW ith
+Ġtr ue
+Ġw a
+Ġtr ad
+Ġag o
+Ġm ess
+ie f
+Ġadd ed
+o ke
+Ġb ad
+Ġf av
+3 3
+Ġsim ilar
+as k
+ĠD on
+Ġcharact er
+ort s
+ĠH ouse
+Ġreport ed
+Ġty pe
+v al
+i od
+ĠHow ever
+Ġt arg
+Ġent ire
+pp ing
+Ġhist ory
+Ġl ive
+ff ic
+.... ....
+ed eral
+Ġtr ying
+Ġdisc uss
+ĠH ar
+ac es
+l ished
+Ġse lf
+os p
+re st
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+el t
+Ġf all
+ol ution
+Ġe t
+Ġ x
+Ġis n
+Ġide a
+b o
+Ġs ound
+ĠD ep
+Ġsome one
+ci ally
+ull y
+Ġf oc
+Ġob ject
+if t
+ap er
+Ġplay er
+Ġr ather
+Ġserv ice
+as hing
+ĠD o
+ĠP art
+ru g
+m on
+p ly
+Ġm or
+Ġnot hing
+Ġprov ide
+I C
+un g
+Ġpart y
+Ġex ist
+Ġm ag
+7 0
+Ġr ul
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+Ġhow ever
+ĠW orld
+Ġs um
+Ġapp lic
+Ġ ;
+Ġfun ction
+g r
+ĠP ol
+Ġfr ont
+2 00
+Ġser ies
+Ġt em
+Ġty p
+ill s
+Ġo pt
+Ġpoint s
+Ġbel ow
+itt ed
+Ġspec ific
+Ġ201 7
+um b
+Ġr a
+Ġpre vious
+Ġpre t
+re me
+Ġc ustom
+Ġcour t
+ĠM e
+Ġre pl
+Ġwho le
+g o
+c er
+Ġt reat
+ĠA ct
+Ġprob ably
+Ġle arn
+end er
+ĠA ss
+Ġvers ion
+n ow
+Ġche ck
+ĠC al
+R E
+min ist
+O n
+our ces
+Ġben ef
+Ġd oc
+Ġdet er
+Ġen c
+Ġsu per
+Ġadd ress
+Ġv ict
+Ġ201 3
+Ġme as
+t r
+Ġf ield
+W hen
+Ġsign ific
+u ge
+Ġfe at
+Ġcomm on
+l oad
+Ġbe gin
+Ġbr ing
+Ġa ction
+er man
+Ġdesc rib
+Ġind ust
+Ġwant ed
+ri ed
+m ing
+Ġatt empt
+4 5
+f er
+Ġd ue
+ress ion
+# #
+Ġsh all
+Ġs ix
+o o
+Ġst ep
+Ġp ub
+Ġhim self
+Ġ2 3
+Ġc op
+Ġd est
+Ġst op
+A C
+ib ility
+Ġl ab
+ic ult
+Ġhour s
+Ġcre ate
+Ġf urther
+ĠAmeric a
+ĠC ity
+Ġd ou
+he ad
+S T
+ĠN orth
+c ing
+Ġn ational
+u le
+ĠIn st
+Ġt aking
+ĠQ u
+ir t
+Ġre d
+Ġrese arch
+v iron
+ĠG e
+Ġbre ak
+an a
+Ġsp ace
+ater ial
+Ġrec ent
+ĠA b
+Ġgener al
+Ġh it
+Ġper iod
+Ġevery thing
+ive ly
+Ġph ys
+Ġsay ing
+an ks
+Ġc ou
+Ġc ult
+ac ed
+e al
+u ation
+Ġc oun
+l u
+Ġinclud e
+Ġpos ition
+ĠA fter
+ĠCan ad
+ĠE m
+Ġim m
+ĠR ed
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+e xt
+ang u
+is c
+o le
+a ut
+Ġcomp et
+e ed
+f ect
+Ġ2 1
+ĠS en
+ĠThe se
+as ing
+Ġcan not
+Ġin it
+Ġrel ations
+ac hed
+Ġb ar
+Ġ4 0
+Ġ201 2
+Ġv ol
+Ġg round
+Ġsec urity
+Ġup d
+il t
+3 5
+Ġconc ern
+ĠJ ust
+Ġwh ite
+Ġseem s
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+pe cially
+i ents
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+ight s
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+id s
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+Ġ â
+Ġw ind
+ĠC ont
+Ġit self
+Ġm ass
+A l
+y le
+iqu e
+ĠN ational
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+og n
+Ġ ]
+ĠSe pt
+se c
+o ff
+ĠJ an
+Ġf oot
+ad es
+Ġth ird
+Ġm ot
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+Ġth reat
+a pt
+pl es
+c le
+Ġl o
+Ġde cl
+Ġit em
+med i
+Ġrep resent
+om b
+am er
+Ġsignific ant
+og raph
+s u
+Ġc al
+i res
+00 00
+I D
+A M
+Ġsim ply
+Ġlong er
+Ġf ile
+O T
+c he
+S o
+ate g
+or g
+ĠH is
+Ġen er
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+Ġup on
+il i
+": "
+Ġthem selves
+Ġcom ing
+Ġqu ite
+Ġdiff icult
+ĠB ar
+il ities
+re l
+end s
+c ial
+6 4
+Ġwom an
+ra p
+y r
+Ġne cess
+ip s
+Ġte xt
+Ġrequ ire
+Ġmilit ary
+Ġre view
+Ġresp ons
+7 5
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+Ġiss ues
+Ġg en
+" ,"
+Ġmin utes
+Ġwe ap
+r ay
+am ed
+t ime
+b l
+H ow
+Ġc ode
+ĠS m
+Ġhig her
+ĠSt e
+r is
+Ġp age
+Ġstud ents
+ĠIn tern
+Ġmet hod
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+ĠP er
+ĠA g
+Ġpolic y
+ĠS w
+Ġex ec
+Ġac cept
+um e
+rib ut
+Ġword s
+Ġfin al
+Ġchang es
+ĠDem ocr
+Ġfriend s
+Ġres pect
+Ġe p
+Ġcomp an
+iv il
+Ġdam age
+** **
+og le
+viron ment
+Ġne g
+ent al
+Ġa p
+Ġtot al
+iv al
+! "
+l im
+Ġneed s
+Ġag re
+Ġdevelop ment
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+2 1
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+S h
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+ĠOb ama
+ro ll
+Ġ @
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+ĠB rit
+Ġrun ning
+Ġwas n
+Ġp ort
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+Ġc irc
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+ic ro
+al t
+o ver
+ww w
+Th at
+l ier
+Ġevery one
+ud e
+Ġp ie
+idd le
+ra el
+Ġr ad
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+Ġw alk
+T o
+ã ģ
+n es
+ĠA ust
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+ro te
+ĠS outh
+ess ion
+op h
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+l t
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+Ġ2 2
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+L E
+ke y
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+at ur
+ashing ton
+l am
+ĠD av
+b it
+Ġs ize
+ĠP ar
+3 8
+ourn al
+f ace
+Ġdec ision
+Ġl arg
+Ġj ud
+re ct
+Ġcontin ue
+ĠO ct
+ove red
+ĠI nt
+==== ====
+Ġp arent
+ĠW ill
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+Ġs ense
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+ist ic
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+ar ter
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+e ks
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+ur ch
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+o e
+it le
+Ġ2 8
+ĠC he
+Ġrequ est
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+k y
+Ġst ates
+om es
+Ġm aterial
+le x
+Ġmom ent
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+on se
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+4 4
+) :
+Ġc red
+C l
+____ ____
+Ġm at
+Ġl og
+ĠCl inton
+O U
+Ġoff ice
+Ġ2 6
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+Ġtr ack
+m a
+Ġhe art
+Ġb all
+Ġperson al
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+n a
+s et
+b ody
+ĠBl ack
+Ġincre ase
+itt en
+Ġneed ed
+3 6
+3 2
+= "
+Ġl ost
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+Ġpro p
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+Ġ ...
+y l
+Ġfil m
+Ġmus ic
+Ġsh are
+ific ation
+Ġre lease
+Ġfor ward
+Ġst ay
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+it te
+s er
+Ġorig inal
+Ġc ard
+Ġc and
+Ġd iv
+at ural
+Ġfav or
+O M
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+us es
+Ġse ction
+Ġle ave
+g ing
+ov ed
+ĠW ashington
+3 9
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+Ġrequ ired
+act ion
+ap an
+o or
+it er
+ĠK ing
+Ġcount ries
+ĠG erman
+ll ing
+Ġ2 7
+3 4
+Ġquest ions
+Ġpr im
+Ġc ell
+Ġsh oot
+Ġany one
+ĠW est
+Ġaff ect
+ep end
+Ġon line
+ĠIs rael
+ĠSept ember
+Ġab ility
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+is es
+Ġre ve
+Ġl aun
+Ġind ic
+Ġfor ce
+c ast
+Ġso ld
+av ing
+f l
+Ġso ft
+Ġcompan ies
+ce ed
+Ġart icle
+Ġa ud
+Ġre v
+Ġed uc
+Ġplay ing
+0 5
+Ġhe ld
+ct or
+Ġrele ased
+Ġf ederal
+3 7
+Ġad minist
+Ġinter view
+Ġinst all
+Ġrece ived
+Ġs ource
+u k
+P h
+Ġser ious
+Ġcre ated
+Ġc ause
+Ġim medi
+Ġdef in
+u el
+ĠDep artment
+ct ions
+ĠC our
+ĠN ow
+z e
+it es
+it ution
+Ġl ate
+Ġspe ak
+n ers
+Ġleg al
+ar i
+ĠC or
+Ġwe eks
+Ġmod el
+Ġp red
+Ġex act
+B C
+ĠB y
+os ing
+Ġt akes
+Ġreg ard
+Ġopp ortun
+Ġpr ice
+Ġ19 8
+ĠA pr
+f ully
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+Ġproble ms
+ru ction
+h am
+ĠC ount
+le ge
+Ġlead ers
+E T
+le v
+Ġde ep
+olog ical
+es e
+h aps
+ĠS ome
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+Ġcont ract
+Ġrelations hip
+s p
+ou d
+Ġb ase
+4 8
+m it
+A d
+anc ial
+Ġcons um
+Ġpot ential
+Ġl angu
+re m
+et h
+Ġrel ig
+ress ed
+6 6
+Ġl ink
+Ġl ower
+ay er
+ĠJ une
+Ġf em
+un t
+er c
+ur d
+Ġcont act
+Ġ ill
+Ġm other
+Ġest ab
+h tt
+ĠM arch
+ĠB ro
+ĠCh ina
+Ġ2 9
+Ġs qu
+Ġprov ided
+Ġa verage
+as ons
+Ġ201 1
+Ġex am
+l in
+5 5
+n ed
+Ġper fect
+Ġt ou
+al se
+u x
+Ġbu y
+Ġsh ot
+Ġcol lect
+Ġph ot
+Ġplay ed
+Ġsur pr
+Ġofficial s
+Ġsim ple
+av y
+Ġindust ry
+Ġhand s
+g round
+Ġp ull
+Ġr ound
+Ġus er
+Ġr ange
+u ary
+Ġpriv ate
+op s
+e es
+Ġw ays
+ĠM ich
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+Ġex cept
+Ġter ms
+im um
+pp er
+ore s
+ĠDr agon
+ou l
+Ġd en
+Ġperform ance
+Ġb ill
+c il
+4 7
+Ġen vironment
+Ġex c
+ad d
+Ġwor th
+Ġp ict
+Ġch ance
+Ġ201 8
+b or
+Ġspe ed
+ict ion
+Ġal leg
+ĠJ apan
+at ory
+re et
+Ġm atch
+Ġst ru
+ord er
+Ġst e
+Ġl iving
+Ġst ruct
+in o
+Ġse par
+her n
+Ġresp onse
+Ġen joy
+Ġv ia
+A D
+um ents
+ace book
+Ġmem ber
+ib r
+iz ing
+Ġto ol
+ĠM on
+ĠWh ile
+h ood
+ĠA ng
+ĠD ef
+Ġoff er
+T r
+a ur
+Ġturn ed
+ĠJ uly
+d own
+an ced
+Ġrec ently
+ĠE ar
+Ġc e
+ĠSt ar
+ĠC ong
+rough t
+Ġbl ood
+Ġhop e
+Ġcom ment
+ain t
+Ġar ri
+il es
+Ġpartic ip
+ough t
+ri ption
+0 8
+4 9
+Ġg ave
+Ġse lect
+Ġkill ed
+sy ch
+Ġgo es
+i j
+Ġc oll
+Ġimp act
+at ives
+ĠS er
+0 9
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+Ġb oy
+d e
+ĠD es
+Ġf elt
+U S
+Ġexpect ed
+Ġim age
+ĠM ark
+cc ording
+o ice
+E C
+ĠM ag
+en ed
+h old
+ĠP ost
+Ġpre vent
+N o
+Ġinvol ved
+Ġey es
+Ġquick ly
+A t
+un k
+Ġbeh av
+Ġ ur
+Ġl ed
+c ome
+e y
+Ġcand id
+Ġear lier
+Ġfoc us
+et y
+P ro
+led ge
+ix ed
+ill ed
+Ġpop ular
+A P
+Ġset t
+l ight
+Ġvar ious
+in ks
+Ġlevel s
+Ġro ad
+ell ig
+ab les
+he l
+itte e
+ĠG ener
+y pe
+Ġhe ard
+ic les
+Ġm is
+Ġus ers
+ĠS an
+Ġimpro ve
+Ġf ather
+Ġse arch
+The y
+v il
+Ġprof ess
+Ġkn ew
+Ġl oss
+Ġev ents
+6 5
+Ġb illion
+0 7
+0 2
+ĠNew s
+Ġco ver
+w here
+ens ion
+Ġb ott
+Ġare as
+en ces
+op e
+ĠTw itter
+a el
+Ġget s
+ĠGo ogle
+Ġs n
+i ant
+Ġv ote
+Ġnear ly
+Ġinclud ed
+Ġrec ogn
+z z
+m m
+al ed
+Ġhappen ed
+0 4
+Ġh ot
+Ġwho se
+Ġc ivil
+Ġsu ff
+o es
+it iz
+ĠSy ri
+Ġresp ond
+Ġh on
+Ġfeat ures
+Ġeconom ic
+ĠApr il
+r im
+Ġtechn ology
+Ġo ption
+ag ing
+Ġpur ch
+R e
+Ġl at
+ch ie
+is l
+Ġrec omm
+u f
+Ġtr aining
+Ġeffect s
+Ġf ast
+Ġ201 0
+Ġocc ur
+Ġwebs ite
+Ġem ail
+Ġs ens
+e ch
+Ġo il
+Ġinf lu
+Ġcurrent ly
+ĠS ch
+ĠAd d
+Ġgo al
+Ġsc ient
+Ġcon v
+1 00
+em y
+Ġdec ided
+Ġtra vel
+Ġm ention
+L L
+0 3
+Ġe lection
+Ġph one
+Ġlook s
+Ġsit uation
+Ġc y
+Ġh or
+b ed
+ĠCour t
+a ily
+av es
+Ġqu ality
+ĠCom p
+w ise
+Ġt able
+Ġst aff
+ĠW ind
+et t
+Ġtri ed
+ide red
+Ġadd ition
+Ġb ox
+Ġl ack
+ar ily
+Ġw ide
+Ġm id
+Ġbo ard
+ys is
+Ġant i
+h a
+Ġd ig
+en ing
+Ġd ro
+C on
+6 8
+Ġsl ow
+b ased
+se qu
+Ġp ath
+E x
+ak er
+Ġwork ed
+Ġp en
+Ġeng ine
+Ġlook ed
+ĠSu per
+ĠS erv
+Ġvict im
+U n
+Ġproper ty
+Ġint rodu
+Ġexec ut
+L e
+Ġcol or
+ĠM ore
+Ġ6 0
+Ġnet work
+Ġd ate
+c ul
+id ge
+Ġext ra
+3 1
+Ġs le
+6 7
+Ġw ond
+Ġreport s
+j ust
+ĠAust ral
+Ġcap ital
+Ġen s
+Ġcomm and
+Ġallow ed
+Ġpre p
+Ġca pt
+h ib
+Ġnum bers
+ch an
+Ġf air
+m p
+om s
+Ġre ach
+W ith
+t ain
+Ġbro ad
+Ġcou ple
+ec ause
+ly ing
+ĠF eb
+Ġsc reen
+Ġl ives
+Ġpri or
+ĠCong ress
+A r
+Ġappro ach
+Ġe mer
+ar ies
+ĠD is
+s erv
+ĠN e
+Ġbu ilt
+c ies
+Ġre pe
+Ġrul es
+for ce
+ĠP al
+Ġfin ancial
+Ġcons idered
+ĠCh ar
+n ces
+Ġb rought
+Ġb i
+i ers
+ĠS im
+O P
+Ġproduct s
+Ġvis it
+Ġdoc ument
+Ġcon duct
+Ġcomplete ly
+in ing
+ĠCal if
+ib ly
+Ġwr itten
+em ents
+Ġd raw
+O ne
+Ġpub lished
+Ġsec ret
+r ain
+he t
+ĠF acebook
+ond ay
+ĠU p
+Ġsex ual
+Ġth ous
+ĠP at
+Ġ ess
+Ġstand ard
+Ġar m
+g es
+ect ion
+Ġf ell
+Ġfore ign
+an i
+ĠFr iday
+Ġreg ular
+in ary
+Ġincre ased
+Ġus ually
+Ġdem on
+Ġd ark
+Ġadd itional
+ro l
+ĠO f
+Ġprodu ction
+! !
+und red
+Ġintern ational
+id ents
+ĠF ree
+rou p
+Ġr ace
+Ġm ach
+Ġh uge
+A ll
+le ar
+ove mber
+Ġto wn
+Ġatt ention
+ĠO ff
+y ond
+ĠThe n
+f ield
+Ġter ror
+ra z
+ĠB o
+Ġmeet ing
+ĠP ark
+Ġar rest
+Ġf ear
+Ġa w
+ĠV al
+or ing
+' ,
+Ġext reme
+ar r
+Ġwork ers
+A fter
+Ġ3 1
+n et
+am ent
+Ġdirect ly
+Ġpop ulation
+ub e
+ĠOct ober
+ĠJan uary
+5 9
+ĠDav id
+Ġc ross
+ce mber
+ĠF irst
+Ġmess age
+ir it
+Ġn ation
+Ġp oll
+is ions
+Ġansw er
+n y
+is ode
+Ġcar ry
+ĠRuss ia
+Ġhe ar
+eng th
+ro y
+Ġn atural
+in ally
+Ġdo g
+m itted
+Ġtr ade
+Ġsub st
+Ġmult iple
+ĠAf ric
+Ġf ans
+Ġs ort
+Ġgl obal
+ic ation
+ĠW ed
+ar a
+Ġa chie
+Ġlangu age
+ve y
+Ġt al
+Ġnecess ary
+Ġdet ails
+Ġs en
+ĠS und
+ĠRe g
+ĠR ec
+0 6
+Ġs il
+ress ive
+Ġmed ical
+un ch
+orn ia
+Ġu nd
+f ort
+oc ks
+ĠM onday
+ues day
+c raft
+7 7
+ur t
+Ġ ver
+ĠH ill
+Ġrece ive
+Ġmor ning
+es tern
+Ġb ank
+Ġs at
+ir th
+ĠH igh
+Ġdev ice
+ĠCent er
+Ġsaf e
+Ġp le
+ĠCanad a
+Ġsystem s
+Ġass ist
+Ġsur v
+Ġb attle
+ĠS oc
+vert is
+S he
+Ġp aper
+Ġgrow th
+Ġc ast
+S c
+Ġpl ans
+ll ed
+Ġpart s
+Ġw all
+Ġmove ment
+Ġpract ice
+im ately
+Ġdis play
+Ġsomet imes
+om p
+ĠP aul
+ĠY es
+k ing
+5 8
+o ly
+Ġs on
+Ġav oid
+ok es
+ĠJ ew
+Ġto wards
+as c
+Ġ //
+ĠK ore
+Ġtalk ing
+Ġcor rect
+Ġsp ent
+ic ks
+i able
+e ared
+Ġter m
+Ġwant s
+om ing
+Ġ ut
+Ġdou b
+Ġfor ces
+Ġp lease
+6 9
+ĠN ovember
+at form
+ond on
+Ġon es
+Ġimmedi ately
+ĠRuss ian
+ĠM et
+Ġde g
+Ġparent s
+C H
+ĠAmeric ans
+al y
+ĠM od
+Ġsh own
+Ġcond itions
+Ġst uff
+Ġre b
+ĠY our
+Ġinclud es
+n own
+ĠS am
+Ġexper ien
+m ission
+ĠE ven
+augh t
+Ġannoun ced
+ĠRepublic an
+Ġdeter min
+Ġdescrib ed
+ĠCount y
+( )
+Ġdo or
+Ġchang ed
+Ġne igh
+ĠH ere
+Ġcle an
+Ġp an
+ĠDe cember
+ĠEurope an
+ir ing
+ap ter
+Ġcl ub
+ĠT uesday
+Ġp aid
+ĠN et
+Ġattack s
+Ġcharact ers
+Ġal one
+Ġdirect or
+d om
+Ġ3 5
+Ġl oad
+Ġr out
+ĠCalif ornia
+Ġfin ally
+Ġr ac
+Ġcont r
+Ġexact ly
+res h
+p ri
+ĠIs lam
+Ġn ature
+Ġcare er
+Ġlat est
+Ġcon vers
+ĠS l
+p ose
+ci ent
+ĠIn c
+iv ity
+8 8
+ĠA tt
+ĠM or
+nes day
+Ġwe ight
+k en
+Ġnot e
+Ġteam s
+Ġ \
+air s
+ĠG reen
+Ġh undred
+on ent
+Ġstre ng
+Ġcons ist
+ic ated
+Ġreg ul
+Ġl ic
+ast ic
+Ġt en
+urs day
+ellig ence
+ous ly
+B I
+Ġcost s
+Ġind epend
+Ġnorm al
+Ġh om
+Ġob vious
+Ġs we
+Ġst ar
+Ġread y
+ac her
+Ġimp lement
+g est
+Ġs ong
+ĠG et
+ĠL ab
+Ġinterest ing
+us ing
+Ġg iving
+ĠSund ay
+Ġet c
+Ġm iddle
+Ġrem ember
+r ight
+os ition
+ut ions
+Ġm ax
+4 6
+Ġyour self
+Ġdem and
+Ġtreat ment
+Ġd anger
+ĠC ons
+Ġgu y
+ĠBrit ish
+Ġphys ical
+Ġrel ated
+Ġrem ain
+Ġcould n
+Ġref er
+Ġc itiz
+b ox
+bo ard
+Ġin n
+I G
+er o
+ĠSt reet
+osp ital
+ren ch
+cher s
+Ġst ra
+O L
+ag er
+Ġeas ily
+I A
+en ge
+in y
+Ġcl os
+ock ed
+Ġus es
+ĠC oun
+I m
+u ild
+? ?
+m ore
+Ġan g
+Ġwr ite
+ol ute
+5 7
+Ġlead er
+Ġread ing
+< /
+Ġaut om
+est s
+4 3
+Ġleg isl
+ĠG old
+Ġdesign ed
+ĠLe g
+a res
+Ġbe aut
+ĠT ex
+Ġappear s
+Ġstru gg
+ĠR om
+Ġ 00
+Ġcho ice
+Ġparticular ly
+ĠF rom
+op er
+ĠL ondon
+ann ed
+Ġallow s
+ob ile
+Ġdiffere nce
+âĢ ¢
+ĠV iew
+ĠWed nesday
+Ġal though
+Ġrel ative
+Ġapplic ation
+ate ver
+Ġare n
+Ġmy self
+Ġim ag
+Ġdis e
+Ġsoc iety
+Ġfre qu
+ĠEng lish
+Ġpo or
+ĠD ay
+Ġwrit ing
+Ġse ven
+Ġstart ing
+Ġb ud
+Ġpr int
+ĠTr ans
+uf act
+ĠSt ud
+n ew
+Ġcr im
+Ġg ives
+Ġco ol
+a e
+i ance
+ĠGener al
+Ġthink ing
+Ġsa ve
+Ġlim ited
+ĠPart y
+Ġmean ing
+p en
+ow ers
+ĠJ ack
+E M
+Ġn ice
+ru pt
+Ġg as
+Ġe ight
+Ġfe et
+Ġeff ort
+Ġ ign
+ic it
+B l
+co in
+Ġop in
+Ġbr ain
+Wh ile
+he st
+ĠTh ursday
+Ġwould n
+augh ter
+Ġtou ch
+le ments
+Ġstud ies
+Ġcent er
+c ont
+or ge
+Ġcomput er
+Ġinvestig ation
+P l
+or ks
+Ġ200 8
+Ġincre asing
+Ġst ore
+Ġcom ments
+Ġb al
+m en
+Ġdo ll
+Ġl iber
+Ġw ife
+Ġlaw s
+atur day
+it ness
+Ġmod ern
+ĠS k
+Ġadminist ration
+Ġopportun ity
+Ġs al
+Ġpower ful
+M y
+Ġclaim s
+ĠEar th
+ord s
+Ġt itle
+Ġes c
+n ame
+N ot
+om en
+Ġbe yond
+Ġc amer
+Ġse ll
+it ute
+ear ch
+Ġapp l
+im ent
+4 2
+ĠAr t
+Ġun f
+Ġviol ence
+ur g
+ĠE ast
+Ġcomp ared
+Ġopt ions
+Ġthrough out
+Ġv s
+ig r
+. [
+ac hes
+7 8
+Ġfil es
+F L
+E L
+ar ian
+ĠJ ames
+ĠA ir
+an ch
+Ġdet ail
+Ġpie ce
+P S
+Ġn amed
+Ġeduc ation
+Ġdri ve
+Ġitem s
+Ġstud ent
+ic ed
+: :
+ic o
+Ġth row
+Ġsc ene
+Ġcomple x
+Ġ200 9
+Ġpre c
+ĠB re
+7 9
+Ġcon cept
+Ġstat us
+am ing
+Ġd ied
+Ġknow ledge
+Ġbegin ning
+O D
+ru ary
+Ġcertain ly
+Ġgu ys
+Ġsl ight
+in n
+ound s
+Ġf ine
+Ġf at
+ic ations
+Ġper haps
+ĠA nt
+Ġinc ome
+Ġhtt ps
+Ġmajor ity
+port s
+st on
+Ġgreat er
+Ġfe ed
+ent ially
+Ġsaf ety
+Ġun ique
+and om
+Ġg one
+Ġshow ed
+Ġhist or
+Ġcoun ter
+i us
+id a
+Ġlead ing
+i pe
+Ġs end
+ĠDon ald
+er ve
+Ġdef ense
+ines e
+Ġy es
+ĠF ire
+ĠMus lim
+ra q
+Ġcontin ued
+os h
+Ġprov ides
+Ġpr ison
+ĠP re
+Ġhapp y
+Ġeconom y
+Ġtr ust
+ag s
+ĠG ame
+Ġweap ons
+um an
+ĠC le
+it ation
+Ġanal ysis
+ĠT imes
+Ġsc ience
+- >
+Ġfig ure
+Ġdis app
+ent y
+Ġsoft ware
+Ġu lt
+Ġoffic ers
+N ew
+I s
+Ġrem ains
+ĠInd ia
+Ġp sych
+ri ef
+Ġc at
+es c
+Ġob serv
+Ġst age
+ĠD ark
+Ġent er
+ch ange
+Ġpass ed
+Ġdes pite
+ĠO ut
+Ġmov ie
+r s
+Ġv oice
+m ine
+ĠPl ay
+Ġto ward
+ĠT er
+Ġreg ion
+Ġval ues
+or ters
+Ġm ount
+Ġoffic er
+ĠO ther
+b an
+Ġh ous
+w ood
+ro om
+I V
+ĠS un
+se e
+ĠO ver
+ro g
+9 0
+Ġl ay
+ĠT ur
+a wn
+Ġpress ure
+ĠS ub
+Ġbook s
+ed om
+ĠS and
+A A
+ag o
+Ġre asons
+f ord
+Ġactiv ity
+U T
+N ow
+ĠSen ate
+ce ll
+n ight
+Ġcall s
+in ter
+Ġlet ter
+ĠR ob
+ĠJ e
+Ġcho ose
+ĠL aw
+G et
+B e
+Ġro b
+Ġtyp es
+Ġpl atform
+Ġqu arter
+R A
+ĠT ime
+Ġmay be
+ĠC r
+9 5
+p re
+Ġmov ing
+Ġl if
+Ġgo ld
+Ġs om
+Ġpat ients
+Ġtr uth
+ĠK e
+ur ance
+ant ly
+m ar
+Ġchar ge
+ĠG reat
+Ġce le
+---------------- ----------------
+Ġro ck
+ro id
+an cy
+Ġcred it
+a ud
+B y
+ĠE very
+Ġmov ed
+ing er
+rib ution
+Ġn ames
+Ġstra ight
+ĠHe alth
+ĠW ell
+Ġfe ature
+Ġr ule
+Ġsc he
+in ated
+ĠMich ael
+ber g
+4 1
+il ed
+b and
+Ġcl ick
+ĠAng el
+on ents
+Â Ń
+ĠI raq
+ĠS aturday
+Ġa ware
+p art
+Ġpat tern
+O W
+ĠL et
+Ġgr ad
+ign ed
+Ġassoci ated
+Ġst yle
+n o
+i ation
+a ith
+il ies
+Ġst ories
+ur ation
+Ġindividual s
+ĠâĢ ¦
+m iss
+ĠAss oci
+ish ing
+ab y
+Ġsum mer
+ĠB en
+Ġ3 2
+Ġar ch
+ut y
+ĠTex as
+h ol
+Ġfull y
+Ġm ill
+Ġfollow ed
+ĠB ill
+ĠInd ian
+ĠSec ret
+ĠB el
+ĠFeb ruary
+Ġjob s
+Ġseem ed
+ĠGo vern
+i pped
+Ġreal ity
+Ġl ines
+Ġp ark
+Ġmeas ure
+ĠO ur
+I M
+Ġbro ther
+Ġgrow ing
+Ġb an
+Ġest im
+Ġc ry
+ĠS chool
+Ġme chan
+ĠWind ows
+Ġr ates
+ĠO h
+Ġpos itive
+Ġcult ure
+ist ics
+ic a
+Ġh ar
+y a
+ite ly
+i pp
+Ġm ap
+en cies
+ĠWill iam
+I I
+ak ers
+5 6
+ĠM art
+ĠR em
+Ġal tern
+it ude
+Ġco ach
+row d
+D on
+Ġk ids
+Ġj ournal
+Ġcor por
+Ġf alse
+Ġwe b
+Ġsle ep
+Ġcont ain
+Ġst o
+Ġb ed
+iver se
+ĠR ich
+ĠCh inese
+Ġp un
+Ġme ant
+k nown
+Ġnot ice
+Ġfavor ite
+a ven
+Ġcond ition
+Ġpur pose
+) )
+Ġorgan ization
+Ġchall eng
+Ġman ufact
+Ġsus p
+ĠA c
+Ġcrit ic
+un es
+uc lear
+Ġm er
+vent ion
+Ġ8 0
+Ġm ist
+ĠU s
+ĠT or
+htt p
+ol f
+Ġlarg er
+Ġadv ant
+Ġrese ar
+Ġact ions
+m l
+Ġke pt
+Ġa im
+, '
+c ol
+Ġbenef its
+if ying
+Ġact ual
+ĠIntern ational
+Ġveh icle
+Ġch ief
+Ġeff orts
+ĠLe ague
+ĠM ost
+Ġwa it
+Ġad ult
+Ġover all
+Ġspe ech
+Ġhigh ly
+Ġfem ale
+Ġer ror
+Ġeffect ive
+5 4
+Ġenc our
+w ell
+Ġfail ed
+Ġcons erv
+Ġprogram s
+Ġt rou
+Ġa head
+5 00
+vertis ement
+I P
+ĠF ound
+p ir
+Ġ %
+Ġcr ime
+and er
+Ġloc ation
+ĠI ran
+Ġbehav ior
+az ing
+Ġr are
+Ġem b
+Ġca used
+Ġsh ip
+Ġact ive
+Ġcont ribut
+Ġg reen
+Ġac qu
+Ġref lect
+ven ue
+Ġf irm
+Ġb irth
+] .
+Ġclear ly
+Ġem ot
+Ġag ency
+ri age
+Ġmem ory
+9 8
+S A
+ĠSe e
+ac ing
+C C
+Ġbig gest
+Ġr ap
+Ġbas ic
+Ġb and
+e at
+Ġsus pect
+ĠM ac
+Ġ9 0
+m ark
+ist an
+Ġsp read
+am s
+k i
+as y
+ra v
+ĠR ober
+Ġdemon str
+r ated
+Ġabs olute
+Ġpl aces
+Ġim pl
+ibr ary
+Ġc ards
+Ġdest roy
+Ġv irt
+ve re
+Ġapp eared
+y an
+p oint
+Ġbe g
+Ġtem per
+s pe
+ant ed
+ear s
+ĠD irect
+Ġl ength
+Ġbl og
+am b
+Ġint eg
+Ġres ources
+ac c
+if ul
+Ġsp ot
+Ġfor ced
+Ġthous ands
+ĠMin ister
+Ġqu al
+ĠF rench
+at ically
+Ġgener ally
+Ġdr ink
+Ġth us
+I L
+od es
+Ġappro pri
+ĠRe ad
+Ġwh om
+Ġey e
+Ġcol lege
+Ġ4 5
+ire ction
+Ġens ure
+Ġapp arent
+id ers
+Ġrelig ious
+Ġmin or
+ol ic
+Ġt ro
+ĠWh y
+rib ute
+m et
+Ġprim ary
+Ġdevelop ed
+Ġpe ace
+Ġsk in
+st e
+av a
+Ġbl ue
+Ġfam ilies
+Ġ ir
+Ġapp ly
+Ġin form
+ĠSm ith
+C T
+i i
+Ġlim it
+Ġres ist
+........ ........
+um n
+Ġconf lic
+Ġtw e
+ud d
+ĠT om
+Ġl iter
+qu e
+b on
+Ġha ir
+Ġevent ually
+Ġp us
+Ġhelp ed
+Ġag g
+or ney
+ĠApp le
+Ġf it
+ĠS ur
+Ġpre m
+Ġs ales
+Ġsecond s
+Ġstreng th
+Ġfeel ing
+¿ ½
+Ġt our
+Ġknow s
+o om
+Ġex erc
+Ġsom ew
+ï ¿½
+> >
+Ġsp okes
+Ġide as
+Ġreg ist
+so ft
+ĠD el
+Ġpro pos
+Ġlaun ch
+Ġbott om
+T H
+ĠP lease
+v est
+it z
+ĠIn ter
+Ġsc ript
+Ġr at
+ar ning
+Ġ il
+ĠJ er
+ĠA re
+Ġwh atever
+ok en
+ci ence
+Ġmod e
+Ġag ree
+Ġs ources
+Ġinit ial
+Ġrest rict
+Ġwond er
+us ion
+## ##
+ĠS il
+vil le
+Ġb urn
+t w
+as ion
+ĠÂ £
+Ġn or
+u ing
+Ġre ached
+Ġs un
+Ġc ateg
+ig ration
+Ġc ook
+Ġprom ot
+Ġm ale
+Ġcl imate
+Ġf ix
+Ġalleg ed
+U R
+all ed
+Ġim ages
+C ont
+ot a
+Ġschool s
+i os
+Ġd rop
+Ġst ream
+ĠM o
+Ġprevious ly
+al ing
+Ġp et
+Ġdou ble
+Ġ( @
+ann el
+Ġdef ault
+t ies
+Ġr ank
+ĠD ec
+ĠCoun cil
+Ġweap on
+Ġst ock
+Ġanal y
+ĠSt r
+Ġpict ure
+ĠPol ice
+f erence
+Ġcent ury
+Ġcitiz ens
+Ġon to
+Ġexp and
+Ġhe ro
+ĠS ol
+Ġw ild
+Ġupd ate
+Ġcustom ers
+r ont
+d ef
+Ġl ik
+Ġcrim inal
+ĠChrist ian
+S P
+7 6
+Ġle aving
+Ġother wise
+ĠD ist
+Ġbas is
+5 2
+5 3
+ic ip
+ĠB er
+Ġrecomm end
+Ġfl oor
+Ġc rowd
+ol es
+Ġ7 0
+Ġcent ral
+ĠE v
+Ġd ream
+Ġdown load
+Ġconf ir
+ĠTh om
+Ġwind ow
+Ġhapp ens
+Ġun it
+Ġt end
+Ġs pl
+Ġbec omes
+Ġfight ing
+Ġpred ict
+ĠP ress
+ĠP ower
+Ġhe avy
+ak ed
+Ġf an
+or ter
+ate gy
+B A
+iz es
+Ġsp end
+H ere
+Ġ200 7
+Ġad op
+ĠH am
+Ġfoot ball
+ĠP ort
+od ay
+5 1
+amp ions
+Ġtrans fer
+h t
+Ġ3 8
+ter m
+ac ity
+Ġb ur
+] ,
+tern al
+r ig
+b ut
+Ġthere fore
+ĠB ecause
+res p
+re y
+Ġm ission
+S ome
+Ġnot ed
+Ġass um
+Ġdise ase
+Ġed it
+Ġprog ress
+r d
+ĠB rown
+oc al
+Ġadd ing
+Ġra ised
+ĠAn y
+Ġt ick
+Ġsee ing
+ĠPe ople
+Ġagre ement
+Ġser ver
+Ġw at
+Ġdeb ate
+Ġsupp osed
+il ing
+Ġlarg est
+Ġsuccess ful
+ĠP ri
+ĠDemocr atic
+Ġj ump
+ĠSyri a
+Ġown ers
+Ġoff ers
+Ġshoot ing
+Ġeff ic
+se y
+Ġha ven
+ver se
+te red
+ĠL ight
+im al
+ĠB ig
+Ġdef end
+Ġbe at
+Ġrecord s
+% )
+Ġsc en
+Ġemploy ees
+Ġdev ices
+he m
+Ġcom mer
+ĠM ex
+Ġbenef it
+ĠPro f
+Ġil leg
+Ġsur face
+ĠAl so
+Ġh arm
+ing ly
+w ide
+ĠA lex
+Ġsh ut
+ĠC ur
+Ġl ose
+p m
+Ġchall enge
+se mb
+Ġst ation
+Ġint elligence
+Ġacc ur
+ĠFl or
+Ġrequ ires
+ĠM al
+b um
+Ġh ospital
+Ġsp irit
+Ġoff ered
+Ġprodu ce
+ĠComm un
+Ġcreat ing
+Ġcr is
+s pect
+Ġend ed
+Ġd aily
+Ġvot ers
+land s
+i as
+i h
+on a
+Ġsm art
+ĠOff ice
+ĠL ord
+ri al
+ĠIntern et
+Ġcirc um
+Ġextreme ly
+' .
+Ġopin ion
+ĠM il
+Ġg ain
+B S
+ĠF in
+y p
+Ġuse ful
+Ġbud get
+Ġcom fort
+is f
+Ġback ground
+el ine
+Ġep isode
+Ġen emy
+Ġtri al
+Ġestab lish
+d ate
+ĠC ap
+Ġcontin ues
+Ġshow ing
+ĠUn ion
+w ith
+Ġpost ed
+ĠSy stem
+Ġe at
+ri an
+Ġr ise
+ĠGerman y
+il s
+Ġsign ed
+Ġv ill
+Ġgr and
+m or
+ĠEng land
+Ġproject s
+um ber
+Ġconf erence
+z a
+Ġrespons ible
+ĠAr ab
+Ġlearn ed
+âĢĶ âĢĶ
+i pping
+ĠGe orge
+O C
+Ġreturn ed
+ĠAustral ia
+Ġb rief
+Q u
+Ġbr and
+ill ing
+ab led
+Ġhig hest
+Ġtr ain
+ĠComm ission
+wh ile
+Ġn om
+cept ion
+Ġm ut
+ĠBl ue
+Ġinc ident
+v ant
+8 6
+Ġn uclear
+7 4
+ĠL ike
+ĠM icro
+l i
+m ail
+Ġcharg es
+8 9
+Ġad just
+ad o
+Ġear th
+N A
+Ġpr ices
+P A
+Ġd raft
+Ġrun s
+Ġcandid ate
+ens es
+Ġmanag ement
+ĠPh il
+ĠM iss
+Ġte ach
+g ram
+Ġunderstand ing
+a it
+ic ago
+A dd
+ĠE p
+sec ut
+Ġsepar ate
+Ġinst ance
+Ġe th
+Ġun less
+**** ****
+ĠF ore
+in ate
+Ġoper ations
+S p
+Ġf aith
+g ar
+ĠCh urch
+ron ic
+Ġconf ig
+os ure
+Ġactiv ities
+Ġtrad itional
+Ġ3 6
+Ġd irection
+Ġmach ine
+Ġsur round
+Ġp ush
+un ction
+Ġeas ier
+Ġarg ument
+G B
+Ġm icro
+Ġsp ending
+iz ations
+Ġthe ory
+ad ow
+Ġcall ing
+ĠL ast
+Ġd er
+Ġinflu ence
+Ġcomm it
+Ġph oto
+Ġun c
+ist ry
+g n
+ast e
+ack s
+Ġdis p
+ad y
+d o
+ĠG ood
+Ġ `
+Ġw ish
+Ġreve aled
+Âł Âł
+l ig
+Ġen force
+ĠComm ittee
+Ġche m
+Ġmil es
+Ġinterest ed
+Ġsol ution
+ic y
+in ct
+Ġ- >
+ĠD et
+Ġrem oved
+Ġcomp ar
+e ah
+Ġpl ant
+ĠS ince
+Ġachie ve
+Ġadvant age
+Ġslight ly
+b ing
+Ġpl aced
+u nder
+201 5
+ĠM ad
+Ġt im
+os es
+Ġc ru
+ĠR ock
+Ġmost ly
+Ġneg ative
+Ġset ting
+Ġprodu ced
+Ġm ur
+Ġconnect ion
+ĠM er
+Ġdri ver
+Ġexecut ive
+Ġass ault
+Ġb orn
+ĠV er
+t ained
+Ġstruct ure
+Ġredu ce
+Ġdec ades
+Ġd ed
+u ke
+ĠM any
+idd en
+Ġle ague
+S e
+Ġjo in
+Ġdis co
+Ġd ie
+c ks
+act ions
+Ġass ess
+ag n
+Ġgo als
+our s
+I R
+Ġsen ior
+ill er
+m od
+ip ment
+oc ol
+u y
+ĠQ ue
+Ġpart ies
+ir gin
+Ġle arning
+it able
+Ġstre et
+Ġcamer a
+A pp
+Ġsk ills
+b re
+c ious
+Ġcele br
+ĠFr anc
+Ġexist ing
+Ġwill ing
+l or
+Ġ id
+ĠSp ace
+Ġcrit ical
+ĠL a
+ortun ately
+Ġser ve
+Ġc old
+Ġspec ies
+T S
+Ġanim als
+ĠB ay
+Ġold er
+ĠU nder
+est ic
+ĠT re
+Ġte acher
+Ġpre fer
+v is
+Ġth read
+ĠM att
+Ġmanag er
+ãĥ »
+Ġprofess ional
+ĠV ol
+Ġnot es
+The se
+ul a
+Ġf resh
+ent ed
+u zz
+ed y
+clus ion
+ĠR el
+Ġdoub t
+E O
+Ġopen ed
+ĠB it
+Ad vertisement
+Ġgu ess
+Ġse qu
+Ġexpl ain
+ott en
+Ġatt ract
+ak s
+Ġstr ing
+Ġcont ext
+oss ible
+ĠRepublic ans
+Ġsol id
+Ġc ities
+Ġask ing
+Ġr andom
+u ps
+ur ies
+ar ant
+dd en
+g l
+ĠFlor ida
+Ġdep end
+ĠSc ott
+Ġ3 3
+Ġi T
+ic on
+Ġmention ed
+Ġ2 000
+Ġclaim ed
+Ġdefin itely
+ul f
+Ġc ore
+Ġopen ing
+ĠCon st
+wh ich
+ĠT ra
+A G
+7 2
+Ġbelie ved
+ad a
+Ġ4 8
+ĠSec urity
+yr ight
+ĠP et
+ĠL ou
+Ġhold ing
+======== ========
+Ġ ice
+Ġb row
+Ġauthor ities
+h ost
+w ord
+Ġsc ore
+ĠD iv
+Ġcell s
+Ġtrans l
+Ġneigh bor
+Ġrem ove
+u ct
+Ġdist rict
+ĠA ccording
+Ġwor se
+Ġconcern s
+Ġpresident ial
+Ġpolic ies
+ĠH all
+7 3
+Ġh us
+A Y
+Ġ200 6
+ĠJ ud
+Ġindepend ent
+ĠJust ice
+ili ar
+pr int
+igh ter
+Ġprotect ion
+z en
+Ġsu dden
+h ouse
+ĠJ es
+P R
+ĠIn f
+Ġb ul
+Ġ _
+ĠServ ice
+Ġstr ategy
+ff ect
+Ġgirl s
+Ġmiss ing
+oy al
+ĠTe am
+ul ated
+Ġd at
+Ġpolit ics
+ab or
+A ccording
+Ġspe ll
+Ġg raph
+ort hern
+T C
+A b
+Ġlab or
+is her
+Ġk ick
+ĠiT unes
+Ġstep s
+pos es
+Ġsmall er
+E n
+ber t
+Ġro ll
+Ġresear chers
+Ġcl osed
+Ġtrans port
+Ġlaw y
+________ ________
+ĠCh icago
+Ġas pect
+Ġn one
+Ġmar riage
+9 6
+Ġe lements
+ĠF re
+ĠS al
+Ġd ram
+F C
+t op
+e qu
+Ġhe aring
+Ġsupport ed
+Ġtest ing
+co hol
+Ġmass ive
+Ġst ick
+Ġgu ard
+is co
+ph one
+F rom
+How ever
+Ġb order
+Ġcop y
+ograph y
+l ist
+7 1
+Ġown er
+cl ass
+ru it
+r ate
+ĠO nce
+Ġdig ital
+Ġt ask
+Ġinc red
+t es
++ +
+ĠFr ance
+Ġb reat
+ow l
+Ġiss ued
+ĠW estern
+Ġdet ect
+Ġpart ners
+Ġsh ared
+ĠC all
+Ġcan cer
+ac he
+rib e
+Ġexpl ained
+Ġhe at
+{ "
+Ġinvest ment
+ĠB ook
+Ġw ood
+Ġtool s
+ĠAl though
+Ġbelie f
+Ġcris is
+Ġg e
+Ġoper ation
+ty pe
+~ ~
+g a
+Ġcont ains
+ant a
+Ġexp ress
+ĠG roup
+ĠJ ournal
+k a
+Ġam b
+Ġfind ing
+Ġfund ing
+h ow
+Ġestab lished
+ide os
+Ġdeg ree
+Ġdanger ous
+ang ing
+Ġfre edom
+pp ort
+out hern
+Ġch urch
+Ġc atch
+ĠTw o
+Ġpres ence
+ĠGu ard
+U p
+Ġauthor ity
+ĠPro ject
+Ġbut ton
+Ġcon sequ
+Ġval id
+Ġwe ak
+Ġstart s
+Ġref erence
+ĠM em
+" )
+U N
+or age
+ĠO pen
+Ġcol lection
+y m
+g ency
+Ġbeaut iful
+ro s
+Ġtell s
+Ġwa iting
+n el
+Ġprov iding
+ĠDemocr ats
+Ġd aughter
+Ġm aster
+Ġpur poses
+ĠJapan ese
+Ġequ al
+Ġturn s
+Ġdoc uments
+Ġwatch ing
+R es
+Ġr an
+201 4
+Ġre ject
+ĠKore a
+Ġvictim s
+Le vel
+ere nces
+Ġw itness
+Ġ3 4
+Ġre form
+com ing
+Ġocc up
+Ġc aught
+Ġtra ffic
+ad ing
+Ġmod els
+ar io
+Ġserv ed
+Ġb atter
+u ate
+ĠSecret ary
+Ġagre ed
+Ġtr uly
+yn am
+ĠR et
+Ġun its
+ĠRes earch
+h and
+az ine
+ĠM ike
+Ġvar iety
+ot al
+Ġam azing
+Ġconfir med
+Ġentire ly
+Ġpurch ase
+Ġe lement
+Ġc ash
+Ġdeter mine
+D e
+Ġc ars
+ĠW all
+â ĸ
+Ġview s
+Ġdrug s
+Ġdep artment
+ĠSt ep
+u it
+Ġ3 9
+as ure
+ĠCl ass
+Ġc overed
+ĠB ank
+Ġme re
+u ana
+Ġmult i
+Ġm ix
+Ġun like
+lev ision
+Ġsto pped
+Ġs em
+ĠG al
+ul es
+Ġwe l
+ĠJohn son
+l a
+Ġsk ill
+Ġbec oming
+ri e
+Ġappropri ate
+f e
+ell ow
+ĠPro t
+ul ate
+oc ation
+Ġweek end
+od ies
+Ġsit es
+Ġanim al
+ĠT im
+Ġsc ale
+Ġcharg ed
+Ġinst ruct
+ill a
+Ġmethod s
+Ġc ert
+Ġjud ge
+ĠH el
+Ġdoll ars
+Ġstand ing
+ĠS qu
+Ġdeb t
+l iam
+Ġdri ving
+ĠS um
+ĠEd ition
+Ġal bum
+and on
+I F
+ĠU k
+6 3
+ad er
+Ġcommer cial
+es h
+ĠGovern ment
+Ġdisc overed
+Ġout put
+ĠHill ary
+ĠCar ol
+Ġ200 5
+Ġab use
+anc ing
+Ġsw itch
+Ġann ual
+T w
+Ġst ated
+ag ement
+in ner
+Ġdem ocr
+Ġres idents
+Ġallow ing
+Ġfact ors
+od d
+Ġf uck
+em ies
+Ġoccur red
+ot i
+Ġn orth
+ĠP ublic
+Ġinj ury
+Ġins urance
+C L
+oll y
+ã Ģ
+Ġrepe ated
+Ġar ms
+ang ed
+Ġconst ruction
+Ġf le
+P U
+ic ians
+Ġfor ms
+ĠMc C
+ant ic
+Ġm ental
+p ire
+Ġequ ipment
+Ġf ant
+Ġdiscuss ion
+Ġregard ing
+k in
+ar p
+Ġch air
+og ue
+Ġpro ceed
+ĠI d
+O ur
+Ġmur der
+M an
+Ġ4 9
+as p
+Ġsupp ly
+Ġin put
+Ġwe alth
+liam ent
+Ġpro ced
+or ial
+ĠSt at
+hen s
+ĠInst itute
+Ġput ting
+ourn ament
+et ic
+Ġloc ated
+Ġk id
+er ia
+r un
+Ġpr inc
+Ġ !
+go ing
+ĠB et
+Ġcl ot
+Ġtell ing
+Ġprop osed
+i ot
+or ry
+Ġfund s
+g ment
+ĠL ife
+Ġb aby
+ĠB ack
+Ġsp oke
+Im age
+Ġear n
+g u
+Ġex change
+ĠL in
+ov ing
+Ġp air
+M ore
+az on
+Ġarrest ed
+Ġkill ing
+c an
+ĠC ard
+y d
+Ġident ified
+Ġm obile
+Ġthan ks
+ony m
+ĠF orm
+Ġhundred s
+ĠCh ris
+ĠC at
+Ġtre nd
+h at
+ĠA v
+om an
+Ġelect ric
+ĠW il
+S E
+O f
+Ġrest aur
+ot ed
+Ġtr ig
+Ġn ine
+Ġb omb
+Wh y
+Â ¯
+Ġco verage
+Ġapp eal
+ĠRober t
+ĠS up
+Ġfin ished
+Ġfl ow
+Ġdel iver
+Ġcal cul
+Ġphot os
+Ġph il
+Ġpie ces
+Ġapp re
+k es
+Ġr ough
+D o
+Ġpart ner
+Ġconcern ed
+Ġ3 7
+ĠG en
+C ol
+ct ors
+Ġ= >
+st ate
+Ġsuggest ed
+ĠFor ce
+C E
+Ġher self
+ĠPl an
+w orks
+o oth
+ren cy
+Ġcor ner
+Ġhus band
+Ġintern et
+ĠA ut
+em s
+os en
+ĠAt l
+g en
+Ġbal ance
+6 2
+Ġsound s
+te xt
+Ġar r
+ov es
+Ġmill ions
+Ġrad io
+Ġsat isf
+ĠD am
+M r
+G o
+S pe
+Ġcomb at
+r ant
+ĠG ree
+Ġf uel
+Ġdist ance
+Ġtest s
+Ġdec re
+ĠE r
+Ġman aged
+D S
+Ġt it
+Ġmeas ures
+ĠL iber
+Ġatt end
+as hed
+ĠJ ose
+ĠN ight
+d it
+ĠN ov
+ĠE nd
+out s
+Ġgener ation
+Ġadv oc
+y th
+Ġconvers ation
+ĠS ky
+act ive
+ce l
+ri er
+ĠFr ank
+Ġg ender
+Ġcon cent
+Ġcar ried
+and a
+ĠV irgin
+Ġarri ved
+ic ide
+ad ed
+Ġfail ure
+Ġmin imum
+le ts
+Ġwor st
+Ġkeep ing
+Ġint ended
+Ġilleg al
+Ġsub sc
+Ġdetermin ed
+Ġtri p
+Y es
+Ġra ise
+Ġ ~
+Ġfeel s
+Ġpack age
+ĠJ o
+h i
+201 6
+re al
+Ġf ra
+Ġsy mb
+M e
+uck y
+p ret
+ĠK h
+ĠEd it
+ĠWe b
+em ic
+ĠCol or
+Ġjust ice
+I nt
+Ġfar m
+ck now
+" >
+el ess
+Ġredu ced
+Ġ5 00
+x x
+ĠR ad
+ĠW ood
+Ġcl in
+Ġhy p
+il er
+ur a
+k ins
+8 5
+6 1
+ĠThe ir
+ĠM ary
+Ġs an
+Ġno vel
+ĠWh o
+Ġcap acity
+Ġimp ossible
+Ġpl ays
+Ġmin ister
+ij uana
+ic ate
+ĠS et
+Ġf ram
+Ġ ing
+Ġcommun ities
+it a
+Ġb on
+Ġstr ateg
+Ġinterest s
+l ock
+g ers
+m as
+Ġconflic t
+Ġrequire ments
+Ġs ac
+Ġoper ating
+in i
+rel ated
+Ġcomm itted
+Ġrelative ly
+Ġs outh
+¯ ¯
+Ġaff ord
+Ġident ity
+Ġdec isions
+Ġacc used
+pl ace
+Ġvict ory
+o ch
+i at
+N ame
+C om
+t ion
+ed s
+Ġsee k
+Ġt ight
+ĠIm ages
+Ġinit i
+Ġhum ans
+Ġfam iliar
+Ġaud ience
+Ġintern al
+vent ure
+Ġs ides
+Ġd im
+Ġcon clud
+Ġapp oint
+Ġenforce ment
+ĠJ im
+ĠAssoci ation
+Ġcircum st
+ĠCanad ian
+Ġjo ined
+Ġdiffere nces
+ĠL os
+Ġprot est
+Ġtw ice
+w in
+Ġgl ass
+ars h
+ĠAr my
+Ġexp ression
+Ġdec ide
+Ġplan ning
+an ia
+Ġhand le
+ĠMicro soft
+ĠN or
+Ġmax imum
+ĠRe v
+Ġse a
+Ġev al
+Ġhel ps
+re f
+Ġb ound
+Ġm outh
+Ġstand ards
+Ġcl im
+ĠC amp
+ĠF ox
+cl es
+Ġar my
+ĠTe chn
+ack ing
+x y
+S S
+Ġ4 2
+Ġbu g
+ĠUk rain
+ĠM ax
+ĠJ ones
+ĠSh ow
+l o
+Ġplan et
+Ġ7 5
+Ġwin ning
+Ġf aster
+Ġspe ct
+Ġbro ken
+T R
+Ġdef ined
+Ġhealth y
+Ġcompet ition
+htt ps
+ĠIs land
+ĠF e
+Ġannoun ce
+ĠC up
+ĠInst ead
+Ġcl ient
+Ġposs ibly
+se ction
+ock et
+l ook
+Ġfin ish
+Ġcre w
+Ġres erv
+Ġed itor
+Ġh ate
+Ġs ale
+Ġcontro vers
+Ġp ages
+w ing
+Ġnum er
+Ġopp osition
+Ġ200 4
+Ġref uge
+Ġfl ight
+Ġap art
+ĠL at
+A meric
+ĠAfric a
+Ġapplic ations
+ĠPal est
+ĠB ur
+Ġg ar
+ĠSoc ial
+Ġup gr
+Ġsh ape
+Ġspe aking
+ans ion
+a o
+ĠS n
+Ġwor ry
+ĠBrit ain
+P lease
+rou d
+Ġh un
+Ġintrodu ced
+Ġd iet
+I nd
+ĠSec ond
+Ġfun ctions
+ut s
+ĠE ach
+ĠJe ff
+Ġst ress
+Ġaccount s
+Ġgu arant
+ĠAn n
+ed ia
+Ġhon est
+Ġt ree
+ĠAfric an
+ĠB ush
+} ,
+Ġs ch
+ĠOn ly
+Ġf if
+ig an
+Ġexerc ise
+ĠEx p
+Ġscient ists
+Ġlegisl ation
+ĠW ork
+ĠS pr
+Ã Ĥ
+ĠH uman
+Ġ è
+Ġsur vey
+Ġr ich
+ri p
+Ġmain tain
+Ġfl o
+Ġleaders hip
+st ream
+ĠIslam ic
+Ġ 01
+ĠCol lege
+Ġmag ic
+ĠPr ime
+Ġfig ures
+201 7
+ind er
+x ual
+ĠDe ad
+Ġabsolute ly
+Ġfour th
+Ġpresent ed
+resp ond
+rib le
+Ġal cohol
+at o
+por ary
+Ġgr ab
+Ġvar i
+Ġqu ant
+ĠPh oto
+Ġpl us
+r ick
+ar ks
+Ġaltern ative
+Ġp il
+Ġappro x
+th at
+Ġobject s
+ĠR o
+ĠAnd roid
+Ġsignificant ly
+ĠR oad
+k ay
+R ead
+av or
+Ġa cknow
+ĠS ing
+O r
+ĠM ont
+Ġun s
+pro f
+Ġneg oti
+ĠAr ch
+ik i
+Ġte levision
+ĠJew ish
+Ġcomm ittee
+Ġmot or
+Ġappear ance
+Ġs itting
+Ġstri ke
+ĠD own
+com p
+ĠH ist
+Ġf old
+ac ement
+ĠLou is
+Ġbel ong
+ĠâĢ ¢
+Ġm ort
+Ġprep ared
+Ġ6 4
+ĠM aster
+Ġind eed
+ĠD en
+Ġre nt
+T A
+our ney
+ar c
+S u
+9 7
+Ġadv ice
+Ġchang ing
+Ġlist ed
+Ġlaun ched
+is ation
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+is hes
+Ġl ived
+ĠM el
+ĠSup reme
+ĠF ederal
+Ġ) ;
+ruct ure
+Ġset s
+Ġphil os
+u ous
+ĠÂ ł
+Ġappl ied
+Ġhous ing
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+Ġo dd
+Ġsu st
+D A
+ffic ient
+Ġ ?
+ol ved
+Ġp owers
+Ġth r
+Ġrem aining
+ĠW ater
+L C
+Ġca uses
+ãģ ®
+Ġman ner
+ad s
+Ġsuggest s
+Ġend s
+stand ing
+f ig
+ĠD un
+id th
+Ġg ay
+Ġter min
+ĠAngel es
+M S
+Ġscient ific
+Ġco al
+ap ers
+b ar
+ĠThom as
+Ġsy m
+ĠR un
+th is
+P C
+igr ants
+Ġmin ute
+ĠDist rict
+cell ent
+Ġle aves
+Ġcomple ted
+am in
+Ġfoc used
+Ġmon itor
+Ġveh icles
+M A
+ĠM ass
+ĠGr and
+Ġaffect ed
+itution al
+Ġconst ruct
+Ġfollow s
+Ġt on
+re ens
+Ġh omes
+ĠE xt
+ĠLe vel
+r ast
+ĠI r
+Ġel im
+Ġlarge ly
+ĠJ oe
+Ġvot es
+all s
+Ġbusiness es
+ĠFound ation
+ĠCent ral
+Ġy ards
+Ġmaterial s
+ul ner
+Ġgu ide
+Ġclos er
+um s
+Ġsp orts
+ed er
+J ust
+Ġtax es
+8 4
+ĠO ld
+Ġdec ade
+ol a
+Ġv ir
+Ġdro pped
+Ġdel ay
+it ect
+Ġsec ure
+ste in
+le vel
+Ġtre ated
+Ġfil ed
+ain e
+Ġv an
+Ġm ir
+Ġcol umn
+ict ed
+e per
+Ġro t
+Ġcons ult
+Ġent ry
+Ġmar ijuana
+ĠD ou
+Ġapparent ly
+ok ing
+clus ive
+Ġincre ases
+an o
+Ġspecific ally
+Ġte le
+ens ions
+Ġrelig ion
+ab ilities
+Ġfr ame
+ĠN ote
+ĠLe e
+Ġhelp ing
+Ġed ge
+ost on
+Ġorgan izations
+Ã ĥ
+ĠB oth
+hip s
+Ġbig ger
+Ġbo ost
+ĠSt and
+Ġro w
+ul s
+ab ase
+Ġr id
+L et
+are n
+ra ve
+Ġst ret
+P D
+Ġv ision
+Ġwe aring
+Ġappre ci
+Ġa ward
+ĠU se
+Ġfact or
+w ar
+ul ations
+) (
+Ġg od
+Ġter rit
+Ġpar am
+ast s
+8 7
+Ġen emies
+ĠG ames
+F F
+Ġacc ident
+W ell
+ĠMart in
+Ġat h
+ĠHe ll
+Ġfor g
+Ġve ter
+ĠMed ic
+f ree
+Ġst ars
+Ġexp ensive
+Ġac ad
+ra wn
+ĠW he
+Ġl ock
+Ġform at
+Ġsold iers
+s m
+Ġag ent
+Ġrespons ibility
+or a
+ĠS cience
+Ġrap id
+Ġt ough
+ĠJes us
+Ġbelie ves
+M L
+Ġwe ar
+le te
+Ãĥ ÃĤ
+ĠD ri
+Ġcomm ission
+ĠB ob
+O h
+ap ed
+Ġwar m
+Ġ200 3
+ort ion
+Ġhas n
+ust er
+Ġun ivers
+ĠI ll
+Ġk ing
+olog ies
+9 4
+ĠT em
+ĠM os
+Ġpat ient
+ĠMex ico
+ce an
+ĠDe ath
+ĠSand ers
+y ou
+ĠC ast
+ĠComp any
+pt y
+Ġhappen ing
+F P
+ĠB attle
+Ġb ought
+A m
+M od
+U s
+ut ers
+ĠC re
+ĠTh ose
+Ġ4 4
+is er
+Ġs oul
+ĠT op
+ĠHar ry
+ĠA w
+Ġse at
+ff ee
+Ġrev olution
+Ġ( "
+ĠD uring
+et te
+Ġr ing
+Ġoff ensive
+Ġreturn s
+Ġv ideos
+Ġdis cl
+Ġfam ous
+en ced
+ĠS ign
+ĠR iver
+Ġ3 00
+P M
+ĠB us
+Ġcandid ates
+ard en
+Ġpercent age
+Ġvis ual
+Ġthan k
+Ġtrou ble
+ner gy
+Ġ200 1
+Ġpro ve
+ash ion
+Ġen h
+ĠL ong
+U M
+Ġconnect ed
+Ġposs ibility
+O ver
+Ġexper t
+Ġl ibrary
+art s
+ĠDirect or
+Ġfell ow
+9 2
+ir ty
+Ġd ry
+Ġsign s
+ĠL ove
+Ġqu iet
+f oot
+Ġp ure
+ĠH un
+Ġf illed
+ph as
+ĠE lect
+end ment
+ĠEx pl
+Ġun able
+n s
+m o
+Ġv ast
+ob e
+Ġident ify
+app ing
+ĠCarol ina
+g ress
+Ġpro te
+Ġf ish
+Ġcircumst ances
+raz y
+ĠPh ot
+Ġb odies
+ĠM ur
+Ġdevelop ing
+Ġexperien ced
+Ġsubst ant
+ĠBo ard
+es ome
+Ġdom estic
+Ġcomb ined
+ĠP ut
+Ġchem ical
+ĠCh ild
+Ġpo ol
+ĠC y
+Ġe gg
+c ons
+st ers
+Ġh urt
+Ġmark ets
+Ġconserv ative
+Ġsupp orters
+Ġag encies
+id el
+O b
+ur b
+Ġ4 3
+ĠDef ense
+y e
+ĠA p
+du le
+Ġtemper ature
+Ġconduct ed
+ĠCh ief
+Ġpull ed
+Ġf ol
+L ast
+ont o
+os is
+D es
+ĠP an
+F irst
+Ġadv ance
+Ġlic ense
+r ors
+ĠJ on
+Ġimag ine
+Ġhe ll
+Ġf ixed
+Ġinc or
+os ite
+ĠL og
+ick en
+] :
+Ġsurpr ise
+h ab
+Ġc raft
+ol t
+ĠJ ul
+Ġd ial
+Ġrele vant
+Ġent ered
+Ġlead s
+ĠCle an
+Ġpict ures
+ess or
+Ġal t
+Ġpay ing
+P er
+ĠMark et
+Ġupd ates
+am ily
+ĠT ype
+ĠH ome
+Ġ5 5
+semb ly
+rom e
+8 3
+Ġgreat est
+Ġhe ight
+Ġhe av
+ain ts
+Ġlist en
+as er
+Ġcap able
+ac le
+Ġpers pect
+in ating
+Ġoff ering
+ry pt
+ĠDe velop
+ab in
+r c
+Ġbr ight
+al ty
+ar row
+Ġsupp l
+ind ing
+ack ed
+gy pt
+ĠAn other
+p g
+ĠVirgin ia
+ĠL u
+Ġpl anned
+Ġp it
+Ġswe et
+T ype
+ĠD i
+Ġtyp ically
+ĠFranc isco
+Ġpro spect
+ĠD an
+Ġte en
+re es
+Ġsc hed
+Ġh ol
+Ġsc r
+Ġlot s
+l ife
+Ġnews p
+Ġfor get
+ĠN one
+ĠM iddle
+ĠR yan
+ed d
+Ġse vere
+Ġsu it
+ll er
+9 3
+Ġcor respond
+Ġexpl os
+u ations
+Ġfl ag
+g ame
+r id
+Ġpr in
+ĠD ata
+Ġde ploy
+ĠEn ter
+su it
+gh an
+ĠM en
+Ġthough ts
+Ġmat ters
+Ġad apt
+ĠA ri
+Ġf ill
+Ġfor th
+Ġs am
+Ġ4 1
+Ġpay ment
+ĠH or
+Ġsp ring
+du c
+Ġl osing
+Ġbring ing
+F O
+al a
+Ġdist ribution
+he red
+b our
+ĠIsrael i
+om a
+Ġcomb ination
+Ġpl enty
+V E
+C an
+ĠH aw
+Ġper man
+ĠSpe cial
+Ġto w
+Ġsee king
+Ġexam ples
+Ġclass es
+c r
+Ġbe er
+Ġmov es
+ĠK n
+Ġpan el
+E ven
+Ġproper ly
+Ġr is
+Ġpl ug
+Ġestim ated
+E very
+Ġdef ensive
+ag raph
+Ġpre gn
+Ġinst it
+ĠV ict
+Ġvol ume
+Ġpos itions
+Ġl inks
+ĠPro gram
+ĠWe ek
+ag ues
+Ġtrans form
+k er
+Ġc as
+Ġopp onent
+Ġtwe et
+ĠC ode
+Ġsh op
+Ġf ly
+Ġtal ks
+Ġb ag
+Ph one
+Ġa id
+Ġpl ants
+Ġ6 5
+Ġatt orney
+ar ters
+qu est
+ĠMag ic
+Ġbeg ins
+Ġmy ster
+Ġenvironment al
+Ġst orage
+N N
+Ġm arg
+Ġs ke
+Ġmet al
+ell y
+Ġord ered
+Ġrem ained
+Ġl oved
+Ġprom pt
+Ġupd ated
+Ġexper ts
+Ġwalk ing
+Ġan cient
+Ġperform ed
+Ġne ither
+i ency
+Ġmanufact ure
+ĠP ak
+Ġselect ed
+Ġm ine
+Ġult imately
+Ġexpl an
+Ġlab el
+ĠServ ices
+ribut ed
+Tr ump
+Ġsy n
+ĠU lt
+S C
+Ġme at
+Ġg iant
+ĠW ars
+Ġad m
+Ġinter pret
+Ġeven ing
+Ġev il
+ĠB oston
+ĠW ild
+Ġ Ã
+ĠBit coin
+ĠAm azon
+D r
+ĠIn formation
+Ġobvious ly
+Ġadv anced
+Ph oto
+ol ar
+Ġwe ather
+Ġsymb ol
+Ġso le
+Ġpot entially
+ost er
+Ġorig inally
+m un
+3 00
+az e
+ess ions
+Ġde ck
+Ġst ood
+Ġyou th
+ĠB ern
+R ep
+ĠT est
+Ġbas ically
+ot ic
+Ġinvol ve
+ol it
+ly n
+S ee
+Ġair craft
+Ġconf irm
+E W
+Ġmess ages
+ĠRich ard
+Ġk it
+Ġpro hib
+Ġv ulner
+is ters
+Ġexist ence
+Ġturn ing
+Ġdes ire
+Ġfl at
+Ġm ent
+se ason
+ang es
+Ġneighbor hood
+ĠL ake
+Ġpoint ed
+b ur
+Ġinn ov
+uc ks
+U L
+Ġprofess or
+Ġexp ressed
+A B
+ic ious
+Ġ200 2
+ĠDe v
+Ġs ession
+Ġb are
+s en
+Ġdis s
+ĠC ath
+ĠP ass
+ĠP oint
+Ġdo ctor
+or row
+ail ed
+ĠR ub
+ĠChar l
+p erson
+Ġwrit er
+igh ters
+ure au
+Ġob lig
+Ġrecord ed
+Ġbro ke
+Ġord ers
+il ty
+Ġmot ion
+in ity
+l aw
+ad ium
+Ġimm igration
+Ġcontr ast
+Ġb att
+Ġex cellent
+Ġtechn ical
+am i
+Ġt un
+Ġcl oud
+ĠY ear
+ge on
+Ġcre ation
+Ġstr ange
+Ġa uth
+Ġfor t
+b orn
+Ġext ent
+ĠT oday
+ĠCl ub
+Ġr ain
+Ġs ample
+Ġaccept ed
+Ġt act
+Ġf ired
+ĠS on
+Ġstand s
+Ġb oot
+Ġ4 7
+Ġstat ements
+Ġvers ions
+Ġse lling
+ound ed
+Ġ199 0
+Ġwere n
+ĠW atch
+Ġexper iment
+P ost
+Ġret ail
+ul ed
+In st
+un te
+ãĥ ¼
+Ġdep art
+Ġb ond
+i very
+om pl
+Ġre action
+ĠSyri an
+ĠP ac
+app ed
+ani el
+D P
+Ġres olution
+Ġre act
+Ġappro ved
+on om
+m ond
+ĠO ffic
+-- -
+Ġrepl ace
+Ġt ack
+Ġsp ort
+Ġch ain
+Ġemer gency
+r ad
+ĠPalest in
+Ġ4 6
+Ġautom atically
+Ġrout e
+Ġp al
+Ġb anks
+ĠPar is
+ĠMed ia
+ro ad
+ic ing
+i xt
+ist ed
+Ġg rew
+Ġco ord
+ĠW here
+om in
+Ġsub s
+� �
+ĠÂ ±
+Ġcorpor ate
+Ġse lection
+n oon
+ĠRep ort
+c s
+clud ing
+ord ers
+anc he
+ĠIt s
+Ġslow ly
+ĠE gypt
+ĠA cc
+Ġcol le
+iqu es
+E X
+Ġattempt s
+ur l
+ĠC ross
+Ġfind ings
+Ġind ex
+ens ity
+ĠW ay
+ĠL and
+Ġsh ock
+d is
+Ġd ynam
+Ġc art
+m osp
+S ince
+i est
+ĠB oy
+Ġst orm
+ĠCont in
+201 3
+he w
+il it
+Ġess ential
+iqu id
+O ther
+ive red
+Ġreason able
+A ct
+Ġsub sequ
+ĠP ack
+ĠF ort
+Ġconsider ing
+Ġun iversity
+l og
+Ġmar ried
+Ġill ust
+ĠTr ue
+£ ı
+Ġnumer ous
+rast ructure
+Ġserious ly
+Ġrefer red
+u a
+Ġconsist ent
+on na
+ĠRe al
+ru ption
+ci ples
+Ġfact s
+9 1
+ot es
+er g
+The n
+Ġacc ompl
+N ote
+Ġre venue
+Ġpass ing
+Ġm al
+e en
+ĠY et
+Ġg ather
+ter day
+ew ork
+ĠA uthor
+P e
+Ġopt im
+Ġr ub
+Ġè £ı
+Ġun known
+st one
+Ġun ion
+ol ve
+Ġopportun ities
+Ġbrow ser
+ĠW al
+ĠC ost
+Ġreport ing
+st s
+p et
+Ġs and
+Ġsudden ly
+Ġsurpr ising
+Ġsomew hat
+ĠB as
+ult ure
+iz z
+Ġchalleng es
+Ġsett ings
+Ġexperien ces
+ĠF ull
+Ġcan n
+Ġrece iving
+Ġj oint
+Ġcult ural
+Ġa st
+8 2
+as tern
+ce ived
+ĠC ru
+Ġb ull
+p ired
+am m
+Ġfac ing
+p ower
+Ġb oss
+ĠH ol
+Ġinst r
+Ġincreasing ly
+Ġsh ift
+Ġstre ets
+ĠWilliam s
+ab b
+Ġl ie
+Ġl augh
+ĠC a
+P L
+Ġadult s
+Ġcustom er
+Ġob tained
+Ġsupport ing
+ht ml
+f ire
+Ġdetail ed
+Ġpick ed
+ĠR ight
+ld er
+E E
+st ood
+ĠK im
+Ġw ire
+Ġs ight
+Ġdevelop ers
+Ġpers ons
+Ġs ad
+Ġc up
+Ġwar ning
+Ġboy s
+l ong
+Ġb ird
+f o
+Ġw al
+Ġobserv ed
+Ġz one
+iven ess
+Ġch annel
+c ript
+Ġref used
+ĠAg ain
+Ġsu c
+Ġspokes man
+ĠRe f
+r ite
+ou ston
+ãĥ ³
+ĠS her
+Ġact s
+ĠN ame
+Ġstrugg le
+ar ry
+omet imes
+Ġdisc rim
+H T
+Ġcateg ory
+Ġreal ize
+Ġemploy ee
+ĠAf ghan
+en ger
+Ġgun s
+ĠSte ve
+ĠM ot
+ĠO l
+ok ed
+Ġth ick
+Ġfair ly
+ill y
+Ġsur ve
+ĠM at
+we ight
+â Ķ
+Ġtro ops
+Ġag ents
+Ġbatter y
+Ġmot iv
+Ã ¡
+S ec
+d en
+o very
+L S
+Ġfl u
+Ġconf ident
+ĠO per
+Ġem pty
+Ġp hen
+Ġse ctor
+Ġexc ited
+Ġrem ote
+ap h
+o en
+Ġdestroy ed
+Ġmor al
+ĠR on
+Ġd ress
+ĠB at
+Ġl it
+Ġa f
+H L
+r um
+is ms
+Ġshould n
+Ġsym pt
+ĠTor onto
+het ic
+Ġcar bon
+Ġinstall ed
+Ġviol ent
+Ġsol ar
+j a
+Ġpract ices
+Ġr ide
+ĠP enn
+Ġimpro ved
+Ġaud io
+Ġbehav i
+Ġe ating
+D ata
+ĠRe view
+p ass
+cl aim
+u ated
+ang ers
+c hen
+Ġproper ties
+Ġany where
+An other
+Ġbl ow
+ĠJack son
+Ġp roud
+Ġplan e
+l ines
+Ġsqu are
+Ġpro of
+ans as
+Ġtalk ed
+m akers
+Ġs ister
+Ġhold s
+Ġres ident
+Ġ= =
+Ġresist ance
+Ġspl it
+Ġpro secut
+Ġconf idence
+res ents
+Ġcut s
+Ġexcept ion
+Ġz ero
+Get ty
+Ġcop yright
+Ġtot ally
+orm al
+ific ations
+ĠAustral ian
+Ġs ick
+Ġ1 50
+Ġhouse hold
+Ġfe es
+Ġdri vers
+og en
+Ġnecess arily
+Ġregul ations
+ear ing
+s l
+Ġperspect ive
+c are
+ic ial
+H is
+Ġesc ape
+Ġsurpr ised
+ĠV an
+ur rent
+Ġv ac
+8 1
+ĠTh us
+Ġem phas
+ĠCh ampions
+ĠI ce
+Ġn arr
+Ġhead s
+Ġca using
+b el
+f ortunately
+ĠM a
+Ġtarg ets
+ci pl
+Ġafter noon
+Ġadd s
+ĠMay be
+ĠF our
+ess ed
+ple te
+Ġus ual
+ch o
+ing u
+Ġwith d
+ĠE nergy
+ĠE conom
+O O
+Ġart icles
+Ġinj ured
+Ġman age
+Ġexpl ains
+Ġdi agn
+R ec
+at ures
+Ġlink ed
+Ġdiscuss ed
+Ġexpl o
+Ġocc asion
+ath an
+Ġopp osite
+Ġfac es
+Ġden ied
+ĠK night
+Ġn ut
+Ġapprox imately
+Ġdisapp oint
+onym ous
+ĠB est
+ĠL o
+ĠH y
+ĠA ff
+Ġvot ing
+an while
+Ġinstit utions
+ag ram
+ĠD aily
+Ġdr ag
+Ġnear by
+Ġgu ilty
+Ġcon ver
+P re
+s hip
+Ġre ward
+Ġphilos oph
+u gh
+Ġapp s
+f riend
+Ġu pper
+Ġad vert
+Ġs now
+Ġfr ust
+Ġour selves
+F r
+ĠD ie
+amp ion
+Ġdis miss
+Ġc ere
+Ġsign al
+f rom
+Ġ ).
+Ġ5 2
+Ġcr imes
+it ors
+est ival
+use um
+Ġcoun cil
+ĠS aud
+M ay
+ĠG un
+ic ian
+et her
+Ġsu fficient
+ĠH en
+so le
+Ġhistor ical
+ĠF ar
+ĠT urn
+Ġp in
+Ġsuc ceed
+m at
+ly mp
+Ġtrad ition
+ĠO k
+Ġc ro
+Ġdesc ription
+al le
+Ġsk y
+T e
+Ġwide ly
+Ġw ave
+Ġdefin ition
+ĠJew s
+Ġcy cle
+Ġref ere
+Ġbr ings
+us al
+Ġal ive
+Ġfrequ ently
+Ġint ention
+ĠCont rol
+l v
+y stem
+Ġpriv acy
+g ent
+ren ce
+ĠQu est
+ĠChrist mas
+Ġr ail
+Ġco oper
+Ġtest ed
+ĠC apt
+as ks
+Ġcomfort able
+Ġdel ivered
+sc ape
+Ġdep th
+Ġwrit es
+Ġass ets
+Ġsa v
+im ents
+Ġtrans ition
+Ġart ist
+ĠL ook
+Ġl ob
+Ġcomp onents
+ar ity
+Ġwalk ed
+Ġro ot
+Ġparticip ants
+Ġnot iced
+Ġres c
+Ġn av
+ĠAd minist
+d a
+ut ral
+pl ate
+Ġimport ance
+Ġass ert
+ious ly
+c ription
+Ġinj uries
+ĠChe ck
+Ġregist ered
+Ġint ent
+Ġmiss ed
+ograph ic
+Ġsent ence
+oun ter
+Ġassist ance
+ev in
+Ġdat abase
+Ġbuild ings
+Ġclass ic
+Ġth inks
+ĠOh io
+P r
+ug g
+Ġfe e
+p an
+Ġeffect ively
+Ġfac ility
+Ġbe ar
+Ġch apter
+Ġdog s
+ĠCol umb
+Ġl atter
+it ial
+Ġad mitted
+T V
+ĠGe org
+Ġpost s
+\ \
+Ġlawy er
+Ġequ ival
+Ġm and
+Ġcontro lled
+ĠW alk
+ĠAnd rew
+Ġmen u
+am ental
+Ġprotect ed
+v a
+Ġadminist r
+or al
+Ġre in
+ĠS ar
+Ġamount s
+Ġn ative
+ĠM oon
+Ġrep resents
+Ġab andon
+Ġcarry ing
+Ġt ank
+m ary
+Ġdecl ared
+T ube
+Ġh at
+Ġpun ish
+el lect
+m es
+Ġun iverse
+ĠR od
+ph y
+Ġinf rastructure
+Ġ5 1
+Ġopp osed
+ow nt
+c a
+ĠM ake
+Ġhard ware
+Ġco ffee
+R el
+b al
+w orld
+ĠS af
+ĠSe a
+in als
+Ġown ed
+Ġh all
+ers ion
+Ġdescrib e
+ĠP ot
+Ġport ion
+Ġat mosp
+Ġgovern ments
+Ġdep ending
+Ġoff ense
+Ġtr ick
+aw a
+ĠL ine
+ĠV is
+ĠH ard
+ĠOr ig
+ĠCl ick
+Ġdes k
+ĠVal ley
+ĠS ov
+Ġmov ies
+Ġrem ark
+Ġm ail
+Ġcons cious
+Ġrul ing
+ĠR ights
+Ġmed ic
+he nt
+ĠW omen
+> <
+Ġrepl aced
+ĠP rem
+ĠTh anks
+Ġre new
+ĠB all
+if orm
+Ġsh ots
+C omm
+Ġar med
+Ġconst ant
+Ġt aste
+Ġreal ized
+Ġbu ff
+Ġm o
+Ġeffic ient
+M ost
+or ation
+if ies
+Ġcommun ication
+Ġfl ood
+Ġconsequ ences
+Ġany way
+ig g
+ĠTh ank
+Ġ iron
+Ġev olution
+ĠC op
+tw itter
+Ġ9 5
+Ġrelationship s
+ad el
+ĠYou ng
+Ġpropos al
+ay ers
+uild ing
+ĠH ot
+c os
+Ġcoll abor
+P G
+ax y
+Ġknow ing
+Ġsupport s
+ow ed
+Ġcontrol s
+Ġmere ly
+um er
+Ġath let
+Ġf ashion
+p ath
+Ġg ift
+Ġer a
+Ġkind s
+ĠKore an
+Ġleg it
+ul ous
+Ġess entially
+Ġthe rap
+n ic
+Ġsuff ered
+Ġh ur
+Ġprom ise
+Ġex cess
+Ġover w
+Ġpr ime
+ĠH ouston
+er ry
+ĠM s
+R S
+201 2
+Ġst ores
+ĠO lymp
+Ġj ourney
+Al though
+S ub
+ĠE duc
+ĠCh apter
+Ġrequest s
+Ġconsum ers
+Ġt iny
+Ġis ol
+ĠF air
+b a
+Ġcr ash
+ce ler
+Ġemot ional
+Ġgood s
+Ġelect ed
+Ġmod er
+ĠLin ux
+Ġbl ocks
+Ġis land
+ĠSoc iety
+Ġelect ions
+Ġbroad cast
+Ġche ap
+Ġn ations
+Ġse asons
+4 00
+Ġwas te
+ĠS at
+Ġfield s
+em ploy
+Ġprof ile
+Ġauth ors
+ĠG ra
+w est
+ĠT y
+Ġdeath s
+Ġv acc
+Ġfor med
+Ġd u
+Ġon going
+ĠMuslim s
+el f
+ig ure
+Ġass ume
+ĠUkrain e
+w ater
+Ġco ast
+Ġvot ed
+g or
+ĠMich igan
+az a
+ĠAr m
+i ro
+Ġf lex
+as ters
+' '
+Ġwel come
+ar l
+Ġloc ations
+ig ation
+ĠF il
+Ġbu ying
+Ġarch itect
+Ġhard er
+ĠC ub
+Ġinter face
+Ġrestaur ant
+Ġdisco ver
+Ġex ceed
+Ġfav our
+ger y
+Ġd uty
+Ġp itch
+ad or
+ĠM ach
+b oy
+Ġrespond ed
+Ġext ended
+her s
+M any
+ra id
+if er
+ĠIn s
+S er
+Ġmed ium
+s he
+ĠS ports
+Ġmag azine
+ut ation
+Ġlim its
+ĠG all
+Ġex ternal
+raz il
+Ġyoung er
+t le
+Ġrem ind
+Ġimmedi ate
+Ġh idden
+Ġvol unte
+Ġsim pl
+od cast
+Ġph ase
+d r
+Ġpl ot
+Ġexp osure
+R I
+og rap
+v in
+an ish
+ĠAc ad
+ĠEng ine
+Ġexp ansion
+ĠP ay
+Y our
+Ġpus hed
+ĠE ll
+ĠHe ad
+Ġmarket ing
+k et
+Ġh its
+Ġg ro
+ĠA ge
+ĠSc ot
+] [
+Ġst im
+Ġi Phone
+Ī Ĵ
+Ġn arrow
+ĠGet ty
+ĠTur key
+Ġperfect ly
+Ġen able
+ut ch
+Ġprec ise
+Ġreg ime
+Ġsh if
+Ġcomp ens
+g un
+d iv
+Ġch osen
+ĠK en
+An y
+Ġtre es
+Ġrecomm ended
+ĠR en
+u able
+F ollow
+E G
+ĠH and
+ĠK enn
+Ġarg uments
+Ġex ists
+Ġb ike
+ĠCons erv
+Ġbre aking
+ĠG ar
+Ġc razy
+Ġvirt ual
+ay lor
+ix el
+Ġ19 80
+Ġper mission
+ĠSer ies
+Ġconsum er
+Ġclose ly
+c alled
+Ġ5 4
+Ġhop es
+Ġar ray
+ĠW in
+ĠLab our
+Ġsp ons
+ĠI re
+Ġp ow
+Ġread ers
+Ġemploy ment
+Ġcreat ure
+Ġresult ing
+Ġaccur ate
+Ġmom ents
+Ġarg ued
+Ġp ed
+D uring
+Ġ5 3
+ĠT al
+Ġs ought
+Ġsuff ering
+Ġ icon
+le e
+Ġ( $
+al ian
+Â °
+Ġp ra
+Ġbon us
+( "
+k o
+Ġact ing
+D E
+f all
+Ġcompar ison
+Ġsm ooth
+u pp
+ĠJose ph
+ep ing
+ĠT ake
+ĠM id
+Ġs ending
+f ast
+ĠF all
+Ġdeal ing
+us er
+ĠOr gan
+C o
+Ġatt ached
+Ġse es
+% .
+Ġtyp ical
+Ġfind s
+ĠAs ia
+um in
+ĠC ore
+ĠE nt
+in ent
+u ce
+ĠBl ood
+ĠN ever
+Ġem ails
+Ġhigh light
+Ġconf ront
+at us
+ut ed
+Ġun us
+Ġtop ic
+ĠAd am
+Ġb le
+at i
+Ġunder stood
+S et
+st ruct
+T P
+Ġm ob
+a a
+ĠSt art
+pect ed
+se ll
+Ġded icated
+u an
+Ġsong s
+esc ription
+Ġte ch
+Ġr ape
+Ġas ide
+Ġgr ant
+Ġ5 6
+s ub
+Ġarg ue
+Ġcont aining
+Ġsche dule
+Ġliber al
+Ġpublic ly
+Ġheav ily
+ĠU t
+in er
+ĠS ection
+ĠC are
+we et
+l s
+D is
+âĶ Ģ
+ĠF ollow
+B ack
+Ġb es
+j i
+ĠH it
+est ed
+Ġevery body
+ĠSw ed
+Ġfem in
+Ġfac ilities
+Ġcon ven
+C omp
+c ore
+Ġan x
+Ġdiv ision
+ĠC am
+ĠSt an
+m ates
+Ġexpl ore
+pl om
+Ġsh ares
+pl oad
+an es
+Ġide al
+et ers
+ĠB ase
+Ġpl astic
+Ġdist inct
+ĠNet work
+ĠSe attle
+Ġtrad ing
+ens us
+int end
+Ġex hib
+Ġinit ially
+ĠF ood
+Ġthous and
+ĠBus iness
+act er
+Ġpar agraph
+Ġrough ly
+Ġw ww
+Ġcreat ive
+ĠCon f
+Ġconsum ption
+Ġfil ms
+ag an
+Ġob tain
+Ġt all
+Ġt or
+Ġacknow led
+Ġg rown
+al o
+K E
+Ġ4 00
+end ers
+t aining
+U G
+Ġsu icide
+Ġwat ched
+ĠL ist
+al i
+re hens
+Ġsurround ing
+Ġp ip
+Ġf lying
+ĠJ ava
+ord an
+Ġserv ing
+in ations
+p ost
+Ġsh o
+A v
+Ġj ail
+z y
+Ġ199 9
+Ġ< /
+Ġliter ally
+ĠS ir
+Ġexp osed
+Ġl ies
+st ar
+Ġb at
+Ġear ned
+ĠD ig
+Ġspec ified
+ĠSe ason
+Ġdeg rees
+Don ald
+Ġcent re
+Ġsh aring
+Ġwin ter
+C he
+Ġ Î
+M P
+Ġun w
+Ġfew er
+ĠM ir
+Ġsomew here
+ĠK ey
+Ġattack ed
+ĠK ir
+Ġdom ain
+Ġstrong er
+Ġ9 9
+Ġpen alty
+I d
+Sc ript
+Ġdecl ined
+Ġne ck
+Ġfra ud
+Ġcur rency
+Ġr ising
+R C
+âĢ¦ âĢ¦
+H z
+Ġt ab
+Ġtal ent
+n am
+Ġvill age
+Ġleg s
+ĠN ext
+E d
+Ġac id
+Ġhy d
+8 00
+Ġinvol ving
+ĠIm age
+ĠBe fore
+F l
+Ġyes terday
+S ource
+Ġterror ist
+Ġsu p
+Ġsy nt
+ĠSaud i
+Ġw est
+Ġr u
+b urg
+Ġvis ible
+Ġstru ck
+r ison
+Ġaw esome
+Ġd rawn
+Ġansw ers
+ĠG irl
+ĠR am
+Ġthreat s
+Ġdef eat
+os it
+Ġv ent
+atur ally
+Americ an
+end a
+ĠH oly
+Ġr um
+% ,
+c ase
+ĠHist ory
+ĠYou Tube
+Ġsit uations
+S te
+Ġsa ved
+It em
+Ġrec ip
+olog ist
+Ġfac ed
+Ġel ig
+O nce
+ĠL i
+u h
+Ġmist ake
+ĠDiv ision
+ĠB ell
+Ġsympt oms
+Â ®
+Ġdom in
+Ġfall ing
+Ġend ing
+as hes
+Ġmat ches
+ĠOn line
+Ġexplan ation
+D ef
+red it
+Ġany more
+ĠT otal
+us hed
+Ġlet ters
+Ġris ks
+Ġreported ly
+: \
+Ġpl ate
+Ġsubject s
+Ġattempt ed
+if ier
+ian a
+Ġunlike ly
+ĠTh ough
+um a
+ĠIn vest
+ĠPr in
+ic an
+ĠD ar
+ĠColor ado
+au g
+Ġve get
+a os
+ri a
+Ġshe l
+Ġmark ed
+Ġ( )
+Ġsp r
+p o
+ĠL ink
+Ġdef e
+ĠJ r
+Ġthem e
+Ġpass ion
+ĠP en
+Ġinf o
+iz er
+Ġsh it
+ĠC ivil
+ap se
+c re
+Ġpo ly
+Ġcomp onent
+ĠChar les
+ĠIre land
+ĠPro v
+Ġdo ctors
+Ġgr anted
+Ġpain t
+Ġhon or
+Ġsm oke
+Ġpay ments
+Ġprim arily
+ĠKing dom
+r ich
+ate ll
+Ġde als
+Ġsched uled
+Ġfund amental
+Ġprote in
+Ġnewsp aper
+Ġcl ients
+yth on
+ĠD ate
+h us
+Ġfeed back
+Ġstret ch
+Ġc ock
+Ġhot el
+ĠQue en
+Ġsu gar
+Ġj u
+Ġmil k
+Ġappro val
+ĠL ive
+Ġequival ent
+ef ully
+Ġins ert
+z ona
+Ġext ension
+d ri
+J ohn
+Ġacc omp
+S m
+ĠF und
+Ġconst antly
+Ġ` `
+Ġgener ated
+ĠA ction
+ĠP sych
+ĠT ri
+Ġrecogn ize
+Ġv ary
+ph a
+ĠR a
+d f
+et ch
+ĠSov iet
+Tw o
+Ġpattern s
+Ġprof ession
+an ing
+T ime
+ĠL im
+Ġcol ors
+ĠA z
+Ġinf ect
+Ġphen omen
+Ġshe ll
+Al so
+Ġput s
+Ġdel ivery
+Ġbro wn
+Ġprocess ing
+Ġlight s
+ess age
+ĠBro ok
+ĠA ud
+l ation
+Ġindust rial
+L ike
+ĠB razil
+rou s
+ĠL uc
+Ġsome how
+Ġ8 5
+Ġpro port
+Ġpolit icians
+Ġindic ate
+Ġh ole
+Ġtechn iques
+Ġcompet itive
+Ġph r
+Ġv o
+ist ent
+ĠD ream
+Ġcamp us
+Ġaspect s
+Ġhelp ful
+Ġsh ield
+or se
+Ġtrig ger
+m al
+Ġ5 8
+Ġt ort
+Ġperson ally
+Ġt ag
+Ġkeep s
+ĠV ideo
+Ġben ch
+Ġg ap
+a ire
+Ġe ast
+Ġrec overy
+per ial
+Ġprof it
+ĠM ic
+Ġ5 7
+Ġcol on
+Ġstrong ly
+st yle
+Ġalleg ations
+h an
+Ġrep orters
+j o
+r ine
+arg et
+and al
+Ġ0 3
+Ġfl ash
+tr ans
+Ġstr ict
+Ġpark ing
+ĠPak istan
+Ġl i
+Ġwe ird
+ĠE ric
+Ġreg ions
+ĠJ un
+Ġint ellect
+od ing
+rib utes
+up id
+ĠT it
+Ġf inger
+or ia
+Ġe lev
+ĠF ield
+Ġcon clusion
+; ;
+Ġfeel ings
+Ġext ensive
+Ġm ixed
+Ġne uro
+v y
+Ġhar ass
+ĠC irc
+ou ch
+Ġterrit ory
+Ġsuccess fully
+M ar
+Ġing red
+Ġoverw hel
+Ġl ayer
+V iew
+Ġall ies
+ill ance
+ĠTh ree
+Ġb unch
+Ġnorm ally
+Ġnet works
+Ġsac r
+b les
+Ġch ose
+Ġopp onents
+Ġregard less
+Ġfr anch
+Ġpre f
+ĠP o
+Ġbr idge
+ann a
+ĠSil ver
+Ġw age
+p age
+ri or
+Ġrad ical
+ĠL ittle
+Ġman ip
+Ġsecret ary
+Ġg ang
+D R
+F A
+Ġdec ent
+ĠSp irit
+Ġun cle
+ĠDevelop ment
+Ġinvest ors
+Ġwall s
+Ġpub lish
+Ġgener ate
+iss ions
+c ar
+Ġprom ote
+Ġcut ting
+Ġche st
+Ġdrink ing
+Ġcollect ed
+Ġ7 2
+Ġhop ing
+Ġem br
+gor ith
+Ġwar ned
+Ġinstruct ions
+O G
+ĠD id
+ĠAg ency
+Ġg ear
+Ġcritic ism
+ĠF urther
+Ġut il
+ann y
+R ed
+Ġcoun sel
+ĠAs ian
+Ġredu ction
+p ool
+Ġteach ing
+Ġdeep ly
+i y
+Ġestim ates
+Ġcho ices
+Ġperman ent
+in em
+ke l
+Ġf asc
+p se
+f ile
+ĠL ow
+ĠP erson
+Ġt ournament
+st al
+Ġm el
+ĠR ay
+az i
+V al
+Ġcont ained
+ĠH olly
+Ġw ake
+Ġreve al
+Ġprocess es
+Ġ0 9
+Ġbl ind
+Ġste el
+ĠB ad
+Ġcare fully
+app y
+ro it
+Ġg aming
+Ġhous es
+ĠC oll
+Ġtr uck
+er m
+Ġsc ored
+Ġocc as
+ret urn
+b ound
+v ar
+Ġsh arp
+Ġaf raid
+am ber
+c ific
+Ġsche me
+N C
+ĠPol it
+Ġdecl ine
+Ġ199 8
+Ġpus hing
+Ġposs ession
+Ġpriv ile
+Ġteacher s
+Ġy ield
+H A
+ĠDav is
+it led
+#### ####
+Ġr ig
+ĠD aniel
+ac on
+Ġh ide
+ut en
+Ġcolle agues
+Ġprin ciples
+Ġl oud
+Ġs in
+ĠDem on
+Ġst one
+Ġ0 2
+Ġt aught
+Ġter rible
+Ġst uck
+ĠPol icy
+te en
+Ġimplement ation
+Ġwhe el
+all as
+Ġch ampions
+ol ars
+play er
+Ġrepeated ly
+ĠSt ill
+Ġlik es
+ast y
+es ter
+ĠCath olic
+R L
+Ġb ath
+Ġno ise
+t itle
+Ġn orthern
+P art
+Ġmag n
+Ġf ab
+ĠAs h
+Ġdis pl
+Ġtick et
+Ġm urd
+Ġalong side
+ĠMus ic
+Ġr iver
+ĠSte el
+ĠPl ayer
+ĠM ult
+ow ing
+re p
+s ize
+Ġt ur
+ĠGeorg ia
+isc al
+ra ction
+Ġc able
+Ġ5 9
+Ġw ins
+Ġup coming
+Ġsurv ive
+Ġins pired
+ĠEduc ation
+Ġstat istics
+ĠF oot
+iam i
+Ġy ellow
+ĠP age
+. -
+ĠH as
+Ġur ban
+Ġa x
+es sel
+\ "
+Ġquarter back
+Ġreg ister
+ĠLab or
+Ġab ilities
+ĠF amily
+Ġvar iable
+ĠPr ice
+Ġcont em
+Ġth in
+ĠE qu
+d ata
+Ġg otten
+Ġconst it
+Ġas ks
+Ġt ail
+Ġexc iting
+ĠE ffect
+ĠSp anish
+Ġencour age
+ins on
+ĠA h
+Ġcommit ment
+C S
+Ġr ally
+Ġ: :
+Ġsubs id
+Ġsp in
+Ġcapt ured
+201 8
+Ġinn oc
+Ġalleged ly
+ĠC ome
+Ġart ists
+ĠN umber
+Ġelect ronic
+Ġreg ional
+ap es
+Ġw ra
+Ġmy th
+pr ise
+ĠM iller
+ĠC reat
+ĠEp isode
+b ell
+Ġdirect ed
+Ġext ract
+Ġs orry
+Ġv ice
+ag ger
+ĠSu pport
+Ġ6 6
+ĠI ron
+Ġwonder ful
+Ġg ra
+N et
+ion e
+E ng
+Ġsh ips
+ik es
+ĠK evin
+it ar
+Ġactiv ists
+tr ue
+ĠAri zona
+ent h
+ĠDes pite
+Ġha bit
+ern el
+Ġin qu
+Ġab ortion
+Ġv oid
+Ġexpl icit
+Ġeng aged
+Ġang ry
+Ġr ating
+Ġfr ag
+b ro
+ick ing
+d ev
+Ġwor ried
+Ġob ser
+Ġap artment
+Ġest ate
+ĠConst itution
+em on
+ĠS now
+Ġcount y
+Ġdis ag
+ĠStep hen
+Ġimm igrants
+w ind
+ĠN ations
+Ġfol ks
+O ut
+Ġg all
+Ġtarget ed
+Ġst ead
+ĠB on
+ĠL ib
+Ġinform ed
+Ġ12 0
+ch ain
+idel ines
+or ough
+Ġdri ven
+Ġregular ly
+Ġbas ket
+Ġprinc iple
+oc ument
+Ġst un
+ib ilities
+ĠRom an
+ĠAb out
+Ġal ert
+Ġdemocr acy
+Ġrepresent ed
+H S
+c ers
+p arent
+Ar t
+p ack
+Ġdi plom
+re ts
+Ġcapt ure
+ĠAd v
+Ħ ¢
+Ġannounce ment
+ĠL ear
+Ġh ook
+Ġpur s
+ĠS uch
+ĠC amer
+Ġrefuge es
+ĠV e
+P ol
+Ġrecogn ized
+l ib
+Ġhad n
+A ss
+Ġpil ot
+us hing
+Ġreturn ing
+Ġtra il
+ĠSt one
+Ġrout ine
+Ġcour ts
+Ġdes per
+Ġfriend ly
+ĠIt aly
+Ġpl ed
+Ġbreat h
+Ġstud io
+N S
+Ġimp ressive
+ĠAfghan istan
+Ġf ing
+Ġd ownt
+ink ing
+ĠR og
+i ary
+col or
+se x
+ar on
+Ġf ault
+ĠN ick
+D own
+ĠR ose
+ĠS outhern
+X X
+is odes
+L ist
+6 00
+Ġout come
+er r
+Ġelse where
+Ġret ire
+Ġp ounds
+ĠGl obal
+Pe ople
+Ġcommun ications
+Ġlo an
+Ġrat io
+ĠEm pire
+Ġg onna
+Ġinv ent
+D F
+Ġ19 70
+ĠComm on
+p at
+Ġprom ised
+Ġd inner
+ĠH om
+Ġcreat es
+Ġoper ate
+ver ty
+ĠJ ordan
+et ime
+Ġsust ain
+R eg
+Ġincred ible
+im a
+Ġwar rant
+Ġm m
+A tt
+Ġlaw suit
+Ġreview s
+it ure
+ĠS ource
+l ights
+ĠF ord
+Ġ6 3
+g roup
+st ore
+Ġfeat ured
+Ġfore ver
+Ġpo verty
+ĠP op
+az z
+ab is
+ach ing
+Ġl aid
+ĠSu pp
+Ġfil ter
+en a
+ĠCommun ity
+Ġcreat ures
+u ction
+ĠR oyal
+Ġassoci ation
+ĠCon nect
+ĠBr ad
+âĸ Ī
+l ers
+the re
+ĠG i
+Ġval uable
+ĠT aylor
+Ġl iquid
+ĠAtt orney
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+ĠF inal
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+! )
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+s k
+Ġsol utions
+Ġatmosp here
+Ġbl ame
+um es
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+C A
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+w an
+Ġfif th
+â Ħ¢
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+Ġgovern or
+res ident
+Ġpurch ased
+Ġh ack
+Ġint ense
+ob s
+Ġorig in
+Ġdef ine
+Ġcare ful
+** *
+Ġshould er
+Cl ick
+Ġt ied
+Ġdest ruction
+ou red
+Ġno body
+Ġh o
+ĠEx per
+Ġt ip
+" ;
+Ġtechn ique
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+Ġleg end
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+Ġh ang
+ak i
+. ]
+Ġsur gery
+Ġrep rodu
+Ġun iform
+Ġscen es
+c ode
+Ġ6 2
+l isher
+ĠH ave
+ph ia
+Ġcry pt
+Ġrec on
+Ġsc ream
+Ġadop ted
+Ġsc ores
+N e
+ĠIt alian
+in cluding
+B O
+Ġindic ated
+Ġent ertain
+G u
+T ext
+i el
+Ġtw enty
+Ġeng age
+off s
+ĠPac ific
+Ġsm ile
+Ġperson nel
+Ġto ler
+Ġdo ors
+Ġt one
+Ġmach ines
+Ġent ering
+ten ance
+C O
+ĠJer sey
+Ġfore st
+Ġhor se
+Ġcompl aint
+ĠSpr ing
+y o
+ĠPl us
+ed ing
+ĠRet urn
+qu arters
+ial s
+c ow
+Ġacad emic
+Ġf ruit
+Ġ199 6
+og ether
+Ġw ine
+Ġpur su
+ĠSte ven
+Ġlic ens
+Wh o
+Ġclot hes
+re ction
+Ġsqu ad
+Ġst able
+Ġr aw
+z ens
+St ar
+ut ies
+anc er
+Ġke ys
+ĠM u
+Ġcompl icated
+ig er
+ĠTe xt
+Ġabs or
+Ġ6 8
+Ġfun ny
+Ġrel ief
+ĠL ew
+ĠC ook
+Ġch art
+Ġdraw ing
+G E
+Ġmod ule
+ĠB ull
+Ġs alt
+0000 0000
+il le
+Ġres ource
+aw ay
+adel phia
+ĠB ru
+Ġ6 7
+Ġsome body
+Ġparticip ate
+Ġro se
+we red
+Ġmus cle
+Ġcons ent
+Ġcontin uing
+ĠGuard ian
+ĠOr der
+reg on
+Ġre ar
+Ġprov ision
+Ġlik ed
+ri ent
+Ġb ra
+Tr ans
+Ġmeet ings
+Ġto x
+Ġcon vent
+Ġaut o
+Ġrec ording
+ĠSo ft
+00 1
+ĠR oll
+Ġprogram ming
+Ġp ic
+Ġprov ed
+Ġst ab
+ĠA st
+Ġca ption
+ul ating
+ĠAtt ack
+Ġnew ly
+Ġ199 7
+f r
+Ġdis cipl
+ĠGree k
+Ġed ition
+ĠDo es
+ĠB ox
+if le
+ack et
+Ġpass es
+Ġgu est
+Ġac celer
+it als
+U D
+Ġaut hent
+ĠR est
+ov al
+t a
+u ine
+Ġarm or
+ĠT own
+Ġcomp at
+Ġinc hes
+Des pite
+Ġass ign
+he rent
+Ġprep are
+ĠM eg
+oc key
+Ġdep ends
+Ġtrack s
+w atch
+Ġl ists
+ĠN orthern
+Ġal ter
+re c
+ĠE astern
+Ġcond em
+Ġevery where
+? '
+Ġaff ili
+Ġf ought
+": {"
+Ġm ac
+it arian
+Ġsc ope
+aw s
+ar ms
+Ġqu e
+Ġenjoy ed
+nes ota
+Ġagg ressive
+ĠSt ory
+Ġrec ipe
+Ġrare ly
+ĠMed ical
+val ue
+ang el
+ay ing
+omet hing
+Ġsub section
+Ġs outhern
+Ġfrequ ency
+re te
+roll ed
+ult s
+ĠN ic
+Ġbeh alf
+Ġsequ ence
+ab et
+Ġcontrovers ial
+Ġcomp rom
+Ġwork er
+Ġmain ly
+Ġal gorith
+ĠM ajor
+or ce
+g ender
+Ġorgan ized
+Ġf ake
+Ġconclud ed
+ĠEx ec
+r age
+Ġch ances
+ber ry
+ĠTr ad
+Ġconfig uration
+Ġwithd raw
+Ġf ro
+ud es
+ĠBro ther
+ĠB rian
+Ġtri es
+Ġsam ples
+Ġb id
+ĠGold en
+Ġphot ograph
+if est
+ĠPar liament
+******** ********
+R em
+Ġcont est
+Ġsign ing
+p x
+ĠZ eal
+âĶĢ âĶĢ
+E ar
+Ġex it
+Be fore
+ĠCor por
+n ull
+mon th
+Ġrac ial
+ott ed
+ĠV eg
+ĠRe uters
+Ġsw ord
+ps on
+ĠRom ney
+a ed
+Ġt rib
+Ġin ner
+Ġprot ocol
+ĠB i
+ĠM iami
+ever al
+p ress
+Ġsh ipping
+ĠAm endment
+ĠHow ard
+con nect
+ĠD isc
+ĠJ ac
+iam ond
+ĠThere fore
+s es
+ĠPrin cess
+ĠAn th
+Ġsurve illance
+Ġap olog
+Ġ6 1
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+j s
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+ust ed
+ĠÂ §
+n i
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+em an
+Ġwin ner
+Ġsil ver
+ll a
+ic ity
+Ġunus ual
+Ġcr ack
+Ġt ies
+e z
+Ġpract ical
+Ġprov ince
+ĠPl ace
+Ġprior ity
+Ġdescrib es
+Ġbr anch
+F orm
+ask a
+miss ions
+b i
+Ġp orn
+ĠTur k
+Ġent hus
+Ġf ighters
+Ġ0 8
+ĠDet roit
+Ġfound ation
+av id
+A re
+Ġjud gment
+cl ing
+Ġsol ve
+ĠDes ign
+W here
+hes is
+ĠT ro
+a fter
+Ġne utral
+ĠPalestin ian
+ĠHolly wood
+Ġadv is
+ĠN on
+y es
+ol is
+Ġrep utation
+Ġsm ell
+Ġb read
+ĠB ul
+ĠBe ach
+Ġclaim ing
+Ġgen etic
+Ġtechn ologies
+Ġupgr ade
+row s
+Ġdevelop er
+ĠJ osh
+ĠDis ney
+erv ed
+ip al
+Ġun ex
+Ġbare ly
+t hen
+ĠP ub
+Ġill ness
+et ary
+ĠB al
+Ġp atch
+Ġbut t
+Ġst upid
+ĠD og
+ĠD allas
+f ront
+ie ce
+Ġprot ests
+Ġch at
+oen ix
+Ġw ing
+Ġpar liament
+Ġ7 7
+ose xual
+Ġre nder
+pt ions
+ĠCo ast
+os a
+ĠG reg
+h op
+ĠMan agement
+Ġbit coin
+Ġrec over
+Ġincor por
+or ne
+ĠUs ing
+Ġpre ced
+Ġthreat ened
+Ġspirit ual
+ĠE vent
+ĠF red
+Ġadvert ising
+Ġimprove ments
+ĠC ustom
+Ġer rors
+Ġsens itive
+ĠN avy
+Ġcre am
+L ook
+Ġex clusive
+Ġcomp rehens
+Ġde leg
+Ġcon ce
+Ġrem em
+Ġstruct ures
+Ġst ored
+N D
+Ġ1 000
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+ĠB udd
+A F
+w oman
+ĠAcad emy
+ð Ł
+se a
+Ġtem porary
+Ab out
+es ters
+Ġtick ets
+Ġposs ess
+in ch
+o z
+Ġl a
+Ġcontract s
+Ġun p
+Ġc ig
+ĠK at
+ult ural
+as m
+Ġmount ain
+ĠCapt ain
+St ep
+m aking
+ĠSp ain
+Ġequ ally
+Ġl ands
+at ers
+Ġreject ed
+er a
+im m
+ri x
+C D
+Ġtrans action
+g ener
+less ly
+Ġ| |
+Ġc os
+ĠHen ry
+Ġprov isions
+Ġg ained
+Ġdirect ory
+Ġra ising
+ĠS ep
+ol en
+ond er
+Ġcon sole
+in st
+Ġb om
+Ġunc ertain
+1 50
+ock ing
+Ġmeas ured
+Ġpl ain
+Ġse ats
+Ġd ict
+S L
+af e
+Ġest imate
+iz on
+at hered
+Ġcontribut ed
+Ġep isodes
+omm od
+G r
+Ġ6 9
+G ener
+Ġ2 50
+vious ly
+rog en
+Ġterror ism
+Ġmove ments
+ent le
+oun ce
+ĠS oul
+Ġpre v
+ĠT able
+act s
+ri ors
+t ab
+Ġsuff er
+Ġn erv
+Ġmain stream
+ĠW olf
+Ġfranch ise
+b at
+Ġdem ands
+Ġag enda
+Ġdo zen
+Ġclin ical
+iz ard
+ĠO p
+t d
+Ġvis ited
+ĠPer haps
+Ġact or
+Ġde lic
+Ġcont ribute
+Ġin ject
+ĠE s
+ac co
+Ġlist ening
+Ġcon gress
+epend ent
+Ġprem ium
+Ġ7 6
+ĠIr ish
+Ġass igned
+ĠPh ys
+Ġworld wide
+Ġnarr ative
+ot ype
+m ont
+b ase
+ĠB owl
+ĠAdminist ration
+Ġrel ation
+C P
+Ġco vers
+Ġ7 8
+Ġcert ific
+Ġgr ass
+Ġ0 4
+pir acy
+ir a
+Ġengine ering
+ĠM ars
+Ġun employ
+ĠFore ign
+st ract
+Ġv en
+Ġst eal
+Ġrepl ied
+Ġult imate
+Ġtit les
+d ated
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+a us
+Ġhy per
+ak u
+Ġoffic ially
+ĠPro duct
+Ġdifficult y
+per or
+Ġresult ed
+rib ed
+l ink
+wh o
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+ĠV iet
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+Ġrestrict ions
+ĠSh are
+Ġ199 5
+ition ally
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+op t
+Ġm aps
+ĠN ation
+ĠCru z
+W ill
+Ġelectric ity
+Ġor g
+Ġb urd
+Ġviol ation
+Ġus age
+Ġper mit
+ĠCh ron
+ĠF ant
+Ġn aturally
+Ġ0 7
+Ġth rown
+ĠAw oken
+Ġal ien
+ĠHer o
+ĠK ent
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+ri ke
+Ġp ace
+}, {"
+G L
+Ġpo ison
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+al ysis
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+intend o
+ĠM ain
+as ant
+Ġtr ained
+G ame
+ĠL oad
+Ġcru cial
+Ġle ts
+Ġch ampion
+1 01
+ĠCon ference
+Ġwrit ers
+Ġconnect ions
+Ġo kay
+ir ms
+ĠR and
+Ġenc ounter
+ĠB uff
+Ġachie ved
+Ġche cks
+isc ons
+Ġassist ant
+Ġwhen ever
+ĠA ccess
+ĠU r
+b in
+Ġcl ock
+is p
+op her
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+Ġm ad
+Ġperson ality
+on ly
+ab ama
+Ġg ains
+Ġcommon ly
+Ġter r
+Ġhyp ot
+Ġre ly
+Ġt iss
+iscons in
+Ġrid ic
+f unction
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+r ating
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+ut ive
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+ĠT ony
+Ġocc urs
+ĠO s
+ĠH on
+Ã Ń
+Ġv essel
+ĠScot land
+Ġdiscrim ination
+Ġsubsequ ent
+st ring
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+ĠSh adow
+Ġtest im
+W E
+it i
+r as
+Ġbo at
+Ġmar ks
+Ġord inary
+Ġre n
+Ġrepresent ative
+Ġpet ition
+Ġ7 3
+Ġad venture
+Ġign ore
+ĠPhil adelphia
+ĠS av
+V P
+Ġfact ory
+Ġt asks
+Ġdep ression
+z ed
+................ ................
+ĠSt orm
+Ġc ogn
+Ġelig ible
+Ġredu cing
+v ia
+Ġ0 5
+Ġstri king
+Ġdoll ar
+h o
+O V
+Ġinstr ument
+Ġphilosoph y
+ĠMo ore
+ĠA venue
+Ġrul ed
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+ĠM ah
+Ġscen ario
+Ġen orm
+Ġdeb ut
+Ġte a
+T oday
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+S im
+Ġh am
+le ep
+Ġt ables
+ĠHe art
+M I
+K e
+re qu
+V D
+m ap
+Ġchair man
+Ġp ump
+Ġrapid ly
+v i
+Ġsubstant ial
+E P
+d es
+ch ant
+ili pp
+ĠS anta
+ri ers
+anche ster
+L oad
+ĠC ase
+Ġsa ving
+Ġ7 4
+er ning
+oun ced
+ĠMin nesota
+ĠW as
+Ġrec ru
+Ġassess ment
+ĠB ron
+U E
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+ul ator
+Ġprop ag
+h igh
+Ġacc ommod
+Ġst ack
+ĠS us
+w rit
+Ġre ven
+ĠGod d
+ĠZeal and
+ab s
+Ġbr ut
+Ġper pet
+h ot
+Ġhard ly
+ĠB urn
+ãĤ ¹
+Ġst y
+Ġtrans actions
+Ġg ate
+Ġsc reens
+Ġsub mitted
+Ġ1 01
+Ġlangu ages
+ugh t
+em en
+Ġfall s
+Ġc oc
+Ĥ ¬
+Ġstri kes
+p a
+Ġdel iber
+Ġrel ax
+ann els
+ĠSen ator
+Ġext rem
+Ġ} ,
+ĠDe b
+Ġbe ll
+Ġdis order
+c ut
+Ġi OS
+Ġl ocked
+Ġem issions
+Ġshort ly
+" ]
+ĠJud ge
+ĠS ometimes
+Ġr ival
+Ġd ust
+Ġreach ing
+F ile
+¯¯ ¯¯
+ino is
+ĠJ ason
+Ġs atell
+are t
+Ġst ations
+Ġag ric
+ĠTechn ology
+com es
+ĠUn fortunately
+ĠChild ren
+Ġappl ies
+ast ed
+Ġan ger
+ail ability
+ĠDam age
+Ġcomp are
+ĠStand ard
+Ġaim ed
+ĠB a
+angu age
+Ġreg ulation
+Ġj ury
+Ġair port
+Ġse ctions
+ĠPr ince
+em ed
+Ġmedic ine
+Ġh itting
+Ġsp ark
+ol ves
+Ġad s
+St ate
+Ġfood s
+Ġrepl acement
+Ġch icken
+Ġlow est
+Ġmind s
+Ġinvol ves
+u i
+Ġarr ang
+Ġproced ures
+ĠWh ich
+ivers ary
+Ġb ills
+Ġimprove ment
+Ġin ev
+Ġexpect ations
+Ġintellect ual
+Ġsp aces
+Ġmechan ism
+2 50
+bre ak
+ĠZ e
+ĠT enn
+ĠB alt
+Ġbar rel
+Ġstat ic
+man n
+Pol ice
+Ġt ips
+Ġhand ling
+c us
+od ed
+il ton
+ir y
+Ġjournal ists
+our se
+Ġcom ic
+Ġnom ine
+Ġvers us
+Ġlo op
+Ġsur f
+ĠInd ust
+ĠHun ter
+Ġbelief s
+is an
+Ġset up
+Ġbre w
+im age
+Ġcomput ers
+f ol
+} ,"
+ĠMed al
+Ġtax p
+Ġdisplay ed
+Ġg rav
+Ġf iscal
+M on
+ĠMos cow
+ĠK ong
+ĠCent re
+Ġcamer as
+ĠMr s
+ĠH ay
+Ġa ver
+ĠK elly
+p y
+Ġrequire ment
+Ġent itled
+omb ie
+Ġsh adow
+ag ic
+ĠA k
+Ġel ite
+Ġdiv ided
+Ġhead ing
+Ġcop ies
+Ġloss es
+Ġv it
+k ed
+ĠB ry
+Ġan s
+ĠSte am
+Ġrep orter
+he im
+ĠIt em
+Ġsuper ior
+d on
+ere nt
+Ã ¶
+Ġtherap y
+Ġpe ak
+ĠMod el
+Ġl ying
+Ġg am
+z er
+r itten
+Ġrespons es
+Ġconsider ation
+ĠB ible
+Ġl oyal
+Ġinst ant
+Ġp m
+ĠFore st
+Ã ¼
+Ġext end
+Ġconv icted
+Ġfound er
+Ġconv in
+ĠO ak
+che ck
+Ġsch olars
+p ed
+Ġover se
+T op
+c ount
+ĠAr k
+Â ·
+Ġ0 6
+m d
+ĠLat in
+im ental
+Ġsubst ance
+Ġminor ity
+Ġmanufact uring
+E r
+ocol ate
+Ġatt ended
+ĠMan ager
+r ations
+Ġappreci ate
+om y
+id ency
+B L
+Ġguarant ee
+pos ition
+Ġo cean
+clud e
+Ġhead ed
+Ġt ape
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+Ġlog ic
+Ġpro ven
+Ġsp ir
+Ġad mit
+is a
+Ġinvestig ate
+Ġ199 4
+sy lv
+ĠL ost
+c est
+Ġ7 1
+Ġrequest ed
+Ġwind ows
+ĠPok é
+ĠWith out
+M et
+Ġbehavi our
+Ġread er
+Ġh ung
+ĠKe ep
+Ġro les
+Ġimplement ed
+Ġbl ank
+Ġserv es
+ĠJ ay
+Ġc ited
+ĠF riend
+prof it
+ap on
+Ġrep air
+it em
+arr ass
+Ġcrit ics
+ad i
+ĠF ather
+Ġsh out
+Ġf ool
+Ġ8 8
+Ġprodu cing
+Ġl ib
+Ġround s
+Ġcirc le
+Ġpre par
+Ġsub mit
+Ġn ic
+mor row
+ãĥ «
+U nder
+Ġv ital
+ater n
+Ġpass word
+Ġpublic ation
+Ġprom inent
+Ġspeak s
+Ġb ars
+Ġde eper
+ĠM ill
+port ed
+Ġw id
+Ġbut ter
+Ġsm oking
+Ġindic ates
+K ey
+rop ri
+ĠF ile
+all ing
+ast ing
+ĠR us
+Ġad j
+Ġ7 9
+av al
+Ġpres um
+bur gh
+on ic
+Ġf ur
+Ġpoll s
+ik a
+Ġsecond ary
+Ġmon ster
+ig s
+ĠCur rent
+E vent
+Ġowners hip
+end ar
+Ġarri ve
+ĠT ax
+Ġn ull
+ĠPri v
+Ġth ro
+Ġk iss
+c at
+Ġup set
+ang le
+it ches
+ect or
+olog ists
+ĠGal axy
+Ġcor ruption
+Ġh int
+ent er
+ĠH ospital
+Ġgreat ly
+Ġbeg un
+es y
+Ġso il
+ĠAnt on
+Ġmain tenance
+ãĥ ©
+Ġdo zens
+Ġhuman ity
+ĠAl abama
+Ġr om
+w orth
+ap ing
+sylv ania
+l ah
+Ġg athered
+G A
+Ġattack ing
+f ound
+ĠSqu are
+Ġar bit
+ict ions
+ĠW isconsin
+Ġd ance
+ĠS aint
+arch y
+Ġbase ball
+Ġcontribut ions
+Ġliter ature
+Ġex ha
+per ty
+t est
+Ġb ab
+Ġcontain er
+let ter
+Ġfall en
+Ġwebs ites
+Ġbott le
+ĠS ac
+Ġbre ast
+Ġveter an
+Ġinterview s
+ĠA le
+Ġb anned
+eng ers
+ĠRev olution
+in th
+Ġconc erning
+Ġexp enses
+ĠMatt hew
+ĠColumb ia
+d s
+ist ance
+Ġent ity
+.. ."
+Ġrel iable
+Ġpar alle
+ĠChrist ians
+Ġopin ions
+Ġin du
+l ow
+Ġcompet e
+Ġth orough
+Ġemploy ed
+Ġestablish ment
+ig en
+ĠC ro
+Ġlawy ers
+ĠSt ation
+T E
+ĠL ind
+ĠP ur
+it ary
+Ġeffic iency
+âĢ IJ
+ĠL y
+Ġm ask
+Ġdis aster
+Ġag es
+es is
+ĠH old
+Ġcas ual
+b led
+Ġen abled
+ĠEn vironment
+ĠInt elligence
+i per
+ĠM ap
+Ġemer ged
+is dom
+Ġc abin
+Ġregist ration
+Ġfing ers
+Ġro ster
+Ġfram ework
+ĠDo ctor
+et ts
+Ġtransport ation
+Ġaware ness
+H er
+Ġattempt ing
+O ff
+ĠSt ore
+ĠK now
+Ġdef ence
+Ġsc an
+ĠT en
+ĠCh air
+ĠAtl anta
+Ġfuck ing
+Ġans wered
+b n
+ĠK ar
+Ġcateg ories
+Ġr ational
+Ġc ust
+Ġrob ot
+Ġcorrect ly
+Ġg if
+Ġgraph ics
+m ic
+Ġground s
+ĠO pp
+i ate
+Ġdist ributed
+Ġsan ctions
+Ġchalleng ing
+ut o
+Ġingred ients
+Ġinv ited
+Ġfound ed
+ĠRe qu
+d ed
+Ġb owl
+Ġbrother s
+ĠH a
+I O
+Ġw ages
+im ore
+oc ial
+Ġse ed
+ative ly
+Ġaddress es
+ĠI owa
+ab eth
+Ġatt itude
+is d
+ch ild
+Ġm ole
+Ġdisco very
+y ard
+B r
+Ġ8 2
+Ġsuppl ies
+ell ing
+Ġdist ingu
+C R
+Ġre cept
+Ġ vert
+Ġsw im
+b ec
+d oor
+ĠY eah
+Ġg al
+Ġinter act
+amp s
+Ġconvin ced
+Ġobject ive
+Ġdis h
+ĠPhot os
+l ad
+Ġdownt own
+o il
+in ction
+Ġto morrow
+Ġsurv ival
+sh ot
+Ġsett lement
+C ons
+ĠX box
+int erest
+arg o
+en ess
+Ġeth nic
+b ered
+M in
+ĠT ok
+Ġinc ent
+ĠComm and
+Ġmain tained
+Ġbreak s
+br idge
+at ar
+ag g
+ĠF inally
+un icip
+ĠO nt
+le ft
+Ġrecogn ition
+Ġ* /
+ĠP ers
+Ġwe lf
+Ġaddress ed
+ĠK ansas
+Ġvir us
+Ġwhere as
+Ġp apers
+ram s
+ĠMin istry
+Ġple asure
+Ġacqu ired
+Ġd uration
+j pg
+Ġcal m
+Ġburn ing
+Ġfold er
+ick ed
+ĠP y
+ĠIll inois
+Cl ass
+ĠGodd ess
+Ġperform ing
+Ġwelf are
+j ar
+In ter
+Ġl in
+Ġenh ance
+Ġnot ion
+f are
+yp es
+ĠAre a
+Ġcann abis
+ĠDie go
+f s
+ĠM anchester
+com m
+in ite
+Ġcover ing
+ĠS ound
+Ġ19 60
+Ġ8 4
+e lect
+z ing
+Ġcitiz en
+Ġph ones
+Ġr aid
+Ġign ored
+ĠOb ject
+Ġu pload
+c ard
+Ġmod ified
+Ġroom s
+ia h
+r ange
+he ast
+ach us
+Ġsuggest ing
+âĢ ĭ
+gr ade
+E l
+Ġclot hing
+Ġr h
+ĠH an
+un ity
+en cing
+ĠAust in
+sec ution
+t ra
+d em
+ĠQ ual
+Ġhe aven
+Ġst ages
+Ġw edd
+pl us
+ific ial
+ĠIm m
+ĠH o
+iet ies
+Ġphr ase
+Ġbr ill
+act ory
+Ġprov iders
+Ġsil ence
+Ġa er
+ĠAd venture
+Ġplatform s
+Ġdemonstr ated
+Ġinter f
+ing ton
+Ġr aces
+Ġgr ade
+ult ane
+ĠTh rough
+f alse
+Ġb ow
+Ġfl avor
+Ġhistor ic
+g ov
+Ġcol our
+Ġview ed
+ĠEm ail
+el come
+Ġinter vention
+Ġd iversity
+Ġperiod s
+Ġre verse
+ĠV ery
+Ġqu ote
+ĠLe ft
+th rough
+Ġsc rew
+Ġland ing
+Ġp ill
+Ġw et
+Ġprot esters
+Ġrepe at
+av ed
+er k
+Ġsal ary
+ĠPenn sylvania
+St ill
+Ġmay or
+Ġkit chen
+Ġfeat uring
+ĠM useum
+ĠT ournament
+ĠF al
+Ġser vers
+U C
+Ġany body
+im g
+ĠTr ade
+ixt ure
+the less
+Ġfin ance
+Ġcl osing
+ĠPat ri
+i ac
+ab el
+Ġ> >
+or ous
+Ġf irms
+sc reen
+un a
+Ġemb arrass
+ul se
+Ġlet ting
+Ġth rew
+ile y
+Ġch annels
+l an
+ĠVeg as
+Ġse ar
+Ġfant astic
+ar re
+uzz le
+ĠD er
+Th ose
+Ġsw ing
+Ġshe et
+ind ex
+co ver
+og an
+Ġvari ables
+ĠTe ch
+Ġsp oken
+ac hel
+ĠD a
+ĠMount ain
+Ġload ed
+Ġfoot age
+vers ion
+Ġun l
+ĠPh oenix
+Ġthrow ing
+Ġf iring
+Ġtrack ing
+Ġw idth
+Ġstrugg ling
+ro oms
+ot ion
+Ġmonth ly
+ĠSer ver
+Ġegg s
+op en
+M C
+Ġ199 3
+Ġh ired
+Ġstay ed
+ĠAll en
+Ġst ro
+Ġ9 8
+st ep
+ĠTurk ish
+Ġfab ric
+ist ing
+ĠD om
+Ġd ates
+Ġpr on
+Ġbasket ball
+Ġl ucky
+ĠArab ia
+Ġassum ed
+est y
+Ġaff airs
+Ġgl ad
+ĠInd eed
+ĠW ord
+Ġjo ining
+if ice
+p read
+ir ts
+ĠSe lect
+Ġpop ulations
+aw are
+Ġn ose
+Ġcompl aints
+st art
+Ġsc oring
+Th anks
+Ġmin ing
+Ġvisit ors
+S H
+Ġdam aged
+Ġcharacter istics
+ĠP ent
+D C
+Ġ8 3
+ĠS ix
+r ates
+Ġfl ags
+ĠB rew
+d og
+M ark
+// //
+Ġexec ution
+Ġj oke
+ph ones
+Ġtestim ony
+Ġob st
+Q L
+ĠC ut
+Ġstud ied
+ĠN intendo
+ick et
+Ġl ad
+ĠB ra
+ĠM oh
+Ġk ernel
+Ġoverwhel ming
+Ġag ed
+Ġapplic able
+ĠC ond
+Ġroad s
+ĠBl ock
+m ade
+od ge
+Ġcomm ands
+Ġoff ices
+vel and
+Ġt ut
+Ġrece iver
+ĠF ro
+Ġsho pping
+Ġi P
+ĠSt re
+Ġentertain ment
+ĠB ow
+ort ed
+M c
+Ġread s
+gr ad
+ĠCol lect
+Ġâ ĪĴ
+ĠCap ital
+eder ation
+Ġemploy er
+Ġinvolve ment
+Ġanx iety
+al ia
+Ġro of
+ĠAm ong
+ĠDemocr at
+Ġstat s
+ĠV ill
+Ġconst itutional
+Ġrefer ring
+itt y
+Ġtack le
+out ube
+Ġback ed
+ĠH ong
+ĠBro ad
+Ġe le
+ĠO tt
+Ġ199 2
+h our
+achus etts
+C al
+Ġdefe ated
+Ġ8 1
+es p
+Ġseem ingly
+w as
+ĠJ enn
+ĠK urd
+Ġg ene
+Ġdisc ount
+R et
+( );
+Ġclub s
+Ġs id
+ĠM arsh
+Che ck
+Ġp p
+ĠE ag
+ides pread
+Ġbe ings
+F T
+Ġintrodu ction
+ĠCh ange
+Ġ1 10
+ad ows
+ier ce
+Ġme al
+a uthor
+ĠB ang
+lah oma
+Ġr anks
+201 1
+?? ??
+m ax
+Ġcoll apse
+Ġop ens
+Ġe cho
+Ġs oph
+Ġrac ist
+Ġenorm ous
+Ġw aves
+Ġt ap
+Ġcomprehens ive
+. --
+ĠR oy
+Ġfarm ers
+Rel ated
+a ired
+ron es
+ĠC rim
+Ġproport ion
+Ġdesign s
+Ġnegoti ations
+Ġvirt ually
+ĠBat man
+Ġwar n
+Ġlegit imate
+m ate
+Ġcon vention
+, ,
+net ic
+Ġconsist ently
+Ġcompens ation
+Ġpunish ment
+Ġy e
+Ġt ie
+ĠB ureau
+ir lf
+ĠB u
+ĠA ren
+ĠPh ilipp
+Ġkn ife
+Ġmem ories
+ĠR oss
+Ġang le
+Ġ8 6
+ĠTh under
+Ġre nd
+ĠT our
+Ġcount s
+s ung
+ĠIm p
+Ġeduc ational
+Ġaccess ible
+Ġd rew
+y er
+G l
+am ine
+O B
+I B
+m aster
+Ġtri als
+og y
+h ar
+ĠTr ust
+Ġprefer red
+irlf riend
+ĠN ev
+Ġb in
+Ġc ow
+P age
+Ġsign ature
+7 00
+Ġret ired
+Ġby tes
+Ġneigh b
+ĠLeg end
+Ġdev ast
+Ġsuspect ed
+is ons
+ĠPoké mon
+sc ale
+Ġcap abilities
+Ġre vel
+Ġche ese
+d y
+igr ant
+Ġfail ing
+b its
+ĠHer oes
+ĠG host
+ĠS cient
+Ġappoint ed
+ur i
+Ġinst itution
+Ġexpand ed
+g reg
+Ġmonitor ing
+Ġp odcast
+Ġcoal ition
+Ġ9 6
+J o
+Ġst olen
+ĠS ab
+Ġstop s
+Ġhol iday
+Ġint r
+C ar
+Bl ack
+Ġwar ming
+ĠAnd erson
+Ġ8 9
+Ġprodu cer
+M ed
+Ġaccur acy
+ĠMar vel
+iz abeth
+ĠPat rick
+m ony
+Ġmin i
+ac les
+Ġover t
+the y
+Ġmembers hip
+ĠV en
+Ġex ch
+Ġrem oval
+ĠD ave
+T Y
+m ad
+ĠF ind
+Ġad equ
+Ġe c
+Ġte eth
+Ġemot ion
+Ġper m
+Ġsole ly
+d b
+Ġextra ord
+c al
+Ġgu idelines
+Ġd ying
+Ġsusp ended
+ĠPrem ier
+ĠAnth ony
+el ve
+Ġd ad
+ĠE th
+ĠFoot ball
+Ġabandon ed
+Ġ< <
+Ġm arch
+Ġhor ror
+âĢ¦ "
+Ġchild hood
+Ġcampaign s
+Ġl unch
+ĠAl bert
+bl ock
+âĸĪ âĸĪ
+ound ing
+Ġb one
+or gan
+ad ers
+ĠFl ash
+ĠDri ve
+Ġton ight
+Ġw ars
+Ġform ation
+con st
+New s
+Ġcom pe
+or ious
+ĠSt aff
+Ġdiscuss ions
+ĠProt ection
+ĠJ am
+Ġcrit eria
+Ġinstall ation
+Ġaccompl ish
+iz za
+Ġpub lisher
+Ġresc ue
+ĠT ry
+ĠS om
+ĠH op
+ore t
+th s
+ord on
+Ġp ocket
+ĠIn v
+Down load
+ĠCr ime
+Ġb ene
+ĠGu ide
+ĠAs sembly
+Ġparam eters
+I E
+ĠAlex ander
+Ġconc ert
+ĠSc he
+Ġsh oes
+Ġvis iting
+Ġrec all
+Ġb ub
+Ġr ural
+Ġconc rete
+ĠR os
+N ext
+R uss
+Ġlo ans
+ĠSh ield
+Ġtre m
+hem at
+k g
+ĠHar ris
+is ition
+ĠM ove
+Ġf ate
+ĠCh o
+Ġt ired
+Ġprinc ipal
+h ist
+ien ces
+ath y
+Ġse vent
+Ġm ood
+Ġstrateg ic
+Ġdise ases
+Ġfor um
+Ġtem por
+Ġhead quarters
+P ar
+ig e
+fl ix
+Ġgu itar
+Ġ9 4
+On ly
+Ġrele ases
+ro ph
+================ ================
+Ġ6 00
+ĠContin ue
+ig ate
+ĠC rit
+sy stem
+Ġdis abled
+Ġunex pected
+ith ub
+Ġuncle ar
+ĠE st
+Ġcontr ad
+Ġstrateg ies
+vent ures
+Ġpass age
+Ġimpro ving
+Ġreve als
+Ġdecre ase
+ov a
+Ġann oy
+ĠSh ort
+ĠL ibrary
+Ġcy ber
+n ell
+ĠH ur
+Ġphot ograp
+U I
+Ġs ed
+G e
+Ġ8 7
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+Ġbird s
+Ġoper ator
+Ġhand ful
+Ġclass ified
+? )
+Ġdram atic
+Ġinvestig ators
+it o
+Ġw idespread
+ĠR oom
+-------------------------------- --------------------------------
+Ġcollect ive
+Ġjournal ist
+St ring
+Ġtemper atures
+il a
+Ġgu id
+Ġins pect
+Ġmiss ile
+ĠMay or
+Ġman ual
+Ġsim ultane
+Ġrat ings
+Ġsu ck
+Ġ9 7
+Ġunivers al
+Ġph arm
+Ġdis rupt
+ian o
+A V
+Ġf t
+Ġstat ist
+old s
+ĠWalk er
+ph p
+Ġunder t
+ĠL as
+ish op
+nt il
+res hold
+ĠWhe ther
+M s
+Ġden y
+ĠCl oud
+Ġprov ider
+Ġsurv iv
+ĠUp date
+h as
+Ġmist akes
+ch arge
+pl ed
+r ity
+Ġn ode
+ĠMass achusetts
+ool s
+lic ation
+Ġf ails
+em ale
+or i
+back s
+Ġsh irt
+Ġ' '
+Ġwat ers
+els on
+Ġe ase
+Ġsc ar
+Ġcont ents
+m ind
+Ġcont ribution
+Ġsh r
+Ġhand ed
+Ġst ability
+Ġtra ve
+E m
+Ġmir ror
+12 3
+Ġwe igh
+Ġf iction
+ou ver
+ist ant
+r ition
+ĠF ed
+Ġphys ically
+Ġst ake
+ĠArt icle
+ĠAr c
+ĠLew is
+ĠM ind
+Ġdemonstr ate
+Ġprof its
+v ision
+om ic
+ol id
+Ġbatt les
+Ġdri ves
+Ġeas tern
+ĠS ony
+!! !
+ar ation
+v ard
+port ation
+Ġ9 2
+Ġlaw makers
+Ġprotect ing
+Ġy eah
+Ġsh ame
+ol ph
+e ven
+x it
+Ġatt ach
+Ġrepresent ing
+Ġob s
+ĠUt ah
+iff s
+ĠFre edom
+Ã ³
+A K
+Ġinc idents
+it age
+Ġview ers
+c d
+Ġm ouse
+Ġcl ar
+Ġaccord ance
+Ġb ot
+c or
+ĠSum mer
+he ld
+Ġinnoc ent
+Ġiniti ative
+ol s
+________________ ________________
+Ġsp ots
+p ace
+Ġconvent ional
+Ġcorpor ations
+Ġblock ed
+H D
+at tered
+Ġref ers
+Ġbu ck
+ĠDig ital
+12 0
+Ġtop ics
+T F
+Ä ģ
+br id
+re ement
+Ġunder lying
+ĠM ember
+Ġinvestig ating
+Ġpregn ancy
+Ġtouch down
+ĠB and
+ĠCall er
+Ġinst ances
+P P
+w a
+G ood
+Ġ199 1
+ĠC old
+Ġfear s
+Ġrem arks
+Ĩ Ĵ
+at al
+Ġm it
+Ġexper iments
+i pt
+Col or
+ind u
+Up date
+Ġ9 3
+A g
+Ġ å
+anc ouver
+B oth
+Ġjud ges
+Ob ject
+Ġst ere
+umb n
+Ġparticip ation
+ĠSt ars
+ĠJ ere
+Ġweek ly
+ĠB an
+Ġconvers ations
+ĠP itt
+u z
+ĠIndian a
+ĠK ick
+Ġinf ection
+Ġhero es
+Ġsett led
+Ġstri p
+Ġh al
+Ġd ump
+ĠS ci
+Ġl es
+Ġref erences
+ĠBr idge
+Ġwant ing
+For ce
+Ġex clus
+Me anwhile
+m n
+Ġg entle
+m aker
+sen al
+ĠG ro
+ou ri
+ĠR ain
+ĠAll iance
+Ġl ift
+el a
+S D
+ĠCle veland
+Ġrank ed
+Ġst adium
+Ġdead ly
+ä ¸
+Ġr iding
+ar ia
+ĠAr mor
+Ġdocument ation
+ĠGree ce
+ree k
+Ġl ens
+ĠS a
+Ġg ross
+ĠE mer
+ag ers
+ĠD ub
+ĠR h
+Ġarri val
+Ġdes ert
+Ġsupp lement
+ĠRes p
+Ġkn ee
+Ġmarg in
+f ont
+og g
+201 0
+ĠP ir
+ĠP rom
+iv als
+Ġint ake
+Ġdifferent ly
+ug s
+Ġb its
+clud ed
+Ġsearch ing
+ĠD u
+um ble
+Ġfunction al
+ĠBalt imore
+ĠC ould
+Ġdes ired
+Ġcirc uit
+ĠL yn
+ĠF alse
+re pre
+' :
+alt ies
+Ġmin im
+Ġdro ve
+ĠSh ould
+Ġh ip
+Ġpro s
+Ġut ility
+ĠN ature
+ĠM ode
+P resident
+o pp
+r at
+form ance
+Ġconcent ration
+Ġf ont
+ĠB ud
+Ġam id
+Ġre vers
+B ar
+Ġinter action
+Ġjur isd
+Ġspell s
+d ep
+f il
+Ġcivil ians
+ut ter
+ĠCo oper
+ĠBel ow
+Ġent rance
+Ġcon vert
+Ġcontrovers y
+ow ered
+Ġcontr ary
+Ġar c
+ĠExec utive
+ĠOffic er
+Ġpack ages
+Ġprog ressive
+w idth
+Ġreserv ed
+v ol
+ĠSam sung
+Ġprint ed
+Ġcent ers
+Ġintrodu ce
+ĠKenn edy
+Ġodd s
+Ġsure ly
+Ġindepend ence
+Ġpass engers
+repre ne
+ĠBe h
+Ġl oves
+Ġfac ilit
+Ġident ical
+Ġdo ct
+Ġpartners hip
+con f
+ĠH ide
+Ġconf used
+ĠC ow
+M en
+Ġw rest
+ĠIraq i
+Ġh oles
+ĠStud ies
+Ġpregn ant
+h ard
+Ġsign als
+I X
+Ġpull ing
+Ġgrad uate
+Ġnomine e
+D ate
+Ġper mitted
+Ġâ Ĥ¬
+ĠOk lahoma
+St art
+Ġauthor ized
+Ġal arm
+ĠC os
+v an
+Ġgener ations
+c ular
+Ġdr agon
+ĠSoft ware
+ĠEd ward
+Ġcontro ller
+S en
+ge red
+ĠV ik
+Ġappro ached
+Th ank
+Ġcan ce
+Ġform ula
+ĠSm all
+Ġweak ness
+Ġr amp
+it udes
+j ud
+Ġbrill iant
+Ġacc us
+s ource
+Ġ8 00
+ĠE vil
+S w
+Ġhom eless
+we ek
+i ens
+r ics
+ĠTh ird
+T O
+Ġorgan ic
+Ġpresent ation
+ag h
+ĠDown load
+v ation
+Ġas sembly
+or able
+hold ers
+ĠBern ie
+ĠHel p
+Ġt ong
+ĠF ight
+Ġbe ach
+B ook
+ĠL ic
+Ġr ush
+ĠR ound
+ou p
+ĠMar x
+Ġcalcul ated
+ĠDe vil
+ĠSar ah
+Ġoccasion ally
+Ġbul let
+Av ailable
+g ate
+Ġ9 1
+Ġh osp
+Ġprom ises
+ĠSt adium
+ĠSt ock
+ĠCorpor ation
+g age
+N G
+ĠC redit
+Ġs ne
+ib l
+Ġacc um
+s uch
+Ġterror ists
+Ġconscious ness
+ĠZ h
+Ġdram a
+ool a
+pir ation
+Ġlab our
+ĠN in
+Ġut ter
+Ġdemocr atic
+Ġass ass
+il ation
+Ġg est
+Ġab road
+Ġmet ab
+Ġs orts
+Ġfl av
+U B
+Ġm g
+ĠNot hing
+ĠO d
+Ġmus ical
+200 9
+Ġdro ps
+oc ated
+ater al
+0000 00
+Ġg re
+Ġequ ality
+Ġburd en
+Ġv ig
+ĠLe ader
+-------- ----
+Ġcere mony
+Ġf ighter
+Ġact ors
+Ġ æ
+am an
+F i
+Ġal ign
+put er
+Ġe lder
+Ġrepresent ation
+ĠOnt ario
+usal em
+Ġharass ment
+itz er
+Ġsy mp
+Ġbox es
+Ġman ifest
+at re
+Ġ ^
+Ġd ies
+le ton
+Ġmiss ions
+et he
+Ġres olve
+Ġfollow ers
+Ġas c
+Ġk m
+l ord
+am med
+Ġsil ent
+ĠAssoci ated
+Ġtim ing
+Ġprison ers
+ĠK ings
+ĠF ive
+Ġtow er
+Ġappro aches
+Ġprecise ly
+Ġb ureau
+ĠM other
+ĠI ss
+Ġkey board
+it ual
+Ġfund ed
+Ġstay ing
+Ġpsych ological
+Ġm ile
+ĠLe on
+ĠBar b
+w ill
+Ġw ider
+ĠAtl antic
+Ġt ill
+ĠR ome
+ro t
+Ġaccomp an
+Ġfl our
+ac o
+W orld
+ĠExp ress
+ĠY u
+C or
+Ġple ased
+part y
+Ġpoint ing
+Ġinf lation
+Ġro y
+Ġ ),
+ain er
+Ġwedd ing
+orm on
+Ġrequ iring
+Ġqual ified
+Ġse gment
+Ġs izes
+e als
+Ġcor rupt
+ass ador
+Ġcele b
+Ġdream s
+ĠM ess
+Ġcheck ing
+ĠV ersion
+Ġprep aring
+Ġact ively
+ĠD iff
+Ġl ux
+ĠW inter
+act eria
+Ġdep uty
+Ġtrans gender
+Ġsum mary
+Ġin her
+er ies
+ch ar
+ĠY an
+Ġkn ock
+ĠP ath
+Ġl ip
+roll er
+Ġimp ression
+Ġcelebr ate
+Ġsl ide
+Ġgu ests
+Ġcl ip
+F S
+Ġsav ings
+Ġcapt ain
+Ġleg acy
+ĠDen ver
+Ġw ounded
+tab oola
+Ġpurs ue
+Ġo xy
+Ġ q
+Ġsem i
+ĠN eed
+ĠAff airs
+Ġob sc
+Ġcheck ed
+Ġd ual
+C ode
+le m
+ult y
+ĠÂ ©
+ĠEl izabeth
+Ġcent uries
+ard ed
+s rc
+Ġev ident
+enn is
+at in
+Ġunemploy ment
+ĠMar io
+Ġint im
+Ch rist
+Ġbi ological
+Ġsold ier
+ĠAdd ed
+Ġm ath
+ĠG il
+Ġbi as
+Ġd ating
+ĠO cean
+Ġm ice
+M us
+h ire
+ĠT es
+Ser ver
+lim ited
+S ize
+Ġmet ers
+Ġrock et
+es see
+Ġcertific ate
+ĠIran ian
+Ġgr id
+D ec
+Ġro lling
+com mun
+ĠSwed en
+b ury
+Ġtiss ue
+Ġrac ism
+ĠL ocal
+Ġmyster y
+Ġexam ine
+Ġst em
+Ġs its
+Ġhop ed
+ot ing
+Ġdial ogue
+Ġpers u
+W atch
+l ay
+Ġch ronic
+ĠPort land
+mark et
+Ġparalle l
+Ġsc andal
+Ġcar ries
+Ġphenomen on
+h uman
+ack er
+ĠO x
+Ġretire ment
+tain ment
+ov ie
+ĠG ear
+Ġd uties
+Ġdo se
+Ġsc roll
+M B
+in f
+Ġsa uce
+Ġland scape
+red dit
+ĠChampions hip
+ĠRed dit
+al id
+Ġco in
+Ġover s
+Ġpost ing
+ab out
+Ġf el
+and y
+Ġb old
+Ġfocus ing
+e ffect
+G R
+Ġde emed
+Ġrecommend ations
+Ġste pped
+Ġvot er
+ĠDe ep
+ĠInst agram
+Ġmoder ate
+ĠMary land
+Ġrestrict ed
+ĠCh all
+Ġto b
+Ġc ir
+ĠO cc
+ĠE ver
+Ġcoll aps
+= -
+ĠP ict
+ĠAcc ount
+n c
+Ġo ught
+Ġex port
+Ġdr unk
+( '
+Ġw ise
+ĠM ort
+ne cess
+Ġan cest
+ĠInc re
+Ġfrequ ent
+m ir
+Ġinterpret ation
+Ġdepend ent
+Ġco ins
+ĠB ol
+V ideo
+ĠJust in
+Ġfat al
+Ġcook ing
+Ġconf usion
+ip her
+Ġcust ody
+ĠMor gan
+om ach
+ĠGovern or
+Ġrestaur ants
+el ing
+Ġacknowled ged
+Ġthe r
+Ġgen es
+ch ing
+He y
+Ġtact ics
+ĠMex ican
+Ġv end
+Ġhe s
+qu er
+Ġnot ing
+ĠCamer on
+Ġtarget ing
+ro ck
+Ġcred its
+Ġemot ions
+Ġrepresent atives
+new s
+Ġlegisl ative
+Ġrem oving
+Ġtweet ed
+ĠCar ter
+ĠF ixed
+Ġfor cing
+Ġspeak er
+Ġm ales
+ĠViet nam
+l ined
+Ġconcept s
+Ġvo ices
+o ir
+ĠT rib
+W he
+ĠJer usalem
+ĠS ant
+Ġc ul
+Ġl ady
+ĠHaw ai
+Ġar ts
+ĠIn n
+ĠMach ine
+ĠEm peror
+Ġsl ot
+g ly
+ĠPro cess
+Ġathlet es
+ĠTem ple
+ĠRep resent
+Ġpres c
+Ġt ons
+Ġgold en
+Ġp unch
+iver pool
+Ġen act
+Ġlob by
+Ġm os
+Ġpick ing
+Ġlif etime
+Ġcogn itive
+E ach
+z o
+Ġd ub
+Ġcons ists
+ol n
+Ġf estival
+am ous
+Ġint ellig
+w ords
+ĠSm art
+Ġde le
+Ġl apt
+Ġmag ical
+ĠS in
+b us
+ur ities
+igh th
+ĠRub y
+ĠS ure
+ol ving
+Ġj un
+Ġimp osed
+Ġast ron
+Ġcor rel
+ĠK it
+ĠF uture
+b urn
+Ġimm une
+oc us
+Ġcour ses
+ĠSt ring
+Ġle an
+Ġg host
+Ġout comes
+Ġexp ense
+Ġevery day
+Ġaccept able
+A h
+Ġequ ipped
+Ġor ange
+F R
+ĠD utch
+Th ough
+ĠR ank
+Q U
+ĠRober ts
+wh at
+re nd
+Ġdisapp ear
+Ġsp awn
+ĠL am
+o is
+Ġdes erve
+Ġmin imal
+Ġnerv ous
+ĠW ould
+Ġro ok
+ĠV ancouver
+Ġres ign
+sh ire
+ĠW orks
+ĠB uild
+Ġafford able
+ĠG ary
+ĠAren a
+Ġh anging
+Ġimpl ications
+ĠS ong
+Ġmain taining
+Ġgu ards
+Ġder ived
+Ġexecut ed
+Ġthe ories
+Ġqu oted
+ĠAnd re
+og a
+sel ess
+in fo
+ĠBel g
+Ġt ears
+ĠSur v
+Ġbirth day
+ig ious
+im mer
+Ġspect rum
+Ġarchitect ure
+Ġrec ruit
+arm a
+T able
+Ġmon sters
+ĠG ov
+Ġdest ination
+Ġattract ive
+Ġf oss
+ĠMore over
+Ġpres ents
+Ġrep ly
+pt on
+Ġc um
+Ġdel ight
+Ġaffect s
+Ġdon ations
+ĠT oy
+ĠH im
+Ġover come
+it ched
+ĠFant asy
+ĠH at
+ĠBe ast
+b ott
+Ġinvestig ations
+R un
+Ġhun ting
+d i
+f und
+Ġs essions
+est yle
+Ġport ray
+oid s
+Y eah
+Ġcommun icate
+Ġcom edy
+ĠY ang
+Ġbel t
+ĠMar ine
+Ġpredict ed
+Pl ay
+Ġimportant ly
+Ġremark able
+Ġelim inate
+D avid
+Ġb ind
+Ġadvoc ates
+ĠG aza
+im p
+D B
+ĠN a
+ĠSim ilar
+Ġchar ity
+v as
+m ath
+Ġâ ĸ
+ok er
+nd um
+Ġcap s
+ĠH al
+2 000
+e an
+Ġfle et
+Ġrec re
+R ight
+Ġsleep ing
+ij ing
+k ind
+Ġdesign ated
+Ã ¤
+Ġanim ation
+ke e
+ĠInt rodu
+Ġ/ >
+Ġdelay ed
+Ġtrem end
+Ġcur ious
+U se
+Ġle ct
+d am
+Ġinnov ation
+ĠPoint s
+Ġload ing
+Ġdisp ute
+ct ic
+ird s
+Ġn urs
+ĠVal ue
+ĠH um
+Ġtem plate
+m ers
+Ġappear ances
+ĠEnter tainment
+Ġtransl ation
+Ġsa ke
+Ġbene ath
+Ġin hib
+Ġe uro
+abet es
+Ġstud ying
+ĠM as
+Ġper ceived
+Ġexam ined
+Ġe ager
+Ġco aches
+Ġim per
+ch i
+Ġprodu ces
+" ).
+ĠEvery one
+Ġm unicip
+Ġg irlfriend
+Ġh ire
+ĠV ice
+Ġsu itable
+op y
+Ġin equ
+ĠD uke
+f ish
+f irst
+ĠO bs
+Ġinter ior
+ĠBru ce
+ĠR y
+Ġanal ys
+Ġconsider able
+Ġfore cast
+Ġf ert
+ors hip
+ĠD rug
+: "
+th ur
+ĠM ail
+Ġball ot
+Ġinst antly
+ĠCh annel
+Ġp icks
+Ġ198 9
+Ġt ent
+ol i
+Ġcivil ian
+b ling
+ell o
+b u
+Ġin ch
+Ġlog o
+Ġcooper ation
+Ġwal ks
+Ġinvest ments
+Ġimp rison
+ĠF estival
+ĠK y
+Ġleg ally
+Ġg ri
+ch arg
+S l
+Ġthreat ening
+du ction
+fl ow
+Ġdismiss ed
+ibr aries
+c ap
+e le
+ĠMc G
+ĠHar vard
+ĠConserv ative
+p ng
+Ġro ots
+ĠH aving
+umb led
+ĠF un
+\ /
+ĠS earch
+ple x
+Ġdiscuss ing
+Ġcontin u
+ĠT ai
+ĠW ik
+F ree
+f it
+Ġref use
+Ġmanag ing
+Ġsy nd
+ip edia
+w alk
+Ġprofession als
+Ġguid ance
+Ġunivers ities
+Ġas semb
+unt u
+F inally
+ĠAut o
+ĠH ad
+Ġann iversary
+L D
+ĠD ur
+ĠUlt imate
+ih ad
+pro duct
+Ġtrans it
+Ġrest ore
+Ġexpl aining
+Ġass et
+Ġtransfer red
+Ġbur st
+ap olis
+ĠMag azine
+ĠC ra
+gg ed
+M ich
+b et
+ĠL ady
+yl um
+erv es
+Ġme ets
+wh ite
+L og
+Ġcorrespond ing
+Ġins isted
+G G
+Ġsurround ed
+Ġt ens
+Ġl ane
+Ġco inc
+h ome
+Ġexist ed
+ect ed
+ĠDou ble
+lam m
+Ġske pt
+ex p
+Ġper ception
+ie v
+ĠBe ing
+o ft
+Ġadop t
+. :
+] ;
+Wind ows
+Ġsatell ite
+Ġinf ant
+d escription
+ĠMe anwhile
+c m
+oc a
+ĠT reat
+act or
+Ġtob acco
+ĠN orm
+em ption
+Ġfl esh
+Ġj e
+o op
+ĠHe aven
+Ġbe ating
+an im
+Ġgather ing
+Ġcult iv
+G O
+ab e
+ĠJon athan
+ĠSaf ety
+Ġbad ly
+pro t
+Ġcho osing
+Ġcontact ed
+Ġqu it
+Ġdist ur
+Ġst ir
+Ġto ken
+D et
+ĠP a
+Ġfunction ality
+00 3
+s ome
+Ġlimit ations
+Ġmet h
+b uild
+con fig
+N T
+re ll
+ble m
+ĠM om
+Ġveter ans
+ĠH u
+Ġtrend s
+are r
+ĠG iven
+ĠCa ption
+m ay
+Ġwond ering
+ĠCl ark
+n ormal
+Ġsepar ated
+Ġdes p
+st ic
+b rew
+Ġrel ating
+ĠN ik
+ĠF arm
+Ġenthus i
+g ood
+d eb
+Ġactiv ist
+Ġm art
+Ġexplos ion
+ĠEconom ic
+L ink
+Ġins ight
+Ġconven ient
+Ġcounter part
+su pport
+ĠV irt
+ag en
+ĠTenn essee
+ĠSim on
+ĠA ward
+ĠF igure
+Ġoverse as
+Ġpr ide
+ĠC as
+n ote
+m g
+C urrent
+Ġdispl ays
+cont ent
+Ġtravel ing
+Ġhosp itals
+ĠFin ancial
+ĠP ast
+Ġdefend ant
+Ġstream ing
+m ble
+ĠBer lin
+uk i
+Ġdist ribut
+Ġant ib
+Ġch ocolate
+ĠCast le
+Ġinter rupt
+ĠR ow
+Ġconvers ion
+Ġbug s
+ĠR ather
+li est
+L Y
+ĠJe an
+com mon
+ak h
+Ġ1 30
+ot ton
+ĠDe an
+Ġam endment
+Ġgame play
+ĠWar ren
+od a
+Ġhigh lights
+Ġir re
+Ġball s
+Ġdemand ing
+ĠL uke
+F igure
+st op
+on ia
+z one
+iz ers
+Ġaward ed
+Ġregul atory
+ĠH art
+pl ing
+Ġs our
+ĠP ixel
+us ive
+Ġf et
+ĠS ent
+Ġautom atic
+Ġf er
+vern ment
+ĠKh an
+f ather
+Ġextraord inary
+th rop
+ĠP ython
+Ġsex ually
+Ġdesk top
+it ivity
+ĠAnton io
+Ġo rient
+Ġe ars
+ob by
+ous es
+vertis ements
+Ġmanufacture rs
+ic ient
+min ute
+Ġconv iction
+Ġg arden
+p ublic
+Ġsatisf ied
+f old
+O K
+Ġin hab
+ĠTh ink
+Ġprogram me
+Ġst omach
+Ġcoord in
+Ġh oly
+Ġth reshold
+Ġr het
+Ġser ial
+Ġemploy ers
+ĠEvery thing
+ra h
+Ġb other
+Ġbr ands
+Val ue
+ĠT ed
+ĠPlan et
+Ġp ink
+ĠFurther more
+s a
+P E
+re ck
+ot te
+Ġ& &
+Ġland ed
+g ets
+Ġprodu cers
+Ġhealth care
+Ġdomin ant
+Ġdest ro
+Ġam ended
+ch ron
+Ġf its
+ĠSy d
+ĠAuthor ity
+Ġfight s
+Ġ-- -
+ĠCor p
+Ġtox ic
+spe cific
+ĠC orn
+ĠChe l
+Ġtele phone
+ĠP ant
+Ġmyster ious
+aun ch
+od ox
+med ia
+Ġwitness es
+ag u
+Ġquestion ed
+ĠBre xit
+ĠRem ember
+ene z
+Ġend orse
+iat ric
+ĠId ent
+Ġridic ulous
+1 10
+Ġpr ayer
+Ġscient ist
+Ġ19 50
+ĠA qu
+Ġunder ground
+m are
+ĠL ater
+w ich
+Ġsubsc rib
+Ġhost s
+Ġer r
+Ġgr ants
+ant om
+Ġsum mon
+ear ly
+ĠC lear
+ĠPr im
+Ġsusp ension
+Ġguarant eed
+app er
+Ġr ice
+ĠSe an
+ĠSh in
+Ġrefere ndum
+Ġfl ed
+r ust
+Ġ3 60
+ter y
+Ġsh ocked
+B R
+ĠO il
+ĠAll ah
+Ġpart ly
+Ġign or
+Ġtrans mission
+Ġhom osexual
+ivers al
+Ġhop efully
+ãĤ ¤
+Ġless on
+L eg
+Ġ ..
+Y et
+t able
+app ropri
+re tt
+Ġbo ards
+Ġincor rect
+Ġb acteria
+ar u
+am ac
+Ġsn ap
+.' "
+Ġpar ad
+t em
+he art
+Ġav ailability
+Ġw isdom
+Ġ( +
+Ġpri est
+ĠÂł ĠÂł
+O pen
+Ġsp an
+Ġparam eter
+Ġconv ince
+Ġ( %)
+r ac
+Ġf o
+Ġsafe ly
+Ġconver ted
+ĠOlymp ic
+Ġres erve
+Ġhe aling
+ĠM ine
+M ax
+Ġin herent
+ĠGra ham
+Ġinteg rated
+D em
+Ġpip eline
+Ġapp lying
+Ġem bed
+ĠCharl ie
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+200 8
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+P al
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+look ing
+ĠSw ord
+ĠAr ts
+' )
+Ġelect ron
+clus ions
+Ġinteg rity
+Ġexclus ively
+Ġgr ace
+Ġtort ure
+Ġburn ed
+tw o
+Ġ18 0
+P rodu
+Ġent reprene
+raph ics
+Ġg ym
+ric ane
+ĠT am
+Ġadministr ative
+Ġmanufacture r
+Ġ vel
+ĠN i
+Ġisol ated
+ĠMedic ine
+Ġback up
+Ġpromot ing
+Ġcommand er
+Ġfle e
+ĠRus sell
+Ġforg otten
+ĠMiss ouri
+Ġres idence
+m ons
+Ġrese mb
+Ġw and
+Ġmeaning ful
+P T
+Ġb ol
+Ġhe lic
+Ġwealth y
+Ġr ifle
+str ong
+row ing
+pl an
+as ury
+âĢ¦ .
+Ġexpand ing
+ĠHam ilton
+Ġrece ives
+S I
+eat ures
+ĠAn im
+P ut
+Ġbrief ly
+ri ve
+Ġstim ul
+Ġ`` (
+Ġ __
+Ġch ip
+Ġha z
+Ġpri ze
+ĠTh ings
+ul in
+d ict
+ok u
+Ġassoci ate
+ock ets
+y outube
+St ory
+ateg ory
+Ġm ild
+ail ing
+ĠY e
+O rig
+ĠK a
+or ig
+Ġpropag anda
+Ġan onymous
+Ġstrugg led
+Ġout rage
+ĠBe ijing
+r ary
+Ġle ather
+Ġworld s
+Ġbroad er
+12 5
+id al
+ĠBet ter
+Ġt ear
+E xt
+Ġpropos als
+Ġit er
+ĠSqu ad
+Ġvol unt
+m i
+D id
+ĠP u
+p in
+Ġspeak ers
+Ġb orders
+Ġfig ured
+= '
+Ġsimultane ously
+aed a
+Ġcharg ing
+Ġur ged
+Ġcon j
+25 6
+ĠG ordon
+mer ce
+Ġdocument ary
+Sh are
+it ol
+ĠG arden
+h att
+ĠThom pson
+ane ous
+ap ore
+Ġt anks
+Ġless ons
+tr ack
+Ġout standing
+Ġvolunte ers
+Ġsp ray
+Ġmanag ers
+l arge
+Ġcamp s
+Ġart ificial
+ĠR u
+Ġb ags
+th al
+Ġcompat ible
+ĠBl ade
+Ġf ed
+Ġarg ues
+F I
+Ġunf air
+Ġcor n
+Ġoff set
+Ġdirect ions
+Ġdisappoint ed
+ĠCon vention
+Ġview ing
+M E
+oc ity
+Ġtown s
+Ġlay ers
+Ġro lled
+Ġjump ed
+Ġatt ribute
+Ġun necess
+inc oln
+Ġsupp ose
+ĠNet her
+ch a
+Ġbur ied
+Ġsix th
+B en
+ress ing
+Ġw ound
+Ġcy cl
+Ġmechan isms
+Ġcongress ional
+ĠE lement
+Ġagre ements
+Ġdec or
+Ġclos est
+ĠM it
+Go ogle
+} }
+Ġm ixture
+Ġflu id
+S ign
+ĠSch olar
+Ġp ist
+ask et
+ab ling
+Ġrac ing
+he ro
+ri el
+ass y
+Ġche aper
+b en
+Ġvert ical
+amac are
+ĠRead ing
+g ments
+Ġhelic op
+Ġsacr ifice
+ay a
+p aren
+V A
+ĠL es
+ĠStud io
+Ġviol ations
+ĠAn na
+ac er
+é ¾
+ĠR at
+ĠBe ck
+ĠD ick
+Ġcomp osition
+Ġtext ure
+ĠO wn
+Ġsmart phone
+Ġfor b
+im port
+Ġdef ending
+il st
+re r
+Ġo h
+ĠJere my
+Ġbank ing
+cept ions
+Ġrespect ive
+/ .
+Ġdr inks
+ĠW i
+Ġb ands
+ĠL iverpool
+Ġg rip
+ĠB uy
+Ġopen ly
+Ġreview ed
+per t
+Ġver ify
+ĠCo le
+ĠW ales
+M O
+Ġun pre
+Ġshel ter
+ĠIm perial
+Ġgu i
+ĠD ak
+Ġsuggest ions
+Ġexplicit ly
+Ġsl ave
+Ġblock chain
+Ġcompet ing
+Ġprom ising
+Ġsoc cer
+Ġconst itution
+4 29
+Ġdist ract
+ĠU ser
+es ides
+ĠMet hod
+ĠTok yo
+Ġaccompan ied
+Cl ient
+s ur
+al og
+Ġident ification
+Ġinv asion
+as ma
+Ġindust ries
+pp ers
+Ġsub tle
+ĠUn it
+n atural
+Ġsurv ived
+Ġfl aw
+ĺ ħ
+ĠH oll
+Ġdef icit
+Ġtut orial
+ĠCh ance
+Ġarg uing
+Ġcontem porary
+Ġinteg ration
+for ward
+Ġt um
+it is
+Ġh iding
+ĠD omin
+ĠT an
+ĠB uilding
+ĠV in
+Ġspokes person
+ĠNot es
+Ġemer ging
+Ġprepar ation
+Ġpro st
+Ġsuspect s
+Ġaut onom
+D escription
+Ġdeal t
+ĠP ear
+Ġstead y
+Ġdecre ased
+Ġso vere
+ĠCl in
+Ġgrad ually
+ors es
+S erv
+ãĤ ¢
+h r
+Ġd irty
+ĠB arn
+Ġd il
+Ġcal endar
+Ġcompl iance
+Ġch amber
+b b
+Ġpass enger
+ate ful
+ĠT itle
+ĠSyd ney
+ĠG ot
+Ġdark ness
+Ġdef ect
+Ġpack ed
+ass ion
+Ġgod s
+Ġh arsh
+le ans
+Ġalgorith m
+Ġoxy gen
+Ġvis its
+Ġbl ade
+Ġkil omet
+ĠKent ucky
+Ġkill er
+P ack
+enn y
+Ġdiv ine
+Ġnom ination
+be ing
+Ġeng ines
+Ġc ats
+Ġbuff er
+ĠPh ill
+Ġtra ff
+Ġtong ue
+Ġrad iation
+ere r
+m em
+ĠExpl icit
+é¾ į
+Ġcou ples
+Ġphys ics
+ĠMc K
+Ġpolit ically
+aw ks
+ĠBl oom
+Ġwor ship
+e ger
+ut er
+Ġmat hemat
+Ġsent enced
+Ġdis k
+ĠM arg
+Ġ/ *
+P I
+Ġoption al
+Ġbab ies
+Ġse eds
+ĠScott ish
+Ġth y
+] ]
+ĠHit ler
+P H
+ng th
+Ġrec overed
+ing e
+Ġpow der
+Ġl ips
+Ġdesign er
+Ġdis orders
+Ġcour age
+Ġch aos
+" },{"
+Ġcar rier
+b ably
+H igh
+es ity
+l en
+Ġrout es
+u ating
+F il
+w all
+s burgh
+Ġeng aging
+ĠJava Script
+ore r
+li hood
+Ġun ions
+ĠF ederation
+ĠTes la
+Ġcomple tion
+ĠT a
+Ġprivile ge
+ĠOr ange
+Ġne ur
+paren cy
+Ġb ones
+Ġtit led
+Ġprosecut ors
+Ġengine er
+ĠUn iverse
+ĠH ig
+n ie
+o ard
+Ġheart s
+ĠG re
+uss ion
+Ġmin istry
+Ġpen et
+ĠN ut
+ĠO w
+in stein
+Ġbul k
+S ystem
+ic ism
+ĠMarket able
+Ġpre val
+Ġpost er
+Ġatt ending
+ur able
+Ġlicens ed
+ĠG h
+et ry
+ĠTrad able
+Ġbl ast
+à ¤
+ĠTit an
+ell ed
+d ie
+H ave
+ĠFl ame
+Ġprof ound
+Ġparticip ating
+Ġan ime
+ĠE ss
+Ġspec ify
+Ġregard ed
+ĠSpe ll
+Ġs ons
+own ed
+Ġm erc
+Ġexper imental
+land o
+h s
+ĠDun geon
+in os
+Ġcomp ly
+ĠSystem s
+ar th
+Ġse ized
+l ocal
+ĠGirl s
+ud o
+on ed
+ĠF le
+Ġconstruct ed
+Ġhost ed
+Ġsc ared
+act ic
+ĠIs lands
+Ġbl ess
+Ġblock ing
+Ġch ips
+Ġev ac
+P s
+Ġcorpor ation
+Ġo x
+Ġlight ing
+Ġneighb ors
+ĠU b
+ar o
+Ġbe ef
+ĠU ber
+F acebook
+ar med
+it ate
+ĠR ating
+ĠQu ick
+Ġoccup ied
+Ġaim s
+ĠAdd itionally
+ĠInt erest
+Ġdram atically
+Ġhe al
+Ġpain ting
+Ġengine ers
+M M
+ĠM ust
+Ġquant ity
+P aul
+Ġearn ings
+ĠPost s
+st ra
+ãĥ¼ ãĥ
+Ġst ance
+Ġdro pping
+sc ript
+Ġd ressed
+M ake
+Ġjust ify
+ĠL td
+Ġprompt ed
+Ġscr ut
+Ġspeed s
+ĠGi ants
+om er
+ĠEd itor
+Ġdescrib ing
+ĠL ie
+ment ed
+Ġnow here
+oc aly
+Ġinst ruction
+fort able
+Ġent ities
+Ġc m
+ĠN atural
+Ġinqu iry
+Ġpress ed
+iz ont
+for ced
+Ġra ises
+ĠNet flix
+ĠS ide
+Ġout er
+Ġamong st
+im s
+ows ki
+Ġclim b
+ne ver
+Ġcomb ine
+d ing
+Ġcomp r
+Ġsignific ance
+Ġremem bered
+ĠNev ada
+ĠT el
+ĠSc ar
+ĠWar riors
+ĠJ ane
+Ġcou p
+b as
+Ġtermin al
+, -
+O H
+Ġt ension
+Ġw ings
+ĠMy ster
+�� ��
+ĠUn like
+val id
+viron ments
+ĠAl i
+Ġn aked
+book s
+ĠM un
+ĠG ulf
+Ġd ensity
+Ġdim in
+Ġdesper ate
+Ġpres idency
+Ġ198 6
+h y
+Ġun lock
+im ens
+Ġhand led
+ĠE b
+Ġdisapp eared
+Ġgen re
+Ġ198 8
+Ġdetermin ation
+St ream
+ik o
+ap ters
+Ġacknow ledge
+J an
+Ġcapital ism
+P at
+Ġ20 20
+Ġpain ful
+Ġcur ve
+Ġbom bs
+st orm
+ĠMet al
+en cer
+ĠF ig
+ĠA aron
+anc hes
+Ġins piration
+Ġexha ust
+t ains
+ash i
+Ġdesc ript
+Ġr itual
+ĠChel sea
+Ġpromot ion
+ĠH ung
+ĠW ard
+iv a
+Ġto ss
+all ow
+ĠFranc is
+D ep
+Ġhapp iness
+ĠGl ass
+Ġbet a
+Ġstreng then
+N E
+o a
+Ġbutt ons
+ĠMur ray
+Ġkick ed
+Qu est
+ĠT alk
+ĠS everal
+ĠZ ero
+Ġdr one
+ul k
+Ġc am
+ĠM obile
+Ġprevent ing
+Ġret ro
+ĠA x
+Ġcru el
+Ġflo at
+. ),
+Ġfil ing
+ĠGr ant
+ĠB or
+Ġr ib
+Ġchampions hip
+ĠM erc
+Ġsty les
+Ġc ake
+Ġbuild s
+ĠS elf
+io x
+Ġep ic
+oy d
+B el
+ĠSt ew
+. (
+ah u
+ĠBe yond
+Ġout s
+Ġsol o
+ĠT ree
+Ġpres erve
+Ġt ub
+ro c
+ĠIm pro
+ĠW right
+Ġbu nd
+Ġtr aged
+Ġoccas ional
+b ian
+Sec ond
+r ons
+Ġinter actions
+form ed
+s ing
+Ġown s
+Ġh ockey
+Gener al
+Ġlog ical
+Ġexp end
+Ġesc al
+ĠGr iff
+ĠC rown
+ĠRes erve
+Ġsto pping
+Ġexc use
+sec ond
+Ġoper ated
+Ġre aches
+ĠMal ays
+Ġpoll ution
+ĠBrook lyn
+Ġde lete
+Ġhas h
+Bl ock
+ah a
+âĢ ³
+Ġsh orter
+p iece
+Ġh orm
+ĠW at
+ĠBre ak
+Ġprohib ited
+Ġint ensity
+ĠAl an
+Ġli ability
+? !
+and ed
+Ġneigh bour
+ĠCol lection
+Ġf ires
+Ġrevolution ary
+f ly
+ĠOr leans
+Wh ite
+ĠW rit
+ĠD awn
+Ġsett le
+Ġexec ute
+B M
+Ġspokes woman
+Ġlif estyle
+Ġclick ing
+ĠK ill
+ĠLiber al
+ĠN azi
+Ġtra iler
+Ġmount ains
+Ġdam n
+z es
+p es
+Ġpress ing
+Ġb ail
+ĠOrgan ization
+Ġp ir
+Ġth irty
+Ġelect rical
+Ġ1 15
+ĠP oly
+ĠR ap
+ĠSt rike
+ĠC ann
+Ġdemand ed
+Ġback ing
+def ault
+spe ed
+ĠLeg isl
+Ġmother s
+ĠB ody
+Ġvar iation
+ced ented
+p owered
+le ading
+N ever
+Ġg rave
+ĠAnt i
+A W
+Ġinterview ed
+ĠG ab
+ĠF at
+Ġrook ie
+u u
+Ġdep os
+ix on
+Ġam pl
+ret ion
+ĠHe at
+Ġpeace ful
+S M
+ie ve
+Ġd iver
+ĠVict oria
+Ġm ic
+p df
+Ġst ating
+Ġl ung
+Ġcritic ized
+Ġvacc ine
+ĠLoad ing
+ur se
+T ake
+ĠFr an
+ĠS old
+ĠRob in
+Ġdetect ed
+ĠSc ript
+Ġadjust ed
+Ġsen ator
+Ġopp osing
+Er ror
+C ount
+Ġconflic ts
+Ġo w
+ĠAr gent
+Ġmatch ing
+h h
+ĠTre k
+st arter
+" ),
+od er
+xx xx
+ĠAl t
+ac re
+ĠP ick
+ĠSol ar
+ĠD al
+O ct
+ĠB att
+Ġs rc
+Ġeng agement
+Ġexecut ives
+Ġliber ty
+j ava
+Ġtal ented
+igen ous
+Ġcon secut
+.. ...
+In fo
+Ġhor rible
+Ġsurprising ly
+f eed
+ic ating
+Ġfem ales
+St ation
+ell er
+ĠOak land
+Ġmechan ical
+i ology
+ĠV ar
+Ġrob ust
+ett ings
+ott a
+Ġthe oret
+Ġret ain
+k ward
+Ġd a
+Ġdeploy ed
+d el
+ĠAnd y
+Ġsubsc ribe
+we b
+Ġn a
+ĠMic hel
+Ġpart ially
+ĠCome y
+Ġc rown
+ĠM aj
+ĠBl u
+r ator
+D ay
+Ġdocument ed
+g i
+che ll
+Ġbrut al
+ĠB ab
+st ration
+Ġthe ft
+Ġt ube
+@ @
+Ġqu ery
+ĠL incoln
+Ġpublish ing
+Ġw ore
+or ical
+Ġr ic
+Ġnot able
+Ġsubsequ ently
+ne x
+Ġobser ve
+ĠB oe
+Ġc odes
+m ain
+W H
+Ġresident ial
+av an
+Ġm as
+are st
+ade on
+Ġsoph istic
+ant e
+Ġc ens
+Ġ **
+Ġmort ality
+Ġyour s
+Ġoccas ions
+Ġrec alled
+ĠDri ver
+Ġv ocal
+Ġbath room
+Ġsh ops
+Ġcollabor ation
+ĠOb amacare
+ĠC ell
+Ch ar
+Su per
+C re
+Ġt ends
+Ġt orn
+Ġeconom ics
+a very
+ĠR aid
+ĠS em
+Ġshould ers
+Ġexpect ing
+Ġexam ination
+en ame
+i ability
+ol as
+ĠAm b
+ĠD ra
+Ġmid field
+Ġlay out
+Ġflo ating
+f i
+it ative
+Ġtremend ous
+Ġ Ð
+Ġab und
+W ork
+ĠLight ning
+Ġsimilar ly
+Ġconserv atives
+Ġpr ay
+B E
+iz arre
+Ġt empt
+Ġemphas is
+ĠMet ro
+Ġf ishing
+Ġmar ry
+ne g
+ĠStud y
+Ġrec k
+Ġdis pos
+on ing
+bs ite
+Ġsusp ic
+Ġmer ch
+ĠG ib
+ĠDes cription
+w he
+ĠY emen
+Ġen vironments
+oot ing
+ĠMod ern
+e u
+Ġreflect s
+Ġh oney
+Ġanaly st
+Ġg ut
+d ec
+A ction
+Ġhousehold s
+Ġst er
+Ġtem ple
+Ġreform s
+Ġfavour ite
+Ġdead line
+Th ree
+ĠWith in
+A ug
+Ġnight s
+elt a
+Ġinv alid
+ĠEx change
+ĠDel hi
+w hen
+inc ome
+Ġ ðŁ
+Ġwire less
+sc ribe
+ist a
+Ġhost ile
+Ġall y
+Ġg ig
+Ġout lets
+ĠD or
+Ġas h
+Ġab stract
+ĠMot or
+Ġadv iser
+ist le
+Ġb ases
+Ġcourt esy
+Ġcross ing
+Ġcle ared
+Ġrefuge e
+cos ystem
+Ġthrow s
+f un
+bour ne
+d ays
+Ġdisag ree
+ĠN ative
+Ġreflect ed
+ĠF ast
+ĠY ellow
+ĠSing apore
+ĠR aven
+Ġembr ace
+ĠK u
+ĠC hen
+ĠEar ly
+Ġappoint ment
+ĠMin i
+it ement
+Ġpl acing
+Ġb icy
+S R
+Ġwh is
+S U
+Ġinvestig ated
+Ġphotograph s
+g ithub
+ĠBe at
+ĠR ing
+ig hed
+i ar
+Ġev olved
+eral d
+Ġd un
+Ġh ub
+Ġencour aging
+ĠPr int
+ĠD ays
+Ġpro secution
+Ġp ants
+az y
+l ive
+Ġfoss il
+ĠJ u
+Ġro cks
+ud ge
+ĠR ace
+Ġg reet
+b ie
+Ġf illing
+ĠL en
+Ġdi abetes
+Ġfire arms
+um ing
+enez uel
+Ġaccept ing
+Ġres ort
+Ġh unt
+ri k
+uck er
+am ents
+Ġsust ained
+Ġcross ed
+Ġbreak fast
+Ġatt ributes
+lect ed
+at ile
+Ġv ibr
+ĠK al
+ars on
+op les
+Ġtou ched
+Ġdam ages
+Ġimp ressed
+ru p
+Ġan ch
+ĠAd ams
+H el
+ĠVict or
+Ġmount ed
+Ġdelic ious
+sp an
+ell a
+Ġel abor
+am ples
+Ġdef ic
+Ġconstit u
+u ates
+ĠM ission
+ĠT her
+ĠMon ster
+b es
+Re uters
+ĠInd ones
+h ill
+mun ition
+Ġconfirm ation
+ĠCons ider
+ac ent
+Ġj et
+ĠEm ploy
+n an
+ĠSp ider
+Ġprocess or
+Ġpat ri
+ĠPent agon
+ĠRob inson
+Ġreal istic
+Ã ±
+Ġappear ing
+Ġp ipe
+om ed
+Ġf ru
+Ġaw ful
+Ġeval uation
+Ġintellig ent
+ĠC itiz
+Ġfund ra
+od ium
+Ġtwe ets
+Ġwor n
+pr ing
+Ġkid n
+Ġreb els
+ĠK am
+ĠNether lands
+Ġacqu isition
+ĠM ale
+ãĥ ª
+omb ies
+Ġtrad em
+ĠStat us
+B re
+Ġad verse
+s ign
+Ġorgan isation
+en c
+ĠHar per
+ap or
+ĠMem bers
+ĠPe ace
+ĠAir port
+ĠOther s
+Ġscr atch
+ĠP il
+Ġsens or
+Ġadop tion
+ĠHot el
+ĠDr ag
+Ġhonest ly
+Ġy ard
+ĠFor ces
+Ġpat ent
+Ġb ass
+Ġquiet ly
+Ġbreat hing
+Ġp ose
+i ors
+ĠJ ess
+st atic
+O ffic
+Ġj ew
+w cs
+Ġ14 0
+Ġpre view
+ipp i
+Ġunf ortunately
+oke mon
+Ġh orn
+Ġre ass
+Ġpe er
+ock er
+Ġunt o
+ĠGr ay
+Ġclean ing
+Ġattract ed
+200 7
+P oint
+k ill
+ĠAg reement
+ur ches
+Ġhor r
+ĠMiss iss
+Ġworth y
+Ġfl owers
+t own
+d ll
+Ġre actions
+Ġde ce
+Ġindic ating
+M D
+Ġpre ference
+ess ional
+ĠT arget
+g ence
+ĠInd ians
+Ġm isc
+Ġfree ly
+Ġmus cles
+Ġline up
+Ġimpact s
+ous ing
+om i
+ac ular
+Ġcontro lling
+ag ine
+c ery
+he ll
+Ġrank ing
+ĠN ich
+ĠA ve
+12 8
+Ġhigh way
+Ġinc ons
+Ġb inding
+Ġstrugg les
+ĠPitt sburgh
+Ġgr ay
+r in
+Ġcom ics
+ĠS port
+Ġrel atives
+Ġfr ight
+Ġpro be
+ĠPort ug
+Ġv oc
+Ġt u
+ĠCor ps
+Ġposs ibilities
+Ġqual ify
+wcs store
+Ġl ibraries
+Ġm igrants
+Ġent ries
+Ġconsecut ive
+v als
+ĠChair man
+Ġh ill
+ĠG ard
+Ġinequ ality
+f ox
+ĠS ave
+Ġc ort
+claim ed
+Ġtra its
+Ġp our
+Ġmiss iles
+Ġess ence
+Ġs ends
+Ġall iance
+Ġw ishes
+ĠChrist opher
+B ig
+N Y
+ĠJac ob
+s an
+ur red
+ll y
+Ġadvoc ate
+ĠB ond
+Ġ" /
+Us ing
+Ġdistrict s
+ĠG ate
+ĠB ir
+r idge
+ĠN az
+ĠR s
+bo ards
+ĠG a
+ĠRe agan
+Ġinflu enced
+1 000
+ap y
+Ġchalleng ed
+Ġb arg
+Ġfac ulty
+ĠF if
+Ġacqu ire
+A c
+Ġin sect
+Ġinstr uments
+Ġle af
+th odox
+M essage
+Ġt ale
+Ġthere by
+Ġtra p
+Ġstrong est
+ĠMil itary
+is ible
+Ġ198 4
+ethe less
+Ġflex ible
+Ġkill s
+Ġfin ishing
+ĠS ize
+Ġredu ces
+Ġep id
+Ġorient ation
+f ull
+Ġtr ace
+Ġl aser
+Ġopp ose
+Ġed iting
+Ġmoment um
+ä º
+sh ow
+V I
+ĠL ad
+Ġ198 5
+Ġmurd ered
+9 00
+ut her
+Ġprob ability
+ĠP oll
+Ġrel uct
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+Ġo k
+Ġ 000
+Ġ" [
+Ġoper ators
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+Ġmod es
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+em ail
+J P
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+Ġhe nce
+ĠL ess
+Ġover l
+d ig
+Ġintim id
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+th a
+Ġdist ant
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+ĠW onder
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+hatt an
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+Ã Ĺ
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+Ġchemical s
+ĠM oney
+Ġfro zen
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+ĠAgain st
+E nd
+Ġuncom fortable
+ĠGall ery
+ĠPost ed
+Ø §
+ond uct
+Ġconsequ ence
+Ġbit ter
+Ġ198 7
+p op
+Ġcount less
+ĠAl aska
+ff ff
+Ġdepart ure
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+Ġjurisd iction
+lyn n
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+ath on
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+d irect
+Ġenc ount
+ou b
+be at
+ĠCount ry
+se arch
+Ġcontin uous
+Ġmod est
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+th ood
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+sec urity
+] )
+ĠJim my
+Ġh iring
+T em
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+aun t
+ĠCry stal
+Ġpen alties
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+Ġproduct ive
+Ġbal anced
+ĠGe Force
+cl ick
+olit an
+od s
+Ġafter wards
+Ġplay offs
+ĠG ill
+U ser
+Ġback s
+p ub
+t ag
+Ġabs urd
+p iring
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+Ġtr illion
+Ġoblig ation
+Ġmax im
+ah oo
+c f
+um i
+ĠAl pha
+ĠN elson
+Ġpursu ant
+in itely
+Ġf ract
+ent ry
+ber y
+ĠTh or
+Add ed
+ĠG ene
+Ġaw kward
+St ud
+Ġwal let
+ĠDiv ine
+ari os
+Ġrele asing
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+Ġaccompl ished
+B est
+Ġed ges
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+" },"
+Ġdiscl osure
+Ġgr ain
+air y
+o ons
+ern and
+V R
+Ġreason ably
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+Ġpart ial
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+sc ar
+ĠZ one
+tt es
+Ġ7 00
+v o
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+Ġle ak
+Ġpr icing
+row th
+ĠEr ror
+ĠS aints
+f ix
+Ġobserv ations
+ĠA bs
+Ġsuggest ion
+ĠUkrain ian
+Ġbar rier
+Ġpain ted
+B et
+im ir
+ĠS pect
+p ot
+orne ys
+Ġcomp ound
+Ġbe ars
+ĠR ush
+Ġlux ury
+S um
+Ġor bit
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+Ġex empt
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+ĠWe apon
+oc used
+umin um
+ĠJer ry
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+ke ys
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+def ine
+le an
+Ġcomm od
+Ġreven ues
+Å į
+Ġfurn iture
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+Ġdiplom atic
+ĠPlay ers
+ĠK illed
+Ġmod ify
+Ġinnov ative
+ĠAb u
+n or
+Ġbond s
+Ġcoach ing
+M er
+Ġmod ules
+ĠPatri ots
+Ġenh anced
+Ġproceed ings
+Ġteam mates
+Ġ12 8
+ard o
+Ġcomprom ise
+ĠM uch
+Ġfle w
+ĠEd ge
+Ġunnecess ary
+Ġdoct rine
+re port
+ĠOr lando
+ĠProf ile
+Ġplay off
+friend ly
+Ġcompl ain
+ĠO pt
+Ġbeat en
+Ġg olf
+Ġpl acement
+B it
+Ġnews letter
+Ġ201 9
+vis or
+raw l
+ĠiP ad
+Ġact ed
+Ġju ice
+Ġdec ks
+P N
+su ccess
+ĠH alf
+Ġdele ted
+Ġsec rets
+Ġas ylum
+M art
+ĠAct iv
+ĠGu y
+ĠT s
+Ġd ys
+Ġassum ing
+Ġman a
+Ġsub ur
+Ġ12 5
+M edia
+r ide
+c p
+Ġdifficult ies
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+Ġbank rupt
+n on
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+Ġvol t
+Ġmilit ants
+Ġ> >>
+ĠM ormon
+t or
+Ġpartic les
+ĠB art
+ry ption
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+iam eter
+ic ular
+Ġgrab bed
+Ġn odd
+Ġr ated
+Ġrot ation
+Ġgr asp
+Ġexcess ive
+ĠWh it
+Ġinvent ory
+ault s
+Ġe cosystem
+Ġbill ions
+Ġvent ure
+n amed
+Ġdef ender
+out e
+Inst ead
+ir able
+W ar
+Ġassum ption
+Ġb ite
+Ġearth qu
+t ail
+sp ace
+Ġgif ts
+boy s
+Ġinev itable
+Ġstruct ural
+Ġbenef icial
+Ġcompe lling
+h ole
+erv ation
+Ġco at
+o j
+inc arn
+ĠY ears
+Ġdetermin ing
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+A nt
+add y
+) -
+ra ham
+eter min
+Ġhar vest
+ĠCon c
+Ġlapt op
+ĠM atch
+Ġenjoy ing
+cc a
+oll ar
+Ġtri ps
+Ġadd iction
+ĠS ak
+Ġpow ered
+Ġc ous
+ĠRuss ians
+ie re
+Ġret rie
+qu ality
+Ġdiff er
+Ġking dom
+ĠL aur
+ĠCap itol
+Ġcon clusions
+ĠAl tern
+ĠN av
+Ġtrans parent
+G roup
+ĠCom plete
+Ġinf er
+Ġint rig
+Ġins ane
+R O
+oph ob
+is en
+qu al
+Mich ael
+Ġm useum
+ĠP ope
+Ġres et
+r ative
+f ive
+Ġagg reg
+itte es
+osit ory
+Ġcar b
+ĠRec ord
+Ġdec ides
+ĠF ix
+Ġexcept ions
+ĠCommission er
+un s
+ĠEnvironment al
+Ġlegend ary
+ist ence
+Ġtun nel
+k m
+Ġins ult
+Ġt roll
+Ġsh ake
+Ġdet ention
+qu es
+ĠCh rome
+ĠF iles
+Ġsub t
+Ġprospect s
+Ġpro l
+re nder
+pro of
+Ġperform ances
+St r
+Ġh ref
+ern ame
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+Ġf ut
+F ull
+ĠLe ban
+go ogle
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+May be
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+ĠE mb
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+Ġa wards
+Ġâ Ķ
+G old
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+ĠR aj
+if ting
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+Ġinst inct
+Ġdevelop ments
+Con nect
+ĠM and
+ĠPhilipp ines
+prof ile
+Ġalt ogether
+ĠB und
+oo oo
+amp ed
+ip h
+Ġste am
+Ġold est
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+ul pt
+Ġ ç
+ĠWay ne
+200 6
+f a
+Ġcir cles
+ĠF u
+Ġdon ors
+appropri ate
+ĠDak ota
+j amin
+Ġmotiv ated
+Ġpurch ases
+ĠLouis iana
+ĠS pl
+Ġgl obe
+Ġ10 5
+z ip
+c all
+Ġdepart ments
+Ġsustain able
+10 5
+if iers
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+Ġinvest ed
+Ġcomplex ity
+Ġin cl
+Ġens uring
+Ġreal m
+yn c
+ĠInd ependent
+r ained
+ĠJ en
+ĠFl ight
+Ġat he
+Ġspec ulation
+oc ate
+t ic
+Ġpl aint
+her ry
+Ġto y
+Ġ1 11
+Ġpl ates
+st atus
+ĠIs a
+Ġdev oted
+C op
+25 5
+ur rency
+M ain
+Ġsl aves
+Ġpe pper
+Ġqu otes
+Ġce iling
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+Ġtrans formation
+Ġfra ction
+Ġadvant ages
+Ġto ile
+Ġstun ning
+Ġmo ist
+bre aking
+s i
+ĠL ocation
+ĠMed ium
+Ġtext s
+Ġu gly
+Ġb io
+. âĢĶ
+ĠB ased
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+ĠH ope
+Spe cial
+ades h
+ob i
+[ /
+Ġtempor arily
+V er
+h u
+os er
+Ġover night
+Ġm amm
+ĠTre asury
+ĠV enezuel
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+Ġt ar
+Ġexpect s
+bl ack
+or ph
+\\ \\
+Ġaccept ance
+Ġrad ar
+s is
+Ġjun ior
+Ġfram es
+Ġobserv ation
+ac ies
+P ower
+ĠAdv anced
+M ag
+olog ically
+ĠMe chan
+Ġsent ences
+Ġanaly sts
+augh ters
+force ment
+Ġv ague
+Ġcl ause
+Ġdirect ors
+Ġeval uate
+Ġcabin et
+M att
+ĠClass ic
+A ng
+Ġcl er
+ĠB uck
+Ġresear cher
+Ġ16 0
+Ġpoor ly
+Ġexperien cing
+ĠP ed
+ĠMan hattan
+Ġfre ed
+Ġthem es
+ad vant
+Ġn in
+Ġpra ise
+10 4
+ĠLib ya
+b est
+Ġtrust ed
+Ġce ase
+Ġd ign
+D irect
+Ġbomb ing
+Ġm igration
+ĠSci ences
+Ġmunicip al
+ĠA verage
+Ġgl ory
+Ġreve aling
+Ġare na
+Ġuncertain ty
+Ġbattle field
+ia o
+G od
+Ġc inem
+ra pe
+el le
+ap ons
+Ġlist ing
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+Ġsp otted
+ke ley
+ĠAud io
+e or
+ard ing
+idd ing
+ig ma
+ĠN eg
+Ġl one
+Ġ ----
+ex e
+d eg
+Ġtrans f
+Ġwas h
+Ġsl avery
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+ats on
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+l ies
+ĠC reek
+Ġwood en
+Man ager
+ĠBr and
+um my
+ĠAr thur
+Ġbureau cr
+Ġbl end
+ar ians
+F urther
+Ġsupposed ly
+Ġwind s
+Ġ19 79
+Ġgrav ity
+Ġanalys es
+ĠTra vel
+ĠV eter
+Ġd umb
+Ġaltern ate
+g al
+Ġconsum ed
+Ġeffect iveness
+.' '
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+ond a
+L A
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+Ġen ables
+Ġesc aped
+Ġ" "
+Ġ1 12
+Ġ198 3
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+ĠH orn
+Ġh ier
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+m other
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+ic ut
+bor ne
+ic iary
+. _
+Ġpol ar
+is y
+eng u
+itial ized
+w rite
+Ġexerc ises
+ĠD iamond
+ot ypes
+Ġharm ful
+on z
+Ġprint ing
+st ory
+Ġexpert ise
+ĠG er
+Ġtraged y
+ĠF ly
+Ġd ivid
+amp ire
+st ock
+M em
+Ġre ign
+Ġun ve
+Ġam end
+ĠProp het
+Ġmut ual
+ĠF ac
+Ġrepl acing
+H ar
+ĠCirc uit
+Ġthro at
+ĠSh ot
+Ġbatter ies
+Ġto ll
+Ġaddress ing
+ĠMedic aid
+Ġp upp
+ĠN ar
+ol k
+Ġequ ity
+M R
+ĠHis pan
+ĠL arge
+m id
+D ev
+Ġexp ed
+Ġdem o
+ĠMarsh all
+erg us
+Ġf iber
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+ĠCre ate
+Ġsl ower
+ĠPark er
+ĠStud ent
+ĠTr aining
+Ret urn
+ĠT ru
+Ġc ub
+ĠRe ached
+Ġpan ic
+Ġqu arters
+Ġre ct
+Ġtreat ing
+Ġr ats
+ĠChristian ity
+ol er
+Ġsac red
+Ġdecl are
+ul ative
+et ing
+Ġdeliver ing
+est one
+Ġt el
+ĠL arry
+Ġmet a
+ac cept
+art z
+ĠRog er
+hand ed
+Ġhead er
+Ġtra pped
+ĠCent ury
+Ġkn ocked
+ĠOx ford
+Ġsurviv ors
+b ot
+Ġdemon stration
+Ġd irt
+Ġass ists
+ĠD raft
+ortun ate
+fol io
+pe red
+ust ers
+g t
+ĠL ock
+Ġjud icial
+ver ted
+Ġsec ured
+out ing
+ĠBook s
+Ġhost ing
+Ġlif ted
+l ength
+Ġj er
+Ġwhe els
+ĠR ange
+umbn ails
+Ġdiagn osis
+te ch
+ĠStew art
+ĠP ract
+Ġnation wide
+Ġde ar
+Ġoblig ations
+Ġgrow s
+Ġmand atory
+Ġsusp icious
+! '
+A pr
+G reat
+Ġmort gage
+Ġprosecut or
+Ġeditor ial
+ĠK r
+Ġprocess ed
+ung le
+Ġflex ibility
+Ear lier
+ĠC art
+ĠS ug
+Ġfoc uses
+Ġstart up
+Ġbre ach
+ĠT ob
+cy cle
+ãĢ Į
+ro se
+Ġb izarre
+ãĢ į
+Ġveget ables
+$ $
+Ġret reat
+osh i
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+ĠG round
+ĠSt op
+ĠHawai i
+ĠA y
+Per haps
+ĠBe aut
+uff er
+enn a
+Ġproduct ivity
+F ixed
+cont rol
+Ġabs ent
+ĠCamp aign
+G reen
+Ġident ifying
+Ġreg ret
+Ġpromot ed
+ĠSe ven
+Ġer u
+ne ath
+aug hed
+ĠP in
+ĠL iving
+C ost
+om atic
+me ga
+ĠN ig
+oc y
+Ġin box
+Ġem pire
+Ġhor izont
+Ġbr anches
+Ġmet aph
+Act ive
+ed i
+ĠFil m
+ĠS omething
+Ġmod s
+inc ial
+ĠOrig inal
+G en
+Ġspir its
+Ġear ning
+H ist
+Ġr iders
+Ġsacr ific
+M T
+ĠS alt
+Ġoccup ation
+ĠM i
+Ġdis g
+lic t
+Ġn it
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+e em
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+ps y
+ãĥ ī
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+Ġbes ides
+Ġthorough ly
+ĠMedic are
+Ġbl amed
+arent ly
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+pri v
+Ġsing ing
+ĠI l
+Ġc ute
+o ided
+olit ical
+ĠNe uro
+å ¤
+Ġdon ation
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+ĠG ive
+T om
+Ġsubstant ially
+ĠLic ense
+ĠJ a
+Ġg rey
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+ĠU nd
+Ġke en
+Ġconclud e
+ĠMississ ippi
+Eng ine
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+P ress
+o vers
+ll ers
+Ġ3 50
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+ert o
+E p
+iss a
+iv an
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+dis play
+Ġwe aken
+u um
+ĠComm ons
+ĠS ay
+Ġcult ures
+Ġl aughed
+Ġsl ip
+Ġtreat ments
+iz able
+m art
+ĠR ice
+Ġbe ast
+Ġob esity
+ĠLa ure
+ig a
+Wh ich
+hold er
+Ġelder ly
+Ġp ays
+Ġcompl ained
+Ġc rop
+Ġpro c
+Ġexplos ive
+ĠF an
+ĠAr senal
+A uthor
+ef ul
+Ġme als
+Ġ( -
+id ays
+Ġimag ination
+Ġann ually
+Ġm s
+as ures
+H ead
+ik h
+m atic
+Ġboy friend
+ĠCom puter
+Ġb ump
+Ġsur ge
+ĠCra ig
+ĠKir k
+D el
+medi ate
+Ġscen arios
+ĠM ut
+ĠSt ream
+Ġcompet itors
+Ù Ħ
+ĠStan ford
+ĠRes ources
+az ed
+b age
+Ġorgan is
+ĠRe lease
+Ġsepar ately
+Ġha bits
+Ġmeasure ments
+ĠCl ose
+Ġaccomp any
+Ġg ly
+Ġt ang
+ĠR ou
+Ġplug in
+Ġcon vey
+ĠChall enge
+oot s
+j an
+Ġcur s
+ĠRel ations
+ke eper
+Ġapproach ing
+p ing
+Spe aking
+Ġarrang ement
+are ttes
+Ġaffect ing
+Ġperm its
+b ecause
+Ġu seless
+ĠH us
+!! !!
+Ġdestro ying
+Un fortunately
+Ġfasc inating
+S em
+Ġelect oral
+Ġtrans parency
+ĠCh aos
+Ġvolunte er
+Ġstatist ical
+Ġactiv ated
+ro x
+We b
+H E
+ĠHamp shire
+is ive
+M ap
+Ġtr ash
+ĠLaw rence
+st ick
+C r
+Ġr ings
+Ġoper ational
+op es
+D oes
+ĠEv ans
+Ġwitness ed
+P ort
+Ġlaunch ing
+ec onom
+w ear
+ĠPart icip
+um m
+cul es
+ĠT un
+Ġass ured
+Ġb inary
+Ġbet ray
+Ġexpl oration
+ĠF el
+Ġad mission
+it ated
+S y
+Ġav oided
+ĠSim ulator
+Ġcelebr ated
+ĠElect ric
+¥ ŀ
+Ġcl uster
+itzer land
+he alth
+L ine
+ĠN ash
+at on
+Ġsp are
+Ġenter prise
+clud es
+Ġfl ights
+Ġreg ards
+h alf
+Ġtr ucks
+Ġcontact s
+Ġunc ons
+ĠCl imate
+Ġimm ense
+oc c
+ect ive
+Ġemb od
+Ġpat rol
+Ġbes ide
+Ġv iable
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+Ġtrig gered
+ver ning
+Ġcompar able
+q l
+Ġg aining
+ass es
+Ġ( );
+ĠG rey
+s ized
+Ġpros per
+" ?
+Ġpoll ing
+Ġsh ar
+Ġfire arm
+or ient
+Ġf ence
+Ġvari ations
+g iving
+ĠP i
+osp el
+Ġpled ge
+Ġc ure
+Ġsp y
+Ġviol ated
+Ġr ushed
+Ġstro ke
+ĠBl og
+sel s
+ĠE c
+,' '
+Ġp ale
+ĠColl ins
+ter ror
+ĠCanad ians
+Ġt une
+Ġlabor atory
+Ġn ons
+t arian
+Ġdis ability
+ĠG am
+Ġsing er
+al g
+ĠSen ior
+Ġtrad ed
+ĠWar rior
+Ġinf ring
+ĠFrank lin
+Ġstr ain
+ĠSwed ish
+Ġsevent h
+ĠB enn
+ĠT ell
+Ġsynd rome
+Ġwond ered
+id en
+++ ++
+ig o
+Ġpur ple
+Ġjournal ism
+Ġreb el
+Ġf u
+bl og
+Ġinv ite
+ren cies
+ĠCont act
+Is rael
+ĠCont ent
+Ġche er
+Ġbed room
+ĠEngine ering
+ĠQue ens
+Ġd well
+ĠPlay Station
+ĠD im
+ĠCol on
+l r
+Ġoper ates
+Ġmotiv ation
+ast ered
+C ore
+ĠTr uth
+ol o
+ĠMem ory
+Ġpred ec
+Ġan arch
+Ġ19 20
+ĠY am
+Ã ¨
+b id
+Ġgr ateful
+Ġexc itement
+Ġtre asure
+Ġlong est
+ct ive
+Ġdes erves
+Ġreserv es
+Ġcop s
+ĠOtt awa
+ĠEgypt ian
+ank ed
+Ġart if
+Ġhypot hesis
+: /
+Ġpurch asing
+Ġlove ly
+H P
+Ġdiv ide
+Ġstrict ly
+Ġquestion ing
+Ġtaxp ayers
+ĠJ oy
+Ġroll s
+ĠHe avy
+Ġp orts
+Ġmag netic
+Ġinf lamm
+Ġbr ush
+t ics
+â ĪĴ
+Ġbott les
+pp y
+Ġp add
+ãĤ ¯
+m illion
+Ġdevast ating
+Ġcomp iled
+Ġmed ication
+Ġtw elve
+ĠPer ry
+Sp ace
+im b
+y our
+Ġle aked
+ĠT ar
+Ġun ity
+Ġinfect ed
+Ġtravel ed
+ĠMc Donald
+t xt
+ĠPr inc
+Ġinter ven
+ĠTai wan
+ĠP ow
+Ġbe aring
+ĠTh read
+Ġz ones
+iz ards
+un ks
+Ch apter
+ll or
+ĠÂ ·
+Ġw ounds
+Ġdisc retion
+Ġsucceed ed
+ik ing
+Ġicon ic
+C all
+Ġscreen ing
+ĠM is
+ict s
+Ġmin isters
+Ġsepar ation
+Pl ayer
+Ġb ip
+Ġbel oved
+Ġcount ing
+ĠE ye
+ar ound
+ing ing
+Ġtable t
+Ġoff ence
+in ance
+h ave
+ĠInf o
+ĠNin ja
+Ġprotect ive
+ĠC ass
+M ac
+ĠQual ity
+N orth
+Ġ ic
+ĠCub a
+ĠChron icle
+ĠPro perty
+Ġfast est
+ot os
+ĠG erm
+Ġbo om
+ĠStan ley
+ergus on
+Ġcle ver
+Ġent ers
+m ode
+ter ior
+ĠS ens
+Ġlin ear
+Ġcomp aring
+Ġpure ly
+Ġsaf er
+ĠPot ter
+Ġc ups
+R T
+Ġgl uc
+Ġatt ributed
+Ġdu pl
+ĠP ap
+Ġprec ious
+Ġp a
+iction ary
+ĠT ig
+ĠTo o
+ol utions
+st an
+Ġrob ots
+Ġlob b
+Ġstat ute
+Ġprevent ion
+w estern
+16 0
+ĠAct ive
+ĠMar ia
+h al
+N one
+ell ar
+ĠPart ners
+ĠSing le
+ĠFollow ing
+ang o
+ac ious
+Ġth ou
+Ġk g
+Ġinflu ential
+ĠFriend s
+S ur
+ain ted
+Ġfor ums
+Ġst arter
+Ġcitizens hip
+ĠE lection
+on ge
+ot ation
+os ph
+;; ;;
+ut ical
+p ur
+ere n
+Ġaccus ations
+bit ious
+ab bit
+ĠOr d
+Post ed
+ir k
+Ġsens itivity
+ic he
+ĠAm y
+ĠF ab
+Ġsum mit
+Ġped est
+Ġrub ber
+Ġagric ultural
+Ġcan cel
+A E
+Ġin aug
+Ġcont am
+Ġfirm ly
+i w
+st age
+ĠK an
+Ġt ier
+Ġinv ention
+Ġtransl ated
+ĠR ules
+B ox
+Tw itter
+Ġp izza
+Ġdeb ug
+ĠD rop
+v s
+Ġh orses
+b ig
+Ġb oring
+Ġh ood
+ĠMcC ain
+at ched
+ĠBro s
+Ġsk ip
+Ġess ay
+st at
+ĠLeg ends
+Ġam munition
+au c
+Ġshoot er
+Ġun h
+Ġsuppl ied
+Ġgener ic
+ib an
+yr ics
+Ġ25 5
+Ġclim bing
+Form er
+Ġfl ip
+Ġjump ing
+Ġfrust ration
+ĠTer ry
+Ġneighborhood s
+Ġmed ian
+be an
+Ġbr ains
+Follow ing
+Ġsh aped
+Ġdraw s
+Ġal tered
+J ack
+Ġrecip es
+Ġsk illed
+we alth
+ach i
+e lection
+Ġbehavi ors
+de als
+ĠU ntil
+F e
+Ġdecl aration
+mar ks
+ĠBet ween
+cel ona
+Ġres on
+Ġbub ble
+Am ong
+Ġim perial
+G S
+Ġfemin ist
+200 5
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+ĠTe le
+ĠT yr
+Ġconnect ing
+Ġre hab
+ĠP red
+s im
+Ġmeant ime
+Ġphys ician
+M W
+ĠCamp bell
+ĠBr andon
+Ġcontribut ing
+ĠR ule
+ĠWe ight
+ĠN ap
+Ġinter active
+Ġv ag
+Ġhel met
+ĠCom b
+f our
+Ġsh ipped
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+erv ing
+ĠG as
+Ġfr ank
+s chool
+Ġrom antic
+Ġstab il
+R ob
+Ġaccur ately
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+Ġsymbol s
+Ġcivil ization
+Ġlight ning
+Ġcons iders
+Ġven ue
+Ġ ×
+Ġo ven
+h is
+Ġn u
+ĠLear n
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+Ġ: )
+ment ation
+ol ver
+Ġlaugh ing
+ĠT odd
+ond e
+ĠH ills
+Ġn uts
+ĠW oman
+pl ane
+Ġl iver
+ĠIn side
+S orry
+Ġagre es
+Ġfund ament
+ĠF isher
+Ġa uction
+Ġthread s
+gl as
+ĠBas ic
+ĠN at
+Ġlack ing
+Ġceleb ration
+j u
+Ġs illy
+E uro
+Ġt att
+ight y
+cont rolled
+T est
+ĠSing h
+Ġr age
+Ġrh yth
+o ffic
+ĠPh antom
+Ġhead lines
+Ġrespond ing
+ĠMor ning
+Ġvit amin
+Ġboot s
+ĠS ite
+al in
+p i
+Ġvir al
+ĠSe x
+Ġst ocks
+c urrent
+Ġch urches
+ĠR are
+ĠMur phy
+Ġden ial
+ĠG aming
+Ġtou g
+Ġn ick
+Ġm akers
+ĠRon ald
+Ġgener ous
+ĠD oc
+ĠMor ris
+Ġtransform ed
+ĠN ormal
+Ġ10 4
+ĠKick starter
+ĠUp on
+On line
+Ġw rap
+Ġl oving
+Ġarri ves
+ĠD ue
+Ġhe ter
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+Ġbelong s
+Ġatt orneys
+Ġcro ps
+Ġmat ched
+ul um
+ol ine
+10 9
+Ġdis par
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+ĠCam bridge
+Ġeth ics
+rou ps
+Ġjust ified
+Ġmarg inal
+Ġrespect ed
+win ning
+Ġnodd ed
+ĠSer ge
+ĠForm er
+C raft
+######## ########
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+Ġd ash
+et e
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+out heast
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+go vernment
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+ĠPh one
+l ie
+Ġanticip ated
+ĠCom bat
+ĠBar ry
+Ġ198 2
+Us ers
+on er
+Ġcomput ing
+ĠConnect icut
+Ġless er
+Ġpe ers
+ĠC u
+Ġtechn ically
+Ġsub mission
+ĠUn iversal
+Ġman ually
+our ge
+Ġrespond ents
+ĠH ost
+Ġf are
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+Ġrece ipt
+al so
+Ġj ack
+Ġagric ulture
+Ġsk ull
+Ġ! =
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+Ġsoc ieties
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+Ġâ ľ
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+Ġ ãĥ
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+B D
+Ġwhere ver
+group on
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+ĠR andom
+fr ame
+ĠL ions
+Ġhighlight ed
+ĠArk ansas
+E nt
+Ġp ile
+Ġpre lim
+g s
+mind ed
+Ġfel ony
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+Ġact ress
+D am
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+Ġear liest
+Ġsoon er
+s ocial
+Ġste ep
+Ġdis advant
+Ġexplo it
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+ĠUlt ra
+Ġnecess ity
+L ocal
+ie ge
+Ġd ated
+Ġmass es
+Ġsubsc ription
+pl ess
+Ġan onym
+Ġpresum ably
+Bl ue
+The ir
+asket ball
+ĠPhil ip
+Ġcom ed
+load ed
+r ane
+Ġref lection
+Ch ina
+Ġext ends
+Ġform ing
+Ġund ers
+200 1
+Ġgr at
+Ġconcent rations
+Ġins ulin
+Ġsec ular
+Ġwh ilst
+Ġwin ners
+Ad vertisements
+Ġdeliber ately
+ĠWork ing
+Ġs ink
+et ics
+d ale
+Ġmand ate
+Ġg ram
+Ġvac ation
+Ġwarn ings
+ri pp
+Ġcomment ary
+Ġint u
+Ġa est
+Ġreason ing
+Ġbreak down
+ĠZ ombie
+Ġ-- >
+ĠPolit ical
+c ott
+Ġthr ust
+Ġtechn ological
+Ġdec iding
+Ġtraff icking
+L ong
+W elcome
+pr ising
+ĠCommun ications
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+Ġmetab ol
+co ins
+res a
+Ġen roll
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+us r
+int age
+Ġ[ "
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+Se pt
+k h
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+sh ore
+Ġdiagn osed
+ace utical
+Ġsh ower
+au x
+ĠSw itch
+ĠStre ngth
+Ġj ihad
+n ational
+Ġtra uma
+uss y
+on i
+Ġcons olid
+Ġcal ories
+ĠF lynn
+ag ged
+16 8
+ĠP ink
+Ġfulf ill
+Ġch ains
+Ġnot ably
+L ife
+ĠCh uck
+m us
+ĠUr ban
+ĠH end
+Ġdep osit
+ĠS ad
+Ġaff air
+ie val
+Ġt rop
+ĠOver all
+Ġvirt ue
+Ġsatisf action
+au nd
+Ġl un
+ĠSw itzerland
+ĠOper ation
+pro cess
+Ġsh ook
+Ġcount ies
+le ased
+ĠCharl otte
+1 12
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+p ush
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+[ "
+Ġaltern atives
+ard less
+Ġele ph
+Ġpre jud
+ĠLe af
+H aving
+ĠH ub
+Ġexpress ions
+ĠVol ume
+Ġshock ing
+ĠRed s
+Ġread ily
+Ġplan ets
+ad ata
+Ġcollaps ed
+ĠMad rid
+Ġir rit
+i pper
+ĠEn c
+ĠW ire
+Ġbu zz
+ash a
+Ġaccident ally
+ur u
+Ġfrust rated
+Ġhung ry
+ĠH uff
+Ġlab els
+ant o
+Ġbar riers
+) |
+ĠBer keley
+ĠJ ets
+Ġp airs
+ĠL an
+J ames
+ĠB ear
+Ġhum or
+ĠLiber ty
+Ġmagn itude
+Ġag ing
+ĠM ason
+Ġfriends hip
+umb ling
+Ġemer ge
+Ġnewsp apers
+Ġam bitious
+ĠRich ards
+atern al
+Ġ198 1
+Ġcook ies
+Ġsc ulpt
+Ġpur suit
+L ocation
+Ġscript s
+p c
+Ġarrang ements
+Ġd iameter
+Ġl oses
+am ation
+Ġl iqu
+ĠJ ake
+aret te
+Ġunderstand s
+ĠZ en
+v m
+Ġappro ve
+Ġw ip
+Ġult ra
+Ġint end
+asc ular
+Ġst ays
+ĠK or
+ĠK l
+Ġinvest ing
+L a
+Ġbelie ving
+b ad
+m outh
+Ġtaxp ayer
+ãĥ ĥ
+ĠQue bec
+Ġl ap
+ĠSw iss
+d rop
+Ġdr ain
+ir i
+et c
+ft en
+ĠN ex
+Ġst raw
+Ġscream ing
+Ġcount ed
+Ġdam aging
+Ġamb assador
+cent ury
+Ġpro x
+Ġarrest s
+u v
+il ateral
+ĠCh arg
+Ġpresc ribed
+Ġindepend ently
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+Ġsu its
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+Ġis lands
+Ġ( (
+g reen
+ix els
+Ġname ly
+ĠVill age
+th an
+am y
+V ersion
+g mail
+ential s
+ĠS ud
+ĠMel bourne
+Ġarri ving
+Ġquant um
+e ff
+rop olitan
+T ri
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+ĠC ob
+it ably
+Ġt urb
+Ġcomb o
+Re view
+Ġdeploy ment
+u ity
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+Ġa qu
+ĠVlad imir
+Ġp ad
+ĠBr ain
+ĠLeg acy
+dr agon
+ĠKurd ish
+Ġsound ed
+Ġdet ained
+g ary
+Ġd aughters
+Ġdistur bing
+uk a
+ĠPar ad
+Ġt ast
+Ġunf ortunate
+Ġu l
+em in
+Ġattend ance
+tr l
+Ġpar ks
+ĠMem orial
+ĠAl ice
+oth y
+gu ard
+ĠD ise
+ĠSh an
+ĠFor um
+R ich
+Ġshif ted
+ue z
+Ġl ighter
+ĠMag n
+Ġc od
+S ch
+ham mad
+P ub
+3 50
+ĠP okemon
+Ġprot otype
+Ġun re
+B ase
+ĠStud ents
+ĠRep ly
+ĠCommun ist
+Ġg au
+ĠTy ler
+I Z
+Ġparticip ated
+Ġsup rem
+ĠDet ails
+Ġvessel s
+ro d
+Ġt ribe
+ke ep
+Ġassum ptions
+Ġp ound
+Ġcr ude
+ĠAv ailable
+Ġswim ming
+Ġin clusion
+Ġadv ances
+c ulation
+Ġconserv ation
+Ġover d
+ĠBuff alo
+Art icle
+ed ge
+Ġaw a
+ĠMad ison
+Ġsid ew
+Ġcat ast
+ĠK rist
+uc le
+ĠHigh way
+ĠTer ror
+Ġactiv ation
+Ġuncons cious
+ĠSat an
+ĠSus an
+ill ery
+Ġarr anged
+i op
+Ġrum ors
+ur ring
+th ink
+ĠKe ith
+ĠK ind
+Ġavoid ing
+by n
+n ut
+ĠSpe aker
+r us
+n ames
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+Ġsa il
+ĠM es
+lev ant
+ĠColumb us
+a ft
+C ity
+S outh
+ĠHar vey
+ĠP un
+S everal
+Ġment ally
+Ġimp ress
+m ount
+ĠUb untu
+ĠSuper man
+ĠMP s
+Ġintent ions
+ĠR acing
+Ġlike lihood
+Ġ2 40
+T otal
+Ġto ys
+ĠW atson
+Ġur ge
+L ear
+ĠP aper
+Ġoccur ring
+ĠB eng
+ĠC ert
+Ġst ones
+T im
+ĠTw in
+z b
+ĠD ynam
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+t v
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+ry ing
+L in
+ion ed
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+Ġcons ume
+B ased
+down load
+in it
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+Int rodu
+Ġcondem ned
+ĠFin ance
+res pect
+Ġex cluded
+Ġestablish ing
+her ic
+Ġher itage
+Ġspect acular
+Ġun st
+ĠSnow den
+ĠL ane
+S an
+Ġprotect ions
+st ruction
+inc inn
+Ġmac ro
+C ustom
+ios ity
+Ġes p
+Ġfunction ing
+Ġm ush
+Ġp uzzle
+Ġeth ical
+M al
+Ġgo verning
+ĠF erguson
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+ĠCoun ter
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+U K
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+Ġsevere ly
+ĠA ven
+Ġinter rog
+Ġtri ple
+G iven
+N umber
+Ġar ise
+Ġs her
+pl ant
+Ġfl ower
+ĠC ou
+Ġat e
+Ġnew er
+b ul
+Ġmean while
+ĠL air
+Ġadjust ment
+ĠCop yright
+Ġd ivers
+i ological
+Ġgam ers
+o at
+Ġhistor ically
+Ġanal og
+Ġlong time
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+ĠM aine
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+r ants
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+. ;
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+epend ence
+Ġrec y
+ate ur
+Ġqu ad
+Ġgl ob
+Ġcon ced
+te am
+Ġcapital ist
+ĠL ot
+Ġroy al
+ĠCy ber
+Ġblack s
+met ic
+ri v
+ĠD anny
+Ġsp o
+Ġanim ated
+rypt ed
+ĠDep uty
+Ġrend ered
+F E
+Ġstre ak
+Ġcloud s
+ĠDou g
+~~~~ ~~~~
+Ġdisc our
+ĠVe h
+Ġpsych ology
+ĠJ ourney
+Ġcry stal
+ĠFro st
+Ġsuspic ion
+Ġrel ate
+or us
+ĠC rypt
+com ed
+ut ing
+incinn ati
+Ġvulner ability
+ost ic
+Ġisol ation
+Ġcool ing
+ĠCoal ition
+Ġ1 19
+F our
+ĠDe al
+Ġâ ī
+se mble
+ram ent
+ĠBar celona
+Ġ10 2
+Ġcoc aine
+ocaly pse
+F eb
+ogen ic
+Ġmut ation
+Ġcrypt oc
+ĠK el
+ĠG it
+a is
+Ġs isters
+Ġactiv ate
+T er
+Ġd read
+yl on
+Ġprop ri
+A ust
+ĠDef ault
+Ġout door
+Ġshe er
+ce ive
+Ġg ently
+Ð ¾
+Pro gram
+Ġâ ĨĴ
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+ĠSc ore
+Ġ) :
+Ġcolumn s
+ĠL oc
+av ailable
+ĠF ram
+ĠS essions
+Ġcompan ion
+Ġpack s
+14 0
+ĠKn ights
+Ġf art
+Ġstream s
+Ġsh ore
+Ġapp eals
+ĠPer formance
+h aul
+ĠSt ra
+ĠN ag
+10 3
+ĠTrans portation
+B B
+E v
+z an
+P ublic
+Ġtw in
+uls ion
+M ult
+Ġelect ro
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+ation ally
+ĠN ort
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+/ *
+ig ue
+Ġcomp assion
+ĠT ales
+ĠSte in
+ĠSc reen
+ĠB ug
+ĠL ion
+g irl
+Ġwithdraw al
+Ġobject ives
+Ġblood y
+Ġprelim inary
+Ġj acket
+Ġdim ensions
+ĠC ool
+ĠOcc up
+Ġw reck
+Ġdoub led
+ank ing
+Ġ19 75
+Ġglass es
+ĠW ang
+pro v
+P ath
+connect ed
+ĠMult i
+ĠNor way
+agon ist
+Ġfe ared
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+Ġarg uably
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+che m
+Ġsp at
+ĠC el
+ig ger
+Ġattack er
+ĠJo in
+ob ject
+ett a
+Ġelim inated
+d et
+Ġdest ruct
+ĠLuc as
+ct uary
+18 0
+ĠBr ady
+ĠBl ues
+B ay
+au kee
+Ġtim eline
+Ġdeleg ates
+w ritten
+uff icient
+Ġsh apes
+Cop yright
+ou ble
+serv ice
+Ġp ione
+Ġcolleg es
+Ġrow s
+Ġsp ite
+Ġassess ed
+3 60
+Ġle ase
+Ġconfident ial
+ck er
+ĠMan ning
+ĠV oice
+Ġse aled
+Ġcalcul ate
+N O
+ĠAss istant
+Ġteen ager
+ul ent
+ather ine
+Ġm ock
+Ġd iamond
+Ġf est
+Ġsw itched
+Ġres ume
+ĠPu erto
+Ġl anes
+ir ation
+ĠSimilar ly
+Ġro d
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+ĠPal ace
+ĠLim ited
+e ous
+Ġvar iant
+Ġw ard
+Ġ) )
+Sh ow
+A lex
+ĠN ep
+br is
+ĠWik ipedia
+Ġexcept ional
+Ġman ages
+ĠD raw
+Ag ain
+Ġco pper
+ut t
+Ġex ports
+Ġport folio
+Ġelev ated
+R ated
+ĠOther wise
+ĠT act
+ĠShe l
+" âĢĶ
+Ġres ur
+ĠW a
+ven ant
+Ġmon etary
+pe ople
+E mail
+Ġfif ty
+ĠS weet
+ĠMalays ia
+Ġconf using
+ĠR io
+ud a
+uten ant
+" );
+Ġpra ised
+Ġvol umes
+t urn
+Ġm ature
+Ġnon profit
+Ġpassion ate
+ĠPriv ate
+Ġ10 3
+Ġdesc end
+ç ¥ŀ
+uff y
+head ed
+Whe ther
+ri en
+ze ch
+be it
+Ġch rom
+ĠMc M
+Ġd ancing
+Ġe leg
+ĠNot iced
+11 5
+Ġadvoc acy
+amb ling
+ĠMin or
+ĠF inn
+Ġprior ities
+Ġthere of
+ĠSt age
+ĠRog ers
+Ġsubst itute
+ĠJ ar
+ĠJeff erson
+Ġlight ly
+10 2
+ĠL isa
+u its
+ys ical
+Ġshif ts
+Ġd rones
+Ġwork place
+Ġres id
+ens ed
+ah n
+Ġpref erences
+ser ver
+Ġdeb ates
+d oc
+ĠGod s
+Ġhelicop ter
+Ġhon our
+Ġconsider ably
+ed ed
+ĠF emale
+ĠAn ne
+Ġre un
+ĠF ace
+ĠHall ow
+ĠBud get
+Ġcondem n
+Ġt ender
+Pro f
+ocr atic
+ĠTurn er
+ĠAg ric
+Ġ19 76
+Ġa pt
+d isc
+ĠF ighter
+ĠA ur
+Ġgar bage
+in put
+ĠK arl
+ĠOl iver
+ĠL anguage
+k n
+N on
+ĠCl ar
+Ġtrad itions
+Ġad vertisement
+ĠS or
+Ġarch ive
+Ġvill ages
+7 50
+Ġimplement ing
+w aukee
+Ġdiet ary
+Ġswitch ing
+Rep ublic
+Ġvel ocity
+Ġc it
+ĠA wards
+Ġfin ancing
+Ġlast ed
+) ]
+Ġrem inder
+P erson
+Ġprec ision
+Ġdesign ers
+ĠF ried
+ĠB order
+Ġtr agic
+Ġw ield
+Ġiniti atives
+ĠT ank
+w er
+Ġjo ins
+R o
+in ery
+Ġar row
+Ġgener ating
+found er
+Ġsear ches
+Ġrandom ly
+A ccess
+Ġb atch
+Ġp osed
+l at
+Ġpursu ing
+as a
+Ġtest ified
+form ing
+ĠSh ar
+w iki
+ĠE ither
+S ometimes
+Ġsen ators
+ĠJohn ny
+ĠTal iban
+":" /
+ãģ® å
+Ġanaly zed
+ĠRub io
+ĠMove ment
+op ard
+ii i
+St and
+f ight
+Ġign oring
+i ang
+so ever
+Ġref using
+Ġswe at
+Ġb ay
+ir med
+ak y
+Ġdis pro
+Ġlabel ed
+Ġ10 8
+H ello
+Ġple asant
+ab a
+Ġtri umph
+Ġab oard
+Ġinc om
+ĠC row
+le tt
+Ġfol k
+Ġch ase
+` `
+ĠBr us
+Ġte ens
+c ue
+Ġter rain
+h yd
+il ight
+Su pport
+ew s
+ll i
+rain ts
+ĠC and
+Ġab used
+ach ment
+l arg
+B as
+ĠC ancer
+Ġ19 78
+Ġsupp orter
+ac cess
+ĠTer min
+ĠT ampa
+Ġnew est
+ĠCrim inal
+ed u
+Ġ19 30
+Ġadm its
+Ġend e
+Ġfail ures
+ur ate
+ful ness
+cy cl
+ĠSub ject
+Ġinf inite
+th ree
+W A
+p it
+ĠInst all
+R ad
+ili ation
+G M
+Ġcontin ent
+Ġaccommod ate
+ĠCl ay
+Ġp up
+ĠF unction
+Ġham mer
+ĠAlbert a
+Ġrev ised
+Ġminor ities
+Ġmeasure ment
+Con nell
+Ġdis able
+ĠM ix
+In cre
+Ġfor k
+ĠR osen
+Ġimpl ies
+umb lr
+Ġprote ins
+Ġagg ression
+Ġfacilit ate
+S N
+Ġilleg ally
+u er
+Ġacad em
+Ġp uzz
+ĠSh ift
+p ay
+oll o
+Ġaud iences
+B uild
+Ġno ble
+Ġsynt ax
+â ĺħ
+Ġbe am
+ĠB ed
+ĠA ld
+Ġorig ins
+v ideo
+Ġ19 77
+ĠAss ault
+Ġgar age
+Te am
+Ġver dict
+Ġd war
+ĠVirt ual
+e vent
+Ke ep
+Ġsent iment
+Ġwild life
+sh irt
+Ġb urg
+Ġrecommend ation
+rep resent
+Ġgall ery
+own ers
+Ġsch olar
+Ġconven ience
+ĠSw ift
+Ġconv inc
+C ap
+Ġwar fare
+ĠVis ual
+Ġconst itute
+Ġab ort
+ĠWe ather
+ĠLook ing
+ĠH em
+Ġmart ial
+Ġinc oming
+et ition
+Ġtoler ance
+ĠCre ated
+Ġfl ows
+ĠE lder
+Ġsoul s
+Ġf oul
+ĠP ain
+Ġ2 20
+b c
+he nd
+Ġgen ius
+R eal
+ĠW r
+omet er
+p ad
+Ġlim iting
+ĠS i
+ĠL ore
+ĠAd ventures
+Ġvar ied
+D isc
+f in
+ĠPerson al
+Ch ris
+Ġinv ented
+Ġd ive
+ĠR ise
+Ġo z
+ĠCom ics
+Ġexp ose
+ĠRe b
+let ters
+s ite
+im ated
+Ġh acking
+Ġeduc ated
+ĠNob ody
+Ġdep ri
+Ġincent ive
+ãĤ ·
+Ġovers ight
+Ġtrib es
+ĠBelg ium
+Ġlicens ing
+our t
+Produ ct
+ah l
+ĠG em
+Ġspecial ist
+Ġc ra
+ann ers
+ĠCor byn
+Ġ19 73
+Ġsum mar
+Ġover look
+ĠApp lication
+Ġin appropriate
+Ġdownload ed
+Q ue
+ĠB ears
+Ġth umb
+ĠChar acter
+ĠReincarn ated
+ĠS id
+Ġdemonstr ates
+s ky
+ĠBloom berg
+ĠAr ray
+ĠRes ults
+ĠFour th
+ĠO scar
+c end
+Ġ10 6
+m atch
+ĠBr un
+Ġgluc ose
+ie g
+eg u
+Ġcert ified
+Ġrel ie
+Ġhuman itarian
+Ġpr ayers
+K ing
+Ġn an
+h ou
+10 8
+ul u
+Ġrenew able
+Ġdistingu ish
+Ġd ense
+ĠV ent
+ĠPack age
+ĠB oss
+Ġedit ors
+Ġm igr
+T ra
+ĠPet ers
+ĠAr ctic
+200 4
+ĠC ape
+Ġloc ally
+Ġlast ing
+Ġhand y
+. ).
+P an
+Ind ex
+Ġt ensions
+Ġformer ly
+Ġide ological
+Ġsens ors
+Ġdeal ers
+Ġdef ines
+S k
+Ġproceed s
+Ġpro xy
+az ines
+ĠB ash
+ĠP ad
+ĠC raft
+eal ous
+Ġshe ets
+omet ry
+J une
+cl ock
+T T
+ĠThe atre
+ĠB uzz
+Ġch apters
+Ġmill enn
+Ġd ough
+ĠCongress ional
+Ġimag ined
+av ior
+Ġclin ic
+Ġ19 45
+Ġhold er
+ro ot
+oles ter
+Ġrest art
+B N
+ĠHam as
+ĠJ ob
+Ġor b
+Ġr am
+Ġdiscl ose
+Ġtransl ate
+Ġimm igrant
+Ġannoy ing
+Ġtreat y
+an ium
+ĠTe a
+ĠLeg ion
+Ġcrowd s
+ĠB ec
+ĠA er
+oh yd
+B ro
+Look ing
+Ġl bs
+Ġagg ress
+Ġse am
+Ġinter cept
+mer cial
+act iv
+ĠC it
+Ġdim ension
+Ġconsist ency
+Ġr ushing
+ĠDou glas
+Ġtr im
+Inst all
+ick er
+Ġsh y
+10 6
+Ġment ions
+pe lled
+ĠT ak
+c ost
+Ġclass room
+Ġfort une
+dri ven
+Ġun le
+ĠWhe el
+Ġinvest or
+ĠM asters
+k it
+Ġassoci ations
+ĠEv olution
+op ing
+us cript
+Ġprov incial
+ĠWal ter
+av i
+S O
+Ġun limited
+Eng lish
+ĠC ards
+ĠEb ola
+ne red
+Ġreven ge
+Ġout right
+um per
+Ġf itting
+ĠSol id
+Ġform ally
+Ġproblem atic
+Ġhaz ard
+Ġenc ryption
+Ġstraight forward
+Ġp se
+ĠOr b
+ĠCh amber
+ĠM ak
+Cont ents
+Ġloyal ty
+Ġl yrics
+ĠSy m
+Ġwel comed
+Ġcook ed
+Ġmon op
+Ġn urse
+Ġmis leading
+Ġe ternal
+Ġshif ting
+Ġ+ =
+V is
+Ġinst itutional
+ill ary
+Ġp ant
+ĠEn h
+Ġinc on
+Ġdon ated
+âĢ¦âĢ¦ âĢ¦âĢ¦
+In tern
+Ġexhib it
+Ġt ire
+ĠR ic
+ĠCh ampion
+ĠMu hammad
+ĠSoc cer
+Ġmob ility
+Ġvary ing
+ĠM ovie
+Ġl ord
+o ak
+F ield
+Ġve ctor
+us ions
+Ġsc rap
+Ġen abling
+m ake
+T or
+. *
+| |
+ĠWe bsite
+Ġsocial ist
+ĠBill y
+ĠAdd itional
+Ġc argo
+Ġfar ms
+ĠSo on
+ĠPri ze
+Ġmid night
+Ġ9 00
+se en
+ĠSp ot
+Ġshe ep
+Ġspons ored
+ĠH i
+ĠJ ump
+Ġ19 67
+Micro soft
+ĠAg ent
+Ġch arts
+d ir
+Ġadj acent
+Ġtr icks
+Ġman ga
+Ġex agger
+/ >
+foot ball
+G C
+ĠT ier
+and ra
+% ),
+Ġfru its
+V C
+R ober
+Ġmid st
+â Ĺ
+ank a
+Ġlegisl ature
+ĠNe il
+Ġtour ists
+" "
+ĠWar ning
+ĠNever theless
+ĠOffic ial
+ĠWh atever
+Ġm old
+Ġdraft ed
+Ġsubst ances
+Ġbre ed
+Ġt ags
+ĠT ask
+Ġver b
+Ġmanufact ured
+com ments
+ĠPol ish
+Pro v
+Ġdetermin es
+Ob ama
+k ers
+Ġutter ly
+Ġse ct
+sc he
+ĠG ates
+ĠCh ap
+Ġal uminum
+Ġz ombie
+ĠT ouch
+Ġsatisf y
+Ġpred omin
+asc ript
+Ġelabor ate
+Ġ19 68
+Ġmeas uring
+ĠV ari
+any ahu
+Ġs ir
+ul ates
+id ges
+ick ets
+ĠSp encer
+T M
+oub ted
+Ġpre y
+Ġinstall ing
+ĠC ab
+re ed
+re ated
+Su pp
+Ġwr ist
+ĠK erry
+10 7
+ĠK le
+ĠR achel
+Ġc otton
+ĠE le
+Cont rol
+Ġload s
+ĠD od
+an as
+b one
+Ġclass ical
+ĠReg ional
+ĠInt eg
+V M
+Ġdes ires
+Ġaut ism
+support ed
+ĠM essage
+Ġcomp act
+writ er
+Ġ10 9
+ĠHur ricane
+c ision
+Ġcy cles
+Ġdr ill
+Ġcolle ague
+Ġm aker
+G erman
+Ġmist aken
+S un
+ĠG ay
+Ġwhat soever
+Ġsell s
+ĠA irl
+l iv
+ĠO ption
+Ġsol ved
+Ġse ctors
+Ġhorizont al
+Ġequ ation
+ĠSk ill
+ĠB io
+g ement
+ĠSn ap
+ĠLeg al
+Ġtradem ark
+Ġmake up
+Ġassemb led
+Ġsa ves
+ĠHallow een
+ĠVer mont
+Ġfar ming
+ĠP odcast
+accept able
+ĠHig her
+Ġas leep
+ull ivan
+Ġrefere n
+ĠLe v
+Ġbul lets
+ok o
+H C
+Ġst airs
+Ġmain tains
+ĠL ower
+ĠV i
+Ġmar ine
+Ġac res
+Ġcoordin ator
+ĠJ oh
+Ġcounterpart s
+ĠBrother s
+Ġind ict
+b ra
+Ġch unk
+Ġc ents
+H ome
+ĠMon th
+Ġaccording ly
+if les
+ĠGerm ans
+ĠSy n
+H ub
+Ġey eb
+Ġr anges
+ĠHoll and
+ĠRob ot
+f c
+M ike
+Ġpl asma
+Ġsw ap
+Ġath lete
+ĠR ams
+,' "
+Ġinfect ions
+Ġcor rid
+Ġv ib
+Ġpat ches
+Ġtradition ally
+Ġrevel ation
+Ġswe ep
+Ġgl ance
+Ġin ex
+200 3
+ĠR aw
+work ing
+os ures
+ĠD at
+ĠLyn ch
+Ġle verage
+ĠRe id
+Ġcorrel ation
+ian ces
+av ascript
+Ġrep ository
+ret ty
+Ġ19 72
+24 0
+Ġo un
+p ol
+ĠRe ed
+Ġtact ical
+is ite
+App le
+ĠQu inn
+Ġrap ed
+ill o
+Euro pe
+Ġalgorith ms
+ĠRod rig
+i u
+Ġill um
+Ġf ame
+Ġintrodu cing
+Ġdel ays
+ĠRaid ers
+Ġwh istle
+Ġnovel s
+ĠRe ally
+Ġder iv
+Ġpublic ations
+ĠNe ither
+ĠCom merce
+Ġa ston
+l anguage
+Not es
+ĠR oth
+ĠF ear
+Ġm ate
+Ġpar ade
+Ġman eu
+ĠC incinnati
+m itting
+Ġwa ist
+ĠR ew
+Ġdisc ont
+Ð °
+Ġst aring
+Ġal ias
+Ġsec urities
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+ĠJ edi
+Ġun law
+v ised
+//// ////
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+ĠWe iss
+Ġpre st
+ĠComp an
+Ġmem o
+ĠGr ace
+J uly
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+Ġgal axy
+Ġto oth
+ĠS ettings
+Ġsubject ed
+ãĤ ¦
+Ġline back
+Ġretail ers
+ĠW ant
+Ġd angers
+A ir
+Ġvolunt ary
+ew ay
+Ġinterpret ed
+ot ine
+Ã §
+Ġp el
+Serv ice
+ĠEvent ually
+Ġcare ers
+Ġthreat en
+Ġmem or
+ĠBrad ley
+anc ies
+s n
+ĠUn known
+N ational
+Ġsh adows
+ail and
+ĠD ash
+Every one
+izz ard
+M arch
+= (
+Ġpull s
+Ġstr anger
+Ġback wards
+ĠBern ard
+imens ional
+Ġch ron
+Ġtheoret ical
+k top
+Ġw are
+ĠInvest ig
+ĠIn iti
+ĠOper ations
+o ven
+oc ide
+* /
+Ġfl ames
+ĠC ash
+sh it
+Ġc ab
+ĠAn aly
+ĠSe ah
+Ġdefin ing
+Ġorder ing
+Ġimm un
+Ġpers istent
+Russ ian
+m ans
+Ġh ind
+Ġphot ography
+Â ©
+Ġh ug
+Ġ10 7
+ĠH ence
+i ots
+ude au
+Ġsubsid ies
+Ġroutine ly
+ĠDev ice
+it ic
+Ġdisg ust
+land er
+Ġ19 40
+Ġassign ment
+ĠB esides
+w ick
+ĠD ust
+us c
+struct ed
+11 1
+de velop
+Ġf ond
+Ġinter section
+Ġdign ity
+Ġcommission er
+With out
+re ach
+Ġcart oon
+Ġsc ales
+ãĥ Ń
+Ġsurve ys
+ĠIndones ia
+Ġart work
+Ġun ch
+Ġcy cling
+un ct
+au er
+or ate
+ĠOb viously
+Ġcharacter ized
+fe ld
+Ġaff irm
+Ġinn ings
+Ġ é
+Ġal iens
+Ġcl oth
+et ooth
+ĠC ertain
+Â §
+Ġdig est
+k now
+Ġpredict ions
+Ġd in
+Ġafter math
+Ex ample
+ĠSu ccess
+ĠTh r
+Ġmin er
+B us
+Ġcl arity
+heim er
+ĠS end
+ĠCirc le
+ĠD iet
+Ġpron ounced
+Ġcreat ors
+Ġearthqu ake
+atter y
+ge ons
+Ġo d
+Ġlay ing
+or p
+U lt
+pro ject
+Ġunder min
+Ġsequ el
+S am
+ĠDark ness
+Ġre ception
+b ull
+Y S
+ĠV ir
+Ġsequ ences
+ĠCo in
+Ġout fit
+ĠW ait
+1 19
+Ġdel ivers
+.... ..
+Ġbl own
+ĠE sc
+ĠM ath
+per m
+ĠU l
+Ġgl im
+Ġfac ial
+Ġgreen house
+Ġto kens
+/ -
+ĠAnn ual
+Ġteen age
+ĠPhys ical
+ĠL ang
+ĠC elt
+Ġsu ed
+ivid ually
+Ġpat ience
+ch air
+reg ular
+Ġa ug
+in v
+ex cept
+ĠL il
+Ġn est
+f d
+s um
+ĠCh ase
+Russ ia
+ĠJenn ifer
+Ġoff season
+Over all
+F ore
+Ġr iot
+A ud
+form er
+Ġdefend ers
+iot ic
+rib ly
+Ġautom ated
+Ġpen is
+Ġins ist
+Ġdi agram
+ĠG arc
+Ġw itch
+cl ient
+ier ra
+am bers
+Ġrec ount
+f ar
+V ery
+oster one
+Ġappreci ated
+ĠPer fect
+S ection
+Ġd oses
+oca ust
+Ġcost ly
+Ġg rams
+ĠSh i
+Ġwrest ling
+Ġ19 71
+Ġtro phy
+Ġn erve
+ĠK az
+ĠExper ience
+Ġpled ged
+Ġplay back
+Ġcreat ivity
+by e
+Ġattack ers
+Ġhold ers
+ĠCo ach
+ĠPh D
+Ġtransf ers
+Ġcol ored
+ĠH indu
+Ġd rown
+Ġlist ened
+ias m
+P O
+Ġappeal ing
+Ġdiscl osed
+ĠCh icken
+ag ging
+Ġple aded
+Ġnav igation
+ĠReturn s
+Ġ[ [
+E A
+Ġphotograp her
+ĠR ider
+ipp ers
+Ġsl ice
+Ġe rect
+Ġhe d
+iss ance
+ĠVik ings
+ur ious
+Ġapp et
+oubted ly
+Ch ild
+Ġauthent ic
+o os
+ĠM aking
+Ġannoun cing
+Ġb od
+Ġmet er
+ĠN ine
+ĠR ogue
+Ġwork force
+Ġrenew ed
+Ġorganis ations
+ac s
+Sh ort
+Ġcomp ounds
+ĠVis it
+Ġen velop
+ear th
+Ġsupport ive
+gg le
+ĠBrus sels
+ĠGu ild
+Cre ate
+Ġaver aged
+Ġ19 69
+ri ages
+Ġlength y
+Ġforg ot
+O kay
+ĠE rd
+Ġdeal er
+Ġrec ession
+D D
+Ġdesper ately
+Ġhun ger
+Ġst icks
+Ġm ph
+ĠF aith
+Ġintention ally
+Ġdem ol
+ue ller
+ĠS ale
+Ġde bris
+s pring
+Ġle ap
+>> >>
+Ġcontain ers
+se lling
+rane an
+atter ing
+Ġcomment ed
+on ut
+Ġwood s
+es pecially
+Ġorgan ize
+iv ic
+ĠWood s
+ang a
+s qu
+Ġm aj
+am on
+Ġax is
+Ġ19 74
+ĠDen mark
+Ġwar rior
+ĠP and
+Ġout lined
+ins ula
+z illa
+eb ook
+Ġd are
+Ġsear ched
+Ġnav igate
+S n
+writ ing
+Ġun ited
+J apan
+ĠHe brew
+Ġfl ame
+Ġrel ies
+Ġcatch ing
+ĠSh o
+Ġimprison ment
+Ġp ockets
+Ġclos ure
+ĠF am
+t im
+ade qu
+Act ivity
+Ġrecru iting
+ĠArgent ina
+d est
+Ġapolog ize
+or o
+Ġlack s
+Ġtun ed
+ĠGriff in
+Ġinf amous
+Ġcelebr ity
+ss on
+Ġ ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ĠIs is
+ĠDis play
+Ġcred ibility
+Ġeconom ies
+Ġhead line
+ĠCow boys
+Ġind ef
+Ġl ately
+Ġincent ives
+but ton
+ĠM ob
+A ut
+Ġres igned
+ĠO m
+c amp
+Ġprof iles
+Ġsche mes
+olph ins
+ay ed
+Cl inton
+en h
+ĠY ahoo
+Ġab st
+Ġan k
+su its
+Ġw ished
+ĠMar co
+udd en
+Ġsp here
+ĠB ishop
+Ġincorpor ated
+ĠPl ant
+11 4
+Ġh ated
+p ic
+Ġdon ate
+Ġl ined
+Ġbe ans
+Ġsteal ing
+Ġcost ume
+Ġsher iff
+Ġfor ty
+Ġint act
+Ġadapt ed
+Ġtrave lling
+b art
+Ġnice ly
+Ġdri ed
+Ġsc al
+os ity
+ĠB h
+ĠBron cos
+ĠI gn
+Ġint imate
+Ġchem istry
+Ġopt imal
+D eb
+ĠGener ation
+Ġ] ,
+ich i
+ĠW ii
+vent ions
+W rite
+Ġpop ul
+un ning
+ĠW or
+V ol
+Ġqu een
+head s
+K K
+Ġanaly ze
+op ic
+ear chers
+Ġd ot
+leg raph
+ast ically
+Ġupgr ades
+Ġca res
+Ġext ending
+Ġfree ze
+Ġin ability
+Ġorg ans
+Ġpret end
+Ġout let
+11 3
+ol an
+ĠM all
+ul ing
+t alk
+Ġexpress ing
+ĠAl ways
+ĠBe gin
+f iles
+Ġlic enses
+% %
+ĠM itt
+Ġfil ters
+ĠMil waukee
+G N
+Ġunf old
+M o
+Ġnut rition
+pp o
+B o
+Ġfound ing
+Ġunder mine
+Ġeas iest
+ĠC zech
+ĠM ack
+Ġsexual ity
+ĠN ixon
+W in
+ĠAr n
+ĠK in
+ãĤ £
+ic er
+Ġfort un
+Ġsurf aces
+agh d
+Ġcar riers
+ĠT ib
+Ġinter val
+Ġfrust rating
+ĠSh ip
+ĠAr med
+ff e
+Ġbo ats
+ĠAb raham
+in is
+Ġsu ited
+th read
+i ov
+ab ul
+ĠVenezuel a
+Ġto m
+su per
+Ġcast le
+alth ough
+iox ide
+ec hes
+Ġevolution ary
+Ġnegoti ate
+Ġconfront ed
+Rem ember
+Ġ17 0
+S uch
+Ġ9 11
+m ult
+ĠA byss
+ur ry
+ke es
+spe c
+ĠBarb ara
+Ġbelong ing
+Ġvill ain
+ist ani
+Ġaccount able
+Ġport ions
+ĠDe cl
+U r
+ĠK ate
+g re
+Ġmag azines
+Ġregul ate
+om on
+ĠAl most
+Ġover view
+Ġsc ram
+Ġl oot
+ĠF itz
+Ġcharacter istic
+ĠSn ake
+s ay
+ĠR ico
+Ġtra it
+ĠJo ined
+au cus
+Ġadapt ation
+ĠAirl ines
+Ġarch ae
+ĠI de
+Ġb ikes
+Ġliter ary
+Ġinflu ences
+ĠUs ed
+C reat
+Ġple a
+ĠDef ence
+ĠAss ass
+Ġp ond
+) "
+Ġeval uated
+Ġob taining
+Ġdem ographic
+Ġvig il
+ale y
+Ġsp ouse
+ĠSeah awks
+resp ons
+ĠB elt
+um atic
+Ġr ises
+run ner
+ĠMichel le
+Ġpot ent
+r ace
+F ind
+olester ol
+ĠIntrodu ced
+ress es
+ign ment
+O s
+ĠT u
+ĠDe x
+ic ides
+Ġspark ed
+ĠLaur a
+ĠBry ant
+Ġsm iling
+ĠNex us
+Ġdefend ants
+ĠCat al
+Ġdis hes
+sh aped
+Ġpro long
+m t
+( $
+ãĢ Ĥ
+Ġcalcul ations
+ĠS ame
+Ġp iv
+H H
+Ġcance lled
+Ġgr in
+Ġterrit ories
+ist ically
+C ome
+ĠP arent
+Pro ject
+Ġneg lig
+ĠPriv acy
+Ġam mo
+olute ly
+ĠEp ic
+Ġmis under
+w al
+Apr il
+m os
+path y
+ĠC arson
+Ġalbum s
+ĠE asy
+Ġpist ol
+< <
+Ġ\ (
+t arget
+hel p
+Ġinter pre
+cons cious
+ĠH ousing
+ĠJ oint
+12 7
+Ġbe ers
+s cience
+ĠFire fox
+effect ive
+ĠC abin
+ĠO kay
+ĠApp lic
+Ġspace craft
+ve t
+ĠStr ange
+S B
+Ġcor ps
+iber al
+e fficient
+Ġpreval ence
+Ġeconom ists
+11 8
+Th read
+ord able
+ĠC ant
+=- =-
+if iable
+ĠA round
+Ġpo le
+Ġwilling ness
+ĠK id
+Ġcomple ment
+Ġsc attered
+Ġin mates
+Ġble eding
+e very
+Ġque ue
+ĠTr ain
+Ġh ij
+Ġme lee
+ple ted
+Ġdig it
+Ġg em
+offic ial
+Ġlif ting
+Ð µ
+Re qu
+it utes
+Ġpack aging
+ĠWork ers
+h ran
+ĠLeban on
+ol esc
+Ġpun ished
+ĠJ uan
+Ġj am
+ĠD ocument
+Ġm apping
+ic ates
+Ġinev itably
+Ġvan illa
+ĠT on
+Ġwat ches
+Ġle agues
+Ġiniti ated
+deg ree
+port ion
+Ġrec alls
+Ġru in
+Ġm elt
+Ġhe m
+Ex p
+Ġb aking
+ĠCol omb
+at ible
+Ġrad ius
+pl ug
+et ically
+Ġf ict
+ĠT ap
+atin um
+Ġin k
+Ġco h
+ĠW izard
+b oth
+te x
+Ġsp ends
+ĠCurrent ly
+ĠP it
+Ġneur ons
+ig nt
+Ġr all
+Ġbus es
+b uilding
+Ġadjust ments
+Ġc ried
+ibl ical
+att ed
+ĠZ ion
+ĠM atter
+Ġmed itation
+ĠD ennis
+Ġour s
+ĠT ab
+Ġrank ings
+ort al
+Ġad vers
+Ġsur render
+ĠG ob
+ci um
+om as
+im eter
+Ġmulti player
+Ġhero in
+Ġoptim istic
+Ġindic ator
+ĠBr ig
+Ġgro cery
+Ġapplic ant
+ĠRock et
+v id
+Ex ception
+p ent
+Ġorgan izing
+Ġenc ounters
+Ġjew el
+S ave
+ĠChrist ie
+Ġhe ating
+Ġl azy
+Ġcous in
+Con fig
+Ġreg ener
+Ġne arest
+Ġachie ving
+th row
+ĠRich mond
+ant le
+200 2
+Ġan ten
+b ird
+13 3
+Ġn arc
+r aint
+un ny
+ĠHispan ic
+ourn aments
+Ġprop he
+ĠTh ailand
+ĠT i
+Ġinject ion
+Ġinher it
+rav is
+Ġmed i
+Ġwho ever
+G P
+ĠH ud
+C ard
+p rom
+Ġp or
+Ġover head
+L aw
+Ġviol ate
+Ġhe ated
+Ġdescript ions
+Ġachieve ments
+ĠBe er
+ĠQu ant
+W as
+Ġe ighth
+ĠI v
+Ġspecial ized
+ĠD elta
+P op
+J ul
+ĠAs k
+oph y
+Ġnews letters
+ĠT ool
+Ġg ard
+ĠConf eder
+ĠAb bott
+Ġimm unity
+Is lam
+Ġimpl icit
+w d
+Ġ19 44
+rav ity
+omet ric
+Ġsurv iving
+ur ai
+ĠPr ison
+Ġr ust
+ĠSk etch
+Ġbe es
+ĠThe ory
+Ġmer it
+T ex
+ch at
+Ġm im
+Ġpast e
+ĠK och
+Ġignor ance
+ĠSh oot
+Ġbas ement
+Un ited
+ĠAd vis
+he ight
+Ġf oster
+Ġdet ain
+in formation
+Ġne ural
+' ;
+Ġprov es
+all ery
+Ġinv itation
+um bers
+Ġc attle
+Ġbicy cle
+z i
+Ġconsult ant
+Ġap ology
+ĠT iger
+Ġ12 3
+99 9
+Ġind ividually
+r t
+ig ion
+ĠBrazil ian
+Ġdist urb
+Ġentreprene urs
+Ġfore sts
+cer pt
+pl ates
+p her
+clip se
+Ġtw itter
+Ġac ids
+ograph ical
+h um
+ĠB ald
+if ully
+Ġcomp iler
+Ġdon or
+as i
+Ġtrib al
+l ash
+ĠCon fig
+Ġapplic ants
+Ġsal aries
+13 5
+Put in
+ĠF ocus
+ir s
+Ġmisc onduct
+ĠH az
+Ġeat en
+M obile
+Mus lim
+ĠMar cus
+v iol
+Ġfavor able
+Ġst ub
+ad in
+ĠH ob
+Ġfaith ful
+Ġelectron ics
+Ġvac uum
+w ait
+back ed
+econom ic
+d ist
+Ġten ure
+Ġsince re
+ĠT ogether
+ĠW ave
+Ġprog ression
+Ġden ying
+Ġdist ress
+br aska
+th ird
+Ġmix ing
+Ġcolon ial
+Ġpriv ately
+Ġun rest
+atern ity
+Ġprem ises
+ant i
+greg ation
+Ġlic ence
+ĠH ind
+ĠSam uel
+Ġconvinc ing
+ĠA ce
+ĠR ust
+ĠNet anyahu
+Ġhand les
+ĠP atch
+orient ed
+ah o
+ĠG onz
+Ġhack ers
+claim er
+Ġcustom s
+ĠGr an
+f ighters
+Ġl uc
+Ġman uscript
+aren thood
+Ġdev il
+Ġwar riors
+Ġoff enders
+Will iam
+Ġhol idays
+Ġnight mare
+Ġle ver
+iff erent
+St at
+Ġexhib ition
+put ed
+ĠP ure
+Ġal pha
+Ġenthus iasm
+ĠRepresent atives
+ĠT yp
+Ġwhe at
+ĠAl f
+Ġcor rection
+Ġev angel
+M iss
+Ġs oup
+Ġimpl ied
+par am
+Ġsex y
+ĠL ux
+Ġrep ublic
+p atch
+ab lish
+Ġic ons
+Ġfather s
+ĠCar ib
+Ġregul ated
+ĠCo hen
+ĠBob by
+Ġn er
+Ġb ent
+vent ory
+ĠAl ong
+ĠWall ace
+Ġmurd ers
+r ise
+ke ll
+ĠCommon wealth
+Ġn asty
+et a
+Ġadminist ered
+Ġgenuine ly
+Ed itor
+n ick
+Ġhyd ro
+**************** ****************
+ĠB le
+Ġfin es
+Ġg orge
+aus ible
+r h
+Ġapp le
+ment ioned
+Ġro pe
+ot yp
+H R
+Ġdisappoint ing
+Ġc age
+n ik
+Ġdoub ts
+print s
+Ġvend ors
+ĠIn qu
+Ġliber als
+Ġcontract or
+Ġup side
+child ren
+Ġtrick y
+Ġregul ators
+charg ed
+l iter
+Ġ ***
+Ġreb ell
+l ang
+Ġloc als
+Ġphys icians
+Ġhe y
+ar se
+t m
+ĠLe x
+Ġbehavior al
+success ful
+F X
+Ġbr ick
+ov ic
+Ġcon form
+Ġreview ing
+Ġins ights
+Ġbi ology
+ĠRem ove
+ĠExt ra
+Ġcomm itting
+indu ced
+ignt y
+ig m
+Ġat omic
+Comm on
+ĠP ere
+ĠIt ems
+e h
+Ġpres erved
+ĠH ood
+Ġprison er
+Ġbankrupt cy
+Ġg ren
+us hes
+Ġexplo itation
+Ġsign atures
+Ġfin an
+] ,"
+Ġme g
+rem lin
+Ġmusic ians
+Ġselect ing
+Ġexam ining
+l ated
+H i
+Ġart ic
+Ġp ets
+Ġimp air
+Ġtable ts
+in clude
+R ange
+Ġca ut
+Ġlog s
+Ġmount ing
+Ġun aware
+Ġdynam ics
+ĠPalest ine
+ĠQu arter
+ĠPur ple
+Ġm a
+ĠIm port
+Ġcollect ions
+ci ation
+Ġsuccess or
+Ġcl one
+Ġaim ing
+Ġposs essed
+Ġstick ing
+Ġsh aking
+Ġloc ate
+ĠH ockey
+T urn
+17 0
+Ġfif teen
+ĠHar rison
+Ġcontinu ously
+ĠVal ent
+ĠRes cue
+Ġby pass
+am ount
+Ġm ast
+Ġprotect s
+Ġart istic
+Ġsomet ime
+Ġsh oe
+Ġshout ed
+ific ant
+et itive
+ĠReg ister
+ĠJ in
+Ġconcent rated
+ling ton
+on ies
+Ġgener ator
+yr im
+ĠAr men
+Ġclear ing
+id o
+al ph
+Ġlad ies
+H ard
+Ġdial og
+Ġinput s
+æ ľ
+Ġpos es
+Ġsl ots
+ĠPrem ium
+Ġle aks
+Ġboss es
+Ġ11 3
+c ourse
+A cc
+ĠNew ton
+ĠAust ria
+ĠM age
+Ġte aches
+ab ad
+Ġwe ars
+Ġc yl
+Ġcur se
+ĠS ales
+ĠW ings
+Ġp sy
+Ġg aps
+ĠIce land
+ĠP interest
+Ġland lord
+Ġdefin itions
+ĠK er
+Ġsufficient ly
+ĠP ence
+ĠArch itect
+Ġsur pass
+Ġ11 4
+Ġsuper hero
+ĠDise ase
+Ġpri ests
+ĠC ulture
+Ġdefin itive
+Ġsecret ly
+ĠD ance
+inst all
+ch ief
+ĠJess ica
+W ould
+Up dated
+Ġlock er
+ĠK ay
+Ġmem orial
+è ¦
+f at
+Ġdis gu
+Ġflav ors
+ĠBase ball
+ĠRes istance
+Ġk icks
+Ġen v
+Ġteen agers
+D ark
+Ġh alt
+ĠGab riel
+Ġfe ver
+Ġs atur
+Ġm all
+Ġaffili ate
+ĠS leep
+ĠSpe cific
+ĠV el
+Ġj ar
+ĠSac red
+ĠEd wards
+Ġret ained
+ĠG iant
+Ġlim itation
+in ces
+Ġref usal
+ĠT ale
+ĠBut ler
+Ġacc idents
+Ġimport ed
+ĠCop y
+Î ±
+z el
+Ġdiv isions
+h ots
+ĠAl b
+Load er
+W ashington
+at isf
+ĠCreat ive
+\ .
+ĠAut om
+red ict
+Ġrecept or
+ĠCarl os
+Met hod
+ok a
+Ġmal icious
+Ġste pping
+, [
+ĠD ad
+Ġatt raction
+ĠEffect s
+ĠPir ate
+ĠC er
+ĠIndust ry
+ĠR ud
+Ġchar ter
+Ġd ining
+Ġins ists
+Ġconfig ure
+Ġ( #
+ĠSim ple
+ĠSc roll
+17 5
+ĠK on
+Ġmarket place
+Ġ ãĤ
+Ġref res
+Ġg ates
+er red
+ĠP od
+Ġbeh ave
+Fr ank
+n ode
+Ġendors ed
+he tt
+as ive
+ĠHom eland
+Ġr ides
+ĠLe ave
+er ness
+Ġflood ing
+Ġris en
+Ġcontin ually
+Ġun anim
+ĠCont ract
+ĠP as
+Ġgu ided
+ĠCh ile
+b d
+Ġsu cc
+pt ic
+Ġcomm ittees
+ĠL uther
+ĠAny one
+Ġs ab
+12 4
+Ġp ixel
+ĠB ak
+ĠT ag
+ĠBenn ett
+En ter
+sm all
+ĠPresident ial
+Ġp ul
+Ġcontr ace
+arch ive
+Ġcoast al
+ĠK ids
+19 2
+âĢ ²
+ick y
+Ġw olf
+ĠSt alin
+T ur
+id get
+am as
+ĠUn less
+Ġspons or
+Ġmor ph
+ĠCho ose
+Ġrun ner
+Ġun bel
+Ġm ud
+ĠMan a
+Ġdub bed
+Ġg odd
+ure rs
+wind ow
+Ġrel ied
+Ġcelebr ating
+os c
+Ġ13 5
+Ġlobb ying
+Ġincom plete
+Ġrestrict ion
+Ġinc ap
+it us
+Ġexpect ation
+ĠAp ollo
+Ġint ens
+Ġsyn c
+G H
+Ġmanip ulation
+B Y
+Ġspe ar
+Ġbre asts
+Ġvol can
+il ia
+M aterial
+Ġform ats
+ĠB ast
+Ġparliament ary
+Ġsn ake
+Ġserv ants
+ĠTr udeau
+ĠGr im
+ĠArab ic
+ĠBoy s
+st ation
+Ġprospect ive
+ord e
+in itialized
+Ġb ored
+Ġaccess ed
+Ġtax i
+ĠShe ll
+aid en
+urs ed
+in ates
+ĠIns urance
+ĠPet e
+Sept ember
+6 50
+Ġad ventures
+ĠCo ver
+Ġt ribute
+Ġsk etch
+Ġem power
+Ġ Ø
+ĠGl enn
+ĠD aw
+= \"
+ĠPolit ics
+Ġgu ides
+Ġd ioxide
+ĠG ore
+ĠBr ight
+ĠS ierra
+Ġval ued
+c ond
+Ġpo inter
+Se lect
+Ġrisk y
+Ġabsor b
+im ages
+Ġref uses
+Ġbon uses
+__ _
+Ġh ilar
+ĠF eatures
+2 20
+ĠCollect or
+F oot
+Ġ19 64
+cul us
+Ġd awn
+Ġwork out
+Ġphilosoph ical
+ĠSand y
+ĠYou th
+Ġl iable
+A f
+bl ue
+Ġovert urn
+less ness
+ĠTrib une
+ĠIn g
+Ġfact ories
+Ġcat ches
+Ġpr one
+Ġmat rix
+Ġlog in
+Ġin acc
+Ġex ert
+s ys
+Ġneed le
+ĠQ ur
+Ġnot ified
+ould er
+t x
+Ġremind s
+Ġpublisher s
+Ġn ort
+Ġg it
+Ġfl ies
+ĠEm ily
+Ġflow ing
+ĠAl ien
+ĠStr ateg
+Ġhard est
+Ġmod ification
+Ġcr ashes
+st airs
+n umber
+Ġur ging
+ch annel
+ĠFal con
+Ġinhabit ants
+Ġterr ifying
+Ġutil ize
+Ġban ner
+Ġcig arettes
+Ġsens es
+ĠHol mes
+Ġpract ition
+ĠPhill ips
+ott o
+Ġcomp ile
+Mod el
+ĠK o
+Ġ[ ]
+Americ ans
+ĠTer ms
+Ġmed ications
+ĠAn a
+Ġfundament ally
+ĠNot ice
+Ġwe aker
+Ġ 0000
+Ġgar lic
+Ġout break
+Ġeconom ist
+ĠB irth
+Ġobst acles
+ar cer
+ĠOr thodox
+Ġplace bo
+ĠC rew
+asp berry
+ĠAng els
+Ġdis charge
+Ġdestruct ive
+11 7
+ĠR ising
+Ġd airy
+l ate
+Ġcoll ision
+ĠTig ers
+ean or
+ocument ed
+ĠIn valid
+Ġd ont
+ĠL iter
+ĠV a
+Ġhyd rogen
+Ġvari ants
+ĠBrown s
+Ġ19 65
+Ġind igenous
+Ġtrad es
+Ġremain der
+Ġswe pt
+ĠImp act
+Ġred ist
+Ġun int
+grad uate
+ãĥ ķ
+ãģ® ç
+ĠCrit ical
+Ġf isher
+Ġv icious
+Ġrevers ed
+Y ear
+ĠS ox
+Ġshoot ings
+Ġfil ming
+Ġtouchdown s
+ai res
+m el
+Ġgrand father
+Ġaffect ion
+ing le
+Ġover ly
+Add itional
+Ġsup reme
+ĠGr ad
+Ġsport ing
+Ġmer cy
+ĠBrook s
+ount y
+Ġperform s
+Ġtight ly
+Ġdem ons
+Ġkill ings
+Ġfact ion
+ĠNov a
+aut s
+Ġund oubtedly
+ar in
+Ġunder way
+ra k
+Ġl iv
+ĠReg ion
+Ġbrief ing
+s ers
+cl oud
+ĠM ik
+us p
+Ġpred iction
+az or
+Ġport able
+ĠG and
+Ġpresent ing
+Ġ10 80
+Â »
+ush i
+ĠSp ark
+there um
+Ġjust ification
+ĠN y
+Ġcontract ors
+ming ham
+ĠSt yle
+å ħ
+ĠChron icles
+ĠPict ure
+Ġprov ing
+Ġw ives
+set t
+Ġmole cules
+ĠFair y
+Ġconsist ing
+Ġp ier
+al one
+in ition
+Ġn ucle
+j son
+Ġg otta
+Ġmob il
+Ġver bal
+ar ium
+Ġmon ument
+uck ed
+Ġ25 6
+T ech
+mine craft
+ĠTr ack
+Ġt ile
+Ġcompat ibility
+as is
+Ġs add
+Ġinstruct ed
+ĠM ueller
+Ġle thal
+Ġhorm one
+Ġor che
+el se
+Ġske let
+Ġentert aining
+Ġminim ize
+ag ain
+Ġunder go
+Ġconst raints
+Ġcig arette
+ĠIslam ist
+Ġtravel s
+ĠPant hers
+l ings
+C are
+Ġlaw suits
+ur as
+Ġcry st
+Ġlow ered
+Ġaer ial
+Ġcomb inations
+Ġha un
+Ġch a
+Ġv ine
+Ġquant ities
+Ġlink ing
+b ank
+Ġso y
+B ill
+ĠAngel a
+Ġrecip ient
+ĠProt est
+Ġs ocket
+Ġsolid arity
+Ġâ Ĩ
+m ill
+Ġvar ies
+ĠPak istani
+Dr agon
+Ġun e
+Ġhor izon
+³³³³ ³³³³
+Ġprov inces
+Ġfrank ly
+Ġenact ed
+not es
+[ '
+Ġ19 2
+ocr acy
+Ġendorse ment
+Ġover time
+Tr ue
+L ab
+lic ted
+Ġbe ats
+ĠJam ie
+15 2
+Cont act
+Ġaccount ed
+h ash
+ĠPack ers
+p ires
+Ġles bian
+Ġamend ments
+Ġhop eful
+ĠFin land
+Ġspot light
+Ġconfig ured
+Ġtrou bled
+Ġg aze
+ĠCal gary
+Ġrel iability
+Ġins urg
+sw er
+b uy
+ĠSk in
+Ġp ixels
+Ġhand gun
+Ġpar as
+Ġcateg or
+ĠRe x
+Ind eed
+Ġkind a
+Ġconj unction
+ĠBry an
+ĠMan ufact
+y ang
+Pl us
+ish ment
+Ġdom inate
+Ġn ail
+Ġo ath
+Ġeru pt
+ĠF ine
+it bart
+ĠCh ip
+ĠAb d
+ĠN am
+Ġbuy er
+Ġdiss ent
+Le aks
+Cont in
+Ġr ider
+ĠSome one
+Ġill usion
+c in
+ĠBoe ing
+Ġin adequ
+ov ation
+i ants
+Ġreb uild
+4 50
+ĠDest iny
+S W
+ĠT ill
+H it
+ia z
+ĠBang l
+acher s
+ĠRe form
+Ġse gments
+Ġsystem atic
+d c
+ĠConserv atives
+Ġport al
+h or
+ĠDragon bound
+Ġdrag ged
+om o
+Ġthe e
+ad vert
+ĠRep orts
+ĠE t
+Ġbarrel s
+Aug ust
+Ġcompar isons
+Ġhe x
+Ġan throp
+" [
+bor ough
+ab i
+Ġpict ured
+play ing
+ĠAdd ress
+ĠMir ror
+Sm ith
+Ġt ires
+Ġclass ification
+ĠTh an
+ĠH arm
+Ġreject ion
+min ation
+Ġr anged
+ĠF alls
+D I
+H ost
+ãĤ ´
+ĠEx ample
+list ed
+th irds
+Ġsaf egu
+br and
+Ġprob able
+Can ada
+ĠQ aeda
+Ġch ick
+Ġimport s
+h it
+l oc
+W W
+Ġble w
+Ġany time
+Ġwh oles
+ik ed
+Ġcal culation
+cre ate
+ĠO ri
+Ġupgr aded
+Ġapp ar
+ut ory
+ĠM ol
+B rit
+ĠJ ong
+ĠStart ing
+Ġd ice
+urt le
+Ġre lying
+cl osure
+Ġprof itable
+Ġsl aughter
+ĠMan ual
+c aster
+Ġ" $
+Ġfe ather
+ĠSim ply
+ie ves
+Ġdeter ior
+Ġst amp
+Ġfl aws
+Ġsh ade
+ham mer
+Ġpass port
+Ġcont ing
+am el
+Ġobser vers
+Ġneg lect
+ĠBrother hood
+Ġskept ical
+f amily
+us k
+Ġemotion ally
+â Ļ
+ĠBet a
+ason able
+id ity
+ĠM ul
+Ġkick ing
+ĠC arm
+oll ah
+ĠAt hen
+Ġlad der
+ĠBul let
+å £
+00 01
+ĠWild life
+ĠM ask
+ĠN an
+R ev
+Ġun acceptable
+leg al
+Ġcrowd ed
+ag i
+ĠC ox
+j e
+Ġmor ality
+Ġfu els
+Ġc ables
+Ġman kind
+ĠCarib bean
+Ġanch or
+Ġby te
+ĠO ften
+ĠO z
+Ġcraft ed
+Ġhistor ian
+ĠW u
+Ġtow ers
+ĠCitiz ens
+Ġhel m
+Ġcred entials
+Ġsing ular
+ĠJes se
+Ġtack les
+Ġcont empt
+Ġa fore
+ĠSh adows
+Ġn il
+Ġur gent
+app le
+bl ood
+Ġv on
+Ġoff line
+Ġbreat he
+Ġj umps
+Ġirre levant
+ox ic
+om al
+import ant
+J im
+Ġgl oves
+arm ing
+dep th
+Ġtal ents
+ook ie
+Ġpal m
+uff s
+est a
+Ġcan on
+ĠVer izon
+ĠP le
+Ġcou pled
+vel t
+Ġfundra ising
+ĠGet ting
+Ġmathemat ical
+ĠCard inals
+te lling
+Ġspons ors
+Ġ Ï
+ĠBull s
+op tion
+Ġprop ose
+Ġmem orable
+Ġembr aced
+Ġdecl ining
+He alth
+ed a
+Ġ} ;
+Ġsp am
+m ile
+Ġpit cher
+ĠE ight
+Ġcar ing
+ut ic
+ro le
+Ġair line
+ernand ez
+ĠAth let
+Ġcert ification
+ux e
+rig er
+Ġem pir
+Ġsens ation
+Ġdis m
+Ġb olt
+Ġev olve
+H ouse
+Ġconsult ation
+ĠD uty
+Ġtou ches
+ĠN athan
+Ġf aint
+h ad
+" (
+ĠCons umer
+ĠExt reme
+Ġ12 7
+ĠHer m
+ĠSac rament
+iz oph
+Ġanx ious
+ul ously
+Ġsoc ially
+Ġsol ving
+ĠLet ter
+Hist ory
+ed uc
+Pr ice
+) );
+Ġrel oad
+am ic
+Ġp ork
+Ġdisc ourse
+Ġt ournaments
+ai ro
+ĠK ur
+ĠCost a
+Ġviol ating
+Ġinterf ere
+Ġrecre ational
+uff le
+Ġspe eches
+Ġneed ing
+Ġremem bers
+Ġcred ited
+n ia
+f ocused
+amer a
+Ġb ru
+um bs
+ĠCub an
+Ġpreced ing
+Ġnons ense
+ac ial
+Ġsmart phones
+ĠSt ories
+S ports
+ĠEmer gency
+oun cing
+ef ined
+Ġb er
+Ġconsult ing
+Ġm asters
+he astern
+." [
+ĠRun ning
+Ġsus cept
+ĠF eng
+Americ a
+pr ises
+st itial
+ĠWeek ly
+ĠGreat er
+mod ules
+if ter
+G raphics
+ul er
+Ġwho lly
+Ġsupp ress
+Ġconce aled
+Ġhapp ily
+Ġaccept s
+ĠEn joy
+Ġr ivers
+ĠEx cept
+2 25
+ĠMc Connell
+Ġp ussy
+fer red
+ut able
+Ġatt ain
+Ġ> =
+Ġdepos its
+roph ic
+Ġnot orious
+ĠSh aw
+il itation
+Ġepid emic
+all ic
+Ġsmall est
+ov ich
+Ġaccess ories
+per ties
+Ġsur plus
+ĠMe ch
+Ġamb ig
+ĠImm igration
+Ġch im
+ev al
+Ġpract icing
+ĠMyster y
+Ġdom ains
+ĠSil icon
+app s
+Ġkilomet ers
+e a
+ĠSm ash
+Ġwarrant y
+Ġn ost
+s il
+re v
+J on
+ĠDub lin
+Ġtast es
+Ġb out
+g reat
+er ror
+Ġsw itches
+ĠB apt
+D O
+ok i
+Ġsour ced
+pro du
+Ġattach ment
+ĠIss ue
+ĠQuest ion
+Jo in
+Ġf itted
+Ġunlaw ful
+^ ^
+ere k
+Ġauthent ication
+Ġst ole
+Ġaccount ability
+l abel
+S earch
+Ġal beit
+atic an
+fund ed
+ĠAdd ing
+Ġsub mar
+l it
+a que
+ĠLear ning
+Ġint eger
+M aster
+ĠCh rom
+Ġprem ier
+O p
+ĠLi u
+Ġbl essed
+ĠGl obe
+ĠResp onse
+Ġlegit im
+ĠMer kel
+Ġdispos al
+Â ´
+Ġgau ge
+pe at
+Ġindu ced
+Ġquestion able
+arth y
+ĠV it
+ĠF eed
+U ntil
+U t
+worth y
+R Y
+ĠH erald
+ĠHam mer
+Ġmed al
+ĠR ivers
+ĠH ack
+Ġclar ify
+Ġtrack ed
+Ġautonom ous
+Ġten ant
+ĠQ atar
+er ie
+Ġgr im
+ĠMon itor
+Ġresist ant
+ĠSpe c
+ĠWell s
+14 8
+Ġmin ers
+iot ics
+Ġmiss es
+11 6
+g ian
+g it
+ĠE yes
+p res
+Ġgrad uated
+Ġang el
+Ġsyn chron
+Ġefficient ly
+Ġtrans mitted
+H arry
+Ġglob ally
+ĠMont ana
+r aged
+ĠPre vention
+Ġp iss
+ĠL l
+Ġshe lf
+ĠTest ament
+ĠL ate
+ik er
+ĠH app
+ĠJul ian
+h all
+Ġsp ont
+Ġshut down
+Ġincons istent
+Ġsubscrib ers
+Ġske leton
+ĠNe braska
+Ġins pire
+ĠV oid
+F eed
+Ġang les
+ĠSpr ings
+Ġbench mark
+Ġvacc ines
+izoph ren
+se xual
+uff ed
+Ġsh ine
+ĠK ath
+Ġgest ure
+ine a
+Ġr ip
+Ġopp ression
+Ġcons cience
+b t
+ĠL um
+Ġinc idence
+ĠF a
+w r
+Ġmin eral
+ĠSp urs
+alk y
+Ġth under
+Ġop io
+Be ing
+ĠPal m
+Ġwas ted
+Ġl b
+i aries
+ĠIniti ative
+Ġcur ric
+Ġmark er
+ĠMc L
+Ġext ensions
+ĠP v
+ĠAr ms
+Ġoffer ings
+Ġdef enses
+Ġvend or
+Ġcontrad ict
+ĠCol in
+Ġredd it
+Ġper ipher
+12 2
+Ġs ins
+E dit
+So ft
+ĠSh ah
+Ġadministr ator
+ĠT rip
+Ġporn ography
+Ġtu ition
+in ence
+ĠPro gress
+Ġcat alog
+Ġsu ite
+Ġh ike
+Ġreprodu ctive
+eng ine
+Ġd rought
+ĠNo ah
+Ġ2 30
+Ġd ude
+Ġrelax ed
+Ġpart ition
+Ġparticip ant
+Ġtel esc
+Ġfe as
+own er
+Ġswe eping
+Ġl enses
+Ġmatch up
+ĠRe pl
+ourn als
+Ġcred ible
+Ġgrand mother
+Ġther mal
+Ġsubscrib ing
+Ġident ities
+col m
+Ġreluct ant
+us ers
+ĠC ort
+Ġassist ed
+Ġpharm aceutical
+ic able
+ad ian
+ĠSon ic
+ĠF ury
+ĠM ong
+A H
+ĠPsych ology
+Ġph osph
+Ġtreat s
+Ń Ķ
+Ġstead ily
+ĠHell o
+Ġrel ates
+Ġcl ue
+Ex pl
+a uth
+Ġrev ision
+Ġe ld
+os ion
+Ġbr on
+14 4
+ri kes
+Ġmin es
+Ġblank et
+ĠF ail
+el ed
+ĠIm agine
+ĠPl anned
+a ic
+Re quest
+M ad
+ĠHor se
+ĠEag le
+Ġcap ac
+15 7
+Ġl ing
+ĠN ice
+ĠP arenthood
+min ster
+og s
+ens itive
+Not hing
+Ġcar n
+F in
+Ġr ifles
+S and
+Ġgui Active
+Ġtour ist
+Ġunve iled
+Ġpredec essor
+} {
+u ber
+Ġoff shore
+Ġopt ical
+ĠR ot
+ĠPear l
+et on
+Ġst ared
+Ġfart her
+at ility
+cont in
+ĠG y
+ĠF oster
+ĠC oc
+ri ents
+Ġdesign ing
+ĠEconom y
+W omen
+ĠN ancy
+er ver
+Ġmas cul
+Ġcasual ties
+Ġ2 25
+ĠS ullivan
+ĠCh oice
+Ġa ster
+w s
+Ġhot els
+Ġconsider ations
+Ġcou ch
+ĠSt rip
+ĠG n
+Ġmanip ulate
+l ied
+Ġsynt hetic
+Ġassault ed
+Ġoff enses
+ĠDra ke
+Ġim pe
+Oct ober
+ĠHer itage
+h l
+ĠBl air
+Un like
+Ġg rief
+Ġ4 50
+Ġopt ed
+Ġresign ation
+il o
+Ġver se
+ĠT omb
+Ġu pt
+Ġa ired
+ĠH ook
+Ġassum es
+out ed
+ĠV ers
+Ġinfer ior
+Ġbund le
+ograp her
+Ġmult ip
+ĠSoul s
+Ġillust rated
+Ġtact ic
+Ġdress ing
+Ġdu o
+Con f
+Ġrel ent
+Ġc ant
+Ġscar ce
+Ġcand y
+Ġaffili ated
+Ġspr int
+yl an
+ĠGarc ia
+Ġj unk
+Pr int
+ex ec
+C rit
+Ġport rait
+ir ies
+Ġdisp utes
+W R
+L ove
+ãģ Ħ
+ĠRe yn
+Ġh ipp
+op ath
+Ġflo ors
+ĠFe el
+Ġwor ries
+Ġsett lements
+ĠP os
+Ġmos que
+Ġfin als
+Ġcr ushed
+ĠPro bably
+ĠB ot
+ĠM ans
+ĠPer iod
+Ġsovere ignty
+Ġsell er
+Ġap ost
+Ġam ateur
+Ġd orm
+Ġconsum ing
+Ġarm our
+ĠRo ose
+Ġint ensive
+Ġelim inating
+ĠSun ni
+ĠAle ppo
+j in
+Ġadv ise
+p al
+ĠH alo
+Ġdes cent
+Ġsimpl er
+Ġbo oth
+L ater
+ĠC ave
+== =
+Ġm ol
+Ġf ist
+Ġshot gun
+su pp
+Ġrob bery
+E ffect
+Ġobsc ure
+ĠProf essional
+Ġemb assy
+Ġmilit ant
+Ġinc arcer
+Ġgener ates
+Ġlaun ches
+Ġadministr ators
+Ġsh aft
+Ġcirc ular
+Ġfresh man
+ĠW es
+ĠJo el
+ĠD rew
+ĠDun can
+ĠApp arently
+s ight
+ĠIntern al
+ĠInd ividual
+Ġb ore
+ĠM t
+Ġbroad ly
+ĠO ptions
+ount ain
+ip es
+ĠV ideos
+20 4
+Ġh ills
+Ġsim ulation
+Ġdisappoint ment
+it an
+ĠLabor atory
+Ġup ward
+Ġbound ary
+Ġdark er
+h art
+Ġdomin ance
+C ong
+ĠOr acle
+ĠL ords
+Ġscholars hip
+ĠVin cent
+ed e
+ĠR ah
+Ġencour ages
+ro v
+Ġqu o
+Ġprem ise
+ĠCris is
+ĠHol ocaust
+Ġrhyth m
+Ġmet ric
+cl ub
+Ġtransport ed
+Ġn od
+ĠP ist
+Ġancest ors
+ĠFred er
+th umbnails
+Ph il
+ven ge
+ĠProduct s
+cast le
+Ġqual ifying
+ĠK aren
+Ġmight y
+Ġexplan ations
+Ġfix ing
+D i
+Ġdecl aring
+Ġanonym ity
+Ġju ven
+ĠN ord
+ĠDo om
+ĠAct ually
+O k
+ph is
+ĠDes ert
+Ġ11 6
+I K
+Ġinc omes
+ok ers
+Ġpe cul
+Ġlight weight
+g ue
+Ġacc ent
+Ġincre ment
+ĠCh an
+Ġcompl aining
+ĠB aghd
+Ġmidfield er
+Ġover haul
+Pro cess
+ĠH ollow
+ĠTit ans
+Sm all
+man uel
+ĠUn ity
+ĠEv ents
+S ty
+Ġdispro portion
+n esty
+en es
+ĠC od
+Ġdemonstr ations
+ĠCrim son
+Ġen rolled
+Ġc el
+ĠBre tt
+Ġa ide
+Ġhe els
+Ġbroad band
+Ġmark ing
+Ġw izard
+ĠChief s
+Ġingred ient
+Ġd ug
+ĠSh ut
+urch ase
+end or
+Ġfar mer
+ĠGold man
+12 9
+15 5
+Or der
+Ġl ion
+i ably
+Ġst ain
+ar ray
+ilit ary
+Ġexpl oded
+ĠMcC arthy
+ĠT weet
+ĠG reens
+ek ing
+l n
+ens en
+Ġmotor cycle
+Ġpartic le
+Ġch olesterol
+B ron
+Ġst air
+Ġox id
+Ġdes irable
+ib les
+Ġthe or
+for cing
+Ġpromot ional
+ov o
+b oot
+ĠBon us
+raw ling
+Ġshort age
+ĠP sy
+Ġrecru ited
+Ġinf ants
+Ġtest osterone
+Ġded uct
+Ġdistinct ive
+Ġfirm ware
+bu ilt
+14 5
+Ġexpl ored
+Ġfact ions
+Ġv ide
+Ġtatt oo
+Ġfinan cially
+Ġfat igue
+Ġproceed ing
+const itutional
+Ġmis er
+Ġch airs
+gg ing
+ipp le
+Ġd ent
+Ġdis reg
+ç Ķ
+st ant
+ll o
+b ps
+aken ing
+Ġab normal
+å£ «
+Ġcon cess
+Ġserv ant
+Ġas pir
+l av
+ĠPan el
+am o
+Ġprec ip
+Ġrecord ings
+Ġproceed ed
+Ġcol ony
+ĠT ang
+ab lo
+Ġstri pped
+Le ft
+to o
+Ġpot atoes
+Ġfin est
+% ).
+Ġc rap
+ĠZ ach
+ab ases
+ĠG oth
+Ġbillion aire
+w olf
+Ġsan ction
+S K
+Ġlog ged
+P o
+ey ed
+un al
+Ġcr icket
+Ġarm ies
+Ġunc overed
+Cl oud
+ó n
+Ġreb ounds
+Ġm es
+O per
+P ac
+Ġnation ally
+Ġinsert ed
+p ict
+Ġgovern ance
+Ð ¸
+Ġprivile ges
+Ġfavor ites
+im ity
+Ġlo ver
+the m
+em pl
+Ġgorge ous
+An n
+Ġsl ipped
+Ġve to
+B ob
+Ġsl im
+u cc
+ĠF ame
+udden ly
+Ġden ies
+ĠM aur
+Ġdist ances
+Ġw anna
+t ar
+Ġâ Ī
+Ġle mon
+at hetic
+Ġlit eral
+Ġdistingu ished
+Ġansw ering
+G I
+Ġrelig ions
+ĠPhil os
+ĠL ay
+Ġcomp os
+ire ments
+ĠK os
+ine z
+roll ing
+Ġyoung est
+and ise
+ĠB orn
+Ġalt ar
+am ina
+ĠB oot
+v oc
+Ġdig ging
+Ġpress ures
+Ġl en
+26 4
+Ġassass ination
+ĠBir mingham
+ĠMy th
+Ġsovere ign
+ĠArt ist
+ĠPhot ograph
+Ġdep icted
+Ġdisp ens
+orth y
+Ġamb ul
+int eg
+ĠC ele
+ĠTib et
+Ġhier archy
+Ġc u
+Ġpre season
+ĠPet erson
+Ġcol ours
+Ġworry ing
+Ġback ers
+ĠPal mer
+ĠÎ ¼
+Ġcontribut or
+Ġhear ings
+Ġur ine
+Ġ Ù
+ourge ois
+Sim ilar
+ĠZ immer
+s omething
+Ġstrength s
+Ġlog ging
+As ked
+ĠTh ai
+in qu
+ĠW alt
+Ġcrew s
+it ism
+3 01
+Ġshar ply
+um ed
+Ġred irect
+r ators
+In f
+ĠWe apons
+Ġte asp
+19 99
+L ive
+ĠEs pecially
+ĠS ter
+ĠVeter ans
+Ġint ro
+other apy
+Ġmal ware
+Ġbre eding
+Ġmole cular
+ĠR oute
+ĠCom ment
+oc hem
+Ġa in
+Se ason
+Ġlineback er
+Ä «
+ĠEconom ics
+es ar
+ĠL ives
+ĠEm ma
+Ġk in
+ĠTer rit
+Ġpl anted
+ot on
+ĠBut ter
+ĠSp ons
+Ġdun geon
+Ġsymb olic
+Ġfil med
+Ġdi ets
+Ġconclud es
+Ġcertain ty
+ĠForm at
+Ġstr angers
+form at
+ĠPh ase
+Ġcop ied
+Ġmet res
+ld a
+ĠUs ers
+Ġdeliber ate
+Ġwas hed
+ĠL ance
+im ation
+Ġimpro per
+ĠGen esis
+ick r
+ĠK ush
+Ġreal ise
+Ġembarrass ing
+alk ing
+b ucks
+Ġver ified
+Ġout line
+year s
+ĠIn come
+20 2
+Ġz ombies
+F inal
+ĠMill enn
+Ġmod ifications
+ĠV ision
+ĠM oses
+ver b
+iter ranean
+ĠJ et
+Ġnav al
+ĠA gg
+Ġur l
+Ġvict ories
+Ġnon etheless
+Ġinj ust
+ĠF act
+ç ļ
+Ġins ufficient
+re view
+face book
+Ġnegoti ating
+Ġguarant ees
+im en
+uten berg
+Ġg ambling
+Ġcon gr
+Load ing
+Ġnever theless
+Ġpres idents
+ĠIndust rial
+Ġ11 8
+Ġp oured
+ĠT ory
+Ġ17 5
+Ġ: =
+Sc ott
+ange red
+T ok
+Ġorgan izers
+M at
+ĠG rowth
+Ġad ul
+Ġens ures
+Ġ11 7
+é¾į å
+Ġmass acre
+Ġgr ades
+be fore
+ĠSl ow
+âĢĶ "
+ĠV atican
+Q aeda
+Ġo we
+66 66
+ĠS orry
+ĠGr ass
+Ġbackground s
+Ġexha usted
+Ġcl an
+Ġcomprom ised
+ĠE lf
+ĠIsa ac
+ens on
+In vest
+Ġinterrupt ed
+ãĥī ãĥ©
+Ġtw isted
+ĠDrag ons
+M ode
+ĠK remlin
+Ġfert il
+he res
+ph an
+ĠN ode
+f ed
+ĠOr c
+Ġunw illing
+C ent
+Ġprior it
+Ġgrad uates
+Ġsubject ive
+Ġiss uing
+ĠL t
+Ġview er
+Ġw oke
+Th us
+bro ok
+Ġdep ressed
+Ġbr acket
+ĠG or
+ĠFight ing
+Ġstri ker
+Rep ort
+ĠPortug al
+Ġne o
+w ed
+19 9
+Ġflee ing
+sh adow
+ident ified
+Ste am
+Ġstret ched
+Ġrevel ations
+art ed
+ĠD w
+Ġalign ment
+est on
+ĠJ ared
+S ep
+Ġblog s
+up date
+g om
+r isk
+Ġcl ash
+ĠH our
+Ġrun time
+Ġunw anted
+Ġsc am
+Ġr ack
+Ġen light
+on est
+ĠF err
+Ġconv ictions
+Ġp iano
+Ġcirc ulation
+ĠW elcome
+Ġback lash
+ĠW ade
+Ġrece ivers
+ot ive
+J eff
+Ġnetwork ing
+ĠPre p
+ĠExpl orer
+Ġlect ure
+Ġupload ed
+ĠMe at
+ĠNaz is
+ĠSy nd
+st ud
+ro ots
+ri ans
+Ġportray ed
+Ġ ??
+ĠBudd ha
+s un
+Rober t
+ĠCom plex
+Ġover see
+Ġste alth
+T itle
+ĠJ obs
+ĠK um
+Ġappreci ation
+Ġbas ics
+Ġcl ips
+Ġnurs ing
+Ġpropos ition
+Ġreal ised
+Ġall ocated
+ri um
+ar an
+ĠPro duction
+ĠV ote
+Ġsm ugg
+Ġhun ter
+az er
+ĠCh anges
+Ġfl uct
+y on
+Ar ray
+Ġk its
+W ater
+Ġuncom mon
+Ġrest ing
+ell s
+w ould
+Ġpurs ued
+Ġassert ion
+omet own
+ĠMos ul
+ĠPl atform
+io let
+Ġshare holders
+Ġtra ils
+P ay
+ĠEn forcement
+ty pes
+ĠAn onymous
+Ġsatisf ying
+il ogy
+Ġ( '
+w ave
+c ity
+Ste ve
+Ġconfront ation
+ĠE ld
+C apt
+ah an
+ht m
+ĠC trl
+2 30
+if a
+hold ing
+Ġdelic ate
+Ġj aw
+ĠGo ing
+or um
+S al
+Ġd ull
+ĠB eth
+Ġpr isons
+Ġe go
+ĠEl sa
+avor ite
+ĠG ang
+ĠN uclear
+Ġsp ider
+ats u
+Ġsam pling
+Ġabsor bed
+ĠPh arm
+iet h
+Ġbuck et
+ĠRec omm
+O F
+ĠF actory
+Ġb acter
+H as
+ĠObs erv
+12 1
+Ġprem iere
+De velop
+Ġcur rencies
+C ast
+Ġaccompany ing
+ĠNash ville
+Ġfat ty
+ĠBre nd
+Ġloc ks
+Ġcent ered
+augh s
+or ie
+ĠAff ordable
+v ance
+D L
+em et
+Ġthr one
+ĠBlu etooth
+Ġn aming
+if ts
+Ġcorrect ed
+Ġprompt ly
+Ġgen ome
+Ġcop e
+Ġval ley
+Ġround ed
+ĠK end
+al ion
+p ers
+Ġtour ism
+Ġst ark
+v l
+Ġblow ing
+ĠSche dule
+st d
+Ġunh appy
+Ġlit igation
+ced es
+Ġand roid
+Ġinteg ral
+ere rs
+ud ed
+t ax
+Ġre iter
+ĠMot ors
+oci ated
+Ġwond ers
+ĠAp ost
+uck ing
+ĠRoose velt
+f ram
+Ġyield s
+Ġconstit utes
+aw k
+Int erest
+Ġinter im
+Ġbreak through
+ĠC her
+Ġpro sec
+ĠD j
+Res p
+Ġs perm
+ed it
+B T
+Lin ux
+count ry
+le ague
+Ġd ick
+Ġo ct
+Ġinsert ing
+Ġsc ra
+ĠBrew ing
+Ġ19 66
+Ġrun ners
+Ġpl un
+id y
+ĠD ian
+Ġdys function
+Ġex clusion
+Ġdis gr
+Ġincorpor ate
+Ġrecon c
+Ġnom inated
+ĠAr cher
+d raw
+achel or
+Ġwrit ings
+Ġshall ow
+Ġh ast
+Ġth igh
+Ġ19 63
+Ġl amb
+Ġfav ored
+ag le
+Ġcool er
+ĠH ours
+ĠOrig in
+Ġglim pse
+---------------- ----
+L im
+Ġche ek
+Ġj ealous
+- '
+Ġhar ness
+ĠPo ison
+Ġdis abilities
+ne apolis
+Ġout look
+Ġnot ify
+ĠIndian apolis
+Ġab rupt
+ns ic
+Ġenc rypted
+Ġfor fe
+reat h
+Ġr abb
+Ġfound ations
+Ġcompl iment
+ĠInter view
+ĠS we
+Ġad olesc
+Ġmon itors
+ĠSacrament o
+Ġtime ly
+Ġcontem pl
+Ġposition ed
+Ġpost ers
+ph ies
+iov ascular
+v oid
+ĠFif th
+Ġinvestig ative
+Ġinteg rate
+ish a
+ibl ings
+ĠRe quest
+ĠRodrig uez
+Ġsl ides
+Ġfemin ism
+Ġdat as
+Ġb end
+ir us
+ĠNig eria
+F ox
+Ch ange
+Ġair plane
+ĠLad en
+Ġpublic ity
+ixt y
+Ġcommit ments
+Ġaggreg ate
+Ġdisplay ing
+ĠAr row
+Ġ12 2
+Ġrespect s
+and roid
+s ix
+ĠSh a
+Ġrest oration
+) \
+W S
+oy s
+Ġillust rate
+with out
+12 6
+ĠâĶ Ĥ
+Ġpick up
+n els
+Ġ ....
+f ood
+ĠF en
+) ?
+Ġphenomen a
+Ġcompan ions
+ĠW rite
+Ġsp ill
+Ġbr idges
+ĠUp dated
+ĠF o
+Ġinsect s
+Ġsc are
+il tr
+ĠZh ang
+Ġsever ity
+Ġind ul
+14 9
+ĠCo ffee
+Ġnorm s
+Ġp ulse
+Ġhorr ific
+ĠDest roy
+Ġo live
+Ġdiscuss es
+R est
+E lect
+ĠW inn
+ĠSurv iv
+ĠH ait
+S ure
+op ed
+Ġro oted
+ĠS ke
+ĠBron ze
+Ġl ol
+Def ault
+Ġcommod ity
+red ited
+Ġliber tarian
+Ġforb idden
+Ġgr an
+à ¨
+Ġl ag
+en z
+dri ve
+Ġmathemat ics
+Ġw ires
+Ġcrit ically
+Ġcarb ohyd
+ĠChance llor
+ĠEd die
+Ġban ning
+ĠF ri
+Ġcompl ications
+et ric
+ĠBangl adesh
+Ġband width
+St op
+ĠOrig inally
+Ġhalf way
+yn asty
+sh ine
+Ġt ales
+rit ies
+av ier
+Ġspin ning
+Ġneighbour hood
+b ach
+Ġcommer ce
+ĠS le
+B U
+Ġentreprene ur
+Ġpecul iar
+ĠCom ments
+f re
+3 20
+Ġimag ery
+ĠCan on
+ĠElect ronic
+sh ort
+( (
+D ig
+Ġcomm em
+u ced
+Ġincl ined
+ĠSum mon
+Ġcl iff
+ĠMed iterranean
+Ġpo etry
+Ġprosper ity
+ĠRe ce
+Ġp ills
+m ember
+Ġfin ale
+un c
+ĠG ig
+ä ½
+Ġl od
+Ġback ward
+- +
+ĠFor ward
+Ġth ri
+s ure
+Ġso ap
+ĠSe xual
+oul os
+Ġfool ish
+Ġright eous
+Ġco ff
+terror ism
+ust ain
+ot er
+Ġab uses
+ne xt
+Ġab usive
+Ġthere after
+Ġprohib ition
+Ġd ip
+Ġr ipped
+Ġinher ited
+Ġb ats
+st ru
+G T
+Ġflaw ed
+ph abet
+Ġf og
+do ors
+Ġim aging
+Ġdig its
+ĠHung ary
+Ġar rog
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+Ġprotocol s
+ĠB anks
+à ¸
+p ound
+ĠC urt
+." )
+. /
+Ġex emption
+end ix
+ĠM ull
+Ġimpro ves
+ĠG amer
+d imensional
+I con
+ĠMarg aret
+St atus
+d ates
+Ġint ends
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+Ġpark ed
+J oe
+ĠMar ines
+chn ology
+! ).
+Ġjud ged
+Ġwe ights
+R ay
+Ġapart ments
+he ster
+Ġrein force
+Ġoff ender
+occ up
+Ġs ore
+e pt
+ĠB row
+Ġauthor ization
+ĠR isk
+ĠDel aware
+Ġnot ifications
+Ġsun light
+Ġex clude
+d at
+Ġm esh
+ĠSud an
+Ġbelong ed
+Ġsub way
+Ġno on
+ĠInter ior
+ol ics
+ĠL akers
+Ġc oding
+Dis claimer
+Cal if
+O ld
+Ġdis l
+???? ?
+Ġconfir ms
+Ġrecruit ment
+Ġhom icide
+Cons ider
+ĠJeff rey
+ft y
+} ;
+Ġobject ion
+do ing
+ĠLe o
+W ant
+Ġgl ow
+ĠClar ke
+ĠNorm an
+Ġver ification
+Ġpack et
+ĠForm ula
+Ġpl ag
+es ville
+Ġshout ing
+Ġo v
+ĠB ub
+Ġn inth
+Ġener g
+Ġvalid ity
+Ġup s
+j ack
+Ġneighbor ing
+ĠN ec
+ew orks
+ĠH ab
+are z
+Ġsp ine
+Ġevent ual
+ĠLe aders
+ĠC arn
+Ġprob ation
+Ġrom ance
+ms g
+ĠMechan ical
+R ock
+Ġpart isan
+N ode
+ass ets
+min ent
+Ġforeign ers
+Ġtest ify
+ĠUs ually
+l ords
+ĠG ren
+ĠPow ell
+Ġs r
+Ġadd ict
+Ġshell s
+Ġs igh
+ĠY ale
+tern ity
+Ġ7 50
+E U
+ĠR ifle
+Ġpat ron
+em a
+ĠB annon
+an ity
+Ġtrop ical
+c ross
+Every thing
+Ġhum ble
+ass ing
+Ġupd ating
+ys on
+Ġcal cium
+Ġcompet ent
+Ġste ering
+Pro t
+ĠFin als
+ĠR ug
+15 9
+13 7
+ĠG olf
+Ġ12 6
+Ġaccommod ation
+ĠHug hes
+Ġaest hetic
+art isan
+ĠTw ilight
+Ġpr ince
+ĠAgric ulture
+ĠDis co
+Ġpreced ent
+Ġtyp ing
+author ized
+O ption
+ĠA ub
+l ishes
+ach t
+m ag
+P eter
+mont on
+ĠL ith
+Ġa rom
+Ġsec uring
+Ġconf ined
+priv ate
+Ġsw ords
+Ġmark ers
+Ġmetab olic
+se lect
+ĠCur se
+ĠO t
+g ressive
+Ġinc umb
+ĠS aga
+Ġpr iced
+Ġclear ance
+Cont ent
+Ġdr illing
+Ġnot ices
+Ġb ourgeois
+Ġv est
+Ġcook ie
+ĠGuard ians
+ry s
+in yl
+Ġ12 4
+Ġpl ausible
+on gh
+ĠOd in
+Ġconcept ion
+ĠY uk
+ĠBaghd ad
+ĠFl ag
+Aust ral
+Ġintern ationally
+ĠWiki Leaks
+Ġc yn
+Ġcho oses
+ĠP ill
+Ġcomb ining
+Ġrad i
+ĠMoh ammed
+def ense
+atch ing
+Sub ject
+ic iency
+Fr ame
+Ġ{ "
+Ġche ss
+Ġtim er
+19 0
+Ġt in
+Ġord inance
+emet ery
+Ġacc using
+Ġnotice able
+Ġcent res
+Ġl id
+ĠM ills
+img ur
+Ġz oom
+erg ic
+Ġcomp ression
+pr im
+f ind
+Ġsur g
+Ġp and
+ĠK ee
+ĠCh ad
+cell ence
+oy le
+Ġsocial ism
+ĠT ravis
+ĠM Hz
+Ġgu ild
+ĠSub scribe
+ĠRel ated
+Ġoccur rence
+itch ing
+Ġfict ional
+Ġcr ush
+c od
+m ix
+ĠTri ple
+Ġretrie ve
+Ġstimul us
+Ġpsych iat
+ĠDo or
+Ġhomosexual ity
+Ġelement ary
+Ġcell ular
+id ian
+ĠL aun
+Ġintrig uing
+Ġfo am
+ĠB ass
+id i
+its u
+Ġass ure
+Ġcongr at
+Ġbusiness man
+ĠBo ost
+cl ose
+Ġl ied
+Ġsc iences
+ĠO mega
+ĠG raphics
+Ġ< =
+sp oken
+Ġconnect ivity
+S aturday
+ĠAven gers
+Ġto ggle
+Ġank le
+Ġnational ist
+mod el
+ĠP ool
+ophob ia
+V ar
+ĠM ons
+ator ies
+Ġaggress ively
+C lear
+For ge
+act ers
+Ġhed ge
+Ġpip es
+Ġbl unt
+Ġs q
+Ġremote ly
+W ed
+as ers
+Ġref riger
+Ġt iles
+Ġresc ued
+Ġcompr ised
+ins ky
+Ġman if
+avan augh
+Ġprol ifer
+Ġal igned
+x ml
+Ġtri v
+Ġcoord ination
+ĠQu ote
+13 4
+b f
+ĠS aw
+Ġtermin ation
+Ġ19 0
+Ġadd itions
+Ġtri o
+Ġproject ions
+Ġpositive ly
+Ġin clusive
+Ġmem br
+19 90
+old er
+Ġpract iced
+ink le
+Ar ch
+Ġstar ters
+ari us
+Ġinter mediate
+ĠBen ef
+ĠK iller
+Ġinter ventions
+ĠK il
+ĠF lying
+In v
+Ġprem ature
+Ġpsych iatric
+Ġind ie
+Ġcoll ar
+ĠRain bow
+af i
+Ġdis ruption
+cast ing
+Ġmis dem
+c ro
+Ġw ipe
+ard on
+Ġb ast
+ĠTom my
+ĠRepresent ative
+Ġbell y
+ĠBre itbart
+13 2
+Ġmess aging
+Sh ould
+Ref erences
+ist ical
+L P
+ĠC av
+ĠC razy
+Ġintu itive
+ke eping
+ĠM oss
+Ġdiscont in
+ĠMod ule
+Ġun related
+ĠPract ice
+ĠTrans port
+Ġstatist ically
+orn s
+Ġs ized
+p u
+Ġca f
+ĠWorld s
+ĠRod gers
+ĠL un
+ĠCom ic
+l iving
+Ġc ared
+Ġclim bed
+) {
+Ġconsist ed
+Ġmed ieval
+fol k
+Ġh acked
+Ġd ire
+ĠHerm ione
+Ġt ended
+ce ans
+D aniel
+w ent
+Ġlegisl ators
+Ġred es
+g ames
+Ġg n
+am iliar
+Ġ+ +
+gg y
+th reat
+Ġmag net
+Ġper ceive
+Ġz ip
+Ġindict ment
+Ġcrit ique
+g ard
+ĠSaf e
+ĠC ream
+Ġad vent
+ob a
+Ġv owed
+ous ands
+Ġsk i
+Ġabort ions
+u art
+Ġstun ned
+Ġadv ancing
+Ġlack ed
+Ġ\ "
+Ġsch izophren
+Ġeleg ant
+Ġconf erences
+Ġcance led
+ĠHud son
+ĠHop efully
+Ġtr ump
+Ġfrequ encies
+Ġmet eor
+ĠJun ior
+ĠFle et
+ĠMal colm
+ĠT ools
+Ġ ........
+Ġh obby
+ĠEurope ans
+Ġ15 00
+ĠInt o
+Ġs way
+ĠApp ro
+ĠCom pl
+Comm unity
+Ġt ide
+ĠSum mit
+ä »
+Ġinter vals
+ĠE ther
+Ġhabit at
+ĠSteven s
+lish ing
+ĠDom ain
+Ġtrig gers
+Ġch asing
+Ġchar m
+ĠFl ower
+it ored
+Ġbless ing
+Ġtext ures
+F ive
+Ġliqu or
+R P
+Ġ19 62
+Un known
+Ġres il
+ĠL ily
+Ġabund ance
+Ġpredict able
+r ar
+Ġbull shit
+le en
+che t
+M or
+M uch
+ä ¹
+Ġemphas ized
+Ġcr ust
+Ġprim itive
+Ġenjoy able
+ĠPict ures
+Ġteam mate
+pl er
+ĠT ol
+ĠK ane
+Ġsummon ed
+th y
+ram a
+ĠH onda
+Ġreal izing
+Ġquick er
+Ġconcent rate
+cle ar
+Ġ2 10
+ĠErd ogan
+ar is
+Ġrespond s
+Ġelig ibility
+Ġpus hes
+ĠId aho
+Ġagg rav
+Ġru ins
+ur ations
+Ġb ans
+Ġan at
+sh are
+Ġgr ind
+h in
+um en
+Ġut ilities
+ĠYan kees
+Ġdat abases
+Ġdispl aced
+Ġdepend encies
+Ġstim ulation
+h un
+h ouses
+ĠP retty
+ĠRaven s
+Ġassoci ates
+Ġthe rape
+cl ed
+Ġde er
+Ġrep airs
+rent ice
+Ġrecept ors
+Ġrem ed
+ĠC e
+Ġmar riages
+Ġball ots
+ĠSold ier
+Ġhilar ious
+op l
+13 8
+Ġinherent ly
+Ġignor ant
+Ġb ounce
+ĠE aster
+ĠCur rency
+E V
+ãĥ ŀ
+ĠLe ad
+Ġdece ased
+B rien
+ĠMus k
+J S
+Ġmer ge
+heart ed
+c reat
+m itt
+m und
+ĠâĢ ĭ
+ĠB ag
+Ġproject ion
+Ġj ava
+ĠStand ards
+ĠLeon ard
+Ġcoc onut
+ĠPop ulation
+Ġtra ject
+Ġimp ly
+Ġcur iosity
+ĠF resh
+ĠP or
+Ġheav ier
+ne ys
+gom ery
+Ġdes erved
+Ġphr ases
+Ġye ast
+d esc
+De ath
+Ġreb oot
+Ġmet adata
+Ġrep ay
+ĠInd ependence
+Ġsubur ban
+ical s
+Ġat op
+Ġall ocation
+gener ation
+ĠG ram
+Ġmoist ure
+Ġp ine
+ĠLiber als
+Ġa ides
+Ġund erest
+ĠBer ry
+Ġcere mon
+3 70
+ast rous
+ĠPir ates
+Ġt ense
+ĠIndust ries
+ĠApp eals
+ĠN ear
+Ġè£ı ç
+Ġlo vers
+ĠC raw
+Ġg iants
+Ġeffic acy
+E lement
+ĠBeh avior
+ĠToy ota
+Ġint est
+P riv
+A I
+Ġmaneu ver
+Ġperfect ion
+Ġb ang
+p aper
+r ill
+Ge orge
+b order
+in ters
+ĠS eth
+Ġcl ues
+ĠLe vi
+ĠRe venue
+14 7
+Ġv apor
+Ġfortun ate
+Ġthreat ens
+Ġve t
+Ġdepend ency
+ers ed
+art icle
+ĠBl izzard
+Ġch lor
+Ġmin us
+ĠB ills
+Ġcryptoc urrency
+Ġmetabol ism
+ter ing
+Ġp estic
+step s
+ĠTre asure
+ract ed
+ĠConst ant
+Ġtem p
+13 9
+ĠDet ective
+ur ally
+Ġrecover ing
+Ġcort ex
+Ġ14 4
+cl osed
+Ġprejud ice
+aun ted
+Ġstorm s
+Ġmach inery
+Add ress
+Ġcompe lled
+27 0
+Ġdesp air
+b ane
+Ġveget able
+Ġbed s
+Lear n
+Ġcolor ful
+Ġsp ike
+Ġmarg ins
+Ġsymp athy
+Ġworks hop
+S at
+Ġburn s
+ĠG ender
+Ġ12 9
+ĠC able
+Ġdeb ts
+ĠThe resa
+Ġreflect ing
+Ġa irst
+Ġr im
+ram id
+Ġweakness es
+W rit
+ogg le
+t i
+ĠCh arge
+Ġwe ighed
+Ġ( .
+Ġl aughter
+Ġrou ter
+ĠDemocr acy
+D ear
+Ġhas ht
+Ġd y
+Ġhint s
+run ning
+Ġfin ishes
+ar us
+M ass
+res ult
+asc us
+Ġv intage
+Ġcon qu
+Ġwild ly
+ac ist
+Ġl ingu
+Ġprot agonist
+st rom
+te enth
+ĠSol o
+m ac
+f illed
+Ġre nown
+it ives
+Ġmot ive
+ĠAnt ar
+ĠM ann
+ĠAd just
+Ġrock ets
+Ġtrou bling
+e i
+Ġorgan isms
+ass is
+Christ ian
+Ġ14 5
+ĠH ass
+Ġsw all
+Ġw ax
+ĠSurv ival
+V S
+ĠM urd
+v d
+stand ard
+Ġdrag ons
+Ġacceler ation
+r ational
+f inal
+Ġp aired
+ĠE thereum
+Ġinterf aces
+Ġres ent
+Ġartif acts
+Å «
+are l
+Ġcompet itor
+ĠNich olas
+ĠSur face
+c pp
+ĠT ot
+Ġeconom ically
+Ġorgan ised
+Ġen forced
+in ho
+Ġvar ieties
+Ġab dom
+ĠBa iley
+id av
+ĠSal v
+p aid
+Ġalt itude
+ess ert
+ĠG utenberg
+are a
+op oulos
+Ġprofess ors
+igg s
+ĠF ate
+he y
+Ġ3 000
+D ist
+Ġtw ins
+c ill
+ĠM aps
+Ġtra ps
+Ġwe ed
+ĠK iss
+Ġy oga
+Ġrecip ients
+ĠWest minster
+Ġpool s
+ĠWal mart
+18 8
+ĠSchool s
+att ack
+par agraph
+W arning
+j l
+Ġself ish
+anche z
+ĠHe ights
+F re
+ĠS oph
+Ġ --------------------------------
+t ml
+33 3
+Ġraid s
+Ġsatell ites
+Ġlast s
+Ñ Ĥ
+In s
+ĠD ame
+Ġunp redict
+// /
+gh ai
+Ġart illery
+Ġcru ise
+Ġg el
+ĠCabin et
+Ġbl ows
+ĠE sp
+Ġprox imity
+ot he
+ĠSk ills
+ĠU pper
+ob o
+Ġenjoy s
+Ġrepe ating
+ĠConst ruction
+ĠQuest ions
+H illary
+Ġu int
+Ġprocess ors
+ĠGib son
+ĠMult iple
+q a
+ĠB om
+ĠM iles
+vent ional
+Ġhur ts
+s kin
+Ġadvis ers
+ĠR oot
+Ġmethod ology
+ĠD ale
+Ġdet on
+ĠKnow ledge
+sequ ently
+Ġ12 1
+Ġconnect s
+C y
+ĠD anger
+Ġcontribut ors
+ĠB ent
+Ġbr ass
+ĠGun s
+int o
+ĠFort une
+Ġbro ker
+bal ance
+Ġlength s
+Ġv ic
+Ġaver aging
+Ġappropri ately
+ĠCamer a
+Ġsand wich
+Ġcoord inate
+Ġnav ig
+Ġgood ness
+l aim
+Ġbra ke
+Ġextrem ist
+ĠW ake
+ĠM end
+ĠT iny
+ĠD ual
+ĠW ine
+C ase
+Ġref ined
+Ġl amp
+L ead
+Ġb apt
+ĠCar b
+ĠS add
+ĠMin neapolis
+Ear ly
+ĠH idden
+I ts
+Ġp ap
+Ġcommission ed
+ĠF ew
+ĠCol ts
+ĠB ren
+Ġbot hered
+Ġlike wise
+Ex per
+ĠSch w
+c ry
+n n
+ĠM itch
+im on
+M G
+b m
+r ays
+Ġregist ry
+Ġ2 70
+ach ine
+re lla
+ant ing
+00 000
+Ġru ined
+sp ot
+Ġt a
+Ġmaxim ize
+Ġincon ven
+D ead
+H uman
+En abled
+ĠMar ie
+Ġch ill
+ĠParad ise
+Ġstar ring
+ĠLat ino
+ĠProt ocol
+Ġsuppl iers
+m essage
+ĠBro ck
+Ġser um
+âĸĪâĸĪ âĸĪâĸĪ
+Ġen comp
+Ġamb ition
+ues e
+Ġar rows
+And rew
+Ġanten na
+Ġ19 61
+ĠB ark
+Ġb ool
+ãĤ ª
+ĠSt orage
+Ġrail way
+Ġtoug her
+ĠC ad
+Ġwas hing
+P y
+' ]
+em bed
+ĠMem phis
+ack le
+Ġfam ously
+ĠF ortunately
+ov ies
+Ġmind set
+Ġsne ak
+ĠD h
+ĠSim pson
+Ġliv est
+Ġland mark
+Ġc ement
+L ow
+Ġthr illed
+ĠCour se
+in el
+Ġch uck
+id ate
+gl obal
+Ġwh it
+Ġ �
+ad ays
+s ki
+Ġvir uses
+30 6
+ĠResp ons
+Ġthe aters
+ĠBr anch
+ĠGene va
+Ġunbel iev
+Ġcommun ist
+Orig inal
+ĠRe ceived
+ĠTrans fer
+ĠAr g
+In put
+ĠStr ategy
+Ġpal ace
+the ning
+D ri
+Ġsent encing
+umbn ail
+Ġp ins
+re cy
+Ġs iblings
+Get ting
+ĠNorth west
+Ġprolong ed
+ĠSak ura
+C omb
+ĠB our
+Ġinadequ ate
+ĠK ash
+Ġus ername
+ĠImpro ve
+Ġbatt ling
+Ġcurric ulum
+Ġs oda
+ĠC annon
+Ġsens ible
+sp ons
+De cember
+Ġw icked
+ĠP engu
+Ġdict ators
+ĠHe arts
+og yn
+Ġsimilar ities
+ĠSt ats
+Ġh ollow
+it ations
+": [
+Ġh over
+ĠList en
+s ch
+S und
+Ġc ad
+ĠPar ks
+Ġl ur
+Ġhy pe
+ĠL em
+is ure
+Fr iday
+Ġshoot s
+Ġclos es
+Ġd b
+ĠR idge
+ĠDiff erent
+Ġrepl ies
+ĠBroad way
+op ers
+Ġint oler
+ĠZe us
+akes pe
+Ġpropri etary
+Ġrequest ing
+Ġcontro llers
+im edia
+be cca
+Ġexp ans
+Ġoil s
+B ot
+ĠCh and
+Ġpr inter
+Ġto pped
+ĠEar lier
+S ocial
+av in
+Ġdecre ases
+ĠSe b
+Ġspecific ations
+ĠBl ast
+ĠK urt
+Ġfre el
+B rown
+Ġdil ig
+ro e
+ĠPro blem
+ĠQu ad
+Ġdecent ral
+ĠV ector
+an ut
+Ġplug ins
+ĠGreg ory
+Ġfuck ed
+el ines
+ĠAmb assador
+t ake
+Ġcle ans
+ong yang
+An onymous
+st ro
+" }
+al ine
+ĠO dd
+ĠE ug
+2 16
+Ġbo il
+ĠP owers
+Ġnurs es
+Ob viously
+ĠTechn ical
+Ġexceed ed
+Ġextrem ists
+Ġtr aces
+ex pl
+Ġcom r
+ĠS ach
+) /
+Ġm asks
+Ġsc i
+B on
+Ġreg ression
+we gian
+Ġadvis or
+it ures
+ĠV o
+ex ample
+ĠInst ruct
+Ġs iege
+Ġredu ctions
+pt r
+Ġstat utory
+Ġrem oves
+Ġp uck
+red its
+Ġbe e
+Ġsal ad
+Ġpromot ions
+ĠJosh ua
+with standing
+ĠCh a
+im us
+Ġexpend iture
+aun ting
+Ġdelight ed
+Ġ15 5
+be h
+Ġcar pet
+ĠSp art
+Ġj ungle
+l ists
+Ġbull ying
+ĠNob el
+ĠGl en
+Ġreferen ced
+Ġintrodu ces
+se in
+Ġcho pped
+gl ass
+ĠW rest
+Ġneutral ity
+Ġâ Ļ
+Ġinvestig ator
+Ġshel ves
+Ġun constitutional
+Ġreprodu ction
+Ġmer chant
+m ia
+Ġmet rics
+Ġexplos ives
+ĠSon ia
+Ġbod ily
+Ġthick ness
+Ġpredomin antly
+ĠAb ility
+Ġmon itored
+Ġ] .
+ĠMart inez
+Ġvis ibility
+Ġqu eries
+Ġgen ocide
+ĠWar fare
+Qu ery
+Ġstud ios
+Ġemb ry
+Ġcorrid or
+Ġclean ed
+com plete
+Ġenroll ment
+Ġimpact ed
+Ġdis astrous
+ĠY un
+ĠCl aire
+ĠBas ically
+y t
+uster ity
+Ġindirect ly
+w ik
+Ġd od
+ĠCar r
+Ġam p
+Ġprohib it
+ĠIn itial
+ĠR d
+ij i
+Ġeduc ate
+c orn
+i ott
+ĠBeaut y
+Ġdetect ive
+ĠCon n
+s ince
+Ġst agger
+Ġob ese
+Ġb ree
+olog ic
+is se
+walk er
+Ġbl ades
+Ġlaw ful
+fun c
+ĠBeh ind
+Ġappet ite
+Ġ( *
+Ġt ennis
+Ġoff spring
+Ġj ets
+Ġstruct ured
+Ġafore mentioned
+N ov
+Ġsc aling
+f ill
+Ġst ew
+Ġcur b
+ĠStep han
+ed In
+S F
+ob ic
+é ŃĶ
+ou g
+Ġgen etically
+ope z
+13 6
+Ġu mb
+anc ers
+Ġcoh ort
+Ġmerch andise
+Ġimp osing
+ĠLegisl ature
+ĠArch ive
+iv ia
+ĠN aval
+Ġoff ences
+Ġmir acle
+Ġsn apped
+Ġf oes
+Ġextensive ly
+ĠR af
+Ġc ater
+ed ience
+K it
+ĠB in
+Ġrecomm ends
+ĠC ities
+Ġrig id
+ĠNob le
+ĠT ian
+Ġcertific ates
+ant is
+o iler
+ĠBudd hist
+d id
+Ġsurvey ed
+Ġdown ward
+Ġprint s
+ĠMot ion
+ron ics
+ĠS ans
+oss ibly
+u ctions
+Ġcolon ies
+ĠDan ish
+un it
+Ġsp oil
+Ġadvis ory
+ber ries
+Pl an
+Ġspecific ation
+op hers
+ĠRes ource
+Ġsh irts
+prising ly
+commun ications
+Ġtriv ial
+Ġmention ing
+ise xual
+Ġsupp lements
+Ġsuper vision
+B P
+v or
+Ġw it
+Ġco oldown
+Ġplaint iff
+ĠReview s
+ĠS ri
+ĠM int
+ĠSug ar
+Ġafter ward
+ĠPri est
+ĠInvest ment
+og ene
+ĠT aking
+Ġstretch ing
+Ġinflamm ation
+ĠTe hran
+Ġl ining
+Ġfree zing
+ĠEnt ity
+Ġins piring
+spe cial
+pr ice
+Ġsu e
+ĠP orter
+oun ge
+ĠD erek
+ĠLu is
+u o
+ym ph
+Ġex terior
+ih il
+ĠAsh ley
+in ator
+Ġnut rients
+ĠTh rones
+Ġfin ances
+ĠIn spect
+Ġspe cially
+ĠRequ ired
+ĠViol ence
+oint ed
+sh ots
+Ġex cerpt
+co on
+ĠG ri
+Ġrecogn ised
+We ek
+You ng
+Ġv om
+is le
+ĠCur ry
+ĠBudd h
+Ġnot ebook
+Ġd urable
+/ ?
+ĠG ad
+ĠP upp
+Ġforg ive
+p ark
+Ġpersonal ities
+an alysis
+cl amation
+Ġelev ator
+Ġware house
+ĠR ole
+un n
+Ġillust ration
+ĠSc an
+Ġatmosp heric
+Im port
+rict ed
+f u
+01 0
+Ġar che
+Ġreward ed
+akespe are
+Ġintern ally
+alk er
+Ġeleph ant
+ow itz
+ĠP izza
+Ġbip artisan
+é s
+Ġslow ed
+ĠSt ark
+Ġover ride
+Ġ3 20
+undred s
+ĠDe ck
+ĠC ensus
+be e
+14 6
+ot or
+Ġ ip
+Ġu b
+oc ations
+ĠBut ton
+r ice
+Ġc ripp
+ff f
+Ġorig inated
+Ġoverwhel med
+app a
+Ġfore most
+âĢ ij
+re lease
+eat ured
+at ches
+Ġre ps
+Ġl ending
+ĠRe ference
+ĠCl ient
+16 5
+vent h
+Com plete
+ĠPat rol
+Ġsw orn
+c am
+Ġshut tle
+ĠR alph
+Ġh ometown
+- ,
+on al
+å ı
+Ġpersu ade
+ĠAlex and
+Ġcomb ines
+Ġv ivid
+ĠL ag
+Ġenc oding
+Ġsal vation
+w en
+ĠRec overy
+i ya
+Un iversity
+ĠB iden
+Ġbud gets
+ĠTex ans
+f its
+Ġhon ored
+Ġp ython
+T D
+## #
+cl one
+Ġbl ink
+ĠL iquid
+Ġunemploy ed
+Ġcl ashes
+ĠCoun sel
+Ġdirect ing
+Ġpun ct
+ĠFal cons
+Ġsh ark
+ĠDam ascus
+Ġje ans
+Ġemb ark
+Ġse ize
+Ġup wards
+2 80
+ĠE z
+ĠAny thing
+Ġex otic
+l ower
+ĠCreat or
+ĠU m
+Ġsubur bs
+ber ger
+ĠW end
+Ġm int
+ĠD ro
+Ġsuff ers
+Ġher b
+t ree
+Ġfrag ile
+Ġflood ed
+ĠAl cohol
+ole an
+ny der
+F ram
+Ġ13 6
+Ġow ed
+ĠMe lee
+ĠH ash
+Ġwh isk
+Ġsu do
+r r
+Qu ick
+app ro
+Ġi i
+ĠEx amples
+he e
+Ġpromot es
+per ature
+k ar
+ĠHon or
+Ġs odium
+ĠL if
+ros so
+intend ent
+Ġcorrespond ent
+F ound
+sec ret
+Ġident ifies
+ag ne
+Ġl ou
+Ġcoinc idence
+m ove
+Ġmilit ia
+Ġinf iltr
+ĠPrim ary
+Ġpitch ing
+ĠI b
+ãĤ ¸
+ĠW izards
+ir al
+ĠVen us
+R R
+ĠâĢ ķ
+ĠCase y
+Ġsad ly
+Ġadm ire
+Ġembarrass ed
+c b
+M el
+Ġtub es
+Ġbeaut ifully
+ĠQueens land
+Bel ow
+re z
+qu et
+ple asant
+ĠÂ «
+C amp
+Ġdec isive
+19 98
+ĠL amb
+ut ton
+h n
+ĠJ agu
+au nder
+ĠC ord
+Ġcl erk
+Ġca ffe
+Ġwip ed
+Ġre im
+ĠMount ains
+Ġimprison ed
+Ġdevelop s
+ĠP ra
+Ġmodel ing
+Any one
+ance l
+ĠS it
+Ġshield s
+Ġl awn
+Ġcard iovascular
+Ġdemonstr ating
+Ġpar se
+ĠIsrael is
+Ġeuro s
+14 3
+Ġgl orious
+ins ki
+ec d
+Ġcondition ing
+Ġhel pless
+Ġmicro sc
+ĠHar bor
+Ġst akes
+Ġ2 60
+Ġun equ
+ĠFl oyd
+Ġd amp
+Ġappar atus
+ĠLaw s
+Ġcoun ters
+Ġindu ce
+at able
+ĠAh med
+Ġsl am
+N ovember
+Ġpers ist
+Ġim minent
+á n
+Ġsh red
+Ġph ases
+ĠEd monton
+ĠArm strong
+ĠMe et
+ĠK itty
+Ñ Ģ
+c irc
+ĠAd ult
+Ġa rose
+ĠX en
+D an
+g ow
+Ġsuper f
+ĠAd mir
+Ġend ure
+Ġkey word
+yr us
+Ġy arn
+Ġpath way
+ĠHop kins
+mid t
+Ġcens orship
+d ependent
+Ġinstruct or
+S ources
+Ġto e
+Ġball oon
+N ob
+Ġsw ear
+ĠCast ro
+Ġgl oss
+ĠK avanaugh
+Ġremark ably
+Ph otos
+ĠN om
+ĠS outheast
+y ers
+Ġvalid ation
+Ġcann on
+ĠVict ory
+ĠPier re
+Ġcaut ious
+Aud io
+Ġf etch
+ĠG ift
+ĠH yp
+Ġrem edy
+Z E
+Ġsc ent
+Ġbe ard
+ĠR ut
+- "
+Ġpat ents
+H y
+Ġun just
+Ġpot ato
+Ġforth coming
+Ġche f
+ĠR ift
+aff e
+ĠL aunch
+Ġp ads
+ĠNe o
+Ġon set
+Ġsquee ze
+s afe
+Ġpref ix
+ĠN early
+ĠClin ical
+ĠM ental
+ot iation
+ĠUn ic
+ant ry
+ĠC ir
+Ġep it
+Ã ¦
+Ġextract ed
+verse ly
+ri ad
+Ġstr ains
+Ġto ps
+Ġpo em
+ĠRand y
+ĠMap le
+up iter
+ļ é
+Ġun con
+per ing
+Ġsle pt
+in ers
+Ġunder water
+ĠEv idence
+g one
+20 5
+Ġhistor ians
+Ġsynt hesis
+Ġf rog
+b asketball
+Ġvibr ant
+Ġsub ord
+Ġ3 65
+ĠD ial
+Ġcooper ate
+Ġgreet ed
+15 8
+Ġj azz
+Ġinto x
+ĠWalk ing
+Ġsuper visor
+ĠF usion
+ĠMer cedes
+s end
+H am
+s d
+n l
+Ġtour s
+Ġcul p
+g d
+30 4
+Ġple as
+Ġillust rates
+ĠColomb ia
+Ġhighlight ing
+ĠSum mary
+Ġexp osing
+ĠD ru
+Ġir ony
+r itional
+ĠCar roll
+ĠEll is
+P ict
+ĠR apt
+Ġad apter
+Ġun m
+Ġcor pse
+Ġceleb rities
+D en
+at um
+ĠAp ocalypse
+ĠW ag
+lin ing
+Ġhorm ones
+R ub
+ĠX i
+ĠV aults
+20 8
+alky rie
+inos aur
+Ġfeed s
+v ity
+Ġdefe ating
+W ait
+Ġemphas ize
+ĠSteel ers
+yr inth
+le ys
+ĠWhe never
+Current ly
+ĠCl ock
+Ġcollect ively
+any on
+Ġment ality
+Ġdownload s
+Ġsurround ings
+ĠBarn es
+Ġflags hip
+Ġindic ators
+Ġgra pp
+Jan uary
+ĠElement al
+ĠAthen a
+ib al
+Ġs ights
+Ġcap ita
+ĠTreat y
+Ġvo iced
+ĠG az
+let te
+Ġy a
+Ġexp ired
+Leg end
+H ot
+n ature
+Ġunst able
+Ġ2 80
+Ã º
+Com ment
+Ġquest s
+Ġhand ler
+n is
+Ġvers atile
+Ġconce al
+enge ance
+ĠInter active
+Ġobs essed
+ĠDog s
+Ġcr acked
+S ound
+s v
+ĠD ylan
+ro ads
+f x
+ĠCath olics
+ĠH ag
+Ġsl ammed
+Ġgl owing
+s ale
+Ġtiss ues
+ĠCh i
+ne e
+Ġc her
+s ic
+ur rection
+Ġb acon
+ul atory
+) ."
+Ġir regular
+ass ed
+Ġintention al
+Ġcompens ate
+ĠSpe aking
+ĠS ets
+15 3
+Ġconvent ions
+b ands
+em ade
+Ġe cc
+ĠWin ston
+ĠAssass in
+ĠBelg ian
+Ġdepend ence
+Ġnic he
+Ġb ark
+ĠJ azz
+Ġdisadvant age
+Ġgas oline
+Ġ16 5
+çļ Ħ
+ess a
+mod ule
+ang ular
+O Y
+ĠTreat ment
+it as
+ol ation
+ĠArn old
+Ġfe ud
+ĠN est
+Ġthe atre
+ew ater
+Ġmin ors
+olic y
+ĠH aven
+div ision
+Ġtr unk
+F ar
+ĠP ull
+Ġcapt uring
+Ġ18 00
+ĠTe en
+Ġex empl
+Ġclin ics
+ĠB urg
+Ġsubst it
+Ġpay load
+ĠL av
+ĠT roy
+ĠW itness
+Ġfrag ments
+Ġpass words
+Ġg ospel
+ĠG in
+Ġten ants
+ol ith
+S ix
+Pre vious
+ĠAg es
+ĠDar win
+Ġbl at
+Ġem pathy
+sm ith
+b ag
+ĠE cho
+ĠC amb
+ĠM add
+ĠB oo
+Ġred e
+ĠBurn ing
+Ġsmooth ly
+ĠAd rian
+ĠV ampire
+ĠMon sters
+ste am
+Sty le
+M a
+re a
+ĠD war
+aly st
+urs or
+Ġelim ination
+Ġcrypt o
+ch t
+ĠE ternal
+âĢ¦ ]
+ĠS orce
+I ll
+Ġu h
+Con clusion
+w age
+Ġresp ir
+Ġrem inis
+het ical
+Ġg y
+Ġutil ized
+ic idal
+Ġ19 00
+Ġhun ters
+ĠSw an
+ĠRe act
+Ġvis itor
+ĠThanks giving
+30 8
+Post s
+Ġh ips
+19 97
+om ers
+Ġkn ocking
+ĠVeh icle
+Ġt il
+Ġ13 8
+Ġm i
+ĠInvest igation
+ĠKen ya
+Ġcas ino
+Ġmot ives
+Ġreg ain
+re x
+Ġweek ends
+Ġstab bed
+bor o
+Ġexplo ited
+ĠTe levision
+c ock
+Ġprepar ations
+Ġende av
+ĠRem ote
+ĠM aker
+ĠPro du
+ĠEv an
+Ġinform ational
+ĠLouis ville
+15 4
+ĠDream s
+Ġpl ots
+ĠRun ner
+Ġhur ting
+Ġacad emy
+ĠMont gomery
+n m
+ĠL anc
+ĠAl z
+2 10
+el ong
+Ġretail er
+Ġar ising
+Ġrebell ion
+Ġbl onde
+play ed
+Ġinstrument al
+C ross
+Ġret ention
+Ġtherape utic
+Ġse as
+Ġinfant ry
+ĠCl int
+Ġprompt ing
+Ġbit ch
+Ġst ems
+ĠK ra
+Ġthe sis
+ĠB og
+ru ed
+Ġk ings
+Ġcl ay
+ific ent
+ĠTh ing
+ĠCub s
+vey ard
+els h
+in arily
+ĠE y
+ĠRoll ing
+Ġev olving
+Ind ia
+Ġrecogn izes
+Ġgrad uation
+is ers
+Ġfert ility
+ĠMil an
+Comm and
+Ġbox ing
+Ġ19 43
+Ġgl uten
+ĠEm ir
+Ġid ol
+Ġcon ceived
+ĠCre ation
+Mer it
+udd y
+uss ions
+ĠLie utenant
+iet al
+Ġunch anged
+ĠSc ale
+ĠCrime a
+ball s
+ator ial
+Ġdepth s
+Ġempir ical
+Ġtrans m
+Ġuns afe
+miss ible
+com fort
+15 6
+Ġmechan ic
+00 2
+l ins
+Ġsm oked
+P os
+Ġslow ing
+Ġl av
+Tex as
+Ġche ating
+ĠMet ropolitan
+eth yl
+Ġdiscover ing
+as se
+Ġpen cil
+ĠPy ongyang
+Ġclos et
+ĠShe et
+ĠEnt ry
+ou stic
+Ġmy st
+er ate
+ari at
+Ġminer als
+Ġmusic ian
+ĠP ul
+ĠM az
+24 9
+Ġper missions
+Ġ iv
+en ary
+ick ers
+ĠB ing
+he a
+en able
+Ġgri ev
+Ġassert ed
+ĠColon el
+Ġaff idav
+w o
+Ġse ated
+ĠR ide
+Ġpaint ings
+ĠP ix
+Ġ13 7
+ish i
+umb ai
+g otten
+ĠEar l
+Ġin ning
+Ġc ensus
+Ġtrave lled
+ĠCons ult
+18 5
+b ind
+Ġsimpl icity
+Ġoverlook ed
+ĠHelp ful
+Ġmon key
+Ġoverwhelming ly
+Bl ood
+ĠFl int
+ĠJ ama
+ĠPres ent
+ĠR age
+pt ive
+Ġturn out
+w ald
+ĠD olphins
+Ġon ion
+Ġcraft ing
+m ma
+ĠMerc ury
+Ġarr ange
+Ġalert s
+zb ollah
+Ġg ases
+ĠRichards on
+s al
+l ar
+Ġfro st
+Ġlower ing
+Ġacc laim
+Ġstart ups
+ĠG ain
+ess ment
+Ġguard ian
+äº º
+ĠP ie
+ĠL inks
+Ġmer its
+Ġaw ake
+Ġparent al
+Ġexceed s
+Ġid le
+ĠPil ot
+Ġe Bay
+ĠAc cept
+ipe g
+C am
+ĠK ot
+Ġtrad ers
+olit ics
+unk er
+ĠP ale
+os i
+an mar
+Ġ19 47
+ĠF ell
+est ial
+it ating
+G F
+ĠS r
+if ted
+Ġconnect or
+ĠB one
+ill es
+2 60
+h ma
+Ġoverl ap
+ĠGit Hub
+Ġclean er
+ĠBapt ist
+Ġlung s
+Ñ ģ
+Ġc ite
+Ġpit ched
+reat ment
+Ġtro phies
+ĠN u
+38 6
+ĠPr ide
+Ġattend ees
+[ ]
+17 9
+Ġspat ial
+Ġpri zes
+ĠRel igion
+Ġshow case
+ĠC ategory
+vid ia
+T arget
+Pro perty
+? ,
+Ġf usion
+p ie
+Ġsound track
+Ġprin cess
+ĠC aval
+sh ould
+Ġlim bs
+Back ground
+Ġlone ly
+Ġc ores
+ĠT ail
+she et
+Ġ13 2
+R a
+ãĤ «
+ĠB olt
+Ġbook ed
+Ġadmin ister
+Ġequ als
+w y
+Ġobserv ing
+ĠBar on
+ĠAd obe
+Ġv irgin
+ĠSocial ist
+M ove
+gh azi
+ĠLind a
+2 12
+Ġbre wing
+Ġmerch ants
+bur se
+Ġdiv or
+Ġmet als
+ĠN er
+Ġsum s
+ĠEn emy
+Ġen vision
+Ġgrant ing
+ĠH oney
+ĠSk yrim
+Ġsoc io
+gr aded
+Ġselect ive
+Ġ19 48
+ĠSir ius
+ĠG ross
+act ivity
+ĠI van
+Ġfur ious
+ĠPre vious
+Ġrespons ive
+Ġchar itable
+Ġle aning
+ĠP ew
+Ġviol ates
+\\\\ \\\\
+ĠCom ing
+w ire
+Ġpo et
+Ġres olutions
+comm and
+ĠPortug uese
+Ġnick name
+Ġde af
+Feb ruary
+Ġrecogn ise
+Ġentire ty
+Ġseason al
+pl aced
+ĠTe legraph
+Ġmicro phone
+our ing
+Ġgr ains
+Ġgovern ed
+Ġpost p
+ĠW aters
+in ement
+Ġund ocumented
+ĠCom cast
+Ġf ox
+Ġassault s
+re on
+man y
+ĠJen kins
+ĠAny way
+Ġassess ments
+Ġdown s
+ĠM ouse
+Ġsuper b
+k t
+ĠD ow
+Ġtax ation
+4 01
+Ġsm iles
+Ġundert aken
+Ġex h
+Ġenthusi astic
+Ġtw ent
+Ġgovernment al
+Ġautonom y
+ĠTechn ologies
+ĠCh ain
+Ġpreval ent
+f b
+Ġnic otine
+og ram
+j ob
+Ġawa iting
+ĠMen u
+Ġdep uties
+k ov
+ish ops
+But ton
+ĠShan ghai
+Ġdies el
+ĠD uck
+R yan
+ĠPC s
+N F
+j ury
+ent e
+Ġinacc urate
+edd y
+Wh atever
+Ġshow c
+ĠN ad
+od us
+et r
+Ġplaint iffs
+ĠAss ange
+Ġpriv at
+Ġpremium s
+Ġt am
+Ġel ites
+ĠR anger
+otten ham
+ĠH off
+ĠAt hens
+Ġdefin ite
+Ġs ighed
+Ġeven ly
+2 11
+ĠAm ber
+ak ia
+Ġmail ing
+Ġcr ashing
+ĠConfeder ate
+ru gged
+W al
+ĠDep ths
+Ġjuven ile
+Ġreact or
+Introdu ction
+ĠDel uxe
+19 95
+ĠS anchez
+ĠM ead
+iv able
+: -
+ĠPlan ning
+ĠT rap
+qu in
+ĠProt ect
+ve red
+In formation
+Ġkid ney
+inn amon
+l as
+Ġpolic ing
+Ġtoler ate
+ĠQ i
+Ġbi ased
+F ort
+ĠK i
+s ave
+Ġprivile ged
+Ġbe asts
+ĠGl as
+ĠC inem
+Ġcome back
+Sund ay
+Ġext inction
+h ops
+Ġtrans mit
+Ġdoub les
+ĠFl at
+16 7
+Ġdis puted
+Ġinjust ice
+f oo
+V ict
+role um
+ĠJul ie
+Con text
+ĠR arity
+iss ue
+Comp onent
+Ġcounsel ing
+an ne
+d ark
+Ġobject ions
+u ilt
+Ġg ast
+Ġpl ac
+Ġun used
+ãĥ ĩ
+ĠT rial
+ĠJ as
+hed ral
+ob b
+Ġtempor al
+ĠAnn iversary
+L arge
+Ġther m
+Ġd avid
+Ġsystem ic
+ĠSh ir
+m ut
+ĠNe pt
+add ress
+Ġscan ning
+Ġunderstand able
+Ġcan vas
+C at
+ĠZ oo
+Ġang els
+L O
+ĠStat ement
+ĠS ig
+ov able
+ĠA way
+sh aring
+ocr ats
+st ated
+Ġweigh ing
+N or
+w ild
+B ey
+Ġaston ishing
+ĠReyn olds
+Ġop ener
+Ġtrain er
+Ġsurg ical
+p n
+Ġadjust ing
+whe el
+Ġf rown
+erv ative
+Ġsusp end
+With in
+te in
+Ġobst acle
+Ġliber ties
+ym es
+Ġur anium
+ans om
+an ol
+ub a
+ĠL oss
+Ġa rous
+ĠHend erson
+W ow
+s pl
+c ur
+Ġtheir s
+Dam age
+Ġdownload ing
+Ġdisc ern
+ĠSt o
+ĠFl a
+Ġh ath
+ĠA j
+Ġun pleasant
+Europe an
+exp ensive
+Ġscreens hot
+Ġall ied
+ĠPers ian
+Ġmonop oly
+Ġat om
+ĠReds kins
+"> <
+Ġcan cell
+Ġcinem a
+13 1
+f air
+ĠAlf red
+Ġd uck
+arg s
+22 3
+Ġsign aling
+in ar
+Ġlaugh s
+Ġfor wards
+Ġreck less
+Ġlisten ers
+at ivity
+Ġvast ly
+n ant
+L ess
+ĠHun ting
+ĠScient ific
+Ġkn ight
+us a
+t mp
+Ġr ude
+ĠLegend ary
+Ġar ises
+B ad
+ĠCl aim
+pe g
+Ġreal ities
+Th ink
+ĠÂ °
+Ġro de
+Ġstri ve
+Ġan ecd
+Ġshort s
+Ġhypot hes
+Ġcoord inated
+ĠGand hi
+Ġsuscept ible
+Ġshr ink
+ĠCh art
+Hel p
+Ġ ion
+de ep
+rib es
+ĠK ai
+ĠCustom er
+Sum mary
+Ġc ough
+w ife
+Ġl end
+Ġposition ing
+Ġlot tery
+ĠC anyon
+Ġf ade
+Ġbron ze
+ĠKenn y
+Ġbo asts
+ĠEnh anced
+rec ord
+Ġemer gence
+Ġa kin
+ĠB ert
+it ous
+âĸ ij
+Ġst ip
+Ġexch anged
+om ore
+als h
+Ġreserv oir
+Ġstand point
+W M
+Ġiniti ate
+Ġdec ay
+Ġbrew ery
+Ġter ribly
+Ġmort al
+lev ard
+Ġrev is
+N I
+el o
+Ġconf ess
+Ġsub missions
+Cont roller
+Ġ20 2
+ĠR uth
+} );
+ĠAz ure
+Ġ ."
+20 6
+ĠMarket ing
+Ġl aund
+ien cies
+Ġrenown ed
+ĠT rou
+ble ms
+Ġterr ified
+Ġwar ns
+Ġper t
+Ġuns ure
+4 80
+ale z
+ult z
+ĠOut side
+Ġst yl
+ĠUnder ground
+Ġp anc
+Ġd ictionary
+Ġf oe
+rim inal
+ĠNor wegian
+Ġj ailed
+Ġm aternal
+é e
+ĠLu cy
+c op
+Ch o
+Ġuns igned
+ĠZe lda
+ĠIns ider
+ĠContin ued
+Ġ13 3
+ĠNar uto
+ĠMajor ity
+16 9
+ĠW o
+ãĤ ĵ
+Ġpast or
+Ġinform al
+Ð ½
+an throp
+jo in
+ãģ Ĺ
+it ational
+N P
+ĠWrit ing
+f n
+ĠB ever
+19 5
+Ġy elling
+Ġdr astically
+Ġe ject
+Ġne ut
+Ġth rive
+ĠFre qu
+ou x
+Ġpossess es
+ĠSen ators
+ĠSh akespeare
+ĠFran co
+uch i
+Ġinc arn
+Ġfound ers
+F unction
+Ġbright ness
+Ġwh ale
+ĠThe ater
+m ass
+ĠD oll
+S omething
+Ġecho ed
+ĠHe x
+c rit
+af ia
+Ġgodd ess
+Ġele ven
+ĠPre view
+ĠAur ora
+Ġ4 01
+uls ive
+ĠLog an
+in burgh
+ĠCent ers
+ĠA id
+Ġparad ox
+Ġh urd
+D ue
+c ourt
+Ġoff ended
+Ġeval uating
+ĠMatthew s
+Ġto mb
+Ġpay roll
+Ġextra ction
+ĠH ands
+if i
+Ġsuper natural
+] =
+dog s
+Ġ5 12
+ĠMe eting
+Rich ard
+ĠMax imum
+Ġide als
+Th ings
+m and
+ĠReg ardless
+Ġhum ili
+b uffer
+L ittle
+ĠD ani
+ĠN ak
+Ġliber ation
+ĠA be
+Ġstuff ed
+ac a
+ind a
+raph ic
+Ġmos qu
+Ġcampaign ing
+Ġoccup y
+S qu
+r ina
+ĠW el
+Ġphys ic
+Ġp uls
+r int
+oad ed
+ĠArch ives
+Ġven ues
+h ner
+ĠTur bo
+Ġl ust
+Ġappeal ed
+que z
+il ib
+ĠTim othy
+Ġo mn
+d ro
+Ġobs ession
+ĠSav age
+19 96
+Gl obal
+J es
+2 14
+Ġsl iding
+Ġdisapp ro
+ĠMag ical
+Ġvolunt arily
+g b
+ane y
+Ġprop het
+ĠRe in
+ĠJul ia
+ĠW orth
+aur us
+Ġb ounds
+ie u
+)) )
+Ġcro re
+ĠCitiz en
+S ky
+Ġcolumn ist
+Ġseek ers
+ond o
+ĠL ength
+Ġnost alg
+Ġnew com
+Ġdet rim
+ent ric
+3 75
+Ġaut op
+Ġacadem ics
+App Data
+ĠS hen
+Ġid iot
+ĠTrans it
+Ġteasp oon
+W il
+K O
+ĠCom edy
+> ,
+Ġpop ulated
+W D
+Ġp igs
+ĠO culus
+Ġsymp athetic
+Ġmar athon
+19 8
+Ġseiz ure
+s ided
+Ġd op
+irt ual
+L and
+ĠFl oor
+osa urs
+... ]
+Ġl os
+Ġsubsid iary
+E Y
+ĠPart s
+ĠSt ef
+ĠJud iciary
+Ġ13 4
+Ġmir rors
+Ġk et
+t imes
+Ġneuro log
+Ġc av
+ĠGu est
+Ġtum or
+sc ill
+ĠLl oyd
+E st
+Ġcle arer
+Ġstere otypes
+Ġd ur
+not hing
+Red dit
+Ġnegoti ated
+---------------- --------
+23 5
+Ġfl own
+ĠSe oul
+ĠRes ident
+Ġdisappear ance
+ĠV ince
+g rown
+Ġgrab s
+r il
+ĠInf inite
+ĠTw enty
+Ġpedest rian
+Ġjer sey
+ĠF ur
+ĠInf inity
+ĠEll iott
+Ġment or
+Ġmor ally
+Ġob ey
+sec ure
+iff e
+Ġantib iotics
+ang led
+ĠFre eman
+ĠIntrodu ction
+J un
+Ġm arsh
+ic ans
+och ond
+W all
+icult y
+Ġmisdem eanor
+Ġl y
+Th omas
+ĠRes olution
+Ġanim ations
+ĠD ry
+Ġinter course
+ĠNew castle
+ĠH og
+ĠEqu ipment
+17 7
+Ġterrit orial
+Ġarch ives
+20 3
+Fil ter
+ĠMun ich
+Ġcommand ed
+ĠW and
+Ġpit ches
+ĠCro at
+Ġrat ios
+ĠM its
+Ġaccum ulated
+ĠSpecific ally
+Ġgentle man
+acer b
+Ġp enn
+Ġa ka
+ĠF uk
+Ġinterven e
+ĠRef uge
+ĠAlz heimer
+Ġsuccess ion
+oh an
+d oes
+L ord
+Ġsepar at
+Ġcorrespond ence
+Ġsh iny
+P rior
+Ġs ulf
+Ġmiser able
+Ġded ication
+( ).
+Ġspecial ists
+Ġdefect s
+ĠC ult
+ĠX ia
+Ġje opard
+ĠO re
+Ab ility
+Ġle ar
+Ġamb itions
+ĠArab s
+Ġ19 42
+Ġpres ervation
+ific ate
+Ġash amed
+l oss
+ĠRest aur
+Ġrese mble
+Ġen rich
+ĠCl an
+fl oat
+Ġplay able
+Ġharm ony
+arr ison
+ĠWe instein
+w ere
+Ġpoison ing
+ĠCom put
+ĠWord Press
+m ajor
+ĠVal ve
+F an
+ĠTh row
+ĠRom ans
+ĠDep ression
+ad os
+Ġtort ured
+Ġbal ancing
+bott om
+Ġacqu iring
+ĠMon te
+ard i
+Ġa ura
+Ġ# #
+ĠStand ing
+ĠAtl as
+C F
+Ġintr ins
+ĠBen ghazi
+Ġcamp ing
+Ġt apped
+bl ade
+st rous
+ĠR abb
+ĠW ritten
+t ip
+ĠNe igh
+ster dam
+ĠAll ow
+ĠHe aling
+ĠR hod
+n um
+Ġcaffe ine
+ĠPer cent
+Ġbo o
+Ġapp les
+30 5
+Ġwel coming
+Ġappl aud
+Ġa usterity
+Â ±
+ĠRe ality
+ef e
+å ®
+Ġsu cks
+Ġtab s
+ĠPay Pal
+Ġback pack
+Ġgif ted
+abul ary
+ĠSc out
+ir teen
+Ġch in
+Ġo mitted
+Ġnegative ly
+Ġaccess ing
+ĠE arn
+Ġambul ance
+Ġhead phones
+Ġ20 5
+ĠRef resh
+p resident
+ĠKit chen
+ĠEnt ered
+ĠS nyder
+00 5
+om ical
+Ġborrow ed
+ĠN em
+Ġav iation
+Ġst all
+rim ination
+Ġuniform s
+it ime
+ĠSim mons
+ener gy
+ab lished
+y y
+qual ified
+Ġrall ies
+ĠSt uart
+fl ight
+Ġgang s
+r ag
+Ġv ault
+lu x
+ĠCom par
+Ġdesign ation
+20 9
+ĠJ os
+d ollar
+z ero
+Ġwell s
+30 3
+Ġconstitu ents
+Ġhe ck
+Ġc ows
+Ġcommand ers
+Ġdifferent ial
+ĠC atherine
+29 9
+Ġval ve
+Ġbr ace
+Ġperspect ives
+c ert
+f act
+icular ly
+ĠMc N
+pl anes
+Ġint ric
+Ġpe as
+ov an
+Ġtoss ed
+ret ch
+ĠL opez
+Ġunf amiliar
+de ath
+ĠA part
+ĠCh ang
+Ġrelie ved
+rop he
+Ġair ports
+Ġfre ak
+ut il
+M ill
+ĠCh in
+ĠOw en
+m ale
+ĠBro ken
+ĠWind s
+ro b
+r ising
+Ġfire fighters
+Ġauthor itarian
+Ġ14 8
+Bit coin
+ex ternal
+Ġbrow sers
+iche ver
+or ian
+Ġun b
+Ġpo ke
+ĠZ ot
+M id
+ĠPop ular
+Ġco vert
+Ġcont ributes
+Ġ6 50
+Ġcont ention
+G ate
+Ġcons oles
+Ġchrom os
+Ġvis ually
+ĠE isen
+Ġjewel ry
+Ġdeleg ation
+Ġacceler ate
+ĠR iley
+Ġsl ope
+Ġind oor
+it ially
+Ġhuge ly
+Ġtun nels
+Ġfin ed
+Ġdirect ive
+Ġfore head
+ustom ed
+Ġsk ate
+Mus ic
+g as
+Ġrecogn izing
+am bo
+Ġover weight
+ĠGr ade
+Ù Ĭ
+Ġsound ing
+Ġlock ing
+St ore
+Ġexc av
+ĠLike wise
+ĠL ights
+Ġel bow
+ĠSupp ly
+w ic
+Ġhands ome
+19 94
+C oll
+Ġadequ ately
+ĠAssoci ate
+Ġstri ps
+Ġcrack down
+Ġmar vel
+ĠK un
+Ġpass ages
+@@ @@
+ĠT all
+Ġthought ful
+names e
+Ġprost itution
+bus iness
+Ġball istic
+person al
+c ig
+iz ational
+R ound
+ĠCole man
+Ġadm itting
+ĠPl ug
+Ġbit coins
+ĠSu z
+Ġfair ness
+Ġsupp lier
+Ġcatast rophic
+ĠHel en
+o qu
+M arc
+ĠArt icles
+g ie
+Ġend angered
+Ġdest iny
+ĠVol t
+ol ia
+ax is
+Ġche at
+Ġun ified
+qu ote
+30 2
+ĠS ed
+Ġsupp ression
+Ġanaly zing
+Ġsqu at
+Ġfig uring
+Ġcoordin ates
+Ġch unks
+Ġ19 46
+Ġsub p
+Ġw iki
+ĠFor bes
+ĠJ upiter
+ĠE rik
+im er
+ĠCom mercial
+\ )
+Ġlegitim acy
+Ġd ental
+ĠMe an
+Ġdefic its
+5 50
+Orig inally
+ĠHor ror
+Ġcontam ination
+ll ah
+Ġconf isc
+ĠCl are
+T B
+ĠF ailed
+an ed
+Ġrul er
+ĠCont roller
+Ġfemin ists
+F ix
+g ay
+20 7
+Ġr abbit
+Th ird
+ownt own
+Ġgl ue
+Ġvol atile
+Ġsh ining
+Ġf oll
+Ġimp aired
+Ġsup ers
+æ Ī
+Ġcl utch
+ļé ĨĴ
+Ġpro let
+Ġ( !
+Ġy elled
+ĠK iev
+ĠEr n
+ĠSh ock
+K B
+Ġsit uated
+qu ery
+ĠN as
+Ġan nex
+char acter
+ĠHol iday
+Ġautom ation
+ĠJ ill
+ĠRem astered
+Ġl inem
+Ġwild erness
+ĠHor izon
+ĠGu inea
+A Z
+Ġmain land
+Ġsec recy
+Ġp unk
+ĠProv ince
+( ),
+Spe ed
+Ġhand ing
+ĠSeb ast
+S ir
+r ase
+Ġj ournals
+Ġcon gest
+ĠT ut
+ir rel
+Ġschizophren ia
+Ġmis ogyn
+health y
+I ron
+Ġreact ed
+- $
+25 2
+Ġpl ural
+Ġpl um
+Ġbarg ain
+Ġground ed
+f inder
+Ġdis se
+ĠL az
+Ġat roc
+F actory
+Ġmin ions
+Ġo ri
+ĠB rave
+ĠMy anmar
+ĠH od
+Ġexped ition
+Ġexpl ode
+ĠCo ord
+Ġext r
+ĠB rief
+Ġhard core
+feed ing
+Ġd ile
+ĠF ruit
+Ġvacc ination
+ĠM ao
+osp here
+Ġcont ests
+- |
+Ġf ren
+isp here
+R om
+ĠSh arp
+ĠTre nd
+Ġdis connect
+âĢ¢ âĢ¢
+Ġper secution
+Ear th
+Ġhealth ier
+38 4
+Ġc ob
+ĠTr inity
+Ġspecial ty
+Ġg ru
+Ġcooper ative
+wh y
+Start ing
+ĠIss ues
+st re
+ens or
+Ġ18 5
+Ad v
+! ?
+ĠRe vel
+em ia
+ĠH ulk
+Ġcelebr ations
+ĠS ou
+ra ud
+ĠKle in
+Ġun real
+con text
+Ġpartners hips
+Ġadop ting
+t ical
+Ġspl ash
+ĠHe zbollah
+c ategory
+cycl op
+xt on
+ĠD ot
+urd y
+t z
+Ġenvelop e
+â ķ
+Ġwhere in
+Spe c
+18 4
+Ġte lev
+al iation
+Ġmyth s
+å °
+Ġrig orous
+Ġcommun icating
+Ġobser ver
+Ġre he
+ĠW ash
+Ġapolog ized
+ĠT in
+Ġexpend itures
+work ers
+d ocument
+Ġhes itate
+ĠLen in
+Ġunpredict able
+Ġrenew al
+cl er
+ok ia
+Ġpost season
+Tok ens
+Ġex acerb
+Ġbet ting
+Ġ14 7
+Ġelev ation
+W ood
+ĠSol omon
+19 4
+00 4
+out put
+Ġredu nd
+ĠM umbai
+Ġp H
+Ġreprodu ce
+ĠD uration
+Ġb og
+ĠBal ance
+ĠS gt
+ĠRec ent
+Ġc d
+Ġpo pped
+Ġincomp et
+pro p
+ay an
+g uy
+Pac ific
+Ġty r
+Ġ{ {
+ĠMy stic
+ĠD ana
+Ġmast urb
+Ġge ometry
+Ã ¢
+ĠCor rect
+Ġtraject ory
+Ġdistract ed
+Ġf oo
+ĠW elsh
+L uc
+m ith
+Ġrug by
+Ġrespir atory
+Ġtri angle
+Ġ2 15
+Ġunder graduate
+ĠSuper ior
+ch anging
+_ -
+Ġright ly
+Ġrefere e
+Ġluc rative
+Ġun authorized
+Ġresemb les
+ĠDer by
+Ġpath ways
+ĠL ed
+Ġend urance
+Ġst int
+Ġcollect or
+F ast
+Ġd ots
+Ġnational s
+ĠSec urities
+Ġwh ip
+Par am
+Ġlearn s
+M agic
+Ġdetail ing
+m oon
+Ġbroadcast ing
+Ġb aked
+26 5
+hol m
+ĠS ah
+ĠHus sein
+ĠCourt esy
+17 4
+Ġ14 6
+Ġge ographic
+pe ace
+Ġjud ging
+ĠS tern
+B ur
+Ġstory line
+G un
+ĠSt ick
+24 5
+30 7
+ãĤ´ ãĥ³
+ĠAdminist rator
+Ġbur nt
+Ġp ave
+ch oes
+Ex ec
+Ġcamp uses
+Res ult
+Ġmut ations
+ĠCh arter
+Ġcapt ures
+Ġcomp ares
+Ġbad ge
+S cient
+Ġer ad
+ier y
+o i
+ett es
+ĠE state
+Ġst rap
+Ġproud ly
+Ġf ried
+Ġwithd rawn
+ĠV oy
+ph ony
+It ems
+ĠP ierce
+b ard
+Ġann otation
+ant on
+ill on
+Im pro
+... )
+Ġhapp ier
+---- --
+ad just
+Ġstaff ers
+Ġactiv ism
+Ġper f
+Ġal right
+N eed
+Ġcomm ence
+Ġopio id
+ĠAm anda
+E s
+ĠP ars
+ĠK aw
+W orks
+24 8
+Ġind o
+t c
+end ant
+ĠM oto
+Ġlegal ization
+Ġtask ed
+Ġt sp
+16 6
+Ġrefres hing
+ĠPere z
+Ġinfring ement
+S Y
+List en
+in ning
+k u
+Ġrot ate
+pro gram
+ar ah
+Des ign
+Ġ( £
+Ġst oring
+Ġwar rants
+Ġjud gement
+ĠB rist
+us ually
+ph oto
+ĠR an
+ĠP ine
+Ġoutrage ous
+ĠValent ine
+lu ence
+ĠEvery body
+Al tern
+Ġrele vance
+Ġtermin ated
+Ġd essert
+Ġfulf illed
+Ġprosecut ed
+ĠW ords
+Ġm igrant
+Ġcultiv ation
+idel ity
+ĠV ern
+ĠLog in
+Ġmetaph or
+ĠT ip
+Ġrecru its
+ĠP ig
+rib ing
+Ġenthusi asts
+ex per
+Ġfright ening
+ĠH air
+ans on
+str ate
+Ġh i
+He ight
+Ġown ing
+n one
+Ġdis like
+Ġkn ives
+pher d
+Ġloud ly
+Dis play
+ĠL ac
+ab l
+ver ages
+J ew
+Ġ17 2
+ĠHist orical
+at oon
+ĠPhys ics
+in tern
+Ġwarm th
+Ġto pp
+D M
+Ġgun man
+Ġem peror
+od i
+ãĥ £
+in atory
+ĠR ib
+Ġ13 1
+ĠSat urn
+ĠSh ining
+Ġw aking
+Qu otes
+Ġcomed ian
+en berg
+Â ½
+Ġbelie vers
+Ġpaper work
+c ustom
+Ġle v
+Ġl ament
+Ġpour ing
+22 2
+p olitical
+ĠSupp lement
+m aid
+Ġcruel ty
+Ġt read
+ys ics
+A w
+rit es
+Ġmod ifier
+ĠP osition
+Ad am
+l b
+ub s
+Ġimper fect
+Ġcl usters
+ĠEngine er
+ĠC herry
+Ġinaug uration
+ĠS au
+Ġembod iment
+ĠUn cle
+Ġover r
+Ġexplos ions
+c ule
+ĠPrinc eton
+ĠAndre a
+Ġincorrect ly
+Ġearn est
+Ġpil gr
+ĠS print
+Ġslee ve
+Ġhe ars
+ĠAm azing
+Ġbrow sing
+ag in
+Ġhom eland
+Ġha w
+Ġd iving
+ist ered
+17 8
+Ġbarg aining
+ĠArc ade
+Ġdeleg ate
+ters on
+................................ ................................
+ĠJackson ville
+27 5
+Ġst agn
+Ġad am
+ĠSher man
+C B
+Ġsub urb
+ĠFood s
+Ġconver ting
+ĠAr ist
+Ġch ambers
+l ove
+Ġam ino
+ĠG an
+Ġmad ness
+m c
+def ined
+Ġul tr
+ind ust
+Ġw olves
+l ance
+Add itionally
+Ġcr acks
+as ia
+ĠRe ason
+ĠP ump
+Ġaccident al
+ĠL aser
+ĠR id
+Ġinitial ized
+ell i
+Ġun named
+Ġn oun
+ĠPass ed
+Ġhost age
+ĠEth iop
+sh irts
+Ġun rel
+ĠEmb assy
+Ġ19 41
+Ġat oms
+Ġpur ported
+16 4
+ĠF i
+Ġgall ons
+ĠMon ica
+Ġp g
+en ment
+Ġsort ed
+ĠG ospel
+Ġhe ights
+Ġtr aced
+Ġunder going
+She ll
+Ġs acks
+Ġproport ions
+Ġhall uc
+F ont
+ac et
+Ġwar mer
+Ġgrab bing
+Pl ug
+Ġreal ization
+ĠBur ke
+Ġen chant
+ĠSe ed
+Ġabund ant
+F M
+Ġc ivic
+V s
+is i
+Ġv ow
+Ġre per
+ĠPartners hip
+Ġpenet ration
+Ġax e
+Ġsh attered
+ĠZ ombies
+Ġv inyl
+ĠAl ert
+e on
+Ġoblig ed
+ĠIll ust
+ĠPl aza
+ĠFront ier
+Ġdavid jl
+ĠSer ial
+ĠH av
+ĠNut rition
+B i
+Ġâĸ Ī
+ĠJ ays
+lin ux
+Ġhur ry
+Ġv oy
+Ġhop eless
+ĠSte alth
+Ġ ãģ
+ess ors
+tt le
+b org
+ĠSaf ari
+f ell
+Ġw ary
+d ue
+ĠAb ove
+H a
+Ġnot or
+ĠW on
+T oo
+Ġoccup ations
+Ġposs essions
+Ġinv iting
+Ġpred ators
+Ġacceler ated
+Ġ15 7
+uter te
+ĠC ube
+e ast
+acc ount
+G ive
+Ġtrans plant
+red ients
+id able
+Ġscreens hots
+ĠG und
+Ġtravel ers
+Ġsens ory
+ĠF iat
+ĠRock ets
+İ ĭ
+_ {
+F riend
+Ġchar ming
+Ġenjoy ment
+m ph
+Ġ5 000
+Ù Ĩ
+b ia
+Ġcomp ilation
+ro st
+ĠSch ne
+201 9
+Ġcop ying
+ĠFl ore
+f alls
+2 15
+t otal
+Ġdis ciples
+d ouble
+Ġexceed ing
+Ġsm ashed
+Ġconcept ual
+ĠRom ania
+ĠB rent
+ĠT ou
+Ġg rap
+Ġn ails
+18 9
+ãĥ ĺ
+Ġproc ure
+e ur
+Ġconfir ming
+ĠC ec
+aw i
+ĠEd en
+Ġn g
+Ġengine ered
+at ics
+Ġhook ed
+Ġdisgust ing
+ĠMur der
+ãĤ ¿
+L ibrary
+Ġ16 8
+Al most
+hem atic
+Men u
+ĠNot re
+ĠJ ur
+Ġkidn apped
+Ġhack er
+ĠJ ade
+Ġcreep y
+Ġdraw ings
+ĠSpons or
+Ġcycl ists
+ĠGob lin
+Ġoptim ized
+Ġst aged
+ĠMc D
+bet ween
+A ge
+en o
+S ex
+ĠW ide
+n ings
+av is
+Ġincap able
+ĠK ob
+Ġreward ing
+ĠL one
+oles cent
+Ġcontract ed
+Ġstick y
+J ose
+B all
+f est
+ĠIn put
+ĠRec ently
+Ġto mat
+squ are
+App lication
+Ġnit rogen
+Ġdupl icate
+ĠRec on
+ĠD ear
+L ondon
+Ġint ra
+Ġd ock
+Ġout reach
+ĠM illion
+Ġmamm als
+am pton
+Ġsn aps
+Ġd os
+ĠWh ole
+ĠRead y
+T ry
+ĠWinn ipeg
+ear ance
+Ġinc urred
+ren ched
+il ot
+rain e
+Ġc ube
+g ot
+Ġrun way
+etermin ed
+ĠHaw ks
+Ġsurviv or
+ĠW ish
+ĠD in
+ĠV ault
+18 7
+Ġmush rooms
+Ġcris p
+be y
+ĠDisco very
+Ġdevelopment al
+Ġparad igm
+Ġcha otic
+ĠT su
+Ġ3 33
+b ons
+Ġbacter ial
+Ġcomm its
+Ġcos mic
+Ġme ga
+oc ative
+ĠP aint
+ophob ic
+Ġv ain
+Ġcar ved
+ĠTh ief
+ĠG ul
+ows hip
+Ġc ites
+ĠEd inburgh
+Ġdimin ished
+Ġacknowled ges
+ĠK ills
+Ġmic row
+ĠHer a
+Ġsen iors
+Ġwhere by
+H op
+at ron
+Ġun available
+ĠN ate
+Ġ4 80
+Ġsl ated
+ĠRe becca
+ĠB attery
+Ġgram mar
+Ġhead set
+Ġcurs or
+Ġex cluding
+any e
+aunder ing
+eb in
+Ġfeas ible
+ĠPub lishing
+ĠLab s
+ĠCl iff
+ĠFerr ari
+Ġp ac
+vis ible
+mark ed
+pe ll
+Ġpol ite
+Ġstagger ing
+ĠGal actic
+Ġsuper st
+Ġpar an
+ĠOffic ers
+ãĢ ģ
+Ġspecific s
+ul us
+23 9
+ĠP aste
+ĠPan ama
+ĠDe lete
+angu ard
+rest rial
+Ġhero ic
+ĠD y
+ا ÙĦ
+Ġincumb ent
+Ġcr unch
+t ro
+Ġsc oop
+Ġblog ger
+Ġsell ers
+ure n
+Ġmedic ines
+ĠC aps
+ĠAnim ation
+ox y
+Ġout ward
+Ġinqu iries
+22 9
+Ġpsych ologist
+ĠS ask
+ev il
+Ġcontam inated
+ãĤ ¨
+he rence
+Ġbrand ed
+ĠAbd ul
+z h
+Ġparagraph s
+Ġmin s
+Ġcor related
+er b
+Ġimp art
+Ġmil estone
+ĠSol utions
+ot le
+Ġunder cover
+Ġmar ched
+ĠCharg ers
+f ax
+ĠSec rets
+Ġr uth
+we ather
+Ġfemin ine
+Ġsh am
+Ġprest igious
+igg ins
+Ġs ung
+hist ory
+ett le
+gg ie
+Ġout dated
+ol and
+Ġper ceptions
+ĠS ession
+ĠDod gers
+u j
+D oc
+Ġdefic iency
+Gr and
+ĠJ oker
+Ġretro spect
+Ġdiagn ostic
+Ġharm less
+Ġro gue
+ĠA val
+E qu
+Ġtrans c
+ĠRoberts on
+ĠDep ending
+ĠBurn s
+iv o
+Ġhost ility
+F eatures
+ĵ ĺ
+Ġdis comfort
+spec ified
+ĠEx pect
+3 40
+Ġimper ative
+ĠReg ular
+Ch inese
+Ġstate wide
+Ġsy mm
+Ġlo ops
+Ġaut umn
+N ick
+Ġsh aping
+Ġqu ot
+Ġc herry
+ĠCross ref
+è¦ ļéĨĴ
+Stand ard
+he ed
+ĠD ell
+ĠViet namese
+Ġo st
+ĠV alkyrie
+O A
+Ass ad
+Ġreb ound
+ĠTra ffic
+pl aces
+æ ĺ
+ĠB uc
+17 2
+Ġshel ters
+Ġins isting
+ĠCertain ly
+ĠKenn eth
+Ġpen al
+ĠRe play
+he ard
+Ġdial ect
+iz a
+it cher
+Ġspir al
+Ġquarterback s
+Ġh ull
+Ġgo ogle
+Ġto dd
+ĠSter ling
+ĠPl ate
+Ġsp ying
+mb ol
+ĠReal m
+ĠPro ced
+ĠCr ash
+Ġtermin ate
+Ġprotest ing
+C enter
+gu ided
+Ġun cover
+Ġboy cott
+Ġreal izes
+s ound
+Ġpret ending
+ĠV as
+19 80
+Ġfram ed
+Ġ13 9
+Ġdesc ended
+Ġrehab ilitation
+Ġborrow ing
+ĠB uch
+Ġbl ur
+R on
+ĠFro zen
+en za
+Ch ief
+ĠP oor
+Ġtransl ates
+Ġ2 12
+Ġerupt ed
+Ġsuccess es
+Ġpl ague
+Ġg ems
+d oms
+Ġstret ches
+ĠSp y
+Ġstory telling
+C redit
+ĠP ush
+Ġtra ction
+Ġin effective
+ĠL una
+Ġt apes
+Ġanaly tics
+erc ise
+Ġprogram mes
+ĠCar bon
+Ġbeh old
+he avy
+ĠConserv ation
+Ġs ack
+ter min
+ric ks
+Ġhous ed
+Ġunus ually
+I ce
+Ġexecut ing
+ĠMor oc
+ed ay
+Ġed itions
+Ġsm arter
+Ġout law
+Ġvan ished
+ib a
+ĠSil va
+23 8
+C ould
+Ġphilos opher
+Ġevac uated
+Sec ret
+14 2
+Ġvis as
+ãĤ ¬
+ĠM alt
+ĠClear ly
+ĠN iger
+ĠC airo
+ĠF ist
+3 80
+aut o
+it ant
+Ġrein forced
+Rec ord
+ĠSurviv or
+G Hz
+Ġscrew s
+parent s
+Ġo ceans
+ma res
+Ġbra kes
+vas ive
+Ġhell o
+rim p
+Ġo re
+ĠArm our
+24 7
+Ġterr ific
+Ġt ones
+14 1
+ĠMin utes
+Ep isode
+Ġcur ves
+Ġinflamm atory
+Ġbat ting
+ĠBeaut iful
+L ay
+Ġunp op
+v able
+Ġr iots
+ĠTact ics
+b augh
+ĠC ock
+Ġorg asm
+ĠS as
+Ġconstruct or
+et z
+G ov
+Ġant agon
+Ġthe at
+Ġde eds
+ha o
+c uts
+ĠMc Cl
+Ġu m
+ĠScient ists
+Ġgrass roots
+ys sey
+"] =>
+Ġsurf aced
+Ġsh ades
+Ġneighb ours
+Ġad vertis
+oy a
+Ġmer ged
+Up on
+Ġg ad
+Ġanticip ate
+Any way
+Ġsl ogan
+Ġdis respect
+I ran
+act ed
+Ġsubp oen
+medi ately
+Ġwa iver
+Ġvulner abilities
+ott esville
+ĠHuff ington
+J osh
+M onday
+ĠEll en
+K now
+x on
+it ems
+22 8
+Ġf ills
+ĠN ike
+Ġcum ulative
+and als
+I r
+Ġ ì
+Ġfr iction
+ig ator
+Ġsc ans
+ĠVi enna
+ld om
+Ġperform ers
+P rim
+Ġb idding
+M ur
+Ġlean ed
+ĠPri x
+al ks
+Ġ[ âĢ¦]
+ĠTw itch
+ĠDevelop er
+ĠG ir
+Ġcall back
+Ab stract
+Ġacc ustomed
+Ġfreed oms
+ur acy
+Ġl ump
+is man
+,, ,,
+19 92
+Ġwor m
+M atch
+ĠPl atinum
+I J
+ĠOwn er
+Tri via
+com pl
+Ġnew born
+Ġfant as
+O wn
+Ġ19 59
+Ġsymp ath
+Ġub iqu
+Ġoutput s
+Ġal lev
+Ġpr ag
+K evin
+Ġfav ors
+Ġbur ial
+Ġn urt
+so lete
+c ache
+Ġ15 6
+Ġunl ocks
+te chn
+M aking
+Ġcon quer
+ad ic
+æ ĸ
+Ġel f
+Ġelect orate
+ĠKurd s
+ĠSt ack
+ĠSam urai
+Ġâ ĺħ
+Ġ{ }
+ĠS aid
+ĠFall out
+Ġkind ness
+ĠCustom s
+ĠBou levard
+Ġhelicop ters
+ot ics
+ĠVe get
+com ment
+Ġcritic ised
+Ġpol ished
+ĠRem ix
+ĠC ultural
+Ġrec ons
+Ġdo i
+at em
+Sc reen
+Ġbar red
+Com ments
+ĠGener ally
+Ġsl ap
+7 20
+V ari
+p ine
+Ġem pt
+Ġh ats
+ĠPlay ing
+l ab
+a verage
+form s
+ĠC otton
+Ġcan s
+ĠSom alia
+C rypt
+ĠIncre ases
+E ver
+mod ern
+Ġsur geon
+3 000
+Ġrandom ized
+================================ ================================
+B ern
+im pl
+Ġpro claim
+th ouse
+Ġto es
+Ġam ple
+Ġpres erving
+Ġdis bel
+gr and
+B esides
+Ġsil k
+ĠPat tern
+h m
+Ġenter prises
+Ġaffidav it
+ĠAdvis ory
+Ġadvert ised
+ĠRel igious
+se ctions
+psy ch
+ĠField s
+aw ays
+Ġhasht ag
+ĠNight mare
+Ġv ampire
+Ġfore nsic
+rosso ver
+n ar
+Ġn avy
+Ġvac ant
+ĠD uel
+Ġhall way
+Ġface book
+ident ally
+Ġm att
+Ġhur ricane
+ĠKir by
+ĠP uzzle
+Ġsk irt
+ou st
+du llah
+Ġanal ogy
+in ion
+Ġtomat oes
+ĠPe ak
+ĠMe yer
+Ġappoint ments
+Ġm asc
+Ġal ley
+re hend
+Ġchar ities
+Ġund o
+Ġdest inations
+ĠTest ing
+Ġdest ined
+Ġimp lements
+ĠHar old
+Ġoptim ization
+Ġkilomet res
+Ġc md
+Ġimpair ment
+Ġun successful
+Ġswift ly
+ĠGlas gow
+art en
+ĠSh ares
+ĠAn swer
+ĠAl bum
+Ġnut ritional
+ãĥ ĸ
+ĠF ut
+Ġbl oc
+Ġwholes ale
+Ġneg lected
+Ġlaun cher
+Ġannounce ments
+com b
+Ġrot ating
+Ġrest s
+ĠT icket
+ched el
+L ou
+ĠV ic
+Ġ" '
+Ġtem plates
+Ġrepl aces
+Ar c
+:: ::
+ĠGil bert
+Ġillness es
+Ġsched ules
+Ġheter osexual
+Ġhere in
+Ġco erc
+Ġdecre asing
+Ġde portation
+s udo
+ĠInd igenous
+Ġweigh s
+Al ong
+' );
+ĠBeng als
+70 7
+Ġjoint s
+ver ts
+Ġ14 9
+na ire
+Ġsimpl est
+Ġl ore
+10 80
+f iction
+ĠDat abase
+Ġreserv ation
+Ġs ou
+Ġsan ctuary
+aud io
+ap le
+Ġveget arian
+Ġanticip ation
+m icro
+Ġend uring
+Ġdepart ed
+Ġsidew alk
+Ġprohib its
+ĠF ont
+Ġcomp ute
+ĠS ect
+Ġ15 8
+B attle
+Ġbom ber
+Ġdist raction
+Ġend ured
+Ġpractition ers
+Ġdistur bed
+Ġdr ank
+ord ered
+Ġsurpr ises
+se at
+Sec urity
+ĠW isdom
+og o
+Ġsub paragraph
+ĠPen insula
+ĠOrig ins
+ire n
+ĠP av
+igg le
+Ġgrat itude
+ĠG ravity
+over ty
+im an
+ct r
+ĠCa esar
+c ould
+g em
+Ġsk ies
+Ġch amp
+Ġagree ing
+F amily
+D iv
+17 6
+Ġmess y
+um ption
+F ederal
+ern o
+ĠCh at
+Bey ond
+Ġdev ote
+ĠW alsh
+Ġdump ed
+Ġaccum ulation
+st ad
+hib ition
+Ġsm okers
+Ġinspect or
+F rench
+iss an
+ĠV ita
+Ġresearch ing
+ĠCelt ics
+Ġcl oak
+ĠTer ra
+M ary
+so ld
+mod s
+Int el
+Ġmult itude
+ĠImpro ved
+Ġrel iance
+Ġartif act
+Ġalarm ing
+P rom
+h on
+med ium
+Ġref lex
+ĠEx cel
+Ġweaken ed
+16 3
+2 24
+Ġcost umes
+Ġunique ly
+Ġs orrow
+Ġm ansion
+w p
+Ġsal v
+ĠGro ve
+bs p
+ĠSn iper
+ĠSh ipping
+Ġund is
+Ġbrand ing
+G irl
+ĠAh mad
+ĠL akes
+ĠCore y
+Ġinherit ance
+ener y
+Ġpack ing
+ĠP rest
+D est
+F W
+Ġregul ator
+l ocked
+Ġcont ested
+ĠMel issa
+ĠD uc
+Ġunpop ular
+Ġst acked
+Ġ19 17
+Ġyear ly
+Ġst are
+Ġassess ing
+Ã ¸
+Ġbe verages
+Ġcompet itions
+Ġstreng thening
+al ong
+ĠL ud
+Ġmel ted
+stan bul
+Ġb ounty
+ĠL ands
+Ġdecl ares
+Ġcustom ize
+Ġcomp osite
+ãĥ ¬
+C M
+ograph ics
+ĠTem p
+Ġcont ender
+Ġins ign
+Ġdis asters
+ins pired
+Ġjud gments
+ustain able
+urs ion
+Ġvar iance
+ĠUlt imately
+Ġ --------
+u ador
+Ġmel ting
+ĠExt ended
+ĠT we
+M ajor
+ĠB il
+Ġsy rup
+qu ick
+ĠHold er
+Ġinnoc ence
+ĠM ight
+99 99
+Ġf al
+Ġcontinu ity
+Ġ19 53
+st ill
+L at
+ĠAb use
+Ġun supported
+xxxx xxxx
+Ġinst itute
+Ġfrag ment
+ĠP ep
+W estern
+ĠC ause
+ĠFr ag
+ĠAr s
+à ¥
+ast ics
+Ġb ishop
+Ġcross es
+Ġ15 4
+ĠUp grade
+Ġmit igate
+ĠRay mond
+Mod s
+Ġtom ato
+Ġst umbled
+Ġdiff ers
+In itial
+ĠR aspberry
+Ġign ores
+Ġt ant
+Ã ł
+Ġrel ay
+Ġb isexual
+Ġconf ession
+Ġd ement
+in as
+ĠHe ather
+pl atform
+dri ving
+bour g
+ĠM ush
+Ġhy ster
+Det ails
+Ġdr ift
+ĠW ald
+ĠLuck ily
+or f
+Ġexp ire
+ĠP unch
+zy me
+g old
+Ġunp aid
+ĠT rent
+Ġun armed
+Ġill icit
+ĠT ottenham
+Ġsm ash
+Intern ational
+ink er
+Ġst ing
+ĠSadd am
+Ġtruth s
+b irth
+Ġso ber
+ĠN it
+Ġ ib
+Ġus able
+Ġst acks
+ĠSy lv
+Ġnort heast
+Ġdom ination
+ĠM our
+ĠMe asure
+Ġprogram mer
+Ġ< -
+18 2
+ĠCond ition
+Ġback yard
+ir ling
+ĠJ eb
+ĠCre ed
+ĠH ang
+ĠIs h
+Ġdetect ives
+------------ ---
+ĠMess enger
+Ġlo oph
+Ġgate way
+15 1
+ĠMaterial s
+Ġdo omed
+od o
+Ġslic es
+Ġemail ed
+ĠPer l
+Ġren ov
+ody nam
+ĠSouth west
+get ic
+Ġoptim ism
+ĠT ow
+ul ators
+prot ected
+y les
+Â «
+Ġex ile
+en v
+P rop
+ĠZimmer man
+Ù İ
+C a
+om aly
+ãĥ Ĩ
+Ġrail road
+L ee
+23 2
+Ġrepl icate
+Ġcomfort ably
+act ly
+Ġr av
+Ġtelesc ope
+Ġhonest y
+ĠPe pper
+ĠBr ing
+Ġric hest
+Ġout doors
+Ġh alls
+Ġcont end
+Ġsub mitting
+Ġna ive
+ar ations
+Ġ14 3
+Ġpo ised
+respons ible
+Ġsoc ks
+ĠSk ull
+Quest ion
+Ġdiscover ies
+Jo ined
+ĠEn emies
+ĠWire less
+ĠRe venge
+Ġpuzz les
+Ġce ased
+29 0
+cript ions
+ĠCon sole
+Ġbo iling
+Ġdisc rep
+Ġded uction
+Ġar senal
+ĠAm sterdam
+rox imately
+ĠSh ane
+Ġpos ing
+ĠCompan ies
+Ġthe ology
+ĠU g
+qu arter
+ĠH ank
+Co in
+ĠL v
+Ġalleg ation
+ĠAv oid
+Ġindef initely
+Ġcommod ities
+Ġbr ig
+ĠMan it
+Ġt enth
+met hod
+ĠKn icks
+ĠâĢ İ
+Ġinv oked
+D ial
+Ġc aucus
+22 7
+ĠJ ab
+Ġoun ces
+b ay
+Ġbud dy
+f an
+23 4
+ĠH il
+ad h
+Ġ19 39
+Ġiter ation
+ĠGonz alez
+ĠV ert
+em b
+re ra
+en ch
+ĠRequ irements
+ĠW ins
+Ġlivest ock
+h ours
+" âĢ¦
+b ral
+M arg
+ĠD one
+Ġwas ting
+ing ed
+g roups
+Ġw ishing
+ĠT umblr
+Ġt apping
+Ġnational ism
+ĠB yr
+Ġsqu ares
+ĠAct ions
+ãĥ ¥
+In side
+deb ug
+Ġapp end
+Ġstub born
+ĠC ind
+T ell
+Ġt earing
+ĠRe y
+or c
+ĠDay ton
+ĠMad ness
+Ch arl
+ĠMor rison
+fil ter
+Ġacc use
+Ġ. /
+Ġtor rent
+Ġdecl ines
+g allery
+M ine
+Ġneg otiation
+ĠBash ar
+op ia
+19 93
+em ort
+ĠNo vel
+ĠF ang
+ers ive
+ĠInst ant
+Ġroll er
+A round
+ĠElect ions
+G ames
+Ġin expensive
+Ġwor s
+Ġv ul
+ĠH ole
+Ġunbeliev able
+Ġn ause
+Ġent r
+bo at
+Ġbus h
+ĠHass an
+Ġw o
+Ġpa used
+ĠM ig
+l ived
+Ġsc out
+Ġl ith
+Pub lished
+du ino
+c ool
+Ġcirc ulating
+id as
+ĠP am
+viol ent
+ĠCraw ford
+udd le
+ĠLet ters
+Gu ard
+mor ph
+Ġwand ering
+Ġsoph omore
+Ġque er
+ĠBl ind
+r ue
+ĠMar riage
+D om
+Ġpadd ing
+Ġfold ers
+Ġmeaning less
+Ġcandid acy
+af ort
+Ġwhistle bl
+ĠIdent ified
+Ġcig ar
+Ġh id
+ĠDub ai
+Ġpost ure
+Ġh iking
+ĠTermin al
+Legend ary
+ĠStar bucks
+ĠR iot
+19 91
+ĠBott om
+e ffic
+ĠEug ene
+ĠWy oming
+ĠRock y
+Ġsal mon
+Ġmet ro
+Ġb ilateral
+Ġcelebr ates
+L ength
+b illion
+B at
+Ġre leg
+Ġpse udo
+D T
+ĠRh ode
+P arent
+ple tion
+Ġatt ribut
+Ġtun ing
+ĠRe bel
+ic us
+F und
+Ġcock tail
+Ġ5 01
+Ġsp oon
+Ġbrut ality
+Ġun ite
+Ġmicro bi
+ĠRe ich
+pos itive
+Ġam azed
+D esc
+Ġfalse ly
+ĠHigh lander
+ĠC rist
+ĠVictor ian
+Ġdistribut ions
+the ir
+ĠE instein
+Ġp od
+Ġepid em
+Ġhe ap
+ĠR anch
+Ġan them
+Ġre app
+ĠAub urn
+Ġconc urrent
+ĠThrough out
+â ĺ
+Ġhom emade
+k ick
+B eg
+Ġch assis
+c ounter
+Ġmer ger
+Ġl aps
+2 17
+un ion
+ĠTr igger
+Ġdeb ated
+Ġsil ently
+Ġrest raint
+B al
+0000 000
+Ġform idable
+ĠFil ip
+Ġsacrific es
+F ood
+Ġdwar f
+ĠSe qu
+in ian
+More over
+Ġtang ible
+ops is
+ĠMine craft
+ĠRegist ration
+o an
+Ġrepresent ations
+Ġth irst
+Ġcor p
+ire ment
+M ade
+l oe
+> "
+c ats
+* .
+Ġgest ures
+gener al
+Le ague
+Ġpack ets
+ĠInspect or
+ĠBer g
+Ġfraud ulent
+Ġcritic ize
+F un
+Ġbl aming
+nd ra
+Ġsl ash
+ĠE ston
+Ġpropos ing
+Ġwh ales
+Ġtherap ist
+Ġsub set
+Ġle isure
+ĠAct ivity
+Ġcul min
+sh op
+is cher
+ĠAdmir al
+ĠAtt acks
+Ġ19 58
+Ġmem oir
+Ġfold ed
+Ġsex ist
+Ġ15 3
+Ġread ings
+Ġembarrass ment
+ĠEmploy ment
+w art
+ch in
+Ġcontin uation
+l ia
+Rec ently
+Ġd uel
+Ġevac uation
+ĠKash mir
+Ġdis position
+ĠR ig
+Ġbol ts
+Ġins urers
+4 67
+M ex
+Ġret aliation
+Ġmis ery
+Ġunre asonable
+r aining
+I mm
+em er
+Ġgen ital
+ãĤ ³
+ĠC andy
+Ġon ions
+ĠP att
+lin er
+Ġconced ed
+Ġf a
+Ġfor c
+ĠH ernandez
+ĠGe off
+deb ian
+ĠTe ams
+Ġc ries
+Ġhome owners
+23 7
+Ġst itch
+Ġstat istic
+Ġhead ers
+ĠBi ology
+Ġmot ors
+ĠL ip
+Ġh ates
+Ġhe el
+S elf
+i pl
+ort ing
+Ġann ot
+ĠSpe ech
+old emort
+ĠJ avascript
+ĠLe Bron
+Ġfoot print
+Ġf n
+Ġseiz ures
+n as
+h ide
+Ġ19 54
+ĠBe e
+ĠDecl aration
+ĠKat ie
+Ġreserv ations
+N R
+f emale
+Ġsatur ated
+Ġb iblical
+Ġtroll s
+Dev ice
+ph otos
+Ġdr ums
+ãĥīãĥ© ãĤ´ãĥ³
+N ight
+f ighter
+ĠH ak
+ri ber
+Ġc ush
+Ġdiscipl inary
+ba um
+ĠSch midt
+ilib rium
+Ġs ixty
+ĠKush ner
+ro ts
+Ġp und
+ĠR ac
+Ġspr ings
+Ġcon ve
+Bus iness
+F all
+Ġqual ifications
+Ġvers es
+Ġnarc iss
+ĠK oh
+ĠW ow
+ĠCharl ottesville
+ed o
+Ġinterrog ation
+ĠW ool
+36 5
+B rian
+Ġâľ ĵ
+Ġalleg es
+ond s
+id ation
+ĠJack ie
+y u
+Ġl akes
+Ġworth while
+Ġcryst als
+ĠJud a
+Ġcomp rehend
+Ġfl ush
+Ġabsor ption
+Ġfright ened
+ĠCh ocolate
+Mart in
+Ġbu ys
+Ġbu cks
+Ġapp ell
+ĠChampions hips
+Ġlist ener
+ĠDef ensive
+Ġc z
+ud s
+ĠM ate
+Ġre play
+Ġdecor ated
+Ġs unk
+ĠAn k
+Ġ19 5
+aa aa
+Nob ody
+ĠMil k
+ĠG ur
+ĠM k
+ĠS ara
+Ġse ating
+ĠW id
+Tr ack
+Ġemploy s
+Ġgig antic
+ãĤ §
+in ventory
+Ġtow el
+at che
+l asting
+Ġlat ency
+Ġkn e
+B er
+me aning
+Ġup held
+Ġplay ground
+Ġm ant
+S ide
+Ġstere o
+Ġnorth west
+Ġexception ally
+Ġr ays
+Ġrec urring
+D rive
+Ġup right
+Ġab duct
+ĠMar athon
+Ġgood bye
+Ġal phabet
+h p
+Ġcourt room
+ring ton
+ot hing
+T ag
+Ġdiplom ats
+Ġbar bar
+ĠAqu a
+18 3
+33 33
+Ġmat urity
+Ġinst ability
+ĠAp ache
+Ġ= ==
+Ġfast ing
+ĠGr id
+Mod Loader
+Ġ15 2
+A bs
+ĠOper ating
+ett i
+Ġacqu aint
+Don nell
+ĠK em
+ĠFor ge
+Ġarm ored
+M il
+Ġphilos ophers
+in vest
+Pl ayers
+â Ī
+Ġmy riad
+Ġcomr ades
+R ot
+Ġremember ing
+Ġcorrespond s
+Ġprogram mers
+ĠLyn n
+Ġo lig
+Ġco herent
+yn chron
+ĠChem ical
+Ġj ugg
+p air
+post s
+E ye
+ĠIn ner
+Ġsem ester
+ott est
+ĠEmir ates
+ric anes
+or ously
+m its
+ĠW is
+Ġd odge
+l ocation
+Ġf aded
+Am azon
+ĠPro ceed
+j ournal
+ĠTru ck
+T en
+Ġ2 17
+Ġstat utes
+m obile
+ĠT ypes
+Rec omm
+b uster
+pe x
+Ġleg ends
+Ġhead ache
+f aced
+ĠWi Fi
+if ty
+Ġcirc uits
+22 6
+ol in
+Ġcyl inder
+osp ace
+ik ers
+P rem
+Qu ant
+Ġconflic ting
+Ġslight est
+Ġfor ged
+ion age
+Step hen
+ĠK ub
+ĠOpp ortun
+ĠHe al
+Ġbl o
+Ġrul ers
+Ġh uh
+Ġsubmar ine
+f y
+ass er
+Ġallow ance
+ĠKas ich
+ĠT as
+ĠAustral ians
+Forge ModLoader
+ĠâĨ ij
+ĠMat rix
+am ins
+Ġ12 00
+ĠAc qu
+23 6
+D ocument
+ĠBre aking
+19 3
+ĠSub st
+ĠRoll er
+ĠPro perties
+t ier
+Ġcr ushing
+Ġadvoc ating
+Further more
+keep ers
+Ġsex ism
+x d
+Ġcall er
+ĠS ense
+chie ve
+Ġfuel ed
+Ġreminis cent
+Ġobs ess
+ur st
+Ġup hold
+ĠF ans
+het ics
+Ġâ Ĺ
+ĠB ath
+Ġbe verage
+Ġo scill
+25 4
+Ġpol es
+Ġgrad ual
+Ġex ting
+ĠS uff
+ĠS uddenly
+Ġlik ing
+Ġ19 49
+un ciation
+am ination
+ĠO mar
+ĠCon sequently
+Ġsynt hes
+Ġp ains
+Ġinteract ing
+u ously
+inc re
+Ġrum or
+ĠScient ology
+19 7
+ĠZ ig
+Ġspe lling
+Ġexting u
+ms on
+Ġg h
+Ġremark ed
+ĠStrateg ic
+å ¥
+g ae
+E ric
+ĠCamp us
+Ġmeth ane
+Ġimag in
+ĠAl m
+X T
+i q
+Ġwrong doing
+att a
+Ġbig ot
+Ġdemonstr ators
+ĠCal vin
+ĠV illa
+Ġmembr ane
+ĠAw esome
+Ġbenef ic
+26 8
+Ġmagn ificent
+ĠL ots
+G reg
+ĠBor is
+Ġdetain ees
+ĠH erman
+Ġwhis pered
+Ġa we
+Prof essor
+fund ing
+Ġphys iological
+ĠDest ruction
+Ġlim b
+Ġmanip ulated
+Ġbub bles
+Ġpse ud
+Ġhyd ra
+ĠBrist ol
+Ġst ellar
+ĠExp ansion
+ĠK ell
+ĠInterest ingly
+Ġm ans
+Ġdrag ging
+Ġec ological
+ĠF it
+Ġg ent
+Ġbenef ited
+ĠHait i
+Ġpoly g
+ãĥ İ
+Ġ20 30
+Ġpro w
+Ġrecon struction
+Ġwas t
+Ġpsych ic
+ĠGree ks
+Hand ler
+16 2
+ĠP ulse
+Ġsol icit
+Ġsy s
+Ġinflu x
+ĠG entle
+per cent
+Ġprolifer ation
+Ġtax able
+Ġdisreg ard
+Ġesc aping
+Ġg inger
+Ġwith stand
+Ġdevast ated
+ĠD ew
+ser ies
+Ġinject ed
+ela ide
+Ġturn over
+he at
+Ļ Ĥ
+H appy
+ĠSil ent
+ãĤ Ń
+iv ism
+Ġir rational
+Ġre ef
+r ub
+Ġ16 2
+Ġbank ers
+ĠEth ics
+v v
+Ġcritic isms
+K n
+18 6
+M ovie
+ĠT ories
+Ġno od
+Ġdist ortion
+F alse
+od ore
+Ġt asty
+Res earch
+- )
+Ġdivor ced
+ĠHay es
+ĠIs n
+ian i
+Ġ" #
+ign ant
+Ġtra umatic
+ĠL ing
+H un
+Ġsab ot
+on line
+r andom
+Ġren amed
+ra red
+K A
+d ead
+é t
+ĠAss istance
+Ġse af
+++++ ++++
+Ġse ldom
+ĠWeb b
+Ġbo olean
+u let
+Ġref rain
+ru le
+Ġshut ting
+Ġutil izing
+load ing
+ĠPar am
+co al
+oot er
+Ġattract ing
+ĠD ol
+Ġher s
+ag netic
+ĠRe ach
+im o
+Ġdisc arded
+ĠP ip
+01 5
+ü r
+Ġm ug
+Im agine
+Ġcurs ed
+ĠSh ows
+ĠCurt is
+ĠSach s
+spe aking
+ĠV ista
+ĠFram ework
+ong o
+Ġsub reddit
+Ġcr us
+ĠO val
+R ow
+g rowing
+Ġinstall ment
+Ġgl ac
+ĠAdv ance
+Ġac et
+Ġsuccess ive
+ĠNic ole
+Ġ19 57
+Qu ote
+Ġcircumst ance
+ack ets
+Ġ14 2
+ort ium
+Ġguess ed
+ĠFr ame
+Ġperpet rators
+ĠAv iation
+ĠBen ch
+Ġhand c
+A p
+Ġ19 56
+25 9
+r and
+Net Message
+d in
+urt les
+h ig
+ff iti
+ĠSw ords
+b ial
+Ġkidn apping
+dev ice
+Ġb arn
+ĠEl i
+auc as
+S end
+Con structed
+ĠÂ ½
+Ġneed les
+Ġad vertisements
+Ġv ou
+Ġexhib ited
+ĠFort ress
+As k
+B erry
+Ġcan cers
+ump ing
+ĠTerrit ory
+Ġpr ud
+Ġn as
+Ġathe ist
+Ġbal ances
+ãģ Ł
+ĠSh awn
+& &
+Ġland sc
+Ġpet ty
+Ġex cellence
+Ġtransl ations
+Ġpar cel
+ĠChe v
+E ast
+ĠOut put
+im i
+Ġamb ient
+ĠTh reat
+Ġvill ains
+Ġ5 50
+Ġtall er
+Ġle aking
+c up
+Ġpol ish
+Ġinfect ious
+Ġ@ @
+back ground
+Ġbureaucr acy
+ĠS ai
+un less
+it ious
+ĠSky pe
+At l
+00 8
+Ġhyp ocr
+Ġpit chers
+Ġguess ing
+Bet ween
+Ġvill agers
+Ġ25 2
+f ashion
+ĠTun is
+Be h
+ĠEx c
+28 8
+ĠHas kell
+19 6
+Ġspec s
+Ġinv ari
+Ġgl ut
+ĠC ars
+Ġimp ulse
+Ġhon ors
+g el
+Ġjurisd ictions
+ĠBund le
+ul as
+Calif ornia
+ĠIncre ase
+Ġp ear
+Ġsing les
+Ġc ues
+Ġunder went
+Ġexagger ated
+Ġdub ious
+Ġfl ashing
+) ].
+J ournal
+t g
+V an
+ĠI stanbul
+ĠIn sp
+ĠFrank en
+D raw
+Ġsad ness
+Ġiron ic
+ĠF ry
+x c
+Ġ16 4
+is ch
+W ay
+ĠProtest ant
+h orn
+Ġun aff
+ĠV iv
+ill as
+ĠProduct ions
+ĠH ogan
+Ġper imeter
+ĠS isters
+Ġspont aneous
+Ġdown side
+Ġdescend ants
+Ġor n
+w orm
+Japan ese
+Ġ19 55
+Ġ15 1
+ĠDo ing
+els en
+umb les
+Ġrad ically
+ĠDr um
+ĠB ach
+Ġli abilities
+ĠElement ary
+Ġmem e
+yn es
+Ġfinger print
+ĠGr ab
+Ġundert ake
+Mem bers
+ĠRead er
+ĠSim s
+g od
+Ġhypot hetical
+s cient
+Ġchar ism
+Ġad missions
+ĠMiss ile
+tr ade
+Ġexerc ising
+ĠBack ground
+W ritten
+Ġvoc als
+whe ther
+Ġv i
+ĠW inner
+Ġl itter
+ĠSh ooting
+ãĤ ¡
+Ġvari ability
+Ġe ats
+b row
+Ġeleph ants
+Ġstr at
+Ġ Å
+Ġsett lers
+Matt hew
+Ġin advert
+H I
+ĠGo al
+Ġnerv es
+John son
+ey e
+ablish ment
+Th ursday
+H ad
+am oto
+het amine
+ep s
+Ġmit ochond
+Ġcomp ressed
+ĠTre vor
+ĠAnim als
+T ool
+L ock
+Ġtwe ak
+Ġpin ch
+Ġcancell ation
+P ot
+Ġfoc al
+ĠAst ron
+17 3
+umn i
+Ġdem ise
+d l
+Ù ħ
+Sem itism
+Ġcr acking
+Ġcollabor ative
+Ġexpl ores
+s ql
+Ġher bs
+Ġconfig urations
+m is
+ĠRes ult
+ace y
+ĠSm oke
+Ġsan ct
+el ia
+Ġdeg ener
+Ġdeep est
+Ġscream ed
+Ġn ap
+Soft ware
+E F
+ĠX in
+spons ored
+mans hip
+23 3
+Ġprim aries
+Ġfilter ing
+Ġas semble
+m il
+ĠMy ers
+b ows
+Ġpun ched
+M ic
+Ġinnov ations
+Ġfun c
+and o
+Ġfr acking
+ĠV ul
+о Ð
+osh op
+ĠIm mun
+Ġsett ling
+Ġadolesc ents
+Ġreb uilding
+Ġtransform ing
+Ġpar ole
+Ġhar bor
+Ġbook ing
+ot ional
+onge vity
+ĠY o
+b ug
+Ġemer ges
+ĠMethod s
+ĠCh u
+P res
+ĠDun geons
+Ġtra iling
+ĠR um
+ĠH ugh
+å¤ ©
+ĠE ra
+ĠBatt les
+Res ults
+ĠTr ading
+Ġvers a
+c ss
+ax ies
+he et
+Ġgre ed
+19 89
+Ġgard ens
+Ġconting ent
+P ark
+ĠLeaf s
+h ook
+ro be
+Ġdiplom acy
+ĠF uel
+ĠInv asion
+Ġupgr ading
+M ale
+Ġe lic
+Ġrelent less
+ĠCo venant
+ap esh
+ĠT rop
+T y
+pro duction
+art y
+Ġpun ches
+ak o
+cyclop edia
+ĠR abbit
+Ġ14 1
+Ġf oil
+Item Image
+Ġimplement ations
+ĠP om
+ixt ures
+Ġaw ait
+Ġ3 30
+am us
+Ġumb rella
+Ġfore see
+se par
+Ġcircum cision
+Ġperipher al
+S ay
+ĠExper t
+In c
+Ġwithd rew
+ĠAnd ers
+f ried
+Ġradio active
+ĠOp ening
+Ġboard ing
+Ġover throw
+Act iv
+W P
+ĠAct s
+× Ļ
+Ġmot ions
+v ic
+ĠM ighty
+ĠDef ender
+a er
+Ġthank ful
+ĠK illing
+ĠBr is
+mo il
+Ġpredict ing
+26 6
+ch oice
+Ġkill ers
+Ġinc ub
+ĠChe st
+ather ing
+Ġpro claimed
+fl ower
+oss om
+umbled ore
+ĠCy cling
+ĠOccup y
+P en
+ĠY ug
+Ġpack aged
+Ġheight ened
+c ot
+st ack
+C ond
+Ġst amps
+m age
+Ġpersu aded
+Ġens l
+ĠCard inal
+Ġsol itary
+Ġpossess ing
+ĠC ork
+Ġev id
+ĠT ay
+Ġbl ues
+Ġextrem ism
+Ġlun ar
+Ġcl own
+Te chn
+Ġfest ivals
+ĠPv P
+ĠL ar
+Ġconsequ ently
+p resent
+Ġsom eday
+ç İĭ
+ĠMet eor
+Ġtour ing
+c ulture
+Ġbe aches
+S hip
+c ause
+ĠFl ood
+ãĥ ¯
+Ġpur ity
+th ose
+Ġem ission
+b olt
+Ġch ord
+ĠScript ure
+L u
+Ġ$ {
+cre ated
+Other s
+25 8
+Ġelement al
+Ġannoy ed
+d an
+ĠS ag
+Res earchers
+Ġfair y
+âĢĵ âĢĵ
+======== ====
+Sm art
+Ġskelet ons
+Ġpup ils
+link ed
+Ġur gency
+en abled
+ĠF uck
+Ġcoun cill
+r ab
+T I
+Ġlif es
+Ġconf essed
+B ug
+Ġharm on
+ĠNe utral
+D ouble
+Ġst aple
+Brit ish
+oc o
+Ġswing ing
+ge x
+ole on
+pl ain
+ĠMiss ing
+ĠTro phy
+v ari
+ran ch
+Ġ3 01
+4 40
+00000000 00000000
+Ġrest oring
+Ġha ul
+uc ing
+ner g
+Ġfut ures
+Ġstrateg ist
+quest ion
+Ġlater al
+ĠB ard
+Ġs or
+ĠRhod es
+ĠD owntown
+????? -
+ĠL it
+ĠB ened
+Ġco il
+st reet
+ĠPort al
+ĠG ru
+* ,
+23 1
+ne um
+Ġsuck ed
+Ġr apper
+Ġtend encies
+ĠLaure n
+cell aneous
+26 7
+Ġbrow se
+Ġover c
+head er
+o ise
+Ġbe et
+ĠG le
+St ay
+Ġm um
+Ġtyp ed
+Ġdiscount s
+T alk
+ĠO g
+ex isting
+ĠS ell
+u ph
+C I
+ĠAust rian
+ĠW arm
+Ġdismiss al
+Ġaver ages
+c amera
+Ġalleg iance
+=" #
+Ġcomment ators
+ĠSet ting
+ĠMid west
+Ġpharm ac
+Ġstain less
+Ch icago
+Ġt an
+24 4
+Ġcountry side
+ĠV ac
+29 5
+Ġpin ned
+Ġcr ises
+Ġstandard ized
+T ask
+ĠJ ail
+ĠD ocker
+col ored
+f orth
+" },
+Ġpat rons
+Ġsp ice
+Ġm ourn
+ĠM ood
+Ġlaund ry
+Ġequ ip
+ĠM ole
+y ll
+n ation
+ĠSher lock
+Ġiss u
+ĠK re
+ĠAmeric as
+Ġsystem atically
+Ġcont ra
+ĠS ally
+Ġrational e
+Ġcar riage
+Ġpe aks
+Ġcontrad iction
+ens ation
+ĠFail ure
+Ġpro ps
+Ġnames pace
+Ġc ove
+field s
+ãĤ ĭ
+Ġw ool
+ĠC atch
+Ġpresum ed
+ĠD iana
+r agon
+ig i
+Ġh amm
+Ġst unt
+ĠObserv atory
+ĠSh ore
+Ġsmell s
+ann ah
+Ġcock pit
+ĠD uterte
+8 50
+Ġopp ressed
+bre aker
+ĠCont ribut
+ĠPer u
+ĠMons anto
+ĠAtt empt
+Ġcommand ing
+Ġfr idge
+ĠR in
+ĠChe ss
+ual ity
+Ġo l
+Republic an
+ĠGl ory
+.... ...
+ag ent
+read ing
+Ġin h
+J ones
+Ġcl icks
+al an
+Ġ[ ];
+ĠMaj esty
+ĠC ed
+op us
+ate l
+Ã ª
+ĠEc uador
+ãĥ ł
+ĠK uro
+Ġritual s
+Ġcapt ive
+Ġoun ce
+Ġdisag reement
+Ġsl og
+f uel
+P et
+M ail
+Ġexerc ised
+Ġsol ic
+Ġrain fall
+Ġdev otion
+ĠAss essment
+Ġrob otic
+opt ions
+ĠFam ilies
+ĠFl ames
+Ġassign ments
+00 7
+aked own
+Ġvoc abulary
+Re illy
+Ġc aval
+g ars
+Ġsupp ressed
+ĠJohn s
+Ġwar p
+bro ken
+Ġstat ues
+Ġadvoc ated
+Ġ2 75
+Ġper il
+om orph
+ĠF emin
+per fect
+Ġh atch
+L ib
+5 12
+Ġlif elong
+3 13
+Ġche eks
+Ġnum bered
+ĠM ug
+B ody
+ra vel
+We ight
+ĠJ ak
+ĠHe ath
+Ġkiss ing
+Ġw aving
+u pload
+Ġins ider
+ĠPro gressive
+ĠFil ter
+tt a
+ĠBe am
+Ġviol ently
+ip ation
+Ġskept icism
+Ġ19 18
+ĠAnn ie
+Ġgen etics
+Ġon board
+at l
+ĠFried man
+ĠB ri
+cept ive
+Ġpir ate
+ĠRep orter
+27 8
+Ġmyth ology
+Ġe clipse
+Ġsk ins
+Ġgly ph
+ing ham
+F iles
+C our
+w omen
+Ġreg imes
+Ġphotograp hed
+K at
+Offic ials
+Ġunexpected ly
+Ġimpress ions
+F ront
+;;;; ;;;;
+Ġsuprem acy
+Ġs ang
+Ġaggrav ated
+Ġabrupt ly
+ĠS ector
+Ġexc uses
+Ġcost ing
+ide press
+St ack
+ob il
+Ġghost s
+ld on
+at ibility
+Top ics
+Ġreim burse
+ĠDe g
+Ġth ief
+y et
+ogen esis
+le aning
+ĠK ol
+ĠB asketball
+Ġf i
+ĠSee ing
+Ġrecy cling
+Ġ[ -
+Cong ress
+Ġlect ures
+P sy
+Ġne p
+Ġm aid
+Ġori ented
+A X
+Ġrespect ful
+re ne
+fl ush
+ĠUn loaded
+re quest
+gr id
+ĠAltern atively
+ĠHug o
+Ġdec ree
+ĠBuddh ism
+and um
+And roid
+ĠCong o
+ĠJoy ce
+Ġacknowled ging
+hes ive
+ĠTom orrow
+ĠH iro
+th ren
+ĠM aced
+Ġho ax
+ĠIncre ased
+ĠPr adesh
+W ild
+____ __
+16 1
+Ġa unt
+Ġdistribut ing
+ĠT ucker
+ĠW olves
+B uilding
+ou lt
+ĠLu o
+ĠY as
+ĠSp ir
+ĠSh ape
+ĠCamb od
+ĠIP v
+Ġm l
+Ġext rad
+39 0
+ĠPenn y
+d ream
+Ġstation ed
+opt ional
+ew orthy
+Ġundert aking
+Ġchick ens
+Ġstimul i
+ĠEl se
+ig ators
+ĠBegin ning
+ct ory
+Ġprep ares
+Ġdel ta
+Ġvic inity
+t ool
+Ġworks hops
+M Hz
+Ġaccus ation
+Ġhist ories
+rop olis
+ĠChurch ill
+Ġne on
+Ġb aff
+d ies
+may be
+Ġè£ı è¦ļéĨĴ
+Ġsympt om
+ĠMan uel
+Ġban ana
+Ġ ****
+ĠKore ans
+c oll
+F B
+Ġpr aying
+ĠCann ot
+ĠM ile
+Ġembr acing
+ĠSil k
+39 3
+ot ers
+F D
+Ġday light
+al ias
+ĠBrig ade
+ĠHann ah
+Ġcler gy
+Ġs outheast
+Ġalcohol ic
+Ġpropos es
+liv ion
+Ġcalcul ating
+Ġstim ulate
+Ġspl itting
+e ight
+ĠInd y
+pl ays
+ĠP ik
+Ġdom est
+Ġforg iveness
+ĠR ings
+pat ient
+kins on
+M ont
+ig ible
+; "
+Ġperiod ically
+amm ad
+ĠBr itt
+p ard
+Ġarbit ration
+ĠSchne ider
+ĠCorpor ate
+ĠMay a
+Ġsn akes
+a um
+Ġbl asted
+Ġmyster ies
+Ġrev ive
+oc amp
+ĠD odge
+ĠOper a
+27 9
+Ġor phan
+Ġspec ifies
+ĠM ets
+D uration
+H en
+Ġfire works
+Ġprosec ute
+ĠTill erson
+d p
+us age
+l iness
+ĠDeb ian
+Ġ2 24
+ris es
+ĠIn fect
+at ra
+ĠL or
+d iff
+ĠCharl eston
+Ġac oustic
+Ġam use
+3 30
+Ġc er
+ĠT ac
+Ġ[ +
+Ġcard iac
+ĠRestaur ant
+er gy
+Ġf uzz
+Ġbit es
+Ġhazard ous
+Ġbr ighter
+r ans
+ĠStephan ie
+ext ra
+ĠChrist ine
+ĠS ue
+stat ement
+Ġbol ster
+Ġant it
+Rad io
+ãĤ °
+Ġvis ions
+ĠCon cept
+Ġin line
+ĠPhilos ophy
+is ans
+ĠIr ving
+Ã £
+t aking
+Ġincons ist
+ĠKum ar
+Ġl ig
+ĠSch umer
+ĠReg ulations
+ĠH z
+th ro
+ĠV oldemort
+ĠFreder ick
+P ad
+22 1
+Ġalleg ing
+ĠCommun ication
+Ġ16 7
+Ġforecast s
+Ġsp iders
+Or gan
+ĠParticip ants
+ĠO ps
+des ign
+Cl ose
+Ġfact o
+Ġbom bers
+res istant
+ateg ories
+S chool
+Ġhom ework
+Ġcor ro
+T uesday
+ĠBrend an
+ĠSt ri
+Ġstake holders
+ĠMillenn ium
+Ġtransfer ring
+J ud
+Ġt ac
+Ġ16 00
+r b
+Ġinterpret ations
+Ġup stairs
+ĠHar vest
+Ġvag ina
+Ġing est
+x f
+ĠOr ion
+ĠJoe y
+Ġsand wic
+Ġimm ortal
+Ġfl ipped
+ort ex
+threat ening
+Ġsn iper
+Ġconver ts
+Ġinstall ations
+ĠBul gar
+ors che
+m ails
+Ġl ure
+Ġnarrow ly
+Ġgren ade
+ĠG ing
+Ġunder wear
+------------ --
+Ġch ased
+Ġparent ing
+ĠH amb
+ĠBl az
+Ġanarch ist
+ĠMed ian
+ĠProgram s
+Î ½
+Ġob j
+ĠN okia
+orm an
+an qu
+at ism
+op a
+Ġfulf illing
+Ġpupp y
+Ġent it
+ĠSebast ian
+Ġshoot ers
+Ġric her
+è ¡
+Ġtempt ed
+Ġto re
+Res ource
+ĠDevil s
+40 8
+in ational
+Ġass urance
+ĠDar ren
+Ġwh ichever
+pos ure
+Ġf ury
+St ock
+Ġunivers ally
+resp onse
+Ġo ak
+Ġwork load
+ĠCor ner
+ee le
+" ...
+Ġdepri ved
+k owski
+Ġcast s
+Ġaffili ation
+ĠA ch
+ĠAs ked
+at he
+Ġl act
+ĠTh u
+r m
+Ġair lines
+Ġnot ions
+Form at
+ãĥ Ĭ
+dri ver
+Ġtrans cend
+S ettings
+ĠPro secut
+Ġsp inal
+Ġdefault s
+F K
+Ġpref ers
+rend ered
+th us
+fil m
+Ġt iger
+ĠSp icer
+rec ogn
+ĠRug by
+Net work
+Ġp ity
+Ġcomp artment
+c asters
+ĠMon roe
+Ġ7 20
+Ġcorrect ions
+Ġdop amine
+C ut
+Ġro omm
+Ġspec ulate
+H ash
+Ġrestrict ive
+11 11
+red ible
+on el
+Ġramp ant
+re ported
+ĠSu ite
+ĠMin imum
+al ys
+az ard
+lo op
+Ġl ent
+sh a
+Ġv andal
+men u
+ĠBoe hner
+Ġnarr atives
+Ġauthent icity
+26 9
+an ic
+d uty
+28 5
+Ġthank ed
+Ġbetray ed
+l ift
+Ġsouth west
+ĠDex ter
+ĠB od
+Ġkey words
+A verage
+Ġethnic ity
+! ),
+ĠNational s
+á ¹
+ĠT ah
+iox id
+Ġwid get
+Ġpast a
+Ġbill ing
+Ġtr ilogy
+ĠL ines
+Ġsn iff
+Ġnep hew
+L ate
+Ġprinc ip
+ĠLo op
+ĠMarx ist
+Ġdiss olved
+Ġcontext s
+ĠAm ount
+ĠSp ike
+Ġtot als
+Ġorgan izer
+Ġup rising
+s hips
+Y Y
+ĠNort heast
+m oney
+grad ation
+Ġgoal keeper
+ĠH ear
+Ġste ak
+ĠBuzz Feed
+Ġsole mn
+ĠSc and
+Ġpo pping
+Ġad here
+ĠAl leg
+by te
+ĠW olver
+Ġun in
+Ġrec ol
+it ud
+Ġmim ic
+ib us
+Ġpredict s
+ĠKee per
+i ating
+Ġde ception
+Ġlear nt
+Ġdi ary
+Ġcond itional
+Ġre lic
+Ġinv oke
+ien ced
+å Ī
+ĠP ont
+Ġcell phone
+Ġspeed ing
+Ġtack ling
+Ġn ude
+op ened
+ĠMan afort
+Ġ19 52
+Ġmaj ors
+ĠSil ence
+Ġlog istics
+Ġweight ed
+ĠPsych iat
+": ["
+Ġsick ness
+Ġdivid ends
+z on
+Re lease
+ĠKe ys
+ĠI ch
+Ġen z
+ĠF ernand
+ĠÎ ±
+Ġmean ings
+Ġp enny
+Ġst ern
+Ġl ar
+ĠPub lished
+Ġback drop
+K im
+ĠSy nt
+Ġdeb uted
+w m
+ĠIs le
+Ġregul ating
+ott i
+ĠSch olars
+ices ter
+ĠChe f
+Ġpop s
+ĠLaun cher
+ĠVar ious
+Ġcomment ing
+os lav
+enz ie
+Ġrival ry
+â Ĥ¬
+Re ally
+Ġor c
+Ġbe an
+ĠJud y
+Not ice
+ĠB ike
+? ]
+Ġrent ed
+st en
+Ġfore front
+ĠBald win
+Ġyield ed
+t ails
+Pr ime
+ĠS ources
+ic ator
+Se an
+Ġmarch ing
+Out put
+ĠJ ungle
+Ġres ide
+zz le
+ĠAndrew s
+Ġtor que
+Bas ic
+Act ually
+st rap
+p enter
+Ġexam s
+ĠY a
+Ġ15 9
+ĠDec ision
+Ġr ansom
+ete enth
+ens ing
+2 13
+Ġsun set
+40 4
+ĠRap id
+ĠHe in
+ĠAb original
+Ġorgan ism
+ĠS ever
+Ġcl a
+aj i
+Sim ple
+ĠFl avor
+ĠE val
+pr us
+Ġch orus
+Ġden ounced
+Ġbi ography
+ĠTurn bull
+Rec ent
+N ormal
+lect ions
+W ord
+Ġf erry
+ĠWag ner
+h om
+Un it
+Ġsuper market
+ĠS ith
+Ġnomine es
+Ġdictators hip
+idd ler
+Ġannoun ces
+ĠThe m
+ĠNept une
+Ġde ity
+ĠY i
+Ġmon arch
+Ġinv aded
+ĠH ok
+unt ary
+C ertain
+eg a
+Ġk idding
+ĠReg ulation
+Ġtr ay
+Ġphotograp hers
+ĠArc ane
+Ġdis charged
+Ġevangel ical
+Ġinter change
+Ġfilm maker
+ĠEnd less
+Ġ29 0
+ĠSalv ador
+ĠSign al
+Ġwr ath
+â ľ
+l ot
+' /
+Ġproject ile
+Ġemploy ing
+ĠInter face
+19 1
+atell ite
+ĠR ath
+pack age
+Ġindic ations
+J ason
+Ġarg s
+ĠG Hz
+Ġt ilt
+n ants
+w on
+ãĤ µ
+red d
+res cent
+ĠCal endar
+Ġmod ular
+Ġassist ing
+Ġred eem
+ĠBe an
+Ġwor sh
+Ġdecentral ized
+) ...
+37 7
+Ġarr ays
+Ġaccomplish ments
+Î ¿
+d ot
+Ġmut ually
+Ġob struct
+Ġmis represent
+ore st
+ion ic
+ru ce
+% ;
+Ġknow ingly
+port ing
+in ently
+A ri
+ĠSch ultz
+D a
+ĠC ere
+Ġob solete
+ħ ĭ
+g ive
+Ġb ait
+Ġen larg
+Ne ill
+Ġ19 33
+Ġrecons ider
+ĠSerge ant
+ĠDian e
+ĠC ogn
+ĠI con
+P osition
+Ġf ost
+Ġstir ring
+se ven
+ĠSpace X
+ugg ets
+Ġmed d
+G al
+ĠS ister
+B oy
+Ġtrigger ing
+T aking
+Ġscream s
+Ġca usal
+Ġaw aken
+Ar m
+29 7
+Ġdisp atched
+Ġorgan izational
+ĠT ong
+Ġdile mma
+d emon
+S pl
+Ġhook s
+ud ing
+Ġvalid ate
+Ġpot ion
+Ġcl aw
+Ġburg l
+Ġqu ir
+ĠBren nan
+Ġdur ability
+Ġbomb ings
+ĠWind ow
+Ġculp rit
+3 25
+There fore
+umb ered
+per formance
+w arts
+Ġen forcing
+ĠBl ow
+Ġre print
+if ax
+al pha
+Ġsin ister
+Ġbur ger
+fight ing
+Sc ore
+ĠSt ones
+i em
+40 5
+che my
+Ġvine gar
+n om
+Ġprev ailing
+ĠLat est
+Â ¶
+Ġb a
+ĠWrit er
+Ġ17 7
+ĠCon way
+Ġcollect s
+Ġquant itative
+Ġhor rors
+og ens
+ĠSl ov
+Ġl ays
+h aw
+ĠSl ash
+Ġnight club
+ĠDav ies
+Ġbr ide
+ĠScar let
+y mm
+ĠApplic ations
+vel ength
+Ġrev ival
+Ġsoft ly
+Ġz oo
+ita ire
+C ur
+Ġelect rom
+Ġplant ing
+ĠE lements
+Ġsw allow
+por ter
+Ġlapt ops
+Ġpe anut
+Ġlobby ists
+Î ²
+Pan el
+ĠJo an
+im il
+t nc
+Ġresist ed
+Ġout we
+Ġret aining
+at ri
+Ġpo orer
+ĠSyri ans
+ĠHam mond
+Ġwe ld
+ud er
+top ic
+ric ia
+Ġth ieves
+L ic
+ĠG ust
+ĠW ays
+are th
+24 3
+Ġbroad caster
+sh ield
+ass ium
+ub le
+Ġairst rikes
+on so
+Ġped al
+Ġcollect ors
+ĠV ander
+ĠMes a
+Ġdict ator
+Ġd ir
+ent on
+c art
+sc ore
+ad der
+C ry
+Ġs sh
+gg er
+Ġdrunk en
+ĠSe at
+Ġcorner back
+Ġsk ipped
+ĠRes earchers
+ĠAud i
+Ref erence
+Ġhaun ted
+Ã «
+ĠClin ic
+c z
+Ġp s
+ĠPal adin
+ĠRec ipe
+Ġst igma
+opp y
+Ġmon keys
+ĠHaw k
+S ad
+" />
+ĠWorks hop
+ĠRet ail
+ĠAv atar
+6 25
+N a
+ĠSec ure
+M Y
+19 88
+oss ip
+Ġpro state
+Ġund en
+Ġg amer
+ĠCont ents
+ĠWar hammer
+ĠSent inel
+3 10
+Ġse gregation
+ĠF lex
+Ġdr ills
+ĠDrug s
+Islam ic
+Ġsp ur
+Ġca fe
+Ġimag inary
+Ġgu iding
+Ġsw ings
+ĠThe me
+ob y
+Ġn ud
+Ġbe gging
+Ġstr ongh
+Ġreject ing
+Ġpedest rians
+ĠPro spect
+R are
+s le
+Ġconcess ions
+ĠConst itutional
+Ġbe ams
+Ġfib ers
+p oon
+Ġinstinct s
+pro perty
+Sand ers
+im ates
+Ġco ating
+Ġcorps es
+check ed
+Ġ16 6
+A sh
+ĠF iction
+Ġcommun al
+Ġener getic
+oooo oooo
+Ġnow adays
+ib o
+R en
+Ġdwell ing
+Sil ver
+Ġt ally
+ĠM oving
+Ġcow ard
+Ġgener als
+Ġhorn s
+Ġcirc ulated
+Ġrob bed
+ĠUn limited
+Ġharass ed
+Ġinhib it
+Ġcomp oser
+ĠSpot ify
+Ġspread s
+3 64
+Ġsu icidal
+Ġno ises
+ĠSt ur
+Ġs aga
+ĠK ag
+is o
+Ġtheoret ically
+M oney
+Ġsimilar ity
+Ġslic ed
+ut ils
+ing es
+" -
+Ġan th
+Ġimp ed
+Mod ule
+Through out
+Ġmen us
+comm ittee
+and i
+ob j
+in av
+f ired
+ĠAb dullah
+Ġund ead
+Ġfont s
+H old
+Ġsustain ability
+Ġfl ick
+Ġr azor
+ĠF est
+ĠChar acters
+Ġword ing
+Ġpopul ist
+Ġcritic izing
+Ġm use
+v ine
+Ġcard board
+Ġkind ly
+Ġfr inge
+ĠThe ft
+icult ural
+Ġgovern ors
+Ġ ����
+Ġ16 3
+Ġtime out
+ĠA uth
+Child ren
+A U
+Ġred emption
+ĠAl ger
+Ġ19 14
+Ġw aved
+Ġastron auts
+og rams
+Ġsw amp
+ĠFinn ish
+Ġcand le
+Ġton nes
+ut m
+Ġr ay
+Ġsp un
+Ġfear ful
+art icles
+Ġca us
+or ically
+ĠRequ ires
+ĠG ol
+Ġpop e
+Ġinaug ural
+Ġg le
+ĠOff ensive
+Ġwatch dog
+Ġbal con
+ent ity
+ĠH oo
+Ġgall on
+Ġdoub ling
+Ġimpl ication
+ĠS ight
+Ġdoct r
+---- ---
+Ġ\ \
+Ġm alt
+R oll
+Ġâī ¥
+Ġrec ap
+add ing
+u ces
+ĠB end
+fig ure
+Ġtur key
+Ġsoc ietal
+ĠT ickets
+Ġcommer cially
+Ġsp icy
+Ġ2 16
+ĠR amp
+Ġsuperior ity
+Ã ¯
+ĠTr acker
+C arl
+ĠC oy
+ĠPatri ot
+Ġconsult ed
+Ġlist ings
+Ġsle w
+reens hot
+ĠG one
+Ġ[ ...]
+30 9
+Ġh ottest
+Ø ±
+Ġrock y
+ĠD iaz
+Ġmass age
+Ġpar aly
+Ġp ony
+A z
+Ġcart ridge
+Ġsn ack
+ĠLam ar
+ple ment
+ĠLes lie
+Ġm ater
+Ġsn ipp
+24 6
+Ġjoint ly
+ĠBris bane
+ĠiP od
+Ġpump ing
+Ġgo at
+ĠSh aron
+eal ing
+Ġcor on
+Ġan omal
+rah im
+ĠConnect ion
+Ġsculpt ure
+Ġsched uling
+ĠD addy
+at hing
+Ġeyeb rows
+Ġcur ved
+Ġsent iments
+Ġdraft ing
+D rop
+( [
+Ġnom inal
+ĠLeaders hip
+ĠG row
+Ġ17 6
+Ġconstruct ive
+iv ation
+Ġcorrupt ed
+ger ald
+ĠC ros
+ĠChe ster
+ĠL ap
+ãģ ª
+Ġal mond
+pro bably
+I mp
+Ġfe ast
+ĠWar craft
+F lor
+Ġcheck point
+Ġtrans cription
+Ġ20 4
+Ġtwe aks
+Ġrel ieve
+S cience
+Ġperform er
+Z one
+Ġtur moil
+ig ated
+hib it
+ĠC afe
+the med
+Ġflu or
+ben ch
+Ġde com
+ĠU nt
+ĠBar rett
+ĠF acts
+Ġt asting
+ĠSe al
+ĠJuda ism
+ĠDynam ic
+ĠC ors
+V e
+ĠM ing
+ĠTrans form
+v on
+ĠDef enders
+ĠTact ical
+ĠV on
+ĠUn ivers
+Ġdist orted
+ĠB reath
+?' "
+Ġag on
+ĠDead ly
+Ġl an
+ĠCy cle
+orn ed
+Ġrel iably
+Ġgl or
+ĠMon key
+ãĥ ¡
+Ġad ren
+Ġmicrow ave
+ĠAl ban
+irc raft
+dig it
+sm art
+ĠD read
+¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
+{ {
+ĠRoc hester
+Ġsimpl ified
+Ġinf licted
+Ġtake over
+Ġyour selves
+ad itional
+Ġmus cular
+K S
+Ġing en
+T ax
+ĠFe ature
+27 7
+Ġcru c
+Ġcr ate
+Ġun identified
+Ġacclaim ed
+ĠM anga
+ĠFr ances
+ĠNep al
+ĠG erald
+ĠKu wait
+Ġsl ain
+ĠHe b
+ĠG oku
+ãģ® æ
+28 6
+M rs
+ĠC ody
+ĠSan ctuary
+01 6
+Ġdism ant
+Ġdatas et
+ĠH ond
+b uck
+ĠPat terson
+Ġpal ette
+ic ol
+ĠL odge
+Ġplanet ary
+ak in
+ĠRegist ered
+ab we
+ĠPeters burg
+Ġha iled
+ĠP iece
+S che
+Ġen umer
+18 1
+ĠObs erver
+ĠB old
+f ounded
+com merce
+Ġexplo its
+ĠF inding
+ĠS ne
+ĠAc id
+ay ette
+ĠVal ues
+Ġdr astic
+Ġarchitect ural
+Ġ" .
+× ķ
+ump ed
+Ġwra pping
+Ġwid ow
+ĠSl ayer
+l ace
+on ce
+German y
+av oid
+Ġtem ples
+Ã ´
+ĠLuc ifer
+ĠFl ickr
+l ov
+for ces
+Ġsc outing
+Ġlou der
+tes y
+Ġbefore hand
+Ä ĵ
+ĠNe on
+ĠW ol
+ĠTyp ically
+ĠPolit ico
+-+ -+
+Ġbuild er
+Ġder ive
+K ill
+Ġp oker
+Ġambig uous
+Ġlif ts
+Ġcy t
+Ġrib s
+ood le
+ĠS ounds
+h air
+ĠSynd rome
+t f
+Ġproport ional
+u id
+Ġper taining
+ĠKind le
+ĠNeg ro
+Ġreiter ated
+ĠTon ight
+oth s
+ĠCorn ell
+Ġo wing
+Ġ20 8
+elf are
+oc ating
+ĠB irds
+Sub scribe
+Ġess ays
+Ġburd ens
+Ġillust rations
+ar ious
+ĠCal cul
+Ġx en
+ĠLink edIn
+ĠJ ung
+Ġredes ign
+Con nor
+29 6
+Ġrevers al
+ĠAd elaide
+Ġs inking
+Ġg um
+c apt
+ĠGr imm
+Ġfoot steps
+isp ers
+Ġpro se
+Wed nesday
+ĠM ovies
+ed in
+Ġoverturn ed
+Ġcontent ious
+~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
+ĠCo pper
+Ġpoint less
+N V
+val ues
+olph in
+d ain
+Ġdepos ited
+Ġpreced ed
+ĠCl a
+ĠGo lem
+ĠN im
+ĠÎ ²
+ĠEngine ers
+m iddle
+Ġfl att
+oper ative
+Ġcouncil s
+imb abwe
+el in
+Ġstress ful
+Ġres h
+l ake
+Ġwheel chair
+ĠAltern ative
+Ġoptim ize
+oper ation
+Ġpe ek
+Ġones elf
+ig il
+Ġtrans itions
+op athy
+bl ank
+Ġ16 9
+17 1
+________________________________ ________________________________
+Ġl aundering
+En c
+Ġwork outs
+Ġsp ikes
+Ġdin osaurs
+Ġdiscrim inatory
+P ool
+R ather
+38 5
+tes ters
+et o
+ĠIdent ity
+Ġve in
+ĠBur ton
+Ġarc ade
+4 20
+Ult imately
+ĠSad ly
+Ã °
+p ill
+Ġcub ic
+ĠSpect rum
+the se
+st ates
+Ġun official
+h awks
+Ġrain bow
+Ġincarcer ation
+and ing
+Ġsy ll
+ĠEver ton
+Ġ17 9
+ĠSer bia
+Ġ18 9
+m eter
+ĠMic key
+Ġant iqu
+Ġfact ual
+ne ck
+ĠN are
+n orm
+m ust
+Ġhigh ways
+Ġgl am
+Ġdivid ing
+ĠSquad ron
+ĠMar tha
+Ġbirth s
+C over
+//////// ////////
+ĠW ong
+Ph ot
+ri o
+ĠNon etheless
+ĠL emon
+Ġ20 6
+Ġderiv ative
+v ote
+Ġthere in
+Ġsepar ating
+44 6
+sy nc
+ĠStre ets
+Ġr att
+Ġmunicip ality
+ĠShort ly
+Ġmon k
+) ,"
+Ġscr ub
+Ġoper atives
+Ne ither
+Pl ace
+ĠLim it
+F emale
+ĠAct or
+Char acter
+Ġconstit uted
+35 7
+Ġprotest ed
+ĠSt raw
+ĠHe ight
+ild a
+ĠTy ph
+Ġflood s
+Ġcos metic
+pert ure
+up on
+t ons
+ess ing
+ĠP ocket
+Ġro oft
+ĠC aucas
+Ġant idepress
+Ġincomp atible
+Ġoper a
+ĠCont est
+Ġgener ators
+l ime
+Def ense
+19 87
+for um
+Ġsav age
+ĠHung arian
+n z
+Ġmet allic
+Ġex pelled
+Ġres idency
+Ġdress es
+66 6
+ĠC lement
+f ires
+C ategory
+Ġge ek
+al is
+Ġc emetery
+educ ated
+Ġc rawl
+ĠUn able
+ĠT yson
+ak is
+Ġp ardon
+ĠW ra
+Ġstrengthen ed
+ĠF ors
+33 5
+ĠM ond
+Ġvisual s
+ĠBeat les
+ett lement
+Ġ ï
+g ro
+Ġb ash
+Ġpo orest
+Ġex cel
+Ġaspir ations
+ĠM unicip
+ens ible
+Ġceremon ies
+Ġintimid ation
+be ck
+ĠK ap
+as u
+Ġtradem arks
+ĠS ew
+ĠComp etition
+net work
+ĠAr ri
+ĠT et
+Ro aming
+W C
+D at
+Ġso b
+Ġpair ing
+Ġoverd ose
+ab er
+Ġrev olt
+ĠF ah
+act ing
+e q
+est ation
+F ight
+ĠMar ks
+27 3
+Ġ17 8
+R aw
+ãģ ĭ
+34 9
+bl ocks
+Ġver ge
+est ine
+ĠPod esta
+Ġinv asive
+Ġprofound ly
+ĠA o
+e ach
+Ġl est
+inter pret
+Ġshr inking
+Ġerr one
+Ġche es
+ly s
+ĠI vy
+ĠDirect ory
+Ġhint ed
+Ġcontact ing
+ĠG ent
+he i
+Ġlabel ing
+Ġmerc ury
+ĠL ite
+Ġexp ires
+Ġdest abil
+rit is
+c u
+Ġfeather s
+Ġste er
+Ġprogram med
+ĠV ader
+Go ing
+ĠE lim
+Ġy o
+ĠMic he
+Ġ20 3
+Ġslee ves
+Ġb ully
+ĠHum ans
+36 8
+Ġcomp ress
+ĠBan ner
+Ġa while
+Ġcal ib
+Ġspons orship
+ĠDiff iculty
+ĠP apers
+Ġident ifier
+} .
+Ġy og
+ĠSh ia
+Ġclean up
+Ġvib e
+int rodu
+im ming
+Austral ia
+Ġout lines
+ĠY outube
+tr ain
+ĠM akes
+Ġde ported
+Ġcent r
+ĠD ug
+ĠB oulder
+ĠBuff y
+Ġinj unction
+ĠHar ley
+ĠG roups
+ĠD umbledore
+ĠCl ara
+Ġ" -
+Ġsacrific ed
+ep h
+Sh adow
+ib ling
+Ġfreel ance
+Ġevident ly
+ph al
+Ġret ains
+M ir
+Ġfin ite
+d ar
+ĠC ous
+Ġrep aired
+Ġperiod ic
+Ġchampions hips
+Ġaster oid
+bl ind
+Ġexpress ly
+ĠAst ros
+Ġsc aled
+Ġge ographical
+ĠRap ids
+En joy
+Ġel astic
+ĠMoh amed
+Mark et
+be gin
+Ġdisco vers
+Ġtele communications
+Ġscan ner
+Ġen large
+Ġsh arks
+Ġpsy chedel
+ĠRou ge
+Ġsnap shot
+is ine
+X P
+Ġpestic ides
+ĠDist ribution
+re ally
+Ġde gradation
+Ġdisgu ise
+Ġbi om
+Ġequ ations
+Ġhaz ards
+ĠComp ared
+) *
+Ġvirt ues
+Ġeld ers
+Ġenh ancing
+ĠAc ross
+er os
+ang ling
+Ġcomb ust
+ucc i
+Ġconc ussion
+Ġcontrace ption
+ĠK ang
+Ġexpress es
+Ġa ux
+ĠP ione
+Ġexhib its
+Deb ug
+ĠAl ready
+ĠWheel er
+Ġexp ands
+? :
+Ġreconc iliation
+Ġpir ates
+Ġpur se
+Ġdiscour age
+Ġspect acle
+R ank
+Ġwra ps
+ĠTh ought
+Ġimp ending
+O pp
+ĠAng lo
+Ġscrew ed
+ret ched
+Ġencour agement
+mod els
+Ġconf use
+mm m
+ĠVit amin
+âĸij âĸij
+C ru
+Ġkn ights
+Ġdisc ard
+Ġb ishops
+ĠW ear
+ĠGar rett
+k an
+ãĥ Ł
+Ġmascul ine
+cap ital
+ĠA us
+Ġfat ally
+th anks
+ĠG ut
+12 00
+Ġ 00000000
+Ġsur rog
+ra its
+ĠWat ts
+Ġresur rection
+ĠElect oral
+ĠT ips
+4 000
+Ġnut rient
+Ġdepict ing
+Ġspr ink
+Ġm uff
+ĠS ample
+ps c
+ib i
+gener ated
+Ġspec imens
+Ġdiss atisf
+Ġtail ored
+Ġhold ings
+ĠMonth ly
+ĠE at
+po ons
+Ġne c
+ĠC age
+ĠLot us
+ĠLan tern
+Ġfront ier
+Ġp ensions
+Ġj oked
+ĠHard y
+=-=- =-=-
+r ade
+Ġr ails
+Ġem it
+Ġsl ate
+Ġsm ug
+Ġsp it
+ĠCall s
+ĠJac obs
+f eat
+Ġrest ruct
+Ġregener ation
+Ġenerg ies
+ĠCon nor
+ĠChe ese
+Ġg er
+Ġresur rect
+man agement
+N W
+Ġpres ently
+ĠBru ins
+M ember
+ĠM ang
+id an
+Ġboost ing
+w yn
++ .
+requ isite
+ĠMe gan
+ĠCond itions
+Ġp ics
+nes ium
+ĠR ash
+Ġ17 4
+ĠD ucks
+Ġemb ro
+z u
+on ian
+rel igious
+Ġc raz
+ĠZ ucker
+ĠPro s
+We apon
+ĠKn ox
+ĠAr duino
+Ġst ove
+Ġheaven s
+ĠP urchase
+Ġher d
+Ġfundra iser
+Dig ital
+5 000
+Ġprop onents
+/ âĢĭ
+Ġj elly
+ĠVis a
+Ġmon ks
+Ġadvance ment
+ĠW er
+Ġ18 7
+e us
+ert ility
+Ġfet al
+Ġ19 36
+L o
+Ġout fits
+Ġstair case
+b omb
+Ġcustom ized
+cl air
+T ree
+Ġm apped
+ĠConsider ing
+ĠTor res
+Ġmeth yl
+Ġapprox imate
+Ġdo om
+ĠHans en
+Ġc rossover
+Ġstand alone
+ä ¼
+Ġinv ites
+Ġgra veyard
+Ġh p
+Donald Trump
+Ġesc ort
+G ar
+Ġpredec essors
+Ġh ay
+Ġen zyme
+ĠStra ight
+vis ors
+I ng
+ane ously
+ĠApp lied
+Ġf ec
+ĠDur ant
+Ġout spoken
+or b
+Ġz eal
+Ġdisgr ace
+' ).
+ĠChe ng
+28 9
+ĠRen a
+ĠSu icide
+29 4
+Ġout raged
+ĠNew man
+ĠN vidia
+ĠA ber
+ĠB ers
+Ġrecre ation
+Wind ow
+x e
+Ġped oph
+Ġfall out
+ambo o
+Ġpresent ations
+ĠApp s
+Ġh tml
+3 45
+Ġrub bing
+ĠLe ather
+Ġhum idity
+se ys
+est ablished
+ĠUn its
+64 6
+Ġrespect able
+A uto
+Ġthri ving
+ĠInn ovation
+ang s
+Ext ra
+reg ulation
+29 8
+p ick
+Ex amples
+Att ack
+Ġdr acon
+L T
+Ġstick er
+re rs
+Ġsun ny
+I ss
+reg ulated
+d im
+ĠAb stract
+Ġhus bands
+Off ice
+om ination
+it ars
+asc al
+ĠK ris
+ĠInf antry
+Ġm alf
+ĠA the
+ĠR ally
+bal anced
+................ ........
+Ġmole cule
+met ics
+ĠSpl it
+ĠInstruct ions
+ĠN ights
+c ards
+Ġt ug
+Ġcon e
+å Ń
+Ġt x
+ĠDisc ussion
+Ġcatast rophe
+pp e
+g io
+Ġcommun ism
+Ġhal ted
+ĠGu ant
+cle an
+ĠSc hed
+ĠK anye
+Ġw ander
+ĠSer iously
+Ġ18 8
+enn ial
+f ollow
+product ive
+ĠFl ow
+ĠS ail
+Ġc raw
+Ġsim ulations
+or u
+ang les
+ĠN olan
+Ġmen stru
+4 70
+Ġ20 7
+aj a
+Ġcas ually
+board ing
+Ġ2 22
+ov y
+ĠN umbers
+um at
+O E
+28 7
+ĠCle mson
+Ġcert s
+Ġsl id
+ĠT ribe
+Ġto ast
+Ġfort unes
+Ġf als
+ĠComm ittees
+Ġg p
+Ġf iery
+ĠN ets
+ĠAn ime
+Pack age
+ĠComp are
+l aughter
+in fect
+Ġatroc ities
+Ġjust ices
+Ġins ults
+ĠVern on
+Ġsh aken
+Ġperson a
+est amp
+36 7
+br ain
+Ġexperiment ing
+K en
+ĠElect ronics
+Ġ16 1
+dom ain
+Ġgraph ical
+b ishop
+Ġwho pping
+ĠEv angel
+Ġadvertis ers
+ĠSpe ar
+Ġb ids
+Ġdestro ys
+ut z
+Ġunders c
+Ġan ts
+ĠC um
+ipp les
+ĠF ill
+Ġgl anced
+Ġind icted
+ĠE ff
+Ġmis con
+ĠDes ktop
+Ġab ide
+ãĥ Ģ
+ĠI o
+ĠC oul
+Ġcaps ule
+ĠCh rys
+Ġund es
+Ġc itation
+Ġdict ate
+ĠNet works
+ĠConf lict
+ĠSt uff
+x a
+is ec
+ĠChem istry
+Ġquarter ly
+William s
+an an
+O pt
+ĠAlexand ria
+out heastern
+ĠSpring field
+ĠBlack s
+Ġge ography
+24 2
+Ġut most
+ĠEx xon
+ab outs
+ĠEn able
+ĠBar r
+Ġdisag reed
+ĠCy prus
+Ġdement ia
+Ġlab s
+Ġubiqu itous
+Ġconsolid ated
+s r
+Ġcream y
+ĠTim ber
+Reg ardless
+ĠCert ificate
+Ġ" ...
+ogen ous
+Capt ain
+Ġinsult ing
+ĠSor os
+ĠInst r
+ĠBulgar ia
+bet ter
+Ġsuck ing
+ĠDavid son
+at z
+Ġcoll ateral
+g if
+Ġplag ued
+ĠC ancel
+ĠGard ner
+R B
+Ġsix teen
+Rem ove
+ur istic
+c ook
+R od
+Ġcompr ising
+f le
+) âĢĶ
+ĠVik ing
+g rowth
+agon al
+Ġsr f
+af ety
+m ot
+N early
+st own
+ĠF actor
+Ġautom obile
+Ġproced ural
+m ask
+amp ires
+Ġdisapp ears
+j ab
+3 15
+Ġ19 51
+ne eded
+Ġd aring
+le ader
+Ġp odium
+Ġun healthy
+Ġm und
+Ġpy ramid
+oc re
+Ġkiss ed
+Ġdream ed
+ĠFant astic
+ĠG ly
+å Ĭ
+Ġgreat ness
+Ġsp ices
+Ġmet ropolitan
+Ġcomp uls
+i ets
+101 6
+ĠSh am
+ĠP yr
+fl ies
+ĠMid night
+Ġswall owed
+Ġgen res
+ĠL ucky
+ĠRew ards
+Ġdisp atch
+ĠApp ly
+Ġa ven
+al ities
+3 12
+th ings
+Ġ( ).
+Ġm ates
+ĠS z
+ol ate
+Ġre charge
+c aps
+ĠYork er
+ic one
+Ġgal axies
+ile aks
+D ave
+ĠP uzz
+ĠCelt ic
+27 6
+ĠS ons
+Ġaffirm ative
+H or
+Ġtutorial s
+ĠR osa
+ĠExt ension
+Ser ies
+Ġf ats
+Ġr ab
+l is
+Ġun ic
+Ġe ve
+ĠSp in
+Ġadul thood
+ty p
+Ġsect arian
+Ġcheck out
+ĠCy cl
+S ingle
+Ġmart yr
+Ġch illing
+88 8
+ou fl
+Ġ] ;
+Ġcongest ion
+m k
+ĠWhere as
+Ġ19 38
+ur rencies
+er ion
+Ġbo ast
+ĠPat ients
+Ġch ap
+real DonaldTrump
+Ġexam ines
+h ov
+Ġstart ling
+ĠBab ylon
+w id
+om ew
+br ance
+ĠOd yssey
+w ig
+Ġtor ch
+ĠV ox
+ĠMo z
+ĠT roll
+ĠAn s
+Similar ly
+ĠF ul
+00 6
+Un less
+ĠAl one
+st ead
+ĠPub lisher
+r ights
+t u
+ĠDoes n
+Ġprofession ally
+Ġcl o
+ic z
+Ġste als
+Ġ á
+19 86
+Ġst urdy
+ĠJoh ann
+Ġmed als
+Ġfil ings
+ĠFr aser
+d one
+Ġmult inational
+Ġf eder
+Ġworth less
+Ġp est
+Yes terday
+ank ind
+Ġg ays
+Ġb orne
+Pict ure
+Ġpercent ages
+25 1
+r ame
+Ġpot ions
+ĠLeban ese
+Ġr ang
+ong s
+Ġpen insula
+ĠCl ause
+oh a
+ĠMac Book
+Ġunanim ous
+Ġl enders
+Ġhang s
+Ġfranch ises
+ore rs
+ĠUp dates
+Ġisol ate
+and ro
+S oon
+Ġdisrupt ive
+ĠSur ve
+Ġst itches
+ĠSc orp
+ĠDomin ion
+Ġsupp lying
+Ar g
+Ġtur ret
+ĠL uk
+Ġbr ackets
+* )
+ĠRevolution ary
+ĠHon est
+Ġnot icing
+ĠSh annon
+Ġafford ed
+Ġth a
+ĠJan et
+! --
+ĠNare ndra
+ĠPl ot
+H ol
+se ver
+e enth
+Ġobst ruction
+Ġ10 24
+st aff
+j as
+or get
+sc enes
+l aughs
+ĠF argo
+cr ime
+Ġorche str
+Ġde let
+ili ary
+rie ved
+Ġmilit ar
+ĠGreen e
+âĹ ı
+ãģ ¦
+ĠGu ards
+Ġunle ashed
+ĠWe ber
+Ġadjust able
+Ġcal iber
+Ġmotiv ations
+ĠÃ ł
+m Ah
+ĠL anka
+hand le
+Ġp ent
+ĠR av
+ĠAng ular
+ĠK au
+umb ing
+Ġphil anthrop
+Ġde hyd
+Ġtox icity
+e er
+w itz
+å ¼
+commun ity
+Ġret ali
+Ġmass ively
+ĠDani els
+Ġcar cin
+Ur l
+Ġrout ing
+ry ce
+Ġwa ived
+ĠGu atem
+Every body
+Ġco venant
+Ġ17 3
+Ġrelax ing
+Ġqu art
+al most
+Ġguard ed
+ĠSold iers
+Ġout going
+Ġre write
+ĠIm per
+ĠS olution
+Ġphenomen al
+Ġl ongevity
+Ġimp at
+ĠN issan
+ir ie
+Ġod or
+ĠZ ar
+ok s
+Ġmilit ias
+Ġtoler ated
+ars er
+ĠBrad ford
++ ,
+Ġsur real
+s f
+Can adian
+Ġresemb lance
+Ġcarbohyd rate
+Ġaccess ory
+me al
+larg est
+ieg el
+Some one
+Ġtoug hest
+os o
+Ġfun nel
+Ġcondemn ation
+lu ent
+Ġw ired
+ĠSun set
+Jes us
+ĠP ages
+ĠTy coon
+Ġselect ions
+Ġ à¤
+part isan
+Ġhigh s
+ĠR une
+Ġcraft s
+le ad
+ĠParent s
+Ġre claim
+ek er
+ĠAll ied
+ae per
+Ġlo oming
+Ġbenefic iaries
+ĠH ull
+Stud ents
+Jew ish
+d j
+Ġp act
+tem plate
+ĠOffic ials
+ĠBay lor
+Ġhe mp
+Ġyouth s
+ĠLevel s
+ĠX iao
+ĠC hes
+Ġende avor
+ĠRem oved
+Ġhipp ocamp
+H ell
+ãĤ Ĭ
+80 5
+Ġd inosaur
+ĠWr ath
+ĠIndones ian
+Ġcalcul ator
+ĠD ictionary
+Ġ4 20
+( _
+! ,
+t arians
+Ġrestrict ing
+rac use
+Ġweek day
+Ġsh rugged
+leg round
+Ġb ald
+ĠDo ctors
+Ġt outed
+ĠMax well
+Ġ2 14
+Ġdiplom at
+Ġrep ression
+Ġconstitu ency
+v ice
+r anked
+ĠNap oleon
+g ang
+ĠFore ver
+t un
+Ġbul b
+ĠC isco
+Ġres umed
+Ste ven
+ĠManit oba
+Ġfab ulous
+ĠAg ents
+19 84
+Ġam using
+ĠMyster ies
+Ġor thodox
+fl oor
+Ġquestion naire
+Ġpenet rate
+Ġfilm makers
+ĠUn c
+Ġst amped
+Ġth irteen
+Ġout field
+Ġforward ed
+Ġapp ra
+Ġa ided
+t ry
+Ġunf ocused
+ĠL iz
+ĠWend y
+ĠSc ene
+Ch arg
+Ġreject s
+Ġleft ist
+ĠProv idence
+ĠBr id
+reg n
+Ġprophe cy
+4 99
+Ġfor ge
+Ġintrins ic
+ĠF rog
+Ġw ont
+ĠH olt
+Ġfam ed
+aeper nick
+ĠH ate
+ĠC ay
+Ġregister ing
+ort ality
+rop y
+ocaly ptic
+a an
+n av
+Ġfasc ist
+Ġimpl icated
+ĠRes ort
+ĠChand ler
+ĠBr ick
+P in
+ys c
+Us age
+ĠHel m
+us ra
+âĺħ âĺħ
+ĠAb bas
+Ġunanim ously
+Ġke eper
+Ġadd icted
+?? ?
+Ġhelm ets
+Ġant ioxid
+aps ed
+80 8
+gi ene
+Ġwa its
+Ġmin ion
+ra ved
+ĠP orsche
+Ġdream ing
+Ġ17 1
+ĠC ain
+Ġun for
+ass o
+ĠConfig uration
+k un
+hard t
+Ġn ested
+Ġt ying
+en os
+Ġc ue
+ĠMar qu
+sk irts
+Ġclick ed
+Ġexp iration
+ĠAccording ly
+Ġbless ings
+Ġaddict ive
+ĠN arr
+y x
+ĠJagu ars
+Ġrent s
+ĠS iber
+Ġt ipped
+ous se
+ĠFitz gerald
+Ġhier arch
+out ine
+Ġwa velength
+> .
+ch id
+ĠProcess ing
+/ +
+r anking
+E asy
+ĠConst ruct
+Ġt et
+ins ured
+Ġqu oting
+Ġcommun icated
+in x
+Ġin mate
+Ġerect ed
+ĠAbs olutely
+ĠSure ly
+Ġun im
+ĠThr one
+he id
+Ġcl aws
+Ġsuper star
+ĠL enn
+ĠWh is
+U k
+ab ol
+Ġsk et
+ĠN iet
+Ġper ks
+Ġaff inity
+Ġopen ings
+phas is
+Ġdiscrim inate
+T ip
+v c
+Ġgr inding
+ĠJenn y
+Ġast hma
+hol es
+ĠHom er
+Ġreg isters
+ĠGl ad
+Ġcre ations
+Ġlith ium
+Ġappl ause
+unt il
+Just ice
+ĠTur ks
+Ġsc andals
+Ġb ake
+t ank
+M ech
+ĠMe ans
+ĠM aid
+Republic ans
+is al
+wind ows
+ĠSant os
+Ġveget ation
+33 8
+t ri
+Ġfl ux
+ins ert
+Ġclar ified
+Ġmort g
+ĠCh im
+ĠT ort
+Ġdiscl aim
+met al
+ĠAs ide
+Ġindu ction
+Ġinf l
+Ġathe ists
+amp h
+Ġe ther
+ĠV ital
+ĠBu ilt
+M ind
+Ġweapon ry
+Ġ18 6
+ad min
+g am
+cont ract
+af a
+Ġderiv atives
+Ġsn acks
+Ġch urn
+E conom
+Ġca pped
+ĠUnder standing
+ĠH ers
+ĠI z
+Ġd uct
+augh ty
+Ġâľ Ķ
+Ġsa iling
+In itialized
+Ġt ed
+Ġreact ors
+ĠL omb
+Ġcho ke
+ĠW orm
+Ġadm iration
+Ġsw ung
+ens ibly
+Ġr ash
+ĠGo als
+ĠImport ant
+Sh ot
+ĠR as
+Ġtrain ers
+ĠB un
+Work ing
+Ġhar med
+ĠPand ora
+Ġmush room
+ĠF ee
+ĠM oy
+B orn
+ol iberal
+ĠMart ial
+Ġgentle men
+Ġling ering
+Offic ial
+Ġgra ffiti
+ĠN ames
+D er
+Ġqu int
+ist rate
+aze era
+ĠFlore nce
+Ġpay able
+Ġdep icts
+ĠSpe cies
+He art
+Ġencl osed
+Incre ases
+D aily
+ĠL is
+Ġenact ment
+ĠB acon
+ĠSt eele
+dem and
+Ġ18 3
+Ġmouth s
+Ġstr anded
+Ġenhance ment
+01 1
+ĠWh ats
+Ġhe aled
+en y
+ĠR ab
+Ġ3 40
+ĠLab yrinth
+ro ach
+ĠY osh
+ĠCl ippers
+Ġconcert s
+Intern et
+35 5
+Ġstick ers
+Ġter med
+ĠAx e
+Ġgrand parents
+Fr ance
+ĠCl im
+ĠU h
+ul ic
+Ġthr ill
+cent ric
+ĠOver view
+ĠCond uct
+Ġsubstant ive
+Ġ18 2
+m ur
+Ġstr ay
+ĠCo ff
+Ġrep etitive
+ĠFor gotten
+Ġqual ification
+ew itness
+ĠZ imbabwe
+Ġsim ulated
+25 3
+ĠW are
+Ġun sc
+T imes
+Ġsum mons
+Ġdis connected
+Ġ18 4
+ci us
+ĠGu jar
+od ka
+Ġer ase
+ĠTob acco
+elect ed
+Ġun cont
+ĠShe pard
+ĠL amp
+Ġalert ed
+Ġoper ative
+arn a
+u int
+Ġneglig ence
+ac ements
+Ġsup ra
+Ġprev ail
+ĠSh ark
+Ġbel ts
+ãģ «
+Ġt ighter
+Engine ers
+Ġin active
+Ġexp onent
+ĠWill ie
+a ples
+Ġhe ir
+ĠH its
+ian n
+ĠS ays
+Ġcurrent s
+ĠBeng al
+Ġar ist
+B uffer
+Ġbree ze
+ĠWes ley
+Col a
+Ġpron oun
+Ġde ed
+ĠK ling
+Ġof t
+Ġinf lict
+Ġpun ishing
+Ġn m
+ik u
+01 4
+Ġsubsid y
+ĠHer bert
+ĠJ al
+B ank
+Ġdef erred
+Ġship ment
+B ott
+Ġal le
+b earing
+Off line
+Ġ2 13
+Ġscroll ing
+Ġsc anned
+ĠLib yan
+ch rom
+d t
+col umn
+Psy NetMessage
+Z ero
+Ġtor so
+0 50
+âķ IJ
+Ġimp erson
+ĠSchw artz
+ud ic
+Ġpiss ed
+ĠS app
+25 7
+og l
+Ġsuper vised
+Ġad olescent
+Ġatt ained
+ĠDel ivery
+ĠB unny
+Ġ19 37
+Ġmini ature
+Ġo s
+Ġ3 70
+60 8
+ĠMour inho
+Ġinn ate
+Ġtem po
+ĠFall en
+00 9
+Ġprov ocative
+Stream er
+ĠBened ict
+ĠBol she
+Ġt urtle
+ĠEqu al
+Direct or
+ĠR end
+Ġflu ids
+Author ities
+Ġcous ins
+requ ency
+ĠNeigh bor
+s ets
+sh ared
+Char les
+pass word
+Ġg ears
+Ġ2 11
+ĠHard ware
+ri ka
+Ġup stream
+H om
+Ġdisproportion ately
+iv ities
+Ġund efined
+Ġelect rons
+Ġcommem or
+Event ually
+Ġ> <
+Ġir responsible
+2 18
+ĠRe leased
+ĠB read
+st ellar
+ĠS age
+tt ed
+dam age
+ed ition
+ĠPre c
+Ġl ime
+Ġconf inement
+Ġcal orie
+we apon
+Ġdiff ering
+ĠS ina
+m ys
+am d
+Ġintric ate
+k k
+ã o
+st ones
+lin ks
+Ġr anch
+Sem itic
+Ġdifferent iate
+ĠS inger
+occup ied
+Ġfort ress
+c md
+Ġinter ception
+ĠAnk ara
+Ġre pt
+ĠSol itaire
+Ġrem ake
+p red
+Ġd ared
+aut ions
+Run ning
+Ġdebug ging
+Ġgraph s
+3 99
+ĠNig el
+Ġb un
+Ġpill ow
+Ġprog ressed
+fashion ed
+Ġob edience
+Ġrehe ars
+C ell
+t l
+S her
+Ġher ald
+ĠPay ment
+ĠC ory
+ĠDe pt
+Ġrep ent
+ĠWe ak
+uck land
+Ġple asing
+Ġshort ages
+Ġjur ors
+ĠK ab
+q qa
+Ant i
+Ġw ow
+Ġt sun
+ĠS ic
+Ġcomp rises
+Ġsp ies
+Ġprec inct
+n u
+Ġur ges
+Ġtim ed
+Ġstrip es
+ĠB oots
+Ġy en
+Adv anced
+Ġdisc rete
+ĠArch angel
+employ ment
+D iff
+Ġmon uments
+Ġ20 9
+work er
+Ġ19 6
+ĠI g
+utter stock
+J ac
+Ġhomeless ness
+Ġcomment ator
+Ġrac ially
+f ing
+se ed
+E le
+ell ation
+Ġeth anol
+Ġpar ish
+ĠD ong
+ĠAw akening
+Ġdev iation
+ĠB earing
+ĠTsu k
+Ġrec ess
+Ġl ymph
+ĠCann abis
+å ľ
+Ġd ra
+ĠStef an
+ĠWr ong
+Ġloose ly
+Ġinterpre ter
+ĠPl ain
+Go vernment
+Ġbigot ry
+Ġgren ades
+ave z
+pict ured
+Ġmand ated
+ĠMon k
+ĠPed ro
+Ġl ava
+27 4
+Ġcyn ical
+ĠScroll s
+l ocks
+M p
+Ġcon gregation
+orn ings
+ph il
+ĠI bid
+Ġf erv
+Ġdisapp earing
+Ġarrog ant
+sy n
+ĠMa ver
+ĠSu it
+24 1
+Ġab bre
+ack ers
+P a
+ĠY el
+Whe never
+Ġ23 5
+ĠV ine
+ĠAn at
+Ġext inct
+Ġexecut able
+ox ide
+ĠP rel
+Ġresent ment
+Ġcompr ise
+ĠAv iv
+Ġinter ceptions
+Ġprol ific
+ĠEr in
+though t
+2 19
+ĠPsychiat ry
+un ky
+chem ist
+H o
+ĠMcC oy
+Ġbr icks
+L os
+ri ly
+Ġr ud
+Ġl aud
+ĠW ise
+ĠEmer ald
+Ġrev ived
+Ġdam ned
+ĠRep air
+id em
+ct ica
+Ġpatri arch
+ĠN urs
+me g
+Ġcheap est
+re ements
+empt y
+ĠCele br
+Ġdepri vation
+ch anted
+ĠTh umbnails
+E nergy
+ĠEth an
+ĠQ ing
+Ġopp oses
+v ik
+ĠM au
+66 7
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+nt on
+C ook
+å IJ
+es que
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+Ġsu ing
+Ġpron ounce
+Ġresist ing
+ĠF ishing
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+Ġy ell
+Ġ3 10
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+oft en
+R eb
+Ġview point
+Ġexist ential
+() )
+rem ove
+l asses
+Ġev apor
+Ġa isle
+met a
+Ġreflect ive
+Ġentit lement
+Ġdev ised
+mus ic
+asc ade
+Ġwind ing
+off set
+Ġaccess ibility
+ke red
+Bet ter
+ĠJohn ston
+th inking
+S now
+ĠCroat ia
+ĠAt omic
+27 1
+34 8
+Ġtext book
+ĠSix th
+Ġ اÙĦ
+Ġsl ider
+ĠBur ger
+b ol
+S ync
+Ġgrand children
+Ġc erv
++ )
+Ġe ternity
+Ġtweet ing
+Ġspec ulative
+Ġpiv otal
+ynam ic
+Ġu pl
+ĠC ats
+per haps
+Ġclass mates
+Ġblat ant
+' -
+Ġl akh
+ant ine
+ĠB org
+i om
+/ (
+ĠAthlet ic
+Ġs ar
+ĠHoff man
+Never theless
+Ġad orable
+Ġspawn ed
+Ass ociated
+ĠDom estic
+Ġimpl ant
+ĠLux em
+ĠK ens
+Ġp umps
+Att ributes
+50 9
+av our
+Ġcentral ized
+Ġfresh ly
+ĠA chieve
+Ġouts iders
+her ty
+ĠRe e
+ĠT owers
+ĠD art
+ak able
+Ġm p
+ĠHeaven ly
+Ġr ipe
+ĠCarol ine
+ry an
+Ġclass ics
+Ġret iring
+Ġ2 28
+Ġa h
+Ġdeal ings
+Ġpunch ing
+ĠChap man
+O ptions
+max well
+vol ume
+Ġst al
+Ġex ported
+ĠQu ite
+Ġnumer ical
+B urn
+F act
+ĠKey stone
+Ġtrend ing
+Ġalter ing
+ĠAfric ans
+47 8
+ĠKn ock
+Ġtempt ation
+Ġprest ige
+Over view
+ĠTrad itional
+ĠBah rain
+Priv ate
+Ġbar r
+ĠT at
+C ube
+ĠGrand e
+ĠG at
+ĠFl o
+Ġres ides
+Ġind ec
+vol ent
+Ġperpet ual
+ub es
+Ġworld view
+ĠQuant um
+Ġfil tered
+Ġen su
+orget own
+ĠM ild
+37 9
+Ã ¥
+Ġvit amins
+Ġrib bon
+Ġsincere ly
+ĠH in
+Ġeight een
+Ġcontradict ory
+Ġgl aring
+Ġexpect ancy
+Ġcons pir
+Ġmon strous
+Ġ3 80
+re ci
+Ġhand ic
+Ġpump ed
+Ġindic ative
+Ġr app
+Ġav ail
+ĠMar ijuana
+19 85
+ert on
+Ġtwent ieth
+################ ################
+ĠSw amp
+Ġval uation
+Ġaffili ates
+adjust ed
+ĠFac ility
+26 2
+Ġenz ymes
+itud inal
+Ġimp rint
+S ite
+Ġinstall er
+m ology
+lin ear
+ĠCollect ive
+ig ating
+ĠT oken
+Ġspec ulated
+K N
+ĠC ly
+or ity
+Ġdef er
+Ġinspect ors
+appro ved
+R M
+ĠSun s
+Ġinform ing
+ĠSy racuse
+ib li
+7 65
+Ġgl ove
+Ġauthor ize
+âĢ¦âĢ¦âĢ¦âĢ¦ âĢ¦âĢ¦âĢ¦âĢ¦
+ĠCru ise
+Ġcontract ing
+she ll
+ĠJew el
+p ract
+ĠPhot oshop
+ĠKnow ing
+h arm
+Ġattract ions
+ad an
+et us
+01 8
+w agen
+Al t
+Ġmultip ly
+Ġequ ilibrium
+: {
+ĠF ighters
+ĠEd gar
+Ġfour teen
+Go vern
+Ġmis use
+Ġab using
+Ġancest ry
+ram er
+64 4
+Ġwor ms
+Ġthick er
+ĠComb ine
+Ġpeas ants
+Ġv ind
+Ġcon quest
+Ġm ocked
+Ġc innamon
+ĠC ald
+ĠGall up
+Ġavoid ance
+Ġincarn ation
+ĠStr at
+Ġt asted
+ent a
+ĠN eal
+p ared
+Ġtermin ology
+ject ion
+Scient ists
+ĠDe e
+Ġdirect ories
+R oad
+ĠSh ap
+br ight
+ĠDirect ors
+ĠCol umn
+Ġb ob
+Ġprefer ably
+Ġgl itch
+f urt
+Ġe g
+id is
+Ġsur rendered
+Ġtest ament
+33 6
+ug gest
+ĠN il
+an other
+Ġpat hetic
+ĠDon na
+Ġ2 18
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+Ġwhis key
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+O cc
+ĠLe icester
+] ."
+Ġ) );
+Ġfl ashes
+45 6
+Ġmask ed
+ge bra
+Ġcomput ed
+che l
+aud er
+Ġdefe ats
+ĠLiber ation
+ĠOs ama
+ĠV ive
+Ch anges
+Ch annel
+Ġtar iffs
+Ġm age
+ĠS ax
+Ġinadvert ently
+ĠRe aper
+ink y
+gr ading
+Ġstere otyp
+Ġcur l
+Ġfram eworks
+M om
+ĠAn ch
+Ġflav our
+car bon
+Ġperm itting
+let cher
+ĠMo zilla
+ĠPark ing
+ĠCh amp
+Sc roll
+Ġmurd erer
+Ġrest ed
+Ġow es
+ĠP oss
+res olution
+ĠMin ing
+Ġcompar ative
+D im
+Ġneighbour ing
+ĠT oxic
+Ġbi ases
+Ġgun fire
+ur ous
+ĠMom ent
+19 83
+Ġper vasive
+tt p
+ĠNorm ally
+r ir
+S arah
+ĠAlb any
+Ġun sett
+ip ers
+l ayer
+ĠWh ites
+up le
+Ġtur bo
+ĠLe eds
+Ġthat s
+ĠMin er
+ĠRe ign
+Ġper me
+ĠBl itz
+Ġ19 34
+Ġintimid ating
+t ube
+Ġecc entric
+ab olic
+box es
+ĠAssoci ates
+v otes
+Ġsim ulate
+um bo
+aster y
+Ġship ments
+an th
+Ġseason ed
+Ġexperiment ation
+âĸ ł
+law s
+Me et
+idd les
+ant ics
+R ating
+h ift
+Ġfront s
+b uf
+01 7
+Ġun att
+ĠD il
+le ases
+ĠGard ens
+77 7
+t ouch
+ve ll
+45 8
+Ġ= ====
+s aving
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+ĠQu in
+Ġearn s
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+ĠWe i
+Ġ< [
+____ _
+Ġir rig
+ĠT eddy
+Ġconqu ered
+ĠArm ored
+Ġassert s
+Ġmanip ulating
+r é
+Ġtranscript s
+G allery
+Ġplot ting
+Ne il
+Ġbetray al
+load er
+ĠS ul
+Ġdispl acement
+Ġroy alty
+he it
+ĠDev ices
+alle l
+Ġmunicipal ities
+Ġcan al
+St ars
+Ġ" âĢ¦
+ab ove
+Ġreson ance
+ĠguiActive Un
+add ed
+ĠBra ves
+ĠI bn
+Ġhere by
+Ġshare holder
+ĠH ir
+ĠJ i
+Ġstrange ly
+Ġadm ired
+Ġpl ight
+Ġb achelor
+ĠP ole
+cipl inary
+T ony
+ĠArmen ian
+Ġun man
+ĠZion ist
+St age
+isco ver
+Ġautom otive
+Ġs idelines
+Ġsl ick
+ĠRena issance
+Im ages
+ĠH aj
+Ġp ing
+Ġshort cut
+ĠBl vd
+ĠLook s
+Ġbur sts
+Ġcl amp
+Ġm ish
+Ġsort ing
+Ġpatri ot
+Ġcorrect ness
+ĠScand inav
+ĠCaval iers
+p ython
+az ar
+Ġ3 75
+ĠJa une
+40 9
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+Ġstab bing
+Ġpoison ed
+Ġf ountain
+oc ent
+or st
+ĠMar i
+Ġr ains
+ĠO vers
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+ud get
+t ale
+ĠPr ices
+Ġhead aches
+Ġlands l
+ĠA ura
+Bon us
+ĠZ hao
+ĠH ip
+Ġhop s
+ĠKurd istan
+Ġexplo iting
+ry n
+Ġhypocr isy
+op ening
+Ġgun shot
+Ġw ed
+inter stitial
+Inter stitial
+Ġam en
+Bre aking
+Ġmarket ed
+W ire
+ĠC rowd
+Contin ue
+ĠK nown
+ĠEffect ive
+ore an
+iz ons
+Jose ph
+Ġescal ation
+us ername
+Ġcur tain
+ĠM iy
+Ġcounter fe
+l ene
+Ġcont enders
+d aily
+ĠAs c
+ĠPhill ip
+most ly
+Ġfil ename
+he ne
+Ġresemb ling
+Ġst aging
+ĠCh loe
+Ġw iring
+H on
+ĠRen ew
+ott age
+ĠHy brid
+m uch
+Ġstro kes
+Ġpolicy makers
+ĠArk ham
+pl ot
+Ġassist ants
+Ġde port
+ĠSe ga
+Ġinflu enza
+ĠC ursed
+ĠK obe
+Ġskin ny
+Prov ider
+ĠR ip
+Ġincrement al
+product s
+B F
+Ġd ome
+ĠC redits
+Ġlos ers
+int s
+ĠBet ty
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+E ss
+Ġd ens
+tem p
+J udge
+od ic
+Ġ' (
+ets k
+V O
+Ġretrie ved
+Ġarchitect s
+Ù ĩ
+Ġeth ic
+ĠSecond ary
+st ocks
+ad ia
+Ġ3 25
+ĠOp inion
+Ġsimultane ous
+Ġd izz
+ul p
+Ġsmugg ling
+ipp ery
+R andom
+f acing
+ĠD as
+Ġstock p
+Ġdiscl osures
+po inter
+Ġcor al
+ĠSe lection
+ĠP ike
+ival ent
+Ġruth less
+ĠR im
+Ġensu ing
+ĠExper iment
+Ġcongress man
+Ġbelie ver
+Ġun specified
+ĠM ord
+Ġknowledge able
+T X
+Ġstra ps
+Ġtur f
+apesh ifter
+Ġmar ital
+Ġfl ock
+ãģ Ĩ
+26 3
+ĠOpp osition
+Ġtre asures
+Ġmodel ed
+Ġ( [
+ĠUs age
+H F
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+rit z
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+++ )
+ore n
+Ġprov oked
+Ġbre eds
+ĠIn cludes
+ĠPast ebin
+ĠFl ip
+J ava
+Ġbr ink
+Ġrum ored
+Ġun seen
+Ġgar nered
+ĠDef in
+al ted
+Ġtatt oos
+Ġhes itation
+is itions
+ĠWe aver
+ĠReport ing
+Ġtherap ies
+Ġconsult ants
+Ġresid ual
+ĠMal i
+ĠRom a
+i ago
+ĠRes idents
+ub i
+Ġremed ies
+Ġadapt ive
+ĠAl ive
+ĠBar cl
+Ġwal lets
+c rypt
+etermin ation
+ĠPel osi
+Ġsl ipping
+oton in
+Ġall iances
+pat rick
+ir is
+Ġor th
+ĠPer kins
+ĠDe V
+ĠG ets
+Ġdry ing
+ge e
+fore st
+ĠFor get
+ore m
+33 9
+Ġvague ly
+ĠD ion
+ĠP orn
+Ġp neum
+Ġrub ble
+ĠT aste
+enc ia
+ĠG el
+Ġd st
+Ġ24 5
+ĠMoroc co
+inf lamm
+ĠTw ins
+Ġb ots
+d aughter
+ĠB alk
+Ġbre thren
+Ġlog os
+Ġgo bl
+f ps
+Ġsub division
+Ġp awn
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+Ġmor ale
+' "
+Ġkn ot
+ook y
+Ġdiv isive
+Ġboost ed
+ch y
+ãĥ IJ
+if act
+Ġnewcom ers
+ĠWrest ling
+Ġsc outs
+w olves
+R at
+Ġnin eteenth
+ĠOs borne
+St ats
+Ġem powered
+Ġpsych opath
+ugg age
+ĠMoh ammad
+P ak
+Ġanarch ists
+ĠExt ract
+est hes
+ĠStock holm
+l oo
+ĠG raph
+Ġdeploy ing
+ĠStr anger
+ĠM old
+Ġstaff er
+Ġdiscount ed
+uck le
+ple ase
+ĠLand ing
+ÃŃ a
+Ġ19 3
+Ġan te
+Ġrep etition
+Ġ+ /-
+Ġpar ody
+Ġlive ly
+ĠHor us
+Ġp its
+ind ers
+ĠVen ice
+40 6
+ĠDis cover
+â Ĩ
+ellect ual
+Ġp ens
+Ġey el
+ig uous
+Im pl
+Ġj oking
+Ġinv al
+ĠBel fast
+Ġcredit ors
+ĠSky walker
+ov sky
+Ġcease fire
+Ġse als
+is oft
+) ).
+ĠFel ix
+Ġt resp
+ĠBlock chain
+ew are
+ĠSch war
+en ne
+mount ed
+ĠBe acon
+les h
+Ġimmense ly
+Ġche ering
+Em ploy
+sc ene
+ish ly
+atche wan
+ĠNic olas
+Ġdr ained
+ĠEx it
+ĠAz erb
+j un
+Ġflo ated
+u ania
+De ep
+Ġsuper v
+Ġmyst ical
+ĠD ollar
+ĠApost le
+ĠProv ided
+ĠB ucks
+ãĥ ´
+cut ting
+Ġenhance ments
+ĠPengu ins
+ĠIsa iah
+Ġj erk
+ĠW yn
+Ġst alled
+Ġcryptoc urrencies
+ĠR oland
+sing le
+Ġl umin
+ĠF ellow
+ĠCap acity
+ĠKaz akh
+W N
+Ġfin anced
+38 9
+Ġt id
+Ġcoll usion
+ĠMy r
+î Ģ
+Sen ator
+Ġped iatric
+Ġneat ly
+Ġsandwic hes
+ĠArchitect ure
+Ġt ucked
+Ġbalcon y
+Ġearthqu akes
+qu ire
+F uture
+Ġhe fty
+é Ĺ
+Ġspecial izes
+Ġstress es
+Ġs ender
+Ġmisunder standing
+Ġep ile
+Ġprov oke
+ĠCol ors
+Ġdis may
+uk o
+[ _
+58 6
+ne utral
+Ġdon ating
+ĠRand all
+Mult i
+Ġconvenient ly
+ĠS ung
+ĠC oca
+Ġt ents
+ĠAc celer
+Ġpart nered
+27 2
+ir ming
+s ometimes
+Ġobject ed
+ub ric
+p osed
+gr ass
+Ġattribut able
+Israel i
+Ġrepe ats
+v ag
+ut a
+in ous
+Ġin ert
+ĠMig uel
+æ Ń
+ĠHawai ian
+B oard
+Ġart ific
+ĠAzerb ai
+as io
+ĠR ent
+Ġappl iances
+Ġnational ity
+Ġass hole
+ĠN eb
+Ġnot ch
+h ani
+ĠBr ide
+Av ailability
+Ġintercept ed
+Ġcontin ental
+Ġsw elling
+ĠPers pect
+b ies
+. <
+ith metic
+ĠL ara
+Ġtempt ing
+add r
+Ġoversee ing
+cl ad
+ĠGing rich
+Ġm un
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+Ġalter ations
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+Ġdiscipl ines
+Ġnotor iously
+aku ya
+ier i
+? ).
+ĠW ent
+Ġsil icon
+Ġtre mb
+Cont ainer
+K nown
+Ġmort ar
+est e
+ick a
+Ar thur
+ĠPre viously
+ĠMart y
+Ġsp arse
+g ins
+Ġin ward
+ĠParticip ant
+C opy
+ĠM isc
+Ġantib iotic
+ĠRet ro
+Ġel usive
+Ġass ail
+ĠBatt alion
+ĠB ought
+Ġdimin ish
+ĠEuro pa
+s ession
+ĠDanger ous
+ies el
+Ġdisbel ief
+Ġbl asts
+ext reme
+ĠBoy d
+ĠProject s
+ĠGu ys
+Ġunder gone
+Ġgr ill
+ĠDw ight
+Ġ19 7
+Ġfiles ystem
+Ġcl ocks
+T aylor
+Ġwra pper
+Ġfold ing
+ous and
+ĠPhilipp ine
+ĠPer th
+Ġas hes
+Ġaccum ulate
+ĠGate way
+Sh op
+orks hire
+H an
+ĠBar rel
+ĠLe h
+Ġwh im
+Ġrep o
+ĠM am
+Ġincorpor ating
+Ġbail out
+Ġlingu istic
+Ġdis integ
+Ġcinem atic
+ĠF iber
+S yn
+il ion
+ĠCom pos
+c hens
+Ġne oc
+Ġbo iled
+on o
+un cle
+ik en
+Î ¹
+Ġreceipt s
+Ġdisp osed
+ĠTh irty
+ĠR ough
+Ġnot withstanding
+oll en
+# $
+Ġunrel iable
+Ġbl oom
+Ġmedi ocre
+Ġtr am
+ĠTas man
+Ġsh akes
+Ġmanifest o
+Ġsatisf actory
+Ġsh ores
+Ġcomput ation
+Ġassert ions
+orm ons
+ar ag
+ab it
+Dem ocrats
+ĠL oot
+ĠVol ks
+ha ired
+Ġgrav itational
+S ing
+ĠM iz
+Ġthro ttle
+Ġtyr anny
+ĠView s
+Ġrob ber
+ĠMinor ity
+Ġsh rine
+sc ope
+pur pose
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+our cing
+w ra
+ĠBow ie
+Sc ale
+x i
+I ter
+Ġ( ),
+w right
+Ġsail ors
+ous ed
+ĠPro of
+ĠMin eral
+t oken
+R ew
+Ġe ll
+6 30
+Ġchance llor
+ĠG os
+Ġamount ed
+ĠRec re
+ome z
+ĠOpt im
+ĠOl ive
+Ġtrack er
+ow ler
+ĠUn ique
+R oot
+Ġmar itime
+ĠQur an
+ĠAd apt
+Ġecosystem s
+ĠRe peat
+ĠS oy
+Ġgrad uating
+and em
+P ur
+ĠRes et
+ĠTr ick
+ĠPh illy
+ĠT ue
+ĠMalays ian
+Ġclim ax
+Ġb ury
+Ġcons pic
+ĠSouth ampton
+ĠFl owers
+Ġesc orted
+ĠEduc ational
+Ġbrut ally
+e ating
+Ġpill ar
+ĠS ang
+ĠJ ude
+ar ling
+ĠAm nesty
+Ġrem inding
+ĠAdminist rative
+hes da
+Ġfl ashed
+per ate
+fe ature
+Ġsw ipe
+Ġgra ves
+oult ry
+26 1
+bre aks
+ĠGu er
+Ġsh rimp
+ĠV oting
+qu ist
+Ġanaly tical
+Ġtables poons
+Ġresear ched
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+Ġj our
+Ġrepl ica
+Ġcart oons
+b ians
+} )
+c opy
+G ot
+ou ched
+Ġsw arm
+not ations
+s aid
+Ġreb uilt
+Ġcollabor ate
+Ġr aging
+Ġn ar
+Ġdem ographics
+Ġdist rust
+oss ier
+ĠK ro
+Ġpump kin
+Ġreg rets
+Ġfatal ities
+ĠL ens
+ĠO le
+p d
+Ġpupp et
+ĠOut look
+ĠSt am
+O l
+F air
+U U
+Ġre written
+Ä ±
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+Ġtrib unal
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+ĠCo ins
+[ [
+Ġ18 1
+Ġrend ers
+ĠK aepernick
+Ġesp ionage
+Ġsum m
+Ġd itch
+Acc ount
+Ġspread sheet
+Ġmut ant
+p ast
+40 7
+Ġd ye
+Ġinit iation
+Ġ4 000
+Ġpunish able
+Ġth inner
+ĠKh al
+Ġinter medi
+D un
+ĠGoth am
+Ġeager ly
+Ġvag inal
+p owers
+V W
+Ġpred ator
+ams ung
+Ġdispar ity
+Ġ[ *
+Ġam ph
+Ġout skirts
+ĠSpir its
+Ġskelet al
+Ð »
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+Ġissu ance
+ĠLog ic
+re leased
+Z Z
+ĠB ound
+Ent ry
+Ġex its
+is ol
+ĠFound er
+Ġw re
+ĠGreen land
+t aker
+ãģ ¾
+Ġhour ly
+hen ko
+Ġfantas ies
+Ġdis ob
+Ġdemol ition
+ãĥ ĭ
+Ġen listed
+rat ulations
+Ġmis guided
+Ġens ured
+Ġdiscour aged
+m ort
+Ġfl ank
+Ġc ess
+Ġreact s
+ĠS ere
+s ensitive
+ĠSer pent
+ass ad
+Ġ24 7
+Ġcalm ly
+b usters
+Ġble ed
+ĠSt ro
+Ġamuse ment
+ĠAntar ctica
+Ġs cept
+ĠG aw
+a q
+ason ic
+Ġsp rawling
+n ative
+atur ated
+ĠBattle field
+E B
+ĠG ems
+ĠNorth western
+ĠFil ms
+ĠAut omatic
+Ġappre hend
+ãģ ¨
+Ġgui Name
+Ġback end
+Ġevid enced
+ge ant
+01 2
+ĠS iege
+Ġexternal To
+Ġunfocused Range
+ĠguiActiveUn focused
+Ġgui Icon
+ĠexternalTo EVA
+ĠexternalToEVA Only
+F ri
+ch ard
+en aries
+Ġchief s
+Ġc f
+Ġcorro bor
+Ġd B
+ĠT aken
+ĠPat ricia
+ra il
+ĠCh arm
+ĠLiber tarian
+rie ve
+Person al
+ger ies
+Ġdump ing
+Ġneurolog ical
+it imate
+ĠClint ons
+raft ed
+ĠM olly
+Ġtermin als
+reg ister
+Ġfl are
+Ġenc oded
+Ġautop sy
+p el
+m achine
+Ġexempt ions
+ĠRoy als
+d istance
+Ġdraft s
+Ġl ame
+ĠC unning
+Ġsp ouses
+ĠMark ets
+ĠCar rier
+Ġimp lying
+ĠY ak
+s id
+Ġl oser
+Ġvigil ant
+Ġimpe achment
+Ġaug mented
+ĠEmploy ees
+Ġunint ended
+tern ally
+ĠW att
+Ġrecogn izable
+ess im
+æ Ŀ
+Ġco ated
+r ha
+Ġlie utenant
+ĠLegisl ation
+pub lished
+44 4
+01 3
+Ġide ally
+ĠPass word
+Ġsimpl ify
+ĠMet a
+Ġple ading
+organ ized
+hand ler
+Ġun ravel
+cor rect
+Ġ icy
+Ġparan oid
+Ġpass er
+Ġinspect ions
+of er
+ĠHealth care
+28 3
+ĠBr ut
+iol a
+for ge
+ĠMed ieval
+ie vers
+ĠProgram ming
+å ī
+Ġ2 23
+m u
+ug a
+Ġsho ppers
+Ġinform ative
+ĠPl ans
+Ġsupplement ation
+ĠT ests
+ty ard
+ocy tes
+ĠVeg a
+ĠGujar at
+erman ent
+Ex cept
+all a
+ĠC umm
+ĠO sw
+Ġven om
+ĠDeb t
+Ġreun ion
+Ġm uc
+ĠRel ief
+Ġge op
+ĠðŁ ĺ
+al ogue
+An th
+ech o
+Ġcor ros
+Ġrepl ication
+ĠBl azing
+ĠD aughter
+Ġinf lic
+ĠLind sey
+Ù Ī
+28 4
+Ex it
+Ġgl oom
+Ġundermin ing
+Ġadv ising
+h idden
+Ġover flow
+Ġg or
+urd ue
+Ġe choes
+enh agen
+Ġimp uls
+d rug
+c ash
+Ġas ync
+Ġmir ac
+at ts
+p unk
+Ġpiv ot
+ĠLegisl ative
+Ġblog gers
+ĠCl aw
+s burg
+d yl
+ĠRecomm end
+Ġver te
+Ġprohib iting
+ĠPant her
+Jon athan
+Ġo min
+Ġhate ful
+28 1
+ĠOr che
+ĠMurd och
+down s
+Ġas ymm
+Al ways
+Ġinform s
+ĠP ony
+ĠApp endix
+ĠAr lington
+J am
+Ġmedic inal
+ĠS lam
+Ġre aff
+ĠR i
+F G
+S pring
+b ool
+Ġthigh s
+Ġmark ings
+ĠRa qqa
+ĠL ak
+p oll
+ts ky
+ĠMort y
+ĠDef inition
+Ġdeb unk
+end ered
+ĠLe one
+a vers
+Ġmortg ages
+App arently
+N ic
+ha us
+ĠTh ousands
+au ld
+Ġm ash
+sh oot
+Ġdi arr
+Ġconscious ly
+H ero
+e as
+ĠN aturally
+ĠDestroy er
+Ġdash board
+serv ices
+R og
+Ġmillenn ials
+Ġinv ade
+- (
+Ġcomm issions
+ĠA uckland
+Ġbroadcast s
+Ġfront al
+Ġcr ank
+ĠHist oric
+Ġrum ours
+Ġster il
+Ġboost er
+rock et
+ãĤ ¼
+ut sche
+Ġ2 33
+ĠProdu cer
+ĠAnaly tics
+Ġinval uable
+Ġunint ention
+Ġscrut in
+Ġg igg
+Ġeng ulf
+Ġprolet ariat
+Ġh acks
+ĠH ew
+ar ak
+ĠSl ime
+ield ing
+ag her
+ĠEll iot
+Ġtele com
+Ġ2 19
+ult an
+ĠAr bor
+ĠSc outs
+B an
+Ġlifes pan
+Ġbl asp
+38 8
+Ġjud iciary
+ĠContin ental
+ask ing
+Mc C
+Ġbag gage
+ĠSorce rer
+Ġrem nants
+ĠGriff ith
+ets u
+ĠSub aru
+ĠPerson ality
+des igned
+ush ima
+agn ar
+Ġrec oil
+Ġpass ions
+\ ":
+Ġte e
+Ġabol ition
+ĠCreat ing
+j ac
+Ġ19 4
+01 9
+Ġpill ars
+ric hed
+/ "
+t k
+Ġlive lihood
+Ġro asted
+ah on
+ĠH utch
+ass ert
+Ġdivid end
+Ġkn it
+Ġd aunting
+Ġdisturb ance
+Ġsh ale
+Ġcultiv ated
+Ġrefriger ator
+L B
+Ġcommercial s
+Ġthink ers
+45 5
+Ġch op
+B road
+Ġsuspic ions
+Ġtag ged
+l ifting
+Ġsty lish
+ĠShield s
+Short ly
+Ġt ails
+A uth
+Ġse ism
+ĠK is
+olog ne
+Ġcow ork
+Ġforc ibly
+Ġthy roid
+mar ried
+h orse
+Ġpoly mer
+ĠCh al
+od or
+ĠCon text
+Ġbl iss
+Ġpin point
+ĠMat hemat
+leg ram
+ĠWeek end
+Ġlab elled
+Ġb art
+it les
+Ġest rogen
+" '
+Ġvis ibly
+Ġouts ider
+aid a
+Are a
+Ġdisse min
+Ġdish onest
+ĠCl osed
+ĠBullet in
+ĠRam sey
+sw ord
+our ced
+S ame
+34 6
+ĠRe pe
+ĠK ou
+c ake
+em is
+C ache
+ĠMe aning
+ĠEn light
+onom y
+Ġmanifest ation
+sw orth
+J ay
+Ġch ore
+ö r
+D ream
+Ġsanction ed
+Ġcult urally
+ĠA ra
+N av
+Ġthe ological
+Ġstr ut
+ĠHand book
+Ġconstruct ing
+ĠÂ ¶
+ĠBenef its
+ĠPsych ological
+s ac
+å ¸
+p olicy
+ĠMat ters
+ĠReport ed
+ĠBy te
+Ġvit ro
+ĠM aiden
+Ġl am
+ĠJenn ings
+Ġgar ment
+ĠRut gers
+ĠStaff ord
+ĠWell ington
+Ġinter mitt
+Ġn pm
+Ġord eal
+Ġplug ged
+o oming
+in ished
+fram ework
+Ġtim ber
+Ġc ass
+Ġ8 50
+il ess
+ĠRed ux
+7 68
+St re
+Ġsurpass ed
+w hel
+Ġparalle ls
+Ġve il
+Ġread iness
+s ort
+Ġmod ifying
+ĠSl ate
+ru ff
+Ġmar ble
+Ġinf rared
+Ġaud itor
+ĠP overty
+Ġ" (
+K y
+Ġexecut ions
+ĠBever ly
+ĠMarx ism
+ĠBur st
+ĠK ali
+est ones
+Clear ly
+E ll
+ãģ §
+ĠProceed ings
+T oken
+ñ a
+Cent ral
+ĠH aley
+ĠD rama
+Ġform ations
+Book s
+Ġdom inating
+ĠFly ers
+ĠCompan ion
+Ġdiscipl ined
+ĠYug oslav
+ĠSpell s
+Ġv engeance
+Ġland lords
+L en
+ĠO gre
+ano ia
+Ġpier cing
+Ġcon greg
+Ġscore r
+ob ia
+Ġnic kel
+ĠLear ns
+Ġre jo
+Ġmaster piece
+Fl ash
+Ġinhab ited
+ĠOpen GL
+ĠD ud
+Ġar ter
+Ġpl ur
+Ġmaster y
+Ġlong standing
+st ed
+Ġw ines
+Ġtelev ised
+ĠSh rine
+ĠBay ern
+Ġâ ĵĺ
+Ġencl osure
+j ohn
+Ġprophe ts
+ĠRes urrection
+ĠOrd ers
+Ġun even
+r als
+Ġd wind
+ĠL ah
+ĠSl oven
+37 8
+Ġins istence
+aff le
+ĠCl one
+Ġhard ship
+ĠCongress man
+Ġple ad
+Ġreview ers
+Ġc ured
+Ġ19 35
+as ley
+f ake
+ĠTh inking
+yd ia
+ĠD ota
+o it
+Ġwh ipped
+Ġb ouncing
+ĠHispan ics
+com ings
+Ġcann abin
+ĠCh ambers
+ĠZ ack
+Option al
+Ġco ats
+Ġprow ess
+ĠNort on
+Ġplain ly
+Ġfre ight
+Ġinhib ition
+Ġcl am
+Ġ30 3
+ke f
+ale igh
+L uke
+Ġpsych o
+ator ium
+Ġtreat ies
+Ġind isc
+Ġd c
+Ġresil ient
+ĠInter state
+Ġsl ack
+Ġmund ane
+Ġestab lishes
+35 9
+Ġstr ained
+Ġn ond
+S us
+Ġcast e
+ar ate
+ie ving
+Ġunfair ly
+Ġpars er
+on ial
+urs ive
+V ia
+ĠOtt o
+ĠAuthor ities
+stro ke
+K R
+ĠMer cy
+Ġfurn ished
+Ġout set
+Ġmet ic
+19 82
+olith ic
+ĠT ent
+og ical
+ĠA ircraft
+Ġh ides
+ĠBec ame
+Ġeduc ators
+re aching
+Ġvol atility
+Ġtodd ler
+ĠTw elve
+ĠHigh lights
+Ġgra pe
+Ġspl its
+Ġpe asant
+Ġre neg
+Tem p
+st ars
+Ġtre k
+ĠHy de
+b inding
+Ġreal ism
+Ġox ide
+ĠH os
+Ġmount s
+Ġbit ing
+Ġcollaps ing
+Ġpost al
+Ġmuse ums
+Ġdet ached
+Ġrespect ing
+Ġmonop ol
+Ġwork flow
+ĠC ake
+Tem plate
+ĠOrgan isation
+Ġpers istence
+36 9
+C oming
+B rad
+Ġredund ant
+Ġb ending
+Ġrev oked
+Ġoff ending
+Ġfram ing
+Ġprint f
+Comm un
+mem bers
+Out side
+Ġconst rued
+Ġc oded
+Ġch ast
+Ch at
+Ind ian
+ĠY ard
+? !"
+ĠP orts
+ĠX avier
+' ."
+ĠBo at
+iv ated
+ich t
+umer able
+D s
+ĠDun n
+Ġcoff in
+Ġsecure ly
+ĠRapt ors
+ĠB es
+Install ation
+Ġin ception
+ĠHealth y
+end ants
+Ġpsych ologists
+ĠShe ikh
+c ultural
+ĠBlack Berry
+sh ift
+F red
+oc he
+Ġc akes
+ĠG ian
+ĠAs ians
+og ging
+e lement
+Ġpund its
+ĠV augh
+ĠG avin
+Ġh itter
+Ġdrown ed
+Ġch alk
+ĠZ ika
+Ġmeas les
+80 2
+âĢ¦ ..
+] "
+Ġdist ort
+ĠM ast
+Ġantib odies
+ĠM ash
+Mem ory
+ĠUg anda
+ĠPro b
+Ġvom iting
+ĠTurn s
+Ġoccup ying
+Ġev asion
+ĠTher apy
+Ġprom o
+Ġelect r
+Ġblue print
+ĠD re
+pr iced
+ĠDep ot
+Ġallev iate
+ĠSom ali
+m arg
+n ine
+Ġnostalg ia
+ĠShe pherd
+Ġcaval ry
+Ġtor ped
+ĠBlood y
+x b
+Ġs ank
+Ġgo alt
+report print
+embed reportprint
+clone embedreportprint
+ĠIn itially
+ĠF ischer
+Ġnot eworthy
+c ern
+Ġin efficient
+raw download
+rawdownload cloneembedreportprint
+c ation
+ĠD ynasty
+l ag
+Ġdistinct ly
+ĠEston ia
+Ġopen ness
+Ġg ossip
+ru ck
+W idth
+ĠIb rahim
+Ġpet roleum
+Ġav atar
+ĠH ed
+ath a
+ĠHog warts
+Ġc aves
+67 8
+Ġsafegu ard
+ĠM og
+iss on
+ĠDur ham
+sl aught
+ĠGrad uate
+Ġsub conscious
+ĠEx cellent
+ĠD um
+---- -
+Ġp iles
+ĠG arn
+ĠF ol
+Ġavoid s
+ĠT ul
+Ġble ak
+iv ist
+light ly
+P ers
+ĠD ob
+Ġins anity
+Î µ
+atal ie
+En large
+Ġtw ists
+Ġfault y
+Ġpir acy
+Ġimp over
+Ġrug ged
+ĠF ashion
+Ġs ands
+' ?
+sw ick
+Ġn atives
+Ġhe n
+ĠNo ise
+ãĥ Ĺ
+Ġg reens
+Ġfree zer
+Ġd ynasty
+ĠFather s
+ĠNew ark
+Ġarchae ological
+Ġo t
+ob ar
+Ġblock ade
+Ġall erg
+L V
+Ġdeb it
+ĠMil ton
+ĠPress ure
+Ġwill ingly
+Ġdisproportion ate
+Ġopp ressive
+Ġdiamond s
+Ġbelong ings
+19 70
+Ġbell s
+Ġimperial ism
+Ġ2 27
+Ġexpl oding
+ĠE clipse
+Ġ19 19
+Ġr ant
+Ġnom inations
+34 7
+Ġpeace fully
+ric a
+Ġvib ration
+mal ink
+Ġro pes
+ĠIv anka
+ĠBrew ery
+ĠBook er
+ĠOw ens
+go ers
+Serv ices
+ĠSn ape
+Ġ19 1
+39 5
+Ġ2 99
+just ice
+Ġb ri
+Ġdisc s
+Ġprom inently
+Ġvul gar
+Ġsk ipping
+l ves
+Ġtsun ami
+37 4
+ĠU rug
+ĠE id
+rec ated
+p hen
+Ġfault s
+ĠStart ed
+9 50
+Ġp i
+Ġdetect or
+Ġbast ard
+Ġvalid ated
+Space Engineers
+Ġ( ~
+Ġuns ur
+Ġaff irmed
+Ġfasc ism
+Ġres olving
+ĠCh avez
+ĠC yn
+Ġdet ract
+L ost
+Ġrig ged
+Ġhom age
+ĠBrun o
+55 5
+ec a
+Ġpress es
+Ġhum our
+Ġsp acing
+Ġ' /
+olk ien
+C oun
+T re
+S on
+ĠCambod ia
+ier re
+m ong
+o zy
+Ġliquid ity
+ĠSov iets
+ĠFernand o
+Ġ2 29
+Ġsl ug
+ĠCatal an
+elect ric
+Ġsc enery
+ĠH earth
+Ġconst rained
+Ġgoal ie
+ĠGu idelines
+ĠAm mo
+ĠPear son
+Ġtax ed
+Ġfet us
+Resp onse
+ĠAlex is
+th ia
+G uy
+Ġrecon struct
+Ġextrem es
+Ġconclud ing
+ĠP eg
+ook s
+Ġded uctions
+R ose
+Ġground breaking
+ĠT arg
+ãĥ ģ
+ĠRe ve
+res ource
+Ġmo ons
+Ġelectrom agnetic
+Ġamid st
+ĠVik tor
+Ġcomm ute
+ĠAna heim
+Ġfluct uations
+6 40
+Ġnood les
+ĠCop enhagen
+ĠT ide
+ĠGri zz
+Ġpip elines
+Ġsc ars
+end o
+ag us
+/ #
+ĠBec ome
+44 8
+Ġvis c
+ĠRecomm ended
+Ġj umper
+Ġcogn ition
+Ġassass in
+Ġwitness ing
+ĠSet up
+Ġl ac
+v im
+p ages
+35 8
+Ġad ject
+indust rial
+l ore
+cher y
+Ġgl itter
+Ġc alf
+Flor ida
+Ġspoil ers
+Ġsucceed s
+Ġch anting
+Ġslog ans
+ĠTr acy
+Vis it
+rol ogy
+Ġm ornings
+Ġline age
+Ġs ip
+Ġintense ly
+Ġflour ish
+ĠSle eping
+ĠF em
+or por
+ĠK lan
+ĠDar th
+h ack
+ĠNi elsen
+Ġtum ors
+Ġprocure ment
+ĠY orkshire
+Ġra ided
+K Y
+An na
+Ġ// [
+ĠDis order
+ĠMust ang
+ĠW en
+ĠTry ing
+s q
+Ġdeliver ies
+Ġshut ter
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+Ġbip olar
+l ass
+j et
+Ġdeb ating
+> :
+Ġe agle
+gr ades
+ĠD ixon
+ĠDr aco
+ĠMach ines
+aff er
+Ġem an
+Â ²
+pr on
+ĠG ym
+Ġcompar atively
+ĠTrib unal
+Ġle x
+Ġfert ile
+Ġdep ressing
+Ġsuperf icial
+ess ential
+ĠHun ters
+g p
+Ġprom inence
+L iber
+ĠAn cest
+ote chnology
+Ġm ocking
+ĠTra ff
+ĸ ļ
+Med ium
+I raq
+Ġpsychiat rist
+Quant ity
+ĠL ect
+Ġno isy
+5 20
+G Y
+Ġsl apped
+Ġpar a
+p ull
+Mult iple
+as her
+Ġn our
+ĠSe g
+Spe ll
+v ous
+ord ial
+Sen ior
+ĠGold berg
+ĠPl asma
+ne ed
+Ġmess enger
+ere t
+Ġteam ed
+Ġliter acy
+ĠLe ah
+ĠD oyle
+Ġem itted
+U X
+Ġev ade
+Ġm aze
+Ġwrong ly
+ĠL ars
+Ġstere otype
+Ġpled ges
+Ġarom a
+Ġac re
+Ġf f
+Ġbrew eries
+ĠH ilton
+und le
+ĠK ak
+ĠThank fully
+ĠCan ucks
+in ctions
+ĠApp ears
+Ġco er
+Ġundermin ed
+ro vers
+And re
+Ġbl aze
+um ers
+Ġfam ine
+amp hetamine
+ulk an
+Am ount
+Ġdesper ation
+wik ipedia
+develop ment
+ĠCor inth
+uss ia
+Jack son
+L I
+N ative
+R s
+Oh io
+ĠKath leen
+F ortunately
+Ġattend ant
+ĠPre ferred
+ĠDid n
+ĠV s
+M is
+Ġrespond ent
+Ġb oun
+st able
+Ġp aved
+Ġunex pl
+ĠChe ney
+L M
+ĠC ull
+bl own
+Ġconfront ing
+oc ese
+serv ing
+W i
+ĠLith uania
+ann i
+Ġst alk
+h d
+Ġv ener
+ynchron ous
+um ably
+hist oric
+H alf
+H ay
+Ġresil ience
+spe ction
+Ġabandon ing
+O bs
+ĠDeb bie
+Ġgrad ient
+ĠPl aint
+ĠCan al
+Ġexpans ive
+Ġfun g
+Ġb ounced
+U nd
+Ġprec autions
+Ġclar ification
+Ġd agger
+Ġgri ps
+ĠÂ µ
+ĠRiver a
+ĠUnd ead
+is ites
+ñ o
+aud i
+Ġhost ages
+Ġcompl iant
+Ġal umni
+Se ven
+Ġcyber security
+e ither
+Col lect
+Ġinvari ably
+ĠS oci
+Ġlaw maker
+Ġa le
+ĠPerson ally
+N azi
+Ġcustom ization
+ĠPro c
+ĠSask atchewan
+eat uring
+Ġsp ared
+Ġdiscontin ued
+Ġcomput ational
+ĠMotor ola
+Ġsuprem acist
+government al
+Ġparad ise
+ĠDown ing
+ĠNik on
+Ġcat alyst
+ber ra
+Tor onto
+8 75
+bet a
+ĠMac ron
+Ġunreal istic
+ve ctor
+ĠVeh icles
+it iveness
+ĠCol bert
+s in
+o ji
+ent in
+ĠKr ish
+hell o
+ff ield
+ok y
+ĠT ate
+Ġmap le
+Ġa ids
+chem ical
+33 4
+n uts
+ĠWar p
+Ġx x
+ĠRob b
+umer ous
+_- _
+ft ime
+Ġw inger
+ĠD ome
+t ools
+ĠGe orgetown
+Ġg eared
+Ġjihad ists
+Ġc p
+Ġster oids
+M other
+cler osis
+nes ia
+Ġl inger
+Ġimm ersive
+Ġoutwe igh
+ens ual
+B and
+Ġtransform s
+mat ched
+ps ons
+ĠJud icial
+f actor
+Ġrefer ral
+Ġodd ly
+ĠW enger
+B ring
+ĠB ows
+60 2
+Ġl ions
+ĠAcad emic
+ĠTh orn
+ĠRa ider
+kef eller
+St orage
+L ower
+ĠOr t
+ĠEqu ality
+T ypes
+Ġl yn
+ĠAss et
+co at
+ĠPione er
+app lication
+Mod ern
+En vironment
+Al right
+R ain
+ĠShi ite
+Ġm ound
+ĠAb ilities
+cond ition
+St aff
+Ġcompet ence
+ĠM oor
+ĠDi ablo
+Ġwith held
+Ġost ensibly
+ĠB rom
+Ġms g
+Ġden omin
+ĠRef erences
+Ġplun ged
+Ġp amph
+m oving
+cent ral
+Ġdown right
+Ġf ading
+T al
+T yp
+ĠTh y
+uk es
+it he
+Ġo ve
+Ġbatt led
+Ġseaf ood
+Ġfig ur
+c rop
+Ġsqu ads
+{ \
+à ¹
+ĠE h
+Ġinterview ing
+ĠQ in
+Ġas piring
+Ġcla uses
+ĠG ast
+ĠN ir
+Ġl uggage
+Ġh ose
+Ġsystem d
+Ġdesc ending
+ĠRev ised
+ĠR ails
+al ign
+70 9
+33 7
+Ġf ug
+charg ing
+t ags
+Ġut er
+k ish
+49 0
+prof its
+Ġvoy age
+Ġa ce
+ĠV anguard
+ĠT anks
+ĠM uk
+Ġ2 26
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+Ar mor
+Ġvolcan ic
+Ġwom b
+Ġbegin ner
+ĠRec ogn
+) !
+Ġdetect ing
+c n
+Ġbre aches
+Bas ically
+ĠP ag
+ĠMunicip al
+ĠInd ie
+ĠL af
+ĠDis able
+ĠOl son
+Ġrest rained
+Ġrul ings
+Ġhum ane
+ev ents
+ĠCinem a
+display Text
+ĠH atch
+action Date
+onna issance
+Ġassault ing
+ĠL ug
+Ġvig orous
+ĠPer se
+Ġintoler ance
+ĠSnap chat
+ĠSh arks
+Ġd ummy
+ĠDi agn
+ĠGu itar
+im eters
+40 3
+A x
+Ġsepar ates
+ĠMah m
+Ġt v
+j ah
+C irc
+ĠWinds or
+uss ian
+Ġintu ition
+Ġdis dain
+ĠDon ovan
+Ġ2 21
+E mb
+Ġcondem ning
+Ġgener osity
+zz y
+Ġpant ies
+ĠPre vent
+Action Code
+34 2
+external ActionCode
+Ġspec ifying
+Ġcryst all
+J ere
+Ġru pt
+ĠApp rentice
+Ġprof iling
+Ð º
+St rike
+Ġsid eline
+Ġoblig ated
+Ġocc ult
+Ġbureaucr atic
+ant ically
+rupt ed
+neg ative
+ĠEthiop ia
+ĠC ivic
+Ġins iders
+el igible
+ĠTV s
+i ologist
+Ġsubstit uted
+Ar ab
+ĠS aul
+ĠY og
+p rem
+Ġbuild ers
+Ġstation ary
+Ġdoubt ful
+Ġvig orously
+Ġthr illing
+Ph ysical
+ĠCare y
+ĠHyd ra
+geon ing
+ĠS ly
+y ton
+Ġborrow ers
+ĠPark inson
+Ġ ë
+ĠJama ica
+Ġsat ir
+Ġinsurg ents
+ĠF irm
+Ġis ot
+ĠK arn
+our ning
+ak ens
+doc s
+l ittle
+ĠMon aco
+Tur key
+L y
+ĠCon an
+ass ic
+Ġstar red
+ĠPac ers
+et ies
+Ġt ipping
+M oon
+ĠR w
+s ame
+Ġcav ity
+Ġgo of
+ĠZ o
+Sh ock
+um mer
+Ġemphas izes
+Ġreg rett
+Ġnovel ty
+Ġen vy
+ĠPass ive
+r w
+50 5
+Ġind ifferent
+ĠR ica
+ĠHim self
+ĠFred die
+Ġad ip
+ä¸ Ģ
+Ġbreak out
+Ġhur ried
+ĠHu ang
+ĠD isk
+Ġro aming
+?????- ?????-
+U V
+ĠRick y
+ĠS igma
+Ġmarginal ized
+Ġed its
+Ġ30 4
+mem ory
+Ġspec imen
+29 3
+ãģ ¯
+Ġvert ically
+Ġaud ition
+ĠHe ck
+Ġc aster
+ĠHold ings
+ad al
+ĠC ron
+ĠL iam
+Ġdef lect
+P ick
+ĠDeb ug
+Ġvers atility
+ot hes
+class ified
+ĠMah ar
+ĠH ort
+C ounter
+st asy
+not iced
+33 1
+ĠSh im
+f uck
+ĠB ie
+Ġair ing
+ĠPro tein
+ĠHold ing
+Ġspect ators
+ili ated
+ĠThat cher
+n osis
+ãĥ¼ ãĥ³
+Te le
+B oston
+ĠTem pl
+st ay
+Ġdecl arations
+47 9
+Vol ume
+ĠDesign er
+ĠOver watch
+id ae
+Ġon wards
+Ġn ets
+ĠMan ila
+part icularly
+Ġpolit ic
+o other
+Ġport raits
+Ġpave ment
+c ffff
+Ġs aints
+Ġbegin ners
+Ġshort comings
+âķIJ âķIJ
+Ġcom et
+ĠOrgan ic
+qu el
+Ġhospital ized
+Bre ak
+Ġpe el
+dyl ib
+asp x
+ur ances
+P g
+Ġread able
+ĠMal ik
+Ġm uzzle
+Ġbench marks
+d al
+ĠV acc
+ĠH icks
+60 9
+ĠB iblical
+he ng
+Ġover load
+ĠCivil ization
+Ġimm oral
+Ġf ries
+ãĤ Ĵ
+Ġreprodu ced
+Ġform ulation
+j ug
+ire z
+g ear
+Ġco ached
+Mp Server
+ĠK w
+In it
+d eal
+ĠO ro
+ĠL oki
+ĠSong s
+Ġ23 2
+ĠLou ise
+asion ally
+Ġunc ond
+olly wood
+Ġprogress ives
+ĠEn ough
+ĠDo e
+Ġwreck age
+Ġbr ushed
+ĠBase Type
+Ġz oning
+ish able
+het ically
+ĠC aucus
+ĠH ue
+Ġk arma
+ĠSport ing
+Ġtrad er
+Ġseem ing
+ĠCapt ure
+4 30
+b ish
+Ġt unes
+Ġindo ors
+ĠSp here
+ĠD ancing
+Ġno b
+m aps
+Ġpe ppers
+F it
+Ġoverse es
+ĠRabb i
+ĠR uler
+vert ising
+off ice
+xx x
+Ġra ft
+Ch anged
+Ġtext books
+L inks
+ĠO mn
+ãĢ ij
+Ġinconven ience
+ĠDon etsk
+= ~
+Ġimplicit ly
+Ġboost s
+ĠB ones
+ĠBo om
+Cour tesy
+Ġsens ational
+Ġgre edy
+ed en
+Ġinex per
+ĠL er
+ĠV ale
+Ġtight en
+ĠN um
+Ġancest or
+S ent
+ĠH orde
+urg ical
+all ah
+Ġsa p
+amb a
+ĠSp read
+tw itch
+Ġgrand son
+Ġfract ure
+Ġmoder ator
+ĠSe venth
+ĠRe verse
+Ġestim ation
+Cho ose
+Ġpar ach
+Ġbar ric
+ãĢ IJ
+Ġcomp ass
+Ġall ergic
+âĢ ķ
+err illa
+Ġw agon
+Ġz inc
+Ġrub bed
+ĠFull er
+ĠLuxem bourg
+ĠHoo ver
+Ġli ar
+ĠEven ing
+ĠCob b
+est eem
+Ġselect or
+ĠB rawl
+is ance
+ĠE k
+Ġtro op
+Ġg uts
+ĠApp eal
+ĠTibet an
+Ġrout ines
+ĠM ent
+Ġsummar ized
+steam apps
+Ġtr anqu
+Ġ19 29
+or an
+ĠAut hent
+Ġg maxwell
+Ġappre hens
+Ġpo ems
+Ġsa usage
+ĠWeb ster
+ur us
+Ġthem ed
+Ġl ounge
+Ġcharg er
+Sp oiler
+Ġsp illed
+h og
+ĠSu nder
+ĠA in
+ĠAng ry
+Ġdis qual
+ĠFrequ ency
+ĠEther net
+Ġhel per
+Per cent
+Ġhorr ifying
+Ġa il
+ĠAll an
+ĠCross ing
+44 9
+Ġh olog
+ĠPuzz les
+ĠGo es
+eren n
+60 4
+ãģ ı
+ĠRaf ael
+Ġatt en
+ĠE manuel
+Ġup ro
+ĠSus p
+P sych
+ĠTr ainer
+ĠHun ts
+bec ue
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+ex pr
+50 3
+ĠCh ick
+ĠT orn
+Ġconsolid ation
+ĠF letcher
+sw itch
+fr ac
+cl ips
+ĠMcK in
+ĠLun ar
+Mon th
+Ġscholar ly
+rap ed
+39 8
+Ġ19 10
+Ġe greg
+Ġin secure
+Ġvict orious
+cffff cc
+Ġsing led
+Ġel ves
+ĠW ond
+bur st
+Ġcam oufl
+Ġcondition ed
+ç ī
+ans wered
+Ġcompuls ory
+asc ist
+Ġpodcast s
+ĠFrank furt
+bn b
+Ġne oliberal
+ĠKey board
+ĠBel le
+w arm
+Ġtrust s
+Ġins ured
+ĠBu cc
+us able
+60 7
+ĠPl ains
+Ġ18 90
+Ġsabot age
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+f elt
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+p ocket
+Ġwhis per
+Ġm ating
+om ics
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+Ġan gered
+Ġcoll isions
+Ġextraord inarily
+Ġcoerc ion
+G host
+b irds
+è Ģ
+k ok
+Ġper missible
+avor able
+Ġpo inters
+Ġdiss ip
+ac i
+Ġtheat rical
+ĠCos mic
+Ġforget ting
+Ġfinal ized
+å¤ §
+y out
+l ibrary
+Ġbo oming
+ĠBel ieve
+ĠTe acher
+ĠL iv
+ĠDomin ican
+ĠPart ies
+Ġprecip itation
+ĠSl ot
+R oy
+ĠComb ined
+Ġinteg rating
+Ġch rome
+Ġintest inal
+ĠRe bell
+Ġmatch ups
+Ġblock buster
+ĠLore n
+ĠLe vy
+Ġpre aching
+ĠS ending
+ĠPur pose
+ra x
+f if
+Ġauthor itative
+ast ical
+Ġdish on
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+Connect ion
+Ġrecre ate
+Ġdel inqu
+Ġbro th
+ĠD irty
+ĠAd min
+z man
+Ġscholars hips
+Ġ25 3
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+als a
+7 67
+c reen
+abb age
+Ġ19 15
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+Ġal armed
+L anguage
+35 6
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+ĠCh anged
+W olf
+Ġhe pat
+Creat ing
+Ġper secut
+Ġsweet ness
+art e
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+im pro
+ĠMag net
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+ĠPro blems
+Ġem blem
+Ġserious ness
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+ale b
+Rub y
+Ġprof iciency
+Dri ver
+ĠW ester
+: '
+Ġm antle
+ĠClay ton
+fl ag
+Ġpractition er
+c overed
+ĠSt ruct
+add afi
+4 25
+ĠTown ship
+ĠHyd ro
+Lou is
+34 3
+Ġcond o
+ĠT ao
+Ġutil ization
+Ġnause a
+ĠDem s
+rid ges
+p ause
+Ġform ulas
+Ġchall enger
+37 6
+Ġdefect ive
+ĠRail way
+ĠPub Med
+Ġyog urt
+l bs
+ĠNor folk
+ĠMood y
+Ġdistribut or
+Ġscroll s
+Ġextract s
+St an
+Ġv iability
+Ġexp oses
+Ġstar vation
+ĠStep s
+ĠD odd
+f ew
+33 2
+Ġclos ures
+Ġcomplement ary
+ĠS asha
+ump y
+Ġmon et
+Ġartic ulate
+ĠDo ct
+k iller
+Ġsc rim
+Ġ2 64
+Ġprost itutes
+Ġse vered
+Ġattach ments
+Ġcool ed
+L ev
+ĠF alk
+f ail
+Ġpolic eman
+ĠD ag
+Ġpray ed
+ĠK ernel
+Ġcl ut
+Ġc ath
+Ġan omaly
+St orm
+em aker
+ĠBreak fast
+ul i
+o ire
+J J
+h z
+Oper ation
+ĠS ick
+35 4
+ĠGuatem ala
+R ate
+Ġexp osures
+f aces
+ĠArch ae
+ra f
+ĠM ia
+Ġ20 25
+Ġop aque
+Ġdisgu ised
+ĠHead quarters
+S ah
+Ġp ots
+9 78
+ĠM alf
+Ġfrown ed
+Ġpoison ous
+ĠCon vers
+ee ks
+Ġcr ab
+." "
+Ġtre ason
+Ġr anc
+Ġescal ating
+Ġwar r
+Ġmob s
+Ġl amps
+ĠSun shine
+ĠBrun swick
+Ph ones
+Ġspe lled
+ĠSk ip
+Ġ20 50
+Ġ19 11
+ĠPl uto
+ĠAm end
+Ġme ats
+38 7
+Ġst omp
+ĠZh ou
+ĠLevi athan
+ĠHaz ard
+ad v
+ĠOr well
+Ġal oud
+Ġb umper
+ĠAn arch
+ub untu
+ĠSer ious
+f itting
+ĠOption al
+ĠCec il
+Ġser otonin
+Ġcultiv ate
+ag ogue
+} \
+Ġmos ques
+ĠSun ny
+Ġre active
+rev olution
+ĠL up
+ĠFed ora
+Ġdefense man
+ist ine
+Ġdrown ing
+ĠBroad casting
+Ġthr iller
+ĠS cy
+Ġacceler ating
+Ġdirect s
+od ied
+b ike
+d uration
+Ġpain fully
+R edd
+Ġproduct ions
+Ġg ag
+Ġwh ist
+Ġs ock
+Ġinf initely
+ĠConc ern
+ĠCit adel
+Ġlie u
+Ġcand les
+ogene ous
+arg er
+Ġheaven ly
+inflamm atory
+Per formance
+C s
+ruct ose
+az aki
+Ġp essim
+Ġinf erence
+Ġpow d
+ĠZ oe
+Ġpain ts
+Ġd azz
+pt a
+-------- ---
+Ġins pir
+ĠExper imental
+ĠKn ife
+reg or
+b ors
+Ġshow ers
+rom eda
+Ġs aint
+Ġben ign
+ĠJ iang
+Ġenvision ed
+Ġsh roud
+H O
+Ġsh uff
+Ġse greg
+Ġrevis it
+ighth ouse
+L i
+Ġsub strate
+ĠSe as
+ĠRew ard
+ĠH ep
+ĠBr ass
+s bm
+Ġelim inates
+Ġst amina
+ĠLo an
+Ġconst raint
+Ġappropri ated
+Ġp es
+r anging
+Ġ40 4
+39 2
+Ġintellectual s
+ach u
+Ġrestruct uring
+ĠLe vin
+Ġrun es
+Ġdelight ful
+Ġcarbohyd rates
+ĠMod els
+ĠExp o
+Ġtransport ing
+all oc
+Ġring ing
+S amsung
+Ġscarce ly
+Ġprot otypes
+Ġnarr ator
+cd n
+ĠBart on
+Ġdecided ly
+ĠSh u
+ix ir
+oc ious
+ĠMy st
+N intendo
+Ġre use
+Ġforg iven
+F ew
+in ical
+n at
+Ġseam less
+ĠEv a
+land ers
+Ġso fter
+neg ie
+Ġtrans ient
+Ġorb ital
+Ġfulf il
+ĠK om
+Hop efully
+Ġdynam ically
+ĠHun ger
+å Ľ
+ĠArmen ia
+el man
+ber to
+Ġp ige
+ĠID s
+lim it
+Ġve ins
+Ġso aring
+p acks
+Gold en
+ĠCr ab
+ist or
+Ġ$ $
+g ression
+Ġjihad ist
+Ġgam ble
+Ġcare g
+Ġinf lated
+F ace
+ĠFire arms
+ĠEm manuel
+â Ŀ
+Ġsh ocks
+gr ab
+Ġspl end
+ab ortion
+Ab ove
+Ent ity
+play ers
+Ġcomm enced
+ul ence
+Ġfulfill ment
+Ġembod iments
+ĠW elfare
+Ġha il
+Ġ< @
+tt en
+Ġcat cher
+ĠJ azeera
+Ġvolcan o
+Ġstabil ize
+ĠHand ler
+Ġintens ified
+ĠAb rams
+Ġhum iliation
+p aced
+60 5
+ĠCent OS
+Spe cific
+Ġhe ed
+ĠGal ile
+D ie
+Ġabol ished
+ĠThom son
+ĠTe achers
+ĠW ass
+j ong
+ĠAll ies
+sh ake
+å ·
+v ict
+How ard
+Ġde em
+Ġexceed ingly
+ĠSmart stocks
+ib e
+Ġdoor way
+Ġcompet ed
+ig mat
+Ġnational ists
+Ġg room
+ĠKe en
+Ġdispos able
+de cl
+ĠT olkien
+ĠSche me
+Ġb iod
+Ġav id
+ĠEl on
+ag ar
+R oman
+Ġartific ially
+Ġadvis ors
+X L
+ĠInf erno
+36 6
+Ġted ious
+ĠPhot ography
+ĠCar rie
+Ġtro pe
+ĠSand ra
+Ġdec imal
+Que en
+ĠGund am
+ote ch
+Ġ19 32
+Ġent renched
+ĠMar ion
+Ġfr aternity
+Lab our
+Hen ry
+Ġlat itude
+E ither
+Ġenh ances
+ĠPot ential
+Ġsh ines
+id ad
+Ġbread th
+Ġcapac ities
+ĠBron x
+Ġsex es
+Ġdifferent iation
+Ġheavy weight
+ĠT aj
+d ra
+Ġmigr ate
+Ġexhaust ion
+els ius
+ĠCu omo
+Ġgu itars
+Ġcl ones
+ĠSom ew
+ĠP ry
+------------ -
+Ġwarr anted
+cy cles
+Ġsalv age
+Ġdis ks
+ĠMart ian
+":[ {"
+Ġadd icts
+oj ure
+il let
+Ġamazing ly
+art ments
+p ixel
+Lay out
+è £
+ĠTam il
+ĠBas il
+Ġimpart ial
+ĠSt ructure
+f ork
+b ryce
+Ġr idge
+ĠHamb urg
+ri ous
+Ġbl itz
+cig arettes
+Ġcan ned
+40 2
+Ġiron ically
+Ġcompassion ate
+ĠHaw kins
+. #
+ĠCat hedral
+Ġrall ied
+in ternal
+Ġqu ota
+st akes
+m om
+Ġcomple tes
+Ġ23 8
+Ġsh rug
+ãĥ ij
+ĠN inth
+Ġrev ise
+ĠProv ider
+Ġtre acher
+Ġqu asi
+Ġdep osition
+Ġconfidential ity
+iss ors
+Ġim balance
+Ġspan ning
+Ġang ular
+ĠC ul
+commun ication
+ĠNor a
+ĠGen ius
+op ter
+Ġs acked
+Sp ot
+Ġfine ly
+28 2
+w aves
+Pal est
+ĠRo hing
+N L
+è ¿
+Ġsh itty
+ĠSc alia
+4 75
+Pro gress
+Ġreferen cing
+Ġclass rooms
+ab ee
+Ġs od
+hes ion
+70 8
+ĠZucker berg
+ĠFin ish
+ĠScot ia
+ĠSav ior
+ĠInstall ation
+an tha
+( -
+Ġ30 2
+ĠP unk
+Ġcr ater
+yout u
+Ġro ast
+Ġinflu encing
+Ġd up
+ĠG rav
+Ġstat ure
+Ġbath rooms
+A side
+W iki
+me an
+ĠZ ak
+ĠOn es
+ĠN ath
+Ġhyper t
+Ġcommence ment
+C ivil
+Ġmoder ately
+Ġdistribut ors
+Ġbreast feeding
+Ġ9 80
+ĠS ik
+ĠC ig
+ĠCare er
+ust ing
+Ġmess ed
+Ġe h
+ĠJ ensen
+/ $
+Ġblack mail
+Ġconvers ions
+Ġscientific ally
+Ġmant ra
+p aying
+Ġiv ory
+ĠCour ts
+aunt let
+Ser ial
+B row
+ĠH undreds
+3 23
+Ġpe e
+Ġlin ux
+Ġsub mer
+ĠPrinc ipal
+48 5
+ĠCous ins
+Ġdoctr ines
+ĠAthlet ics
+Ġ3 15
+ĠK arma
+Ġatt ent
+ur ger
+Ġpresc ribe
+Ġenc aps
+ĠC ame
+Ġsecret ive
+ĠCr imes
+d n
+C lean
+ĠEgypt ians
+ĠCar penter
+Ġ ll
+H um
+ĠMil o
+Ġcapital ists
+Ġbrief ed
+T we
+ĠBas in
+elve t
+M os
+Ġplun ge
+ĠKa iser
+ĠFu j
+ill in
+Ġsafegu ards
+Ġo ste
+ĠOpportun ity
+ĠM afia
+ĠCall ing
+ap a
+ur ban
+br ush
+ill ard
+c é
+int elligence
+ĠL ob
+ĠDru id
+Ġsm oother
+Ġfoot ing
+Ġmotor ists
+arc ity
+Ġmascul inity
+Ġm ism
+Ġabdom inal
+ĠTa vern
+ĠR oh
+Ġesc apes
+s igned
+Anth ony
+Ġsacrific ing
+Ġintim acy
+Ġan terior
+ĠK od
+Ġmot if
+Ġg raz
+Ġvisual ization
+Ġguitar ist
+ĠTro tsky
+m agic
+D ar
+ĠMor i
+Ġw ards
+Ġtoile ts
+l est
+Ġtele port
+ĠSund ays
+ĠPl at
+Ġe Sports
+Pat rick
+ĠK atherine
+en ko
+Ġhas sle
+ĠM ick
+gg les
+Ġh ob
+aint ain
+Ġair borne
+Ġsp ans
+Ġch ili
+Ġa perture
+Ġvolunte ered
+ĠInc ident
+ĠF res
+ĠVeter an
+augh tered
+ing o
+Ġun insured
+Ġf use
+Ġer otic
+Ġadvert ise
+ra ising
+Text ure
+Ġatt ends
+udd led
+Ġsm oot
+Ġ30 5
+ĠWill is
+Ġbl ond
+An alysis
+on ica
+Ġstrongh old
+R F
+N M
+. >>
+Ġprosper ous
+Ġbo asted
+29 2
+ĠManufact uring
+g ren
+Ġpharm acy
+ĠRoc kefeller
+k ai
+Ġth umbs
+ĠH ut
+Ġmother board
+Ġguard ians
+ĠAl ter
+ll ular
+Ġsh ack
+Ġwise ly
+Ġback bone
+erv a
+Ġsu icides
+ĠMcG regor
+ij ah
+E mer
+ĠB rav
+Ġdesign ate
+produ ced
+Ġcleans ing
+irl wind
+ex istent
+ĠHum ph
+ĠPay ne
+Ġv ested
+Å ¡
+Ġstring ent
+ion a
+Ġuns ub
+Ġsum med
+ĠHer cules
+sub ject
+ĠR agnar
+ĠN os
+Ġcharacter ization
+Ġsav vy
+ĠDaw son
+ĠCas ino
+Ġf ri
+ĠBar rier
+Ġmis information
+Ġins ulation
+Ġcorrid ors
+Ġair planes
+ĠNo ct
+ah i
+Ġ19 16
+k b
+arm ac
+Ġsh un
+Ġsche ma
+Ġhorr ified
+Ġ23 9
+aund ers
+N B
+i ates
+er ity
+ĠSh ard
+Ġr arity
+Ġgroup ed
+ĠGh ana
+again st
+ĠBi ological
+ĠA ware
+ow ell
+Ï Ħ
+ĠBe au
+sh aw
+H ack
+ĠJul ius
+ol son
+aun a
+c ru
+ĠMaur ice
+ĠI k
+Ġsequ encing
+Ġradical s
+Ġ( ?,
+v irtual
+Ġany ways
+Ġreper c
+Ġhand lers
+Ġhes itant
+é ĥ
+ple mentation
+ass ociated
+Ġcampaign ed
+ĠY ue
+ut ations
+ĠY oga
+Ġsim mer
+Ġro ds
+Ġmel ody
+Ġconv oy
+v ideos
+Ġscreen ed
+N eg
+ochem ical
+Ġ( ))
+Ġultr as
+Ġant ip
+ĠIsland ers
+70 4
+Ġfet ish
+Ġridic ulously
+ĠK art
+Ġmitochond rial
+Ġinterf ering
+Build er
+Ġover fl
+Ġac ne
+ĠM ud
+ĠK err
+f lex
+ĠPost al
+ĠBalt ic
+47 7
+ĠPers ons
+our age
+H B
+ĠM use
+ĠImm ortal
+ĠDri ving
+Ġpet itions
+Ġsubsc ript
+Ġs orce
+ĠProcess or
+ut on
+S ony
+Ġph on
+Ġr aced
+ĠAnth rop
+Ġday time
+ĠEx ercise
+Add ing
+Ġeng ages
+ĠQual comm
+Ġmir acles
+Ġmem es
+ĠDr ink
+ĠOri oles
+Ġhair s
+ĠPol ar
+ath om
+Ġsl ippery
+ĠR emy
+Ġcar amel
+Ġal k
+I gn
+a ution
+ĠMer lin
+ĠC ran
+Ġap ologies
+Ġ4 10
+Ġout ing
+ĠMem ories
+app ointed
+Ġcount ered
+u ld
+pos ing
+Ġfire wall
+ĠW ast
+ĠW et
+work ed
+se ller
+Ġrepe aled
+ere o
+ass uming
+m ite
+ĠChap el
+ellig ent
+________________ ________
+D og
+Ġw art
+Ġsubsc riber
+s ports
+Ġbe gged
+Ġsem if
+eth ical
+Ġpre ach
+Ġrev ital
+Ġpun itive
+Ġshort cuts
+Ġinstit uted
+ĠWars aw
+Ġabdom en
+Ġsuper intendent
+Ġf ry
+ĠGe o
+Ġcontrad ictions
+apt ic
+Ġlandsc apes
+b ugs
+Ġcl ust
+Ġvol ley
+c ribed
+Ġt andem
+Ġrob es
+Ġpromot er
+Ġel oqu
+review ed
+ĠPl ato
+Ġf ps
+T ank
+ĠDer rick
+Ġpriorit ize
+as per
+ĠHond uras
+ĠCom pleted
+ne c
+Ġm og
+n ir
+ĠMay o
+st all
+in ness
+ĠVolks wagen
+Ġprec aution
+ĠM ell
+i ak
+ist ries
+Ġ24 8
+Ġoverl apping
+Sen ate
+ĠEnh ance
+res y
+rac ial
+ĠM ormons
+Str ong
+ĠCo ch
+Mex ico
+ĠMad uro
+Ġj ars
+Ġcan e
+W ik
+oll a
+iff erence
+Ġphysic ist
+ĠMag gie
+Ġ28 5
+Ġdep iction
+ĠMcL aren
+J u
+Ġsl ows
+Ġcommission ers
+ĠWill ow
+ĠExpl os
+hov ah
+Ġtechn ician
+Ġhom icides
+ĠFl av
+ĠTr uman
+Ġ100 00
+u ctor
+Ġsh ader
+News letter
+45 7
+Ġre ver
+Ġhard ened
+Ġwhere abouts
+Ġrede velop
+Ġcar bs
+Ġtra vers
+Ġsqu irrel
+Ġfoll ower
+Ġs ings
+50 8
+Ġrabb its
+emon ium
+Ġdocument ing
+Ġmisunder stood
+) '
+R ick
+gg ies
+Ġprem ie
+Ġsk ating
+Ġpass ports
+Ġf ists
+aged don
+H aw
+0 80
+ĠThough ts
+ĠCarl son
+Ġpriest hood
+h ua
+Ġdun geons
+ĠLo ans
+Ġant is
+Ġfamiliar ity
+ĠS abb
+op al
+ĠIn k
+st rike
+Ġc ram
+Ġlegal ized
+Ġcu isine
+Ġfib re
+Tra vel
+ĠMon ument
+eth y
+Ġinter state
+em porary
+ĠArab ian
+develop ed
+Ġsadd le
+Ġg ithub
+ĠOff er
+ro let
+ĠDen is
+Ġmultipl ier
+Ġstir red
+Interest ingly
+Ġcustom ary
+Ġbill ed
+he x
+Ġmultipl ied
+Ġfl ipping
+ĠCros by
+Ġfundament als
+ia e
+ĠPlay ed
+ĠAt om
+am azon
+ĠFl am
+ee z
+activ ated
+Ġtables poon
+Ġliberal ism
+ĠPal in
+ĠP atel
+N um
+Ġs urn
+ĠRel oaded
+Ġco ined
+" ],
+ĠCl ash
+ĠAg u
+Ġprag matic
+ĠActiv ate
+Ġ8 02
+Ġtrail ers
+Ġsil hou
+Ġprob es
+Ġcirc us
+ĠB ain
+ĠLind say
+ĠAb bey
+Del ivery
+Ġconcess ion
+Ġgast ro
+ĠSpr ite
+Ä Ł
+and el
+Ġg imm
+Ġaut obi
+ĠT urtle
+Ġwonder fully
+ĠHar am
+ĠWorld wide
+ĠHand le
+Ġtheor ists
+Ġsle ek
+ĠZh u
+ograph ically
+ĠOwn ers
+ath s
+ĠAntar ctic
+n atal
+=" "
+fl ags
+`` ``
+Ġs ul
+K h
+Ġpot assium
+Ġlinem an
+Ġcere al
+ĠSe asons
+Ġ20 22
+Ġmat hematic
+Ġastron omers
+prof essional
+Ġf ares
+cknow led
+Ġch i
+Ġyoung sters
+Ġmistaken ly
+Ġhem isphere
+ĠDiv inity
+r one
+Ġ" ,
+r ings
+Ġattract s
+v ana
+å ¹
+Ġplay list
+Ġpor ch
+ãģ £
+Ġincorpor ates
+Ġso ak
+Ġassert ing
+ĠTerror ism
+ĠP ablo
+J a
+ces ter
+Ġfear ing
+ĠPr ayer
+Ġescal ated
+G W
+Ġro be
+ĠBright on
+ac ists
+ĠSym phony
+ĠDwar f
+ĠPar ade
+ĠLe go
+Ġinex pl
+Ġl ords
+le af
+l iber
+Ġcig ars
+ĠJe hovah
+60 6
+ĠLiber ia
+eb us
+He avy
+Ġl ubric
+angu ages
+Ġnarrow ed
+com puter
+ĠE mber
+Ġmurder ing
+Ġdown stream
+ĠT uls
+ĠT ables
+Top ic
+ĠAcc uracy
+= /
+l ost
+ĠRe i
+Ġprogress es
+b ear
+Ġestablish ments
+Just in
+ĠPe ach
+ĠG omez
+å ¿
+ĠTri angle
+Id ent
+ĠH ive
+Res ources
+Ġmix es
+ĠAss uming
+M u
+Ġhyp oc
+Ġs ane
+ĠW an
+id ious
+Su ccess
+Ġ io
+Ang el
+Ġdanger ously
+ĠCreat ure
+: [
+ĠKat rina
+List ener
+M iller
+ĠId lib
+h ang
+Ġcircum vent
+h ref
+Ġcel estial
+ĠWe eks
+ĠP ug
+ĠDal ton
+Ġsubpoen a
+uk u
+Ġpers isted
+pe i
+old ing
+ĠDoc uments
+ĠH ast
+Ġprim er
+Ġsyn onymous
+Ġn ib
+om bs
+Ġnot ation
+ĠD ish
+ĠAt mosp
+Ġforb id
+pat tern
+l os
+Ġproject iles
+b rown
+." ,
+ĠVen om
+Ġfierce ly
+ub lished
+ĠU ran
+ĠNic arag
+4 10
+ĠMir acle
+ĠEn chant
+Ġguard ing
+app end
+Att ach
+Ġlevel ed
+Ġcond oms
+ih ilation
+64 9
+Ġnight mares
+ĠK inn
+Ġroomm ate
+Ġhy giene
+o pping
+J ob
+Ġl vl
+ĠKe eping
+ab etic
+Ġformat ting
+eral a
+Ġrev isions
+Ġres urg
+T el
+ĠGood man
+35 3
+p od
+Ġind isp
+ĠTrans lation
+Ġg own
+ĠM und
+Ġc is
+Ġby stand
+col lect
+ĠPun jab
+act ively
+ĠG amb
+te ll
+Ġimport ing
+g encies
+Ġloc om
+ĠBr ill
+H oly
+ĠBer ger
+Ġshow down
+Ġrespond ers
+Ġt akedown
+le ted
+Ġmat tered
+Ġpredict ive
+Ġover lay
+ĠV ick
+Ġconvey ed
+T ab
+pe er
+Sc an
+Ġdefensive ly
+v ae
+Ġappro ving
+Ġt iers
+ĠV ia
+quer ade
+ĠSaud is
+Ġdemol ished
+ĠProp he
+Ġmon o
+Ġhospital ity
+ĠAri el
+ĠTor ah
+Ġbl ah
+ĠBel arus
+erent ial
+ĠT uc
+Ġbank er
+39 7
+Ġmosqu it
+ĠScient ist
+ĠMus ical
+Ġh ust
+Sh ift
+Ġtor ment
+Ġstand off
+E duc
+ĠF og
+Ġampl ifier
+Sh ape
+Inst ance
+ĠCrit ics
+Ġda emon
+H ouston
+Ġmatt ress
+Ġobsc ene
+ĠA mer
+hett i
+Ġcomp iling
+35 2
+vere tt
+ĠRed uction
+ist ration
+ĠBl essed
+ĠB achelor
+3 16
+Ġpr ank
+ĠVul can
+dd ing
+Ġm ourning
+ĠQu int
+ĠBl aster
+test ing
+Ġsed iment
+>> >
+ĠE ternity
+ĠM aze
+Ġreact ing
+ĠAl v
+oms day
+Ġtransl ator
+Ġbog us
+at u
+We bsite
+oll s
+Ġbapt ism
+Ġs ibling
+ĠAut umn
+ve z
+ãģ® é
+gu ards
+Ge org
+assad ors
+ĠFre ud
+Ġcontin ents
+ĠReg istry
+Bern ie
+ĸļ 士
+Ġtoler ant
+Ġhor ribly
+99 5
+Ġimpat ient
+oc ado
+er i
+ĠWor st
+ĠNor ris
+ĠTalk ing
+Ġdef ends
+ens able
+Ġ20 21
+Ġanat omy
+L ew
+Ġdraw er
+ĠCan berra
+Ġpatri otic
+é¾įå ĸļ士
+ĠAv g
+Ġundis closed
+Ġfare well
+45 9
+b able
+ĠAll ison
+Ġcon co
+t ight
+ĠM ines
+l ich
+ĠâĶ ľ
+represent ed
+200 000
+Ġenthusi ast
+b il
+ĠIng redients
+Ġinvent or
+³³ ³
+with in
+Ġm k
+B ul
+ĠF ake
+Ġdracon ian
+W a
+hel m
+ĠTer ran
+erv ille
+Ġcommon place
+Ġ" <
+re place
+ograph s
+inc ible
+ĠMost ly
+ĠShe ffield
+ugg le
+Ġcit ations
+h urst
+ĠUn ix
+Ġunle ash
+ĠP iper
+ĠN ano
+Ġsucc umb
+Ġreluct ance
+Ġ25 00
+ĠMer chant
+Ġwire t
+Ġcomb os
+ĠBirth day
+Ġchar coal
+ĠFair fax
+Ġdrive way
+ĠT ek
+ĠP itch
+ove re
+Ġtechn icians
+ĠAct ual
+fl ation
+ĠF iscal
+ĠEm pty
+an amo
+Ġmag nesium
+Ġsl ut
+Ġgrow ers
+Invest igators
+( ):
+ĠS atellite
+ĠKe ynes
+miss ive
+l ane
+Ġb orough
+3 44
+ĠBet hesda
+C V
+h ower
+Ġch ant
+ĠR iy
+Ġcompos itions
+Ġmild ly
+Ġmedd ling
+Ġag ility
+ane ers
+5 01
+Ġsyn th
+ling er
+29 1
+Ġex claimed
+Part y
+Ġcont amin
+ĠMan or
+ĠResp ond
+Ġpra ising
+Ġman ners
+fle et
+Sum mer
+ĠLy nd
+ĠDef initely
+gr im
+Ġbow ling
+st ri
+ç Ľ
+y nt
+Ġmand ates
+Ġreconc ile
+view s
+ĠDam on
+vet te
+F lo
+ĠGreat est
+il on
+ic ia
+Ġportray al
+Ġcush ion
+50 4
+19 79
+oss al
+App lic
+sc ription
+Ġmit igation
+p ac
+Ġer ased
+Ġdefic iencies
+ĠHolland e
+ĠX u
+Ġb red
+Ġpregn ancies
+f emin
+Ġem ph
+Ġpl anners
+Ġout per
+utter ing
+Ġperpet rator
+Ġm otto
+ĠEll ison
+Ġadmitted ly
+ĠAzerbai jan
+Ġmill isec
+Ġcombust ion
+ĠBott le
+ĠL und
+ĠP s
+ĠD ress
+Ġfabric ated
+Ġbat tered
+Ġs idel
+ĠNot ting
+Fore ign
+ĠJer ome
+0 20
+ĠAr bit
+Ġkn ots
+M oving
+ãģ Ļ
+Ġsur geries
+Ġcour thouse
+Ġm astered
+Ġhover ing
+ĠBr an
+ĠAl ison
+Ġsaf est
+m ilitary
+Ġbull ied
+Ġbar rage
+Read er
+ĠGe ographic
+T ools
+3 14
+ĠGe ek
+ro th
+gl ers
+Ï ģ
+ĠA ston
+al tern
+48 8
+Ġveter in
+G amer
+Ġint el
+ren ches
+Sh ield
+Ġam nesty
+ĠB har
+Ġp iled
+Ġhonor able
+ĠInst itutes
+Ġso aked
+Ġcom a
+34 1
+by tes
+ĠG mail
+le in
+ĠCanad iens
+m aterial
+I l
+Ġinstruct ors
+Ġconce ive
+ub b
+ĠP ossible
+Ġeas ing
+ĠChrist ina
+Ġcar ic
+Ġsho vel
+de lete
+Ġp uff
+ĠCh anging
+Ġseam lessly
+Att ribute
+Ġacqu isitions
+ak ery
+Ġaut istic
+ĠT akes
+ĠPow der
+ĠSt ir
+5 10
+ĠBub ble
+sett ings
+ĠF owler
+Ġmust ard
+Ġmore over
+Ġcopyright ed
+15 00
+æ ī
+en f
+Ġcust od
+ĠH uck
+G i
+Ġim g
+An swer
+C t
+j ay
+ĠInf rastructure
+Ġfeder ally
+L oc
+Ġmicro bes
+Ġover run
+dd s
+ot ent
+adi ator
+>>>> >>>>
+Ġtorn ado
+Ġadj ud
+Ġintrig ued
+Ġs i
+ĠRevel ation
+pro gress
+Ġburgl ary
+ĠSai yan
+ĠK athy
+Ġser pent
+ĠAndre as
+Ġcomp el
+ess ler
+ĠPl astic
+ĠAd vent
+ĠPos itive
+ĠQ t
+ĠHind us
+reg istered
+ular ity
+Ġrighteous ness
+Ġdemon ic
+u itive
+ĠGre gg
+c ia
+ĠCrus ade
+ĠSina i
++ (
+Ġme ll
+Ġder ail
+y ards
+A st
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+av age
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+Ġ6 40
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+Ġ] )
+F ill
+Ġcapt ivity
+ĠImprove ment
+ĠCrus ader
+ara oh
+æ Ĺ
+Ġstr ide
+al ways
+F ly
+N it
+Ġal gae
+ĠCook ing
+ĠDo ors
+Mal ley
+Ġpolic emen
+ãģ į
+Ġastron aut
+access ible
+49 5
+cl iffe
+udic rous
+Ġdep ended
+al ach
+Ġvent ures
+ra ke
+Ġt its
+ĠH ou
+Ġcond om
+ormon al
+Ġind ent
+Ġupload ing
+Foot note
+Import ant
+Ġ27 1
+Ġmind ful
+Ġcont ends
+C ra
+Ġcal ibr
+plug in
+F at
+ĠDynam ics
+ans en
+68 6
+' ),
+Ġsp rite
+Ġhand held
+ĠH ipp
+=~ =~
+Tr ust
+Ġsem antics
+ĠBund es
+ĠRen o
+ĠLiter ature
+s ense
+G ary
+ĠA eg
+ĠTr in
+Ġcler ic
+Ġch rist
+Ġinv ading
+ib u
+Ġen um
+aur a
+Ġal lege
+ĠInc redible
+Ġth ru
+Ġsa iled
+Ġem ulate
+Ġin security
+Ġc rou
+Ġaccommod ations
+Ġincompet ent
+Ġsl ips
+ĠEarth qu
+s ama
+Ġi Phones
+as aki
+Ġby e
+Ġar d
+Ġext ras
+Ġsl aughtered
+Ġcrowd funding
+res so
+Ġfil ib
+e gg
+ĠIt al
+Ġen list
+ĠCatal onia
+ĠSc ots
+Ġser geant
+Ġdiss olve
+N H
+Ġstand ings
+ri que
+I Q
+Ġbenef iciary
+Ġaqu arium
+You Tube
+ĠPower Shell
+Ġbright est
+ĠWar rant
+S old
+Writ ing
+Ġbegin nings
+ĠRes erved
+ĠLatin os
+head ing
+Ġ4 40
+Ġrooft op
+Ġ3 90
+G s
+k ernel
+turn ed
+Ġprefer able
+Ġturn overs
+ĠH els
+S a
+ĠShin ji
+ve h
+V iol
+Ġex iting
+Ġj ab
+ĠVan illa
+Ġac ron
+ĠG ap
+ber n
+A k
+ĠMc Gu
+Ġend lessly
+ĠFar age
+ĠNo el
+V a
+M K
+Ġbr ute
+ĠK ru
+ĠOl ivia
+âĢ ł
+ĠK af
+Ġtrust ing
+Ġh ots
+3 24
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+Ġj son
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+ort ment
+Count ry
+Ġpostp oned
+Ġunequ iv
+? ),
+ĠRo oney
+udd ing
+ĠLe ap
+ur rence
+sh apeshifter
+os ate
+Ġca vern
+Ġconserv atism
+Ġmile age
+Ġarrest ing
+V aults
+Ġmix er
+Dem ocratic
+ĠB enson
+Ġauth ored
+8 000
+Ġpro active
+ĠSpirit ual
+t re
+Ġincarcer ated
+ĠS ort
+Ġpe aked
+Ġwield ing
+re ciation
+×Ļ ×
+P atch
+ĠEm my
+Ġex qu
+tt o
+ĠRat io
+ĠP icks
+ĠG ry
+ph ant
+Ġf ret
+Ġeth n
+Ġarch ived
+% -
+c ases
+ĠBl aze
+Ġim b
+c v
+y ss
+im ony
+Ġcount down
+Ġaw akening
+ĠTunis ia
+ĠRe fer
+Ġun natural
+ĠCar negie
+iz en
+ĠN uggets
+he ss
+Ġev ils
+64 7
+Ġintrodu ctory
+l oving
+ĠMcM ahon
+Ġambig uity
+L abel
+ĠAlm ighty
+Ġcolor ing
+ĠCl aus
+set ting
+ĠF avorite
+> (
+ĠSh iva
+ĠMay er
+Ġstorm ed
+ĠCo verage
+we apons
+igh am
+Ġun answered
+Ġle ve
+Ġc oy
+c as
+b ags
+as ured
+Se attle
+ĠSant orum
+ser ious
+Ġcourage ous
+ĠS oup
+Ġconfisc ated
+Ġ// /
+Ġuncon ventional
+Ġmom s
+ĠRohing ya
+ĠOrche stra
+ĠPot ion
+Ġdisc redit
+f ixed
+ĠDe er
+do i
+ĠDim ension
+Ġbureaucr ats
+et een
+Ġaction Group
+oh m
+Ġb umps
+ĠUt ility
+Ġsubmar ines
+ren heit
+re search
+ĠShap iro
+Ġsket ches
+Ġde ceptive
+ĠV il
+es ame
+ĠEss entially
+Ġramp age
+isk y
+Ġmut tered
+th ritis
+Ġ23 6
+f et
+b ars
+Ġpup il
+ĠTh ou
+o S
+s ong
+Ġfract ured
+Ġre vert
+pict ure
+Ġcrit erion
+us her
+Ġreperc ussions
+ĠV intage
+ĠSuper intendent
+Offic ers
+Ġflag ged
+Ġbl ames
+Ġin verse
+ograp hers
+Ġmakes hift
+Ġdev oid
+Ġfoss ils
+ĠArist otle
+ĠFund s
+Ġde pleted
+ĠFl u
+ĠY uan
+Ġw oes
+Ġlip id
+Ġsit u
+requ isites
+Ġfurn ish
+ĠSam ar
+Ġshame ful
+Ġadverse ly
+Ġad ept
+Ġrem orse
+Ġmurder ous
+uck les
+Ġ3 14
+s ent
+Ġred ef
+ĠC ache
+ĠP urs
+ig ans
+Ġ4 60
+Ġpres criptions
+Ġf res
+F uck
+ocr ates
+Tw enty
+ĠWe ird
+ĠT oggle
+ĠC alled
+itiz ens
+Ġp oultry
+Ġharvest ing
+ãĤ¦ ãĤ¹
+Bott om
+Ġcaution ed
+t n
+39 6
+ĠNik ki
+Ġeval uations
+Ġharass ing
+Ġbind ings
+ĠMon etary
+Ġhit ters
+Ġadvers ary
+un ts
+Ġset back
+Ġenc rypt
+ĠC ait
+Ġl ows
+eng es
+ĠN orn
+Ġbul bs
+Ġbott led
+ĠVoy ager
+3 17
+Ġsp heres
+p olitics
+Ġsubt ract
+Ġsens ations
+Ġapp alling
+Ġ3 16
+Ġenvironment ally
+Ġpub lishes
+5 60
+Ġdilig ence
+48 4
+Ġadv ises
+Ġpet rol
+Ġimag ining
+Ġpatrol s
+ĠInt eger
+ĠAs hes
+act us
+ĠRad iant
+it ability
+ht aking
+Set ting
+Ġnu anced
+ĠRe ef
+ĠDevelop ers
+N i
+pie ces
+99 0
+Lic ense
+Ġlow ers
+ĠOtt oman
+3 27
+oo o
+Ġqu itting
+mark ets
+Beh ind
+Ġbas in
+Ġdoc s
+an ie
+fl ash
+ct l
+Ġcivil ized
+ĠFuk ushima
+"] ,"
+ĠHonest ly
+ar at
+Ġconstruct s
+ĠL ans
+ĠD ire
+ĠTrou ble
+Ġwith holding
+ĠOb livion
+Ġsan ity
+any a
+Con st
+Ġgro cer
+ĠC elsius
+Ġrecount ed
+ĠW ife
+B order
+ate red
+h appy
+Ġspo iler
+Ġlog ically
+H all
+Ġsucceed ing
+Ġpoly morph
+Ġax es
+ĠShot gun
+ĠS lim
+ĠPrin ciples
+ĠL eth
+art a
+Ġsc or
+Sc reenshot
+Ġrelax ation
+#$ #$
+Ġdeter rent
+idd y
+Ġpower less
+Ġles bians
+Ġch ords
+ĠEd ited
+se lected
+Ġseparat ists
+000 2
+Ġair space
+Ġturn around
+Ġc unning
+P oly
+Ġbomb ed
+Ġt ion
+x s
+Ġwith hold
+Ġw aged
+ĠLiber ties
+Fl ag
+Ġcomfort ing
+45 4
+ĠI ris
+are rs
+Ġr ag
+Ġrel ocated
+ĠGu arant
+Ġstrateg ically
+Ġgam ma
+uber ty
+ĠLock heed
+g res
+Ġgr illed
+ĠLow e
+st ats
+ĠR ocks
+Ġsens ing
+Ġrent ing
+ĠGe ological
+ا Ø
+ot rop
+Ġse w
+Ġimproper ly
+48 6
+Ġâĸ ł
+Ġstar ving
+ĠB j
+Disc ussion
+3 28
+ĠCom bo
+ĠFix es
+Ġstri ving
+th ora
+Ġharvest ed
+ĠP ing
+Ġplay ful
+Ġaven ues
+Ġoccup ational
+Ġw akes
+ĠCou rier
+Ġdrum mer
+ĠBrow ser
+ĠH outh
+it u
+Ġapp arel
+p aste
+Ġhun ted
+ĠSecond ly
+l ain
+X Y
+ic ons
+Ġcock tails
+Ġs izable
+Ġhurd les
+est inal
+ĠRecre ation
+Ġe co
+64 8
+ĠD ied
+m int
+Ġfinger prints
+Ġdis pose
+ĠBos nia
+ts y
+22 00
+Ġins pected
+ĠF ou
+Ġf uss
+Ġamb ush
+ĠR ak
+Ġmanif ested
+Pro secut
+Ġsuff ice
+ren ces
+Ġcompens ated
+ĠC yrus
+Ġgen us
+ĠWolver ine
+ĠTrend s
+Ġh ikes
+ĠSe en
+Ġen rol
+C old
+Ġpol itely
+ĠSl av
+ĠRu pert
+Ġey ewitness
+ĠAl to
+Ġun comp
+Ġposter ior
+M ust
+ĠHer z
+Ġprogress ively
+Ġ23 4
+Ġind ifference
+ĠCunning ham
+Ġacadem ia
+Ġse wer
+Ġast ounding
+r ather
+Ġeld est
+Ġclim bs
+ĠAdd s
+Ġout cry
+Ġcont ag
+ĠH ouses
+Ġpe pt
+ĠMel ania
+interest ed
+ĠR oots
+ĠHub bard
+ĠRoman ian
+fil ename
+St one
+ĠIm pl
+Ġchromos ome
+C le
+d x
+Ġscram bled
+ĠP t
+Ġ24 2
+Ġtremend ously
+St reet
+Ġcra ving
+Ġbund led
+p ipe
+Ġinj uring
+Ġarc ane
+Part icip
+ĠHero ic
+st y
+Ġto pping
+ĠTemp est
+rent ices
+b h
+Ġpar anoia
+ĠUnic ode
+Ġegreg ious
+Ġ\ '
+ĠOsw ald
+Ġgra vel
+ĠSim psons
+Ġbl and
+ĠGuant anamo
+Writ er
+lin ers
+ĠD ice
+J C
+Ġpar ity
+Ġs ided
+Ġ23 7
+ĠPyr rha
+at ters
+d k
+F ine
+comp an
+Ġform ulated
+ĠId ol
+il ers
+hem oth
+ĠF av
+Ġintr usion
+Ġcar rots
+ĠL ayer
+ĠH acker
+Ġ ----------------
+Ġmoder ation
+é ģ
+oc oc
+Ġcharacter ize
+ĠTe resa
+Ġsocio economic
+Ġper k
+ĠParticip ation
+tr aining
+ĠPaul o
+ph ys
+Ġtrust worthy
+Ġembod ied
+ĠMer ch
+c urrency
+ĠPrior ity
+Ġte asing
+Ġabsor bing
+Ġunf inished
+ĠCompar ison
+Ġdis ple
+writ ers
+Ġprofess ions
+ĠPengu in
+Ġang rily
+68 8
+ĠCor respond
+Ġprev ailed
+Ġcart el
+l p
+as ms
+ĠRed emption
+ĠIslam ists
+effect s
+d ose
+ĠL atter
+ĠHal ifax
+Ġv as
+ĠTop ics
+ĠN amed
+advert ising
+zz a
+Ġret arded
+ach able
+ĠPupp et
+ĠItem Level
+Ġret ract
+Ġident ifiable
+A aron
+ĠB uster
+s ol
+hel le
+as semb
+H ope
+r anged
+B a
+ĠP urch
+é Ģ
+ĠSir i
+Ġarri vals
+Ġ19 12
+Ġshort ened
+Ġ3 12
+Ġdiscrep ancy
+ĠTem perature
+ĠWal ton
+Ġkind erg
+p olit
+Ġrem ix
+Ġconnect ors
+ãĥĺ ãĥ©
+ĠKazakh stan
+dom inated
+Ġsu gars
+im ble
+ĠPan ic
+ĠDem and
+ĠCol ony
+on en
+7 75
+ur ia
+aza ar
+ĠDeg ree
+P ri
+Ġsun shine
+Ġ25 1
+Ġpsychedel ic
+Ġdigit ally
+ĠBra un
+Ġsh immer
+Ġsh ave
+ĠTel esc
+ĠAst ral
+ĠVenezuel an
+Ġc rawling
+Int eg
+ĠFe ather
+Ġunfold ing
+Ġappropri ation
+Ġè£ı è
+ĠMob ility
+ĠN ey
+- .
+b ilt
+ĠT ube
+ĠCon versely
+Ġkey boards
+ĠC ao
+Ġover th
+Ġla ure
+>> \
+ĠV iper
+ach a
+Off set
+ĠR aleigh
+ĠJ ae
+J ordan
+j p
+Ġtotal itarian
+Connect or
+Ġobserv es
+ĠSpart an
+ĠIm mediately
+ĠSc al
+C ool
+Ġt aps
+Ġro ar
+P ast
+Ġch ars
+ĠB ender
+ĠShe ldon
+Ġpain ter
+Ġbe acon
+ĠCreat ures
+Ġdownt urn
+Ġh inder
+ĠAnd romeda
+Ã Ľ
+cc oli
+ĠF itness
+et rical
+Ġutil izes
+Ġsen ate
+Ġen semble
+Ġche ers
+T W
+Ġaff luent
+k il
+ry lic
+ord ering
+Com puter
+Ġgru esome
+ost ics
+ĠUb isoft
+ĠKel ley
+Ġw rench
+Ġbourgeois ie
+ĠPrest on
+w orn
+ar ist
+reat ing
+Ġst ained
+ar ine
+Ġsl ime
+Ġche sts
+Ġground water
+ann ot
+ĠTr ay
+ĠLoc ke
+Ġd udes
+ĠEx ternal
+ĠDec oder
+Ġpar amed
+ĠMed line
+80 9
+ĠD inner
+rup al
+g z
+ĠG um
+ĠDem o
+j ee
+Ġd h
+ber man
+arch s
+Ġen qu
+ĠEp stein
+Ġdevast ation
+Ġfriends hips
+ĠAr d
+Ġ23 1
+ĠRub in
+ĠDist ance
+Ġsp urred
+Ġd ossier
+Ġover looking
+\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\
+Fore st
+ĠCom es
+\ ",
+ĠIran ians
+Ġf ixtures
+L aughs
+Ġcur ry
+ĠKing ston
+Ġsqu ash
+Ġcat alogue
+Ġabnormal ities
+Ġdigest ive
+.... .....
+Ġsubord inate
+og ly
+Ġ24 9
+M iddle
+Ġmass ac
+Ġburg ers
+Ġdown stairs
+Ġ19 31
+39 4
+Ġl asers
+ĠS ikh
+ĠAlex a
+der ived
+Ġcycl ist
+ãģ® éŃĶ
+onel iness
+!!!! !!!!
+Ġbuff s
+leg ate
+Ġrap ing
+Ġrecomm ending
+ro red
+Ġmult icultural
+un ique
+Ġbusiness men
+Ġune asy
+Ġdisp ersed
+cipl ine
+J ess
+ĠK erala
+å §
+Ġabst raction
+Sur v
+U h
+Ġprin ters
+ij a
+ow der
+Ġanalog ous
+af er
+Ġunfold ed
+Ġlevel ing
+Ġbre ached
+ĠH earing
+Ġn at
+Ġtransl ating
+crit ical
+Ġant agonist
+ĠYes terday
+Ġfuzz y
+w ash
+m ere
+Ġbe wild
+ĠM ae
+V irgin
+ph rase
+Ġsign aled
+Ġprot ester
+Ġgar ner
+unk nown
+Ġk ay
+Ġabduct ed
+Ġst alking
+am n
+Ġdes erving
+ĠR iv
+ĠJ orge
+Ġscratch ing
+ĠS aving
+ip ing
+Ġte ase
+Ġmission ary
+ĠMor row
+P resent
+Ġchem otherapy
+tern ess
+ĠH omes
+ĠP urdue
+Ġst aunch
+ĠWhit ney
+Î ¼
+iat us
+ĠErn est
+ĠDe ploy
+Ġcove ted
+ĠDial ogue
+Ġex ited
+f ruit
+Ġner d
+":" ","
+Ġv ivo
+ru ly
+4 60
+ĠAm en
+rehens ible
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+g ently
+enth al
+/ )
+Ġwe ary
+Ġgu ise
+ĠConc ord
+ĠOn ion
+at cher
+Ġb inge
+ĠDirect ive
+Ġman ned
+ans k
+Ġill usions
+Ġbillion aires
+38 3
+oly n
+odynam ic
+ĠWhe at
+ĠA lic
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+ab o
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+ind ependent
+s weet
+Ġsp ac
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+Ġ Ä
+em e
+Ġdict ated
+Ġsh outs
+= {
+Ġr ipping
+ĠSh ay
+ĠCr icket
+direct ed
+Ġanalys ed
+ag ons
+ĠBlaz ers
+Ġche ered
+Ġar ithmetic
+ĠTan z
+37 3
+ĠFl ags
+Ġ29 5
+Ġw itches
+ĠIn cluded
+ĠG ained
+ĠBl ades
+G am
+ĠSam antha
+ĠAtl antis
+ĠPr att
+Ġspo iled
+ĠRam irez
+Pro bably
+re ro
+ĠN g
+ĠWar lock
+t p
+Ġover he
+Ġadministr ations
+Ġt int
+Ġreg iment
+Ġpist ols
+Ġblank ets
+Ġep ist
+Ġbowl s
+Ġhydra ulic
+Ġde an
+Ġj ung
+Ġasc end
+70 5
+ĠSant iago
+Ã ®
+Ġun avoid
+ĠSh aman
+re b
+Ġstem ming
+99 8
+st icks
+esthes ia
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+ĠGr ill
+ĠP oe
+any l
+Ġdele ting
+ĠSurve illance
+Ġdirect ives
+Ġiter ations
+ĠR ox
+ĠMil ky
+F ather
+Ġpat ented
+44 7
+Ġprec ursor
+Ġm aiden
+ĠP hen
+ĠVe gan
+ĠPat ent
+K elly
+Redd itor
+Ġn ods
+Ġvent ilation
+ĠSchwar z
+Ġw izards
+Ġomin ous
+ĠHe ads
+Ġl umber
+ĠSp iel
+Ġis Enabled
+Ġancest ral
+ĠSh ips
+Ġwrest ler
+ph i
+Ġy uan
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+Ġice berg
+Ġmag ically
+Ġdivers ion
+ar ro
+yth m
+ĠR iders
+ĠRob bie
+ĠK ara
+ĠMain tenance
+ĠHer b
+Ġhar ms
+p acked
+ĠFe instein
+Ġmarry ing
+Ġbl ending
+ĠR ates
+Ġ18 80
+Ġwr ink
+ĠUn ch
+ĠTor ch
+desc ribed
+Ġhuman oid
+ilit ating
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+ĠFe ld
+Ġwhistlebl ower
+ort mund
+ets y
+arre tt
+ĠMon o
+ĠI ke
+ĠIndividual s
+Ġsupplement al
+Ġpower house
+ĠSt ru
+F ocus
+aph ael
+ĠCol leg
+att i
+Z A
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+idd led
+ĠD ante
+iling ual
+ĠC th
+Ġso fa
+Ġintimid ate
+ĠR oe
+ĠDi plom
+ĠCount ries
+ays on
+Ġextrad ition
+Ġdis abling
+ĠCard iff
+Ġmemor andum
+ĠTr ace
+Ġ?? ?
+se ctor
+ĠRou hani
+ĠY ates
+ĠFree ze
+Ġbl adder
+M otor
+ĠProm ise
+ant asy
+Ġforesee able
+ĠC ologne
+cont ainer
+ĠTre es
+ĠG ors
+ĠSin clair
+Ġbar ring
+key e
+Ġsl ashed
+ĠStat istical
+é ĩ
+Ġâĸ º
+All ows
+Ġhum ility
+Ġdr illed
+ĠF urn
+44 3
+Ġse wage
+Ġhome page
+Ġcour tyard
+Ġv ile
+Ġsubsid iaries
+aj o
+direct ory
+Ġam mon
+V ers
+charg es
+Ġ} }
+ĠCh ains
+Ġ24 6
+n ob
+Ġper cept
+Ġg rit
+Ġfisher men
+ĠIraq is
+ĠEval uation
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+at ial
+Ġcooper ating
+Ġmel an
+Ġenlight ened
+Ġal i
+t ailed
+Ġsal ute
+Ġweak est
+ĠBull dogs
+U A
+ĠAll oy
+Ġsem en
+oc ene
+ĠWilliam son
+s pr
+, âĢĶ
+itt ens
+Be at
+ĠJ unk
+iph ate
+ĠFarm ers
+ĠBit coins
+ig ers
+d h
+ĠL oyal
+p ayer
+Ġentert ained
+Ġpenn ed
+Ġcoup on
+Que ue
+Ġweaken ing
+c arry
+Ġunderest imate
+Ġshoot out
+Ġcharism atic
+ĠProced ure
+Ġprud ent
+in ances
+Ġric hes
+Ġcort ical
+Ġstr ides
+Ġd rib
+ĠOil ers
+5 40
+ĠPer form
+ĠBang kok
+Ġe uth
+Ġsimpl istic
+t ops
+camp aign
+Q uality
+Ġimpover ished
+ĠEisen hower
+Ġaug ment
+ĠH arden
+Ġinterven ed
+Ġlist ens
+ĠK ok
+Ġs age
+Ġrub bish
+ĠD ed
+Ġm ull
+pe lling
+Ġvide ot
+Produ ction
+D J
+m iah
+Ġadapt ations
+Ġmed ically
+Ġboard ed
+Ġarrog ance
+Ġscra pped
+Ġopp ress
+Ġj unction
+4 15
+S kill
+Ġsub du
+ĠSug gest
+ĠP ett
+Ġle tt
+ĠMan ip
+ĠC af
+ĠCooper ation
+T her
+Ġreg ained
+¶ æ
+ref lect
+Ġth ugs
+ĠShel by
+Ġdict ates
+ĠWe iner
+ĠH ale
+Ġbatt leground
+s child
+Ġcond ol
+h unt
+osit ories
+Ġacc uses
+Fil ename
+Ġsh ri
+Ġmotiv ate
+Ġreflect ions
+N ull
+ĠL obby
+¥ µ
+ĠBack up
+Ñ ĥ
+n in
+ĠCor rection
+Ġju icy
+ut ra
+ĠP ric
+Ġrest raining
+ĠAir bnb
+ĠAr rest
+Ġappropri ations
+Ġsl opes
+Ġmans laughter
+Ġwork ings
+ĠH uss
+ĠF rey
+Le ave
+ĠHarm ony
+ĠF eder
+Ġ4 30
+Ġt rench
+Ġglad ly
+Ġbull pen
+ĠG au
+b ones
+Ġgro ove
+Ġpre text
+ã ħĭ
+Ġtransm itter
+ĠComp onent
+Ġunder age
+ĠEm pires
+T ile
+Ġo y
+ĠMar vin
+Ġbl oss
+Ġrepl icated
+ĠMar iners
+Marc us
+ĠBl ocks
+Ġliber ated
+Ġbutter fly
+Fe el
+Ġfer mentation
+Ġyou tube
+Ġoff end
+ĠTer m
+res ist
+Ġcess ation
+Ġinsurg ency
+Ġb ir
+ĠRa ise
+59 5
+Ġhypothes es
+50 2
+Ġpl aque
+ocr at
+Ġjack ets
+ĠHuff Post
+am ong
+Ġconf er
+48 7
+ĠL illy
+Ġadapt ing
+ĠF ay
+Ġsh oved
+ve c
+Ġref ine
+Ġg on
+Ġgun men
+z ai
+ĠShut tle
+ĠI zan
+Ġ19 13
+Ġple thora
+· ·
+Ġ5 10
+Ġp uberty
+Ġ24 1
+ĠWe alth
+ĠAl ma
+ĠAd ults
+C as
+pr ison
+R ace
+Ġwater proof
+Ġathlet icism
+Ġcapital ize
+ĠJu ice
+Ġillum inated
+ĠP ascal
+Ġirrit ation
+ĠWitness es
+ad le
+ĠAst ro
+Ġf ax
+ĠEl vis
+Prim ary
+ĠL ich
+ĠEl ves
+Ġres iding
+Ġst umble
+3 19
+Ġadvers aries
+ĠR itual
+Ġsm ear
+Ġar son
+ident al
+Ġsc ant
+Ġmon archy
+Ġhal ftime
+Ġresid ue
+Ġind ign
+ĠSh aun
+ĠEl m
+aur i
+A ff
+ĠLy on
+hel ps
+36 1
+Ġlobby ist
+Ġdimin ishing
+Ġout breaks
+Ġgo ats
+f avorite
+ĠN ah
+son ian
+ĠBo oster
+Ġsand box
+ĠF are
+ĠMalt a
+Ġatt Rot
+ld e
+Ġnavig ating
+T ouch
+Ġunt rue
+ĠDis aster
+Ġl udicrous
+Pass word
+blog spot
+4 16
+ern al
+Ġdelay ing
+Ġimpl ants
+ĠH uge
+att r
+Ġjournal istic
+ĠPe yton
+R ap
+go al
+ĠProgram me
+Ġsm ashing
+w ives
+print ln
+ĠPl ague
+in us
+Ġcru iser
+ĠPar ish
+umin ium
+Ġoccup ants
+ĠJ ihad
+m op
+Ġp int
+Ġhe ct
+ĠMe cca
+direct or
+ĠFund ing
+ĠM ixed
+Ġst ag
+T ier
+Ġg ust
+Ġbright ly
+ors i
+Ġup hill
+R D
+Ġles ions
+ĠBund y
+liv ious
+Ġbi ologist
+ĠFac ulty
+ĠAuthor ization
+Ġ24 4
+All ow
+ï ¸
+ĠGi ul
+Ġpert inent
+ot aur
+es se
+ĠRo of
+Ġunman ned
+35 1
+ĠSh ak
+ĠO rient
+Ġend anger
+D ir
+Ġrepl en
+ed ient
+Ġtail or
+Ġgad gets
+Ġaud ible
+âĺ Ĩ
+N ice
+Ġbomb ard
+ĠR ape
+Ġdef iance
+ĠFilip ino
+Ġunaff ected
+erv atives
+Ġso ared
+ĠBol ton
+Ġcomprom ising
+ĠBrew ers
+icy cle
+Ġv ampires
+Ġdi pped
+oy er
+Ġsidew ays
+ĠW aste
+ĠD iss
+ĠâĶľ âĶĢâĶĢ
+$ .
+Ġhabit ats
+ĠBe ef
+tr uth
+tr ained
+spl it
+R us
+And y
+ĠB ram
+p id
+è£ ħ
+ĠMut ant
+An im
+ĠMar ina
+Ġfut ile
+hig hest
+f requency
+Ġepile psy
+Ġcop ing
+Ġconc ise
+Ġtr acing
+pan el
+ĠSoph ie
+ĠCrow ley
+ĠAd olf
+ĠShoot er
+Ġsh aky
+ĠL ies
+ĠBar ber
+p kg
+Ġupt ake
+Ġpred atory
+/ **
+Ġintox icated
+ĠWest brook
+od der
+he ment
+Ġbas eman
+st orage
+ĠFif ty
+ed itor
+ir ting
+Ġse wing
+r ift
+Ġag ony
+ĠS ands
+Ġ25 4
+C ash
+Ġl odge
+Ġp unt
+N atural
+ĠIde as
+Ġerrone ous
+ĠSens or
+ĠHann ity
+Ġ19 21
+Ġm ould
+ĠG on
+kay a
+Ġanonym ously
+Ġsim ulator
+W inter
+Ġstream ed
+50 7
+? ",
+Ġte ased
+Ġco efficient
+Ġwart ime
+' '.
+ĠBank ing
+mp ire
+Ġf andom
+Ġl ia
+G a
+Ġdown hill
+Ġinterpre ting
+Ind ividual
+N orm
+Ġjealous y
+bit coin
+Ġple asures
+ĠToy s
+ĠChev rolet
+ĠAd visor
+Ġrecept ions
+70 6
+C ro
+Ġ26 2
+Ġcit rus
+ir u
+Review er
+ject ed
+an z
+19 81
+ĠWork er
+Ġcompl ied
+ores cent
+contin ental
+T on
+ĠPr ism
+ĠShe ep
+Ġ28 8
+n ox
+ĠV og
+O rd
+Ġreal ms
+te k
+Ġirrig ation
+Ġbicy cles
+Ġelectron ically
+p oly
+t all
+() );
+Ġaest hetics
+ĠInteg rated
+Expl ore
+Ġd unk
+47 6
+p ain
+ĠJac ques
+ĠD mit
+Fram es
+Ġreun ited
+Ġhum id
+D ro
+P olitical
+Ġyouth ful
+Ġent ails
+Ġmosqu ito
+36 3
+spe cies
+Ġcoord inating
+ĠMay hem
+ĠMagn us
+M ount
+Impro ved
+Ġflow ed
+Ġtack led
+Ġfashion ed
+Ġre organ
+iv ari
+f inger
+Ġreluct antly
+et ting
+ĠV and
+you ng
+ĠGar land
+Ġpresum ption
+Ġamen ities
+ĠPle asant
+on ential
+ĠO xy
+Ġmor als
+ĠY ah
+Read y
+Sim on
+En h
+D emon
+Ġcl ich
+Mon itor
+Ġwel comes
+Ġstand out
+Ġdread ful
+Ġban anas
+Ġball oons
+h ooting
+bas ic
+Ġsuff ix
+Ġd uly
+can o
+Ch ain
+at os
+Ġgeop olitical
+Ġ( &
+ĠGem ini
+Ġacqu itted
+L uck
+prot ect
+10 24
+Ġsc arcity
+Ġmind fulness
+ec ided
+D N
+pr ime
+ĠPres idents
+Ġ( âĪĴ
+add ock
+ĠP ru
+p un
+)) ))
+ĠL iqu
+Ġsty ling
+Ġpunish ments
+Ġnum b
+Ġasc ertain
+ĠRock ies
+f lu
+Th umbnail
+Ġperpet rated
+ĠSem i
+Ġdis arm
+ĠOld er
+ĠEx ception
+Ġexponent ially
+ĠCommun ities
+Ġabol ish
+ĠPart ner
+pt oms
+Ġ7 77
+ĠFo ley
+ĠC ases
+Ġgre ase
+ĠReb irth
+G round
+Ġ; )
+ĠDoct rine
+ik ini
+Y e
+ĠBl ossom
+Ġpers ists
+b ill
+Ġinf usion
+Ġbud dies
+9 11
+ĠPat ient
+Ġdem os
+Ġacquaint ance
+ĠP aw
+at ari
+Ġx ml
+Ġfasc ination
+ĠSer ve
+Ï Ĥ
+br anded
+Ġa z
+Return s
+Ġover shadow
+Ġro am
+Ġspeed y
+n umbered
+hel ial
+Ġdisc iple
+Ġass urances
+g iven
+pect ing
+ĠN atalie
+çĶ °
+Ġmosquit oes
+rote in
+Ġnumer ic
+Ġindepend ents
+Ġtrans itional
+Ġreaction ary
+ĠMech dragon
+do ctor
+Ġshort est
+Ġsequ ential
+ĠB ac
+ĠAccount s
+ãģ Į
+ach y
+ract ive
+ĠReg iment
+Ġbreat htaking
+ffic iency
+ĠB ates
+Ġ3 11
+Ġward robe
+ft s
+ĠBer k
+Sim ply
+ĠRivers ide
+iver ing
+ident ial
+lu cent
+Ġen riched
+ĠCon ver
+ĠG iving
+ãĥ Ļ
+Ġlegal ize
+Ġfre aking
+M ix
+Ġter restrial
+es ian
+ci ents
+W ing
+Ġled ge
+ĠViol ent
+ĠMet all
+Ġ30 8
+Ġs outheastern
+hett o
+M eat
+Ġslow down
+Ġret reated
+Jere my
+end as
+**** *
+er ic
+Ġre ins
+opp able
+ĠHuman ity
+ear ances
+rig an
+C amera
+Ġwa ivers
+s oc
+Ġalter ation
+trans form
+ĠC emetery
+50 6
+Ġindef inite
+Ġstim ulating
+y g
+60 3
+ĠS op
+Ġdescript ive
+Ph ase
+ĠEd mund
+Ġpneum onia
+vent us
+A mb
+Ġlabor atories
+ĠEx clusive
+ug ar
+W ere
+Ġmalf unction
+Ġhomosexual s
+Ġ---- ---
+un i
+Ġturb ines
+ĠEqu ity
+D u
+Ġmind ed
+ĠBlack hawks
+Ġfe ats
+Ġ17 00
+re pl
+36 2
+lad en
+Ġindisp ensable
+ly ss
+tt i
+Ġre el
+Ġdiver ted
+Ġlik eness
+Ġsubscript ions
+Ġfing ert
+Ġfil thy
+dest ruct
+d raft
+ĠBernard ino
+l aunch
+Ġper plex
+car b
+Ġswe ater
+ĠVent ure
+ĠJ ag
+ĠCele b
+ĠV oters
+Ġstead fast
+Ġathlet ics
+ĠHans on
+ĠDr ac
+Tr acker
+Ġcomm end
+ĠPres idency
+in formed
+Ġweb page
+P retty
+Ġforce fully
+ãĥĥ ãĤ¯
+Ġrel ocation
+Ġsat ire
+â ī
+ĠSunder land
+æ Ħ
+V oice
+???? ????
+Ġinform ant
+Ġbow el
+ĠUn iform
+Ġ ..."
+Ġpur ge
+Ġpic nic
+ĠU mb
+ĠSapp hire
+ĠSt all
+le arn
+Ġobject ively
+Ġob liter
+Ġlooph ole
+Ġjour neys
+Ġo mission
+Pro s
+ĠSid ney
+pl oma
+Ġspray ed
+Ġg uru
+Ġtra itor
+Ġtim et
+Ġsn apping
+ĠSe vent
+urn al
+ĠUk ip
+Ġb owed
+por al
+l iberal
+R os
+Quest ions
+i OS
+Ġsummar ize
+Ġ18 50
+ap est
+Ġl ender
+ĠVari able
+br inging
+, )
+Ġcollaps es
+x iety
+ĠN ed
+Y D
+ĠSch a
+Ġantib ody
+Ġdis band
+y re
+ill usion
+Ġro ver
+s hed
+ĠHiro sh
+cc i
+Ġcal am
+ĠMort on
+P interest
+Ġ19 28
+ĠE uras
+ord es
+Ġf ences
+ĠIn ventory
+ĠVal encia
+ĠU d
+ĠT iff
+Ġsqu e
+Ġqu otation
+Ġtroubles ome
+er ker
+ĠKing doms
+s outh
+Ġle vy
+Pr ince
+ĠSt ing
+Ġnick named
+Ġapp e
+Ġphot ographic
+Ġcorp us
+re ference
+ĠT rog
+U nt
+) =(
+ĠLat via
+Ġactiv ating
+Ġlicense e
+Ġdispar ities
+ĠNews letter
+ãĥĥ ãĥĪ
+Ġfree ing
+ĠJe ep
+ĠPer ception
+ins k
+Ġsil icone
+ĠHay den
+Le an
+ĠSuz uki
+ibr arian
+66 8
+Ġsp or
+Ġcorrel ations
+ag hetti
+Ġtu ber
+il us
+ĠV u
+Ġwealth iest
+ĠCarb uncle
+an za
+Ġfool ed
+ĠZ ur
+Ġd addy
+ran o
+il ian
+Ġknock out
+f man
+requ ired
+ĠWik ileaks
+ĠD uffy
+Ġins ol
+ĠObject s
+Ġb ou
+ĠNord ic
+ĠIns ert
+sc an
+Ġd ancers
+Ġid iots
+major ity
+ĠNev ille
+ĠFree BSD
+Ġt art
+pan ic
+69 0
+Ġcoc oa
+Ġsam pled
+Ġlook up
+Ind ust
+Ġinject ions
+gen re
+Ġa u
+Ġroad way
+Ġgen itals
+K ind
+ĠEx aminer
+ĠY az
+F resh
+Ġpar alysis
+ĠAl uminum
+Ġre ap
+ok é
+Ġsl oppy
+ĠTun nel
+pos ium
+ner y
+en ic
+Ġher bal
+ĠOut er
+ĠBuild er
+Ġinc ur
+Ġide ologies
+Ġback ups
+cons uming
+ĠDet ect
+de ck
+ĠG ret
+Ġtough ness
+ĠEx hibit
+Ġh ive
+L es
+ĠAt ari
+ald e
+ĠN ull
+and estine
+m ouse
+Ġbrig ade
+48 9
+Ġrev ol
+ĠLaw son
+ĠW ah
+op oly
+eb ted
+ĠS aunders
+Ġ3 13
+ĠW inc
+Ġtab oo
+ĠHel met
+Ġw edge
+ch ip
+ĠT ina
+b g
+Ġinf uri
+r n
+Ġanomal ies
+ĠSy nc
+ĠEx am
+ĠComm it
+ĠDi ary
+ĠDe bor
+omed ical
+Ġcomprehens ion
+6 55
+Ġempower ing
+Ġ ire
+Ġju ices
+ĠBox ing
+=" /
+Ġfacilit ated
+p oke
+ĠPars ons
+ĠMod er
+tra vel
+Ġcivil izations
+Ġliber tarians
+Ġrun e
+ĠCl arks
+at hed
+Ġcampaign ers
+ĠDis patch
+ĠFah renheit
+ĠCap com
+-------- --
+Ġl ace
+Ġdr aining
+Ġl iner
+ĠArt ificial
+é n
+t ask
+] ).
+ĠOper ator
+ord inary
+ĠInf luence
+ĠU ps
+Ġpot ency
+uss en
+osp ons
+ĠSw im
+ĠDead line
+Un ity
+Ġcul inary
+Ġenlight enment
+Ġwe arer
+Ġmin ed
+Ġp ly
+Ġinc est
+W alk
+Tr ade
+Ġdev al
+ib and
+ĠOvers ight
+Palest inian
+Ġd art
+Ġm ul
+L R
+Ġrem ovable
+ĠReal ms
+ì Ŀ
+Ġmisc ar
+ĠV ulkan
+68 5
+è re
+ĠS ap
+Ġmer ging
+ĠCar ly
+che ster
+Ġbr isk
+Ġlux urious
+ĠGener ator
+Ġbit terness
+Ġed ible
+Ġ24 3
+T G
+Ġrect angle
+With No
+bel ow
+J enn
+Ġdark est
+Ġh itch
+Ġdos age
+Ġsc aven
+ĠK eller
+ĠIllust rated
+Certain ly
+ĠMaver icks
+Marg inal
+Ġdiarr hea
+Ġenorm ously
+Ġ9 99
+sh r
+qu art
+Ġadam ant
+ĠM ew
+Ġren ovation
+Ġcerv ical
+ĠPercent age
+en ers
+ĠKim ber
+Ġflo ats
+Ġde x
+ĠW itcher
+ĠSwan sea
+d m
+Ġsal ty
+y ellow
+Ġca pe
+ĠDr ain
+ĠPaul a
+ĠTol edo
+les i
+Mag azine
+ĠW ick
+ĠM n
+ĠA ck
+ĠR iding
+Ġhom ophobic
+Ġwand ered
+ood oo
+ĠP ipe
+Ġtight ening
+ĠBut t
+3 18
+Ġdesert ed
+S ession
+Ġfacilit ating
+J ump
+Ġemer gencies
+Ġexhaust ive
+Ġheart beat
+ĠLab el
+ack y
+ĠCert ified
+ilt ration
+Z e
+ĠU tt
+Ġ13 00
+Ġpres ume
+ĠDis p
+Ġsur ged
+Ġdoll s
+Col umb
+Ġchim pan
+ĠR azor
+Ġt icks
+Ġcouncill or
+Ġpilgr image
+ĠReb els
+ĠA uction
+x ia
+ik k
+b red
+Ġinsert ion
+Ġco arse
+d B
+ĠZ ap
+ĠF oo
+Ġcontem por
+ĠQuarter ly
+ot ions
+ĠAl chemist
+ĠT rey
+ĠDu o
+S weet
+80 4
+ĠGi ov
+Ġfun n
+N in
+h off
+Ġram ifications
+Ġ19 22
+ĠExper ts
+az es
+Ġgar ments
+ar ial
+ĠN ab
+Ġ25 7
+ĠV ed
+Ġhum orous
+ĠPom pe
+Ġn ylon
+Ġlur king
+ĠSerge y
+ĠMatt is
+Ġmisogyn y
+ĠComp onents
+ĠWatch ing
+ĠF olk
+ract ical
+B ush
+Ġt aped
+Ġgroup ing
+Ġbe ads
+Ġ20 48
+Ġcon du
+quer que
+Read ing
+Ġgriev ances
+Ult ra
+Ġend point
+H ig
+ĠSt atic
+ĠScar borough
+L ua
+ĠMess i
+a qu
+ĠPsy Net
+ĠR udd
+Ġa venue
+v p
+J er
+Ġsh ady
+ĠRes ist
+ĠArt emis
+Ġcare less
+Ġbro kers
+Ġtemper ament
+Ġ5 20
+T ags
+ĠTurn ing
+Ġut tered
+Ġp edd
+Ġimpro vised
+Ġ: (
+Ġtab l
+Ġpl ains
+16 00
+press ure
+ĠEss ence
+marg in
+friend s
+ĠRest oration
+Ġpoll ut
+ĠPok er
+ĠAugust ine
+or ama
+Ġth wart
+se ek
+Ġp agan
+Â º
+cp u
+Ġg arn
+Ġass ortment
+t ower
+Recomm ended
+Ġun born
+ĠRandom Redditor
+ĠRandomRedditor WithNo
+Ġparaly zed
+Ġeru ption
+Ġinter sect
+ĠSt oke
+ĠS co
+B ind
+å ¾
+ĠNeg ative
+Le on
+Ġall oy
+ĠL ama
+ĠD iversity
+5 75
+Ġunderest imated
+ĠSc or
+Ġm ural
+Ġb usted
+so on
+l if
+Ġnone x
+Ġall ergy
+ĠUnder world
+ĠR ays
+ĠBl asio
+Ġh rs
+ĠD ir
+Ġ3 27
+by ter
+Ġrepl acements
+Ġactiv ates
+ri ved
+M H
+Ġp ans
+Ġlong itudinal
+Ġnu isance
+al er
+Ġsw ell
+ĠS igned
+s ci
+ĠIs les
+Ġdef iant
+Ġson ic
+oc on
+K C
+ĠA im
+t ie
+ah ah
+Ġm L
+D X
+Ġb isc
+ĠBill board
+ga ard
+Ġdist ressed
+former ly
+Al an
+Ġche fs
+Ġopt ics
+ĠC omet
+Ġredes igned
+irm ation
+Ġsight ings
+38 2
+3 11
+Ġcont raction
+D ual
+Ġstart led
+Ġunderstand ably
+Ġsung lasses
+Ġd ocker
+Ġsurf ing
+ĠSl ack
+ton es
+Ġsh alt
+Vis ual
+49 8
+Dep artment
+c ussion
+Ġunrest ricted
+Ġt ad
+Ġre name
+employ ed
+Ġeduc ating
+Ġgrin ned
+bed room
+ĠActiv ities
+ĠV elvet
+Ġsh uffle
+ig or
+Ġsatur ation
+F inding
+c ream
+ic ter
+Ġv odka
+tr acking
+te c
+Ġfore ground
+iest a
+Ġve hement
+ĠT ie
+E y
+Ġt urtles
+ĠRail road
+ĠKat z
+ĠFram es
+Ġmen ace
+ĠFell owship
+ĠEss ential
+ugg ish
+Ġdri p
+ch witz
+ĠKy oto
+s b
+ĠN ina
+Param eter
+Ġal arms
+ĠCl aud
+Ġpione ering
+Ġchief ly
+ĠSc ream
+Col lection
+Ġthank fully
+ĠRonald o
+åŃ IJ
+st rip
+ĠDisney land
+com mercial
+See ing
+S oul
+Ġevac uate
+Ġc iv
+ĠAs he
+Ġdiv ides
+ĠD agger
+rehens ive
+Ġber ries
+Ġs ushi
+Ġplur ality
+W I
+Ġdisadvant aged
+Ġbatt alion
+ob iles
+45 1
+Ġcl ing
+Ġunden iable
+ĠL ounge
+Ġha unt
+p he
+Ġquant ify
+Ġdiff ered
+Ġ[* ]
+ĠV iz
+c um
+sl ave
+Ġvide og
+Ġqu ar
+Ġbund les
+ĠAl onso
+t ackle
+Ġneur onal
+Ġlandsl ide
+conf irmed
+ĠDep th
+Ġrenew ables
+B ear
+ĠMaced onia
+Ġjer seys
+Ġb unk
+ĠSp awn
+ĠControl s
+ĠBuch anan
+Ġrobot ics
+Ġemphas izing
+ĠTut orial
+h yp
+ist on
+Ġmonument al
+æ °
+ĠCar ry
+Ġt bsp
+en ance
+H ill
+art hed
+Ġro tten
+De an
+Ġtw isting
+Ġgood will
+Ġimm ersion
+L iving
+Ġbr ushes
+ĠAt k
+tr aditional
+Ġph antom
+ĠSt amina
+Ġexpans ions
+ĠMar in
+Ġembark ed
+ĠE g
+int estinal
+ĠBo oth
+ĠApp alach
+Ġreleg ated
+V T
+Ġmust er
+Ġwithdraw ing
+Ġmicrosc ope
+ĠG athering
+ĠC rescent
+ĠArgent ine
+ĠDec re
+ĠDomin ic
+Ġbud s
+ant age
+ĠI on
+Ġwid ened
+ĠGl oves
+iann opoulos
+raz en
+fe el
+Ġrepay ment
+Ġhind sight
+ĠPist ol
+ĠBra h
+Ġwat ts
+Ġsurv ives
+Ġfl urry
+iss y
+Al ert
+ĠUrug uay
+Ph oenix
+S low
+ĠG rave
+ĠF ir
+Ġmanage able
+Ġtar iff
+ĠPist ons
+ĠNiger ian
+Ġstrike outs
+Ġcos metics
+whel ming
+f ab
+c ape
+pro xy
+Ġre think
+Ġover coming
+sim ple
+Ġw oo
+Ġdistract ing
+ĠSt anton
+ĠTuls a
+ĠD ock
+65 9
+Ġdisc ord
+ĠEm acs
+ĠV es
+Ġreass uring
+Ġcons ortium
+Muslim s
+3 21
+Ġprompt s
+se i
+ĠH itch
+imp osed
+ĠF ool
+Ġindisc rim
+wr ong
+bu querque
+D avis
+! ]
+Ġtim eless
+Ġpestic ide
+Ġrally ing
+ĠCal der
+Ġå ¤
+Ġx p
+ĠUn le
+ĠEx port
+lu aj
+B uff
+B oot
+ĠChrys ler
+or ative
+M ess
+Ġneglig ible
+ert odd
+ĠMush room
+ĠG ale
+g c
+ĠCos by
+ĠR ural
+rit ical
+B ell
+Ġturb ine
+00 200000
+Ġlegit imately
+ĠAnim ated
+ĠThe odore
+c onduct
+ĠH ier
+Ġcounterfe it
+ĠAlger ia
+Ġun beat
+cont roller
+Ġun res
+Ġscram bling
+ĠFall on
+T es
+Ġam ber
+Ġroy alties
+ĠShel ter
+ĠL ester
+Ġclass ify
+Rem ote
+Ġun heard
+Ġcontrovers ies
+Ġenrich ment
+ĠYan kee
+g amer
+Ġpl atinum
+Ġec ology
+ĠS ark
+Ġunt ouched
+Ġsuper visors
+Ġ" %
+Ġf ooth
+Ġcomm ons
+Ġnarc otics
+Ġind ices
+ĠP ly
+Ġaddition ally
+ĠGaw ker
+Pl aying
+Ġcave at
+ĠAbs olute
+oss us
+B aby
+Ġr ation
+Ġres in
+Ġcalib ration
+ĠNew port
+Ġkn ocks
+v t
+Ġcomp ost
+Sc ene
+Ġsar cast
+Ġkiss es
+Ġn s
+all i
+ĠMar cel
+ĠP iet
+iat rics
+Ġsurround s
+ĠRep rodu
+ĠPhill ies
+Ġuncertain ties
+ĠE ur
+ĠRom ance
+ĠH ath
+ĠNeed s
+ĠCl oak
+Ġcre m
+que ue
+Ġ3 55
+Ġup front
+] );
+Ġrecip roc
+Ġ19 27
+Ġ11 00
+ut su
+Ġdep ressive
+ow ment
+F ans
+Ġme ch
+Ġann ihil
+Ġcounter terrorism
+ĠFig ures
+b old
+ĠMo ines
+ĠDri vers
+Ġmanuscript s
+ĠCrypt o
+Ġhyp not
+redd its
+Ġprosec utions
+Ġdiver t
+ĠB ene
+ĠRe ggie
+Ġtax ing
+ĠMor ales
+ent ing
+t ur
+sign ificant
+Ġstr ands
+Ġp ouch
+ĠR ookie
+» Ĵ
+Ġnic er
+he my
+h w
+Ġintimid ated
+Ġstr icter
+Ġmicro bial
+det ails
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+Ġqu ake
+hh hh
+Ġrein vent
+U b
+Ġrel inqu
+ĠBuff ett
+lic ensed
+itte red
+ĠPic ard
+Ġche wing
+u cl
+organ ic
+Ġlocal ized
+ĠEconom ist
+Ġacqu ainted
+Def inition
+s ed
+Crit ics
+Ġc c
+45 3
+38 1
+Ġfell ows
+Ġcheck points
+0 25
+Ġre election
+Ġmed iated
+Ġhurd le
+Ġtext ing
+Per fect
+Ġtrust ees
+fect ure
+Ġd ich
+mon ary
+Ġdist inctions
+Ġ14 00
+Ġus her
+Ġparas ites
+ĠSh aring
+ĠV im
+Ġbar becue
+ĠMin isters
+ere lla
+Ġe b
+Ġm c
+ĠSome how
+ĠIn sect
+ch anges
+b road
+ĠBy z
+Ġgrap es
+66 9
+Ġ= ================
+Ġass imil
+Ġhaun ting
+Ġfire power
+Ġdef amation
+em phasis
+Ġcomp ose
+Ġallerg ies
+Ġstr ang
+roll ers
+b ang
+Ġbrew ers
+ron gh
+ri ot
+p oor
+c old
+S ample
+Ġbu oy
+0 40
+ĠCourt ney
+Ġ26 8
+ĠWed ding
+70 2
+Ġobsess ive
+Ġbra king
+ĠL al
+an ical
+å ¦
+at en
+Con struction
+Ġclin ically
+iers hip
+N ames
+ĠDisc uss
+ĠRam os
+Ġloc ale
+ĠAgric ultural
+En able
+Ġhorse power
+ent ure
+P ref
+C ourt
+Ġstaff ing
+Ġfut uristic
+dri vers
+ĠMarket place
+æĪ ¦
+Friend s
+Ġdam ning
+ĠCustom ers
+Ġwe eds
+ĠM ai
+Ġag ile
+ĠT att
+ic ent
+R anked
+cro ft
+ĠKat y
+Ext reme
+Ġcar ve
+ĠR over
+ĠBy ron
+37 2
+Ġconduct s
+r atch
+it ia
+ĠPump kin
+Sad ly
+Rel oaded
+P olicy
+Ġl ick
+pe ak
+is ks
+ĠCD s
+ĠEn cyclopedia
+in itial
+C os
+ĠAware ness
+ĠD ram
+$$ $$
+Ġr iff
+Ġscript ure
+run ners
+Ġbo iler
+ons on
+o in
+Ġham string
+Ġcat aly
+ĠArch bishop
+ch all
+Ġf aux
+ok in
+local host
+ad obe
+am ate
+Ġscram ble
+Ġcar c
+ĠMan ifest
+ĠCed ar
+ĠSer gio
+l ater
+ff er
+Ġgrapp ling
+ĠDe utsche
+agon ists
+ĠNew sp
+Ġpret ended
+arch ment
+Ġcur ated
+Ġhead phone
+ĠUn common
+A gent
+Ġdead lines
+Ġhorizont ally
+ĠSum mers
+Ġord ained
+ĠLast ly
+ĠKend all
+Ġfr ig
+ĠMach ina
+ĠWater loo
+ĠMex icans
+Ġprotect or
+Ġgl are
+} "
+Prem ium
+Ġr ift
+ĠTelesc ope
+Met al
+Ġrec apt
+Ġ; ;
+Ġincl ination
+Ġimp oses
+ing en
+^ {
+Ġh aste
+Ġd olphins
+Ġcomm uters
+pl anned
+c ong
+m x
+ĠU pload
+Ġext rap
+ĠTuc son
+ĠExpl oration
+efe ated
+Ġsl ender
+70 3
+ĠB uk
+is el
+Ġcompet itiveness
+ch lor
+ĠP ermanent
+ĠE verett
+ĠSpecial ist
+Ġcy an
+ĠEx actly
+U F
+ary l
+on et
+ĠEmploy ee
+aw ed
+ĠRat ings
+Ġextra vag
+ul hu
+ĠPl ane
+Ġelev ate
+ĠCoord inator
+ĠWat kins
+Ġex cludes
+Ġsent ient
+Ġep och
+Ġall oc
+Pre viously
+ĠSh y
+ĠSlov akia
+Ġmarked ly
+Ġkn ob
+Ġadventure rs
+ĠBe en
+ĠCost s
+amm ers
+Ġon slaught
+ĠSupport ed
+ĠT au
+ik arp
+ĠS overe
+ĠHam pton
+ãĤ ī
+Pre v
+ĠW orse
+Ġc ottage
+ĠH ades
+le z
+b owl
+Ġfrag rance
+ĠL ok
+ĠPet ro
+Ġ19 25
+ĠP end
+produ cing
+Ġrel ocate
+v ati
+p ole
+Ġsem in
+Ġrock ed
+b uff
+b ly
+Rep ly
+ĠH ai
+Ġartic ulated
+ĠIslam abad
+66 5
+ĠClaim s
+Des ktop
+Ġtrust ee
+Ġscript ing
+ĠS ob
+ĠAs ylum
+ĠCl own
+ĠD ortmund
+ĠDev on
+l ite
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+Ġb unker
+Ġcre st
+Ġarous al
+ĠS ears
+ĠBudd y
+ered ith
+ĠP olly
+Ġdec ode
+ĠV ish
+ĠRef lect
+an on
+Ġrefund s
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+H M
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+un o
+P ierre
+) ),
+Ġt ainted
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+Ġprotest ors
+ethe us
+%% %%
+W ra
+Ġl ax
+ad em
+atur ation
+ãĥ ĵ
+ĠTra iler
+ĠBows er
+Ġatt m
+D ur
+80 7
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+Ġc ider
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+Ġw oven
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+ben ef
+Ġdst g
+ĠRy u
+> [
+Ġsq or
+S audi
+Ġis tg
+Ġindul ge
+pro c
+Ġdisg usted
+Ġcomp ounded
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+ĠC ure
+process ing
+S ol
+Ġpro verb
+it ized
+ĠAlv arez
+Ġscar f
+Ġrect angular
+re ve
+Ġh ormonal
+ĠSt ress
+itiz en
+Ġ4 25
+girl s
+ĠNo ir
+ĠR app
+Ġmar ches
+ch urch
+ĠUs es
+Ġ40 5
+ĠBer m
+Ġord inances
+ĠJud gment
+Charg es
+ĠZ in
+Ġdust y
+Ġstraw berries
+Ġper ce
+ĠTh ur
+ĠDebor ah
+net flix
+ĠLam bert
+Ġam used
+ĠGu ang
+Ġf iat
+r ang
+Ġf ederation
+ĠM ant
+ĠB ust
+ĠM are
+respect ive
+ĠM igration
+59 0
+Ġpatriot ism
+Ġout lining
+reg ion
+ĠJos é
+Ġbl asting
+ĠEz ra
+B s
+Ġundermin es
+ĠSm ooth
+Ġcl ashed
+rad io
+Ġtransition ing
+ĠBucc aneers
+ĠOw l
+Ġplug s
+Ġh iatus
+ĠPin ball
+Ġm ig
+ĠNut r
+ĠWolf e
+Ġinteg ers
+Ġor bits
+ĠEd win
+ĠDirect X
+b ite
+Ġbl azing
+v r
+Ed ge
+ex it
+ĠCom ed
+ĠPath finder
+ĠGu id
+ĠSign s
+ĠZ er
+ĠAg enda
+Ġreimburse ment
+M esh
+i Phone
+ĠMar cos
+ĠS ites
+h ate
+en burg
+Ġs ockets
+p end
+Bat man
+v ir
+Ġprovision al
+con n
+ĠDeath s
+Pro file
+sy m
+J A
+Ġnin ja
+inst alled
+id ates
+eb ra
+ĠOm aha
+Ġse izing
+ĠBe asts
+Ġsal ts
+M ission
+Gener ally
+ĠTr ilogy
+he on
+leg ates
+Ġd ime
+Ġf aire
+par able
+G raph
+Ġtotal ing
+Ġdiagram s
+ĠYan uk
+ple t
+ĠMe h
+Ġmyth ical
+ĠStep hens
+aut ical
+ochem istry
+Ġkil ograms
+Ġel bows
+anc ock
+ĠPr ague
+Ġimpro v
+ĠDev in
+Ġ" \
+par alle
+Ġsuprem acists
+ĠB illion
+Ġreg imen
+inn acle
+Ġrequ isite
+ang an
+ĠBur lington
+ain ment
+ĠObject ive
+oms ky
+G V
+Ġun ilateral
+Ġt c
+Ġh ires
+ment al
+Ġinvol untary
+Ġtrans pl
+Â ¨
+Ev ents
+Ġdoub ted
+ĠKa plan
+ĠCour age
+ig on
+ĠMan aging
+ĠT art
+Ġfalse hood
+ĠV iolet
+Ġair s
+Ġfertil izer
+Brit ain
+Ġaqu atic
+ou f
+W ords
+ĠHart ford
+Ġeven ings
+ĠV engeance
+qu ite
+G all
+ĠP ret
+Ġp df
+ĠSo chi
+ĠInter cept
+9 20
+Ġprofit ability
+ĠId le
+ĠMac Donald
+ĠEst ablishment
+um sy
+Ġgather ings
+ĠN aj
+Charl ie
+Ġas cent
+ĠProt ector
+Ġal gebra
+Ġbi os
+for ums
+Introdu ced
+Ġ3 35
+Ġastron omy
+Cont ribut
+ĠPol ic
+Pl atform
+Ġcontain ment
+w rap
+Ġcoron ary
+ĠJ elly
+man ager
+Ġheart breaking
+c air
+ĠChe ro
+c gi
+Med ical
+ĠAccount ability
+! !"
+oph ile
+Ġpsych otic
+ĠRest rict
+Ġequ itable
+iss ues
+Ġ19 05
+ĠN ek
+c ised
+ĠTr acking
+Ġo zone
+Ġcook er
+ros is
+Ġre open
+Ġinf inity
+ĠPharm aceutical
+ens ional
+Att empt
+ĠR ory
+Mar co
+Ġawa its
+t reated
+Ġbol st
+Ġreve red
+Ġp ods
+opp ers
+00 10
+Ġampl itude
+ric an
+Ġtrou sers
+Ġhal ves
+ĠK aine
+ĠCut ler
+Ġsplend id
+Ġprevent ive
+ĠDud ley
+if acts
+umin ati
+ĠY in
+Ġad mon
+ĠV ag
+Ġin verted
+Ġhast ily
+ĠH ague
+L yn
+Ġled ger
+Ġastron omical
+get ting
+Ġcirc a
+ĠC ic
+ĠTenn is
+Lim ited
+Ġd ru
+Ġtrave llers
+Ġp ane
+ĠInt ro
+Ġpatient ly
+Ġa iding
+Ġlo os
+ĠT ough
+Ġ29 3
+Ġconsum es
+Source File
+Ġ"" "
+Ġbond ing
+Ġtil ted
+Ġmenstru al
+ĠCel estial
+Plug in
+Ġrisk ing
+N az
+ĠRiy adh
+Ġacc redited
+Ġsk irm
+é Ľ
+Ġexam iner
+Ġmess ing
+Ġnear ing
+ĠC hern
+ĠBeck ham
+Ġsw apped
+Ġgo ose
+K ay
+Ġlo fty
+ĠWal let
+Ġ[ '
+Ġap ocalypse
+Ġb amboo
+ĠEl ena
+Ġ30 6
+ac ons
+Ġtight ened
+Ġadolesc ence
+Ġrain y
+Ġvandal ism
+ĠNew town
+Ġcon ject
+c akes
+Ġche ated
+Ġmoder ators
+par ams
+Ġdece it
+ĠTanz ania
+Ġ19 23
+ĠEx ile
+the l
+Ġthe olog
+Ġquir ky
+ĠIr vine
+Ġneed y
+or is
+U m
+K a
+Ġmail box
+3 22
+Ġb os
+ĠPet ra
+Ġenlarg ed
+O ften
+Ġbad ass
+Ġ3 43
+ĠPl aces
+Ġpr istine
+Ġinterven ing
+d irection
+Ġl az
+Ġproject ing
+ĠF unk
+ag og
+pay ment
+n ov
+Ġch atter
+Ġexam inations
+ĠHouse hold
+ĠG us
+F ord
+4 14
+B oss
+Ġmy stic
+Ġle aps
+ĠB av
+ul z
+b udget
+Foot ball
+Ġsubsid ized
+Ġfirst hand
+Ġcoinc ide
+oc ular
+Con n
+ĠColl abor
+Ġfool s
+am ura
+ah ar
+r ists
+Ġsw ollen
+Ġexp ended
+ĠP au
+s up
+Ġsp ar
+Ġkey note
+s uff
+Ġunequ al
+Ġprogress ing
+str ings
+ĠGamer gate
+Dis ney
+ĠEle ven
+om nia
+Ġscript ed
+Ġear ners
+bro ther
+ĠEn abled
+æ ³
+Ġlar vae
+m ess
+Wil son
+ĠTem plate
+success fully
+Ġparam ount
+Ġcamoufl age
+Ġbind s
+ĠQu iet
+ĠSh utterstock
+r ush
+Ġmasc ot
+fort une
+ĠCol t
+ĠBe yon
+hab i
+Ġha irc
+Ġ26 7
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+Ġtw itch
+Ġconcent rating
+Ġn ipples
+c ible
+Ġg ir
+N Z
+M ath
+n ih
+Requ ired
+Ġp onder
+Ġwedd ings
+Ġl oneliness
+ĠMah jong
+69 5
+add le
+ĠGar ner
+Br idge
+Ġsp ree
+ĠCald well
+Ġbri bery
+Ġ���� ����
+plug ins
+Ġr acket
+Ġchamp agne
+vers ible
+V ote
+Ġmod ifiers
+May or
+6 80
+Ġassemb lies
+ĠS ultan
+ĠN ing
+ĠLad ies
+Ġsulf ur
+Ġor bs
+Ġ---- -
+____ ___
+ĠJournal ism
+Ġes ports
+Ġl ush
+Ġh ue
+Ġspect ral
+H onest
+ãĥ ı
+Ġbus hes
+Ġrein forcement
+Ġre opened
+ĠWhe els
+ĠM org
+rie ving
+Ġaux iliary
+Ġj Query
+tes que
+Ġver tex
+p ure
+f rey
+ãĤ º
+d os
+Ġty ph
+Ġc ull
+Ġe q
+Ġdec on
+Ġtoss ing
+Ġdispar ate
+ĠBr igham
+print f
+led ged
+Ġsu nd
+Ġco zy
+Ġhepat itis
+per forming
+Ġav al
+f uture
+Ġpet ertodd
+ĠKos ovo
+Ġmagn ets
+Al ready
+ĠEd ison
+ĠCe res
+Ġbrill iance
+57 6
+Ġder ives
+Ġhypert ension
+Ġlamb da
+Ġfl air
+Ġmission aries
+Ġrap es
+ĠSt arter
+ĠMon ths
+Ġdef y
+Ġseism ic
+ĠR aphael
+Ġeuro zone
+65 6
+z sche
+Ġscr atched
+Ġb ows
+ĠLenn on
+ĠGa ia
+Ġdri pping
+f acts
+A le
+Ġfrog s
+ĠBre ast
+ogene ity
+ĠProsecut or
+Ġampl ified
+ĠHod g
+ĠF n
+Th ousands
+ĠMonitor ing
+ĠPri ebus
+ĠG rowing
+hun ter
+Ġdiagn ose
+ĠM ald
+Ġcrown ed
+Ġburst ing
+Ġdiss olution
+j avascript
+Ġuseful ness
+ĠExec ution
+: (
+ĠIv ory
+a ah
+Ġpersecut ed
+viol ence
+ist as
+ĠCr ate
+Ġimpuls es
+ĠSp ani
+ed es
+Hand le
+ĠZ erg
+think able
+Last ly
+Ġspont aneously
+Ġinconven ient
+Ġdismiss ing
+Ġpl otted
+Ġeight y
+Ġ7 37
+r ish
+ĠThor nton
+ath am
+Ġsit com
+V en
+Rec ipe
+t el
+l und
+Ġcle ars
+ĠSas uke
+Ġ25 8
+Ġopt ing
+Ġen raged
+est hetic
+ĠA e
+uch s
+Pre p
+Fl ow
+Ġrun off
+ĠE ating
+ĠG iles
+ĠAct ing
+res ources
+ib aba
+Ġr pm
+Ġske wed
+ĠBl anc
+ĠS akuya
+Ġhot ter
+Ġ19 24
+op ian
+ck o
+Ġcr umbling
+Ġcapt ains
+ĠAppropri ations
+le aders
+dro pping
+an uts
+Ġrevers ing
+ĠP ose
+ĠS ek
+Sc ot
+ĠIde a
+c ise
+ĠSloven ia
+Ġ3 17
+Do ctor
+Ġcro cod
+ald i
+Se a
+ĠFar rell
+Ġmerc enaries
+ĠGu ess
+Ġp acing
+M achine
+Streamer Bot
+ĠChar ity
+Ġ29 8
+Ġcann ons
+ĠTob y
+TPP StreamerBot
+ĠPass ion
+cf g
+Th om
+Ġbad ges
+ĠBern stein
+. âĢĵ
+ĠCon j
+Ġinitial ization
+Ġbiod iversity
+D ub
+Ġfeud al
+Ġdisclaim er
+Ġc row
+Ġign ition
+ar f
+Ġk Hz
+h azard
+ĠArt ists
+oe uv
+67 9
+ĠRud y
+N ine
+ĠRam adan
+å ½
+itt o
+Ġadren aline
+C ert
+Ġsmell ed
+Ġimp unity
+Ġag endas
+ĠRe born
+ĠCon cent
+ĠSe ems
+Ġo mega
+ĠDust in
+Ġback er
+ĠSau ce
+ĠBoy le
+Ġsp ins
+Ġpa uses
+u pt
+Ġshred ded
+Ġstra pped
+ĠCor ruption
+Ġscr atches
+Ġn i
+Ġatt ire
+Factory Reloaded
+Ġ( %
+Ġsem inar
+f ocus
+c ivil
+Ġ18 60
+int osh
+Ġcontin ual
+Ġabbre vi
+ĠS ok
+oc obo
+X M
+Ġfr antic
+Ġunavoid able
+Ġar tery
+Ġannot ations
+b ath
+Cl imate
+Ġd ors
+ĠSl ide
+co ord
+ĠRel oad
+ĠLove craft
+Ġunim agin
+Ġresemb led
+Ġbarr acks
+n p
+Ġsurrog ate
+Ġcategor ized
+ãĤ ©
+Ġvacc inated
+Ġdrain age
+Ġind ist
+ĠWhats App
+Ġ18 70
+oler ance
+inv oke
+am orph
+Ġrecon nect
+Ġem anc
+Ġblind ness
+Ġ12 80
+intern et
+c ollar
+Ġalt ru
+Ġab yss
+65 7
+Ġinf used
+Ġforest ry
+ĠWood y
+ĠC i
+w i
+s am
+78 4
+hol iday
+Ġmog ul
+ĠF ees
+In ternal
+ur bed
+f usc
+at om
+ĠIll usion
+Ġpoll ed
+Ġfl ap
+Ġco ax
+An aly
+ĠSect ions
+ĠCalif orn
+em n
+Ġh ither
+Ġn ailed
+ĠPip eline
+39 1
+o of
+ĠPr imal
+vere nd
+Ġsl ashing
+Ġret ri
+avi our
+Ġdepart ing
+g il
+Ġmid way
+Ġultras ound
+Ġbeh aving
+ĠT ara
+class es
+V irtual
+ĠColon ial
+Ġstri pping
+Ġorchestr ated
+ĠGra ves
+45 2
+ĠIron ically
+ĠWrit ers
+Ġl ends
+ĠMan z
+Ġra ven
+Ġoxid ative
+Ġ26 6
+act ually
+asc ar
+D raft
+Ġfavour able
+Ġhumili ating
+Ġf idelity
+ĠH of
+ĠX uan
+49 6
+Ġlay ered
+at is
+79 0
+Ġpay check
+it on
+K ar
+ĠVM ware
+ĠFar mer
+Ġserv ic
+gl omer
+Ġsl ump
+ĠFab ric
+est ing
+Ġreass ure
+Ġph yl
+v olt
+it ory
+R ules
+Ġoxid ation
+Ġpri zed
+Ġmist ress
+ĠDj ango
+å ij
+Ġenc ode
+ĠFeed back
+Ġstupid ity
+I an
+ĠYugoslav ia
+× ¨
+ac l
+19 77
+Ġqual ifies
+Ġpuls es
+pret ty
+Ġfro ze
+Ġs s
+Iter ator
+Ġur gently
+Ġm ailed
+ĠCh am
+Ġsust aining
+Ġbas il
+Ġpupp ies
+il ant
+l ap
+ace ous
+F ear
+ĠMaster y
+aut omatic
+Ġant im
+ag les
+47 3
+fram es
+Ġwh ispers
+ĠWho ever
+Ġbra very
+ract ions
+"" "
+Ġt ame
+Ġpart ed
+every thing
+Ġind ebted
+Ġadd r
+re k
+Ġem inent
+cl inton
+Ġo usted
+Ġreview er
+Ġmelt down
+Ġre arr
+ĠY ao
+the real
+aby te
+Ġst umbling
+Ġbat ches
+Ġ25 9
+Ġcontrace ptive
+Ġprost itute
+ens is
+De cl
+ĠSt rikes
+M ilitary
+ĠO ath
+v acc
+pp ings
+05 2
+Ġpart Name
+amp ing
+Rep orts
+K I
+Ġsubt ly
+sw ers
+Bl ake
+us ual
+Ġcontest ants
+Ġcart ridges
+Ġbl ush
+ĠâĢ º
+47 2
+Ġreason ed
+ãĥ ¤
+paralle led
+Ġd yn
+ag ate
+Ġnight ly
+å Ĩ
+55 6
+Ġsem antic
+ĠAdv oc
+Ġ !!
+Ġdisag rees
+V eh
+Ġharm ing
+Ġembr aces
+Ġstri ves
+Ġin land
+ĠK ard
+Ġhe ats
+ĠGin ny
+ut an
+ern aut
+yl ene
+ĠE lev
+J D
+Ġh ars
+ĠStar r
+Ġsk ysc
+Ġcollabor ators
+Us ually
+Ġrev olutions
+Ġdism antle
+Ġconfident ly
+Ġkin etic
+Al i
+Ġpercent ile
+Ġextract ing
+ill ian
+est ead
+Ġphysic ists
+ĠMarsh al
+Ġfell owship
+Ġd ashed
+ĠSi oux
+ĠComp act
+am ide
+P ython
+ĠLe igh
+ĠPharm ac
+ist rates
+her ical
+Ġf ue
+ĠE min
+Ġ( {
+ĠNeighbor hood
+Ġdisrupt ing
+ĠD up
+Ġg land
+ĠSe v
+ĠMar ian
+arg on
+ĠD und
+Ġ< !--
+Ġstr and
+Ġstadium s
+z os
+Ġpsych osis
+ĠR ack
+Ġbrilliant ly
+ï¸ ı
+Ġsubmer ged
+ĠInst it
+ĠCh ow
+Ġc ages
+ĠH ats
+ĠU rs
+Ġdil uted
+us at
+ien ne
+ĠMembers hip
+ĠBur k
+Ġ ie
+Ġarche type
+D rug
+ult on
+ĠSp ock
+ĠMcK ay
+ĠDep end
+F eatured
+S oc
+19 78
+ĠB ere
+Ġrelent lessly
+Ġcripp ling
+Ġar thritis
+çĶ Ł
+ĠTrop ical
+ĠBul g
+ĠCher yl
+Ġadm irable
+Ġsub title
+Over ride
+Ġorig inating
+Ġsw ore
+ĠSo le
+ĠDis orders
+3 29
+Ġprocess ion
+Ġref urb
+Ġimm ersed
+requ ently
+Ġskept ics
+Ġcer amic
+m itter
+en stein
+b elt
+b idden
+Ġf ir
+m ist
+> ]
+Ġwe ave
+ĠParad ox
+Ġentr usted
+ĠBarcl ays
+Ġnovel ist
+og ie
+80 6
+Ġnin ety
+Ġdisag reements
+@@@@ @@@@
+ĠAus chwitz
+c ars
+t ub
+arant ine
+Ġback story
+Ġcheer ful
+ĠR ag
+ek a
+bi ased
+Ġinexper ienced
+ak ra
+ĠW itt
+t an
+Ġrap ist
+Ġplate au
+ch al
+ĠInqu is
+exp ression
+Ġc ipher
+Ġsh aving
+add en
+re ly
+( \
+ism a
+ĠReg ulatory
+ily n
+G U
+Ġmur m
+la us
+Christ opher
+Ġcontract ual
+ĠPro xy
+ĠJa ime
+ĠMethod ist
+Ġstew ards
+st a
+per ia
+Ġphys iology
+Ġbump ed
+Ġf ructose
+Austral ian
+ĠMet allic
+ĠMas querade
+ar b
+Ġprom ul
+Ġdown fall
+Ġbut cher
+Ġb our
+ĠB is
+pect s
+ad ena
+Ġcontempl ating
+ar oo
+cent ered
+ĠPe aks
+Us ed
+Ġmod em
+Ġg enders
+Ġ8 000
+37 1
+Ġm aternity
+ĠR az
+Ġrock ing
+Ġhandgun s
+Aut om
+ĠN ile
+Ġtum ult
+ĠBenef it
+ĠAppro ach
+works hop
+ĠLe aving
+G er
+inst ead
+Ġvibr ations
+Ġrep ositories
+49 7
+ĠA unt
+ĠJ ub
+ĠExp edition
+Al pha
+Ġs ans
+Ġoverd ue
+Ġoverc rowd
+Ġlegisl atures
+Ġp aternal
+ĠLeon ardo
+Ġexp ressive
+Ġdistract ions
+Ġsil enced
+tr ust
+Ġb iking
+Ġ5 60
+Ġpropri et
+Ġimp osition
+Ġcon glomer
+Ġ= ================================================================
+ĠTe aching
+ĠY ose
+int ensive
+T own
+Ġtroll ing
+ĠGr ac
+Y o
+Ġspecial s
+ĠNep h
+ĠGod zilla
+Dat abase
+ĠHe gel
+Ġ27 2
+19 76
+ĠGl oria
+Ġdis emb
+ĠInvestig ations
+ĠB ane
+ag ements
+St range
+Ġtre asury
+ĠPl ays
+Ġundes irable
+Ġwid ening
+Ġverb ally
+Ġinf ancy
+Ġcut ter
+f ml
+Ġ21 00
+prot otype
+f ine
+Ġdec riminal
+Ġdysfunction al
+Ġbes ie
+ĠErn st
+z eb
+Ġnort heastern
+Ġa ust
+por ate
+ĠMar lins
+Ġsegreg ated
+ew orld
+ĠMa her
+Ġtra verse
+Ġmon astery
+ur gy
+G ear
+s and
+Com pl
+Ġpl ent
+ĠMer cer
+Ġ27 6
+Config uration
+H undreds
+Ġpr ic
+Ġcollabor ating
+ĠPar amount
+ĠCumm ings
+Ġ( <
+Ġrecord er
+Ġfl ats
+Ġ4 16
+wh ose
+Font Size
+ĠOr bit
+Y R
+Ġwr ists
+Ġb akery
+) }
+ĠB ounty
+ĠLanc aster
+Ġend ings
+acc ording
+ĠSal am
+e asy
+75 5
+ĠBur r
+ĠBarn ett
+onom ous
+Un ion
+Ġpreced ence
+ĠScholars hip
+Ġroll out
+Ġbo on
+al m
+ĠCan ter
+æ µ
+Ġround ing
+Ġcl ad
+Ġv ap
+ĠF eatured
+is ations
+Ġ5 40
+pol ice
+Ġunsett ling
+Ġdr ifting
+ĠLum ia
+ĠObama Care
+ĠF avor
+Hy per
+ĠRoth schild
+ĠMil iband
+an aly
+ĠJul iet
+H u
+Ġrec alling
+a head
+69 6
+Ġunf avorable
+Ġd ances
+O x
+Ġleg ality
+Ġ40 3
+rom ancer
+Ġinqu ire
+ĠM oves
+\ ">
+ĠVari ant
+ĠMess iah
+ĠBah á
+75 6
+Ġeyeb row
+ĠÂ ¥
+ĠMc F
+ĠFort y
+M as
+Ġpan icked
+Ġtransform ations
+q q
+Ġrev olves
+ring e
+ĠA i
+ax e
+Ġon ward
+ĠB are
+log in
+Ġliqu ids
+Ġde comp
+second ary
+il an
+ĠCon vert
+ami ya
+Ġprosecut ing
+Ġâī ¡
+ĠYork ers
+ĠByr ne
+sl ow
+aw ei
+J ean
+Ġ26 9
+ĠSky dragon
+Ġ é
+ĠNicarag ua
+ĠHuck abee
+ĠHigh ly
+Ġamph ib
+ĠPast or
+ĠL ets
+Ġbl urred
+Ġvisc eral
+Ġcollabor ated
+z ig
+Leg al
+Ġapart heid
+Ġbr id
+Ġpres et
+× Ķ
+arch ing
+auc uses
+build er
+Ġpo etic
+Ġem ulator
+ĠMole cular
+Ġhon oring
+ise um
+Ġtract or
+ĠCl uster
+ĠCal m
+ared evil
+Ġsidew alks
+Ġviol in
+Ġgeneral ized
+ĠAle c
+Ġemb argo
+Ġfast ball
+ĠL ack
+ĠCh ill
+ri ver
+C hel
+ĠSw arm
+ĠLev ine
+ro ying
+L aunch
+Ġkick er
+Ġadd itive
+ĠDe als
+W idget
+cont aining
+Ġescal ate
+Ġtwe aked
+Ġst ash
+Ġsp arks
+ĠEs sex
+ĠE cc
+Ġconv ict
+Ġblog ging
+Ġmurd erers
+75 9
+ĠH ib
+Ġde pl
+ĠJ ord
+S ac
+Ġdis sect
+ĠHow e
+os her
+Ġcustom izable
+ĠFran z
+Ġat ro
+Ä ĩ
+Ġ000 4
+Ġout post
+R oss
+Ġglyph osate
+ĠHast ings
+Ġsh ove
+o pped
+ĠSc ala
+Ġam ulet
+an ian
+Ġexacerb ated
+Ġe ater
+47 1
+Ġpul p
+izont al
+ĠZ am
+imm une
+aby tes
+Ġunnecess arily
+ĠAx is
+Ġvisual ize
+Ã ī
+ĠRad ical
+f m
+Doc uments
+ĠFor rest
+Ġcontext ual
+ĠSy mbol
+Ġtent ative
+ĠGood s
+Ġintermitt ent
+} :
+medi ated
+Ġridic ule
+Ġathe ism
+Ġpath ogens
+ĠM um
+Ġre introdu
+Ġ30 7
+i HUD
+Ġflash light
+Ġsw earing
+Ġp engu
+B u
+Ġrot ated
+ĠCr ane
+Ġ() );
+Ġfashion able
+Ġendors ing
+46 3
+) [
+Ġingest ion
+Ġcook s
+Ġ9 50
+ot omy
+ĠIm am
+Ġk a
+Ġte aser
+ĠGhost s
+ĠãĤ µ
+19 69
+Ï ĥ
+ub by
+Ġconver ter
+zan ne
+end e
+ĠPre par
+ĠNic kel
+ĠChim era
+h im
+ĠTyr ann
+ĠSabb ath
+ĠNich ols
+Ġra pt
+ih ar
+Ġshe lling
+Ġillum inate
+Ġdent ist
+ut or
+ĠInteg ration
+Ġwh ims
+ĠLiter ary
+Be aut
+Ġp archment
+ag ara
+Br and
+Ġder og
+âĢ¦ )
+ĠNor se
+Ġunw itting
+Ġc uc
+Ġborder line
+Ġupset ting
+Ġrec ourse
+Ġd raped
+ĠRad ar
+Ġcold er
+ĠPep si
+im inary
+], [
+65 8
+V i
+ĠF rem
+ĠP es
+Ġveter inary
+ĠEp idem
+n ova
+k id
+Ġdev out
+o ct
+j ad
+M oh
+Ġge ometric
+Ġ3 23
+Ġcircum ference
+ich ick
+19 75
+ĠY uri
+ĠSh all
+ĠH over
+un in
+S pr
+Ġg raft
+ĠHapp iness
+Ġdisadvant ages
+att acks
+Ġhub s
+ĠStar Craft
+é ĸ
+Ġgall eries
+ĠKor ra
+Ġgrocer ies
+ĠGors uch
+Ġrap ists
+Ġfun gi
+ĠTyph oon
+V ector
+ĠEm press
+b attle
+4 68
+Ġparas ite
+ĠBom ber
+S G
+ex ist
+ĠP f
+Ġun se
+Ġsurge ons
+B irth
+ĠUn sure
+ĠPrint ed
+ĠBehavior al
+ĠA ster
+Pak istan
+Ġun ethical
+Ġs v
+ĠIo T
+Ġlay outs
+P ain
+Ġconst ants
+ĠB ake
+Ġtow els
+Ġdeterior ation
+ĠBol ivia
+Ġblind ed
+ĠW arden
+ĠMist ress
+Ġon stage
+Ġcl ans
+19 60
+Ġant ique
+Ġrhet orical
+ĠPer cy
+ĠRw anda
+, .
+B ruce
+Ġtra umat
+ĠParliament ary
+Ġfoot note
+id ia
+ĠLear ned
+se eking
+gen ic
+Ġdim ensional
+H ide
+èĢ ħ
+Ġintrig ue
+in se
+Ġle ases
+Ġapp rentices
+w ashing
+Ġ19 26
+Ġsw oop
+s cl
+Ġbed rooms
+on ics
+ĠCr unch
+comp atible
+Ġincap ac
+ĠYemen i
+ash tra
+z hou
+d anger
+Ġmanifest ations
+ĠDem ons
+Secret ary
+Ġam y
+ra per
+eth nic
+4 17
+Ġpos itives
+Ġ27 3
+ĠRefuge es
+Ġus b
+ĠV ald
+odd y
+ĠMahm oud
+As ia
+Ġskull s
+ĠEx odus
+ĠComp et
+ĠM ansion
+ĠA me
+Ġconsolid ate
+storm s
+ont ent
+99 6
+Ġcl en
+Ġm ummy
+fl at
+75 8
+oter ic
+n en
+ĠMin ute
+S ov
+Ġfin er
+R h
+ly cer
+Ġreinforce ments
+ĠJohann es
+ĠGall agher
+Ġgym n
+S uddenly
+Ġext ortion
+k r
+i ator
+T a
+Ġhippocamp us
+ĠComput ing
+Ġsquare ly
+Ġmod elling
+ĠFor ums
+ĠL isp
+ĠKrish na
+Ġ3 24
+Ġr ushes
+Ġens ued
+Ġcre eping
+on te
+n ai
+il ater
+ĠHorn ets
+Ġob livious
+55 9
+Ġjeopard y
+Ġdistingu ishing
+j ured
+Ġbeg s
+sim ilar
+ph ot
+5 30
+ĠPark way
+Ġs inks
+ĠHearth stone
+ib ur
+ĠBat on
+Av oid
+Ġd ancer
+Ġmag istrate
+ary n
+Ġdisturb ances
+ĠRom ero
+Ġpar aph
+Ġmis chief
+âĸ ĵ
+ĠSh aria
+Ġur inary
+r oute
+iv as
+f itted
+Ġeject ed
+ĠAl buquerque
+Ġ4 70
+Ġirrit ated
+ĠZ ip
+ĠB iol
+Ã į
+Ġden ounce
+Ġbin aries
+ĠVer se
+Ġopp os
+ĠKend rick
+Ġsp ew
+ĠEl ijah
+ĠE as
+Ġdr ifted
+so far
+Ġannoy ance
+47 4
+ĠSt rongh
+it ates
+ĠCogn itive
+oph one
+ĠIdent ification
+ocr ine
+connect ion
+Ġbox er
+ĠAre as
+Y ang
+t ch
+ull ah
+Ġdece ive
+Comb at
+ep isode
+cre te
+W itness
+Ġcondol ences
+ht ar
+Ġhe als
+Ġbuck ets
+B lu
+Ġsl ab
+oc l
+att on
+ĠSteven son
+ĠG inger
+ĠFriend ly
+ĠVander bilt
+sp irit
+ig l
+ĠReg arding
+Ġse aling
+start ing
+Ġcard inal
+ĠV ec
+ĠBe ir
+Ġmillisec onds
+we ak
+per se
+Ġster ile
+ĠCont emporary
+ĠPh ant
+ĠCl o
+Ġout p
+Ġex iled
+Ġ27 7
+Ġself ie
+Ġman ic
+Ġn ano
+ter ms
+Alex ander
+Ġres olves
+Ġmillenn ia
+Ġexpl odes
+Ġconst ellation
+Ġadul tery
+m otion
+Ġbroad casters
+Ġkinderg arten
+ĠMay weather
+ĠE co
+ich o
+Ġ28 7
+l aun
+Ġm ute
+Ġdisc reet
+Ġpres chool
+Ġpre empt
+De lete
+ĠFre ed
+P i
+H K
+Ġblock er
+ĠC umber
+Ġw rought
+d ating
+Ġins urer
+Ġquot as
+Ġpre ached
+Ġev iction
+ĠReg ina
+ĠP ens
+Ġsevent een
+ĠN ass
+D ick
+Ġfold s
+Ġd otted
+ĠA ad
+Un iversal
+Ġp izz
+ĠG uru
+Ġso ils
+Ġno vice
+ĠNe ander
+Ġst ool
+Ġdeton ated
+ĠPik achu
+ĠMass ive
+ĠAb del
+Ġsubdu ed
+Ġtall est
+Ġprec arious
+Ġa y
+r ification
+ĠOb j
+c ale
+Ġun question
+cul osis
+ad as
+igr ated
+D ays
+Ġque ens
+ĠGaz ette
+ĠCol our
+ĠBow man
+ï ve
+Ġdomin ates
+Stud ent
+Ġm u
+Ġback log
+ĠElect ro
+Tr uth
+48 3
+Ġcond ensed
+r ules
+ĠCons piracy
+Ġacron ym
+hand led
+ĠMat te
+j ri
+ĠImp ossible
+l ude
+cre ation
+Ġwar med
+ĠSl ave
+Ġmis led
+Ġfer ment
+ĠK ah
+ink i
+ke leton
+cy l
+ĠKar in
+Hun ter
+Reg ister
+ĠSur rey
+Ġst ares
+ĠW idth
+ĠN ay
+ĠSk i
+Ġblack list
+uck et
+Ġexp ulsion
+im et
+Ġret weet
+vant age
+Fe ature
+Ġtro opers
+Ġhom ers
+9 69
+Ġconting ency
+ĠBrew er
+fore ign
+W are
+S olar
+Ġund ue
+ulner able
+path ic
+ĠBo ise
+Ġ3 22
+Ġarous ed
+ĠY ing
+ä¸ į
+uel ess
+Ġp as
+Ġmor p
+Ġfl oral
+Ex press
+ud ging
+k B
+ĠGr anted
+Ø ¯
+ĠMich a
+ĠGoth ic
+ĠRic ardo
+F ran
+Ġadminister ing
+6 20
+por a
+ĠÂ ®
+Ġcomprom ises
+Ġb itten
+Ac cept
+Th irty
+Ð ²
+Ġmater ially
+ĠTer r
+ig matic
+ch ains
+Ġdo ve
+stad t
+Mar vel
+Ġwind shield
+Ġ3 36
+ad ier
+Ġsw apping
+Ġflaw less
+ĠPred ator
+ĠMiche le
+Ġprop ulsion
+ĠPsych ic
+Ġassign ing
+Ġfabric ation
+Ġbar ley
+l ust
+Ġtow ering
+Ġalter cation
+ĠBent ley
+Sp here
+Ġtun a
+ĠClass es
+Fre edom
+un er
+L ady
+v oice
+Ġcool est
+or r
+Ġpal p
+$ {
+Ġhyster ia
+ĠMet atron
+p ants
+Ġspawn ing
+Exper ts
+ĠInvest ors
+ĠAn archy
+Ġshr unk
+ĠVict im
+Ġ28 9
+Ġec stasy
+ĠB inding
+58 5
+ĠMel ody
+57 8
+ot ally
+ĠE tsy
+lig a
+Ġapplaud ed
+Ġswe ating
+Ġredist ributed
+Ġpop corn
+Ġsem inal
+f ur
+ĠNeuro science
+R and
+ĠO st
+ĠMadd en
+ĠIncre asing
+ĠDaw kins
+ĠSub way
+Ġar sen
+cons erv
+Ġsp iked
+ĠLy ft
+ĠImper ium
+ĠDrop box
+Ġfav oured
+Ġencomp asses
+gh ost
+Ġins pires
+Ġbur geoning
+ĠY oshi
+ĠVert ical
+ĠAud itor
+Ġint ending
+Ġfilib uster
+Bl oom
+f ac
+ĠCav s
+ign ing
+Ġcowork ers
+ĠBarb arian
+rem ember
+Ġaudit ory
+ason ry
+Col lege
+Ġmut ed
+gem ony
+ob in
+ĠPsych o
+9 68
+Ġlav ish
+Ġhierarch ical
+ĠDr one
+ou k
+Ġcripp led
+ĠMax im
+Sl ot
+Ġqu iz
+ĠV id
+if ling
+Ġarchae ologists
+Ġabandon ment
+d ial
+le on
+ĠF as
+T ed
+Ġr aspberry
+Ġmaneu vers
+Ġbehavi ours
+Ġins ure
+Ġrem od
+Sw itch
+h oe
+Ġsp aced
+Ġafford ability
+ĠF ern
+not ation
+ĠBal anced
+Ġoccup ies
+en vironment
+Ġneck lace
+Ġsed an
+F U
+ĠBrav o
+Ġab users
+ĠAn ita
+met adata
+ĠG ithub
+ait o
+ĠF aster
+ĠWass erman
+ĠF lesh
+Ġth orn
+r arily
+ĠMer ry
+w ine
+Ġpopul ace
+ĠL ann
+Ġrepair ing
+Ġpsy che
+Ġmod ulation
+aw aru
+âĢĭ âĢĭ
+ari j
+Ġdecor ations
+Ġapolog ise
+ĠG arg
+app ly
+Ġgive away
+ĠFl an
+ĠWy att
+U ber
+Ġauthor ised
+ĠMor al
+activ ate
+Ġtorped o
+Ġam assed
+ĠA ram
+ark in
+ĠVict ims
+st ab
+Ġo m
+Ġopio ids
+Ġpurpose ly
+ĠV est
+Ġer g
+at an
+ĠSur gery
+Ġcorrect ing
+ĠOrt iz
+ĠBe et
+Ġrev oke
+Ġfre eway
+ĠH iggins
+F ail
+ĠFar ms
+h ound
+Ġp oking
+ĠCommun ists
+mon ster
+iment ary
+Ġunlock ing
+Ġunf it
+we ed
+en ario
+at ical
+ĠEnlight enment
+ĠComp ensation
+de en
+ĠWid ow
+ĠCind y
+ĠAfter wards
+Ġ6 000
+ikh ail
+ag ically
+Ġrat ified
+Ġcasual ty
+p sey
+f ee
+Ġspark ling
+Ġd é
+Ġconcert ed
+C atal
+Ġcomp lying
+ĠA res
+ĠD ent
+Sh ut
+Ġsk im
+ad minist
+Ġhost ilities
+ĠG ins
+Ġ6 08
+Ġm uddy
+ĠMc Int
+ĠDec ay
+5 25
+Ġconspic uous
+ĠEx posure
+Ġresc ind
+Ġwear able
+Ġ3 28
+our met
+ah s
+ĠRob ots
+Ġe clips
+inst ance
+ĠApp l
+0 30
+ĠSk ies
+01 00
+Ġfall acy
+S ocket
+ĠRece iver
+Ġsol ves
+ĠButter fly
+ĠSho pping
+65 4
+Med ic
+Ġsing ers
+ĠNeed less
+'' ''
+isher s
+ĠD ive
+58 8
+Ġselect ively
+Ġcl umsy
+88 9
+Ġpurch aser
+ear ned
+ard y
+Ġbenef iting
+eng lish
+Ġyield ing
+ĠP our
+Ġspin ach
+Ġdel ve
+ĠC rom
+6 10
+Ġexport ing
+Ġ26 3
+Ġg rop
+Ġenv oy
+ĠInqu iry
+ĠLu igi
+d ry
+ĠT uring
+Thumbnail Image
+ĠVar iety
+Ġfac et
+Ġfl uffy
+Ġexcerpt s
+Ġsh orth
+ĠOl sen
+Ġrel iant
+T our
+Ġbat hing
+Comp any
+Ġglobal ization
+P red
+ĠMalf oy
+Ġh oc
+j am
+craft ed
+ĠBond s
+ĠKiss inger
+Eng land
+Ġorder ly
+cat entry
+Ġ26 1
+Ġexch anging
+ĠInt ent
+ĠAmend ments
+Ġst out
+³³³³³³³³ ³³³³³³³³
+ĠAir bus
+Ġ27 8
+hy de
+P oll
+Item ThumbnailImage
+Ġlooph oles
+ĠPill ar
+Ġexpl or
+St retch
+A part
+Ġun married
+Lim it
+ĠTransform ers
+Ġintellect ually
+unct ure
+18 00
+Ġd arn
+B razil
+Ġleft over
+ber us
+f red
+Mine craft
+3 26
+ĠForm s
+Ġproof s
+ĠDes igned
+Ġindex es
+ĠSupp ose
+ĠL oving
+ĠBon nie
+im ating
+Ġconduct or
+Ġbehav ed
+ĠF ren
+Ġsy nerg
+Ġmillenn ium
+Ġcater ing
+ĠL auder
+W r
+ĠY iannopoulos
+Ġensl aved
+Ġawaken ed
+ĠConc ert
+ĠChall enger
+ĠH aku
+umer ic
+Ġdep recated
+4 12
+Ġdy stop
+Ġtremb ling
+Ġdread ed
+ĠSp ac
+p adding
+Re pl
+ĠG arrison
+M ini
+Ġun paralleled
+am ar
+w reck
+c ertain
+t al
+app ings
+Ġsens ed
+Ġf encing
+ĠPas o
+ĠDes k
+Ġsc off
+Ġcontem plate
+ĠL iga
+l iquid
+75 7
+Ġapp rentice
+5 70
+ĠTh ousand
+ĠIll um
+Ġchampion ed
+ãĤ Į
+Ġelect ors
+Ġ3 98
+ĠH ancock
+round ed
+Ġuns atisf
+Ġqual ifier
+ĠGad get
+Ġdead liest
+ĠPl ants
+Ġ ions
+Ġacc ents
+Ġtwe aking
+Ġsh aved
+ĠCh aser
+Again st
+9 60
+Ġmeth amphetamine
+Ġnormal ized
+Ġ$ \
+ĠPre cision
+ĠGu am
+Ġch oked
+ĠCast ing
+Tor rent
+Ġscal p
+ĠJagu ar
+w it
+Ġsem ic
+ix ie
+ĠG ould
+Ġconf ines
+N usra
+ĠL on
+ĠJ ugg
+y cle
+ĠCod ec
+E gypt
+Ġrest rain
+ĠAl iens
+Ġch oking
+ĠD unk
+ĠBell a
+ab c
+Ġsl ang
+Ġneuro trans
+s av
+Ġempower ment
+â ĨĴ
+Ġclim bers
+ĠM im
+ĠF ra
+ros se
+Cap ital
+ĠCth ulhu
+Inter face
+Ġprof icient
+Ġ3 18
+ront al
+5 80
+ĠDes pair
+K enn
+Ġscrim mage
+ĠCo at
+as ions
+Ġwall paper
+ĠJ ol
+Ġresurg ence
+Ġant iv
+ĠB alls
+² ¾
+Ġbuff ers
+Ġsub system
+ĠSt ellar
+ĠL ung
+Ġerad icate
+Ġblat antly
+Ġbehav es
+ĠN un
+Ġant ics
+ex port
+w b
+Ġph p
+ĠInteg rity
+Ġexplore r
+Ġrev olving
+auth ored
+g ans
+Ġbas k
+Ġas ynchronous
+å į
+69 8
+G ene
+ĠR acer
+ĠN ico
+iss ued
+Ġser mon
+p ossibly
+Ġsize of
+Ġentrepreneur ial
+ox in
+ĠMin erva
+Ġpl atoon
+n os
+ri ks
+ĠAval anche
+ĠDes c
+ij 士
+ĠP oc
+Ġconf erred
+Î »
+Ġpat ched
+66 2
+Ġfract ures
+Ġdetect s
+Ġded icate
+Ġconstitu ent
+Ġcos mos
+W T
+Ġswe ats
+Ġspr ung
+b ara
+s olid
+Ġuns us
+Ġbul ky
+ĠPhilipp e
+ĠFen rir
+Ġtherap ists
+ore al
+^^ ^^
+Ġtotal ed
+Ġboo ze
+Prosecut ors
+Ġdis eng
+ĠSh ared
+Ġmotor cycles
+Ġinvent ions
+Ġlett uce
+ĠMer ge
+Ġspiritual ity
+Ġunl ucky
+ĠT ess
+Ġtong ues
+T umblr
+Ġle ans
+Ġinv aders
+Ġcan opy
+ĠHur ricanes
+ĠB ret
+id ine
+ick le
+Reg arding
+Ġve ggies
+Ġe jac
+ju ven
+F ish
+ĠD ino
+Th row
+ĠCheck ing
+be ard
+( &
+Ġj ails
+Ġh r
+trans fer
+iv ating
+Ġfle ets
+ĠIm ag
+ĠMc Donnell
+Ġsnipp et
+Is a
+ĠCh att
+ĠSt ain
+ĠSet FontSize
+ĠO y
+ĠMathemat ics
+49 4
+Ġelectro ly
+ĠG ott
+ĠBr as
+ĠF inger
+d ump
+Ġmut ants
+Ġrent als
+Ġinter tw
+Ġc reek
+ail a
+Bro ther
+ĠDisc ord
+pe e
+raw ler
+Ġcar p
+Ġ27 9
+ãĤ· ãĥ£
+rel ations
+Ġcontr asts
+Col umn
+Ġrec onnaissance
+Ġun know
+Ġl ooting
+Ġregul ates
+Ġopt imum
+ĠChero kee
+ĠA ry
+Lat est
+Ġroad side
+Ġd anced
+ĠUnic orn
+A cknowled
+Ġuncont roll
+at io
+ch ance
+ha ven
+Ġfavour ites
+Ġceremon ial
+b inary
+pe ed
+wood s
+Ġv ascular
+Ġcontempl ated
+Ġbar ren
+Y ellow
+ospons ors
+Ġwhisk y
+ĠM amm
+ĠDeV os
+min imum
+H ung
+44 2
+P ic
+ĠSnap dragon
+77 6
+Ġcar ving
+Ġund ecided
+Ġadvantage ous
+Ġpal ms
+Ġst arch
+L oop
+Ġpadd le
+Ġfl aming
+ĠHor izons
+An imation
+bo ost
+Ġprob abilities
+ĠM ish
+Ġex odus
+ĠEditor ial
+Ġfung us
+Ġdissent ing
+ĠDel icious
+rog ram
+ĠD yn
+d isk
+t om
+Ġfab rics
+ĠC ove
+ĠB ans
+Ġsoft en
+Ġin eligible
+Ġestim ating
+ĠLex ington
+pract ice
+of i
+Ġshe dding
+ĠN ope
+Ġbreat hed
+ĠCorinth ians
+y ne
+ek i
+B ull
+Ġatt aching
+reens hots
+Ġanaly se
+ĠK appa
+Ġuns ustainable
+Ġinter pol
+ank y
+he mer
+Ġprot agonists
+Ġform atted
+ĠBry ce
+ĠAch illes
+ĠAb edin
+sh ock
+Ġb um
+b os
+qu a
+ĠW arn
+q t
+ĠDi abetes
+8 64
+ĠIn visible
+Ġvan ish
+Ġtrans mitting
+Ġmur ky
+ĠFe i
+Ġawa ited
+ĠJur assic
+umm ies
+Ġmen acing
+g all
+C ath
+B uilt
+ild o
+ĠV otes
+Ġon t
+Ġmun itions
+ĠFre em
+ÃŃ n
+Ġdec ency
+lo pp
+ie ved
+ĠG ord
+Ġun thinkable
+ĠNews week
+Ġ3 21
+He at
+Ġpresent er
+ji ang
+Ġpl ank
+ĠAval on
+Ġben z
+ĠR out
+Ġslam ming
+ĠD ai
+ou ter
+ĠCook ie
+ĠAlic ia
+ge y
+Ġvan ity
+Ġow l
+á µ
+t ested
+ĠAw akens
+Ġcan v
+Ġblind ly
+ĠRid ley
+ĠEm ails
+Requ ires
+ĠSer bian
+ograp hed
+if rame
+eter ia
+Ġaltern ating
+qu iet
+Ġsoc iology
+ĠUn lock
+ĠCommun ism
+Ġo ps
+Ġatt ribution
+Ġab duction
+ĠAb ram
+Ġsidel ined
+Ġref ining
+ĠFe eling
+ĠOs lo
+ĠPru itt
+r ack
+ang ible
+Ġcaut iously
+eed s
+M ouse
+ĠStep h
+ĠP air
+S ab
+99 7
+ĠBa al
+B ec
+Ġcomm a
+ĠP all
+ĠG ael
+Ġmisunder stand
+ĠP esh
+Order able
+Ġdis mal
+ĠSh iny
+% "
+Ġreal istically
+Ġpat io
+ĠG w
+ĠVirt ue
+Ġexhaust ing
+wh atever
+oph ys
+y ip
+4 18
+Ad just
+ĠWa iting
+ess on
+ĠMaz da
+ĠDo zens
+Ġstream lined
+Ġincompet ence
+ĠM eth
+Ġeth os
+Ġincent iv
+Ġgr itty
+ĠBut cher
+Head er
+Ġexp onential
+Ã Ł
+Ġcorrel ate
+Ġcons ensual
+s ounding
+R ing
+Orig in
+Ġcon clusive
+fe et
+ac ly
+ĠF ernandez
+Buy able
+Ġd ucks
+aunt lets
+Ġel ong
+Ġ28 6
+Ġsim ul
+G as
+ĠK irst
+Ġprot r
+ĠRob o
+ĠAo E
+op ol
+Ġpsych ologically
+sp in
+ilater ally
+ĠCon rad
+W ave
+44 1
+ĠAd vertisement
+ĠHarm on
+ĠOri ental
+is Special
+Ġpresum ptive
+Ġw il
+ĠK ier
+ne a
+Ġp pm
+Ġhar bour
+ĠW ired
+comp any
+Ġcor oner
+atur days
+ĠP roud
+ĠFl ake
+val ued
+ce iver
+Ġfra ught
+Ġc asing
+Ġrun away
+Ġg in
+ĠLaure nt
+ĠHar lem
+ĠCur iosity
+qu ished
+Ġneuro science
+ĠH ulu
+Ġborrow er
+Ġpetition er
+ĠCo oldown
+Ġinv oking
+conf idence
+For ward
+Ġst s
+pop ulation
+Delivery Date
+Fil m
+ĠC ov
+quick Ship
+quickShip Available
+prim ary
+isSpecial Orderable
+inventory Quantity
+channel Availability
+ĠMulti player
+ĠJen ner
+77 8
+ĠM d
+Ġ~ /.
+M N
+Ġchild ish
+Ġantioxid ant
+ĠChrom ebook
+Ġ27 4
+Ġscreen play
+Ġadvent urous
+ĠRelations hip
+respons ive
+ming ton
+Ġcorner stone
+ĠF ey
+Ġrook ies
+ĠF eaturing
+Ġorig inate
+Ġelectro des
+ant es
+Ġscript ures
+Ġgl ued
+Ġdiscont ent
+Ġaff licted
+lay out
+B rave
+Ġm osa
+ĠQuant ity
+ĠH ik
+w inner
+H ours
+Ġent ail
+ĠCell s
+olog ue
+Ġv il
+Ġpre acher
+Ġdecor ative
+d ifferent
+Ġprejud ices
+ĠSm oking
+ĠNotting ham
+so Type
+Ġrhyth ms
+ĠAl ph
+bl ast
+Ste el
+ĠDaniel le
+Ġstr ife
+Ġrem atch
+so DeliveryDate
+ĠF ork
+t rip
+ol ulu
+hes es
+C G
+ost a
+ĠDr ift
+é¾įå ¥
+é¾įå¥ ij士
+Ġvet ting
+ĠJin ping
+ĠRec ession
+Min or
+ĠF raud
+enf ranch
+Ġconven ed
+ĠMill ions
+ĠFarm ing
+ĠW oo
+ĠFl are
+rit o
+imm igrant
+Ġvac ancy
+ĠV aj
+eg al
+ĠV igil
+Stud y
+Ġru ining
+Ġr acks
+Ġhe ater
+ĠRand olph
+ĠBr ush
+ĠT ir
+Ø ¨
+Ġc ov
+% ]
+Ġrecount s
+ĠM elt
+Ġtr uce
+Ġcas inos
+Ġcrus ade
+Ġcarn age
+Ġstri pe
+ĠK yl
+Text ures
+Ġ6 98
+Ġpro clamation
+Ġgood ies
+Ġ........ ..
+pro claimed
+P olit
+Ġtop ical
+Ġspecial ize
+ĠA min
+g m
+Ġanch ored
+Ġbear ings
+s ample
+ĠHigh land
+ĠAut ism
+Ġmerc enary
+Ġinterview er
+ĠSom ers
+Ġembry o
+ĠAss y
+Ġ28 1
+ĠEd iting
+ĠCh osen
+6 60
+Ġp ci
+ĠThunder bolt
+Ġchuck led
+jri wal
+h of
+Ġearth ly
+() {
+ind ependence
+Ġdisp ers
+ĠV endor
+ĠG areth
+Ġp als
+P enn
+ĠSub mit
+ic um
+Th u
+Ġcl andestine
+Ġcann ibal
+ĠCl erk
+E Stream
+gal itarian
+âĻ ¥
+g ew
+Ġhor rend
+ĠL ov
+ĠRe action
+ocr in
+Class ic
+Ġecho ing
+Ġdiscl osing
+ĠIns ight
+og un
+ĠInc arn
+upload s
+pp erc
+guy en
+Ġ19 01
+ĠB ars
+68 7
+Ġb ribes
+ĠFres no
+ur at
+ĠRe ese
+Ġintr usive
+Ġgri pping
+ĠBlue print
+ĠR asm
+un ia
+man aged
+ĠHeb do
+Ġ3 45
+Ġdec oding
+Ġpo ets
+Ġj aws
+am eless
+ĠMead ows
+ĠHar baugh
+Inter view
+ĠH osp
+Ġdelet ion
+m ob
+W alker
+ĠMoon light
+ĠJ ed
+ĠSoph ia
+Ġus ur
+Ġfortun ately
+ĠPut ting
+ĠF old
+Ġsan itation
+Ġpart isans
+B ow
+ĠRed uced
+ĠS utton
+Ġtouch screen
+Ġembry os
+âĢ¢âĢ¢ âĢ¢âĢ¢
+ĠK rug
+com bat
+ĠPet roleum
+Ġam d
+ĠCos mos
+Ġpresc ribing
+Ġconform ity
+ours es
+Ġplent iful
+Ġdis illusion
+ĠEc ology
+itt al
+Ġf anc
+Ġassass inated
+regn ancy
+Ġperenn ial
+ĠBul lets
+Ġst ale
+Ġc ached
+ĠJud ith
+ĠDise ases
+All en
+Ġl as
+Ġsh ards
+ĠSu arez
+ĠFriend ship
+inter face
+ĠSupp orters
+add ons
+46 2
+ĠIm ran
+ĠW im
+Ġnew found
+ĠM b
+An imal
+Ġd arling
+and e
+Ġrh y
+ĠTw isted
+pos al
+yn ski
+Var ious
+× ľ
+ĠK iw
+uy omi
+Ġwell being
+ĠL au
+an os
+Ġunm ist
+Ġmac OS
+Ġrest room
+ĠOl iv
+ĠAir ways
+Ġtimet able
+9 80
+Ġrad ios
+v oy
+ias co
+Ġcloud y
+ĠDraw ing
+Any thing
+Sy ria
+ĠH ert
+st aking
+Ġun checked
+Ġb razen
+69 7
+onom ic
+est ablish
+Ġl eng
+Ġdi agonal
+ĠF ior
+L air
+ĠSt ard
+Ġdef icient
+jo ining
+be am
+Ġomn ip
+Ġbl ender
+Ġsun rise
+Mo ore
+ĠF ault
+ĠCost ume
+ĠM ub
+Fl ags
+an se
+Ġpay out
+ĠGovern ors
+ĠD illon
+ĠBan ana
+N ar
+Ġtra iled
+Ġimperial ist
+um ann
+ats uki
+4 35
+ĠRoad s
+Ġsl ur
+ĠIde ally
+Ġt renches
+C trl
+Ġmir rored
+ĠZ el
+ĠC rest
+Comp at
+ĠRoll s
+sc rib
+ĠTra ils
+omet ers
+w inter
+Ġimm ortality
+il ated
+Ġcontrad icts
+un iversal
+ill ions
+ĠM ama
+opt im
+Ġge o
+et ter
+ĠCar lo
+4 24
+Ġcanon ical
+ĠStrongh old
+n ear
+Ġperf ume
+Ġorche stra
+od iac
+Ġup he
+Ġreign ing
+vers ive
+Ġc aucuses
+Ġinsult ed
+Ġ---- --
+ĠCr ush
+Ġroot ing
+ĠWra ith
+Ġwh ore
+Ġto fu
+C md
+ĠB ree
+Ġ$ _
+Ġr ive
+ĠAd vertising
+Ġw att
+Ġpersu asive
+ĠParam eters
+Ġobserv ational
+ĠMo j
+ĠSal on
+Ġtr unc
+Ġexqu isite
+ĠMar a
+Ġpo op
+Ex c
+ĠWonder ful
+ĠT aco
+Ġhome owner
+ĠSmith sonian
+orpor ated
+mm mm
+Ġlo af
+ĠYam ato
+ĠInd o
+Ġcl inging
+á s
+Ġimm utable
+h ub
+Or ange
+Ġfingert ips
+ĠWood en
+ĠK idd
+ĠDam n
+C ow
+c odes
+48 2
+Ġiniti ating
+ĠEl k
+ĠCut ting
+Ġabsent ee
+ĠV ance
+ĠLil ith
+Ġobsc ured
+Ġdwar ves
+ĠCh op
+ĠB oko
+Val ues
+Ġmult imedia
+Ġbrew ed
+Reg ular
+ĠMort al
+Ġa pex
+Ġtravel er
+Ġbo ils
+Ġspray ing
+Rep resent
+ĠStars hip
+4 28
+Ġdisappro val
+Ġshadow y
+Ġlament ed
+ĠRe place
+ĠFran ç
+67 7
+d or
+Ġunst oppable
+Ġcoh orts
+gy n
+ĠClass ics
+ĠAm ph
+Ġsl uggish
+ĠAdd iction
+ĠPad res
+Ġins cription
+Ġin human
+min us
+ĠJere miah
+at ars
+Ter ror
+ĠT os
+ĠSh arma
+ast a
+c atch
+Ġpl umbing
+ĠTim bers
+Sh ar
+H al
+ĠO sc
+Ġcou pling
+hum ans
+Ġsp onge
+Ġid ols
+ĠSp a
+ĠAdv ocate
+ĠBe ats
+lu a
+Ġtick ing
+Ġload er
+ĠG ron
+8 10
+Ġstim ulated
+Ġside bar
+ĠManufact urer
+ore And
+19 73
+Ġpra ises
+ĠFl ores
+dis able
+ĠElect rical
+ra ise
+E th
+Ġmigr ated
+Ġlect urer
+K ids
+ĠCa vern
+Ġk ettle
+Ġgly c
+ĠMand ela
+ĠF ully
+å§ «
+Ġsquee zing
+ĠRy der
+amp oo
+oreAnd Online
+Inst oreAndOnline
+Buyable InstoreAndOnline
+Ġcommem orate
+ĠRamp age
+Aust in
+ĠSh roud
+ĠRu ins
+9 15
+Ġwater front
+b aby
+ĠC out
+ĠEm blem
+Ġequival ents
+49 2
+Un ique
+ĠNiet zsche
+brow ser
+Ġim itation
+ĠWere wolf
+ĠKir in
+ac as
+' ,"
+ĠÃ ¾
+Review ed
+Ġc unt
+Ġvo ic
+ĠLen ovo
+Ġbond ed
+48 1
+Ġinhib itors
+Ġendeav ors
+ĠHav ana
+ĠSt out
+ĠJ olly
+A ctor
+*/ (
+Ġoccur rences
+ĠT ens
+Incre ased
+Ġ ãĢĮ
+ĠRank ings
+ĠB reat
+Ġ30 9
+D ou
+Ġimpact ing
+ĠDuc hess
+pre fix
+Q B
+Ġsummon ing
+Ġbest owed
+ĠKe pler
+c ube
+ĠK its
+ĠG rip
+Ġop ium
+Ġrep utable
+t oc
+ich ael
+ĠR ipple
+Ġcaf é
+ĠZ oom
+ĠBur ma
+Ġwa ive
+Ġst alls
+Ġdem eanor
+inc erity
+Ġfluor ide
+Par is
+Ġlong ing
+Ġpl at
+Ġgross ly
+Ġbull s
+Ġshowc asing
+ex pected
+ĠG addafi
+engine ering
+Re peat
+ĠK ut
+Ġconce ivable
+Ġtrim med
+osc ope
+ĠCand idate
+ĠT ears
+rol og
+Lew is
+Ġroad map
+Ġsal iva
+Ġtrump et
+Jim my
+Ġmirac ulous
+Ġcolon ization
+Ġam put
+ate ch
+D ifferent
+ĠGovern ments
+ĠA head
+ãħĭ ãħĭ
+word press
+ĠIn clude
+ĠDor othy
+0 45
+ĠColomb ian
+Ġle ased
+88 4
+Ġde grading
+ĠDa isy
+i ations
+Ġbapt ized
+Ġsurn ame
+co x
+Ġblink ed
+ãĥ ¢
+Ġpoll en
+Ġder mat
+Ġre gex
+ĠNich olson
+ĠE ater
+ç ľ
+rad or
+Ġnarrow er
+Ġhur ricanes
+Ġhalluc inations
+r idden
+ĠFire fly
+Ġattain ment
+Ġnom inate
+Ġav ocado
+ĠM eredith
+Ġt s
+Ġreve rence
+Ġe uph
+Ġcr ates
+Ġ4 43
+Ġ3 19
+iqu ette
+Ġshort stop
+ic key
+Ġpro pelled
+Ġap i
+ĠTh ieves
+77 9
+Ġovers aw
+Ġcol i
+ĠNic ola
+Ġover cl
+ik awa
+ĠC yr
+Ġ38 4
+78 9
+ĠAll ows
+10 27
+Det roit
+set up
+ĠSocial ism
+Sov iet
+s usp
+ĠShut down
+Ġal uminium
+zb ek
+ĠL over
+Ġdemocr acies
+Ġ19 08
+ĠMer rill
+ĠFranco is
+gd ala
+Ġtraff ickers
+ĠT il
+ĠGo at
+Ġsp ed
+ĠRes erv
+Ġpro d
+55 2
+Ġc ac
+ĠUn iv
+ĠSch we
+Ġsw irling
+ĠWild erness
+ĠEgg s
+Ġsadd ened
+Ġarch aic
+H yd
+Ġexcess ively
+Ġaer ospace
+ĠVo ices
+Cra ig
+Ġign ited
+In itially
+ĠMc A
+Ġhand set
+Ġreform ing
+Ġfrust rations
+ĠDead pool
+ĠBel ichick
+ract or
+ĠRagnar ok
+ĠD rupal
+ĠApp roximately
+19 20
+ĠHub ble
+arm or
+ĠSar as
+ĠJon as
+Ġnostalg ic
+Ġfeas ibility
+Sah aran
+Ġorb iting
+Ġ9 70
+R u
+Ġsh in
+ĠInvestig ators
+Ġinconsist encies
+B G
+Ġgraz ing
+Ġdetect ors
+ĠStart up
+ĠFun ny
+ĠNa omi
+Consider ing
+Ġh og
+ut f
+ce mic
+Ġfort ified
+ĠFun ctions
+Ġcod ec
+nut rition
+H at
+" !
+micro soft
+55 8
+ĠTh in
+Al ias
+p apers
+P K
+ãĢ İ
+Ġimpro bable
+N orthern
+equ al
+Ġlook out
+Ġty res
+ĠMod ified
+ĠK op
+Abs olutely
+Ġbuild up
+sil ver
+Ġaud i
+Ġgro tesque
+ĠSab er
+ĠPres byter
+Ġglac iers
+ĠSho als
+ĠK ass
+ĠNic ol
+ĠL unch
+ĠF oss
+âĸ Ĵ
+ĠOne Plus
+o ing
+ground s
+Ġincident al
+Ġdatas ets
+68 9
+ĠClarks on
+Ġassemb ling
+ĠCorrect ions
+Ġdrink ers
+Ġqual ifiers
+Ġle ash
+Ġunf ounded
+ĠH undred
+Ġkick off
+T i
+Ġrecon cil
+ĠGr ants
+ĠCompl iance
+ĠDexter ity
+Ġ19 06
+w arn
+D allas
+Max imum
+n ard
+av ia
+be aut
+ens itivity
+tr ace
+Ġpione ers
+ĠF ract
+ãĢ ı
+Ġpre cept
+Ġgloss y
+Ac ross
+Ġ6 80
+S leep
+che on
+Ġsatir ical
+ĠMin otaur
+ĠCla ude
+Ġr é
+ape go
+Ġcar rot
+ĠSem in
+ino a
+Ġz o
+Ind ependent
+Ġdiagn oses
+ĠC ue
+Ġrend ition
+ĠK ik
+Ġpath ology
+Ġselect s
+Link edIn
+Ġass ay
+ĠD res
+Ġtext ual
+post ed
+ĠM aul
+N eal
+Ġinter connected
+Ġerr atic
+ĠVir us
+Ġ5 30
+Ġenvironmental ists
+ĠP helps
+Ġeng agements
+Ġeconom ical
+nox ious
+Ġg earing
+izz y
+Ġfavor ably
+ĠMcG ill
+T erm
+Ġh anged
+Ġball park
+ĠRe yes
+Ġbe ware
+ĠP sal
+ĠMass acre
+q i
+Ġin accessible
+acly sm
+Ġfr ay
+ill ac
+Ġbitter ly
+ĠCert ification
+Mich igan
+Ġir respective
+al ore
+Em pty
+Ġendorse ments
+Ġund et
+f g
+equ ipped
+Ġmerc iless
+ĠC ust
+Ġimm ature
+Ġvou cher
+ĠBlack well
+Ñ ı
+h awk
+dis ciplinary
+ile e
+ĠMak oto
+ĠD ude
+ãĥĩ ãĤ£
+Y ears
+Ġin ver
+Ġsh aman
+ĠY ong
+ip el
+ell en
+ĠCath y
+br ids
+Ġs arc
+65 1
+N ear
+Ġground work
+Ġam az
+Ġ4 15
+ĠHunting ton
+hew s
+ĠB ung
+Ġarbit rarily
+ĠW it
+ĠAl berto
+Ġdis qualified
+best os
+46 1
+Ġp c
+Ġ28 4
+ro bat
+Rob in
+Ġh ugs
+ĠTrans ition
+ĠOcc asionally
+Ġ3 26
+ĠWh ilst
+ĠLe y
+Ġspaces hip
+cs v
+Ġun successfully
+ĠA u
+le ck
+ĠWing ed
+ĠGrizz lies
+. �
+Ġne arer
+ĠSorce ress
+ĠInd igo
+El se
+8 40
+let es
+Co ach
+Ġup bringing
+ĠK es
+Ġseparat ist
+Ġrac ists
+Ġch ained
+Ġabst inence
+lear ning
+Ġrein stated
+Ġsymm etry
+Ġremind ers
+ĠChe vy
+Ġm ont
+Ġexempl ary
+Z X
+Ġqual itative
+ĠSt amp
+ĠSav annah
+ĠRoss i
+Ġp aed
+Ġdispens aries
+ĠWall s
+ĠCh ronic
+Ġcompliment ary
+ĠBeir ut
+Ġ+ ---
+igs list
+Ġcrypt ographic
+mas ters
+ĠCap itals
+Ġmax imal
+Ġent ropy
+Point s
+Ġcombat ants
+l ip
+ĠGl ob
+ph ase
+th ank
+Ġcomm uter
+Ġ\( \
+.. /
+ĠReg ener
+ĠActiv ision
+Ġsl it
+os al
+Ġch ants
+Y u
+Ke ys
+Bre xit
+ĠFor ced
+Ari zona
+Ġsquad ron
+ĠMal one
+Ġ3 38
+Ġcontrast ing
+Ġt idal
+Ġlib el
+Ġimpl anted
+Ġupro ar
+ĠC ater
+Ġpropos itions
+M anchester
+ĠEuro s
+it amin
+G il
+ĠEl ven
+ĠSe ek
+ĠB ai
+Ġredevelop ment
+ĠTown s
+ĠL ub
+! ",
+al on
+K rist
+Ġmeas urable
+Ġimagin able
+Ġapost les
+Y N
+7 60
+Ġster oid
+Ġspecific ity
+ĠL ocated
+ĠBeck er
+ĠE du
+ĠDiet ary
+uts ch
+ĠMar ilyn
+Ġbl ister
+ĠK oz
+y ahoo
+ĠCar ney
+Ġbo asting
+ĠC aleb
+By te
+read s
+ad en
+Pro blem
+ĠWood ward
+S we
+S up
+Set up
+Ġtac it
+Ġret ribution
+Ġd ues
+ĠM ü
+. ?
+ä¸ Ń
+p ots
+Ġcame o
+educ ation
+A my
+like ly
+g ling
+Ġconstitution ally
+ĠHam m
+ĠSpe ak
+Ġwid gets
+br ate
+Ġcra ppy
+ĠI ter
+Ġanticip ating
+ĠB out
+P ixel
+ĠY ep
+ĠLaur ie
+Ġh ut
+Ġbullet in
+ĠSal vation
+Ġch ats
+ear able
+Honest ly
+onse qu
+c ult
+isco very
+ovy ch
+Ġse lves
+ĠSat oshi
+S ounds
+Ġconver gence
+ĠRosen berg
+19 74
+Ġnas al
+Ġfull est
+Ġfer ocious
+x us
+ist e
+Ġlobb ied
+Ġso othing
+ĠGun n
+t oday
+0 24
+Ġinspir ational
+p b
+g ewater
+or ah
+all owed
+ĠCol iseum
+Ġspecial izing
+Ġinsane ly
+ĠT ape
+del ay
+Ġt arn
+ĠP ound
+Ġmel anch
+Ġdeploy ments
+il and
+Ġless en
+Ġfur ry
+Ġblood shed
+ĠMe ier
+ither ing
+Ġhe irs
+ĠJ aw
+ax ter
+ĠPublic ations
+Ġal ters
+int ention
+ĠWinc hester
+d etermination
+ĠLif etime
+th in
+Mon ster
+7 80
+Ġapprox imation
+Ġsuper markets
+ĠSecond s
+or os
+h uge
+Ġb ribe
+un ed
+Ġmis interpret
+ĠIn jury
+Ġ3 67
+Ġthreshold s
+ĠCarn ival
+Ġgastro intestinal
+Ġguid eline
+Ġde ceived
+f eatures
+Ġpurported ly
+ĠRon nie
+ĠNew t
+Ġsp acious
+as us
+Ġsuperhero es
+ĠCyn thia
+le gged
+k amp
+ch io
+Ġth umbnail
+ĠShir ley
+ill ation
+Ġshe ds
+ĠZ y
+Ġdam s
+Ġy awn
+n ah
+ĠPe ggy
+ĠE rie
+ĠJu ventus
+ĠF ountain
+r x
+don ald
+al bum
+ĠComp rehensive
+Ġc aching
+ĠU z
+ulner ability
+ĠPrinc iple
+ĠJ ian
+ing ers
+cast s
+ĠOs iris
+ch art
+t ile
+ĠTiff any
+ĠPatt on
+ĠWh ip
+Ġovers ized
+J e
+ĠCind erella
+ĠB orders
+ĠDa esh
+M ah
+Ġdog ma
+Ġcommun ists
+v u
+Coun cil
+Ġfresh water
+Ġw ounding
+Ġdeb acle
+Ġyoung ster
+Ġthread ed
+ĠB ots
+ĠSav ings
+ãģ Ĥ
+ol ing
+oh o
+Ġillum ination
+Ġlo osen
+tr ump
+ag ency
+ur ion
+Ġmoment arily
+ĠCh un
+ĠBud apest
+ĠAl ley
+D isk
+Ġaston ished
+ĠCon quer
+ĠAccount ing
+h aving
+ĠWe in
+ĠAl right
+Ġrev olver
+Ġdel usion
+Ġrelic s
+Ġad herent
+qu ant
+Ġhand made
+or io
+Ġcomb ating
+c oded
+Ġquad ru
+re th
+N ik
+ĠTrib al
+ĠMyster ious
+Ġin hal
+ĠWin ning
+ĠClass ification
+ch anged
+Ġun ab
+Ġsc orn
+icip ated
+w l
+ond uctor
+Ġrein forcing
+ĠChild hood
+an ova
+Ġadventure r
+Ġdoctor al
+ĠStrateg ies
+Ġengulf ed
+ĠEnc ounter
+Ġl ashes
+Crit ical
+ric ular
+oci ation
+check ing
+ĠConsult ing
+Run time
+per iod
+ĠAs gard
+Ġdist illed
+ĠPas adena
+ĠD ying
+Ġgran ite
+Ġsm ack
+Ġparach ute
+Virgin ia
+ĠF urious
+78 7
+ĠO kin
+Ġcam el
+ĠM bps
+19 72
+ĠCh ao
+ĠC yan
+j oice
+ef er
+ĠW rap
+ĠDeb ate
+S eg
+Ġfore arm
+ĠIgn ore
+Ġtim estamp
+Ġprob ing
+ĠNo on
+ĠGra il
+f en
+Ġdorm ant
+ĠFirst ly
+ĠE ighth
+ĠDes ire
+or as
+Girl s
+ĠDes mond
+z ar
+am ines
+exec ute
+Ġbo obs
+_ (
+Chel sea
+Ġmasturb ation
+ĠCo C
+Ġdestroy er
+ĠCh omsky
+Ġsc atter
+ĠAss ets
+79 6
+ĠC argo
+Ġrecept ive
+ĠSc ope
+Ġmarket ers
+Ġlaun chers
+Ġax le
+se q
+ĠM off
+f inding
+ĠGib bs
+Georg ia
+extreme ly
+N J
+Ġlab orers
+st als
+Ġmed iation
+ĠH edge
+at own
+Ġi od
+des pite
+v ill
+J ane
+ex istence
+Ġcoinc ided
+ĠUt ilities
+ĠChe ap
+Ġlog istical
+Ġcul mination
+ĠNic otine
+p ak
+F older
+Ġrod ents
+st uff
+Ġlaw fully
+Ġreper to
+io ch
+j j
+Dial ogue
+lic tion
+Look s
+Ġ29 7
+Ġtur rets
+ĠAb andon
+Ġinc ess
+ĠTraff ord
+Ġcur led
+Ġprefer ring
+Ġprivat ization
+Ġir resist
+ĠP anda
+ĠSh ake
+ĠMc Gr
+ãĥ Ħ
+und ers
+Ġdiscrim inated
+Ġbart ender
+Atl antic
+Ġprop ensity
+ĠW iz
+ĠG im
+con ference
+Ġrein forces
+G h
+w agon
+Ġe erie
+F al
+Ġhug ged
+rac ist
+F u
+Ġf iller
+ĠSt ub
+Ġeng raved
+ĠWrest le
+Ġimagin ative
+ĠPe er
+ĠFact ors
+an us
+ĠDrac ula
+mon itor
+Ġrou ters
+ib ia
+ĠBoo lean
+end ale
+ĠSl aughter
+ĠSh ack
+ĠSpiel berg
+S ax
+ĠCl over
+ĠR ae
+Dep ending
+ĠMem or
+ar am
+Ġpier ced
+Ġcur tains
+v ale
+ĠInqu isition
+ĠP oke
+Ġforecast ing
+Ġcompl ains
+S ense
+ĠHer mes
+isc overed
+Ġb ible
+ĠMor ph
+Ġg erm
+78 5
+Ġcon gen
+Ġcr ane
+Ġrespect fully
+R oom
+ĠN aw
+ĠDal ai
+re ason
+ĠAng us
+Educ ation
+ĠTitan ic
+Ë ľ
+Ġo val
+un ited
+Ġthird s
+Ġmoist ur
+M iami
+Ġtent acles
+ĠPol aris
+ex c
+ex clusive
+ĠPra irie
+Ġcol ossal
+ĠBl end
+sur prisingly
+ÃŃ s
+Ġindo ctr
+Ġbas al
+und o
+Spl it
+Develop ment
+Ġlan tern
+19 71
+Ġprov ocation
+Ġang uish
+ĠB ind
+ĠLe ia
+duc ers
+ipp y
+conserv ancy
+Ġinitial ize
+ĠTw ice
+ĠSu k
+Ġpred ic
+Ġdi ploma
+Ġsoc iop
+Ing redients
+Ġhamm ered
+ĠIr ma
+Q aida
+Ġglim ps
+ĠB ian
+Ġst acking
+Ġf end
+gov track
+Ġun n
+dem ocratic
+ig ree
+Ġ5 80
+Ġ29 4
+Ġstraw berry
+Ġcher ished
+ĠH ots
+Ġinfer red
+Ġ8 08
+ĠS ocrates
+O regon
+ĠR oses
+Ġins ensitive
+Ġ40 8
+Recomm end
+ĠSh ine
+Ġpain staking
+ĠHell er
+ĠEnter prises
+ad j
+L G
+Ġalien ated
+Ġacknowled gement
+ĠRen eg
+Ġvou chers
+Ġ9 60
+Ġm oot
+ĠDim ensions
+Ġc abbage
+B right
+g at
+ĠK lu
+Ġlat ent
+Ġz e
+ĠM eng
+Ġdis perse
+Ġpand emonium
+H Q
+Ġvirt uous
+ĠLoc ations
+ee per
+prov ided
+Ġse ams
+iz o
+Ġtit anium
+Ġrecol lection
+Ġcr an
+Ġ7 80
+49 1
+64 2
+p acking
+59 8
+text ure
+Sp ider
+fre edom
+cipl ed
+âĻ ¦
+aut hent
+r ified
+Ġr ites
+Ġuter us
+k iss
+Ġâī ¤
+Ġsk illet
+Ġdis enfranch
+ĠGa al
+Comp an
+Ġage ing
+gu ide
+B alt
+Ġiter ator
+Ġdiscretion ary
+t ips
+Ġprim ates
+ĠTechn ique
+ĠPay ments
+az el
+stant ial
+0 60
+Ġd mg
+ĠJack ets
+ĠPlay off
+Ġnurs ery
+ĠSy mb
+art on
+Ġannex ation
+Color ado
+Ġco ils
+ĠSh oes
+âĦ¢ :
+ĠRo z
+ĠEve rest
+ĠTri umph
+J oy
+G rid
+à ¼
+process or
+ĠPros per
+ĠSever us
+ĠSelect ed
+r g
+ĠTay yip
+St ra
+Ġski ing
+Ġ? )
+Ġpe g
+Tes la
+Ġtime frame
+Ġmaster mind
+scient ific
+ĠSh it
+gener ic
+Ġst roll
+ĠEn ix
+m ovie
+Ĥ ª
+Ġminim izing
+idd ling
+Ġilleg itimate
+Ġprot otyp
+Ġpremature ly
+Ġmanual s
+obb ies
+ĠCass idy
+des ktop
+Ġaer os
+Ġscreen ings
+Ġdeb ilitating
+ĠGr ind
+nature conservancy
+Ġf ades
+ter mination
+assets adobe
+F actor
+Ġdefinitive ly
+P oké
+ap ult
+ĠLaf ayette
+C orn
+ĠCor al
+Ġstagn ant
+T ue
+Ġdissatisf action
+G ender
+Ġkid neys
+ĠG ow
+ĠDef eat
+ĠAsh ton
+Ġcart els
+Ġfore closure
+ĠExpl ore
+stre ngth
+ot in
+Ġveterin arian
+Ġf umble
+Ġpar ap
+ĠSt rait
+r ils
+Ġpr ick
+ĠBerm uda
+ĠAm munition
+skin ned
+Ġab ound
+ĠB raz
+Ġshar per
+ĠAsc ension
+Ġ9 78
+Ġpreview s
+Ġcommun ion
+Ġph ony
+Ġnewcom er
+Ġ3 32
+." ,"
+Ġredist ribution
+Prot ect
+ĠSo f
+K al
+Ġlip stick
+w orst
+Ġtang led
+Ġretrospect ive
+int eger
+Ġvolunte ering
+Ġ19 07
+Ġ --------------------
+ic hen
+Ġunve iling
+Ġsen seless
+Ġfisher ies
+\ -
+Ġh inges
+Ġcalcul us
+My th
+Ġund efeated
+Ġoptim izations
+Ġdep ress
+Ġbill board
+ĠY ad
+ĠPy ramid
+Is n
+I de
+Ġleg ion
+ĠK ramer
+ent anyl
+Ġpenet rating
+ĠHaw th
+ĠGer ard
+ĠP act
+ĠIn cluding
+ĠEl ias
+ĠEl aine
+vis ual
+Ġhum ming
+Ġcond esc
+ĠF asc
+ä¸ Ĭ
+Ġe galitarian
+Ġdev s
+ĠD ahl
+O ps
+D H
+ĠB ounce
+id ated
+ald o
+Ġrepublic an
+Ġh amb
+ĠS ett
+ograph ies
+Ġtrans sexual
+Ġsky rocket
+ans wer
+Ġmark up
+Ø ª
+Ġhero ine
+Comp are
+ĠT av
+Be ast
+Ġsuccess ors
+Ġna ïve
+ĠBuck ley
+st ress
+me at
+Ġdownload able
+Ġindex ed
+Ġsc aff
+ĠL ump
+ĠHom o
+Stud io
+In sp
+Ġr acked
+far ious
+ĠPet ty
+Ex ternal
+Ġ19 09
+W ars
+com mit
+put ers
+Ġun ob
+ĠEr r
+ĠAl am
+ĠSiber ia
+ĠAtmosp heric
+ĠSatan ic
+trans lation
+ĠL oud
+tra umatic
+l ique
+Ġreson ate
+ĠWel ch
+Ġspark ing
+t one
+Ġout l
+Ġhandc uffed
+ĠSer ie
+8 01
+Ġland marks
+ĠRee ves
+Ġsoft ened
+Ġdazz ling
+ĠW anted
+month s
+Mag ikarp
+Ġunt reated
+ĠBed ford
+M i
+ĠDynam o
+O re
+79 5
+Ġwrong ful
+Ġl ured
+Ġcort isol
+Ġve x
+d rawn
+ile t
+Download ha
+ĠF action
+Ġlab yrinth
+Ġhij acked
+w aters
+er ick
+Ġsuper iors
+ĠRow ling
+ĠGu inness
+Ġt d
+99 2
+Ġune arthed
+Ġcentr if
+Ġsham eless
+P od
+ĠF ib
+Ġ icing
+Ġpredict or
+Ġ29 2
+fore station
+con struct
+C and
+@ #
+Ġag itated
+Ġre pr
+Ġkn itting
+ĠLim a
+Ġf odder
+68 4
+ĠPerson a
+k l
+7 01
+Ġbreak up
+á ¸
+Ġapp alled
+Ġantidepress ants
+ĠSus sex
+Har ris
+ĠTher mal
+ee ee
+U pload
+Ġg ulf
+Ġdoor step
+ĠSh ank
+L U
+ĠP ond
+s orry
+Ġmis fortune
+n ance
+Ġb ona
+M ut
+Ġde graded
+ĠN ess
+an imal
+Ġa version
+und own
+Ġsupplement ed
+ĠC ups
+Ġ50 4
+Ġdep rive
+ĠSpark le
+Å Ĥ
+ĠMed itation
+auth ors
+ĠSab an
+ĠN aked
+air d
+ĠMand arin
+ĠScript ures
+ĠPerson nel
+ĠMahar ashtra
+Ġ19 03
+ĠP ai
+ĠMir age
+omb at
+Access ory
+Ġfrag mented
+T ogether
+Ġbelie vable
+ĠGl adiator
+al igned
+ĠSl ug
+Ġconvert ible
+ĠBour bon
+amer on
+ĠRe hab
+nt ax
+Ġpowd ered
+pill ar
+Ġsm oker
+ĠMans on
+5 11
+ĠGood ell
+m ud
+g art
+Ġob edient
+ĠTrans mission
+ĠDon ation
+8 80
+Ġbother ing
+Material s
+ãĤ ±
+dest roy
+Ġfore going
+Ġanarch ism
+ĠK ry
+ice ps
+Ġl ittered
+ĠSch iff
+Ġanecd otal
+un its
+Ġf ian
+ĠSt im
+ĠInv aders
+Ġbehaviour al
+ĠVent ures
+Ġsub lime
+Ġfru ition
+ĠPen alty
+Ġcorros ion
+¶ ħ
+Ġlik ened
+Ġbesie ged
+ween ey
+ĠCre ep
+Ġlinem en
+mult i
+ic ably
+ud der
+Ġvital ity
+Ġshort fall
+ĠP ants
+ap ist
+H idden
+ĠDro ps
+med ical
+Ġpron unciation
+Ġinsight ful
+J V
+ĠBe ard
+ĠCh ou
+Ġchar ms
+Ġb ins
+Ġamb assadors
+ĠS aturdays
+Ġinhib itor
+ĠFr anch
+6 01
+', '
+ĠCon or
+art ney
+ĠX peria
+g rave
+be es
+ĠProtest ants
+Ġso aking
+ĠM andal
+Ġph ased
+Ġ6 60
+Ġsc ams
+Ġbuzz ing
+ĠItal ians
+ĠLoren zo
+Ġhes itated
+Ġcl iffs
+ingu ishable
+Ġk o
+Ġinter ruption
+Z ip
+Lear ning
+Ġundersc ores
+ĠBl ink
+K u
+57 9
+ĠAut ob
+Ġwater ing
+Ġpast ry
+8 20
+Ġvision ary
+ĠTempl ar
+awa ited
+Ġpist on
+Ġant id
+current ly
+Ġp ard
+Ġw aging
+Ġnob ility
+ĠY us
+Ġinject ing
+f aith
+å º
+Ġret ake
+Ġcat hedral
+b ash
+Ġwrest lers
+Ġpartner ing
+Ġn oses
+Ġ3 58
+Trans form
+am en
+Ġb outs
+ĠId eal
+ĠConstant in
+Ġse p
+ĠMon arch
+att en
+ĠPe oples
+mod ified
+Ġmor atorium
+Ġpen chant
+Ġoffensive ly
+Ġprox ies
+ok ane
+ĠTaiwan ese
+ĠP oo
+us ional
+Ġver bs
+ĠO man
+vis ory
+Ġpersu asion
+Ġmult it
+Ġsc issors
+G ay
+ow ay
+oph ysical
+l us
+gn u
+Ġap ocalyptic
+Ġabsurd ity
+Ġplay book
+Ġautobi ography
+Ġsne aking
+ĠSim ulation
+pp s
+ell ery
+Plan et
+Ġright fully
+Ġn iece
+ĠDis closure
+lean or
+ous y
+Ġ28 2
+Cru z
+Ch all
+64 3
+ĠSurv ive
+ĠF atal
+ĠAm id
+ap o
+We apons
+7 70
+ĠGreen wald
+Ġlin en
+al os
+Ġpollut ants
+k at
+Ġp aw
+ĠK raft
+C hem
+ĠTermin ator
+Ġre incarn
+Ġ] [
+ĠSe eds
+Ġsilhou ette
+ĠSt ores
+Ġgro oming
+ĠD irection
+ĠIs abel
+ĠBr idges
+ðŁ ij
+ĠM orsi
+Ġval ves
+ĠRank ed
+ĠPh arma
+ĠOrgan izations
+Ġpenet rated
+ĠRod ham
+ĠProt oss
+Ġove rest
+Ġex asper
+Ġ 000000
+Ġtrick le
+Ġbour bon
+Ġw retched
+Ġmicrosc opic
+Ġcheck list
+Ġad orned
+R oyal
+Ad minist
+ĠRet irement
+ĠHig hest
+We ather
+ile ge
+Ġincre ments
+ĠC osponsors
+Ġmas se
+ĠS inn
+r f
+Ġh ordes
+as sembly
+75 4
+ĠNat asha
+Ġarr anging
+Ġ40 7
+l ator
+Ġg lean
+Ġdisc redited
+Ġclin icians
+Ġachie ves
+ĠEm erson
+com plex
+= [
+Ġprincip ally
+Ġfra il
+p icked
+Ġthan king
+Ġre cl
+Ġsupp ressing
+il ic
+Ġantidepress ant
+ĠLis bon
+Ġth or
+Ġsp a
+Ġking doms
+ĠPear ce
+em o
+Ġpl ung
+Ġdiv est
+Ġ ********************************
+b is
+osp els
+ad r
+Sp irit
+hall a
+P ink
+end ez
+Ġresurrect ed
+esc ape
+ĠRosen stein
+Ġge ological
+Ġnecess ities
+Ġcarn iv
+ĠE lys
+ĠBar ney
+Ġ29 6
+dig y
+Ġmil estones
+Ġk er
+Ġdismant ling
+Ġre prim
+Ġcross ings
+19 45
+Ġpatri archy
+Ġblasp hemy
+Ġ3 59
+met ry
+ĠOb esity
+ĠDiff erences
+bl ocking
+ãĥķ ãĤ¡
+ich ita
+ĠSab ha
+ph alt
+ĠCol o
+ual a
+effic ients
+ĠMed ina
+con sole
+55 7
+ĠHann ibal
+ĠHab it
+ĠF ever
+Ġthen ce
+Ġsyn agogue
+Ġessential s
+Ġw ink
+ĠTr ader
+ĠSp oiler
+ĠIceland ic
+ĠHay ward
+Ġpe ac
+Ġmal ice
+Ġflash back
+Ġth w
+Ġlay offs
+L iquid
+Ġtro oper
+Ġh inge
+ĠRead ers
+Ph ill
+ĠB auer
+Cre ated
+Ġaud its
+ac compan
+Ġunsus pecting
+ier a
+6666 6666
+Ġbro ch
+Ġapprehend ed
+ĠM alk
+cer ning
+ĠCod ex
+M arsh
+ĠD eng
+ĠExp ression
+Ġdisrespect ful
+Ġasc ending
+t ests
+ĠPlaint iff
+ster y
+ĠAl ibaba
+din and
+ĠDem psey
+Applic ations
+mor al
+Ġthrough put
+Ġquar rel
+Ġm ills
+Ġhe mor
+terror ist
+st im
+ifest yle
+ro zen
+Ar k
+u ci
+lect ic
+Ġirrit ating
+she ets
+A y
+Ġrede emed
+Ġhorn y
+ĠTe ach
+ĠS ear
+dem ocracy
+4 65
+ĠRest ore
+Ġstand by
+ĠP is
+iff in
+Ġsleep y
+Ġextr ater
+Ġcompl iments
+Fram eworks
+Ġinstall s
+Ġb anging
+sur face
+found land
+Ġmetaph ysical
+Ġ28 3
+oul s
+dev ices
+Ar gs
+ĠSac rifice
+ĠMcC orm
+es on
+Cons ervative
+ĠM ikhail
+see ing
+is ively
+ĠRo oms
+ĠGener ic
+Ġenthusi astically
+Ġgri pped
+Ġcomed ic
+ĠElectric ity
+Ġgu errilla
+Ġdec oration
+ĠPerspect ive
+Ġconsult ations
+Ġun amb
+Ġplag iar
+Ġmagic ian
+Ġe rection
+ĠTour ism
+or ied
+ro xy
+11 00
+T am
+Ī è
+Î ³
+× ª
+ĠPred ators
+Nit rome
+Ġtelesc opes
+project s
+Ġun protected
+Ġst ocked
+ĠEnt reprene
+nex pected
+Ġwast ewater
+V ill
+Ġint imately
+Ġi Cloud
+ĠConst able
+Ġspo of
+Ġne farious
+Ġfin s
+Ġcens or
+ĠMod es
+ĠEs per
+ar bon
+Ġinter sections
+Ġlaud ed
+Ġphys i
+Ġgener ously
+ĠThe Nitrome
+ĠTheNitrome Fan
+Ġar isen
+Ġg lands
+ĠPav ilion
+ĠGu pta
+Ġuniform ly
+Ġr amps
+ri et
+ĠVan essa
+Ġrout ed
+Ġlim p
+p ter
+int uitive
+Ġv aping
+Ġexperiment ed
+ĠOlymp us
+ĠAm on
+Ġsight ing
+Ġinfiltr ate
+ĠGentle man
+Ġsign ings
+ĠMe ow
+ĠNav igation
+che cks
+4 33
+Ġel apsed
+ĠBulg arian
+esp ie
+d uring
+Ġsp ills
+anc a
+ĠPly mouth
+Ġdomest ically
+ĠWater gate
+k illed
+ed ited
+ĠYour self
+Ġsynchron ization
+ĠPract ices
+Ġgen omes
+not ice
+Ġloc ating
+z in
+Ġ3 29
+al cohol
+Ġk itten
+V o
+Ġr inse
+Ġgrapp le
+ĠSc rew
+ĠD ul
+Ġle asing
+ĠCaf é
+Ġro ses
+ĠRes pect
+Ġmis lead
+Ġperfect ed
+Ġnud ity
+Ġnon partisan
+ĠCons umption
+Report ing
+Ġnu ances
+Ġdeduct ible
+ĠSh ots
+Ġ3 77
+Ġæ ľ
+ano oga
+Ben ef
+ĠB am
+ĠS amp
+if ix
+Ġgal van
+ĠMed als
+rad ius
+Ġno bles
+Ġe aves
+igr ate
+K T
+ĠHar bour
+u ers
+Ġrisk ed
+re q
+Ġneuro t
+get table
+ain a
+Rom ney
+Ġunder pin
+Ġlo ft
+ĠSub committee
+ĠMong ol
+b iz
+Ġmanif ests
+ass isted
+ĠG aga
+Ġsy nergy
+Ġreligious ly
+ĠPre f
+ĠG erry
+ĠCho i
+4 66
+beh ind
+ĠO u
+Gold Magikarp
+Ġhemor rh
+R iver
+Ġtend on
+Ġinj ure
+ĠF iona
+Ġp ag
+Ġag itation
+|| ||
+ur an
+Ġest eem
+Ġdod ging
+Ġ4 12
+r ss
+Ġce ases
+ex cluding
+Ġint akes
+Ġinsert s
+Ġemb old
+ĠO ral
+up uncture
+4 11
+ĠUn ified
+ĠDe le
+Ġfurn ace
+ĠCoy otes
+ĠBr ach
+L abor
+Ġhand shake
+Ġbru ises
+Gr ade
+éĹ ĺ
+ĠGram my
+ile en
+St ates
+ĠScandinav ian
+ĠKard ash
+8 66
+Ġeffort lessly
+ĠMe i
+ert ation
+19 68
+Ġgro in
+w itch
+Requ irements
+98 5
+Ġroof s
+Ġest ates
+Ġha ha
+Ġdense ly
+Ġpl astics
+Ġincident ally
+ĠTr acks
+ĠTax es
+Ġch anted
+Ġforce ful
+ĠBie ber
+ĠK ahn
+K ent
+ĠC ot
+lic ts
+F ed
+Ġhide ous
+ĠVer d
+ĠSynd icate
+ĠIl legal
+J et
+re asonable
+c rew
+Ġfundamental ist
+Ġtruth ful
+ĠJ ing
+Ġl il
+Ġdown ed
+Ġen chanted
+ĠPolic ies
+ĠMcM aster
+ĠH are
+ides how
+Ġpar ams
+en cers
+gorith m
+Ġallow ances
+Ġturb ulent
+Ġcomplex ities
+Ġ3 37
+ĠGen etic
+D oug
+t ick
+Ġg igs
+ument hal
+Ġpatriarch al
+Ġcal c
+, ...
+Ġc out
+ĠGu an
+Ġpath ological
+ĠR ivals
+Ġunder rated
+Ġflu orescent
+ĠJ iu
+arna ev
+ĠQu an
+Ġ4 29
+Ġ à¨
+M ario
+Con struct
+ĠC itation
+ĠR acial
+ĠF idel
+Ġ3 95
+Person ally
+C ause
+Ã »
+rad ical
+in en
+Ġvehement ly
+ĠPap a
+Ġintern ship
+Ġfl akes
+ĠRe ck
+Luck ily
+B ra
+20 20
+rav ings
+R N
+W onder
+Ser iously
+Ġre usable
+Ġpoll uted
+ĠP eng
+le igh
+ind le
+Ġcircuit ry
+ĠMad onna
+Res idents
+att ribute
+Phil adelphia
+Cl ub
+Ġplan ner
+Ġfr antically
+Ġfaith fully
+ĠTerrit ories
+ĠAnders en
+an u
+ĠS ora
+i age
+ĠPlay offs
+4 27
+Ġab norm
+ĠL ever
+Ġdisob edience
+As ync
+ĠShe a
+V ert
+Ġsk irts
+ĠSaw yer
+x p
+Ġwors ening
+Ġsc apego
+ĠAng le
+oth al
+Ġtro ve
+ĠSt y
+ĠN guyen
+mar ine
+ide on
+Dep ths
+Bl og
+ĠIll uminati
+Ġtract s
+Ġorgan ise
+Ġo str
+F s
+Ġlever aging
+ĠD aredevil
+as ar
+Ġl ang
+Ġex termin
+urs ions
+ĠRom o
+ãĤ¤ ãĥĪ
+Ġcont ended
+Ġencounter ing
+ĠTable t
+ĠAltern ate
+sk ill
+Ġswe ets
+Ġco hesive
+cap acity
+Ġrep ud
+Ġl izard
+ro o
+Ġpilgr ims
+ĠR uff
+ĠInstr ument
+ĠLog o
+uit ous
+E H
+Ġsales man
+Ġank les
+L ed
+ĠPat ty
+ud os
+Own er
+Ġdiscrep ancies
+k j
+M U
+Ġuncond itional
+Dragon Magazine
+i ard
+O ak
+ĠConvers ation
+be er
+ĠOs aka
+D elta
+us ky
+Ġsecret ion
+Ġpl aza
+Ġm ing
+Ġde pletion
+ĠM ous
+ĠH imal
+ĠFle ming
+Ġcyt ok
+ĠH ick
+Ġbat ters
+ĠInt ellectual
+6 75
+é r
+ĠQu entin
+ĠCh apters
+ih adi
+Ġco aster
+ĠL izard
+ĠY or
+and ering
+S kin
+ha ust
+ab by
+Ġportray ing
+Ġwield ed
+d ash
+Ġprop onent
+Ġr ipple
+Ġgrap hene
+Ġfly er
+Ġrec urrent
+Ġdev ils
+Ġwater fall
+æĺ ¯
+go o
+Text Color
+Ġtam pering
+ĠAb el
+ĠHend ricks
+ĠLu cius
+b ots
+Ġ40 96
+Gu est
+in ant
+Ben z
+ĠLoad ed
+ĠCle ver
+t reatment
+Ġta vern
+Ġ3 39
+ific antly
+Tem perature
+F el
+Ġunder world
+ĠJud ges
+Ġ< +
+Ġst ump
+Ġoccup ancy
+Ġab er
+ĠF inder
+) ",
+ĠN unes
+res et
+in et
+ect omy
+Ġwell ness
+ĠP eb
+quart ered
+and an
+Ġneg atives
+ĠTh iel
+ĠCl ip
+Ġbl ight
+Ġreperto ire
+K yle
+Ġqu er
+ĠC es
+Ġha pl
+98 9
+ĠTh ames
+isc opal
+Des k
+ivari ate
+ĠEx cellence
+found ation
+Ġâ ĩ
+X i
+Ġmyster iously
+esty les
+Ġper ish
+ĠEng els
+09 0
+}} }
+ĠUn real
+Ġrest less
+orth odox
+ĠInter mediate
+Ġdin ners
+ĠTr out
+ĠSe ym
+ĠHall s
+og ged
+Ġtraged ies
+Ġdid nt
+67 6
+Ġail ments
+Ġobserv able
+ĠV ide
+ad apt
+ĠD usk
+Ġprofessional ism
+ĠPres cott
+ĠInd ies
+p ox
+ĠMe hran
+W ide
+Ġend emic
+ĠPar an
+B ird
+Ġped als
+ĠAdam ant
+ĠH urt
+Ġcorrel ates
+urd en
+Ġspons oring
+cl imate
+ĠUnivers ities
+ĠK not
+enn es
+ĠDam ian
+ĠAx el
+S port
+Ġbar b
+ĠS no
+sh own
+ste en
+ud ence
+Ġnon violent
+Ġhom ophobia
+Ġbiom ass
+ĠDet ail
+Ġsrf N
+ĠT une
+accompan ied
+Al bert
+ĠMong o
+z x
+ĠCer berus
+or bit
+c ens
+Ġsl ay
+H Y
+Ġb rawl
+ĠPro be
+Ġnonex istent
+ĠClare nce
+ĠBlack burn
+Ġport als
+ĠR ita
+ĠRem ain
+ĠLe vant
+Ġtrick ed
+ĠF erry
+aver ing
+ĠStraw berry
+ĠAn swers
+Ġhorrend ous
+ĠA man
+Supp lement
+ĠT oad
+Ġpe eled
+Ġman oeuv
+ĠU zbek
+mond s
+ĠH ector
+Ġ40 2
+pe es
+fix es
+Ġd j
+Ġres umes
+Ġaccount ant
+Ġadvers ity
+Ġham pered
+ĠL arson
+Ġd oping
+part s
+H ur
+Ġbe arded
+Ġy r
+ĠPlug in
+å¥ ³
+Ġ/ **
+rol ley
+Ġwaters hed
+ĠSub mission
+if lower
+Ġcho ir
+Ġsculpt ures
+m A
+incre asing
+ai i
+Ġsne akers
+Ġconfront s
+ĠEle phant
+ĠEl ixir
+Ġrec al
+w idget
+ĠW ax
+ĠGr ayson
+Ġha irst
+Ġhumili ated
+app iness
+F uel
+Ġpol io
+Ġcomplex es
+Ġbab e
+P F
+). [
+P arts
+Ġ4 35
+M eg
+ĠY ards
+Ġy ells
+Ġprin ces
+Ġbull ies
+ĠCapital ism
+ex empt
+ĠSp onge
+ĠAl a
+Ġpleas antly
+Ġbu f
+Ġden ote
+Ġunp ublished
+Ġkne eling
+asc a
+Ġl apse
+al ien
+99 4
+Ġrefere es
+ĠLaw yers
+S anta
+Ġpuzz ling
+ĠProm etheus
+ĠPh araoh
+ĠDel ay
+Ġfacilit ates
+Ġjew els
+Ġbook let
+ond ing
+Ġpolar ization
+ĠMor an
+ĠSal ad
+ĠAdv ice
+iat ures
+ex press
+ĠWonder land
+9 75
+Ġg rep
+ĠD iesel
+ĠGl ac
+! ?"
+Ġr m
+o ine
+disc rimination
+ĠN urse
+m allow
+Ġv ortex
+ĠCons ortium
+Ġlarge Download
+stra ight
+augh lin
+G rad
+Ġpublic ized
+ĠW aves
+ĠRed d
+Ġfest ivities
+ĠM ane
+ar ov
+Ġfleet ing
+ĠDr unk
+ug en
+C ele
+Ġchromos omes
+-+-+ -+-+
+Ġbus iest
+ĠBe aver
+Sy rian
+ĠK yr
+k as
+ĠCross Ref
+19 50
+76 01
+Ġrepe aling
+ĠWin ners
+ĠMac ro
+bl ance
+S ort
+64 1
+Ġmet re
+ĠD irk
+Ġgo ggles
+Ġdraw backs
+Ġcomplain ant
+Ġauthor izing
+Ġantit rust
+oper ated
+Ġm ah
+Ġexagger ation
+Am azing
+ĠSer aph
+Ġha ze
+w ow
+Ġextingu ished
+Ġcan yon
+ĠB osh
+Ġv ents
+Ġsc rape
+Cor rect
+4 26
+Ġav g
+Dem and
+ĠâĪ ¼
+Ġmicrobi ota
+"} ],"
+ĠSt ev
+B io
+ĠPlan es
+Ġsuggest ive
+Ġdec ipher
+ĠRefuge e
+ĠKe jriwal
+ĠGreen peace
+Ġdecl ass
+ĠSound ers
+Ġth o
+Ġdec rypt
+Ġbr ushing
+ĠJane iro
+ip op
+S i
+8 77
+ĠGeoff rey
+Ġc pu
+ĠHaz el
+Ġview points
+Ġcris py
+ĠNot ification
+Ġsold er
+ĠMod est
+ĠHem isphere
+Ġcass ette
+in cludes
+Ġident ifiers
+in cent
+T odd
+ĠSwe ep
+Ġ3 34
+b oss
+Ġsm ir
+gin x
+Ġtown ship
+Ġg rieving
+ĠMos que
+Net flix
+ĠMillenn ials
+oc om
+19 67
+Ġbold ly
+s leep
+Ġes che
+arij uana
+Ġsw irl
+ĠPen al
+Ġneglig ent
+ĠStephen son
+ĠZ oro
+ris is
+Ġlocal ization
+ĠSeym our
+ĠAng lic
+red itation
+prot ection
+ĠPa ige
+Ġo mit
+ĠR ousse
+ĠT ub
+Ġinv itations
+t ty
+Ġm oss
+ph ysical
+C redits
+Ġan archy
+Ġchild care
+Ġl ull
+ĠM ek
+ĠL anguages
+lat est
+ĠSan ford
+Ġus ability
+Ġdiff use
+Ġsp rites
+ĠVeget a
+ĠProm otion
+ãĥ¼ ãĤ¯
+rict ing
+z ee
+Tur kish
+ĠTD s
+pro ven
+57 1
+Ġsmug glers
+707 10
+Ġreform ed
+ĠLo is
+Ġun fl
+ĠReturn ing
+ann ie
+ĠTom as
+Fr anc
+ĠProf it
+ĠR umble
+ik uman
+es an
+Ġt esters
+Ġgad get
+Ġbrace let
+comp onent
+Ġparamed ics
+Ġj an
+ĠRem em
+ĠSk inner
+Ġl ov
+ĠQu ake
+rom a
+Ġfl ask
+Pr inc
+Ġover power
+Ġlod ging
+ret te
+Ġabsor bs
+w rote
+Ġ ,"
+K ings
+ĠH ail
+ĠFall ing
+xt ap
+ĠHel ena
+ire ns
+L arry
+Ġpamph let
+G ro
+ĠHirosh ima
+Ġhol istic
+". [
+Ġdet achment
+Ġas pire
+Ġcompl icit
+ĠGreen wood
+Ġresp awn
+ĠSt upid
+ĠFin ished
+f al
+b ass
+Ġab hor
+Ġmock ery
+ĠFe ast
+Ġcon sec
+ĠHung ry
+P ull
+ĠH ust
+it ance
+? ãĢį
+) --
+ĠPar allel
+con v
+4 69
+ha ar
+w ant
+P aper
+m ins
+ĠTor o
+ĠR ai
+D W
+ĠW icked
+ĠL ep
+Ġfun ky
+Ġdetrim ent
+ios is
+ache v
+Ġde grade
+im ilation
+Ġret ard
+Ġfrag mentation
+Ġcow boy
+Parent s
+ĠS ieg
+ĠStra uss
+ĠRub ber
+× IJ
+Fr ag
+Ġp t
+Ġoption ally
+ĠTrans cript
+ĠD well
+88 2
+M erc
+ãĥ¯ ãĥ³
+Ġhun ts
+Ġexec utes
+In cludes
+Ġacid ic
+ĠRespons ibility
+ĠD umb
+we i
+And erson
+ĠJas per
+ight on
+abs olutely
+Ad ult
+Ġpl under
+Mor ning
+ĠT ours
+ĠD ane
+Î º
+ĠG ina
+Ġcan ine
+aw an
+Ġsocial ists
+ĠS oda
+Ġimp etus
+ĠSupplement ary
+oli ath
+ĠKinn ikuman
+mitted ly
+second s
+Ġorganis ers
+Ġdocument aries
+Vari able
+Ġres orts
+Ġbr agging
+Ġ3 68
+Art ist
+w k
+bl ers
+Un common
+ĠRet rieved
+Ġhect ares
+Ġtox in
+r ank
+Ġfaith s
+ĠG raphic
+Ġve c
+Af rican
+Ġard ent
+end iary
+L ake
+cient ious
+ĠOk awaru
+ĠAll y
+ĠTim eline
+D ash
+ĠI c
+contin ue
+Ġt idy
+Ġinstinct ively
+ĠP ossibly
+ĠOut door
+ĠWould n
+Ġl ich
+ĠBr ay
+ĠÃ ī
+Ġ+ #
+\ '
+Direct ory
+ab iding
+Ġf eral
+ic ative
+but t
+Ġper verse
+S alt
+Ġwar ped
+Ġnin eteen
+Ġcabin ets
+Ġsrf Attach
+ĠSl oan
+Ġpower ing
+reg ation
+F light
+se vere
+Ġst ren
+Ġc og
+ap ache
+Ġâ Ŀ
+Ġcaf eteria
+p aces
+ĠGrim oire
+uton ium
+Ġr aining
+Ġcir cling
+Ġlineback ers
+c redit
+Ġrep atri
+ĠCam den
+lic ense
+Ġly ric
+Ġdescript or
+Ġval leys
+Ġre q
+Ġback stage
+ĠPro hibition
+ĠK et
+Op ening
+S ym
+æĸ ¹
+Ġserv ings
+Ġoverse en
+Ġaster oids
+ĠMod s
+ĠSpr inger
+ĠCont ainer
+è »
+ĠM ens
+Ġmult im
+Ġfire fighter
+pe c
+Ġchlor ine
+Ð ¼
+end i
+Ġsp aring
+Ġpolyg amy
+ĠP ell
+Ġt igers
+Ġflash y
+ĠMad ame
+S word
+Ġpref rontal
+Ġpre requisite
+uc a
+Ġw ifi
+Ġmiscon ception
+Ġharsh ly
+ĠStream ing
+ot om
+ĠGiul iani
+foot ed
+Ġtub ing
+ind ividual
+z ek
+n uclear
+m ol
+Ġright ful
+49 3
+Ġspecial ization
+Ġpassion ately
+ĠVel ocity
+ĠAv ailability
+T enn
+Ġl atch
+ĠSome body
+Ġhel ium
+cl aw
+Ġdi pping
+Ġinter personal
+7 10
+Ġsub ter
+Ġbi ologists
+ĠLight ing
+Ġopt ic
+Ġden im
+end on
+ĠC orm
+Ġ3 41
+ĠC oup
+Ġfear less
+Ġal ot
+ĠCliff ord
+ĠRun time
+ĠProv ision
+up dated
+lene ck
+Ġneur on
+Ġgrad ing
+ĠC t
+sequ ence
+in ia
+con cept
+Ġro aring
+ri val
+ĠCaucas ian
+Ġmon og
+key es
+Ġappell ate
+Ġlia ison
+EStream Frame
+ĠPl um
+! .
+Ġsp herical
+Ġper ished
+Ġbl ot
+Ġben ches
+Ġ4 11
+Ġpione ered
+Ġhur led
+Jenn ifer
+ĠYose mite
+Ch air
+Ġreef s
+Ġelect or
+ĠAnt hem
+65 2
+Ġun install
+Ġimp ede
+Ġbl inking
+Ġgot o
+Dec re
+A ren
+Ġstabil ization
+ĠDis abled
+ĠYanuk ovych
+Ġoutlaw ed
+ĠVent ura
+ten ess
+Ġplant ation
+Ġy acht
+ĠHu awei
+Ġsol vent
+Ġgr acious
+Ġcur iously
+Ġcapac itor
+Ġc x
+ĠRef lex
+Ph ys
+ĠC f
+pt in
+cons ervative
+Ġinv ocation
+c our
+F N
+ĠNew ly
+H our
+As ian
+ĠLe ading
+ĠAer ospace
+An ne
+Ġpre natal
+Ġdeterior ating
+ĠNorm andy
+ol ini
+ĠAm bro
+9 10
+Ġset backs
+Ġs ig
+ĠSc ourge
+59 7
+79 8
+Game play
+Ġm sec
+M X
+Ġprice y
+aker u
+Ġover arching
+ĠB ale
+Ġworld ly
+Cl ark
+Ġscen ic
+Ġdisl iked
+ĠCont rolled
+T ickets
+ab ies
+ĠPl enty
+Non etheless
+Ġart isan
+Trans fer
+ĠF amous
+Ġinf ield
+ble y
+Ġunres olved
+ãĤ Ĥ
+Cor rection
+Ġdemocr at
+ĠMore no
+ro cal
+il ings
+Ġsail or
+Ġr ife
+h ung
+Ġtrop es
+Ġsn atched
+ĠB ib
+ĠPre v
+ĠCam el
+run time
+Ġob noxious
+4 37
+Ġsum mers
+Ġunexpl ained
+ĠWal ters
+cal iber
+Ġg ull
+ĠEnd urance
+ä½ ľ
+Ġ3 47
+Ir ish
+Ġaer obic
+Ġcr amped
+ĠHon olulu
+à ©
+us erc
+ec ast
+ĠQu ery
+ãĤ¹ ãĥĪ
+Bet a
+Ġsuscept ibility
+ĠSh iv
+ĠLim baugh
+ĠÃ ĸ
+ĠM uss
+ĠBrit ons
+Ġ% %
+Ġsec ession
+ĠPat ron
+ĠLu a
+n aires
+ĠJPM organ
+us b
+ocy te
+Ġcouncill ors
+ĠLi ang
+f arm
+Ġnerv ously
+Ġattract iveness
+ĠK ov
+j ump
+Pl ot
+Ġst ains
+ĠStat ue
+ĠApost les
+he ter
+Ġoverwhel m
+Ġ29 1
+d ensity
+Ġtra pping
+M it
+Ġf ide
+ĠPam ela
+atl antic
+Dam n
+Ġp ts
+Ġserv icing
+Ġoverfl owing
+ul o
+ĠE rit
+t icket
+light ing
+ĠH mm
+ãĥ¼ ãĥ«
+im oto
+Ġchuck le
+4 23
+ãģ ķ
+sh ape
+Ġque ues
+Ġanch ors
+ãĤ¼ ãĤ¦ãĤ¹
+F er
+Ġaw oke
+Ġ6 66
+h ands
+Ġdiver gence
+Ġ50 5
+T ips
+Ġdep ot
+Ġske w
+ĠDel iver
+op ot
+Ġdiv ul
+uns igned
+ĠUn i
+X box
+Ġfor ks
+Ġ7 02
+å ¯
+Ġpromot ers
+ĠV apor
+Ġlev ied
+sl ot
+Ġpig ment
+Ġcyl inders
+Ġsn atch
+Ġperpet ually
+Ġl icking
+ĠFe et
+ĠKra ken
+ĠHold en
+m r
+Ġproject or
+Ġden otes
+Ġchap el
+ĠTor rent
+b ler
+R oute
+ĠDef endant
+ĠPublisher s
+ĠM ales
+ĠInn ov
+ĠAg ility
+rit er
+ty mology
+st ores
+L ind
+Ġf olly
+ĠZur ich
+B le
+Ġnurt ure
+Ġcoast line
+uch in
+D omin
+Ġfri vol
+ĠCons olid
+res ults
+M J
+Ġphyl ogen
+Ġha uled
+ĠW iley
+ĠJess ie
+ĠPrep are
+ĠE ps
+Ġtreasure r
+Ġcolon ists
+Ġin und
+ĠCon verted
+6 000
+out side
+ĠApp earance
+ĠRel ic
+ĠM ister
+s aw
+Ġresult ant
+Ġadject ive
+ĠLaure l
+ĠHind i
+b da
+Pe ace
+Ġreb irth
+Ġmembr anes
+Ġforward ing
+Ġcoll ided
+ĠCar olyn
+K ansas
+5 99
+ĠSolid GoldMagikarp
+Be ck
+Ġstress ing
+ĠGo o
+ĠCooper ative
+Ġf s
+ĠAr chie
+L iter
+ĠK lopp
+J erry
+Ġfoot wear
+War ren
+Ġsc ree
+h are
+Under standing
+P ed
+Ġanth ology
+ĠAnn ounce
+M ega
+Ġflu ent
+Ġbond age
+ĠDisc ount
+il ial
+C art
+ĠNight mares
+Sh am
+ĠB oll
+uss ie
+H ttp
+Atl anta
+Ġun recogn
+ĠB id
+Ġunder grad
+Ġforg iving
+ĠGl over
+4 45
+V G
+pa io
+kill ers
+Ġrespons ibly
+Ġmobil ize
+Ġeffect ed
+ĠL umin
+Ġk ale
+Ġinfring ing
+ann ounced
+Ġf itt
+b atch
+ĠT ackle
+ĠL ime
+uke mia
+Ġrub y
+Ġex oner
+ĠCas ual
+0 70
+Ġpel vic
+Ġautom ate
+ĠK ear
+ĠCoast al
+Ġcre ed
+Ġbored om
+ĠSt un
+ri ott
+Ĥ İ
+Ġregener ate
+Ġcomed ians
+Sp ons
+id ium
+on is
+L ocated
+05 7
+Ġsusp ense
+ĠD ating
+C ass
+Ġneoc ons
+ĠShin zo
+Ġaw oken
+ch rist
+ĠMess ages
+att led
+ĠSpr ay
+ĠSp ice
+C W
+Ġshield ing
+ĠG aul
+Am id
+Ġparam ilitary
+Ġmult if
+ĠTan ner
+il k
+Ġgodd amn
+g ements
+Ġbe friend
+m obi
+Ġ3 88
+fold er
+acc a
+Ġins in
+g ap
+N ev
+fif th
+Ġpsychiat ry
+b anks
+Ġhar b
+ac qu
+Ġfac ade
+ĠPower Point
+80 3
+Ġbl uff
+Sh ares
+Ġfavor ing
+El izabeth
+Ãį Ãį
+Ġr anger
+77 2
+ĠAr che
+h ak
+ĠGen etics
+Ġev olves
+Ġest e
+ĠP ets
+ĠM é
+ĠInterest ing
+ĠCanter bury
+ch apter
+ĠStar fleet
+Sp anish
+Ġdraw back
+ĠNor wich
+9 70
+n orth
+ag anda
+Ġtransform ative
+ram ids
+bi ology
+ad ay
+Ġpropag ation
+ĠGam ma
+ĠDen ise
+ĠCalcul ator
+ent imes
+ĠB ett
+Ġapp endix
+Ġst igmat
+Ġhol ster
+Ġord inarily
+Ch ance
+ĠCont rary
+Ġad hesive
+Ġgather s
+6 12
+re au
+ony ms
+ew ays
+Ġindu ces
+Ġinterchange able
+se m
+Wh it
+Ġtr ance
+Ġincorpor ation
+ĠExt ras
+Fin ancial
+Ġawkward ly
+ĠStur geon
+Norm ally
+ĠEnd ing
+ĠAss ist
+enc rypted
+Ġsub jug
+Ġn os
+Ġfan atic
+C ub
+C U
+?" .
+Ġirre versible
+å Ĥ
+03 1
+sp read
+ul ia
+= $
+Sc ope
+L ots
+Ġlif estyles
+ol on
+Ġf eds
+Ġcongrat ulate
+web kit
+Ġindist inguishable
+ĠSw ing
+Ġcommand ments
+qu ila
+ab ella
+m ethyl
+ann abin
+Ġo vere
+Ġlob ster
+bern atorial
+:::: ::::
+ĠTra ve
+ĠSam oa
+75 2
+Ð ´
+userc ontent
+ĠMod erate
+y eah
+ĠK itt
+Ġwe e
+Ġstuff ing
+ĠInter vention
+ĠD ign
+Ġware houses
+ĠF iji
+Ġpel lets
+Ġtake away
+ĠClass ical
+col lection
+Ġland fall
+ĠMus cle
+Ġsett les
+Ġ3 44
+L aura
+Ġf ared
+ĠPart ial
+4 36
+oss ibility
+ĠD aly
+ĠT arant
+ĠFu ji
+am l
+c ence
+55 1
+ĠProced ures
+t in
+ach o
+4 38
+Ġgl itches
+Ġenchant ment
+Ġcalcul ates
+ĠH ua
+alys es
+ĠL ift
+um o
+Ġle apt
+Ġhypothes ized
+ĠGust av
+it ans
+æ ł
+Rog er
+Ġr and
+ĠAd apter
+Ġ3 31
+ĠPet ition
+k ies
+M ars
+Ġunder cut
+ze es
+ĠLy ons
+Miss ing
+Ġretire es
+Ġins idious
+el i
+> )
+. ãĢį
+Ġfinal ists
+ĠA ure
+Ġacc user
+Ġwas tes
+ĠY s
+ĠL ori
+Ġconstitu encies
+Ġsupp er
+Ġmay hem
+or ange
+Ġmis placed
+Ġmanager ial
+Ġex ce
+Ġprim al
+ĠL ent
+Cry stal
+h over
+end um
+Ġd w
+ĠAl c
+n ostic
+Ġpres erves
+ĠTs arnaev
+Ġtri pled
+rel ative
+Arc ade
+k illing
+ĠH anna
+D ust
+Com pleted
+ģ «
+Ġappro ves
+ĠSur f
+ĠLuther an
+ven ants
+Ġrobber ies
+we ights
+soft ware
+at ana
+ug al
+Ġgrav y
+ĠC ance
+ly ak
+Ton ight
+Ġunve il
+Ġ19 04
+ĠMin ion
+ent ious
+st ice
+pack ages
+Ġg ol
+ĠHutch inson
+ĠProf ession
+ĠDiff erence
+ĠTsuk uyomi
+ĠLes bian
+6 70
+Ġfug itive
+ĠPlan etary
+-------------------------------- ------------------------
+Ġacc rued
+Ġch icks
+Ġsto pp
+Ġblock ers
+C od
+Ġcomment ers
+ĠSomew here
+ĠPhot ographer
+the me
+Ġmay oral
+w u
+Ġanten nas
+Ġrev amped
+ĠSubject s
+it é
+im ura
+Ġentr ances
+liter ally
+Ġten ets
+ĠDon key
+ĠOff ense
+Ġ" +
+Sn ap
+Ġan imate
+ĠS od
+His panic
+Ġinconsist ency
+D b
+F Y
+Ex port
+Ġa pe
+Ġpear l
+ib el
+Ġ{ \
+Ġact u
+camp us
+Ġpay off
+Ġde ities
+ĠN ato
+ou ple
+Ġcens ored
+ĠCl ojure
+Ġconf ounding
+en i
+Ġreck on
+op he
+Ġspot ting
+Ġsign ifies
+Ġprop el
+Ġfest ive
+S uggest
+Ġpled ging
+ĠB erman
+Ġrebell ious
+Ġovershadow ed
+Ġinfiltr ated
+j obs
+67 2
+Ġscal able
+Ġdomin ion
+ĠNew foundland
+ĠMead ow
+Ġpart itions
+Ġsupplement ary
+str ument
+Ġhair y
+Ġperpet uate
+Ġnuts hell
+ĠPot ato
+ĠHob bit
+Ġcur ses
+Flo at
+Ġquiet er
+Ġfuel ing
+Ġcaps ules
+ĠL ust
+ĠH aunted
+Exec utive
+Ġchild birth
+G re
+Ġrad iant
+å İ
+Ġm alls
+Ġin ept
+ĠWarrant y
+Ġspect ator
+E h
+t hens
+Ġculmin ating
+æ ©
+ary a
+ãĤ ®
+ilit arian
+ĠSp ending
+pt ives
+ĠS iren
+ĠRec ording
+ay ne
+Ġv im
+Ġspr ang
+T ang
+mor ning
+ĠWe ed
+m peg
+cess ion
+ĠCh ung
+7 30
+w arning
+56 2
+handed ly
+P oor
+P olitics
+: #
+Ġp ian
+Ġfec es
+ĠDocument ation
+Ġban ished
+Ġ3 99
+Ġhe inous
+J ake
+ĠAm ir
+way ne
+v re
+os henko
+Ġnotebook s
+Ġfound ational
+Ġmarvel ous
+ixt ape
+Ġwithdraw als
+Ġh orde
+ĠD habi
+is able
+Ġcontag ious
+ĠD ip
+ĠAr rows
+Ġpronoun s
+Ġmorph ine
+68 2
+Ġk osher
+fin ished
+ĠInstr uments
+Ġf used
+yd en
+ĠSal mon
+F ab
+aff ected
+Dom ain
+Ġpoke mon
+ĠDr inking
+G rowing
+ĠInvestig ative
+ĠA ether
+em i
+Ġtabl oid
+Ġrep ro
+ĠNot withstanding
+ĠBers erker
+Ġdram as
+Ġclich é
+Ġb ung
+ĠD os
+0 44
+Ġpast ors
+Ġl s
+Ġac rylic
+aun ts
+Ed ward
+Ġmajor ities
+B ang
+Ġfield ing
+ĠRepl acement
+ĠAl chemy
+pp ard
+ĠRome o
+ĠSan ct
+ĠLav rov
+ib ble
+Inst ruct
+Ġimp ractical
+ĠPlay boy
+ce phal
+Ġsw aps
+Ġk an
+ĠThe o
+Ġillust rating
+Ġdismant led
+ĠTrans gender
+ĠG uth
+Ġtriumph ant
+Ġencomp ass
+Ġbook mark
+udd in
+j er
+Ġpred icate
+Ġwhen ce
+Ġnon profits
+Se qu
+Ġdi abetic
+Ġp end
+Ġheart felt
+sh i
+Ġinter acts
+ĠTele com
+Ġbombard ment
+dep ending
+ĠLow ry
+ĠAd mission
+ĠBl ooming
+ust ration
+ene gger
+B rew
+Ġmol ten
+ĠNer d
+âĸ Ģ
+ave ment
+Ġtou red
+Ġco efficients
+ĠTray von
+ans son
+Ġsand y
+t old
+fl ows
+Ġpop ulous
+ĠT inder
+ĠBl iss
+R achel
+Min imum
+Ġcontest ant
+ĠRed uce
+ĠMor se
+ĠGrass ley
+ĠClick er
+Ġexp r
+Ġs incerity
+Ġmar qu
+Ġelic it
+ĠPro position
+ĠDemon ic
+Ġtac os
+G reek
+Ġpost war
+Ġin sofar
+ĠP ork
+Ġ35 2
+doctor al
+walk ing
+Ġmid term
+ĠSam my
+sight ed
+ic i
+ĠAm pl
+ĠAlex andra
+ine lli
+Tr ain
+Ġsign ify
+ĠVers us
+Ġob fusc
+Ġk h
+Ġagg ro
+ĠRen ault
+Ġ3 48
+5 18
+ox icity
+0 22
+ĠTw ist
+Ġgoof y
+D ynamic
+Ġbrief ings
+m ight
+8 99
+Ġderog atory
+T ro
+Ġfor ging
+ĠKor an
+ĠMar ried
+ĠBuc s
+Ġpal ate
+ĠCon version
+m able
+4 13
+Ġ( _
+Ġs iph
+col lege
+Ġmarg inally
+Ġfl irt
+ĠTra ps
+ĠP ace
+é »Ĵ
+Ġgoalt ender
+Ġforb ids
+Ġcler ks
+ĠT ant
+ĠRobb ins
+ĠPrint ing
+Ġpremie red
+Ġmagn ification
+ĠR ouse
+ĠM ock
+odynam ics
+Ġpre clude
+ism o
+ĠPul itzer
+Ġaval anche
+ĠK odi
+rib une
+ĠL ena
+Elect ric
+Ġref inery
+Ġend owed
+Ġcounsel ors
+Ġd olphin
+ĠM ith
+Ġarm oured
+hib ited
+Beg in
+O il
+ĠV or
+ĠShar if
+ĠFraz ier
+est ate
+Ġj ams
+Pro xy
+Ġband its
+ĠPresbyter ian
+ĠPrem iere
+t iny
+ĠCru el
+Test ing
+Ġhom er
+ĠPro l
+ĠDep osit
+ĠCoff in
+Ġsemin ars
+Ġs ql
+ĠDef endants
+Altern atively
+ĠR ats
+ç «
+ethy st
+' >
+Ġiss uer
+58 9
+Ġch aired
+ĠAccess ories
+man ent
+Ġmar row
+ĠPrim ordial
+C N
+Ġlimit less
+ĠCarn age
+Ġund rafted
+q v
+on ew
+Ġco hesion
+98 7
+Ġne cks
+Ġfootball er
+Ġdetect able
+ĠSupport ing
+oc ally
+k Hz
+Ġund e
+Ġsh one
+Ġbud ding
+tra k
+Stand ing
+ĠStar craft
+ĠKem p
+Ben ch
+Ġthw arted
+ĠGround s
+ath i
+L isa
+Dial og
+V ision
+Ġingen ious
+Ġfost ering
+ĠZ a
+ĠIn gram
+Ġ" @
+N aturally
+6 16
+0 35
+H mm
+55 4
+Ġacceler ator
+ĠV end
+Ġsun screen
+Ġtuber culosis
+rav iolet
+ĠFunction al
+ĠEr rors
+ed ar
+19 66
+ĠSpect re
+ĠRec ipes
+88 5
+ĠM ankind
+L iverpool
+Ġ| --
+Ġsubst itutes
+w ired
+Ġinc o
+ĠAf gh
+E va
+ic c
+S ong
+K night
+Ġdilig ently
+ĠBroad cast
+A id
+Ġaf ar
+aton in
+ĠGr ateful
+Ġfire place
+ĠOm ni
+e uro
+ĠSh ib
+ĠDig est
+t oggle
+Ġheads ets
+Ġdiff usion
+ĠSqu irrel
+Ġdark ened
+out her
+Ġsleep s
+ĠX er
+gun s
+Ġset ups
+Ġpars ed
+Ġmamm oth
+ĠCur ious
+g ob
+ĠFitz patrick
+ĠEm il
+im ov
+........ .....
+ĠB enny
+Second ly
+Ġheart y
+Ġcons on
+st ained
+Ġgal actic
+cl ave
+Ġplummet ed
+Ġp ests
+Ġsw at
+Ġrefer rals
+ĠLion el
+h oly
+Ġunder dog
+ĠSl ater
+ĠProv ide
+ĠAm ar
+ress or
+å Į
+ong a
+Ġtim id
+Ġp iety
+ĠD ek
+Ġsur ging
+az o
+Ġ6 10
+Ġdes ks
+ĠSp okane
+ĠAn field
+Ġwars hips
+ĠCob ra
+Ġar ming
+clus ively
+ĠBad ge
+ag ascar
+ĠMcK enzie
+ĠFer dinand
+burn ing
+Af ee
+Ġtyr ann
+ĠI w
+ĠBo one
+100 7
+ĠRe pt
+Ċ Âł
+Ġcar avan
+ĠD ill
+ĠBundes liga
+Ch uck
+Ġheal er
+ãĥ¼ãĥ Ĩ
+ĠH obby
+Ġneg ate
+Ġcrit iques
+section al
+mop olitan
+Ġd x
+Ġouts ourcing
+ĠC ipher
+t ap
+Sh arp
+Ġup beat
+Ġhang ar
+Ġcru ising
+ĠNi agara
+Ġ3 42
+ill us
+ĠS v
+Ġsubt itles
+Ġsqu ared
+Ġbook store
+Ġrevolution aries
+ĠCarl ton
+ab al
+Ut ah
+Ġdesp ise
+cons ider
+aid o
+Ġc arts
+ĠT urtles
+Tr aining
+Ġhonor ary
+Â ¢
+Ġtri angles
+4 22
+Ġreprint ed
+Ġgrace ful
+ĠMong olia
+Ġdisrupt ions
+ĠB oh
+Ġ3 49
+Ġdr ains
+Ġcons ulate
+Ġb ends
+Ġm afia
+ur on
+ĠF ulton
+m isc
+Ġren al
+Ġin action
+ck ing
+Ġphot ons
+Ġbru ised
+ĠC odes
+og i
+Ġn ests
+ĠLove ly
+ĠLib re
+ĠD aryl
+Ġ# ##
+S ys
+. ,"
+Ġfree zes
+est ablishment
+and owski
+Ġcum bers
+ĠSt arg
+ĠBom bs
+Ġleg ions
+Ġhand writing
+Ġgr un
+ĠC ah
+sequ ent
+Ġm oth
+Ins ert
+F if
+Ġmot el
+Ġdex ter
+ĠB ild
+hearted ly
+Ġpro pe
+ĠText ure
+ĠJ unction
+ynt hesis
+oc ard
+ĠVer a
+ĠBar th
+Ġμ g
+Ġl ashed
+Ġ35 1
+ĠZ amb
+ĠSt aples
+ĠCort ex
+ĠCork er
+Ġcontinu um
+unt a
+rid or
+Ġde ems
+0 33
+p as
+Ġrep ressive
+ãĥĨ ãĤ£
+Ġbaff led
+Sc ar
+Ġc rave
+Ġ ______
+Ġentrepreneurs hip
+ĠDirector ate
+Ġ' [
+Ġv ines
+Ġasc ended
+ĠGood bye
+Ġdo gged
+ãĥ´ ãĤ¡
+Man ufact
+Ġunimagin able
+ri ots
+ier rez
+Ġrel ativity
+ĠCraft ing
+ra ught
+ud en
+c ookie
+Ġassass ins
+Ġdissatisf ied
+ac ci
+Ġcondu it
+Sp read
+ĠR ican
+n ice
+izz le
+Ġsc ares
+ph ans
+5 35
+Ġprot racted
+ĠKrist en
+5 36
+ĠSc rib
+ĠNe h
+Ġtwent ies
+Ġpredic ament
+Ġhandc uffs
+Ġfruit ful
+ĠLud wig
+Ġatt est
+ĠBre aker
+Ġbi ologically
+ĠDeal er
+Ġrenov ations
+f w
+ess en
+Al ice
+ĠHen ri
+Ġun ilaterally
+ĠS idd
+h ai
+ĠSt retch
+S ales
+Ġcumbers ome
+ĠJ avier
+Ġtrend y
+Ġrot ting
+ĠChall enges
+Ġscra ps
+Ġfac ets
+ĠVer onica
+ĠVer ge
+ĠS ana
+Al ien
+ĠR ih
+Ġrad ial
+ect ar
+Ġ6 30
+cl i
+Mar ie
+Ġwild fire
+ĠCat o
+h ander
+Ġwait ress
+Ġch ops
+Ġblunt ly
+ĠCat alog
+n ian
+stud y
+Ġpat rolling
+ĠT enth
+nex us
+op sy
+Ġsc athing
+s ie
+Ġdeterior ated
+V B
+Naz is
+Ġdep ictions
+Ġauthent icated
+ĠCon ce
+k rit
+Ġpromul g
+ĠVis itors
+ĠRec all
+Ġrehab ilit
+Ġglac ier
+ĠB ite
+Ġ50 3
+Ġvom it
+Ġfer mented
+ĠKh alid
+Ġgrad ed
+ĠMag icka
+ĠIch igo
+power ful
+ic ators
+75 3
+Ġsh rew
+Ġ35 6
+Ġlegal izing
+Ġall otted
+ĠArch demon
+ith ing
+igg urat
+Le od
+Ġo ily
+Ġindu cing
+Ġamy gdala
+Ġadm ins
+ĠAcqu isition
+Ġsche matic
+Ġmo an
+ĠCamer oon
+Ġt ink
+Ġmer ry
+Ġbutter flies
+ĠGo ff
+Ġworks pace
+ĠCor ona
+Ġj avascript
+ĠD olphin
+ĠCant or
+4 64
+to e
+ĠAg ing
+Ġpadd ed
+ĠZ heng
+ĠHe ld
+Ġest ranged
+Ġ7 70
+. }
+ĠDun ham
+Ġsm okes
+Ġcap itals
+und ai
+Sh in
+ĠFound ing
+Ġent itle
+Ġcenter piece
+D iscover
+Ġthere to
+al ert
+ĠN ou
+ĠAnaly st
+l c
+F H
+gr ay
+Ġar cs
+Ġr s
+Ġoblig atory
+ĠArchitect s
+ĠS ven
+0 200
+Christ mas
+ĠAlban ia
+rat om
+58 7
+Ġhard ships
+Ġaut os
+ĠCharg es
+Ġap es
+Ġ3 76
+wal let
+Ġintox ication
+Ġgobl in
+Ġ5 70
+++++++++ ++++++++
+ĠYel p
+ĠMag netic
+ĠBr iggs
+R ail
+Ġspawn s
+ĠW iggins
+Ġshowc ased
+Ġres orted
+ub en
+Ġwh ipping
+Ġim itate
+Ġdigest ion
+ĠG est
+Ġye a
+ĠT ight
+ind al
+ic as
+` .
+'' ;
+ĠF et
+opath ic
+In valid
+Ġregrett ed
+Ġbro ccoli
+ĠSc ores
+e ve
+Ġpost ings
+Ġaccum ulating
+Ġneed less
+elf th
+Ġmay ors
+Ġsc rib
+Ġanecd otes
+Ġbot ched
+ĠRib bon
+ĠConstant ine
+i uses
+ess es
+Ġdev ise
+Comp ared
+Ġp udding
+Ġg arg
+Ġev oke
+79 7
+Ġdet ox
+9 09
+ĠPie ces
+ĠMcC artney
+Ġmet ast
+ĠK rypt
+Ġt ending
+ĠMerch ants
+Pro of
+ĠV arg
+ĠPort able
+ãĥ¼ãĥĨ ãĤ£
+B rain
+25 00
+Ġfol iage
+Ø ¹
+Ġment ors
+ĠA ires
+Ġminimal ist
+Ġing ested
+ĠTro jan
+ĠQ ian
+inv olved
+0 27
+Ġer oded
+Ġbl urry
+M ob
+Ġbuff et
+ĠFn atic
+ae a
+ĠIn it
+s afety
+en um
+ĠCrus her
+ĠD ates
+Ġ ................
+c alling
+ak ov
+Ġvent ured
+Ġ5 55
+au ga
+H art
+ĠA ero
+Ġthin ly
+Ġar ra
+ild e
+ĠJac qu
+ĠFem ales
+Ġthe orem
+Ġ3 46
+Ġsmart est
+ĠK ron
+ĠB its
+ĠV essel
+ĠTele phone
+Ġdec ap
+Ġadj unct
+mer ga
+Ġred acted
+Ġpre historic
+Ġexplan atory
+ĠRun s
+ĠUtt ar
+ĠM anny
+ĠUnle ashed
+ĠBow ling
+be ans
+79 3
+Ġunivers es
+Ġsens it
+ĠK ung
+re peat
+ctr l
+Ġp aced
+Ġfull er
+Cl ock
+Ġrec omb
+ĠF aul
+ĠB unker
+Ġpool ed
+Ġan a
+ĠM outh
+hum ane
+Ġbull do
+ĠMicha els
+f am
+Ġwreck ed
+Ġport rays
+ĠWh ale
+ĠH es
+Ġguess es
+ĠBrow se
+Ġconsequ ential
+ĠInn ocent
+Ġtrans gress
+ĠO aks
+Ġtri via
+ĠRes on
+-- +
+ĠT oll
+Ġgrasp ing
+ĠT ags
+ĠCon clusion
+Ġpract icable
+Ġho op
+Ġunintention ally
+Ġign ite
+ĠM ov
+ur ized
+le hem
+Ter min
+Ġcolour ful
+ĠLin ear
+ĠEll ie
+G y
+Ġman power
+Ġj s
+Ġem oji
+_ .
+0000 7
+Ġsophistic ation
+Ġunders core
+Ġpract ise
+Ġbl ob
+op ens
+Uk raine
+Ke eping
+Y C
+J R
+ult imate
+Cl aim
+Ġautom obiles
+99 3
+ste el
+Ġpart ing
+ĠL ank
+... ?
+Ġ38 5
+Ġremem brance
+Ġe ased
+Ġcov ari
+ĠS ind
+Effect ive
+Ġdisse mination
+ĠMo ose
+ĠCl apper
+br ates
+App ly
+Ġinv is
+Ġwors ened
+âĢĶ -
+Ġlegisl ator
+ĠL ol
+ĠRow e
+Ġdealers hip
+um ar
+id ences
+Ġinvestig ates
+Ġc ascade
+Ġbid der
+Iron ically
+Ġpres iding
+Ġd ing
+Ġcontrad icted
+Ġshut s
+Ġ3 66
+Dist rict
+Ġsin ful
+ĠChar isma
+o ops
+Ġtot ality
+Ġrest itution
+ĠOpt imus
+ĠD ah
+Ġcl ueless
+urn ed
+Ġnut rit
+Ġland owners
+Ġfl ushed
+Ġbroad en
+m ie
+Ġprint ln
+Ġn ig
+ĠCorp us
+J en
+Ġprot o
+ĠWik imedia
+ĠPal o
+Ġstory lines
+Ġevangel icals
+ĠDar rell
+Ġrot or
+sk illed
+ery l
+Ġbe gg
+ĠBl umenthal
+Ġwe aving
+Ġdown wards
+ĠJack et
+Te chnology
+Ġes oteric
+alde hyde
+Ġfur iously
+Ġforeign er
+We ak
+ĠH ound
+Exper ience
+ĠPlay station
+ĠU ng
+cl oth
+ag all
+Ġcal ming
+iz ens
+St ruct
+ĠW itches
+ĠCeleb ration
+Ġ........ ......
+pt roller
+Ġb unny
+ãĥ į
+ut orial
+Ġup scale
+ĠSt a
+ĠCol ossus
+Ġchlor ide
+ĠZ ac
+ĠRe asons
+ĠBrook ings
+][ /
+ĠL ose
+9 05
+Ġunders ide
+ern els
+Ġv ape
+do zen
+upp et
+mat ical
+ĠStat ements
+hed dar
+Custom er
+Ġmem os
+end ars
+ĠLim its
+l augh
+Ġstabil ized
+Y A
+Up grade
+al am
+Ġtechn o
+Ġan ew
+fore seen
+Ġcolleg iate
+ĠPy ro
+ĠD ism
+Ġfront line
+Ġammon ia
+I U
+Qu ite
+John ny
+ass in
+ĠSt yles
+ĠSovere ign
+acter ial
+5 49
+ĠL ists
+Ġ3 64
+ĠRece p
+s ocket
+ĠByr d
+ĠCand le
+An cient
+Ġappell ant
+en forcement
+ace a
+ans ki
+Ġold s
+88 6
+Ġsl urs
+Ġem pires
+Ġbuck le
+Ġalien ation
+ĠAber deen
+Ġunic orn
+Ġoverr iding
+pp a
+Ġdesp ised
+ĠB ugs
+S outhern
+5 33
+Ġhall mark
+ĠPost er
+Ġstem med
+Ġprincip als
+ĠSand wich
+It aly
+Ġche esy
+ĠSet TextColor
+ĠProt ective
+ĠC ohn
+J O
+apt op
+Re ason
+Lead er
+ĠUnder stand
+ĠFr idays
+ĠContin uous
+Ġcl ipping
+ĠR ye
+Ġber th
+tim er
+ann is
+re act
+Ġbuff alo
+ĠPar as
+Ġ6 55
+Ġpres ided
+ĠSun rise
+Ġve ts
+Ġcl oves
+ĠMcC ull
+Stre ngth
+Ġill iter
+ĠPric ing
+l é
+Ġresist or
+Ġbr un
+ĠSuff olk
+Ñ ĭ
+ĠL iver
+Re leased
+Ġwhat s
+8 60
+ĠMe asures
+Ġden ouncing
+ĠRy zen
+Ġsou ven
+Ġcareg ivers
+ch ini
+ĠScar lett
+Ġt rough
+Cong ratulations
+Ġtax is
+ĠTrad ition
+j it
+Ġtable top
+Ġhither to
+Ġdis information
+off ensive
+h ra
+Ġcompl icate
+chen ko
+ĠRecon struction
+Ġpalp able
+Ġa usp
+Ġ4 28
+Ġshowc ases
+ĠPublic ation
+know ledge
+inn on
+4 19
+Ġretri eval
+and ers
+Ġref ute
+Ġinqu ired
+g ur
+Ġneg ativity
+Ġcons erve
+Ġafter life
+Ġpres upp
+ĠGill espie
+Ġm t
+T ap
+Ġper pend
+ĠS my
+does n
+Ġsp illing
+Ġhyp ers
+K ate
+® ,
+ke pt
+ĠP owered
+Ġj a
+ĠK lux
+ard e
+ab an
+Ġ4 44
+Ġflatt ened
+ĠImprove ments
+urg a
+ĠK und
+Ġins cribed
+Ġfac ult
+Ġunpre pared
+ĠCons umers
+Ġsatisf ies
+Ġpul monary
+Ġinf iltration
+Ġex ternally
+Ġcongrat ulations
+ag han
+Ġair liner
+Ġfl ung
+Ġfly ers
+G D
+Ġsnipp ets
+Ġrec ursive
+Ġmaster ing
+L ex
+Ġovert ly
+v g
+Ġluck ily
+Ġenc ro
+ĠLanc et
+ĠAbyss al
+function al
+Ġs ow
+Ġsqu id
+Ġnar ration
+Ġn aughty
+ĠHon our
+ĠSpart ans
+Ġsh atter
+ĠTac oma
+ĠCal ories
+ĠR aces
+Sub mit
+Ġpurpose fully
+w av
+ĠY ok
+F est
+ĠG err
+Met ro
+Ġit iner
+f amous
+Ġ" {
+in line
+was her
+Iss ue
+oz o
+Vers ions
+7 25
+ĠGl ock
+Ġshield ed
+ĠWe ld
+ĠSim pl
+Ġredirect ed
+ĠK ham
+Ġ( >
+Ġlab ou
+Ġdi apers
+ss l
+Ġcell ar
+organ isms
+ore sc
+ĠBer ks
+did n
+Sh ipping
+C hest
+Ġund one
+Ġmillion aire
+Ġc ords
+ĠYoung er
+appropri ately
+Ġsequ els
+u ve
+ant icipated
+Ġle wd
+ĠSh irt
+ĠDmit ry
+V eter
+Ġsl aying
+ĠY ar
+Ġcompl ication
+I owa
+ĠEric a
+g irlfriend
+b odied
+6 26
+19 63
+Ġintermedi ary
+Ġcons olation
+M ask
+ĠSi em
+ow an
+Beg inning
+Ġfix me
+Ġculmin ated
+Ġcon duc
+ĠVolunte er
+Ġpos itional
+Ġgre ets
+ĠDefin itions
+Ġthink er
+Ġingen uity
+Ġfresh men
+ĠMom ents
+Ġ35 7
+ate urs
+ĠFed Ex
+s g
+69 4
+Ġdwind ling
+sel age
+Ġt mp
+Ġst en
+ĠS ut
+Ġneighbourhood s
+Ġclass mate
+f ledged
+Ġleft ists
+Ġclim ates
+ĠScy the
+ul iffe
+Ġs ag
+Ġho pped
+ĠF t
+ĠE ck
+ĠDo omsday
+k ids
+Ġgas ped
+Ġmon iker
+ĠL od
+t ions
+r ums
+fol ios
+Ġm d
+Ġunc anny
+Ġtrans ports
+ĠLab rador
+Ġrail ways
+Ġappl iance
+æ Ģ
+Pop ulation
+ĠConfeder acy
+Ġunb earable
+Ġdors al
+ĠIn form
+op ted
+Mar x
+Ġhypoc ritical
+q us
+ĠN umerous
+ĠGeorg ian
+ĠAmbro se
+ĠL och
+Ġgu bernatorial
+ĠX eon
+ĠSupp orts
+ens er
+ee ly
+ĠAven ger
+19 65
+Ar my
+Ġju xtap
+Ġcho pping
+ĠSpl ash
+ĠS ustainable
+ĠFin ch
+Ġ18 61
+ict ive
+at meal
+ĠG ohan
+Ġlights aber
+ug u
+vari able
+Ġher pes
+Ġdesert s
+ac iously
+Ġsitu ational
+week ly
+ob l
+Ġtext ile
+ĠCorn wall
+Ġcontrace ptives
+ĠA ke
+] -
+ä¹ ĭ
+: ,
+ĠW em
+ĠB ihar
+Ġ' .
+Ġbe re
+Ġanal ogue
+ĠCook ies
+Ġtake off
+Whe el
+Ġmaj estic
+Ġcomm uting
+0 23
+ĠCor pse
+ass ment
+min i
+Ġgor illa
+ĠAl as
+ere e
+Ġacquaint ances
+ĠAd vantage
+Ġspirit ually
+Ġey ed
+pm wiki
+ĠE nder
+Ġtrans lucent
+Ġnight time
+5 45
+ĠK amp
+ĠFre ak
+Ġ ig
+Port land
+4 32
+ĠM ata
+Ġmar ines
+Ġh ors
+ater asu
+ĠAtt ribution
+Ġ-------- -
+Ġk ins
+++ +
+Ġre eling
+ol ed
+Ġcl utter
+ĠRel ative
+Ġ4 27
+Ġa vert
+ĠChe ong
+ĠA ble
+ĠPry or
+Develop er
+Ġen cyclopedia
+ĠG arry
+Sp ain
+Bl ocks
+Ġexp osition
+ĠGamer Gate
+Ġstockp ile
+Ġclot hed
+ĠT one
+ĠR ue
+t umblr
+Ġtreacher ous
+Ġf rying
+Ñ Į
+ĠS ph
+Ġrest raints
+Ġemb odies
+ĠG es
+S afety
+Ġnegoti ators
+min ing
+ĠAppalach ian
+ĠJenn a
+Ġpass ers
+ç ĭ
+sn ap
+Ġshort en
+creat or
+Ġinn umerable
+uther land
+67 4
+ĠAs cend
+ĠArm ory
+ĠTrans action
+K ick
+Ġsuit case
+day Name
+Ġwaste ful
+mar riage
+ĠMcC abe
+ite ch
+ĠO ss
+Cl osure
+ĠTreasure r
+Ġindec ent
+ĠD ull
+Ġresid ences
+19 59
+ĠS ettlement
+Ham ilton
+Ġself ies
+ĠRank ing
+ĠBark ley
+ĠB ore
+ĠMar itime
+ĠH uh
+ĠForest ry
+Ġcultiv ating
+ĠBall ard
+Ġg arrison
+9 30
+Ġnas cent
+Ġirresist ible
+Ġaw fully
+\/ \/
+Ġequ ate
+Ġanthrop ology
+ĠSylv ia
+Ġintest ine
+Ġinnoc uous
+cess ive
+ag ra
+ĠMet roid
+G rant
+8 55
+ģ ĸ
+Ġ" _
+ãĥĥ ãĥī
+Ġappra isal
+ĠFred dy
+04 6
+Ġ40 6
+Ġ18 30
+Ġd ocking
+St atic
+Ġp ont
+ĠVolt age
+ĠSt ead
+ĠMort gage
+ĠJon ah
+Y L
+Ġas bestos
+nik ov
+Ġcoll agen
+ĠOrb ital
+P ocket
+7 99
+Ġhy brids
+inc hes
+Ġinv oice
+und y
+Ġinequ alities
+T rend
+w ashed
+Ġluc id
+ĠComment ary
+Ġw itty
+Br andon
+Ġbru ising
+Ġ6 20
+es cent
+box ing
+Ġ3 78
+R ect
+Ġlic ences
+ĠMcG ee
+p ressed
+D anny
+Ġj ammed
+ord inate
+Ġle th
+Ġdistingu ishes
+ĠYam aha
+ĠH ume
+ĠC ategories
+Rober ts
+Ch art
+Ġbeet le
+ĠGra veyard
+Ġ($ )
+o ÄŁ
+Ġtw ilight
+are lla
+á ½
+Ġbooth s
+ĠFeld man
+Ġexcav ation
+Ġphilosoph ies
+at ography
+ĠGar age
+te chnology
+Ġunfor gettable
+Ġver ifying
+Ġsubord inates
+E ls
+Ġne b
+G aming
+ĠAchieve ment
+it ters
+ĠG abe
+Ġd umps
+for cer
+Ġpo ignant
+ĠHe idi
+ime i
+Ġm ages
+Ġliber ate
+Ġcircum cised
+ĠMer maid
+ĠMat th
+t ogether
+ĠW ichita
+Ġstore front
+ĠAd in
+Four th
+Ġexplore rs
+Not able
+Bro ok
+m ens
+F aith
+-------- -
+ĠJ ou
+¬ ¼
+Ġpine apple
+Ġam alg
+el n
+ark able
+ĠãĤµ ãĥ¼ãĥĨãĤ£
+ĠãĤµãĥ¼ãĥĨãĤ£ ãĥ¯ãĥ³
+Ġov arian
+ĠE choes
+Ġhairc ut
+Ġp av
+Ġch illed
+anas ia
+Ġsty led
+Ġd ab
+ni per
+Ġminister ial
+T an
+Ġsul ph
+ĠD eter
+ĠBo hem
+od an
+Ġeduc ator
+â ĵĺ
+sp ir
+Ch icken
+ĠE leanor
+Ġqu i
+Ġheav iest
+Ġgrasp ed
+Ġcro oked
+Jess ica
+pro blem
+Ġpred etermined
+Ġman iac
+Ġbreath s
+ĠLauder dale
+Ġh obbies
+y z
+Cr ime
+Ġcharism a
+d L
+Ġle aping
+Ġk ittens
+Ang elo
+ĠSu zanne
+Ġhal ting
+Ġswall owing
+ĠEarthqu ake
+Ġeight eenth
+ĠCons cious
+Ġparticular s
+circ le
+7 40
+Ġbene volent
+Ġ7 47
+Ġ4 90
+Ġr undown
+ĠVal erie
+Ġcivil isation
+ĠS chn
+W B
+ot ide
+intern ational
+Ġj ohn
+Ġ19 02
+Ġpe anuts
+Ġflav ored
+k us
+Ġro ared
+Ġcut off
+é £
+Ġorn ament
+Ġarchitect ures
+Ġ3 69
+ol or
+ĠWild e
+ĠAdjust ed
+Ġprov oking
+land ish
+Ġrational ity
+Ġjust ifies
+Ġdisp el
+Ġa meric
+ĠPol es
+Ø ©
+Ġen vis
+ĠD oodle
+ä½ ¿
+igs aw
+auld ron
+Techn ical
+T een
+up hem
+ĠX iang
+Ġdetract ors
+ĠZ i
+ĠJournal ists
+Ġconduc ive
+ĠVolunte ers
+Ġs d
+Know ing
+Ġtrans missions
+Ġall uded
+Ġob e
+Ġd ope
+ĠGold stein
+Ġwavelength s
+ĠDest ination
+nd a
+ug i
+Ġattent ive
+ĠLe an
+ral tar
+Ġman g
+mb uds
+ak ings
+b ender
+Ġacc ol
+Ġcraw led
+Min nesota
+Ġflour ished
+ĠZ up
+ĠSuper visor
+ĠOliv ier
+Ex cellent
+Ġwid en
+D one
+Ġw ig
+Ġmiscon ceptions
+Cor p
+W an
+Ġvener able
+ĠNot ably
+ĠKling on
+an imate
+Bo ost
+miss ing
+ibli ography
+mel on
+Ġpay day
+Ø ³
+bo le
+Ġve iled
+ĠAl phabet
+It alian
+Ġever lasting
+ĠC ree
+rom pt
+Ġh ating
+Ġgrin ning
+Ġge ographically
+Ġwe eping
+Ġimpe cc
+Let ter
+Ġblo ated
+ĠFe in
+Ġper sever
+Th under
+Ġa ur
+Ġpit falls
+âĸ º
+Ġpredomin ant
+Ġ5 25
+7 18
+7 14
+Ġfarm land
+ĠQ iao
+Ġv iolet
+ĠBah amas
+Ġinflic ting
+ĠE fficiency
+Ġhome brew
+Ġundert ook
+Ġcur ly
+ĠHard ing
+man ia
+59 6
+Ġtem pered
+Ġhar rowing
+ĠP ledge
+ĠFranken stein
+è ª
+M otion
+Ġpredict ably
+ĠExpl osion
+oc using
+er d
+col o
+Ġback field
+ue bl
+N arr
+ĠArg ument
+Ġgen omic
+Ġbout ique
+Ġbatt ed
+ĠB inary
+Ġg amb
+ĠRh ythm
+67 3
+Ġa float
+ĠOlymp ia
+Ġend if
+is in
+Ġwin ters
+Ġsc attering
+I v
+D istance
+Ġtr u
+ĠCom fort
+Ġne xus
+Ġair flow
+ĠByz antine
+p ayers
+con i
+ĠB etsy
+D eal
+ĠN ug
+ĠContin ent
+red ibly
+Ġoptim izing
+al beit
+Ġec static
+ĠPro to
+ç ·
+iv ot
+âĸ Ħ
+em p
+rou nder
+Ġcl out
+66 3
+ĠDoll ars
+Ġsubsc ribed
+Ġrehears al
+Ġam ps
+ĠSh ang
+es m
+Ġspr inkle
+Ġassail ant
+ĠO o
+ĠCoin base
+T act
+Ġret ina
+Ġn uns
+att o
+Ġj ug
+Ġb ikini
+ĠFound ers
+ep ort
+Ġrest ores
+ĠTh ick
+Ġash ore
+Ġappro vals
+R ender
+G raham
+ĠCort ana
+ãĥ³ ãĤ¸
+ss h
+or ians
+ars ity
+ĠInsp ired
+u pper
+Ġsign alling
+Ġreb uke
+Ġfl ares
+Ġdownt ime
+Stud ies
+Ġstagn ation
+ĠSequ ence
+Ġgr unt
+Ġass ures
+59 2
+Ġintra ven
+d epend
+Sus an
+ĠManz iel
+Man ia
+Cont ract
+Ġsl ams
+Ġcult ured
+Ġcred itor
+ĠChatt anooga
+serv ed
+Ġclo aked
+p owder
+ĠSt ella
+uct ive
+Ġcheap ly
+ĠGalile o
+Ġsu ites
+spe ech
+Ġdeliber ations
+ĠCh ips
+« ĺ
+Bal ance
+ĠWyn ne
+ĠAk ron
+Ass et
+Ġhon oured
+Ġed ged
+Like wise
+anim ous
+ĠW age
+ĠEz ek
+ad vertisement
+Ġmigr ating
+Ġ4 75
+Ed ited
+Ġshorth and
+ĠBas ics
+Ġcro tch
+Ġv m
+effic iency
+Ġcal ves
+ĠF rie
+ĠBrill iant
+Ġstri kers
+Ġrepent ance
+Ġarter ies
+r l
+B ed
+h ap
+Ġcrypt ography
+ĠSab res
+Ġ4 14
+vi ks
+ih ara
+aps es
+T alking
+Ġintertw ined
+Ġdoc ks
+Ġalle le
+ĠArt ifact
+t orn
+ç ķ
+Ġop acity
+ĠE ly
+os uke
+Ġn ipple
+Ġhand written
+ĠChamber lain
+ĠLa os
+ig raph
+g row
+Ġtr illions
+Ġdescend ant
+ĠSail or
+as uring
+Ġce ilings
+ĠWare house
+f lying
+ĠGl ow
+Ġn ont
+Ġmiscar riage
+Ġrig s
+Ġmin istries
+Ġelabor ated
+Ġdel usional
+ĠHum ane
+Ġ3 79
+n ets
+Ġblack out
+add ers
+Ġn p
+ĠT ire
+ro sc
+Ġsub div
+Ġlink age
+Ġchron ological
+Ġres ettlement
+ĠVin yl
+Ġpast oral
+ĠMob il
+ĠBar bar
+Co oldown
+ĠF ritz
+c riminal
+re pe
+Ġbell ig
+ĠBre ed
+Ġ4 18
+Ġsem blance
+ij k
+Ġcur tail
+Ġclin ch
+cont ained
+ĠProm pt
+ast on
+Ġw i
+Ġpursu its
+5 15
+ĠGl oss
+Ġfl ips
+Ġcoup ons
+Ġcl oning
+ĠLike ly
+Rem oved
+ĠQu artz
+r ices
+ĠSpe ars
+Ġp ious
+Ġdep reciation
+ĠD are
+oun ces
+am az
+O nt
+Ġp innacle
+d ocker
+0 26
+ĠW yr
+ĠPro per
+Ë Ī
+n il
+By tes
+Ġseek er
+t rial
+Ġunf olds
+ĠMar se
+Ġextravag ant
+ĠSurviv ors
+ĠSpeed way
+ĠCra igslist
+sub mit
+ĠGener ations
+Ġup holding
+Ġblood stream
+ĠMiss ions
+ĠL awn
+Ġlim bo
+ene i
+H uh
+ĠWild cats
+pre p
+ĠMark us
+ĠFor bidden
+rit ic
+Ġexhib iting
+requ ent
+ch uk
+Ġhabit ual
+ĠComp atibility
+Dr ag
+uj ah
+Ġdelinqu ent
+Ġburn er
+Ġcontempor aries
+Ġgimm ick
+load s
+Ġno zzle
+p odcast
+ĠW ak
+ĠStat en
+ĠK uh
+ãģ ĵ
+inter rupted
+Ġinv incible
+ĠBurn ett
+cig arette
+ĠPeb ble
+ĠTem porary
+ĠMar ino
+58 2
+Ġwast eland
+ident ly
+T x
+Ġr ite
+ĠPan asonic
+ĠM iddles
+ĠHort on
+ae us
+Ġc uring
+Ġm ats
+Ġadj ourn
+Ġfears ome
+pe z
+bo ats
+Ġpro pell
+Ġconflic ted
+ĠAng er
+Ġinsurg ent
+K arl
+Ġco ales
+Ġsouth western
+Ġdis su
+ĠO vert
+******** ****
+Ġbox ed
+ĠBr une
+aa a
+Ġgard ening
+ĠEng el
+tr acks
+Ġpur ified
+Ġplace holder
+ĠL ikes
+Ġd an
+G ab
+Ġe ct
+ĠF aw
+ĠEl iot
+Ġ' ,
+otrop ic
+ĠRu in
+hed on
+Ġca ul
+Ġa ft
+ĠCad illac
+gh a
+ass ian
+ud eb
+ĠT ick
+Ġadjust s
+5 37
+isc he
+ant y
+ĠFried rich
+ĠBl izz
+Camp aign
+Ġmamm al
+ĠVe il
+ĠK ev
+ĠMaur it
+ĠDam ien
+N ation
+E astern
+Ġ{ :
+Ġ= ================================
+Ġstereotyp ical
+Ġatt ic
+ĠCy borg
+requ ire
+Ġaward ing
+ĠPap ua
+bt n
+b ent
+B oo
+Ġ( =
+ĠX ander
+ĠSomers et
+Ġcatch y
+Ġcert ify
+Ġit al
+Ġt ides
+ĠBr ands
+G ray
+comp etitive
+Ġcur ator
+omin ium
+ci ating
+ĠCarm en
+ow ard
+Balt imore
+Ġr gb
+C u
+Ġwip es
+spe ll
+Ġsummar izes
+ĠRe vis
+Ġwhistlebl owers
+ĠBre ach
+Ġcro chet
+k os
+ews ki
+Ġrep et
+Ġcrim son
+ĠKar achi
+read able
+dim ension
+ĠI gor
+ild ed
+ĠZ ed
+ĠKe ane
+ĠCos metic
+Ġretreat ing
+ens ical
+Ġd usk
+ĠDick ens
+Ġaren as
+ĠPass age
+level s
+Ġcur v
+P ope
+Ġch ores
+ĠEl ise
+ĠComp ass
+b ub
+Ġmamm alian
+ĠSans krit
+ĠCr ack
+Q ual
+L aun
+amp unk
+Ġlearn ers
+Ġglam orous
+Ġfur the
+erm ott
+c and
+Gener ic
+Ġnarr ated
+Ġdisorder ly
+ĠTrans actions
+ĠDet ention
+ĠR oku
+Ä į
+Ġunder statement
+ĠS aur
+ĠRodrig o
+S in
+Ġre joice
+Method s
+Ġelectro de
+Ġworsh ipped
+Ġid i
+ĠPhys icians
+Ġpop up
+Ġde ft
+ĠRem oval
+ĠBu enos
+ver bs
+Ġfun k
+ush a
+rict ion
+ore a
+ĠBang alore
+ĠKen obi
+zz i
+Ġnorm ative
+Ġgobl ins
+Ġcaf es
+ĠF ired
+Ġs clerosis
+ĠV oter
+ĠSon ny
+ĠExt end
+ĠEV s
+Ar senal
+Ġp si
+Ġwid est
+ĠT us
+Ġlo oms
+Ġjust ifying
+ĠGr anger
+è ¯
+Ref er
+58 3
+Ġflour ishing
+ab re
+Ġr ave
+ĠCont ra
+Ġ18 98
+Add s
+Ġf ul
+ĠCo oke
+some one
+= #
+67 1
+Ġy ak
+Ġar te
+ĠMis cellaneous
+ĠDet ection
+ĠCl ancy
+â ģ
+ass ies
+Ġval iant
+ĠFemin ist
+cor ruption
+V el
+P ear
+Ġsucc inct
+Ġquick est
+k w
+Ġsp itting
+ĠL ibraries
+åħ ī
+ant z
+D ad
+ĠSpec ifications
+rup ulous
+and r
+Ġsnow ball
+Ġpred is
+ĠB axter
+ĠNurs ing
+ĠCh aff
+s we
+Ġout age
+Ġnest ing
+Ġnotor iety
+tr igger
+on ite
+j on
+Ġf ou
+ook ed
+ĠCelebr ity
+re ality
+Ġfat ig
+Ġhug ging
+Ġbother s
+ĠPan zer
+ĠCh andra
+fig ured
+Ġvol ts
+ĠCloud s
+Ġfee ble
+ĠCur ve
+ĠAs us
+78 6
+abs or
+ĠH ess
+Ġmanufact ures
+Ġgri zz
+ĠPower ful
+ac id
+Ġsub sections
+ĠKrug man
+ĠAl ps
+is u
+Ġsequ est
+ĠUlt ron
+ĠT inker
+ĠGo ose
+Ġmism atch
+Att orney
+Ġmorph ology
+ĠSix ers
+ut tered
+gr an
+Rus sell
+Ġfort night
+Ġ. )
+Ġapost le
+pr one
+el ist
+Unt itled
+ĠIm plementation
+ist ors
+Ġtank er
+Ġpl ush
+Ġattend ants
+ĠT ik
+ĠGreen wich
+ĠY on
+cell s
+unt led
+S olution
+ĠQu é
+Ġvac ated
+Ġupt ick
+ĠMer idian
+æ ĥ
+ĠDr ill
+9 25
+58 4
+Ġrenov ated
+ĠKub rick
+zy k
+Ġl ousy
+pp el
+ohyd rate
+ĠI zzy
+lesi astical
+ĠAj ax
+Ġad apters
+ĠPetra eus
+Ġaffirm ation
+le ms
+ad oes
+ĠConstantin ople
+Ġp onies
+Ġl ighthouse
+Ġadherent s
+ĠBre es
+omorph ic
+Fight ing
+Ġpl aster
+ĠOb st
+Ġdear ly
+ĠTo oth
+icks on
+Ġsh aming
+P lex
+A gg
+ĠâĢ¦ "
+Ġsub reddits
+Ġpige on
+ĠResident ial
+ĠPass ing
+Ġl um
+ĠP ension
+Ġpessim istic
+Ġ4 32
+z inski
+c ade
+0 75
+Ġapolog ised
+iy ah
+Put ting
+Ġgloom y
+ĠLy me
+=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-
+ĠT ome
+ĠPsych iatric
+c ms
+ap olog
+Ġbreak er
+Ġdeep en
+Ġtheor ist
+ĠHigh lands
+Ġb aker
+Ġst aples
+Ġinterf ered
+ĠAb ortion
+jo ined
+ch u
+Ġform ulate
+Ġvacc inations
+Ġban ter
+phe us
+Ġoutfield er
+ĠM eter
+Ġ# ####
+Ġ18 95
+Ġnarrow ing
+f p
+ign ore
+Ġproclaim ing
+yn a
+65 3
+Ġpos it
+59 4
+ĠRegist rar
+ĠPil grim
+ic io
+Ġpre tt
+Ġlif eless
+Ġ__ _
+Ne igh
+ĠCh urches
+orn o
+Ġor cs
+Ġkind red
+ĠAud it
+Ġmillenn ial
+ĠPers ia
+g ravity
+ĠDis ability
+W s
+od on
+Ġgrand daughter
+ĠBro oke
+Ġpick ups
+ĠWil kinson
+ĠSh ards
+Ġexp el
+ĠKis lyak
+Ġj argon
+Ġpolar ized
+ian e
+Pub lisher
+Ġreb utt
+Ġapprehens ion
+ĠK essler
+Ġpr ism
+19 64
+ĠL oll
+ä ¿
+le thal
+Å Ł
+Ġg hetto
+Ġb oulder
+ĠSlow ly
+ĠOsc ars
+ĠInst ruction
+ĠUl tr
+ĠM oe
+N ich
+( *
+un ing
+rou se
+en eg
+Ġre imb
+ĠDet ected
+Do S
+Ġster ling
+Ġaggreg ation
+ĠLone ly
+ĠAtt end
+hig her
+Ġairst rike
+ks on
+Ġdef lation
+ĠHer rera
+C ole
+rit ch
+Ġadvis able
+F ax
+Ġwork around
+Ġp id
+mort em
+ers en
+Ġtyp o
+Ġal um
+78 2
+ĠJam al
+script s
+Ġcapt ives
+ĠPres ence
+ĠLie berman
+angel o
+Ġalcohol ism
+ass i
+Ġrec ite
+Ġgap ing
+Ġbask ets
+ĠG ou
+Brow ser
+ne au
+Ġcorrect ive
+und a
+sc oring
+Ġfil ament
+Ġdeep ening
+ĠStain less
+Int eger
+Ġbu ggy
+Ġten ancy
+ĠMub arak
+Ġt uple
+ĠD roid
+ĠS itting
+Ġforfe it
+ĠRasm ussen
+ixt ies
+es i
+ĠKim mel
+Ġmetic ulously
+Ġap opt
+ĠS eller
+08 8
+ec ake
+hem atically
+T N
+Ġmind less
+Ġdig s
+ĠAcc ord
+ons ense
+em ing
+br ace
+Ġe Book
+ĠDist ribut
+ĠInvest ments
+w t
+] ),
+beh avior
+56 3
+Ġbl inding
+ĠPro testers
+top ia
+Ġreb orn
+ĠKel vin
+ĠDo ver
+ĠD airy
+ĠOut s
+Ġ[ /
+Ï Ģ
+b p
+ĠVan ity
+ĠRec ap
+Ġ4 22
+69 2
+ĠAnt ioch
+cook ed
+Ġcoll ide
+Ġa pr
+Ġsle eper
+ĠJar vis
+Ġalternative ly
+ĠLe aves
+ĠM aw
+Ġantiqu ity
+ĠAdin ida
+Ġab user
+Poké mon
+Ġass orted
+ĠRev ision
+ĠP iano
+ĠG ideon
+O cean
+Ġsal on
+Ġbust ling
+ogn itive
+ĠRah man
+Ġwa iter
+Ġpres ets
+ĠO sh
+oper ator
+Ġrept iles
+Ġ4 13
+ĠG arr
+ĠCh ak
+Ġhas hes
+Ġfail ings
+Ġfolk lore
+Ġab l
+ĠC ena
+ĠMac Arthur
+Ġperipher y
+app ers
+Ġreck oned
+ĠInf lu
+Ġ3 72
+ĠDefin itive
+ass ault
+4 21
+Ġreservoir s
+Ġd ives
+ĠCo il
+Ġvivid ly
+ĠBel lev
+Ġec lectic
+ĠShow down
+ip ed
+reet ings
+ĠAs uka
+L iberal
+Ġbystand ers
+ĠGood win
+uk ong
+S it
+ĠT rem
+Ġcrim inally
+ĠCirc us
+ch rome
+88 7
+Ġnan op
+ĠOb i
+o gh
+ĠAuth ors
+ob yl
+Ur ban
+Ġt i
+ĠWe ir
+t rap
+ag y
+Ġparent heses
+Ġout numbered
+Ġcounter productive
+ĠTob ias
+ub is
+P arser
+Ġsyn aptic
+ĠG ears
+Ġh iber
+Ġdebunk ed
+Ġex alted
+aw atts
+Ch urch
+ĠPix ie
+ĠU ri
+ĠForm ation
+ĠPred iction
+Ġthro tt
+ĠBrit ann
+ĠMad agascar
+ë ĭ
+Ġbill boards
+ĠBe es
+complete ly
+Ġdoes nt
+ĠGreen berg
+re ys
+Ġsl ing
+Ġempt ied
+ĠPix ar
+ĠDh arma
+l uck
+ingu ished
+Ġend ot
+Ġbab ys
+05 9
+che st
+r ats
+Ġr idden
+Ġbeet les
+Ġillum inating
+Ġfict itious
+ĠProv incial
+Ġ7 68
+Ġshe pherd
+ĠR ender
+Ġ18 96
+C rew
+Ġmold ed
+ĠXia omi
+ĠSp iral
+Ġdel im
+Ġorgan ising
+Ġho ops
+ĠBe i
+z hen
+Ġfuck in
+Ġdec ad
+Ġun biased
+am my
+sw ing
+Ġsmugg led
+Ġk ios
+ĠInquis itor
+Ġsnow y
+Ġscrap ing
+ĠBurg ess
+P tr
+ag ame
+R W
+Ġdro id
+ĠL ys
+ĠCass andra
+Jac ob
+Ġ35 4
+Ġpast ure
+Ġfr anc
+ĠScot ch
+ĠEnd s
+def inition
+Ġhyster ical
+ĠBrown e
+77 1
+Ġmobil ization
+æ ķ
+iqu eness
+Th or
+Ġspear headed
+Ġembro iled
+Ġconject ure
+jud icial
+Ch oice
+Ġpaper back
+P ir
+Ġrec overs
+ĠSur ge
+ĠSh ogun
+ĠPed iatrics
+ãģ ł
+Ġsweep s
+ĠLabor atories
+ĠP acks
+al us
+add in
+Ġhead lights
+g ra
+Ev idence
+Ad min
+Ĭ ±
+Ġconco ct
+s ufficient
+Ġun marked
+Ġrich ness
+Ġdiss ertation
+Ġseason ing
+Ġg ib
+ĠM ages
+un ctions
+ĠN id
+che at
+c itizens
+ĠCatholic ism
+n b
+Ġdisemb ark
+a ques
+Ty ler
+Or g
+ĠSl ay
+ĠN ero
+ĠTown send
+te le
+Ġmes mer
+9 01
+Ġfire ball
+ev idence
+aff iliated
+ĠFrench man
+ĠAugust a
+0 21
+Ġs led
+Ġre used
+ĠImmun ity
+Ġwrest le
+assemb led
+Mar ia
+Ġgun shots
+ĠBarb ie
+Ġcannabin oids
+ĠTo ast
+ĠK inder
+Ġre juven
+Ġg ore
+Ġrupt ure
+Ġbre aching
+ĠCart oon
+Ġ4 55
+ĠPale o
+6 14
+Ġspe ars
+ĠAm es
+ab us
+Mad ison
+Ġab orted
+y ah
+Ġfel on
+Ġcaus ation
+Ġprep aid
+Ġp itted
+op lan
+ĠShel ley
+ĠRus so
+ĠP agan
+Ġwill fully
+ĠCan aver
+und rum
+ĠSal ary
+ĠAr paio
+read er
+ĠR ational
+ĠOver se
+ĠCa uses
+Ġ* .
+Ġw ob
+Ke ith
+ĠCons ent
+man ac
+77 3
+6 23
+Ġfate ful
+et imes
+Ġspir ited
+ĠD ys
+Ġhe gemony
+Ġboy cot
+ĠEn rique
+em outh
+Ġtim elines
+ĠSah ara
+ĠRel ax
+ĠQuin cy
+ĠLess ons
+N K
+ĠCost co
+Incre ase
+Ġmotiv ating
+ĠCh ong
+am aru
+ĠDiv ide
+Ġped igree
+ĠTasman ia
+ĠPrel ude
+L as
+9 40
+57 4
+Ġch au
+ĠSp iegel
+un ic
+-- >
+ĠPhil ips
+ĠKaf ka
+Ġuphe aval
+Ġsent imental
+Ġsa x
+ĠAk ira
+ser ial
+Mat rix
+Ġelect ing
+Ġcomment er
+ĠNeb ula
+ple ts
+ĠNad u
+ĠAd ren
+Ġen shr
+fin ancial
+ĠCly de
+uther ford
+Ġsign age
+Ġde line
+Ġphosph ate
+rovers ial
+f ascist
+ĠV all
+ĠBeth lehem
+Ġfor s
+Ġeng lish
+S olid
+N ature
+Ġv a
+ĠGu ests
+Ġtant al
+Ġauto immune
+;;;;;;;; ;;;;
+ĠTot ally
+ĠO v
+Ġdef ences
+ĠCoc onut
+Ġtranqu il
+Ġpl oy
+Ġflav ours
+ĠFl ask
+ãĤ¨ ãĥ«
+ĠWest on
+ĠVol vo
+8 70
+Ġmicro phones
+ver bal
+Ġi ii
+; }
+0 28
+Ġhead lined
+Ġprim ed
+Ġho ard
+ĠSh ad
+Ġtri angular
+Ġcap it
+l ik
+ĠAn cients
+Ġl ash
+Ġconv ol
+Ġcolon el
+en emy
+G ra
+Ġpub s
+ut ters
+Ġassign s
+ĠPen et
+ĠMon strous
+ĠBow en
+il ver
+H aunted
+ĠD ing
+start ed
+pl in
+Ġcontamin ants
+ff en
+ĠTechn ician
+R y
+Ġrob bers
+Ġhot line
+ĠGuard iola
+ĠKau fman
+row er
+ĠDres den
+ĠAl pine
+E lf
+Ġf mt
+ĠS ard
+urs es
+g pu
+Un ix
+Ġunequiv ocally
+ĠCitizens hip
+qu ad
+m ire
+ĠS weeney
+B attery
+6 15
+Ġpanc akes
+Ġo ats
+M aps
+ĠCont rast
+mbuds man
+Ġsub committee
+Ġsour cing
+Ġs izing
+ĠBuff er
+ĠMand atory
+Ġmoder ates
+ĠPattern s
+ĠCh ocobo
+ĠZ an
+ĠJud ging
+ĠIn her
+* :
+Ġb il
+ĠY en
+Ġexh ilar
+oll ower
+z ers
+Ġsn ug
+max imum
+Ġdesp icable
+ĠAn nex
+Ġsarcast ic
+Ġlate x
+Ġt amp
+ĠS ao
+b ah
+ĠRe verend
+ĠChin atown
+d ocumented
+ĠCan aan
+ĠÙ ħ
+Ġgovern s
+pre v
+E sc
+ĠEst imates
+Ġendeav our
+ĠCl osing
+omet ime
+every one
+Ġwor sen
+Ġsc anners
+Ġdev iations
+ĠRobot ics
+ĠCom pton
+Ġsorce rer
+Ġend ogenous
+Ġem ulation
+ĠPier cing
+ĠA ph
+ĠS ocket
+Ġb ould
+ĠBorder lands
+Ġ18 63
+G ordon
+Ġrestrict s
+Ġmosa ic
+Ġmel odies
+ç Ħ
+T ar
+Ġdis son
+ĠProv ides
+Ġ ......
+b ek
+Ġbro om
+ans hip
+Do ctors
+Ġner ds
+ĠReg ions
+na issance
+Ġmet e
+Ġcre pt
+pl ings
+Ġgirlfriend s
+kn it
+ig ent
+ow e
+Ġus hered
+ĠB az
+M obil
+4 34
+ĠPres ents
+orig in
+Ġins omnia
+ĠA ux
+4 39
+ĠCh ili
+irs ch
+Ġgest ation
+alg ia
+rom ising
+$ ,
+c row
+ĠIn spection
+at omic
+Rel ations
+rom an
+ĠClock work
+ĠBak r
+m one
+Ġthirst y
+Ġb c
+Ġfacult ies
+R um
+Ġnu ance
+ĠD arius
+ple ting
+fter s
+etch up
+Reg istration
+R ah
+Ġpref erential
+ĠL ash
+Val id
+Ġstar ve
+ĠG ong
+z ynski
+ĠAct ress
+Ġw ik
+Ġun accompanied
+lv l
+Br ide
+ĠCommand o
+ĠVaugh n
+Wal let
+Ġho pping
+ĠV ie
+Ġcave ats
+Ġal as
+if led
+ab use
+66 1
+Ġib n
+Ġg ul
+Ġrob bing
+t il
+Ġmit igating
+Ġapt ly
+Ġty rant
+Ġmid day
+ĠGil more
+ĠDe cker
+Ġ§ §
+part ial
+Ex actly
+Ġphen otype
+Ġ[+ ]
+ĠP lex
+ĠI ps
+vers ions
+Ġe book
+Ġch ic
+g ross
+":" "},{"
+ĠSur prisingly
+M organ
+Ġresid ues
+ĠConf ederation
+in feld
+Ġl yr
+mod erate
+Ġperpend icular
+V K
+Ġsynchron ized
+Ġrefres hed
+Ġad ore
+ĠTor ment
+ol ina
+Ġ26 00
+Item Tracker
+Ġp ies
+0 48
+all ows
+P and
+Ġunw elcome
+ĠV oc
+ĠBast ard
+ĠHeal er
+Environment al
+ĠKen yan
+ĠTr ance
+ĠP ats
+Ġali ases
+ĠGar field
+Ġcampaign er
+Ġadvance ments
+ĠOkin awa
+ĠC oh
+ows ky
+Ġstar ved
+Ġsize able
+Ġ: -)
+Ġsusp ensions
+ist ar
+Scot land
+Pr in
+-------------------------------- ----------------
+Ġ50 2
+Ġteasp oons
+Ġ10 50
+Ġcoerc ive
+ĠMason ic
+edd ed
+ĠPass enger
+Ġl att
+Ġbr aces
+ĠSt eal
+ĠK ats
+ĠCel est
+ae z
+T u
+ĠCoul ter
+ðŁ ĺ
+Fl ickr
+ĠWil mington
+ith s
+++ ;
+Ġv ending
+Ġneg ro
+ĠPh i
+ĠYellow stone
+Call back
+Ġsh ampoo
+ĠSh ades
+w at
+Ġsuper human
+Ġridic uled
+Ġhol iest
+om bo
+Ġintern s
+Ġh one
+ĠPar agu
+Ġd angling
+ãĤ »
+so v
+ict ional
+av ailability
+Ġrev ocation
+Ġd ow
+in ic
+Ġis o
+Ġout ings
+ĠLeth al
+Ġ) ))
+Ġinacc ur
+Ġout landish
+Ġan us
+let ico
+id on
+l ol
+Ġun regulated
+Ġsuccumb ed
+Ġc uff
+ĠWast eland
+let al
+Ġsub str
+Ġcoff ers
+Ġautom akers
+ov i
+ĠX ue
+ĠDayton a
+Ġjar ring
+Ġf umes
+Ġdisband ed
+z ik
+itt on
+Ġstriking ly
+Ġsp ores
+Ad apter
+.) :
+ĠLynd on
+ival ry
+Ġor ally
+Ġtumult uous
+Ġdisple asure
+Ġcon es
+or rect
+Ġappe ase
+Ġder by
+ĠTrip oli
+ĠAl ess
+Ġp oked
+ĠGu ilty
+v P
+En ough
+Ġorig inals
+6 99
+Ġrabb i
+Ġproverb ial
+Ġpostp one
+el ope
+ĠMist y
+Ġstaff ed
+ĠUn employment
+redit ary
+Ġdilig ent
+re comm
+me asures
+as in
+8 25
+Ġpond s
+Ġmm ol
+Ġ3 71
+Ġclen ched
+ĠCors air
+Ġcaric ature
+z n
+att ach
+ĠSch ro
+spe ak
+p ainted
+ĠS uc
+Ġcell ul
+ĠP aid
+di agn
+Ġtext ed
+B arn
+Ġret racted
+ĠRe ferred
+S av
+Ġup keep
+Ġwork places
+ĠTok ens
+Ġampl ify
+cl inical
+Ġmult ic
+mber g
+Ġconvol uted
+Reg ion
+5 65
+ĠTop ic
+Ġsn ail
+Ġsal ine
+Ġins urrection
+ĠPet r
+f orts
+ĠNav ajo
+Ġrud imentary
+ĠLak sh
+Me asure
+Ġtransform er
+ĠGodd ard
+Ġcoinc ides
+ir in
+R ex
+ĠB ok
+qu it
+Ġshotgun s
+Ġprolet arian
+Ġsc orp
+ĠAd a
+5 14
+Ġsl ander
+record ed
+Ġemb ell
+ris ome
+Ġapolog izing
+ĠMul cair
+ĠGib raltar
+Cl a
+Ġall ot
+ĠAtt ention
+Ġ4 33
+le ave
+Ġwh ine
+ĠIss a
+ĠFa ust
+ĠBar ron
+hen y
+Ġvictim ized
+J ews
+Ġnurt uring
+ett el
+W inged
+ĠSub tle
+Ġflavor ful
+ĠRep s
+eng ed
+call back
+Ġdirection al
+Ġcl asp
+ĠDirect ions
+plan et
+icult ure
+Hel per
+ic ion
+ac ia
+Ġç ¥ŀ
+Ġsur ges
+Ġcan oe
+ĠPrem iership
+be en
+Ġdef ied
+ĠTro oper
+Ġtrip od
+Ġgas p
+ĠE uph
+ĠAd s
+vern ight
+high ly
+R ole
+Ġent angled
+ĠZe it
+6 18
+ĠRust y
+Ġhaven s
+ĠVaugh an
+/ ,
+Ġstr icken
+Ġdel usions
+Ġb is
+ĠH af
+Ġgrat ification
+Ġent icing
+Ad ams
+ĠBeet le
+Ġ18 99
+ateg or
+V L
+ĠTot em
+ĠG ators
+Ġimped ance
+Reg istered
+ĠC ary
+ĠAer ial
+on ne
+en ium
+Ġd red
+ĠBe g
+Ġconcurrent ly
+Ġsuper power
+ĠX an
+j ew
+imes ter
+ĠDick inson
+âĶ ģ
+F la
+Ġp ree
+ĠRoll ins
+© ¶æ
+Ġden omination
+ĠL ana
+5 16
+Ġinc iting
+sc ribed
+j uries
+ĠWond ers
+app roximately
+Ġsusp ending
+Ġmountain ous
+ĠL augh
+oid al
+N s
+Det ect
+) =
+ĠL uthor
+ĠSchwarz enegger
+ĠMull er
+ĠDev i
+ec ycle
+J ar
+6 13
+ĠL ongh
+B ah
+n w
+Ġref inement
+Ġwater ways
+Ġd iner
+Bl ade
+68 3
+F ac
+Ġinitial s
+Ġro g
+Ġparan ormal
+Ġ[ (
+ĠSw anson
+ĠM esh
+âĸ ¬
+Impro ve
+ĠRad iation
+ĠEst her
+ĠE sk
+ĠA ly
+ik y
+Ġir rad
+ĠBuck ingham
+Ġref ill
+Ġ. _
+Re pe
+Ġdifferent iated
+Ġchi rop
+ĠAt kins
+Pat tern
+Ġexc ise
+Ġcab al
+ĠPar aly
+Ġr ye
+ĠHow ell
+ĠCount down
+ness es
+alys ed
+Ġres ize
+ãĤ ½
+Ġbudget ary
+ĠStr as
+w ang
+Ġap iece
+Ġprecinct s
+Ġpe ach
+Ġsky line
+Ġ35 3
+pop ular
+App earances
+ĠMechan ics
+ĠDev Online
+S ullivan
+Z en
+Ġp u
+op olis
+5 44
+Ġde form
+Ġcounter act
+ĠL ange
+Ġ4 17
+Con sole
+77 4
+Ġnodd ing
+Ġpopul ism
+Ġhe p
+Ġcoun selling
+compl iance
+Ġunden iably
+Ġrail ing
+ĠHor owitz
+ĠSim one
+ĠBung ie
+Ġa k
+ĠTal ks
+x ff
+fl ake
+Cr ash
+Ġsweat y
+Ġban quet
+Ġinvent ive
+Ġastron omer
+ĠStam ford
+ĠSc are
+olic ited
+Ġr usher
+Ġcent rist
+ight ing
+Ġsub class
+Ġdis av
+Ġdef und
+ĠN anto
+oci ate
+m ast
+Ġpac if
+Ġm end
+e ers
+imm igration
+Ġnumber ing
+Ġlaugh able
+ĠEnd ed
+v iation
+em ark
+P itt
+Ġmetic ulous
+Ġcongrat ulated
+ĠBir ch
+Ġsway ed
+Ġsemif inals
+Ġhum ankind
+m atter
+ĠEqu ip
+opa usal
+S aid
+ĠLay out
+Ġvo icing
+Ġth ug
+Ġporn ographic
+Ġmo aning
+Ġgriev ance
+Ġconf essions
+esc al
+Aut hent
+os aurus
+P urchase
+Ġreleg ation
+al ter
+ĠÂł Âł
+Ġr iddled
+Ġo gre
+ĠLow ell
+Occ up
+E at
+ĠHy der
+ĠAdvis er
+Com merce
+H unt
+ĠOr th
+ĠComp etitive
+Ġsal ads
+F le
+Ġindustrial ized
+` ,
+Ġbec k
+ĠPart icularly
+oub t
+Ġm M
+ĠHuss ain
+ĠChen nai
+Ġ9 20
+Ġappoint ing
+ĠCull en
+,,,, ,,,,
+Ġp ores
+ver ified
+Ġbi ochemical
+em ate
+Ġcoward ly
+ĠHels inki
+ĠEthiop ian
+est ro
+Ġbi otech
+ĠS our
+Ġbrew er
+Bloom berg
+Ġintens ify
+Gl ass
+an co
+gre SQL
+ĠF ires
+©¶æ ¥µ
+ec o
+100 1
+ĠHom eless
+Ġinstant aneous
+ĠH aste
+ig el
+D iamond
+Ġp aving
+Ġland fill
+Ġd ads
+h oun
+: ]
+Ġinc endiary
+ĠLiving ston
+ĠHil bert
+ĠChe cks
+st yles
+in ators
+ĠCl ive
+ph rine
+Ġchimpan zees
+Ġp all
+ĠAad haar
+ð Ŀ
+Ġachie vable
+dis abled
+M ot
+Ġint angible
+Ġbal let
+ĠWe bs
+ĠEst imated
+Effect s
+Ġb ailed
+Josh ua
+Ġturb ulence
+Ġoccup ant
+ĠDay light
+Ġ36 1
+me et
+Ġstat ically
+Ġon look
+Ġk i
+il legal
+Ġvel vet
+Ġdehyd ration
+Ġacqu ies
+ĠRe z
+ak ura
+ĠU pton
+at ro
+Ġincomp rehensible
+Ġback door
+ĠRh ino
+7 27
+Ġmath s
+) +
+Ġhe resy
+Ġd f
+ĠRoc he
+ĠL ydia
+Ġpanc reat
+re ply
+arre ll
+Ġsolicit ation
+Ġcirc adian
+Ġfor ay
+Ġcrypt ic
+iz u
+ime o
+ĠTom ato
+ĠH oms
+ex amination
+Ġqu arry
+ĠVal iant
+ĠJer icho
+Ġ18 40
+5 19
+Ġres ists
+Ġsnap shots
+ĠSp ur
+ĠAnt iqu
+Log in
+Ġbest selling
+Ġant ic
+ĠS utherland
+ãĤ¢ ãĥ«
+Ġ~ /
+ĠP arm
+è ĥ
+P ages
+int ensity
+Ġimm obil
+Ġ18 65
+zz o
+Ġn ifty
+Ġf entanyl
+ĠPres ervation
+op hen
+Ġd arts
+ĠD inosaur
+po inters
+ĠR ite
+s uggest
+aware ness
+ĠSher idan
+Ġst ances
+Ġsor cery
+Ġper jury
+ĠNik ola
+ie ver
+Ġf iance
+ĠJordan ian
+ĠBall oon
+Ġn ab
+Ġk b
+Ġhuman ities
+ĠTan aka
+hill ary
+Ġconsult ancy
+ĠZ ub
+Ġrem ission
+Ġconf id
+ĠF ug
+Ġimpro vis
+Y ep
+/ _
+Ġunwilling ness
+Ġport folios
+05 5
+ĠInstruct or
+aim an
+Ġclaim ants
+M bps
+ĠBy e
+re ceived
+T weet
+Ġind emn
+ri z
+am ara
+N at
+Ġeval uates
+ĠL ur
+ep ad
+ĠTh ro
+Ġrust y
+Ġbed rock
+ĠOp rah
+J B
+Ġmanip ulative
+Ġwill ful
+Ġrel apse
+Ġext ant
+The me
+S ensor
+ĠSt ability
+go vern
+Ġpo ppy
+Ġkn ack
+Ġins ulated
+ĠT ile
+ĠExt rem
+Ġunt old
+Ġconver ge
+Ġref uel
+ig roup
+Ġdistort ions
+Ġrav aged
+Ġmechan ically
+ĠRe illy
+ĠN ose
+ĠIncarn ation
+ĠBeck y
+abb ling
+Ġt aco
+Ġr ake
+Ġmelanch oly
+Ġillust rious
+ĠDart mouth
+Gu ide
+ĠR azer
+ĠBen z
+Ult imate
+ĠSur prise
+Ġpage ant
+off er
+Who ever
+Ġw iser
+Ġchem ist
+ĠBul k
+Ġpl utonium
+Ö ¼
+f ailed
+Ġtire lessly
+Ġinf ertility
+ĠTr ident
+ĠShow time
+ĠC iv
+V ice
+requ ires
+itt ance
+Ġun controlled
+interest ing
+56 1
+Ġinnov ate
+ateg ic
+L ie
+ĠS elling
+U l
+Ġsav ior
+ĠT osh
+Ġsw ast
+Ġr ink
+Ġcard io
+ĠI ro
+ud i
+Ġv antage
+Ġv ans
+ĠNi ño
++ =
+Ġpropag ate
+< ?
+Ġmethod ological
+204 39
+Ġtrig lycer
+Ġing rained
+ĠAn notations
+arr anted
+6 17
+ĠS odium
+techn ical
+mult ipl
+Ġ3 73
+å ĭ
+Ġdec isively
+Ġboost ers
+Ġdessert s
+ĠGren ade
+Ġtest ifying
+ĠSc ully
+ID s
+Ġlock down
+ĠSc her
+ĠR é
+ĠWhit man
+ĠRams ay
+rem ote
+Ġh ikers
+ĠHy undai
+Ġcons cientious
+Ġcler ics
+ĠSiber ian
+ut i
+is bury
+Ġrel ayed
+Ġqu artz
+seek ers
+ull a
+Ġweld ing
+ĠSh al
+ble acher
+T ai
+ĠSam son
+Ġt umble
+ĠInvest or
+Ġsub contract
+ĠShin ra
+ow icz
+j andro
+d ad
+Ġtermin ating
+ĠNe ural
+ä» £
+Ġleak age
+ĠMid lands
+ĠCaucas us
+í ķ
+c it
+ll an
+iv ably
+ĠAlb ion
+Ġ4 57
+Ġregist rations
+Ġcomr ade
+Ġclip board
+0 47
+Ġdiscour aging
+ĠO ops
+Ad apt
+Ġem path
+n v
+ĠDon n
+ĠP ax
+ĠB ayer
+t is
+Squ are
+Ġfoot prints
+part icip
+ĠChile an
+B rend
+ind ucing
+M agn
+Ġclub house
+ĠMagn um
+Ġenc amp
+ĠEth nic
+uch a
+ere y
+Ġw atered
+ĠCal ais
+Ġcomplex ion
+Ġsect s
+Ġren ters
+Ġbr as
+oÄŁ an
+Time out
+Man agement
+Ġinf ographic
+P okemon
+Cl ar
+Ġloc ality
+Ġfl ora
+as el
+P ont
+Ġpop ulate
+ĠO ng
+Ġsubs istence
+Ġa uctions
+ĠMcA uliffe
+br inger
+Ġtit an
+Ġmanif old
+ĠâĹ ı
+Ġcalibr ated
+Ġcal iphate
+ĠCommission ers
+ce ivable
+j c
+W inner
+5 24
+Ġcond one
+Other wise
+Ġp iling
+Ġem body
+ĠCrime an
+ut ics
+ĠEx hibition
+Ġ4 26
+e ering
+Ġv ying
+* =-
+Ġprin cipled
+à ¦
+Ġquir ks
+ĠEdit ors
+put ing
+add on
+ĠFrie za
+W oman
+. $
+Ġc rib
+ĠHer od
+Ġtim ers
+ĠSp aces
+ĠMac intosh
+at aka
+Ġgl ide
+Ġsmell ing
+Ġun su
+Ġcond os
+Ġbicy cl
+ĠRev ival
+55 3
+Ġjugg ling
+H ug
+ĠKardash ian
+ĠBalk ans
+mult iple
+Ġnutrit ious
+oc ry
+19 00
+Ġinteg rates
+Ġad joining
+ĠF older
+roll ment
+ven ient
+Ġu ber
+y i
+Ġwh iff
+ĠJu ven
+ĠB orough
+net te
+Ġb ilingual
+ĠSp arks
+ph thal
+man ufact
+Ġt outing
+Ke efe
+Rew ard
+Ġinf all
+ĠTem per
+typ ically
+ĠNik ol
+Ġregular s
+Ġpseud onym
+Ġexhib itions
+Ġbl aster
+Ġ40 9
+w arming
+Ġrever ber
+Ġrecip rocal
+Ġ6 70
+ip ient
+b ett
+ĠBe gins
+Ġit ching
+ĠPh ar
+Ass uming
+Ġem itting
+Ġbirth place
+Ġt aunt
+ĠL uffy
+ĠAm it
+Ġcir cled
+ĠN ost
+enn ett
+Ġde forestation
+ĠHist orically
+ĠEvery day
+Ġovert ake
+79 2
+Ġn un
+ĠLuc ia
+Ġaccompan ies
+ĠSe eking
+ĠTr ash
+an ism
+R ogue
+Ġnorth western
+ĠSupplement al
+ĠSat isf
+x es
+5 17
+Ġreass ured
+Ġspor adic
+Ġ7 01
+Ġmed ial
+Ġcannabin oid
+Ġbarbar ic
+Ġep is
+ĠExplos ive
+ĠD ough
+Ġuns olved
+Support ed
+Ġacknowled gment
+sp awn
+Ġkit chens
+Ġ- =
+talk ing
+ic ist
+ĠPeg asus
+Ġphot on
+ĠAuthent ication
+R G
+@# &
+76 2
+ĠCl air
+Ġdi aper
+Ġbr ist
+ĠProsecut ors
+ĠJ em
+6 28
+ĠEvery where
+ĠJean ne
+equ ality
+ãĥ© ãĥ³
+object s
+ĠPel icans
+Ġ39 2
+Ġbl u
+b ys
+ĠA go
+Ġinstruction al
+Ġdiscrim inating
+ĠCorn el
+ag os
+Ġty re
+Ġas piration
+ĠBrid gewater
+": -
+! ".
+ĠEn s
+ĠCoc o
+P ie
+Ġdet ach
+ĠC ouch
+Ġphys ique
+ĠOccup ations
+osc opic
+en ough
+B uzz
+App earance
+Y P
+Ġrac er
+Ġcompl icity
+r pm
+T oy
+Ġinterrupt s
+ĠCat alyst
+Ġut ilitarian
+imp act
+Ġsp aghetti
+Ġp orous
+Ġeste emed
+Ġinc iner
+7 48
+Ġesp resso
+ĠSm ile
+abil ia
+6 35
+Ġmathematic ian
+Ġ4 24
+Ġover heard
+ĠT ud
+ĠT ec
+Ġqu izz
+Ġfl attering
+Ġcon n
+âĢ İ
+Ġatt aches
+Ġt cp
+ĠSh ame
+sk ip
+res pected
+ĠTrin idad
+gr ain
+Ġfooth old
+ĠUnch arted
+ĠJul io
+z l
+av ored
+ĠAn xiety
+er rors
+ĠCent auri
+its ch
+D addy
+Ġclutch ing
+ĠIm plement
+ĠGut ierrez
+Ġ7 60
+Ġtele portation
+end ra
+Ġrevers ible
+st ros
+Ad venture
+08 3
+Ġliber ating
+Ġas phalt
+ĠSp end
+im sy
+ĠEmer ging
+Ġwild fires
+Ġtechn ologically
+Ġem its
+Ġirregular ities
+Ġcher ish
+çī Ī
+Ġst ink
+ĠR ost
+Econom ic
+Ġcough ing
+ĠMcC ann
+pro perties
+ilant ro
+Ġreneg oti
+Trans lation
+Ġin quest
+ĠGra pe
+oot ers
+gu i
+ĠSwords man
+ace ae
+h itting
+Ġr c
+Ġexert ed
+it ent
+Ġperil ous
+Ġobsc urity
+Ġassass inate
+Ġab original
+Ġresc uing
+ĠSh attered
+lock ing
+all ion
+Ch anging
+ĠHar rington
+ĠB ord
+ĠAfgh ans
+Jam ie
+aret z
+ĠAugust us
+Ġ38 6
+8 30
+Ġj og
+ok ingly
+Tr igger
+Stat istics
+Ġviewers hip
+Ġadd itives
+h ur
+Ġmaxim izing
+ĠR ove
+ĠLou ie
+ĠBuck et
+ou sel
+Ġstre aks
+ir ted
+Ġt ert
+Ġcolonial ism
+Ġbur ying
+y k
+Cond ition
+By Id
+75 1
+âĹ ¼
+Ġwor risome
+Ġvoc ational
+sl ice
+Ġsa ils
+ĠCorrection al
+95 4
+Ġt ul
+K id
+l uster
+Ġfam ilial
+ĠSp it
+ĠEp iscopal
+Specific ally
+ĠVol cano
+run s
+q s
+Ġve tted
+Ġcram med
+t rop
+here r
+Thank fully
+Ġper cussion
+Ġor anges
+Ġround up
+Ġ4 99
+x ious
+Char acters
+ĠZion ism
+ĠR ao
+W F
+Ġunintention al
+Gr ab
+Com mercial
+Ġglut amate
+ĠMcK enna
+ru ciating
+ning ton
+ih u
+Ch an
+ĠSw ap
+Ġleaf lets
+Ġfunction ally
+er ous
+F arm
+Ġcal oric
+ĠLiter ally
+con cert
+Ġshe nan
+Ġrep aid
+ey es
+Ġbas hing
+ĠG orge
+Ġcollabor ations
+Ġun account
+itch ie
+Ġteam work
+pp elin
+Ġpip ing
+Ġmin ced
+Ġd iam
+ri eg
+Ġmasc ara
+Ġsuck er
+ĠMo ons
+App s
+ĠPe ck
+Ġper v
+ĠFl oat
+o ley
+ĠN ish
+im ize
+Ġarom atic
+u in
+end ish
+! /
+ĠB icycle
+ile ged
+ĠQuad ro
+ios yn
+Ġlock out
+ĠW ink
+Attempt s
+Ġseed ed
+red o
+ias is
+Ġsn ag
+ãĥķ ãĤ©
+ãĤ ¶
+Ġground ing
+Ġrelie ver
+Ġfrivol ous
+ĠG ifts
+ĠF aces
+Es pecially
+Ġmicrobi ome
+im ag
+ĠSch l
+ĠP les
+ĠBle ach
+ĠIr win
+ĠE aton
+ĠDisc iple
+Ġmultipl ication
+Ġcoer ced
+Ġ4 19
+st h
+E vil
+B omb
+Ġex orc
+Ġstag gered
+Ġinert ia
+Ġgo b
+Tr aditional
+Ġclass y
+Lear y
+yr s
+Ġtrans porter
+Ġmat ured
+Ġhij ab
+Ġbi ome
+Where as
+Ġex termination
+ĠT ues
+ĠT akeru
+ĠAud rey
+er ial
+ĠAd en
+aff les
+Ġnarciss istic
+ĠB aird
+I re
+ĠCon nie
+Ch amp
+Ġwhis pering
+ĠH att
+D K
+Ġdis infect
+Ġdeduct ed
+Ġpart ake
+Ġdown grade
+ĠEs ports
+ĠContin uing
+Ġdemocr atically
+icro bial
+itt a
+Ġlim estone
+Ġexempt ed
+ĠFren zy
+H erm
+7 28
+Ġfled gling
+Met a
+765 61
+69 3
+% :
+w ake
+5 26
+ĠDis cipline
+Ġvirgin ity
+ĠLeg ions
+ĠFrank ie
+int ent
+Ġrest rooms
+ĠRou ter
+da q
+Ġobjection able
+âĨ ij
+w ark
+ĠRah ul
+g ain
+activ ation
+abs olute
+ĠAccess ed
+Ġ24 00
+ogg les
+Ġsecond ly
+Ġpost age
+wra pper
+sh arp
+7 29
+Ġcommun icates
+Ġadd on
+ĠMil itia
+H ong
+Ġsl umped
+ĠI car
+ad ish
+68 1
+Ġmaj esty
+ĠWolf gang
+ĠEl astic
+u per
+Ġv iz
+Ġunconscious ly
+ĠS ass
+Ġflower ing
+ĠHel ic
+ĠDra per
+ĠAm ateur
+Ġman ure
+Ġdis ingen
+ĠLe i
+br ing
+9 49
+Ġinhib ited
+Ġhead quartered
+Ġen igmatic
+�� �
+Ġred ress
+R H
+Ġratt led
+Ġd iction
+l io
+C alling
+Ġfasc ists
+ĠD ove
+iew icz
+0 36
+Ġco asts
+ĠR ect
+Ġ) ]
+L ot
+6 29
+ĠPeters en
+ĠExpl ain
+ĠBo ards
+ĠBe zos
+ĠJ ournals
+Ġ20 24
+p arser
+Ġmist rust
+Ġgr ate
+ĠL ocked
+bo a
+S aint
+g aming
+Ġvow el
+in ately
+bl ow
+All ah
+Ġun matched
+Ġb ordering
+ĠExp end
+n r
+Or acle
+rou ch
+Ġcont iguous
+ac us
+Ġdist raught
+58 1
+Ġanat omical
+O X
+ap ixel
+8 33
+Ġres usc
+Ġab iding
+57 3
+Ġvac ancies
+Em ily
+Ġhyp othal
+ĠWer ner
+ĠWe e
+ĠDJ s
+5 13
+Ġwitch craft
+Ġac upuncture
+ent ary
+benef it
+Product s
+ĠJ inn
+ĠJ arrett
+Ġ4 45
+ĠIm aging
+ĠP yth
+Fin ish
+Ġte x
+Ġjuven iles
+Ġhero ism
+Ġdoubt less
+ĠA ki
+ĠT end
+ĠPatri arch
+Ġbit ters
+ĠTele communications
+it atively
+ag na
+Ġr g
+Ġcomp ulsion
+ĠN asa
+ĠKath ryn
+Ġmillion aires
+Ġintrins ically
+Ġbolst ered
+time out
+fl o
+Ġtut or
+p our
+Stat ement
+Ġ{ *
+ĠRud olph
+ĠKimber ly
+rog ens
+adi q
+] +
+Ġindign ation
+Ġfract uring
+ĠRe leases
+ĠGr ain
+pro tein
+L ago
+Ġvac ations
+Ġboot ed
+oresc ence
+Ġt f
+Ġso ar
+iosyn cr
+Ġgl ances
+ĠSp oon
+ĠJ ury
+ĠCow boy
+Ġcreat ively
+Hig her
+Ġsolic itor
+Ġhaw k
+ac io
+89 6
+Ġsuperf lu
+Ġbombs hell
+ct ure
+Ġbroker age
+Ġraid ing
+Ġf rench
+Ġang led
+Trans action
+ĠGen ocide
+u pe
+ĠHait ian
+57 2
+! :
+Ġunwitting ly
+iter ator
+sc roll
+Ġtall ied
+Ġbi omedical
+Ġe uphem
+Ġbrain storm
+a quin
+K o
+Mic helle
+ĠR unes
+ĠBall istic
+ud ers
+Ġmod esty
+ĠiP ads
+ĠEzek iel
+Y E
+Ġstars hip
+Ġpower fully
+Ġper l
+ĠSh ade
+ĠQu art
+Ġfisher man
+ĠTyp ical
+df x
+Ġmes hes
+Ġet ched
+worth iness
+Ġtopp led
+Ġ3 96
+or ius
+We iss
+Ġmy sql
+ĠVal halla
+Ù Ĵ
+le asing
+Ġrec omp
+rap nel
+S el
+04 3
+Ġder ailed
+ĠGu ides
+Ġde human
+ĠBritt any
+" ))
+Ġex claim
+Ġb alk
+Ġ8 40
+int el
+Ġpe gged
+Ġast roph
+sm oking
+Ġrig ging
+Ġfix ation
+Ġcat apult
+ins ide
+ĠC ascade
+ĠBolshe vik
+G aza
+Dep th
+Ġloud spe
+Ġalmond s
+me yer
+l eness
+j en
+f resh
+Ġunbeat en
+ĠSqu id
+ĠPres umably
+Tim er
+B W
+Ġro sters
+Ġell ipt
+ĠHar riet
+dat abase
+ĠMut ual
+ĠComm odore
+uk ed
+kn ife
+h ya
+Ġmel ts
+arch ives
+Ġrat ification
+Ġmultip lying
+Ġinter oper
+Ġasc ert
+w ings
+ver ting
+ĠScorp ion
+ay e
+ĠPorts mouth
+n it
+iaz ep
+Ġqu arantine
+Ġslides how
+Ġcent imeters
+Ġsyn opsis
+Ġsp ate
+th irst
+Ġnom inating
+ĠMel vin
+Pre view
+Ġthro b
+Ġgener ational
+ĠRad ius
+rest ling
+put able
+aw ar
+Ġunlaw fully
+ĠRevel ations
+Wik ipedia
+sur v
+Ġeye ing
+ij n
+Ġbr unt
+Ġinter stellar
+Ġcl itor
+ĠCroat ian
+ĠCh ic
+ev a
+ĠDis app
+ĠA kin
+iner ies
+d ust
+Interest ed
+Ġgen esis
+ĠE ucl
+ö n
+p icking
+Ġmut ated
+Ġdisappro ve
+Ġ6 25
+Ì ¶
+c ancer
+Ġsqu ats
+Ġle vers
+Disc uss
+= ]
+D ex
+Ġtrans act
+ĠKin ect
+ĠK uala
+ĠC yp
+7 47
+Ġsh attering
+Ġarsen ic
+ĠInt ake
+ĠAngel o
+ĠQu it
+ĠK he
+Ġ18 93
+M aker
+0 29
+ĠPain ting
+Dis able
+9 16
+Ġanal ges
+Ġtact ile
+Ġprop hes
+Ġd iced
+ĠTravel s
+ĠHe ader
+ĠClub s
+Ass istant
+Ġinc rim
+Ġd ips
+Ġcruc ifix
+ĠShan ahan
+ĠInter pret
+Ġ40 90
+al ogy
+abb a
+Ġsimul ac
+hus band
+Ġrecy cle
+uc er
+ed ged
+Ġre naissance
+ĠBomb ay
+Cath olic
+ĠCl othing
+re ports
+Ġpl aus
+Ġd ag
+ĠM ace
+Z I
+Ġintr uder
+ĠVeter inary
+g ru
+Ġsne aky
+ĠS ie
+ĠC innamon
+Ġcou rier
+Ġemanc ipation
+s it
+Ġplay through
+ĠFac ilities
+v irt
+ĠG auntlet
+Thom pson
+Ġunbeliev ably
+Param eters
+Ġst itching
+ign e
+Priv acy
+Ġshenan igans
+Ġvit ri
+ĠVal id
+59 1
+Ń ·
+ĠProt otype
+ink a
+ĠT id
+è Ī
+old ed
+Ġindividual ity
+Ġbark ing
+Ġm ars
+Ġ8 20
+Ġt ir
+Ġsl apping
+Ġdisgr untled
+ĠAng ola
+ri us
+ĠTorn ado
+ĠTh urs
+Ġcapt cha
+Ġang st
+ĠP og
+ĠAssass ins
+ĠAd idas
+Ġjoy ful
+Ġwh ining
+Emer gency
+Ġphosph orus
+Ġatt rition
+oph on
+ĠTimber wolves
+ĠJ ah
+ĠBr inging
+ĠW ad
+ĠEn sure
+oh l
+ĠX ie
+omm el
+c mp
+Ġz ipper
+Ġrel at
+ĠCor ridor
+m ilo
+Av g
+Ġcro pped
+] }
+Ġr aged
+ĠLump ur
+ĠGuer rero
+our ke
+N ut
+Ġoff sets
+og lu
+dr m
+Ġmort als
+lat able
+Ġdismiss ive
+ä¸ ī
+Ġthro ats
+Ġchips et
+ĠSpot light
+Catal og
+art ist
+G b
+Ġch illy
+Ġst oked
+Ġ3 74
+W ard
+L atin
+Ġf iasco
+Ġble ach
+Ġb rav
+Enh anced
+Ġin oc
+ĠFior ina
+_ >
+Ġle ukemia
+Ġel uc
+Ġannoun cer
+ĠLith uan
+ĠArm ageddon
+å ĩ
+Len in
+ĠR uk
+Ġpe pp
+ĠRom antic
+ĠInter stellar
+ĠAt kinson
+R aid
+J s
+Go al
+C ourse
+Ġvan ishing
+es ley
+ĠR ounds
+Els a
+59 3
+Ġredund ancy
+Ġprop hetic
+Ġhabit able
+ry u
+Ġfaint ly
+Ġfl anked
+Aw esome
+Ġsp urious
+ĠZ ah
+Ġsh ading
+Ġmotiv ational
+ĠSant ana
+Ġexc ruciating
+om ial
+ĠM iko
+ĠLe opard
+A byss
+Ġ[ |
+d irty
+Ġbath s
+Ġdem oral
+and re
+P B
+Ġun ification
+Ġsac rament
+Ġ[ &
+Ġpric eless
+Ġgel atin
+Ġeman ating
+ĠAll aah
+98 6
+Ġout burst
+Ġer as
+O tt
+ĠLaz arus
+F lying
+blog s
+W isconsin
+R aven
+Ġreb ate
+Ġcreep s
+ĠSp an
+ĠPain ter
+ĠKir a
+ĠAm os
+ĠCor vette
+Cons umer
+ĠRec over
+ck i
+Ġpes ky
+ĠIn vention
+Compan ies
+Ġchalleng ers
+ad emic
+ĠUkrain ians
+ĠNeuro log
+ĠFors aken
+Ġent rants
+Ġemb attled
+Ġdef unct
+ĠGlac ier
+Ġpo isons
+ĠH orses
+m akes
+ĠD irt
+Ġ4 23
+hh h
+ĠTrans formation
+................ ..
+Ġtrave ller
+ĠSe xy
+ĠK ern
+ip olar
+Ġransom ware
+oooooooo oooooooo
+E c
+rub y
+Prof essional
+ĠOut break
+arg ument
+G rey
+ĠFif a
+ĠAm trak
+- [
+Ġcr adle
+Ġantioxid ants
+ãģ®å ®
+7 36
+ĠContribut ions
+Ind iana
+Ġsal ient
+Ġall ocations
+yr ights
+Ġm ashed
+ĠCut ter
+Sex ual
+Ġp ounded
+Ġfan base
+Ġc asc
+ĠTrans parency
+Ġanaly tic
+ĠSummon er
+× ŀ
+det ail
+Ġvan quished
+Ġcr abs
+ar ie
+Dest roy
+ĠS ack
+Ġtrans istor
+Al abama
+ĠK oen
+ĠFisher ies
+c one
+Ġannex ed
+es a
+Ġf aked
+ĠCong ratulations
+Ġhind ered
+Ġcorrection al
+lee ve
+Ġin appropriately
+lic ks
+Ġtresp ass
+Ġp aws
+Ġnegoti ator
+ĠChrist ensen
+lim its
+ĠDian ne
+Ġeleg ance
+ĠContract s
+an ke
+Ob j
+Ġvigil ance
+Ġcast les
+ĠHol o
+Ġemph atically
+ĠTit us
+ĠServ ing
+ĠRich ie
+ĠP igs
+5 68
+Ġanim osity
+ĠAtt ributes
+ĠU riel
+M Q
+my ra
+ĠApplic ant
+Ġpsychiat rists
+ĠV ij
+ĠAb by
+ag ree
+P ush
+Ġk Wh
+hib a
+Ġinc ite
+ĠWe asley
+ĠTax i
+minist ic
+hy per
+ĠF arn
+Ġ6 01
+ĠNation wide
+F ake
+95 2
+Ġma ize
+Ġinteract ed
+Ġtransition ed
+Ġparas itic
+Ġharm onic
+Ġdec aying
+Ġbas eless
+ns ics
+Ġtrans pired
+Ġabund antly
+ĠFore nsic
+Ġtread mill
+ĠJ av
+ab and
+Ġssh d
+Ġfront man
+ĠJak arta
+oll er
+dro ps
+rompt u
+oph ical
+h ospital
+bled on
+6 45
+Ġmid range
+cul ated
+raw led
+Ġper ched
+Ġover board
+ĠPe el
+ĠP wr
+ĠCar th
+co e
+sh all
+Ġdeter rence
+ĠAbs ent
+Ġs ill
+Y ork
+Ġsin ners
+ĠN ur
+ĠDesign s
+se lection
+Ġunw orthy
+Ġstreng thens
+88 3
+ed ly
+Ġslic ing
+Ġmal nutrition
+Ġfilm making
+ĠPol k
+ur ated
+Ġ4 21
+bre akers
+!' "
+Ġwet lands
+ĠDisc rimination
+Ġallow able
+Ġste ered
+ĠSic ily
+Ġmust ache
+Ġm ids
+Ġcl ipped
+Ġcirc ulate
+Ġbr ittle
+ĠBuild ings
+ra ised
+ĠRound up
+Ġwealth ier
+Ġoverw rite
+Ġover powered
+ĠGerr ard
+s ites
+Ġacute ly
+ĠGam ble
+Ġp im
+ĠK us
+Typ ically
+De ploy
+ĠMoroc can
+p otion
+com be
+Ġvigil ante
+Ġ36 3
+St ew
+ĠB agg
+Ġres ided
+ĠSp o
+Ġrem nant
+Ġempt iness
+br ainer
+Ġout patient
+pri ority
+Ġle ptin
+ĠPay ton
+ĠGle aming
+ĠS hed
+ĠPol o
+ĠMormon ism
+rest ricted
+arl ane
+w x
+Ġcreat ine
+ĠAn on
+ĠT ee
+5 28
+08 9
+Ġhat ched
+Dis patch
+ĠCompos ite
+Ġ45 1
+p uff
+ĠOr n
+ĠAshe ville
+ĠÃ ľ
+Ġman go
+ĠS lightly
+world ly
+ĠW ander
+ĠExp and
+ĠCh r
+M ist
+Ġorthodox y
+reg ate
+Else where
+k ie
+ir led
+Ġtopp le
+Ġadopt ive
+ĠLeg s
+d ress
+ĠS agan
+b are
+ĠGl ou
+Cr unch
+Ġhelp ers
+Ġchron ically
+ĠH uma
+1 0000
+Ġaccommod ating
+äº Ķ
+Ġwrink les
+Ġdod ged
+four th
+Ġpre con
+Ġcompress or
+ĠK are
+Ġev ict
+ĠWar wick
+im ar
+Ġmodern ization
+Ġband wagon
+Ġref uted
+Ġnet ted
+ĠNa ples
+ĠGen ie
+per ors
+Ġfield ed
+Ġde re
+ĠPar ables
+le es
+Ġtr out
+asp ers
+Ġn ihil
+Ġhapp iest
+Ġflo ppy
+ĠLo ft
+ĠHe ard
+Ġun ison
+Ġl ug
+ĠRed mond
+class ic
+Supp orters
+Ġfue lled
+ç IJ
+Ġd d
+ĠEmin em
+Ġ18 97
+Ġsecret aries
+ĠCanaver al
+F avorite
+Ġp omp
+Ġdetain ee
+ers hip
+aim on
+i our
+ĠA pex
+Ġplant ations
+am ia
+ac ion
+R ust
+Ġtow ed
+ĠTru ly
+5 77
+Ġshel tered
+r ider
+W o
+Ġl air
+ĠInt elligent
+impro ve
+m atically
+Ġet iquette
+ad ra
+all o
+ĠJun o
+any thing
+ĠStru ggle
+ĠPred ict
+ĠGr imes
+ct x
+ĠSit uation
+Ġsol uble
+me ier
+Ġintoler able
+ang ering
+Ġun interrupted
+Ġtool tip
+Ġinterrog ated
+Ġgun ned
+ĠSne ak
+æŃ ¦
+Ġt ether
+Ġcr umble
+L ens
+Ġclust ered
+ĠSy l
+ĠHas an
+Ġdystop ian
+w ana
+Ġjoy stick
+ĠTh ib
+amm u
+Tom orrow
+5 46
+Ġoverc ame
+Ġminim ized
+cept or
+Run ner
+ĠBrend a
+ĠAchieve ments
+Ġtor ches
+Ġrapp ort
+ĠInvestig ator
+ĠHand ling
+rel ation
+g rey
+8 15
+Ġk cal
+ĠComm ands
+d q
+Ġcur ls
+Ġbe arer
+Ġcyn icism
+it ri
+ĠUse ful
+B ee
+Ġab ras
+P ract
+7 12
+Ġdebug ger
+Ġdebt or
+ĠL ia
+ĠK ers
+Ġexacerb ate
+ĠSt acy
+ĠB land
+ĠSc enes
+Ġbranch ing
+âĸĪâĸĪâĸĪâĸĪ âĸĪâĸĪâĸĪâĸĪ
+ape ake
+Ġs alsa
+Ġmish and
+ĠKon ami
+ĠN ib
+Ġanecd ote
+Ġagree able
+Ï ī
+ĠNath aniel
+ĠHe isman
+ĠB eware
+Ġ18 86
+spect ive
+69 1
+5 22
+Ġinhib its
+Ġhas hing
+Ġ18 89
+å° Ĩ
+v ich
+P ure
+Ġsolid ly
+Ġaspir in
+im aru
+Ġstreet car
+ĠJ udd
+Ġflash backs
+p ins
+Ġ14 40
+ĠSym ptoms
+5 38
+F ra
+% );
+Ġo oz
+Ġcur few
+Ġcal med
+Ġparticip ates
+Te X
+Ġnons ensical
+Ġfull back
+ĠDe L
+mon key
+h ari
+Ġmetabol ites
+Ġloot ed
+L t
+oc het
+B one
+Ġveto ed
+Ġg cc
+Ġ18 88
+s af
+Ġstiff ness
+Ġlow ly
+ĠGe h
+vers on
+ors et
+Ġun foreseen
+Ġan esthesia
+ĠOpt ical
+Ġrecon structed
+ĠT up
+sh ows
+ĠNewsp aper
+ter a
+N umbers
+Ġinexpl icable
+× ij
+Ġhard ness
+unt arily
+ĠA cer
+grad ient
+Ġwood land
+Ġmetaph ors
+ĠWem bley
+ĠPa vel
+phil is
+Ġre writing
+Ġpercept ual
+Ġ10 70
+worm s
+ĠDown s
+Ġunsur prisingly
+Ġtag ging
+fl ame
+Ġlit res
+Ġboun ces
+ĠB abe
+sh ut
+Ġoverd oses
+ĠShe ila
+ĠCh au
+ĠBl ess
+Capt ure
+ĠSign ificant
+ĠSc ion
+Ġ38 9
+ĠMc H
+ĠTitan ium
+ĠMe al
+amed a
+ag ents
+agg ressive
+B illy
+76 3
+ĠS aying
+it one
+Coll ins
+B ound
+Ġbol ted
+95 3
+Ġun iqueness
+Ġep igen
+un ci
+ant am
+Ġreck oning
+ch airs
+ĠSen egal
+Ġ18 62
+re levant
+ĠÂ ¯
+Ġpharm acies
+ĠG eral
+v ier
+Y an
+Ġrab id
+b ending
+Ġ4 65
+As sembly
+Ġwe ep
+Ġbe hest
+ĠMother s
+ĠJ ace
+h id
+Ġwh irlwind
+Ġut opian
+Ġkidn ap
+Ph ilipp
+K in
+89 3
+Ġlivest ream
+Ġsub versive
+ĠTechn iques
+Ġ38 7
+Ġassail ants
+ĠHard core
+Ġsprink led
+ĠP se
+é ļ
+print ed
+ĠH au
+Ġl aced
+Ġit ch
+G iving
+Ġport ed
+78 1
+//////////////// ////////////////
+bre eding
+Ġlog ger
+inn ie
+First ly
+Ġembry onic
+Ġdeleg ated
+p ai
+Ġcentr ally
+ĠR x
+ĠSc outing
+D utch
+Ġhe reditary
+ĠCru iser
+s at
+5 29
+ĠMar riott
+other mal
+Ġprohib itions
+E arn
+ĠSt ab
+ĠColleg es
+ĠBel ief
+st retched
+ĠEntity Item
+Ġun rem
+Ġlaure ate
+Ġdenomin ations
+sum mary
+h ler
+S pect
+ĠK laus
+ĠBe ans
+Ġins ur
+Ġfield er
+ĠV et
+ĠSp arrow
+z ie
+ĠMond ays
+ĠOff line
+ĠLer ner
+ĠExt ensions
+Ire land
+Ġpatron age
+Ġcontrast ed
+ĠMan ia
+h irt
+Mos cow
+Ġcondem ns
+ĠAn ge
+Ġcomp osing
+ĠPe pe
+ĠP addock
+Ġheter ogeneity
+Ġide ologically
+Ġf ishes
+Ġcur sing
+ĠR utherford
+ĠFlo ating
+ĠAm elia
+Te a
+Syn opsis
+Ġstun ts
+Ġbe ad
+Ġstock ing
+ob ook
+mass ive
+\ <
+Ġh ump
+ĠPref erences
+Engine Debug
+ge ist
+ĠNiet o
+ome ver
+ish y
+eval uate
+col onial
+Altern ative
+ĠGo Pro
+ĠV ortex
+ans ky
+Sec ure
+ĠTh rust
+Sn ake
+Ġparcel s
+Ġsam urai
+Ġactress es
+N ap
+M F
+ifer ation
+Be er
+5 23
+ĠI ly
+oint ment
+P ing
+Ġstri ped
+ĠMell on
+oss ession
+Ġneut ron
+end ium
+Ġa ph
+ĠFlav oring
+Ġ38 3
+Ġrespons iveness
+ĠJ indal
+ĠHitch cock
+Den ver
+sm anship
+ĠDu pl
+Ġs ly
+Ġweb cam
+ĠTw ain
+ĠDar ling
+ili ate
+cons umer
+Ġnames ake
+Ġun orthodox
+Ġfun er
+ozy g
+ogl obin
+ĠD ia
+ĠF iesta
+ce le
+0 34
+Ġencl ave
+âĸ¬ âĸ¬
+on ement
+al ist
+M and
+Ġhome grown
+ĠF ancy
+Ġconcept ions
+ĠCont ains
+ure en
+Ġreiter ate
+Ġme ager
+Ġinstall ments
+Sp awn
+6 27
+Ġphot oc
+ĠCab rera
+ĠRos enthal
+ĠLans ing
+is ner
+Ġinvest s
+Hard ware
+Ġtr agically
+Ġconced es
+ie ft
+ch am
+bor gh
+ĠSch r
+ĠMel anie
+ĠH oy
+Ġvisit ation
+Ġid iosyncr
+Ġfract ions
+Ġfore skin
+ob os
+Ġpo aching
+Ġstimul ates
+ĠG ork
+can on
+ĠNem esis
+ĠInd ra
+Ġ5 29
+Ġinspect ing
+Ġgrand ma
+ĠW hedon
+ĠSh ant
+ĠP urg
+ik an
+ĠT eg
+z ac
+Vict oria
+ĠVer ify
+ion ics
+Ġpart ying
+ĠM ou
+col our
+Ġtestim onies
+l ations
+Ġpress uring
+hi ro
+ac ers
+Ġf id
+ang ler
+Ġhere after
+Ġdiss idents
+report ing
+iph any
+che v
+Ġsol itude
+Ġl obe
+Ġind is
+Ġcred ential
+re cent
+ad ult
+ĠNir vana
+ĠFranch ise
+L ayer
+H yp
+ĠBerks hire
+Ġwill s
+t if
+Ġtot em
+ĠJud ah
+rep air
+Inst ant
+5 48
+Ġemb assies
+Ġbott leneck
+Ġb ount
+Ġtyp ew
+ĠAl vin
+j ing
+im ilar
+R ush
+Ġbr im
+A im
+] '
+Ġpass ively
+Ġbound ed
+ĠR ated
+Ġcriminal ity
+Ġbiom ark
+Ġdisp atcher
+ĠTow ards
+Ġ+ ++
+right eous
+f rog
+ĠP anc
+C arter
+0 32
+æ© Ł
+Ġult raviolet
+ĠLic ensed
+ĠT ata
+ĠBl essing
+Ġchem ically
+ĠSe af
+ĠMerc enary
+capital ist
+Ġform ulations
+Ġann ihilation
+ĠVer b
+ĠAr gon
+Ġun loaded
+Ġmorp hed
+Ġconqu ering
+back er
+Ġtheft s
+Ġfront runner
+ĠRoy ale
+ĠFund amental
+el ight
+C hip
+necess ary
+ay n
+ĠSl ip
+Ġ4 48
+cern ed
+P ause
+Ġshock ingly
+Ġcomp osure
+7 33
+ĠMotors port
+ah ime
+Mur ray
+M ach
+Ġgr ids
+Ġdeb ian
+Ġfurther more
+Ġdexter ity
+ĠCollect ions
+os lov
+il age
+b j
+ĠMont eneg
+Ġstrut Connector
+Ġmassac res
+Ġbrief s
+fet ched
+uv ian
+ol ition
+Fail ure
+emon ic
+Ġfl ared
+Ġclaim ant
+Ġc ures
+Ġgive aways
+ĠSubst ance
+al ions
+Ġcr inge
+ĠK ul
+Ġarist ocracy
+ĠUl ster
+ol ated
+h ousing
+Ġgl ared
+ĠWil helm
+ne eds
+lam bda
+build ers
+Ġradi ator
+ĠGhost busters
+Ġ4 36
+act ual
+Ġher ds
+ç a
+watch ing
+Ġcounter ing
+Ch arge
+Ġchar red
+Ġwar heads
+Ġiod ine
+ĠM acy
+04 1
+Ġdepart ures
+ĠS ins
+Ġdy ed
+ĠConcept s
+g ado
+7 13
+Ġquot ations
+Ġg ist
+ĠChrist y
+Ġant igen
+ĠHem p
+ĠD rawn
+ĠB arg
+ez vous
+Ġp aternity
+Ġar du
+ĠAnch orage
+ĠR ik
+Ġover loaded
+ĠUs ername
+ĠTam my
+ĠN au
+ĠCell ular
+Ġw aning
+Ġrod ent
+ĠWor cester
+il ts
+ĠT ad
+Ġdwell ings
+Ġbull ish
+4 31
+Ġretali ate
+Ġmig raine
+ĠChev ron
+Ġdon key
+c rim
+ĠAn alog
+Ġmarqu ee
+ĠHa as
+B ir
+ĠDownload s
+Ġwill power
+ĠFor th
+ĠRecord ed
+Ġimp ossibility
+ĠLog ged
+ĠFr anks
+ĠR att
+in itions
+Ġclean ers
+Ġsore ly
+Ġflick ering
+ĠEx amination
+c atching
+allow een
+Ms g
+Ġdun no
+F a
+Ġdys ph
+c razy
+.' '.
+Ġmain line
+Ġc s
+Ġp tr
+ĠW ally
+ig un
+95 1
+ĠBig foot
+f ights
+Ġretrie ving
+J r
+Ġdupl ication
+ĠExpl an
+Ġrel ational
+Ġqu aint
+Ġbisc uits
+Ġad o
+Ġsh udder
+Ġantid ote
+blood ed
+ks h
+Ġsa uces
+Ġrein vest
+Ġdispens ary
+ĠD iver
+Ġ9 000
+stud ent
+Ġin separ
+esc ap
+Ġtodd lers
+ĠAss ignment
+head ers
+Ġlack luster
+Ġab ack
+95 6
+Ġtool bar
+7 45
+Ġo ust
+Ġcontempl ation
+Ġ4 58
+==== ==
+Ġguarantee ing
+ĠHe ist
+ĠCann es
+Ļ ½
+Ġcollabor ator
+ĠAm p
+Ġg ou
+st ories
+78 3
+Ġmobil ized
+Ġbro od
+ĠðŁ ij
+Ġref in
+ĠAnthrop ology
+v ind
+ill i
+Ġwarrant ies
+ĠB abel
+Ġsw ath
+Ġc aches
+Ġantagon ists
+art ifacts
+Ġhot ly
+ĠSt arts
+ĠG ö
+z ag
+!! !!!
+Ġsc ourge
+Ġcons piring
+ru its
+re verse
+ĠShe en
+ĠJes uit
+ĠGiov anni
+ad ies
+Ġbutt ocks
+ear cher
+ac an
+Ġvolley ball
+Ġshroud ed
+Ġscore board
+b ats
+Ġass es
+Ġde regulation
+ĠTe legram
+ĠReb oot
+Ġ7 000
+ĠCan ary
+Ġk ernels
+ĠFranç ois
+ĠD uff
+ĠP on
+ĠLe ica
+ĠGar min
+Ġor phans
+ĠClaud ia
+Ġcal endars
+ĠLe ilan
+ent o
+R ocket
+Ġbr unch
+ĠHaw king
+ain ers
+Ġsens ibilities
+Ġk W
+ĠK and
+Ġre claimed
+Ġinteresting ly
+× ©
+rom y
+J M
+ĠEnhance ment
+b ush
+Sk ip
+Ġrapp ers
+Ġg azing
+p edia
+ath lon
+Rev olution
+Ġsn ipers
+Ġre verted
+Ġconglomer ate
+T erry
+79 4
+Ġhars her
+Ġdes olate
+ĠHit man
+Comm ission
+Ġ( /
+âĢ¦ ."
+Com par
+Ġampl ification
+om inated
+Ġreg ress
+ĠColl ider
+Ġinform ants
+Ġg azed
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